editorial - ibew

Post on 19-Jan-2023






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EDITORIAL 1. 1. Borry, International President

The Countdown Begins

I n one yeflf's l i n~c. we. \\I,i ll al,l lear~ somet~i ng impor­tanl about the IUllIre di rection 01 the United State.<:;.

\Vill we cOnlinue on a course of rcvc r:s ing progr..:s~ mnde over the past 60 years'.' Or will we hcgin the process of finding constructive sol utions to uur natiunal problems for the benefit of all our people'! Will the tide ofinju;· tice ri~ing in the niled States spread t('I Canada IOO'!

In twelve months. the people of the United Stal.:!'> \\ ill go 10 the polls to ciCCi a Presiden!. '3 "'mHors.435 members of thL' House of Repres~ntalives. and a slew of slale and local officials. Dc pile the cynicism and apath) that currcmly abound in this nation. the t996 elections will matter-very much.

The disparity between the rich and the re t of U~ in the United Stales is the largt.:st among industrialized nations, and gro\ving larger. Pro Li uctivity I!:. up in indus­try after industry. \Vages arc stagnant wh ich hilS driven real earning po\ .... er to its lowest ehb in !\1./0 decades.

In this atmosphere. the maj(JI; ty party in Congress is doing ilS level best to keep those trends alive. Th..: con­sensus for a government that has played a role in mak­ing our societ) mOrC fair. more prosperau . and morc humane has frayed tu the nreaking point. This Congress has gOlle far beyond fis­caJ responsibility. Thi Congress ha. hacked into programs thai ha\'..: provided dignil) for senior cilizcns ... g.ivcn t:dllcational opportu­nity to those who had nonc ... and made ,>oci­elY healthier and more productive than ever.

This Congress has put every major ga in In

labor legislation over t he past 50 years on the CUrling

b lock. invit ing any and all corporate interests 10 Lake a whack. If Newt Gingrich and his c::ohort~ have their way. safelY and he~ lth prott:ctiuns will be guued; cumpany unions will be legal: the . LRB will be essentially out of business: and righl-to-work will become.: a nalionallaw.

The 199-' eleclions were. to quote Ahra­ham Lincoln .. On fire bell in the nighl.·· \Ve need LO put oul the rJ(Jmes thill would destroy the gains made by working people.

\Vc n l'~d to rebuild a society where lhe d ignity of labor has meaning once ~Iga i n.

\Ve have [he tool.;; at our disposal to do Ihi li. ·We hav~ bui ll one of lhe stronges t polit ical action

commitlcc~ in Ihe coull try . \Ve hllvc a stro ng presence on Ca pit ol Hill. \Ve (l1so have the 111051 precio ll s resou rce of all . i.I sc:cret weapon that thL" c rporations C<1J1 never match. \Ve ha\'c our members: we have ~(Jch

other. To turn around the.:: political mess we find our~c1\'cs

in. we need on ly the will to use OUf strength to Lhe fullest. Perhaps -1-0 )ears of Democralic conlrol on C:lpilOl Hill made us feel thai we could prolect our mt:lllb~rs through our lobbying and politica l action etforts <llnne. ' 0 more. Onl) when every mL:mber of Congress-and there are I B E\ people in every con­

gressiona l distric:: t~hcars our message on th e home fronl. will we he able to reverse our country's s lide into the poli tics of division.

Wr;; JllU~t tell the Republica ns that the bold of corpo­rate lobhyists on the: A merican a entia is a betrayal of the finest principles of our na t ion- princip les for which many uf them clai m to st<lnd. \Ve must let our Democ­ra tir fri end", knO\\. tha t the cause of economic justice and opportuni ty-nm the marginal social concerns of

the while wine liberal - f rms the real soul of the pany.

That· why we nee.::d to rekindle the name of activism within the.:: heart of every IBEW member. We cannot a fford to slide into the Clbyss of cynicism o r despair. This is our lanu. This is o ur fight. This is why we band toget he r as uni on Sisters and Bro th-ers. This is why \\Ie mList work wi th all our migh t fo r p os it ive change in Nort h America.

