east midlands can wednesday 15 th april. emcan chairs update wednesday 15 th april 2015

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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CAN Executive CAN Executive meeting 9 th October - considering 2 day conference for compose via survey CAN fuel poverty & energy efficiency wish list to circulate to political parties ahead of the election National Carbon Action Network Training-Day Conference - The Future…….for Fuel Poverty & Energy Efficiency Tuesday 7 th October 2014 at Ricoh Arena, Coventry - feedback Sponsorship with EON now finished: CAN exploring opportunities for future sponsorship CAN Exec meeting 15 th January and Away Day 26 th January  Chair Paul Maplethorpe is stepping down  CAN to edit and submit fuel poverty/energy efficiency concerns to political parties Next CAN Exec meeting & AGM Thursday 16 th April


East Midlands CANWednesday 15th April

EMCAN Chairs Update

Wednesday 15th April 2015

CAN Executive• CAN Executive meeting 9th October

- considering 2 day conference for 2015- compose via survey CAN fuel poverty & energy efficiency wish list to circulate to political parties ahead of the election

• National Carbon Action Network Training-Day Conference - The Future…….for Fuel Poverty & Energy EfficiencyTuesday 7th October 2014 at Ricoh Arena, Coventry - feedback

• Sponsorship with EON now finished: CAN exploring opportunities for future sponsorship

• CAN Exec meeting 15th January and Away Day 26th January Chair Paul Maplethorpe is stepping down CAN to edit and submit fuel poverty/energy efficiency concerns to political parties

• Next CAN Exec meeting & AGM Thursday 16th April

Previously DECC said:- HECA currently sits with Steve Ives at DECC but this may changeHECA reporting – light touch; revision update if plans have been changed etcDECC not planning to issue any further guidance or letters to CXs Reality:- DECC issued letters to CX to request HECA reports on 22/1/15 which included Annex with additional guidanceHECA reports were published on ECAs websites by 31st March 2015 and link sent to DECCSteve Ives acknowledged receipt of link!

HECA reporting March 2015 - Update

As per existing guidance

HECA reporting March 2015

Existing HECA Guidance states:-

Private Rented Sector Energy Efficiency Regulations – Consultation • Summary - Consultation on the proposed

energy efficiency regulations under the Energy Act 2011 for the domestic private rented sector.

• DECC published consultation document 22nd July 2014; Consultation closed 2nd September 2014

• CAN produced a response • Current status:- DECC published response on

5th February 2015

Fuel Poverty Strategy • DECC published consultation document

22nd July 2014• EMCAN sent response based on our

workshop on 4/9/14• CAN sent a response• Consultation closed 7th October 2014• Current status – DECC published Fuel

Poverty strategy on March 2015

Fuel Poverty Advisory Group 12th Annual Report

• FPAG published 12th Annual report on 23rd February 23rd February 2015

• References work of Off Gas Grid working group

DECC – Central Heating FundTo incentivise the installation of first time central heating systems in fuel poor households who do not use mains gas as their primary heating fuelApplications may be submitted from 25th March up to 5th June 2015 Bids should be submitted electronically using proformaBefore submitting a bid, Local Authorities should read the full scheme guidance.

NEA - New £26.2 million programme – ‘Redressing the Balance’

Commencing April 2015 and running for 2-3 years, the funds will specifically address some

of the priorities identified in the Government’s new Fuel Poverty Strategy for England and

to help meet commitments to tackle fuel poverty in Scotland and Wales.

There are three elements to the programme all of which provide energy saving measures:

•  Warm Zones Fund (£13 million)

Technical Innovation Fund

Warm and Healthy Homes Fund

Register your interest in receiving further information by emailing your contact details to:


Rutland comes Number 1 in Quality of Life Survey

• “Rutland has moved up eleven places to the top spot in the 2015 Halifax Rural Areas Quality of Life Survey. Taking a wide range of economic and social factors into account residents here can now lay claim to having the highest standard of living in rural Britain.

• "In terms of personal wellbeing and general good health, Rutland residents score among the highest in Great Britain. And while house prices relative to earnings are above the rural average, Rutland still performs strongly in terms of average weekly earnings and a high employment rate."

Some 1.7m rural households forked out more than £40 each for the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) but received nothing in return, suggests new analysis.The affected households are not connected to the mains gas grid and instead rely on electricity or fuel oil for their heating.Each has paid an estimated £42 in levies on their electricity bills over the last two years to fund the ECO scheme.Together, the 1.7m rural households contributed more than £70m to the scheme. Measures installed to help these households are said to be worth just £3.5m.ECO has helped as few as 1,500 such rural households, according to analysis by Calor Gas – with the remainder of the 1.7m households receiving nothing.

ECO - Energy scheme 'neglects rural homes'

Health, Planning and Environment Learning Forum for the East Midlands at Leicester City Hall, Leicester on Friday 17th April – 1pm to 3.30pm

The Masterclass and Learning Forum is to make the links between Planning and the effect good spatial planning policies and development management decisions can have on health, wellbeing and the environment (health improvement, health protection, climate change and air quality, etc.).emevents@phe.gov.uk

Forthcoming Events

Forthcoming EventsSecuring Health Services Funding to Address Cold Homes at British Gas Conference Centre, Aylestone Road, Leicester on Wednesday 13th MayThe release of the NICE guideline on preventing excess winter deaths and illness presents a huge opportunity to engage the health service in tackling cold homes and the new fuel poverty strategy for England envisages a greater role for the health sector. Health partners represent a significant source of both high-need referrals and funding. At this event we're hear from a few areas who've already secured Clinical Commissioning Group or Public Health investment in work to tackle cold homes and how best to present the evidence.  Booking for the event is now live on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/securing-health-service-funding-to-address-cold-homes-tickets-16315262389

Next NEA East Midlands Fuel Poverty Forum – May/June?? at Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street, Nottingham???To book Contact : Tracy Norris at NEA call 0191 261 5677 or email www.nea.org.uk/fpf-emids


Forthcoming Events

Forthcoming EventsThe General Election Thursday 7th May –

What are they saying about energy?• Conservatives – insulate 1million homes; stop subsidised

onshore wind farms; promote competition in energy market; meet our climate change commitments

• Labour – freeze energy prices for 2 years; abolish OFGEM; set a firm 2030 decarbonisation target; stop Winter Fuel Payments to richest 5% of pensioners; major drive for energy efficiency

• Liberal Democrats – cut energy bills and create jobs with national programme to insulate homes

• UKIP – repeal Climate Change Act 2008; support shale gas; stop new financial incentives for solar and wind

• Green Party – invest in renewables and insulating buildings; action on Climate Change

• Scottish National Party – say nothing specific about England

Next East Midlands EMCAN meeting July 2015

Sponsor?Venue suggestions?Speakers?

Thank youContact Details:-Karen Lond – EMCAN ChairEnergy & Climate Change Officer 01427 676618West Lindsey District Council, Guildhall, Marshall’s Yard, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2NAkaren.lond@west-lindsey.gov.uk 

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