does your digital footprint stink?

Post on 06-May-2015






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Are you concerned what your online reputation says about you? Have you applied for a job or a college, been rejected, and suspect your digital footprint is the culprit? Realizing that you have a digital footprint and reviewing it is the first step to improving your online reputation. In this presentation, you will examine the idea of a digital footprint. You will learn how your digital footprint impacts your reputation overall. Finally, you will explore strategies to create an active, positive digital footprint that will enhance your overall reputation. This presentation is for anyone who has ever posted anything online. In this presentation, you will learn about: - Digital footprints both active and passive. - Finding and assessing your digital footprint. - Impact your digital footprint has on your reputation. - Items employers and colleges do and don't want to see when reviewing your digital footprint. - Strategies for creating a positive, active digital footprint.


Does your digital footprint


Stan Skrabut@uwcesedtech#uwces

What you do electronically is adding to your digital footprint.

Each one of you has a digital footprint that affects your reputation.

You may be aware that you have a digital footprint but do you know if it is helping or hurting your reputation?

You want to present the best image possible through online sources.

I will show you strategies to take to help create a positive digital footprint.

What is a digital footprint?

A digital footprint is everything found online about a person.

Your active digital footprint is everything that you intentionally placed online.

Your passive digital footprint is everything that someone else wrote or posted about you.

You are striving for a positive image or “brand”.

The easiest way to find your digital footprint is to search for your name on Google.

Not only search for your name, but also search with modifiers such as jobs or schools.

Work to improve your SERP “search engine results page” status.

What you do and say online has consequences.

Employers and school admissions regularly check social media on new applicants.

70% of recruiters have rejected applications because of questionable content.

Some employers have hired a candidate based on what they have found online.

To be hired or admitted, you need to maintain a professional and positive image.

What employers and colleges do not what to see.

Do not post provocative or inappropriate photos.

Do not post about drinking or drug use.

Do not bad mouth or rant about previous employers, co-workers, or clients.

Do not use poor communication skills such as emoticons or text language.

Do not make derogatory, discriminating, or harassing comments.

Do not lie about qualifications.

Here are things that employers and colleges do want to see.

Do create a profile that highlights your personality. Are you a good fit?

Create a profile that highlights your qualifications.

Show your creativity.

Demonstrate your communication skills.

Show that you are well-rounded.

Show off your awards and accolades.

Posts from other people when they are speaking good about you.

Here are strategies for developing a positive, active

digital footprint.

Control your privacy in the different applications to allow only what you want to allow.

Don’t give out personal information, or personal information of others.

Increase the privacy settings so that you can highlight the positive, and restrict access to the negative.

Be selective of the “friends” you connect to.

A positive digital footprint is a matter of being found. Create profiles on key sites, and use them.

Use your real name when creating accounts. Your name is your brand.

Be selective about which sites you join.

Control your message by thinking about everything you post.

Do not post anything you would not be able to say in front of friends, coworkers, family, and teachers.

Always pause before you hit the submit button to read what you have written.

Producing online content such as blogs and videos helps to highlight your creative side.

Do not hide behind the computer screen to say things that you would never say in person.

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