This Thanksgiving. I will be glving. lhanks that W~ have our grc3l union. the .IBE\V. a our voice at the barga in­ing table. in the legislature. and to the public. I will be

thankful that '\l.! ha\·e the abil-ity 10 turn the tide in favor of

\\orking ramilies once again. ,

Tile Un/illn III' Hel7rls lind MInds





4 The ;'\uclt'lH' Illdustl1' Many Uscs Impact Doily Lire

8 1995 l'uliticaV Legislal i\{' Confl'rl'ncl' Meeling The


, _ . . ,­.­_ ... -


.. --- .... ---

10 The' -t3rd ,\JUIlIaI II l'OadcasliIIg \lId i<econlillg COllrt'rrllcr Maintaining A

ompclilivc Edge

S n.."-e"" ~ 1995l8EW f'uI"l<.ulll"fl,wl~ CorIfOl'tnaI hftId "Iofe s.p~her ~S" O~ 0

(MI,J'otW 10 oIl8EW "",mberJ- "" Un,y rhor. II Sttf'''9''' •


10 BroockoSII"9 ond Rocor-d.ng [)epa"",It,,, OIfN;/of Joc; l $ror,'-r inlroduccs oHicf(J1J 0/ thlt " 3rd Annual Con~rencf!l

12 "Ol'ganizing. 'n'aining. I II 11m alioll ..... Ilighhgim ur Pre,idenl BaIT) " Speech To The Progrc~\ Meeting'


JJ. BARlY JACK F. MOO" 1II,.,nOMft(t/ PII"Mnt In~oI_r 5.<,....", 114:$-151h St, N W 1I25-15th 51. N W Wolh"lQlon. D,C 20005 Wlnnl"i'''''' ~C. 'l0C>0l

THOMAS VAN ARSDAlf tl'l~'ONIj 1f tcUl"," 15&-11 Hemy VQIII AndQ~Jr. A ....... u. flu.!,,"9 N_ \"UI' 11365

INn.NATIONAL VICE PRISIDEHTS fulJ o.t1ricl KIN J. WOODS "5 sn.ppmd ... fo" SoHNI.tlOI C of Not!I\ 'lOll W wdole. OnlQrlO CDf'Odo M2N $'f'1

St!COftd Diwicl PAUL .. LOUOKRAN 220 Fort,.~ l oad, s...'~ _0_ Sro, ....... Mo.a.oct- ....... 02 18" -2705 m"d Dlllt~r EDWIN D. HIU

~~.1oi!ClIII C.nll:lf Orr.-.

Coroapol, •. ~nnll'lvanlCl 1510B FOuII" Oo,itIC' PAUL J, Wlnl n iO "odl"9l1o('1t1 S~ l!. 9 ClneH'Ingrl, Oh~ "5237

',M.!htr.<"J MILVIN W . HOllON No '2 MIoI,ntoIo-. 0..­Suo.3OA

~20l~r99 AIobamo

S,vI! o."nCf JflfM1AH J. O'COIIINOA: 2'200 $00 Ph Mo," SIIM1 !w'" 303 lombofd. ~ '1'IOtI 60 148

s.v.",It DiS'rief ORVIW A. TATE J • • 4"00 Will IGglfI Pon...-oy 5ulll J09 ou,hQ<l\O City, IahC<ttl:l 7JI0tI

~~:,?':~~rus 330 Shoup I\vonll' 5u11l20" PO ~ 51210-Idgho fCIIII, Idaho 63405

N o."'.t1 S.I . Mf:CANN ~! rtoott. W'O"'ltI~'I Walll"" UN' CaI,roon,g 9"5qa.U~.

TlJII,n Dol"'" NOIMAN D. SCHWITAUA 1Q.t00 W H'iiJ'"' ~ood S ... ,. 1\0 1I0Mmon, "".,6001 1

fJ.-m D,Wkf IUY IDWA.DS 300 $o..th,wII.,a..11 Suo" 300 $p,,"yfl.1d Mluourl65eOO

rwttl/m DII/rlcf CARL LAN5DEN Fn:mklln &ulldrll(! SUit, Soo Chol\(lI'lOQ9tl. Tonn" ... 37411

COVEl PHOTO: The Vermon' Yon~" Nuc!eor Power fOCIII~ rotated !II Votmont, emp/O'f' mlfTlb." of 18EW Locol 300. Monrptl.er one of whom IS

ISEW ",*!f'Ib&r Sorwo W ~,a"'l f'IIH'!. penormorog c do )' chtmhny o~-cdY'-i1

16 IIJI'; II/Il'I: Part III

sing The IBE\V,Wl Librar~

23 1)l'ogl'(,SS

~kelillg Fifth Oi tricl M~ch

42 mc 'linult's

s..1It Dmr.n ALAN I. HIAD 6326 tflylbMd ktJIJf",cm ,. •• ".15141

s.-.M Df,tr.c:t lKOMAS J. SWIEINn 20528ta6tt>OrRo.,o ()gI.,lond, CoIJor .. ,g .""'" fog/l~D,Jtrol;' JAMlS L McAVOY .5999W~nPlc. , NofA;lOfl'lO. &r,,,,!! CAl boll c.c,...,& vot MQ










Jou .. ,..1 A"II M.III. 1.I.tI.,.1 D.p.rt .... ,.. C. Jom •• S,.lIo".. "".-Carol A. C lp~o". ,~,IGI'

