dynamics and global stability of three-dimensional flows

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Dynamics and global stability analysis of

three-dimensional flows

Jean-Christophe Loiseau1,2

supervisor: Jean-Christophe Robinet1

co-supervisor: Emmanuel Leriche2

(1): DynFluid Laboratory - Arts & Metiers-ParisTech - 75013 Paris, France(2): LML - University of Lille 1 - 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

PhD Defence, May 26th 2014


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

What are hydrodynamic instabilities?

• Let us consider the flow of water (ν = 15.10−6 m2.s−1) past atwo-dimensional cylinder of diameter D = 1.5 cm.

• If water flows from left to right at U = 4.5 cm.s−1 (Re = 45),nothing really fancy takes place: the flow is steady and stable.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

What are hydrodynamic instabilities?

• If you increase the velocity to U = 5 cm.s−1 (Re = 50), the flowlooks very different.

• The steady flow became (globally) unstable and has experienced a(supercritical) bifurcation.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

How do we study these instabilities?

• Let us consider a non-linear dynamical system


∂t= F(Q) (1)

1. Compute a fixed point (or base flow): F(Qb) = 02. Linearise the dynamics of an infinitesimal perturbation q in the vicinity

of this solution:


∂t= Jq with J =



3. Investigate the stability properties of this linear dynamical system.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

How do we study these instabilities?

• In the context of fluid dynamics, this includes several differentapproaches depending on the nature of the base flow:

• Local stability analysis for parallel flows:

→ Temporal stability, Spatial stability, Absolute/Convective stability,Response to harmoning forcing, Transient growth

• Global stability analysis for two-dimensional and three-dimensionalflows:

→ Temporal stability, Response to harmoning forcing (Resolvent),Transient growth


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Local stability analysis

• The base flow depends on a single space coordinate:

Ub = (Ub(y), 0, 0)T

• Linear dynamical system (2) is now autonomous in time and in the xand z coordinates of space.

→ The perturbation q can be decomposed into normal modes:

q(x , y , z , t) = q(y) exp(iαx + iβz + λt) + c .c with λ = σ + iω


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Local stability analysis

• Introducing such decomposition into the system (2) yields to ageneralised eigenvalue problem:

λBq = J(y , α, β)q (3)

• The stability of the base flow Ub is governed by the growth rate σ:

→ If σ < 0, the base flow is said to be locally stable.→ If σ > 0, the base flow is said to be locally unstable.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Local stability analysis

Theoretical point of view

• Relies on the parallel flow assumption.

• Provides insights into the local stability properties of the flow.

→ Requires a good theoretical and mathematical background.

Practical point of view

• The generalised eigenproblem involves small matrices (∼ 100× 100)

• Can be solved using direct eigenvalue solvers in a matter of secondseven on a 10 years old laptop.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability theory

• The base flow has two components both depending on the x and y

space coordinates:

Ub = (Ub(x , y),Vb(x , y), 0)T

• Linear dynamical system (2) is now only autonomous in time and inz .

→ The perturbation q can be decomposed into normal modes:

q(x , y , z , t) = q(x , y) exp(iβz + λt) + c .c with λ = σ + iω

Base flow of the 2D separated boundary layer at Re = 600 as in Ehrenstein & Gallaire (2008).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability theory

• Introducing such decomposition into the system (2) yields to ageneralised eigenvalue problem once again:

λBq = J(x , y , β)q (4)

• The stability of the base flow Ub is governed by the growth rate σ:

→ If σ < 0, the base flow is said to be globally stable.→ If σ > 0, the base flow is said to be globally unstable.

Streamwise velocity component of the leading unstable global mode for the 2D separated boundary layer.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability analysis

Theoretical point of view

• Got rid of the parallel flow assumption.

• Allows to investigate more realistic configurations as separated flowsvery common in Nature and industries.

Practical point of view

• The generalised eigenproblem involves relatively large matrices(∼ 105 × 105)

• Mostly solved using iterative eigenvalue solvers on large workstations.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Bagheri et al. (2008) and Ilak et al. (2012) performed the first globalstability analysis ever on a 3D flow (jet in crossflow).

