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EE 261 – Introduction to Logic Circuits Module #7Page 1

EE 261 – Introduction to Logic Circuits

Module #7 – State Machines• Topics

A. Sequential Logic

B. Finite State Machines

C. State Variable Encoding

D. Other Flip-Flop Devices

• Textbook Reading Assignments

7.1-7.8, 7.12

• Practice Problems 7.4, 7.12, 7.18, 7.44 VHDL 2-bit Binary Counter Design & Simulation (see M7_HW3 handout)

• Graded Components of this Module 3 homeworks, 3 discussion, 1 quiz

(2 homeworks will be uploaded to the course Dropbox, 1 homework plus the discussions & quiz are online)

EE 261 – Introduction to Logic Circuits Module #7Page 2

EE 261 – Introduction to Logic Circuits

Module #7 – State Machines

• What you should be able to do after this module

Understand the operation of sequential logic storage devices (Latches & Flip-Flops) Draw a state diagram describing the logical operation of a finite state machine Create the State/Output tables for a finite state machine Synthesize the logic diagram of a state machine Understand the design trade-offs of various state encoding techniques Use VHDL to describe and simulate finite state machines

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Sequential Logic

• Combinational Logic

- until now, we've covered logic whose outputs depend on the current values of the input

this is the definition of "Combinational Logic"

• Sequential Logic

- Now we move to logic circuits whose outputs depend on :

- the current values of the inputs - the past values of the inputs

- this is the definition of "Sequential Logic"

- in order to make logic circuits based on the previous values of inputs, we need a storage device

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Sequential Logic

• Feedback

- consider this circuit

- the outputs are "fed back" to the inputs

- this gives the following relationships: Q = Vin1' Qn = Vin2' Vin1 = Qn Vin2 = Q

Vin1 = Vin2' = Q' = Vin1 Vin2 = Vin1' = Qn' = Vin2

- this circuit will HOLD or STORE a logic value

- feedback gives us the ability to build "Sequential Storage Devices"

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Sequential Logic

• Metastability

- what if the input is VDD/2

- in an ideal world, the outputs would be driven to VDD/2

- we know that noise exists in the world (thermal, shot, etc…)

- noise will add a small Δv to the nodes in the system

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Sequential Logic

• Metastability

- let's consider a + Δv being superimposed on input Vin1 who starts out at VDD/2

- this causes a - Δv to be superimposed on output Q due to the inverting nature of the inverter

- this - Δv is fed back to input Vin2, which in turn causes a + Δv on output Qn

VDD/2 + Δv VDD/2 - Δv

VDD/2 - Δv VDD/2 + Δv

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Sequential Logic

• Metastability

- this new + Δv is fed back to the original Vin1 voltage in an additive nature

- this drives Vin1 even further positive, which in turn starts the loop all over again

- this feedback loop continues until the inputs and outputs are driven to either a 0 or a 1

VDD/2 + Δv + Δv VDD/2 - Δv - Δv

VDD/2 - Δv - Δv VDD/2 + Δv + Δv

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Sequential Logic

• Metastability

- Metastability is the situation where the inputs cause an indeterminate output in a feedback circuit

- i.e., VILmax < Vin < VIHmin

- using feedback, we know that the circuit will always be driven to a final state

- this is also called a "Bi-Stable" element meaning that the inputs and outputs will be driven to one of two final states (i.e., a 1 or a 0)

- the final state that the circuit is driven to is unknown, but we know it will go there eventually

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Sequential Logic

• Recovery time

- manufactures can specify the maximum amount of time that a bi-stable element will take to reach its final value

- the time that the output is unknown is called the "Metastability Region"

- the time it takes to exit the Metastable region is called the "Recovery Time" (t recovery)

• Summary

- feedback gives us the ability to build digital storage devices using gates

- anytime we use feedback, we create a bi-stable element and can have Metastability

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Sequential Logic

• SR Latch

- consider the following circuit which is called an "SR Latch"

- To understand the SR Latch, we must remember the truth table for a NOR Gate AB F 00 1 01 0 10 0 11 0

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Sequential Logic

• SR Latch

- when S=0 & R=0, it puts this circuit into a Bi-stable feedback mode where the output is either:

Q=0, Qn=1 Q=1, Qn=0

AB F AB F 00 1 (U2) 00 1 (U1)01 0 01 0 (U2)10 0 (U1) 10 0 11 0 11 0




0 1

1 1



0 0


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Sequential Logic

• SR Latch

- we can force a known state using S & R:

Set (S=1, R=0) Reset (S=0, R=1)

AB F AB F 00 1 (U1) 00 1 (U2)01 0 01 0 (U1)10 0 (U2) 10 0 11 0 (U2) 11 0 (U1)




1 0

0 0



0 1


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Sequential Logic

• SR Latch

- we can write a Truth Table for an SR Latch as follows

S R Q Qn . 0 0 Last Q Last Qn - Hold 0 1 0 1 - Reset 1 0 1 0 - Set 1 1 0 0 - Don’t Use

- S=1 & R=1 forces a 0 on both outputs. However, when the latch comes out of this state it is metastable. This means the final state is unknown.

