dual exceptionality: identifying exceptional ability with ... · dual exceptionality: identifying...

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Dual Exceptionality: Identifying Exceptional Ability with Dyslexia

[From the Journal of the Irish Learning Support Association, V. 33, 2011, pp. 113-126]


The term ‘dual exceptional’ refers to individuals who may be exceptionally able in one or

more ways, but who also have learning or other difficulties that may mask or inhibit

achievement. Difficulties in identifying students with dual exceptionality have been

acknowledged since interest in the field began to emerge over thirty years ago

(Hemming,1985; Yewchuk, 1986; Brody and Mills, 1997; Baum and Owen, 2003; Krochak

and Ryan, 2007). One of the most prevalent forms of dual exceptionality is exceptional

ability in conjunction with dyslexia (Montgomery, 2000). Brody and Mills (1997) contend

that it is most difficult to recognise and understand students whose exceptional ability and

difficulties lie in the same area. Similarly, a report for the Council of Curriculum,

Examinations and Assessment (CCEA, 2006) notes that, while a student with difficulties in

academic areas often gains recognition for great ability or achievement in other domains, it is

more difficult both to identify and understand those whose ability and learning difficulty

occur in the same, or related academic areas.


The Report of the Special Education Review Committee (1993) uses the term ‘specific

learning disability’(SLD) in preference to ‘dyslexia’. This report defines the condition as

‘impairments in specific areas such as reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic’. The

definition of the Report of the Irish Task Force on Dyslexia is to be preferred, as it more

accurately reflects the most recent understanding of the causes and effects of the condition.

Dyslexia, it states,

... is manifested in a continuum of specific learning difficulties related to the acquisition of basic skills in reading, spelling and/or writing, such difficulties being unexpected in relation to an individual’s other abilities and educational experiences. Dyslexia can be described at the neurological, cognitive and behavioural levels. It is typically characterised by inefficient information processing, working memory, rapid naming and automaticity of basic skills. Difficulties in organisation, sequencing and motor skills may also be present (DES, 2002:xii).

The difficulties caused by dyslexia are now understood to be due to a phonological

processing problem, which prevents the individual with the condition from understanding and


using verbal codes. In brain imaging studies, a difference has been observed in the speech

processing areas of the left hemisphere of the brain during simple phonological tasks. In

individuals with dyslexia there was less activation in these areas of the brain, when compared

to those of controls, and these areas were not activated in concert (Paulesu et al., 1996;

Shaywitz et al.,1998). A causal model was developed by Uta Frith (1998) in which the

relationship between biological, cognitive and behavioural levels is indicated by causal

arrows (Figure 1).

Figure 1 (Frith,1998: p.191).

This model indicates the scope and variety of difficulties that may arise from dyslexia. While

dyslexia is most commonly associated with difficulties in reading, it has been shown that

difficulties in spelling are almost invariably concomitant (Vellutino,1979; Frith,1980).

Montgomery (2003) argues that spelling is a core problem in dyslexia that appears to be more

fundamental than reading. Difficulties caused by short-term memory deficits and ‘poor

naming’, although less easy to identify, may also create significant barriers to learning.

Short-term memory difficulties may give rise to difficulties in both self-organisation and in

the organisation of material in written tasks. Poor spelling may lead a student to write slowly

and carefully, confining the vocabulary used to words he/she can spell, resulting in work that

does not accurately represent the ability of the student.

In Ireland, the identification of dyslexia is based on a discrepancy between cognitive ability

and attainment in basic literacy skills measured by standardised norm-referenced testing.


General cognitive ability must be within or above the average range (above 90 standard

score) and performance in basic skills must be at or below the second percentile (two

standard deviations below the mean), in order for the difficulty to be recognised as SLD

(dyslexia) for the purposes of accessing extra supports (DES, 2002: p.20).

