dominican republic in defense of the democratic security in latin america and the caribbean...

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The focus of this research relates to the democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean, and what role did the Dominican Republic in democratic defense.One of the elements that stand out are: how democracy arises from its beginnings until today. The independence of the United States and the French Revolution in the years 1776 and 1784 respectively mark the beginning of democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean, which transcended independence struggles across the region sustained the liberality of the States. The incidence of the Dominican Republic in defense of democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean, is manifested in the political life of the Caribbean nation. After independence in 1844, its ideologues sought to create a free and sovereign democratic state based on a current. It is from the ideals of Juan Pablo Duarte, that democracy is part of the Dominican political system that has managed to face all kinds of foreign interference, authoritarian rule that for decades were directing the destinies of the country and that in the end there is a manifest a scenario of over thirty years in the defense of the democratic security of the nation by the different political movements that affect the Dominican people. Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean, has had a level of acceptance among its inhabitants, those actions in the pursuit of development of the people, a government that guarantees the rights of citizens, and the promotion of human development predominates, the capabilities of States to transform and take place in public policy, political, economic and cultural order, can not be supported by the majority, nor called champion of democracy. Democratic security in the region are based on inclusive policies character among all states seeking to agree through international relations, international conventions and treaties that seek to maintain regional security and peace, away from threats which have traditionally staked political stability in the region. To consider the existence of a democratic security, have been absent from the political stage coups, dictatorships and internal armed conflicts. Even with the opening of political ideas, geopolitics, and international linkages, governed by various bodies such as the OAS and the UN, as well as other political, cultural and economic, impact heavily upon the permanence of democracy in all Latin American and the Caribbean.













YEAR 2014



CARIBBEAN 2000-2010


"The views expressed in this research report are the sole responsibility of the author and the institution will

not necessarily reflect the opinions issued."


Introduction i Problem ii General Purpose vii Specific Objectives vii Ideas to defend viii Methodological framework of the research ix CHAPTER I - BACKGROUND OF THE DEMOCRATIC SECURITY IN LATIN AMERICA CARIBBEAN YEL.

1.1. Origin of democracy 1

1.2 -. History of the Democratic Security in Latin America and The Caribbean 3

1.3.-Chronology of Democratic Different State Governments In Latin America and the Caribbean 7 1.4 -. Evolution of Democracy in the Dominican Republic 29

1.5 -. Principal approaches of democratic security and validity in Latin America and the Caribbean 35 1.6 -. Organic concept of democracy and security 37

1.7 -. Democracy and Political Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean 42

1.8 -. Political Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean 44 1.9 -. Acceptance level of democracy in Latin America and The Caribbean 46


2.1 -. Geopolitics and Security in Latin America and the Caribbean 49

2.2 -. Geopolitical Analysis of Latin America and the Caribbean 51 2.3 -. Organization of American States (OAS) in safety

Democratic Latin America and the Caribbean 54 2.4 -. Economics and Globalization in Latin America and the Caribbean 58 2.5 -. Features of the situation of globalization in Latin America and The Caribbean 60

2.6 -. Democratic Security and Human Rights 63 2.6.1 The relationship between democracy and human rights 64 CHAPTER III -. INCIDENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE DEMOCRATIC SECURITY IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN BY DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

3.1 -. Overview of public policy for Security Democratic 67

3.2 -. Incidence of security and defense in the democratic security Latin America and the Caribbean 69 3.3 -. Role of regional bodies for safety Democratic 70 3.4 -. Democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean 72 3.5 -. Perspective of Public Safety in the Republic Dominican 76

3.6 -. Contributions from Dominican Republic to defend safety

Democratic in Latin America and the Caribbean 80

3.6.1 -. Conventions and treaties democratic security 84 CONCLUSION 89 RECOMMENDATIONS 93 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 95




This research is based on the role of the Dominican Republic in defense of

democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean, with reference to the

events that have marked the freedom of the peoples fighting for a better future, in

which underpinned by the fundamental rights recognized peaceful coexistence and

the rule of law.

Elements in the Dominican Republic, assuming its role in the defense of

democratic security is drawn, the political evolution of each state in Latin America

and the Caribbean. A number of important events in the political life of the region is

analyzed. Geopolitics in the hemisphere is Latin America as a key element for the

existence of a climate of harmony and good diplomatic relations between states,

which have concluded agreements and meetings with very beneficial results for

democracy in the region is also described.

The prospect that the Dominican Republic has over other governments in the

region in political, trade and security issues, world order posed by globalization, the

effects produced by different social changes that persist in the world is observed.






2.1 -. Geopolitics and Security in Latin America and the


Our starting point is that geopolitics in the Western Hemisphere has been

determined by the interests of the United States of America (USA) who in turn

replied to its powerful global interests. The countries of Latin America and the

Caribbean focus on the post-cold war period. It begins by giving an overview of the

inter-American context in the more general framework of the international system

as unipolar key.

Analyze changes in the geopolitics of Latin America as a result of the

evolution of the concept of security is to answer the question how up democratic

security in the region?, Identify factors that indicate the generality binding

international relations, and integration regional to maintain a climate of peace and


The geopolitical position of Latin America and the Caribbean, there is no

denying that the region moves towards new scenarios related to globalization and

the new world order. Sustained potential in natural resources, and human, makes it

more interesting and strategic linkages with its major economic powers of the

world. This forces you to hold positions with a multidisciplinary defense strategic


Most governments in Latin America and the Caribbean are democratic, the

geopolitics of the region provides a guideline to the integration of the States, which

have already merged their democratic security policies, through the signing of

agreements such as the case of American Center "Framework Treaty on

Democratic Security in Central America," which seeks to consolidate as a

region of peace, freedom, democracy and development.

The practice of moving towards social and economic development is the

responsibility of all States to achieve a safe climate, the rule of law, a stable

economy, which will lower the illiteracy, infant mortality, extreme poverty, crime,

violence , trafficking and smuggling and drug trafficking. All are considered as

threats to democratic security and should be treated globally because it affects the

entire region.

To attain democracy stabilize the region has appealed to contain

subordinating the military to the civil power, promote the military profession, with

the strengthening of the colleges of defense and security, building security white

paper and reducing or maintaining the same security budget ie instead of

increasing it maintained and that the mission of the military. These decisions

concern dissipating at least those streams characterizing coups years.

The geopolitical chess defined by the United States in its international

political influence having enhanced democracy in Latin America, as it has

significantly reduced investment in security for the region as their interests are

critical about other axes in the world like this Asia and the Middle East, leaving the

area of Latin America and the Caribbean free from any influence, therefore it has

influenced the emergence of other threats relate to international crime.

The development of a democratic political culture prevents new authoritarian

regime that puts at stake the stability of democracy we now enjoy. It basically

depends on the major political elites, military, business, and religious are the new

institutional bodies that characterize this crucial stability in the political world.

