edition april 2014

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Paradiso Magazine


Vol. IX April 2014

Photo By Sonny Tumbelaka

A Balinese in a trance stabs himself with a ‘keris’, a traditional dagger, while he and fellow Balinese attend the Melasti ceremony prayer at Petitenget Beach in Kuta.

BaliThe other side of

DIREKTUR Igo Kleden info@paradiso.co.id


Tri Wibowo



Dewi Antini



Lalan Marinda



REPORTER Erwin Gumilar (Jakarta) Komang Wahyuni, Wiss Kedang, Dona Trihapsari SALES & Dina AnggraeniMARKETING


TRANSLATOR Indira Sari Paputungan



CONTRIBUTOR Christovao Vinhas Cok Dewi


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Special Interest Tourism to Become Trend in 2014Indonesia tourism is now facing a changing para-digm trend from mass tourism to special inter-est tourism. This has been conveyed by Direc-tor of Development of Special Interest Tourism and MICE for Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) Achyaruddin. “We no longer need chasing for quantity, its quality that we’re seeking,” he said in one occasion. Qualities can me measured from the expenditure or length of stay. Expenditure can be counted from the amount of money spent by tourists dur-ing their visit to certain area. The length of stay is measured from the length of tourist stay in partic-ular tourist destination. Indonesia has a very long coastlines, many mountains and diverse culture and culinary potentials. Therefore, Indonesia should focus more on special interest tourism.In terms of special interest marine tourism, Indonesia has determined to focus on three aspects, namely: yacht, cruise and diving. Indonesia has targeted that 15,000 yachts will visit the country in 2015.Besides marine tourism, special interest tourism that worth to be developed is culi-nary tourism. Indonesia is rich in culinary potentials and what needed is standard-ization of Indonesian cuisine, including how to modify them to meet the taste of foreign people. Some attempts to improve tourism sector have been done. Even the combina-tion of health tourism and spa has become special attraction for Indonesia. We have to support Kemenparekraf that is currently developing special interest tourism with seven themes, culture and history, culinary and shopping, health and fitness tourism, convention, incentive, exhibition and event tourism. Hopefully, 2014 can be the starting point of special interest tourism that is continuously developed to achieve the target expected. Let’s work together, the government, tourism players and the community to develop special interest tourism so that it can give benefits to all of us. ***

Igo Kleden

Editor’s Note

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e:KutaInfo@QuestHotels .com


13 |News

8 |Focus

Garuda Indonesia to Increase Connectivity in Eastern Indonesia

Indonesia Needs 800 Hotels

NTT Participated in Deep and Extreme Expo 2014

11 | News

14 | Event and DestinationPangandaran Beach

16 |ADvMotor Home

22 | Event and Destination

40 | Bali

Kelimutu Lake

32 | Event and Destination

Mengulur Naga at Erau Festival

35 | Event and Destination

Color-Changing Lake of Linow

Earth Hour 2014

42 | Bali

Villa Bracha

26 | Event and Destination

Beach in Sumba

31 | Event and Destination

Tablanusu Beach

PT Garuda Indonesia and Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) have

agreed to increase the flight connectivity among islands in Eastern Indonesia as an attempt to develop tourism in the country.

“What have been done by Garuda Indonesia will support the develop-ment of tourism sector,” said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Mari Elka Pangestu in a seminar “open The Connectivity of Islands in Eastern Indo-nesia for Tourism Development” held by the Forum of Tourism and Creative Economy Journalists in Sapta Pesona

Building in Jakarta on Wednesday, March 26th.

Mari said that Kemenparekraf ap-preciates the action taken by Garuda Indonesia to develop flight route to re-mote areas in Eastern Indonesia using ATR72-60 and Bombardier.

The seminar aims to develop the great tourism potentials that exist in Eastern Indonesia. The speakers are Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu, Presi-dent & CEo of Garuda Indonesia, Tbk Emirsyah Satar and Head of Indone-sian Tourism Promotion Board (BPPI) Wiryanti Sukamdani.

In the past two years, Garuda Indone-sia re-strengthened the flight network in the domestic market by opening routes to remote areas using ATR72-600 and Bombardier CRJ1000 NextGen, which have operated since october 2012. These planes are able to serve routes to new destinations in Eastern Indone-sia that have limited airstrip.

“We hope that industry players can synergize with Garuda Indonesia to support national tourism as economic sector, which has great potential to stimulate community economic devel-opment nationally and globally,” said Mari.

Garuda Indonesia to Increase Connectivity in Eastern Indonesia





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8 | Paradiso April, 2014

on the same occasion, President & CEo of Garuda Indonesia Emirsyah Satar said that since 2011, Garuda In-donesia has determined Makassar as a hub for Eastern Indonesia that connects Makassar to 15 cities in its surrounding areas as well as Jakarta and Singapore.

In MP3EI for corridor V, since 2 De-cember 2013, Garuda Indonesia has operated “Explore” flight by operating ATR72-600 with the configuration of single class cabin (All Economy) with the capacity of 70 passengers. This plane serves flight routes from Den-pasar to Labuan Bajo, Tambolaka, Ende and Bima.

By operating ATR72-600, Garuda Indonesia improves connectivity in re-mote areas by serving routes with a flight distance less than 400 km. It is possible because this aircraft is able to land on the airport with a airstrip length of less than 1600 meters that cannot be landed by jet plane.

In line with the expansion that Gar-uda Indonesia continuously performs through the long-term program of “Qua-tum Leap 2011-2015,” in 2013 Garuda Indonesia has purchased 26 new air-crafts to strengthen and develop na-tional and international flight network. In 2014, Garuda Indonesia is planning to purchase 27 new aircrafts that consist of two Boeing 777-300, four Airbus330, twelve Boeing 738, three CRJ and six ATR 72-600.

Garuda Indonesia’s mission is to be-come “Global Player’’ and since March 5th, 2014, Garuda Indonesia has of-ficially become the 20th member of world airline alliance, the Sky Team.

This membership provides beefits to Garuda Indonesia passengers such as flight network access to 1064 cities in 78 countries through 15,723 flight fre-quencies per day. They can also ac-cess 564 the best airport lounges all over the world.

Wiryanti Sukamdani, Chairperson of Indonesia Tourism Promotion Board (BPPI) highlighted infrastructure in Eastern Indonesia that still hinders the interest of tourism entrepreneurs to de-velop tourism areas outside the main-stream tourism.

When talking about tourism industry, there are many business components in it such as hotel business, restau-rant and transportation service. There are also the business of travel agency, small and medium scale industries, which produce various souvenirs, and business of traditional performances.

“We can see that every year the num-ber of hotel and restaurant experience an increase of around 5-7%. However, Yanti admitted that currently majority of hotels are still located in Bali, Jakarta, Bandung and Makassar. As a result, the spread of hotel and restaurant in In-donesia is not evenly distributed. This occurs due to the imbalance infrastruc-ture and human resources that have not been maximally manaed. This becomes an issue for hotel to open branches in areas other than Bali, Jakarta, Band-ung and Makassar,” said Yanti.

“Not only hotel entrepreneurs that recognize the tourism business oppor-tunities in Eastern Indonesia. Airlines companies also notice it. However, once again improper availability of in-frastructure and human resource have significant effect on the businee,” said Yanti.

Photo By Sonny Tumbelaka


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9 | Paradiso April, 2014

Seminar speaker: Emirsyah Satar (right), Mari Elka Pangestu (center) and Wiryanti Sukamdani.

10 | Paradiso April, 2014



Garuda Indonesia has officially become the 20th member of the airline alliance the Sky

Team. Garuda Indonesia is the second airline in Asia in Sky Team, which makes Jakarta as the alternative gate from and to South East Asia and 40 new destinations served by Garuda in the flight network of Sky Team.

“As Garuda becomes the member of the Sky Team, it provides customers with easier access to flight network service to 1,064 destinations throughout the world served by airlines, members of the Sky Team. This includes more than 90% of world flight traffic,” said Managing Direc-tor Sky Team, Michael Wisbrun.

Garuda Indonesia membership in Sky team not only strengthen the posi-tion of Sky Team in Asia Pacific region, but also presents the world to Garuda Indonesia passengers as well as pro-vides access to 588 million global pas-sengers to Indonesia.

President Director Garuda Indone-sia Emirsyah Satar said that Garuda carried out various transformation pro-grams as an attempt to improve the service to customers. over the past 3 years, Garuda Indonesia has been ac-tively cooperated with Sky Team and its

members in terms of implementation of the transition process.

Joining Sky Team is part of the trans-formation program called “Quantum Leap 2011-2015” and also marks the new milestone in the 65 year-history of Garuda Indonesia the international aviation industry. The membership of Garuda Indonesia in this global airline alliance is in line with the company’s commitment to continuously improve service to customers by providing more destinations and more convenient fly-ing experience.

