dp & the blessing part 1 of 4

Post on 11-May-2015






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Introduction to the Blessing.. Part 1of4


Family Happyness!This is the Columbus, the Ohio family that had the

sixtuplets 2010, this picture is priceless! v 2.9

Divine Principle by Sun Myung Moon:

God's three great blessings to man, the purpose of Hiscreation, were to be realized when Adam and Eve, after having perfected their respective individualities, would become husband and wife, then multiply their children to form a family, and, further, they would come to rule the whole of creation. Gen. 1:28. 1:28)

However, due to the fall, the three great blessings were not realized.

In order to restore this, we must follow the course in reverse and

1.1 establish the foundation of faith by offeringthe symbolic sacrifices through which both the condition of indemnity to restore the created things and

1.2 the symbolic condition of indemnity to restore man can be set up at the same time.

2. In laying the foundation of substance, there are certain conditions of indemnity necessary for the fallen man to set up; that is, "the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature".

Therefore, in order for a fallen man to establish the foundation of substance for the restoration of his original nature by the removal of his original sin through the Messiah, he must first set up the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature.

3. Next, we must lay the foundation to receive the Messiah, after having set up the foundation of substance by offering the substantial sacrifices, which can be set up at the same time as the condition of indemnity to restore the children, and on this basis to restore the parents.

The biblical Isaac blessing Jacob

According to the Principle of Creation, after creating Adam, God created Eve with Adam as the model. Therefore, unless there is a perfected man who can be born centering on God's perfected love -- in other words, unless there is a true man -- according to the law of recreation, Eve cannot be found. Through the birth of Jesus, with a man as the Lord, a God-centered movement in search of Eve could appear for the first time on this earth.

The Lord will come as the man of character representing Adam before he fell in the Garden of Eden -- in other words, Adam before getting married.

In the position of Adam in the Garden of Eden before the fall and marriage, the Lord should get married.

Comment: So Jesus came primarily to get Married not to be crucified to atone for our sins.

The Holy Grail, long searched for 2000 years,HAS FINALLY BEEN FOUND!

The Holy Wine ceremony and Blessingby True Parents!


360 000 000 Couples Febr. 1999 Seoul Korea

* 1997 Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, and Socrates. Evil Man:Stalin, Hitler, and one more. *

Divine Principle&

The BlessingPart I

Divine Principle&

The BlessingPart I

Spirituallyfufilled by

Jesus & Holy Spirit2000 yrs ago

Divine Principle&

The BlessingPart I 1920

Spirituallyfufilled by

Jesus & Holy Spirit2000 yrs ago

Divine Principle&

The BlessingPart I 1920


Spirituallyfufilled by

Jesus & Holy Spirit2000 yrs ago

Divine Principle&

The BlessingPart I

1960Physically fulfilled



Spirituallyfufilled by

Jesus & Holy Spirit2000 yrs ago

2010 Blessing

History of the Blessing :

The early members did not know there would be a couple Blessing.They knew about the sexual Fall of Man, and mans lost spiritual purity and wanted to live a pure single life the rest of their life.

Before the True Parents came into existence, even Father had to pray in the name of Jesus; he could not pray in the name of the True Parents.

However, after conducting the Holy Blessing, he was finally able to pray in the True Parents’ name. (288-28, 1997.10.31)

We can now pray in our own names 14 Sept 1999

Holy Blessing of Unification Church:

1st Gen.

• Matching• Holy Wine Ceremony = Forgiveness of original sin• Holy Blessing, 4 Pledges “Blessing Wows”• Indemnity • Separation period• 3 Day Ceremony – Start of Family

2nd ,3rd…Gen.

• Matching• Holy Blessing, 4 Pledges “Blessing Wows”• Start of Blessed Family• Children 3rd, 4th… Gen. born without original sin

What are the Blessing results :

1st Gen.

• Start of new Blessed Family, children (2nd Gen.) born without any original sin

2nd ,3rd…Gen.

• Start of Blessed Family, • Children 3rd, 4th… Gen. born without original sin

What are the Blessing results :

1st Gen.

• Start of new Blessed Family, children (2nd Gen.) born without any original sin

2nd ,3rd…Gen.

