doncasters intracom issue 3

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The 3rd Edition of Doncasters INTRAcom


your connection to the world of Doncasters

A critical element in moving forward in 2013 is to move forward in putting

together the “individual pieces” of our group. This year, we will be taking a

number of important steps to help create a common culture, to standardise

group practices, to integrate our brand image, and to communicate the

true value-added benefits of the Doncasters Group as a long-term supply

chain partner to our customers. Central to this process is our “Quality, Safety,

Delivery” focus. We understand that this has been attempted in the past with

only limited success — it will be up to each one of us to ensure that history

does not repeat itself. Our future success is dependent upon each one of us

in the GLT taking ownership and working together as one team to solve it.

issue 3, February 2013

-Tariq JesraiChairman and CEO


A look back at our historical approaches to achieving excellence in Quality, Safety,

and OTIF shows that, although there exist pockets of excellence, as a group we are

not where we need to be. To move forward, we need a single culture that has at its

centre QSD. Our customers are demanding it. Our employees deserve it. Our survival

depends upon it.

Achieving this will not be easy given our

inconsistent focus in this area, consequently

standardising this as priority one is critical to

improving our current performance … and in

achieving future success.

First and foremost, shifting the focus to Quality,

Safety and Delivery must be driven by us — the

leaders in the GLT. We must take ownership,

doing whatever is necessary to deliver this

message in no uncertain terms. We must take

immediate action to assure that its importance

is truly understood by all those that report to

us. We need to ensure that, in turn, actions are

taken by everyone from Managing Directors to

Line Managers to Supervisors to individuals on the shop floor. It must become a way

of life; it is job one for each and every one of us.

In the upcoming months, we will be ramping up our new business development

efforts. Without significant improvement in QSD, these efforts will be impossible

to achieve. Operations and sales are intertwined in creating our future. That future

begins with current operations; we must keep our employees safe and excel in

meeting customer expectations concerning quality and delivery to ignite significant

new business growth.

Tariq JesraiChairman & CEO

To support this effort, we are evaluating best practices within the group, and are combining these

into a concise standards manual and scorecard. In addition, we will be providing communications

materials to help you achieve the job. But the mission begins now!

The basics of our QSD approach include:

1. Driven and supported by top management

2. Daily walkthroughs by GMs and their direct staff

3. Regular meetings conducted with the employees

addressing Quality, Safety and Delivery issues

4. Continuous focus on what must be done, every

single day, to drive the site further towards and beyond its

Quality, Safety and Delivery goals (and overall productivity

& efficiency)

5. Effective, highly visible feedback systems and

accurate reporting

To ensure that our QSD goals are accomplished, every

facility visit or review will begin with Quality, Safety &

Delivery performance. No one expects a site to go from

50% OTIF to 95% OTIF overnight, but we must have an action plan to get there and the tools in

place to achieve 95% OTIF minimum by year’s end.

We must take these three words — Quality, Safety, Delivery — and weld it into a single idea. We

need to take that idea and translate it into action. Those actions will in time become the habit that

defines our corporate culture. Then, and only then, will we secure a brighter future for all of us.

I strongly believe that as a group we can rise to the challenge and do this, and in doing so secure

the success our employees deserve.

A variety of measures on Quality, Safety & Delivery (QSD) have been tried on a site by site basis over the years — but the

time has come to make it priority one and standardise our method for achieving it

Quality. Safety. Delivery. It’s Our Responsibility and We Must Act Now

Simplified Performance & Development Reviews in 2013

• Covers progress against objectives, skills,

knowledge, and behaviours

• Influences the employee’s compensation

— pay increases based on both the

employee’s performance rating and current

salary market rate (unless the employee’s

contract is covered by a Union negotiation


• Conducted through December and January

(but should accompany an open and

ongoing dialogue throughout the year).

During this time, the previous year’s review

is closed out and objectives are set for the

year ahead

“The bottom line is the act of simply filling in these forms isn’t where the value is — that in itself won’t bring our organisation to the next level. What’s important is the dialogue, the two-way conversation between employee and manager. That interaction is what will make Doncasters and its people more and more successful.”

Less Bureaucracy. More Interaction. A Company Moving Forward

• Covers personal development, future career

options, possible next roles, projects and

succession plans

• Does not influence employee compensation

• Conducted once during the middle of the

calendar year in either

July or August (also

to accompany an

ongoing, year-round


Performance Review:

Development Review:

Emma PughHR Director - UK & Europe

As announced near the end of last year, our PDR process has been enhanced in 2013 and is now comprised

of two highly focused review processes. The true strength of the PDR process is that it allows Doncasters

and its employees to advance side-by-side. The changes made strengthen that process by simplifying it. The

forms are shorter and focus clearly on separate issues — allowing you to enter into increasingly poignant and

straightforward conversations with employees.

