driver for 1280x800 sis mirage 3 screens

Post on 21-Nov-2014






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Driver for 1280x800 SiS Mirage 3 screens : Extract and to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers and the xorg.conf to /etc/X11. This is the Plymouth solution:

the solution is easy; open a terminal; become root Code:sudo bash

type; Code:echo blacklist vga16fb > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-vga16fb.conf

type; Code:update-initramfs -u


Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 HI On Sis chips I use the Alternate install cd. Install. Restart, update at command line, or low graphics mode. Install or check to see if correct driver was installed. Restart. Even on Karmic I've had that video corruption with SiS on install.

Sharky I've made the same post here: and I can only suggest to all have this talk there; since that's an active thread on the sis 771/671 anyway; since there's gonna be same discussion on this page; also posting it here

THIS WORKS on ubuntu 10.04 I've just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my belinea c1541 laptop, which also has a sis 771/671 @MichealH below.. plymouth solution is on the bottom of this text. Anway; I've used the drivers from take the install files, unzip them once unzipped copy or move them (I just copied them) *in terminal go to the path you've unzipped them in f.e; cd /home/user/Downloads Code:sudo cp sis671_drv.* /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/

Then I generated a xorg.conf. I opened up a terminal and typed; Code:sudo service gdm stop

Then switching to tty1 which had only scrambled text. Anyway; logged in blindly became root with Code:sudo bash

then generated a xorg.conf file with Code:Xorg -configure

started gdm again with Code:service gdm start

Opened up a terminal again; moved the autogenerated to /etc/X11/xorg.conf Code:sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf

and restarted gdm again; Code:sudo service gdm restart

I now have a very nice workable screen. )(1280x800) Then I noticed the plymouth problem and the fact all tty's were still scrambled. However; the solution is easy; open a terminal; become root Code:sudo bash

type; Code:echo blacklist vga16fb > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-vga16fb.conf

type; Code:update-initramfs -u


Everything is working like a charm.

Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672

after wait until 10 minutes, it works! desktop shows up... thanks michealh...

andydch View Public Profile Send a private message to andydch Find More Posts by andydch April 10th, 2010 mhgsys Skinny Soy Caramel Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 Quote: #22

Originally Posted by lulacLilla I have the same problem on my generic laptop, installed ubuntu 10.04 beta and the best resolution available is 800x600. At the start-up there are purple lines flickering as mentioned in the first post. Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Netherlands My beans are hidden! Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx MHGSYS can you please provide "an idiot's guide" how to solve this issue. I tried what you wrote but still no joy. I don't know what you mean by switching to TTY. thank you, navy Sure; THIS WORKS on ubuntu 10.04 explained version download the drivers from (take the install files), unzip them once unzipped copy or move them (I just copied them) Open up a terminal and go to the path you've unzipped them in.(use the cd command to navigate to directory's) f.e; cd /home/user/Downloads Code:sudo cp sis671_drv.* /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/

then stop X Code:sudo service gdm stop

you'll have to do next part blindly) (We need to stop X or we won't be able to auto-generate a Code:Switch to tty1 by pressing Ctrl+Alt+f1

(f2 for tty2, f3 for tty3, etc.. (f7 should be X) Even though you won't be able to read it (yet) you can login Code:type in your username and press enter

Code:type in your password and press enter

Now you're logged in you want to become root; type; Code:sudo bash

Code:type in your password

Now your root; type in Code:Xorg -configure

(this will create a in your home directory) and start gdm again with Code:service gdm start

Once there; Open up a terminal again; move the auto-generated to /etc/X11/xorg.conf with Code:sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf

and restart gdm by typing; Code:sudo service gdm restart

Fix the plymouth and the unreadable tty problem like this: Open up a terminal and typ

Code:sudo bash

Code:enter your password

type; Code:echo blacklist vga16fb > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-vga16fb.conf

type; Code:update-initramfs -u

and reboot Code:reboot

__________________ When your thread it solved: go to thread tools > Mark this thread as solvedfor SIS 771/671 use xcompmgr to have transparent terminals. just load it at startup.

