
Post on 29-Jul-2015






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The important information is once again highlighted in a certain colour. It applies to nearly every magazine. Noticeable colours are used to increase the chances of the reader seeing what has been highlighted.

NME went with a different main colour this time round but it wasn’t for no reason. The text colour plays into the style of the artists and their personality. Blue is a calm, tranquil colour, similar to the artists. It gives the impression that they are laid back ready to enjoy themselves. Blue is also used to broaden your perspective in learning new information. It’s an important technique used by NME and it helps the reader take in what they read.

The important information is once again highlighted in a certain colour. It applies to nearly every magazine. Noticeable colours are used to increase the chances of the reader seeing what has been highlighted.

The picture taken is unique compared to other photos. Usually, the leading member of the group is standing at the forefront of the photo, instead ‘The Teenagers’ are all equally sitting and none are in front of the other. They are also sitting in front of their ‘lifestyle’. Behind them the wall is full of pictures taken from parties, half naked women and pictures from party scenario’s.

‘Everyone’s talking about...’ lists other artists similar to ‘The Teenagers’. It’s important for the reader as they may like ‘The Teenagers’ music or their style but may not be fond of who they are or what they produce. The list lets the reader find out about an artist or band they may like.

Kerrang use a variety of text and colour, most of which suit the style of the page. 'We're being the best MCR we can be' is a text stylized with a grunge feel in mind which goes with the style of the band itself.

Red is only used throughout the double page spread if it is of some importance. For example 'NEWS' is coloured red, 'WORLD EXCLUSIVE' is placed on top of a red surface, WE'RE BEING and 'WE CAN BE' is also coloured red because it's a quote from the band itself. It instantly attracts the reader's attention because it makes the reader anxious to find out who they are.

The pictures used in the Double Page spread were all taken in the studio of the band My Chemical Romance. This tells the reader that the article they will read will contain never before seen information and an insight into the personal life of the artists because not many magazine's get a chance to venture into the studio of their chosen artists so the magazine is bound to have information the reader is excited for. It also goes against the traditional picture taken in the artists local area or on a plain white background. But the picture is still taken in a place the band feel comfortable and ‘at home’.

There are many parts of the double page spread which give the reader an urge to carry on reading. First are the studio pictures, second are the first person quotes and third is Kerrang are actually invited into the studio of My Chemical Romance.

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