“Garuda’s membership in Sky Team strengthens the position of Indone-sia in the world aviation industry and the reputation of Garuda Indonesia as “World-Class Airline.” Garuda Indone-sia proudly connects Sky Team to one of the biggest economy in the South East Asia through hubs in Jakarta, Denpasar, Makassar, Medan, Suraba-ya and Balikpapan,” said Emirsyah.

Passengers can easily access the Sky Team service to 1,064 destinations in 178 countries through 15,723 flight frequency per day. They can also ac-cess 564 the best lounges throughout the world. Garuda Indonesia can also access 588 users of Sky Team service,

including 189 million members of Fre-quent Flyer of airlines, members of Sky Team.

By becoming Sky Team member, Garuda Indonesia could offer the ser-vice of “Garuda Indonesia Experience” to its global customers. Currently, Gar-uda Indonesia serves flight to 64 desti-nations in the world through the hubs in Jakarta, Makassar, Denpasar, Medan, Surabaya and Balikpapan. It includes 44 domestic destinations throughout Indonesia, which is one of the biggest economical development in the South East Asia.

As part of the requirements to join the Sky Team, Garuda Indonesia im-plements initiative customer-focused of Sky Team, which includes Sky Priority Service, a priority service at the airport for users of Elite Plus service, First Class and Business Class passengers, which has been applied at more than 900 airports all over the world.

Passengers who are members of Garuda Frequent Flyer can get and claim mileage point during the flight with airlines operated by members of Sky Team. They can also get and claim mileage point when they fly with Garu-da Indonesia. (*)

Garuda Indonesia Becomes the 20th Member of Global Sky Team


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11 | Paradiso April, 2014



Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) continuously promotes major

tourist destinations in the province. This can be seen when the province participated in the Deep and Extreme Expo in Jakarta International Expo on 28-30 March, 2014. This is in line with the mission of NTT Governor Frans Lebu Raya to focus on developing tourism in NTT.

Bona Rumaat, Head of Tourism Pro-motion for NTT Tourism Office said that the participation of NTT Provincial Gov-ernment in Deep and Extreme Expo is part of the seriousness and commit-ment to attract as many tourists as pos-sible to NTT.

East Nusa Tenggara is located in the south-east of Indonesia and consists of several islands such as Flores, Sum-ba, Timor, Alor, Lembata, Rote, Sabu, Adonara, Solor, Komodo and Palue.

The capital is Kupang, West Timor. The province consists of around 550 islands and three main islands in NTT are Flores, Sumba and West Timor. The eastern area of the province was for-merly the 27th province of Indonesia, East Timor which declared its indepen-dence in 2002 and changed the name into Timor Leste.

East Nusa Tenggara has many tour-ist attractions to offer such as beautiful nature, unique culture, history, culinary, sports, shopping and special interest tourism. However, Komodo Island and Lake Kelimutu, Pasola in Sumba, Surf-ing in Rote NDao and Diving in Alor are the most popular tourist destinations in the province.

Deep & Extreme Expo is important event in Asia region and is recom-mended to marine and adventure tour-ism. Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2014 was held in Jakarta International Expo,

Kemayoran. The event is all about out-door sports, extreme special interest activities and eco-tourism.

Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2014 is the biggest eco-tourism event in Indo-nesia and has been recognized as the most complete diving industrial expo. The event showcased more than 150 brands of diving equipment, domes-tic and foreign tourism operators and hundred of marine tourism destinations worth to visit. This event also serves as gathering place for extreme sports and eco-tourism industry players, as well as outdoor and adventure travel enthu-siasts. other activities held during the expo were seminar, photo exhibition and drawing competition for children.

Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2014 has successfully campaigned Indone-sia Family for Adventure and Extreme Sport Tourism as part of family’s activi-ties.

NTT Participated in Deep and Extreme Expo 2014

Bona Rumaat, Head of Tourism Promotion for NTT Tourism Office


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12 | Paradiso April, 2014



Government will be more aggressively catch the opportunity of the growing

cruise ship business in the Asia region so that can attract more cruise ships to visit Indonesia and anchor at Indonesian harbors and increase the number of tourist arrival.

After successfully attracting 309 cruise ships that carried 159,578 pas-sengers last year, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is targeting to increase the number of cruise ship arrival up to 24.3% to 384 ships with the passenger growth of around 27% to 202,836 people.

According to Minister of Tourism

and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu, the most important thing that should be done to make those luxurious cruise ships enter and an-chor in Indonesia is by improving the existing harbors and establishing new harbors.

“We’ll continue monitoring the plan to improve 10 harbors in order to in-crease tourism this year. This year, the project that will be completed are located in Tanjung Benoa (Bali), Se-marang and Probolinggo,” said Mari.

Mari said further that the areas that will become the transit point should be able to increase the tourist attrac-tion, which include culinary and crafts

so that the cruise ship passengers are not only stop by for a transit, but also spend more time for shopping.

Since 2007, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and travel agencies have actively promoted In-donesia tourism and participated in the tourism expos abroad. Indonesia as an archipelago has huge potential to attract cruise ship visit.

Currently, 40% of cruise ship tour-ists are still dominated by tourists from Australia and the remaining are from Asia and ASEAN countries. With the growing cruise ship tourism in Asia, it is expected to increase tourist visit to Indonesia as well. (*)

Cruise Ship visit is targeted to Increase by 27%

Astindo Fair 2014 held on 21-23 March at Jakarta Convention Center offered the best outbound

and inbound tour packages from travel agencies, airlines and both domestic and international tourism board.

The international tourism expo was opened by Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy; Sapta Nirwan-dar accompanied by Director of Air Transport Ministry of Transportation, Joko Muryo Admodjo and attended by ambassadors of Japan and Mexico.

Chairperson of the Indonesia As-sociation of Air Ticketing Companies (ASTINDo), Elly Hutabarat said that ASTINDO Fair is the first consumer fair,

which was fully organized by ASTINDo. This year, the fair is entering its fourth year of implementation.

“This year, the event occupied an area twice the size of last year’s event and followed by 100 exhibitors to ac-commodate the needs of entrepreneurs and tourists to travel nationally or inter-nationally,” she said.

ASTINDo Fair 2014 was followed by 50 travel agencies, 10 airlines, 16 domestic and international tourism pro-motional boards, hotelier, amusement park operator, cruise lines, banks, trav-el insurance company, telecommunica-tion company and media partner.

“It is expected that the implementa-

tion of the 4th ASTINDo Fair will be able to provide positive contribution, especially to increase people’s interest to travel domestically or internation-ally. This year’s event was targeted to be visited by 75 thousand visitors with the sales target reached Rp 85 billion in three days of implementation,” said Elly.

on the same occasion, Sapta Nir-wandar hopes that the implementation of ASTINDo Fair could be in line with the implementation of Natas (Singa-pore), MATTA Fair in Malaysia and Ara-bian Travel Fair.

“ASTINDo Fair is also expected to introduce Indonesia tourism products and service to international market and present Indonesia tourist destinations, including popular tourist destination, special interest tourism and develop-ment of new products,” said Sapta.

Anto B. Haditono, chairperson of ASTINDo Fair 2014 admitted that the national economy, which is still unstable and the implementation of the General Election 2014 have become challenge to travel agencies and ticketing compa-nies this year.

“This year, our target is to increase visitors the number of visitor to 75,000 people and conservative transaction to Rp 85 billion. It seems to increase in ru-piah, but actually the figure is stagnant considering the high inflation of US dol-lar. 75% of transaction is outbound tour that uses US dollar,” he said. (*)

100 Participants to Join Astindo Fair 2014P




13 | Paradiso April, 2014



Garuda Indonesia World Photo Contest 2014Jakarta (Paradiso) – PT Garuda Indonesia is

organizing a world-class photography contest titled Garuda Indonesia World Photo Contest 2014 (GAWPC 2014) from 12 March to 12 May, 2014.

VP Marketing PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk, Djunadi Satrio said that GAWPC 2014 is an international-scale photo contest that has been held since 2007. “This contest is followed by internation-al photographers from ASEAN coun-tries, Australia, China, Japan, Middle East and Europe,” said Djunadi.

This year, the contest has the theme of AMAZING WoRLD, which is expect-ed to gather more photo works from all over the world.

Last year, committee successfully collected 64,604 out of 18,619 partici-pants from 94 countries. “This is one of our attempts to promote Indonesia, especially various tourist destinations

in Indonesia,” he said.Djunadi also hopes that this event

can further explore the richness of cul-ture and nature of Indonesia. To par-ticipate in this contest, participants can send their best photos with the concept of nature, culture and human to the of-ficial website of www.gawpc.garuda-in-donesia.com from 12 March to 12 May, 2014.

The board of jury consists of Peter Watson from England, Martin Stavars from Poland, Seong Joon Choo from South Korea, Edwin Martinez from Philippine, Aaron Freinberd from the US, Goh Kim Hui from Singapore and Arbain Rambey and Rio Helmi from In-donesia.

Jury will choose 15 best photos from 15 participants to join the grand final round that will be held in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara. “We choose Labuan Bajo because it is in line with the new route of Garuda Indonesia to

Labuan Bajo from Denpasar using ATR 72-600 Explore,” he said.

