passing fundamentals 2011

Post on 22-Mar-2023






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Push Pass

Baseball Pass

3-man weave to centre

1 A halfcourt 3-man weave series can be used as part of pre-game warm-up, or in practice when only half the court is available. Start from the baseline with a weave to halfcourt using three passes, 1 makes the first pass and gets the third pass, 2 and 3 change sides.

2 a) One layup Weave back using three passes, 1 makes a layup, the three players go off and change lines, 4-5-6 go next. Variations - 1 takes an outside shot - 3 closes out to contest 1's shot. For other options see Defending - Weakside close-out, and Rebounding - 3-man weave to blockout, 3-line passing to 1 on 1 on 1, Gorilla.


3 b) Three layups 1 takes a layup, last passer 3 keeps going to touch the far sideline, 2 rebounds.

4 2 passes to 3 for a layup, follows his pass to touch the sideline and come back.


5 1 rebounds 3's shot and passes to 2 for a layup.

6 c) Three shots 5 and 6 have balls, 1-2-3 weave to halfcourt and back, 1 takes a layup, 2 and 3 get passes for outside shots. See Shooting - 5-ball.


7 d) 2-on-1 1-2-3 weave to halfcourt, 1 puts the ball down then defends against 2 and 3, play to a stop or score (or just one shot). Variation - 1 attacks against 2 and 3.

8 Other options e) 3-on-0 fast break 1-2-3 weave to halfcourt then return on a fast break, e.g., 1 dribbles up the middle, passes to 2 and goes ballside for a return pass, or 2 drives and kicks to 1 or 3 spacing on the penetration. See Fast break - 3-line break.


9 f) 3-on-2 The shooter and last passer stay to defend 4-5-6, who weave to halfcourt then attack the basket coming back. See Fast break - Halfcourt 3 on 2 series, and Transition - 3 on 2 halfcourt (animal).


1 Two balls. 1 passes to 2, 3 passes 1, 2 passes to 3, etc., then reverse. Variations - specify the pass - chest, bounce, push, overhead, kick - each player makes a different pass - change direction on a signal - add a coach in the middle to distract passers. Ganon Baker - use 3 balls. Rick Torbett - 3 players with 4 balls. Kevin Sutton (Basketball Coaching Notes) - 4 players with 4 balls, pass at the same time, progressions - speed up, move closer, reverse direction.


2 With more players, each player follows their pass to the back of the line they passed to, use only one ball (That's a Foul, Aug. 2004).

3 Carleton University Women's Team Pre-game warm-up, team triangle passing with one ball, each player catches and passes on the run. The next pass will be from 3 to 6 cutting towards 4. Variations - Greenvale Grizzlies - use two balls - change directions - change directions on vocal command from coach.

Team passing tag


1 2 teams in a halfcourt. All players on team X are dribbling balls, team O has one ball. In one minute, Team O tries to tag as many members of team X with the ball as it can. No dribbling or travelling allowed for team O, only passing and movement without the ball. Here O6 runs up close to X1, gets a pass from O1, and reaches out to tag X1 with the ball. Switch "it" teams for the next round. Variations - X1 leaves the court when tagged - X1 is frozen when tagged, with arms in the air tipping a ball back and forth - teammates can unfreeze him by dribbling between his legs - players on team X are running without balls, not dribbling (harder to be tagged). Bob Hurley - Passing tag Use only one side of a halfcourt, only the offensive team has a ball and is trying to tag players on the other team with the ball, without travelling or dribbling. Players that are tagged step off. You can go up to 8 on 8, or play it 4 on 8 for disadvantage.

Star layups

1 Mario Blasone Passing from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 who drives the basket. All players follow their passes, 6 replaces 1 on the outlet pass to 2, 5 shoots then replaces 6.

Stand-sit relay


1 Two or more teams with the same number of players, each team with a passer who has a ball. 1 passes to 2, who passes back to 1 and sits down. Then 1 passes to 3 who passes back to 1, etc. The winning team is the first to have all players sitting down. Option - play until all players have been the passer.


1 Bill Pangos Warm-up drill with one ball, players are in five lines, pass two lines away and follow your pass. Call the name of the person you are passing to [or, for introductions, start by calling your name as you pass]. Variations - the last player takes a layup or shoots, see Shooting - Star group Frankston Blues - use two balls (1 or 4 also has a ball) - players run to the far side of the line they are joining, creating more traffic - change direction when coach shouts "reverse".


2 Joe Scott Two minutes every practice, halfcourt, players are in both corners, on the sidelines arc extended, and in the centre circle, receivers should be moving toward the ball as they catch, it's possible to do the drill with two balls.

Run and support

1 1 ball, three players at corners of a square. Player 2 passes to 1, 3 runs to provide passing support for 1.


2 If 1 passes to 3, 2 runs to provide passing support. Note - focus on proper footwork to receive the ball, pivot and pass.


1 That's a Foul, May 2002 An odd number of players are in a circle, with two balls. Players always pass two players to the right. 1 and 9 start. Can one ball catch the other? Options - add more balls (up to 3-4) - change directions on a signal - change the type of pass on a signal. (Other variations) - bounce pass with one ball - more than one team, which team can make the most passes in a given time.



1 Rabbit X1 tries to avoid being tagged with the ball by the other players, who cannot run or dribble with the ball, or throw it at X1. The player who tags X1 is the next rabbit.


1 1 and 2 have balls. 1 passes to 3, 2 passes to 1.


2 1 passes to 4, 3 passes back to 1.

3 Eventually 1 passes to 6 and gets a pass from 5.


4 1 repeats the pattern going back, passing to 5 and getting a pass back from 6. Switch the player in the middle for the next round. Option - use only one ball to start. Progression (Basketball Australia) - 1 can't pass to a player beside the player who got the last pass (here 1 couldn't pass to 5).

See Passing - Machine-gun.


1 Each player has a partner. a) One ball Chest pass to your partner, who passes back. Each player catches the ball with both feet in the air, lands with a jump stop in triple threat position. Progression - bounce passes - overhead passes - step-around passes - baseball passes - push passes - push bounce passes - how many passes can they make in 30 seconds? Options before passing - pass fake to the player on your left, or right - pivot 360 degrees - sweep, jab step, upfake - take 3 dribbles on the spot (David Faucher) - take one dribble using a blast or crossover step. Steve Nash - be on balance, in an athletic position, knees bent, feet shoulder width apart - use two hands - step through to make a pass - follow through to have your thumbs down and palms out, snap it


- come meet the ball as a receiver, meet the pass, don't give the defence a chance to intercept it (jump forward into a jump stop) - fake a pass to make a pass - pass fake to one side before passing to partner - in a game, v-cut to get open, take the defender in as though you are making a cut to the basket, pop out, catch the ball, square up to the basket in triple threat - the three basic passes are chest, bounce (basically the same thing), and overhead. Bill Pangos - Movement - after passing, move a few feet away from the pass, plant, make a sharp cut towards the ball for a pass. Option - add a shot fake or pass fake before passing.