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Sequential Logic

• SR Latch

- Remember the Truth Table for an SR Latch :

S R Q Qn . 0 0 Last Q Last Qn - Hold 0 1 0 1 - Reset 1 0 1 0 - Set 1 1 0 0 - Don’t Use

- there is delay associated with changes on the input causing a change on the outputs:

tPLH(SQ) = Δt for a LOW-to-HIGH transition on S to cause an output change on Q tPHL(RQ) = Δt for a HIGH-to_LOW transition on R to cause an output change on Q

- there is also a specification on how small of a pulse width we can have and be recognized

tPW(min) = minimum input pulse width that can be recognized

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Sequential Logic

• S’R’ Latch

- we can also use NAND gates to form an inverted SR Latch

S’ R’ Q Qn . 0 0 1 1 - Don’t Use 0 1 1 0 - Set 1 0 0 1 - Reset 1 1 Last Q Last Qn - Hold

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Sequential Logic

• SR Latch w/ Enable

- we then can add an enable line using NAND gates

- remember the Truth Table for a NAND gate

AB F 00 1 - a 0 on any input forces a 1 on the output 01 1 - when C=0, the two EN NAND Gate outputs are 1, which forces “Last Q/Qn” 10 1 - when C=1, S & R are passed through INVERTED 11 0

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Sequential Logic

• SR Latch w/ Enable

- the truth table then becomes

C S R Q Qn . 1 0 0 Last Q Last Qn - Hold 1 0 1 0 1 - Reset 1 1 0 1 0 - Set 1 1 1 1 1 - Don’t Use 0 x x Last Q Last Qn - Hold


AB F00 101 110 111 0

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Sequential Logic

• D Latch

- a modification to the SR Latch where R = S’ creates a D-latch

- when C=1, Q <= D- when C=0, Q <= Last Value

C D Q Qn . 1 0 0 1 - track 1 1 1 0 - track 0 x Last Q Last Qn - Hold

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Sequential Logic

• Flip-Flops

- a "Latch" is a device that "tracks or holds" the input depending on a control signal (i.e., C or CLK)

- a "Flip-Flop" is a device that will "acquire and hold" the input when a transition is present on C or CLK

- Flip-Flops are commonly used in sequential logic due to their speed

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Sequential Logic

• D-Flip-Flops

- we can combine D-latches to get an edge triggered storage device (or flop)

- the first D-latch is called the “Master”, the second D-latch the “Slave”

Master Slave CLK=0, Q<=D “Open” CLK=0, Q<=Q “Close”

CLK=1, Q<=Q “Closed” CLK=1, Q<=D “Open”

- on a rising edge of clock, D is “latched” and held on Q until the next rising edge

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Sequential Logic

• D-Flip-Flops in VHDL

- In VHDL, we use a “process” to model the behavior of a D-Flip-Flop

Qnentity DFF is port (Clock : in BIT; Reset : in BIT; D : in BIT; Q, Qn : out BIT);end entity DFF;

architecture DFF_arch of DFF is


D_FLIP_FLOP : process (Clock, Reset) -- sensitivity list begin if (Reset = '0') then Q <= '0'; Qn <= '1'; elsif (Clock'event and Clock='1') then Q <= D; Qn <= not D; end if; end process D_FLIP_FLOP; end architecture DFF_arch;


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Sequential Logic

• D-Flip-Flop Operation

- Below is a timing diagram of a D-Flop


D Changes but it does not effect Q.

Q & Qn are updated on the rising edge of clock.

