the effect of using read, cover, remember

Post on 16-Jan-2023






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Degree of S.Pd (S.1) in English Education Program












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Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree

that the thesis by:

Name : Ika Febrianti Muanas

NIM : TE 161736

Department : English Education Program

Title : The Effect of Using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell

(RCRR) Strategy on Reading Comprehension of the Tenth

Grade Students‟ at Senior High School 13 Merangin

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements

for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for an immediate process of final


Jambi, 13 November 2020

Advisor I

Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag

NIP. 197007111994032003





Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16 Simp.Sungai Duren Kab.Muaro Jambi 36363




Form code Date Valid Revision









R-0 - 1-1

Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree

that the thesis by:

Name : Ika Febrianti Muanas

NIM : TE 161736

Department : English Education Program

Title : The Effect of Using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell

(RCRR) Strategy on Reading Comprehension of the Tenth

Grade Students‟ at Senior High School 13 Merangin

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements

for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for an immediate process of final


Jambi, 13 November 2020

Advisor II

Juliana Mesalina, M.Pd

NIP. 197607232007102002





Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16 Simp.Sungai Duren Kab.Muaro Jambi 36363


I who signed below stated that the thesis that I arrange as a requirement to

get undergraduate degree which is entitled “The Effect of Using Read, Cover,

Remember, Retell (RCRR) Strategy on Reading Comprehension of the Tenth

Grade Students’ at Senior High School 13 Merangin” is originally and truly

my own work.

As certain parts of the thesis which I quoted from the work of other

people, I have written the source clearly in accordance with the norms, rule, and

ethnics of scientific writing.

If later found that some parts of the thesis are not my own work or indicated any

plagiarism, I am willing to accept the concequences in accordance with rules and

regulation prevail. Therefore, in writing this statement, I am in good health and


Jambi, 25 November 2020

Ika Febrianti Muanas

TE 161736



In the name of Allah SWT for the blessing and the merciful, with deep

thanks and proud. Sholawat to the prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really

change the world.

Special Thanks to:

My Parents, My Beloved Father (Muanas S.Pd), My Beloved Mother

(Hendri Astuty) and My Beloved Grandma (Hj. Mariyam) who always give me

everlasting love, guidance, motivation and

always praying for me.

My Big Family, My Brother (M. Chadziq Awabi M.) , My Sisters (Widya

Septiana Muanas, Wafiq Azizah Muanas, Afiah Nur Khodijah

Muanas, Afifah Nur Laila Muanas) who always pray and give me

support and spirit as well as wish for my success.

My beloved supervisor (Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag and Juliana Mesalina,

M.Pd) who always listen to my problems and motivated me in making

this thesis and never be tired to help me finished this thesis.

My Best Friends ( Musonip Saputro, Hendra Dwi Santoso, Rostiana) who have

been always give me support, motivation and quality time

to share happiness and sadness with me and understand me.

Although, we are sometime different think

but you are make me know what the meaning

of true friendship.

My classmate whose name are not mentioned here one from English Education

Program especially Class B The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi there is no successful without your motivation to finishing this

thesis, I thank them all.

May Allah SWT Bless them all.




اقرأ باسم رب ك الذي خلق

Recite in the name of your Lord who created

(Q.S. Al-‘Alaq : 1)

اقرأ وربك الكرم

Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous

(Q.S. Al-‘Alaq : 3)



Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin, thanks to Allah SWT the Almighty , who

give me opportunities and happiness and for giving me blessing and guiding me,

therefore I can finish my thesis. Do not forget Sholawat to the prophet

Muhammad SAW who has brought us from darkness era to the lightness era. This

thesis is written as one of the requirement for S1 degree in English Education

Program of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic

University of SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi.

The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed

without the help, advice and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this

opportunity the researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude to following

parties for their contribution:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi Asy‟ari, MA., Ph.D Rector of the State Islamic University

of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadlilah, M. Pd. as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

3. Wahyuni Fitria., M.Pd as the chief of English Education Program.

4. Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag as my first advisor and Juliana Mesalina, M.Pd as

my second advisor.

5. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State

Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. All the teacher and students in Senior High School 13 Merangin who had

helped me to finisih this research

It is expected that this thesis will give contribution to the Students of English

Education Program that will be English teacher in the future. Then, the researcher

realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect. For that reason, the

researcher hope constructive critics and suggestion from readers for the perfection

of this thesis.

Jambi, 25 November 2020


Ika Febrianti Muanas

TE 161736



Nama : Ika Febrianti Muanas

Program Studi : English Education Program

Judul : The Effect of Using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell

(RCRR) Strategy on Reading Comprehension of the

Tenth Grade Students’ at Senior High School 13


This research aimed to find out the effect of using Read, Cover,

Remember, Retell Strategy on Reading Comprehension of the Tenth Grade

Students‟ at Senior High School 13 Merangin. This study used quasi-

experimental research. The population of this research was 80 students of the

Tenth Grade Senior High School 13 Merangin,. The sample was 40 students of

two classes chosen by using purposive random sampling. They were divided into

two groups, 20 students for experimental group and 20 students for control

group. The experimental group was taught by using Read, Cover, Remember,

Retell strategy, while the other group used Read Aloud Strategy. The instrument

for collecting data was 20 items of multiple choice tests. It has given in pre-test

and pos-test. After collecting the data, then the researcher analyzed the data by

using t-test formula. At the independent t-test, the finding shown t-count (t0) is

2,29, meanwhile, the t-table (tt) of df ( 40 ) in significant 5 % was 2,02. It means

t-count (t0) was higher than t-table (tt ), so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was

accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It is proven that there was a

significant difference effect of Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy towards

students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text. Then, the paired t-test, the

finding shown t-count (t0) is 14,06 meanwhile, the t-table (tt) was 2,02. It means

t-count (t0) was higher than t-table (tt ), so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was

accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It is shown that there was a

significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension before and after being

taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy.

Keywords: Read, Cover, Remember, Retell and Narrative Text



Nama : Ika Febrianti Muanas

Program Studi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Pengaruh Strategy Membaca, Tutup, Mengingat,

Menceritakan Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Bahasa

Inggris Siswa di Kelas Sepuluh SMA 13 Merangin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan strategi

Read, Cover, Remember, Retell terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa di SMAN

13 Merangin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian quasi-

eksperimental. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 80 siswa kelas 10 SMAN 13

Merangin. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 siswa dari dua kelas yang

dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive random sampling. Mereka dibagi

menjadi dua kelompok, 20 siswa dalam kelompok eksperimen dan 20 siswa

dalam kelompok kontrol. Kelompok eksperimen diajarkan dengan menggunakan

strategi Read, Cover, Remember, Retell sedangkan kelompok kontrol diajarkan

dengan menggunakan metode Read Aloud Strategy. Instrumen untuk

mengumpulkan data adalah 20 item tes pilihan ganda, dan akan di ujikan dalam

pre-test dan post-test. Setelah mengumpulkan data, maka peneliti menganalisis

data dengan menggunakan rumus t-test. Pada Independent t-test,temuan yang

ditunjukkan t-count (tt)adalah 2,29 Sementara itu, t-tabel (tt) dari df (40) dalam

signifikan 5% adalah 2,02. Maka, t-count (tt) lebih tinggi dari t tabel (tt),

sehingga hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima dan hipotesis nol (Ho) ditolak. Ini

membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh perbedaan yang signifikan dalam

menggunakan strategi Read, Cover, Remember, Retell pada pemahaman bacaan

siswa tentang teks narrative. Kemudian, pada Paire t-test, temuan yang

ditunjukkan t-count (tt) adalah 14,06, sementara itu, t-tabel (tt) adalah 2,02. Ini

membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan pada pemahaman membaca

siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan strategi Read, Cover, Remember,


Kata kunci: strategi Read, Cover, Remember, Retell, Teks Narrative



COVER PAGE ..................................................................................................i

PAGE TITLE ....................................................................................................ii

OFFICIAL NOTE ............................................................................................iii

OFFICIAL NOTE ............................................................................................iv

ORIGINALITY THESIS STATEMENT .......................................................v


MOTTO .............................................................................................................vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................viii

THESIS APROVAL ........................................................................................ix

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................x

ABSTRAK .........................................................................................................xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................xii

LIST OF TABLE ..............................................................................................xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xv


A. Background of the Study .........................................................................1

B. Identification of the Problem ..................................................................4

C. Limitation of the Problem .......................................................................4

D. Formulation of the Problem ....................................................................4

E. The Objective of the Study .....................................................................5

F. The Significant of the Study ...................................................................5


A. The Nature of Reading Comprehension ..................................................6

B. Narrative Text .........................................................................................7

C. Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) Strategy .................................9

D. Review Related Studies...........................................................................11

E. Research Hypothesis ...............................................................................12


A. Place and Time of the Research ..............................................................13

B. Research Design ......................................................................................13

C. Population and Sample of the Research ..................................................14

D. Variable of The Research ........................................................................15

E. The Technique of Data Collection ..........................................................16


F. The technique of Analysis of the data .....................................................17

G. Statistical Hypothesis ..............................................................................22

H. Schedule of the Research ........................................................................23


A. Finding of the Research ..........................................................................24

B. Hypothesis Testing ..................................................................................32

C. Statistical Hypothesis ..............................................................................35

D. Interpretation ...........................................................................................37


A. Conclusion ..............................................................................................41

B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................41






List of Table

3.1 The research design ......................................................................................13

3.2 The Population of the Research ....................................................................14

3.3 Total Population of the Research ..................................................................15

3.4 Reading Comprehension test specification ...................................................17

3.5 Criteria of Rubric Scoring Students‟ Reading Comprehension ....................17

3.6 Schedule of the research................................................................................23

4.1 The students‟ score of experimental class ....................................................25

4.2 Distribution of frequency pre-test an experimental class ..............................26

4.3 Score post-test in the experimental class ......................................................26

4.4 Distribution of frequency post-test an experimental class ............................27

4.5 Score pre-test in the control class..................................................................28

4.6 Distribution of frequency pre-test control class ...........................................29

4.7 Score post-test in the control class ................................................................30

4.8 Distribution of frequency post-test an control class ......................................31

4.9 The result of the experimental class normality test .......................................32

4.10 The result of the control class normality test ..............................................33

4.11 Homogeneous result pre-test experimental and control class .....................34

4.12 Homogeneous result post-test experimental and control class ...................34



Appendix 1 : Students Score .......................................................................... 46

Appendix 2 : The Score of Pre-test and Post-test .......................................... 54

Appendix 3 : The calculating of frequency distribution ................................ 57

Appendix 4 : Normality test ........................................................................... 62

Appendix 5 : Homogeneity test ..................................................................... 79

Appendix 6 : Independent sample t-test ......................................................... 90

Appendix 7 : Paired sample t-test .................................................................. 93

Appendix 8 : The effect size .......................................................................... 96

Appendix 9 : Lesson plan in experimental Class ........................................... 97

Appendix 10 : Lesson plan in control Class .................................................. 107

Appendix 11 : Syllabus curriculum 2013 ...................................................... 116

Appendix 12 : Validasi of test ........................................................................ 122

Appendix 13 : Documentation ....................................................................... 148




A. Background of the Study

Reading is one of the receptive skills where students get information from

the text when they read. According to Sulistyo (2011:20), reading is a process of

communication between reader and writer, readers create their ideas from the

written text. By reading, students will get a positive effect such as increasing

their ability to read the text fluently especially in English by practicing,

pronunciation, spelling, writing, and also the meaning of the text. Thus, students

need knowledge, skill, and strategies resulting in incomprehension.

Reading comprehension is the primary purpose though this is something

overlooked when the students are asked to read an overly difficult text, raising

students' awareness of the main idea in a text is essential for good comprehension

(Putra 2019). Besides, Gilakjani and Sabouri (2016:181) stated that, reading

comprehension as an ability to get the meaning of what is read. Reading

comprehension sees reading skills different such as cognition, fluency, lexical

knowledge, and pre-existing knowledge to catch quickly, so the readers get

knowledge of the text. Based on the definition reading comprehension that has

been delivered above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension activities

as reading that seeks to understand the content of the readings or text thoroughly.

Unfortunately, many students of Senior High School have some difficulties

with reading comprehension. The students have some problems in English

especially to comprehend the English reading material. They believe English

reading is bored and not interesting to lear since they do not have enough

vocabulary and cannot find an interesting book (Sudarmanto 2018: 77). Even

though English has been studied by the students since they were in Elementary

school, they still had difficulties in comprehending the English text. According to

Mauli (2014), there are some problems for reading comprehension are (1)


low interest in reading, (2) poorknowledge on vocabulary,(3) long sentences, (4)

poor reading strategy, (5) grammatical confusion, and (6) poor knowledge on a


In addition, comprehending the text is one of the Indonesian problems.

The result of global measurements for students shows that the average score of

Indonesian students is 371 in reading. The score is below the average of 79 PISA

participating countries, which is 487 for reading ability. From the PISA report, it

is known that the low quality of teachers and the disparity in the quality of

education in Indonesia are thought to be the main causes of poor student literacy

skills in general. The results of the (2018) PISA show that 70% of Indonesian

students are unable to reach level 2 of the PISA framework. Based on that, with a

low total yield of all regions of Indonesia, this shows that there are still many

reading problems in Indonesia.

Based on Curriculum K13, the students that study in the Second grade of

Senior High School are expected to be able to comprehend the social function,

the text structure, and sentence structure of written and spoken transactional

interaction text, in several types of English text, such as Recount text,

Descriptive text, Procedure text, Narrative text, etc. The students' comprehension

of the text can be seen by answering some student's comprehension of the text

can be seen by answering some questions after reading the text.

Based on the information that the researcher gained from one of the

English teachers of Senior High School 13 Merangin through an interview on


December 2019, found some problems in students' reading comprehension.

The low ability students in understanding readings seen from students have

trouble finding main ideas, and difficult to answer a question from a text reading,

students are still confused to identify general information, find specific

information, and recognize textual meaning in reading text. According to Dwiarti

(2005) as quoted by Suparman (2014), states that there are four problems that the

students facing in finding the main idea of the text, they are: 1) lack of interest

toward reading, 2) lack of background knowledge, 3) lack of vocabulary, 4)

unaware on the parts of the paragraph.


Dealing with the problems above, the writer is interested to find ways on

how to overcome these problems. One of the strategies that appropriate by using

Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) to improve students reading. Klvacek

(2015:15) stated the process supports both understandings of the text and

summarizing by stopping readers frequently to think about the meaning before

moving on to the next section of the text. Therefore, read, cover, remember, retell

strategy is also appropriate to apply when the teacher teaches narrative text.

When the comprehension problems are determining the importance of

information, sequence, details, elements of plot, locating information, one of the

recommended strategies is read, cover, remember retell strategy. So, it is clear

that read, cover, remember, retell is suitable for narrative text.

RCRR strategy is one of the most effective ways to solve the problem. The

significant difference between this strategy and the teacher strategy is the types

of reading. If the teacher‟s strategy used silent reading, RCRR used reading

aloud which made students more actively participated teaching and learning

process. According to Amira (2018), Read, Cover, Remember, Retell Strategy

has some advantages. The first advantage of making the students has an

opportunity for giving mutual support and stimulation. Second is, in addition,

students are making a connection, sequencing events, and considering causes of

action and the effects of this action and the last advantage is this strategy is a way

that provides understanding and memorizing in the learning process.

The previous research was conducted by Dahler (2019) found that

using Read-Cover-Remember-Retell (RCRR) strategy can improve reading skills

on recount text. Other research related to this research was conducted by Daulay

& Simanjuntak (2018) found that Read-Cover-Remember-Retell (RCRR)

strategy improved the students‟ ability in reading narrative text.

While in this research, the researcher not only focused on students

reading improvement but the researcher also focused on students response after

being taught by RCRR (Read, Cover, Remember, Retell) as a strategy at Senior

High School 13 Merangin in reading comprehension. Related to reading

comprehension of English subject especially in understanding narrative texts.


Taking into consideration what the writer has described, the writer would

like to conduct a study entitled: “The Effect of Using Read, Cover, Remember,

Retell (RCRR) Strategy on Reading Comprehension of the Tenth Grade

Students’ at Senior High School 13 Merangin”

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the observation and interviewed with the English teacher at

Senior High School 13 Merangin, the researcher found that most students‟ had

some difficulties in comprehending the English text. To solve those problems,

the researcher identifies the problems as follow :

1. The students thought that reading was a boring activity, because of

reading a longer text, and the teacher only gives the reading text and

asked the students to read aloud and answer the questions.

2. The students did not believe in their selves in doing the task.

3. The teacher gave the reading text and then asked the students to read

and translate the difficult words and answer the questions.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, most of the students‟

get some difficult to comprehend the English text. There are many kinds of text

in English but the researcher only focus on narrative text. It is because according

to curriculum 2013 the students‟ who sit in the first year of senior high school

must comprehend the texts such as Narrative text.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanation above, the writer formulates the research

questions as below :

1. Is there any significant effect in reading comprehension of the tenth-

grade students at Senior High School 13 Merangin taught by using the

RCRR strategy?

2. Is there any significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between students‟ taught by using RCRR Strategy and those who are

not taught?


E. The Objective of the Study

The Objectives of this study are :

1. To find out whether there is a significant effect in reading

comprehension of the tenth-grade students at Senior High School 13

Merangin taught by using RCRR strategy.