2 b) Two balls Each player has a ball. 1 chest passes to 2 while 2 bounce passes to 1, then switch. Progressions - each player makes a right-hard push pass to the left shoulder of the other player - on a signal, 1 bounce passes, 2 chest passes. Alex Daniltchev - catch push passes with one hand not both - make three dribbles and bounce pass left hand to right hand, right hand to left hand - both players move upcourt and back while passing (one player going forward, the other backward). See Ganon Baker partner passing.

Pangos square-up


1 Bill Pangos Groups of four players. 1 and 2 do chest passes, 3 and 4 bounce pass, switch on a signal from coach. Variation - 1 and 2 bounce or chest pass, 3 and 4 must react with the opposite.


1 Players are numbered and running, coach passes to 1, who passes to 2 (2 calls out his number), continue then start over at 1. Variations - 2 balls - specify the pass (chest, bounce, push, etc) - no or limited dribbling

Moving circle


1 The team circles around one player. 4 passes to 7 and follows his pass. 7 passes to the next player and takes 4's place.

2 The pattern continues. Go counterclockwise too.

Lokar slide & pass


1 Ray Lokar Player 1 faces a line of 5-10 players and passes to each player while sliding the length of the line, repeat coming back, switch passers. Advanced players can use two balls. See Passing - Pepper.

Follow the pass

1 1 rebounds, passes to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4 for a layup, 4 rebounds and passes to 5, 5 to 6, 6 to 7 for a layup, 7 rebounds and goes to the end of the shooting line. All passers follow their pass to move up one position, e.g., 1 takes 2's spot. Player 8 starts when 4 takes a layup at the other end. Option - more than two balls.

Facing lines


1 2 passes to 1 and follows the pass to go behind 3. 7 passes to 5, goes behind 6.

2 1 passes to 4 and follows, 5 passes to 7 and follows. Options - vary the passes - passers go to the back of their own lines instead of changing lines - the passer closes out on the receiver to contest the return pass, the receiver can't dribble, works on ball fakes and pivoting, keeping the ball out of the forbidden zone in front of the torso, and passing tight by the defender above his head, by the ears or off the hips - use a wrap-round pass, direct or crossover - passer can take one strong dribble, pass off the dribble or a stop - receiver cuts to break the three-in-a-row, passer fakes away. - the lines are further apart, players take 2-3 dribbles then pass Harbir Bains - the lines are on each sideline, the first receiver runs towards the ball then passes right away (one line catches on the move, the other line is stationary). See Passing - Pangos exchange, Pangos double-line exchange.



1 Bill Kuchar 2 passes to 1 who passes back.

2 Then 1 pivots, gets a pass from 3 and passes back. Continue for one minute, switch.



1 Mario Blasone Two teams of 6 to 8 players each. On coach's signal, pass the ball around the circle (side passes), first team to make 50 passes wins. Progression - change direction on a whistle.

Circle pursuit

1 1 and 2 start back-to-back in the middle of a circle of players, each with a ball. Their first passes are to opposite sides of the circle, 1 to 3 and 2 to 6, then they make their way around the circle in the same direction, passing to each player, trying to catch their opponent or be first around the circle. You can do this with one or two balls. See Captain basketball. (Option - for skill development, start without competing, passers call names, focus on pivoting and add pass fakes)

Circle dribble chase


1 1 must dribble around the circle before the other players complete a star passing sequence. Vary the number of passers or size of the circle as needed. Option- keep removing one player from the circle, what is the fewest number of passers that the dribbler can beat.


1 6 or more players in a circle. The passer must call out the name of the player being passed to, can't pass to either player beside him, then cuts across to a new position on the circle. Players must adjust their positions on the circle to maintain good spacing. Option - use 2 balls.



Captain basketball

1 Sidelines, Feb/March 2007 Two or more teams of 6 players. Each team forms a circle with a player in the middle, who must pass a ball around the circle twice in a specified direction and manner (e.g., chest passes). Which teams finishes first? Repeat until all players have been in the middle.

Bigelow wall


1 Bob Bigelow Individual passing using a wall. See Passing -Ganon Baker solo one-ball, and Rapid fire. a) With your right foot forward, pass 10 times against the wall (not too close) with your right hand, above your head. Repeat with the left hand (left foot forward). b) Move close to the wall, dribble 25 times with the right hand then left hand. c) Overhead pass - step back a bit, make 10 overhead passes against the wall. d) Overhead pass with lateral step - overhead pass, take 1-2 steps to the right, catch and pass, step to the left, continue back and forth. e) Chest pass - a line of players with one ball, the first player chest passes against the wall moves to his left then to the back of the line, the next player catches and does the same thing. Progressions - pass and move to your right; bounce passes (on the return, after the ball hits the wall). Ray Lokar - stand about 15 feet from a wall, step forward with your right foot and make a chest pass, repeat stepping forward with the left foot, continue for 50 passes, then make 50 bounce passes.

Ganon Baker solo one-ball

1 Ganon Baker Jason Kidd series - one-hand passing off the dribble Facing a wall with one ball - push pass, two-hand catch (both hands) - bounce push pass - one-hand pass and catch, no dribble - one-hand dribble, pass and catch - one-hand bounce pass and catch - one-hand dribble, bounce pass, catch - one-hand pass and catch, alternate hands - add a one-hand dribble - figure 8 - right-left, left-right between the legs then right-hand shovel pass, catch with the right hand - left-right, right-left figure 8, left-hand shovel.


2 Jason Williams series - behind the back Perpendicular to the wall - behind the back pass, two-hand catch - pass and catch with the same hand - face the other direction, use the other hand - one-dribble then behind the back (same hand), two-hand catch then same-hand catch - bounce pass, two-hand catch, then one-hand catch, then add same-hand dribble. Facing the wall - behind the back passing alternate hands (rotate the hips), two-hand then one-hand catch - add one dribble - bounce pass.

3 Passing on the move - perpendicular to the wall, take one dribble on the move with the outside hand, pass across the body with the same hand, two-hand catch, repeat going the other direction with the other hand - one-hand catch (other hand) - behind the back, two-hand catch.


4 Steve Nash series Facing the wall (shovel passes) - one-hand shovel pass and catch - add a same-hand dribble - alternate one-hand shovel passes. Perpendicular to the wall - kick pass with the inside hand (two hands on the ball), two-hand catch, then add a dribble - one dribble, kick pass and catch, all inside-hand. On the move - one-dribble inside-hand, kick pass, two-hand catch - one-dribble outside hand, shovel pass across the body - one dribble outside hand, between the legs bounce pass.

5 Against pressure Facing the wall - hook pass - step low and long forward and outside with the right foot, right-hand pass - hook pass left foot, left-hand pass - sweep left, crossover with the right foot, left-hand pass - sweep right, crossover with the left foot, right-hand pass - hook pivot and sweep pivot, bounce pass - second pivot - sweep then forward pivot back to the starting position (one motion back) - Iverson pivot - reverse pivot (drop step, one motion) on the left foot, left-hand pass - Iverson pivot on the right foot, right-hand pass - Iverson pivot, bounce pass - Iverson pivot then reverse pivot (or forward pivot) back to the starting position, pass.

