e31 newsletter 2014 12 - english 31 · enjoy your holidays! garrett calendar of events: • end of...

Post on 14-Sep-2018






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Editor’s Column: Well, it has been a while since you have seen a Colomiers Chronicle in your inbox. We’ve just been sub-merged in work rolling out the new and improved website which is now live on English31.org (article below). We truly hope this new site will grow into an interactive platform which eases com-munication between the as-sociation and the members and our goal is to reduce the paperwork burden to register for classes and pay the fees. In order to make it even bet-ter, we’d love to have your feedback on how you’d like to see it evolve so don’t hes-itate to use the contact form.

The end of the year is just around the corner and we are all looking forward to a bit of relaxation and family time. On behalf of all the E31 Committee, I wish you all the best as 2014 screams across the finish line and 2015 takes the baton to race towards the future.

I have one last wish: SNOW so we can have a white Christmas and go skiing.

Enjoy your holidays! Garrett

Calendar of Events: • End of Year Vacation:

20 Dec – 4 Jan • UCAS Application

Deadline: 15 Jan • Super Bowl: 7 Feb • Winter Break: 7-22 Feb • Terminale trip to London:

25 Feb – 1 Mar • World Book Day: 5 Mar

Head of British Section Address by Les This autumn, the weather has been very kind to us and, like Keats’ bees, we may have begun to believe that warm days will never cease. But there is now a distinct chill in the air, the leaves are falling and the nights are drawing in. That must mnearing the end of term and approaching the Christmas holidays. What a busy term it has been! We’ve taught our first ever lessons in our brand new partner school, Lucie Aubrac, we’ve opened a new weekly primary class, we’ve welcomed three new memstaff, we’ve launched a new website and logo, we’ve had the visits of careers adviser Julia Watson and theatre director Helen Leblique, we’re busy processing thirty applications to UK universities, we’ve whilst delivering hundreds of lessons in the primary, collège and lycée programmesof the E31 Association at the October AGM. Before the term ends we will have

Breaking News ••••••

Photo Highlight:

Editor: Garrett Smith - Contact: E31News@free.fr - © English 31


Head of British Section Address by Les This autumn, the weather has been very kind to us and, like Keats’ bees, we may have begun to believe that warm days will never cease. But there is now a distinct chill in the air, the leaves are falling and the nights are drawing in. That must mnearing the end of term and approaching the Christmas holidays. What a busy term it has been! We’ve taught our first ever lessons in our brand new partner school, Lucie Aubrac, we’ve opened a new weekly primary class, we’ve welcomed three new memstaff, we’ve launched a new website and logo, we’ve had the visits of careers adviser Julia Watson and theatre director Helen Leblique, we’re busy processing thirty applications to UK universities, we’ve organised training for staff here and in the UK, whilst delivering hundreds of lessons in the primary, collège and lycée programmes - and we’ve recorded and celebrated the work of the E31 Association at the October AGM. Before the term ends we will have the... Continued on page 2

Breaking News (see following pages for details)• Head of British Section Address • Twang Toulousaing • Website Highlights & Calendar Extract• Carrie Jack interview • Words for the Wise • Settling in to our new primary school, Lucie Aubrac

Photo Highlight: 31st Annual General Meeting, 14

Our annual general meeting was a roaring success with a full auditorium. We welcomed new staff and bid farewell to some.

English 31 - All rights reserved. Reproduction strictly prohibited without written permission.

RS CHRONICLE December 2014

Head of British Section Address by Les Albiston: This autumn, the weather has been very kind to us and, like Keats’ bees, we may have begun to believe that warm days will never cease. But there is now a distinct chill in the air, the leaves are falling and the nights are drawing in. That must mean we’re nearing the end of term and approaching the Christmas holidays. What a busy term it has been! We’ve taught our first ever lessons in our brand new partner school, Lucie Aubrac, we’ve opened a new weekly primary class, we’ve welcomed three new members of staff, we’ve launched a new website and logo, we’ve had the visits of careers adviser Julia Watson and theatre director Helen Leblique, we’re busy processing thirty applications to UK

training for staff here and in the UK, whilst delivering hundreds of lessons in the primary, collège and

and we’ve recorded and celebrated the work of the E31 Association at the October AGM. Before the term ends

inued on page 2 “Les Albiston”

following pages for details):

& Calendar Extract

Settling in to our new primary school, Lucie Aubrac

Annual General Meeting, 14th Oct 2014

Our annual general meeting was a roaring success with a full new staff and bid farewell to some.

Reproduction strictly prohibited without written permission. p. 1

Les Albiston (continued): ... second visit of Julia Watson and the visit of writer and researcher Robert Mighal who will be working on Romanticism and the Gothic with our OIB students in Terminale.

