don’t forget saturday 31 march 2018 south wales …...necromunda: underhive (2017) & the gang...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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Date and Location Rules and requirements

Saturday 31st March 2018 South Wales Gaming Centre, Firestorm games, Trade

Street, Cardiff, CF10 5DT. Tel 02920 227117

Gang size 1000 Credits starting gangs, all models must be

Wysiwyg where possible.

Event Timing

Game Rules Necromunda: Underhive (2017) & the Gang War

supplements 09:30 Arrival and registration

10:00 Campaign cycle 1: Staking claims House lists

Gangs of legend have their own rules and house equipment list attached to this document.

11:00 Campaign cycle 2: The Corpse carts

12:30 Lunch + modelling time All-Event specific special rules

13:00 Campaign cycle 3: House war Times are hard

No gang may have more than 2 weapons with the 'scarce' trait.

14:30 Campaign cycle 4: The Devil comes down

16:00 Apotheosis: Sinking ship Recycling

Models are free to trade non-rare weapons and equipment within their own gang as long as they would be allowed to purchase that type of item.

17:00 Wrap up, House rewards and prizes



All gangs gain one free juve during gang creation with no weapons or equipment.

Don’t forget

• Tape measures/ widgets

• Gang and tactics Cards

• Dice (including rapid

fire and scatter)

• Markers and Tokens

• Gang record sheet

• Rulebooks and


• Models and spare


• Templates

• Pencils and erasers

• Modelling tools and



• Conversions and proxies are allowed, but miniatures need to

be representative of the rules they represent. (no unconverted

space marines etc.)

• All miniatures must start the day WYSIWYG, although as

things change throughout the day we may get more lenient on


• Miniatures don’t have to be painted, BUT painted models

look cooler and will win prizes!

• Miniatures must be assembled! no missing arms etc, and all models must be on bases.

---Lunch will be supplied by Firestorm Catering as part of the ticket price---

---This event will be administrated by a member of the Corpse guild, during the course of

the event all guilder rulings are final, even if they are later seen to be wrong. Continued

infractions of Corpse Guild regulations will involve re-appropriation of biological

assets for premature corpse starch processing. Any shortfall in biomass created by this

process must be made up by members of the transgressors family and/or work-crew.---

---The Corpse Guild of Hive Primus thank you for your assistance in this critical endeavour,

and for the eventual biomass contribution you will make to the hive primus.---

" Spider bay sits on the edge of one of the great sump lakes, down in the depths of the underhive, it's shattered dome partially open to the great empty core of hive primus. Long forgotten by all but the underhive scum who visit there to trade and drink wildsnake with sumpship sailors on shore leave, it was just another stop on the sump way,

until the domefall that is.

You’ll have noticed that things have been getting a little rough round these parts, Juves wandering the streets with nothing better to do than join low-rate gangs and weapon shops closing up and going bust overnight. Times have been tough alright, and even the most ostentatious of the local gangs are holding on to hand-me-downs and cleaning up old kit like it was worth its weight in gold. Now though, things are starting to look up, more business is drifting in slowly as the rumour mill chews up the latest

news, of course, that’s why you’re here isn’t it?

One cycle ago a handful of ancient domes fell from uphive somewhere, fell all the way down the great shaft in hive centre, bouncing off the sides and leaving destruction in their wake. When they hit the sump they caused a tidal wave that almost wiped out the town, along with half the spider population of the area. Emperor knows where

these domes fell from, but when the first salvage ships reached the floating wreckage they found rooms upon rooms full of cryo-coffins. Thousands, maybe even millions of corpses filling these grisly things, why? I don’t know, and I reckon them that does are keeping their jaws shut too. Problem is the wreckage is already starting to sink, we need to work fast to make any profit here at all. The noble house I represent is looking for hard workers to get the goods out of there before they are lost forever to the

spiders and sump-beasts, or before anyone else gets them. So what do you say? Interested?"

Welcome to Spider Bay is a one day Necromunda campaign event using the Necromunda: Underhive and Gang War rules produced by Games workshop.

Players will play a minimum of four games over the day as part of two larger

teams endeavouring to salvage the most raw material from the collapsed domes for their noble house.

There are some slight modifications to the standard rules that will be covered in

this booklet, (generally to give a full campaign experience over a shorter time period, as well as to sneak outlander gangs in) but in case of any rules queries

players should refer to the official rules and FAQ’s before asking the event organiser (Guilder) for a ruling.

