filaggrin genotype in ichthyosis vulgaris predicts abnormalities in epidermal structure and function

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The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 178, No. 5, May 2011

Copyright © 2011 American Society for Investigative Pathology.

Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2011.01.053

Molecular Pathogenesis of Genetic and Inherited Diseases

Filaggrin Genotype in Ichthyosis Vulgaris Predicts

Abnormalities in Epidermal Structure and Function

Robert Gruber,* Peter M. Elias,† Debra Crumrine,†

Tzu-Kai Lin,† Johanna M. Brandner,‡

Jean-Pierre Hachem,§ Richard B. Presland,¶�

Philip Fleckman,¶ Andreas R. Janecke,**Aileen Sandilands,†† W.H. Irwin McLean,††

Peter O. Fritsch,* Michael Mildner,‡‡

Erwin Tschachler,‡‡ and Matthias Schmuth*From the Department of Dermatology,* and Medical Genetics,

Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology,�� Innsbruck Medical

University, Innsbruck, Austria; the Dermatology Service,†

Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Department of Dermatology,

University of California, San Francisco, California; the

Department of Dermatology,‡ University Hospital Hamburg-

Eppendorf, Germany; the Department of Dermatology,§ Free

University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium; the Division of

Dermatology,¶ Department of Medicine and Oral Biology,� School

of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; the

Epithelial Genetics Group,†† Division of Molecular Medicine,

Colleges of Life Sciences and Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing,

University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom; and the

Department of Dermatology,‡‡ University of Vienna Medical

School, Vienna, Austria

Although it is widely accepted that filaggrin (FLG)deficiency contributes to an abnormal barrier func-tion in ichthyosis vulgaris and atopic dermatitis, thepathomechanism of how FLG deficiency provokes abarrier abnormality in humans is unknown. We re-port here that the presence of FLG mutations in Cau-casians predicts dose-dependent alterations in epider-mal permeability barrier function. Although FLG is anintracellular protein, the barrier abnormality occurredsolely via a paracellular route in affected stratum cor-neum. Abnormal barrier function correlated with alter-ations in keratin filament organization (perinuclear re-traction), impaired loading of lamellar body contents,followed by nonuniform extracellular distribution ofsecreted organelle contents, and abnormalities in lamel-lar bilayer architecture. In addition, we observed reduc-tions in corneodesmosome density and tight junctionprotein expression. Thus, FLG deficiency provokes al-terations in keratinocyte architecture that influence epi-

dermal functions localizing to the extracellular matrix.


These results clarify how FLG mutations impair epider-mal permeability barrier function. (Am J Pathol 2011,

178:2252–2263; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2011.01.053)

Filament aggregating protein (filaggrin, FLG) is the maincomponent of F-type keratohyalin granules, which local-ize to the outer nucleated layers of the epidermis, thestratum granulosum (SG). Decreased FLG expressionresults in a paucity of keratohyalin granules, which is ahallmark of ichthyosis vulgaris (IV), independent of bodysite and season of the year.1–4 IV, the most prevalentdisorder of cornification in humans, is characterized bythe delayed, postnatal onset of generalized, fine scalingthat spares the flexures, and is often associated withpalmar hyperlinearity and atopic dermatitis (AD).5–7 In IVand AD, both nonsense and frameshift mutations havebeen discovered in the gene encoding FLG, which local-izes to the epidermal differentiation complex on chromo-some 1q21.8–17 Phenotype severity appears to be sub-ject to a dose effect, wherein heterozygous patientsshow a milder phenotype with reduced, but not absent,FLG, whereas IV patients with homozygous or com-pound heterozygous FLG mutations typically lack FLGand exhibit a more severe scaling phenotype with agreater predisposition for early development and moresevere AD.8 –12,18

Although decreased FLG is widely postulated to ac-count for the epidermal permeability barrier abnormalityin IV and AD,19–22 the cellular pathogenesis of the barrierdefect is not known. It is difficult to assess how FLGdeficiency leads to the barrier abnormality in AD, be-cause Th2-dominant inflammation can secondarily com-

Supported by MFF grants No. 71 and 153, NIH grants AR019098 andAI059311, the Medical Research Service, Department of Veterans Affairs,San Francisco, CA, and EU-FP7 COST Action BM0903.

Accepted for publication January 25, 2011.

W.H.I.M. has filed patents relating to genetic testing and therapy de-velopment aimed at the FLG gene.

Supplemental material for this article can be found at and at doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2011.01.053.

Address reprint requests to Matthias Schmuth, M.D., Department ofDermatology, Anichstra�e 35, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. E-mail: matthias.

FLG Genotype and Barrier Abnormality 2253AJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5

promise barrier function by multiple mechanisms,23 in-cluding an acquired reduction in FLG.24,25 Thus, whetherFLG deficiency suffices to provoke a barrier abnormality,and how such an abnormality might occur, remain un-known. The possibility that FLG deficiency suffices toprovoke a barrier abnormality is supported by recentstudies in flaky tail (ft/ft) mice, which demonstrate abnor-malities in barrier function in association with an absenceof FLG.26–29