• Extension of the global stability tools to a fully three-dimensionalframework.

→ Mostly a numerical problem due to the (extremely) large matricesinvolved.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


λ2 visualisation of the hairpin vortices shed behind a hemispherical roughness element. Courtesy of P. Fischer.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• PhD thesis part of a larger project: Simulation and Control ofGeometrically Induced Flows (SICOGIF)

→ Funded by the French National Agency for Research (ANR)→ Involves several different parties (IRPHE, EPFL, Arts et Metiers

ParisTech and Universite Lille-1)→ Aims at improving our understanding of instability and transition in

complex 2D and 3D separated flows both from an experimental andnumerical point of view.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Three flow configurations have been investigated:

→ The lid-driven cavity flow→ The asymmetric stenotic pipe flow→ The roughness-induced boundary layer flow

Vertical velocity component of the leading global mode for a LDC having a spanwise extent Λ = 6 at Re = 900.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Three flow configurations have been investigated:

→ The lid-driven cavity flow→ The asymmetric stenotic pipe flow→ The roughness-induced boundary layer flow

Streamwise velocity component for the two existing steady states of an asymmetric stenotic pipe flow at Re = 400.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Three flow configurations have been investigated:

→ The lid-driven cavity flow→ The asymmetric stenotic pipe flow→ The roughness-induced boundary layer flow

Identification of the vortical structures by the λ2 criterion (Jeong & Hussain 1995).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


Global stability theory and algorithmBase flowsGlobal stability theoryHow to solve the eigenvalue problem?

Roughness-induced transitionMotivationsFransson 2005 experimentParametric investigationPhysical analysisNon-linear evolution

Conclusions & PerspectivesConclusionsLDC & StenosisPerspectives


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability analysis of

three-dimensional flows


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

How to compute base flows?

• Base flow are given by:F(Qb) = 0 (5)

• Various techniques can be employed to compute these peculiarsolutions:

→ Analytical solutions, impose appropriate symmetries, Newton andquasi-Newton methods, ...

• In the present work, we use the Selective frequency damping

approach (see Akervik et al. 2006).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Selective frequency damping• Enables the stabilisation of the solution by applying a low-pass filterto the Navier-Stokes equations.

→ A forcing term is added to the r.h.s of the equations.→ The system is extended with an equation for the filtered state.


∂t= F(Q) + χ(Q− Q)


∂t= ωc(Q− Q)


• The cutoff frequency ωc is connected to the frequency of the mostdominant instabilities and should be smaller than this frequency(ωc < ω).

• The gain χ needs to be large enough to stabilise the system (χ > σ).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Selective frequency damping


→ Really easy to implement withinan existing DNS code.

→ Memory footprint similar to thatof a simple direct numericalsimulation.

→ Easy to use/tune the low-passfilter.


→ As time-consuming as a directnumerical simulation.

→ Requires a priori informationregarding the instability of theflow.

→ Unable to stabilise the system ifthe instability is non-oscillating.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability theory

• Dynamics of a three-dimensional infinitesimal perturbationq = (u, p)T evolving onto the base flow Qb = (Ub,Pb)

T aregoverned by:


∂t= −(u · ∇)Ub − (Ub · ∇)u−∇p +



∇ · u = 0(7)

• If projected onto a divergence-free vector space, this set of equationscan be recast into:


∂t= Au (8)

with A the (projected) Jacobian matrix of the Navier-Stokesequations.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability theory

• Using a normal mode decomposition

u(x , y , z , t) = u(x , y , z)e(σ+iω)t + c .c

• System (8) can be formulated as an eigenvalue problem

(σ + iω)u = Au (9)

• The sign of σ determines the stability of the base flow Ub:

→ If σ < 0, the base flow is said to be asymptoticaly linearly stable.→ If σ > 0, the base flow is said to be asymptoticaly linearly unstable.

• ω determines whether the instability is oscillatory (ω 6= 0) or not(ω = 0).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

How to solve the eigenvalue problem?

