easter messenger 2012

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Aberdeen St Mark's Church of Scotland Easter 2012 Magazine


St Mark’s Messenger

Easter 2012

A Congregation of the Aberdeen City Centre Grouping The Kirk of St Nicholas Uniting Queen Street Church St Mark's Church Aberdeen St Mark's Church of Scotland is a registered Scottish charity No SC015451


Index to the Easter 2012 Issue

Note from the Manse 3 Worship Calendar 14

From the Manse Family 4 The Sunday School 16

Church of Scotland (S&F) 4 Kid’s Korner 18

Circle of Care 6 CrossReach 19

The Strollers 6 OAK Report 20

Quiz 7 Readers’ Rota 21

Guild of Friendship 7 COSIC Insurance 22

Stewardship Campaign 8 Flower List 23

Drama Group 9 Gift Aid Form 24

Ramblers & Men’s Club 10 Standing Order Form 25

A Note from the Treasurer 11 SO Review Form 26

Olympic Holiday Club 12 COSIC Application 24

Malawi Twinning 5 Scottish Country Dancing 19

Guild, Projects, Coffee Shops 13 St Mark’s Contact List 28

Winter 2011 Messenger Compe��ons

It’s �me you adults took some hints from the children when it comes

to compe��ons. Regre�ably no-one entered the ‘Private Pike’s scarf’

compe��on so no prize will be awarded.

Ian Lavender (Private Pike) chose the claret and blue scarf from a

range available in the BBC wardrobe department when he first

appeared in Dad’s Army as he was a life-long fan of Aston Villa

(known as “The Claret & Blue”) and it was the team’s colours.


A Note from the Manse

As I write this note at home in the manse I am ge1ng

ready to leave for Malawi, on Presbytery business, as

chair of the local Twinning Commi�ee. At the moment

I am not sure what adventures lie ahead, it has been

quite an adventure and a lot of �me ge1ng this far!

During Lent and Easter we celebrate and remember that through

Jesus, God raises our awareness of our selfishness and the harm it

does. Then God saves us through Jesus on the Cross and the


It is incredible that we can trust in this truth! It is even more amazing

when we consider Jesus knew what would happen!

Easter has many depths to be guided through by God. It is sad God

had to do this. It is wonderful that God loves us with such intense

love, isn’t it? Whatever we are doing this Lent and Easter my prayers

are that Christ’s ac�ons move all our hearts and focus us on the

wonder of God.

Enjoy this magazine and no doubt, like me, you would like to thank

Lynn, Alex and their team for all their contribu�ons and �me.

So all that has to be said is “Happy Easter”.

In Christ


And on the third day he rose again

(The Apostles’ Creed)


From the Manse Family

Diane, David and the family are delighted to say thank

you for everyone’s kindness to Isaac, Rebecca and Richard

and ourselves. We are s�ll enjoying the many gi@s and

best wishes. Isaac is doing well and growing!

Thank you again


From the Church of Scotland Stewardship and Finance Department

The Session Clerks have recently received two le�ers from

‘121’ the content of which has been asked be drawn to the

a�en�on of every member of St Mark’s.

For 2012 the St Mark’s Ministries and Mission Contribu�on, which is

used to enable the sharing of the Gospel through the worship,

mission and service of the Church is £62,298. This amount is

contributed by members, through FWO, Gi@ Aid, dona�ons etc.

The propor�on which goes to Ministries is 86% (£53,576) with 14%

(£8,722) going to Mission. The cost of a Parish Minister on the top of

the s�pend scale (including s�pend, employer’s na�onal insurance

and pension contribu�ons) is £39,895. St Mark’s therefore

contributes significantly more than this, so we not only fully support

our own minister but also support other congrega�ons who are in


The contribu�on to Mission supports resourcing congrega�ons in

outreach, Chris�an educa�on and in caring for the most vulnerable in

society at home, and in partnership with other churches, abroad.


