education and mdgs

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Education and MDGs. Education and MDGs. The MDGs provided a powerful framework However, there are weaknesses: Equity Interconnectivity of issues Sustainable development In education, enrolment target set the bar low. Education and Post-2015. Consensus around overarching education goal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Education and MDGs

Education and MDGs

• The MDGs provided a powerful framework• However, there are weaknesses:– Equity– Interconnectivity of issues– Sustainable development

• In education, enrolment target set the bar low

Education and Post-2015

• Consensus around overarching education goal– Good quality and equitable education at all levels– Lifelong learning (including skills for employment)

for all• Targets must be set in national context• Strong mechanism to monitor and audit


High-Level Panel Report on Post-2015:GPE as Model for Partnerships

What is the Global Partnership for Education?

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is the only multilateral partnership devoted to getting all children into school for a quality education so they can fulfill their potential and contribute to their societies.

How the Partnership Works

With Our Partners, We…..

• Develop education strategies and programs• Promote collaboration, provide unique expertise and

guidance to achieve countries’ education goals • Share innovative solutions for education• Provide a unique platform among our education

network to share knowledge and achieve education results

• Finance sound education sector plans• Monitor education results• Produce relevant data with solid indicators to assess

education progress

Challenges in Implementation

• At country level, GPE works through Local Education Groups (LEGs)

• Challenges:– Ensuring inclusive stakeholder dialogue (domestic

government, donor government, private sector, local and international NGOs, etc)

– Ensuring strong data and evidence

GPE Addressing these Challenges

• Strengthening support to LEGs• Improving data collection and monitoring• Support to civil society on role in oversight

and accountability through Civil Society Education Fund

2014 GPE Replenishment Campaign

• In 2013 alone, GPE’s partner countries are expected to ask for more than $1.3 billion in support.

• In order to keep pace with countries’ need for financial support and reverse the downward trend in donor aid, the GPE is launching its replenishment.

• The GPE is asking its partners to commit to supporting:

• 1) The GPE Fund • 2) Increases in bilateral aid for basic education • 3) Increases in domestic education budgets

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