Next term we have the Terminale school trip to London, a return visit of Helen Leblique to work on “King Lear” with our OIB students, the launch of a joint project on the First World War with students from the German school, the Lycée and the British Section, and the entrance tests for 6ème and 2nde candidates. We’re also planning the visit of our next invited writer to work with primary and younger collège pupils. And of course, lots more lovely lessons!

As this will be the last newsletter before the holidays I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff, volunteers and committee members for making this term such a success, to congratulate our pupils and students on their excellent work and progress and to wish you all a very happy and restful Christmas Break.

Le Twang Toulousaing: By Catherine Bortolotti

Ever heard that French expression "débrouiller l'écheveau" ?

Well, it means : untangle the web.

Let's practice with the holidays ! Saurez-

• Holiday • Affiliation • Event

• Noël • fête orthodoxe

• naissance du prophète Mahomet

• Nativité • fête juive • fête de l'inauguration du temple

• Hanouka • fête musulmane

• naissance du Christ

• Mawlid • fête catholique

• naissance du Christ

Happy holidays !

Website Highlights – English31.org By Garrett Smith

Our new website is now online at English31.org. For those of you who attended the annual meeting, you already got a sneak preview. I can only encourage each and every one of about our association. This website is a reflection of our culture and values and serves as an information source for all of our activities.

I’d like particularly to draw your attention to the Community menu which includes the Blog and the Calendar. The blog is a chance for our association to better communicate about current events. But it is also a forum for our members to express themselves and celebrate the successes of our English education. As parents or students, you are welcome to submit blog posts via our contact form. We will review and, if necessary, edit the posts prior to publishing them online.

Continued on page 3 “Website Highlights

Editor: Garrett Smith - Contact: E31News@free.fr - ©

second visit of Julia Watson and the visit of writer and researcher Robert Mighal who will be working on Romanticism and the Gothic

e school trip to London, a return visit of Helen Leblique to work on “King Lear” with our OIB students, the launch of a joint project on the First World War with students from the German school, the Lycée and the British Section, and the entrance

candidates. We’re also planning the visit of our next invited writer to work with primary and younger collège pupils.

urse, lots more lovely lessons!

As this will be the last newsletter before the holidays I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff, volunteers and committee members for making this term such a success, to congratulate our pupils and students on their excellent work and progress and to wish you all a very happy and restful Christmas Break.- Les

Ever heard that French expression "débrouiller l'écheveau" ?

-vous débrouiller l'écheveau ?

• Dates

naissance du prophète Mahomet

• 16 au 24 décembre 2014

fête de l'inauguration du temple

• 25 décembre 2014

naissance du Christ • 3 janvier 2015

naissance du Christ • 25 décembre 2014

English31.org :

Our new website is now online at English31.org. For those of you who attended the annual meeting, you already got a sneak preview. I can only encourage each and every one of you to go online and learn about our association. This website is a reflection of our culture and values and serves as an information source for all of our activities.

I’d like particularly to draw your attention to the Community menu log and the Calendar. The blog is a chance for

our association to better communicate about current events. But it is also a forum for our members to express themselves and celebrate the successes of our English education. As parents or students, you

welcome to submit blog posts via our contact form. We will review and, if necessary, edit the posts prior to publishing them online.

Website Highlights”

English 31 Committee:President:




Social Events:

• •


• •

For enquiries related to Lucie Aubracplease contact

Sylvia Lozano

Secretary, British Section

Tel: 05 61 78 71 28

Fax: 05 61 78 55 80


Lucie Aubrac


Please use the mobile number during the school day only in an emergency. Other calls can be mduring the morning break (10amimmediately before or after school.

English 31 Website:


© English 31 - All rights reserved. Reproduction strictly prohibited without written permission.

English 31 Committee: President:

Sharon Pearman-Wright


James Westgarth


Anne-Laure Parmantier


Garrett Smith

Social Events:

Melanie Norwood Kerri Poirier

Special Projects:

Catherine Bortolotti Florent Robart

For enquiries related to Lucie Aubrac or Victor Hugo please contact

Sylvia Lozano

Secretary, British Section

Tel: 05 61 78 71 28

Fax: 05 61 78 55 80


Lucie Aubrac Mobile

: 06 12 85 10 58

Please use the mobile number during the school day only in an emergency. Other calls can be made during the morning break (10am-10.30am) or immediately before or after school.

English 31 Website:


Reproduction strictly prohibited without written permission. p. 2

Website Highlights (continued): Eventually, we’d like to provide all members with a login so the blog posts and comments can be queued directly. This secure access will also open up the possibility to manage the information in a user account and access members-only information. We will keep you updated when this access can be granted.

