département de physique option: semi-conducteurs et...

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Présentée en vue de l’obtention du diplôme de

DOCTORAT en Sciences



Yahya Al-Sayad

Directeur de Thèse : Abdellaziz. DOGHMANE Prof. UBM-Annaba

Devant le jury :

Présidente : Zahia HADJOUB Prof. UBM-Annaba

Examinateurs : Ahmed BOUCENNA Prof. Univ. Setif

Athmane MEDDOUR Prof. Univ. Guelma

Année universitaire 2017/2018.

يـــــــــــــــالي و البحث العلمـــــــــــــــــم العـــــــــــــــــوزارة التعلي Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique



Faculté des Sciences كلية العلــــــــــــــــوم

Département de physique Option: Semi-conducteurs et Composants

ارـــــــــــــي مختــــامعة باجــــــج


Effets de la porosité sur les propriétés élastiques

des couches et alliages semi-conducteurs


[Dedications and Acknowledgements] 


ه بسم ـن اللـ حم حيم الر الر

وفي األرض آيات للموقنين وفي أنفسكم أفال تبصرون

وفي السماء رزقكم وما توعدون فورب السماء واألرض إنه

لحق مثل ما أنكم تنطقون . [الذاريات: 20‐23]


To the pure soul of my Father who is my destiny ........

I pray ALLAH to keep the souls and body of my mother who is the light

of my life .......

To my wife who stands with me all the time and encourage me in my life

And my educational and scientific trip she is my heart ......

To all my sons SAAD and KHALID are Eyes that I see………

To all my Brothers and Sisters Who are my wings ......

To all my Family.......

To all my Friends.......

To all who love the Science of Physics..........

To my great Friends in the Department of Physics in Badji Mokhtar

University, Annaba, Algeria


[Dedications and Acknowledgements] 



I thank ALLAH who is the highest, who has guided me to accomplish this work and

praise be to Him as worthy of his Majesty and Great Power.

I would like to thank my government in Yemen for the financial supports and the great help in

all official treatments along time.

I would like to thank the Algerian government for authorizing me to register for Ph. D studies.

This research work was carried out at the Laboratoire des Semi-Condcuteurs, LSC,

Departement de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria ,

where I received the best working conditions and was given all the LSC facilities.

I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Abdellaziz DOGHMANE for welcoming me in the LSC

Laboratory and giving me the opportunity to work and develop my scientific competences in

the field of semiconductor devices. I also thank Prof. Dr. A. DOGHMANE for supervising

this research work, for guiding and encouraging me throughout the achievement of this

Doctorate thesis. He is an exemplary ideal, not only because of his numerous scientific and

technological achievements, but also because of the kindness and respect that he always

shows for his fellow colleagues; his dedication to his students, has opened my eyes to the fact

that a successful career in science (and elsewhere) should not be primarily about personal


Prof. Dr. Zahia HADJOUB Ex-Director of Semiconductor laboratory, LSC, is

acknowledged for showing me the steps of my work, teaching me the scientific procedure,

and spending a lot of the time to explain the operation, the simulation and the application of

SAM technique. Special recognition to Prof. Dr. Zahia HADJOUB for welcoming me and

considering me as member of net only the LSC but also of the scientific family. Finally many

thanks for having accepted to be the President of the examining Jury of this research work.

I thank the members of the jury for accepting to evaluate this work despite their multiple

responsibilities they and for the attention they paid to the thesis manuscript.

[Dedications and Acknowledgements] 


I very much appreciate the great honor for the examiners Prof. Ahmed BOUCENNA

(Université de Sétif) and Athmane MEDDOUR (Université de Guelma) who accepted to be

members of the Jury despite their multiple duties.

I would like to thank Professors in the Department of Physics, Badji-Mokhtar University for

their accompaniment, support, sympathy and encouragement during my studies.

I would like to thank all of my friends in the Laboratory of semiconductors for their support,

and encouragement.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the many people who made this thesis possible.

Thank you to all my friends in Badji-Mokhtar University.

Thank you to all my friends in Algeria.

Finally, I will thank my family for creating an academic atmosphere, caring environment, and

continuous encouragement.


and Dr- Mohamed MOUMENE (ESTI,Ananaba)






I. 2. USES OF MATERIALS. I. 2. 1. Biomaterials in bodies I. 2. 2. Biomaterials in organs I. 2. 3. Selection of biomedical materials


7 8 8

I. 3. METALS AND ALLOYS 11I. 3. 1. Stainless Steels 11I. 3. 2. Co-Cr Alloys. 12I. 3. 3. Titanium and Its Alloys 12

I.4. BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS I. 4. 1 Hard tissue replacement

I. 4. 2. Cardiac and cardiovascular applications I. 4. 3. Other applications





I. 5. SURFACE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES I. 5. 1. Surface structure I. 5. 2. Properties




I. 6. CHARACTERISTICS OF Ti AND Ti ALLOYS I. 6.1 Ti element I. 6. 2. Ti data I. 6. 3. Alloying elements I. 6. 4. Structure of Ti- alloys














Abstract ii

Résumé iii

The list of symbols and abbreviations iv

The list of the figures vi

The list of the tables viii GENERAL INTRODUCTION

















II.9 POROSITY II. 9. 1 Porosity measuring

II.9.2 Porosity types II.9.3 Porous Ti-6Al-4V alloys








II. 11. 2 SAM Principle and methodology.


37 3737






III. 3. POROSITY EFFECT ON THE ELASTIC PROPERTIES III. 3 .1 Effects of porosity Young’s Modulus III. 3. 2 Effects of porosity on shear and bulk modulus

43 43 44




III. 5. EFFECT OF POROSITY ON ACOUSTIC PARAMATERS III.5.1 Effect of porosity in Ti-6Al-4V alloys on R(�)

III.5.2 Effect of porosity on V(z) curves and their treatment

III.5.3 Effect of porosity on VR









III.8.1 Effects on elastic moduli

III.8.2 Effects on acoustic parameters










[Abstract, Résumé, الملخص]


نصاف النواقل. أ وسبائكدراسة التأثير المسامي على الخواص المرنة لطبقات

يحي الصياد طرف:من


التي يمكن استعمالھا في تعويض العظام البشرية. تتميز ھذه Ti-6Al-4Vدرسنا في ھذا البحث سبائك

ونغ، ي(معامل تأثير المسامية على الخواص الميكانيكية السبائك ببنية مسامية. ولھذا اھتممنا بدراسة

السرعات الطولية، والعرضية ،الصوتياإلنعكاس، اإلمضاء معاملالقص، الحجم) والوسائط الصوتية (

ما كلوسائط التي وجد أنھا تتناقص أسيا. اات الصوتية). تم حساب تأثير المسامية لكل ورايلي والممانع

المناسبة: اتتمكنا من إيجاد العالق

(%) M = A + e -c P للثوابت المرنة:

(%)V = A’ + ’ e c’P والسرع الصوتية:

مسامية السبائك بدقة من أجل تطبيقات معينة. كما استعمالھا لتحديد تكمن أھمية ھذه العالقات في إمكانية

السرع الصوتية من اجل تحسين نوعية البائك المراد تطبيقھا.درسنا كذلك تأثير إضافة البورون على

ثوابت المرونة، الصوتية، يةمجھرال ، الصوتية سرعاتال Ti-6Al-4V ،السبائك :مفتاحيةالكلمات ال


[Abstract, Résumé, الملخص]


Porosity Effects on Elastic Properties of Semiconductor Layers and Alloys

By: Yahya Al-Sayad


In this work, we investigated several Ti-6Al-4V alloys that can be used as implants to replace

different types of human bones. These alloys are characterized by their porous structure.

Therefore, the porosity effects, P, on elastic Moduli (Young’s, shear and bulk) as well as

acoustic parameters (Reflection coefficient, acoustic response, longitudinal, transverse,

Rayleigh velocities and acoustic impedances) have been investigated. The effects of porosities

(up to 75%) were quantified for all cases; all parameters show an exponential decay with

increasing porosities and relations were deduced. For elastic moduli, M, the dependence takes

the form: M = A + e -c P (%) with A, and c being characteristic constants. Whereas, for

surface acoustic velocities, SAW, it is found that: V = A’ + ’ e c’P(%) . The importance of

establishing such formula lies in their applicability to the prediction of the exact porosity for a

given parameter and vice versa. Consequently, this allows the preparation of the required

alloys for the replacement of a given bone types. Moreover, the effects of boron addition to

Ti-6Al-4V alloys on SAW velocities have also been investigated; such additions improve the

quality of the material.

Keywords: Ti–6Al–4V alloys, SAW velocities, Elastic constants, Acoustic microscopy,


[Abstract, Résumé, الملخص]


Effets de la porosité sur les Propriétés Elastiques des Couches et Alliages Semi-conducteurs

Par : Yahya Al-Sayad

Résumé Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié plusieurs alliages Ti-6Al-4V qui peuvent utilisés comme

implant pour le remplacement des os humains. Ces alliages sont caractérisés par leur structure

poreuse. Ainsi, les effets de la porosité sur les modules élastiques (Young, cisaillement et

volume) les paramètres acoustiques (coefficient de réflexion, signature acoustique, vitesses

longitudinale, transversale, Rayleigh et impédances acoustiques) ont été étudiés. Les effets de

la porosité (jusqu’à 75%) ont été quantifiés pour tous les cas ; tous les paramètres montrent

une décroissance exponentielle et des relations on été déduites. Pour les modules élastiques,

M, la variation prend la forme : M = A + e -c P (%) avec A, et c des constantes

caractéristiques. Pour les vitesses des ondes acoustiques de surface, il a été trouvé que VSAW =

A’ + ’ e c’P(%). L’importance de ces formule réside dans leurs applicabilités pour la prédiction

de la porosité exacte pour un paramètre donné et vice-versa. En conséquence, ceci permet la

préparation des alliages demandés pour le remplacement d’un os précis. Par ailleurs, les effets

de l’addition du boron aux alliages Ti–6Al–4V sur les vitesses des ondes acoustiques a été

également étudiés ; ces ajouts améliore la qualité du matériau.

Mots clés: Alliages Ti–6Al–4V, Vitesses des ondes de surfaces, constantes élastiques,

Acoustique microscopie, Porosité.

[List of symbols and abbreviations] 




Symbol Definition

A(z) Attenuation material signal

B Bulk Modulus

BSE Backscattering electrons image mode

Ce Electronic Thermal Conductivity

CIM Ceramic injection moulding

Cij Stiffness Coefficient

CL Lattice Thermal Conductivity

CT Thermal Conductivity

Cv Heat Capacity

dik Piezoelectric Strain Constants

dij Piezoelectric Coefficients

E Young’s Moulus

EBSD Electron backscattering diffraction

EBSPs Electron backscattering diffraction Kikuchi patterns

EDX Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

eik Piezoelectric Stress Constants

ELI Extra low interstitial

f Acoustic Wave Frequency

G Shear Modulus

HDH Hydride-dehydride Ti powders

HIP Hot isostatic pressing

lph Phonon Mean Free Path

k Wavenumber in Coupling Fluid

LEFM Linear elastic fracture mechanics

LSR Linear shrinkage rate

MIM Metal injection moulding

MP Mill Powder with the addition of TiH2

ni Propagation Direction in Crystal

PIM Powder injection moulding

PM Powder metallurgy

PREP Powder Rotating Electrode Process

|R| Modulus of Reflection Coefficient

[List of symbols and abbreviations] 



R(Ɵ) Phase of Reflection Coefficient

SAM Scanning Acoustic microscopy

SEM Scanning electron microscopy

SHT Space Holder Technique in Powder Metallurgy

SLPC Sintered loose and pressed conditions

T Transmission coefficient

UTS Ultimate tensile strength

ui Displacement of an Arbitrary Point in the Solid

VL Longitudinal Wave Velocity

VLiq Sound Velocity in Liquid

VR Rayleigh Wave Velocity

VS Shear Wave Velocity

V(z) Acoustic Material Signature

Z Acoustic Impedance

ZL Longitudinal Acoustic Impedance

ZS Shear Acoustic Impedance

γ Sommerfeld Parameter and

il Second-rank Christoffel’s Tensor

ij kroncal delta

S Growth of Solubility

Δz The Period of the Resulting Oscillations in V(z)

θL Longitudinal Mode Critical Angle

θR Rayleigh Mode Critical Angle

θS Shear Mode Critical Angle

λ Lamé Constant

Lamé Constant

Poisson Ratio

ρ Material Density

ij Specific Electric Resistance

σy Yield strength

χ Magnetic Susceptibility

Atomic occupation of planes



Fig.1.1: Schematic illustration of the stainless-steel wire and TiNi SMR wire springs for orthodontics arch-wire behavior

Fig.1.2: Schematic diagram of artificial hip join Fig.1.3: Bone screws and bone plate Fig.1.4: Schematic View of the oxide film on pure titanium. Fig.1.5: Titanium metal sample Fig. 1.6: Phase diagrams for Ti alloys Fig. 1.7: Microstructures of (a) β Ti-35Nb (wt%) and (b) α+β Ti-6Al-7Nb (wt%) alloys cooled in air Fig. 1.8: Biomaterials for human application.