The winners will get a total price of Rp 100 million. “Five winners will be chosen to represent the categories of Best Nature, Best Culture, Best People, Best overall, and Special Recognition,” Djunadi said.

Labuan Bajo is also specifically cho-sen as the grand final venue to promote the economic and tourism potentials in the region such as Komodo National Park. (*)

Garuda Indonesia to Hold World Photo Contest 2014

Indonesia tourism industry needs 800 new hotels for the next eight years. Tourism growth in Indonesia is quite

fast and can be seen from the increase of foreign tourist visit to the country that reached 8.6 million people in 2013.

This was said by Head of Hospitality Education and Career 2014 Stephanie Riady in Jakarta on Friday (14/3). Hos-pitality Education and Career 2014 is an education and career fair in the field of tourism firstly held in 2014.

According to Stephanie, foreign tour-ist arrival to Indonesia experiences around 5% increase every year. In 2014, it is targeted to reach 9 million people. “Indonesia becomes holiday destination for foreign tourists. This opens an opportunity for local hotel en-trepreneurs,” said Stephanie.

Stephanie who is also the Head of World Education Expo said that Hospi-tality Education and Career 2014 focus on one field, namely tourism. The expo is targeting to attract 8,000 visitors from public and students of vocational high schools in particular. She added that,

career and scholarship opportunities are widely open in this expo. It is con-sidering that a number of companies open job vacancy and opportunity to get scholarship such as Canadian Tour-ism Institute in Manila, Philippine.

operational Director of Angora Exhi-bitions Sri Wahyuni said that Hospitality Education and Career 2014 is expect-ed to open public’s mind, especially students, related to career in the field of tourism. According to her, community is still misunderstood by considering that working in the field of tourism is a nega-tive thing. Actually, the growth of hotel and tourism industry in Indonesia and abroad is quite high.

“We hope that young people will not be left behind by other countries in terms of participation in the field of tour-ism and hotel industry,” said Sri.

Sri added that the meaning of “hospi-tality” is very broad and related to tour-ism industry sector. The hospitality of Indonesia people is in no doubt. There-fore, it can become one of Indonesia tourism potentials.

Miss Tourism Indonesia 2013 Nabilla Shabrina said that tourism industry in Indonesia should be supported by the proper capability of the human resourc-es. So far, Bali has become the main and most popular tourist destination in the country because the Balinese people have high awareness towards tourism industry.

Nabilla said that tourism sector also becomes one of the biggest contribu-tors to the national income. Currently, tourist destinations in Indonesia that have been known world wide is not only Bali, but also Raja Ampat in Papua and Lombok.

“There are various careers in tourism sector that can earn big income. Tour-ism is a very prospective sector,” she said.

Hospitality Education and Career 2014 was held on 22-23 March in Thamrin Nine Ballroom UoB Building. The event was attended by companies from tourism industry from Switzerland, China, Australia, New Zealand and Ko-rea. (*)

Indonesia Needs 800 Hotels-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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14 | Paradiso March, 2014



15 | Paradiso March, 2014



16 | Paradiso April, 2014

Although the competition was very tight, it didn’t make PT. Wisata Indah Nusantara (WIN) hesitated

to expand their business to tour and travel bus in 2012. “We focus on specific marketing and operate specific bus as well,” said General Manager PT. WIN Samsi N. Hendrawan.

Samsi revealed, PT. WIN started transport business in a way that is quite unique. If other companies started out by purchasing a bus from carros-serie company, the company, which is headquartered in South Tangerang did

the opposite. They made the bus first and then used it to earn profit. It is not merely for earning profit, but also for expressing the creativity and hobby of the owner.

Where’s the unique aspect? The bus-es that become the mainstay of PT. WIN are the products of the company, which is in the same group with PT. Indo Tiga Buana under The Radiant Group. Since it was established three years ago, PT. Indo Tiga Buana, the owners of Karo-seri Tiga, two of them are Iman Taufik and Robert Sucipto started assembling

medium-size caravan bus. Started from one unit, now there are four units of caravan bus. “The bus used to be design for personal purpose, but later it is developed into business purpose,” said Samsi when explaining the history of PT. WIN.

Not like other tour and travel bus operators, which target on bus rental, Samsi who had lived in Bali for 20 years, chose special tourists for the target market. Each bus marketed is designed to go with a tour package. Both caravan and conventional buses

Motor Home by PT WIN Travel


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17 | Paradiso March, 2014



have certain destination. According to Samsi, it is not easy to take this posi-tion considering that most of the cus-tomers want to rent the bus only with-out having the tour package arranged by the bus operator. What Samsi had done with his team reminds us to the era of the 1990s. At that time, tour and travel operators had their own buses to serve tour packages they provided. The packages commonly offered were 3 days – 2 nights Bandung tour pack-age, 3 days-2 nights Pangandaran tour package, 7 day Bali tour package and many more.

“We try to offer packages that can be adjusted with the customers’ preference, so that they can just enjoy the trip with-out having to bother about the destina-tions,” said Samsi. The next step taken

by PT. WIN to take position in the busi-ness of tourism bus is quite challenging. Taking the concept of motorhome com-monly found in the US, PT. WIN offers four units of medium-size buses that are transformed into mobile house.

During 2013 to September 2014, there is an open opportunity for PT. WIN to enliven the market of this spe-cial bus. The General Election, which will be held on April 2014 for PT. WIN is a business opportunity to offer their caravan bus. Samsi is optimistic that they can use this opportunity to rent the bus to the leaders of political parties and presidential candidates for cam-paign purpose.

PT. WIN’s caravan bus offers privacy to passengers with the availability of par-tition between the driver and passenger

compartment. The bus is equipped with standard facilities such as audio-visual, two-bed bedroom, bathroom and mini kitchen. However, the room arrange-ment is different from one bus to an-other. one of the buses is equipped with folding table and swivel chairs for meeting purpose. Another bus has con-ventional seats with limited number de-signed for convenience. There is also a bus that has one door integrated with the driver cabin used by passengers. Another bus has separate door for driv-er and passenger. The unique market-ing strategy implemented by PT. WIN has actually been known widely among marketing strategy experts who believe that unique difference can be a power-ful marketing especially when it is ap-plied in the growing market. ***

18 | Paradiso April, 2014

For someone who was born, grew up and lived in Bali for 29 years, beach has become part of my life. Sanur Beach is 20 min-utes drive from my house and Kuta Beach is only 45 minutes away (without the traffic-jam). Visiting a beach had become a routine activity after mid or end-of-semester exam for me and my university friends. We had explored Dreamland, Balangan, Double-Six, Labuan Sait and many more.

Five years ago I moved to Bandung, West Java and watch-ing sunset and sunrise has be-come something happened once in a blue moon ever since. Band-ung city is known for its culinary and shopping tourism, but West Java actually offers more than just those two attractions. There are many areas in West Java that offers beautiful and attractive natural tourism and one of them is Pangandaran.

Pangandaran is located on a peninsula on the south coast of West Java, about 91 Km from the town of Ciamis, about 223 Km

from Bandung and 400km from Jakarta, and lies halfway between Bandung and Yogyakarta. Pan-gandaran beach offers uniquely black and white sand, calm waves and spectacular sunrise and sunset. The beach was pre-viously known as a fishing place where fishermen who went to the sea early in the morning and went back in the afternoon. Now, we can still see their activities and even help those fishermen pulling the heavy fish nets back to the shore.

Many annual events are held in Pangandaran. one in particu-lar is the International Kite Fes-tival which is held in July every year. This festival is a gathering of kite enthusiasts from all over the world and a place where all different kinds of kites are flown together under the Blue Pangan-daran skies.

Last week, I had a 2 day-1 night weekend escape to Pangandaran beach with my husband’s big fam-ily. We departed from Bandung at around 10 pm on Friday, March 21st. I think it is better to leave at

night so that we can sleep along the way to Pangandaran, which takes around six hours, and ready for sunrise watching on the next day. It was quite a smooth trip and we arrived in Pangandaran at 4 am on Saturday, 22nd. We were too early and only four rooms out of eleven rooms booked were ready. So, we just put all the bags in the rooms available and headed off to the eastern coast for watching sunrise.

The Eastern Coast

The eastern coast is a paradise for fresh seafood lovers. Here, you can choose among many se-lections of restaurants and food stalls that offers freshly caught fish, squids, crabs, prawns and others. At the south end of this restaurant line-up, is the fresh fish market where you can buy fresh caught fish and other sea food, and have them grilled or barbequed to your favor.

The East Coast is also a place for water sports activities. Most of the water sport operator in

A We e k e nd Escape to Pangandaran Beachby Indira Sari Paputungan



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19 | Paradiso April, 2014

Where to stayThere are many Hotels and inns fit for families, executives and backpackers in

Pangandaran. The rate starts from Rp 200,000.