In normal epidermis, the permeability barrier localizesto the stratum corneum (SC) matrix, which is organizedinto neutral lipid-enriched, extracellular lamellar bilayers.This hydrophobic extracellular matrix, together with thecohesive properties of specialized intercellular junctionsin SC and SG; ie, corneodesmosomes and tight junctions(TJs), provides the epidermis with a formidable barrierto the outward loss of water and electrolytes, while alsoblocking transcutaneous entry of exogenous xeno-biotes.24,30 –33 Yet, FLG is an intracellular protein, andhow deficiency of this structural protein could alter a keyextracellular function, ie, permeability barrier homeosta-sis, is not immediately obvious. One potential mechanismcould be through an altered corneocyte scaffold. Asshown in both transglutaminase 1–deficient lamellar ich-thyosis,34 and in loricrin keratoderma,35 a defective cor-nified envelope (CE) leads to disorganization of extracel-lular lamellar bilayers. Alternatively, dominant-negativedisruption of the cytoskeleton, as occurs with mutations ineither keratin 1 or 10 in epidermolytic ichthyosis (epider-molytic hyperkeratosis), blocks lamellar body (LB) secre-tion, also resulting in a downstream, paracellular perme-ability barrier defect.36 Since FLG peptides normallyassociate with both the CE37–39 and keratin filaments,40

FLG deficiency could compromise permeability barrierfunction by either mechanism, by both mechanisms, orby a mechanism that is unique to IV. Although in thepre-genotype era, barrier function was shown to be mod-erately abnormal in IV and AD patients,41–45 this has notbeen assessed in genotyped, FLG-deficient IV patients,and there is little evidence for the mechanisms of a po-tential barrier defect. Therefore, we asked here whetherFLG deficiency provokes allele-, and dose-dependentchanges in epidermal function, and set out to clarify thesubcellular basis for such abnormalities.

Materials and Methods

Human Subjects

The study was approved by the institutional reviewboards of the Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck;the University of California, San Francisco; and the Uni-versity of Washington, Seattle; and complied with theDeclaration of Helsinki Principles. Subjects included pa-tients with IV (eight double allele and 11 single allele),defined as generalized fine scaling involving the extensorsurfaces of the extremities, palmoplantar hyperlinearity,and/or keratosis pilaris. As controls, we included 20 indi-viduals lacking scaling or any other inflammatory skin

symptoms (see Supplemental Table S1 at http://ajp. Specifically excluded were: i) patientswith an IV phenotype, but none of the common FLGmutations; ii) control subjects with AD, allergic rhinitis, orasthma; iii) individuals with thyroid disease; or iv) individ-uals receiving systemic immunosuppressives or systemicretinoids within 6 months before enrollment.


Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood orsaliva (ORAgene DNA Self-Collection Kit; DNA Genotek,Kanata, ON, Canada) using the GenoM48 automatedextractor (Qiagen, Vienna, Austria). FLG variants R501X,2282del4, and R2447X were screened by restriction en-zyme digestion of PCR products, FLG variants 3702delGand 6867delAG by sizing of fluorescently labeled PCRproducts as described previously.9,12 For 2282del4screening, we used an allele-specific PCR, amplifying ashort fragment of 158 bp with high genotype completionrates. Genomic DNA was amplified by using PromegaPCR buffer (Promega, Madison, WI), Promega Taq poly-merase mix, and allele-specific primers: 5=-AGAAGACT-CAGACACACATTG-3= (forward), 5=-GGGAGGACTCA-GACTGTTT-3= (reverse). Amplification conditions wereas follows: 95°C for 3 minutes; 35 cycles of 95°C for 20 s,60°C for 30 s, 72°C for 40 s; a final extension step at 72°Cfor 5 minutes. A fragment of 207 bp was amplified from anunrelated chromosomal region in each reaction to controlfor PCR success, using forward primer 5=-ATTCTTTGTC-CCTGGCAGT-3= and reverse primer 5=-GACAGTTC-CCAAATGACAAGT-3=. In patients showing the 2282del4mutation, a PCR for differentiation between homozygousand heterozygous followed using the same conditions,reverse primer, and control fragment primers as de-scribed above, and the forward primer 5=-AGAAGACT-CAGACACACAGTTAG-3=. PCR products and digestswere resolved on 2% agarose gels.

Functional Measurements

Functional measurements were performed in 32 studysubjects, eight with two FLG mutations (�/�), 11 with 1FLG mutation (�/�), and 13 wild-type controls (see Sup-plemental Table S1 at The sub-jects were not allowed to use emollients, or any othertopical formulations and medications on the test sites forat least 3 days before and during the experiments. Sur-face pH was measured using a Skin-pH-Meter (PH900;Courage & Khazaka, Köln, Germany), equipped with aflat glass electrode (Mettler-Toledo, Giessen, Germany).SC hydration was assessed as change in electrical ca-pacitance (absolute units) using a Corneometer (CM 825;Courage & Khazaka). Transepidermal water loss (TEWL)was measured using an Evaporimeter (Servomed, Stock-holm, Sweden), and measurements were taken on thelower forearm in accordance with published guide-lines.46–48 Environment-related variables at the time ofthe study were: ambient air temperature 19.5°C to 24°C;skin surface temperature 30.4°C to 32.5°C, ambient airhumidity 31% to 45%, and water vapor pressure 4.7 to

10.9 mm Hg. The study subjects underwent at least a

2254 Gruber et alAJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5

15-minute pre-assessment rest period, and measure-ments were taken after equilibration of the probe on theskin surface. Readings were made when TEWL levelshad stabilized, 30 to 120 seconds after applying theprobe. The values were expressed as grams per squaremeter per hour. TEWL was measured both under basalconditions, as well as following acute barrier disruptionby repeated cellophane tape stripping (to TEWL �three-fold basal value). Barrier recovery kinetics were as-sessed by measuring TEWL at 3 and 6 hours after acutedisruption. For calculation of the percentage change inTEWL, the following formula was used: [(TEWL strippedarea at indicated time/TEWL control area at indicatedtime)/(TEWL stripped area before stripping/TEWL controlarea before stripping) � 1] � 100%.