In 2013, we as managers will conduct two separate reviews and our employees will subsequently end up

with two separate ratings — one for performance and one for development. This provides employees with

a clear road map of directions to both improved performance and realistic professional development within


The Performance Review is a tool to assess an employee’s behaviour, skills, knowledge and performance,

set goals for improvement, and track their progress towards those goals. It is important to note that the

performance rating will be considered, along with market rate, when reviewing pay and the employee’s

compensation package.

The Development Review covers an employee’s professional development within our organisation. The

review allows us to outline a realistic plan for an employee to become more effective in their current role, and

ultimately advance into the positions they aspire to throughout their career.

In each of these reviews, open and clear conversation is extremely important. In fact, that is why the

Performance and Development Review process has been simplified. Less bureaucracy allows for more

discussion between you and your employees. So, in 2013, please take this extra time created to engage in

these reviews. It will move us all forward.

To Access The New Performance & Development Review Forms, Visit:

The 2013 Environmental Health & Safety Scorecard: A Critical Tool in Creating an Increasingly Safe Doncasters Through Leading Indicators

Engaging Our Workforce to Get to the Next Level is

Job Number One

As you know, we’ve introduced improvements to our

Environmental, Health & Safety Scorecard for 2013. The Scorecard

is an incredibly exceptional and effective scoring method tailored

specifically to meet the unique needs of our global operation. It

not only accurately quantifies our current safety performance, but

now also places increased emphasis on practices designed to

take our organisation further towards the ultimate safety goal — an

accident free workplace.

These practices are referred to as “Leading Indicators” and we as

managers find ourselves in a critical position to help dramatically

improve their effectiveness.

Leading Indicators, such as Tool Box Safety Meetings (TSM) and

Job Safety Analyses (JSA), are measures designed to provide

predictive and proactive focus on the actions we must take to

consistently improve our safety performance. In other words,

they indicate where our safety processes should be adjusted to

prevent an accident before one ever occurs. This is why we value

them so highly in our Scorecard; they allow us to continuously and

consistently improve our safety program instead of temporarily

addressing safety issues after a number of accidents have


Relying exclusively on traditional “Lagging Indicators” (such as

the Total Case Rate) means that our safety metric may simply be

a measure of how lucky we’ve been. It won’t provide us with an

accurate measure of our true safety performance. Further, Lagging

Indicators are not prescriptive. Simply put, telling an employee to

“be safer” doesn’t tell them exactly what you want them to do. Leading Indicators, on the other

hand, provide employees with specifics on how to perform their job function more safely.

But in order for these Leading Indicators to be completely effective, we need our workforce to be

fully involved — in turn becoming the main drivers of our safety program. The idea is to engage

our employees in such a way that they will stand up in a TSM, provide

a safety analysis of their own job and present the solutions required to

make the process safer. The central strength of these Leading Indicators

is in fact employee involvement. After all, who is more knowledgeable

about the process and hazards of the job than the employee

performing it?

We already have reason to be proud. When it comes to EHS,

Doncasters is currently performing above the industry average. But

safety is an ever-moving target that requires constant vigilance. If we are

not improving, we are moving backwards — we must press on towards a blank incident sheet. Not

simply because we should, or that we have to. We do it because it’s the right thing to do. The fact

is that “good enough” is really never good enough when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of our

employees. That is why the Scorecard has evolved and that is why we must continue to cultivate a

spirit of active employee participation. It’s paramount to our success in creating the safest possible

Doncasters, which is exactly what our employees deserve.

• Proactive Assessments

* Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

* Ergonomic Job Measurement System (EJMS)

* Fire Prevention/Protection (FIRE)

* Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

* Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

* Environmental (ENV)

• Near-Miss Reporting and Investigation (NMI)

• Management EHS Walk-Through (MWT)

• Tool Box/Tailgate Safety Meetings (TSM)

• Employee Safety Committees

• Supervisor EHS Training

• Attainment of OHSAS 18001/ISO 14001 Objectives

• Participation in Audits of Other Facilities

Our Leading Indicators

Allen J. CoppoloGroup Director, Environmental

Health & Safety

“It is crucial to our success that

we cultivate a culture in which our

employees take complete ownership

of their work environment, consistently

presenting solutions to make their job

as safe as it can be.”

The Winner’s Circle:

As you know, in 2011 we introduced our Health Links Wellness Programme in the U.S.

designed to help keep our employees and their families as healthy and productive as possible.

So far, we’ve held three Biggest Loser contests as a part of that programme, and it’s now time

to recognise milestone weight loss — it’s time for the Winner’s Circle.

The Winner’s Circle is a very important part of our Biggest Loser programme, and overall Health

Links Wellness Programme, that publicly celebrates the personal accomplishments of our most

successful weight loss participants.