The economic factor that has generated major global crisis could be a threat

but it is not independent, democratic security remains, what has changed is the

decision of the people to demand through large peaceful movements, governments

policy changes Economic leaving high unemployment in the region. But yet today

unemployment rates have been fluctuating in the United States causing economic

imbalance are trying to handle it.

The region has unemployment as "Panorama Laboral 2012 in Latin America

and the Caribbean," says the regional urban unemployment is 6.4% at the end of

2012, and that trend will continue downward. Having this background it is making

an effort to consolidate democracy through good diplomatic relations and humble

decision to current political leaders who head the major governments of the region

based on climate geopolitics has been playing an increasing factor .

2.2 -. Geopolitical Analysis of Latin America and the


Geographical factor.

The space occupied by the Latin American and Caribbean countries in the

world, is limited to the central and southern part of the American continent,

bordered by the, Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctica, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and


Composed of the following independent countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia,

Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guyana, French

Guyana, Peru, Surinam, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, Nicaragua, El

Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti and

Jamaica.There are three official languages: Spanish, Portuguese and French are

widely spoken languages. According to studies published in the biographical

website .

South America has a surface area of 17,819,100 km ². With a population of

about 400, 000,000 inhabitants.

Central America has an area of 522.7601 km ². Population of approximately

45,739,000 inhabitants.

The Caribbean has a total area: 2, 754,000 - Area of land, 239.681 km

². Population about 36 314.0001 bed.

The strategic areas identified in Latin America and the Caribbean are

identified as geostrategic elements for the region include: the Panama Canal,

administered by the Government of Panama, the large reserves of water in most of

the mainland oilfields, and strategic areas of biodiversity and environmental

protection. The geopolitical positioning has become a vital aspect of democratic

security. In the case of Latin America and the Caribbean, there have been a

number of tensions that are expressed more concern of the bourgeoisie of the

region by the geopolitical aspects, forcing some to reaffirm and strengthen in this

area, and others to create certain alignments where economic, ideological and

geopolitical interests are combined.

Political Factor

The political system in almost all countries of the region is democratic

presidential government, or elected by free elections, with the exception of Cuba is

under a dictatorial regime.

The Latin America and Caribbean projects a global political and economic

order. There have been changes in the political and institutional democratization of

these countries since the element of the transition is complete. Air breathed

political integration in the region with the creation of international bodies able to be

cohesive, with the example of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean

States (CELAC).

Economic factor

According to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the

Caribbean (ECLAC), which frequently publishes economic indicators in the region,

the following information is extracted from the internet, I quote: "By far the region has

had an annual growth of 3.1 percent in the last ten years, but said big vulnerabilities in the economy

persist. This growth is the result of an increase in trade of raw materials and consumption than

investment. " 1

Latin America and the Caribbean is based economy mainly in secondary

and / or tertiary, has production of oil, natural gas, coal, wine, fish production,

industrial products, mining production, etc..

States with the highest GDP in Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, have an

economic integration with UNASUR, NAFTA. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,

Honduras, Nicaragua and Dominican Republic have in place a free trade

agreement with the United States (DR-CAFTA).

Military Factor

The armed forces of the region are medium and large, professional armies

gifted in their generality of modern equipment and ammunition. These armies are

mainly specialized in peacekeeping missions of the United Nations, and conducting

joint work with other armies on the continent or the world. 2

2.3 -. Organization of American States (OAS) in democratic

security in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Organization of American States (OAS) was founded to establish

international relations policies to increase security among democratic states in the

region, promote institutional development based on democratic systems of

government and meets the requirements of peacekeeping.

The agency has been busy since its inception to be observant of the various

general elections were held and sometimes their involvement in mediating political

crisis. After a long time this organization has been losing credibility in some rulers

for their criticism of the international organization.

The Organization of American States (OAS) was described as being a body

serving the interests of the United States, since its headquarters is located in that

country and the poor performance has had on the Honduran crisis, the threat of

closure of media in Venezuela, ongoing violations in several countries at the Inter-

American Democratic Charter and disclosure of praise for the alleged illegitimacy

of the regime of Fidel Castro Cuba, have placed it under a shower of criticism. In

the '60s, Cuban President Fidel Castro accused the OAS of being then "a ministry

colony" of the United States. Despite these harsh criticism is considered as a body

representing the democratic countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, making

great contributions to the economic, social and political development of peoples

and their pending challenges in the current global scenario, between them

overcoming inequality and the need for political consensus that will allow countries

to advance social issues.


it was created in 1948 with the purpose of strengthening peace and security in the

continent. Try the peaceful settlement of disputes between States or outside

groups and promotes the economic, social and cultural development. It is a

regional organization whose purposes are to:

To strengthen the peace and security on the continent

Promoting and consolidating democracy

Prevent and ensure peaceful solution of n or conflicts arise between

the States of the regi

Organize solidarity action or n é hese aggressive or if n

To promote, through the cooperative action or n, economic

development or economic, social and cultural development;

Eradicate poverty í cr tica, which is an obst ass to the full democratic

development of the peoples to Mod hemisphere, and

To achieve an effective limitation of conventional weapons or n

The mission of the Secretariat for Political Affairs (SPA) is to contribute to

strengthening the political processes of the Member States, in particular to support

democracy as the best option to ensure peace, security and development. The

SPA focuses on strengthening the role of the organization as the core of the

American system in the political field and to contribute actively to maintain

democracy in the Member States.

The OAS has a structure comprising:

The General Assembly;

Or the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs;

The Councils (the Permanent Council, the Inter-American Council for

Integral Development);

The Committee é í Jur American physician;

The Interamerican Commission or Human Rights;

Í The Secretariat General;

The Specialized Conferences;

The Specialized Agencies.

This information was compiled by the author on the website of the International

organization ( ).

How the OEA oversees elections in Latin America?

The agency sends the Electoral Observation Mission made up of delegates

from the various countries of the region, almost all elections held in the Member

States. The OAS brings fifty (50) years observing elections in Latin America. It sent

its first mission in 1962 to Costa Rica. He has observed elections in 26 of its 34

member states. Observations have mainly contributed to consolidate hemispheric

democracy because one of the essential pillars on which it is based is the

legitimacy derived from the genesis of the political process, ie free, transparent and

inclusive elections.

In their reports highlight the participation of citizens during election days, the

behavior that showed the population to express their preferences through voting,

issues of access, equity, gender, campaign finance, media, transparency and

general support to electoral institutions in each country. Upon completion of the

counting of votes and elected officials, the election observer mission of the OAS

delivers relevant recommendations noted during the event in order to give a

substantive step in the consolidation of democracy. 3

Inter (2001) Democratic Charter.