We hope you find the website easy to navigate and understand. If you have any questions, please take a look at the FAQ page and if you can’t find an answer there, then we would like to hear from you with your comments and concerns.

I would like to give a warm thanks to Linda Harold who, as a former E31 student, volunteered a lot of her time to create our new logo and design the website. She has given back to our community and it is truly appreciated.

Editor: Garrett Smith - Contact: E31News@free.fr - © English 31 - All rights reserved. Reproduction strictly prohibited without written permission. p. 3

Words for the Wise – an arbitrary selection of word s used in the newsletter: Values – “A collection of guiding principles; what one deems to be correct and desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct.” Source: Wiktionary.org

Blog – “Noun - A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. Verb - Add new material to or regularly update a blog.” Source: Oxforddictionaries.com

Settling in to our new primary school, Lucie Aubrac : By Florent Robart

After the excitement of starting in a brand new school, and after 3 months already behind us, here is the time to share with you all how things are going in Lucie Aubrac.

As you probably remember, the challenge was not only to be in this amazing structure, it was about managing the courses with 1 room dedicated to our scheme, and adjusting to the new time table as Wednesday mornings now include school for the French system.

Thanks to our Head of British section, thanks to our teachers, and thanks to the excellent relationship with the French teaching team, this school year has been smoothly managed. In addition to the class room, the amazing library is also used by English 31 to allow running two classes in parallel.

As far as time table is concerned, the choice has been made to limit overlapping the French scheme for the Integrated Program. Therefore 2 hours out of 4 are scheduled after French courses, either during the week at 4pm, or on Wednesday morning.

Besides, each class can experience two consecutive hours during the week. The aim is to prevent wasting time for the children moving between the French and the English schemes. Our teachers are

nevertheless currently adjusting this time table whenever necessary in order to take the children’s’ rhythms into consideration. Consequently, it may be that for some classes, initial timing has been reshuffled a bit. Do not hesitate to contact our Head of Primary, Sam Backhouse, with any questions.

To conclude, the end of this first quarter has confirmed that, despite the Paul Bert souvenirs that most of our kids will keep in their heart, this transition is an incredibly positive sign for the future of our association.

Editor: Garrett Smith - Contact: E31News@free.fr - © English 31 - All rights reserved. Reproduction strictly prohibited without written permission. p. 4

Meet Carrie Jack, our new English 31 teacher

By Catherine Bortolotti

Carrie Jack joined the English 31 team this September. She speaks with Catherine Bortolotti about her background, her interest in teaching, and her projects.

CB (Catherine Bortolotti) : Good morning Carrie. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. We'd like to get to know you better. Can you tell us about yourself ? Where are you originally from?

CJ (Carrie Jack): I was born in Scotland, but moved to England at a young age. I grew up in Herefordshire, a pretty and rural part of England, then went to university in Manchester. I have taught in Spain, China, England, and France. In 2007 I moved to France and started my job at Cité Scolaire Internationale in Lyon. I'm really excited about my new job here with English 31 !

CB : Which levels do you teach at English 31 ?

CJ: I spend most of my time at Victor Hugo, where I teach English to 6ème, 5ème, 4ème and Seconde students. But you can also find me at Lucie Aubrac on Wednesdays : I teach the CM2 integrated class in the morning, and the CM2 weekly in the afternoon. I enjoy working through different levels, and help the younger pupils transition to Collège. I want to encourage them to raise questions and develop their thinking skills.

CB : What projects are you working on at the moment ?

CJ: I am organizing a school trip for 4ème pupils in June, which will include a theater visit in Stratford and visits to museums about the Industrial Revolution in Birmingham and the Midlands. I am really enthusiastic about this trip !

CB : What are your hobbies ?

CJ: I enjoy hiking, walking in the countryside, running. I also love cooking and baking. I like to travel, see new place and visit museums. I also read a lot and I enjoy going to the cinema.

CB : What is your favorite children's book ?

CJ: There are lots of books I love ! I love reading ! To name a few : Tom's Midnight Garden, Carrie's War, which takes place in the middle of the Second World War, The Railway Children, Private Peaceful, which tells the story of a young English soldier in World War I. I think history and literature form such a great combination ! For younger children, I recommend The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

CB : And what is your favorite place ?

CJ: Can I name two places ? I love the Cirque de Gavarnie in the Pyrenees. I also particularly enjoy Barcelona, a beautiful city on the sea featuring spectacular architecture.

CB : Thank you Carrie ! And welcome to English 31 !

Editor: Garrett Smith - Contact: E31News@free.fr - © English 31 - All rights reserved. Reproduction strictly prohibited without written permission. p. 5

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