The South Wales Gaming Centre will be supplying boards and terrain, but if you

have Necromunda terrain you wish to bring along we will happily use any donations, as we all know you can’t have too much terrain on a Necromunda


Terrain should be set up before each cycle, but things get knocked and moved around so as long as both players agree and participate you may re-jig a table for

a few minutes before a game starts to neaten things up and restore order.

Sportsmanship and campaign events

Necromunda is designed to be played as a campaign game, which means over the course of the day you may find yourself in uneven battles, facing off against a vastly more powerful force or even outnumbering your enemy considerably.

These sort of situations can sometimes be less fun than we would like, so as well

as a few balancing rules in this document we encourage all players to be as sporting as possible when playing games. Obviously sportsmanship is quite hard

to define at times so we advise the following:

• Play by the rules, not with them (Don’t try to game the rules for an advantage) • Takebacks are allowed as long as no dice have been rolled, cards played and

play has not passed to an opponent. (within reason ) • No deliberately slow play- the faster we play the more games we get in! • Insulting your opponents gang, their abilities and lineage is fine, (in fact it’s

encouraged) verbally (or physically) abusing your opponent is not. • Give the benefit of the doubt if it speeds things up- we may use an advantage

token system if this proves contentious. • If you notice your opponent forgetting something please remind them!

• Even if you are getting battered from sump to shanty, try to keep a cheery attitude- who knows what will happen in the post game?




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s Experience

Experience will be earned by fighters in the ways specified by the scenario played as well as the standard ways (summarised here) • All fighters gain 1 experience for taking part in a game. • Fighters gain 1 experience for taking an enemy fighter out of action • Fighters gain an additional experience for enemy champions and leaders. • Fighters who Rally gain 1 point of experience.

In addition to this crawling all over this vast hulk, exploring and fighting so many small skirmishes in such a short space of time is a very enlightening experience for many fighters- at the end of each cycle all gangs receive 6 experience which they can divide amongst their fighters as they see fit.

Income and trading

Income is collected by gangs in the usual way, with the exception that as the gangs are having their income supplemented by the noble houses they may collect income in the first cycle as well. Champions and leaders who are sent out to work their turf are actually working with the salvage crews stripping the Domefall of it’s resources. In addition to the normal income dice these fighters would generate roll a single rapid fire dice- if the result is two or more hits, add one corpse or salvage barge to your noble houses total. The Trading post in this pack can be used by all gangs taking part- items from their house lists are always available, but any additional common items may only be purchased if a ganger who is not in recovery or otherwise engaged can be sent to the trading post in the post game sequence. Each ganger sent allows the purchase of D3 common items not on a gangs equipment list. (these do not have to be the same item) The Noon Market

Spider Bay has a tradition of holding markets in the docks at noon. During the lunch break players may place up to 3 pieces of unwanted equipment on the traders board, where other gangs may purchase it or offer a trade. Gangs CAN purchase equipment that would normally not be available to them in this way (chem synth, renderisers etc) The market will end as soon as lunch does, and any unsold items are returned to their stash.

Arranging games

At the start of every cycle you will be assigned an opponent and a table based on the area of the domefall you chose to challenge. You may end up playing the same opponent multiple times (in fact you can request this if you need to rescue someone) but we will try to vary opponents as much as possible. Once you have completed a game during a cycle, report to the Guilders desk and he will input your results into the system. Once he’s done this your gang name will appear on the ‘free’ list. As long as there are at least 30 mins of a cycle left, any gang on the ‘free ‘ list can challenge any other gang on the list to another skirmish. These skirmishes will still grant experience, income etc but won’t effect the greater campaign- for this reason you can play anyone- even on the same team as you (Gangs are likely to take any free time they have on the domefall to increase their rep and settle old grudges) Gangs don’t have to accept a challenge so no-one has to play more than the 5 games if they don’t want to, but more games is more credits!! 5 minutes before the end of a cycle the Guilder will call ‘last activations’ . Once this is called both players have a single activation left for one model (not a group with a leader/champion etc.) At the end of a Cycle the Guilder will call ‘Cycle over’ at which point all games end immediately and no more dice may be thrown. Proceed immediately to post game.

Underdogs and hired guns.

Underhive scum and bounty hunters will not be available to hire in the standard way for this event, but if you have any models and character cards made up do bring them! If a gang is playing a game against an enemy who’s cost is at least 100 credits more than their own, they may draw a single card from the Hired guns stack for every full 100 credits their opponent has more than them- these hired guns may be deployed in the next game as though they had been hired. Hangers on may be purchased as usual.

