english grammar (noun and four basic tenses)

Post on 01-Mar-2023






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by: Wtructor


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NOUN Noun is a word which is used as the name of Person, Place, Thing, and …etc

1: What is contrast between Noun and Name?

1: Noun is proper and it’s used in grammatical points,


Name is common and it’s used in daily conversation and Noun is a Brach of Name.

Noun has been taken from four words such as:

N=Name, O=of, U=usually, N=nature.

Name of usually nature.

Classification of noun:

1: Form

2: Meaning

3: Case

4: Gender

1: Form is divided into two parts:

1: Countable nouns are those nouns that we can count them.

Ex: Book, Pen, Table and etc…

2: None count nouns are those nouns that we can not count them.

Ex: Sugar, Rise, Oil and etc…

2: Meaning is divided into two parts:

1: Concrete nouns

2: Abstract nouns

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1: Concrete nouns are those nouns that it has foreign and physical existence and usually we can touch it.

Ex: Chair, House, Book and etc…

The concrete nouns are divided into five parts:

1: Proper noun is the name of some proper person or place.


The proper nouns are always written with capital letters at the beginning.


Afghanistan, Kabul, Allah and etc…

Allah is one.

2: Concrete noun is the name which is shared by all.


School, Student, Class and etc…

3: Collective noun is the name of collection of people, things or animals.


They have a nice family.

4: Material noun is a noun which shows what substance is a noun made of.

Ex: Wood, Milk, Catton and etc…

5: Combined noun is a noun which is formed by the combination of two or more than two nouns.


Shopkeeper, Candy shop, Mother in law and etc…

2: Abstract noun is the noun which does not have any foreign or physical existence and can not be touchable.

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Abstract noun is the name of quality, state, or action a part from object to which it belongs.


Beauty, Darkness, Bravery and etc…

NOUN GENDER A noun is always considered according to being male, female or neuter.


Man, Woman, Chair and etc…

1: What is gender?

The sex or the bare form of a noun is called gender.


Gender is a word which is used to show state or quality of a noun.

Gender has been taken from a Latina word (Genus) it means kind or type.

Noun gender is divided into two parts:

1: Main gender

2: Subordinating gender

1: Main gender is divided into three parts:

1: Masculine gender

2: Feminine gender

3: Neuter gender

1: Masculine gender a noun which denotes a male human or animal is called masculine gender.

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Father, Brother, Actor…etc

2: Feminine gender a noun which denotes a female human or animal is called feminine gender.


Mother, Sister, Actress…etc

3: Neuter gender a noun which denotes neither male nor female (a thing with out life) is called neuter gender.


Stone, Chair, Desk…etc

2: Subordinating gender is divided into one part:

1: Common gender a noun which denotes both male and female or animal is called common gender.


Teacher, Driver, Student…etc


Common gender is a part of common noun.

1: How can we change the masculine gender to the feminine gender?

We can change the masculine gender to the feminine gender by sex ways:

1: By adding “ess” at the end of masculine gender.


Actor = Actress, Lion = Lioness…etc

2: By pronouns “He” and “She”.


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He is a teacher. = She is a teacher…etc

3: Some nouns are standard in being male or female.


Father = Mother, Dog = Bitch…etc

4: By changing words before words.


Father in law = Mother in law…etc

5: By changing words after words.


God father =god mother…etc

6: By changing “P” and “M”.


Paternal = Maternal…etc

Pluralization of nouns

Pluralizations of nouns are divided into two parts:

1: Regular pluralization of nouns.

2: Irregular pluralization of nouns.

1: Regular pluralization of nouns.

The general way for pluralization of nouns, is to add (s) or (es) at the end of singular nouns.


Pen = Pens, Box = Boxes...etc

2: Irregular pluralization of nouns.

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Nouns that are made plural by changing the spelling instead of adding an“s”, “es”, or “ies” are called irregular plurals.


1: How can we change a verb to noun?

We used (Verb+tion, ion, ation, xion, ition) at the end of Verb and these are generally spelling changes in the verb.


Verb Nouns

Invite Invitation



1: If a verb ends in (be) or (b) then we change (b) into (p) and add (tion).


Verbs Nouns

Subscribe Subscription

Adsorb Adsorption

2: If a verb ends in (ify) then we omit (y) and add (ication).




Man Men Woman Women Child Children Person People Mouse Mice Foot Feet Tooth Teeth

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Verbs Nouns

Modify Modification

3: Some English verbs are end in (ceive) and we add (ption) with them and we drop (ive).


Verbs Nouns

Receive Reception

4: We add only (ion) if a verb ends in (t).


Verbs Nouns

Select Selection

5: When a verb ends in (e) we generally drop (p) and add (tion).


Verbs Nouns

Introduce Introduction

6: When we add (tion) with some verbs, there are sometimes other changes in spelling.


Verbs Nouns

Solve Solution

7: We add only (ion) with some verbs which ends in (s, ss, se).


Verbs Nouns

Confuse Confusion

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Discuss Discussion

Revise Revision

8: If a verb ends in (ize) we drop (e) and add (ation).