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Finite State Machines

• Synchronous

- we now have a way to store information on an edge (i.e., a flip-flop)

- we can use these storage elements to build "Synchronous Circuitry"

- Synchronous means that events occur on the edge of a clock

• State Machine

- a generic name given to sequential circuit design

- it is sequential because the outputs depend on :

1) the current inputs 2) past inputs

- state machines are the basis for all modern digital electronics


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Finite State Machines

• State Memory

- a set of flip-flops that store the Current State of the machine

- the Current State is due to all of the input conditions that have existed since the machine started

- if there are "n" flip-flops, there can be 2n states

- a state contains everything we need to know about all past events

- we define two unique states in a machine

1) Current State 2) Next State

• Current State

- the state that the machine is currently in

- this is found on the outputs of the flip-flops (i.e., Q)


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Finite State Machines

• Next State

- the state that the machine "will go to" upon a clock edge

- this is found on the inputs of the flip-flops (i.e., D)

- the Next State depends on

- the Current State - any Inputs

- we call the Next State Logic "F"

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Finite State Machines

• State Transition

- upon a clock edge, the machine changes from the "Current State" to the "Next State"

- After the clock edge, we reassign back the names (i.e., Q=Current State, D= Next State)

• State Table

- a table where we list which state the machine will transition to on a clock edge

- this table depends on the "Current State" and the "Inputs"

- we can use the following notation when describing Current and Next States

Current Next S S* Scur Snxt


Acur Bnxt


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Finite State Machines

• State Table cont…

- we typically give the states of our machine descriptive names (i.e., Reset, Start, Stop, S0)

ex) State Table for a 4-state counter, no inputs

Current State Next State

S0 S1

S1 S2

S2 S3

S3 S0

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Finite State Machines

• State Table cont…

- when there are inputs, we list them in the table

ex) State Table for a 4-state counter with directional input

Current State Dir Next State

S0 Up S1Down S3

S1 Up S2Down S0

S2 Up S3Down S1

S3 Up S0Down S2

- we don't need to exhaustively write all of the Current States for each Input combination (i.e., Direction) which makes the table more readable

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Finite State Machines

• State Variables

- remember that the State Memory is just a set of flip-flops

- also remember that the state is just the current/next binary number on the in/out of the flip-flops

- we use the term State Variable to describe the input/output for a particular flip flop

- let's call our State Variables Q1, Q0, ….

Current State Dir Next State Q1 Q0 Q1* Q0*

0 0 Up 0 1Down 1 1

0 1 Up 1 0 Down 0 0

1 0 Up 1 1 Down 0 1

1 1 Up 0 0 Down 1 0

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Finite State Machines

• State Variables

- we call the assignment of a State name to a binary number "State Encoding"

ex) S0 = 00 S1 = 01 S2 = 10 S3 = 11

- this is arbitrary and up to use as designers

- we can choose the encoding scheme based on our application and optimize for

1) Speed 2) Power 3) Area

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Finite State Machines

• Next State Logic "F"

- for each "Next State" variable, we need to create logic circuitry

- this logic circuitry is combinational and has inputs:

1) Current State 2) any Inputs

ex) Q1* = F(Current State, Inputs) = F(Q1, Q0, Dir) Q0* = F(Current State, Inputs) = F(Q1, Q0, Dir)

- the logic expression for the Next State Variable is called the "Characteristic Equation" - this is a generic term that describes the logic for all flip-flops

- when we write the logic for a specific flip-flop, we call this the "Excitation Equation"

- this is a specific term that describes logic for your flip-flop (i.e., DFF)

- there will be an Excitation Equation for each Next State Variable (i.e., each Flip-Flop)

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Finite State Machines

• State Variables and Next State Logic "F"

- we already know how to describe combinational logic (i.e., K-maps, SOP, SOP)

- we simply apply this to our State Table

ex) State Table for a 4-state counter, no inputs

Current State Next State Q1 Q0 Q1* Q0*

0 0 0 1

0 1 1 0

1 0 1 1

1 1 0 0

- we put these inputs and outputs in a K-map and come up with Q1* = Q1 Q0



F inputs

F outputs

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Finite State Machines

• State Variables and Next State Logic "F"

- we continue writing Excitation Equations for each Next State Variable in our Machine

- let's now write an Excitation Equation for Q0*

ex) State Table for a 4-state counter, no inputs

Current State Next State Q1 Q0 Q1* Q0*

0 0 0 1

0 1 1 0

1 0 1 1

1 1 0 0

- we simply put these values in a K-map and come up with Q0* = Q0'



F inputs

F outputs

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Finite State Machines

• Logic Diagram

- the state machine just described would be implemented like this:

Q1* Q0*

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Finite State Machines

• Excitation Equations

- we designed this State Machine using D-Flip-Flops

- this is the most common type of flip-flop and widely used in modern digital systems

- we can also use other flip-flops

- the difference is how we turn a "Characteristic Equation" into an "Excitation Equation"

- we will look at State Memory using other types of Flip-Flops later

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Finite State Machines (Mealy vs. Moore)

• Output Logic "G"

- last time we learned about State Memory

- we also learned about Next State Logic "F"