This letter was adopted at the twenty-eighth special session September 11,

2001 Lima, Peru, whose purpose is. ¨ Art. 1 - The peoples of the Americas have a right to

democracy and their governments have an obligation to promote and defend. Democracy is

essential for the social, political and economic development of the peoples of the Americas ¨

With this statement the agency ensures that governments implement all

legal or regulatory measures to maintain political stability, which have achieved the

States of Latin America and the Caribbean. Democratic security is maintained with

such international instrument covering the political and strategic security


This international instrument commits States to pay attention to democracy

and human rights issue, comprehensive development, poverty eradication,

institutional stability, etc.. Other documents such as Resolution 1080 and the

Protocol of Washington, among others, are manifestations of wanting to ensure

democratic security including human rights and guarantees, such as the separation

of powers. 4

So once rated the systemic and contextual challenges that countries

assume their effective implementation, it is necessary to reflect not only on his

philosophical-political mark, its actual capacity to serve and lead institutional

changes demanded by the region in terms of projection legal development of the

United Nation, from the local social cohesion and strengthening the multilateral

coexistence, while in favor in principle. 5

2.4 -. Economics and Globalization in Latin America and the


The economy -. Might be framed within the group of social sciences and

dedicated to the study of production and exchange procedures, and analysis of the

consumption of goods (products) and services. The word comes from Greek and

means "management of a household or family."

In 1932, the British brought another Lionel Robbins definition of economics,

considering it as the branch that analyzes how humans satisfy their unlimited low-

resource needs that have different uses. The role of economics is to provide

rational criteria for the allocation of resources as efficient as possible.

Globalization -.'s A modern phenomenon that can be analyzed from

different angles. The term comes from English globalization, where global or

overall equivalent to globalization would be more appropriate. The growing

interdependence between states and societies globally implies that decisions and

activities of a part of the globe have significant consequences for societies in

distant parts of the world (Mc Grew and Lewis, 1992, p.22)

Broadly speaking, one could say that globalization is the integration of

various international companies in a single world capitalist market. Therefore, the

phenomenon is defended from economic theories as neoliberalism and institutions

like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. 6 Globalization has

created an economic impact in Latin America, which results in the creation of the

free market as an example the region has a free trade agreement with Central

America, the Caribbean, and the United States.

While the foregoing, we can say that both economic factors and

globalization have impacted significantly on democratic security in Latin America

and the Caribbean. The economic climate has led some states have to rely on

external funds to cover the budget deficits of governments in their policies of state


This has been possible through multilateral financial agencies are available

to those countries with democratic physiognomy. Mention the World Bank and the

International Monetary Fund.

2.5 -. Features of the situation of globalization on

Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the rest of the world have a relationship that is not the

same as it competes with more powerful countries a security environment

characterized as a zone of peace and economic context marked by neoliberal

inheritance and trade openness. In this context, Latin America has taken several

different ways: first, openness, economic integration second and third joint free

trade agreements with the United States. However, the area lacks a strategy for

insertion in the globalized world. 7

Latin America has had several alternatives that are the result of combined

processes, globalization, regionalization and nationalism-which must be

understood and studied to extract the result they have now organized in the States

that compose UNASUR Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile,

Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Suriname and Guyana. Created as a means

of uniting integrationist forces seeking the development of the peoples of the region

in the field of political, economic, social and cultural. Search multilateralism,

reducing the asymmetry with the rest of the developed world.

Latin America is a region with great opportunities, one must refer to the new

scenario between Latin American countries and increasing its links with other

regions such as Asia led by China, in the broader context of globalization. For

example, the globalization of markets has encouraged Latin American countries to

diversify their contacts outside the region, and even beyond the Western

Hemisphere. 8

In addition, each Latin American sub-region receives differently U.S.

influence, that after the end of the Cold War has adopted different strategies. He

has made agreements with Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, and

countries such as Chile and Colombia.

Brazil and Chile have achieved an enviable economic growth, are examples

for the rest of the area. Asymmetry is a common theme throughout Latin

America. Mean that other regions such as Europe, Asia and North America are

more attractive for AL than for herself. 9

The global economy is in transition, with North America and the European

Union in crisis and a key economic hub that is geared increasingly towards

Asia.Although Latin America, with just 8% of the gross world product can not

change position abruptly.

The security context

It is relevant to understand the strategies adopted by Latin American

countries in international relations. There have been important changes in the

relations between the countries of the region in relation to the traditional concerns

for peace and security.

A broad concept of security means also include problems such as increasing

unemployment and poverty, marginalization of many sectors of the population,

human rights violations, environmental degradation, threats to democratic

development and economic welfare, and economic and political instability.

Terrorism and drug trafficking pose new challenges for sub-regional security

plans, as are attempts to develop within the framework of Mercosur. The new

threats that countries do not perceive its neighbors as potential enemies, but

prevent create a clear perception about who is the common external adversary and

how it must face.

Economic Context

Latin America and built a neoliberal policies related to globalization. As a

result of this decision, built strong relationships with market economies, it became

more dependent and closely integrated into the global economy. Tariffs were

reduced, exports were promoted, are invited foreign investors to bid to purchase

state enterprises and free trade agreements were promoted.

The effects of globalization have not had good results or damage. Economic

liberalization brought results, generated more dependence on economies,

increased vulnerability of global capital markets and reduced political autonomy.

The emergence of a new populist left in countries like Ecuador, Venezuela

and Bolivia can be interpreted as a policy response to the economic integration in

globalization. 10

Today, regionalism emerges as another powerful force of globalization that

continues to be the same effect as the latter has left.

The important thing is that the region is strengthened in any economic

environment, the exploitation of their wealth, fostering competitive exports,

supported by integrationist policies, the benefits of multilateral agencies, is the


AGREEMENT OF LOME, Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, ALBA, SOUTH

BANK, driving the engine of productivity and the development of peoples. 11

2.6 -. Democratic Security and Human Rights.

Understanding what is actually meant by democratic security, it is clear that

its development and has sought to advance outlining depending on the clause of

the rule of law and the effective exercise of fundamental freedoms and human

rights. Thus democracy much use in the correlation of effective policies framed

rules governing society.

A society must grant the sovereignty of self determination without any

interference of a Foreign or domestic, to which must be strictly applied the

Constitution of the State.

The social state emerged in the early twentieth century as a response to the

lack of legitimacy was going through the capitalist state, which had plunged into a

deep crisis. The labor movement and socialist doctrines inspired by communists,

constituting one of the most significant expressions that could be placed in hard to

own the whole structure of the productive apparatus of the liberal state situation

arises then.

At that time, the state was characterized by observing a condition of non-

intervention in the most important areas of society development. It starts to change

the perception and understanding of what were the rights. Rights and disclosed in

the French Revolution, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789),

inspired by the American Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the

philosophical spirit of the eighteenth century, marks the end of the Old Regime and

the beginning of a new era.