2. To find out whether there is a significant difference between the

student‟s who taught reading comprehension by using RCRR strategy

and those who are not.

F. The Significance of the Study

The results of this research expected to contribute to the teacher and the

tenth-grade students in Senior High School 13 Merangin are :

1. For the school, this research can add information about strategy in

teaching English.

2. For English teachers, this research can be used as an alternative

strategy to improve students‟ reading comprehension.

3. For students‟, the result of this research can be used to improve their

ability in comprehending text.

4. For the researcher, the result of this study is to add her knowledge in

reading comprehension and the researcher gets more experience on

how to teach, handle and organize the students by using RCRR

strategy in the classroom.




A. The Nature of Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading is one of the skills in English. Reading must comprehend the topic

of the text. According to Scanlon (2010:276), Comprehension is an active,

constructive process in which the ultimate understanding of the text is

determined by a combination of what is stated directly in the text and the reader‟s

preexisting knowledge related to the topic of the text. It means that reading

comprehension is the reader's understanding before and after reading the

passage, because the readers have an opinion or understanding of his own

before reading the text, and then connect the reader with the results of reading

comprehension before reading the opinion that the conclusion of the text. Then,

Willis (2008:138) states that Comprehension is defined as intentional thinking

during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and

reader. it means the mean comprehension is understanding awoke between

readers with text, through thoughts while reading text. the interaction between

text with the reader is in the process of building understanding text.

Comprehension is a process of understanding text done by the readers to

probe the information. Reading as the important skill English, the reader have to

know the topic and passage of the text, and reading comprehension is the process

to know the passage Comprehension as the process is during the reader reading

and understanding the passage. Before ready the text the reader should have their

own suggestion related to the topic then it used to understand and elaborate the

passage of the text. Therefore reading is also interaction activity between the text

and the reader.

Karen (2015:2) states that reading comprehension is the process of

constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes that

include word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency. It means that


reading comprehension is a process reader on reading activities builds

understanding of a text. According to Brown (2003:291), reading comprehension

is primarily a matter of developing appropriate, efficient comprehension

strategies. It means comprehension is ability to understand and getting

information something, in this case, the students are able to answer and

understand a narrative reading question forms. In teaching reading, teacher must

know specification of reading comprehension.

Based on the explanation above, it can be summarized that reading

comprehension is a process in which the reader tries to understand the content of

the text. Meanwhile, reading is getting information from a text. The readers read

the text to get information about main idea (topic), the essential information,

topics of paragraphs, main ideas, synonyms/vocabulary mastery (Brown

(2001,p.299)). Comprehension means skill to understanding the purpose and

meaning of the text of the text, that the Readers understand the content of the


2. The Purpose of Reading

According to Tarigan (2015:9), the main purpose of reading is to seek and

obtain information, including content, and understand the meaning of the

readings. Dalman (2014:11), reading aims to seek and obtain the messager or to

understand the meaning through the readings. Therefore, the purpose of reading

can be :

a) To understand in detail and through content readings.

b) To catch the main idea or the main idea quickly

c) To get information about something

d) Want to know the events all over the world and

e) To recognize the meaning of difficult words.

B. Narrative Text

1. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a type of text that tells story (Anderson, M & Anderson,

K,.2003). the purpose of this text is to present a view of the World that entertains


or informs the reader or listener. Even, the narrative text can be educating. This

means that there must be a lesson or a moral that the writer wants to convey from

the passage to the writer. In other words, the purpose of narrative text is for

entertaining, informing, and educating. The narrative text includes any type of

writing that relates to a series of events. There are some examples of narrative

text, such as legend, myth, fables, novels, short stories, poems, memoirs,

biographies, and news stories.

2. The Generic Structures of Narrative Text

Here are generic structures of narrative text (Barwick, 2006 as cited in

Suhartini, 2013) :

a. Orientation

This sets the scene, creating a visual picture of the setting,

atmosphere, and time of the story. Characters and some minor characters

are introduced with some detail about their personalities, attitudes, and

appearance. The clues are set in place for the coming complication. Thus,

orientation is about characters, such as personalities, attitudes, and


b. Complication

This resolved around conflicts or problem that affects the setting,

time or characters. The hero is prevented from reaching his or her goal. A

problem or series of problem interrupt or complicate the lives of characters.

Thus, complication is problems happened in the story.

c. Series of event

The story continues through a series of expected and unexpected

events that create the contents of the story. The events can change

becoming sad, humor, joy, and many more emotional conditions. Thus, it is

about the events in the story, it can be expected and unexpected events.

d. Resolution

The resolution brings the series of events to a Close and resolves the

main problem, challenge, or situation. A solution is discovered to solve


problems or challenges. Thus, it is about giving a solution or how to solve

the problems.

e. Reorietation/Coda

Some narrative texts have a coda or orientation that returns the

reader to present and sums up the events. Thus, it is about the moral value

in the story.

C. Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) Strategy

1. Definition of RCRR Strategy

RCRR strategy is a vehicle for increasing the knowledge and

understanding of the participant in a collaborative context. It means the students

can improve and get their comprehension through this strategy in comprehending

the text. RCRR strategy is one of strategy to learn in a cooperative learning

environment. Referring to Hoyt (2001:68), this strategy has assisted many

children in reading more carefully and taking responsibility for consciously

focusing on remembering information in a text. The students will study in pairs

or a small group. It motivates students to express their comprehension of the

reading text.

The general procedures of read, cover, remember, retell, strategy are:

a. Making partner.

b. Read material as much as their hand can cover.

c. Cover the words with their hand.

d. Remember what they just read.

e. Retell it to their partner in their own words.

2. Advantages of RCRR Strategy

The Advantages of RCRR strategy

a. Make students comfort in learning and enjoy the material because the

students must discussion about the material with other students and

can exchange their ideas and make it easy to find a solution and



b. Can reduce the opportunity that one participant is Simply a passive

recipient seem likely to be better for both motivation and learning

(gives stimulus to the students to become active learning).

c. Students will read with a different level of attention and concentration

knowing that they will have to say back what they learned without

reading it from the text.

d. Interaction with a peer making the students has an opportunity for

giving Mutual support and stimulation.

e. The students are also motivated to share the information or express

their stories to each other.

f. The students are also motivated to share the information or express

their stories to each other.

3. Procedures of RCRR Strategy in Teaching Reading

Amira (2018:24) demonstrated the implementing the RCRR strategy in

teaching narrative text to the students, the procedures of RCRR strategy can be

done in several steps below :

1. The students work in pairs.

2. After finding the partner, the teacher will be given the short segment of

text to the students

3. Reading aloud the segment, the students cover it up by their hand in a

paper and pause to think aloud what they have learned.

4. Asking the students to focus on remembering what they have read.

5. By using their own words, the students retold to their partner what they

have remembered.

6. To check the students‟ comprehension of the text, the teacher will be

given some questions related to the text.

7. The students answered the question without cheating on each other.

8. Collecting the students‟ answer and reviewing their summary paper

sheet to avoid plagiarism.


9. Concluding the material generally and clarifying students'


D. Review Related Studies

A study was conducted by Dahler, Putra., Zaim & Fauzan (2019) entitled,

“Using Read Cover Remember Retell (RCRR) in Teaching Reading

Comprehension”. The method of this research was quasi-experimental research,

the population was the second-grade students of SMPN 16 Pekan Baru which

amounted to 240 students. The technique of collecting data was tested. The

technique used to analyze the test was T-test, U-Mann Whitney, and N-gain.

They found out that there was a positive effect and the RCRR strategy was

effective to improve students‟reading comprehension of recount text.

Daulay & Simanjuntak (2018) was conducted a study entitled, “Improving

Students‟Ability in Reading Narrative Text Through Read, Cover, Remember,

Retell (RCRR) Strategy at SMP Global Prima National Plus School Medan.” The

study was conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR), both

qualitative and quantitative were applied in this research. The quantitative data

were taken from the students' scores in reading narrative text and the qualitative

data obtained from the observation of the students‟ activity in the learning

process. They have proved that RCRR (Read, Cover, Remember, Retell) strategy

improved the students‟ ability in reading narrative text.

Amira (2018) was done a study entitled, “The Implementation of RCRR

(Read, Cover, Remember, Retell) Strategy to improve Students‟ Achievement in

Reading Comprehension. She used Classroom Action Research (CAR) in this

study. Descriptive qualitative and quantitative designs were applied. The

quantitative data were taken from the students‟ scores in reading comprehension,

while the qualitative was obtained from the observation of the students‟ activity

and teacher‟s performance in the learning process. Based on the result, the RCRR

strategy improved the students‟ achievement in reading comprehension.

Another study was conducted by Djunaidi, Noviati & Oktariani (2017)

entitled, “The application of RCRR (Read, Cover, Remember, Retell) Strategy in

Teaching Reading Descriptive Text to the Eighth Grade Students of State Junior


High School 50 Palembang. The research was a pre-experimental method with

one group pretest-posttest design. It was taken by using cluster random sampling

method. The data were collected using a written test. They have found that the

RCRR strategy was effective in teaching reading descriptive text and could

increase students‟ ability and students' scores in reading descriptive text.

E. Research Hypothesis

Referring to Creswell (2012:111), Hypotheses are statements in

quantitative research in which the investigator makes a prediction or a conjecture

about the outcome of a relationship among attributes characteristics. In this

study, four hypotheses are going to be tested.

Two null hypotheses (H0 ) and two alternative hypotheses (Ha)

Ha1 = RCRR strategy has an effect on students‟ reading comprehension.

H01 = RCRR strategy does not affect students‟ reading comprehension.

Ha2 = There is a significant difference between the students‟ taught by

RCRR strategy and those who are taught by the teacher‟s strategy.

H02 = There is no significant difference between students‟ taught by

RCRR strategy and those who are taught by the teacher‟s strategy.




A. Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at Senior High School 13 Merangin. This

School is located in Jln. Pendidikan No. 01 Sukorejo Sungai Sahut, Tabir Selatan

Merangin. The subject of this research is the Tenth-Grade students of Senior

High School 13 Merangin in the academic years of 2020.

B. Research Design

In order to conduct this research, the researcher uses quasi-experimental

research intended to find out the effect of RCRR strategy on students‟ reading

comprehension. The quasi-experimental design itself can be defined as a form of

experimental process in which individuals are not randomly assigned to groups

(Creswell, 2014). In this case, the students are grouped into an experimental and

controlled class. Then, the experimental class was given a treatment Read,

Cover, Remember, Retell Strategy. Contol class would be taught by using a

teacher strategy used by the tenth grade English teacher in the class. This

research was conducted to know whether there is an effect of using Read, Cover,

remember, Retell, Strategy on students‟ reading comprehension or not. The

researcher presented as follow :

Table 3.1

Research design

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experiment O1 X O2

Control O3 Y O4

(Source: Sugiyono, 2012,p.116)

O1: pre-test for experiment group

O2: post-test for experiment group


O3: pre-test for a control group class

O4: post-test for a control group class

X: treatment using RCRR strategy

Y: treatment using Teacher Strategy

In this research, there are 8 meetings for teaching and learning process, 2

meetings for pre-test, and post-test. The pre-test is given by the writer before the

treatment. Meanwhile, the post-test is given by the writer after all the treatments.

After conducting pre-test and post-test for both classes, the writer compares

pre-test and post-test scores of each class to know which class that gives

improvement for their score.

C. Population and Sample of the Research

1. Population

According to Sugiyono (2011:119), the population is a generalization

region consisting of objects or subjects that have certain characteristics and the

quality of their set by investigators to be learned and then drawn conclusions.

The population of this study is students of Senior High School 13

Merangin in the tenth grade academic year 2020/2021. Totaling of 80 students

that are divided into four classes namely X IPA1, X IPA2, X IPS1, and X IPS2.

Table 3.2.

The population of the Research

No Class Number of Students

1. X IPA1 20

2. X IPA2 20

3. X IPS1 20

4. X IPS2 20

Total 80

(Source: Senior High School 13 Merangin)


2. Sample

According to Creswell sample is a subgroup of the target population that

the researcher plans to study for the purpose of making generalization about the

target population (Creswell, 2012:142). There were 4 classes as the total

population in this research. Because the total population was big, the researcher

took the sample by purposive sampling. Purposive sampling (also known

as judgment, selective or subjective sampling) is a sampling technique in which

researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing members of

population to participate in the study. Based on the design of the research, the

researcher took two classes as the sample of this research. Here, the writer took

class X IPA 1 and X IPA 2 as a sample. Both classes were selected by a teacher.

Class X IPA 1 on experimental class and X IPA 2 on control class. The sample of

this research can be seen as follow:

Table 3.3.

Total Population of the Research

No Class Number of Students

1. X IPA1 (Experiment) 20

2. X IPA2 (Control) 20

Total 40

D. Variable of The Research

According to Cresswell (2012:112), the variable is a characteristic or

attribute of an individual or an organization that a researcher can measure or

observe and varies among individuals or organization studied. Latief (2015:1140)

States that in experimental design, there are two kinds of the variable used:

Independent Variable and Dependent Variable. There are two variables of this

experimental research those variables are :

1. Independent Variable (X)

An Independent variable is an attribute or characteristic that influences or

affects an outcome or dependent variable (Creswell.2012:116). The


independent variable of this research is Read, Cover, Remember, Retell


2. Dependent Variable (Y)

According to Creswell (2012:115), the dependent variable is an attribute or

characteristic that is dependent or influenced by the independent variable

of this research is student‟s reading comprehension.

E. The Technique of Data Collection

The technique of collecting the data in this research was by using a test.

Therefore the test is divided into two kinds, pre-test, and post-test. According to

Creswell (2012:297), the Pre-test provides a measure on some attributes or

characteristics that you assess for a participant in an experiment before they

receive a treatment, while Post-test is a measure of some attribute or

characteristic that is assessed for participants in an experiment after a treatment.

The data will be collected through pre-test and post-test. The researcher

gave a pre-test for students in the first meeting in order to know the capacity of

students‟ competence between the experimental class and controlled class. The

treatment of the RCRR strategy was given by the researcher in the experimental

class and for controlled class, the researcher did not. After that researcher gave a

post-test for students to seen the result after using the RCRR strategy and did not.

The researcher taught for eight meetings in each class. The kind of test given in

this research was multiple-choice which consists of 20 questions and 7 passages

(Narrative text). There were five choices A, B, C, D, and E. The reaearcher not

giving try out before pre-test because the test was ready-made adapted from

national examination (UN) in academic year 2012,2010,2009, and 2007.

readability level was on grade level 3 to 8, it could be easily understood by 9 to

14 years old. Referring to Brown (2004:194),Multiple-choice is the most popular

method of testing a reading knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. It is because

multiple-choice test easy to conduct and easy to score.


Table 3.4

Reading comprehension test specification

No Aspects of Reading

Comprehension Item numbers

1 Identifying the main idea and topic 6, 15, 16, 18 ,19

2 Identifying references 17

3 Vocabulary 20

4 Identifying for supporting details

in the text and stated fact

1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

5 Moral Value 2, 5, 9

Tabel 3.5

Criteria of Rubric Scoring Students’ Reading Comprehension

No. Score Symbol Category

1. 90-100 A Very good

2. 80-89 B Good

3. 70-79 C Poor

4. <70 D Very Poor

(Source: Senior High School 13 Merangin)

F. The technique of Analysis of the data

In analyzing the data, before the writer calculated the value of the test to

look at the hypothesis, the writer has to analyze the normality and homogeneity

of the data. The examination of normality is needed to know whether the data has

been normally distributed or not. Then, after getting the normality, the text step

was calculating the homogeneity of data. It aims to look at whether the data is

homogeneous or heterogeneous.


1. Normality test

Normality test calculated to see whether the data were normally or nor,

according to Sudjana (2005, p. 466-467), the ways to look for normality test as

follows :

a. Sort the sample of data from the small to large data (X1, X2, X3, Xn)

b. Calculated the average of sample score by using a single average

c. Calculated the standard deviation

d. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula :

e. Determine the Z table based on the Z value

f. Determine the F (Zi) based on the Z table

If negative (-), so 0,5 –

If positive (+), so 0,5 +

g. Determine the S(Zi) by the formula: ( )

h. Calculate the by te formula : F(ZI) – F(Zi)

i. If L hitung , so the sample of the data is normally distributed.

2. Homogeneity test

The purpose of the homogeneity test was to see whether the data or sample

in both classes were homogenous or heterogeneous. The test of homogeneity

used homogeneity variance. According to Ridwan (2013, p.120), the formula

used inhomogeneity test can be seen as follows :

Systematic calculation :

a. Conduct an assessment of the student of the students‟ test


b. Determining of variance X (Sx2)

c. Determine for variance Y (Sy2)

d. Calculate the largest variance and smallest variance


e. Compare the F table with F


f. Criteria of test with the significance

If F count ≤ F table then the data homogeneous

If F count ≤ F table then the data, not homogeneous

3. T-test

In this part, the writer calculated the data by using a two-sample t-test.