Bigelow partner


1 Bob Bigelow Partner passing, one ball. a) With lateral shuffle - partners face each other and chest pass back and forth while shuffling about 12 feet to the right then back. Lead the receiver, pass ahead, not where he was. Two-hand passes tend to be softer, with a little more backspin (soft passes are backspin passes).



3 b) With defender (monkey in the middle) Defender 3 has his arms out to the sides, passer 1 has five passing holes - overhead, ears, and armpits. To start, 1 bends his knees, pivots a little and bounce passes to 2 (about 10 feet away). The defender follows the pass.

4 2 makes the same pass to 1. Continue until 1 and 2 have each made five passes, using all the passing holes, then switch the defender. Progressions - pass fake first (e.g., fake low, pass high) - the defender is a "flapping bird", waving his arms up and down (not too fast) pass low when his arms are up and pass high when his hands are down - the passer always follows his pass to become the next "bird" (this is a good drill to start practice).

Kevin O'Neill two shots


1 Kevin O'Neill 2 on the sideline chest passes to 1 cutting up, cuts to the basket for a return bounce pass and finishes.

2 1 rebounds, 2 runs to touch the other sideline and comes back for another bounce pass and shot. Change lines, the next pair goes.

Kevin O'Neill pairs


1 Kevin O'Neill Catch and pass with two hands and two eyes. Call the receiver's name. a) In pairs, chest pass back and forth to halfcourt on the run (not sliding) then go to the sidelines. Progression - both players bounce pass (pass in front of the receiver).

2 2 dribbles in at a 45-degree angle, jump stops, and bounce passes to 1 for a layup, both players go behind the baseline.


3 All players go to the same lines, but the balls change sides at halfcourt so that 1, 3 and 5 will dribble and pass.

4 b) Or after chest passing back and forth to halfcourt, 1 and 2 bounce pass back for a layup (jump stop on the last pass)..


5 c) Or for fullcourt pairs passing with layup, use chest passes upcourt, the next group goes when 1 and 2 get to halfcourt, use bounce passes coming back, jump stop on the scoring pass. Progression - one player chest passes, the other bounce passes.

6 d) The two lines are wider. 1 takes two dribbles and passes to 2 for a layup, the next pair goes when they finish. (Option - 1 rebounds with no more than one bounce)


7 Change sides and passers coming back.

Kevin O'Neill 3-man weave

1 Kevin O'Neill a) Tight One-way tight 3-man weave with a layup at the other end, each player will toss or hand the ball and go behind. b) Coming back, tight weave with bounce passes.


2 c) 2 and 3 take a step out (not full width), regular weave upcourt with chest passes, layup. d) Weave with bounce passes coming back.

Kevin O'Neill 3-man

1 Kevin O'Neill 1 passes to 3 who takes two dribbles then hits 2 for a layup. 2 keeps going, 1 rebounds, 3 crosses at the foul line (players get wide, touch the sidelines). Geno Auriemma - after passing, 3 sprints around a chair or cone in the opposite corner.


2 1 outlets to 2 who takes two dribbles then hits 3. - use a big as the player in the middle, outlet players catch with their back to the sideline and take only one hard dribble before passing. See Fast break - Nash cutting, Passing - Ganon Baker thread the needle, also Shooting - Tennessee 3-man break (1 and 2 get passes coming back, shoot).

Ganon Baker thread the needle

1 Ganon Baker 2 outlets left to 1, who takes one dribble then kicks it ahead to where 3 is going. (Progression - 1 changes sides)


2 Shooter 3 defends a two-on-one coming back.

Ganon Baker Strickland

1 Ganon Baker 1 runs back and forth across the foul line, catching and returning passes from 2 under the basket (or on the baseline). Progressions - catch with the outside hand, air pass back with the same hand - bounce pass - between the legs - behind the back.

Ganon Baker partner warm-up


1 Ganon Baker Warm-up while passing with a partner. a) Facing each other, partners push pass (each hand) on coach's signal (or continuously), at the same time with - running in place - side to side two-foot line jumps - X (scissors) footwork - jab footwork (right foot forward, left foot back, shuffle to alternate) - skating footwork (side to side, pushing off the outside foot). b) Parallel to each other, partners do Nash side kick passes while doing front-back two-foot line jumps. Switch to use both sides.

Ganon Baker partner

1 Ganon Baker a) Both players have a ball and pass at the same time. Progressions - right-hand push passes, pass to partner's left shoulder - left-hand push passes to the right shoulder - right-hand bounce pass - right-hand hook pass (long and low step with the right foot) - left-hand bounce pass - left-hand hook pass (step with the left foot) - overhead passes by one player, chest passes by the other, continue then "switch" on coach's signal - chest pass, bounce pass, switch - alternating one-hand pass and catch on each side, right-hand pass to partner's left hand, left-hand pass to his right hand (hands are sponges) - then take one dribble on the spot before each pass (Jason Kidd off the dribble) - one-hand bounce pass and catch - add a dribble before the bounce pass - left-hand shovel pass - figure-8 through the legs right-left, left-right, right-left, shovel pass - right-hand shovel pass - figure-8 left-right, right-left, left-right, shovel pass - Aussie shovel - one-hand shovel and catch on each side - then add one dribble first. Rick Torbett


a) 2 balls - stationary same-side touch - pass left hand to right hand, right hand to left hand - moving same-side touch - players move laterally back and forth - stationary one-direction touch - catch with left hand, pass with right hand, then switch (or catch with both hands, pass with one hand) - moving one-direction touch - off power dribble - in a closed stance, dribble and pass with the right hand, catch with both hands - circle one leg (inside-out), pass, then while moving further apart - figure 8 around the legs, pass - juggle - one player juggles a ball (toss it in the air) while catching and passing the other ball (progression - around his back, or mix it up) - air, bounce - one player air passes, the other bounce passes.

b) 1 ball - follow the leader, e.g., circle your head - around the back - one player faces sideways and passes behind his back, partner keeps moving further away - catching bad passes - one player throws bad passes to partner.

2 b) One ball Partners are facing the same direction. Steve Nash kick passes - pass sideways (both hands on the ball), continue then switch to face the other way - one dribble then pass - one-hand dribble, one-hand pass (inside hand) - one-hand dribble, pass and catch. Option - shovel pass with the outside hand (see Ganon Baker solo one-ball passing).


3 Sweep - cross-over with the right foot, pass with the left hand - double pivot - sweep then forward pivot on the left foot in one motion, pass with the right hand - sweep, double pivot with right-foot pivot. Iverson pivot (defender tight, no room to sweep) - reverse pivot (drop step) on the left foot, pass with the left hand - bounce (hook) pass with the left hand - drop step on the right foot, pass with the right hand - option - reverse pivot (or forward pivot) back to the starting position. Fake then take - fake before passing, e.g., pass fake, shot fake, Iverson side jab step, Kobe front jab. Against pressure, stay low, tuck the ball in, elbow behind. Use hook, sweep, Iverson and double pivots to create space. Read your man, look for doors - shoulder-to-head each side (arms down), armpit to hip (arms up). Also read other defenders, including the help.