At the end of World War II, the United Nations on October 24, 1945 is

created with the signing of the charter of the United Nations by 51 countries, in

order to maintain international peace and security. Subsequently, the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on 10 December 1948. And Latin

OAS also adopted the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human

Rights, adopted in San Jose is created , Costa Rica on November 22, 1969.

Now they should be guaranteed beyond approval but had to sign them to

ratify and publish. Thus human rights are part of the rule of law and the

constitutionality of the signatory as the same cover Civil, Political, Economic, Social

and Cultural rights.

Democratic security is also related to human rights, otherwise it is not

effective application of public security policies. All plans are based on democratic

security guaranteeing citizens' rights enshrined in the civil and political, social,

economic and cultural agreements covenants.

2.6.1 The relationship between democracy and human rights

In its contemporary conceptualization, democracy has been closely linked to

the respect of human rights, because certain political regime can not be described

as democratic if within the same gross and systematic violations of human rights

occur. It can be argued that at least it is possible to find a field in which the

projection of democratic values is unquestionable.

Thus democracy, as noted D. Beetham, understand, today, as one of its

components, recognition and respect for civil and political rights also equal rank,

such rights.

To understand, in its effects, these two aspects together should define the

content thereof in the international order and note that in regional areas of law,

have become legitimate force democracy.

In the American system the recognition and protection of human rights has

expressed a clear link established between rights and democratic society, as

interpretive identifying the limits of the rights recognized in the Covenant on Human

Rights Inter. In this regard, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has stated

that "the concept of rights and freedoms and, therefore, of their guarantees, is also

inseparable from the system of values and principles that inspire. In a democratic

society, the rights and freedoms inherent in the person, the guarantees and the

rule of law form a triad of components each of which is defined, complete and

makes sense in terms of the others. " In regard to Latin American integration, the

relationship between democracy and human rights is of particular relevance, since

the democratization of Latin America and the Caribbean is an undeniable fact that

emerged from new RIAs.







3.1 -. Overview of public policy for democratic security.

In several countries in the region have implemented public policies for

democratic security in order to guarantee the fundamental rights of citizens, the

formation of programs to preserve and strengthen the political climate based on

democracy has been a task set countries enjoying over 30 years in democracy.The

policies are grounded in the rule of law, security of persons and property, and

regional security organization and institutionalization, according to "democratic

security treaty framework of Central America."

On this case the Dominican Republic has adopted a stance of joining this

international agreement, in order to take a geostrategic commitment to tackle crime

and transnational organized crime because relations between countries are very

good and there is a great degree of cooperation .

The objective of this intervention is to provide the experience that Central

American countries have accumulated in the development of collaborative

processes among states for public policy for the defense sector and identify

possible strategies for future collaboration.

Despite how it appears in recorded programs, these policies have a vital

task in several topics characterized treaties.

Possible collaboration between States and some sectors of society, in this

context usually expression was directly or indirectly a confrontation with other

sectors of society. Authoritarian form of government and armed conflict as a

political phenomenon that occurred in the region for decades dictated logic

relationship with the idea of "collaboration" not responding to the needs of public

policy for the common good, but survival needs of a question that sought political

enforcer to social protest. This prevailed in the Cold War era, the episode ends and

we find another drama with prevailing alternatives, is only the case of the

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). 12

But now the picture has changed. The States of Central America have been

able to exorcise the ghost of regional conflict, have been able to put an end to

internal armed conflicts that had developed in her womb, and representative

democracy have adopted as a standard for the regulation of relations of power

within society.

This is a process still underway, democracy is established in the region, as

evidenced by compliance in each of the countries of the basic conditions of all

electoral democracy. However, the consolidation of democracy depends not on the

survival of these minimum conditions that serve the political sphere, but the

extension of the principles and values that democracy provides for regulating

power relations at all areas of social life: economic, social, occupational, familial,

etc..From this point of view, the construction of democracy is an ongoing process,

with diversity of scale and scope and under different conditions, companies in Latin

America face the limitations and shortcomings of the young to advance democracy

and its consolidation, both the development of political institutions, such as the

democratization of all social relations under consideration; Bernardo Arévalo de

León in his publication ¨ public security policies and democratic governance: elements for building

intersectoral collaboration in Central ¨ . 13

3.2 -. Impact of the security and defense of democratic

security in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Security and defense are the prerogative of States to make a commitment to

having a military force ready to provide national security and defense of their

territory from any threat no matter its nature. Historically, military forces have been

present in all manifestations of the Free States. As is the case in Latin America and

the Caribbean, their presence has been outstanding, but have participated in

sounded against the constitutional order, it looks like your part and negative in one

case and not in others have advocated a constitutional government.

Yet the Armed Forces are part of the democratic security policy,

subordinate to the civil power, to be able to defend national sovereignty and

popular will preserve democracy as the only way to peace and social stability.

In the last thirty years have seen progress in the area of civil-military

relations by changes internally in our Armed Forces, with the doctrinal addressing

a new mission. Democracy has become a target, at least the declared across the


Most analysts of this issue of Armed Forces agree that these institutions are

inherently conservative. The armed forces in a democracy are, in many respects,

and beyond all, different from an authoritarian regime. It is vital for the maintenance

of a democratic government in Latin America that security and defense are part of

the strategic policies of the nation, the military forces fulfill their role or duties in the

context of democratic values. 14

3.3 -. Role of regional bodies for democratic security .

In the region there are several agencies political, social, economic and

cultural, are linked to the same democratic security. agencies What are

these?Economic Commission for Latin America, ECLAC, the Central American

Integration System (SICA) the Organization of American States (OAS), the Andean

Community (CAN), the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), the Caribbean

Community (CARICOM), the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Community

of Latin American and Caribbean (CELAC), the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples

of Our America (ALBA) Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Central American

Parliament (PARLACEN) and other integration schemes worldwide and

international institutions.

What has been the contribution of these organizations to democratic

security? Aiming to strengthen international relations between states of Latin

America, these bodies make a significant contribution to the consolidation of

democracy, the development of peoples, because they need mutual aid,

cooperation in various screeds public policy of a country, and that is achieved

progress in regional integration through these agencies with a permanent presence

in the history of diplomatic relations.

To encompass the economic, political and social lines has had to resort to

such bodies to understand that it takes a body balance which is used when there

are some conflicts or crises between countries whose interests are violated by

those with greater force to worldwide. The countries of the region and of these

summits held agreements and treaties arise; in the area of democratic security the

free trade agreement with the United States, Petrocaribe, CELAC in Caracas

Declaration, Declaration of the Heads of State of the member countries of the

Forum of Latin American Pacific Basin is signed is highlighted.