Fig. 2.1: (a) illustrates the processing route for fully equiaxed microstructure, and (b) the resultant microstructure.

Fig.2.2: Comparison of Young’s modulus of cortical bone, β type Ti–13Nb–13Zr, α + β type Ti–6Al– 4V, 316L stainless steel and Co–Cr–Mo alloy for biomedical appli-cations.

Fig.2.3: Flow Chart and mass balance sheet for titanium product fabrication from ore Fig.2.4: Ti6Al4V Powder particles via SEM Fig. 2.5: Schematic diagram of porosity types.

Fig 2.8: Schematic diagram of the acoustic part of a SAM.


Fig 3.1: Young’s modulus of Ti–6Al–4V alloys as a function of porosities. Fig 3.2: Shear modulus of Ti–6Al–4V alloy as a function of porosities. Fig 3.3: Bulk modulus of Ti–6Al–4V alloy as a function of porosities. Fig 3.4: Longitudinal and transverse velocities as a function of porosity for Ti–

6Al–4V alloys.

Fig.3.5: Amplitude and phase of reflection coefficient as function of incident angle,

modulus and phase of R() as a function of incident angle of Ti6Al4V al-loys

Fig.3.6: V(z) curves of Ti6Al4V alloys at different porosities

Fig.3.7: FFT spectra and z periods of V(z) curves displayed in Fig. 3.6. at differ-ent porosities forTi6Al4V alloys

Fig.3.8: Variation of SAW velocities with porosities for Ti6Al–4V alloys

List of figures

Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

© LSC, UBMA, 2018. 5

Fig 3.9: Porosity effects on stiffness coefficients (C11, C12 and C44) for the Ti–6Al–4V alloys.

Fig 3.10: Porosity effects on acoustic impedance for the Ti–6Al–4V alloys. Fig. 3.11: Porosity effects on elastic modulus (a) and Rayleigh velocity (b) Ti–6Al–

4Valloys with porosity, together with applied intervals to cortical, trabecu-lar and cancellous bones.

Fig.3.12: Effects of B addition to Ti–6Al–4V/xB alloys on elastic moduli Fig.3.13: Acoustic materials signatures and their FFT spectra of several xB

additions (0.0 < x ≤ 0.5) wt.% B of Ti–6Al–4V alloys.  











List of tables



Table 1.1: Materials used in the Body Table 1.2: Uses of Biomaterials Table 1.3: Biomaterials in organs Table.1.4: Biomaterials applications in internal fixation Table 1.5: Biomaterials for total joint replacements Table 1.6: Types of Total Joint Replacements


Table 2.1: Some characteristics of orthopedic metallic implant materials Table 2.2: Mechanical properties of selected titanium alloys Table 2.3: Parameters of Ti-6Al-4V alloys with vary process techniques.


Table 3.1: Properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Table 3.2: Calculated and reported parameters of porous Ti-6Al-4V alloys. Table 3.3: Characteristic constants in the formula III.4. Table 3.4: Calculated elastic constants of Ti-6Al -4V alloy with virus porosities. Table 3.5: Determined VR from V(z) curves. Table 3.6: Elastic properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloys with different porosities Table 3.7: SAW velocities of Ti–6Al–4V alloys with different porosities. Table 3.8: Elastic moduli of Ti–6Al–4V alloys with boron element addition Table 3.9: Characteristic acoustic parameters of several xB addition (0.0 < x ≤ 0.5) wt.% B

of Ti–6Al–4V alloys.

General introduction

© LSC, UBMA, 2018.


General introduction

General introduction

© LSC, UBMA, 2018. 2


Despite the very early discover of Titanium in 1791, it is until 1940 that the first alloys, as

well as the popular Ti-6Al-4V alloy were developed. The Ti-6Al-4V alloy is the most

common used material among the commercially available titanium alloys. The reason for

this success is the good balance of its properties and the intensive development and testing

of this alloy during the approximately last 60 years [1]. Experiments were carried out in a

challenge to determine the influence of critical features such as surface quality porosity on

the behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloys [2].

Ti6Al4V alloy are characterized by its porous structure which is a great advantage for this

material to be be used as implants to replace different types of human bones.

Nowadays,pPorous Ti-6Al-4V material alloys are successfully produced with porosities

ranging from porosities (60% to 75%) under with compact pressures in the range from (100

to 450) MPa. Such alloys can be fabricated by several process techniques such as the

production of Ti-6Al-4V foam by space holder technique in powder metallurgy,

temperature 1080c°; particle size 400 µm [3].

It should be noted the mechanical properties of this ally is of great importance in its use as

implants to support the necessary weight of a human being. It should be noted that elastic

moduli of titanium alloys are much smaller than those of other metallic which use as

biomaterials. They are however greater than that of bone, the moduli of recently developed

β type alloys are between 55 to 85 GPa [4,5]. The effect of addition of Boron on Ti–6Al–

4V alloys of the mechanical properties is also very important to understand the effects of

simulated to changes of elastic modules to calculating of the acoustic materials signature

curves. Whoever, body environment to the moduli of elasticity of biomedical titanium

alloys on the mechanical properties [6].

Therefore, it would be very interesting to investigate elastic properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloys

which are of major importance, since their measurement gives evidence about the forces

that are performing between the fundamental atoms of a material. In this context, we

investigate the porosity effects on elastic Moduli (Young’s, shear and bulk) as well as

General introduction

© LSC, UBMA, 2018. 3

acoustic parameters (Reflection coefficient, acoustic response, longitudinal, transverse,

Rayleigh velocities and acoustic impedances) have been investigated. To do so, we

considered some published data to simulate these effects in the case of a scanning acoustic

microscopy. This technique has the advantage of being nondestructive, no contaminating

method; it does not require prio-specimen preparation [7-10]. We determine analytical

relations between porosity and all elastic parameters. The importance of this investigation

lies in the prediction of the exact porosity for the best Ti-6Al-4V alloys to be used as

implant in replacement of a given type of human bone (cortical, trabecular, etc.)

Consequently, this allows the preparation of the required alloys for the replacement of a

given bone types. Moreover, the effects of boron addition to Ti-6Al-4V alloys on SAW

velocities have also been investigated; such additions improve the quality of the material.

This thesis is structured in three chapters. The first chapter concerns the background on

biomaterials and titanium alloys. The physical properties and the porosity phenomena as

well as the scanning acoustic microscopy are recalled in chapter 2. The last chapter is

regroups all the results and discussion.



Chapter I

Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

© LSC, UBMA, 2018. 5


Titanium, a transition metal which is well spread over the earth’s crust, occurs in several

minerals including rutile and limonite. Even though titanium is as strong as some steels,

its density is only half of that of steel. Titanium is broadly used in a number of fields, in-

cluding aerospace, power generation, automotive, chemical and petrochemical, sporting

goods, dental and medical industries, [1–3]. The large variety of applications is due to its

desirable properties; mainly the relative high strength combined with low density and en-

hanced corrosion resistance [4]. Among metallic materials, titanium and its alloys are

considered the most suitable materials in medical applications because they satisfy the

property requirements better than any other competing materials, like stainless steels, Cr-

Co alloys, commercially pure (CP) Nb and CP Ta, [5–6]. In terms of biomedical applica-

tions, the properties of interest are biocompatibility, corrosion behavior, mechanical be-

havior, processability and availability, [7–9].

Titanium may be considered as being a relatively new engineering material. It was dis-

covered much later than the other commonly used metals, its commercial application

starting in the late 40’s, mainly as structural material. Its usage as implant material began

in the 60’s, [10]. Despite the fact that titanium exhibits superior corrosion resistance and

tissue acceptance when compared with stainless steels and Cr-Co-based alloys, its me-

chanical properties and tri-biological behavior restrain its use as biomaterial in some cas-

es. This is particularly true when high mechanical strength is necessary, like in hard tissue

replacement or under intensive wear use, [11]. To overcome such restrictions, Commer-

cially Pure (CP) titanium was substituted by titanium alloys, particularly, the classic grade

5, i.e. Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The Ti-6Al-4V α+β type alloy, the most worldwide utilized titani-

um alloy, was initially developed for aerospace applications, [12, 13]. Although this type

of alloy is considered a good material for surgically implanted parts, recent studies have

found that vanadium may react with the tissue of the human body, [2]. Moreover, alumi-

num may be related with neurological disorders and Alzheimer’s disease, [2]. To over-

come the potential vanadium toxicity, Vanadium, a β-stabilizer element, was replaced by

niobium and iron, while both alloys show mechanical and metallurgical behavior compa-

rable to those of Ti-6Al-4V, a disadvantage is that they all contain aluminum in their


Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

© LSC, UBMA, 2018. 6

In recent years, several studies have shown that the elastic behavior of α+β type alloys is

not fully suitable for orthopedic applications, [15–18]. A number of studies suggest that

unsatisfactory load transfer from the implant device to the neighboring bone may result in

its degradation, [9]. Also, numerical analysis of hip implants using finite element method,

indicate that the use of biomaterials with elastic behavior similar to cortical bones im-

proves the distribution of stress around the implanted bone, [19]. While the elastic modu-

lus of cortical bones is close to 18 GPa, [7], the modulus of Ti–6Al–4V alloy is 110 GPa,

[7]. In such a case, the high elastic modulus of the implant material may lead to bone re-

sorption and possible unsuccessful implantation procedure. The elastic behavior mismatch

between the implant and the adjacent bone is named "stress shielding effect" [19]. Since

CP titanium and some specific α+β type titanium alloys do not completely meet the de-

mands of medical applications, especially concerning mechanical behavior and toxicity to

human body, a new class of alloys has been investigated for biomedical applications in

the last decade, the β type alloys.

After proper heat treatments this type of alloys may exhibit low elastic modulus, very

good corrosion resistance, suitable mechanical properties and good biocompatible behav-

ior, as they may be obtained by adding biocompatible alloying elements like the micro-

structure diversity of titanium alloys is a result of an allotropic phenomenon. Titanium

undergoes an allotropic transformation two new vanadium free α+β type alloys were de-

veloped in the 1980’s. Leading to Ti-6Al-7Nb and Ti-5Al-2.5Fe α+β type alloys, Nb, Ta

and Zr to titanium, [20–24].

This chapter, concerns some generalities on biomaterial: their use in the body as well as

their applications we also recall some properties of metal and alloys with particular inter-

est to mechanical properties.


Biomaterials are used to make devices to replace a part or a function of the body in safe,

reliably economically, and physiologically acceptable manner. A variety of devices and

materials are used in the treatment of disease or injury. Common place examples include

suture needles, plates, teeth fillings, etc. [14].

Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

© LSC, UBMA, 2018. 7

I.2.1 Biomaterials in bodies

The science of biomedical materials involves a study of the composition and properties of

materials and the way in which they interact with the environment in which they are

placed. Materials can be used for different purposes according to their characteristics,

advantages and disadvantages as summarized in Table I.1 [25, 26-31].


Table 1.1: Materials used in the Body [25]

Materials Advantages Disadvantages Examples

Polymers (nylon, Si, Rubber, polyester,

PTFE, etc.)