Not only does it recognise weight lost during the Biggest Loser contests but, equally important,

it also recognises weight loss achieved by an employee in between contests! Reaching these

milestones is a clear testament to the drive our fellow employees have had towards improving

their personal health, and the Winner’s Circle is an opportunity where we can all congratulate

them on their dedication.

But The Winner’s Circle is more than just a pat on the back for those who have made these

strides; it’s an inspiration to the rest of our employees who may have similar aspirations. We

want our Winner’s Circle to become the “elite” of our weight loss participants and we want all of

our employees to not only congratulate the winners, but also feel empowered to make similar

accomplishments in their own lives.

Our goal throughout Doncasters is to promote a healthier life for each of our employees. As

leaders, we can take part in guiding our employees towards the healthier lifestyle they deserve

simply by being a supporter of this Winner’s Circle. Take a moment to congratulate the winners,

and listen to the journey they’ve made to reach these milestones. They’re all inspiring stories of

determination that, when shared, will help encourage others around the business to consider

joining the weight loss/management programs at your site.

Gold Winner – Overall weight loss of 10% or more! Gold Winner’s are

recognised with a gold polo shirt emblazoned with our Gold Winner’s Circle logo

Silver Winner – Overall weight loss of 7.5% or more, recognised with a silver

thermal tumbler featuring our Silver Winner’s Circle logo

Bronze Winner – Overall weight loss of 5% or more, recognised with a white

t-shirt displaying our Bronze Winner’s Circle logo

Part Celebration and Part Inspiration for Healthier U.S. EmployeesWorking Together for

a Healthier Life




Working Together for a Healthier Life




Winner’s Circle

Working Together for a Healthier Life




Winner’s Circle

Working Together for a Healthier Life




Winner’s Circle

Three levels of winners are awarded prizes that may be used and

worn whilst at work:

Raymond Mitchell Appointed COO of Doncasters Group

We are proud to announce that Raymond (Ray) Mitchell has joined Doncasters as Chief Operating

Officer (COO). Effective immediately, Mr. Mitchell assumes operational responsibilities for all operations

group wide.

Prior to joining the organisation, Ray Mitchell

was Vice President of Alcoa and President of

Alcoa Power and Propulsion, a global leader

in airfoil and structural investment castings for

the aerospace, defence, energy and industrial

markets. Its products are used primarily in jet

engines and industrial gas turbines.

Mr. Jesrai noted that, “Ray’s past experience

and accomplishments in similar businesses

and markets as well as his operational

acumen make him a valuable addition to our

executive team. As Doncasters prepares to

further expand in 2013, Ray’s understanding

of our markets and operations will play an

integral role in helping the organisation support

its customers with exceptional service and in realising greater operational efficiencies across all our

divisions. We are thrilled to welcome Ray to our executive team.”

“I am excited about joining Doncasters and have enjoyed my visits to facilities so far. I look forward to

visiting all of our operations and meeting key customers in the near future.” said Mr. Mitchell.

New COO Brings Long Track Record of Progressive Leadership in Related Businesses

To help integrate our brand image both internally and externally,

we have developed a new Doncasters PowerPoint format available

immediately for use across the group.

Simple in its approach, the new format provides a modern look to

company presentations that is aligned with our overall efforts to

visually differentiate the Doncasters brand.

While this format has been created to present a standardised

communications front, it has also been developed to be completely

adaptable. The side bar text is easily editable, and 5 sub-master

slides are included to help meet your presentation requirements.

In addition, we will be working with divisions and sites to develop

an online library of presentations covering frequently communicated

topics for use group wide.

To access the updated PowerPoint format, and for support when

utilising it, please contact:

Aleisha Montgomery |


Michael Murphy |


New Group PowerPoint Format



NEW side bar text


Happenings Around the Company



NEW Damon Harvie has taken on a new, expanded role as General

Manager for Doncasters’ Forgings (Blaenavon and DPF) and the

company’s defence, aerospace and industrial gas turbine Bramah

facilities, according to an announcement by Craig Gooding,

President of the Aerospace and Turbine Components Divisions.

Previous to his promotion, Mr. Harvie was General Manager for

Forgings and managing Bramah and Shrewsbury. In his new role,

Mr. Harvie reports directly to Mr. Gooding and will be focusing on

further enhancing the capabilities of each business separately and

on how the businesses can coalesce to create unique synergies

that will yield increasingly effective and cost-efficient turbine


Damon commented that, “I’m excited about taking on this new

challenge and also enthusiastic about the impact the strategic

alignment of the three sites will produce. It is the challenge I’ve

been looking for, and am confident that this strategic move

will be greatly beneficial to both Doncasters and all our critical

application customers.”

Damon will also be responsible for tactical sales and will work

closely with the Divisional Sales and Commercial Director

Matt Hamblin on strategic growth in order to maximise sales

opportunities in the short and long term.

