double helix water - ·...

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40 | January-February 2014

 Maggie, a 14 month old Mastiff, had been in pain as long as she could remember. At the young age of six months, she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis - not long after

being given a concentrated combination of vaccines. Maggie’s wrist joints were swollen like lemons despite the fact that she was on a beefy dose of prednisone. She was destined for a life of discomfort.

When I first treated Maggie many years ago, I had just started us-ing double helix water. I had agreed to a study on dogs and cats for researchers who had some pretty impressive results in people with cancer and autoimmune disease. They then wanted to see how it would work on dogs and cats. I was curious how it would work with Maggie.

What is Double Helix Water? Let’s begin with what it’s not. You may have heard of Kangen water, structured water and ionized water. Double helix water is none of these. Double helix water isn’t treated in any way and is present in its natural state. Yet it behaves entirely different from ice, liquid water or water vapor.

Water can exist as a gas, liquid or solid. In each of these phases, it’s made up of the exact same molecules; only the space between the hydrogen and oxygen changes. This is the part that gets interest-

ing. A fourth phase of water, where the space doesn’t change as the temperature changes, defies the historical classification of water. Double helix water is composed of stable water clusters that, when present in water, combine into double helix structures, similar in shape to DNA. That’s why it’s called double helix water.

You might wonder why this phase of water has never been dis-covered before. The fact is, it couldn’t have been found without the advent of the Atomic Force Microscope, which can view the world of atoms. To further complicate the matter, finding this tiny particle in a drop of water is like finding one blade of grass that’s being swirled around in a tornado. Double helix water is a hitherto undiscovered form or phase of water.

As the researchers began photographing this stable water cluster, they saw it attach to a bacterium and cause it to die. Because of this phenomenon, Dr Benjamin Bonavida did a series of studies at UCLA where they found that stable water clusters could combine to form a new structure - the double helix.

What does all this have to do with healing, health and Maggie? One in three dogs will get cancer. Autoimmune disease has increased in our dogs exponentially. One hundred thousand new manmade chemicals that Mother Nature never intended have been intro-duced into the environment. Chronic illness is an epidemic.

Double Helix WaterBy Deva Khalsa DVM | January-February 2014

It’s in the DNABuddy, a 13 year old Yorkie, came to me with five nickel-sized metastases in his lungs. I decided to give Buddy double helix water. His mom took Buddy home with his water and began telling all her co-workers that she was giving him this special water a few times every day to cure his cancer. Her coworkers decided that she was in denial and, well, a bit nuts. Together they waited for Buddy’s re-check and a month later, his regular veterinarian declared his chest films were clear. The cancer seemed to be gone.

Buddy is still thriving today, despite the fact that he was no spring chicken when I treated him five or so years ago. And many of his mom’s coworkers brought their pets in after they saw Buddy’s success. A short time later, a 13 year old yellow Labrador with a ma-lignant melanoma the size of a golf ball was brought to me. Thanks to double helix water, he was cancer free in two weeks.

DNA provides survival instructions to the body. It keeps us alive and well by taking good notes and storing that information for future generations. One single strand of DNA can store an astound-ing amount of data- a good estimate being about 6 gigabits. DNA

has a binary code - the same code in your computer - and the combinations are seemingly endless. These are all passed from one generation of dogs (and people) to the next.

Linus Pauling once said that we are completely natural organisms, made by Mother Nature. Manmade chemicals that have shown up in the last hundred years simply don’t fit into her master plan. Dogs were not created with these chemicals so there’s no informa-tion contained in their DNA regarding how to deal with them. Yet these toxins and carcinogens continuously find their way into the food chain.

The Secret of Life ElectricalCurrent research indicates that the stable water cluster in double helix water somehow enables the expression of certain genes. It helps the DNA perform the job it’s intended to do.

Double helix water is likely the most natural product I’ve ever found. It enhances and supports life and is really easy to give to dogs and cats. Hey, it tastes just like water!

Just 15 drops can be placed in eight ounces of either distilled or reverse osmosis water and I’ve found it to be helpful with osteoar-thritis, autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes and inflammation.

Getting back to Maggie, when I was consulted about her condition, I prescribed double helix water and some NAET treatments. Within six weeks, Maggie was a normal dog with no signs of joint problems or discomfort. She’s remained normal and healthy since. I’d say the study was a success.

Since beginning her holistically oriented veterinary prac-tice over 25 years ago, Dr Khalsa has been incorporating homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, nutritional advice, allergy elimination techniques such as NAET and also JMT into her approach. Dr Khalsa is a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy.

As the researchers began photographing this stable water cluster, they saw it attach to a bacterium and cause it to die. Because of this phenomenon, Dr Benjamin Bonavida did a se-ries of studies at UCLA where they found that stable water clusters could combine to form a new structure - the double helix.

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