What to buyThere are a lot of souvenir shops near the beach that sell various T-shirts, Short pants,

swim wear, Hats and all kind of Beachwear. They also provide various sea handicrafts, such as bracelets and necklaces made from sea shell, miniature surf boards and all kind of unique gifts. There are also shops that sell dried salted fishes (ikan asin).

What to doIn general, Pangandaran is a fabulous beach destination. It offers all kinds of beach

and marine activities such as sunbathing, swimming, surfboarding, fishing, snorkeling and more. You can also explore the human side of Pangandaran by cycling through the village and observe various activities of the fishermen and villagers.

Pangandaran beach started their business in 2008; two years af-ter tsunami attacked this beauti-ful beach. Jet skiing is no longer available here. one of the water sport operator’s crew said that the maintenance cost is too ex-pensive so that the owner sold two jet skis they used to have.

The cost for banana boat ride, UFo and jumper is ranging from Rp 25,000 to 35,000 per person. Bargaining is acceptable here and coming in a big group will be an advantage for we can get more discounts. We got it for Rp 25,000/person. It’s a nice bargain isn’t it?

The Western Coast

The western coast is an ideal place for family activities. Here, the waves are relatively calm so you and your family can swim around safely. You can also bathe under the sun or simply just watch

the enchanting panoramic view. Next to the beach is a natural reserve. It is the dwelling place for many monkeys, deer, buf-faloes and other exotic animals. We can reach the natural reserve by motor boat with the cost of Rp 35,000 per person. Howev-er, since we went there in a big group, we could get there with only Rp 20,000/person. Snorkel-ing is another water sport activity that can be done here. The equip-ment can be rented and it costs Rp 35,000 – Rp 40,000 and once again, bargaining is permitted.

Along the beach, there are many stalls offering wide selec-tion of clothes and souvenirs. There is no fixed price here, you have to bargain the price offered. I got a nice ethnic pant with only Rp 35,000 (the seller offered it for Rp 60,000). If you are done with playing on the beach and shop-ping, drinking coconut water can be an option to refresh your day.

Local people selling rujak (fruit salad), fried shrimps, seashell satay and salted fish can easily be found on the beach. Pangan-daran is famous for its salted fish Jambal Roti.

Pangandaran is fabulous des-tination that offers one-stop com-plete experience ranging from swimming, snorkeling, fishing to shopping. It fits for all ages and can be visited throughout the year.

We went back to Bandung at around 11.30 am on Sunday, March 23rd. The weather was a bit cloudy, but we had great time there so it was not a big deal. Bali is not the only destination that offers beautiful beaches and nature panorama, Pangandaran beach should also be included in your list of holiday destination. Its white and black sandy beach of-fer unique panorama and holiday experience to people visiting the beach.

Photo by Indira Sari Paputungan

ENDEKelimutu Lake

Photo by Spc

21 | Paradiso March, 2014


22 | Paradiso April, 2014

Flores Island in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has a number of interesting tourist destinations

and one of them is situated on the top of Mount Kelimutu, Lake Kelimutu. Lake Kelimutu is also known as the Three-Color Lake for it has three different colors. Uniquely, the colors of the lake change over time.

The unique colors of the lake have at-tracted many tourists to visit this place. Kelimutu itself is the combination of the words keli that means a mountain and mutu that means boiling. The lake is located in the village of Pemo, Ke-limutu district, Ende Regency, NTT. To reach this lake, visitors have to travel for about 45 kilometers from Ende or 13 kilometers from Moni Village.

To enjoy the beauty of Lake Kelimu-tu, visitors have to pay retribution of Rp 2,000. The track to the lake consists of stairs and stony path that can be trav-eled on foot. The best time to visit the three-color lake is in the morning.

In addition to nature beauty that will ab-solutely amaze anyone who see it, Lake Kelimutu is has known for the legend, which is believed by the local people. According to local people’s belief, each color of the lake has different meaning and also has great power of nature.

Lake Kelimutu offers the beauty of color-changing lake, which colors are changing in certain time. The first col-or is blue or known in local language as Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai, which is believed by the locals as the gather-ing place for the spirit of people who died at young age. The second color is red or known as Tiwu Ata Polo, which is believed as the gathering place for the spirit of people who did bad things when they were still alive. The third color is white or Tiwu Ata Mbupu, which is believed as the gathering place for the spirit of the ancestors who died at old age.

The local people also believe it is a sacred lake and gives fertility to the sur-

rounding areas. Therefore, traditional ceremonies are often held in the lake, where people give offerings such as crops for the spirits reside in the lake.

In addition to the natural beauty of the lake, Mount Kelimutu also offers interesting flora and fauna. In the sur-rounding area of the mountain, visitors can find plants that rarely found in other areas in Flores such as pine trees, fir trees, redwood tree and edelweiss. Va-riety of fauna that can be found here are deer, boar, jungle rooster, eagle and many more.

Currently, Mount Kelimutu is quite well-known for trekking tourism. The activity is usually started from Moni Vil-lage. The lake is about 13 kilometers from the village.

Around the lake, there are huts where visitors can sit and relax, toilet, restaurants and a number of small inns for tourists who want to stay. The best time to visit Lake Kelimutu is in July and August. ***

The Charming Three-Color Lake Kelimutu




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23 | Paradiso April, 2014

Ende, where founding president Sukarno was exiled by the Dutch, is known for its central

role in propagating Christianity and Catholicism in the country’s eastern region, especially Nusa Tenggara. Its strategic position in the middle part of Flores Island, has made it a center for evangelization since the Portuguese occupation during the 15th Century and home to Catholic schools, a seminary and a large printing house serving Christians nationwide.

Geographically, half its total area is made up of steep rocky hills with the north part facing the Flores Sea and the south overlooking the Sawu Sea. With almost 244,000 inhabitants the regency is densely populated. Most people are of Lio or Ende extraction. As a predomi-nantly Catholic area, religious tolerance in Ende is worthy of praise.

The local government has played a central role in giving equal treatment to all religions and the local administration has encouraged people to seek finan-cial independence in the agricultural, farming and tourism sectors.” Besides agricultural products that contribute significantly to local income, the fishery and tourism sectors play a key role in improving people’s economic liveli-hood.

“our territory is surrounded by seas

which are rich in diverse marine prod-ucts. The fishery sector has not been exploited optimally and therefore needs more attention in years to come,” said the regent. The tourism sector, initially expected to become a key source of income for the regency, hasn’t done as well as expected. Tri-color Kelimutu Lake and the Bung Karno historical site, where the country’s first president was sent by the Dutch colonial regime in 1938, are judged to have good po-tential but appear to lack adequate management and promotion.

Soekarno is said to have drafted the Pancasila state ideology during his ex-ile here. The area is also home to a hot water spring in Detusoko, 10 kilometers away from East Ende, which is believed able to cure various kinds of illnesses. The local government was optimistic it would be able to increase local-source income by 15 percent annually.


A stopover strategically situated on the foot of Mt. Kelimutu along the main road Ende – Maumere. Moni is 53 km from Ende and accessible by land transport. There are lodges and home stays with very low standard facilities. The are lodges named as hotel but the facilities are poor indeed. They are built

with no plan and no guidance from the expert or local government.

The Exile House of Mr. Sukarno

Mr. Sukarno – the world famous In-donesian founding Father - was exiled to Ende by the Dutch administration in 1934 -1938. It was in Ende Mr. Sukarno realized that all the modern religion in the country are imported, not native. Mr. Sukarno is a thinker, artist and of course politician. The idea of Pancasila – the five principles of Indonesian phi-losophy – was first come to Mr. Su-karno’s mind when he spent his spare time under the breadfruit tree in Ende. The exile house is now considered as historical site and protected under the National law. In the house one still can find paintwork of Mr. Sukarno together with some original furniture once used by him. Behind the Museum there is a well 12 m in depth. Some says that the water is good for health.

Ende, the rich in marine products


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25 | Paradiso April, 2014

WEST SUMBALA POPU WATERFALLLa popu waterfall is located in the Manupeu Tanadaru National Park, precisely in the village of Katiku Loku, Wanokaka district. This waterfall situated on the 70m high cliff, and many visitors said that it looks like a ladder of angels. Currently there is no public transport to La Popu and the access road’s condition is not too good. Thus, special preparation is required before visiting the waterfall. However, this is certainly not a problem for a real adventurer. Many aspects can be enjoyed along the way, such as a stretch of mountains, the fields of the villagers and sub-tropical forest shade with a number of endemic species.

26 | Paradiso April, 2014







Nihiwatu is a place for a totally unique holiday experience, perfect for those wanting a remote and exclusive stay in one of the most stunning locations on earth. Guests here have a chance to experience an adventurous holiday in a dramatic, unparalleled setting. The island of Sumba has an ancient culture, untouched by the modern world and a visit to the villages of megalithic tribes is fascinating.