Mr. Gooding further noted that Shrewsbury is recognised as an

integral part of the organisation, so the management realignment

also provides the opportunity to put in place a dedicated General

Manager who can focus solely on the site and accelerate its

forward momentum. The new General Manager will also have

responsibility for tactical sales and will work hand in hand with

Matt Hamblin to grow the business strategically.

Happenings Around the Company (cont.)

Efforts are underway to identify a new General Manager for

Shrewsbury. In the interim, Damon Harvie will continue to

be responsible for Shrewsbury.

In closing, Mr. Gooding said, “We have the technology,

the teams and the expertise in each business. We are

exceptionally confident that these changes will harness

these skills to further enhance our position in our

targeted industries.”

Damon Harvie Takes on Expanded Role with Doncasters Group as GM for Forgings (Blaenavon and DPF) and Bramah Facilities

Doncasters Bramah, part of the Doncasters Aerospace

Division, is based in Sheffield, England and is

recognised as a leading fabrications facility specialising

in advanced welding, press and stretch forming, hot

die pressing, hydrobulging and hot hydroforming of

nickel based alloys, titanium alloys, stainless and alloy

steel. The Bramah facility supports leading military and

commercial operators and their sub-contractors with

machine assemblies for airframes, exhaust systems

and propulsion systems.


Part of the Doncasters Aerospace Division, Doncasters

Blaenavon is a specialist manufacturer of forged

and rolled rings, casings, blades and discs in nickel,

cobalt, titanium, aluminium alloys and stainless steel

for the aerospace, military and petrochemical markets.

Doncasters Blaenavon offers full engineering service

from project management to the manufacture and

supply of near net shape profile rolled rings and casings

up to 1.6m in diameter and 0.5m high.


Doncasters Precision Forgings, based in Sheffield,

England is part of the Doncasters Aerospace Division.

It is a leader in the manufacture and supply of precision

forging to the aerospace industry, and also provides

forging to the industrial gas turbine, high performance

automotive and defence markets. Specialising in drop

forging, extrusions and hydraulic press forgings as well

as isothermal and hot die forging, Doncasters Precision

Forgings works with a number of advanced materials

including carbon, alloy and stainless steels, aluminium,

titanium and Waspaloy.


Move Signals Further Expansion of Aerospace Support Capabilities



NEW Doncasters Turbocharger Components Division is pleased

to announce that Mr. Carl Sanderson has returned to

Doncasters as General Manager of Trucast Ltd, located in

Ryde, Isle of Wight. Carl officially re-joined the organisation

Feb. 4th and reports to Chris Pritchard, Turbocharger

Components Divisional Managing Director.

Formerly Operations Manager at Doncasters Aerospace

Components, Carl has been working with Fremach in

Belgium, where he held the position of General Manager.

Carl led this automotive component manufacturer from a

position of financial loss in 2011 to significant profitability by

the close of 2012.

Mr. Pritchard commented that, “Carl is a strong and active

proponent of Lean and continuous improvement. He brings

to Trucast a wealth of operational leadership experience

that will be instrumental in executing the positive changes

envisioned for our Trucast UK business.” He added, “His

leadership will allow us to further align and maximise our

opportunities within our market, sustaining and surpassing

the levels of service our customers demand and expect.”

Carl holds an MSc in Engineering from the University of

Warwick, a BSc Hons (Technology) in addition to a C&G

Apprenticeship and a BTEC Nat Diploma from the Royal

Navy Engineering School.

Happenings Around the Company (cont.)

Please let us know if you feel this publication serves a useful purpose. This is your publication, and we can provide

the type of information you would like to see. Please email your comments to:

*Note: if you would like to have your comments remain anonymous, please indicate so and we will honour your request.

Doncasters Trucast Ltd, located in Ryde, Isle of

Wight, is part of the Doncasters Turbocharger

Components Division and a leading international

manufacturer of hot-end turbocharger wheels for

the automotive and power generation industries.

Its over 8,000 square metre site houses the unique

Trucast investment casting process specially

designed to manufacture turbocharger wheels,

CNC wax injection technology, and a complete

on-site laboratory. The Trucast facility is currently

capable of producing

over 2.5 million wheels

per annum.


Carl Sanderson Re-Joins Doncasters as New GM of Trucast Ltd

Have Any News? We’re Always Looking for a Good Story

As we move forward in branding Doncasters,

our ability to communicate news both

internally and externally becomes increasingly


From an internal perspective, it is vital to stay

connected to developments within the group.

From an external perspective, trade and public

relations are very effective tools in reaching

potential new customers and in raising

awareness of Doncasters among all

our stakeholders.

If you have an idea for a story or news

release, pass it by either Michael Murphy

(in the U.S.),, or

Aleisha Montgomery (in the UK and Europe),

top related