don bradfield josh brown royce kranz shawn mooney ashlee palm

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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E MCH 211 Semester Project

E MCH 211 Semester ProjectDon BradfieldJosh BrownRoyce KranzShawn MooneyAshlee PalmThe JourneyTeam CharterObjectives:Present an explanation of chapter 11Produce a physical model of a problem and successfully solveTime Frame:Assigned: Week 4Due: Week 14Scope of operation outlined in the project handoutTutorialPhysical ModelVirtual Model and solutionVoice of CustomerThree main learning stylesVisualAuditoryKinestheticMost effective tutorial would appeal to the massesSurvey of present engineering classStudent Surveys

BenchmarkingSurvey had 1-4 scaleCompile data in table and rate against known successKahn Academy tutorialsDetermine the best tutorial optionBenchmarking*Khan AcadamyVideoAudioOutlineOutline/AudioStudent 102431Student 204312Student 304312Student 403421Student 501432Student 601243Student 701432Student 801432Student 901432Student 1001423Student 1101423Net Score020402823Rank1543* ReferenceThe ProblemProblem Statement

9SolutionMethod of Virtual Work will be usedProcedure for AnalysisFree Body DiagramVirtual DisplacementsVirtual Work Equation


Cos = 0 = 900SolutionThe problem has two conceptual answers13.9 and 9013.9 is the only realistic answerAt = 90, the moment arm will interfere with the rest of the assemblyPhysical ModelBuilt model has different dimensions than the book problem and thus a different solution

Physical Model

Physical Materials5 pound weightWood obtained from a barnCabinet handlesSpringRopeSteel pipeBall bearing pulley

Angle Measurement - TRIZNeeded a way to measure the equilibrium anglePrinciple of Add another dimensionAdded a protractor and measurement device

Physical Solution

Video of Physical Model

Virtual Model

Video of Virtual Model

Mechanism AnalysisPro/ Engineer has countless applicationsOur team decided to use the Mechanism Application to conduct a Static Analysis to solve our problem

Virtual SolutionFirst, the a snapshot of the initial condition was taken

Virtual Solution ContinuedNext, a Spring with a Spring Constant of 101.0967 lbf/ft is defined. The Unstretched length of the spring is to be defined as the length when the moment arm is parallel with the base

Virtual Solution ContinuedA force of 5 lb is then defined at the weight

Virtual Solution ContinuedThe virtual model will under go a static analysis

The Solution found using Pro/ Engineer:After running a static analysis we will measure the angle. We received an angle of 8.53

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