Resilient Easy to fabricate

Not strong Deformable with Degradable

Blood vessels, Sutures, ear, nose, Soft tissues

Metals (Ti and its alloys Co-Cr alloys,

stainless Steels)

Strong Tough Ductile

May corrode, dense, Difficult to make

Joint replacement, Bone plates, pacer, Screws, dental root Implant, suture

Ceramics Al2O3, Ca3(PO4)2

Very biocompatible Inert strong in com-pression

Difficult to make Brittle Not resilient

Dental coating Orthopedic implants Femoral head of hip

Composites Compression strong Difficult to make Joint implants Heart valves

Most biomaterials and medical devices perform satisfactorily, improving the quality of

life for the recipient or saving lives. Still, man-made constructs are never perfect. Manu-

factured devices have a failure rate. Also, all humans differ in genetics, gender, body

chemistries, living environment, and physical activity. Furthermore, physicians also differ

in their "talent" for implanting devices. Table1.2 [25, 26-31] also reviews uses of Bio-


Table 1.2: Uses of Biomaterials [26]

Uses of Biomaterials Example

Replacement of damaged part Artificial hip joint, kidney dialysis machine Assist in healing Sutures, bone plates and screws

Improve function Cardiac pacemaker, intra-ocular lens Correct functional abnormalities Cardiac pacemaker Correct cosmetic problem Mastectomy augmentation, chin augmentation Aid to diagnosis Probes and catheters

Aid to treatment Catheters, drains

Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

© LSC, UBMA, 2018. 8

I.2.2 Biomaterials in organs

Therapies for organ replacement transplantation replacement of tissue or organ from hu-

man or animal donor or cells grown on a scaffold device provide restored function (e.g.,

skin and cartilage) are also reviewed in Table1.3 [25, 26-31].


Table 1.3: Biomaterials in organs [27]

Organ Example

Heart Cardiac pacemaker, artificial heart valve, Totally artificial heart Lung Oxy-generator machine Eye Contact lens, intraocular lens Ear Artificial stapes, cochlea implant Bone Bone plate, intra-medullary rod

Kidney Kidney dialysis machine

Bladder Catheter and stent

I.2.3 Selection of Biomedical Materials

The process of material selection should ideally be for a logical sequence involving:

(i) analysis of the problem, (ii) consideration of requirement and (iii) consideration of

available material and their properties leading to choose of material. Whereas, the choice

of a specific biomedical material is determined by: (i) proper specification of the desired

function for the material (ii) an accurate characterization of the environment in which it

must function, and the effects that environment will have on the properties of the material,

(iii) a delineation of the length of time the material must function and (iv) a clear under-

standing of what is meant by safe for human use. The most common classes of materials

used as biomedical materials are polymers, metals, ceramics, composite materials, etc.

These classes are used singly and in combination to form most of the implantation devices

available today.

(a)- Polymer: There are a large number of polymeric materials that have been

used as implants or part of implant systems. The polymeric systems include acrylics, pol-

yamides, polyesters, polyethylene, poly-siloxanes, polyurethane, and a number of repro-

cessed biological materials. Some of the applications include the use of membranes of

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ethylene-vinyl-acetate (EVA) copolymer for controlled release. Some other typical bio-

medical polymeric materials applications include: artificial heart, kidney, liver, pancreas,

bladder, bone cement, catheters, contact lenses, cornea and eye-lens replacements, exter-

nal and internal ear repairs, heart valves, cardiac assist devices, implantable pumps, joint

replacements, pacemaker, encapsulations, soft-tissue replacement, artificial blood vessels,

artificial skin, and sutures. As bioengineers search for designs of ever increasing capabili-

ties to meet the needs of medical practice, polymeric materials alone and in combination

with metals and ceramics are becoming increasingly incorporated into devices used in the


(b)- Metals: The metallic systems most frequently used in the body are:

Iron-base alloys of the 316L stainless steel

Titanium and titanium-base alloys, such as: (i)Ti-6% Al-4%V, and commercially

pure ³ 98.9% and (ii) Ti-Ni (55% Ni and 45% Ti)

Cobalt base alloys of four types: (i) Cr (27-30%), Mo (5-7%), Ni (2-5%),

(ii) Cr (19-21%), Ni (9-11%), W (14-16%), (iii) Cr (18-22%), Fe (4-6%), Ni (15-

25%), W (3-4%), (iv)Cr (19-20%), Mo (9-10%), Ni (33-37%)

The most commonly used implant metals are the 316L stainless steels, Ti-6%-4%V, and

Cobalt base alloys of type "i" and "ii". Other metal systems being investigated include

Cobalt-base alloys of type "iii" and "iv", and Niobium and shape memory alloys, of which

(Ti 45% - 55%Ni) is receiving most attention. Further details of metallic biomedical ma-

terials will be given later.

(c)- Composite Materials: Composite materials have been extensively used in

dentistry and prosthesis designers are now incorporating these materials into other appli-

cations. Typically, a matrix of ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is

reinforced with carbon fibers. These carbon fibers are made by pyrolyzing acrylic fibers

to obtain oriented graphitic structure of high tensile strength and high modulus of elastici-

ty. The carbon fibers are 6-15 mm in diameter, and they are randomly oriented in the ma-

trix. In order for the high modulus property of the reinforcing fibers to strengthen the ma-

trix, a sufficient interfacial bond between the fiber and matrix must be achieved during the

manufacturing process. This fiber reinforced composite can then be used to make a varie-

ty of implants such as intra-medullary rods and artificial joints. Since the mechanical

properties of these composites with the proportion of carbon fibers in the composites, it is

Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

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possible to modify the material design flexibility to suit the ultimate design of prostheses.

Composites have unique properties and are usually stronger than any of the single materi-

als from which they are made. Workers in this field have taken advantages of this fact and

applied it to some difficult problems where tissue in-growth is necessary. We give some

examples: deposited Al2O3 onto carbon, Carbon/PTFE, Al2O3/PTFE and PLA-coated

Carbon fibers.

(d) – Ceramics: The most frequently used ceramic implant materials include alu-

minum oxides, calcium phosphates, and apatite’s and graphite. Glasses have also been

developed for medical applications. The use of ceramics was motivated by: (i) their inert-

ness in the body, (ii) their formability into a variety of shapes and porosities, (iii) their

high compressive strength, and (iv) some cases their excellent wear characteristics. Se-

lected applications of ceramics include: (i) hip prostheses, (ii) artificial knees, (iii) bone

grafts, (iv) a variety of tissues in growth related applications in orthopedics, dentistry, and

heart valves. However, applications of ceramics are in some cases limited by their gener-

ally poor mechanical properties: in tension, load bearing, implant devices that are to be

subjected to significant tensile stresses must be designed and manufactured with great

care if ceramics are to be safely used.

(e) – Biodegradable Materials: Another class of materials that is receiving in-

creased attention is biodegradable materials. Generally, when a material degrades in the

body its properties change from their original values leading to altered and less desirable

performance. It is possible, however, to design into an implant's performance the con-

trolled degradation of a material, such that natural tissue replaces the prosthesis and its

function. Examples include: suture material that hold a wound together but resorb in the

body as the wound heals and gains strength. Another application of these materials occurs

when they are used to encourage natural tissue to grow. Certain wound dressings and ce-

ramic bone augmentation materials encourage tissue to grow into them by providing a

"scaffold". The scaffold material may or may not resorb over a period of time but in each

case, natural tissue has grown into the space, then by restoring natural function. One final

application of biodegradable materials is in drug therapy, where it is possible to chemical-

ly bond certain drugs to the biodegradable material, when these materials are placed with-

in the body the drug is released as the material degrades, thereby providing a localized,

sustained release of drugs over a predictable period of time.

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Metals are used as biomaterials due to their excellent electrical and thermal conductivity

and mechanical properties. Since some electrons are independent in metals, they can

quickly transfer an electric charge and thermal energy. The mobile free electrons act as

the binding force to hold the positive metal ions together. This attraction is strong, as evi-

denced by the closely-packed atomic arrangement resulting in high specific gravity and

high melting points of most metals. Since the metallic bond is essentially non-directional,

the position of the metal ions can be altered without destroying the crystal structure, re-

sulting in a plastically deformable solid. Some metals are used as passive substitutes for

hard tissue replacement such as: (i) total hip, (ii) knee joints, (iii)or fracture healing aids

as bone plates and screws, (iv) spinal fixation devices, (v) dental implants, because of

their excellent mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance, (vi) vascular stents and

(vii) catheter guide wires [34].


Stainless steel was first used successfully as an important material in the surgical field.

Type 302 stainless steel was introduced, which is stronger and more resistant to

corrosion than the vanadium steel.

Type 316 stainless steel was introduced, which contains a small percentage of mo-

lybdenum (18-8sMo) to improve the corrosion resistance in chloride solution.

Type 316L stainless steel. The carbon content was reduced from 0.08 to a maxi-

mum amount of 0.03% for better corrosion resistance to chloride solution. The in-

clusion of molybdenum enhances resistance to pitting corrosion in saltwater. Even

the 316L stainless steels may corrode in the body under certain circumstances in

highly stressed and oxygen depleted region, such as the contacts under the screws

of the bone fracture plate. Thus, these stainless steels are suitable to use only in

temporary implant devices, such as fracture plates, screws and hip nails.

Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

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I.3.2 Co-Cr ALLOYS

There are basically two types of cobalt-chromium alloys:

The Co Cr Mo alloy [ Cr (27-30%), Mo (5-7%), Ni (2.5%)] has been used for

many decades in dentistry, and in making artificial joints.

The Co Ni Cr Mo alloy [Cr (19-21%), Ni (33-37%), and Mo (9-11%)] has been

used for making the stems of prostheses for heavily loaded joints, such as knee

and hip. The ASTM lists four types of CoCr alloys, which are recommended for

surgical implant applications: (i) Co Cr Mo alloy [Cr (29-30%), Mo (5-7%), Ni

(2.5%)]; (ii)Co Cr W Ni alloy [Cr (19-21%), W (14-16%), Ni (9-11%)]; (iii)Co Ni

Cr Mo alloy [Ni (33-37%), Cr (19-21%), Mo (9-11%)]; (iv) Co Ni Cr Mo W Fe

alloy [Ni (15-25%), Cr (18-22%), Mo (3-4%), W (3-4%), Fe (4-6%)].

The two basic elements of the CoCr alloys form a solid solution of up to 65% Co. The

molybdenum is added to produce finer grains, which results in higher strengths after cast-

ing. The chromium enhances corrosion resistance, as well as solid solution strengthening

of the alloy. The Co Ni Cr Mo alloy contains approximately 35% Co and Ni each. The

alloy is highly corrosion resistant to seawater (containing chloride ions) under stress.


Titanium and its alloys are getting great attention in both medical and dental fields because of

their: (i) Excellent biocompatibility, (ii) Light weight, (iii) Excellent balance of mechani-

cal properties and (iv) Excellent corrosion resistance. They are commonly used for im-

plant devices replacing failed hard tissue, for example, artificial hip joints, artificial knee

joint, bone plate, dental implants, dental products (crowns, bridges and dentures) and used

to fix soft tissue, such as blood vessels. In the elemental form, titanium has a high melting

point (1668oC) and possesses a hexagonal closely packed structure (hcp) a up to a tem-

perature of882.5oC.Titanium transforms into a body centered cubic structure (bcc) b

above this temperature. One titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) is widely used to manufacture im-

plants. The main alloying elements of the alloy are Aluminum (5.5-6.5%) and Vanadium


Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

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The addition of alloying elements to titanium enables it to have a wide range of proper-


Aluminum tends to stabilize the a-phase; it increases the transformation tempera-

ture from α- to b-phase.

Vanadium stabilizes the b-phase by lowering the temperature of transformation

from a to β. He titanium-nickel alloys show unusual properties, that is, after it is

deformed the material can snap back to its previous shape following heating of the

material. This phenomenon is called (shape memory effect) SME. The equiatomic

TiNi or NiTi alloy (Nitinol) exhibits an exceptional SME near room temperature:

if it is plastically deformed below the transformation temperature it reverts back to

its original shape as the temperature is raised. Another unusual property is super-

elasticity, which is shown schematically below in Fig.1.1. As can be seen the

stress does not increase with increasing strain after the initial elastic stress or

strain, the metal springs back to its original shape in contrast to other metals, such

as stainless steel [35-37,41-45].

Fig.1.1: Schematic illustration of the stainless-steel wire and TiNi SMR wire springs for ortho-dontics arch-wire behavior [37,41.



The applications of titanium and its alloys can be classified according to their biomedical


Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

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1.4.1 Hard Tissue Replacement.