Ganon Baker door drill

1 Ganon Baker 3 or more players. To begin, X3 has his arms straight out, 1 passes to 3 and follows his pass to be the next "door" defender. Continue, then go live, the passer does a push-up if the defender touches the ball. See Passing - Ganon Baker partner. - the defender does a push-up if he doesn't touch the ball - allow the passer one dribble, and the receiver can move one step to catch the ball.

anon Baker don't walk


1 Ganon Baker Practice to avoid travelling when tired late in the game. 1 takes two dribbles to his left, makes two pivots, and passes to 2.

2 2 makes two dribbles and two pivots, 1 spaces away as 2 dribbles then shortens the pass, not too close - 10-15-foot spacing. Jack Bennett - 12-15 spacing - passers stay on the floor (no jump passes) - strong sweeps and rips - receivers move to the ball - fake a pass to make a pass - pass to the receiver's hands - start stationary, make any pass - put the ball on the floor, pass off the dribble, the receiver must keep spacing with the dribbler.

Ganon Baker backdoor


1 Ganon Baker 1 dribbles at 2, who backcuts for a bounce pass between two cones, finishes, rebounds and dribbles out to the passing line. Progressions - make a one-hand pass off the dribble - move the cones closer together.

2 With lines on both sides of the floor, 2 cuts before 4 (the dribblers will cross paths).

Team post


1 5-Star Basketball Drills 1 passes to 2 who passes to low-post 4 who forward pivots on the top foot and overhead passes to 8. At the same time 3 passes to 6 who passes to 5 who passes to 7. All players follow their passes, with 4 and 5 going to the end of lines opposite. Option - coach specifies the post feed, e.g., bounce pass baseline side.

2 Variations - 4 and 5 make a post move, shoot, rebound (specify the moves to avoid collisions, e.g., power move baseline on one side, power move middle on the other) - each ball stays on the same side (4 outlets to 7) - use four balls, 4 and 5 rebound and go with their balls to the opposite lines. See Nash halfcourt passing.

Pressure passing into the post


1 Start with 1 and X1 both holding the ball, then 1 rips the ball away by stepping between X1's feet, getting his right shoulder over the ball, and ripping the ball to the left hip. Then 1 sweeps the ball below the knees from left hip to right hip, and from the right hip to right shoulder (up and down the elevator). As 1 moves the ball from right to left and back, the ball should not pass in front of the torso ("the forbidden zone") - it should be taken below the knees or over the head aggressively and usually with a pivot. X1 pressures the ball. After 3-5 seconds, 1 passes through the pressure to 2 and cuts to the basket for a return pass and layup. Rotate 1 to 2 to X1. 1 should keep the pass tight to the defender in one of the five passing lanes - above the head, by the ears, or off the hips. Rick Torbett and Mike Bibby - 2 can make a drop bounce pass to 1 off his inside hip, or a late pass turning baseline side. Throw away from the defender when feeding the post. If 2 is defended high side, look to pass to the corner, or 1 can clear the corner out and drive baseline, the post defender can't help. If 2 is fronted, a lob pass has to be perfect, swing the ball up top if there is no lob.

Nash halfcourt

1 Steve Nash DVD On the left, 3 v-cuts for a pass from 1 then dribbles towards the baseline and bounce passes to 5 cutting down the edge of the lane for a shot. On the right, 2 overhead passes to 5 who bounce passes to 4 cutting backdoor. Rotation - 1 and 2 follow their passes, 3 and 6 are the next shooters. 4 and 5 rebound and come back to the passing lines on the same side out front. Variation - 4 and 5 switch sides after shooting.


Zone circle passing

1 More 5-Star Basketball Drills 8 passers in a circle, 3 defenders in the middle. Passers can't pass to either player next to them (skip passes only). Move the ball quickly, use pass fakes, receivers show hands. Use 5-second closely-guarded rule. On a bad pass, the passer and the players on his right and left switch to defence. Defenders go off if there are subs.

n in a row


1 Mario Blasone Two teams of five, fullcourt, no dribbling or shooting. Score one point for making 10 passes in a row. A deflection is a change of possession. If a team is fouled they inbound the ball and keep their score. Progression - halfcourt, with double teaming. See 20 passes.

Tauer monkey in the middle

1 John Tauer Two passers face each other on the lane lines, how many times can the defender tip the ball in 30 seconds, then switch players. Passers should pass fake every time. Offence has to make defence better, and vice versa. Ray Lokar - optionally allow only chest, bounce and wrap-around passes, no overhead passes. A bounce pass should be waist-to-waist.


2 This can be done from the post and wing, more game-like.

Tauer 4 on 3

1 John Tauer 4 stationary attackers and three defenders. Attackers should pass fake as soon as they get the ball, it freezes the defence but also slows down the attackers and allows them to see who's open and who isn't. A pass fake has to sell the defence, be discernible, deliberate, not hyper-speed. The defence should pressure the ball, not just mirror it, make the ballhandler back off his spot (travel) and have to force a pass. If an attacker throws away the ball, give it back to him. Continue, then switch defence and offence.


1 John Tauer Partners face each other on the lane line, with one ball. a) All players get down in an athletic stance (engage the quads), make 50 chest passes staying in stance, don't step into the passes (option - first pair to 50). Without the ball, palms up where you want the pass. b) Repeat with bounce passes, in stance. c) Overhead passes, in stance (the ball should be overhead, not behind the head). Target hands are overhead. d) Fake any pass (chest, bounce, overhead), throw a different pass, step into it, use your pivot foot. See Passing - Partner, Ganon Baker partner.

2 e) Ball pressure - the passer follows his pass to pressure the ball (don't mirror it) for 5 seconds, then goes back to his spot, gets a pass, and is pressured. The defender should make the ballhandler feel uncomfortable, take the ball from him, hands on the ball. The ballhandler doesn't want to turn away (start them with both feet on a line, if one foot isn't on the line at the end, they travelled). Whoever gets lower in stance wins.

Jack Bennett tight quarters


1 Jack Bennett 4 on 3 passing at one end, 3 on 2 at the other end. Simulate passing against a zone, the defence has to guard the ball, other defenders work to get a deflection. New defenders are in on a deflection.


1 Bill Pangos Two teams. Score a touchdown worth 6 points by passing to a teammate in the end zone, no dribbling or traveling, convert with a free throw worth 1 point. Dropped passes go to the other team. Options - passers must be allowed 2 feet of space - allow 1 to 3 dribbles - score by shooting on the baskets. Winning Hoops - Dead-ball passing - to score, an offensive player must catch a pass with both feet inside the free-throw circle. Start with a jump ball, no dribbling, start a 5-second count as soon as a player gets a pass, inbound the ball on violations and fouls, play to 7 baskets.