And then they asked: what's a pbkac error? Last edited by mhgsys; April 10th, 2010 at 08:40 PM..

mhgsys View Public Profile Send a private message to mhgsys Visit mhgsys's homepage! Find More Posts by mhgsys April 10th, 2010 master2 First Cup of Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 mhgsys your soultion dont working by me. when i shutdown the gdm, its only flickering... #23

Join Date: Mar 2010 Beans: 6

..but here is a working soultion (SiS 771/671 Mirage 3 and ubuntu 10.04 beta 2, release 10.04.2010)1. boot from cd. it will be flickering like this:

wait few minutes and the ubuntu installer lookup with 800x600. 2. install ubuntu 3. download and extract this: MIRROR: 4. copy the and the to Code:/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers

5. copy the xorg.conf to Code:/etc/X11

6. reboot your machine 7. open a terminal and enter this commands: Code:sudo bash

(enter passwort...) Code:

echo blacklist vga16fb > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-vga16fb.conf

Code:update-initramfs -u

8. reboot your machine again. thats it!

thanks for all helpers...

master2 View Public Profile Send a private message to master2 Find More Posts by master2 April 10th, 2010 mhgsys Skinny Soy Caramel Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 @master2 The biggest difference would be the xorg.conf included in your download; (and rebooting instead of just restarting X/gdm: lol) ..btw, you better reboot after you just fresh installed ubuntu or you would be still running live cd, trying to include drivers on that.... Anyway;I wonder if that xorg.conf is multi compatible. (edit: tested it; your xorg.conf also works.,) #24

Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Netherlands My beans are hidden! Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

still I rather auto-generate (I like my 2d support... dri ,glx etc) Compared; The provided xorg.conf in your link Code:Section "Monitor" Identifier "PBMonitor" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "SIS 671" Driver "sis671" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "SIS 671" Monitor "PBMonitor" EndSection

My xorg.conf (auto-generated) Code:Section "ServerLayout" Identifier Screen 0 InputDevice InputDevice EndSection " Configured" "Screen0" 0 0 "Mouse0" "CorePointer" "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files" ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi" FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/xttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType" FontPath "built-ins" EndSection Section "Module" Load "dbe" Load "extmod" Load "record"

Load Load Load EndSection

"dri2" "glx" "dri"

Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse0" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "auto" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier VendorName ModelName EndSection "Monitor0" "Monitor Vendor" "Monitor Model"

Section "Device" ### Available Driver options are:### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"False", ### : "String", : " Hz/kHz/MHz" ### [arg]: arg optional #Option "FastVram" [] #Option "HostBus" [] #Option "BenchmarkMemcpy" [] #Option "UseSSE" [] #Option "MaxXFBMem" #Option "Accel" [] #Option "TurboQueue" [] #Option "RenderAcceleration" [] #Option "DRI" [] #Option "AGPSize" #Option "GARTSize" #Option "ShadowFB" [] #Option "Rotate"

# # # # # # # # # # # # #

#Option #Option "EnableSiSCtrl" [] #Option "SWCursor" [] #Option "HWCursor" [] #Option "ColorHWCursor" [] #Option "UseColorHWCursor" [] #Option "ColorHWCursorBlending" [] #Option "ColorHWCursorBlendThreshold" # #Option "InternalModes" [] #Option "ConstantDPI" [] #Option "OverruleFrequencyRanges" #Option "RestoreBySetMode" [] #Option "Vesa" [] #Option "ForceCRT1Type" #Option "ForceCRT1" [] #Option "ForceCRT2Type" #Option "CRT2Detection" [] #Option "CRT1LCD" [] #Option "ForceCRT2ReDetection" [] #Option "EnableHotkey" [] #Option "ForceCRT1VGAAspect" #Option "ForceCRT2VGAAspect" #Option "UseROMData" [] #Option "UseOEMData" [] #Option "ScaleLCD" [] #Option "CenterLCD" [] #Option "PanelDelayCompensation" #Option "PDC" # # # # # # "Reflect" #

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

#Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option [] #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option [] #Option #Option [] #Option [] #Option [] #Option [] #Option #Option #Option #Option