Assessment of CE Fragility and SC Cohesion

Corneocytes were isolated by scraping the skin with ascalpel blade from the three FLG genotype groups (seeSupplemental Table S1 at usingthe method of Määttä et al,49 with modifications as fol-lows: Isolated squames were placed in 2% SDS, 5mmol/L EDTA, 10 mmol/L dithiothreitol in 20 mmol/L Tris-HCl, and boiled for 10 minutes. After centrifuging (2000 �g for 5 minutes), corneocyte suspensions were assessedby light microscopy in the Nomarsky mode.50 To assesscorneocyte fragility under stressed conditions, the pelletwas resuspended in 2% SDS and subjected to ultra-sound (U200S control, amplitude 20%, cycle 0.1; IKALabortechnik, Staufen, Germany ). SC cohesion was as-sessed as protein removed per D-Squame (CuDerm Cor-poration, Dallas, TX), applied sequentially to the test areafor about 3 seconds, removed with a forceps, and storedin a glass scintillation vial at 4°C. The amount of proteinremoved per D-Squame was measured by a modificationof the method of Dreher et al,51 using the Bio-Rad ProteinAssay Kit (Bio-Rad, Vienna, Austria). Lyophilized, bovinegamma globulin was used as the standard. Each tapewas incubated with 1 mL of 1 mol/L NaOH for 1 hour at37°C, neutralized with HCl in the scintillation vials. Sub-sequently, 0.2 mL of this solution was incubated in0.6-mL distilled water plus 0.2 mL of the Bio-Rad proteindye for 5 minutes in borosilicate tubes. After incubation,the reagents were transferred to polystyrene cuvettes,and absorption was measured with a spectrophotometer(Ultrospec 3300 pro; AmershamBiosciences/GE Health-care, Piscataway, NJ) at 595 nm. An empty D-Squametape as well as distilled water incubated with the Bio-Raddye served as negative controls. The amount of calcu-lated protein was then normalized to skin surface area(�g/cm2).

Light Microscopy and IHC

Four-millimeter punch biopsies were taken from the skinof 11 individuals with FLG deficiency and from sevencontrols without FLG mutations (see Supplemental TableS1 at Specimens were fixed in4% formaldehyde, embedded in paraffin, sectioned (6

�m), and then stained with hematoxylin and eosin. For

IHC, paraffin-embedded sections were stained with amonoclonal mouse anti-human FLG antibody (Novocas-tra Laboratories Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) in aworking dilution of 1:50, a polyclonal rabbit anti-humanloricrin antibody (Abcam, Cambridge, UK) in a workingdilution of 1:100, a monoclonal mouse anti-human cyto-keratin 10 antibody (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) in a work-ing dilution of 1:100, and a monoclonal rabbit antibodyagainst Ki-67 (Ventana Medical Systems S.A., France) ina working dilution of 1:50, respectively, using the auto-mated preparation system BenchMark XT (Ventana Med-ical Systems) and the high-temperature antigen unmask-ing technique according to the manufacturer’sinstructions (pretreatment with sodium/citrate buffer, in-cubation time 16 minutes, temperature 37°C). Imageswere generated using the laser optic system (ProgResC10plus; Jenoptik, Jena, Germany) and PicEd Cora soft-ware. Proliferation index was assessed as percentage ofKi-67–positive cells in fields of 400 magnification in age-,sex-, and body-site–matched biopsies. For tight junctionproteins Occ1 and ZO-1, we pretreated sections for an-tigen retrieval by microwave oven heating (4 � 5 minutes;600 W) in TEC buffer (pH 7.8), followed by mildtrypsinization with 0.001% trypsin for 10 minutes at 37°C.DAKO Cytomation Protein Block was used to block un-specific binding sites and change surface tension. Pri-mary antibodies were applied to the sections overnight at4°C (Occl pAb, 71-1500; Zymed/Invitrogen, Carlsbad,CA) 1:200, ZO-1 (pAb, 61-7300, Zymed/Invitrogen)1:100). The samples were subsequently washed for 3 �3 minutes in TBST. Afterward, Alexa 594-coupled (1:1250in PBS, specific for rabbit) secondary antibodies (Molec-ular Probes Europe BV, Leiden, the Netherlands) wereapplied for 30 minutes at room temperature. Nuclei werestained by a subsequent incubation with DAPI (1:5000 inPBS). For negative controls, isotype-specific antibodieswere used.

Organotypic Cultures

Normal human dermal fibroblasts (Lonza, Basel, Switzer-land) and normal human epidermal keratinocytes (Lonza)were cultured as described previously.52 Stealth smallinterfering RNAs (siRNAs) specific for FLG and a scram-bled control were obtained from Invitrogen.53 siRNAtransfection and preparation of organotypic skin cultureswere performed as described previously.52 Briefly, third-passage keratinocytes were transfected using Lipo-fectamine 2000 (Invitrogen). Five milliliters of OPTI-MEMmedium (Gibco/Invitrogen) was mixed with 50-�L Lipo-fectamine 2000 and 130 �L of a 20 �mol/L siRNA solu-tion. After incubation at room temperature for 30 minutes,the solution was added to 20 mL of keratinocyte growthmedium (Lonza) transferred to the keratinocyte culturesand incubated for 24 hours. To generate the organotypicskin, 2.5 mL of collagen type I (Vitrogen 100; CollagenCorporation, Palo Alto, CA) containing 2.5 � 105 fibro-blasts, balanced by Hank’s buffered salt solution (HBSS)(Gibco/Invitrogen), was poured into each cell-culture in-

sert (3-�m pore size; BD Bioscience, Bedford, MA) and

FLG Genotype and Barrier Abnormality 2255AJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5

allowed to gel for 2 hours at 37°C in a humidified atmo-sphere. The gels were then equilibrated with keratinocytegrowth medium for 2 hours, and 1.5 � 106 keratinocytestransfected with the respective siRNAs were seeded ontoeach collagen gel. After overnight incubation at 37°C, themedium was removed from both the inserts and externalwells, and 10 mL of keratinocyte-defined medium, con-sisting of keratinocyte growth medium without bovine pi-tuitary extract and supplemented with 1.3 mmol/L cal-cium (Sigma, Vienna, Austria), 10 �g/mL transferrin(Sigma), 50 �g/mL ascorbic acid (Sigma), and 0.1% bo-vine serum albumin (Sigma) added to each external well.Keratinocytes were allowed to form a multilayered epi-dermis for 7 days, and medium was changed every sec-ond day.