Bull in the ring


1 Frankston Blues Players in the circle pass to each other but can't pass to the players beside them (Basketball Australia - this can be a progression). Defender X1 pressures the ball with active hands (don't sag off), if he intercepts or touches a pass, the passer replaces the defender in the middle. Fake a pass to make a pass, no lollipop passes over the top of the defender. Variations - use two or more balls - use two or more defenders inside the circle - make the circle bigger or smaller - put a time limit on the ballhandlers to make a pass (e.g. 3 seconds) - use up to 8 players for the circle (Greenvale Grizzlies)

20 passes

1 2 teams in a halfcourt, 1 ball, no dribbling or travelling. The goal is to be the first team that completes 20 passes (they don't have to be in a row). Here team X completes 2 passes, then team O intercepts the ball. Options - the player with the ball must take 2 dribbles before passing ( - play keep-away for a set number of passes, period of time, made layup (Herb Brown), or open shot - on a turnover, a coach inbounds to the team in possession - allow screens - a team loses possession if it doesn't count out loud.


2 Team O then makes 2 passes before team X intercepts the ball. The score is tied at 2-all. The next completed pass will be the third for whichever team makes it. - 40 passes, 5 on 5 or 4 on 4, no dribbling - start play with a sideline out of bounds, and on any turnover - you can't pass back to the teammate who passed to you - a basket is 5 points and sideline possession - option - when a team reaches a multiple of 10, the player in possession shoots a foul shot, loses 10 points on a miss, both teams rebound for possession. FIBA Europe - Passing game - halfcourt, players cannot dribble or travel, the goal is to complete a certain number of passes in a row, if the defending team steals the ball they try to make the number of passes. Variation - after a team completes the passes it can get an extra point by scoring a basket (still no dribbling).


1 Basketball PEI Coaching Notes The ball is passed around the halfcourt perimeter, after catching, pivoting and passing each player sprints to fill the next empty spot, the 8th pass is for a score. Option - specify the passes, e.g., chest, bounce, overhead. Progression - start a second group when the ball reaches the centre circle.



1 Bernie Holowicki Three balls, the balls with 2 and 3 will stay in those corners, the third ball is passed back and forth on the other side. 1 passes to 4, cuts across the middle for a pass from 2, makes a return pass, keeps going, and 2 flips the ball back to 1. 4 passes to 5 and starts to cut across the middle.

2 3 changes corners; 2 passes to 4, who makes a return pass, then 2 flips the ball back to 4; 5 passes to 6 and cuts across the middle.


3 1 passes to 5, gets a return pass and flips the ball back to 5, while 6 passes to 2 filling the other corner and starts to cut across the middle.

4 The pattern continues.

Izzo warm-up


1 Tom Izzo Five players, how many made layups in 60 seconds (12-13) or 30 seconds, no dribbling. 1 passes to 2 for a layup and follows his pass to the outlet position, 3 rebounds, 2 keeps going.

2 3 inbounds to 1 (on a make), 1 passes to 4 in the middle who hits 5 for a layup, 2 rebounds. 4 follows his pass, 3 is the next player in the middle, 5 keeps going.


3 2 inbounds to 4 who passes to 3 who hits 1 for a layup and follows his pass, 5 rebounds, 1 keeps going, 2 goes to the middle. The rotation back and forth is shooter to rebounder to inbounder to middle to outlet to shooter.

Bill Self Seminole

1 Bill Self 4-corner passing with four balls. 1, 2, 3 and 4 all pass to their right (the second person in each line), cut diagonally across the middle for a return pass.


2 Then they pass to the line in front of them, and follow their pass. At the same time, the players who made return passes cut across the middle after passing.

3 The players cutting across the middle get passes from the right, pass ahead, and will follow their passes. See 4-corner passing (with two balls).

Bill Self pioneer


1 Bill Self The ball is passed from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5, each player follows his pass.

2 The ball is then passed back from 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9, players again follow their passes. Continue.



1 Two balls. a) Counter-clockwise passing 1 passes to 2, 3 passes to 4, both follow their passes, and the pattern continues. Right-handed players will catch the ball and reverse pivot on their permanent left foot then step into the pass with their right foot. Left-handed players will catch, forward pivot on their permanent right foot and step into the pass with their left foot. Players should catch the ball with both feet off the floor and land in a jump stop ("ball in the air, feet in the air"). Use only one ball with fewer players, with only four players the last player dribbles to fill the empty spot. Bob Bigelow - use the elbows and blocks with kids, start with one ball and chest passes. The passer should look at the receiver, who has to look at the passer and show his hands as a target. Ray Lokar - 4-corner passing - players pass to the line on their right, follow their pass for a return pass, pass again to the same player, go to the back of that line. See Passing - Raytown.

2 b) Clockwise passing 1 passes to 4, 3 passes to 2, both follow their passes, and the pattern continues. Right-handed players will catch the ball and forward pivot on their permanent left foot and step into the pass with their right foot. Left-handed players will catch, reverse pivot on their permanent right foot and step into the pass with their left foot. Variation - use a chest, bounce, overhead and push pass.


3 c) Pass in and out 1 runs diagonally across the grid, gets a pass on the right from 2, and passes ahead to 7. At the same time 3 runs across, gets a pass from 4 on the right and passes ahead to 5. 1 and 3 follow their passes. Options - chest pass in, bounce pass out - 1 gets a pass on the left from 4, 3 gets a pass from 2.

4 2 runs across for a pass from 7 and passes to 8, while 4 runs across for a pass from 5 and passes to 6.

3 on 0 sideline


1 1 passes to 2 and cuts to midcourt, 2 passes to 3 and cuts to the opposite corner, 3 passes to 1 and cuts to the near wing.

2 1 dribbles, passes to 2 moving towards the ball on the dribble, then 1 basket cuts. As 1 cuts, 3 breaks out top for a pass from 2. Emphasize timing of cuts, and arrival of the ball and receiver at the same time. Players go through all three positions, then change sides. Variations - multiple cuts and passes (see 3 on 0 cutting) - drive and kick once (optional close-out), or more than once - passers behind the baseline, all players shoot - 1 screens away for 3, 2 passes to the cutter or screener for a shot (options include curl, pop, fade, reject, slip). See penetrate and pitch shooting.

4 on 0 sideline


1 4 passes to 1 then sprints to centre and back to the front of the rim. 1 passes to 2 and cuts to midcourt, 2 passes to 3 and cuts to the opposite corner, 3 passes to 1 and cuts to the near wing.

2 1 dribbles, passes to 2 moving towards the ball high and wide. 4 posts up and gets the ball, then 2 screens away for 1. 3 spaces high and wide weakside, in 4's vision if 4 turns to the middle. Emphasize timing of cuts, arrival of the ball and receiver at the same time, and horizontal and vertical spacing. Perimeter players should be one step outside the 3-point line, and be above the "up line" as much as possible so they have vertical space to drive in both directions, cut, and feed the post. The "up line" is parallel to and one step below the foul line. Players go through all positions, then change sides. Variation - 2 dribble penetrates, others space for a kick-out pass. Alison McNeill - the upline runs through the bottom of the free-throw circle.



1 Two balls, 8 players, each paired up the with player opposite. The balls are passed one player to the right, the passer cuts to exchange positions with his partner (concept of passing and cutting). How many passes can be made in 45 seconds? Option - use only one ball to start.