Two of the spires most noble houses have sent representatives to Spider Bay to claim the corpses, before the event all participants must choose a Noble house as their patron. (the side you select may change on the day as the aim is to have even sides for the days gaming)

As well as the benefits listed above each house will conspire during the course of the day to undermine and disrupt the operations of the opposing house. Players will be able to contribute to these plots and schemes by playing games on the Domefall and reporting their results. victories will give great advantage to

their sponsor, but even in defeat schemes can come to fruition.

gamblers debts

Ko’Iron are experts at leveraging connections and manoeuvring lesser families into their

debt. Often these families will send their own troops to support Ko’Iron in order to repay

these favours.

All replacement gangers cost 5 credits less to hire

hidden talents

Taking a power hammer to a formal wedding can be frowned upon, and so the more subtle

stiletto blade and brass knuckles have become unofficial emblems of house Ko’Iron.

All gangs add the wargear 'brass knuckles' to

their house equipment list for 15 credits.

Well connected

It’s not what you know in the hive that counts, it’s who you know. Even better- who you’re sleeping with. House Ko-Iron have turned

marriage into a political art-form. .

All gangs may re-roll a single rare trade roll each campaign cycle.

The blade and the fist

As the only two Matriarchal houses within hive Primus, there exists an unspoken and uneasy

alliance between house Escher and house Ko’Iron. For now at least.

House Escher gangs MUST choose house

Ko’Iron as their affiliated house.

Ko’iron has a powerful female line, and in contrast to the other Patriarchal Noble Houses is led by a series of Matriarchs descended from the maternal line. Far from the most

powerful Noble House, many well known Ko’irons are famous outside the House only for their political marriages, and it is fitting that a gambling game is named after it: Ko’iron

Six Card.

The Ko'Iron Matriarch has long had a presence in Spider Bay, a guilder named Bethel Ko'Iron who runs the towns most lucrative trading post. When news of the domefall

came back up to the spire she immediately sent her agents down to claim salvage rights, and Bethel began hiring gangs to support this claim.

Ko’Iron Faction Benefits

Noble House Ko’Iron In blood lies power, in family- strength.

survival of the fittest

Catallus are one of the most martial of the noble houses, often holding great tourneys where the lower houses are invited to send

their fiercest fighters. The champions are given lucrative guard contracts in Catallus


All replacement champions cost 10 less to hire

guardian of Catallus

For the many years of House Catallus the elaborate double bladed knife was the

emblem of their power. Now it serves as a symbol for those who have the favour of the

great house.

All gangs add the combat weapon 'double sided knife' to their house equipment list for

15 credits.

Experimental medicine

The Catallus interest in the are around Spider Bay originally stemmed from their research

into spider milk, the domefall may have produced other opportunities, but with so

many ‘volunteers’ in the area the research can continue at a much faster pace.

All gangs may re-roll one visit to the Docs each

campaign cycle

Mutual enemies

House Catallus can never forget, or forgive, the betrayal of their own that cost them so much power. The continued prosecution of

these exiled ‘Ash Nomads’ by House Orlock’s outriders has earned them the respect and

recognition of house Catallus leaders.

House Orlock gangs MUST choose house Catallus as their affiliated house.

Noble House Catallus was once second only to House Helmawr until a civil war divided the House. After years of bitter warfare the losing faction was exiled to the Ash Wastes

where they became the Nomad gangs, and are hunted by the Spyrers of a resurgent Catullus to this day. The current Lord Catallus means to take back the families previous

power by any means necessary.

The Catallus family hadn't even heard of Spider Bay until a few months earlier, when one of their exploratory sci-magos teams set up base on the edge on the sump nearby with

the intention of farming sump-spider milk as a healing balm. The domefall has interrupted this process but could be potentially even more lucrative if they can hire

enough underhive muscle to claim it.

Catallus Faction Benefits

Noble House Catallus Our glorious past shall be our guide.



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Basilica Florentis. 70% submerged- target: funereal


The long shore. 55% submerged-

target: buried cryo-crypts

Grand Mausoleum. 5% submerged. target: cryo-crypt vaults.

Shallow Reefs. 95% submerged- target: floating


Sunken hovership. Unknown provenance target: crew and


Medicae hospitaller. 80% submerged-

target: morgue and cryo-facilities

Auxilia Generatorix. 11% submerged- high risk area. Target: workers

quarters, technology

The Spider Bay domefall provides a hive geomagus with an interesting cross

section of the varied geographic levels of Hive Primus. The quality of the domes found varies, from

the baroque and highly decorated Basilica Florentis

[ecclesiatic records last report the basilica in use

over a millennia ago, shortly after the Florentine crusade]

to the relatively austere auxilia generatorix half

crushed beneath the grand mausoleum.