Electron Microscopy

The ultrastructure of the skin biopsy specimen was ana-lyzed in nine FLG-deficient and seven wild-type subjects(see Supplemental Table S2 at used an algorithmic sequence similar to that previ-ously applied to Harlequin ichthyosis,54 epidermolyticichthyosis,36 autosomal recessive (lamellar) ichthyosis,34

loricrin keratoderma,35 Netherton syndrome,55 and neu-tral lipid storage disease.56

Skin samples, derived from punch biopsies, wereminced to �0.5 mm3 fragments, rinsed three times in 0.1mol/L cacodylate buffer, and pre-fixed in half-strengthKarnovsky’s fixative, followed by postfixation in reduced1% osmium tetroxide (OsO4) containing 1.5% ferrocya-nide or in 0.2% ruthenium tetroxide (RuO4).57–59 Selectedsamples were immersed for 2 hours in absolute pyridinefor visualization of the cornified lipid envelope, followedby OsO4 postfixation, as described previously.54,60 Thecombination of osmium (OsO4) and ruthenium tetroxide(RuO4) postfixation protocols with pyridine pretreatmentallowed us to assess the CE scaffold in relation to theextracellular lamellar bilayer system, as described previ-ously.54,61 After staining with 2% aqueous uranyl acetateand embedding in Epon epoxy, ultrathin sections (600Å)were assessed using a Zeiss 10A electron microscope(Oberkochen, Germany), operated at 60 kV.

Assessment of Corneocyte Morphology

The number of SC layers was counted at �3.5 to �10magnification. CE thickness was quantitated with an im-age analyzer, attached to the electron microscope cam-era, in the lowest SC layer (first SC layer above theSG–SC junction) versus outermost SC layer by an unbi-ased observer who did 30 measurements taken from fiveimages at �125 magnification. The length of corneodes-mosomes was measured between the first and secondSC layer above the SG–SC junction at �25 and ex-

pressed as corneodesmosome length/total CE length.

Assessment of Permeability Pathway byLanthanum Perfusion

Using the water-soluble, low molecular weight tracer col-loidal lanthanum,62 we determined whether there wasincreased permeability due to leaky corneocytes, result-ing in increased transcellular water movement (fragility),or an abnormality due to enhanced extracellular perme-ability (normal SC excludes lanthanum movement). Skinfragments prepared as described above were immersedin 4% lanthanum nitrate in 0.05 mol/L Tris buffer (pH 7.4)containing 2% glutaraldehyde and 1% paraformaldehydefor 1 hour at room temperature.36,63,64 After lanthanumperfusion, the samples were washed and processed forelectron microscopy, as described above.

Lamellar Body Morphology, Secretion, andExtracellular Bilayer Structure

We assessed LB and the extent of LB secretion to deter-mine whether FLG deficiency interferes with secretion ofLB contents. LB numbers were determined in granularcells two to three layers below the SG–SC junction bycounting LBs at �16 magnification using a calibratedgrid. To assess the LB secretory system, the followingcriteria were assessed: i) amount of accumulated lipidmaterial at the SG–SC junction65; ii) presence of “en-tombed” LB within the corneocyte cytosol66; and iii) ex-tent of extracellular delivery versus corneocyte retentionof a lipid hydrolase (acid lipase), which is concentrated inLB and normally secreted and segregated in toto withinthe SC interstices.64,65,67 For quantification of LB secre-tion, areas of secretion at the SG–SC junction were mea-sured and correlated with the length of the bottom sur-face of the first SC layer on 10 random images at 16Kmagnification. For lipid hydrolase visualization, aldehyde-prefixed samples were microwave incubated with 0.2%Tween 85–containing substrate (�/� lipase inhibitor, tet-rahydrolipstatin, 200 �mol/L), a lead-capture cytochem-ical method that depicts the localization of acidic andneutral lipases.59 Samples were then postfixed in OsO4

and processed as above. Finally, on RuO4 postfixed tis-sue, the maturation and supramolecular organization ofextracellular lamellar bilayer quantities were determined.


Numerical results were analyzed using the Mann-Whitneyrank sum test to compare individual groups and theKruskal-Wallis test for across-group significance. Analy-ses were conducted using the Prism5 software package(GraphPad, San Diego, CA). A value of P � 0.05 wasconsidered statistically significant. The graphs depict theresults as mean � SEM. For the analysis of ultrastructure,two observers were blinded to the case-control status of

the study subjects.


