ec 2021 - me question bank 2015

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  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015








    The origin of Bio-potentials; biopotential electrodes, biological amplifiers, ECG, EEG, EMG,

    PCG, EOG, lead systems and recording methods, typical waeforms and signal characteristics!


    P", PO#, PCO#, P"CO$, Electrophoresis, colorimeter, photometer, %&to analy'er, Blood flow

    meter, cardiac o&tp&t, respiratory meas&rement, Blood press&re, temperat&re, p&lse, Blood cellco&nters!


    Cardiac pacema(ers, )C )efibrillator, Telemetry principles, fre*&ency selection, Biotelemetry,

    radio-pill and tele-stim&lation!


    +oni'ing radiation, )iagnostic -ray e*&ipments, &se of adio +sotope in diagnosis, adiation



    Thermograph, endoscopy &nit, .aser in medicine, )iathermy &nits, Electrical safety in medical


    !TEXTBOOKS/! .eislie Cromwell, 0Biomedical instr&mentation and meas&rement1, Prentice "all of +ndia,

    2ew )elhi, #334!


    /! 5handp&r, !6!, 0"andboo( of Biomedical +nstr&mentation1, T%T% McGraw-"ill, 2ew )elhi,

    #33$!#! 7oseph 7!Carr and 7ohn M!Brown, 0+ntrod&ction to Biomedical e*&ipment Technology1, 7ohn

    8iley and 6ons, 2ew 9or(, #33:!

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015



    PART A1. Stt! "" #$ %#%! "& '% $!()!*t #+ *!"" ,'#)#t!%t'". A)$/M 0023%'t-1

    egardless of the method of ecitation of cells or the intensity of the stim&l&s, which is

    ass&med to be greater than the threshold of stim&l&s, the action potential is always the same for

    any gien cell! This is (nown as 4"" #$ %#%! "&5.

    . D!+'%! t6! t!$7 C#%83*t'#% V!"#*'t. A)$/M 002 9M/J3%!002N#;/D!* 00t/ ? t#@ !The cond&ction elocity in peripheral neres is

    normally 3mAs!

    >. D$& t)'*" ECG &;!+#$7. M/J3%!002N#;/D!* 00dist&rbance in the heart rhythm@ can be easily diagnosed

    &sing electrocardiogram!

    The graphic record of the heart so&nds is called phonogram! Beca&se the so&nd is from the heart,

    it is called as phonocardiogram! The basic aim of phonocardiograph is to pic( &p the different

    heart so&nds, filter o&t the heart so&nds and to display them!

    @. D!+'%! $!(t'%= %8 *t'#% )#t!%t'".NOV/DEC 002 M /J3%! 00i@Bipolar limb leadAstandard lead

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    >ii@%&gmented &nipolar limb lead

    >iii@ Chest leadAprecordial lead

    >i@Fran( .ead systemAcorrected orthogonal lead system!

    11. 6t '( 6"+ *!"" P#t!%t'" A)$/M 0112 3%'t-1

    The oltage deeloped at an electrode-electrolyte interface is designated as the half cell potentialor electrode potential! % Characteristics potential difference established by the electrode and its

    s&rro&nding electrolyte which depends on the metal, concentration of ions in sol&tion and

    temperat&re!1. G';! t6! EMG S'=%" C6$*t!$'(t'*(. A)$/M 0112 3%'t-1

    The EMG signal ranges from 3!/m to 3!m!The fre*&ency components of the EMG signal

    ary from #3" to /3 5"' and they are restricted to the fre*&ency range of #3" to #33" for

    Clinical p&rpose &sing a low pass filter!

    1>. 6t '( EOG N#;/D!* 0112 3%'t-1

    EOG ?Electro oc&lography ? +t is the recording of the biopotential generated by the moement of


    1?. C#7)$! t6! ('=%" *6$*t!$'(t'*( #+ ECG %8 PCG. N#;/D!* 0112 3%'t-1

    PCG related to mechanical eents of heart while ECG related to electrical actiity of heart! PCG

    has three different waes b&t ECG has only one wae from to analysis the f&nction of heart!

    1@. 6t '( PCG A)$/M 012 3%'t-1The graphic record of the heart so&nds is called as phonogram! Beca&se the so&nd is from the

    heart, it is called phonocardiogram! The instr&ment &sed to meas&re the heart so&nds is called as


    1. 6t $! t6! 8'++!$!%t t)!( #+ !"!*t$#8!( 3(!8 '% ,')#"$ 7!(3$!7!%t A)$/M 012


    a@ Metal plate electrodes, b@ 6&ction c&p electrode, c@ %dhesie tape electrode,

    d@ M&ltipoint electrode, e@ Floating electrode!


    /! i@ )isc&ss in detail abo&t %ction Potential and esting Potential.A)$/M 0112

    ii@ 8rite short notes on microelectrodes! MAY/JUNE002 3%'t-1A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:?- 9 ?-.