• Depends on the dimension of the discretised problem.

Base Flow Inhomogeneous Dimension Storagedirection(s) of u of A

Poiseuille U(y) 1D 102 ∼ 1 Mb2D bump U(x , y) 2D 105 ∼ 1-50 Gb3D bump U(x , y , z) 3D 107 ∼ 1-100 Tb

• For 3D global stability problem, A is so large that it cannot beexplicitely constructed.

Matrix-free approach is mandatory!


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Time-stepping approach

• Time-stepping approach (Edwards et al. 1994, Bagheri et al. 2008) isbased on the formal solution to system (8):

u(∆t) = eA∆tu0

• The operator M(∆t) = eA∆t is nothing but a matrix. Its applicationon u0 can be computed by time-marching the linearised Navier-Stokesequations.

→ Its stability properties can be investigated by eigenvalue analysis.

MU = UΣ (10)

with U the matrix of eigenvectors and Σ the eigenvalue matrix ofM = eA∆t .


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Arnoldi algorithm

• The eigenvalue problem (10) is solved using an Arnoldi algorithm.

1. Given M and u0, construct a small Krylov subspace (compared to thesize of the initial problem),

Km(M, u0) = span[

u0,Mu0,M2u0, · · · ,M



2. Orthonormalize: U = [U1, · · · ,Um]3. Project operator M ≈ UHUT −→ MUk = UkHk + rke


with Hk : upper Hessenberg matrix.4. Solve small eigenvalue problem (ΣH ,X): HX = XΣH , (m ×m),

m < 10005. Link with the initial eigenproblem (ΛA, u):

ΛA =log(ΣH)

∆t, u = UX


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Arnoldi algorithm


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• All calculations have been performed with the code Nek 5000

→ Legendre spectral elements code developed by P. Fischer at ArgonneNational Laboratory.

→ Semi-implicit temporal scheme.→ Massively parallel code based on an MPI strategy.

• Base flow computation

→ Selective frequency damping approach : application of a low-pass filterto the fully non-linear Navier-Stokes equations (Akervik et al. 2006).

• Global stability analysis

→ Arnoldi algorithm similar to the one published by Barkley et al. (2008).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Roughness-induced transition


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Roughness elements have numerous applications in aerospaceengineering:

→ Stabilisation of the Tollmien-Schlichting waves,→ Shift and/or control of the transition location, ...

• Their influence on the flow has been extensively investigated since theearly 1950’s.

Experimental visualisation of the flow induced by a roughness element. Gregory & Walker, 1956.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Delay of the natural transition

• Cossu & Brandt (2004): Theoretical prediction of the stabilisation ofTS waves by streamwise streaks.

• Fransson et al. (2004-2006): Experimental demonstration using aperiodic array of roughness elements.

Schematic setup

Experimental observations

Figures from Fransson et al. (2006).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Roughness-induced transition

• Problem: If the Reynolds number is too high, transition occurs rightdownstream the roughness elements!

Illustration of the early roughness-induced transition. λ2 visualisation of the vortical structures.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Roughness-induced transition

• Since the early 1950’s: Numerous experimental investigations.

→ Transition diagram by von Doenhoff & Braslow (1961).

• Despite the large body of literature, the underlying mechanisms arenot yet fully understood.

Transition diagram from von Doenhoff & Braslow (1961).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Methods used until now rely on a parallel flow assumption:

→ Local stability theory (Brandt 2006, Denissen & White 2013, ...),→ Local transient growth theory (Vermeersch 2010, ...)

• Objective:

→ Might a 3D global instability of the flow explain the roughness-inducedtransition?

→ If so, what are the underlying physical mechanisms?

• Methods:

→ Fully three-dimensional global stability analyses,→ Direct numerical simulations,→ Comparison with available experimental data.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Problem formulation

z X


d h






Sketch of the computational arrangement and various scales used for DNS and stability analysis.