With lush jungle on one side and the exclusive beach and Indian ocean stretching out as far as the eye can see on the other, the property encompasses 175 hectares of tropical forest, rice ter-races and grasslands, while its stunning two and half kilometres of beachfront are protected by headlands that ensure total exclusivity. With an idyllic setting that is pristine, romantic and endlessly peaceful Nihiwatu is the perfect tropical retreat for honeymooners, couples and families alike.

Tucked amongst the trees of this re-mote island are just seven luxury bun-galows and three two-bedroom villas offering you complete solitude in air-conditioned comfort with everything one needs in an idyllic tropical setting. The thatched roofed bungalows and villas, hand-built by Indonesian craftsman us-ing local materials, have balcony vistas stretching the full length of the beach the sea and the headlands beyond. At Nihiwatu your sanctuary is superbly outfitted in contemporary Indonesian style with large glass walls and doors to maximize the views.

Nearby you will find a rustic living and dining room and adjacent is the cliff-top bar overlooking the sea. on the beach below, nestled under a grove of Pandanus trees, is the jungle spa and close by is a rustic boat house and bar that is the focus of a myriad of daytime watersports activities. Just uphill and overlooking the full length of Nihiwatu beach is a swimming pool area where you can lose yourself in the views for

hours on end. To rejuvenate the body and soul, indulge in massages and body treatments available at the Jungle and Hilltop Spas. Nihiwatu also have private and group Yoga instruction available under the largest traditional Sumbanese structure on the island.

Enjoy the many water sports or land activities, from diving, fishing and yoga to horse riding along the beach at moon-light. Nihiwatu boasts one of the top waves in Indonesia, if not the world and the professional surfers who have visited Nihiwatu over the years have attested to this. There have been several surf mov-ies made here with the arraignment of the owners and with the agreement that the filmmakers and photographers would not name the location. Nevertheless the word has leaked out and now there is a cult following of surfers who know about Nihiwatu. In some circles Nihiwatu has already achieved legendary status.

A stay at Nihiwatu, without doubt, is a once in a lifetime, unforgettable experi-ence.

The Beauty of Beaches in West Sumba


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This beach is located in the village of Gaura, West Lamboya district, about 45km south Waikbaubak. Because the location is quite far and the unavail-ability of adequate access road and transportation, the beach is rarely vis-ited by people. However, its real beauty is undeniable. White sand and crystal clear water become the main attraction of this beach. Its underwater life is also very beautiful and suitable for those who love diving. The best time to visit the beach is in March during Gaura Pa-sola when transportation can easily be obtained.


Marosi is located in Lamboya dis-trict, about 32 km from Waikabubak. It can be said that this beach is one of

the prettiest beaches in West Sumba. A large atoll divides the beach into two parts and both are charming. The wa-ter is crystal clear, and almost all the people who’ve been to the beach were impressed by the soft sand that seems to swallow your feet once you walk on it. Marosi also has the diversity of ma-rine life that has not been exposed or studied. The beach is easily accessible so that on holiday season the beach is crowded by domestic tourists.


From Waikabubak, this beach can be reached in two ways, namely via Wa-nokaka district (42km) or via Loli dis-trict (30km). Although the coast is not too long because both sides flanked by cliffs, but Liang Lai’s beauty is unques-tionable. The cliff, which is combined with white sand and crystal clear wa-ters make it looks so exotic.


The location of this beach is not far from Lai Liang, approximately 2km to the south. According to legend under-lying Pasola ritual, on this beach, Ubu Dulla, the central figure, and his siblings stranded while returning from wander-

ing. They managed to survive, but when he returned to his village a harsh real-ity awaited Ubu Dulla because his wife had left with another man. The pursuit of Ubu Dulla ‘s wife that finally led to the ritual of Pasola. Now the beac be-comes the venue for traditional boxing game that is held in the middle of the night, two days before Pasola


This beach is located in the village of Loko Ri, a small fishing village on the north coast of West Sumba. Like most beaches in West Sumba, Loko Ri also has white sand with a unique view. Cur-rently, a new port is being built in the area of Bina Natu beach. This port lat-er would provide a new alternative to reach Sumba.


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28 | Paradiso April, 2014

Since long time ago, Larantuka is known as Reinha city, the city of Holy Maria. Last April 2006, for

a week, Larantuka was overwhelmed by visitors from all over Indonesia. Hotels and inns have been booked a couple months before, streets are very crowded. They were coming for praising Tuan Ma (Maria) and Tuan Ana (Jesus Christ).

Larantuka a month before Easter Day was covered with religious Catholics at-mosphere. Larantuka is capital of East Flores regency and many people come to this place for studying religion. Tradi-tion to visit Larantuka during Easter is related to the Ash Wednesday. It is the first day for Catholics all over the world to start fasting day.

Semana Sancta (semana = a week, sancta = holy) is series of religious rit-ual in Larantuka in relation with Easter Day. This tradition is always done after Portuguese left this place. In Catholics tradition, this tradition is called the Holy Week. During this week, all Catholics in Larantuka will be together in praying and singing for welcoming Easter.

Starting on the Ash Wednesday, Catholics people in Larantuka will crowd two chapels, Tuan Ma Chapel in Kebis Beach of Larantuka regency and Tuan Ana Chapel in Lohayong district. The uniqueness in this tradition lies in the procession and people involved in preparing the ceremony in these two chapels. Those people are selected from several tribes in Larantuka and

they are never been changed since firstly chosen to fill this position. They are on duty for about six weeks and it starts on the first week before pre Eas-ter Day started.

The first week is the opening week, which is celebrated by all people of Larantuka village. The clan that is in charge on Friday is Kebelen Clan and Kabu-Laveri Clan on Saturday. The activities on the second week will be coordinated by the family of King of Larantuka, descendant of Diaz Viera de Godinho. King Diaz Viera de God-inho will be on duty on Friday and Diaz Alindu Clan on Saturday. on the third week, in Lewonama village (Lohay-ong), Ama Kelen Clan (Blanterang de Rosari Family) is in charge on Friday and Amamaran Clan on Saturday.

on the fourth week, Sau and Mestri Clan in Pohon Sirih village are in charge on Friday and Sau Diaz Pohon Asam Clan on Saturday. Ama Kelen and Ama Hurint (Lamuri) Clan from Balela village are responsible on Friday and Saturday of week five. The last week or week six is time for Mulawato and Lawerang Clan from Pantai Besar village to be re-sponsible in preparation in chapel.

Those clans who are known as Sa-mana Sancta Clans are closely known by the King of Larantuka. They have been involved in this religious tradition since Portuguese coming to Larantuka in 16th century. Portuguese encour-aged people to repent and purify them-selves during fasting day.

Why Catholics in Larantukan are still doing the complete religious ritual in-herited from Portuguese? Portuguese firstly came from Solor and Timor Is-land for spices trading and then they built fort in Lohayong of East Solor. Dutch attacked this fort in 1613 and Portuguese moved to Larantuka. They came back to Lohayong soon after situ-ation quite secure. Unfortunately, Dutch attacked this fort again in 1645 and oc-cupied it. This situation had forced Por-tuguese moved and then finally settled in Larantuka, which was considered to be a safe place to stay.

At that time, religious leaders of Por-tuguese baptized King of Larantuka and his family based on Catholics be-lief. Since that time, there is a slogan in Larantuka, King of Government, King of Tradition and King of Religion. At that time, in Larantuka Palace, the king acted as the traditional and religious leader, as well as leader of the king-dom. The clans were formed in relation to the Semana Sancta ceremony. The King usually invited those clans to the palace when he had important things to discuss. This tradition has been contin-ued until now.

Wednesday during Holy Week in La-rantuka differs from the other places. It is known here as trewa Wednesday and also the last day or the closing of Semana Sancta when Kapitan Jentera of Larantuka Village becomes the coor-dinator for this event. Semana Sancta prayer is delivered by mama muji (fe-

Semana SanctaTradition in Larantuka



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29 | Paradiso April, 2014

male choir who sing in Portuguese). In the morning, the clans that have

been assigned for certain duty hold a praying in Maria Chapel. Lamentasi (the lamentation of Yeremia) is held in the afternoon in Reinha Rosari Cathe-dral in Larantuka). Everything is based on tradition of Catholic Church.

Before, people created noisy sound during lamentation of trewa Wednes-day by hitting drums or house walls and yelled “trewa-trewa-trewa”. It was meant to get rid the evil spirit. They also threw stones to the boats along the seashore. Nowadays, they have left this ritual and celebrate the lamentation in quiet at-mosphere. People concentrate to pray and purify their body and soul.

People prepare materials for tikam turo (tikam = stab and turo= candle). Public streets in Larantuka that are in-cluded in routes for Good Friday Pro-cession are also being cleaned and prepared. Next, on Maundy Thursday, Larantuka in the afternoon is very quiet. Many posts are put along the route of Good Friday Procession on both lest and right sides of the streets. Those posts are used to put the candles that have been prepared by the official on duty called mardomu (mayor domos) in accordance to their promesa (prom-ise).