Malawi Twinning

St Mark's and Mpachika in the district of Blantyre,

Malawi s�ll have an ac�ve partnership. Our good

friends in Mpachika are s�ll working towards

finishing the Margaret Donald kitchen. Building work

in Malawi seems to be even slower than in Aberdeen but hopefully

the project will be completed soon. Photographs of the kitchen are

on display in our church hall.

We con�nue to develop an understanding of each other through

informa�on about culture and present circumstances. The unrest in

Malawi seems to have se�led down and life is beginning to return to


Both congrega�ons are keen to further develop regular

correspondence which is necessary to highlight the progress of any

projects and the on-going life of each congrega�on. Good

communica�on is vital and we are hoping to designate people in each

church who will keep in regular contact to pass on general


We wish our minister, Diane, in her capacity as Chair of Aberdeen

Presbytery Malawi Commi�ee, a safe and fulfilling visit to Mpachika.

We look forward to receiving her report on her return.

David Yacamini

Malawi Commi�ee Chair


Some people have difficulty in coun�ng calories, and they have

figures to prove it.


Circle of Care

We are again grateful to the OAK Café volunteers who

are providing the A@ernoon Tea following the

Sacrament of Communion on Sunday 1st

April for Circle

of Care members and the elderly of Crown terrace Methodist Church.

We also thank the minister, drivers, pianist and elders for their help

in providing what is sure to be a happy and upli@ing occasion.

We wish you all the Blessings of Easter

The Strollers

It is surprising that in walks around familiar areas in the

City and suburbs we some�mes come across something

of which we have previously been unaware, eg the

statue of a reclining student outside the ‘New Kings’ building in Old

Aberdeen. This certainly adds to the enjoyment and interest of our


If you would like to share in such an experience please join us on any

of the following dates:-

Margaret Donald


A wife is a great consola�on to a man in all the troubles a

bachelor never has.

Strolling Days March April May June

Tuesdays 10.00am 13 3 24 5 26

Saturdays 2.00pm 3 24 14 5 26 16



? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Quiz ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The answers to the following are all fruits and flowers men�oned in

the Bible. (Although one is a bit tongue in cheek* (Editor))

1. The . . . . of Sharon

2. The . . . . . of his eye

3. The Mount of . . . . . .

4. Think of the . . . . . . they neither spin or weave

5. They saw the . . . tree had withered

6. Every branch that does bear fruit he . . . . . . *

7. David gave the people a cake of . . . . . . .

8. He made . . . . . . . . . . . . In two rows

Answers are on Page 23

Guild of Friendship

At the �me of wri�ng this, we are half-way through our

second session which has been very varied and well

a�ended by the ladies. We have a lot to look forward to before we

have our closing day (an A@ernoon of Fun!) on 26th


As usual, we shall again all meet up at the beginning of June for our

High Tea - venue s�ll to be arranged.

Pat Skene


Tread o@en the path to thy friend's house lest weeds grow to

obscure thy way.


Stewardship is at the very heart of church life and this is certainly

true in St Mark's. As members of a city centre church we should give

thanks to God for the many gi@s that He gives us in life, and work

�relessly to support our church in every way that we can.

Currently, there is a Na�onal Programme being undertaken which

features a three year cycle with Finance being the main thrust in year

one. Time and Talents would follow in subsequent years.

Whilst money is always required to keep the fabric and the running of

the church in good order, the Stewardship Commi�ee at St Mark's

took the decision to begin our Stewardship campaign by

concentra�ng on pastoral ma�ers. However, a@er further

discussion, it was agreed that we were under instruc�on to

par�cipate in the Na�onal Programme and that we would start with

Talents, alongside pastoral ma�ers. We would then turn to Money in

2013. This would leave Time un�l 2014.

A message from David K Arno�, the Moderator of the General

Assembly, is enclosed with this magazine. In his message he says our

giving should be generous and we give to share all that we have

received from God. Enjoy reading his message!