"PanelDelayCompensation2" "PDC2" # "PanelDelayCompensation1" "PDC1" # "EMI" "LVDSHL" "ForcePanelRGB" "SpecialTiming" "TVStandard" "TVXPosOffset" "TVYPosOffset" "SISTVEdgeEnhance" "SISTVAntiFlicker" "SISTVSaturation" "SISTVCFilter" "SISTVYFilter" "SISTVColorCalibFine" "SISTVColorCalibCoarse" "SISTVXScale" "SISTVYScale" "SenseYPbPr" "YPbPrAspectRatio" "TVBlueWorkAround" "CHTVType" "CHTVOverscan" "CHTVSuperOverscan" "CHTVLumaBandwidthCVBS" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

"CHTVLumaBandwidthSVIDEO" "CHTVLumaFlickerFilter" # "CHTVChromaBandwidth" #

#Option #Option [] #Option #Option #Option #Option [] #Option [] #Option #Option #Option [] #Option [] #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option #Option [] #Option [] #Option [] #Option #Option "CHTVChromaFlickerFilter" "CHTVCVBSColor" # "CHTVTextEnhance" "CHTVContrast" "SIS6326TVAntiFlicker" "SIS6326TVEnableYFilter" "SIS6326TVYFilterStrong" "SIS6326TVForcePlug" "SIS6326FSCAdjust" "CRT1Gamma" "CRT2Gamma" "GammaBrightness" "GammaBrightnessCRT2" "CRT2GammaBrightness" "Brightness" "NewGammaBrightness" "CRT2Brightness" "CRT2NewGammaBrightness" "Contrast" "NewGammaContrast" "CRT2Contrast" "CRT2NewGammaContrast" "CRT1Saturation" "Xvideo" "XvOnCRT2" "XvGamma" "XvDefaultContrast" "XvDefaultBrightness" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

#Option #Option

"XvDefaultHue" "XvDefaultSaturation"

# #

#Option "XvDefaultDisableGfx" # [] #Option "XvDefaultDisableGfxLR" # [] #Option "XvChromaMin" # #Option "XvChromaMax" # #Option "XvUseChromaKey" # [] #Option "XvInsideChromaKey" # [] #Option "XvYUVChromaKey" # [] #Option "XvDisableColorKey" # [] #Option "XvDefaultAdaptor" # #Option "YV12" # [] #Option "MergedFB" # [] #Option "TwinView" # [] #Option "MergedFBAuto" # [] #Option "CRT2HSync" # #Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" # #Option "CRT2VRefresh" # #Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" #Option "CRT2Position" # #Option "TwinViewOrientation" # #Option "MetaModes" # #Option "MergedDPI" # #Option "MergedXinerama" # [] #Option "TwinviewXineramaInfo" # [] #Option "MergedXineramaScreen0" # [] #Option "MergedXineramaCRT2IsScreen0" # [] #Option "MergedNonRectangular" # [] #Option "MergedMouseRestriction" #

[] #Option [] Identifier Driver VendorName [SiS]" BoardName Adapter" BusID EndSection



"Card0" "sis671" "Silicon Integrated Systems "771/671 PCIE VGA Display "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Card0" Monitor "Monitor0" SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 1 EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 4 EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 8 EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 15 EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 16 EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 EndSubSection EndSection

__________________ When your thread it solved: go to thread tools > Mark this thread as solvedfor SIS 771/671 use xcompmgr to have transparent terminals. just load it at startup.

And then they asked: what's a pbkac error? Last edited by mhgsys; April 11th, 2010 at 08:16 AM..


View Public Profile Send a private message to mhgsys Visit mhgsys's homepage! Find More Posts by mhgsys April 10th, 2010 VMC Iced Blended Vanilla Crme Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 Quote: Originally Posted by lulacLilla I have the same problem on my generic laptop, installed ubuntu 10.04 beta and the best resolution available is 800x600. At the start-up there are purple lines flickering as mentioned in the first post. Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Southern California, USA My beans are hidden! Ubuntu Development Release MHGSYS can you please provide "an idiot's guide" how to solve this issue. I tried what you wrote but still no joy. I don't know what you mean by switching to TTY. thank you, navy I think what he's referring to is one of the VTY's (Ctrl+Alt+F1, for example). Another way is to boot into recovery mode , by adding "single" at the end of the linux boot line. Do this through boot boot menu. __________________ Grub2 wiki | boot_info_script #25