2 Kevin Eastman - fullcourt version.



1 Five players with two balls. Players 1-2-3-4 are in a box with 1-2 on one side and 3-4 on the other side, each ball stays on one side. 5 is in the middle, gets a pass from 1 and passes to 2.

2 5 turns, gets a pass from 3 and passes to 4, and will then turn to get a pass from 2 and pass to 1. Go for 30 seconds, how many passes can 5 make? Progression - while players on one side are passing to 5, players on the other side can pass to each other (or not) so 5 doesn't know who has the ball when he turns, the player with the ball has to talk to him.



1 Winning Hoops Four lines with one player in the middle, every second pass is to the middle, follow your pass, how many passes in 60 seconds. Ray Lokar - Pass and go circle - make a circle at halfcourt with one player in the middle, the first player passes to the middle and follows his pass, the middle player passes clockwise to the next player in the circle and replaces the player who passed to him [fill the open spot], make 100 passes without dropping the ball, then try overhead passes.

Four passes


1 Mario Blasone Four players with one ball. 1 baseball (or overhead) passes to 2 then cuts to the middle for a return chest pass.

2 1 makes a hand-off to 2 who bounce passes to 3. 1 and 2 change sides.

Guard passing


1 That's a Foul, June 2007 a) Parker speed pass Player 1 makes quick cross-over dribbles on the spot, then on a signal makes a firm, flat pass to coach on the wing, build up to making a one-hand pass straight off the dribble, go left and right. Jeff Bauer - make a flick pass, pushing the ball with one hand and stepping with the same-side foot past the defender.

2 b) Middle drive and kick Coach passes to 1 who drives middle and makes a firm flat chest pass to 2 in the corner. Progressions - one-hand pass straight from the dribble - 2 slides down to the corner on the drive.


3 c) Middle drive, kick and cut 1 drives middle, passes to 2 filling behind for a shot, then cuts to an open area for a pass from coach and a shot.

4 d) Circuit to pass Dribble the cones at speed, make a firm, flat pass to coach, sprint to get a return pass, speed dribble the remaining cones.


5 e) Turn the corner If coach stays under the basket, pull up for a shot; if coach moves up (shown), kick out to 2. Option - coach can yell pass or shoot.

6 Variation - beat a cone to the middle after a hesitation move.

Michigan drive and kick


1 John Belein 4 balls, 8 attackers, 4 stationary defenders who have their arms wide. 1, 2, 3, and 4 ball fake (shot or pass fake), drive right past a defender with one or two dribbles, jump stop, pick up the ball (with a ball slap), shot fake, pass to the next player in the line on the right, who is calling "1 more, 1 more" and catches with a jump stop. Passers follow their passes, continue then switch defenders, and go left, crossover with the "hot" (right) foot. Try to get into the paint on one dribble. Progression - attack right, spin dribble, pass left.

Nash 3-line meet the pass

1 Steve Nash DVD 1 passes to 2 who v-cuts to get open and jump stops on the catch. 2 passes to 3 who also v-cuts and jump stops, then takes a layup or shot. Rotation - follow the pass. Progressions - bounce then overhead passes.



1 Basketball Australia 1 passes to 3 and runs around him, 3 passes to 2 cutting into the middle, 2 passes to 4 and runs around him.

2 4 passes to 1 in the middle who passes to 5 and runs around him.


3 5 passes to 2 in the middle who passes to 6, 1 and 2 go behind 6 and 7, who go next. Continue then rotate passers 3-4-5.

Three types

1 1 baseball passes to 3 who makes an overhead pass to 4 who makes a two-hand bounce pass to 2 for a shot. Players rotate clockwise.

50 seconds


1 1 passes to 3 who hits 2 for a layup. 3 and 1 must be inside the 3-point line when the basket is scored. Each player is allowed one dribble.

2 4 gets the ball out of the net before it hits the floor and repeats coming back with 5 and 6. 1, 2 and 3 rotate one line to the right at the other end. 7, 8 and 9 will go next. Change sides for left-hand layups. Goal of 30 baskets for seniors, 20 for juniors.

3-0 3-0 long pass


1 Three players rush upcourt, staying in their lanes. Middle player 1 passes to 2 or 3 for a layup.

2 1 rebounds and outlets to shooter 2, who makes a long pass to 3 for a layup. See Ganon Baker thread the needle passing.

3-line 3-ball


1 Bushranger Bulletin (May 2008) 3 lines, each player has a ball, middle player 1 chest passes to 2 and 3, who bounce pass to 1. (Dribble as needed to avoid traveling)

3-line passing, weave back

1 3-line passing (1 to 2, 2 back to 1, 1 to 3, 3 back to 1, etc.) with a score at the far end. The other wing rebounds, the shooter will cross sides and last passer 1 go opposite. Variation - 3 drives and kicks to 1 or 2 spacing on penetration, option to close out on the shooter.


2 As soon as 1, 2 and 3 score, 4, 5 and 6 start their 3-line passing. At the same time 1, 2 and 3 do a 3-man weave coming back, finishing with a layup.

3-man up and back

1 That's a Foul, July 2002 (Variation - 3-man weave to halfcourt)


3-man super weave

1 Make 4 layups in 4 trips, inbounds pass after each score. No travelling, the ball never hits the floor (even after a basket), or go up and back again. 1 passes to 2 who hits 3 for a layup and follows. 1 runs around a cone on the far foul-line extended.


2 2 inbounds to 3 who hits 1 for a layup and follows. 2 runs around the cone

3-man weave

1 Three players pass and weave (go behind) upcourt, the player with the ball below the foul line takes a layup, the player who did not make the last pass rebounds, the shooter keeps going, the last passer follows his pass (the shooter and passer cross and go opposite).


2 The same players pass and weave back, then the next group goes. Larry Brown - two balls, start with 5 passes then 4 passes then 3 passes (players may need to jump stop and lead the shooter to the basket), nothing on the floor, up and back, cross underneath, rotate clockwise. Larry Shyatt - 4 passes, the last is a bounce pass, use the glass, the ball never touches the ground, passers holler names, catch and pass with two hands, no pass is too hard, go up and back, one ball, make 21 layups in 2 minutes. - to emulate game conditions, the weave should be no more than three passes (outlet, centre and headman the ball), the ball should never touch the floor, and do not pass backwards. Mike Badair - one ball, three passes, make 10-15 in a row, optionally allow one dribble on the shot. Other options - players weave to touch the sideline (killer weave) - go again on a missed layup - the shooter takes a 12-15 foot jumper. Variations - each group only goes upcourt, the next group goes when the ball crosses centre going away - have players at both ends, the next group starts from the other end when the first ball crosses centre coming back.

3-man weave with runner


1 4 runs upcourt out of bounds, breaks for the basket at the foul line extended, gets a pass for a layup without slowing down or breaking stride. 1, 2 and 3 weave upcourt always looking when to pass to 4. Repeat coming back. Variation - the runner and last passer defend 2-on-2 coming back. See Transition - 4-man weave to 2 on 2.