Ruth A. C.bb Corel M. Fi,h. , An",10 M • • ober .. Mery &urdloll Arthur D. levin.

l 1995 rnlln'lClf\Cll'lO 6t oII.orIICIOd aI

F..,....,.."IWno~ •• " AII.'tJh",_~...t


Local 1245 "Vins Competition­Again Loca l 1245. W" lnut Creek. Cali fornia. linemen. employed by the (lcramenlo

Mun icipal Uti lity DistricI (SMUD ) and Ihe Pacific Gas & Ekclric Com· pany (PG& E). wok lOp ho no,., IInce again at lht! Wes tern Lint.!m H n ·~

Rodeo. held August 26, 1995. al Ran­cho Seeo Park near acramCnlO.

n,e highest score wa, achjeved by the $MU D lea m of Gary Eickman. Mark Brya nl. and Ted Warner. Brother Eick l11an abo finished fi rst in (he apprentice compelltion. ccol1d place honors weot to Ihe SMUD team of Jim Clamp. Greg "Snake" Smelser. and Jim Baird- Ihe ere\\ Ih "I look fi" t place in last year's competiuon. The PG&E leam. Brothers Rick Bim­son. Tom Jones. and George Ie elli. based in tockton. California. cap­tured Ihird place. Brother Ray Ilor­lacher WOn first place in PG&E's line truck competi tion.

SMUD an" PG&E IJrremen's Rodeo fOp scor-.rs ("om ~ ioh) Gary Ekkmon. Marie Bryon •• ond Ted Warner, proudly display their firs, place plaq(.llJ$.



APALA Protests Immigrant Bashing

Pictured ore APAtA convention delegates From ISEW (ocol J260, Honolulu, Howo;;, and Local 3, New York City. Sooted (sec­ond (rom right) is 18EW Human Service.s Director Royefftl Sanlorr:/,

The Asian- Paci[ic American La bor Alliance C. PALA) held its National Convent ion in New York Ci ty in cp­!cmoer 1995. where delegates heard the call to defend against Republican allacks on workers in genem l and on immigrants in particular. Deiegatl!s from across the country convened 10 ac" ance APA LA 's goals for advance­ments in organizmg, civil rights, and economic justice.

Delegates marched to Time, quare for a public rally in support of Iheir agenda. Later. they picketed the Mar­riott Marquis hotel, protesting its long hi story of an ti- unio n act ivity. The Marrioll has received $90 mi ll ion in tax breaks from New York City. ye t th ey still discr im inate against pro­union worker .

APALA President Ke nt Wong addressed the delegates saying. "Asian­Pacific Americans are the fastest growing ethnic group in the coun try, and two-thirds are im migra nts. 0

wben Congress is attacking imm igrant rights, they are attadcing Ou r righb,"

Speakers at the convention inc l uded AFL·C I O Pre idenl Thomas Donahue. and U . . Repre­~ent a t ive Pal y 'link CD-Hawaii) and Nydia Velazquez. The IBEW contingent included Human ervices Department Director Royena San­ford, and members of Local 3. '.\\ York. New York . and Local 1260. Hono lul u. Ha waii, led by Busincs~ Ma nager orman Ahakut.: lo,

AT&T's First Home-Grown Portable Phone For a long time. T&T pu rchased the micro­ponable cellphone from Middle-Eas tern coun­t ries. In a move to bring the manufacture of Ihese cell phones to th e United States. AT&T designed a cre ative marketi ng pl an 10 n1H I1U rac·

lure the "AT&T 3770" in the

niled ta l es, Local 2022. lillie Rock. Arkansas, members arc making the new cell­phu ne, \\ hich uses on­

11"" ,_ AT&T Micro'porlc"'e


"creen menus to easily guide users through the phone's many options. Those opt ions include n mule bUllon; one·touch speed dialing; a 6O-number alpha-numeric memory; a page r mod..:; in which incoming callers can en ter their phone numbers and be caltcd back (flter jf lhe user is unabJe 10 answer immcdi':llcly: and 3U1omiHic crcu il card calling.


Countdown To The 21st CcnLlrry: Building Trades Convention The Builuing anu Con,lruclion Traue, Department (ACTO). AFL-C10. held It ... o)lh comenll"n 10 Chicago. Aug­ust :29 31 -n lC theme of the mCClllll?,.

.. ountdown to the 2.1 "I C Illury."