- (Lx , Ly , Lz) = (105, 50, 8η)

- η = d/h = 1, 2, 3

- Re = Ueh/ν

- Reδ∗ = Ueδ∗/ν

- Inflow: Blasius profile,

- Outflow: ∇U · x = 0,

- Top: U = 1, ∂yV = ∂yW = 0,

- Wall: no-slip B.C.

- Lateral: periodic B.C.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Numerical informations

η Number of SEM Gridpoints (N = 6-12) Number of cores used

1 10 000 2-17.106 2562 17 500 3.5-30.106 5123 20 000 4.5-35.106 512

Typical size of the numerical problem investigated. N is the order of the Legendre polynomials used in the three directions

within each element.

Typical SEM distribution in a given horizontal plane. Full mesh with Legendre polynomials of order N = 8.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Roughness-induced transitionThe Fransson 2005 experiment


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Experimental setup

• Experimental demonstration of the ability for finite amplitude streaksto stabilise TS waves.

• Unfortunately, transition takes place right downstream the array ofroughness elements if the Reynolds number is too high.

h D η Lz/h xk/h Recδ∗1.4mm 4.2mm 3 10 57.14 ≃ 290


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Base flow



• Upstream and downstreamreversed flow regions:

→ Induces a central low-speedregion.

• Vortical system stemming:

→ Investigated by Baker (1978)→ Horseshoe vortices whose legs

are streamwise orientedcounter-rotating vortices.

→ Creation of streamwisevelocity streaks (lift-up effect)


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Base flow

(a) X=20 (b) X=40 (c) X=60 (d) X=80

Visualisation of the base flow deviation from the Blasius boundary layer flow in various streamwise planes for Re = 466. High

speed streaks are in red while low-speed ones are in blue.

• Low-speed region generated by the roughness element’s blockage.

→ Fades away quite rapidly in the streamwise direction.

• High- and low-speed streaks on each side of the roughness elementdue to the horshoe vortex.

→ Sustains over quite a long streamwise distance.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability

Eigenspectrum of the linearised Navier-Stokes operator.

• Hopf bifurcation taking place in-between 550 < Rec < 575.

→ Linear interpolation: Rec = 564, i.e. Recδ∗

= 309.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability

(a) Top view of u = ±10% iso-surfaces

(b) X = 23 (c) X = 40

Visualisation of streamwise velocity component of the leading unstable mode for Re = 575.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability

• Leading unstable mode exhibits a varicose symmetry:

→ Streamwise alternated patches of positive and negative velocity mostlylocalised along the central low-speed region.

→ Non-linear DNS have revealed that it gives birth to hairpin vortices.

• Rec predicted by global stability analysis only 6% larger than theexperimental one from Fransson et al. (2005):

→ Global instability of the flow appears as one of the possibleexplanations to roughness-induced transition.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Roughness-induced transitionParametric investigation


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Parametric investigation

• Aims of the parametric investigation:

→ How do the Reynolds number and the aspect ratio of the roughnesselements impact the base flow and its stability properties?

→ Does the leading unstable mode always exhibit a varicose symmetry?

• To do so:

→ The spanwise extent of the domain is taken large enough so that theroughness element behaves as being isolated.

→ δ99/h is set to 2 to isolate the influence of the Reynolds number only.→ The roughness element’s aspect ratio varies from η = 1 up to η = 3.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Base flows

(a) (Re, η) = (600, 1) (b) (Re, η) = (1250, 1)

Influence of the Reynolds number on the flow within the z = 0 plane. Streamwise velocity iso-contours ranging from U = 0.1

up to U = 0.99.

• Influence of the Reynolds number:

→ Does not qualitatively change the shape of the downstream reversedflow region.

→ Strengthen the gradients and reduces the thickness of the shear layer.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Base flows

(a) (Re, η) = (600, 1)

(b) (Re, η) = (1250, 1)

Top view of the low-speed (white) and high-speed (black) streaks induced by the roughness element. Streak have been

identified using the deviation of the base flow streamwise velocity from the Blasius boundary layer flow.

• Influence of the Reynolds number:

→ Strongly increases the amplitude and the streamwise extent of thecentral low-speed region.