They have paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test, paired sample t-

test is used to see whether or not there is a significant effect of student‟s reading

comprehension before and after treatment. The independent sample t-test is used

the compare the means of one variable for two groups of cases (Taniredja, 2014


a. Paired sample t-test

According to Sugiyono (2013, p.197), the formula of paired sample T-test

is express as follows:

Which :

MD = mean of the different arithmetic average second of different or the

different between the score of variable 1 and II

SEMD = standard error of mean the different

With the calculation steps as bellow:

1. Looking D (different = different) between the score of variables I and

score variable II with the formula :

2. Find the mean of the difference with the formula :

3. Looking at the standard deviation of the difference with the formula :





4. Looking at the standard deviation of the difference with the formula :

5. Looking with the formula :

6. Looking interpretation

a. Looking df or db with the formula : df atau db = N – 1

b. Based on the magnitude of the df or db, we search for criticism “t”

listed in the table “t” at the significance level of 5% and 1 % as

follow :

c. Conduct the comparing between and as bellow :

Criteria Hypothesis Decision





b. Independent sample T-test

According to Sudjiono (2000, p.297) in Diktat statistic pendidikan (2016,

p.55), the formula of independen tsample T-test is express as follow :

Where :

to : „t‟ test

M1: mean of experimental class

M2: mean of the control class

SEM1-M2 : standard error

The formula above is the main formula. Before using the formula, the

writer also used some calculation procedure such as below :

1. The determining mean of variable X, with the formula : ∑

2. The determining mean of variable Y, with the formula : ∑


3. Determining the standard of deviation score of variable X, with the

formula √∑

4. Determining the standard of deviation score of variable Y, with the

formula √∑

5. Determining standard error mean of variable X, with the formula

6. Determining standard error mean of variable Y, with the formula

7. Determining standard error of the different mean of variable X of

variable Y, with the formula √

8. Determining (t-test), with the formula :

9. Give the interpretation to t-test ( ) to several processes as follow :

a. Formulating the hypothesis of the research and statistic


b. Test significance of by comparing the amount of with

by the setting of degrees of freedom (df) or (db), by the formula

of df/db = N-1

c. Determining criticism of „t‟ in the table value of „t‟ by adhering

to the df or db have been obtained, both of significance of 5%

d. Conduct the comparing between and as bellow :

Criteria Hypothesis Decision






G. Statistical Hypothesis

The hypothesis is the statement in quantitative research in which the

investigator makes research. The hypothesis is a prediction of the possible

outcomes of the research. According to Sugiyono (2013:64). statistical

hypothesis exit when research works with samples, if the research does not work

by using a sample, so there is not a statistical hypothesis. According to Sugiyono

(2013: 69) the formula of hypothesis in this research can be seen as :

Where :

Ha1 : There is a significant effect on students‟ reading

comprehension before and after being taught by Read, Cover,

Remember, Retell Strategy.

Ho1 : There is no significant effect on students‟ reading

comprehension before and after being taught by using Read,

Cover, Remember, Retell Strategy.

Ha2 : There is a significant difference between the score of the

student who is taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell

Strategy and who is not taught by using Read, Cover,

Remember, Retell Strategy.

Ho2 : There is no significant difference between the score of the

student who is taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell

Strategy and who are not taught by using Read, Cover,

Remember, Retell Strategy.


H. Schedule of the Research

This research be held from May until November, where the researcher

arrangement proposal until the researcher is taking a thesis examination. The

Schedule of the research can be seen below:

Table 3.6

Schedule of the research




May June July Agustus September October November

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Proposal Arrageme


2 Consultation


√ √

√ √

3 Proposal seminar

4 Collecting

data √





√ √ √ √ √ √ √

6 Writing

the thesis √ √








A. Finding of the research

This research was conducted at the tenth graders students‟ senior high

school 13 Merangin. It was done on 02 September - 19 Oktober 2020. The data of

this research were students score from pre-test and post-test in both of experiment

class and control class. The score of pre-test were ready given before treatment

and post-test given after treatment. Two classes as the sample of this research. X

MIPPA 1 as experimental class consist of 22 students and X MIPA 2 as control

class consist of 22 students. After the research got the data, the researcher

analyzed the data by using t-test in used analysis of quantitative data. The finding

include 1. Descriptive analysis of the students‟ reading comprehension test, 2.

Statistical analysis of the students reading comprehension.

1. Descriptive analysis of the Data

The data of students‟ reading comprehension who were taught by using

RCRR strategy was obtained from X IPA 1 as experimental class and the data of

students‟ reading comprehension who were not taught by using RCRR strategy

was obtained from X IPA 2 as experimental class.Each class consists of 22

students‟.Therefore there were 44 students‟ of population in this research.

a) Experimental class

1. The result of pre-test of experimental class: after being given the test

result are as follows : Score pre-test in the experiment class senior high

school 13 Merangin


Table 4.1

The students’ score of experimental class

No Name of students Score

1 A 40

2 B 40

3 C 40

4 D 45

5 E 45

6 F 45

7 G 50

8 H 50

9 I 50

10 J 55

11 K 55

12 L 55

13 M 60

14 N 60

15 O 60

16 P 60

17 Q 60

18 R 65

19 S 65

20 T 70

21 U 70

22 V 75

Looking for the maximum and minimum

Maximum score : 75

Minimum score : 40

Distribution of frequency


Table 4.2

Distribution of frequency pre-test an experimental class


40 3 120

45 3 135

50 3 150

55 3 165

60 5 300

65 2 130

70 2 140

75 1 75

Total 22 1.215

The formula of mean :

X =


= 55,23

2. The Result of post-test of experimental class: after being given the test

results are as follows:

Table 4.3

Score post-test in the experimental class

No Name of students Score

1 A 55

2 B 60

3 C 60

4 D 65

5 E 70

6 f 70


7 G 70

8 H 70

9 I 75

10 J 75

11 K 80

12 L 80

13 M 80

14 N 80

15 O 85

16 P 85

17 Q 90

18 R 90

19 S 90

20 T 90

21 U 95

22 V 95

Looking for the maximum and minimum

Maximum score : 95

Minimum score : 55

Distribution of frequency

Table 4.4

Distribution of frequency post-test an experimental class


55 1 55

60 2 120

65 1 65

70 4 280

75 2 150

80 4 320

85 2 172


90 4 360

95 2 190

Total 22 1.710

The formula of mean :

X =


= 77,72

From the table 4.1,it was found that the total number of each class was 22

students. The minimum score of pre test in experimental class was 40 and the

maximum score was 75, while from the table 4.3 in post test the minimum score

was 55 and maximum was 95.

b) Control class

1. The result of pre-test of control class: after being given the test results

are as follows :

Table 4.5

Score pre-test in the control class

No Name of students Score

1 Aa 30

2 Bb 35

3 Cc 35

4 Dd 40

5 Ee 40

6 ff 40

7 Gg 45

8 Hh 45

9 Ii 45

10 Jj 50

11 Kk 50

12 Ll 55


13 Mm 55

14 Nn 55

15 Oo 60

16 Pp 60

17 Qq 60

18 Rr 65

19 Ss 65

20 Tt 70

21 Uu 75

22 Vv 80

Looking for the maximum and minimum

Maximum score : 80

Minimum score : 30

Distribution of frequency

Table 4.6

Distribution of frequency pre-test control class


30 1 30

35 2 70

40 3 120

45 3 135

50 2 100

55 3 165

60 3 180

65 2 130

70 1 70

75 1 75

80 1 80

Total 22 1.115


The formula of mean :

X =


= 52,5

2. The Result of post-test of control class: after being given the test results

are as follows:

Table 4.7

Score post-test in the control class

No Name of students Score

1 Aa 50

2 Bb 50

3 Cc 50

4 Dd 55

5 Ee 55

6 Ff 55

7 Gg 60

8 Hh 60

9 Ii 65

10 Jj 65

11 Kk 65

12 Ll 70

13 Mm 70

14 Nn 75

15 Oo 80

16 Pp 80

17 Qq 80

18 Rr 80

19 Ss 80

20 Tt 85

21 Uu 90


22 Vv 95

Looking for the maximum and minimum

Maximum score : 95

Minimum score : 50

Distribution of frequency

Table 4.8

Distribution of frequency post-test an control class


50 3 150

55 3 165

60 2 120

65 3 195

70 2 140

75 1 75

80 5 400

85 1 85

90 1 90

95 1 95

Total 22 1.515

The formula of mean :

X =


= 68,86

From the table 4.5,it was found that the total number of each class was 22

students. The minimum score of pre test in control class was 30 and the maximum

score was 80, while from the table 4.7 in post test the minimum score was 50 and

maximum was 95.


B. Hypothesis Testing

Test the hypothesis in this research aims to answer the formulation problem

have been proposed, used the formula t-test. Before testing the hypothesis. Then

the prerequisites that need to be tested normality and homogeneity test data first.

2. Statistical Analysis of the Data

1) Normality Test

a. Experimental Class

Normality test result data pre-test and post-test in the experimental class

can be seen in the table 4.7

Table 4.9

The results of the experimental class normality test

No Statistic pre-test post-test

1 N 22 22

2 X 55,23 77,72

3 SD 10,21 11,72

4 Lo count 0,0872 0,0431

5 Lo table 0,1900 0,1900

6 conclusion Lo count < Lo table

means both the table

is Normal

Based table 4.7 shows that the result Lo count experiment class pre-test

and post-test was (0,873 – 0,0431) while the results are Lo count with n = 22

and the level of significance ɑ = 0,05 = 0,1900 of second Lo count smaller than

Lo table then the value Lo count both pre-test and post-test samples showed a

smaller number than the Lo count . Based on predetermined criteria, if the value

Lo count < Lo table than the sample can be said to be normality test can be seen

in appendix 4.


b. Control class

Normality test result data pre-test and post-test in the control class can

be seen in the table 4.8

Table 4.10

The results of the control class normality test

No Statistic pre-test post-test

1 N 22 22

2 X 52,5 68,86

3 SD 13,58 13,24

4 Lo count 0,0288 0,1195

5 Lo table 0,1900 0,1900

6 conclusion Lo count < Lo table

Means both the table

is Normal

Based table 4.8 shows that the result Lo count experiment class pre-test

and post-test was (0,0288 – 0,1195) while the results are Lo count with n = 22

and the level of significance ɑ = 0,05 = 0,1900 of second Lo count smaller than

Lo table then the value Lo count both pre-test and post-test samples showed a

smaller number than the Lo count . Based on predetermined criteria, if the value

Lo count < Lo table than the sample can be said to be normality test can be seen

in appendix 4.

2) Homogeneity Test

a. pre-test Experimental and control Class

Results of homogeneity test pre-test experimental control class can be

see in the table 4.9


Table 4.11

Homogeneous results pre-test experiment and control class

No Statistic pre-test

1 S2 pre-test 104,36

2 S2 pre-test 182,74

3 F count 1,45

4 F table 2,05

5 Conclusion F count < F table

Means both the sample is homogeneous


S2 = Variance of data pre-test and post-test

F count = Value count

F table = Value the table based on the calculated value

Based on the table 4.11 can be concluded that the result of the two

group of samples that class have homogeneous variance. From the results

homogeneous test calculations obtained F count 1,45. Based on testing criteria

has been determined that Fcount < F table then the second sample can be said

to be homogeneous. Homogeneous test calculation process can be seen in

appendix 5.

b. post-test experimental and control Class

Results of homogeneity test post-test experimental and control class can

be see in the table 4.10

Table 4.12

Homogeneous results post-test experimental and control class

No Statistic post-test

1 S2 post-test 137,44

2 S2 post-test 175,34

3 F count 1,27

4 F table 2,05

5 Conclusion F count < F table

Means both the sample is homogeneous



S2 = Variance of data pre-test and post-test

F count = Value count

F table = Value the table based on the calculated value

Based on the table 4.12 can be concluded that the result of the two

group of samples that class have homogeneous variance. From the results

homogeneous test calculations obtained F count 1,27. Based on testing criteria

has been determined that Fcount < Ftable then the second sample can be said to

be homogeneous. Homogeneous test calculation process can be seen in

appendix 5.

C. Statistical Hypothesis

a. Paired Sample T-test

The writer used paired sample T-test to test the hypothesis that whether

there was any significant effect of students‟ reading comprehension before and

after being taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy. The writer

used the criteria below to analyze the test hypothesis:

1.If t-test (t0) ≥ t-table (t1) in the significance degree of 0.05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is rejected

2.If t-test (t0) ≤ t-table (t1) in the significance degree of 0.05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is accepted

Where : 1. Ha1 : There is any significant effect of using Read, Cover, Remember,

Retell strategy on students‟ reading comprehension achievement after

conducting a treatment.

2. Ho1 : There is no any significant effect of using Read, Cover,

Remember, Retell strategyon students‟ reading comprehension

achievement after conducted treatment.

Based on the writer‟s calculation, the result of paired sample t-test showed

that H0 was rejected because the t-test (t0) was higher than t-table (tt) or 14,06 ≥


2,02. So, it means that there was a significant effect on students‟ reading

comprehension before and after being taught by using using Read, Cover,

Remember, Retell strategy. For the calculating of paired sample t-test, it can seen

in appendix 7.

b. Independent Sample t-test

The researcher used independent sample T-test to test the hypothesis that

whether there was a significant differences of students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy.

The null hypothesis announces that there is no significant difference

between the mean of experimental and control group‟s scores. Moreover, the

alternative hypothesis reveals the means of score between the two groups that are

significantly different.

The researcher used the criteria below to analyze the test hypothesis:

1. If t-test (t0) ≥ t-table (t1) in the significance degree of 0.05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is rejected

2. If t-test (t0) ≤ t-table (t1) in the significance degree of 0.05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is accepted

Where :

1. Ha2 : There is differences the score of the student who are taught by

using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy and who are not

taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy

2. Ho2 : There is no differences the score of the student who are taught

by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy and who are not

taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy

Based on the researcher calculation, the result of independent sample t-

test showed that H0 was rejected because the t-test (t0) was higher than t-table (tt)

or 2,29 ≥ 2.02. So, it means that there was a significant differences of Read,

Cover, Remember, Retell strategy on students‟ reading comprehension

achievement after conducted treatment. For the calculating of independent sample

t-test, it can seen in appendix 6.


c. Conclusion

Effect size

Based on the data, it can be known :


So, the formula of cohen‟s :

= 0,7

Based on the calculating above, the result of d is 0,7, so it show that the

high effect size because d ≥ 0 and d ≥ 1,0 with the percentage 84%. It means

that the effect of using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy give high effect

to use the class on students‟ reading comprehension.

D. Interpretation

The research finding above showed that the data was taken from 22 students

in experimental class and 22 students in control class.Therefore there were 44

students that participated in this research.The data description showed that before

the researcher gave the treatment to the students (pre test),there were many

students got minimum score in reading of narrative text.After the researcher


applied the treatment of RCRR strategy,the students‟ perfomed better than before

in pre test.The students‟ score in experimental class is also improved than the

students‟ in control class who were not giving a treatment.This interpretation is

based on the comparison between experimental and controlled class students‟

average score,median,and mode.

It was showed from the mean of pre test score of experimental class was

55,23 with the lower score 40 and the highest score was 75. Meanwhile the mean

score of pre test in controlled class was 52,5 with the lower score was 30 and the

highest score was 80.

Based on the analysis, there was significant effect of class who are taught by

using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy and those who are not. This can be

seen from the pre-test and post-test result in both of class. The mean score of pre-

test in experimental class was 55,23 and the mean score of post-test was 77,72.

Meanwhile, the mean score of pre-test in control class that t value (2,29) ≥ t table

(2.02). was 52,5 and the mean score of post-test was 68,86. Both of class from

pre-test and post-test score got a normality and homogeneity data which the value

(p) ≤ significant (ơ = 0.05). The gained of hypothesis of test using t-test with

significant 0.05 showed It can be concluded that there was a significant effect of

using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy as a treatment in the experimental

class on students‟ reading comprehension.

Moreover from the the independent t-test, the finding shown t-count (t0) is

2,29, meanwhile, the t-table (tt) of df ( 40 ) in significant 5 % was 2,02. It means

t-count (t0) was higher than t-table (tt ), so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was

accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It is proven that there was a

significant difference effect of Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy towards

students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text. Then, the paired t-test, the

finding shown t-count (t0) is 14,06 meanwhile, the t-table (tt) was 2,02. It means t-

count (t0) was higher than t-table (tt ), so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was

accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It is shown that there was a


significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension before and after being

taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy.

The previous study conducted by Anita (2013) she focused on “ The Effect

of Using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell Strategy Toward Reading

Comprehension of Second Year Students at Senior High School Sukaramai

Tapung Hulu Kampar Regency”. She found that the mean score of experimental

group which was taught by using RCRR strategy was 71,89 while mean score of

control class which was not taught by using RCRR was 60,86. T-test was 3,911.

The t-table showed at significant level 5% (2,00) and at the significant level 1%

(2,65). It mean that null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, and alternative hypothesis

was accepted. In conclusion, there was significant effect of using RCRR strategy

to enhance students‟ reading comprehension.

According to Brummer and Macceca (2008) that Read, Cover,

Remember, Retell strategy is an effective approach to help readers who are good

in reading is reading quickly and as a result, they do not understand what they

have read. It is modeled for students during a whole-class instruction period and

then is conducted with students who work as partners to read the same text. The

students have an opportunity for giving mutual support and stimulation and

students are also motivated to share their information or express their each other

stories. It means reading with this strategy will be able to read quickly followed

by good results from the understanding of what they have read.

