
Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Hannibal Barca

Brainwash yourself: you've got to believe your message. Dogs smell worry and humans sense deceit. Some individuals may be tricked into basic cognitive process a lie, however the most effective and also the brightest solely follow what they sense is truth. Learn additional regarding indoctrination yourself, and also the importance of memory within the method.

Share your vision properly: If you think in your goals while not sceptical, and share those goals with individuals to point out your purpose and direction, they're going to follow. However the vision you share ought to differ from your own personal vision. Individuals have their own goals and purpose – they're going to solely follow you if they will fulfill those goals through your goals. Don’t slug your goal; however solely voice the goals among your vision that are relevant to your followers.

Live and act precisely however you wish your followers to: Hannibal didn’t simply point out his vision – he lived it. He slept within the dirt along with his troopers, wore identical garments that they did, and ate the same food.

Do more than your followers: individuals will solely obey for therefore long. they require to follow leaders that square measure going somewhere they require to be. use caution to perform to the next normal you’re your followers; if you’re unable to try to do this, at terribly least build the impression that you just square measure. Either approach they have to examine that the person they need chosen to follow is a lot of dedicated than they're – otherwise they’ll follow some other person. For the mercenary troopers this might have meant following the comfort of a unique route – the route back home to safety, women, and luxury.

Get off your high horse: Hannibal not solely slept within the same field and ate a similar food as his men – he created some extent of sporting garments that place him on a similar level as his men. He didn’t wear a crown, or a rank badge – he communicated to his followers that he was participating in their vision. If your goal in leading is to realize power or recognition that you just will hold over those around you, get an edge on yourself and perceive that nobody can follow this sort of outlook. Don’t push your vision, instead show that you just square measure a significant a part of their vision. The foremost powerful key of leadership is during this delicate variety of communication. Individuals don’t wish to be controlled.

Roman Strategy

Advantage of Roman sea supremacy: Their ability to control the sea lines of communication of central and western Mediterranean enabled them to move and resupply large forces at will.

Roman strategy first changed once Scipio the Elder the Elder, en-route by ocean to Iberia, learned of Hannibal’s movement towards range of mountains, Scipio

returned to Italy to confront Hannibal with forces left to control the Gauls in northern Italy.Roman military strategy modified once more when perennial military science defeats. They adopted the policy of Fabius Maximus to accept their walled cities and road network to shadow Hannibal’s army in Italy, limit his ability to forage for provides, and stop his reinforcement. Fabian military strategy acknowledged that Roman defeats would weaken the hold of Rome on allies. Rome targeted on removing Iberian Peninsula as a supply of wealth and personnel for Carthage.

Tactics used by Hannibal:

1. The war had to be a ground war. Carthage refused to use its armed

service resources to confront Rome.

2. The most theater of war had to be fought in European nation. Fighting

Rome elsewhere would not threaten Roman political can.

3. Hannibal’s invasion of European nation had to be over land thanks to lack

of armed service support.

4. Hannibal had to seek out replacements for combat losses in European

nation. Carthage did not possess the advantage to resupply or reinforce


5. Hannibal had to cut back Rome’s men advantage through battle or

politics. Rome had to be willing to fight Hannibal on the piece of ground

and therefore the manpower resources of the Roman allies had to be

evoked off from Rome.

6. Rome had to be prevented from hanging directly at Iberia or Carthage.

Roman armies had to stay in European nation unable to strike at the

middle of Carthaginian wealth, Iberia, or the political center of the

Carthaginian Empire, North continent.

7. All of Rome’s armies couldn't be defeated. The political will of Roman

Senate was Rome’s center of gravity. Breaking which will may lead to a

accord advantageous to Carthage. The continual defeat of Roman armies

may lead to loss of political will in Senate.

For today’s world:

1. All parts of national power ought to be welded into a cohesive national

policy. Diplomatic talent will acquire what force cannot. Informational

power and economic power ought to be leveraged in concert with military

power to attain political goals. Military strategy should not lead political


2. A nation’s strategic endurance may be a central calculation for fulfillment

in warfare. Common support for the war furthermore because the

strategic resources to prosecute the war square measure required. Rome

clearly possessed bigger strategic endurance than Carthage.

3. So as to succeed you need to with success attack the enemy’s strategic

center of gravity. At the strategic level this is often the political can of the

enemy. Rome’s political can ne'er wavered through several defeats while

Carthage’s fragmented following military science defeat at battle of Zama.

4. Strategic assumptions should be valid or a thought is doomed to failure.

Carthage assumed Rome’s Italian and Latin allies would defect and

therefore rob Rome of its vital hands advantage. This assumption

evidenced invalid and doomed the Carthaginian strategy.