VMC View Public Profile Send a private message to VMC Find More Posts by VMC April 11th, 2010 mhgsys Skinny Soy Caramel Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 Quote: Originally Posted by lulacLilla #26

Thanks a lot mhgsys! Everything working perfectly now crystal clear resolution, perfect. I owe you a beer if you ever come to Brazil Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Netherlands My beans are hidden! Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx That part done blindly was a bit scary for me as I'm still a beginner but another day another learning curve. Thanks a again. All of you who have the same problem just follow mhgsys's howto - it works! Great, I'll like knowing to have a beer if I'm ever in brazil Anyway; suggesting again to keep the sis 771 /671 talk in this thread __________________ When your thread it solved: go to thread tools > Mark this thread as solvedfor SIS 771/671 use xcompmgr to have transparent terminals. just load it at startup.

And then they asked: what's a pbkac error?

mhgsys View Public Profile Send a private message to mhgsys Visit mhgsys's homepage! Find More Posts by mhgsys April 11th, 2010 MichealH Way Too Much Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 Quote: Originally Posted by master2 mhgsys your soultion dont working by me. when i shutdown the gdm, its only flickering... Join Date: Jul 2009 Location: Durham, UK Beans: 321 #27

..but here is a working soultion (SiS 771/671

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Mirage 3 and ubuntu 10.04 beta 2, release 10.04.2010)1. boot from cd. it will be flickering like this:

wait few minutes and the ubuntu installer lookup with 800x600. 2. install ubuntu 3. download and extract this: MIRROR: 4. copy the and the to Code:/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers

5. copy the xorg.conf to Code:/etc/X11

6. reboot your machine 7. open a terminal and enter this commands: Code:sudo bash

(enter passwort...) Code:echo blacklist vga16fb > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-vga16fb.conf

Code:update-initramfs -u

8. reboot your machine again. thats it!

thanks for all helpers... Thanks for thanking me Good job I got those drivers in the .tar.gz I always put them in Dropbox so I can set my computer up again... I have lots of scripts in there. I might just make a script for that __________________ Im a 13 years old Computer Whizz! My Site-My Twitter Download Ubuzine- The best Ubuntu Magazine Ever!

MichealH View Public Profile Send a private message to MichealH Find More Posts by MichealH April 11th, 2010 mhgsys Skinny Soy Caramel Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 Don't you people read? As I was saying before; you A; should reboot ubuntu first after installing it; and B: #28

the xorg.conf provided by that link won't give you 2d support; as dri and glx are not loaded at all. It's good you want to help people by creating an easier way; but I don't really like the fact you (michaelh and master2) are pretending to have found the solution yourself . As anyone can see; you are the same people as who did not understand my "howto" before. So please; at least edit the howto you people made to be a working one. And stop trying to gain credit with other peoples work. __________________ When your thread it solved: go to thread tools > Mark this thread as solvedfor SIS 771/671 use xcompmgr to have transparent terminals. just load it at startup.

Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Netherlands My beans are hidden! Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

And then they asked: what's a pbkac error? Last edited by mhgsys; April 11th, 2010 at 01:27 PM..

mhgsys View Public Profile Send a private message to mhgsys Visit mhgsys's homepage! Find More Posts by mhgsys April 11th, 2010 MichealH Way Too Much Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 Quote: Originally Posted by mhgsys [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="3"]Don't you people read? As I was saying before; you A; should reboot ubuntu first after installing it; Join Date: Jul 2009 and B: #29

Location: Durham, UK Beans: 321 Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

the xorg.conf provided by that link won't give you 2d support; as dri and glx are not loaded at all. It's good you want to help people by creating an easier way; but I don't really like the fact you (michaelh and master2) are pretending to have found the solution yourself . As anyone can see; you are the same people as who did not understand my "howto" before. [url][/url] So please; at least edit the howto you people made to be a working one. And stop trying to gain credit with other peoples work.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] The only thing I got was the plymouth thing not the drivers I had put them in the tar myself along with a few mods. __________________ Im a 13 years old Computer Whizz! My Site-My Twitter Download Ubuzine- The best Ubuntu Magazine Ever!