The recruitment of brief responses stretches students‟ thinking and is fun,

when students were taught narrative text by any teaching strategy or method they

got the improvement although the improvement for experiment group was higher

than the control group. It can be predicted that the improvement may be bigger

than in the experiment group if the students in experimental group pay more

attention in the class room during the teaching and learning process. It should be

noted that during in conducting this research, the students in experimental group

were noisier than control group.


In other word, the students can comprehend a text clearly because they can

describe the important by using the Read, Cover, Remember, Retell Strategy.

Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy the researcher also concluded that Read,

Cover, Remember, Retell strategy help both teacher and the tenth grade senior

Hight School 13 Merangin in increasing reading comprehension. From the

researcher experienced in teaching and learning process which has conducted in

experiment class six meetings every students have their own role of questioning,

clarifying, and predicting, the teacher gave the students a text, and they have to

analyze the text well, the writer observed the students‟ performance all of the

students followed the process well, it means, they were responsible in mastery

their material and they were capable of sharing and explaining their materials to

the students in their group while, in order to avoid the students‟ mistake in

interpreted the meaning of the text that was given by the teacher, a teacher

demanded to be a critical partner in learning and providing correcting feedback.

The result of the test showed that students‟ score who were not taught by

using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy in control class improved, but the

result of post-test in control class are lower than the result of post-test in

experiment class. The students in both of class, most of them get better score than

their own test in pre-test. Some students scored better, although they still had

some incorrect in making prediction, getting explicit message, and getting main

idea in the test.

It can be concluded, from the description above mean score of post-test in

experimental class which given treatment by using Read, Cover, Remember,

Retell strategy had higher score compared with control class was using

conventional strategy or tradition method while reading comprehension process.

So, there was significant effect of using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy

on students reading comprehension.




A. Conclusion

The result of the study indicated that using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell

strategy in teaching reading comprehension has a significant effect and significant

differences in reading achievement. Based on the results of hypothesis test, which

had been done, the conclusion could be concluded as follow:

1. The result of independent sample t-test with significant 0,05 showed

that tvalue(2,23) ≥ ttable (2,02). It can be concluded that there was any

significant effect of Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy on students‟

reading comprehension achievement after conducting a treatment.

2. Then the result of paired sample t-test with significant 0,05 showed that

tvalue(14,06) ≥ ttable (2,02). It can be concluded that there was any

differences between the score of the student who are taught by using Read,

Cover, Remember, Retell strategy and who are not taught by using Read,

Cover, Remember, Retell strategy.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion of the research above, it is known that using Read,

Cover, Remember, Retell strategy in teaching students‟ reading comprehension.

So that, Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy is one of choices by English

teacher in order to increase students‟ reading comprehension. After concluding a

research at Senior High School 13 Merangin, the writer would like to propose

some suggestion to make teaching and learning procces at this school get better

and before. This suggestion is the teacher should use any strategy in teaching

English especially in teaching reading. Teacher may use the other strategy in

teaching English for example Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy because it

can make students active in sharing their thinking of the text to others and it can

improve students‟ reading comprehension.



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Name :

Class :

Read this text and answer the questions by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

Text 1

The following text is for question 1 and 2

Once a cap seller was passing through the jungle. He was dead tired and

needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his

bag full of caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head.

The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first

thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps

were not there. He was wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was

greatly puzzled.

When he looked up the sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting

on the branches of a tree, each wearing a cap on his head. They had done it to

imitate him.

He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the

monkeys. In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he began to make

gestures, even when he raised his fist towards them to threaten them, they also

imitated them.

At last, he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are a great imitator,” he thought.

So he took off his cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had expected, all

the monkeys took off the caps and threw them down on the ground. Quickly he

stood up and collected the caps, but for them back into his bag and went away.

(Source: UN 2012)

1. Why was each monkey wearing a cap on their head?

A. They liked them

B. They liked wearing caps

C. They were imitating the cap seller

D. They were teasing the cap seller

E. They had stolen the caps


2. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Monkeys are clever animal

B. Put your belongings in a safe place

C. Kindness must be possessed by everyone

D. Foolishness is a source of faulty

E. You have to know who you are talking to

Text 2

The following text is for questions 3-6

Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and evening, he

plowed hid field with his buffalo.

One day, a tiger, a mouse deer, and a cockerel were walking together to

meet a snail. On their way, they saw a farmer and a buffalo working in the field.

The tiger said to the mouse deer and the cockerel, “I wonder how stupid the

buffalo is. He lets himself be ruled by the small animal,” “You are right. The big

animal must be a heartless one. I think you‟d better ask the big animal, Tiger,”

said the mouse deer.

After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo, “You are so big

and strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you ?” The buffalo answered,

“Oh the man is very intelligent.” The tiger asked,” Can you tell me how intelligent

he is ?” “No, I can‟t tell you,” said the buffalo, “but you can ask him.”

So the next day asked the man; “Can I see your intelligence ?” But the man

answered, “I live it at home.” “Can you go and get it.” asked the tiger. “Yes,” said

the man; “But I‟m afraid you will kill my buffalo when I‟m gone. Can I tie you to

a tree ?” After the man tied the tiger to the tree, he didn‟t go home to get hid

intelligence. He took hid plow and hit the tiger. Then he said, “Now you know

about my intelligence though you haven‟t seen it.”

(Source: UN 2010)

3. The tiger became more curious because of …

A. The snail‟s advice

B. The cockerel‟s story

C. The man‟s intelligence

D. The mouse deer request

E. The big buffalo‟s suggestion

4. Which of the following was first surprised to see the buffalo and the farmer

working on the field?

A. The lion

B. The tiger


C. The snail

D. The cockerel

E. The mouse deer

5. What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. Don‟t leave your intelligence at home

B. Intelligent can‟t be judged from the appearance

C. Don‟t compare man‟s intelligence to an animal‟s

D. The bigger a person, the more intelligent he is

E. The smaller a person, the more intelligent he is.

6. The main idea of paragraph two is …

A. The buffalo is very useful for the farmer

B. The mouse deer didn‟t believe the cockerel‟s story

C. The cockerel supported the tiger‟s idea to ask the buffalo

D. The tiger was surprised to hear the cockerel‟s story about his family

E. The mouse deer told the tiger to ask buffalo to get the answer to their


Text 3

The following text is for questions 7-9


(The Legend of Prambanan Temple)

Once, there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was Rara

Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the

daughter of Prabu Baka, an evil king.

One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named

Bandung Bondowoso defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara

Jonggrang‟s beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to

marry her.

Meanwhile, Princess Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her father‟s death. She

did not want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also

afraid of Bandung. So she refused politely by giving him a requirement which was

impossible to fulfill. She said, “I will marry you but you have to build one

thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift,” requested Rara Jonggrang.

Bandung agreed with the condition.

Helped by the spirits of the demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building

the temples. Approaching midnight, the work would nearly be done. Rara

Jonggrang knew this and thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than I. I

would lose against Bandung.”


Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the place and

ordered them to make noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the roosters thought it

had already been dawn.

Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed to complete a thousand


“The Princess has deceived me!” Following his anger, he cursed Rara

Jonggrang, “You have cheated me. Now, the thousandth temple will be you !“

At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung

Bondowoso regretted and went away. Now you can see the statue of Princess Rara

Jong-grang in Prambanan temple.

(Source: UN 2009)

7. Who helped Bandung building the temples?

A. The spirits of demons.

B. The spirits of giants.

C. His fellow workers.

D. The evil kings.

E. His followers.

8. Who owned a supernatural power?

A. Prabu Baka.

B. An evil king.

C. Rara Jonggrang.

D. Bandung Bondowoso.

E. The spirits of demons.

9. What moral do you learn from the story?

A. Cheating is needed.

B. You must be honest.

C. We must keep our promise.

D. Crime will not bring happiness.

E. Love is gained by working hard.


Text 4

The following text is for questions 10-11

The Four Brothers and The Lost Camel

Four brothers, who were all good at tracking, met an Arab who asked them

if they had seen his missing camel.

The four brothers asked the Arab whether the camel had lost its tail and

wanted to know if it is was wearing a sack of grain on one said and a jar of honey

on the other.

To his surprise, all the questions were true about his camel. And this made

the Arabs convinced that they were the thieves. So he brought them before a


But the explanation was simple.

The first brother began, “The camel had only gazed on the grass on one

side of the path, so it must be blind in the other eye. One of its was less marked

than the others, and that means it must be lame in one foot.”

“As for me,” said the second brother, “some wheat grains had fallen on the

path and the ants were carrying them away. On the other side of the path, the flies

were sucking at the drops of the honey.”

Thereupon the judge freed the four brothers and took them into his services.

(Source: UN 2009)

10. One of the brothers thought that the camel was lame because of …

A. The grass on one side of the path

B. Hoof prints of the camel

C. The ants and flies

D. The camel‟s eye

E. The camel‟s tail

11. The second brother observed that the camel …

A. Was lame

B. Had no tail

C. Had no eyes

D. Brought wheat grains

E. A sucked drop of honey


Text 5

The following text is for questions 12-14


Mr. Lion was lying asleep when he was suddenly awaked by a mouse

running over his face. The little mouse was being chased by a wild cat. " How

dare you!" he roared and raised his paw to kill the mouse. " Please, Sir," begged

Miss Mouse, " let me go, and one day I may do something for you in return. " You

help me! Ha....ha....," laughed Mr. Lion, but he let her go.

One day, Mr. Lion was caught in a net spread by hunters. " I can't get out!"

he roared angrily. "But I can help you," said a tiny voice. The Miss Mouse nibbled

and gnawed the ropes until the lion was free. " There", she said proudly, "if you

had not let me go, I would not have found a way to help you. "Yes, you should

thank her, Mr. Lion. She has saved your life", said a monkey who was sitting on a

branch of a tree.

(Source: UN 2008)

12. Who was caught in a net?

A. A cat.

B. A lion.

C. A mouse.

D. A hunter.

E. A monkey

13. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mr. Lion was not lying asleep.

B. The mouse cannot help Mr. Lion.

C. Miss Mouse was awakened by Mr. Lion.

D. Miss Mouse was caught in a net spread by hunters.

E. Mr. Lion was awake because a mouse running over his face.

14.Why did the mouse run over the lion's face? Because...

A. She was chased by a wild cat.

B. She was not afraid of the lion.

C. She wanted to wake up the lion.

D. She hoped the lion would help her.

E. She expected the lion would kill the cat.


Text 6

The following text is for questions 15-17

A fox fell into a well and couldn‟t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came

along. Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. “ Good”, said the

fox “It‟s the best water I‟ve tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself.”

The goat was thirsty so he got into the well. When he had drunk enough,

he looked around but there was no way to get out. Then the fox said, “ I have a

good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your fore-legs against the side of

the well. Then I‟ll climb on your back, from there. I‟ll step on your horns, and I

can get out. And when I‟m out, I‟ll help you out of the well.”

The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out

of the well.

Then he coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him and

reminded him of his promise to help him out. The fox merely turned to him and

said; “If you only had thought carefully about getting out, you wouldn‟t have

jumped into the well.”

The goat felt very sad. He called out loudly. An old man walking nearby

heard him and put a plank into the well. The goat got out and thanked the old


(Source: UN 2007)

15. The text tells the story of...

A. A fox.

B. A goat.

C. A fox and a goat.

D. An old man and the fox

E. The goat and an old man.

16. Paragraph two mainly tells...

A. How the fox helped the goat

B. Why the fox got into the well

C. How the fox got out of the well

D. The fox‟s idea how to get out of the well

E. How both the goat and the fox got out of the well.

17. “The goat did as he was asked ....” (Paragraph 3)

What does the above sentence mean?

A. The goat drank enough and looked around.

B. The goat came down to the well and drank.

C. The goat called out loudly after the fox got out.


D. The goat waited for someone who might help him.

E. The goat stood on his hind legs and put his forelegs against the side of the


Text 7

The following text is for questions 18-20

Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim.

He had an idea He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit

asked the boss of the crocodile. “How many crocodiles are there in the river?”

“Where are they? the rabbit asked for the second time.

“All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind. so I want to make a line in

order. Later I will know how kind you are,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of the

crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one

side to the other side of the river. Just then. the rabbit started to count while

jumping from one crocodile to another one. one......two.......there.....four.....until

twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodile because he had crossed the river.

(Source : UN 2007 )

18. The story mainly tells us about...

A. Twenty crocodiles.

B. The boss of the crocodiles.

C. A rabbit and twenty crocodiles.

D. A rabbit and the boss of a crocodile.

E. The boss of the crocodile and all his friends.

19. We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit wanted...

A. To cross the river.

B. To swim across the river.

C. To meet the boss of a crocodile.

D. To know where the crocodiles are.

E. to know the number of crocodiles there.

20. “All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind ..” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined words are synonymous with...

A. Wild

B. Diligent

C. Cheerful

D. Easy going

E. Honorable



The Score of Pre-test and Post-test

(Experimental class)

No Students Pre-test


Post –






1 AZZ 45 60 15

2 AA 40 70 30

3 AS 45 85 40

4 AP 60 75 15

5 AI 60 90 30

6 BDW 45 75 30

7 COH 50 70 20

8 DR 55 90 35

9 EK 55 80 25

10 EKT 60 80 20

11 HH 60 90 30

12 HM 70 90 20

13 IA 50 65 15

14 MA 60 70 10

15 MEK 65 85 20

16 N 40 60 20

17 NKZ 65 80 15

18 RA 70 95 25

19 S 75 95 20

20 SN 50 70 20

21 UN 40 55 15

22 W 55 80 25

Total 1.215 1.710 495


Max 75 95 40

Min 40 55 10

Mean score 55,23 77,72

The score of Pre-test and Post-test

(Control class)

No Students Pre-test


Post – test


Gained score


1 D 35 55 20

2 DMC 45 60 15

3 DP 40 55 15

4 DK 60 80 20

5 FH 65 85 20

6 IP 30 50 20

7 IRP 70 75 5

8 IJ 75 80 5

9 IS 40 50 10

10 JD 45 65 20

11 KK 55 80 25

12 LA 50 65 15

13 MAA 60 65 5

14 MS 35 50 15

15 MA 40 55 15

16 OF 45 60 15

17 PA 50 70 20

18 RPM 55 80 25

19 RHZ 65 80 15

20 S 60 90 30


21 TW 55 70 15

22 UL 80 95 15

Jumlah 1.155 1.515 360

Max 80 95 25

Min 30 50 5

Mean score 52,5 68,86



A. The calculation of frequency distribution ( Pre-test Experiment class)

1. Sample total : 22

2. Distribution of score

40, 40, 40, 45, 45, 45, 50, 50, 50, 55, 55, 55,

60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 65, 65, 70,70, 75.

3. Maximal score : 75

Minimal score : 40

4. Range ( R )

R =

R = 75 – 40

= 35

5. Number of class

K = 1 + 3.33 log (n)

K = 1 + 3.33 log (22)

K = 1 + 3.33. 1.342

K = 5,46886 = 5

6. Length of interval class (p)

P =


= 7

Table 1.1 Frequency distribution (pre-test Experiment class)

No Interval Lower




1 40 – 47 6 44 264 6 39,5 46,5

2 48 – 55 6 52 312 12 47,5 54,5


3 56 – 62 5 60 300 17 55,5 61,5

4 63 – 68 2 66,5 133 19 62,5 67,5

5 69 – 75 3 72 216 22 68,5 74,5

Total 22 1.215

B. The calculation of frequency distribution ( Pre-test Control class)

1. Sample total : 22

2. Distribution of score

30, 35, 35, 40, 40, 40, 45, 45, 45, 50, 50,

55, 55, 55, 60, 60, 60, 65, 65, 70, 75, 80.

3. Maximal score : 80

Minimal score : 30

4. Range ( R )

R =

R = 80 – 30

= 50

5. Number of class

K = 1 + 3.33 log (n)

K = 1 + 3.33 log (22)

K = 1 + 3.33. 1.342

K = 5,46886 = 5

6. Length of interval class (p)

P =


= 10


Table 1.2 Frequency distribution (pre-test Control class)

No Interval Lower




1 30 – 39 3 34,5 103,5 3 29,5 38,5

2 40 – 49 6 44,5 267 9 39,5 48,5

3 50 – 59 5 54,5 272,5 14 49,5 58,5

4 60 – 70 6 65 390 20 59,5 69,5

5 71 – 80 2 75,5 151 22 70,5 79,5

Total 22 1.184

C. The calculation of frequency distribution ( Post-test Experiment class)

1. Sample total : 22

2. Distribution of score

55, 60, 60, 65, 70, 70, 70, 70, 75, 75,

80, 80, 80, 80, 85, 85, 90, 90, 90, 90, , 95, 95.

3. Maximal score : 95

Minimal score : 55

4. Range ( R )

R =

R = 95 – 55

= 40

5. Number of class

K = 1 + 3.33 log (n)

K = 1 + 3.33 log (22)

K = 1 + 3.33. 1.342

K = 5.46886 = 5


6. Length of interval class (p)

P =


= 7

Table 1.3 Frequency distribution (post-test Experiment class)

No Interval Lower




1 55 – 61 3 58 174 3 54,5 60,5

2 62 – 68 1 65 65 4 61,5 67,5

3 69 – 75 6 72 432 10 68,5 74,5

4 76 – 82 4 79 316 14 75,5 81,5

5 83 – 88 2 85,5 171 16 82,5 87,5

6 89 – 95 6 92 552 22 88,5 94,5

Total 22 1.710

D. The calculation of frequency distribution ( Post-test Control class)

1. Sample total : 22

2. Distribution of score

50, 50, 50, 55, 55, 55, 60, 60, 65, 65, 65,

70, 70, 75, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 85, 90, 95.