Exceptional Ability

The term ‘exceptionally able’ is the preferred term used in Ireland to describe students who

are elsewhere labelled as gifted and/or talented. It describes one part of the continuum of

ability, ranging from ‘disability’ to ‘profound ability’, that is found in all populations. The

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) uses this term to identify those

“students who require opportunities for enrichment and extension that go beyond those

provided for the general cohort of students” (NCCA, 2007:7). Seven domains in which an

individual may exhibit exceptional ability are named in the NCCA Guidelines for Teachers;

‘general intellectual ability’ is one of these domains. While noting that there is no single code

in use, a set of measurement levels to define exceptional cognitive ability is outlined:

• Able – IQ range 120 to 129 • Exceptionally able – IQ range 130 to139 • Profoundly exceptionally able IQ range 170+ (ibid: p.8)

According to this scale, an exceptionally able student is identified as being two standard

deviations above the mean. Quite commonly, a student with dual exceptionality may be two

standard deviations below the mean in achievement in basic skills, while being two standard

deviations or more above the mean in ability. This represents a very wide discrepancy

between (potential) ability and attainment.

Dual Exceptionality

There is some evidence from research to indicate that dyslexia in conjunction with high

ability may cause an exceptional ability to develop (Geschwind, 1984). Johnson and Evans

(1992) found evidence, through a comparison of the sub-tests of the Weschler Intelligence

Scales for Children–Revised (WISC-R), that in some very able individuals there may be a

greater development of spatial abilities at the expense of language functions. Both sub-test

scatter and discrepancy between Verbal and Performance scores on the WISC-R were

examined, by Patchett and Stansfield (1991), Montgomery (1997) and Herskovits and


Gyarmathy (1995), in an effort to establish a pattern that would clearly identify students with

exceptional ability and a learning difficulty. Gyarmathy (1995) though, in reviewing these

and other similar studies, concluded that, because of the possibility of over-inclusion, caution

is necessary in using sub-test scatter or discrepancies as evidence of dual exceptionality.

Identification at Primary Level

Difficulties caused by dyslexia may be apparent in children in the first few weeks of school

as they begin to fail to link the sounds of the alphabet to the letters. However, children who

have good visual memories manage to conceal this difficulty by their ability to remember

whole words. Montgomery (2003) suggests that the very able child may succeed in

concealing reading difficulties until about eight years of age. At this stage, the demands of

the curriculum suddenly expand and the strategies the child has employed may no longer be

sufficient. Mandatory testing carried out at the end of first class or the beginning of second

class should reveal difficulties, however some very able students manage to achieve average

scores on these tests. As the areas of study broaden in the middle years of primary schooling,

in addition to a good work ethic, greater concentration and excellent memory skills are

required to conceal difficulties. Eivers et al. (2010) in their report on the National

Assessments found that, while 16 to 17% of second-class students were considered by their

teachers to be behind the class level in reading ability, in the case of sixth-class 35% of

students were thought to be behind class level. This supports Montgomery’s contention,

noted above, that as demands increase difficulties become more apparent.

At primary level, when a student is seen to have difficulties in basic skills, initial support is

put in place in the classroom unless the difficulties are very severe. Since dyslexia is a high-

incidence difficulty, if problems in learning persist support of extra teaching will be given

under the general allocation model (Special Education Circular 02/05:4.2). While screening

and diagnostic testing are normally carried out within the school, assessment by an

educational psychologist will not necessarily be carried out. Schools are limited in the

number of these assessments that they may avail of annually, so psychological testing may be

reserved for students who have low-incidence needs, for those students whose difficulties are

very severe or for students about to transfer to second level. As there is currently no


provision of resources for students with exceptional ability, there is no compelling reason to

prioritise the formal identification of these students. Informal assessment and observation by

well-informed teachers may identify high ability in students, with or without attendant

difficulties. In the case of pupils with severe difficulties due to dyslexia however, it is

possible that they may be so overwhelmed with difficulties in the acquisition of basic literacy

skills that they lack the self-confidence to freely engage with the learning process in a way

that might reveal their ability.


The amount and quality of information about in-coming students transferred from the primary

to the post-primary school varies greatly. The recent document Better Literacy and Numeracy

for Children and Young People asserts that:

The transfer of information from primary school about what children have learnt in general and about their learning in literacy and numeracy, is patchy at best and sometimes anecdotal only (DES, 2010: 6:6).