→ Slightly increases the amplitude of the outer velocity streaks.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Base flows

(a) (Re, η) = (600, 2) (b) (Re, η) = (600, 3)

Influence of the aspect ratio on the flow within the z = 0 plane. Streamwise velocity iso-contours ranging from U = 0.1 up to

U = 0.99.

• Influence of the aspect ratio:

→ Strengthen the gradients and reduces the thickness of the shear layer.→ Strongly increases the amplitude and the streamwise extent of the

central low-speed region.→ Strongly increases the amplitude of the outer velocity streaks.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Base flows

(a) (Re, η) = (600, 2)

(b) (Re, η) = (600, 3)

Top view of the low-speed (white) and high-speed (black) streaks induced by the roughness element. Streak have been

identified using the deviation of the base flow streamwise velocity from the Blasius boundary layer flow.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability



0 0.5 1 1.5 2-0.04





(a) (Re, η) = (1200, 1)



0 0.5 1 1.5






(b) (Re, η) = (900, 2)



0 0.5 1 1.5-0.04





(c) (Re, η) = (700, 3)

Eigenspectra of the linearised Navier-Stokes operator for different roughness elements.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability

(a) (Re, η) = (1200, 1)

(b) (Re, η) = (900, 2)

Evolution of the leading unstable mode when the roughness element’s aspect ratio is changed from η = 1 to η = 2. Isosurfaces

u = ± 10% of the modes streamwise velocity component.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability

(a) (Re, η) = (1200, 1) (b) (Re, η) = (900, 2)

Evolution of the leading unstable mode when the roughness element’s aspect ratio is changed from η = 1 to η = 2 in the

X = 25 plane.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Global stability

• Increasing the roughness element’s aspect ratio decreases the criticalReynolds number.

η 1 2 3 Fransson (η = 3)

Rec 1040 850 656 564Rech 813 630 513 519

Symmetry S V V V

Summary of the global stability analyses. V: varicose, S: sinuous. Reh is the roughness Reynolds number.

• Exchange of symmetry in qualitative agreements with Sakamoto &Arie (1983) and Beaudoin (2004).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Roughness-induced transitionPhysical analysis


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Physical analysis

• Aims of the analysis:

→ Unravel the underlying physical mechanisms for each mode.→ How and where do they extract their energy?→ Where do they originate?

• Type of analysis:

→ Kinetic energy transfer between the base flow and the perturbation(Brandt 2006).

→ Computation of the wavemaker region (Giannetti & Luchini 2007).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Kinetic energy budget

• The evolution of the perturbation’s kinetic energy is governed by theReynolds-Orr equation:


∂t= −D +




Ii dV (11)

• with the total kinetic energy E and dissipation D given by:

E =1



u · u dV , and D =1



∇u : ∇u dV (12)


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Kinetic energy budget

• The integrands Ii representing the different production terms aregiven by:

I1 = −u2∂Ub

∂x, I2 = −uv


∂y, I3 = −uw



I4 = −uv∂Vb

∂x, I5 = −v2


∂y, I6 = −vw



I7 = −wu∂Wb

∂x, I8 = −wv


∂y, I9 = −w2∂Wb



• Their sign indicates whether the associated local transfer of kineticenergy acts as stabilising (negative) or destabilising (positive).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Kinetic energy budget: Sinuous mode




I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 D

(a) (Re, η) = (1125, 1)




I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 D

(b) (Re, η) = (1250, 1)

X0 30 60 90





(c) (Re, η) = (1125, 1)

X0 30 60 90





(d) (Re, η) = (1250, 1)

Top: Sinuous unstable mode’s kinetic energy budget integrated over the whole domain. Bottom: Streamwise evolution of the

production terms∫y,z

I2 dydz (red dashed line) and∫y,z

I3 dydz (blue solid line).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Kinetic energy budget: Sinuous mode

(a) I2 = −uv∂U/∂y (b) I3 = −uw∂U/∂z

Spatial distribution of the I2 = −uv∂Ub/∂y (a) and I3 = −uw∂Ub/∂z (b) production terms in the plane x = 25 for