These contrary

archigeological signals would indicate that the domes were

constructed at vastly different times, on many

layers of the hive- but curiously all the different domes contain valuable

corpses in matching cryo-stasis tubes. This would seem to suggest the majority of the domes were together before the fall, and that they were

being used as corpse storage by some unknown entity.

I have provided you with this

map supplied by the necrosalvage teams we have engaged to survey the site.

On it are marked the locations with the densest

concentrations of cryo-tubes, or those which would be

easiest to access. Our efforts should be to take and hold

these locations with our recruited local security

teams, then begin extracting the corpses as soon as


-Introspecter Talilen, report to House Catallus

Before each game the players will agree on which location they are fighting to secure- they can choose any of the 7 sectors above, or simply fight over the cryo pods scattered across the dome fall’s general hulk. Each named sector will have different hazards and special rules which will effect

games played on it, but they will also carry greater rewards for the victorious House that claims them. Each victory in a sector grants the Noble house three salvage die, each defeat one. Add one to a gangs Rep for each dice placed in this way in addition to normal gang reputation modifiers. At the end of each campaign cycle these dice are rolled on the appropriate salvage table to determine how many corpses the salvage teams have

been able to loot under the gangs protection. In addition to awards for games won, the house with the most salvage dice in each sector at the end of a campaign cycle gains one free die in that sector at the start of the following campaign cycle.


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Salvage barges

Almost all base materials are useful in the underhive, metal, stone, fuel and organic material can all be re-used or sold off. The sheer mass of the domefall is too much for even the most determined wrecker to take it all before it succumbs to the sump, but that doesn’t mean the noble houses are going to stand by and watch all that potential wealth sink without grabbing as much as they can first. As well as the corpse guilds attendants and collection teams, the various factions within the wreckers guild are also using the protection of the noble houses to salvage as much precious material as they can. Whilst it’s net worth will usually be less than that of the corpses (and their expensive cryo-cypts) it’s still valuable enough that the gangs can choose to sell some on the side and cut themselves in for a share, though this will of course lessen the amount that reaches the Noble house. • Sacrificing a salvage barge can only be done if at least half the gangs leaders on

that noble house agree. • If a salvage barge is sacrificed each gang loyal to that noble house rolls 2d6 and

adds the result together- this is the gangs share of the profits. • A maximum of half the salvage claimed by a noble house in a campaign cycle can

be sacrificed in this way. • The wreckers guild will never sacrifice a noble houses last salvage barge.

Corpse barges

Recycled corpses are without a doubt the main source of fodder for Hive dwellers in Necromunda, only the very rich can afford real food brought in from off world, and only the foolhardy eat the native flora and fauna without a ratskin guide or an iron digestive system (for best results, both). Because of this the Corpse guild is one of the most powerful guilds in the hive, as without their constant work and vigilance the workers of the hive would soon become malnourished and the great engines of commerce would grind to a halt. The power wielded by the guild is far from complete however, as it still struggles at times to meet the ever increasing needs of a growing population, and the various factions within the guild have different ideas on how to solve this problem. Both noble houses have managed to strike deals with several factions within the corpse guild, and it is the workers of the guild who will use the time bought by the gangs on the domefall to scavenge as many of the corpses as possible. The corpses value to the guild is huge on it’s own, but the extremely rare cryo-cypts the corpses are stored in have their own value as storage for the rich and powerful of Necromunda’s spire. After all, there are some bodies simply too important to recycle, regardless of the shortage.

There are two resources that will be used to determine victory in the rush to loot the treasures of the dome fall- the cryogenically frozen corpses stashed across the domes and the technology and assets of the domes themselves.

Overall Victory

• The Noble Victor will be the noble house that has the highest profit margin (total of corpse and salvage barges).

• The gang with the highest reputation will be the Champions of Spider Bay, and have bragging rights in the drinking holes for years to come.

• Each noble house will also reward the following gangs under their employ-

• Stalwart guardians- the gang that secured the most salvage dice during the campaign.

• Stone cold killers- the gang that took the most opposing models out of action during the campaign.

• Martyrs- The gang that took the most casualties (terminal death) during the campaign.

• Illustrated warriors- The gang with the most painting votes • Double agents- each house will nominate the enemy gang they think did the

most to help them by losing games, messing up or generally just having terrible luck to receive a prize.