Despite this assertion, there are many primary and post-primary schools whose personnel

liaise very effectively, ensuring a successful transition for their students from one sector to

the other through the dissemination of relevant information. While various guidelines

underline the importance of good communication and consultation between the two sectors

about students in transition (NCSE, 2006; NCCA, 2007; DES, 2007), and an onus is placed

on primary school principals to ensure that procedures for consultation are put in place (DES,

1999), the steps outlined are not very specific. In the absence of clear directives on specific

procedures, there are bound to be great variations in practice. The proposal in Better Literacy

and Numeracy for Children and Young People (2010) to provide for the transfer of the results

of the standardised tests carried out towards the end of primary education, and to provide a

written report on achievement in a number of areas including literacy, would provide a sound

basis for a continuum of learning for all students through the transition period.

Second Level It is unusual for students entering post-primary school in Ireland to transfer with a formal

assessment of exceptional ability. In the case of students with dual exceptionality who are

tested because of a learning difficulty, cognitive testing will sometimes reveal potentially


high ability. However cognitive testing, using Weschler Intelligence Scales, of students with

dyslexia or other learning difficulties may not identify exceptional ability, particularly where

only Full Scale scores are used. The very able student who has learning difficulties may

present as average because of low scoring on some of the sub-tests, or because of a large

discrepancy between Verbal and Performance scores. Where testing of intelligence/cognition

is part of incoming tests exceptional ability may be identified but in this testing also, scoring

of very able students with dyslexia may be uneven or misleadingly ‘average’. Students with

dual exceptionality may remain undetected throughout the school years either, as Krochak

and Ryan (2007) argue, because these students compensate well for their disability or because

they do not demonstrate the high achievement that is usually associated with exceptional

ability. Brody and Mills (1997) suggest that it would be better to avoid set cut-off points for

identification or for admitting to programmes, as this discriminates against students with dual


A representative sample of incoming assessment results of students with dyslexia, who were

later identified through observation, testing and/or achievement as being exceptionally able or

having the potential to be exceptionally able academically, is shown in a table below so that

variations and similarities in scoring may be seen (Figure 2). These examples are drawn from

testing carried out in the course of this writer’s work as a special education teacher in a post-

primary school. They are followed by three brief case studies that illustrate to some extent the

heterogeneous nature of dual exceptionality. The AH2 was the test in use for incoming

assessments at the time when these students entered second level. This is a test of general

reasoning that has now been replaced in many schools by the Cognitive Abilities Test 3

(CAT 3).

Student name

Reading Age

Maths Skills (N. France)

Standard Score

AH2 Total

AH2 Verbal

AH2 Quantitative

AH2 Non-

Verbal Jamie 12.6 108 C C C C Ewan 12.2 100 C C D C Elizabeth 10.5 95 C C C B Henry 8.5 83 D E E C Kate 9.5 99 C C C C

Figure 2.

• In three of the cases, Elizabeth, Jamie and Ewan, testing was carried out by an

educational psychologist at primary level


• Reading, measured by D. Young Cloze Reading Test 3, shows a wide range of scores

• All but one student scored in the average range in Mathematical Skills

• All students scored average or above on the Non-Verbal Test

The Junior Certificate results in the core subjects of these five students are shown below (Fig.

3). Religion was not a core subject at the time some of these students took Junior Certificate

examinations, so it is not included. Level taken, higher, ordinary or foundation, is shown in

brackets beside the student’s grade in each subject. CSPE has one level only. An asterisk

marks a spelling and grammar waiver. Jamie and Henry had readers.