3. Maximal score : 95

Minimal score : 50

4. Range ( R )

R =

R = 95 – 50

= 45


5. Number of class

K = 1 + 3.33 log (n)

K = 1 + 3.33 log (22)

K = 1 + 3.33. 1.342

K = 5,46886 = 5

6. Length of interval class (p)

P =


= 9

Table 1.4 Frequency distribution (post-test Control class)

No Interval Lower




1 50 – 58 6 54 324 6 49,5 57,5

2 59 – 67 5 63 315 11 58,5 66,5

3 68 – 76 3 72 216 14 67,5 75,5

4 77 – 86 6 81,5 489 20 76,5 85,5

5 87 – 95 2 91 182 22 68,5 94,5

Total 22 1.526



Normality Test

A. Normality test of Pre-test Experiment class

1. Sort the sample data from small to large data , , ,

Sample Score

1 40

2 40

3 40

4 45

5 45

6 45

7 50

8 50

9 50

10 55

11 55

12 55

13 60

14 60

15 60

16 60

17 60

18 65

19 65

20 70

21 70

22 74


2. Calculate the avarege of the sample score by using a single average


40 3 120

45 3 135

50 3 150

55 3 165

60 5 300

65 2 130

70 2 140

75 1 75

Total 22 1.215

The formula of mean :

X =


= 55,23

2. Calculate the standard deviation

No X F FX X X2


1 40 3 120 -15.2 231.04 693.12

2 45 3 135 -10.2 104.04 312.12

3 50 3 150 -5.2 27.04 81.12

4 55 3 165 -0.2 0.04 0.12

5 60 5 300 4.7 22.09 110.45

6 65 2 130 9.7 94.09 188.18

7 70 2 140 14.7 216.09 432.18

8 75 1 75 19.7 374.3 374.3

Total 22 2191.59


The formula standard of standard deviation


√ = 10.21

3. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula Z1 =

Z1 =


= -1,49

The calculate Z2 and so on, follow the method of calculating Z1

4. Determine the Z table based on the Z value

Z1 = round it into two number behind the comma become –1,49, then the

minus value is released to be positive then in the table the critical value of

the normal distribution is obtained by the value of Z1 is 0,4319.

To find the Z table from Z2 and so on can follow the method above.

5. Determine the F(Z1 ) based on the Z table

If Z1 negative (-) so 0,5 – Z table

If Z1 positive (+) so 0,5 + Z table

Z1 = -1,49 because the value of Z1 = is negative, so calculate the F(Z1)

As follow :

Fi (Z1) = 0,5 – 0,4319

To find the (Z2) and so on can follow the method above.

6. Determine the S(Z1) by the formula : ( )


7. Calculate the L count by the formula :F (Z1) – S (Z1)

L1 = [F(Z1) – S (Z1)] = 0,0681 – 0,04 = 0,0281

So that the table as follow is found

No Xi Zi Ztable F(Zi) F(kum) s(zi) (fzi-szi)

1 40 -1,49 0,4319 0,0681 1 0,04 0,0281

2 40 -1,49 0,4319 0,0681 2 0,09 -0,0219

3 40 -1,49 0,4319 0,0681 3 0,13 -0,0619

4 45 -1.00 0,0398 0,4602 4 0,18 0,0802

5 45 -1,00 0,0398 0,4602 5 0,22 0,0402

6 45 -1,00 0,0398 0,4602 6 0,27 0,0802

7 50 -0,51 0,1950 0,3050 7 0,31 -0,0050

8 50 -0,51 0,1950 0,3050 8 0,36 -0,0550

9 50 -0,51 0,1950 0,3050 9 0,40 -0,0950

10 55 -0,23 0,1293 0,3707 10 0,45 -0,0793

11 55 -0,23 0,1293 0,3707 11 0,50 -0,1293

12 55 -0,23 0,1293 0,3707 12 0,54 -0,1693

13 60 0,46 0,1772 0,6772 13 0,59 0,0872

14 60 0,46 0,1772 0,6772 14 0,63 0,0472

15 60 0,46 0,1772 0,6772 15 0,68 -0,0028

16 60 0,46 0,1772 0,6772 16 0,72 -0,0428

17 60 0,46 0,1772 0,6772 17 0,77 -0,0928

18 65 0,95 0,3289 0,8289 18 0,81 0,0189

19 65 0,95 0,3289 0,8289 19 0,86 -0,0311

20 70 1,44 0,4251 0,9251 20 0,90 0,0251

21 70 1,44 0,4251 0,9251 21 0,95 -0,0249

22 75 1,93 0,4732 0,9732 22 1 -0,0749

8. The value of L table with significance ɑ = 0,05 and n = 221 then found the

L table of the critical value for the Liliefors test is 0,1900.


Based on the table, L count is 0,0872. Therefore, Ho is accepted because the

result shows that L count is lower than L table or, 0,0872 < 0,1900 it means

that the data in pre-test experiment class in normally distributed.

B. Normality test of Pre-test control class

1. Sort the sample data from small to large data , , ,

Sample Score

1 30

2 35

3 35

4 40

5 40

6 40

7 45

8 45

9 45

10 50

11 50

12 55

13 55

14 55

15 60

16 60

17 60

18 65

19 65

20 70

21 75

22 80


2. Calculate the average of the sample score by using a single average


30 1 30

35 2 70

40 3 120

45 3 135

50 2 100

55 3 165

60 3 180

65 2 130

70 1 70

75 1 75

80 1 80

Total 22 1.155

The formula of mean :

X =


= 52,5

3. Calculate the standard deviation

No X F FX X X2


1 30 1 30 -22,5 506,25 506,25

2 35 2 70 -17,5 306,25 512,5

3 40 3 120 -12,5 156,25 468,75

4 45 3 135 -7,5 56,25 168,75

5 50 2 100 -2,5 6,25 12,5

6 55 3 165 2,5 6,25 18,75

7 60 3 180 7,5 56,25 168,75

8 65 2 130 12,5 156,25 312,5

9 70 1 70 17,5 306,25 306,25

10 75 1 75 22,5 506,25 506,25


11 80 1 80 27,5 756,25 756,25

Total 22 3.875,5

The formula standard of standard deviation


√ = 1,58

4. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula Z1 =

Z1 =


= -1,66

The calculate Z2 and so on, follow the method of calculating Z1

5. Determine the Z table based on the Z value

Z1 = round it into two number behind the comma become – 1,66, then the

minus value is released to be positive then in the table the critical value of

the normal distribution is obtained by the value of Z1 is 0,4515

To find the Z table from Z2 and so on can follow the method above.

6. Determine the F(Z1 ) based on the Z table

If Z1 negative (-) so 0,5 – Z table

If Z1 positive (+) so 0,5 + Z table

Z1 = -1,66 because the value of Z1 = is negative, so calculate the F(Z1)

As follow :

Fi (Z1) = 0,5 – 0,4515

To find the (Z2) and so on can follow the method above.


7. Determine the S(Z1) by the formula : ( )

8. Calculate the L count by the formula :F (Z1) – S (Z1)

L1 = [F(Z1) – S (Z1)] = 0,0485 – 0,04 = 0,0085

So that the table as follow is found

No Xi Zi Ztable F(Zi) F(kum) s(zi) (fzi-szi)

1 30 -1,29 0,4515 0,0485 1 0,04 0,0085

2 35 -1,29 0,4015 0,0985 2 0,09 0,0085

3 35 -1,29 0,4015 0,0985 3 0,13 -0,0315

4 40 -0,92 0,3212 0,1788 4 0,18 -0,0012

5 40 -0,92 0,3212 0,1788 5 0,22 -0,0412

6 40 -0,92 0,3212 0,1788 6 0,27 -0,0912

7 45 -0,55 0,2088 0,2912 7 0,31 -0,0181

8 45 -0,55 0,2088 0,2912 8 0,36 -0,0688

9 45 -0,55 0,2088 0,2912 9 0,40 -0,1088

10 50 -0,18 0,0714 0,4286 10 0,45 -0,0214

11 50 -0,18 0,0714 0,4286 11 0,5 -0,0714

12 55 0,18 0,0714 0,5714 12 0,54 -0,0314

13 55 0,18 0,0714 0,5714 13 0,59 -0,0586

14 55 0,18 0,0714 0,5714 14 0,63 0,0288

15 60 0,55 0,2088 0,7088 15 0,68 -0,0112

16 60 0,55 0,2088 0,7088 16 0,72 -0,0612

17 60 0,55 0,2088 0,7088 17 0,77 0,0112

18 65 0,92 0,3212 0,8212 18 0,81 -0,0388

19 65 0,92 0,3212 0,8212 19 0,86 0,0014

20 70 1,29 0,4015 0,9015 20 0,90 0,0015

21 75 1,66 0,4515 0,9515 21 0.95 -0,0351

22 80 2,02 0.4783 0,9783 22 1 -0,0215


9. The value of Ltable with significance ɑ = 0,05 and n = 22 then found the

Ltable of the critical value for the Liliefors test is 0,0199.

Based on the table, Lcount is 0,0288. Therefore, Ho is accepted because the

result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or, 0,0288 < 0,1900 it means

that the data in pre-test control class in normally distributed.

C. Normality test of Post-test experimental class

1. Sort the sample data from small to large data , , ,

Sample Score

1 55

2 60

3 60

4 65

5 70

6 70

7 70

8 70

9 75

10 75

11 80

12 80

13 80

14 80

15 85

16 85

17 90

18 90

19 90

20 90

21 95

22 95


2. Calculate the average of the sample score by using a single average


55 1 55

60 2 120

65 1 65

70 4 280

75 2 150

80 4 320

85 2 170

90 4 360

95 2 190

Total 22 1.710

The formula of mean :

X =


= 77,72

3. Calculate the standard deviation

No X F FX X X2


1 55 1 55 -22,72 516,198 516,198

2 60 2 120 -17,72 313,998 627,996

3 65 1 65 -12,72 161,798 161,798

4 70 4 280 -7,72 59,598 238,392

5 75 2 150 -2,72 7,398 14,796

6 80 4 320 2,28 5,198 20,792

7 85 2 170 7,28 52,998 105,996

8 90 4 360 12,28 150,798 603,192

9 95 2 190 17,28 298,598 597,1986

Total 22 1710 2.886,36


The formula standard of standard deviation


√ = 11,72

4. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula Z1 =

Z1 =


= -1,94

The calculate Z2 and so on, follow the method of calculating Z1

5. Determine the Ztable based on the Zvalue

Z1 = round it into two number behind the comma become - 1,94, then the

minus value is released to be positive then in the table the critical value of

the normal distribution is obtained by the value of Z1 is 0,4738

To find the Ztable from Z2 and so on can follow the method above.

6. Determine the F(Z1 ) based on the Ztable

If Z1 negative (-) so 0,5 – Ztable

If Z1 positive (+) so 0,5 + Ztable

Z1 = - 2,31because the value of Z1 = is negative, so calculate the F(Z1)

As follow :

Fi (Z1) = 0,5 – 0,4738

To find the (Z2) and so on can follow the method above.

7. Determine the S(Z1) by the formula : ( )


8. Calculate the Lcount by the formula :F (Z1) – S (Z1)

L1 = [F(Z1) – S (Z1)] = 0,0262 – 0,04 = - 0,0138

So that the table as follow is found

No Xi Zi Ztable F(Zi) F(kum) s(zi) (fzi-szi)

1 55 -1,94 0,4738 0,0262 1 0.04 -0,0138

2 60 -1,51 0,4345 0,0655 2 0,09 -0,0245

3 60 -1,51 0,4345 0,0655 3 0,13 -0,0645

4 65 -1,08 0,3599 0,1401 4 0,18 -0,0390

5 70 -0,65 0,2422 0,2578 5 0,22 0,0378

6 70 -0,65 0,2422 0,2578 6 0,27 -0,0122

7 70 -0,65 0,2422 0,2578 7 0,31 -0,0522

8 70 -0,65 0,2422 0,2578 8 0,36 -0,1022

9 75 -0,23 0,0910 0,4090 9 0,40 0,0090

10 75 -0,23 0,0910 0,4090 10 0,45 -0,0410

11 80 0,19 0,0753 0,5753 11 0,50 0,0753

12 80 0,19 0,0753 0,5753 12 0,54 0,0353

13 80 0,19 0,0753 0,5753 13 0,59 -0,0147

14 80 0,19 0,0753 0,5753 14 0,63 -0,0547

15 85 0,62 0,2324 0,7324 15 0,68 0,0524

16 85 0,62 0,2324 0,7324 16 0,72 0,0124

17 90 1,05 0,3531 0,8531 17 0,77 0,0831

18 90 1,05 0,3531 0,8531 18 0,81 0,0431

19 90 1,05 0,3531 0,8531 19 0,86 -0,0069

20 90 1,05 0,3531 0,8531 20 0,90 -0,0469

21 95 1,47 0,4292 0,9292 21 0,98 -0,0208

22 95 1,47 0,4292 0,9292 22 1 -0,0708


9. The value of Ltable with significance ɑ = 0,05 and n = 21 then found the

Ltable of the critical value for the Liliefors test is 0,1900.

Based on the table, Lcount is 0,0831. Therefore, Ho is accepted because the

result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or, 0,0831 < 0,1900 it means

that the data in post-test experiment class in normally distributed.

D. Normality test of Post-test control class

1. Sort the sample data from small to large data , , ,

Sample Score

1 50

2 50

3 50

4 55

5 55

6 55

7 60

8 60

9 65

10 65

11 65

12 70

13 70

14 75

15 80

16 80

17 80

18 80

19 80

20 85

21 90

22 95


2. Calculate the average of the sample score by using a single average


50 3 150

55 3 165

60 2 120

65 3 195

70 2 140

75 1 75

80 5 400

85 1 85

90 1 90

95 1 75

Total 212 1.515

The formula of mean :

X =


= 68,86

3. Calculate the standard deviation

No X F FX X X2


1 50 3 150 -16,86 284,26 852,78

2 55 3 165 -13,86 192,09 576,27

3 60 2 120 -8,86 78,50 157

4 65 3 195 -3,86 14,90 44,7

5 70 2 140 1,14 1,30 2,6

6 75 1 75 6,14 37,70 37,70

7 80 5 400 11,14 124,10 620,5

8 85 1 85 16,14 260,50 260,50

9 90 1 90 21,14 446,90 446,90

10 95 1 95 26,14 683,30 683,30

Total 22 3.682,25


The formula standard of standard deviation


√ = 13,24

4. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula Z1 =

Z1 =


= -1,42

The calculate Z2 and so on, follow the method of calculating Z1

5. Determine the Z table based on the Z value

Z1 = round it into two number behind the comma become – 1,42, then the

minus value is released to be positive then in the table the critical value of

the normal distribution is obtained by the value of Z1 is 0,4222

To find the Z table from Z2 and so on can follow the method above.

6. Determine the F(Z1 ) based on the Z table

If Z1 negative (-) so 0,5 – Z table

If Z1 positive (+) so 0,5 + Z table

Z1 = - 1,74 because the value of Z1 = is negative, so calculate the F(Z1)

As follow :

Fi (Z1) = 0,5 – 0,4222

To find the (Z2) and so on can follow the method above.

7. Determine the S(Z1) by the formula : ( )


8. Calculate the Lcount by the formula :F (Z1) – S (Z1)

L1 = [F(Z1) – S (Z1)] = 0,0778 – 0,04 = -0,0378

So that the table as follow is found

No Xi Zi Ztable F(Zi) F(kum) s(zi) (fzi-szi)

1 50 -1,42 0,4222 0,0778 1 0,04 0,0378

2 50 -1,42 0,4222 0,0778 2 0,09 -0,0122

3 50 -1,42 0,4222 0,0778 3 0,13 -0,0522

4 55 -1,05 0,3531 0,1469 4 0,18 -0,0331

5 55 -1,05 0,3531 0,1469 5 0,22 -0,0731

6 55 -1,05 0,3531 0,1469 6 0,27 -0,1231

7 60 -0,67 0,2486 0,2514 7 0,31 -0,0586

8 60 -0,67 0,2486 0,2514 8 0,36 -0,1086

9 65 -0,29 0,1141 0,3859 9 0,40 -0,0141

10 65 -0,29 0,1141 0,3859 10 0,45 -0,0641

11 65 -0,29 0,1141 0,3859 11 0,5 -0,1141

12 70 -0,09 0,0359 0,5359 12 0,54 -0,0041

13 70 -0,09 0,0359 0,5359 13 0,59 -0,0541

14 75 0,46 0,1772 0,6772 14 0,63 -0,0472

15 80 0,84 0,2995 0,7995 15 0,68 0,1195

16 80 0,84 0,2995 0,7995 16 0,72 0,0795

17 80 0,84 0,2995 0,7995 17 0,77 0,0295

18 80 0,84 0,2995 0,7995 18 0,81 -0,0105

19 80 0,84 0,2995 0,7995 19 0,86 -0,0605

20 85 1,22 0,3888 0,8888 20 0,90 -0,0112

21 90 1,60 0,4452 0,9452 21 0,95 -0,0048

22 95 1,97 0,4756 9756 22 1 -0,0244


9. Th95e value of Ltable with significance ɑ = 0,05 and n = 21 then found the

Ltable of the critical value for the Liliefors test is 0,1900.