    #! i@ Eplain the wor(ing principle of a ECG machine with a neat bloc( diagram!

    ii@ 8hat is PhonocardiographyH MAY/JUNE002 3%'t-1

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:11-1?.

    $! i@ Eplain in detail ario&s types of bio potential electrodes.M/J3%!012N#;/D!*0112ii@ 8rite a short note on electromyogram!AP/MAY 002 3%'t-1

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1->> 9 1@>-1@.

    :! i@ )raw an action potential waeform and disc&ss in detail abo&t polari'ation and repolari'ation!

    ii@ )raw the bipolar limb lead system of an ECG! AP/MAY 002 3%'t-1

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:?- 9 10-11.

    ! i@8hat is "alf cell potentialH

    ii@ 8hat are the three types of electrodes and mention its &se!

    iii@ )isc&ss Microelectrodes in detail! NOV/DEC 002 3%'t-1

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#: 1 ? -.

    I! i@ Bring o&t the salient feat&res of phonocardiography!.A)$/M 0112

    ii@ 8ith s&itable diagram, eplain the method of meas&rement of cond&ction elocity in

    peripheral neres! NOV/DEC 002 3%'t-1

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#: 1>>-1? 9 1@>-1@.

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015




    PART A

    1. 6t $! *$8'* #3t)3t %8 )6#%#*$8'#=$7

    Cardiac o&tp&t is the amo&nt of blood deliered by the heart to aorta per min&te!

    Phonocardiogram is &sed to meas&re heart so&nds in graphical manner

    . 6t '( *$8'* #3t)3t .M!%t'#% t6! 7!t6#8( #+ 7!(3$!7!%t #+ *$8'* #3t)3t

    Cardiac o&tp&t is the amo&nt of blood deliered by the heart to aorta per min&te ario&s

    Methods to meas&re the cardiac o&tp&t is

    Fic(Ds method

    +ndication dil&tion method

    By impedance change

    >. 6t $! 8!7!$'t( #+ !"!*t$#7=%!t'* ,"##8 +"#& 7!t!$'@ The o&tp&t oltage of the method is only few micro olts!

    ii@ Change of magnetic field ca&ses the transd&cer to act li(e a transformer and ind&ces error


    ?. N7! % t 7!t6#8( #+ $!()'$t'#% $t! 7!(3$!7!%t

    /! Maim&m mid epiratory #! Maimal epiration flow rate

    $! Maimal breathing capacity!==

    @. 6t '( $!('83" ;#"37! M/J3%! 002 3%'t-II

    The esid&al ol&me >@ is the ol&me of gas remaining in the l&ngs at the end of a maimal


    . M!%t'#% t6! ))"'*t'#% #+ +"7! )6#t#7!t!$. M/J3%! 002 N#;/D!* 005@, sodi&m >2a@, Calci&m >Ca@ and .ithi&m >.i@!

    . 6t '( 7!%t , M!% A$t!$'" P$!((3$! MAP2 A)$/M 002 N#;/D!* 002 3%'t-II

    Mean %rterial Press&re is a weighted aerage of systolic and diastolic press&re! Generally, M%P

    falls abo&t one-third of the way between the diastolic low and the systolic pea(! % simple form&lafor comp&ting M%P isJ M%P < /A$ >systolic - diastolic@ K diastolic

    . 6t $! K#$#t#++5( (#3%8(N#;/D!* 002 3%'t-II

    8hen an artery is partially occl&ded so that the blood elocity thro&gh the constriction is

    increased s&fficiently, identifiable so&nds can be heard downstream thro&gh a stethoscope! These

    so&nds are called 5orot(offDs so&nds, are &sed in the common method of blood press&re


    Transit time type, )oppler type@

    $! Thermal conection

    :! adiographic Principle

    ! +ndicated dil&tion Principle!

    11. N7! t6! '%(t$37!%t 3(!8 t# 7!(3$! PO%8 PCOM/J3%! 00

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    Blood Gas %naly'er

    1. H#& '( t6! )3"(! $t! 7!(3$!8A)$/M 0112

    The p&lse rate is meas&red &sing one of the following methods

    a@ Electrical +mpedance Method

    b@ 6train ga&ge Method

    c@ Photoelectric Method

    d@ Microphone Method

    1>. 6t '( St$#! V#"37! A)$/M 01126tro(e ol&me >6@ is the ol&me of blood p&mped from one entricle of the heart with each


    1?. 6t '( ((t#"'* %8 8'(t#"'* )$!((3$! N#;/D!* 0112

    Contraction of heart m&scle is called as systolic! The systolic press&re is /#3 mm of "g!

    elaation of heart m&scle is called as diastole! The diastolic press&re is 3 mm of "g!