Hard tissues are often damaged due to accidents, aging, and other causes. Ti and Ti alloys

are widely used as hard tissue replacements in artificial bones, joints, and dental implants.

As a hard tissue replacement, the low elastic modulus of titanium and its alloys is general-

ly viewed as a biomechanical advantage because the smaller elastic modulus can result in

smaller stress shielding. One of the most common applications of titanium and its alloys is

artificial hip joint that consists of an articulating bearing (femoral head and cup) and stem

[35-37, 41-45] as in Fig.1.2. Titanium and titanium alloys are also often used in knee joint

replacement, which consists of a femoral component, tibial component, and patella.


Fig.1.2: Schematic diagram of artificial hip join [35, 45]

Schematic diagram of artificial hip joint Titanium and titanium alloys are common in den-

tal implants, the most commonly used implants are root-forming analogs. Fig.1.2 displays

some of the popular designs, such as screw-shaped devices and cylinders.

1.4.2 Cardiac and Cardiovascular Applications.

Ti and Ti alloys are common in cardiovascular implants, because of their unique proper-

ties. Early applications examples were prosthetic heart valves, protective cases in pace-

makers, artificial hearts and circulatory devices. Recently, the use of shape memory Ni-Ti

alloy in intravascular devices, such as stents and occlusion coils has received considerable

attention. The advantages of titanium in cardiovascular applications are that it is strong,

inert and anon-magnetic. A disadvantage is that it is not sufficiently radio-opaque in finer


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1.4.3 Other Applications

Ti and Ti alloys are attractive materials in osteo-synthesis implant in view of its special

properties that fulfill the requirements of osteo-synthesis applications. Typical implants

for osteo-synthesis include bone screws, bone plates Fig.1.3, maxillofacial implants, etc

[35-37, 41-45].

Fig.1.3: Bone screws and bone plate [36, 42].



1.5.1 Surface structure

There has been a considerable amount of scientific and technical knowledge published on

the structure, composition, and preparation of titanium and titanium alloys, and many of

the favorable properties arising from the presence of the surface oxide. It is well-known

that a native oxide film grows spontaneously on the surface upon exposure to air. The

excellent chemical inertness, corrosion resistance, passivation ability, and even biocom-

patibility of titanium and most other titanium alloys are thought to result from the chemi-

cal stability and structure of titanium oxide film that is typically only few nanometers

thick. The characteristics of films grown at room temperature on pure titanium are sum-

marized in Fig.1.4 [35-37, 41-45].

The amorphous or nano-crystalline oxide film is typically 3-7nm thick and mainly

composed of the stable oxide TiO2;

The TiO2/Ti interface has an O to Ti concentration ratio that varies gradually from

2 to 1 from the TiO2 film to a much lower ratio in the bulk;

Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

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Hydroxide and chemisorbed water bond with Ti cations leads to weakly bound

physio’s orbed water on the surface. In addition, some organic species like hydro-

carbons adsorb and metal-organic species, such as lakesides or carboxylates of ti-

tanium also exist on the outmost surface layer whose concentrations depend on not

only the surface conditions,

Fig.1.4: Schematic View of the oxide film on pure titanium [37, 45].


As far as mechanical properties are concerned, Titanium is very promising in orthopedics

due to its high specific strength and low elastic modulus. However, titanium has low wear

and abrasion resistance because of its hardness. Concerning biological properties, it

should be noted that biocompatibility is the ability of the materials to perform in the pres-

ence of an appropriate host for a specific application. Thus, Ti and Ti alloys are generally

regarded to have good biocompatibility. They are relatively inert and have good corrosion

resistance because of the thin surface oxide. They typically do not suffer from significant

corrosion in a biological environment. Titanium readily absorbs proteins from biological

fluids. Titanium to bones has not been observed. Instead, the bond associated with osteo-

integrationist attributed to mechanical interlocking of titanium surface as pores in the

bones. In order to make titanium biologically bond to bones, surface modification meth-

ods have been proposed to improve the bone conductivity or bioactivity of titanium[40-

47]. The set of tables below (1.4, 1.5 and 1.6) summaries some examples of materials

with their properties and applications.

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Table.1.4: Biomaterials applications in internal fixation [35, 41].

Materials Properties Application Stainless Steel

Low cost, easy fabrication

Surgical wire (annealed) Pin, plate, screw IM nail

Ti alloy

High cost Surgical wire Low density and modulus Plate, screws, IM nails Excellent bony contact

Co-Cr (wrought)

High cost Surgical wire High density and modulus IM nailDifficult fabrication

Polylactic acid Resorbable Pin screwPolyglycolic acid Weak strength

Nylon Non-resorbable plastic Cerclage band  

Table 1.5: Biomaterials for total joint replacements [35, 45]

Materials Properties Application Co-Cr alloy Stem, head (ball) Heavy, hard, stiff (casted or wrought) Cup, porous coating High wear resistance

Metal backingTi alloy Stem porous coating Low stiffness

Metal backing Low wear resistance Pure titanium Porous coating Excellent osseous integrationTantulum Porous structure Good strength Excellent osseous integrationAlumina Ball, cup Hard, brittle

High wear resistance Zirconia Ball Heavy and high toughness

High wear resistance UHMWPE Cup Low friction, wear debris

Low creep resistance PMMA Bone cement fixation Brittle, weak in tension

Low fatigue strength

Table 1.6: Types of total joint replacements [37,44]

Joint Types

Hip Bull and Socket Knee

Hinged, semi-constrained, surface replacement Uni-compartment or bio-compartment

Shoulder Bull and SocketAnkle Surface replacementElbow Hinged, unconstrained, surface replacement Wrist Ball and socket, space filterFinger Hinged, space filter

Chapter I [Biomaterials and Ti alloys]

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Titanium is an early transition metal with an incomplete shell in its electronic structure,

which enables the formation of solid solution .Titanium is an allotropic material with hex-

agonal close-packet (hcp) structure (α-Ti) and body-centered cubic (bcc) structure (β-

Ti).the melting point is 1678C. Titanium alloys may be classified as α, near –α, α+β, de-

testable β, or stable β depending upon their microstructure at room temperature in this

regard, alloying elements for titanium fall into three categories [36]:

α stabilizers, such as Al, O,N,C.

β stabilizers, such as Mo ,V, Nb, Ta.

Neutrals, such as Zr.

The properties of Ti alloy materials depend on the composition, relative proportions of the

α and β phases, thermal treatment and thermo-mechanical processing conditions. The Ti-

Mn alloys have been used for hydrogen storage applications [37].

I.6.1 Ti element

The chemical behavior of Ti shows many similarities with that or silica and zirconium, as

an element belonging to the first transition group. Its chemistry in aqueous solution, espe-

cially in the lower oxidation states, has some similarities with that of chrome and vanadi-

um. Titanium is a transition metal light with a white-silvery-metallic color. It is strong,

lustrous, and corrosion-resistant. Pure titanium is not soluble in water but is soluble in

concentrated acids. This element burns in the air when it’s heated up to obtain the dioxide,

TiO2, and when itis combined with halogens. It reduces the water vapor to form the diox-

ide and hydrogen, and it reacts in a similar way with hot concentrated acids, although it

forms tri-chloride with chlorohydrin in acid. The metal absorbs hydrogen to give TiH2,

and forms the nitride, TiN, and the carbide, TiC. Other known compounds are the sulphur

TiS2, as well as the lowest oxides, Ti2O3 and TiO, and the sulphur’s Ti2S3 and TiS. Salts

are known in the three oxidation states.


I.6.2 Ti data The data concerning Ti element as shown in Fig.1.5 are: atomic number 22, atomic mass

47.90 g.mol-1, electro negativity according Pauling 1.5, density 4.51 g.cm-3 at 20°C, melt-

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ing point 1660 °, boiling point 3287 °C, Vander Waals radius 0.147 nm. All the data of

the physical, mechanical, optical and chemical properties can be found in [29‐32].


Fig.1.5: Titanium metal sample [29-32]


I.6.3 Alloying elements

The alloying elements can be categorized according to their effect on the stabilities of the

α and β phases. Thus, Al, O, N and Ga are all α–stabilizers. Mo, V, W and Ta are all β-

stabilizers. Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co and H are also β-stabilizers but form the eutectoid. The

eutectoid reaction is frequently sluggish (since substitution atoms involved) and is sup-

pressed. Molybdenum and vanadium have the largest influence on ¯ stability and are

common alloying elements. Tungsten is rarely added due to its high density. Cu forms

TiCu2 which makes the alloys age–hardening and heat treatable; such alloys are used as

sheet materials. It is typically added in concentrations less than 2.5 wt % in commercial

alloys; Zr, Sn and Si are neutral elements.

I.6.4 Structure of Ti- alloys.

The microstructure diversity of titanium alloys is a result of an allotropic phenomenon. Ti

undergoes an allotropic transformation at 882°C. Below this temperature, it exhibits hex-

agonal close-packed remains stable up to the melting point at 1,670°C, [5]. As titanium is

(HCP) crystal structure, known as α phase, while at higher temperature it has a body-

centered cubic (BCC) structure, β phase. The latter a transition metal, with an incomplete

d shell, it may form solid solutions with a number of elements and hence, α and β phase

equilibrium temperature may be modified by allowing titanium with interstitial and sub-

stitutional elements. Titanium alloying elements fall into three class: α-stabilizers, β-

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stabilizers and neutral. While elements defined as α-stabilizers lead to an increase in the

allotropic transformation temperature, other elements, described as β-stabilizers provoke a

decrease in such a temperature, [27]. When a eutectoid transformation takes place, this β-

stabilizer is termed eutectoid β-stabilizer, otherwise, it is called isomorphous β-stabilizer.

If no significant change in the allotropic transformation temperature is observed, the al-

loying element is defined as neutral element. Fig.1.6 shows a schematic representation of

types of phase diagram between titanium and its alloys elements, [5, 37]. As a result, Ti

alloys with an enormous diversity of compositions are possible. Among α-stabilizer ele-

ments are the metals of IIIA and IVA groups (Al and Ga) and the interstitials C, N and O.

On the contrary, β-stabilizer elements include the transition elements (V, Ta, Nb, Mo, Mg,

Cu, Cr and Fe) and the noble metals.

Fig. 1.6: Phase diagrams for Ti alloys [25]


Concerning mechanical behavior, biomedical titanium alloys applied as biomaterial main-

ly in hard tissue replacement, must exhibit a low elastic modulus combined with enhanced

strength, good fatigue resistance and good workability. Mechanical behavior of titanium

alloys is directly related to composition and mainly, thermo-mechanical processing. Some

mechanical properties of selected titanium-based materials applied as biomaterials are

shown in Fig 1.7 [39]. Mechanical strength may be increased by adding alloying ele-

ments, which may lead to solid-solution strengthening or even, precipitation of second

phases. Also, by using ageing processes, metastable structures obtained by rapid quench-

ing from β field may give rise to fine precipitates, which considerably increases mechani-

cal strength.

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Fig. 1.7: Microstructures of (a) β Ti-35Nb (wt%) and (b) α+β Ti-6Al-7Nb (wt%) alloys cooled in air [40].

Titanium alloys present a high strength-to-weight ratio, which is higher than with most of

steels. While CP titanium has yield strength between 170 (grade 1) and 485 MPa (grade

4), titanium alloys may present values higher than 1500 MPa [37]. The elastic modulus or

Young modulus corresponds to the stiffness of a material and is associated to the way

interatomic forces vary with distance between atoms in the crystal structure. A compari-

son between both crystal structures of titanium has led to the conclusion.


The field of biomaterials is of immense importance for the mankind as the very existence

and longevity of some of the less fortunate human beings, who even at the time of birth

are born with congenital heart disease and also for the aged population who require bio-

medical implants to increase their life span. The aged people need the help of geriatric

physicians for several ailments as the parts of the human system have performed their

expected tasks for long years and have become worn out. Arthritis is one of the major

illnesses generally faced by the aged and even at times young people are also affected by

this disease and it impairs

The life of those affected leading to immobility and unbearable pain. However, the cause

of this disease remains unknown even today in spite of tremendous scientific advance-

ments. Apart from diseased people, young and dynamic people like sportspersons often

need replacements due to fracture and excessive strain. Currently, the availability of better

diagnostic tools and advancements in the knowledge on materials as well as on surgical

procedures, implant ology has assumed greater significance and bio implants are com-

monly used in dentistry, orthopedics, plastic and reconstructive surgery, ophthalmology,

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cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, immunology, histopathology, experimental surgery,

and veterinary medicine Fig.1.8.