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Escher gang war equipment list

max three weapons (not wargear)

Weapon cost Type

lasgun 5 basic

autogun 15 basic

shotgun 30 basic

shock whip 25 combat

stiletto knife 20 combat

powersword 45 combat

stiletto sword 35 combat

laspistol 10 pistol

autopistol 10 pistol

plasma pistol 50 pistol

needle-bolter 80 special

chem-thrower 135 special

Frag grenades 30 grenade

choke grenades 40 grenade

krak grenades 45 grenade

chem-synth 15 Wargear

Respirator 15 Wargear H






Goliath Gang war equipment list

max three weapons (not wargear)

* counts as two weapons

Weapon cost Type

stub cannon 20 basic

combat shotgun 60 basic

axe 15 combat

fighting knife 10 combat

spud jacker 15 combat

brute cleaver 20 combat

power hammer 45 combat

renderiser* 40 combat

stub gun 5 pistol

plasma-stubber 65 pistol

grenade launcher 55 special

Krumper* 70 heavy

Frag grenades 30 grenade

krak grenades 45 Wargear

stimm-slug stash 30 Wargear

photo goggles 35 Wargear

Respirator 15 Wargear



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Gang war equipment list

max three weapons (not wargear)

* counts as two weapons

Weapon cost Type

Sawn off shotgun 10 basic

autogun 15 basic

shotgun 30 combat

combat shotgun 60 combat

fighting knife 10 combat

servo claw 30 combat

stub gun 5 pistol

autopistol 10 pistol

harpoon launcher 110 heavy

heavy stubber* 130 heavy

Frag grenades 30 grenade

blasting charges 45 grenade

krak grenades 45 grenade

filter plugs 10 Wargear

strip kit 15 Wargear

photo goggles 30 Wargear

Respirator 15 Wargear



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Van Saar Gang war equipment list

max three weapons (not wargear)

* counts as two weapons

Weapon cost Type

Autogun 15 basic

lasgun 15 basic

shotgun 30 basic

boltgun 50 basic

power weapon 55 combat

Fighting knife 15 combat

autopistol 10 pistol

laspistol 10 pistol

boltpistol 25 pistol

plasma pistol 50 pistol

Plasma Gun 100 special

flamer 100 special

meltagun 135 special

Needle rifle 50 special

heavy stubber* 130 heavy

frag grenades 30 grenade

krak grenades 45 grenade

photon flash 40 grenade

medicae kit 30 wargear

respirator 15 wargear



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Delaque Gang war equipment list

max three weapons (not wargear)

* counts as two weapons

Weapon cost Type

Autogun 15 basic

lasgun 15 basic

shotgun 30 basic

boltgun 50 basic

club/maul etc 5 combat

stiletto knife 20 combat

powersword 45 combat

stub gun 5 pistol

autopistol 10 pistol

laspistol 10 pistol

Needle Pistol 45 pistol

grenade Launcher 55 special

flamer 100 special

heavy stubber* 130 heavy

frag grenades 30 grenade

krak grenades 45 grenade

respirator 15 wargear

medicae kit 30 wargear

photo goggles 25 wargear Ho


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Cawdor Gang war equipment list

max three weapons (not wargear)

* counts as two weapons

Weapon cost Type

Autogun 10 basic

lasgun 15 basic

shotgun 30 basic

boltgun 60 basic

club/maul etc 5 combat

Eviscerator* 80 combat

flail 20 combat

2 handed weapon* 20 combat

stub gun 5 pistol

autopistol 10 pistol

laspistol 10 pistol

hand flamer 50 pistol

Grenade Launcher 55 Special

flamer 90 special

heavy stubber* 130 heavy

Fire bomb 40 grenade

frag grenades 30 grenade

krak grenades 45 grenade

respirator 15 wargear



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s, s




s a






1 Leader 5 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 3+ 2 7+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 105

0 - 2 Champion 4 3+ 4+ 4 4 2 4+ 2 6+ 5+ 8+ 9+ 110

half+ Ganger 4 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 4+ 1 8+ 8+ 7+ 8+ 55

0+ Juve 5 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 9+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 15

Underhive inhabitants are more

tolerant of mutants than other

hivers. So long as mutants keep a

low profile, and are not

obviously or grossly deformed,

they can live peacefully even

inside a big settlement. However,

conspicuous mutants are rooted

out and destroyed according to

the strict laws of House and Hive

Many of the outcast mutants will

band together in gangs known as

scavvies. Some scavvie leaders

can end up carving up their own

small badland kingdoms like King

Redwart the Magnificent. One of

the more stable strains of

necromundan mutants are the

Scalies. Scalies are nigh on

Abhuman classification, however

they are still outlawed by the

Imperium Of Man, they often lend

their muscle to the Scavvies with

there strength in melee combat or

their ability to use thier own

heavy weapons like Spear Guns

and Scatter Cannons.