    1@. H#& '( $!()'$t'#% $t! 7!(3$!8 N#;/D!* 0112

    The meas&rement of respiration rate proides ideas abo&t relatie respiratory actiity !ario&s

    techni*&es are &sed for this meas&rement are

    /! )isplacement method

    #! Thermistor Method

    $! +mpedance pne&mography

    :! CO# Method! %pnora )etector

    1. 6'*6 t$%(83*!$ '( 3(!8 +#$ 7!(3$'%= t!7)!$t3$! 6A)$/M 012

    Thermoelectric type transd&cer is &sed for meas&ring temperat&re, beca&se to store and carry

    plasma, antibiotics etc!

    1. 6t '( t6! )$'%*')"! 3(!8 '% )3"(! $t! 7!(3$!7!%t A)$/M 012

    Pie'oelectric type transd&cer is the principle &sed in p&lse rate meas&rement!


    1. a@ i@ )isc&ss the wor(ing principle of a colorimeter with a neat bloc( )iagram!

    ii@ "ow will yo& meas&re blood press&re &sing 6phygmomanometerH M/J3%! 002A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:?- 9 N#t!(.. a@ i@ Eplain the wor(ing principle of a electromagnetic type blood flow Meter!

    ii@ )efine Cardiac o&tp&t !)isc&ss a techni*&e to determine cardiac O&tp&t! >M/J3%!

    002 A)$/M 012N#;/D!* 0112

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>>-> 9?-@>.

    >. a@ i@ Eplain the wor(ing principle of a electromagnetic type blood flow Meter!

    ii@ )escribe the operation of a blood cell co&nter! A)$'"/ M 002 3%'t-II A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#: >>-> 9 ?-.

    ?. a@ i@ )efine the terms J resid&al ol&me , tidal ol&me ,ital capacity and Total l&ng capacity!

    ii@)isc&ss Fic(Ds method for determining cardiac o&tp&t! A)$'"/ M 002 3%'t-II

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:@?9?-?.

    @. a@ i@ )escribe the meas&rement of p" in blood!>2oA)ec#3//@ ii@ )escribe the principle of wor(ing of an Electrophoresis apparat&s! N#;/D!* 002 3%'t-II

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:@- 9N#t!(.

    . )raw a bloc( diagram of &ltrasonic blood flow meter !Eplain the method of meas&ring the

    elocity of blood flow &sing >i@ Transit time principle >#@ )oppler effect .A)$/M 0112

    N#;/D!*002 3%'t-II

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>-??.


  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    PART A1. 6 (6#3"8 )t'!%t (3(*!)t',"! t# 4;!%t$'*3"$ +',$'""t'#%5 ,! &t*6!8 *#%t'%3#3("

    entric&lar fibrillation is far more dangero&s, for &nder this condition the entricles are &nable to

    p&mp blood and if the fibrillation is not corrected death will &s&ally occ&rs with in a few min&tes!

    6o patient sho&ld be watched contin&o&sly!

    . L'(t #3t % (' ,'#!"!*t$'* %8 )6('#"#='*" ;$',"!( 8)t,"! +#$ ,'#t!"!7!t$


    Bioelectric ariables---ECG, EEG, EMG and Physiological ariables---blood press&re,gastrointestinal press&re, blood flow, temperat&re!

    >. 6t '( $8'# )'""A)$/M012

    adio pill is &sed to monitor stomach press&re or p"! % pill consisting of a sensor and

    miniat&re transmitter is swallowed and the data are pic(ed &p by a receier and recorded?. L'(t #3t t6! 8;%t=!( #+ B'#-t!"!7!t$ ((t!7.M/J3%! 002 3%'t-III

    Bio-telemetry helps &s to record the bio-signals oer long periods and while the patient is

    engaged in his normal actiities!

    Comp&ter or the medical attendants can easily diagnosis the nat&re of disease by seeing the

    telemetric bio-signals witho&t attending the patientDs room!

    Patient is in his room witho&t any mechanical >or@ physical dist&rbance d&ring recording by

    means of Bio-telemetry For f&t&re reference >or@ to st&dy the treatment effect, the bio-telemetry is the essential one!

    For recording on animals, partic&larly for research, the bio-telemetry is greatly &sed!

    For monitoring the person who is in action, the bio-telemetry is an ideal one!

    @. C"(('+ )*'%= 7#8!(. NOV/DEC 002 3%'t-III

    Competitie mode %synchrono&s mode

    Pacing modes > fied rate@

    2on competitie mode

    entric&lar programmed %trial programmed

    )emand mode 6tandby mode 6ynchrono&s mode

    >-wae inhibited@ >-wae triggered@ >P-wae@

    . 6t '( D!+',$'""t#$ Stt! 't( 3(!!N#;/D!* 002 3%'t-III% )efibrillator is an electronic deice that creates a s&stained myocardial depolari'ation of a

    patientDs heart in order to stop entric&lar fibrillation >or@ atrial fibrillation !The instr&ment foradministering the electric shoc( is called as defibrillator!

    /! The method of defibrillation is the application of an electric shoc( to the area of the heart!