2256 Gruber et alAJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5


Loss of FLG Results in Distinctive CorneocyteAbnormalities and Altered EpidermalHomeostasis

We studied here a cohort of patients of self-reportedEuropean ancestry with IV (Table 1). Among this studysubgroup, R501X was the most common FLG mutation,followed in frequency by R2447X, 2282del4, and 6867de-lAG (see Supplemental Table S1 at Double-allele subjects were compound heterozy-gote for R501X/R2447X (n � 4), R501X/2282del4 (n �2), R501X/6867delAG (n � 1), and homozygote for2282del4/2282del4 (n � 1). FLG expression was as-sessed by histology, IHC, and by electron microscopy,which displayed an absence to near-absence of F-typekeratohyalin granules in double-allele patients, with re-sidual granules and FLG expression in single-allelesubjects (see Supplemental Figure S1A at

Reduced FLG correlated with a previously unde-scribed, ultrastructural feature; ie, the distinctive, perinu-clear “halos” resulting from retraction of keratin interme-diate filaments (Figure 1). Reduction or loss of FLGcorrelated with an increased number of SC cell layers(Figure 2A; see also Supplemental Figure S1 at and an increased number of suprabasal,Ki-67–positive cells in double-allele patients (see Supple-mental Figure S1D at Finally,with the exception of reduced FLG, other differentiationmarkers, such as loricrin and keratin 10, did not differ inFLG-deficient versus control subjects (see SupplementalFigure S1, B and C, at Together,these results demonstrate that FLG mutations result in acharacteristic cytoskeletal abnormality, as well as alteredepidermal homeostasis.

Defective Corneocyte Integrity inFLG-Deficient SC

Defective corneocyte structure could compromise epi-dermal function in IV. In both single- and double-allele IVversus control subjects, the corneocyte cytosol appearednormal on electron microscopy (Figure 3D; see also Sup-plemental Figure S2A at Yet, CEdimensions, measured in coded, randomized electronmicrographs, moderately differed in both single- and

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics

Functional studies

2 FLG mutationsn � 8

1 FLG mutationn � 11

No FLGn �

Female 2 7Male 6 4Age (range) 57 (21–88) 40 (26–69) 55 (2

*Including a subgroup of individuals also assessed in functional stud

double-allele FLG-deficient versus wild-type corneo-

cytes. In contrast, the morphology of the corneocyte-bound lipid envelope, which consists predominantly oflong-chain, �-hydroxy ceramides that are covalently at-tached to the outer surface of the CE, appeared normal inFLG-deficient patients (see Supplemental Figure S2A at Thinning of CEs in IV corneo-cytes correlated with a moderate, gene dose–dependentimpairment in corneocyte integrity (Figure 3), which wasmore subtle than the abnormality previously describedfor TG1-deficient, autosomal recessive lamellar ichthyo-sis.68 Specifically, although control corneocytes were notdisrupted by detergent/heat treatment, a subgroup ofcorneocytes from IV subjects displayed ragged, fragileoutlines after detergent and heat (2% SDS, 80°C) treat-ment, abnormalities that were most obvious in patientswith two FLG mutations (Figure 3A). Moreover, the time tocorneocyte disruption on ultrasound was significantly de-creased in double-allele IV as compared to wild type;however differences were not significant between single-allele IV and controls (Figure 3B). After 90 seconds ofultrasound exposure, similar degrees of destruction were

Morphological studies*

on 2 FLG mutationsn � 6

1 FLG mutationn � 3

No FLG mutationn � 7

1 1 15 2 6

52 (21–68) 49 (26–69) 51 (22–81)

Figure 1. Cytoskeletal abnormalities in IV. As compared to control subjects(wt/wt) (A), intermediate filament retractions and reductions in F-type ker-atohyalin are visible in keratinocytes of FLG-deficient epidermis (B–D).Abnormalities shown are from a FLG compound heterozygote (B and C) anda homozygote (D) subject. Arrows and asterisks depict perinuclear keratinintermediate filament retraction. N, nucleus; SC, stratum corneum; SG, stra-



tum granulosum. A and B: Toluidine blue staining. Scale bar � 20 �m. C andD: Osmium tetroxide postfixation. Scale bars � 0.2 �m.

ace pH,n.

FLG Genotype and Barrier Abnormality 2257AJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5

observed in FLG-deficient and wild-type individuals (Fig-ure 3C). Thus, despite normal-appearing corneocytes,FLG-deficient corneocytes display gene dose–depen-dent alterations in CE structure that result in reducedcorneocyte integrity.

FLG Dose-Dependent Abnormalities inEpidermal Permeability Barrier Function

As noted above, most prior assessments of barrier func-tion in IV predate the era of FLG mutation analysis, and anundetermined number of these patients also could havehad co-existent AD. Therefore, to ascertain the relation-ship of FLG mutation status to barrier function, we nextassessed basal permeability barrier function over twoseparate, non–sun-exposed body sites in IV and controlsubjects; ie, distal volar forearm and lateral lower leg.Although single-allele subjects did not display abnormal-ities in basal barrier function, assessed as transepider-mal water loss levels, TEWL levels were elevated signif-icantly in double-allele subjects (Figure 2B). Since basalTEWL measurements often do not suffice to identify un-derlying functional abnormalities, we next compared thekinetics of permeability barrier recovery after acute bar-rier disruption by repeated tape stripping in FLG-defi-cient and control subjects (in these studies, tape strip-ping was continued until TEWL values were increased tolevels �threefold over basal levels). The kinetics of bar-rier recovery then were assessed as percentage changefrom time 0 at 3 and 6 hours after acute disruption. Asshown in Figure 2C, barrier recovery was delayed, evenin single-allele subjects. Together, these results showthat FLG deficiency alone suffices to alter permeability

Figure 2. Filaggrin genotype–dependent changes in epidermal function inH&E-stained sections. wt, wild type. B: Basal barrier function, assessed as trexpressed as percentage change in barrier function over time after sequentiaas electrical conductance with a corneometer. AU, arbitrary units. E: Surfapplication of successive tape strips followed by quantitation of total protei

barrier function in IV.