MichealH View Public Profile Send a private message to MichealH Find More Posts by MichealH April 11th, 2010 mhgsys Skinny Soy Caramel Ubuntu Re: Lucid with Sis Mirage 671/672 Quote: Originally Posted by MichealH The only thing I got was the plymouth thing not the drivers I had put them in the tar myself along with a few mods. Ok, maybe I came over a little to harsh.. Let me explain myself; Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Netherlands My beans are hidden! Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx What I mean by it; is that you just both look over the fact I've pointed out that the "solution master2 wrote" contains errors, misses direct commands and that the xorg.conf which you included in your link misses things like dri and #30

glx Meaning missing Direct Rendering and missing 2d support. My "howto" contains the way to generate a which includes all these "needed" options, (as you can see on my generated xorg.conf)

It would have been better if you just linked people to the post I wrote on as I said before; That's the most active thread on the sis 771/671 and contains lot's of users which have all contributed to make the sis work since 2008 btw. @master2.. From the beginning > I clearly stated you'll have to log in blindly on tty.. I even wrote it in bold in the explained /"idiot" version I wrote __________________ When your thread it solved: go to thread tools > Mark this thread as solvedfor SIS 771/671 use xcompmgr to have transparent terminals. just load it at startup.

And then they asked: what's a pbkac error? Last edited by mhgsys; April 11th, 2010 at 09:29 PM.. Reason: spelling

mhgsys View Public Profile Send a private message to mhgsys Visit mhgsys's homepage! Find More Posts by mhgsys

SiS M671/M672 driver for xorg xserver 7.5 on Debian / SiduxFecha: February 2nd, 2010 | Categora: Linux | 43 Comments

I had problems when I did a dist-upgrade about two weeks ago on my Sidux installation (its pretty much debian sid with a twist). In the ubuntu forums, I found that someone had the same install that I have, and took the source that he compiled and tried to make it work on my laptop. The error message I got was `undefined Symbol: resVgaIoShared` and apparently it was because the driver used a deprecated function of xorg.

Here is the source code. Here is the install files (with instructions).

43 Comments on SiS M671/M672 driver for xorg xserver 7.5 on Debian / Sidux

1. 1 K Hendrawan said at 9:04 pm on February 2nd, 2010: Hi, thanks for the info. I believe it still does not provide 3D acceleration support?

2. 2 eordano said at 10:44 pm on February 2nd, 2010: No, it doesnt. But it can handle a dual monitor setup [post in spanish]:

3. 3 delorean said at 8:29 am on February 4th, 2010: Do you know how to compile in x8_64 system?

4. 4 eordano said at 2:39 pm on February 4th, 2010: yes, @delorean. download the source, extract it. run `./configure && make && sudo make install`. If any packages are missing when running `./configure`, download them. The packages needed are the -dev versions. after that, locate the installed files and check that they are in the correct folder, i think this Makefile is configured to install on /usr/local/lib/ and my X on Debian, for instance, needs the driver on /usr/lib/

5. 5 Leonardo said at 8:54 pm on February 6th, 2010: Gracias, Esteban! I updated Debian testing (and, by consequence, xorg) but i forget that sis671 is a comedy for Linux support. The driver already previously installed doesnt works with xorg 1.7.5, only 1.7.4. This post saved the day. Thanks! Higher resolutions now works again.

6. 6 eordano said at 12:00 am on February 8th, 2010: Im glad it helped you, Leonardo!

7. 7 Willian said at 8:00 am on March 3rd, 2010: Hey, thank you! I will try it! And later, how can i update this driver? See you.

8. 8 LavRUh said at 6:43 am on March 9th, 2010: Thank you! This driver perfectly works with my MOPS Linux.