The congrega�on was informed at Christmas �me 2011, that in 2012,

elders would begin telephoning all members to ask how they are

doing and if St Mark's could help in any way. There would be a follow

up telephone call later in the year. This would become a twice yearly

occurrence. It was hoped that this novel approach would make all

members feel valued and help forge more personal links between the

church and home.

Please remember that St. Mark's is your church and you should do

everything in your power to support it spiritually and financially at all


David Yacamini Stewardship Convenor


The Drama Group

Both sec�ons of the Drama Group will be in

ac�on shortly.

The seniors will perform their Spring Plays with

a Farmhouse Tea on Friday and Saturday 4 & 5

May at 7.30pm nightly. This year we revive our very first Garry

Watson play, “The Church Mee�ng”, a hilarious look at how church

mee�ngs shouldn’t be run and a brand new play wri�en for the

Players by Lynn Thomson. “Summer Break” tells the tale of what

happens when the Guild break for Summer and try a new venture, or

should that be adventure?

On Friday and Saturday 15 & 16 June the junior members of Stage

Door will take over with a new show, s�ll in the course of

prepara�on. With help from the ‘oldies’ they too will provide a

sumptuous culinary interval with something to suit everybody.

Tickets will be on sale in the near future so look out for Posters and

Pew Leaflets which will provide all the necessary informa�on.

The Church Mee�ng by Garry Watson Summer Break by Lynn Thomson


The St Mark’s Rambling Group

Three walks have already been undertaken so

far this year. These have been a walk alongside

the River Dee and a stroll around the Duthie

Park on 24th January. A walk from Bridge of

Don to Brig o’ Balgownie, Seaton Park and up the Spi�al and finally

ending in Union Terrace Gardens on 30th January. On Wednesday

15th Febuary an interes�ng Ramble around the Fe�ernear Estate in

Kemnay and a look at the ruined Bishop’s Palace. The weather stayed

dry but cold.

Other walks may be arranged for Saturdays contact Ian for details.

Or if you would like more informa�on about walking to keep fit

please contact Ian Lord, 01224 321882, mobile 07929 720846 or


Future walks include:

Tuesday 10th April Clachnaben - a hill walk.

Wednesday 18th April Royal cairns at Balmoral, ramble with some

rough ground.

Monday 30th April A ramble around the Glen Tanar Estate.

Wednesday 16th May Stonehaven, Dunnotar Castle and woods.

By the �me this item is in magazine the Men’s club will

have had their final mee�ng for the winter session. The

commi�ee would like to thank all who have a�ended the

various mee�ngs and the Ladies of the Guild for their

hospitality at some of the joint evenings.

Have a lovely break over the summer and look out for our restart

dates in October.


A Note from the Treasurer

My ar�cle in the previous magazine drew the

year to a close on a happy note and my New

Year Resolu�on is to keep a posi�ve view on our

church finances, which is not an easy thing to do, but I am

determined to try.

I am wri�ng this before our 2011 Accounts have been finalised and

the AGM might therefore have seen some slightly different figures.

Our total income last year was £103,800 and our expenditure

£101,311 which le@ us with a surplus of £2,489. This is a good result,

especially when at the start of the year our budget envisaged a

substan�al deficit.

Some of our income however was “one off” dona�ons etc and cannot

be guaranteed to be repeated this year. On the expenditure side

some of the savings we made against budget will also not be

repeated and the Finance Commi�ee has already noted par�cular

increases in expenditure for 2012 which cannot be avoided.

Taking a posi�ve look at our Chris�an Liberality is difficult, but at

least there is some room for improvement. Eighty per cent of our

income comes from members, through FWO, Gi@ Aid, Open Plate,

other dona�ons and Gi@ Aid Tax re-claim. Another 10% also comes

from members through our organisa�ons and coffee mornings etc.

So the message is clear, St Mark’s needs the support of all of its

members. If you haven’t reviewed the amount of your giving for

some �me, why not do it this year. If you pay income tax but haven’t

yet signed a Gi@ Aid Form, do it this year, if you can’t be in church

every Sunday why not give by Standing Order, star�ng this year? If

you’ve not been to many of our Coffee Shops, Drama produc�ons

etc, why not come more o@en this year?