• Start of Blessed Family, • Children 3rd, 4th… Gen. born without original sin

All 3rd Gods Blessing• Building a new world of sinless Mankind

Tromsö NorgeNatures Beauty


By repent, Jesus meant that we should understand that the fall of our ancestors and ourselves was and is sexual in nature.

The Kingdom of Heaven means that vertical perfection is brought into the horizontal realm.


God had to agonize over the task of cleansing everything at the time of Jesus, by repentance, so that Jesus could perfect everything, bringing in God's Kingdom.

The human failure had to be reversed, and then on top of that the original blessings had to be given.

Then God replaces the individual with the family. That is the line of true love [the top of the growth stage]. God and Satan are fighting over that line. The upper one is God's domain. *


When good and evil cross, that is where the Lord of the Second Advent comes. Then he does the eight stages all over again. Then at each stage, the entirety can be indemnified.

Once the Blessing of 360,000 couples gives way to the Blessing of 3.6 million, 36 million, 360 million and finally 3.6 billion couples, human society will finally see the eradication of AIDS and the realization of a world of pure true love, where God and humankind are united into one.

This is not a mere dream. God’s great work of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, the realization of this providence, is an inevitable truth.

That is because it is the not the work of one human being, but the work of God. (271-99, 1995.8.23)

In order to hold a marriage celebration, a bride must come to her groom. For Christianity, that represents the Last Days. You cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven without going beyond Christianity. /1975.1.26

What did Jesus want so much to accomplish that he devoted himself to the task for two thousand years?

What did Jesus want so much to accomplish that he devoted himself to the task for two thousand years?

It was all about to hold a marriage ceremony.

What did Jesus want so much to accomplish that he devoted himself to the task for two thousand years?

It was all about to hold a marriage ceremony.

What marriage ceremony would that have been? The Blessing. For two thousand years, Jesus had longed and yearned for the marriage ceremony of the Blessing.

Isn’t it logical to say that if Jesus had a family, then his clan, his people, and his nation would all have stemmed from it?

Isn’t it logical to say that if Jesus had a family, then his clan, his people, and his nation would all have stemmed from it?

Jesus endured hard ships for thirty-three years so he could have a family.

What did Jesus hope to achieve as he brought four thousand years of history to a conclusion?

He perished because he did not find or have a family.

What did Jesus hope to achieve as he brought four thousand years of history to a conclusion?

He perished because he did not find or have a family.

If he had a family, his tribe was naturally able to offer indemnity horizontally throughout history, even though it took time.

Jesus was unsuccessful in forming a family after thirty-three years of toil. Do you truly know the value of the Blessing?

Jesus was unsuccessful in forming a family after thirty-three years of toil. Do you truly know the value of the Blessing?

The Blessing is the solution that has been sought for six thousand years to clear away all resentments. /1972.9.25


• It is truly significant to receive the Blessing. Those who receive the Blessing should be able to think of themselves as God’s representatives and conduct themselves as such.

• They should think, “If I do not move, then heaven and earth do not move.”

• God can establish a living ideology for the sake of humankind only when this position is reached. /1963.10.1

The Blessing opens the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a place where only families with children enter. /1963.5.25

• God’s Blessing is absolutely public in nature. = Live for Others!

• It is not just for an individual, family, nation, or even the world.

• God’s Blessing is for the whole universe. (Cosmos)

/1965. 2.13

The most precious thing is man and woman joining together.

This is the core originating point representing the universe’s public commitment.

The literal meaning of the word “blessing” is “praying for blessings.” If you break down the word chukbok (Blessing), chuk means to pray or wish for something.

When you are praying for blessings, what is it that is most precious? It is none other than the blessing of love.

The Unification Church uses the word “blessing” with this meaning.

When we speak of the Blessing, what we actually mean is we have been joined in holy matrimony by True Parents in the presence of God. / 1976.2.8

Good ancestors, the territory and the nation stem from you,the Blessed Families.

That is why blessed members should think about heaven and earth during every waking moment.

You have received the Blessing so that you can share blessings with others. /1963.10.17

Live for Others!

The Blessing is the most precious thing in heaven and earth.

It is also the most fearsome. If a blessed member is attracted to others besides his or her spouse, it is a violation of the spouse.

The Blessing is a very fearsome thing. You cannot receive the Blessing based on your own desire.