Abnormal Paracellular Permeability in IV and inFLG-Deficient Organotypic Cultures

In all of the inherited disorders of corneocyte proteins todate, increased permeability has unexpectedly occurredvia a paracellular, rather than transcellular pathway, dueto abnormalities in either corneocyte scaffold function orcytoskeletal disruption of lamellar body secretions.69

Therefore, we next assessed the perfusion pathway takenby a water-soluble, electron-dense tracer, lanthanum ni-trate, in IV and control subjects. Lanthanum tracer nor-mally was excluded from both the corneocyte cytosol andthe extracellular matrix in control subjects (Figure 4A). Incontrast, despite the abnormalities in CE structure andintegrity described above, tracer permeated into andthrough the SC in both single- and double-allele FLG-deficient subjects, with passage restricted to extracellu-lar domains (Figure 4B), indicating the presence of aparacellular permeability abnormality in IV.

To further establish that FLG deficiency alone sufficesto provoke a barrier abnormality, we next assessed lan-thanum perfusion in organotypic human skin, generatedfrom keratinocytes transfected with two different smallinterfering ribonucleic acids, or a scrambled ribonucleicacid control.53 The knock-down efficiency was �90% forboth siRNAs (data not shown). Whereas control culturesagain excluded tracer from the SC (Figure 4C), FLG-deficient cultures displayed lanthanum movement intoand across the SC, but again solely via the extracellular(paracellular) pathway (Figure 4, D and E). Accordingly,organotypic cultures, prepared with keratinocytes fromsingle- and double-allele IV subjects, also showed aparacellular permeability barrier abnormality (data not

Hyperkeratosis assessed as the number of SC layers in coded, randomized,ermal water loss (TEWL) with an evaporimeter. C: Barrier recovery kinetics,trippings (initial TEWL �threefold of basal level). D: SC hydration, assessedassessed with a flat-surface probe. F: Intercellular cohesion, assessed as

IV. A:ansepidl tape s

shown). Together, these results demonstrate that IV con-

2258 Gruber et alAJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5

fers a paracellular permeability barrier abnormality duespecifically to FLG deficiency.

Cellular Basis for the Paracellular PermeabilityBarrier Abnormality in IV

Abnormal Extracellular Lamellar Bilayer Maturationand Organization

To identify abnormalities that could account for alteredparacellular permeability in IV, we next examined thesupramolecular organization of lamellar bilayers, usingruthenium tetroxide (RuO4) postfixation (Figure 5, A–E). InFLG wild-type control SC, mature (processed) lamellarbilayers replace newly secreted membrane structuresone cell layer above the SG–SC interface (Figure 5, A and

Figure 3. Altered corneocyte integrity in FLG-deficient IV. A: Higher per-centages of fragile corneocytes (CEf) in heterozygotes and homozygotescompared to rigid corneocytes (CEr) in wild-type (wt) individuals. Corneo-cytes were treated with detergent (2% SDS) and heat (80°C), and assessed byphase microscopy. Original magnification, �100. B: The time to disruption ofsonicated corneocytes is significantly decreased in double-allele IV. C: Sim-ilar degrees of destruction after 90 seconds of ultrasound exposure areobserved in FLG-deficient and wild-type subjects. D: Normal-appearing cor-neocyte envelopes (arrowheads) in IV. Ruthenium tetroxide postfixation.Scale bars � 0.25 �m.

C). Although the overall quantities of lamellar bilayers

were comparable in control subjects and IV patients (Fig-ure 5, A and B), in the latter, lamellar bilayer organizationwas disrupted by foci of nonlamellar, electron-dense ma-terial in the mid-to-upper SC (Figure 5B), which was notseen in wild-type SC (Figure 5C). Moreover, in most FLGdouble-allele cases, the SC displayed incompletely pro-cessed lamellar material, interspersed with mature lamel-lar bilayers, several cell layers above the SG–SC inter-face (Figure 5, D and E; see also Supplemental Table S2at Together, these results showthat the paracellular barrier abnormality in IV can beattributed to both abnormal organization and delayedmaturation of extracellular lamellar bilayers.

Figure 4. Paracellular barrier defect in IV and FLG-deficient, organotypickeratinocyte cultures. A: Biopsies were incubated ex vivo with a water-soluble, low molecular weight tracer, colloidal lanthanum nitrate. Lanthanumtracer is excluded from both the corneocyte cytosol and the extracellularmatrix of the SC in control subjects (wt/wt). B: Tracer breaches stratumgranulosum (SG)–SC interface in both single-allele (not shown) and double-allele patients and crosses SC by a paracellular route. C–E: Filaggrin expres-sion in organotypic skin cultures was reduced by �90% with both siRNAsbefore incubation with the lanthanum tracer. C: Stop of tracer perfusion atthe SG–SC interface in keratinocytes transfected with a scrambled (scr)RNA.D and E: FLG-deficient cultures (two different siRNAs) display lanthanummovement into and across the SC via the paracellular pathway. Curvedarrows (B–E) indicate (outward) direction of tracer movement. Small ar-

rows (D and E) mark colloidal lanthanum nitrate in the extracellular space.Osmium tetroxide postfixation. Scale bars � 0.5 �m.