Student Eng. Maths Irish French Ger. Hist. Geog. Sci. CSPE

Jamie B* (h) A (h) - D* (o) - B (h) A (h) B (h) B

Ewan B (o) B (o) - - - D (h) D (h) B (o) A

Elizabeth B (o) B (o) D (o) C (o) - B (h) B (h) D (h) B

Henry B* (f) B (o) - - D *(o) B (o) A (o) B (o) C

Kate C* (h) B (h) B* (h) B* (o) - D (h) C (h) C (h) A

Figure 3: Junior Certificate Results

Case Study 1: Elizabeth Elizabeth was assessed by an educational psychologist when she was in 5th Class:


→ Full Scale, 127 Standard Score (SS)

→ Verbal, 126 SS → Performance, 121 SS

Weschler Objective Reading Dimensions (WORD):

→ Basic Reading 75th percentile → Spelling 7th percentile → Reading Comprehension 15th


No WORD composite score was given. A specific learning difficulty (dyslexia) was

identified from these scores, with spelling being particularly affected, but scores were not low

enough to qualify Elizabeth for an SEN allocation. At transition to post-primary school,

Elizabeth’s incoming test results (Figure 2 above) showed an ‘average’ student with a

weakness in reading. Her reading age however was above the cut-off point for Learning


Support, which was offered to students with a reading age of below 10.5. A student on the

borderline in this way would normally be monitored to check for any difficulties, however

Elizabeth was a diligent student with no apparent difficulties during her years in Junior

Cycle. She showed exceptional ability in Art and Crafts. Junior Certificate examinations

presented no difficulties for her (Fig. 3), but only three core subjects were taken at higher

level. Her only ‘A’ was in Art which she took at higher level.

When Elizabeth was in 5th Year, her French teacher approached the SEN Department as she

was concerned that Elizabeth’s spelling was causing difficulty in written expression, holding

back a student who was otherwise very able. An SEN teacher spoke with Elizabeth’s English

and Irish teachers, who also had concerns that her written work did not represent her ability

in those subjects. Elizabeth was offered one class a week of support. Discussion with

Elizabeth, her other subject teachers and with her parent suggested that a spelling and

grammar waiver for Leaving Certificate would give Elizabeth greater possibility of achieving

to her potential in the exams. Reasonable Accommodations (RACE) were applied for and a

spelling and grammar waiver was granted on the basis of Elizabeth’s spelling in the Wide

Range Achievement 4 (WRAT 4), which was below the 10th percentile. In Leaving

Certificate examinations, Elizabeth took Irish at Foundation Level and Maths and English at

Ordinary Level. She did not achieve as highly as she had hoped, although on the basis of an

excellent portfolio she got the third-level course of her choice.

Elizabeth’s Leaving Certificate results did not reflect her ability. A significant difficulty for

Elizabeth in examinations was that, in an effort to avoid making spelling mistakes, she had

become accustomed to writing very brief responses to questions. This is a common tactic

used by students with dyslexia, as also is the overuse of direct quotation from texts.

Repetition is also common in longer writing tasks. These characteristics were features not

only of Elizabeth’s writing, but of Kate and Henry’s also.

Early identification and the introduction of support are extremely important in the case of

highly able students like Elizabeth. Kate, whose in-coming testing results are also shown

above (Fig.2), had a very similar profile on incoming to Elizabeth, but had greater difficulties

in reading. While no assessment information transferred from her primary school, Kate was

offered Learning Support on the basis of her incoming reading test score. During first year


she took part in a reading intervention, which was provided by pairing first year students with

trained transition-year tutors. Post-testing showed that Kate’s reading had improved by 1.9

years. Like Elizabeth, Kate coped very well with the curriculum in Junior Cycle, achieving

satisfactory results in Junior Certificate examinations, in which all but one subject was taken

at Higher Level (Fig.3). In exactly the same way as Elizabeth, Kate’s difficulties in language

subjects due to very weak spelling were brought to the attention of the SEN Department in

her fifth year. All her teachers confirmed that Kate was a student with exceptional ability,

whose written work did not represent her very high ability.

When students are unable to express themselves fully and freely in writing they often become

inhibited, not only in their writing but also in other ways. Elizabeth was a quiet, hard-

working student who lacked confidence in her own academic ability. The difficulties of both

students appeared to have been mild enough to have been overcome, but in fact they were

severe enough to prevent both students developing to their full potential at second-level.

Early identification of the effects of dyslexia on the learning of both these students, as well as

recognition of the exceptional ability that was masking their significant difficulties, may have

made a significant difference to their academic achievement at second level.