Gi@ Aid and Standing Order Forms are on Pages 24-26.


Aberdeen City Centre Parish Grouping

from Ian McIver

Olympic Holiday Club Community Outreach and Development Worker

London isn’t the only city that’ll be experiencing Olympic fever this


For the Aberdeen City Centre Parish Grouping is staging its own

Olympic Holiday Club in St Mark’s Church from 2nd

- 6th

July, 2-4pm

daily. The club will be open to primary 3-7 pupils from the three

Grouping parishes.

A list of volunteer helpers needs to be drawn up as soon as possible

so that PVG (Protec�ng Vulnerable Groups) disclosures can be

obtained in good �me. If you would like to get involved during the

week, or even have input into the planning stages, please contact

community outreach worker Ian McIver on 07890 932677 or email


Also in the summer, the Parish Grouping is again taking part in the

Celebrate Aberdeen Parade by third (or voluntary) sector groups and

chari�es on Saturday, 9th

June. Star�ng at around 11.00am at Harlaw

Academy and ending in the Castlegate, we want as many Grouping

people as possible to take part in the parade, walking behind our Big

Issue banner.

Last year’s inaugural event a�racted more than 3,000 par�cipants,

with 126 chari�es and community groups, 92 sponsor organisa�ons

and more than 300 street entertainers. This year the organisers are

hoping to create a Celebrate Aberdeen Day, with the parade at its

centre. Ideas include parade finale entertainment in the Castlegate

and family fun/bring a picnic to a picnic in Union Terrace Gardens and

a third sector market in Belmont Street post- parade.


The St Mark’s Guild

Here we are at the end of another session. We hope that

members have enjoyed the varied programme. The

weather was very kind to us this year and no mee�ngs had

to be cancelled.

The commi�ee hope we all have a very happy sunny summer and

look forward to seeing you all in October. If anyone would like to join

us or would like any informa�on please contact our President, Mrs

Helen McKenzie on 740924.

Projects Commi3ee

Alex has again agreed to host the Garden Party at his home,

‘Grianan’. Hopefully the weather will be kinder than last year but if

not we will transport everything to the Church Hall where we had a

very enjoyable indoor ‘Garden Party’. This will take place on Sunday

15 July from 2 - 4pm.

Once again we have had a large dona�on of household goods

donated to the church, so once more we have decided to have the

Charity Shop. If, at Spring Cleaning �me, you discover some valuable

an�ques you no longer require please bring them along to the church

or ‘phone me on 575663. The shop will be open from Monday 22nd

to Friday 26th


Anne Donaldson

Summer Coffee Mornings

The Coffee Mornings will commence on Saturday 2nd

June and then

each Saturday un�l the beginning of September.

Please come along and bring your friends. Your support is what

makes these events successful and as always your dona�ons of Home

Baking and raffle Prizes will be gratefully received.


Please note that all Sunday morning services at St Mark’s

normally start at 11am. Any changes will be in�mated in

the Pew Leaflet.

Further details of the services will be available

on the Church website or Pew Leaflet.



March 11am Morning Worship - Fi@h Sunday in Lent

“The Real Way”


April 11am Morning Worship - “Happy Day”

2pm Circle of Care Communion followed by A@ernoon Tea

in the hall


April 9am Easter Celebra�on “He is Risen!” Well of Spa Piazza

9.30am Easter Breakfast in the Hall

11am Morning Worship - Family Fun Service, Easter egg

decora�ng and Easter picture compe��ons followed by a

short Celebra�on of Holy Communion

6.30pm OAK Service Crown Terrace Methodist Church


April 11am Morning Worship - Stewardship Season at Easter�de

“God’s Economics - Never Bore”


April 11am Morning Worship - Stewardship Season

“Gi@s from God - Use or Lose?”