FLG Genotype and Barrier Abnormality 2259AJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5

Decreased Lamellar Body Contents Correlatewith Abnormal Lamellar Bilayer Architecturein FLG-Deficient SC

Because extracellular lamellar bilayers were disorga-nized and displayed delayed maturation, we next as-sessed whether lamellar body density, contents, or se-cretion are impaired in IV. In all FLG-deficient skinbiopsies, we observed a normal density of LBs. Yet,many organelles in both single- and double-allele sub-jects displayed microvesicular or amorphous internalcontents (Figure 6). In parallel to this abnormality in LBcontents, foci of nonlamellar, vesicular contents ap-peared at the SG–SC interface (Figure 6, A and B). Yet,quantitative studies showed only a minimal abnormality inlamellar body secretion, limited to homozygote subjects,which did not achieve statistical significance (see Sup-plemental Figure S3A at

Nonuniform Extracellular Dispersion of SecretedContents

To further address whether the LB abnormality couldaccount for the extracellular lipid abnormalities, we nextassessed the postsecretory, subcellular distribution ofacidic lipase activity (see Supplemental Figure S3 at http://

Figure 5. Abnormal extracellular lamellar bilayer organization and matura-tion in IV. A and C: Normal lamellar bilayers (arrows), corneodesmosomes(double-arrows), and corneodesmosome-derived lacunae (asterisks) intwo different wild-type (wt) controls. B and D–E: Lamellar bilayers, cor-neodesmosomes, and corneodesmosome-derived lacunae in two different,double-allele IV subjects. B: Normal numbers of bilayers (arrows), butdisruption of membrane arrays by nonlamellar domains (asterisks). D andE: Delayed maturation, ie, transformation of secreted lamellar body contentsinto bilayers above the SG–SC interface (asterisks). Note that corneodes-mosome structure (double arrows) appears normal. Ruthenium tetroxidepostfixation. Scale bars 0.25 �m (A–D); 0.2 �m (E)., an ultrastructural marker of LB con-

tents/secretion.70 In normal epidermis, lipid hydrolases,such as acid lipase, are concentrated initially within la-mellar bodies, and then secreted in toto, followed by theiruniform dispersion within the SC interstices (see Supple-mental Figure S3B at Althoughboth total contents and secretion of hydrolase activity tothe SC interstices appeared near-normal in all IV sub-jects, enzyme activity was distributed nonuniformly withinthe SC interstices (see Supplemental Figure S3, C and D,and Supplemental Table S2 at, the abnormalities in extracellular lamellar bilayerstructure in IV likely reflect impaired loading of secretorycargo within LBs, followed by faulty, postsecretory dis-persion of organelle contents.

Additional Mechanisms for the PermeabilityBarrier Abnormality in IV

FLG proteolysis regulates SC hydration,71 and likely alsocontributes to the acidification of normal SC.72,73 Accord-ingly, SC hydration declined by about 30% in double-allele IV subjects in comparison to wild-type controls(Figure 2D), but reductions in hydration levels did notachieve statistical significance in single-allele subjects.By steepening the gradient of water loss across the SC,decreased SC hydration alone likely also places furtherstress on the permeability barrier in IV. Decreased SChydration correlated with the development of a sparseinflammatory infiltrate in double-allele subjects, whichwas enriched in mast cells (data not shown). Prior studieshave shown that prolonged exposure of normal skin toreduced environmental humidity stimulates mast cell in-filtration.74

Furthermore, we observed an inverse relationship be-tween FLG gene dose and skin surface pH in all FLG-deficient patients, with double-allele subjects displaying

Figure 6. Defective lamellar body (LB) contents in LB secretory system intwo double-allele IV subjects (both are compound heterozygote for the sameFLG mutations). A and B: Nonlamellar (vesicular) contents at the SG–SCinterface (asterisks). C and D: Nonlamellar (vesicular) contents (asterisks)in single LBs, suggesting defective loading of organelle contents. SC, stratum

corneum; SG, stratum granulosum. Osmium tetroxide postfixation. Scalebars � 0.2 �m.

2260 Gruber et alAJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5

the greatest elevations in skin surface pH (Figure 2E).This increase in skin surface pH could reduce the activity ofceramide-generating hydrolases,55,75 accounting for theobserved delay in maturation of extracellular lamellar bilay-ers in IV (Figure 5, D and E). The increased pH in FLG-deficient SC could also impact SC function by altering TJfunction and by favoring corneodesmosome proteolysis,which could further compromise barrier function.33 There-fore, we assessed the expression and localization of TJproteins in FLG-deficient skin biopsies compared to wild-type and heterozygous skin. Whereas in control skin, a clearstaining at the cell–cell borders of the uppermost livinglayers was observed for both occludin and ZO-1 (Figure 7,A and B), staining was reduced with a more cytoplasmicpattern in heterozygous skin biopsies (Figure 7, C and D)and was almost completely lost in FLG-deficient skin (Figure7, E and F). These results indicate an impaired TJ formationin FLG-deficient skin.

Finally, we measured the amount of protein removedper strip by sequential tape stripping, which defines

Figure 7. Abnormalities in TJ protein expression in FLG-deficient epidermisshown by immunofluorescence staining for occludin (A, C, and E) and ZO-1(B, D, and F). A and B: In control skin, a clear staining at the cell–cell bordersof the uppermost living layers is observed for both occludin and ZO-1 (red).C and D: Reduced staining with increased cytoplasmic staining in heterozy-gous skin biopsies. E and F: Staining is almost completely lost in FLG-deficient skin. The nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue). Overlay of theepifluorescence pictures. Scale bar � 50 �m.

SC cohesion.76 SC cohesion was markedly abnormal in

individuals with two mutations, but only minimally ab-normal in single-allele subjects (Figure 2F). BecauseSC cohesion depends on corneodesmosome structure,we assessed the structure, density, and distribution (per-sistence) of corneodesmosomes in FLG-deficient epider-mis. Although the structure of individual corneodesmo-somes did not differ in single- and double-allele subjects,the density of corneodesmosomes per unit length of CEdiffered significantly among FLG-deficient and controlsubgroups (see Supplemental Figure S2B at Since corneodesmosome structure ap-peared normal, it is likely that the nonuniform distribu-tion of hydrolase activity (see Supplemental Figure S3at contributes to the overalldecrease in corneodesmosome density and defectiveSC cohesion in IV.