Verbs Nouns

Organize Organization

Specialize Specialization

9: If a verb ends with (d) or (Ed) we drop the (d) or (de) and than we add (Sion).


Verbs Nouns

Decide Decision

Simple present tense 1: What is simple?

Simple is used in the fundamental or basic tenses.


Simple is used in tenses which occur in exact time.

2: What is present?

Present indicate for that action that happen in the present time.

3: What is tense?

Tense is the form of the verb, which shows when an action happened.

10: What is usage?

Usage is the way which shows how and where to use a tense.

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4: What is structure?

Structure is the formula that shows how to make the sentences of a tense.

A.F: S+V+C.

Q.F: Do/Does+S+V+C?

N.F: S+Do/Does+Not+V+C.

N.I.F: Do/Does+Not+S+V+C?

5: What is subject?

Subject is the doer of an action.


The word which is used at the beginning of the sentences is called subject.

6: What is verb?

Verb is a word which is used to show state or action.

7: What is complement?

A word or group of word which completes the meaning of a sentence is called complement. And it is located after verb. And it is the part of predicate.

8: What is predicate?

Predicate is a group of word which completes the meaning of a sentence. And it is located after subject.

9: Why complement is the part of predicate?

Because predicate is common and complement is proper and all proper things are the part of common.


I go to school every day.

Do I go to school every day?

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I do not go to school every day.

Do not I go to school every day?

Simple present tense is divided into two parts:

1: Maine simple present tense.

2: Subordinate Simple present tense.

1: Maine simple present tense is divided in one part.

1: Habitual action:

Simple present tense is used to show habitual action

Habitual action is an action which is done habitually, like every day, every week, every year…etc


I go to school every day.

I eat lunch every day.

2: Subordinate Simple present tense is divided into two parts:

1: General fact.

2: Planed future action.

1: General fact:

Simple present is used to show a general fact.

General fact is a fact which is clear for all.

General fact is two types:

1: Changeable 2: Unchangeable


The sky is high. (Unchangeable)

I have a good friend. (Changeable)

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2: Planed future action:

Simple present tense is used to show a planed future action.


Simple present tense can not show future action without adverb of time.


I go to Herat tomorrow.

He finishes his task next week.

Present progressive tense 1: What is present?

Present indicate for that action that happen in the present time.

2: What is progressive?

Progressive shows the duration of an action in the past, present and future tenses.

3: What is tense?

Tense is the form of the verb, which shows when an action happened.

4: What is structure?

Structure is the formula that shows how to make the sentences of a tense.

A.F: S+Tobe (Am, Is, Are) +Ving+C.

Q.F: Tobe (Am, Is, Are) +S+Ving+C?

N.F: S+Tobe (Am, Is, Are) + Not+Ving+C.

N.I.F: Tobe (Am, Is, Are) +Not+S+Ving+C?


I am studying now.

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Am I studying now?

I am not studying now.

Am not I studying now?

5: What is contrast between (Verb) and (Verb+ing)?

Verb is used in the simple or basic tenses and it can emphasize less on performing of an action.

Verb+ing is used in the progressive tenses and shows the duration of an action.

6: What is usage?

Usage is the way which shows how and where to use a tense.

Usage 1: Present progressive tense shows the duration of an action which is in progress at the moment of speaking.


I am speaking now.

He is teaching now.

Usage 2: The present progressive tense can be also used to show an action which will take place in the future.


I am going to school tomorrow.

He is leaving Kabul next week.

Simple past tense 1: What is simple?

Simple is used in the fundamental or basic tenses.


Simple is used in tenses which occur in exact time.

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2: What is past?

Past is a one of the basic tenses which shows the action that happened in the past.

3: What is tense?

Tense is the form of the verb, which shows when an action happened.

4: What is structure?

Structure is the formula that shows how to make the sentences of a tense.

A.F: S+2nd V+C.

Q.F: Did+S+V+C?

N.F: S+Did+Not+V+C.

N.I.F: Did+Not+S+V+C?


I went to town tomorrow.

Did I go to town tomorrow?

I did not go to town tomorrow.

Did not I go to town tomorrow?

5: What is usage?

Usage is the way which shows how and where to use a tense.

Usage 1: Simple past tense show an action which took place at some specified time in the past.


I saw him in the park.

He studied his lessons yesterday.

Usage 2: Simple past tense is used to ask about past action.

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Where ware you yesterday?

Who did you meat last week?

Usage 3: Simple past tense is used with (always) to show a past habit.


Ahmad always talked about himself.

He was always busy.

Simple future tense 1: What is simple?

Simple is used in the fundamental or basic tenses.


Simple is used in tenses which occur in exact time.

2: What is future?

Future is something which is coming up.

3: What is tense?

Tense is the form of the verb, which shows when an action happened.

4: What is structure?

Structure is the formula that shows how to make the sentences of a tense.

First structure:

A.F: S+Shall/Will+V+C.

Q.F: Shall/Will+S+V+C?

N.F: S+Shall/Will+Not+V+C.

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N.I.F: Shall/Will+Not+S+V+C?


I will meat you tomorrow.

Will I meat you tomorrow?