5. Theater strategy is dead through campaigns that encompass operations

synchronous in time and house. Rome with success coupled their

operations in Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, Macedonia, and eventually North

Africa into a war winning campaign.

6. Military power is handiest once exercised in an exceedingly synergistic

joint manner; Carthaginian leveraged military service power. A maritime

power that cannot management the ocean can stop to be an influence.

7. It's vital to strengthen success at the strategic level; to make on the

opportunities successes gift. Rome systematically strengthened successes

in far theaters, with success amusing Carthaginian resources from


8. Coalition warfare is troublesome however additionally has the potential

to supply significant benefits. Hannibal’s uncomparable army was a

coalition of a wide range of nationalities. Rome with success dulled

Macedonian efforts with cooperation with the Aetolian League.

9. Strategic leaders need coaching and knowledge. Military brilliance, as

evidenced by Hannibal, will atone for shortages in strategic resources.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan and his generals were good tacticians. Their armies of masterful

horsemen created fast, nimble maneuvers doable, and their ancient methods


1. Spy networks that spent months before associate degree attack

reconnaissance defenses, mapping roads and escape routes, noting offer

sources, and gathering intelligence on native defense and infrastructure.

2. Coordinated attacks that enclosed ambush, hit-and-run, and wave attacks.

one among the foremost victorious methods was the insincere retreat,

during which Genghis’s troops would faux defeat and run, solely to show

on following enemies.

3. Rapid communication that enclosed exploitation swift riders and a system

of relay links to pass messages to and from the front.

But ancient Mongol weapons and techniques were not effective once offensive

walled cities that the Mongols adopted massive military blockade weapons from

the Chinese, Persians, and Arabs, and developed effective new methods,


1. Catapulting massive stones, pathological animals, and flaming naptha

bombs over the walls.

2. Isolating town and pruning provides to starve inhabitants.

3. Damming or rerouting a stream to flood the city.

4. Lighting further campfires and putting straw solders on spare horses to

create the Mongol army seem larger than it absolutely was.

5. The Mongols became as efficient—and frightening—at military blockade

warfare as they were at cavalry attacks, exploit entire cities in ruins and

complete populations homeless.

The Genghis Khan Tactic includes answering 5 important questions to keep

businesses focused for the finale. This distills the business strategy into a page of

how it will get to the determined success as and how to keep it there.

1. What does success look like?

2. How can we deliver an advantage to our customers?

3. How can we go where no one else can go?

4. How can we get there with ruthless efficiency?

5. How do we secure where we have got to? – Securing position

Genghis khan theories that are relevant in today’s world

1. Have associate finish in Mind: For the Mongol soul, there was no such

issue as individual honor in battle if the battle was lost. As Genghis Khan

reportedly same, there's no sensible in something till it's finished.”

2. Lead from the Front : When it had been wet, we have a tendency to bore

the wet along, once it had been cold, we have a tendency to bore the cold


3. Have a Vision : Without the vision of a goal, a person cannot manage his

own life, a lot of less the lives of others…The people had a saying: ‘Unity of

purpose may be a fortune in affliction.’”

4. Be autonomous : Nobody is a lot of reliable than yourself. Though many

folks will be your helper, nobody ought to be nearer to you than your own

consciousness. Though their square measure several stuff you ought to

care for, nobody is a lot of valuable than your own life.”

5. Be Humble and moderate and Understand Your folks

6. Change the globe, however amendment it step by step: The vision

ought to never stray indifferent from the teaching of the elders. The

ancient tunic fits well and it is forever more comfortable; it endures the

adversities of the bush while the new or untested tunic is quickly torn.

Difference between strategic planning and tactical planning:

Strategic planning relates to problems pertinent to the mission of our tiny

business—the purpose of its existence. The responsibility for strategic coming

up with rests with us (and our partners and investors, if any). Nobody else is

ever aiming to try this to work for us, or without our involvement!

Tactical planning relates to actions taken regular, and whose results can move

the corporate forward to realize the objectives made public within the strategic

arrange. The responsibility to arrange this belongs to people who perform the

work. They’re really the sole ones qualified to arrange it. Strategic is that the

what and why. Military science is that the however.

The terms military science and strategic are basic to an understanding of the

various responsibilities connected to management and governance of any tiny

business. If we fail to try and do this for our company, then we are driving a one

thousand mile race while not carrying a roadmap. If we don’t understand

wherever we are going, or how we are aiming to get there, then we will finish up

somewhere else not be wherever we hoped.

The documentary of Hannibal and Genghis khan taught us to have a long term

strategy and along with that we must have a narrow tactics to overcome any

problem or achieve the desired result

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