Based on the table, Lcount is 0,1195. Therefore, Ho is accepted because the

result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or 0,1195< 0,1900 it means

that the data in post-test control class in normally distributed.



Homogeneity Test

In order to know the homogeneity of the, the writer did the homogeneity, to do the

homogeneity test, he tested the score of pre – test and post – test in both

experiment and control class using fisher test,

Hypothesis :

HO : The experiment class is homogenous to the control class

Ha : The experiment class is not homogenous to the control class

The criteria of the test :

ɑ : 0,05

Ho : F count ≤ F table

Ha :F count > F table

The formula used in homogeneity test can be see as follow :

F count

With : ∑( )

A. Homogeneity test of experiment and control class pre-test

1. Score of experiment class pre – test

No Students Score

1 A 45

2 B 40

3 C 45

4 D 60

5 E 60

6 F 45


7 G 50

8 H 55

9 I 55

10 J 60

11 K 60

12 L 70

13 M 50

14 N 60

15 O 65

16 P 40

17 Q 65

18 R 70

18 S 75

20 T 50

21 U 40

22 V 55

Total 1215

From the data can be obtained :

No Students Score X – Xbar (X-X)2

1 A 45 -10,2 104,04

2 B 40 -15,2 231,04

3 C 45 -10,2 104,04

4 D 60 4,7 22,09

5 E 60 4,7 22,09

6 F 45 -10,2 104,04

7 G 50 -5,2 27,04

8 H 55 -0,2 0,04

9 I 55 -0,2 0,04

10 J 60 4,7 22,09


11 K 60 4,7 22,09

12 L 70 14,7 216,9

13 M 50 -5,2 27,04

14 N 60 4,7 22,09

15 O 65 9,7 216,09

16 P 40 -15,2 231,04

17 Q 65 9,7 94,09

18 R 70 14,7 216,09

18 S 75 19,7 374,3

20 T 50 -5,2 27,04

21 U 40 -15,2 231,04

22 V 55 -0,2 0,04

Total 1.215 2.191,59

2. Score of control class

No Students Score

1 Aa 35

2 Bb 45

3 Cc 40

4 Dd 60

5 Ee 65

6 Ff 30

7 Gg 70

8 Hh 75

9 Ii 40

10 Jj 45

11 Kk 55

12 Ll 50

13 Mm 60

14 Nn 35


15 Oo 40

16 Pp 45

17 Qq 50

18 Rr 55

18 Ss 65

20 Tt 60

21 Uu 55

22 Vv 80

Total 1155

From the data can be obtained :

No Students Score X-Xbar (X-X)2

1 Aa 35 -17,5 306,25

2 Bb 45 -7,5 56,25

3 Cc 40 -12,5 156,25

4 Dd 60 7,5 56,25

5 Ee 65 12,5 156,25

6 Ff 30 -22,5 506,25

7 Gg 70 17,5 306,25

8 Hh 75 22,5 506,25

9 Ii 40 -12,5 156,25

10 Jj 45 -7,5 56,25

11 Kk 55 2,5 6,25

12 Ll 50 -2,5 6,25

13 Mm 60 7,5 56,25

14 Nn 35 -17,5 306,25

15 Oo 40 -12,5 156,25

16 Pp 45 -7,5 56,25

17 Qq 50 -2,5 6,25


18 Rr 55 2,5 6,25

18 Ss 65 12,5 156,25

20 Tt 60 7,5 56,25

21 Uu 55 2,5 6,25

22 Vv 80 27,5 756,25

Total 1.155 3.837,5

3. Process of homogeneity test

No Score (X-X)2

Score (X-X)2

1 45 104,04 35 306,25

2 40 231,04 45 56,25

3 45 104,04 40 156,25

4 60 22,09 60 56,25

5 60 22,09 65 156,25

6 45 104,04 30 506,25

7 50 27,04 70 306,25

8 55 0,04 75 506,25

9 55 0,04 40 156,25

10 60 22,09 45 56,25

11 60 22,09 55 6,25

12 70 216,9 50 6,25

13 50 27,04 60 56,25

14 60 22,09 35 306,25

15 65 216,09 40 156,25

16 40 231,04 45 56,25

17 65 94,09 50 6,25

18 70 216,09 55 6,25

19 75 374,3 65 156,25

20 50 27,04 60 56,25

21 40 231,04 55 6,25


22 55 0,04 80 756,25


2.191,59 Total 3.837,5

S2 =

∑( )



= 104,36

S2 =

∑( )



= 182,74

L count


= 1, 45

4. Compare L count with Ltable

With the formula as follow

db denomitor = n – 1 = 22 – 1 = 21

db denomitor = n – 1 = 22 – 1 = 21

Ftable with the significant ɑ : 0,05 is = 2,05

According to calculation above, the data of experiment and control class

pre-test is homogenous. It can be seen from Fcount < Ftable or 1,45 < 2,05

B. Homogeneity test of experiment and control class post-test

1. Score of experiment class post – test

No Students Score

1 A 60

2 B 70

3 C 85

4 D 75

5 E 90

6 F 75

7 G 70

8 H 90

9 I 80


10 J 80

11 K 90

12 L 90

13 M 65

14 N 70

15 O 85

16 P 60

17 Q 80

18 R 95

18 S 95

20 T 70

21 U 55

22 V 80

Total 1.710

From the data can be obtained :

No Students Score X – Xbar (X-X)2

1 A 60 -17,72 313,998

2 B 70 -7,72 59,598

3 C 85 7,28 52,998

4 D 75 -2,72 7,398

5 E 90 12,28 150,798

6 F 75 -2,72 7,398

7 G 70 -7,72 59,598

8 H 90 12,28 150,798

9 I 80 2,28 5,198

10 J 80 2,28 5,198

11 K 90 12,28 150,798

12 L 90 12,28 150,798

13 M 65 -12,72 161,798


14 N 70 -7,72 59,598

15 O 85 7,28 52,998

16 P 60 -17,72 313,998

17 Q 80 2,28 5,198

18 R 95 17,28 298,598

18 S 95 17,28 298,598

20 T 70 -7,72 59,598

21 U 55 -22,72 516,198

22 V 80 2,28 5,198

Total 1.710 2.886,36

5. Score of control class

No Students Score

1 Aa 55

2 Bb 60

3 Cc 55

4 Dd 80

5 Ee 85

6 Ff 50

7 Gg 75

8 Hh 80

9 Ii 50

10 Jj 65

11 Kk 80

12 Ll 65

13 Mm 65

14 Nn 50

15 Oo 55

16 Pp 60

17 Qq 70


18 Rr 80

18 Ss 80

20 Tt 90

21 Uu 70

22 Vv 95

Total 1.515

From the data can be obtained :

No Students Score X-Xbar (X-X)2

1 Aa 55 -13,86 284,26

2 Bb 60 -8,86 78,50

3 Cc 55 -13,86 192,09

4 Dd 80 11,14 124,10

5 Ee 85 16,14 260,50

6 Ff 50 -16,86 284,26

7 Gg 75 6,14 37,70

8 Hh 80 11,14 124,10

9 Ii 50 -16,86 284,26

10 Jj 65 -3,86 14,90

11 Kk 80 11,14 124,10

12 Ll 65 -3,86 14,90

13 Mm 65 -3,86 14,90

14 Nn 50 -16,86 284,26

15 Oo 55 -13,86 192,09

16 Pp 60 8,86 78,50

17 Qq 70 1,14 1,30

18 Rr 80 11,14 124,10

18 Ss 80 11,14 124,10

20 Tt 90 21,14 446,90


21 Uu 70 1,14 1,30

22 Vv 95 26,14 683,30

Total 1.515 3.682,25

6. Process of homogeneity test

No Score (X-X)2

Score (X-X)2

1 60 313,998 55 284,26

2 70 59,598 60 78,50

3 85 52,998 55 192,09

4 75 7,398 80 124,10

5 90 150,798 85 260,50

6 75 7,398 50 284,26

7 70 59,598 75 37,70

8 90 150,798 80 124,10

9 80 5,198 50 284,26

10 80 5,198 65 14,90

11 90 150,798 80 124,10

12 90 150,798 65 14,90

13 65 161,798 65 14,90

14 70 59,598 50 284,26

15 85 52,998 55 192,09

16 60 313,998 60 78,50

17 80 5,198 70 1,30

18 95 298,598 80 124,10

19 95 298,598 80 124,10

20 70 59,598 90 446,90

21 55 516,198 70 1,30

22 80 5,198 95 683,30

Total 2.886,36 Total 3.682,25


S2 =

∑( )



= 137,44

S2 =

∑( )



= 175,34

L count


= 1,27

7. Compare L count with Ltable

With the formula as follow

db denomitor = n – 1 = 22 – 1 = 21

db denomitor = n – 1 = 22 – 1 = 21

Ftable with the significant ɑ : 0,05 is = 2,05

According to calculation above, the data of experiment and control class

post-test is homogenous. It can be seen from Fcount < Ftable or 1,27 <




Independent Sample T-test

The formula of independent sample T-test is as follow

The format above is the main formula, before using the formula the writer also

used calculation procedure such as bellow :

1. Determining mean of variable X2 (post-test experiment class )

M1 =

2. Determining mean of variable X2 (post-test control class )

M1 =

3. Determining standard of deviation score of variable X2


= √

= √

= √ = 11,723724420 = 11,72

4. Determining standard of deviation score of variable Y2


= √

= √

= √ = 13.241798899 = 13,24


5. Determining standard error mean of variable X, with the formula

√ =

√ =

√ =

= 2,57

6. Determining standard error mean of variable Y, with the formula

√ =

√ =

√ =

= 2,89

7. Determining standard error of different mean of variable X2 of variable Y2,

with the formula :

= √

= √

= √ = 3.8674280859 = 3,87

8. Determining to (t.test) the formula




= 2,29

9. Determining degree of freedom

df or db = n1 + n2 -2 = 22 +22 – 2 = 42

Because df 40 is on the table, where in the table there is df 2,02

10. The testing of hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis of the research is

1. Ha1 : There is any significant effect of Read, Cover, Remember,

Retell strategy on students‟ reading comprehension achievement

after conducting a treatment.

2. Ho1 : There is no any significant effect of Read, Cover, Remember,

Retell strategy on students‟ reading comprehension achievement

after conducted treatment.

The criteria used to analyzed the test hypothesis is such bellow :


1. If t-test (t0) ≥ t-table (t1) in the significance degree of 0.05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is rejected

2. If t-test (t0) ≤ t-table (t1) in the significance degree of 0.05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is accepted

Based on the calculating above. Ho is rejected because the result shows

that the t-test (to) is hignest than t-table or 2,29 > 2,02 it means that there is a

significant effect of Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy on students‟

reading comprehension achievement after conducted treatment.



Paired Sample T-test

The writer used paired sample T-test to test the hypothesis that whether

there was any difference between the score of the student who are taught by using

Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy and who are not taught by using Read,

Cover, Remember, Retell strategy.

Process calculation for hypothesis test Experimental class

No Pre-test Post-test D (X.Y) D2 (X.Y)

1 45 60 15 225

2 40 70 30 900

3 45 85 40 1.600

4 60 75 15 225

5 60 90 30 900

6 45 75 30 900

7 50 70 20 400

8 55 90 35 1.225

9 55 80 25 625

10 60 80 20 400

11 60 90 30 900

12 70 90 20 400

13 50 65 15 225

14 60 70 10 100

15 65 85 20 400

16 40 60 20 400

17 65 80 15 225

18 70 95 25 625

19 75 95 20 400

20 50 70 20 400

21 40 55 15 225


22 55 80 25 625



495 12.325

1. Mean from difference


= 22,5

2. Standard deviation




= √



= √ ( )

= √ = 7.3464277033 = 7,35

3. Standard error

√ =

√ =

√ =

= 1,60

4. Search To


= 14,06

5. The testing of hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis of the research is

Ha2 = There is any difference between the score of the student who are

taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy and who

are not taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy.

Ho2 = There is no any difference between the score of the student who are

taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy and who

are not taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy.


The criteria used to analyzed the test hypothesis is such bellow :

1. If t-test (t0) ≥ t-table (t1) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (Null

Hypothesis) is rejected

2. If t-test (t0) ≤ t-table (t1) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (Null

Hypothesis) is accepted

Based on the calculating above. Ho is rejected because the result shows

that the t-test (to) is hignest than t-table or 14,06 > 2,02 it means that there

is a any difference between the score of the student who are taught by

using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy and who are not taught by

using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy.



The Effect Size

Based on the daqta, it can be known :


So, the formula of cohen‟s:

= 0,7

Based on the calculating above, the result of d is 0,7, so it show that the high

effect size because d ≥ 0 and d ≥ 1,0 with the percentage 84%.It means that the

effect of using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell strategy give high effect to use the

class on students‟ reading comprehension.




Sekolah : SMA N 13 Merangin

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/Ganjil

Materi : Text Narrative

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 30 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab,

responsive, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai

dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah,

masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, Negara, kawasan

regional, dan kawasan internasional.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, procedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan

dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik

sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari disekolah

secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu

menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

KD 3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks



KD 4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana

terkait legenda rakyat.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.8.1 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur bahasa dalam teks naratif lisan

dan tulisan.

3.8.2 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dalam teks naratif lisan dan tertulis.

4.8.1 Menceritakan teks naratif.

4.8.2 Menulis teks naratif singkat disertai ilustrasi.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Di akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur bahasa dalam teks narrative lisan

dan tulisan secara tepat.

2. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dalam teks naratif dan diucapkan dengan benar.

3. Menceritakan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menulis teks naratif singkat disertai ilustrasi dengan tepat.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Fungsi Sosial

Mendapat hiburan, menghibur, mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur, mengambil


2. Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:




Orientasi Ulang

3. Unsur Kebahasaan

Kalimat-kalimat dalam simple past tense, past continuous, dan lainnya

yang relevan

Kosa kata: terkait karakter, watak, dan setting dalam legenda

Adverbia penghubung dan penujuk waktu

Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

4. Topik

Cerita legenda yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI


F. Metode / Strategi Pembelajaran

1. Metode : Ceramah, Diskusi dan Penugasan

2. Strategi : RCRR (Read Cover Remember Retell)

H. Proses Pembelajaran

1. Pertemuan 1


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

a. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru menjelaskan mengenai strategi RCRR dan

memberikan contoh hasil strategi RCRR didepan

kelas dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk


b. Elaborasi

1) Guru membagi siswa secara berpasangan.

2) Guru memberikan bacaan cerpen kepada siswa

yang berjudul “Sura and Baya” untuk dibaca dan

siswa membaca cerpen bersama pasanganya

secara bergantian dengan pengawasan guru

(Menerapkan Strategi RCRR).

3) Setelah selesai membaca, siswa diminta untuk

menentukan unsur dan point-point yang ada

didalam cerpen dan menceritakan kembali kepada

pasangannya. Dalam tahap ini siswa diminta

memberikan pendapat/tanggapan

c. Konfirmasi

1) Kemudian, hasil diskusi kelompok dipresentasikan

di depan kelas.

2) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman


hasil diskusi mereka.

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

2. Pertemuan 2


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

a. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru menjelaskan mengenai strategi RCRR dan

memberikan contoh hasil strategi RCRR didepan

kelas dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk


b. Elaborasi

1) Guru membagi siswa secara berpasangan.

2) Guru memberikan bacaan cerpen kepada siswa

yang berjudul “Sangkuriang” untuk dibaca dan

siswa membaca cerpen bersama pasanganya

secara bergantian dengan pengawasan guru

(Menerapkan Strategi RCRR).

3) Setelah selesai membaca, siswa diminta untuk

menentukan unsur dan point-point yang ada

didalam cerpen dan menceritakan kembali kepada

pasangannya. Dalam tahap ini siswa diminta

memberikan pendapat/tanggapan.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Kemudian, hasil diskusi kelompok dipresentasikan


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman


di depan kelas.

2) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan

hasil diskusi mereka.

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

3. Pertemuan 3


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

a. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru menjelaskan mengenai strategi RCRR dan

memberikan contoh hasil strategi RCRR didepan

kelas dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk


b. Elaborasi

1) Guru membagi siswa secara berpasangan.

2) Guru memberikan bacaan cerpen kepada siswa

yang berjudul “Aji Saka” untuk dibaca dan siswa

membaca cerpen bersama pasanganya secara

bergantian dengan pengawasan guru

(Menerapkan Strategi RCRR).

3) Setelah selesai membaca, siswa diminta untuk

menentukan unsur dan point-point yang ada

didalam cerpen dan menceritakan kembali kepada

pasangannya. Dalam tahap ini siswa diminta


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman


memberikan pendapat/tanggapan.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Kemudian, hasil diskusi kelompok dipresentasikan

di depan kelas.

2) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan

hasil diskusi mereka.

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

4. Pertemuan 4


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

a. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru menjelaskan mengenai strategi RCRR dan

memberikan contoh hasil strategi RCRR didepan

kelas dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk


b. Elaborasi

1) Guru membagi siswa secara berpasangan.

2) Guru memberikan bacaan cerpen kepada siswa

yang berjudul “The Ant and the Dove” untuk

dibaca dan siswa membaca cerpen bersama

pasanganya secara bergantian dengan pengawasan

guru (Menerapkan Strategi RCRR).

