early childhood

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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• Page 1: title page• Page 2: content• Page 3: What people do in the course of their work in this occupation

• Page 4: Personal requirements important to this work, effect on lifestyle

• Page 5: Conclusion!

• Page 6: what I dislike about the job• Page 7: what I would have to do to get this job

What people do in the course of their work in this occupation?

• These are some of the things that they do: plan daily programs, care for the babies and children, working one on one or in a group, discuss with there parents what they do, make or adopt learning rescores, run the workshop for parents etc, attend social gathering and hui, prepare budgets order supplies and help manage the centre.

• Surroundings, people they work with, the time involved.• Books, toys, art materials, musical instruments, outdoor equipment,

computer, digital cameras and video recorders,

• Other people you will work with would be the other teachers that work at the centre.

• Generally you would teach from 8.30am to 3.30pm and work outside these hours to do programs or attend meetings. You would work up to 40 hours a week.

Personal requirements important to this work, effect on lifestyle and the pay.

• Understanding and patient, firm but fair, creative imaginative and resourceful adoptable, able to make quick decisions, committed to the kohanga reo kaupapa, and different teaching skills

• The pay!

• Early childhood teachers who work at kindergartens earn between $33,000 and $69,000 a year.

• With a a Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching, you start on nearly $34,000 a year.

• With a three-year degree, you start on about $44,000, and can reach a maximum of about $65,500 after seven years.

• With a four-year degree, you start on about $45,600, and can reach a maximum of nearly $70,000 after seven years. 

• Senior early childhood teachers and head teachers at kindergartens earn between $59,000 and $87,000.

Conclusion! Why I chose this career over others?

• I chose this career over others because I like working with kids etc babies and toddlers, I have been round them all my life. Babies are the best I would rather work with them because they are easy to look after and toddlers play up heaps like my little brother. And I chose this because its fun to watch what little people like to get up to and how others act around different people.

• What I would like about this job!• What I would like out of this job is working with the kids

helping them out let them get ready for when they head of to school, watch them paint pictures for there parents and there brothers and sisters.

What I dislike about this job!

• What I would dislike about this job is cleaning up all the mess at the end of the day, like the paint of the tables, the food of the floor

What I would have to do to get this job?

• For this job u need university entrance (ncea level 3), some diploma program's like nanny course etc, there is some training that you would have to do as well like a bachelor teaching course a graduate diploma and a

diploma of teaching course.

Brooke Leatham

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