9. 9 Daniel said at 4:59 pm on March 11th, 2010: Esteban, muy bueno la verdad. El problema es que sigo siempre con este problema: La pantalla se parte en dos o algo as. Con unos drivers binarios de Mandriva pude hacer andar en Ubuntu 9.10, pero nunca tengo exito compilando desde el cdigo fuente, siempre pasa lo de la imagen. No te parecera una buena idea armar un repositorio git? o un google code o algo as? digo para tratar de centralizar y unificar un poco los esfuerzos que se hacen, porque todo lo que se ven son parches que hace la gente en foros y eso, pero mucha confusin general. Si te gusta la idea, contas conmigo, te dejo el correo: daniel.uranga (en) gmail (punto) com Adicionalmente, si sabes de alguna solucin para mi problema contame tambin. Saludos

10. 10 Leonardo Vilar said at 6:12 pm on March 30th, 2010: checking for XORG yes checking for ANSI C header files (cached) yes checking for /usr/include/xorg/dri.h yes checking for /usr/include/xorg/sarea.h yes checking for /usr/include/xorg/dristruct.h yes checking whether to include DRI support yes checking for DRI configure: error: Package requirements (libdrm >= 2.0 xf86driproto) were not met: No package xf86driproto found Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. Alternatively, you may set the environment variables DRI_CFLAGS and DRI_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config. See the pkg-config man page for more details. make: ** [config.status] Erro 1

11. 11 eordano said at 11:58 pm on March 30th, 2010: Leonardo, try: `sudo apt-get install xfree86-dev` or different -dev versions of tis. You are getting that message because you dont have all the X libraries.


12 Alex said at 10:06 am on March 31st, 2010: Hello, I am using this laptop: The graphics SiS M672 Integrated, SIS M672 + 968 Graphics Chipset. I had no luck with your driver, followed the readme but may have installed it wrong. Using 9.04 and some solutions from the Ubuntu forums, I managed to change the resolution to 1280800, but this distorts the intended 1366 x 768 resolution. If you have any advice or suggestions I really appreciate it; should I install 10.04 before trying again? Thanks Alex

13. 13 eordano said at 10:11 am on April 1st, 2010: Alex: I think its best for you to wait for 10.04. Unfortunately, it comes with Xorg version 7.5; and so far, I only know of this version of the drivers (I got them from the ubuntuforums) that work with the card. Regarding the resolution; you should try searhcin in your xorg.conf and erase all other configurations except for 1366768. If you need more help, contact me via twitter @eordano

14. 14 Alex said at 10:50 am on April 1st, 2010: Thanks for the reply, Ive registered on twitter as thegreatmido. Still not working. Log report is too big for twitter: Link a pastebin

15. 15 eordano said at 11:20 am on April 1st, 2010: Ugh, that looks bad. Its Xorg version 7.6 =S They are deprecating a lot of functions lately, and these drivers dont work without the old functions. Im sorry, I cant help you any further; try editing the source and take away the functions or contact someone at Xorg for a special version with deprecated functions.

16. 16 agitdd99 said at 10:32 am on April 3rd, 2010: dear, esteban. great work, great post. im running lucid beta 1 process. i try to do copy paste things, but it didnt work. there is no such thing Xorg.conf in the /etc/X11 directory. thats really weird. then i try to compile it, i got this error message in make process : Link a Pastebin hopefully there is someone out there who can work this things out. Thanks.

17. 17 StyX said at 9:55 pm on April 26th, 2010: @agitdd99 Hi, I had the very same probme, try this:

18. 18 Alex said at 10:15 am on April 29th, 2010:

Thanks! this helped me a great deal. I got it working perfectly. For anyone unable to get it working, check here: this helped me a lot too.

19. 19 BG Okcu said at 4:02 pm on April 29th, 2010: Great work, thanks a lot.

20. 20 Peitli Jzsef said at 7:55 pm on May 2nd, 2010: Hello! Many thanks for the driver. For me it was perfect for 32bit Lucid, but it didnt work for 64bit. I hope there is a solution somewhere for my system too. I copied here my xorg.0.log: Link to pastebin Many Thanks

21. 21 eordano said at 10:16 pm on May 2nd, 2010: For 64bits, Peitli, youre going to have to rebuild the driver. Check if you have the developer packages (I cant remember all their names) and try building it as I wrote on the post. You can tell what packages are you mising by looking into the build log and google the header file that you are missing, plus something like .deb.

