drupal development workflow in details

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Drupal Development workflow with Drupal, Gerrit, Ægir & Jenkins at EASME.

Pol Dellaiera - @drupol

June 2014

• One server hosted by DG-GROW • No versioning • Command-line upgrades through SSH • No deployment strategy • One production site • No development server • No Drupal profile

• 3 servers • Easily extendable • Deployment strategies • No need of an SSH access • No need of local XAMP • As many Drupal instances as we want • Source(custom only)under versioning


• Might take a lot of time to build a platform • Workflow depending on multiple computers


The big picture

• Git • Gerrit

Development server

Production server

• Jenkins • Ægir

Versioning server



Gerrit is a web based code review system, facilitating online code reviews for projects using the Git version control system. Gerrit makes reviews easier by showing changes in a side-by-side display, and allowing inline comments to be added by any reviewer. Gerrit simplifies Git based project maintainership by permitting any authorized user to submit changes to the master Git repository, rather than requiring all approved changes to be merged in by hand by the project maintainer. This functionality enables a more centralized usage of Git.


Jenkins, formerly known as "Hudson Labs", is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Jenkins is an award-winning application that monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron. Among those things, Jenkins focuses on the following two jobs: Building/testing software projects continuously Monitoring executions of externally-run jobs Jenkins keeps those outputs and makes it easy for you to notice when something is wrong.


The Ægir hosting system allows developers and site administrators to automate many of the common tasks associated with deploying and managing large websites. Ægir makes it easy to install, upgrade, deploy, and backup an entire network of Drupal sites. Support for multi-server site deployment and management allows for migrating sites between servers, including large sites spread across multiple web servers.

Workflow of a change, from the user to the server.

1.Writing the code locally, 2.Testing the code on a test instance by synchronizing with SSH the

local profile directory with the remote, 3.Committing and pushing the code on the Git server, 4.Jenkins starts building a new instance with only your changes, 5.Aegir is notified of that new platform, 6.Code review and merge the patch into the master branch.

s-eci-idev.easme.cec.eu.int • Drupal instances

1. Writing the code locally, 2. Testing the code on a test instance by synchronizing with SSH the

local profile directory with the remote,

s-eci-versn.easme.cec.eu.int • Git/Gerrit

$ git commit –am "Feature update for demonstration purpose." $ git push

3. Committing and pushing the code on the Git server,

$ git commit –am "Feature update for demonstration purpose." $ git push

Gerrit list the changes on the "open change" page.

Gerrit: details, online review and history of the change.

You can also review the change in your IDE.

4. Jenkins will trigger a build of the project with only your change. It will also report to Gerrit the result of that new build.

5. Ægir is notified of that new build and will verify it.

The platform has been verified and is now available.

Creation of a new site on that new platform.

A new "install" task has been created and will be processed soon.

6. Code review and merge the patch into the master branch.


•Composer: Dependency Manager for PHP •Phing: PHP project build system •Drush: Command line tool, "Drupal is the GUI for Drush"

Available platforms

Any Drupal distributions like: • COD • Commerce Kickstart • Commons • Openatrium • Openfed • Openpublic • Panopoly • Restaurant

Custom distribution:

• EASME Intranet • … more to come soon.

Going further

• Tests, Behat, reporting • Include FPFIS-Multisite as a platform

Random ideas

• Use git instead of rsync/SSH for synchronizing platforms ? (pull VS push)

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