Case Study 2: Ewan

In third class in primary school, due to difficulties in literacy skills, Ewan was referred to an

educational psychologist for assessment:


→ Full Scale, 66th percentile

→ Verbal, 75th percentile

→ Performance, 47th percentile


→ Reading, 68 Standard Score

→ Spelling, 68 SS

→ Comprehension 80 SS

This testing showed a significant difference between Verbal and Performance scores.

Freedom from Distractibility was also an area of weakness. Reading comprehension was an

area of relative strength. Dyslexia was diagnosed, with a specific difficulty in both spelling

and reading. Ewan was supported under the general allocation. A review report two years

later, when Ewan was in 5th Class gave no scores for cognitive testing, stating that cognitive

levels were the same as at previous testing. WORD showed:

→ Basic Reading, 10th percentile


→ Spelling, 4th percentile

→ Reading Comprehension 16th percentile

→ Word Composite, 5th percentile


At transition to post-primary school, incoming tests indicated that Ewan was an ‘average’

student (Fig. 2). He was above the cut-off point for both additional support for SEN and for

Learning Support. He had been granted an exemption from Irish at primary level. A highly

verbal student, Ewan was often disruptive in class. He was exceptionally able in Art,

although he frequently failed to complete projects that were assigned. As he progressed

through school, there were frequent difficulties with behaviour. He was intractable when he

felt that he was being, in his own words, ‘disrespected’. He doodled when he was thinking or

when he was bored, which caused frequent difficulties with his teachers. His creative writing

was of a very high quality, but the mechanics of his writing were poor. On a one-to-one

basis, Ewan’s verbal ability, general knowledge and interest in current affairs revealed a

highly intelligent, thoughtful student. However in third year, he frequently talked about

dropping out of school and in fact Ewan left after Junior Certificate. His Junior Certificate

results, with the exception of Art and CSPE, did not reflect his ability (Fig.3). Ewan’s

exceptional academic ability was in the same area as his difficulty, which was a primary

cause of his frustration with his learning. Early identification of dual exceptionality may have

changed outcomes for this student.

Case Study 3: Jamie

Jamie experienced great difficulties in the acquisition of literacy skills from the time he began

primary education. His first assessment by an educational psychologist was when he was in

fifth class. WISC-III testing resulted in the following:

→ Full Scale: 98 SS

→ WORD Composite: 2nd percentile.

The educational psychologist noted that, during testing, Jamie frequently used his intelligence

to accurately guess a word by recognising a single initial letter. Severe dyslexia was

identified. Jamie was given in-school support and his parents arranged for additional support

outside school.


At transition to post-primary school, Jamie was granted 2.5 hours of additional SEN teaching

He also had an exemption from Irish. Jamie’s incoming test results revealed an ‘average’

student, who was well above the cut-off point for Learning Support classes (Fig.2). Despite

these results, Jamie had severe difficulties in reading and writing. His slow and inaccurate

reading made access to texts difficult. He used Kurzweil text-to-speech software in the SEN

Department but, as he found it difficult to concentrate on text in that way for long periods of

time, his SEN teacher read many texts to him. Initially Jamie was very nervous and lacking

in self-confidence but, as he became accustomed to second level school and to working with

his SEN teacher, he began to benefit more from the extra classes. He also benefited from the

fact that he was very competent in mathematics and so all SEN classes were devoted to

working on literacy skills and texts. All extra teaching classes were individual, as he was

withdrawn from mainstream class during Irish classes. As Jamie’s confidence increased, it

became clear that he was a very able student. Junior Certificate examinations were taken at

higher level with the exception of French (Fig.3).

Assessment was carried out by the educational psychologist prior to application for

Reasonable Accommodations for Leaving Certificate. WAIS results:

→ Verbal, 99.7th percentile

→ Performance, 61st percentile

The WAIT-II showed Pseudo Word Decoding at the 1st percentile. The National Educational

Psychology Service (NEPS) psychologist noted that a Full Scale score would not adequately

reflect this student’s true cognitive ability. She described him as a ‘young man of superior

ability’. With a reader and a spelling and grammar waiver, Jamie achieved excellent Leaving

Certificate results which included an A1 in Higher Level English. His results were equal to

his expectations and he is currently studying his first-choice course at third level.