3) Setelah selesai membaca, siswa diminta untuk


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman


menentukan unsur dan point-point yang ada

didalam cerpen dan menceritakan kembali kepada

pasangannya. Dalam tahap ini siswa diminta

memberikan pendapat/tanggapan.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Kemudian, hasil diskusi kelompok dipresentasikan

di depan kelas.

2) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan

hasil diskusi mereka.

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

5. Pertemuan 5


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

a. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru menjelaskan mengenai strategi RCRR dan

memberikan contoh hasil strategi RCRR didepan

kelas dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk


b. Elaborasi

1) Guru membagi siswa secara berpasangan.

2) Guru memberikan bacaan cerpen kepada siswa

yang berjudul “Snow White” untuk dibaca dan

siswa membaca cerpen bersama pasanganya


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman


secara bergantian dengan pengawasan guru

(Menerapkan Strategi RCRR).

3) Setelah selesai membaca, siswa diminta untuk

menentukan unsur dan point-point yang ada

didalam cerpen dan menceritakan kembali kepada

pasangannya. Dalam tahap ini siswa diminta

memberikan pendapat/tanggapan.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Kemudian, hasil diskusi kelompok dipresentasikan

di depan kelas.

2) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan

hasil diskusi mereka.

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

6. Pertemuan 6


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

a. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru menjelaskan mengenai strategi RCRR dan

memberikan contoh hasil strategi RCRR didepan

kelas dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk


b. Elaborasi

1) Guru membagi siswa secara berpasangan.


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


2) Guru memberikan bacaan cerpen kepada siswa

yang berjudul “The Fox and Grapes” untuk

dibaca dan siswa membaca cerpen bersama

pasanganya secara bergantian dengan pengawasan

guru (Menerapkan Strategi RCRR)

3) Setelah selesai membaca, siswa diminta untuk

menentukan unsur dan point-point yang ada

didalam cerpen dan menceritakan kembali kepada

pasangannya. Dalam tahap ini siswa diminta

memberikan pendapat/tanggapan.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Kemudian, hasil diskusi kelompok dipresentasikan

di depan kelas.

2) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan

hasil diskusi mereka.


Menghargai teman

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

H. Sumber Belajar

1. Buku Paket kelas X Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI: Edisi

Revisi 2017: Jakarta

2. Short Story

3. Kamus bahasa inggris

I. Alat/Media Pembelajaran

1. Media

Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)

Lembar penilaian

2. Alat/Bahan

Spidol, papan tulis

J. Penilaian

1. Penilaian pengetahuan


Teknik : Tes tulis

Bentuk : Pilihan Ganda

2. Penilaian keterampilan

Teknik : Membaca

Instrument : Tugas

a. Membaca cerpen

b. Praktik memahami isi teks dan menemukan membuat dan menjawab


K. Pedoman penskoran

1) Jawaban benar = 10

2) Nilai minimal = 1 x 10 = 100

3) Nilai maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100

4) System penilaian = X 100 = x 100 = 100

a. Rubric

1) Rubrik penilaian sikap siswa

No. Nama

Siswa Respon Kejujuran





diri Disiplin Nilai




Catatan : Setiap aspek menggunakan skala 1 sampai 5

1 = Sangat Kurang 3 = Cukup 5 = Sangat Baik

2 = Kurang 4 = Baik

Margo, September 2020


Guru Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa

Puji Sri Lestari, S.Pd. Ika Febrianti Muanas





Sekolah : SMA N 13 Merangin

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/Ganjil

Materi : Text Narrative

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 30 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab,

responsive, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai

dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah,

masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, Negara, kawasan

regional, dan kawasan internasional.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, procedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan

dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik

sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari disekolah

secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu

menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

KD 3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks



KD 4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana

terkait legenda rakyat.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.8.1 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur bahasa dalam teks naratif lisan

dan tulisan.

3.8.2 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dalam teks naratif lisan dan tertulis.

4.8.1 Menceritakan teks naratif.

4.8.2 Menulis teks naratif singkat disertai ilustrasi.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Di akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur bahasa dalam teks narrative lisan

dan tulisan secara tepat.

2. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dalam teks naratif dan diucapkan dengan benar.

3. Menceritakan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menulis teks naratif singkat disertai ilustrasi dengan tepat.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

5. Fungsi Sosial

Mendapat hiburan, menghibur, mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur, mengambil


6. Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:




Orientasi Ulang

7. Unsur Kebahasaan

Kalimat-kalimat dalam simple past tense, past continuous, dan lainnya

yang relevan

Kosa kata: terkait karakter, watak, dan setting dalam legenda

Adverbia penghubung dan penujuk waktu

Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

8. Topik

Cerita legenda yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

F. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Metode : Ceramah, Diskusi dan Penugasan


G. Proses Pembelajaran

1. Pertemuan 1


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

a. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru memberikan media berupa cerpen yang

berjudul “Sura and Baya” kepada siswa.

b. Elaborasi

1) Siswa melakukan kegiatan membaca, memahami

bacaan cerpen dan menganalisis unsur dan point-

point yang ada didalam cerpen terkait pokok

pokok cerita.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan.


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

2. Pertemuan 2


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

Rasa ingin tahu


serta memotivasi siswa.

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

b. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru memberikan media berupa cerpen yang

berjudul “Sangkuriang” kepada siswa.

b. Elaborasi

2) Siswa melakukan kegiatan membaca, memahami

bacaan cerpen dan menganalisis unsur dan point-

point yang ada didalam cerpen terkait pokok

pokok cerita.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan.


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

3. Pertemuan 3


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

c. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru memberikan media berupa cerpen yang

berjudul “Aji Saka” kepada siswa.

b. Elaborasi


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama



3) Siswa melakukan kegiatan membaca, memahami

bacaan cerpen dan menganalisis unsur dan point-

point yang ada didalam cerpen terkait pokok

pokok cerita.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan.

Menghargai teman

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

4. Pertemuan 4


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

d. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru memberikan media berupa cerpen yang

berjudul “The Ant and the Dove” kepada siswa.

b. Elaborasi

4) Siswa melakukan kegiatan membaca, memahami

bacaan cerpen dan menganalisis unsur dan point-

point yang ada didalam cerpen terkait pokok

pokok cerita.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan.


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman


Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

5. Pertemuan 5


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

e. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru memberikan media berupa cerpen yang

berjudul “Snow White” kepada siswa.

b. Elaborasi

5) Siswa melakukan kegiatan membaca, memahami

bacaan cerpen dan menganalisis unsur dan point-

point yang ada didalam cerpen terkait pokok

pokok cerita.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan.


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab


6. Pertemuan 6


Kegiatan Awal (3 menit)


1) Guru memeriksa keadaan kelas dan memastikan

bahwa siswa siap untuk menerima mata pelajaran.

2) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, manfaat

pembelajaran dan kompetensi dasar pembelajaran

serta memotivasi siswa.

Rasa ingin tahu

Kegiatan Inti (24 menit)

f. Eksplorasi

1) Guru menjelaskan materi membaca cerpen dan

unsur-unsur cerpen, antara lain; tokoh, karakter

tokoh, latar, konflik, dan amanat.

2) Guru memberikan media berupa cerpen yang

berjudul “The Fox and Grapes” kepada siswa.

b. Elaborasi

6) Siswa melakukan kegiatan membaca, memahami

bacaan cerpen dan menganalisis unsur dan point-

point yang ada didalam cerpen terkait pokok

pokok cerita.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Siswa secara individu menjawab pertanyaan

pilihan ganda yang telah disediakan.


Berpikir cepat

Kerja sama


Menghargai teman

Penutup (3 menit)

1) Guru mengadakan check and recheck dari hasil

pekerjaan siswa.

2) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi


3) Guru dan siswa melakukan evaluasi

Tanggung jawab

H. Sumber Belajar

1. Buku Paket kelas X Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI: Edisi

Revisi 2017: Jakarta

2. Short Story

3. Kamus bahasa inggris


I. Alat/Media Pembelajaran

1. Media

Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)

Lembar penilaian

2. Alat/Bahan

Spidol, papan tulis

J. Penilaian

1. Penilaian pengetahuan

Teknik : Tes tulis

Bentuk : Pilihan Ganda

2. Penilaian keterampilan

Teknik : Membaca

Instrument : Tugas

a. Membaca cerpen

b. Praktik memahami isi teks dan menemukan membuat dan menjawab


K. Pedoman penskoran

1. Jawaban benar = 10

2. Nilai minimal = 1 x 10 = 100

3. Nilai maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100

4. System penilaian = X 100 = x 100 = 100

b. Rubric

2) Rubrik penilaian sikap siswa

No. Nama

Siswa Respon Kejujuran





diri Disiplin Nilai





Catatan : Setiap aspek menggunakan skala 1 sampai 5

1 = Sangat Kurang 3 = Cukup 5 = Sangat Baik

2 = Kurang 4 = Baik

Margo, September 2020


Guru Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa

Puji Sri Lestari, S.Pd. Ika Febrianti Muanas





Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : X (Sepuluh)

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab,

responsive, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai

dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah,

masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, Negara, kawasan

regional, dan kawasan internasional.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, procedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan

dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik

sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari disekolah

secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu

menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.


i Dasar































n nilai-nilai



- Menyimak guru


legenda, sambil

dilibatkan dalam

tanya jawab

tentang isinya

- Didiktekan guru


legenda tersebut

dalam buku






teks teks


















a teks







i dan



































- Orientas


- Komplik


- Resolusi

- Orientas

i ulang




- Kalimat-








s, dan




- Kosa









- Adverbia


ng dan

catatan masing-

masing, sambil

bertanya jawab

terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang


- Dalam kelompok




legenda tsb

dengan intonasi,

ucapan dan

tekanan kata

yang benar,

dengan saling


- Membaca satu

legenda lain,

bertanya jawab

tentang isinya,

dan kemudian



yang memuat


legenda yang


- Melakukan

refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil










apan dan




man isi






n unsur


aan: tata












n tulisan




g jawab,













































aan teks












- Ucapan,






baca, dan






yang dapat





termuat di






diri yang





mi isi












n siswa




ami dan






































an diri:


an siswa











a tentang











an dan





- Mem















- Meng


is isi































a. Kumpu











b. Lemba

r soal







Reading Comprehension Test Specification









Identifying Main Idea and topic 6, 15, 16, 18 5

,19 Identifying references 17 1



Vocabulary 20 1

Identifying for supporting details in the text 1, 3, 4, 7, 8,

and stated fact 10, 11, 12, 10 13, 14

Moral Value 2, 5, 9 3

Total 20

No. Score Symbol Category

1. 90-100 A Very good

2. 80-89 B Good

3. 70-79 C Poor

4. <70 D Very Poor

(Source: Senior High School 13 Merangin)

Petunjuk :

Berikan komentar dan saran ibu/bapak tentang tingkatan kesesuaian dan

tingkatan kesulitan masing – masing bacaan dan soal dari 20 butir soal bacaan

dengan cara mengisi sebuah pertanyaan. Untuk menunjukkan tingkatan

kesesuaian (the level of approriatment) dan 1,2,3,4, dan 5 untuk menunjukkan

tingkat kesulitan (the level of difficulty)


A : Sangat sesuai 1: Sangat sulit

B : Sesuai 2: Sulit

C : Sedang 3: Sedang

D : Tidak sesuai 4: Mudah

E : Sangat tidak sesuai 5. Sangat mudah



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini

Nama : Faiqah Mahmudah, SS, M.Pd

NIP 198704172015032003

Jabatan Fungsional : Dosen

Tadris Bahasa Inggris Unit kerja



Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya telah melakukan validitas instrumen test

mahasiswa program sarjana pendidikan.

Nama : Ika Febrianti Muanas

NIM : TE.161736

Dengan judul :“The Effect of Using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell

(RCRR) Strategy Toward Reading Comprehension at

Tenth Grade Senior High School 13 Merangin”

Keputusan hasil validitas adalah : Sangat baik / Baik / Cukup baik

Demikianlah validitas ini dibuat sesuai dengan kaidah akademik dan keilmuan

serta dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Selanjutnya dapat dipergunakan

sebagaimana perlunya.

Jambi, 05 September 2020


Faiqah Mahmudah, SS, M.Pd

NIP. 198704172015032003

Keterangan : Beri tanda ( √ ) pada

kotak yang sesuai

Coret yang tidak perl



Text / Soal

Tingkat kesesuaian

Tingkat Kesulitan

A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5

Read the text to answer question 1-2 Once a cap seller was passing through the jungle. He was dead tired and needed

to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps

near him and lay down with his cap on his head.

The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he

did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there.

He was wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.

When he looked up the sky,he was very surprise to see monkeys sitting on the

branches of a tree, each wearing a cap on his head. They had evidently done it to imitate


He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In

return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he began to make gestures, even

when he raised his fist towards them to threaten them, they also imitated them.

At last he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are a great imitator,” he thought. So he

took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had expected, all the

monkeys took off the caps and threw them down on ground. Quickly he stood up and

collected the caps, but them back into his bag and went away.

(Source : UN 2012)

1 Why was each monkey wearing a cap on their head? A. They liked them

B. They liked wearing caps

C. They were imitating the cap seller

D. They were teasing the cap seller E. They had stolen the caps



The Following Text is for Question 3-6 Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and evening, he

ploughed hid field with his buffalo.

One day, a tiger, a mouse deer, and a cockerel were walking together to meet a

snail. On their way, they saw a farmer and a buffalo working in the field. The tiger said

to the mouse deer and the cockerel, “I wonder how stupid the buffalo is. He lets him self

being ruled by the small animal,” “You are right. The big animal must be heartless one. I

think you‟d better ask the big animal, Tiger,” said the mouse deer.

After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo, “You are so big and

strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you? he tiger asked, ”Can you tell me

how intelligent he is ?” “No,I can‟t tell you” said the buffalo, “but you can ask him.”

So the next day asked the man; “Can I see your intelligence ?” But the man answered

“I live it at home.” “Can you go and get it.” asked the tiger. “Yes” said the man; “But

I‟m afraid you will kill my buffalo when I‟m gone. Can I tie you to a tree ?” After the

man tied the tiger to the tree, he didn‟t go home to get hid intelligence. He took hid

plough and hit the tiger. Then he said “Now you know about my intelligence though you

haven‟t see it.” (Source : UN 2010)

2 What is the moral value of the text ? A. Monkeys are clever animal

B. Put your belongings in a safe place

C. Kindness must be possessed by everyone

D. Foolishness is a source of faulty E. You have to know who you are talking to



3 The tiger became more curious because of … A. the snail‟s advice

B. the cockerel‟s story

C. the man‟s intelligence

D. the mouse deer request E. the big buffalo‟s suggestion

v V

4 Which of the following was first surprised to see the buffalo and the farmer working

on the field ?

A. The lion

B. The tiger

C. The snail

D. The cockerel E. The mouse deer

v V

5 What lesson can we learn from the story ?

A. Don‟t leave your intelligence at home

B. Intelligent can‟t be judged from appearance

C. Don‟t compare man‟s intelligence to animal‟s

D. The bigger a person, the more intelligent he is

E. The smaller a person, the more intelligent he is.

V v


6 The main idea of paragraph two is …

A. The buffalo is very useful for the farmer

B. The mouse deer didn‟t believe the cockerel‟s story

C. The cockerel supported the tiger‟s idea to ask the buffalo

D. The tiger was surprised to hear the cockerel‟s story about his family

E. The mouse deer told the tiger to ask buffalo to get the answer to their surprise

v v

The Following Text is for Question 7-9

Once, there was a beautiful Javanese Princess whose name was Rara Jonggrang. Rara

Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the daughter of Prabu

Baka, an evil king.

One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named Bandung

Bondowoso defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara Jonggrang‟s

beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.

Meanwhile, Princess Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her father‟s death. She did not

want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of

Bandung. So she refused politely by giving him a requirement which was impossible

to fulfill. She said, “I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in

one night as a wedding gift,” requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung agreed with the


Helped by the spirits of the demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the

temples. Approaching midnight , the work would nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang

knew this and thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than I. I would lose



Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the place and ordered them

to make noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the roosters thought it had already been



Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed completing the thousand

temples. “The Princess has deceived me!” Following his anger, he cursed Rara


“You have cheated me. Now, the thousandth temple will be you !“

At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso

regretted and went away. Now you can see the statue of Princess Rara Jong-grang in

Prambanan temple.(Source : UN 2009)

7. Who helped Bandung building the temples?

A. The spirits of demons.

B. The spirits of giants.

C. His fellow workers.

D. The evil kings.

E. His followers.

v V

8. Who owned a supernatural power?

A. Prabu Baka.

B. An evil king.

C. Rara Jonggrang.

D. Bandung Bondowoso.

E. The spirits of demons.

V v


9 What moral do you learn from the story?

A. Cheating is needed.

B. You must be honest.

C. We must keep our promise.

D. Crime will not bring happiness.

E. Love is gained by working hard.

v V

Read the text to answer question 10-11 Four brothers, who were all good at tracking, met an Arab who asked them if

they had seen his missing camel.

The four brothers asked the Arab whether the camel had lost its tail and wanted

to know if it is was wearing a sack of grain on one said and a jar of honey on the other.

To his surprise all the questions were true about his camel. And this made the

Arab convinced that they were the thieves. So he brought them before a judge.

But the expalanation was simple.