The reduction of poverty is seen as a political goal, their presence in the

region prevents the development of peoples, that is why bodies dealing with this

subject as millennium goal. Another contribution of international organizations is

through the funding and how to access soft loans, resources for the purpose of

being able to carry out the development of investment programs.

As part of international policy in the region has benefited from the

Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) created in 1959, which provides funding to

the poorest countries in the region as a contribution to its democratic security.

Another program created in January 1962 by the government of the United

States is THE ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS, which established priorities for

improving economic conditions in some countries in the region. The aid is targeted

technical assistance to reduce poverty and strengthen democratic ties with the

United States.

These regional and international bodies have been instrumental in Latin

America and the Caribbean achieved boost development, maintain political stability

in the democratic framework and overcome the setback meant the existence of

dictatorial governments, internal conflicts and revolutionaries, now turn to enjoy a

peace that took much effort and sacrifice of men and Latin women.

3.4 -. Democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean

Democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean to be approached

on two criteria: first : the functionality of the democratic system, and second : the

factors of perceived security and respect for human rights. Democratic security is

not only political stability, free elections, or absence of coups, but rather safety-

related conditions; in this region have adopted policies with efforts to ensure it

several agreements. The safety initiative the Caribbean Basin under the leadership

of the United States poses a strategic security perspective hemisphere directed to

strengthen their capacity to address common challenges such as illicit trafficking,

enhance public safety and promote social justice.

Common problems of security in the Caribbean require common responses,

more interregional coordination. For some time, CARICOM and the Organization of

Caribbean States (OEC) have attempted to boost cooperation mechanisms.

Hemispheric region faces several threats that becomes a vulnerable area,

although their democratic governments to ensure respect for human rights, is

considered the most violent in the world with high levels of insecurity becoming a

social problem more than 140,000 homicides a year and great loss of human and

economic resources, not less than 14% of annual GDP, causing an erosion of

democratic institutions. There are regional differences: the Andean region is the

most complex, then follows Central America and finally the Southern Cone.

Democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean has been the

subject of several reports on the progress achieved. Governance is one of the

indices that point which has been his stay and outcomes experienced an

accelerated process of political, economic and social changes since the 1980s in

the third wave, the new democracies called technocrats have been able to play its

role on some States characterized by neoliberal economic policies. The democratic

populism has been confronting the neoliberal and producing changes in

acceptance of the voters, democracy also faces the problem of administrative

corruption wearing governments to commit such acts.

The neoliberal economic policies often become blamed for the decline of

democratic security, that is why it is assumed even by the lack of political

stability.While obviously the technocratic strata loaded with guilt. The application of

the law, the rule of law and equality before the law are garantistas rights that must

be protected in democratic governments, however the topic more justice in Latin

America has created a culture of inequality before the law, producing a adverse to

democracy because it increases poverty, corruption and cronyism characterized by

the inability of institutions to respond to social demands, under a free regime, with

regular and transparent elections to show that the democratic system is

legitimately accepted factor.

In effect based Latino Barometer 2010 indicates that 70% of citizens

surveyed in Latin America and the Caribbean believes that democracy has

problems, but is a good system; 66% say it is the best system to get to do a

developed country; 62% say that in no circumstances would support a military

government, 53% believe that democracy is preferable to any other form of

government; 59% believe that there can be no democracy without a parliament,

while 54% believe that there can be no democracy are political parties; 53%

believe that democracy can solve the problems that have as a country. There are

11 of the 18 countries where more than 60% of the population says that voting is

effective and in 13 of the 18 countries more than 50% believe in the efficacy of the

vote to change things.

This study shows that the majority of the population is sympathetic to

democracy, are the people who are empowered to maintain democratic

governments and stay for more than 30 years and even demand better social and

economic conditions for the rest of the population, which when making any

decisions at the political level must be approved by the people as the star of the

reality of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Democratic security tends to citizenship dela nation in which project leaders

seeking innovative ideas to improve social welfare and reject any solution by

military means. This is the case of Venezuela when it declined to give a coup

President Hugo Chavez and another case of Honduras when the legislature

associated with military power took the government of José Manuel Zelaya

Rosales, acts that were rejected by other countries of the Organization of American

States (OAS).

According to a report published by UNDP in 2004 established the levels of

democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean, among them are included as the

most democratic Cost Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic and Uruguay, this is due to

the civic culture of the exercise of rights and levels of support for democracy.

In the case of Dominican Republic, the country has played a role or role in

democracy to the rest of the other countries identified with excellent diplomatic

relations, marked by over 30 years of democracy makes this country as a defender

of the rights citizens and promoting the maintenance of peace in the region, is

included in the 3rd wave according to Samuel Huntington.

The defense of the country to democratic security in Latin America and the

Caribbean necessarily related to foreign policy with the United States, provided

these relationships significantly influence the political position of the Dominican

State regarding this issue.

The Carter administration had an effect on the political developments in the

region and then the Carter center influences how choice policies of governments,

provided this was contrary to the dictatorial currents enthroned in the region.

The Dominican Republic took advantage of this policy of human rights

proclaimed by Jimmy Carter in the midst of the Cold War was a strong ideological

difference versus socialism or communism.

Very few achievements that can be presented in the Dominican Republic by

the defense of democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean because we

have to face several challenges in the economic, political, and social.

Economic openness and foreign investment in Latin America and the

Caribbean has been the only source of funding able to curb domestic inflation and

shift to moderate growth. The macro-economic policy paid off positive and tourism

development permit growth for bigger jobs and achieve economic levels according

to ECLAC in 1980 Latin America the richest 10% of the population owned a volume

of income 21 times higher the income of the poorest 40%. For 1990, 10% more

privileged absorbed 27 times more income by receiving 40% less favored this is a

sign of poverty presented by ECLAC. These figures influence human development

scheme in the region and therefore in democratic security

So far in the region the Organization of American States (OAS) is not

considered that it has provided both in terms of nature of security, political, and

democratic security, has only obeyed external pressures in order to maintain its

leadership in the region . Their missions are limited and very questionable,

focusing on a new agenda based face new threats: drug trafficking, terrorism,

immigration, smuggling and trafficking in persons and smuggling of weapons.

3.5 -. Perspective on Citizen Security in the Dominican


The Dominican Republic made in the year 2005 the first public safety plan

called DEMOCRATIC SECURITY PLAN (PSD) , in order to maintain public

tranquility and peace, as well as guarantees of citizens' rights. This plan included

the implementation several sub-programs: reform of the national police, safe

neighborhood, safe town, village public safety, food network, protecting victims of

violence, health and safety, alcoholic beverage control, control firearms, control

and regulation of fireworks, roadside assistance, immigration program

regularization of foreigners, naturalization, called 911, and interagency

coordination committee micro strategies against drug trafficking and sorting fire

departments. Each sub-program had its objective and the actions to take.