(Re, η) = (1125, 1). Solid lines depict the base flows streamwise velocity isocontours from Ub = 0.1 to 0.99, whereas the red

dashed lines stand for the location of the shear layer.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Kinetic energy budget: Sinuous mode

(a) I2 = −uv∂U/∂y

(b) I3 = −uw∂U/∂z

Spatial distribution of I2 (c) and I3 (d) in the y = 0.75 horizontal plan.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Kinetic energy budget: Varicose mode




I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 D

(a) (Re, η) = (850, 2)




I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 D

(b) (Re, η) = (1000, 2)

X0 30 60 90





(c) (Re, η) = (850, 2)

X0 30 60 90.0x10+00



(d) (Re, η) = (1000, 2)

Top: Varicose unstable mode’s kinetic energy budget integrated over the whole domain. Bottom: Streamwise evolution of the

production terms∫y,z

I2 dydz (red dashed line) and∫y,z

I3 dydz (blue solid line).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Kinetic energy budget: Varicose mode

(a) I2 = −uv∂U/∂y (b) I3 = −uw∂U/∂z

Spatial distribution of the I2 = −uv∂Ub/∂y (a) and I3 = −uw∂Ub/∂z (b) production terms in the plane x = 25 for

(Re, η) = (850, 2). Solid lines depict the base flows streamwise velocity isocontours from Ub = 0.1 to 0.99, whereas the red

dashed lines stand for the location of the shear layer.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Kinetic energy budget: Varicose mode

Spatial distribution of the I3 = −uw∂Ub/∂z production term in the plane y = 0.5 for (Re, η) = (850, 2).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Kinetic energy budgets provide valuable insights into the mode’sdynamics but very limited about its core region, i.e. the wavemaker.

• Defined by Giannetti & Luchini (2007) as the overlap of the directglobal mode u and its adjoint u†:

ζ(x , y , z) =‖u†‖‖u‖

〈u†, u〉(14)

• Allows the identification of the most likely region for the inception ofthe global instability under consideration.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


Figure: Sinuous wavemaker in the y = 0.75 plane.

Figure: Varicose wavemaker in the z = 0 plane.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


Figure: Sinuous wavemaker in the y = 0.75 plane.

Figure: Varicose wavemaker in the z = 0 plane.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Sinuous wavemaker:

→ Exclusively localised within the spatial extent of the downstreamreversed flow region.

→ Shares close connections with the von Karman global instability in the2D cylinder flow (Giannetti & Luchini 2007, Marquet et al. 2008).

• Varicose wavemaker:

→ Localised on the top of the central low-speed region shear layer.→ Quite extended in the streamwise direction.→ Yet, its amplitude in the reversed flow region is almost ten times larger

than its amplitude in the wake.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Sinuous instability mechanism

What we know from local stability


• Central low-speed region cansustain local convectiveinstabilities (Brandt 2006).

• Related to the work of theReynolds stresses against thewall-normal and spanwisegradients of Ub.

• Not the dominant localinstability though.

What global stability analysesrevealed?

• Existence of a global sinuousinstability.

• Related to the downstreamreversed flow region.

• Similar to the von Karmaninstability in the 2D cylinderflow.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Varicose instability mechanism

What we know from local stability


• Central low-speed region cansustain local convectiveinstabilities (Brandt 2006,Denissen & White 2013).

• Related to the work of theReynolds stresses against thewall-normal gradient of Ub.

• Dominant local instability andpossible large transient growth(Vermeersch 2010)

What global stability analysesrevealed?

• Existence of a global varicoseinstability.

• Find its roots in the reversedflow region.

• Mechanism might be similar tothe one proposed by Acarlar &Smith (1987).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Roughness-induced transitionNon-linear evolution


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Non-linear evolution

• Varicose instability

→ Induces a varicose modulation of the central low-speed region andsurrounding streaks.

→ Numerous hairpin vortices are shed right downstream the roughnesselement and trigger very rapid transition to turbulence.

