dualacy chap 2 fall

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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A Fishy Dualacy Chapter 2~Fall~By: CanImarryapony

Before we get started, I want to try a different story format. Instead of using a single chapter to show two seasons of the same house, I'm going to show a single season of both houses. I felt like I kept spoiling Lupe's chapter because Ax is first in the rotation but Lupe technically got married before Ax and Mary did.


To recap, last chapter Axolotl's firstborn daughter Azure grew into a child.

Mary, Ax's wife, was moving up in the law enforcement career until she got pregnant again.

She gave birth to another little girl they named Caerulean or Cae for short.

Cae grew into a toddler and was the first child of gen 2 to receive smart milk.

In pet news, Squirrel was named petacy heir because of his high relationship with Azure.

Apparently he liked to be strangled.

That's it for the recap, on with the show...

Momma, Momma you're back guess what today is?Hmm, I seem to remember it's some little girl's birthday.It's mine Momma. Guess what also happened!What happened?

My tomatoes came in. I got forty-five of them!Good job baby, I so proud of you.

Azure looked around her family and friends gathered close. Now she has to decide what to wish for, she'd be too old for a pony and she certainly didn't want rollerblades.

Suddenly she knew exactly what to wish for.I want more garden plots so I can plant more tomatoes!

As Azure grew into teendom, she decided she wanted to make her fortune in life by becoming a hall of famer. She also wanted to have a small business on the side to sell the works of her garden.

Azure had gotten her wish, Her dad had helped her hoe out two more garden plots next to the others. In no time she had learned to plant more than just tomatoes. She planted cucumbers and strawberries next to her favorite veggie.

Good morning Sunshine you ready for your big day?Birthday!Yep, and tomorrow will be your first day of school.School, School!Ax couldn't believe it, his daughters were growing up so fast. But every parent thinks that; at least he wouldn't miss being woke up in the middle of the night.

Ax add to leave for work and Azure left for high school, leaving Mary to have Cae all to herself.Good job, Sunshine, you made it all the way to Momma. Mary cooed, she decide Cae at least needed to learn to walk before growing up. Cae had learned to use the potty, but didn't want to learn to talk.

After the previous night's party, Ax and Mary decide to make Cae's birthday a small family affair.Make a wish sunshine.I want a pony.

Cae grew up to look like her mother. She still didn't get along with Azure, but Ax hoped the girls could over come that.

That night after they had all gone to bed, Russ Bear the local burglar crept quietly onto the property.

Something felt wrong to Mary she didn't normally wake up in the middle of the night. She heard some sounds in the kitchen, but Ax was sleeping and she knew both girls were in their room.Ax wake up there's someone here! She whispered as loudly as she dared. Luckily her cell phone was on the nightstand.

I hate legacy sims, founders never have anything good. Russ grumbled as he stole the Salt's radio. He have never listened to Jessica, loaded legacy family indeed.

Hello Demi, there's a burglar in our house.No worries, Mrs. Salt we're sending someone out now.

Gah now it's raining, I knew I shouldn't have listened to Jessica.

Demi caught Russ outside on the driveway, but Russ was too strong for her and he slipped away into the night.Seeya Love, Maybe next time. Russ cackled as he fled.

The next morning the girls woke up without realizing any thing had happened. Azure was trying to get Cae to warm up to her.Come Cae, just one game of red hands.Ewwww, you have cooties.

Azure gave up on befriending her sister, and started looking for a job. She was jealous of the relationship her twin cousins had; Comet and Weather were two peas in a pod. Maybe she could find someone that she could be friends with at work.

Marie, Ax's old lover started dumping over the family trash. She finally became jealous of Mary marrying Ax instead of her.

And for some reason Kaylynn the maid was also stealing the newspaper, but Mary for the life of her couldn't figure out why.

Ax finally called the extermater to take of the bug problems caused by Marie.

Azure enjoy her new job, but there was no one her age there. Everyone was her parents age and she just didn't connect with them.

Ax and Mary finally saved up enough money to buy a car. It wasn't great, but a car nonetheless.

Hey Hunny let's test this thing out.You betcha.