NATIONAL POLICE REFORM : Adapt to the institution in the organizational

order to be effective, and to ensure the exercise of the rights of citizens in a

democratic state.

SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD: empower neighborhood leaders to the issue of

security and link with state agencies in cooperation to seek peaceful solutions to

conflicts generated within the most vulnerable society solutions.


microcredit portfolio to the most deprived persons operating as small businesses in

the targeted neighborhoods. Financing business was achieved 2,747 total 12,813

direct beneficiaries.

A ROOF FOR MY NEIGHBORHOOD . Help facilitate the improvement of

the poorest households to enjoy a decent roof people.

Before applying a diagnosis was made in the National District and neighborhoods

Santiago, indicating very high crime rate, and a high perception of insecurity which

placed the country at a high risk of crime.

Other programs implemented as social assistance, arms control, and limiting

the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages, came to bring a complement that affected

the decrease violent acts. The effectiveness of the Democratic Security Plan had

its positive and negative effects for years after crime rates soared.

This shows that democratic states have to adopt public policies on citizen

security, the rule of law is preserved and that the citizen has no protection if

nothing had better enjoy a government that claims to be a guarantor of freedom.

Crime rate in the Dominican Republic (2000-2010).

Years old Homicide Rate

2000 14.6

2001 12.8

2002 14.9

2003 21.8

2004 25.2

2005 26.3

2006 23.6

2007 22.1

2008 24.8

2009 25.02

2010 25.01

Source statistics department of the national police

A report on the violence in Dominican Republic: nature, recent developments and

prospects Control * by Dr. Mayra Brea Edylberto Dr. Cabral Cabral of the Autonomous

University of Santo Domingo said: "That the assessments made by the same official sector

Safe Neighborhoods program highlights however, three weaknesses:

1. The inability of state institutions to respond to permanent and growing to multiple social and

economic causes of violence and marginality way.

February. Failure of Police for lack of human and material resources, to expand in its task of


March. Limitations neighborhood organizations to integrate prevention. "

Graph of violent deaths in years 1991-2008 RD

Source / IPSU /

Perception of Public Safety. Crime rates have increased in Dominican

Republic in the last 10 years despite the figures, and statistics are not very

accurate, the offense has been associated with the most populated cities Santo

Domingo, Santiago and San Cristobal another factor to micro-traffic affecting any

citizen transiting through the city streets. The levels of perceived insecurity in the

region exceeds the 53.8% in Dominican Republic varies by 46.5% this percentage

gives the country where the perception of crime is among the highest in the region

because in recent years has had to implement programs of crime control to bring

calm to the population and minimize this perception.

This scenario demonstrates that public policies on citizen security properly

implemented still positive for democratic security.

3.6 -. Contributions of the Dominican Republic to the defense

of democratic security in Latin America and the Caribbean.

From the government of Juan Bosch, (1963) the Dominican Republic, a new

stage in the democratic construction that required a constitutional

amendment.Several institutional changes that was just emerging from a

dictatorship over thirty years were given. President Juan Bosch to take over the

government, urged the people to throw fear to fight for maintaining a democratic

society, with civil liberties and social justice with these words there was a strong

interest of sustaining democracy with the support of the people, though seven

months after military groups produce a hit State constitutional government.

This government in only seven months evinced a nationalist and

progressive, seeking political and economic development of the nation. But social

groups disagreed with that freedom and openness of the political ideal

transformers confused government with socialist ideals. Democratic security was

absent at that time was not known as such because it is a modern trend practiced

in the absence of global ideological bipolarity.

The defense of democratic security in Dominican Republic was historically

manifested in the revolution of April 1965, where the return to constitutional

government, which brought the consequences of a second military intervention by

the United States to impose geopolitical interests were required Empire North.

This event led by the Constitutionalists including Colonel Francisco Alberto

Caamano, were forced to negotiate the international conflict with the Organization

of American States (OAS) and the National Reconciliation Act was signed. The two

governments agreed to step down and choose a provisional Civil

Government.Other agreements were the holding of elections in 1966, the

declaration of a general amnesty, disarmament of civilians and the withdrawal of

the U.S. military. This agreement is another element that has to do with democratic

security in Dominican Republic . 15

Since 1966-1978 the Dominican Republic on a democratic basis transited

very challenged by the opposition, it was a very difficult period for the country, the

desire for continuity politically affected his administration Dr. Joaquín Balaguer

Ricardo, had to face opposition iron, even to the extent of political persecution,

political prisoners and the occurrence of alleged killings of opposition leaders, trade

union, university students, journalists etc., perpetrated by uncontrollable

government groups, generating many questions against the government

considered by many critics as an opponent of democracy.

Democratic security begins to be taken into account in the latest wave of

democratization in 1978 when the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) won the

elections in that year as the main opposition party the Reform Party. (Rosario

Espinal political scientist) said the following: " The attempt of electoral fraud in the vote

count generated an internal political crisis that resonated internationally, and both the Socialist

International and the United States, expressed their opposition to fraud, thus facilitating the process

of political transition in 1978 . " About this event suggests that governments in the

region were concerned that the popular will expressed at the polls was respected

even if necessary take all achievable measures of democratic security, military

forces are not resisted those claims although the heat of the elections openly

supported the continuity and only subjected to the civil power.

From this change democracy has endured for over 30 years, accompanied

by three constitutional reforms. It has prevailed alternative presence of three

political parties (PRD, PLD and PRSC) that have alternated power on several

occasions, but persists political patronage drawing sideways democratic power

and participation of citizens in politics.

Courting democracy has been achieved through the efforts of many people

who sacrificed for freedom this people should not abandon any particular

interest.Democratic institutions must be strengthened to obtain the support of the

people. The defense of democratic security is embodied in two scenarios: one

doctrinal and legal (rule of law) nature and other classroom-based (national

security) resting on security and national defense.

Democracy in the Dominican Republic has been strengthened, and so

indicate the surveys conducted by Latino barometer as to the confidence of

citizens in the political system, and as an example the measurements made in the

year 2010 are described.

Support for democracy in the region

Despite the economic crisis, democracy has continued to be supported by

the population. Between 2008 and 2010 in our country that confidence ranges

between 68% and 74%. Our findings revolve around the maintenance of the

citizenry is able to maintain a democratic security has made significant contribution

in the region.

System Support

Although democracy has strong support does not mean that governments

have a good performance and support of the population, in this case the political

system is highly contested and that does not meet the expectations of the agent

and this generates little system support Dominican Republic indicators show that in

2008 with a 57.6% and 53.9% in 2010.

Satisfaction with democracy

Around this indicator variable is common in supporting democracy, ie people

sometimes feel not feel satisfied in the best way with government, as to Dominican

Republic values are 2008 54.0% and 2010 50.7% . With the conclusion that the

population has a slightly lower satisfaction perception of how the government

handled economically and politically, making it clear that there is a social debt.