Various classes of materials such as metals, alloys, polymers ceramics and composites

have been widely used to fabricate the bio implants. These implants encounter different

biological environments of very different physic-chemical nature and their interaction

with the tissues and bones is a complex problem. This requirement obviously demands a

minimum service period of from 15 to 20 years in older patients and more than 20 years

for younger patients. The success of a biomaterial or an implant is highly dependent on

three major factors: (i) the properties (mechanical, chemical and tribological) of the bio-

material in question (ii) biocompatibility of the implant and (iii) the health condition of

the recipient and the competency of the surgeon.

The currently used materials that were selected based on above mentioned criteria though

function well in the human system are still found to generally fail within a period of about

12-15 years, which leads to revision surgery in order to regain the functionality of the

system. The reasons for their failure are manifold which includes mechanical, chemical,

tri-biological, surgical, manufacturing and biocompatibility issues. Out of all these issues,

the failure of an implant due to corrosion has remained as one of the challenging clinical

problems. This important field of research, over the years, has been discussed at length by

several authors in the form of books [43-45].and comprehensive review articles [46-48]

and the interested reader can go through them to gain mastery over this subject.













Fig. 1.8: Biomaterials for human

application. [41-48].

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The main property required of a biomaterial is that it does not illicit an adverse reaction

when placed into services, that means to be a biocompatible material. As well, good me-

chanical properties, Osseo-integration, high corrosion resistance and excellent wear re-

sistance are required. Material employed to replace the bone has similar mechanical prop-

erties to that of bone. The bone Young s modulus varies in a range of 4 to 30 GPa depend-

ing on the type of the bone and the direction of measurement.

The development of new specialized surface modification techniques for titanium and its

alloys is therefore an increasingly critical requirement in order to control or prevent these

effects and improve Osseo-integration, hence extending the lifetime of the implant.



Chapter II


Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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II.1 INTRODUCTION Titanium-6Aluminum-4Vanadium is classified as one of the light alloys. It has a density 43%

less than that of steel, yet with comparable strength. The Young's modulus for titanium is 120

GPa, versus 210 GPa for most steels and Co-based alloys. It has excellent corrosion resistance,

forming a very stable layer of titanium oxide when exposed to air. Commercially pure (CP)

titanium Ti has a hexagonal close packed (HCP) crystal structure below 882C° (α - phase).

Above this temperature, the crystal structure transforms to body centered Cubic (BCC) atomic

packing (β -phase).

The addition of aluminum as an alloying agent stabilizes the α -phase. Vanadium stabilizes the B

- phase. Titanium alloy with 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium is the workhorse" alloy when high

strength is required. Tensile strengths of over 1000MPa are attained with this alloy [1]. The

addition of the alloying elements (6% Al and 4% V) raises the transformation temperature for Ti-

6AI-4V to approximately 992 C°, at temperatures below 992 C°, a two-phase α+β structure

forms. Ti-6AI-4V alloy is usually supplied in the mill annealed (MA) condition. It is produced

by mechanical deformation just below 992 C° followed by a heat treatment at approximately 800

C° which is in the α+β field [2]. This comprises a mixture of both α phase and β phase in a fine

grained, two-phase alloy. Equiaxed α-phase makes up the bulk of the alloy, with about 15% by

volume of small β-phase particles, located primarily at the grain boundaries and triple points.

In this framework is a lack of studies around the real effect of this porosity on other important

mechanical properties, i.e. elasticity modulus and SAW velocities behaviorism and also stiffness

coefficients and acoustic impedance as well as the relationships between both the influences of

leading porosity by governing (pressure- particle sizes – temperature). Different porosities at

sintering temperatures they seem to us changes dynamic elastic moduli of bio-alloy. It was found

that any increase in several porosity values Ti–6Al–4Valloy hints to a decreasing in different

elastic constants elasticity modulus values and type of surface acoustic waves values; which may

be caused by transitions crystal structure phases of Ti6Al4V alloy and manufacturing methods.

In this context, we first recall the production of several Ti-6Al-4V alloys and their porosities.

Then we summarize the scanning acoustic microscopy technique to be used in this work.   


Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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Titanium was first discovered by the mineralogist and chemist, William Gregory in 1791. Four

years later, Martin Klaproth, based on the story of the Greek mythological children, the Titans,

named the element as titanium. After that, more than 100 years were necessary to isolate the

titanium metal from its oxide. Finally, the first alloys, as well as the popular Ti-6Al-4V alloy,

were developed in the late 1940s. The Ti-6Al-4V alloy is the most common used alloy among

the commercially available titanium alloys [3]. Ti-6Al-4V alloy belongs to the group of α + β

titanium alloys. The aluminum acts as a α stabilizer and the vanadium as a β stabilizer. At this

specific composition both phases, α and β, are presented in the microstructure at room

temperature. Typically, three different microstructure morphologies can be obtained by changing

the thermo-mechanical processing route: fully lamellar structures, fully equiaxed structures, and

bi-modal microstructures [4].

The most important parameter in the processing route is the cooling rate from β phase field

during the recrystallization step since it delineates the size of the α lamellae, the α colony size

and the thickness of the α layers at β grain boundaries. In the fully lamellar microstructure the α

colony size, alternating α and β plates with distinct orientation relationship, is the feature that

defines a grain, or in other words, the size of the slip length during plastic deformation. Thus,

this feature determines mechanical properties such as tensile yield strength and high cycle

fatigue strength. In the case of fully equiaxed Fig. 2.1b microstructure the typical thermo

mechanical treatment is illustrated in Fig. 2.1a.







Fig. 2.1: (a) illustrates the processing route for fully equiaxed microstructure, and (b) the resultant microstructure. [4].

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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Again, the critical process segment is related to the cooling rate of the recrystallization process

step. The cooling rate needs to be sufficiently low in order to allow only growth of α grains with

no formation of α lamellae within the β grains, resulting in an equilibrium volume fraction of β

phase located at the “triple-points” of the α grains. The microstructure feature that defines the

grain size or the slip length for this microstructure is the α grain size.


The need to find more reliable materials to replace broken or deteriorating parts of the human

body is increasing with the increase in number of both younger and older recipients. Modern

surgery and dentistry need metals and alloys of extreme chemical inertness and adequate

mechanical strength. Metals and alloys in use include stainless steel, Co-Ni-Cr alloy, and cast

and wrought Co-Cr-Mo alloy, CP titanium, Ti-6Al-4V alloy and other titanium alloys [12].

Recently, new titanium alloy compositions, specifically tailored for biomedical applications,

have been developed. These first-generation orthopedic alloys included Ti-6Al-7Nb and Ti-5Al-

2.5Fe. Two alloys with properties similar to Ti-6Al-4V that were developed in response to

concerns relating V to potential cytotoxicity and adverse reaction with body tissues. Further,

biocompatibility enhancement and lower modulus has been achieved through the introduction of

second generation titanium orthopedic alloys including Ti-12Mo-6Zr-2Fe (TMFZ), Ti-15MO

5Zr-3Al, Ti-15Mo-3Nb-3O, Ti-15Zr-4Nb-2Ta- 0.2Pd and Ti-15Sn-4Nb-2Ta-0.2Pd alloys, as

well as the completely biocompatible Ti-13Nb- 13Zr alloy [11]. CP titanium is a material of

choice as an implant because of its biocompatibility resulting in no allergic reaction with the

surrounding tissue and also no thrombotic reaction with the blood of human body. The average

yield strength of commercially pure titanium is approximately 480 MPa. If a higher strength of

the implant is necessary, for example, in hip prosthesis, titanium alloys have to be used. The

most widely used alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, reaches yield strength almost double the yield strength of

commercially pure titanium [12]. [13].

Ti alloys were first used in orthopedics in the mid-1940s and have continued to gain attention

because of their unique properties, including high specific strength, light weight, excellent

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

© LSC, UBMA, 2018. 28

corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Due to the aforementioned properties, this class of

materials exhibits tremendous clinical advantages in terms of reduced recovery time and

rehabilitation, and improved comfort for patients. However, for bone replacement components,

the strength of pure Ti is not sufficient and Ti alloys are preferred due to their superior

mechanical properties.

In general, alloying elements would lead to an improvement in the properties of Ti for

orthopedic applications. Ti-6Al-4V ELI and NiTi shape memory alloys (SMA) are the most

commonly used Ti alloys in orthopedic applications because of their good combination of

mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. However, the possible release of toxic ions from

Al, V and Ni during in vivo corrosion of the implant remains the matter of concern. Al for

exceeding content of 7% at low temperature would lead to possible embrittlement and it may

also cause severe neurological, e.g. Alzheimer’s disease and metabolic bone diseases, e.g.

osteomalacia. Similarly, V can alter the kinetics of the enzyme activity associated with the cells

and results in potential cytotoxic effects and adverse tissue reactions. Moreover, the oxide layer

of Al2O3 and VO2 are less thermodynamically stable than that of TiO2, as their harmful debris

may take place in living organism. Evident cytotoxic and allergic responses of Ni have also been

reported. Thus, it is necessary to develop new Ti alloys that contain non-toxic elements [10].

New Ti alloys are being introduced to change the chemical composition and the mechanical

properties. Some of used Ti alloys as implant materials are listed in Table2.1.

Table 2.1: Some characteristics of orthopedic metallic implant materials [11]

Stainless steels Cobalt-base alloys Ti & Ti-base alloys

Principal alloying Elements (wt%)

Fe(bal.) Cr(17-20) Ni(12-14) Mo(2-4)

Co(bal.) Cr(19-30) Mo(0-10) Ni(0-37)

Ti(bal.) Al(6) V(4) Nb(7)

Disadvantages Long term behavior High modulus Power wear resistance

High modulus Biocompatibility Low shear strength

Biocompatibility Corrosion Minimum modulus Fatigue strength

Cost, availability Wear resistanceprocessing Corrosion resistance

Fatigue strength


ASTM F-67(ISO 5832/II) ASTM F-136(ISO 5832/II) ASTM F-1295 (Cast and wrought)

ASTM F-75ASTM F-799 ASTM F-1537 (Cast and wrought)

ASTM F-138(316 LDVM)


Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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The properties in table 2.2 result from specific heat treatments and will vary depending on their

processing parameters. Information in this table permits a comparison of mechanical properties

of pure titanium, some alpha/beta titanium alloys and some beta titanium alloys [12]. The

biocompatibility performance of a metallic alloy is closely associated with its corrosion

resistance and the biocompatibility of its corrosion products. Corrosion data show excellent

resistance for titanium and its alloys though some precautions should be taken in order to

optimize their composition [14].

Table 2.2: Mechanical properties of selected titanium alloys [14]

Type, Alloy, E UTS YS (0.2%) % %Red Nominal wt.% GPa MPa MPa E1 Area Alpha Ti 105 240-617 165-520 12-27 Alpha/Beta Ti-6a1-4V 88-116 990-1184 789-1013 2-30 2-41 Ti-5A1-2.5Fe 110 943-1050 818-892 13-16 33-42

Ti-6A1-7Nb 108 900-1100 910-970 11-14

Beta Ti-13Nb-13Zr 79 550-1035 345-932 8-15 15-30 Ti-11.5Mo-6zr-2Fe 74-85 1060-1100 910-970 18-22 46-73

Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al 15-113 882-1312 870-1284 11-20 43-83

Ti-15Mo-3Nb 79 1035 993 15 60

Alloy design and thermo-mechanical processing control of Ti alloys has allowed the production

of implant materials with enhanced properties. Ti and its alloys are used in orthopedic surgery as

implants in the shape of wires, nails, plates and screws for fixation and stabilization of fracture

or in the form of artificial joints for the replacement of joints of the human body. Some implants

are used for short time duration in the human body whereas others remain in place providing a

continuous and trouble-free function for decades. To avoid a reoperation caused by the implant

material, the material must meet certain chemical and mechanical requirements. As previously

mentioned, chemical requirement includes high biocompatibility without altering the

environment of the surrounding tissue even under deformation and sterilization. Mechanical

property requirement relates to specific strength, modulus, fatigue, creep and fracture toughness

which, in turn, relate to microstructures. The direct relation of the microstructure to properties

and performance makes it necessary that the microstructural condition be part of the

specification for a finished device [13].