    #! )efibrillators are also &sed to conert other potentially dangero&s arrhythmias to one that is

    easily managed ? C%)+O E6+O2!$! )efibrillator discharge may &sed to conert a tachycardia >fast heart@ arrhythmia to a normal


    . E)"'% t6! )$'%*')"! #+ t!"!(t'73"t'#%. A)$/M 002 3%'t-III

    Telestim&lation is the meas&rement of biological signals oer long distance!

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    . D$& t6! ,"#* 8'=$7 #+ B'# T!"!7!t$ ((t!7!N#;/D!* 002 3%'t-III


    1. a@ i@ 8hat is entric&lar fibrillation H )isc&ss in detail direct c&rrent )efibrillator!

    ii@ )isc&ss the power so&rces &sed and electromagnetic interference that arise in a pacema(er!

    A)$'"/ M 002 3%'t-IIIA%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1@1-1191-1

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    1. 6t *$! 73(t ,! t!% &6'"! 7!(3$'%= $!()#%(!( t# !"!*t$'*" (t'73"t'#%

    /! Proper Gro&nding

    #! Protection is proided by remoing the power from the defectie

    $! )eice by tripping the circ&it brea(er!

    . N7! % t !3')7!%t( 3(!8 '% $8't'#% t6!$). M/J3%! 002 3%'t-IV

    /! -rays

    #! adio isotope

    >. D'++!$!%t't! ,!t&!!% $8'#=$)6 %8 +"3#$#(*#). M/J3%! 002 3%'t-IV 9 N#;/D!* 002 3%'t-IV

    ?. 6t '( A%='#=$)6N#;/D!* 00 9 002 3%'t-IV

    %ngiography is a special -ray imaging techni*&e in which better contrast can be obtained! The

    o&tlines of the blood essels are made isible by inNecting a contrast medi&m, which is normallywater sol&ble organic compo&nd of iodine and is readily ecreted by the body, directly

    into an artery or ein in the region to be inestigated!

    @. Stt! t6! )$'%*')"! , &6'*6 ,#8 #$=%( *#3"8 ,! ;'(3"'!8 , $8'# '(#t#)! 7!t6#8( !

    N#;/D!* 002

    The body organs co&ld be is&ali'ed in -rays by &sing the principle of energy absorption!

    . L'(t #3t t6! )$!*3t'#% t6t (6#3"8 ,! +#""#&!8 83$'%= 6%8"'%= #+ $8'# '(#t#)!(. A)$/

    M 002 N#;/D!* 00

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    The radio isotopes techni*&es are all based on act&ally co&nting the n&mber of n&clear dis-

    integrations that occ&r in a radioactie sample d&ring a certain time interal, this will aoid the

    statistical errors! Photographic records has the disadantage, the scan of larger organ can ta(e a

    long time, which can effectiely oercome by radio isotopes!

    1. 6t '( t6! %!!8 #+ *##"'%= ((t!7 '% X- $ t3,!A)$/M 0112

    /! To get better thro&ghp&t

    #! To red&ce the heat in focal spot area which improes the *&ality of the image!

    1>. H#& t6! $8'# '(#t#)!( $! 3(!8 +#$ t6!$)A)$/M 0112

    adio +sotopes are &sed to identify the t&mor location, detect any &rinary tract obstr&ction, in

    diagnosis of coronary heart diseases!

    1?. 6t '( '#%''%= $8't'#%N#;/D!* 0112

    +t is the radiation originating in radioactie materials is that it ioni'es the gases thro&ghwhich it traels!

    1@. 6t $! $8'# '(#t#)!(N#;/D!* 0112

    adio isotopes are the element which eists the radiation d&ring disintegration! They arechemically identical to their mother element!

    1. M!%t'#% t6! 8'++!$!%t t)!( #+ $8't'#% =!%!$t!8 +$#7 $8'# '(#t#)!(.A)$/M 012

    +odine /$/, Triti&m, Carbon /:, Chromi&m /1. L'(t t6! *6$*t!$'(t'*( #+ X-$(A)$/M 012

    /! -rays are inisible!

    #! -rays are electrically ne&tral! They hae neither a positie nor a negatie charge! They

    cannot be accelerated or made to change direction by a magnet or electrical field!

    $! -rays hae no mass!

    :! -rays trael at the speed of light in a ac&&m!

    PART B U%'t-?2

    1. a@ )raw the bloc( diagram of an -ray machine and eplain the f&nction of each bloc(!

    N#;/D!* 002 A)$/M 01 0112N#;/D!* 0112

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:.

    . a@ 8rite short note onJ a@ +mage intensifiers b@ Fl&oroscopy! N#;/D!* 002 A)$/M 0112

    %%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>0?->0@.

    >. a@ i@ Eplain the principle inoled in the prod&ction of -rays!

    ii@ )raw and eplain the bloc( diagram of an image intensifier &nit A)$/ M 002

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:0@.

    ?. a@ i@ )ifferentiate between radiography and fl&oroscopy!

    ii@ 8rite a short on 6cintillation )etector!

    iii@ Eplain the principle of angiography!A)$/ M 002

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>0?9 N#t!( 9>0.