4-line up and back

1 That's a Foul, February 2004 1 and 4 sprint wide, 2 and 3 pass and forth until the halfcourt line, when 2 catches the ball he passes to 4 for a layup, 1 swings through under the basket, 4 keeps going after his shot.


2 Coming back, 3 rebounds and passes to 2 who passes to 4 who hits 1 for a layup. Call the name of the player you are passing to.

5-man weave

1 1 passes to 2 and runs behind 3 (and 2), 2 passes to 4 and runs behind 5, 4 passes to 3 and runs behind 1, 3 passes to 5 and runs behind 2, and 5 passes to 1 and runs behind 4, starting the pattern again. Here 1 passes to 2 for a layup. The next group goes when the ball reaches centre. Options - up and back - perimeter shot.

And twos


1 5-lane passing, no dribbling or passing to a player on the immediate left or right. Run up and back twice, make 3 out of 4 layups. For every missed layup, go up and back again.

Around the world layups

1 Passing 1 to 2 to 1 to 3 to 1 to 4 to 1 for a layup. 4 rebounds and outlets to 5, who passes to 1 to 6 to 1 to 7 to 1 for a layup, 7 rebounds and goes to the shooting line, 1 goes to the outlet line. Passers move up one position, e.g., 2 goes to 3's spot. Player 8 starts when 1 takes the layup at the far end. Options - only two passers on each sideline (can then add a dribble before the pass) - more than two balls - after 4 outlets to 5, 4 becomes the shooter and 1 takes 5's spot. See Layups - Jenkins around the world.


2 Ian MacKinnon Start from both ends, extra players are at the outlet positions, middle passers are in the centre circle (not on the sideline), shooters go to the outlet lines, rebounders are the next shooters. On a missed layup, everybody gets on a baseline, run a down and back, resume. Start with two balls, work up to four balls. Switch sides. Ray Lokar - 6-ball passing - 2-3-4-5-6-7 are permanent passers (3 and 6 are back-to-back at center court), other players line up behind 1 and 9, the next player goes when the first player gets to halfcourt, the lines rebound shots. Go for 3 minutes, rotate the passers periodically. See Layups - Tennessee (coaches are passers)

Baseball passes

1 1 makes a baseball pass to 2 and sprints to rebound before the ball hits the floor. The next group goes on the shot.


2 Repeat coming back, switch lines. Bill Pangos - lines at both ends.

Calipari 3-man weave

1 John Calipari a) 4 passes with layup 3-man weave with four passes upcourt, the point guard makes the scoring pass then touches the baseline, shooter 2 keeps going, 3 rebounds.


2 Coming back, 3 outlets to 1 on a miss or inbounds on a make, it's four passes for a layup, 1 is the shooter.

3 b) 3 passes with jump shot 3-man weave with three passes, there's no dribbling, 1 takes a jump shot, 2 or 3 rebound a miss and must make a putback, if you're too far away from the basket, pass to a teammate who is closer.


4 Coming back, outlet the ball to 1, it's three passes with a jump shot, the outlet passer is the shooter, make a putback on a miss.

Calipari Michigan

1 John Calipari Point guards are in the middle line. The passing upcourt is 1-2-1-2-1-3 for a no-dribble layup (1 jump stops or lobs it if he has to). 2 circles and touches the baseline, shooter 3 keeps going, 1 rebounds (he can't let the ball hit the floor at either end).


2 Coming back the passing is 1-3-1-2 for a no-dribble layup, 1 rebounds.

Calipari Michigan

1 John Calipari Point guards are in the middle line. The passing upcourt is 1-2-1-2-1-3 for a no-dribble layup (1 jump stops or lobs it if he has to). 2 circles and touches the baseline, shooter 3 keeps going, 1 rebounds (he can't let the ball hit the floor at either end).


2 Coming back the passing is 1-3-1-2 for a no-dribble layup, 1 rebounds.


1 Phil Martelli Three players pass back and forth upcourt, the outside players stay wide. Whoever has the ball at the foul line passes to the player in front of him.


2 The next group does the same going back. Variations - go up and back - use a medicine ball.


1 Basketball Australia 1 passes to 2 who hits 3 for a layup, 2 follows his pass to rebound, 3 keeps going, 1 touches the far baseline (or foul line) then sprints back.


2 2 outlets to 3 who hits 1 for a layup coming back. Allow each player two dribbles to start, then one, then none, the ball should not touch the floor. See Passing - 3-man super weave and Kevin O'Neill 3-man.


1 Frankston Blues Four lines on the baseline, 1 and 4 have balls and stay in their lines, 2 and 3 always pass back to the player they got the ball from then break opposite for the next pass. Switch inside and outside players at the other end. That's a Foul (Sept. 2002) - Interchange - the balls start with 2 and 3, at halfcourt come back to the baseline or go fullcourt. The Drill (April 2006) - balls start in the outside lanes.


2 Variations - players stay in their lines, 1 and 3 pass to each other, 2 and 4 pass to each other (shown) - outside players cut to the basket at the far foul line for a pass and layup. - stay in lines, 2 and 3 short pass to each other, 1 and 4 long pass to each other


1 Partners pass the ball back and forth, anytime after the ball crosses centre the player in the corner raises his hands for a pass, then makes a return pass to the passer for a lay-up, the other partner goes to the corner, the corner player rebounds and goes to the other side with the shooter. - the inside player cuts to the basket for a pass, the outside player goes to the corner, rotate inside to outside to corner. Marg Jones - pass to the corner when the ball gets to halfcourt, the inside player is the shooter, the next group goes on the pass to the corner.

Florida 3-line 2-ball


1 Billy Donovan, Larry Shyatt 1 passes to 3, gets a pass from 2 and returns it, gets a pass from 3 and returns it, continue fullcourt. No travelling. 2 and 3 dribble with the outside hand, 1 does not dribble. Catch and pass with two hands, lead the receiver, holler his name. Larry Shyatt - the wings run out of bounds. See Florida 4-line passing.

2 Repeat coming back. The next group has balls.

Florida 4-line


1 Larry Shyatt Four lines of players with two balls. 1 and 3 pass back and forth while sprinting to the far baseline, so do 2 and 4. The wings stay out of bounds, passers call receivers names (holler names, loud and proud), catch and pass with two hands, every pass has backspin. This is a running not passing drill, about 3.5 seconds fullcourt (optionally do it without a ball, pretending to pass), it's a race. Basketball PEI Coaching Notes - jump stop into triple threat on each catch, optionally add shot fakes, pivots, sweeps.

2 Repeat coming back, switch lines, the next pairs are ready to go. (Variations) - two teams, one on each side, which pair of teammates can finish first (optionally place the ball behind or on the near baseline), no dribbling, traveling, or fumbling the ball to the floor - inside-hand kick passes (two-hand catch, two hands on the ball to pass) - inside-hand one dribble then kick pass, optionally with no outside hand after the catch. See Passing - Two teams and Ganon Baker partner.


3 Progression Each player has a ball, the outside players bounce pass, the inside players chest pass to the baseline and back. Billy Donovan - then vice versa.