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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In general, most of the Ti alloys offer appropriate mechanical properties for orthopedic

applications. The modulus of Ti alloys is closer to those of bone and theoretically provides less

stress shielding than those of stainless steel and Co-Cr alloys. Fig. 2.2 presents elastic moduli of

some important materials used in bone tissue engineering. The Young’s moduli of 316L stainless

steel and Co–Cr–Mo alloy are much greater than that of cortical bone. The Young’s moduli of

biomaterials have been said to be desirable to be equal to that of cortical bone because if the

Young’s moduli of biomaterials are much greater than that of cortical bone, bone resorption

occurs. The Young’s modulus of α + β type titanium alloy, Ti–6Al–4V that is the most widely

used titanium alloy for biomedical applications, is much lower than those of stainless steel and

Co based alloy. However, its Young’s modulus is much greater than that of cortical bone [15].

 Fig.2.2: Comparison of Young’s modulus of cortical bone, β type Ti–13Nb–13Zr, α + β type Ti–6Al– 4V,

316L stainless steel and Co–Cr–Mo alloy for biomedical applications [15].  


Ti is present in several minerals, sand, rocks and is normally found as a rutile (TiO2) and

ilmenite (FeTiO3). In the 1940’s an inexpensive metallurgical process was introduced known as

extended ‘Kroll process’ to reduce TiO2 to metallic Ti in order to give a similar concentration of

TiO2 comparable to rutile. Titanium tetrachloride is formed with the added of Chlorine and then

magnesium is used for final reduction, as show Fig.2.3. The magnesium chloride formed by this

reaction is subsequently electrolyzed to reduce it to magnesium and chlorine which is recycled

contributes to cost reduction. The final purity of the sponge is determined by the level of

magnesium contamination and the reaction with the reactor walls. Further processing converts

titanium sponge into an ingot.

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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Fig.2.3: Flow Chart and mass balance sheet for titanium product fabrication from ore [16].

The ingot is formed through multiple re-melting processes. This re-melting is necessary in order

to achieve high purity Ti by reducing remaining magnesium and chlorides. However, the higher

purity titanium has poor strength and is not used for industrial applications. The alloy

composition desired is set during the transformation from titanium sponge to ingot. Ti sponge is

pre-densified in a hydraulic press to form a compact of pure titanium. The compacts, adequately

alloyed, are then assembled into an electrode for multiple melting processes via vacuum arc

melting (VAC). Due to high oxygen Ti affinity, the compacts must be welded under argon in a

plasma welding to form an electrode.

Production of titanium is mostly done through single, double and triple vacuum arc melting in a

vacuum chamber. The self-consuming electrode consists of the compact predefined Ti alloys. An

arc is formed between the electrode and some dwarf placed at the bottom of the water-cooled

crucible. As a result of a high arc energy, the self-consuming electrode is melted and forms an

ingot in the crucible. The melting temperature, cooling water and the electrode gaps are essential

to for the effective control of the process and production of defect free material [16]. Among

other methods are (i) Plasma Rotating Electrode Process (PREP), (ii) Gas Atomization Process,

(iii) Hydride Dihydride Process, (iv) Mechanical alloying and (v) Powder metallurgy.


Ti, as a transition metal, has incomplete electronic structure in its outer shell that enables

Titanium to form solid solutions of both substitutional and interstitial kinds. The classification of

Ti alloys is normally based on the influence of alloying elements. This is because the alloying of

Ti is dominated by the ability of elements to stabilize either of the α – or the β- phases [18].

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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Depending on their influence on the β-transus temperature, the alloying elements of Ti are

classified as:

(a) Neutral: Neutral alloying elements have a minor influence on the titanium

transformation temperature. Sn and Zr are falls into this category but as far as strength is

concerned they are not neutral since they primarily strengthen the α-phase.

(b) α-stabilizers: α-stabilizing elements extend the α phase field to higher temperature

and while extending the α phase field, the α-stabilizers develop a two phase α+β field. Of these,

the α-stabilizing elements are subdivided into β isomorphs and β eutectic elements. Al and

interstitial elements such as O, N and C belong to this category.

(β) Stabilizers: β - stabilizing elements shift the β phase field to a lower temperature. Fe,

Mn, Cr, Co, Ni are among the β stabilizing elements; Al and O are the most important elements

that preferentially will dissolve in the α phase and expand the ß transus to higher temperature.

The addition of Sn and Zr elements do not influence the transus temperatures and are categorized

categorize as neutral elements. Vanadium is a common ß stabilizing. Hence, Ti alloys can be

classified according to their microstructure. These are (a) α alloy, (b) near α alloy, (c) α+ß alloys,

(d) near ß alloys and (e) metastable ß.


Microstructure refers to the phases and grain structure present in a metallic component. Ti6Al4V

is an α+ ß alloy containing 6 wt % of Al and 4 wt % of V. This titanium alloy is formed when a

blend of alpha favoring (Al) and beta favoring (V) alloy elements is added to Ti. A wide variety

of microstructure can be generated in alpha-beta alloys by adjusting the thermo-mechanical

processing parameters. The transformation of an alpha structure to beta structure upon heating is

complete if the heating temperature goes above the ß-transus temperature. Upon the subsequent

cooling, the beta structure will change back to alpha with a small amount of Beta (depends on

the quantity of ß-stabilizers elements) as untransformed beta at room temperature. The alpha

phase present during cooling, which is primary alpha, can remain relatively globular (equiaxed),

however the transformed beta (marten site or alpha) can be very acicular or elongated. The

amount of alpha phase and the fineness or coarseness of this final microstructure will affect the

behaviour of this titanium alloy [18, 19].

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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The application of Ti alloys has expanded from the aerospace industry, automotive to the

medical industry. Although the materials themselves are considered to be expensive materials,

the physical properties are desirable for high end products and under elevated temperature

conditions. The mechanical properties such as strength, ductility, creep resistance, fracture

toughness and crack propagation resistance depend essentially on the microstructure, which is

formed during thermo-mechanical processing and thermal treatment procedures. The main

advantages of Ti alloys are;

Higher strength to weight ratios.

Low densities, which fall between aluminum and iron and give attractive strength to

weight ratios allowing lighter and stronger structure.

Superior corrosion and erosion resistance in many environments, in particular to pitting

and stress corrosion cracking.

High temperature capability in the range of 300-400: oC.

High toughness, which is useful for making precision mechanism gears, turbine engine

components and biomedical prosthesis devices.


The morphology of the Ti6Al4V gas atomized powder was examined through the optical

microscope and the scanning electron microscope. The chemical compounds were investigated

using Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). Generally, all the powder particles were

spherical. A few irregular particle shapes were seen in the powder sample due to vibration and

rough handling, as shown in Fig.2.4. It was also noted that the powder particles were of a small

size with an average of 50 microns. From the elemental analysis, no other elements were

detected besides the titanium, aluminum and vanadium, confirming a lack of chemical

contamination on the surface [17]. The powder density was calculated via the gas psychometry

apparatus. Based on the Ti6Al4V reference density of 4.46 g/cm3 [18]; the laser sintered of

Ti6Al4V has 98.65% relative density which is considered as near to full density.


Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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 Fig.2.4: Ti6Al4V Powder particles via SEM [17]


Porosity is a measure of the void spaces in a material, and is measured as a fraction, between

zero and unity, or as a percentage between 0 – 100%. The term is used in multiple fields

including ceramics, metallurgy, materials, manufacturing, earth sciences and construction.

II.9.1 Porosity measurements

Several methods can be employed to measure porosity, including the volume/density method

(pore volume = total volume - material volume), water saturation method (pore volume = total

volume of water - unsaturated water), water evaporation method (pore volume in cubic

centimeters = weight of saturated sample in grams - weight of dried sample in grams),mercury

intrusion primary (several non-mercury intrusion techniques have been developed due to

toxicological concerns, and the fact that mercury tends to form amalgams with several

metals/alloys), and nitrogen gas adsorption (nitrogen gas adsorption in pores is measured either

by volume or weight; this technique is suitable for materials with very fine pores). The density of

composite materials used to precisely measure Archimedes law, the application of electronic

analytical balance measurements, uses the formula [20].

ρ= 1/ % % .. (2.1)

where A%、B% Composite per million each element of the quality of the percentage, ρA and ρB

the corresponding components of the material element of the theoretical density (g/cm3).

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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Relative density is given by the formula:

d = /0 x 100% (2.2) where ρ is the alloy density of alloy and ρ0 is the non-porous value.

Porosity of alloys, P, for different temperatures can be written as: P = (M2-M1)/(M3-M2). (2.3) where M2 is weight alloy in Air (dry before boiled water), M1 is weight alloy in Air (dry after

boiled water) and M3 is weight alloy in Air (wet after boiled water).

II.9.2 Porosity types Many applications require that a medium, either liquid or gaseous, be able to pass through the

cellular material. In this case open porosity is required for high rate of fluid flow. Figure 2.5

shows different types of porosity as (i) well-sorted classic sediment of high primary porosity, (ii)

poorly sorted classic sediment of restricted primary porosity and (iii) well-sorted classic

sediment with extremely high primary porosity. Due to the porous character of the grains, we

have: (i) well-sorted classic sediment with cement infill of the primary porosity, (ii) secondary

porosity due to solution and (iii) secondary porosity along fractures in a fractured rock.

Fig. 2.5: Schematic diagram of porosity types.

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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II.9.3 Porous Ti-6Al-4V alloys

Ti-6Al-4V alloys are the most important metallic materials used in the biomedical applications

due to their excellent mechanical properties and superior biocompatibility. However, there some

problems about the titanium implants in orthopedic surgery such as the mismatching of titanium

and natural bone properties [21, 22]. It is known that the mechanical properties can be controlled

through the manufacturing of a porous sample. The porosities should be controlled by (Pressure

–Temperature- particle size) to obtain porosities up to 75% to simulate the human cancellous

bone and cortical Bones have porosities 35%.

Several porous Ti-6Al-4V alloys that led to equivalent elastic modulus of human bones (0.1to40)

GPa can be cited:

Porosities ranging from porosities (61% to 75%) with compaction pressures in the range

from (100 to 450) MPa. Production of Ti-6Al-4V Foam by Space Holder Technique in

Powder Metallurgy, Temperature 1080C°; particle size 400 µm [23].

Porosities (58% to 62%) prepared using space holder method with two different Ti64

powders under Pressure 400 MPa, Temperature (1200-1350)°C; particle size (45-154,30-

90) µm, [24, 32].

Porosities, (20% to 60%) fabricated by powder metallurgy process with the addition of

TiH2 as the pore forming and active agent. under Pressure (9-88) MPa; Temperature

(840-1100) C°; particle size (900-190) µm, [25].

Porosities (25% to 31%) under Pressure (375-1125) MPa; Temperature (850-1250) C°;

particle size (45-150) µm Young’s Moduli values for minimum and maximum porosities

obtained from sintered samples in loose and pressed conditions. [26].

Porosities (30% to 37%) produced by sintering of powders in loose condition and powder

rotating electrode process (PREP) under Pressure (375-1125) MPa; Temperature (800-

1250) C°; particle size (200-500) µm [27].

Porosities (35% to 70%) fabricated by a space-holder and powder metallurgy method.

under Pressure 450 MPa; Temperature 1200 C°; particle size (560-1000) µm [28].

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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It is established that increasing porosities of Ti–6Al–4V alloy lead to variations of Young’s

modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus, longitudinal velocities, shear velocities and Rayleigh

velocities, stiffness coefficients and acoustic impedance; this phenomenon would influence the

choice of hard tissue replacement for human bones have elastic modulus (0.1 to 40) GPa [21,


Porous Ti-6Al-4V alloys used successfully as implants possess porosities in the range (61% to

75%) with compaction pressures in the interval (100 to 450) MPa. The Ti-6Al-4V foam is

produced by Space Holder Technique in Powder Metallurgy, temperature 1080°C; particle size

400 µm [23]. Typical elastic constants with varying porosities tested under pressures and

temperatures are shown in Table 2.3. The non-porous annealed Ti-6Al-4V is characterized by

E = (110-114) GPa and = 0.34 with a density = 4430 g/cm3 [29].  