- the last part of our State Machine is how we create the output circuitry

- the outputs are determined by Combinational Logic that we call "G"

- there are two basic structures of output types

1) Mealy = the outputs depend on the Current State and the Inputs 2) Moore = the outputs depend on the Current State only

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Finite State Machines (Mealy vs. Moore)

• State Machines

“Mealy Outputs” – outputs depend on the Current State and the Inputs

- G(Current State, Inputs)

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Finite State Machines (Mealy vs. Moore)

• State Machines

“Moore Outputs” – outputs depend on the Current State only

- G(Current State)

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Finite State Machines (Mealy vs. Moore)

• Output Logic "G"

- we can create an "Output Table" for our desired results

- most often, we include the outputs in our State Table and form a hybrid "State/Output Table"


Current State In Next State Out Q1 Q0 Q1* Q0*

0 0 0 0 0 01 0 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 01 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 0

1 1 0 0 0 01 0 0 1

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Finite State Machines (Mealy vs. Moore)

• State Machine Tables

- officially, we use the following terms:

State Table - list of the descriptive state names and how they transition

Transition Table - using the explicitly state encoded variables and how they transition

Output Table - listing of the outputs for all possible combinations of Current States and Inputs

State/Output Table - combined table listing Current/Next states and corresponding outputs

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Finite State Machines (Mealy vs. Moore)

• Output Logic "G"

- we simply use the Current State and Inputs (if desired) as the inputs to G and form the logic expression (K-maps, SOP, POS) reflecting the output variable

- this is the same process as creating the Excitation Equations for the Next State Variables

ex) Current State In Next State Out Q1 Q0 Q1* Q0*

0 0 0 0 0 01 0 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 01 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 0

1 1 0 0 0 01 0 0 1

- plugging these inputs/outputs into a K-map, we get G=Q1·Q0·In


G inputs G outputs

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Finite State Machines

• State Diagrams

- a graphical way to describe how a state machine transitions states depending on :

- Current State - Inputs

- we use a "bubble" to represent a state, in which we write its descriptive name or code

- we use a "directed arc" to represent a transition

- we can write the Inputs next to a directed arc that causes a state transition

- we can write the Output either near the directed arc or in the state bubble (typically in parenthesis)

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Finite State Machines

• State Diagrams


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Finite State Machines

• Timing Diagrams

- notice we don't show any information about the clock in the State Diagram

- the clock is "implied" (i.e., we know transitions occur on the clock edge)

- note that the outputs can change asynchronously in a Mealy machine






EE 261 – Introduction to Logic Circuits Module #7Page 45

Finite State Machines

• State Machines

- there is a basic structure for a Clocked, Synchronous State Machine

1) State Memory (i.e., flip-flops) 2) Next State Logic “F” (combinational logic) 3) Output Logic “G” (combinational logic)

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Finite State Machines

• State Machines

- the steps in a state machine design are:

1) Word Description of the Problem 2) State Diagram 3) State/Output Table 4) State Variable Assignment 5) Choose Flip-Flop type 6) Construct F 7) Construct G 8) Logic Diagram

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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Simple Gray Code Counter”

1) Design a 2-bit Gray Code Counter. There are no inputs (other than the clock). Use Binary for the State Variable Encoding

2) State Diagram

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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Simple Gray Code Counter”

3) State/Output Table

Current State Next State Out

CNT0 CNT1 0 0

CNT1 CNT2 0 1

CNT2 CNT3 1 1

CNT3 CNT0 1 0

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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Simple Gray Code Counter”

4) State Variable Assignment – binary

Current State Next State Out Q1 Q0 Q1* Q0*

0 0 0 1 0 0

0 1 1 0 0 1

1 0 1 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 1 0

5) Choose Flip-Flops - let's use DFF's

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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Simple Gray Code Counter”

6) Construct Next State Logic “F”

Q1* = Q1Q0’ + Q1’Q0 = Q1 Q0

Q0* = Q0’

0 1

1 0


Q0 0 1







1 1

0 0


Q0 0 1







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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Simple Gray Code Counter”

7) Construct Output Logic “G”

Out(1) = Q1

Out(0) = Q1 Q0

0 1

0 1


Q0 0 1







0 1

1 0


Q0 0 1







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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Simple Gray Code Counter”

8) Logic Diagram

Q1* Q0*

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Finite State Machines (Example)

• State Machines

- there is a basic structure for a Clocked, Synchronous State Machine

1) State Memory (i.e., flip-flops) 2) Next State Logic “F (combinational logic) 3) Output Logic “G” (combinational logic)

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Finite State Machines

• State Machines

- the steps in a state machine design are:

1) Word Description of the Problem 2) State Diagram 3) State/Output Table 4) State Variable Assignment 5) Choose Flip-Flop type 6) Construct F 7) Construct G 8) Logic Diagram

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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Sequence Detector”

1) Design a machine by hand that takes in a serial bit stream and looks for the pattern “1011”. When the pattern is found, a signal called “Found” is asserted

2) State Diagram

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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Sequence Detector”

3) State/Output Table

Current State In Next State Out (Found)

S0 0 S0 01 S1 0

S1 0 S2 01 S0 0

S2 0 S0 01 S3 0

S3 0 S0 01 S0 1

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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Sequence Detector”

4) State Variable Assignment – let’s use binary

Current State In Next State Out Q1 Q0 Q1* Q0* Found

0 0 0 0 0 00 0 1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 00 1 1 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 01 0 1 1 1 0

1 1 0 0 0 01 1 1 0 0 1

5) Choose Flip-Flop Type

- 99% of the time we use D-Flip-Flops

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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Sequence Detector”

6) Construct Next State Logic “F”

Q1* = Q1’∙Q0∙In’ + Q1∙Q0’∙In

Q0* = Q0’∙In

0 1

0 0

Q1 Q0

In 00 01

















11 10


0 0

1 0

Q1 Q0

In 00 01

















11 10


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Finite State Machines

• State Machine Example “Sequence Detector”

7) Construct Output Logic “G”

Found = Q1∙Q0∙In

8) Logic Diagram

0 0

0 0

Q1 Q0

In 00 01

















11 10


Q1* Q0*


EE 261 – Introduction to Logic Circuits Module #7Page 60

State Variable Encoding

• State Variable Encoding

- we design State Machines using descriptive state names

- when we’re ready to synthesize the circuit, we need to assign values to the states

- we can arbitrarily assign codes to the states in order to optimize for our application

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State Variable Encoding

• Binary

- this is the simplest and most straight forward method

- we simply assign binary counts to the states

S0 = 00 S1 = 01 S2 = 10 S3 = 11

- for N states, there will be log(N)/log(2) flip flops required to encode in binary

- the advantages to Binary State Encoding are:

1) Efficient use of area (i.e., least amount of Flip-flops) - the disadvantages are:

1) Multiple bits switch at one time leading to increased Noise and Power 2) The next state logic can be multi-level which decreases speed

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State Variable Encoding

• Gray Code

- to avoid multiple bits switching, we can use a Gray Code

S0 = 00 S1 = 01 S2 = 11 S3 = 10

- for N states, there will be log(N)/log(2) flip flops required

- the advantages of Gray Code Encoding are:

1) One-bit switching at a time which reduces Noise/Power

- the disadvantages are:

1) Unless doing a counter, it is hard to guarantee the order of state execution 2) The next state logic can again be multi-level which decreases speed

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State Variable Encoding

• One-Hot

- this encoding technique uses one flip-flop for each state.

- each flip-flop asserts when in its assigned state

S0 = 0001 S1 = 0010 S2 = 0100 S3 = 1000

- for N states, there will be N flip flops required

- the advantages of One-Hot Encoding are:

1) Speed, the next state logic is one level (i.e., a Decoder structure) 2) Suited well for FPGA’s which have LUT’s & FF’s in each Cell

- the disadvantages are:

1) Takes more area

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Other Flip-Flops Devices

• Flip-Flops

- we have learned about the following sequential storage devices

- SR Latch - D Latch - D Flip-Flop

- we can make state machines out of any sequential storage device

- each flip-flop has a “Characteristic Equation” that governs how the Next State Logic is synthesized

ex) Type Characteristic Eq

SR Latch Q* = S + R’∙Q D Latch Q* = D D Flip Flop Q* = D

- we use the Characteristic Equation & the Next State Logic to form the “Excitation Signals” that are fed into the State Memory

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Other Flip-Flops Devices

• D Flip-Flop w/ Enable

- a regular DFF transfers D to Q on a clock edge and then holds it

- adding an enable gives the DFF the ability to continue holding the data while ignoring clock edges


1 D / D’ 1 0 Last Q / Qn 1 1 Last Q / Qn 0 x Last Q / Qn

- the Characteristic Eq is : Q* = EN∙D + EN’∙Q

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Module Overview

• Topics

Feedback, Metastability Latches & Flip Flops - SR Latch - S’R’ Latch - D Latch - D Flip Flop

Synchronous State Machines - State Memory - Next State Logic “F” - Output Logic “G” - Mealy, Moore - State Diagrams - State Tables - Characteristic Equation - Excitation Equation - State Variable Encoding

top related