Support for Military Coups

Although the region in such actions no longer occur there is the conviction

that the economic crisis led to military groups banging United but once taken over

the same economic crisis prevents them continue to exercise

government. Respondents would support a coup with different conditions: high

unemployment, high crime, and high corruption in Dominican Republic in 2008 to

31.7% in 2010 32.2%. These findings demonstrate the low percentage of the

population to support a military coup no matter the conditions that exist certain

threats that disrupt democratic security. 16

3.6.1 -. Conventions and treaties on democratic security .

In Latin America have created various regional agreements are made

Framework Treaty on Democratic Security in Central America , including the

States of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama,

and then adhered the Dominican Republic. This agreement is a management

model of international partnership in order to integrate these countries for the

consolidation of democracy, development and hemispheric security.

This document has been instrumental defense of democratic security in the

region where all countries assume that commitment. A similar document is the

Democratic Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS). The treaty

framework components are based on the rule of law, the guarantee of fundamental

economic freedoms, social justice, and democratic values.

It also serves to resolve situations that violate the peace and affect the

security of any state. To the extent that has consolidated democracy countries

have made much progress in the quality of life for residents and exceeded internal

armed conflict. The current liberal democracy today is affected by crime, youth

violence, gangs, terrorism and narco activity.

Has been appointed as a Democratic Central American Security model that

supports the strengthening of civilian power, ensure public safety, overcoming

poverty, protecting the environment, controlling violence, trafficking in arms and

persons and facing the problem of illegal immigration.

Basically the treaty protocol comes Tegucigalpa containing cooperation for

democracy, rule of law, the principle of the subordination of the armed forces and

the police, face public or private corruption. Recognize the importance of those

security forces guide their actions in the resolutions of the United Nations. Maintain

mutual respect among nations parties where required not to allow their territories

destabilizing any action or task that threatens peace in the region.

All these conditions will allow the consolidation of democracy held by

governments maintaining good governance bailing equal fundamental rights of

people and systematic decisions opt potential economic and social policy impact.

Within this context, the Dominican Republic plays a role in defending

democratic security, as a free and sovereign State is actively involved in diplomatic

or political relations with other neighboring nations that are committed to make the

same commitment.

We can describe the role played by the country in defense of democratic

security in the XX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Rio Group, on

March 7, 2008 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in which governments of

Colombia and Ecuador were able to make peace, generated an international

conflict between two nations, President of Colombia Alvaro Uribe accused the

President of Ecuador Rafael Correa to cover in their country groups of the FARC,

and he accused Uribe of that his country's troops raided his territory after attacking

and killing several fighters including one of their leaders Raúl Reyes.

The participation of the president of the host country Dr. Leonel Fernández

Reyna, in this peace agreement was significant with the call for "unity of America"

because it could save the stability of international relations between democratic

governments serving space to discuss on the diplomatic crisis that pitted Ecuador

with Colombia and Venezuela , and that led to a harsh exchange of accusations.

Another case that is highlighted is the coup in Honduras, on June 28, 2009

the constitutional government of President Manuel Zelaya, who won the rejection

of the other countries in the region, the Dominican Republic condemned the coup

and maintained a diplomatic balance address this political event hosting as a

political exile Manuel Zelaya, and continued to play a conciliatory role in the

crisis. The OAS suspended Honduras as a member of the organization until the

country "restore democratic government."

The election of the Secretary General of the Organization of American

States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, in May 2005, was produced with the support of

the vast majority of States parties including the Dominican Republic, the country's

mission to the OAS, held a strong position regardless of the interest shown by the

United States in another candidate. The coalition of states that supported

democratic Insulza maintained security in the region.

As for international relations and its link with the democratic security in Latin

America and the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic supports the various

initiatives to maintain regional security. Is the case of Inter-American Treaty of

Reciprocal Assistance, also known as the Rio Treaty or Treaty of Rio, and the

American Treaty on Pacific Settlement Pact of Bogotá.

In 1991, the Santiago Commitment to Democracy and the Renewal of the

Inter-American System which states "the need to promote representative

democracy as an indispensable condition for the stability, peace and development

in the region" was approved. This commitment, along with Resolution 1080,

constituted collective action mechanisms of the organization through which they

could deal with situations of threat to democratic institutions in some Member

States. This resolution was put forward by the Member States of the OAS on four

occasions: Haiti (1991), Peru (1992), Guatemala (1993) and Paraguay (1996).

The Organization of American States (OAS) has been for several years a

series of political interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean, where the

Dominican Republic held a position of political balance in the sphere of external


OAS intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean


1991 Haiti Coup President Jean B Aristides 1080

1992 Peru Government of Alberto Fujimori, stroke institutional 1080


1993 Guatemala President Jorge Serrano Elias, ordered the

suspension of several articles of the Constitution.


1996 Paraguay The resistance of General Oviedo to abide by the

presidential Wasmosy


Year Country Juncture Application

2002 Venezuela Coup against President Hugo Chavez

Article 20


2005 a

nd 2008

Bolivia Successive political crises and violent street

demonstrations Invocation Generic

2004 Peru Clashes between the branches of government

Invocation Generic




Nicaragua Clashes between President Enrique Bolaños

and Parliament Article 18

2005 Ecuador President Lucio Gutiérrez removed in the Supreme

Court and appointed new members unconstitutionally

2009 Honduras Coup against President Manuel Zelaya. Honduras I

remain suspended from participating in the OAS Articles 20 and 21

Data compiled by the author


In the present investigation has been reported chronology of democracy in

Latin America, seen as a system in the early twentieth century began to produce

political changes in the different States, however international politics influenced

the presence of government characterized by despotism, warlordism, and long

dictatorships, who obeyed the moment tempered by the geopolitical world order

divided into two bipolar currents that marked the Cold War.

This ideological struggle between capitalism and communism prevailed

permanently in the region, most of these governments were supported by one of

these streams, represented by the U.S. and the USSR. Another phenomenon

occurred in Latin America, were the various revolutions or internal armed conflict,

which sought to impose their ideologies against imperialism. The common enemy

represented communism.

Elapsed the Cold War, leads to international organizations, with a

commitment to establish political stability in the region, gradually disappearing

dictatorships, and emerge a new security policy in the region. Democracy is a

symbol of development, cultural, economic and political development of institutions

capable of responding to the needs of the people in education, food, housing,

health, culture, work, other fundamental rights.

Democracy is focused on another nature, which makes it more important,

plays a decisive role in the future of Spanish-speaking peoples. The governments

of national concentration, liberalism, democratic security, democratic socialism, is

what we are experiencing today.