 Table 2.3: Parameters of Ti-6Al-4V alloys with vary process techniques. [21, 22].


II.11.1 Instrumentation Non-destructive acoustic investigations are based on the emission and reception of SAWs that

interact with the elastic properties of a given material where different modes propagate. Among

Ti-6Al-4V alloys Porosity (%) 61 - 75 58 - 62 20 - 60 25 - 31 30 - 37 35 - 70

Pressure (MPa) 100 - 450 400 9-88 375-1125 375-125 450

Temperat. (C°) 1080 1200-1350 840-1100 850-1250 850-250 1200

Particle size (µm)

400 (45-154) (30 - 90)

900-190 45-150 200-500 560-1000


Space holder

space holder

MP with TiH2


Sintered loose and pressed



space-holder and powder metallurgy

method Density (gcm-3) 4430 3290 4480 2710 2710 4430 Poisson ratio σ 0.325 0.325 0.342 0.328 0.328 0.325

E(GPa) 3.8 to 0.25 2.5 to 1.77 24 to 4 64 to 11.1 14 to 3.9 19 to 11

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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the most promising tools that have demonstrated a variety of unique capabilities in qualitative

and quantitative characterization of surface and sub-surface details are scanning acoustic

microscopes, SAM, [30-35]. The SAM can be operated either in reflection or in transmission.

Reflecting acoustic microscope: The transmitter system (the transducer) also acts as a

receiver by using the inverse piezoelectric effect (the emitted and reflected signals are

then separated in time). The reflection SAM is the most widely used instrument.

Transmission acoustic microscope: A transducer-transmitter is a transducer-receiver that

simultaneously scans the two parallel faces of the sample (at the surface or at depth).

The reflection scanning acoustic microscope, SAM, consists of several parts:

Mechanical part: he acoustic image is obtained by mechanical scanning of the sample

with respect to the sensor (or the opposite) in two perpendicular directions (x, y) in the

focal plane of the lens.

Electronic part: the information received at the output of the transducers is digitized and

then stored in a memory in correspondence with the movements of the object. The final

image is visualized on a conventional monitor with magnifications ranging from a few

units to around 2000.

Acoustic part (Fig. 2.6): This is the emission and reception part of the acoustic wave. It

consists of the piezoelectric transducer (ultrasonic generator), the delay line (propagation

medium), the acoustic lens (focusing element), the coupling fluid for the transfer of

ultrasonic waves and the sample to be studied.

Fig 2.6: Schematic diagram of the acoustic part of a SAM. [35].

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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II.11.2 SAM Principle and methodology

The principle of an acoustic microscope is to generate a very high frequency ultrasonic wave

(tens or even hundreds of MHz) by a transducer subjected to a variable electrical excitation. The

sound wave emitted is focused by a delay line and then sent to a sample (the structure to be

controlled) through the coupling liquid. The sample is initially placed in the focal plane of the

lens and will then be moved vertically and / or horizontally by a system of mechanical motors.

This wave (reflected or transmitted) is then received and converted into an analog signal

(electrical voltage), which can be easily measured and converted into an image.

Non-destructive ultrasonic methods usually consist of determining SAW velocities (longitudinal,

VL, transverse, VT and Rayleigh, VR.) from which elastic constants are deduced according to

well established conventional relations and vice versa. These velocities can be determined, in

the recent scanning acoustic microscopy technique, from the so-called acoustic material

signatures, also known as V(z) response. Such a signature describes the output response, V, as a

function of the defocusing distance, z, in acoustic microscopy configuration. For modelling sake,

the V(z) signature is given, via the angular spectrum model, by Sheppard and Wilson formula


V(z) = ∫P2()R()exp(2jkozcos)sincosd (2.4)

Here P2() is the pupil function, R() is the reflection coefficient, is the half-opening angle of

the lens, z is the defocusing distance and ko = 2/ is the wave number in the coupling liquid and

j = √-1.

Acoustic materials signatures, thus deduced, possess an oscillatory behavior as a result of

constructive and destructive interference between different propagating modes. Therefore, their

treatment can be carried out via Fast Fourier Transform, FFT, which exhibit a large spectrum

consisting of one or several peaks. The most dominant mode (usually Rayleigh) appears as a

very sharp and pronounced peak from which the velocity of the can be determined [37]

according to:

Chapter II [Physical properties and porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloys]

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VR = Vliq./[1 – (Vliq./2fz)2]1/2 (2.5)

where Vliq is the sound velocity in the coupling liquid, f is the operating frequency of the

transducer and z the periods in V(z) curves.

The methodology consists of:

(i) determining SAW velocities of different modes,

(ii) calculating acoustic materials signatures,

(iii) determining Rayleigh velocity via FFT treatment of periodic V(z) signatures,

(iv) repeating steps (i) to (iii) for each alloy.

II.12 CONCLUSION Titanium continues to be widely used for implant and biomedical applications. Titanium

alloys have a high strength to weight ratio with a density. Their excellent corrosion

resistance in many environments is due to the formation of a stable oxide surface layer.

The most commonly used titanium alloys is Ti-6Al-4V, due to their excellent corrosion

resistance, tensile strength, a high strength to weight ratio and low elastic modulus.

However, their mechanical properties are greatly affected by the degree of porosities

which are of great importance in many device applications. Thus, the state of the art of Ti and

its alloys is described in this chapter as well as the scanning acoustic microscopy which is a

nondestructive technique that could be used in the investigation of these materials







Chapter III [Results and discussions] 

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The physical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys materials have been widely studied but their

elastic properties are poorly investigated. Hence, in this chapter, we examine elastic

properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys with varying porosities at different parameters such as

various sintering temperatures and pressures [1-5]. The effects of these parameters on

mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys are very important in many device

applications and in fundamental understanding. The mechanical properties of titanium

and titanium alloys are very sensitive to human bones have elastic modulus (0.1 to 40)

GPa, which should have porosity up to 75% to simulate the human cancellous bone and

cortical Bones have porosities 35% [6-9].

Hence, we first deduce the values of propagating surface acoustic wave, SAW, velocities

as well as bulk modulus, B, Poisson ratio, for Ti-6Al-4V alloys. Then calculate reflection

coefficients as well as acoustic materials signatures of Ti-6Al-4V alloys at porosity (61%

to 75%) Ti-6Al-4V alloys with compaction pressures in the range from (100 to 450MPa).

The considered materials were produced by Space Holder Technique in Powder

Metallurgy, Temperature 1080C°; particle size 400 µm [1].


Elastic properties of 0% non-porous Ti-6Al-4V were reported in literature [2]. The

parameters of this materials were found to be E = 110 –114 GPa, ρ = 0.34, VL = 635 m/s,

VS = 3152m/s and VR = 3060 m/s; the whole parameters are summarized in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. [2].

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Young’s modulus of Ti-6Al-4V alloys depends on their degree of porosities as well as

well as on temperatures and applied pressures. In Ti6Al4V alloys various elastic modulus

were obtained by different porosities procedures [3-9]. In the present investigation it is

essential to find out relations between the elastic modulus and porosities of Ti-6Al-4V

alloys of a density 4430 g/cm3. We considered porosities ranging from 61% to 75%

as regrouped in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Calculated and reported parameters of porous Ti-6Al-4V alloys [1].  

Porosity (%)

Experimental Calculated

ρ(kg/m3) E(GPa) n B(GPa) G(GPa)





4 1.4

62.08 3.55 3.38 1.34

63.3 2 1.86 0.74

65.7 1.1 1.1 0.42

70.6 0.6 0.6 0.23

71.6 0.50 0.5 0.19

75 0.25 0.24 0.09

75.3 0.23 0.22 0.087

III.3.1 Effects of porosity on Young’s modulus

It is essential to find out relations between elastic moduli and porosities of Ti-6Al-4V

alloys. To describe this dependence, we plot in Fig. 3.1 Young’s modulus as a function of

porosities for Ti-6Al-4V alloys [1]. It is clear that as the porosity increases, Young's

modulus decreases. To quantify this variation, we make use of the approach of curve

fitting to find a semi-empirical relation of the form:

E (GPa) = 0.28 + 1.43 109 e (-0.32) P (3.1)

Chapter III [Results and discussions] 

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Fig 3.1: Young’s modulus of Ti–6Al–4V alloys as a function of porosities.

III.3.2 Effects of porosity on shear and bulk modulus

To enrich the above investigation, it would be essential to find out relations between both

shear modulus G and Bulk modulus B as a function of alloy porosities. The obtained

results are displayed in fig. 3.2 and 3.3 respectively. It can be seen that as the porosity

increases both G and B decrease in a similar way as Young’s modulus variations.

Fig 3.2: Shear modulus of Ti–6Al–4V alloy as a function of porosities.

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Fig 3.3: Bulk modulus of Ti–6Al–4V alloy as a function of porosities.

The effects of porosity on G and B can be quantified through curve fitting to find the

following relations:

G = 0.11 + 5.59 1015 e (-0.59) P (3.2)

B = 0. 30 + 1.05 1016 e (-0.59) P (3.3)

It can be concluded that all elastic moduli M (E, G, B) show an exponential decrease with

porosities of the form:

M (GPa) = A + e -c P (3.4) with A, and c being characteristic constants typical of different elastic constants as

summarized in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3:Characteristic constants in the formula III.4



Characteristic constants


E (GPa) 0.28 1.43 109 0.32

G (GPa) 0.11 5.59 1015 0.59

B (GPa) 0. 3 1.05 1016 0.59

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Surface acoustic wave velocities properties of isotropic solids may be expressed in terms

of independent constants (Young’s modulus, E, and shear modulus, G). Moreover, it is

well established that all parameters are related to each other by the following relations

[10, 11]:

E/G = 2.587 (3.5) G = ρVT

2 (3. 6) E = G(3VL


2–VT2) = ρVT



2) (3.7) B = ρ (VL

2-3/4 VT2) (3.8)

υ = E/2 (ρ VT

2) – 1 (3.9)

VT = √E/2ρ (1 + σ). (3.10)

√G/ρ= VS (3.11)

Thus, using relations (3.5 to 3.11), we were able to determine longitudinal and transverse

velocities for Ti-6Al-4V alloys at different porosities; the obtained results are regrouped

in Table 3.4. To better illustrate the effect of porosities, we plot in Fig 3.4 longitudinal

and transverse velocities as a function of various porosity for the Ti–6Al–4V alloys.

Fig 3.4: Longitudinal and transverse velocities as a function of porosity for Ti–6Al–4V alloys.

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It is found that increasing prosperities in Ti–6Al–4V alloys (61% to 75%) leads to a

decrease in longitudinal and transverse velocities. In fact, discrepancies in SAW

velocities could also be due to different crystal structures (hcp) α-phase and (bcc) β –

phase that have been shaped during porosities formation at sintering temperatures and


Table 3.4: Calculated elastic constants of Ti-6Al -4V alloy with virus porosities.



SAW velocity (m/s) Calculated from relations (3.5 to 3.11)

VL (ms-1) VT (ms-1)

61 1139 557

62.08 1080 550

63.3 802 409

65.7 612 308

70.6 452 228

71.6 412 207

75 285 143

75.3 275 140



Acoustic signatures, or V(z) response, can be either measured experimentally or deduced

theoretically. In the present study, as recalled in chapter II, we consider the application of

V(z) equations [12-17]. Simulations were carried out in the case of a scanning acoustic

microscope at the simulations were carried out in the case of SAM under the following

conditions: half lens opening angle θ lens = 50°, a frequency f = 140 MHz and coupling

liquids Freon with a density, ρ = 1570 kg/m-3 and a velocity, Vliq = 716 m/s [15].

III.5.1 Effect of porosity in Ti-6Al-4V alloys on R()

It is more logical to deduce reflection coefficient R() then V(z) curves. The reflection

coefficient is a complex-valued function; therefore, we separately calculate its amplitude

(modulus) R () and phase from equation.

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R θ (3.12)

where ZL, ZS are the impedance of the two media (liquid and solid). The results thus

obtained are illustrated in Fig. 3.5.