Azure called the university to collect her scholarship for good grades. The new semester was starting so she enrolled. It was a little early to start, but there was no reason for her to wait until the spring semester if she didn't have to.


To recap Lupe and Jay had another set of twins. Both suffer from the First Born disease and were clones of the first set of twins.

The boy twin was named Koi and the girl Rosy.

And the older twins grew up into teenagers.

Now on with the update.

One fishie, two fishes. Koi counted the imaginary fish as he played in the toilet. He was hiding from his mom who wanted to each him the proper way to talk. Koi liked his talking just fine.

Comet have you seen Koi anywhere?He's in the bathroom. Want some help with the kiddos. Yes. lupe was slightly taken back by Comet's willingness to help with the twins. Comet had chosen romance for his aspiration in life, and that usually meant avoiding babies.

Lupe finally caught Koi finishing up his sister's smart milk and taught him to talk. Across the room she could hear Comet doing the same for Rosy.

Lupe switched off with Comet and taught Rosy how to walk.

Jay did step in with Koi and potty trained the unruly tot.

Saturday rolled around, Comet and Weather decided to hang out at Hunter's Park before their mom called them home and made them help get ready for the babies birthday party.

Weather found a few other teenagers. Turns out he knew one from his homeroom.

Comet smustled on the edge of the lot, since no girls his age appeared at the park.

The boys quickly grew bored and played kick bag.

'So this is where you guys are. Lupe's about to have a fit.Sorry Uncle Ax, we told her we where we going.

The boy hurried home, followed closely by the party guests.

Axolotl gave Koi a quick bath while Lupe got the final preparations finished.

Party guests gather around as Jay and Lupe brought the twins to the cakes.

Look I have hands!

So do I. Rosy proclaimed loudly not waiting for her mother to get a picture of the cake.You go cos. Azure cheered.

Hi I'm Rosy.I'm Caerulean, but my family calls me Cae.Daddy says I'm your cousin, wanna play?You bet. Cae might not get along with her sister but her and Rosy got along just fine.

Even on the twins first day of school, Caerulean came home with them.

Weather got a job to earn more scholarships. He spent all his afternoons at work.

What's up Comet where's Bonehead?At work. Tristen liked to come over and hang out with Comet and Weather, but Weather was always at work.

So you and my brother are just friends right?Yes, he's my best friend.But not boyfriend.Right.In that case wanna go on a date with me.'Sure.

You know I've liked you since like second grade Tris.Nope, but that's so sweet.

Apparently Tristen had like Comet a lot too.

Lupe notice Frolic was starting of grow gray when the dog came home from her job one day. The little Aussie was still as lively as ever.

Wiley was also aging, though it was harder to tell with his lighter fur, but Jay saw that the dog had a little bit of trouble climbing the steps to the porch.

With the dogs growing older, Lupe went on the look out for a mate for Leylic. She notice Max an elderly Irish wolfhound was a frequent visitor. If she fed in the experiential dog food that supposedly gave dogs longer lives, he would be a prefect mate for Leylic.

Life was relatively easy now that all the kids were out of diapers and Lupe felt that she got a chance to really know her kids. Koi had trouble in school like Comet did, but a game of red hands would always cheer him up.

All the kids got along swimmingly. Comet and Weather would sometimes make dinner just for their younger siblings.

Lupe got to enjoy was free time to herself too. She was teaching herself to paint so she could partake in the legacy tradition of painting the bloodline.

Weather and Rosy had probably the best relationship out of all the kids. Weather had a special connection with his little sister. Jay wondered if it had anything to do with the first born disease, or the fact that Rosy was just absolute lovable.

Comet being a romance sim, decides to try out his options in the neighborhood. Unfortunately Melody Tinker doesn't dig him as much as Tris does.

With winter coming in, Weather and Comet decide to join Azure for the winter semester of college.

They spent last afternoon watching TV with the younger twins. Tomorrow they would be freshman in college.

Hi Koi.Hi Rosy.

And this is where I leave you for this chapter. I have enough pictures to write the next three chapters. I will hopefully crank them out soon. Please tell me what you think of this format compared to the other one.

Thanks to all the creators of the CC that I used. Also to DrSupremeNerd and Ndainye for their respective dualegacies that can be found on boolprop.


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