The value of a life is more precious than the whole universe.

That is why when you make vows to take responsibility for a person, you should be ready and willing to do so forever.

You must understand clearly that the place of the Blessingis where these questions come up and are answered.

You must understand clearly that the Blessing is to do with these issues.

For this reason, if a person can receive the Blessing during his lifetime, he is truly a happy person.

You must have firm resolve if you are to take part in receiving this great Blessing. /1970.3.22

You must know the value of the Blessing before you receive it. You should understand that through the Blessing you becomeone of the citizens of the Third Israel.

Now that you know the significance and value of the Blessing,do you think it is possible for a person to reach individual perfection without receiving the Blessing?

Are unmarried people ever treated as adults?

Even in the human world, when men who have been bachelorsor women who have been virgins die before they marry, they will be bachelor ghosts and virgin ghosts.

Because they could not marry, they naturally became ghosts; this is just how the heavenly laws operate. /1967.12.31

Original conditions (until 777 Couples Blessing) to qualify to receive the Blessing:

• 3 to 4 years of active work in any public ministry in our movement

• at least three spiritual children

• fasting for 7 days

• give an offering of money.

Photo: Kayes C

Jesus as 2nd Adam and Messiah brought

• The Word – The Gospel• Jesus as the Messiah

• True Love• True Life

• True Lineage

Never MarriedChristian children bornwith orig.sin that needscontinues forgivenes

• Land Territory - 1st Israel“Jesus was crucified, so that he was unable to become a True Parent in his physical body. Although God's blood lineage had been established with Jesus, the position of True Parents in spirit and in flesh could not emerge. The work of Christianity is limited to the spiritual realm alone; it brought only spiritual salvation. Physical salvation, namely the salvation of the physical life, has not been realized.” /SMM 720401

Jesus came as the manifestation of God's concept of true Adam, but no one was raised up to manifest God's concept of Eve. For this reason the Holy Spirit comes in the role of spiritual Mother. The Bible describes the Holy Spirit as being like fire or water or like a dove, because it was without form, but the role of the Holy Spirit is that of mother spirit.

II.Spiritual Physical


bringsSpiritual Physical

• New Word - Same Truth• Completed Testament

• True Love• True Life

• True Lineage Holy Marriage

• Land Territory ?• Individual – Family - World


Blessing Ceremony

• TF Prayer 4 Bessing Vows

• Matching• Indemnity stick (only 1st gen)

• Holy Wine Ceremony (only 1st gen)

• Blessing Ceremony

• 3 Day Ceremony (only 1st gen)

Holy Blessed Family Life CIG - HDH

Spiritual Physical


Artist: Benny Andersson

Spiritual salvation

Physical salvation





The whole purpose of Human historywar and Religionsis to bring the new Adam = The Messiah

The whole purpose of Human historywar and Religionsis to bring the new Adam = The Messiah

Jesus 2000 yrs

Spiritual salvation

Physical salvation





The whole purpose of Human historywar and Religionsis to bring the new Adam = The Messiah

The whole purpose of Human historywar and Religionsis to bring the new Adam = The Messiah

TrueParents 1960


Spiritual salvation

• Age of Attendance• Belief in TF as the LSA • The Messiah of Second Advent


Physical salvation


• What Jesus did NOT achieve• Marriage • Children,Grandchildren …• Family, Clan, Tribe, Nation, World

• 2nd and 3rd Biblical Blessings fulfilled


Physical salvation


• Our Blessing• Marriage• Children,Grandchildren …• Family, Clan, Tribe, Nation, World

• 2nd and 3rd Blessings fulfilled


SEOUL, South Korea — Thousands of couples from more than 100countries traveled here to tie the knot Wednesday in what was seenas the last mass wedding officiated by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the controversial and enigmatic founder of the Unification Church.

NewYorkTimes 15 Oct 2009Aging Reverend Moon Celebrates Mass Wedding

2010 Blessing

2010 Blessing

2010 Blessing

2010 Blessing

2010 Blessing

2010 Blessing

Here is some Blessing inspiration from London way back in 1978:

www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon78/SM780520.htm www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon78/SM780520b.htm

Ref: Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 9 Chapt 1True Parents and the Blessing

The Meaning and Value of the Blessing


Endof slideset


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