    @. a@ i@ Eplain the wor(ing of an image intensifier with a neat bloc( diagram!

    ii@ 8rite a short note on ioni'ation chamber! M/J3%! 002

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#: >0@9 N#t!(.

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015



    PART A/! L'(t #3t t6! )$#)!$t'!( #+ LASER. M/J3%! 002

    /! .aser light is highly coherent

    #! .aser is highly powerf&l

    $! +t is also directional and monochromatic

    :! +t is capable of propagation oer long distance! +t is etremely bright

    I! .aser beams are not easily absorbed by the water!

    . 6t '( T6!$7#=$)6 Stt! 't( ))"'*t'#%(. N#;/D!* 002 A)$/M010 9 012

    Thermograph is the process of recording tr&e thermal images of the s&rfaces of obNects &nder

    st&dy! +n medicine, Thermograph displays images representing the thermal radiation of s(in areas!

    %pplicationJ /! +t is important diagnostic aid in Breast cancers

    #! he&matic diseases or Noint diseases!

    $! T&mors

    :! Collagen and Orthopedic diseases

    ! Eamination of placenta attachment

    I! "armone, Brain and 2ero&s diseases!

    >. 6t $! t6! +3%*t'#%( #+ !%8#(*#) 3%'tN#;/D!* 002

    Endoscope is a t&b&lar optical instr&ment to inspect or iew the body caities which are not

    isible to the na(ed eye normally! The endoscope is so designed for easy sterili'ation! +n the

    endoscope, at the obNect end there is an assembly of obNectie lens and prism and at the iewing

    end, there is an eye lens! Endoscopic pict&res can be recorded with color film and ideo tape


    ?. M!%t'#% t6! 8;%t=!( #+ )!$+#$7'%= (3$=!$ 3('%= LASER. A)$/ M 002

    /! "ighly sterile

    #! "ighly locali'ed and precise

    $! 2oncontact s&rgery

    :! )ry ? field ,almost bloodless s&rgery@. D!+'%! L!t-=# *3$$!%t. A)$/ M 002N#;/D!*0112 A)$/M 012

    .et-go c&rrent is the minim&m c&rrent to prod&ce m&sc&lar contraction! .et-go c&rrent for men is

    abo&t /I m% and for women is abo&t /3! m%!

    . D'(t'%=3'(6 ,!t&!!% M'*$# (6#* %8 M*$# (6#*. N#;/D!* 00 9 00

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    Proper gro&nding of e*&ipment!

    )o&ble ins&lation

    Protection by .ow oltage

    Gro&nd Fa&lt +nterr&pter

    +solation Transformer!


    $! a@ )isc&ss in detail the different application of .aser in medicine! N#;/D!* 002A)$/M


    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>?.

    :! a@ i@ Eplain the physiological effects of electric c&rrent at 3"'! ii@ 8ith reference to electrical safety eplainJ

    2 Gro&nd fa&lt circ&it interr&pterA)$/M 0112

    ,2 Protection by low oltage N#;/D!* 002

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#: NOTES


    ! 8hat is an endoscopeH )isc&ss the wor(ing of an endoscopic &nit! A)$/ M 002

    N#;/D!*112A)$/M 012

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1 9>@->@

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    Question Paper Code 112!"

    #$E%#$Te&'$ De(ree E)a*ination+APRIL %MA, 20116ith 6emester

    Electronics and Comm&nication Engineering

    EC2021 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS>eg&lation #33@

    %nswer all &estions

    PART A .10/220Mars

    /! 6t '( 6"+ *!"" P#t!%t'"The oltage deeloped at an electrode-electrolyte interface is designated as the half cell

    potential or electrode potential! % Characteristics potential difference established by the

    electrode and its s&rro&nding electrolyte which depends on the metal, concentration ofions in sol&tion and temperat&re!

    #! G';! t6! EMG S'=%" C6$*t!$'(t'*(.

    The EMG signal ranges from 3!/m to 3!m!The fre*&ency components of the EMGsignal ary from #3" to /3 5"' and they are restricted to the fre*&ency range of #3"

    to #33" for Clinical p&rpose &sing a low pass filter!

    $! H#& '( t6! )3"(! $t! 7!(3$!8The p&lse rate is meas&red &sing one of the following methods

    e@ Electrical +mpedance Method

    f@ 6train ga&ge Methodg@ Photoelectric Method

    h@ Microphone Method

    :! 6t '( St$#! V#"37!6tro(e ol&me >6@ is the ol&me of blood p&mped from one entricle of the heart with

    each beat!

    ! D$& t6! *'$*3't #+ DC D!+',$'""t#$ %8 =';! 't( #3t)3t ()!*'+'*t'#%.

    I! L'(t t6! ))"'*t'#% #+ B'#- T!"!7!t$.! Monitoring ECG een &nder ergonomic conditions

    I! Monitoring the health of astrona&ts in space4! Patient Monitoring in an amb&lance and other locations away from hospital

    ! esearch on anaestheti'ed animals!