Florida Laker

1 Billy Donovan, Larry Shyatt One ball, players at one end. 1 self-rebounds to start play, passes to 2 who passes back to 1, who headmans to 3 for a layup. 3 crosses to the other side, 2 rebounds, 1 runs around a cone on the 3-point line, foul-line extended. Passers call each guy's name out. Larry Shyatt - 1 just passes to 2 to start play (no self rebound) and runs around a far cone that is just above block level. Wings run out of bounds (use cones), passers holler names. Coach can specify left or right-hand layups in practice, in a game it just better go in. Hoop Tactics (Michigan) - 2 make a putback on a miss - 1 runs to touch the baseline.


2 Make or miss, 2 outlets to 3 who passes back to 2 who headmans to 1. The next group takes the ball out of the net (don't leave early). If there are 12 guys, make 12 layups in a row, start again at zero on a miss, travel, or ball hitting the floor. Then change sides. Hoop Tactics - 2 inbounds - 3 rebounds for 1, 2 runs to touch the baseline - when the ball reaches halfcourt coming back, three players start from the other end - goal is 25 layups in 2 minutes.

Fullcourt 2-minute drill

1 3 sprints to the centre circle for a baseball pass from 1, 3 pivots and chest passes to 2 for a layup. 1 sprints to rebound.


2 1 rebounds and baseball passes to 3, who chest passes to 2 for another layup. Rotate lines to the right. Option - 1 again rebounds.

Fullcourt elbows

1 That's a Foul, February 2004 1-2-3-4 are passers at the elbows. 5 passes to 3, gets a return pass, passes to 1 and gets a return pass for a shot or layup, rebounds and goes to the other line. 7 does the same thing starting at the other end with a pass to 2. Change the permanent passers every minute. See Layups - Carolina, Tennessee. Winning Hoops - add a passer on each side of the centre circle (six passers), make a specified number of layups in 60 seconds (start with 50), change groups, repeat until the goal is met.



1 Eddie Pomykala 1 self-rebounds, passes to 2 who passes to 7 who passes to 4 for a layup, rebound and outlet. 5 does the same starting at the other basket. All players cut diagonally to receive a pass, and follow their passes. No dribbling or travelling. Continue then switch sides. Option - add a third ball. (Variation - players v-cut to meet each pass)


1 Alan Lambert 3 lines of players at each end. The first group at one end does a 3-man weave for a layup. Once the ball is through the net, the first group at the other end weaves coming back. The goal is to make 30 consecutive layups in 2 minutes 30 seconds. Start over on a turnover or ball hitting the floor.

Lokar meet the ball


1 Ray Lokar Players work in pairs (have three lines on the baseline). 3 dribbles to the foul line, hop stops (a quick jump stop), reverse pivots, chest passes to partner 4 and sprints to touch the baseline.

2 4 dribbles to halfcourt, hop stops, pivots, passes to 3 running to meet the ball, then sprints back to touch the foul line.


3 Continue fullcourt, 3 dribbles to the far foul line, hop stops, pivots, passes to 4 running to the meet the ball, then sprints back to touch halfcourt. Finish with 4 dribbling to the far baseline and 3 running to meet the ball.

Miller 4-pass break

1 Three-man rush, passing from 1 to 2 back to 1 to 3 to 2 for a layup (four passes).


2 2 and 3 cross, 1 rebounds and outlets to 2 to repeat coming back. Go up and back again, or the next group takes the ball out of the net. Option - inbounds pass after a make. Go for 4 minutes, start again if the ball hits the floor. (Variation - 1 outlets to 3 coming back)

Off the dribble

1 1 takes one dribble, passes to 3, gets a return pass, takes one dribble, passes to 4, gets a return pass for a layup, rebounds and goes to the end of the other shooting line. 2 does the same on the other side. Change the 4 passers every minute or so.

Pangos double-line exchange


1 Bill Pangos Two lines at each end. 1 takes 2-3 dribbles with his outside hand and passes to 2 breaking upcourt, 2 passes to 3, 1 and 2 go to the end of the lines.

2 Coming back, 3 passes off the dribble to 4, who passes to 5. See Passing - Carolina, Pangos exchange.

Pangos exchange


1 Bill Pangos 1 passes off the dribble to 4 cutting towards the ball, both players switch lines. Continue with 2 passing off the dribble to 5. Options - receivers are stationary to begin, then catch on the move - one-hand passes - kick, shovel or across the body passes (vary the line positions).

Pass and go opposite

1 Hoop Tactics 1 passes to 2 (or 3) and fills the opposite lane, 3 cuts to the middle for a pass from 2, pushes the ball up the floor and feeds 1 or 2 for a layup.


2 1 and 2 cross on the baseline, 3 rebounds, passes to 2, who passes to 1 in the middle, who passes to 2 or 3 for a shot.

Pau partner

1 That's a Foul, April 2008 1 and 2 pass back and forth fullcourt.


2 1 and 2 run wide at the other end, come back making skip passes while the second pair is coming up the middle.

Pistons 3-man passing

1 1 and 2 pass back and forth until the centreline, then 1 dribbles and bounce passes to 3 for a layup. Variations - 3 passes back to 1 at the ballside elbow - 3 dribble penetrates, 1 and 2 space for a kick-out pass, 3 optionally closes out on the shooter.


2 2 inbounds to 1 who makes a baseball pass to the next group. 1, 2 and 3 sprint back.

Tennessee two-man

1 Bruce Pearl Two-man fullcourt warm-up, 3/4 speed, the players call each other's name, chest passes but the last pass is a bounce pass, the next pairs goes when the first pair gets to halfcourt. When all players have gone upcourt, repeat coming back. Go up and back twice. See Kevin O'Neill pairs passing. Variation - each pair goes up and back, see Paul Hewitt perfection layups. Emir Mutapcic - pass, sprint (full speed in three strides), catch, come to a dead stop, pass (add a shot or pass fake first).

Tennessee 3-man


1 Bruce Pearl 3-line passing up with point guard 1 in the middle, bounce pass to shooter 2.

2 2 crosses to the other side, 3 rebounds, outlets to 1 and fills the outside lane. 3 is the shooter coming back. The ball never touches the floor. See Fast break - Tennessee point-guard push.

Two teams


1 Mario Blasone Two teams, one on each side. Two teammates pass back and forth upcourt until both have touched the far baseline, then come back passing and the inside players (2 and 3) must score. The next pairs take the balls from the basket. Progressions - score at both baskets, teammates exchange lanes coming back - score at both baskets, come back on the other side of the court. Option - only one shot, two points to the team that scores first, one point to the team that scores second, no points for a miss. See Florida 4-line passing.

Two touches


1 Lee Rose 1 tosses the ball off the backboard, rebounds and passes to 2, who passes to 3 for a layup. No dribbling. 1 rebounds before the ball hits the floor. 2 and 3 cross. Option - allow one dribble.

2 1 passes to 3 who passes back to 1 who passes ahead to 2 for a layup. The middle player in the next group (5) rebounds.

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