→ Dominant frequency and wavelength of this vortex shedding is wellcaptured by global stability analyses.

Streamwise velocity distribution in the y = 0.5 plane for (Re, η) = (575, 3).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Non-linear evolution

• Varicose instability

→ Induces a varicose modulation of the central low-speed region andsurrounding streaks.

→ Numerous hairpin vortices are shed right downstream the roughnesselement and trigger very rapid transition to turbulence.

→ Dominant frequency and wavelength of this vortex shedding is wellcaptured by global stability analyses.

Identification of the vortical structures by the λ2 criterion (Jeong & Hussain 1995).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Non-linear evolution

• Sinuous instability

→ Induces a sinuous wiggling of the central low-speed region (Beaudoin2004, Duriez et al. 2009).

→ Frequency of this sinuous wiggling well captured by global stabilityanalysis.

→ Hairpin vortices are nonetheless observed to be shed downstream theroughness element..

Streamwise velocity distribution in the y = 0.5 plane for (Re, η) = (1125, 1).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Non-linear evolution

• Sinuous instability

→ Induces a sinuous wiggling of the central low-speed region (Beaudoin2004, Duriez et al. 2009).

→ Frequency of this sinuous wiggling well captured by global stabilityanalysis

→ Hairpin vortices are nonetheless observed to be shed downstream theroughness element..

Identification of the vortical structures by the λ2 criterion (Jeong & Hussain 1995).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Non-linear evolution

• Sinuous instability

→ Monitoring the amplitude of the spanwise velocity in the centralmid-plane revealed the bifurcation is supercritical.

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Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Conclusion & Perspectives


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Sinuous instability

→ Dominant instability for low aspect ratio roughness elements.→ von Karman-like global instability of the reversed flow region.→ Vortices shed from this region then experiences weak spatial transient

growth.→ The creation of hairpin vortices by sinuous global instability is not yet



Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Varicose instability

→ Dominant instability for large aspect ratio roughness elements.→ Mechanism similar to the one proposed by Acarlar & Smith (1987).→ Triggers rapid transition to a turbulent-like state by promoting the

creation of hairpin vortices.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Critical roughness Reynolds numbers and observations from DNS inqualitatively good agreements with the transition diagram by vonDoenhoff & Braslow (1961).

→ Three-dimensional global instability of the flow appears as one of

the possible explanations to roughness-induced transition.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Lid-driven cavity flow

• Same instability mechanism asbefore:

→ Centrifugal instability of theprimary vortex core.

• For large LDC, Rec in goodagreements with predictionsfrom 2.5D stability analysis.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Lid-driven cavity flow

• DNS revealed bursts of kinetic energy related to intermittent chaoticdynamics.

→ Koopman modes decomposition suggests it would type-2 intermittentchaos (Pomeau & Manneville 1980).


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Stenotic pipe flow

• Asymmetry of the stenosis triggers the wall-reattachment at lower Recompared to the axisymmetric case.

• Existence of a hysteresis cycle related to a subcritical pitchforkbifurcation.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion

Stenotic pipe flow

• Nonetheless, predictions from global stability analyses areuncorelatted to the experimental observations (Passaggia et al.)

→ Transition is dominated by transient growth.

• Preliminary optimal perturbation analysis appears to be moreconclusive.


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• Several questions are still unanswered and require further in-depthinvestigations:

→ What is the mechanism responsible for the creation of hairpin vorticesin the sinuous case?

→ Is the varicose bifurcation super- or subcritical?→ How does global optimal perturbation influence these transition

scenarii? Can they trigger subcritical transition to turbulence?→ How does the shape of the roughness element impact the stability

properties of the flow?


Introduction Global stability theory Roughness-induced transition Conclusion


• How to answer these questions?

→ More direct numerical simulations!→ Non-linear analyses of these DNS (Koopman modes decomposition,

POD, statistical analysis, ...).→ Linear and non-linear transient growth analysis.→ Conduct similar investigations for smooth bumps and hemispherical

roughness elements to assess the robustness of these results.


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