    4! 6t '( t6! %!!8 #+ *##"'%= ((t!7 '% X- $ t3,!$! To get better thro&ghp&t

    :! To red&ce the heat in focal spot area which improes the *&ality of the image!

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    ! H#& t6! $8'# '(#t#)!( $! 3(!8 +#$ t6!$)adio +sotopes are &sed to identify the t&mor location, detect any &rinary tract

    obstr&ction, in diagnosis of coronary heart diseases!

    ! 6t '( 7'*$# (6#*% physiological response to a c&rrent applied to the s&rface of the heart those res&lts in

    &nwanted stim&lation li(e contractions or tiss&e inN&ry is called micro shoc(!

    /3! 6'*6 "(!$ '( 3(!8 +#$ (3$=!$%rgon +ron, CO#and 2d-9%G laser!

    PART # .3/1450Mars

    //! a i@ )raw the action potential wae form and eplain the following termsa@ esting Potential

    b@ %ction Potential

    c@ %bsol&te efractory periodd@ elatie refractory periodA%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:?- N#t!(.

    ii@ )isc&ss abo&t the different EEG 6ignal fre*&ency bands!A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1@> N#t!(.

    OR2b@ i@ )raw the /# lead system &sed in ECG!

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:10-11 N#t!(.

    ii@ "ow the PCG signals are generatedH Eplain the meas&rement of PCG!A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:11-1? N#t!(.

    /#! a@ Eplain the blood press&re meas&rement &sing following techni*&esi@ 6phygmomanometer

    ii@ LltrasonicA%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:? 9 > N#t!(.


    b@ Eplain the principle of Following

    i@ P" meas&rementii@ %&to analy'er!

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:@ - N#t!(.

    /$! a@ i@ Eplain the f&nction of synchroni'ed )C defibrillator with neat bloc(!

    ii@ )isc&ss abo&t the radio pill! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1 -1 N#t!(


    b@ 8rite short notes on following

    i@ Thermograph

    ii@ Gro&nd Fa&lt +nterr&pter! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>->> N#t!(

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    Question Paper Code 1125!

    #$E%#$Te&'$ De(ree E)a*ination+NOV%DEC 20116ith 6emester

    Electronics and Comm&nication Engineering

    EC2021 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS>eg&lation #33@

    %nswer all &estions

    PART A .10/220Mars1. 6t '( EOG

    EOG ?Electro oc&lography ? +t is the recording of the biopotential generated by the

    moement of eyes!

    . C#7)$! t6! ('=%" *6$*t!$'(t'*( #+ ECG %8 PCG

    PCG related to mechanical eents of heart while ECG related to electrical actiity of

    heart! PCG has three different waes b&t ECG has only one wae from to analysis the

    f&nction of heart!

    >. 6t '( ((t#"'* %8 8'(t#"'* )$!((3$!

    Contraction of heart m&scle is called as systolic! The systolic press&re is /#3 mm of "g!

    elaation of heart m&scle is called as diastole! The diastolic press&re is 3 mm of "g!

    ?. H#& '( $!()'$t'#% $t! 7!(3$!8

    The meas&rement of respiration rate proides ideas abo&t relatie respiratory actiity!ario&s techni*&es are &sed for this meas&rement are

    I! )isplacement method4! Thermistor Method

    ! +mpedance pne&mography! CO# Method

    /3! %pnora )etector

    @. 6t '( )6#t#7!t!$

    Photometer is &sed to meas&re the protein and iron leels in blood! These biological

    s&bstances can be determined by analy'ing their absorbance and transmittancecharacteristics!

    . 6t '( t!"!- (t'73"t'#%

    Tele-stim&lation is the meas&rement of biological signals oer long distance! Tele-stim&lation refers to st&dy of diseases by stim&lating into animals witho&t (illing them

    and to monitor them by receiing their bio ?signals!

    . 6t '( '#%''%= $8't'#%

    +t is the radiation originating in radioactie materials is that it ioni'es the gases thro&gh

    which it traels!

    . 6t $! $8'# '(#t#)!(

    adio isotopes are the element which eists the radiation d&ring disintegration ! They are

    chemically identical to their mother element!

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    > N#t!(


    b@ i@ )raw the /# lead system in ECG ii@ Eplain the /3-#3 electrode placement &sed in EEG! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:10 9 1@> N#t!(

    1. a@i@ Eplain the blood flow meas&rement &sing following techni*&e!