22. 22 Peitli Jzsef said at 7:31 am on May 3rd, 2010: Thank you for your help, its working now!

23. 23 seckin said at 7:37 pm on May 3rd, 2010: i have problem. i can copy them to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers this way. when i try it give an error and says limited permissions what can i do

24. 24 Peitli Jzsef said at 3:18 am on May 4th, 2010: seckin: You try as root? Here a detailed description: Good luck!

25. 25 STV said at 1:36 pm on May 8th, 2010: \o/ In the Ubuntu 9.10 I was using the sisimedia driver, but it failed on Ubuntu 10.04. It worked for me! But Im not with the highest color depth. I used just the second file, should I use the first file too? Congrats for your blog and for this post!

26. 26 How to install SiS 771/671 Mirage 3 Video Drivers in ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) | Ubuntu Geek said at 8:52 am on May 12th, 2010: [...] SiS 771/671 Mirage 3 Video Drivers in ubuntu 10.04 First you need to downlod the drivers from here .Once you downloaded you need to unzip [...] 27. 27 fix SiS 771/671 Mirage 3 On Ubuntu 10.04 Coretan Keyboard ku said at 9:50 pm on May 12th, 2010: [...] driver dapat ditemukan disini Driver SiS [...]

28. 28 Inga said at 4:29 am on May 13th, 2010: STV, I have this problem too. If you solve this problem, please, write me to int20.eesti at Thank you. 2 Author: Thank you for very useful document. My X58C works well. 29. 29 Richard Edmonds | said at 12:55 pm on May 17th, 2010: [...] we need to download some driver files from estebanordano, preferably save them to your /home/Downloads folder. You will now need to unzip the compressed [...]

30. 30 Fernando Pineda said at 4:20 pm on May 19th, 2010: Hola, Esteban Estoy hace mucho tiempo buscando el driver 3d para linux del chip sis672. En kubuntu 9.10 consegu una muy buena funcionalidad 2d con el driver sismedia (en 32 bits). He ledo en algn foro que alguien est escribiendo el driver 3d Tens idea de algn sitio donde me pueda enterar cuando se lance? o de algn driver 3d que funcione en otra distribucin? Muchas gracias. Saludos.

31. 31 eordano said at 10:02 am on May 20th, 2010: Si, resulta que el chino que estaba haciendo el driver lo termin pero antes de que lo pusieran online dej de trabajar para sis. Y ahora nadie sabe donde est el driver.

32. 32 ultrasound technician said at 4:49 am on June 6th, 2010: nice post. thanks. Sis 771/671 33. 33 Ubuntu Linux 10.04 , IT said at 11:41 am on June 25th, 2010: [...] [...] sis 771.671 10.04 . | ,


34. 34 Radit said at 7:29 am on July 22nd, 2010: thanks

35. 35 Phil P said at 8:04 pm on August 2nd, 2010: Just a note for other gentooers, I just got gentoo + Xorg 1.76 working with your above source. First it blew up compiling because of some missing dependancy to do with Man pages. But I just hacked all the man page references from the makefile and removed the man directory (ugly but its past 1am here) and bingo, mythtv playing tv stream full screen

smoothly in 1024600 on a little targa monitor back mini pc Ill look at posting it back upstream to gentoo when I have time after the weekend. But thanks! 36. 36 SiS Mirage 3 - Video Device said at 11:10 am on August 7th, 2010: [...] are drivers here: That page is geared towards using the driver on sidux, though the directions are probably quite [...]

37. 37 sgrun said at 11:09 am on August 11th, 2010: Thank to your sharing,I followed this and I get my thing working with ubuntu 10.04,Thank you so much

38. 38 Mariano said at 12:33 pm on August 31st, 2010: Hola sabs con qu resolucin sale funcionando despus de compilado en 10.04 lts de 64 bits? Muchas gracias por tu trabajo! Mariano

39. 39 Deepak said at 10:49 am on September 7th, 2010: do this driver for fedora ?

40. 40 Bruce said at 2:07 am on September 22nd, 2010: please help me,i am new to ubuntu and im not familiar with codes..but i tried the code till i reache here and i dont know what to do cp target /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ is not a directory please help my

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