The discovery of FLG mutations in IV has triggered sub-stantial interest in the role of this protein in epidermalbarrier function. FLG mutations have been suggested tocause impaired skin barrier function. It is generally ac-cepted that decreased FLG expression results in a leakyskin barrier that then allows ingress of allergens throughthe epidermis. Disruption of the epidermal barrierskews the cutaneous cytokine milieu toward a Th2 patt-ern.26–29,77–79 However, since Th2 inflammation itselfdown-regulates FLG expression,25 as well as expressionof several other epidermal proteins of importance for thebarrier,23 it remains unknown how FLG mutations alterskin barrier function. To determine the impact and mech-anisms whereby FLG deficiency compromises permea-bility barrier structure and function, we studied here acohort of IV patients largely devoid of clinical signs ofcutaneous inflammation. Although we assessed commonFLG variants in this study, we did not employ a compre-hensive sequencing strategy, and variations in the num-ber of FLG repeat units were not considered. The geneticstudies in this cohort focused on common FLG mutationsthat correlated well with phenotype severity, making thepresence of unrecognized additional mutations unlikely.

Since FLG is a component of the CE,37–39 it is notsurprising that CEs are attenuated in IV (Figure 3). Yet,the CE alterations reported here do not appear to solelyaccount for the extracellular alterations in lamellar bilayermorphology. We also found that FLG mutations conferalterations in keratin intermediate filament organizationthat result in a distinctive cytoskeletal abnormality; ie,perinuclear keratin retractions (ie, halos) in granular cellsin IV (Figure 1). These observations are consistent withthe known role of FLG in keratin intermediate filamentaggregation.40,80 Although the role for FLG in intermedi-ate filament aggregation in IV has been disputed,81 FLGmutation testing was unavailable at that time. Moreover,keratin intermediate filament integrity, assessed by sus-ceptibility to urea extraction, remains unchanged in theorganotypic, siRNA knock-down cultures that we used inthese studies.53 This could be because low amounts of

filaggrin are sufficient to aggregate keratin filaments, as

FLG Genotype and Barrier Abnormality 2261AJP May 2011, Vol. 178, No. 5

seen previously in IV, or because other filaggrin-like pro-teins present in the epidermis can replace the keratinbinding function of filaggrin. Yet, on an ultrastructurallevel, the same perinuclear retraction halos are present inthese cultures as in FLG-deficient subjects (data notshown). Nevertheless, additional evidence is needed toprove the specificity of this finding.

We observed a paracellular, rather than a transcellular,epidermal barrier abnormality in FLG-deficient SC. Al-though these alterations could be due to an altered lipidcomposition of FLG-deficient SC, epidermal lipid profilesin IV in the absence of skin inflammation have not yetbeen assessed, and in organotypic siRNA knock-downcultures, epidermal lipid profiles reportedly are un-changed.53 Thus, the extracellular lipid abnormalities inIV likely are due to altered lipid organization rather than toaltered lipid composition. As we show here, defectivelamellar bilayer structure appears to result from alteredloading of lamellar body contents, with defective, post-secretory lipid processing and organization (Figure 8).However, the functional differences between patientsand controls were small (Figure 2). This is in concor-dance with earlier reports in human subjects41,45 andwith data from animal models.26–29 In the latter, perme-ability was increased for exogenous chemicals such asallergens despite functional differences being small. Forethical reasons, it is difficult to subject IV patients toallergens and to assess thresholds for AD-like skin in-flammation. Recently, it was shown by Moniaga et al thatFlg-deficient mouse skin shows increased susceptibilityto Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus–induced dermatitis, apathogen relevant for human AD pathogenesis.29 Theremay be different thresholds for movement of water versusother chemicals through the stratum corneum, eg, de-pending on lipophilicity.

Mechanisms contributing to the paracellular barrierabnormality in IV include the well-known decrease in SChydration and the increase in skin surface pH noted hereand previously.82 As noted above, pro-FLG is processedinto filaggrin during the abrupt transition from the granu-lar layer into SC, and further proteolytically degraded intoamino acids, which are further deiminated into polycar-boxylic acids, such as pyrrolidone carboxylic acid andtrans-urocanic acid. These metabolites, in turn, act asosmolytes, drawing water into corneocytes, thereby ac-counting in large part for corneocyte hydration. Hence,the most immediate result of FLG deficiency in IV is

decreased SC hydration, leading in turn to a steeper

water gradient across the SC, which likely further “drives”increased transcutaneous water loss.

Decreased presence of FLG products (particularlyamino acids) likely accounts for the increase in skin sur-face pH in IV (Figure 2E), and this increase could alter theactivities of multiple enzymes in the SC. Specifically, theincrease in pH should decrease activities of ceramide-generating hydrolases, important for extracellular lipidorganization.55,75 Two of these hydrolytic enzymes exhibitacidic pH optima [�-glucocerebrosidase (�-GlcCer’ase)and acid sphingomyelinase (aSMase)], whereas two others[group 1 secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) and steroidsulfatase (SSase)], display neutral-to-alkaline pH optima,suggesting that the altered pH gradient in IV could accountfor the observed delay in lipid processing in IV. In addition,decreased generation of acidic FLG products could ac-count for the observed decrease in corneodesmosomedensity, if serine proteases are inhomogenously acti-vated.83,84

In summary, corneocyte defects and abnormalities inextracellular lipid organization together with decreasedTJ protein expression and corneodesmosome degrada-tion account for the functional permeability barrier impair-ment in IV, likely providing the link to the frequent super-imposition of AD in these subjects.


Ms. Joan Wakefield and Ms. Janet Gschnitzer providedinvaluable assistance with illustrations, editing, and manu-script preparation. We thank Drs. Mao-Qiang Man, Theo-dora M. Mauro and Kenneth R. Feingold for valuable dis-cussions.


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