    /! Electromagnetic principle#! )ye dil&tionA%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>>-> N#t!(


    b@ Eplain the principle of following

    /! P" Meas&rement

    #! Electrophoresis! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:@ N#t!(

    1>. a@ Eplain any two types of pacema(ers with neat bloc( diagram! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1-1@ N#t!(


    b@ i@Eplain the principle of )C defibrillator with neat diagram! ii@ Eplain the operation of Bio telemetry systems! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:110 N#t!(

    1?. a@ )raw the bloc( diagram of -ay machines, eplain its operation! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#: N#t!(


    b@ )isc&ss the &ses of radio isotopes in medical applications! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>0@ N#t!(

    1@. a@8rite brief notes on

    /! Thermograph#! EndoscopyA%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:> 9 >@ N#t!(


    b@ 8rite short notes on/! %rgon .aser

    #! CO#.aserA%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>@ N#t!(

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    Question Paper Code 1025"

    #$E%#$Te&'$ De(ree E)a*ination+MA,%67NE 20126ith 6emester

    Electronics and Comm&nication Engineering

    EC2021 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS>eg&lation #33@

    %nswer all &estions

    PART A .10/220Mars1. 6t '( PCG

    The graphic record of the heart so&nds is called as phonogram! Beca&se the so&nd is fromthe heart, it is called phonocardiogram! The instr&ment &sed to meas&re the heart so&nds

    is called as phonocardiograph!

    . 6t $! t6! 8'++!$!%t t)!( #+ !"!*t$#8!( 3(!8 '% ,')#"$ 7!(3$!7!%t

    a@ Metal plate electrodes, b@ 6&ction c&p electrode, c@ %dhesie tape electrode,

    d@ M&ltipoint electrode, e@ Floating electrode!

    >. 6'*6 t$%(83*!$ '( 3(!8 +#$ 7!(3$'%= t!7)!$t3$! 6

    Thermoelectric type transd&cer is &sed for meas&ring temperat&re, beca&se to store and

    carry plasma, antibiotics etc!

    ?. 6t '( t6! )$'%*')"! 3(!8 '% )3"(! $t! 7!(3$!7!%t

    Pie'oelectric type transd&cer is the principle &sed in p&lse rate meas&rement!

    @. D$& t6! 8!+',$'""t#$ #3t)3t &;! +#$7 %8 '%8'*t! t6! #3t)3t !%!$= "!;!".

    . 6t '( $8'# )'""

    adio pill is &sed to monitor stomach press&re or p"! % pill consisting of a sensor and

    miniat&re transmitter is swallowed and the data are pic(ed &p by a receier and recorded!

    . M!%t'#% t6! 8'++!$!%t t)!( #+ $8't'#% =!%!$t!8 +$#7 $8'# '(#t#)!(.

    +odine /$/, Triti&m, Carbon /:, Chromi&m /

    . L'(t t6! *6$*t!$'(t'*( #+ X-$(

    /! -rays are inisible!

    #! -rays are electrically ne&tral! They hae neither a positie nor a negatie charge!

    They cannot be accelerated or made to change direction by a magnet or electrical


  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    $! -rays hae no mass!

    :! -rays trael at the speed of light in a ac&&m!

    ! -rays cannot be optically foc&sed!

    I! -rays form a polyenergetic or heterogeno&s beam!

    4! The -ray beam &sed in diagnostic radiography comprises many photons that haemany different energies!

    ! -rays trael in straight lines!

    ! -rays can ca&se some s&bstances to fl&oresce!

    /3! -rays ca&se chemical changes to occ&r in radiographic and photographic film!

    //! -rays can be absorbed or scattered by tiss&es in the h&man body!

    /#! -rays can prod&ce secondary radiation!

    /$! -rays can ca&se chemical and biologic damage to liing tiss&e!

    9 11 N#t!(


    b@ i@ )raw the bipolar lead system &sed in ECG and gie its significance!

    ii@ Eplain the /3-#3 electrode placement system &sed in EEG! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:10 91@> N#t!(

    /#! a@ Eplain the blood flow meas&rement &sing the following techni*&e!

    /! Electromagnetic principle

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    #! Thermo dil&tionA%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>> 9? N#t!(


    b@ Eplain the principle of following

    /! Photometer

    #! %&to analy'er

    A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#: ? N#t!(

    /$! a@ 8hat is pacema(erH 8hat are the different types of pacema(ersH Eplain the - 8ae inhibited pacema(ers with a neat bloc( diagramH A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1 N#t!(


    b@ Eplain the single channel ECG biotelemetry system with neat bloc( diagram! A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:>10 N#t!(

    /:! a@ Eplain the need of following in -ray imaging system!/! Collimator

    #! B&c(y GridA%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#: N#t!(


    b@ Eplain, how the gamma radiation is &sed for imaging!A%(: T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:? N#t!(

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    B.E./B.T!*6. DEGREE EXAMINATION MAY/JUNE 01>6ith 6emester

    Electronics and Comm&nication Engineering

    EC 01/EC 01/EC 1001/101?? ECE 11 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS

    R!=3"t'#% 00/0102

    TimeJ Three ho&rs Maim&mJ /33 mar(s

    %nswer %.. *&estions

    PART A 10 X 0 7$(2

    1.List the characteristics needed for Bio Amplier.a) The voltage gain of the amplier should be >100dB.b) It should have low frequenc response.c) !ain and frequenc response should be uniform throughout the

    Bandwidth.d) There is no drift in the amplier.e) The output impedance should be ver small.

    f) The common mode re"ection ratio #$%%&) should be >'0dB.