People of Larantuka also hold the ceremony of Muda Tuan or the opening of a container that has been closed for one year by confrere officials who are appointed under a vow. After that the statue of Mater Dolorosa is cleaned and decorated. Then it is time for people to kneel down and convey their wishes such as wish for god’s blessing. People are in faith that Virgin Mary will deliver their prayer and wishes to Jesus Christ (Per Mariam ad Yesum). The door of Tuan Ma Chapel and Tuan Ana Chapel will be opened on Thursday evening by the King, descendant of Diaz Viera de Godinho.

Just like universal Catholic tradition, on Maundy Thursday evening, there

will be the Eucharist of 12 messengers and general adoration, in turn praying in front of Holy Sacrament, kissing Tuan Ma in Tuan Ma Chapel and Tuan Ana in Tuan Ana Chapel. Four people have been prepared to do promesa laka-demu from Cathedral of Reinha Rosari until Tuan Ana Chapel during evening procession of Good Friday. The mem-ber of lakademu will control and check the route and readiness of the pit stop. They will walk holding hands along the procession route and stop in every pit stop to check the security.

After everything is settled down. Peo-ple will ready to follow the procession of Good Friday. Portuguese carried out this tradition at the end of 16th century. They also believed in the principle of cuius regio, eius religio (those who took control a certain area will determine the religion for people in that area). Portu-guese people were mostly Catholics; therefore they also want to make peo-ple of Larantuka and its surroundings to hold the same religion as them.

There was a lot of rebellion, disas-ters and tragedies occurred in 1599, therefore Good Friday Procession at this time was celebrated in a very quiet and sacred atmosphere. Based on the old Testament, this horrible situation was interpreted to be punishment from God. Successfully went through that condition, people regarded it as God’s blessing, therefore at the beginning, the procession was held in tranquil atmosphere in order to show people’s regret and thanks to God for all His blessings.

Today, Good Friday procession is es-tablished as a symbol of moral recovery and people of Larantuka call it ‘Sesta Pera’. Good Friday procession is actu-ally the marching of people to accom-pany Jesus Christ after the crucifixion. The main point is that Jesus Christ was crossed and died and Holy Maria is the mourning mother (Mater Dolorosa) who lost her son.

During the procession, people will

march around the town of Larantuka and stop in 8 armida or stop point (rep-resents 8 clans who involved in the preparation of this procession). The first armida belongs to Mulawato Clan (Pantai Besar) and located in Lohayong and Pohon Sirih districts. The second armida is owned by people from Kota in Sarotari district who have Amu Tuan Meninu (Master of Baby) as their pro-tector. The third armida can be found in St. Philipus Balela Chapel and Balela people are responsible for this under the coordination of Amakelen and Ama Hurint Balela Clan. The fourth armida is in Larantuka with Amu Tuan Trewa (the shackled master) as its protector. People of Larantuka are responsible for the fourth armida under the coordina-tion of Kepitan Jentera Clan. The fifth armida is located in front of Tuan Ma Chapel and under the responsibility of Pante Kebis and Batumea people with and coordination of Riberu da Gomes/Fernandez da Gomes Clan. The sixth armida is in Benteng Daud/Pohon Sirih Chapel with St. Antonius from Padua as its protector. This armida is taken care by people from Pohon Sirih, under the coordination of Sau/Diaz Pohon Sirih Clan. The seventh armida is located in Armida Kuce in front of King Larantuka Palace, under the coordination of the family of King Diaz Viera de Godinho. The last armida can be found in Tuan Ana Chapel and it is the responsibility of Lohayong and Lokea people, under the coordination of Amakelen Lewonama Clan.

From the eight armida, the proces-sion will go back to Cathedral as the end and also center of Good Friday procession. Here, Jesus was released from the cross and put on the lap of Holy Maria. This is the end of Jesus’ misery in which all people escort Je-sus entering Reinha Rosari Larantuka church. All Catholic followers should enter the church to celebrate the glory of Jesus.

30 | Paradiso April, 2014



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Reba is the New Year celebration of Ngada people. It is also a thanksgiving celebration ala

Ngada people. The messages delivered in this celebration contain high values of humanity. The people of Ngada in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) usually hold the ceremony in the village and when they go out the village, they share the values of the ceremony to others.

As a celebration of gratitude, Reba is usually held at the end of December to February, during the rainy and windy season. The implementation date of Reba is determined based on the tra-ditional calendar called paki sobhi and in accordance to guidance from Mori kepo vesu (custom holder) as the au-thorities.

Although it is different from one tribe to another, Reba celebration usually has three stages, namely: Kobe Dheke, Kobe Dhai and Kobe Su’i. Each stage has three elements of prayer (kena Ine Ema), offering (dhi fedhi nee puju pia) and banquet (ka maki reba/toka wena ebu).

The celebration is enlivened by ja’i dance, a traditional dance of Ngada, which is now quite popular among East Nusa Tenggara people. Reba celebra-tion is also filled by various pata dela (wise advice from the ancestors) or lese dhe peda (the delivery of life wisdom).

Considering the importance of this celebration, Flobamora Diaspora com-

munity in Jabotabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi) held for the first time Reba ceremony in East Nusa Tenggara pavilion at Beautiful Indone-sia Miniature Park (TMII) on Saturday, March 22nd.

In addition to Ngada people who live in Jakarta, Reba celebration was also attended by NTT Governor Frans Leburaya, Expert Staff in Multicultur-alism of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Dr. Hari Untoro and representatives of Ngada community in Bandung and Surabaya.

Chairperson of Reba Ceremony 2014, Marcel Muja said that the cele-bration was open for public. It has been a long dream of Ngada and NTT people in Jakarta to hold this celebration, but this year is the first time it can be imple-mented in Jakarta.

According to Marcel, the celebration was held in TMII due to the values con-tained in Reba are universal values that can be shared to other people. It is a community ritual that has wide systemic effect for it has holistic characteristic.

“Reba is actually a symbolic celebra-tion of Ngada’s religiosity hierarchy, namely: hierarchy of the relationship between human being and God, among human beings, and human being with the environment. It is the celebration of Ngada people’s life,” said Father Edu Dopo, representative of Ngada Com-munity.

Inculturated Mass led by Mgr Vinsen-sius Sensi Potokota, Pr began the tradi-tional celebration. It was the continued by the ritual of Reba on Friday evening, March 21st. The ritual was started by Kobe Dheke, which is a ritual of ask-ing for blessing and guidance related to Reba ceremony from the highest form and ancestor of Ngada people.

Reba celebration was also held in Jakarta to promote the history, culture and the values of life of Ngada people. The culture and values support the val-ues of nationalism reflected in the spirit of brotherhood and mutual assistance (gotong royong). (eka elisa)

Reba Ceremony Firstly Held in Jakarta


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31 | Paradiso April, 2014

The black corals that can be found on Tablanusu Beach are another wonder of Papua. Where other

beaches are covered with the carpet of sand, Tablanusu Beach, which is situated in the village of Tablanusu, Jayapura regency is covered by oval-shaped black corals that have smooth texture. It’s quite unique, isn’t it?

It takes two-hour trip from Jayapura to the village of Tablanusu. We go through hilly road along the way to Tablanusu vil-lage with exotic view that should not be missed. Huge vibrant green trees and wild boars on the road sides make the trip becomes more interesting. Beauti-ful Tablanusu village can be seen from

the distance. Awesome! Just like the beach, the village road

is also covered by black stones. It is not ordinary stone and when you walk barefooted on it, it feels like a therapy. 100 meters from the entrance gate of Tablanusu village, you can find the beach. Interestingly, although the ground is covered by black stones, co-conut trees along the beach grow well.

The beach is clean. There are not any plastic trashes or other trashes scattered on the beach. Although it has black coral instead of sand covering the ground, Tablanusu Beach is not less beautiful than other beaches that have white sand.

Along the beach, you can find ga-zebo overlooking the beach. There are around six gazebos that can accommo-date around 10 people. You can relax and enjoy the refreshing beach air.

Tablanusu is a small village inhabited by friendly Papua people. The houses are made from wood and line up or-derly. There is no traffic and the fresh air will absolutely fill your lungs. Come and visit Tablanusu village and beach where you can explore the exoticism of Papua. (*)

Black Corals of Papua’s Tablanusu Beach


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32 | Paradiso April, 2014

Erau Festival, formerly known as Erau Adat Tempong Festival, is a biennial cultural festival, taking

place in the city of Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. The word Erau is derived from the Kutai word eroh, meaning crowded, noisy, or

joyful. By the time the event was held, each

district sends representatives to the see the ruler. Intensive dialogue took place during the meeting. Heads of district delivered the problems and reported the improvement reached by their dis-trict. It can be said that this meeting is a sort of coordination meeting.

Each district and other regions used to be under the authority of Kutai Ker-tanegara Palace. Heads of district who wanted to see the Sultan would bring crops. Besides head of district, repre-sentatives from artist and sport com-

munities also went to the palace to meet the sultan.

Erau Festival cannot be separated from the society. Crops given to the sultan were actually the symbol of prosperity considering that the crops brought were used for logistic purpose during the journey on the sea, which took days, in order to meet the sultan.