April 11am Morning Worship - Stewardship Season

“Gi@s for Freedom”


May 11am Morning Worship - Resurrec�on Living!

“The Jesus we can Trust”


May 11am Morning Worship - Resurrec�on Living!

“The Celebrity Jesus!”

6.30pm OAK Service Crown Terrace Methodist Church

St Mark’s Church Worship Calendar St Mark’s Church



The ideal husband is one who washes up when asked, and dries

up, when told.


May 11am Morning Worship

“Rumours and Reputa�ons”


May 11am Morning Worship - Pentecost Celebra�ons!

“The Freedom of the Holy Spirit”


June 11am Morning Worship - Not just for Sunday

“Experiencing God”


June 11am Morning Worship

Celebra�on of Holy Communion

2pm Circle of Care Communion followed by A@ernoon

Tea in the hall.

6.30pm OAK Service Crown Terrace Methodist Church

Worship Calendar St Mark’s Church Worship Calendar

Egg Box Thank You

Lynn Thomson would like to say “thank you” to

everyone who responded so magnificently to her

appeal for egg boxes for use on Westray.

She now has more than enough boxes and has

already taken them to the island. For the �me being the egg box

needs of the islanders have been sa�sfied. As the need arises she

may well ask again in the future.


St Mark’s Sunday School

The Sunday School recently enjoyed a joint service

with our Queen Street friends. We revisited our

theme of Secret Agents and looked out our black


We accepted a mission to explore how we can use our hands as

‘healing hands.’ The younger members of the Sunday school came up

with different ways people could need healing and what we as agents

of God could do to help. The older members of our Sunday School

also considered what they could do and who they could ask for

assistance when they on their own couldn’t help.

Time is always short but we squeezed in a song that Kate had cleverly

adapted to fit our Secret Agent theme. We helped Jamie celebrate

his 6th birthday with a rendi�on of Happy Birthday and sharing in a

piece of his birthday cake. Those who a�ended our Secret Agent

training were issued with a special regula�on Secret Agent pen, only

those present are aware of its true capabili�es. We could tell you but

then this ar�cle would need to self destruct! We take our roles as

Agents of God very seriously.

We have developed lots of photographs showing the fun we have at

Sunday School and hope to display them in the hall, so look out for

us. They will also be available on the website and as a ‘taster’ look at

the opposite page.

David has made it possible for us to explore the church website on

Sundays when we are down stairs. There is always fun to be had in

doing this so if you are looking for something to do one rainy day

Sunday School families are sure to find something of interest there.

Easter is fast approaching and the fun and games of last year are sure

to be repeated. We all have our thinking caps on for eggcellent egg

decora�ng ideas. Watch this space.


The joint Sunday School

gathers in the Chapel

at Queen Street Church

Time for the ‘Agents’

to make their special

First Aid boxes

This the ‘Stand up, Sit down’


Looks like some are standing

and some are si1ng - not

quite right!

Big Breath, Jamie.

Get ready to blow out

those candles.


Thank you all very much for the fabulous entries to

the Christmas Colouring Competition. The winner of

the main prize was Christina-Anne Christie (and

wasn’t she great as the opening soloist in the

Sunday School nativity?) and all of the runners up

also got a prize.

You can see all of the entries on the competitions

page on the website.

Our next competition is for Easter and will allow

you to show off your very many talents.

This is a competition open to adults and children.

You can colour or design an Easter egg or make an

Easter picture (using any materials you choose).

The closing date is Easter Sunday and prizes will be

awarded during the Family Fun Morning Worship

Service. So get busy, all of you.

And remember to bring back your ‘Lent Easter Egg’


One way to keep your teenagers out of hot water is to put dirty

dishes in it.


St Mark’s

Sco6sh Country Dance Class

As I write this piece for the Easter Messenger we

con�nue our fortnightly mee�ngs on Wednesdays, 21st

March and 4th

April and on Wednesday 18th

April our Party Night.

This concludes our 2011/12 session.