Henry was another student with similar difficulties to Jamie. Henry did not have an

assessment before transfer to second level. Assessment carried out by an educational

psychologist during his first year found him to be in the “upper end Low Average/ Average

range”, with WORD Composite at 0.2% ile. An allocation of 1.5 hours was made at the

beginning of his second year. At this stage, Henry was overwhelmed by his difficulties and

had little self-confidence. With support, over the next few years he gradually became more

aware of his self-efficacy in learning. He began to participate more in group work and


discussion, although written work continued to be very brief and undeveloped. A review

assessment before application was made for RACE for Leaving Certificate, showed “current

cognitive functioning in the Above High Average Range”. Henry got 170 points in his

Leaving Certificate and, after a year spent doing a post Leaving Certificate course, he is now

studying for a degree in third level. A comparison between the attainment at second level of

Henry and Jamie underlines the importance of individual or small group support from an

early stage.

Summary and Conclusions

Early identification, preferably at primary level, is important if students are to fulfil their

potential at second level. Incoming assessments as shown above (Fig. 2) did not indicate the

extent of either the difficulties or the potential ability of the students described here. The

recent addition of a spelling test to incoming assessments in the writer’s school has helped to

identify dyslexic difficulties in students who performed well on the reading test. The

introduction of CAT 3 also gives a clearer cognitive picture than AH2, which was not as

stringent a test. However identification of dual exceptionality at second level would be

greatly facilitated if standardised assessments carried out in primary school were available to

the post-primary school, as trends in attainment would be seen and could be compared with

further testing carried out at second level.

Students in Junior Cycle are unlikely to be identified as having exceptional abilities and/or

learning difficulties if they are performing satisfactorily in tests and examinations. Dual

exceptional students will usually show some discrepancies between potential and

performance, so each student’s progress should be compared to his/her potential and dips in

progress should be monitored. For this reason, tracking of end-of-term exam results should

be the norm in Junior Cycle in particular, and progress should be checked in the light of

performance in standardised assessments such as incoming tests, or cognitive tests such as

WISC III or IV where they are available. Although cognitive testing does not give a full

picture, it provides a basis for understanding. However, it is important to bear in mind that

no fixed assumptions should be made about a student’s potential based on cognitive testing

alone. The two students described above who had review assessments in fifth year, showed a

significant increase in cognitive functioning on reassessment. In the experience of this


writer, this has been an invariable outcome for all students having psychological reviews in

fifth year, whatever their level of ability.

Students whose difficulties appear relatively mild may prove to have significant difficulties in

spelling in Senior Cycle, particularly in languages other than English, as was the case with

Kate and Elizabeth. The most harmful aspect of a spelling difficulty at any stage of second

level is the constricting effect it has on the writing of otherwise very able students. When the

habit of writing only what one can spell has become ingrained, it takes a long time and a

great deal of effort to develop complexity and fluency in one’s writing. Students with dual

exceptionality who have ‘mild’ dyslexia and are unsupported by extra teaching are as likely

to underachieve in Certificate examinations as dual exceptional students who appear to have

more severe difficulties.

Lack of self-confidence is a very large factor in the underachievement and the disengagement

from learning of many students with dual exceptionality. As outcomes fail to match

expectations, often because of poor performance in written work due to errors in spelling and

grammar, poor organisation of writing or lack of plan and structure, these students lose

confidence and feelings of self-efficacy. This begins most often in the higher stages of

primary school and the first years of second level, when students begin to compare

themselves to others and ‘deficiency becomes identity and learning is transformed from the

early child’s free exploration of the world to a chore beset by insecurities and self-imposed

restrictions’ (Papert, 1980:5). When students lose heart and have no enjoyment in learning,

they lose the ‘task commitment’ that Renzulli (1977) identifies as one of the three necessary

elements of giftedness. Once disengagement becomes an entrenched attitude, it is difficult to

reverse. This risk is always present for students with dual exceptionality, but perhaps it is

most particularly so for students with dyslexia, as so many outcomes in school arise from

written work. It is for this reason that it is so important to identify and support both the

difficulties and the exceptional ability of these students.



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