Erau Festival is a folk party where sport competition and art and cultural performances held joyfully. Although the festival is full of joyful activities, but philosophically the celebration has deep meaning that the power carried

Mengulur Naga at Erau Festival



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by Sultan comes from the blessing of the people.

Erau is the chance for Sultan to com-municate with the people. All people throughout East Kalimantan that used to be under the authority of Kutai King-dom would come to Kutai Kertanegara Palace in Tenggarong. Their visit im-plied a tribute to the Sultan.

Erau can also mean worshipping Sul-tan. After the procession, Sultan can be a good and wise king for his people and also gain more power. Erau Festival is begun with the procession of boat car-

rying a 35m-long dragon statue.The dragon statue has colorful body

of red, black, green and yellow. The head is made from wooden sculpture with wide-open mouth. The statue was carried from Kertanegara Palace to Kuta Lama through the river of Ma-hakam. This procession is called Men-gulur Naga.

The dragon statue accompanied the taking of holy water that would be used to bathe the Sultan of Kutai. After bath-ing Sultan then the people purifies the city and themselves by pouring water

to each other, which is known in local language as belimbur. People choose Sultan with a hope that the figure cho-sen can bring prosperity.

Through this ritual of bapelas and beluluh, people confirm the mandate as well as pray for the Sultan so that he can do the responsibility as a king. People used to spend days to reach Tenggarong. Therefore, they carried with them a lot of supplies, which were later also sold to people of Tenggarong. (*)

33 | Paradiso March, 2014


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34 | Paradiso April, 2014

Tidore don’t have any airport. Thus, practically if we want to visit Tidore from Jakarta via air transport, we

have to stop in Ternate first. Ternate Airport becomes the closest entrance access to Tidore. From Ternate Airport we can directly go to Bastiong Harbor that will take around 30 minutes.

Bastion is the only public harbor that connects Ternate Island and Tidore. People usually use speedboat to go to Tidore. Ferry is available twice a day at 9 am ad 12 pm.

Tidore, 400 years ago in the eye of international world was quite famous as the land of spices. Those spices made European countries came to the island. Currently, the nutmeg and clove planta-tion is centered in Gurau Bunga area.

The geographical condition of Tidore is very unique. When I saw it from the

window of the plane, the island looks like a floating mountain on the sea sur-face. The mountain foot functions as a beach for it is directly bordered with the Maluku Sea. The condition of the nature affects the culture of Tidore people.

Here are some interesting places that should be visited when you are in Tidore:

The Landing Monument of Spanish This is the first place you can visit af-

ter arriving at the Port of Rum. Just turn left at the port and the monument is less than five minutes-walk from there. The monument marked the first land-ing place of Juan Sebastian de Elcano, a Spanish captain landed in Tidore in 1512.

Fort Tahula The fort was built by the Spanish sail-

ors who had interest in terms of spices

trade on the island. Physically, the en-tire fort is already ruined by time. How-ever, it is now under the reconstruction process. The view from the fort is stun-ning. We can see the stretch of blue sea from here.

Fort ToreFort Tore is located on the left side

of Tidore Sultanate. It was built by the Portuguese who also wanted to take control over the spices trade on the is-land. When I went there, the fort had just finished being renovated. The best time to visit Fort Tore is in the morning when we can also see the sunrise.

Tidore Sultanate Historically, the Sultanate of Tidore

does not leave any physical traces. The palace was ruined during the war against the Dutch colonial. The current palace was built in 1997 – 2010. (*)

Visiting the Historical Tidore Island


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35 | Paradiso March, 2014

In addition to Lake Tondano, North Sulawesi has another lake that is as beautiful as Lake Tondano, Lake Linow. The lake water that can change color has become the at-tracting point of this beautiful lake. The change of color is caused by the high level of sulfur in the water. The lake is located in Tomohon re-gency of North Sulawesi. To enter the lake area, visitors have to buy ticket that costs Rp 25,000. This price includes a cup of tea or cof-fee and light snack such as coconut cake. Not only its charming panorama, Lake Linow also a habitat for endem-ic fauna of belibis bird and hundred of unique insects, which is called sayok or komo by the local people. It is a kind of insect that lives in the water, but has wings and can fly. Uniquely, sayok is also consumed by the locals. Lake Linow will absolutely amaze every visitor with its natural beauty. However, be careful with the hot mud puddle at the lake bank. Currently, almost all airlines serve flight to Sam Ratulangi International Airport in Manado. From there, you can directly go to Tomohon city that is located about 37.5 km away from the airport. It can be reached by car in about 40 minutes. Lake Linow is about 700 meters from Tomohon. (*)

The Unique Color-Changing Lake of Linow


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37 | Paradiso January - February, 2014




Photo By Sonny Tumbelaka

Photo By Sonny Tumbelaka




40 | Paradiso April, 2014

Aston Kuta Hotel & Residence proudly announce their partici-pation in this year’s Earth Hour.

Aston Kuta Hotel & ResidenceParticipate in Earth Hour 2014 Campaign

As one of the hotel’s commitments in maintaining environmental sustainability and saving

energy use, Aston Kuta Hotel & Residence is proudly announcing its first participation in the Earth Hour event which will be held on Saturday, 29 March 2014, for one hour from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM local time.

Since Earth Hour first commenced in Indonesia in 2009, the enthusi-asm has grown immensely especially among youth communities. In Bali itself, the last Earth Hour event has succeeded in saving approximately 30 MW electricity use according to Indonesia’s State Electricity Company (PLN).

“We invite all guests to participate by turning off their lights when they are

leaving the room or even in the room for one hour. Again, this is a voluntary event, we will not force our guests if they are reluctant to participate”, stat-ed by Siti Annisa, Assistant Manager Marketing Communications.

During the event, all exterior lights of Aston Kuta Hotel & Residence will be turned off and in consideration to the safety of their guests; the hotel will still turn on lobby and hall lighting with very minimum lighting to ensure the success of the event.

Aligning with the event’s theme for this year; “Be a Superhero for the planet”, WWF Indonesia has appoint-ed Joe Taslim, Aryo Bayu and Nadya Hutagalung as Ambassadors for Indo-nesia, meanwhile actors from Spider-man movie, such as Andrew Garfield,

Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx are ap-pointed as the global Ambassador.

“Based on the data published by WWF, Indonesia is in the midst of en-ergy crises, there is a huge gap be-tween supply and demand. Around 68 per cent electricity supply consumed in Java and Bali, as a result, other parts of Indonesia receives smaller portion”, said Irmansjah Madewa, General Manager of the hotel.

“Although this is a first for Aston Kuta Hotel & Residence, we hope that our participation will encourage more hotels to be more aware of what is happening to our environment. We also have our teams of Environment Heroes as our continuous action in maintaining environmental sustain-ability”, he added in his statement.

41 | Paradiso April, 2014

IBIS Styles Bali Kuta Circle joining the earth hour move-ment for first time, take place

on Saturday 29th March all pub-lic areas and outlets to switch off the lights for one hour from 8.30 PM – 9.30 PM

To raise awareness for earth hour 2014 during this month we displayed the earth hour cam-paign on our TV channel as guest are expected to partici-pate on this global movement.

Deeply to show our concern for the environment, by inviting guest to setting the room tem-

perature at 22C because 5% energy reduced for every 1C increased. This program aiming to engage people on reduction power consumption and to-gether Use our Power to Make Change a Reality.

An Accor economy brand, Ibis Styles Bali Kuta Circle offers its guests 190 modern rooms including standard rooms and family suites. Ibis Styles Bali Kuta Circle Located centrally in the bustling Simpang Dewa Ruci Area, next to Mal Bali Galeria, 10 minutes’ drive from

Ngurah Rai International Airport and also close to the sophisti-cated and funkiest Kuta, Legian and Seminyak Area, making it ideal for international local economy business and leisure travelers.

For more information, please contact :

Stevy ManoppoExc. Secretary & MarcommIbis Styles Bali Kuta CircleTel: +62 361 894 8 999Fax: +62 361 894 8 555E-mail: H8118-GM1@accor.


“Use Your Power to Make Change a Reality”

42 | Paradiso April, 2014



Bali is still a magnet for both domestic and foreign tourists. Accommodation in different

types and rates is continued to be built in order to fulfill the demand of tourist accommodation that continues to increase. Seminyak area becomes tourist’s choice to find accommodation that offers exoticism of Bali.

Villa Bracha is another accommoda-tion in Seminyak that offers luxury and uniqueness in terms of architecture and service. The villa consists of 10 one-bedroom villas, 4 two-bedroom villas and 1 three-bedroom villa. Each villa has private swimming-pool and a gar-den with beautiful tropical flowers pro-viding guests with exclusive experience during their stay in the villa.

Villa Bracha is designed to fulfill the need of tourist to relax while at the same time enjoying the beauty and comfort of Bali Island. Super complete facilities are available in each villa to re-spond to personal needs of guests and to provide convenience private space.