Fig.3.5: Amplitude and phase of reflection coefficient as function of incident angle, modulus and

phase of R() as a function of incident angle of Ti6Al4V alloys

It can clearly be noticed that, when the incident angle increases, all the curves exhibit

similar behavior: (i) a saturation, (ii) a sharp peak, (iii) another saturation, (iv) a smooth

increase and (v) a final saturation with │R│ = 1. The displacement of all these critical

angles is towards lower values (with Freon coupling) when the porosity increases.

(i). The value for zero angle of incidence = 0 varied by small amount from porosity.

This small variation corresponds to the slight change in the crystal structure due

porosity effecting.

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(ii). The changes near ( L =12.3°; 5.4°; 7.11° and 6.8°) where R for all curves first

rises to one, which corresponds to the longitudinal-wave critical angle of

Ti6Al4V alloys(61%,62%,63%,65% and 70 %) respectively.

(iii). The kink near ( S = 23.8°; 6.6°; 14.2° and 13.3°) where the value of R next

rises to one, which corresponds to the shear-wave critical angle for Ti6Al4V

alloys (0 %) respectively.

(iv). The constancy near ( R = 34.5°; 11°; 14.5° and 13.5°) just past the kink, which

corresponds to the Rayleigh-wave critical angle for Freon Ti6Al4V alloys (0 %)


III.5.2 Effect of porosity on V(z) curves and their treatment

Acoustic materials signatures, V(z), curves are calculated for Ti6Al4V alloys at different

porosity using previously determined R(θ). Typical results obtained for Ti6Al4V alloys

with several porosities are displayed in Fig.3.6 in terms of the output signal, V, as a

function of the defocusing distance, z, when the sample is moved vertically in the z axis

towards the acoustic lens.

Fig.3.6: V(z) curves of Ti6Al4V alloys at different porosities

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It can be seen that there are strong oscillations, where a series of periodic maxima and

minima occurs, characterized by a period ∆(z). This region is characteristic of the

sample’s acoustic properties. The patterns vary with the material of Ti6Al4V alloys, as

do the depths of the minima and the relative magnitude of the maxima which on porosity

as well. To analyze and quantify acoustic signature of Fig.3.6, we first subtract the effect

of the acoustic lens signal from these curves to obtain the real material signatures as

shown in Fig.3.7. Then, these periodic signals can be quantified through fast Fourier

transform (FFT), a spectral method used in numerical signal processing.

The deduced FFT spectra, from the acoustic signature of the Ti6Al4V alloys, are

displayed in Fig. 3.7.The peak corresponding to the Rayleigh mode appears for all curves

Fig.3.7: FFT spectra and z periods of V(z) curves displayed in Fig. 3.6. at different porosities forTi6Al4V alloys

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The magnitude of VR peaks is weakened with increasing the porosity degree. As a

consequence, the velocity VR of the Rayleigh mode is obtained and moved to the lower

value of ray number which means that VR increase with increase porosity. Consequently,

each variation in velocities due to shifts in periods) necessarily leads to changes in elastic


III.5.3 Effect of porosity on VR

To enrich the above investigation on the effects of porosities longitudinal and transverse

velocities (§ 4.), we deduced Rayleigh velocities from the SAM simulation of R(), V(z)

curves and their FFT treatments. From the principal FFT peak, the ryaleigh velocity can

be determined from Kushibiki and Chibachi relation [12].

The results thus obtained are tabulated in Table 3.5. It is clear that as the porosity

increases, Rayleigh velocity decreases, in agreement with the above behavior of

longitudinal and transverse velocities (§ III.4).

Table 3.5: Determined VR from V(z) curves.

Porosity (%) VR (ms-1)

61 562

62.08 514

63.3 386

65.7 286

70.6 212

71.6 193

75 136

75.3 98

This dependence is better illustrated in Fig. 3.8 for all SAW velocities (Rayleigh,

longitudinal and transverse). The Rayleigh velocity dependence on porosity shows an

exponential decay of the form:

VR (m/s) =207.4+3.25 103 x e (-0.41) P (3.13)

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Fig.3.8: Variation of SAW velocities with porosities for Ti6Al–4V alloys


The properties of alloys generally depend on the pore characteristics, i.e. type, shape,

size, volume percentage, surface area and uniformity of pores, which may be quite

different in various production techniques and variable preparation conditions such as

pressure and temperature. Therefore, we extend this investigation to all porosity intervals

(low, medium and high) of Ti-6Al-4V alloys. Moreover, we consider other parameters

such as stiffness coefficients (C11, C12 and C44) and acoustic impedance.

The effects of porosities (10% to 75 %) on stiffness constants and acoustic impedances

are illustrated in Fig 3.9 and Fig 3.10, respectively. It can clearly be seen that the

variations of stiffness constants and acoustic impedances with porosities follow a general

trend consisting of a decrease with increasing porosities, as deduced earlier in previous


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Fig 3.9: Porosity effects on stiffness coefficients (C11, C12 and C44) for the Ti–6Al–4V alloys.

Fig 3.10: Porosity effects on acoustic impedance for the Ti–6Al–4V alloys.



It is worth noting that human bones are characterized by elastic moduli values ranging

from 0.1 to 40 GPa. Therefore, it would be interesting to find implants with similar

mechanical characteristics. In this context, elastic modulus of titanium and titanium

alloys depend on their degree of porosities: it changes from 3.8 to 0.23 GPa (Table 3.2)

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when porosities vary from 61% to 75 %. Therefore, Ti-6Al-4V alloys seem to be the best

candidates to replace human bones, as implants. It should be noted that all other elastic

parameters follow the same behavior, i.e., the deduced changes for shear modulus, bulk

modulus, longitudinal velocities, shear velocities, Rayleigh velocities and stiffness

coefficients (C11,C12 and C44) vary from, (4 to 0.24) GPa, (1.4 to 0.09) GPa,(1139 to 285)

m/s, (587 to 143) m/s, (562 to 136) m/s, (501 to 421) m/s, (7.7 to 0.5) GPa, (4.9 to 0.3)

GPa and (2.8 to 0.2) GPa, respectively.

Therefore, according to their porosities, Ti–6Al–4V alloys can be used as implants in

human bodies to replace different human bones (cortical, trabecular, concelleus) as

summarized in Tables 3.6 and 3.7 that regroup elastic constants and surface acoustic

wave velocities.

Table 3.6: Elastic properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloys with different porosities

Table 3.7: SAW velocities of Ti–6Al–4V alloys with different porosities.

For clarity, we plot in Fig. 3.11 (a) and (b) the most accurate intervals of porous Ti–6Al–

4V alloys which gives the closest values to realistic and conformity to elastic modulus

and acoustic wave velocities of (cortical, trabecular and concelleus) bones.

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Fig. 3.11: Porosity effects on elastic modulus (a) and Rayleigh velocity (b) Ti–6Al–4Valloys with

porosity, together with applied intervals to cortical, trabecular and cancellous bones. 


III.8.1 Effects on elastic moduli

Ti–6Al–4V alloys are mainly used for replacing materials for more Application. Alloys

cracks are, therefore, one of the big problems for their unfailing use in the body. The

crack appearances of the alloys are affected by changes in microstructure. The effect of

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addition of Boron on Ti–6Al–4V alloys of the mechanical properties is also very

important to understand the effects of simulated to changes of elastic modules to

calculating of the acoustic materials signature curves. Whoever, body environment to the

moduli of elasticity of biomedical titanium alloys on the mechanical properties [21].

Elastic properties of objects are very major, since their measurement gives evidence

about the forces that are performing between the fundamental atoms of materials. This is

of unlimited importance in understanding to properties of bonding in the materials. It has

been found that minor addition of B (up to 0.1 wt %) to Ti64 reduces the grain size

dramatically (by more than an order of magnitude) and increases the tensile properties

such as yield and ultimate tensile strengths [22].

The effect of minor amount of B addition on elastic modulus (E) of Ti64 has not yet been

examined in detail, which is the objective of this work. Different alloys of Ti–6Al–4V–

xB (with x = 0.0, 0.04, 0.09, 0.30 and 0.55 wt % B1) were reported [22, 23] and

investigated in this work (Table 3.7).

Table 3.8: Elastic moduli of Ti–6Al–4V alloys with boron element addition [22, 23]

The effects of Boron addition to Ti–6Al–4V/xB alloys on elastic modulii on Young’s

modulus, shear modulus, and bulk modulus at different additional Boron are shown in

Fig.3.12. A slight increase is obtained for all mechanical constants (E, G, B,) for

porosities higher that 10%.

Boron addition Ti–6Al–4Valloy

Experimental Calculated




0.0 113 110.8 42.5 0.04 121 118.6 45.5 0.09 114 111.8 42.8 0.3 120 117.7 45.1 0.55 126 123.5 47.4

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Fig.3.12: Effects of B addition to Ti–6Al–4V/xB alloys on elastic moduli

III.8.2 Effects on acoustic parameters

To investigate the effects of boron addition on acoustic parameters (SAW velocities), we

calculated V(z) curves, their periods and finally the corresponding velocities. The

obtained results are plotted in Fig. 3.12. It is clear that the periods z in V(z) curves

depend on the amount of B additions and consequently the values of SAW velocities. The

obtained results are regrouped in Table 3.8.

The curves in Fig. 3.13 confirm that the velocities increase with xB. In fact, it was found

that as xB change from 0.0 wt.% B to 0.55 wt.% B. VL increases from 6148m/s to

6492m/s, VT from 3097m/s to 3171m/s and VR from 2864m/s to 2927m/s. Moreover, a

change of xB from 0.0 wt.% B VL increases z from 79.4 to 83 All these observations are

regrouped in Table 3.9.

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Fig.3.13: Acoustic materials signatures and their FFT spectra of several xB additions

(0.0 < x ≤ 0.5) wt.% B of Ti–6Al–4V alloys.  

Table 3.9: Characteristic acoustic parameters of several xB addition (0.0 < x ≤ 0.5) wt.% B of Ti–6Al–4V alloys. 

B addition in

Ti–6Al–4Valloys acoustic periods

(SAW) velocities

wt.% B ∆z(µm) VL (m/s) VT (m/s) VR ( m/s) 0.0 79.4 6148 3097 2864

0.04 84.3 6361 3205 2951 0.09 80.5 6174 3108 2884 0.3 84 6336 3191 2944

0.55 83 6492 3171 2927


In this chapter, we investigated several Ti-6Al-4V alloys that can be used as implants to

replace different types of human bones. These alloys are characterized by their porous

character. Therefore, the porosity effects on mechanical constants (E, G, B, C11, C12,

C44) as well as acoustic parameters (R(), V(z), VL, VT, VR, Z) have been investigated.

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These effects were quantified and relations were deduced in all cases. They show an

exponential decay with increasing porosities. The importance of establishing such

formula lies in their applicability to the prediction of the exact porosity for a given

parameter and vice versa. Consequently, this allows the preparation of the required alloys

for the replacement of a given bone types (cortical, trabecular and cancellous bones).

Moreover, the effects of boron addition to Ti-6Al-4V alloys on acoustic parameters (SAW

velocities) have also been investigated; such additions improve the quality of the


[General conclusions] 



[General conclusions] 

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Ti-6Al-4V alloys with several porosities (61% to 75%) are investigated. This work concerned

the porosity effects, P, on different elastic constants and acoustic parameters elastic: Young’s

modulus E, shear modulus G, Bulk modulus B, Poisson coefficient σ , longitudinal velocities,

shear velocities and Rayleigh velocities and modulus of elasticity, stiffness coefficients

(C11,C12 and C44) and acoustic impedances.

It is found that the general trend of porosity-parameter variations is characterized by a

decrease of all investigated elastic and acoustic parameters as the porosity increases. The

quantification of this behavior led to the determination of analytical relations which were

expressed as:

For elastic moduli, M (E, G, B), the dependence takes the form:

M = A + e -c P (%) with A, and c being characteristic constants.

Whereas, for SAW velocities (VL, VT, VR), it is found that: V = A’ + ’ e c’P(%) .

The importance of establishing such formula lies in their applicability to the prediction of the exact

porosity for a given parameter and vice versa. Consequently, this allows the preparation of the required

alloys for the replacement of a given bone types.

Moreover, the effects of boron addition to Ti-6Al-4V alloys on SAW velocities have also been

investigated; such additions improve the quality of the material.

General introduction





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