Delaque Gang war equipment list skills primary secondary

max three weapons (not wargear) leader bra, fer, ld com, sav

* counts as two weapons champion bra, fer com, ld, sho

Weapon cost Type juve com fer, bra

Autogun 15 basic special bra, fer com, cun

lascarbine 10 basic

shotgun 30 basic notes

sawn off shotgun 15 basic Leader one skill, no heavy weapons

Musket 5 basic Champion one skill, no equipment restrictions

club/maul etc 5 combat Ganger armor, basic, cc, grenades, pistols, wg. One may have special

fighting knife 15 combat Juve max 20c individual equipment cost, pistols + cc only

2 handed weapon* 20 combat

Axe 15 combat flak armour as standard (mesh on champions)

blackpowder pistol 2 pistol

stub gun 5 pistol

autopistol 10 pistol

laspistol 15 pistol

spear thrower* 70 heavy

Scatter cannon* 80 Heavy

flamer 100 special

Throwing Disc 25 grenade

frag grenades 30 grenade

Chemical vial 30 grenade

photo goggles 35 wargear

filter plugs 10 wargear






1 Leader 5 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 7+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 105

0 - 2 Champion 5 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 4+ 2 7+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 95

half+ Ganger 5 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 8+ 7+ 8+ 55

0+ Juve 6 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 9+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 20

The Ratskin people have lived in the

ruins of Underhive for as long as time

itself, and Ratskins regard the place

as their ancestral home. They know

almost nothing about the world that

lies above their heads or beyond the

hive. Ratskins have lived apart for so

long that they have developed their

own language, and only the few who

visit Underhive settlements to trade

bother to learn the common tongue

of the hive.

Ratskins possess senses uniquely

adapted to the conditions of the

Underhive. Their sight is incredibly

keen and it is commonly supposed they

can see in pitch darkness. A Ratskin

can smell out tiny differences in air

quality, and can track other hivers or

hive creatures by scent. Their hearing

is also finely attuned to the hive. The

slightest sounds tell them where

others might be, whether a tunnel is

safe, or if dangerous creatures lurk


Delaque Gang war equipment list skills primary secondary

max three weapons (not wargear) leader sho, cun, ld agi, com

* counts as two weapons champion cun, sho agi, ld, fer

Weapon cost Type juve cun agi, sho

Autogun 15 basic special cun, sho agi, com

stub cannon 25 basic

shotgun 30 basic notes

Musket 5 basic Leader one skill, no heavy weapons

lascarbine 10 basic Champion one skill, one may have heavy weapon

sawn off shotgun 15 basic Ganger armor, basic, cc, grenades, pistols, wg.

club/maul etc 5 combat Juve max 20c individual equipmentcost, pistols + cc only

fighting knife 15 combat

Axe 15 combat flak armour as standard

coup stick 20 combat

stilleto knife 20 combat

blackpowder pistol 2 pistol

autopistol 10 pistol

laspistol 15 pistol

stub gun 5 pistol

heavy stubber* 130 heavy

frag grenades 30 grenade

Choke grenades 50 grenade

photo goggles 35 wargear

skinblade 10 wargear

filter plugs 10 wargear



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0-2 Malcadon 5 3+ 4+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 7+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 200

0-2 Orrus 4 4+ 3+ 4 4 2 4+ 2 7+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 220

0-2 Jakara 6 3+ 5+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 7+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 180

0-2 Yeld 5 4+ 3+ 3 3 2 3+ 1 7+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 210

starting equipment skills primary secondary

Malcadon mesh armour (5+), 2 malcadon claws, one malcadon web spinnarets,

respirator, photovisor

Malcadon cun, Com LD, agi

Orrus Fer, Bra LD, SHO

orrus Carapace armour (4+), power field (6+ additional save, ignores AP) 2 Orrus

fists, 2 Orrus bolt launchers, respirator, photo visor

Jakara Agi, Com LD, cun

Yeld AGI, Sho LD, cun

jakara Mesh armour (5+) 1 Jakara monofilament sword, 1 Jakara mirror shield,

respirator, photovisor,

A Spyre hunters warband must contain at least 4 models of at least 2 different types. Spyre hunters can be bought experience before a campaign begins at a cost of 10 credits= 1 EXP. Spyre hunters never gain or

lose equipment and cannot perform campaign actions between games except docs visits (which are free) any skill gained that they could not use due to this may be re-rolled.

