dynamic resource allocation for network aware...

Post on 08-May-2018






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Dynamic Resource Allocation for Network Aware Applications

Andy S. Peng1,4, Dennis M. Moen1,2Mission Systems and Sensors

Tian He3, David J. Lilja4

1. Mission Systems and Sensors (MS2), Lockheed Martin2. GMU C4I Center Affiliate Research Faculty

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3. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota4. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota

Tactical Edge Networks

A collection of communications systems provide direct connectivity for users executing tactical missions while alsoconnectivity for users executing tactical missions while also reaching back from “Tactical Edge” into services that are provided by the rest of Global Information Grid (GIG).

Provide networked capabilities over the battlespacesupporting C4ISR systems.

Tactical Edge Networks are typically mobile units with constrained network capacity and disruptive communications pathscommunications paths.

Tactical Edge Networks consist of Hosting Services, Radio Frequency (RF) and Networking infrastructure

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Frequency (RF), and Networking infrastructure.

Operational View of Tactical Edge NetworksNetworks

Tactical Edge Networks –Mobile units: air ground seaMobile units: air, ground, seaGlobal Information Grid (GIG) – A globally connected, complex communications backbone network (i.e. network of networks)GIG-N Networks – GIG supporting networks (sub-supporting networks (sub-networks in GIG)GIG-N Edge Networks –Terrestrial Edge Networks (e.g. Network Operations Centers).

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Motivations & Problem

MotivationsLocal Area Network (LAN) is typically over-provisioned.( ) yp y pWide Area Network (WAN) is often bandwidth constrained.Tactical users have different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements that are mission-dependent.S i d t diff t Q S bj ti b d thServices can accommodate different QoS objectives based on the user demands.Applications and network devices can be controlled based on policies.

ProblemConstrained computing resources result in resources contention issue at the “Tactical Edge”.Tactical networks that allocate resources via autonomous QoS mechanism do not exist today.


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ThesisAn effective means of allocating tactical network resources based on desired/required QoS objectives is necessary.

AutoDRM Key Requirements

Provide policy-based QoS management services that s pport mission planners net ork planners andsupport mission planners, network planners, and operations planners.

Automatically configure hosts and network devices within the local tactical edge networks based upon Commander’s Intent, Operation task plan, and GIG SLA requirements.Intent, Operation task plan, and GIG SLA requirements.

Interoperable with existing network infrastructure as well as COTS network management systemas COTS network management system.

Dynamic and transparent to the end-user applications in

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the tactical edge networks.

Consider Quality Parameters f U P tifrom User PerspectiveAttribute ParameterAttribute

Operations Scenario


User task, group, environment

Service DescriptionTechnical Parameters

environmentType and user terminalBit rate protocol delayTechnical Parameters

U E i

Bit rate, protocol, delay, jitter, packet loss, frame rateEff ti ffi iUser Experience Effectiveness, efficiency

GMUGMU--AFCEA Symposium AFCEA Symposium 2010: 2010: “Critical Issues in “Critical Issues in C4IC4I””6A

AutoDRM Functional Block DiagramDiagram

Translators – Parse and Translate Commander’s Intent, OP Task Orders, and GIG Service Level Agreement (SLA). Performance Monitor – Collects real-time network performance measurements through Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).Resource Negotiator – makes prioritization decisions based on requests

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Resource Negotiator makes prioritization decisions based on requests.Resource Allocator – adjusts resource allocations by calling external scripting methods.

AutoDRM Functional Block Diagram (con’t)(con t)

Key Functions in Negotiator – Data Fetch, Parameters Mapping,

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Sorting, Resource Assignments, Results Transformation

AutoDRM QoS Architecture

Hosts – “On-The-Fly” Group Policy Objects changes

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Hosts On-The-Fly Group Policy Objects changesNetwork Devices – “On-The-Fly” Network Configuration changes

End-To-End Network Prototype Test BedTest Bed

Edge Networks Core Switch/Router and WorkstationsEdge Networks – Core Switch/Router and WorkstationsGIG Wide Area Network (WAN) – SATCOM SimulatorGIG-N Networks – OPNET System-In-The-Loop (SITL) ScenarioGIG-N Edge Networks – Core Switch/Router and Workstations

GMUGMU--AFCEA Symposium AFCEA Symposium 2010: 2010: “Critical Issues in “Critical Issues in C4IC4I””10A

GIG N Edge Networks Core Switch/Router and Workstations

Test Scenario

Scenario DescriptionA tactical user in the edge networks is receiving a mission criticalA tactical user in the edge networks is receiving a mission critical streaming video service from a video server residing in the GIG-N edge networks while there exists heterogeneous background traffic.

Experimental SetupSender at GIG-N Edge NetworksReceiver at Tactical Edge NetworksgNetwork Traffic of interest is the End-To-End Streaming Video ServiceBackground Network Traffic consists of 10 heterogeneous flows.

Three Test ScenariosStreaming Video Only (Baseline Scenario)Streaming Video + Background Traffic with AutoDRM Disabled.

GMUGMU--AFCEA Symposium AFCEA Symposium 2010: 2010: “Critical Issues in “Critical Issues in C4IC4I””11A

Streaming Video + Background Traffic with AutoDRM Enabled.

Results & Discussion

AutoDRM reaction time ~100 seconds.AutoDRM stabilization time ~120 seconds.Packet Delay performance improved by ~60%.

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Packet Loss performance improved by ~66%.


AutoDRM architectural framework is designed and implemented.A large-scaled test bed including core switches/routers, workstations, SATCOM simulator, and OPNET SITL scenario is developed.pThe test results demonstrate improved network performance for prioritized user requests when AutoDRM is deployed at the tactical edge networks.g

Future research efforts include,Develop more complete scenarios.Develop more complete scenarios.Emulate C4ISR systems in the prototype test bed.Use the developed end-to-end prototype test bed for exploring dynamic QoS optimization mechanisms and

GMUGMU--AFCEA Symposium AFCEA Symposium 2010: 2010: “Critical Issues in “Critical Issues in C4IC4I””13A

exploring dynamic QoS optimization mechanisms and policies.

Disclaimer:The opinions recommendations results conclusions and findings in this presentation do not

GMUGMU--AFCEA Symposium AFCEA Symposium 2010: 2010: “Critical Issues in “Critical Issues in C4IC4I””14A

The opinions, recommendations, results, conclusions, and findings in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the official views and positions of Lockheed Martin Corporation.

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