Is achieved by producing public policies that strengthen democratic security,

in the fight for social equality in poverty reduction and macroeconomic

equilibrium. A threat to democracy is foreign debt, which in many cases has been

the collapse of democratic governments in Latin America and the Caribbean. The

economic factor measures the perception of people about their government, if a

weak economy is high perception of insecurity and conversely if a strong economic

policy society values their rulers well with a high perception of security.

In each country under review is a common component that makes the policy

of the various governments, facing a crisis, dictatorial regimes under the leadership

of the military arise. Moreover, the popular will as a result of any group seizes

power at will and manage the country's destiny is imposed. International relations

in the defense significantly influenced the maintenance of democratic systems that

prevail in the region today.

With harmonize conditions between the states of Latin America has been a

phenomenon in particular that despite the difficulties faced by the region, as a

crisis of political, economic, and ideological, countries have faced bravely with such

threats, without the support of the most powerful nations, Latin America has

achieved many successes and different lines already identified.

The economy in the last ten years has been in the context of

macroeconomic stability, experiencing a slight increase. Seeking to maintain

connections with the various regional bodies that relate to the economy, trade and

productivity. But however this has failed, reducing extreme poverty, illiteracy, infant

mortality, crime, drug trafficking, violence, unemployment, immigration, lack of

opportunities, hunger, and the violation of human rights . These threats

endangering democratic security so much effort has cost the Latin American


The Dominican Republic, in the defense of democratic security in LA and the

Caribbean, has played a central role because of its geographical location in the

region, only participated in all meetings and summits of heads of state and their

representatives presented good proposals to address the threats identified above

with a view to contributing to peace and development of the Caribbean and

continental peoples, is not much that can be said about the achievements obtained

in the country in defense of democratic security, His example says it all.

Democracy is the product of wills emanating from the majority to decide the

fate of a nation free. Security is a faculty that keeps belongings safe state those

that are acquired by people. In this case it is the democratic security is an abstract

security is not physical, not touched, is similar to the legal certainty applies to

preserve the application of laws in a state, so it is the democratic security not seen

is not a person or thing but it relates to people living in an organized society

represented by a nation or state.

The term of democratic security is new, is associated with security in general

term is typical of the conditions prevailing in a State, for its sovereign

conservation. System of government to promote flying characteristics guarantees

fundamental rights of citizens the enjoyment of civil and political, economic, social

and cultural rights that vision puts governments in a complex and responsible

situation, once allows the conquered people such powers can not violate those

rights, so there assume the defense of democratic security is in the hands of


In short, the Dominican Republic has excellent diplomatic relations with all

State of Latin America and the Caribbean including Cuba for special reasons to

retaining different to other countries in the region socialist system. This paper

shows how Dominican Republic is a democratic path, how to assume their role in

relation to other countries and their links. In this perspective the role of the

Dominican Republic in defense of democratic security in Latin America and the

Caribbean is analyzed.

The space left by the end of the Cold War, Perestroika, bipolarity, the union

of Germany and the near disappearance of coups, what comes to occupy the

democratic order itself attracts other challenges of capitalism, the rapid growth

Asian economies, the creation of the European Union, neoliberal governments,

globalization, social democracy, social exclusion, extreme poverty, world hunger,

terrorism, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, illegal migration or immigration, makes

the States come together to seek an appropriate solution to these new threats that

do not cause more damage to the democratic system.

Bodies worldwide UN has established resolutions, conventions and treaties

that regulate processes in 193 countries worldwide political, economic, and

social; equally regional bodies such as Latin America have had a significant

presence in the same order, seeking integration, development, peace and security

of the peoples of Latin America. Democratic security depends categorically effort to

make all institutions of the State, so that citizens can fully enjoy a citizens'

democracy is more democracy to use democracy constitutions of advanced

societies, laying down a State law outlines that for many the ideal of democracy.


1 -. As a contribution to society and those scholars safety, we recommend

that it be continued research from another perspective. Considering that is very

widely from different points of view, for a contribution to the political system of the

power groups that only through democracy people manage development.

. 2 - Create strategic plans to maintain the democratic security of the country

and the rest of the region, to maintain security and defense.

3 -. Reorient the fight against new threats, such as drug trafficking,

organized crime, youth violence, illegal immigration, arms trafficking, smuggling

and trafficking in persons, as the only way to maintain peace, democracy and

social life in Latin America and the Caribbean.



1. Sustainable development -. sustainable development here is

called é l development that is able to meet current needs without

compromising the resources and possibilities of future

generations. Intuitively a sustainable activity is here é call that can be

maintained. ( / cast / sustainable / soscast.htm)

2. Democr to cia -. 's a system that allows you to organize a collection

of individuals, in which power does not reside in one person but distributed

among all citizens. Therefore, decisions are made u n s Eye View of a

majority or y. 17th

3. Matches í pol ticos -. The set of individuals who re u nen and work

together in order to gain power and achieve their proposals for the

organization or social n. 18

4. Globalization or n -. means reconnecting the human

community. Defined by Webster as a process that converts various activities

and aspirations "global in scope or application things or n ".

5. Socialism - A system of social organization or economic or mica n

and based on the ownership and administration or collective or state n of the

means of production or ny is proposed which gradually walks away. Í theory

raised by Karl Marx in the mid-nineteenth century.

6. War fr t . a - Finali Zado conflict b é lico Second orld War or the War

inici Fr í a, which maintained two opposing ideologies í world as: capitalist

and socialist until mid d é each of 1980. 19

7. Econom í world. - The set of social productive business

relationships, financial, monetary, and pol t policies that make the order or

global econ mico, under which forms of production or between ny

cooperation or n t pa are structured ses.

8. Human security -. means protecting vital freedoms of individuals

exposed to certain situations and threats. Creating systems that give people

the elements b musicians to survival, dignity and livelihood.

9. To democratic security policy -. pol í is a government policy paper

proposing a m to s active society, inside of the struggle of the state and its

organs or security against the threat to the occurrence of violence, and

criminal actions.

10. Narcotr to fico. - The narcotr to trafficking is the illegal drug trade

t or xicas in large quantities. The process begins with the cultivation of

substances continues with the production or ny or ends with the distribution

and sale is usually conducted by various posters that specialize in a certain

part of the chain.

11. Insecurity -. C oncept public safety é n can also refer to the

practices of pr ny defense or protection of citizenship í to by the state or

government, in pursuit of transforming an insecure one stage or socially

violent arm or mail.

12. Human rights -. those rules and prerogatives are inherent to human

beings, which serve as protection or n to freely exercise such powers,

universally recognized.

13. Homeland Security -. intr í n Function or nseca state that seeks to

protect its people, institutions or territory against any internal or external

threat. 20

14 -. Defending National -.'s action to maintain security objectives, the first

responsibility lies with the military. 21



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