However, according to Rama Budise-tyo PR Manager Villa Bracha, the target market of this villa is slightly different from others. “Here in Villa Bracha, we are targeting upper-class young tour-ists. Guests who commonly stay in the villas in Ubud are mostly the elderly,” said Rama.

Guests staying in Villa Bracha will easily access Kuta area and its sur-rounding, which is crowded by wide se-lection of entertainment centers, world-class restaurants, cafes, antique shops and beach-front bars. “Those who are looking for accommodation that is close to the beach and not far from the city is our target market,” said Rama.

“our rate starts from US$ 225 to US$ 425,” added Rama.

Each room has complimentary mini bar that is renewed everyday, deposit box, satellite TV and Wi-fi facility. There is also a kitchen integrated with the din-ing room and convenience living room.

Villa Bracha is under the manage-ment of Premier Hospitality Asia that fo-

cuses on managing villas and resorts. “Premier offers professional hospitality service with competitive standard and quality of service,” said Rama.

The architecture of Villa Bracha de-picts the contemporary style, but har-moniously blends with the Balinese nuance. The interior is a mixture of red bricks and solid floor with high ceiling of earth colors. “Looking at the bricks that have not been plastered, some guests were joking saying that the building is not yet finished,” he said.

Villa Bracha’s target market is tourists from Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The villa also offers honey-moon package with the rate starts from Rp 5,500,000 to Rp 8,500,000.

“Villa Bracha is perfect choice for those who want to spend quality time with families and friends. Feel the blend of Seminyak atmosphere and the ex-oticism of Bali, luxury architecture, fa-cilities and special service only in Villa Bracha,” said Rama closing the inter-view. (bowo)

Villa Bracha Perfect Blend of Luxury and Balinese Exoticism


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one of the growing travel agen-cies on Bali INDoNESIA IMPRES-SIoNS ToUR has recently handled a group from CIRCoLo ELEDREA, ITALY for their Java Bali Komodo Tana Toraja overland Packagefrom March 17 until 31,2014 and those group were very satisfied with the service which personally handled by Wayan Suena as Man-aging Director of Indonesia Impres-sion Tour.According to Suena, the Italian group handled is a special group. He hopes with the great service provided, more tourists from Italy will visit Indonesia. Indonesia Im-pressions itself so far focuses the attention to cultural tourism with various special tour packages of-fered through the website: www.indonesia-impressionstour.com.

Indonesia Impression to Handle Italian Group


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44 | Paradiso April, 2014



Located in the heart of Legian, close to the beach and within walking distance of Kuta or

Seminyak, Swiss-Belinn Legian is ideal for those seeking a relaxed and casual atmosphere. After a busy day sunbathing on beauti-ful Legian Beach or surfing the waves, why not enjoying a roman-tic stroll to southern Legian and revel in the great nightlife you will find there. The hotel is easy to get to from Bali’s Ngurah Rai Inter-national Airport, being just 8.4km away.

Swiss-Belinn Legian offers 123 well-appointed guestrooms, comprising 81 Superior Rooms, 40 Deluxe Rooms and 2 Junior Suite Rooms. All guestrooms are designed to ensure guests enjoy comfort and convenience during their stay in Bali. The hotel offers 24 hour room service, laundry and dry cleaning, Wi-Fi Internet connection in all rooms and pub-lic areas, parking space and valet parking service, and 24 hour se-curity with CCTV.

Dining at Swiss-Belinn Legian is a delight. BaReLo, our all-in-one bar, restaurant and lounge, offers a menu of international, Asian and Indonesian cuisines with dishes to suit every taste. The comfortable lounge and bar area offers se-lections of snacks, cocktails and

mocktails throughout the day.Enjoy a cocktail at our Chadis

– Rooftop Bar or simply relax and enjoy the view of the ocean or the stunning sunset. Cocktails, cold drinks and a mix of international and local snacks are served every day until late. our legendary bar-becues and theme parties make your experience perfect.

Swiss-Belinn Legian is the ideal venue for your business meet-ing, seminar, wedding recep-tion, gala dinner or private party. The hotel provides two meeting spaces which can be combined into a large meeting room, fully equipped with modern meeting fa-cilities, and a capacity of up to 100 guests for standing reception.

Stay fit and healthy during your stay. Our fitness facilities include treadmills, elliptical, loose dumb-bells and weight benches, as well as yoga mats and medicine balls.

For relaxation, enjoy a cooling dip in the rooftop swimming pool. Why not pamper yourself with our selection of in-room massage treatments? It will do wonders for both your mind and your body!

Hotel Address: Jl. Padma Utara, LegianBali , Indonesia Tel : (62-361) 760 300, 760 322 Fax : (62-361) 760 311

Swiss-Belinn Legian Bali is Now Open


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45 | Paradiso April, 2014

HARRIS Hotel Raya Kuta Bali is now open. The opening was marked by a warming party

with the theme of “Twist & Shine” on Saturday, march 8th. HARRIS Hotel Raya Kuta Bali with its tagline “Experi-ence the Cozy HARRIS in the Hip of Kuta” is the 14th hotel of HARRIS Ho-tel brands under the development of Tauzia Hotel Management. It is more than just a hotel with a concept, brand and lifestyle that suits the middle-class Asia customers with the latest trend. The opening also became the event of appreciation for the top-6 photogra-phers who participated in the HARRIS Photo Hunt competition.

HARRIS Hotel Raya Kuta Bali is lo-cated in the strategic areas of Jalan Raya Kuta. The hotel is completed by 80 rooms (HARRIS room & suite), meeting room, Dino Kids Club, HSpa, Boutique and restaurant. Hotel with the alphabetic architecture presents

with the concept of healthy lifestyle in the city. one of the concept imple-mentation is by presenting HARRIS Juice Bar with variety of menu selec-tion without sugar and additional ice cube. Besides that, restaurant menus are presented without MSG. No need to think twice, enjoy the coziness of spending holiday on Bali in HARRIS Hotel Kuta Raya.

For further information, contact: HARRISRayaKuta - Phone.+62 361 763 863 www.HARRIShotels.com

HARRIS Hotel Raya Kuta-Bali


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on 7th March 2014, the owning company of FRii Bali Gana Kuta, PT Shree Lakshmi Ganapataye,

held a ground breaking event of their in-coming hotel which will be operated by mid of 2015 under the latest hotel brand of PHM Hospitality, FRii Hotels.

Located on main road of Kuta and close to Kuta’s Legendary Shopping & Culinary District, FRii Bali Gana Kuta will be a home for active and young spirit travelers who wish to explore Bali easily. Developed on a land of 1,850 M² FRii Bali Gana Kuta will be featuring 150 Unique Rooms, Meeting Rooms, Restaurant, Swimming Pool & Sky Bar at Rooftop, and Spa.

PHM Hospitality offers a selection of fresh lifestyles and experiences that suitable for business and leisure mar-ket from Budget to Luxury, and FRii Hotels is the 4th Hotel Brand created by PHM Hospitality after THE HAVEN,

Deluxe Brand for Suites | Hotel | Villas, THE 1o1 Hotels & Resorts for Mid-scale Premium Brand, and THE BnB Hotels for Urban Budget Brand. All brands have unique signatures which come from spirit of The Five Nature El-ements (Earth, Water, Metal, Fire, and Wood) as PHM Hospitality believes there is a relationship between human and nature, how the power of nature could stimulate positive energy to its surrounding.

FRii Hotels is a Unique Stay with Thematic Concept Hotel Brand which being inspired by Fire element. With its tagline, “My Journey, My Story”, FRii Hotels would be the heat of passions, the flame of dreams, and giving radi-ant effect to its surrounding. Every FRii Hotels is a New Destination, a place to share and collect stories. Therefore, FRii Hotels is not just a place to crash the night; FRii Hotels is the Ultimate

Home that understands Me….”My Journey, My Story”.

Kristian Kuntadi, Managing Direc-tor of PHM Hospitality says that “your passion is our inspiration, and our com-mitment is not just about trends. It’s our lifestyle to inspire, give new hopes and support better life. At FRii Hotels our guest will enjoy a peerless hotel con-cept with pleasant interior, the local charms, comfy bed, and unique res-taurant & bar. We believe FRii Hotels will be a New Destination, a place to share and collect stories, particularly for FRii Bali Gana Kuta which will be a new destination on the legendary shopping and culinary district of Kuta Village, Bali.” Another FRii Hotels in our pipeline is on Echo Beach, known as one of the best surfing spots in Bali and the hotel will be the Ultimate Home for those who crave the surfing adventure and surf enthusiasts, added him.

Ground Breaking of FRii Bali Gana KutaA Unique Stay on Kuta’s Legendary Shopping & Culinary District

Seen on the picture, Management team of PT Shree Laksmi Pataye pose together with management team of PHM Hospitality and head of Kuta Village (Standing on the middle with white t-shirt and Balinese sarong) on the ground breaking event.


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49 | Paradiso January - February, 2014

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