    2. Compare the Signal Characteristics ECG and PCG. PCG related to mechanical eents of heart while ECG related to electrical actiity of heart! PCG

    has three different waes b&t ECG has only one wae from to analysis the f&nction of heart! )ifferent

    types of heart so&nds are meas&red in PCG!

    3. What are the components of Blood The components of blood incl&deJ

    red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma!

    !. What is stro"e #ol$me 6tro(e ol&me >6@ is the ol&me of blood p&mped from one entricle of the heart with each beat!

    %. List the applications of Bio &elemetr'. Monitoring ECG een &nder ergonomic conditions

    Monitoring the health of astrona&ts in space

    Patient Monitoring in an amb&lance and other locations away from hospital

    esearch on anaestheti'ed animals!

    (. What are Pacema"ers

    (uestion aper $ode*

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    ace ma+er is an electrical pulse generator for starting and,ormaintaining the normal heart beat. The output of the pacema+er is appliedeither e-ternall to the chest or internall to the heart muscle.

    ). What are Soft and *ard +,ra's

    -. ention the characteristics re/$ired for the radio isotopes to 0e$sed for medical imaging. The atom will be &nstable

    They hae same n&mber of protons in their atoms >atomic n&mber@ b&t different masses d&e to

    different n&mbers of ne&trons!

    adioisotopes decay by emission of gamma, beta, and alpha and ne&tron radiation!

    . List the parts of endoscope $nit. igh power argon laser

    artial beam splitter

    ower meter and heat sin+

    /ens sstem


    ncapsulated quart breguide


    2nchronous lter shutter

    3iring control and timing unit

    1. What is acro shoc" % physiological response to a c&rrent applied to the s&rface of the body that prod&ces &nwanted or

    &nnecessary stim&lation li(e m&scle contraction or tiss&e inN&ry is called M*$# (6#*!

    PA& B 4 5% + 1( 6 - mar"s7

    11. #a) #i) 4iscuss about the di5erent tpes of electrode used in bio potential measurement. #10)

    icro electrode89ntracell$lar electrode

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    :epth and needle electrode

    S$rface electrode

    icroelectrodes %etal lectrodes

    !lass %icropipet lectrodes

    :epth electrode ;eedle electrode

    S$rface electrode %etal plate electrode

    2uction cup electrode

    6dhesive tape electrode

    %ultipoint electrode

    3loating electrode

    T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1->>

    #ii) -plain the measurement of %!. #7)lectromograph #%!) is a technique for evaluating and recording

    the electrical activit produced b muscles.

    %! results can reveal nervedsfunction8 muscle dsfunction or problems with nerve9to9muscle signaltransmission.T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:1@>-1@ N#t!(


    #b) 4raw and e-plain the di5erent lead conguration and its signicances in $!.

    Bipolar lim0 leads or standard leads A$gmented $nipolar lim0 leads Chest leads5or7 precordial leads N#t!(

    1:. #a) -plain the following* #i) 3ic+;s method for the determination of cardiac output. #')

    3ic+;s method is based on the determination of cardiac output b theanalsis of the gas9 +eeping of the organism.T!t ,##: B'# 7!8'*" '%(t$37!%tt'#% B A$373=7 .)=.%#:?-?N#t!(


  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015



    #b) -plain the %ulti9channel Bio telemetr sstem with neat diagram. #17)

    1@. #a) -plain the need of following in the A9ra imaging sstem*#i) $ollimator #)#ii) Buc+ grid #)#iii) Image intensier #7)

    OR2#b) -plain the rinciple of Cuclear Imaging with neat diagram. #17)

    1. #a) Drite brief notes on*#i) Thermograph #')#ii) ndoscop unit #')


    #b) -plain the following*#i) 2urgical diatherm #')#ii) 6rgon /aser and its medical application #')

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


    B.E./B.T!*6. DEGREE EXAMINATION MAY/JUNE 01?6ith 6emester

    Electronics and Comm&nication Engineering

    EC 01/EC 01/EC 1001/101?? ECE 11 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS

    R!=3"t'#% 00/0102

    TimeJ Three ho&rs Maim&mJ /33 mar(s

    %nswer %.. *&estions

    PART A 10 X 0 7$(2

    1.&he contraction of s"eletal m$scle is termed as =hat Gi#e its

    specication.2.Enlist the electrodes $sed for recording EEG.3.Write the principle 0ehind electromagnetic 0lood >o= meter.!.;itrogen =asho$t techni/$e is meant for =hat meas$rements%.:ra= the t'pical discharge p$lse of a :C,de0rillator.(.What are the essential re/$irements of the

  • 8/10/2019 EC 2021 - ME Question Bank 2015


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