yeld Mesh Armour (5+) 1 yeld hunting laser, yeld wings, respirator, photovisor,


Additional equipment list

max three weapons (not wargear)

* counts as two weapons Range Accuracy Traits

Weapon cost Type S L S L ST AP DAM AMMO

Malcadon Claws n/a combat \ E \ +1 st \ 1 \ Melee, Disarm,

Malcadon Web Spinnarets n/a pistol 8 12 +1 \ 3 -1 \ 4+ Grapnel, web

Orrus fists n/a combat \ E \ \ st+1 -1 2 \ Melee

Orrus bolt launchers n/a pistol 12 20 +1 \ 4 -1 2 4+ \

Jakara monofilament sword n/a combat \ E \ \ st+1 -2 1 \ Melee, parry, power

Jakara mirror shield n/a combat \ e \ \ st \ \ \ Melee, parry, power,


Yeld hunting laser n/a special 18 30 +1 \ 4 -1 1 2+ \

Yeld razor wings n/a combat \ E \ \ st -1 1 \ Melee, flight, chameleon

mirror shield

DEFLECT: this weapon adds +1 to the hunters save when attacked in its front arc. On a passed cool test any successful save in this arc vs a

ranged attack will allow the hunter to immediately make a single shot as though they were equipped with the same ranged attack weapon

with the normal modifiers.

Yeld wings

FLIGHT: This wargear allows the Yeld to ignore all terrain and characters lower than 2" high when moving. This character can also drop

down levels without injury (though it can still fall when attacked) moving an additional 1" for every inch dropped down in this way. this

character may also leap gaps equal to their movement characteristic without penalty or tests.

CHAMELEON: If this character has not moved in a turn enemy ranged attacks targeting it are at -1 to hit.

Malcadon web spinnarets WEB: Fighters pinned by a shot from this weapon using the ‘stand up’ action must first roll a dice and add their strength- if the total is 7 or

higher the action succeeds, if it is not, the action fails.

Spyrer groups are composed of the unproven youths of the noble houses born in the upper levels of the hive where they have known little want or

hardship. Each Spyrer is then granted a unique Hunting Rig which has been crafted offworld using nearly forgotten technologies. They then undertake

a vow that has been impressed upon them by a sponsor Patriarch or Matriarch, either to survive unaided in the depths of the undercity for a designated

length of time, or to obtain a designated number of kills. They are not permitted to return until their task is complete.



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Whenever a Spyre hunter warband reaches a multiple of 3 rep, they must choose one of the below tables to roll one dice against for each spyre hunter to see what improvements their armour gives them.

Each result can be rolled multiple times, though each individual upgrade may only be taken twice per spyre hunter. Add the value to the right to their cost each time an upgrade is taken.

Ranged weapon advances These upgrades affect ALL non-melee trait weapons on the spyre hunter Value

1 Increased Range roll 1D6, on a 1-3 increase all weapons short range by 3", on a 4-6 increase all weapons long range by 6" 20

2 Increased accuracy Roll 1D6, on a 1-3 increase all weapons short range accuracy by +1, and a 4-6 increase long range accuracy by +1 20

3 increased damage roll 1D6, on a 1-3 increase all weapons Strength by one, on a 4-6 increase all weapons damage by 1. 25

4 cycling ammunition roll 1D6, on a 1-3 reduce the weapons ammo roll by 1, on a 4-6 the weapon gains rapid fire (1). 25

5 Hardened shells roll 1D6, on a 1-3 the weapon gains the knockback rule, on a 4-6 increase the weapons AP by 1 20

6 Explosive shells the weapon gains the blast(3) rule, This increase can only be taken once. 30

Melee weapon advances These upgrades affect ALL melee trait weapons on the spyre hunter Value

1 Sharpened Blade roll 1D6, on a 1-3 increase all weapons Strength by one, on a 4-6 increase all weapons damage by 1. 25

2 Balanced Weapon Roll 1D6, on a 1-3 increase the weapons accuracy by +1, on a 4-6 it gains the Parry trait (if it can already parry, increase accuracy) 20

3 Charged field, Roll 1D6, on a 1-3 the weapon gains the power trait, on a 4-6 it gains the shock trait. (if it has one, take the other) 15

4 Injection system roll 1D6, on a 1-3 the weapon gains the toxin trait, on a 4-6 it gains the blaze trait. 15

5 custom cyberware roll 1D6, on a 1-3 The weapon gains Versatile trait and a 3" long range. On a 4-6 it gains the knockback trait 25