Further informa�on on the St Mark’s class and the RSCDS Aberdeen

Branch Summer Socials will be in the next Messenger.

Margaret Brown

Church of Scotland Social Care

CrossReach Prison Visitor Centre offers care and support to families

of those in prison. One of only three in Scotland, staff work closely

with the prison and other agencies to ensure that as many families as

possible have a posi�ve visi�ng experience and can resolve problems

as they arise. The wide range of services include paren�ng support,

benefits and housing advice, and informa�on on addic�on issues.

Our Residen�al Service is either an alterna�ve to custody or towards

the end of a prison sentence, to support people to address offending

behaviour and develop new life skills which will assist them to make

different choices in the future. (Taken from an official CrossReach pamphlet, “An Introduc$on to Our Services”.)

Carol Main


Life is a one-way street and you're not coming back.


The OAK Report

Thank you for all the support in the past year which

enabled O.A.K. to donate £9,200 to good causes and send

100 shoeboxes of Christmas Gi@s to Eastern Europe. In February we

had a successful Special Lunch in aid of Mercy Ships so your influence

is reaching far round the world. Our next Special Lunch is on 12th

April with the proceeds going to Mental Health, Aberdeen and


A big thank you to all the staff who have done extra shi@s and done

all the shopping to keep everything running smoothly. Our Evening

Services con�nue on the second Sunday of each month at Crown

Terrace Methodist Church at 6.30pm where you will find a warm


We look forward to seeing you all at some of our future events.

Be3y & Malcolm Steel.

What has O.A.K. done with the Profits in 2011

RUGUT Project

c/o Queen Street Church


Biggest Coffee Morning in the

World - Macmillan Cancer

Sco1sh Bible Society £1,150 Support £150

Chris�an Aid

Palm Sunday Communion (in

£250 Aberdeen Cyrenians

Poppy Scotland




Erskine Hospitals



Poppy Scotland (in Hospitality)

New Hope Trust (Shoebox


St. Peter’s Church Accra c/o




Cogwheel Trust



Chennai Challenge c/o



Homelessness (in Hospitality)

Presbytery of Aberdeen Malawi


Sco1sh Spina Bifida



Commi�ee (in Hospitality) £325

D.E.C. African Appeal




Total for 2011 £9,200

A big thank you to all who have helped us in this work

Malcolm Steel Treasurer


18 March Malcolm Steel

25 March Elsa Black

01 April Kay Montgomery

Margaret Donald (pm Communion)

08 April Alex McConochie (am Communion)

15 April Sheena Henry

22 April David Yacamini

29 April Jean Yacamini

06 May Elsa Black

13 May Anne Donaldson

20 May Jean Black

27 May Muriel Fraser

03 June Sheila Main

10 June Gail Hogg (Communion)

Malcolm Steel (pm Communion)

Readers' Rota

Would all readers ensure they know on what day they are

reading. If you are unable to carry out your duty please

change with someone and change the list in the office. You

should contact Elspeth on a Thursday morning. Please read at least

once before Sunday morning.


The opinions expressed by the husband of this house do not

always represent the views of the management.


Further details from: The Church of Scotland Insurance Co. Ltd.

Tel. 0131 220 4119 e-mail enquiries@cosic.co.uk

Or see the Applica�on Form on Page23.


18 March Miss J Davie Mrs Cunningham

25 March Mrs B Ballantyne

01 April

08 April Mrs C Laurie The Misses Black

15 April Miss J Davie Mrs Sutherland

22 April Mrs Beagrie Mrs Beagrie

29 April Miss J Webster Mrs Christie

06 May Ms M Duncan Mrs Fraser

13 May Mrs A Donaldson Mrs Donaldson

20 May Mrs H Burr Mrs McDonald

27 May Mrs J Yacamini Mrs J Yacamini

03 June Mrs A Munro Mrs A Munro

10 June Mrs M Lord Mrs M Lord

Date Flower Supply Flower Delivery

If you can help fill the gaps in this list please speak to Mrs Babs Coull

as a ma�er of urgency. The flowers not only beau�fy the Sanctuary

but bring joy and comfort to members of the St Mark’s family who

are ill or recovering from illness or bereavement.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Quiz Answers ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? From page 7