I will not meat you tomorrow.

Will not I meat you tomorrow?

5: What is will and shall?

Will and shall are used in the future tenses.

And shall is used with (I) and (We).

But will is used with all subject pronouns.

Second structure:

A.F: S+Tobe+Going to+V+C.

Q.F: Tobe+S+Going to+V+C?

N.F: S+Tobe+Not+Going to+V+C.

N.I.F: Tobe+Not+S+Going to+V+C?


I am going to go to Mazar tomorrow.

Am I going to go to Mazar tomorrow?

I am not going to go to Mazar tomorrow.

Am not I going to go to Mazar tomorrow?

6: What are Tobe+Going to?

Tobe+Going to are an auxiliary phrase which is used before the simple form of the verb and expressed a future intonation.

Tobe+Going to is stronger than Will and Shall.

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7: What is contrast between first structure and second structure?

The first structure is weaker than second structure.

And the second structure is power full than first structure.

8: What is usage?

Usage is the way which shows how and where to use a tense.

Usage 1: Simple future tense is used to show an action which will take place at some specified time in the future.


(1) I will travel to Mazar tomorrow.

(2) I am going to go to Mazar tomorrow.

Usage 2: Simple future tense is used in the conditional sentences.


We will succeed in the exam if we study hard.

She will discuss with her father if she gets time.

Future progressive tense 1: What is future?

Future is something which is coming up.

2: What is progressive?

Progressive shows the duration of an action in the past, present and future tenses.

3: What is tense?

Tense is the form of the verb, which shows when an action happened.

4: What is structure?

Structure is the formula that shows how to make the sentences of a tense.

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First structure:

A.F: S+Shall/Will+Be+Ving+C.

Q.F: Shall/Will+S+Be+Ving+C?

N.F: S+Shall/Will+Not+Be+Ving+C.

N.I.F: Shall/Will+Not+S+Be+Ving+C?


She will be cleaning the kitchen tomorrow.

Will she be cleaning the kitchen tomorrow?

She will not be cleaning the kitchen tomorrow.

Will not she be cleaning the kitchen tomorrow?

5: What is will and shall?

Will and shall are used in the future tenses.

And shall is used with (I) and (We).

But will is used with all subject pronouns.

Second structure:

A.F: S+Tobe+Going to+ Be+Ving +C.

Q.F: Tobe+S+Going to+ Be+Ving +C?

N.F: S+Tobe+Not+Going to+ Be+Ving +C.

N.I.F: Tobe+Not+S+Going to+ Be+Ving +C?


I am going to be studying a book at this time tomorrow.

Am I going to be studying a book at this time tomorrow?

I am not going to be studying a book at this time tomorrow.

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Am not I going to be studying a book at this time tomorrow?

6: What are Tobe+Going to?

Tobe+Going to are an auxiliary phrase which is used before the simple form of the verb and expressed a future intonation.

Tobe+Going to is stronger than Will and Shall.

7: What is contrast between (Verb) and (Verb+ing)?

Verb is used in the simple or basic tenses and it can emphasize less on performing of an action.

Verb+ing is used in the progressive tenses and shows the duration of an action.

8: What is contrast between first structure and second structure?

The first structure is weaker than second structure.

And the second structure is power full than first structure.

9: What is usage?

Usage is the way which shows how and where to use a tense.

Usage 1: Future progressive tense is used to show the duration of an action which will be in progress at some specified time in the future.


(1) The students will be talking about the exam tomorrow.

(2) I am going to be travelling to Paris Tomorrow.

Usage 2: The future progressive tense can be also used in the conditional sentences.


(1) Whether we have time, we will be picnicking on time the next day.

(2) I am going to be meeting him at 2:00 if I do not face any problem.

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10: What is contrast between Simple future tense and Future progressive tense?

Simple future tense is weaker than Future progressive tense and can not show the duration of an action but Future progressive tense is stronger than Simple future tense and show the duration of an action.

Ex (S.F.T)

I will teach English.

Ex (F.P.T)

I will be teaching English.

Relative pronoun Relative pronouns are used instead of nouns and join two sentences.

Relative pronouns have been taken from Relate (concern or depend).

The relative pronouns are divided into two parts:

1: Simple Relative pronouns.

2: Compound Relative pronouns.

1: Simple Relative pronouns are those which are not combined and have one word.


Who, Whom, Whose…etc

Ahmad is the boy whom I met last week.

2: Compound Relative pronouns are those which are combined with (of and ever).


Who ever, of which, What ever…etc

That is the book of which cover has torn.

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1: What is contrast between Interrogative pronouns and Relative pronouns?

Interrogative pronouns are used at the beginning of the sentences and ask a question.


Who is you’re father?


Relative pronouns are used at the middle of the sentences and join two sentences.


Karim is a boy who can speak well.

2: What is contrast between Conjunction and Relative pronouns?

Conjunctions are not used instead of nouns to join two word or two sentences.


Ahmad is a boy and Shila is a girl.


Relative pronouns are used instead of nouns and join two sentences.


This is the car, car I bought it.

This is the car, which I bought it.

The end

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