6 Instant-kill mode The weapon gains the Pulverise Trait. This increase can only be taken once. 25

Armour advances Orrus reduce the value of all dice rolled on this table by -1 Value

1-2 Increased Plating The hunters saving throw is increased by +1 25

3 Power Shield The hunter gains an additional 6+ save after a failed armour save, Ap does not effect this save, (increase save by +1 each time). 30

4 Early warning system This hunter may take a cool test when targeted by an enemy models ranged attack, if passed they may move 2" 20

5 woken Machine Spirit This Hunter may still make a single melee or shooting attack at accuracy 6+ when seriously injured. (Increase accuracy by 1 each time.) 20

6 Gravity suppressor This hunters move is increased by 1, they also reduce all fall distances by 3" each time this is rolled. 15

The Orrus is the most

brutal of the Spyre

aspects. Specialising in

brute force, they are

characterised by

oversized, piston-powered

arms containing Bolt

Launchers built into the

fists. They are also

protected from shooting

attacks by a force field.

Jakara are the lightest but

most agile of the Spyre

hunters, specialising in

speed and mobility. They

are equipped with a Sword

with a Monomolecular

edge and a unique Mirror

Shield which can absorb

energy-based attacks and

fire it back at their enemies

Malcadon are the most

subtle and cunning of the

Spyre groups. They are

armed like spiders, with

Web Spinnarets designed

to immobilise the enemy so

they can be torn apart by

their vicious claws. They

are also equipped with

climbing hooks to reach

perfect ambush points.

Yeld are the most peculiar

Spyrers, being equipped

with Chameleonic armour

and razor-edged wings.

They are armed with

multiple laser tubes built

into their gauntlets.

Though their wings do

allow them to fly, they

make for better gliders

Weapon cost Type

Range Accuracy


Musket 5 basic 8 16 \ \ 3 \ 1 4+ plentiful

lascarbine 10 basic 12 20 \ \ 3 \ 1 2+ plentiful

Eviscerator* 80*ca combat

\ E \ -1 st+3 -3 3 \ melee, unwieldy, (eviscerator blade)

\ T \ \ 3 \ 1 5+ blaze. Template (exterminator)

coup stick 20*ra combat \ E \ \ ST \ 1 \ melee, coup

double sided knife 15 *cat combat \ E \ \ ST \ 1 \ melee, parry

Brass Knuckles 15*koi Combat \ E \ \ st+1 \ 1 \ does not count as towards max 3 weapons

blackpowder pistol 2 pistol 4 8 \ \ 2 \ 1 4+ pistol, plentiful

needle pistol 45 (r9) pistol 8 12 +2 3 -1 \ 5+ pistol, toxin, gunshroud, scarse

Scatter Cannon* 80*sc heavy 8 20 +2 -1 3 \ D3 4+ Plentiful, scattershot, Blast 3

spear thrower* 70*sc heavy 8 18 \ \ 5 -2 2 4+ knockback, Impale

Chemical vial 30 (r6) grenade \ STx3 \ -1 3 -1 \ 5+ blast 3, toxin, grenade, remains in play

Throwing Disc 25 (r7) grenade \ STx3 \ -1 ST \ 1 5+ grenade, rapid fire 1.

fire bomb 40 (r6) grenade \ STx3 \ -1 3 -1 1 4+ blast 3, blaze, grenade, remains in play

new special rules

coup Once per game fighters armed with a coup weapon can choose to not one roll an injury dice in a single melee in exchange for 2 EXP

remains in play the blast from this attack stays on the table until the end of the turn. Any model who touches it takes a hit from the weapon.

Wargear weapon attachments

filter plugs 10 wargear gunshroud 20 (r8) ba, pi

drop rig 10 wargear las-projector 35 (r9) pi, ba, sp

skinblade 10 wargear suspensor 60

(r10) heavy

respirator 15 wargear telescopic

sight 25 pi, ba, sp

strip kit 15 wargear mono sight 35 (r9) ba, sp, he

Under armour 25 (r7) wargear infra sight 40 (r8) b,s,p,he

grapnel launcher 25 wargear

bio scanner 30 (r8) wargear

medicae kit 30 wargear

photo goggles 35 wargear

bio booster 35 (r11) wargear

grav chute 50 (r10) wargear

ammo cache 60 (r8) wargear

The weaponry in the table above is

provided to allow all gangs to

participate, including those from the

original outlanders supplement.

Some of the weapons may seem

over/underpowered for their costs,

but this is either balanced by the gangs

characteristics or designed that way to

encourage flavour and characterful





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