1. Rose 2. Apple 3. Olives 4. Lilies

5. Fig 6. Prunes* 7. Raisins 8. Pomegranates

Christmas Anagram Compe��on

The winner of the Christmas Anagram compe��on run in associa�on

with ‘Triskeles News’ was Wilma Simpson, 16 West Mount Street. Answers will be in the ‘Easter Good News’ edi$on of the Triskeles magazine.


Gi< Aid Declara�on

Aberdeen St Mark's Church of Scotland (Aberdeen St Mark's Church of Scotland is a registered Sco1sh charity No. SC015451)

Donor's Full Name in Capitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Donor's Title Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Rev/Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Donor's Address in Capitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Post Code

I am a UK taxpayer and I want the congrega�on to treat all dona�ons I

have made for the four years prior to this year and all dona�ons I

make from the date of this declara�on un�l I no�fy you otherwise, as

Gi< Aid Dona�ons.

Signature of donor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of signing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1. You may cancel this declara�on at any �me by no�fying the Treasurer.

2. You must pay an amount of tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax

that the Congrega�on reclaims on your dona�ons in the tax year.

(20p in the £1)

3. Please no�fy the Treasurer if you change your address.


Bank Standing Order Mandate

To the Manager Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of your Bank) Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of your Branch) Branch Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Post Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . Branch Sort Code . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . .

Please pay by Standing Order (payment details) Amount £ . . . . . . . (and in words) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commencing on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (date) and weekly/monthly* thereafter, until cancelled. (*please delete as appropriate) Quoting Reference . . . . . . . . . . . (To be completed by the church)

Pay to St Mark's Church of Scotland at Bank of Scotland 1 Mid Stocket Road Aberdeen AB15 5JL. Sort Code 80 - 05 - 19 Account No. 06000363

Pay from (your details) Account Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Account Name(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please pay the Standing Order as detailed above Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . Please note that Banks may decline to accept instructions to charge Standing Orders

to certain types of accounts other than Current accounts.

Please return to the Treasurer, St Mark's Church in the first instance.


Bank Standing Order Mandate Amended Instruction

To the Manager Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of your Bank) Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of your Branch) Branch Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Post Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . Branch Sort Code . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . .

Please amend my Standing Order payable to:-

St Mark's Church of Scotland at Bank of Scotland 1 Mid Stocket Road Aberdeen AB15 5JL. Sort Code 80 - 05 - 19 Account No. 06000363

To Amount £ . . . . . . . (and in words) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commencing on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (date) and weekly/monthly* thereafter, until cancelled quoting the existing reference number.

(*Please delete as appropriate)

Pay from (your details) Account Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Account Name(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please pay the Standing Order as detailed above. Please note this supersedes my previous instruction relating to St Mark's Church.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . .

Please send this form directly to your Bank.


COSIC Applica�on Form

See Page 18


St Mark's Church

Minister Rev Diane Hobson

65 Mile End Avenue




Mr Ian and Mrs Marjorie Lord

27 Hazelhead Road


Clerk to The


Mrs Helen McKenzie

28 Blackhills Court, Westhill


Treasurer Mr Alex McConochie

21 Woodcro@ Road




Miss Dianne Morrison

45 Bonnymuir Place


Gi@ Aid


Mrs Lynn Low

6 St John’s Walk, Newtonhill



Organist Mrs Kathleen Anderson

15 Countesswells Terrace




Mrs Elspeth Mogendorff

St Mark's Church

Rosemount Viaduct AB25 1JY


Church Office Down steps between the Church and Library. Open

9.00 am to 12.00 noon Monday to Friday. Answering machine

operates when the office is closed. Leave name, message and

contact number.

Editor Mrs Lynn Thomson: lynn@pumpwell.co.uk



Alex McConochie: grianan21@b�nternet.com

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