The first brother began, “The camel had only gazed on the grass on one side of

the path, so it must be blind in the other eye. One of its hoofprints was less marked than

the others, and that means it must be lame in one foot.”

“As for me,” said the second brother, “some wheat grains had fallen on the path

and the ants were carrying them away. On the other side of the path, the flies were

sucking at the drops of the honey.”

There upon the judge freed the four brothers, and took them into his own

services. (Source : UN 2009)


10 One of brothers thought that the camel was lame because of … A. the grass on one side of the path

B. the hoofprints of the camel

C. the ants and flies

D. the camel‟s eye E. the camel‟s tail

v V

11 The second brother observed that the camel … A. was lame

B. had no tail

C. had no eyes

D. brought wheat grains

E. sucked drop of honey

v V

Read the text to answer question 12-14

Mr. Lion was lying asleep when he was suddenly awaked by a mouse

running over his face. The little mouse was being chased by a wild cat. " How dare you!"

he roared, and raised his paw to kill the mouse. " Please, Sir," begged Miss Mouse, " let

me go, and one day I may do something for you in return. " You help me! Ha....ha ,"

laughed Mr. Lion, but he let her go.

One day, Mr. Lion was caught in a net spread by hunters. " I can't get out!" he

roared angrily. "But I can help you," said a tiny voice. The Miss Mouse nibbled and

gnawed the ropes until the lion was free. " There", she said proudly, "if you had not let

me go, I would not have found a way to help you. "Yes, you should thank her, Mr. Lion.

She has saved your life", said a monkey who was sitting on a branch of a tree.

(Source : UN 2008)


12 Who was caught in a net ?

A. A cat.

B. A lion.

C. A mouse.

D. A hunter.

E. A monkey

v V

13 According to the text, which of the following is TRUE ?

A. Mr. Lion was not lying asleep.

B. The mouse cannot help Mr. Lion.

C. Miss Mouse was awakened by Mr. Lion.

D. Miss Mouse was caught in a net spread by hunters.

E. Mr. Lion was awake because a mouse running over his face.


14 Why did the mouse run over the lion's face? Because ....

A. she was chased by a wild cat.

B. she was not afraid of the lion.

C. she wanted to wake up the lion.

D. she hoped the lion would help her.

E. she expected the lion would kill the cat.

v v

Read the text to answer question 15-17 A fox fell into a well and couldn‟t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. “ Good”, said the fox “It‟s the best water I‟ve tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself.” The goat was thirsty so he got into the well. When he had drunk enough, he looked around but there was no way to get out. Then the fox said, “ I have a good idea. You


stand on your hind legs and put your fore-legs against the side of the well. Then I‟ll climb on your back, from there. I‟ll step on your horns, and I can get out. And when I‟m out, I‟ll help you out of the well.” The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well. Then he coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him and reminded him of his promise to help him out. The fox merely turned to him and said; “If you only had thought carefully about getting out, you wouldn‟t have jumped into the well.” The goat felt very sad. He called out loudly. An old man walking nearby heard him and put a plank into the well. The goat got out and thanked the old man. (Source : UN 2007)

15 The text tells the story of ....

A. a fox.

B. a goat.

C. a fox and a goat.

D. an old man and the fox

E. the goat and an old man.

v V

16 Paragraph two mainly tells ....

A. how the fox helped the goat

B. why the fox got into the well

C. how the fox got out of the well

D. the fox‟s idea how to get out of the well

E. how both the goat and the fox got out of the well.

v v

17 “The goat did as he was asked ” (Paragraph 3) What does the above sentence mean?

A. The goat drank enough and looked around.

B. The goat came down to the well and drank.

v V


C. The goat called out loudly after the fox got out.

D. The goat waited someone who might help him.

E. The goat stood on his hind legs and put his forelegs against the side of the


Read the text to answer question 18-20 Once upon a time a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he cold not swim. He had an idea He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of crocodile. “How many crocodiles are there in the river?” “Where are they? the rabbit asked for the second time. “All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind. so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of the crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river. Just then. the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another one. one......two.......there.....four.....until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodile because he had crossed the river. (Source : UNAS 2007 )

18 The story mainly tells us about....

A. twenty crocodiles.

B. the boss of the crocodiles.

C. a rabbit and twenty crocodiles.

D. a rabbit and the boss of crocodile.

E. the boss of the crocodile and all his friends.

v V



We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted ....

A. to cross the river.

B. to swim across the river.

C. to meet the boss of crocodile.

D. to know where the crocodiles are .

E. to know the number of crocodiles there.




“All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind ..” (Paragraph

2) The underline words is synonymous with....

A. wild

B. dilligent

C. cheerful

D. easy going

E. honourable



Answer keys

1. C

2. A

3. E

4. B

5. B

6. E

7. A

8. D

9. B

10. B 11. B 12. B

13. E

14. A

15. C

16. D

17. E

18. C

19. A

20. D


Reading Comprehension Test Specification









Identifying Main Idea and topic 6, 15, 16, 18 5 ,19

Identifying references 17 1



Vocabulary 20 1 Identifying for supporting details in the text

1, 3, 4, 7, 8,

and stated fact 10, 11, 12, 10 13, 14

Moral Value 2, 5, 9 3

Total 20

No. Score Symbol Category

1. 90-100 A Very good

2. 80-89 B Good

3. 70-79 C Poor

4. <70 D Very Poor

(Source: Senior High School 13 Merangin)

Petunjuk :

Berikan komentar dan saran ibu/bapak tentang tingkatan kesesuaian dan

tingkatan kesulitan masing – masing bacaan dan soal dari 20 butir soal bacaan

dengan cara mengisi sebuah pertanyaan. Untuk menunjukkan tingkatan

kesesuaian (the level of approriatment) dan 1,2,3,4, dan 5 untuk menunjukkan

tingkat kesulitan (the level of difficulty)

Keterangan :

A : Sangat sesuai

B : Sesuai

C : Sedang

D : Tidak sesuai

E : Sangat tidak sesuai

1: Sangat sulit

2: Sulit

3: Sedang

4: Mudah

5. Sangat mudah




Text / Soal

Tingkat kesesuaian

Tingkat kesulitan

A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5

Read the text to answer question 1-2 Once a cap seller was passing through the jungle. He was dead tired and needed

to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps

near him and lay down with his cap on his head.

The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he

did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there.

He was wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.

When he looked up the sky,he was very surprise to see monkeys sitting on the

branches of a tree, each wearing a cap on his head. They had evidently done it to imitate


He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In

return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he began to make gestures, even

when he raised his fist towards them to threaten them, they also imitated them.

At last he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are a great imitator,” he thought. So he

took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had expected, all the

monkeys took off the caps and threw them down on ground. Quickly he stood up and

collected the caps, but them back into his bag and went away.

(Source : UN 2012)

1 Why was each monkey wearing a cap on their head? A. They liked them

B. They liked wearing caps

C. They were imitating the cap seller

D. They were teasing the cap seller E. They had stolen the caps



2 What is the moral value of the text ? A. Monkeys are clever animal

B. Put your belongings in a safe place

C. Kindness must be possessed by everyone

D. Foolishness is a source of faulty E. You have to know who you are talking to


The Following Text is for Question 3-6 Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and evening, he

ploughed hid field with his buffalo.

One day, a tiger, a mouse deer, and a cockerel were walking together to meet a

snail. On their way, they saw a farmer and a buffalo working in the field. The tiger said

to the mouse deer and the cockerel, “I wonder how stupid the buffalo is. He lets him self

being ruled by the small animal,” “You are right. The big animal must be heartless one. I

think you‟d better ask the big animal, Tiger,” said the mouse deer.

After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo, “You are so big and

strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you? he tiger asked, ”Can you tell me

how intelligent he is ?” “No,I can‟t tell you” said the buffalo, “but you can ask him.”

So the next day asked the man; “Can I see your intelligence ?” But the man answered

“I live it at home.” “Can you go and get it.” asked the tiger. “Yes” said the man; “But I‟m

afraid you will kill my buffalo when I‟m gone. Can I tie you to a tree ?” After the man

tied the tiger to the tree, he didn‟t go home to get hid intelligence. He took hid plough

and hit the tiger. Then he said “Now you know about my intelligence though you haven‟t see it.” (Source : UNAS 2010)


3 The tiger became more curious because of … A. the snail‟s advice

B. the cockerel‟s story

C. the man‟s intelligence

D. the mouse deer request E. the big buffalo‟s suggestion


4 Which of the following was first surprised to see the buffalo and the farmer working

on the field ?

A. The lion

B. The tiger

C. The snail

D. The cockerel E. The mouse deer


5 What lesson can we learn from the story ? A. Don‟t leave your intelligence at home

B. Intelligent can‟t be judged from appearance

C. Don‟t compare man‟s intelligence to animal‟s

D. The bigger a person, the more intelligent he is

E. The smaller a person, the more intelligent he is.


6 The main idea of paragraph two is …

A. The buffalo is very useful for the farmer

B. The mouse deer didn‟t believe the cockerel‟s story

C. The cockerel supported the tiger‟s idea to ask the buffalo

D. The tiger was surprised to hear the cockerel‟s story about his family

E. The mouse deer told the tiger to ask buffalo to get the answer to their surprise



The Following Text is for Question 7-9

Once, there was a beautiful Javanese Princess whose name was Rara

Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the daughter

of Prabu Baka, an evil king.

One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named Bandung

Bondowoso defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara Jonggrang‟s

beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.

Meanwhile, Princess Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her father‟s death. She did

not want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of

Bandung. So she refused politely by giving him a requirement which was impossible to

fulfill. She said, “I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in one

night as a wedding gift,” requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung agreed with the condition.

Helped by the spirits of the demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the

temples. Approaching midnight , the work would nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang knew

this and thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than I. I would lose against


Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the place and ordered

them to make noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the roosters thought it had already

been dawn.

Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed completing the thousand temples.

“The Princess has deceived me!” Following his anger, he cursed Rara Jonggrang,

“You have cheated me. Now, the thousandth temple will be you !“

At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso

regretted and went away. Now you can see the statue of Princess Rara Jong-grang in

Prambanan temple. (Source : UN 2009)


7 Who helped Bandung building the temples?

A. The spirits of demons.

B. The spirits of giants.

C. His fellow workers.

D. The evil kings.

E. His followers.

v V

8 Who owned a supernatural power?

A. Prabu Baka.

B. An evil king.

C. Rara Jonggrang.

D. Bandung Bondowoso.

E. The spirits of demons.


9 What moral do you learn from the story?

A. Cheating is needed.

B. You must be honest.

C. We must keep our promise.

D. Crime will not bring happiness.

E. Love is gained by working hard.

v V


Read the text to answer question 10-11 Four brothers, who were all good at tracking, met an Arab who asked them if they

had seen his missing camel.

The four brothers asked the Arab whether the camel had lost its tail and wanted to

know if it is was wearing a sack of grain on one said and a jar of honey on the other.

To his surprise all the questions were true about his camel. And this made the

Arab convinced that they were the thieves. So he brought them before a judge.

But the expalanation was simple.

The first brother began, “The camel had only gazed on the grass on one side of

the path, so it must be blind in the other eye. One of its hoofprints was less marked than

the others, and that means it must be lame in one foot.”

“As for me,” said the second brother, “some wheat grains had fallen on the path

and the ants were carrying them away. On the other side of the path, the flies were

sucking at the drops of the honey.”

There upon the judge freed the four brothers, and took them into his own services.

(Source : UN 2009)

10 One of brothers thought that the camel was lame because of … A. the grass on one side of the path

B. the hoofprints of the camel

C. the ants and flies

D. the camel‟s eye E. the camel‟s tail

v V


11 The second brother observed that the camel … A. was lame

B. had no tail

C. had no eyes

D. brought wheat grains

E. sucked drop of honey

v V

Read the text to answer question 12-14

Mr. Lion was lying asleep when he was suddenly awaked by a mouse

running over his face. The little mouse was being chased by a wild cat. " How dare you!"

he roared, and raised his paw to kill the mouse. " Please, Sir," begged Miss Mouse, " let

me go, and one day I may do something for you in return. " You help me! Ha....ha ,"

laughed Mr. Lion, but he let her go.

One day, Mr. Lion was caught in a net spread by hunters. " I can't get out!" he

roared angrily. "But I can help you," said a tiny voice. The Miss Mouse nibbled and

gnawed the ropes until the lion was free. " There", she said proudly, "if you had not let

me go, I would not have found a way to help you. "Yes, you should thank her, Mr. Lion.

She has saved your life", said a monkey who was sitting on a branch of a tree. (Source : UNAS 2008)

12 Who was caught in a net ?

A. A cat.

B. A lion.

C. A mouse.

D. A hunter.

E. A monkey

v V


13 According to the text, which of the following is TRUE ?

A. Mr. Lion was not lying asleep.

B. The mouse cannot help Mr. Lion.

C. Miss Mouse was awakened by Mr. Lion.

D. Miss Mouse was caught in a net spread by hunters.

E. Mr. Lion was awake because a mouse running over his face.


14 Why did the mouse run over the lion's face? Because ....

A. she was chased by a wild cat.

B. she was not afraid of the lion.

C. she wanted to wake up the lion.

D. she hoped the lion would help her.

E. she expected the lion would kill the cat.


Read the text to answer question 15-17 A fox fell into a well and couldn‟t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. “ Good”, said the fox “It‟s the best water I‟ve tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself.” The goat was thirsty so he got into the well. When he had drunk enough, he looked around but there was no way to get out. Then the fox said, “ I have a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your fore-legs against the side of the well. Then I‟ll climb on your back, from there. I‟ll step on your horns, and I can get out. And when I‟m out, I‟ll help you out of the well.” The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well. Then he coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him and reminded him of his promise to help him out. The fox merely turned to him and said; “If you only had thought carefully about getting out, you wouldn‟t have jumped into the well.” The goat felt very sad. He called out loudly. An old man walking nearby heard him


and put a plank into the well. The goat got out and thanked the old man. (Source : UNAS 2007)

15 The text tells the story of ....

A. a fox.

B. a goat.

C. a fox and a goat.

D. an old man and the fox

E. the goat and an old man.

v V

16 Paragraph two mainly tells ....

A. how the fox helped the goat

B. why the fox got into the well

C. how the fox got out of the well

D. the fox‟s idea how to get out of the well

E. how both the goat and the fox got out of the well.

v V

17 “The goat did as he was asked ” (Paragraph 3) What does the above sentence mean?

A. The goat drank enough and looked around.

B. The goat came down to the well and drank.

C. The goat called out loudly after the fox got out.

D. The goat waited someone who might help him.

E. The goat stood on his hind legs and put his forelegs against the side of the well.

v V

Read the text to answer question 18-20 Once upon a time a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he cold not swim. He had an idea He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of crocodile. “How many crocodiles are there in the river?” “Where are they? the rabbit


asked for the second time. “All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind. so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of the crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river. Just then. the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another one. one......two.......there.....four.....until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodile because he had crossed the river. (Source : UNAS 2007 )

18 The story mainly tells us about....

A. twenty crocodiles.

B. the boss of the crocodiles.

C. a rabbit and twenty crocodiles.

D. a rabbit and the boss of crocodile.

E. the boss of the crocodile and all his friends.

v V


We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted ....

A. to cross the river.

B. to swim across the river.

C. to meet the boss of crocodile.

D. to know where the crocodiles are .

E. to know the number of crocodiles there.





“All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind ..” (Paragraph 2)

The underline words is synonymous with....

A. wild

B. dilligent

C. cheerful

D. easy going

E. honourable



Answer keys

1. C

2. A

3. E

4. B

5. B

6. E

7. A

8. D

9. B

10. B

11. B

12. B

13. E

14. A

15. C

16. D

17. E

18. C

19. A

20. D




(Experimental Class)


Control class



Name : Ika Febrianti Muanas

Student ID : TE.161736

Advisior I : Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag

Title : The Effect of Using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR)

Strategy Toward Reading Comprehension at Tenth Grade Senior

High School 13 Merangin

Faculty : Education Program and Teacher Training

NO Day/Date Consultation Material Signature

1 Friday

April 3rd


Revise Chapter 1

2 Saturday

April 4th


Revise Chapter 3

3 Wednesday

April 8th


Revise Chapter 3

4 Friday

April 10th


Revise Chapter 3

5 Saturday

July 11th


ACC Seminar

6 Agustus,

Wednesday 12 th


Proposal Seminar

7 September,

Saturday 5 th


ACC research permit



Thursday, 13 th


Revise Chapter I

Revise Chapter IV

Revise Chapter V

9 November

Thursday, 13 th


Revise Cover

Advisor I

Dr. Hj. DewiHasanah. M.Ag





Name : Ika Febrianti Muanas

Date of Birth : Jambi, February 20th

, 1998

Gender : Female

Addres : Talang Batu RT. 04 RW.02 KM 18 Desa Muara

Pijoan, Muara Jambi Kode Pos:36363

Email :

Contact Person : 0822-6924-5418

Educational Background

No Level of Education Adress Graduated


1. The Elementary School

267/VI Sungai Sahut


Sungai Sahut Merangin 2010

2. SMP 14 Merangin Sungai Sahut Merangin 2013

3. Islamic Boarding School

Raudhatul Mujawwidin

Rimbo Bujang, Tebo 2016

4. UIN STS JAMBI Sei. Duren, Kec.Jaluko, Kab.

Muaro Jambi


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