C\rm:,~d the determll1l.1lion of all Ihl! Iradc~ In nunc (or\Hml \\l1h pohcl~

and prng,ram ... 10 make the lIf!!ilnlLCd con'trUClJon IIHJu!:!olry i.I ~Iroll!! fuH..'C In

the \ellr :moo and heyond. A larg~ IBI IV con t in~cnl. Iou h)

Inh:lllillio lltil Prl"~idcnl J.J . Barry and inlt:rnalional St:crclary Jack r. Moore. \"ere among the dckgillc~ \\ho locu.!lcU un four !:toal ... "tel hy the kader-h,p 01 Ihe Buolull1~ I ",u",. r he .. c arc; I) n .. · ... tructunnc or the ucpartll1CIlI to 111:t~C It hdh .. 'r .. hie to

(11:.11 with Iht.' I!tSUCS of the prc~cnt anu the future ; 2) c,tabli,htng a plan 10

cuonJlIlillc or~'lI1i/ing among affili­ate!'!: .') c'l~thli\hin~ ~nl~\-ro(lt, lohh~­ing capaclly In l.:.ach IUCrl1 council: ~lOd

.t) d..:\dl1p ne\\ le.lder, r"l" the ruture

or lh~ Ir~HJe ....


Preliden' SerF)' oddreuel the 65th Convention of the &ilding and COfulruc1ion rrocles {)epa""""", AFt·C/O.

Ruht.:rt \ . (icorgmc \\iI' rcclcclcJ Prc' llIcnt 01 Ihe ucparlmcllt • u uthcl name, \\a\' placcu 111 nllmma­lion. Pil",rhal \I cliuinnc" or the Carpen t!: " \\a\ c!ecteu ccrcla r) ­Trctl",urcl'. r\'phll:mg Ju'\cph I . ~1al­on~~ \\ ho hdW pr('\ il.\u,l) announced hi, rclircIIH .. :nl.

8CTD PreJidIM' Roberi A. GeQ,gioo {,,,,,,.,., end SecrelOry­treasurer Paschal McGu;nne.u {righI' ICke /he oath cI office From Bricklayers' PreJiden, John joY'"

NEBF Appoints Executive Director Tbe Trustee> f the National Electri­cal Benefit Fund ( EBF). Ihe l11ulti ­e mployer pension program cove ring IBEW con~ l ruclion membe rs .. recently recently an nou nced tJ1C appo intmenl of Ba..-;il J. Schwa n as Execut;ve Direc­tor of Inves tmen ts.

Mr. Seh\\ an wa!'! chosen fo r the. nc\\ ly creatcd posit io n bascd on his ex tensive cxpt.!f1cnce and track record in pension fund management. Before accepllng the I- BF poSI. \',Ir. ehwan served as E\~cu t ive Director of the Washinglon . tal e Invc. tl11cnt Board in OIymp,a Prior to 1991. he wa' the Assistant xecu­tive Ofroecr for Invesllnents for th~ California Public I mploy­CC~ Retirement

y,tcm (C:oI­PERS) in Sacra­mt:n to.

('rcaled 49

year aJto. th e EBF. with 5.3

billion III :b~(' h

I toda~ th e 8oli' J. Schwan

founh lorgCq Taft- ll artle) pen,ion fund in tl1\: nation. Its operation \\ ali the rc~pml\lhlh l y 01 Ihl.! IBI- \\ ~t;tfr,

but :1"1 the rund gre \\ in site and com­

plc"i ty in n:ccnt lears, the tru tees dl!CHJcd to appoint an tx(!culive Director 10 ~bS UIllC rc::,pon::,ibili ty for the llli1nagc lI1 t! nl uf th e EI3F 's a ' ~c t s. Other full tllnc staff will be hired in upcoming months. I n addi­tion. Mr. chwan wi ll be re!-opo ll "lihle for manageme nt of the $405 million Nat iona l Fleclr ica l Annuity Pl an (;-.rEAP).

"'The fOn1HlIion of a new "truclurc to admini lih! r the NEBF is a natlll'al step in th~ cvulu tion or a fund or Ihb magnitude:' "la id l nlcrnational cere­lary 1oorc. "' \Ve he li eve tha t t his reo;;truClUfl l1g o r ur operatio ns \'1-'111 b~

in the bc~t intc rc:-:. t of the plan 's partic­ipants and will ~nsure thm the NEBF remains strong:' t



... he Oth anniversary of Ihe end of Wurld War II has foc used

atten tion on (Inc of the key even ts of

1945: Ihe dropping of Ihe lim alomic bomb on the Japanese cily of Hiroshima. ushenng in a new e ra for humankind- Ihe nuclear age. The chilling image" of this mili tary use of nuclear power. howe cr, how only one I arl lI f a l11 ulti· (accted industry Ihal has SIIlCC been used primari ly for peaceful. civilian purposes in ways Ihat have had a posili ve impact on daily life around Ihe world. Not Ihe ieaM of these is the use of nuclear p wer 10 generate electricity,

N uclear power has become an importan t indust ry th ro ughout Ihe world. In the United tales and Ca nu d., 15,000 IB EW mC ln bcrs work in nuclea r





WIIWn ........ a Gennaa ph,ridIt,

Jac.wr>'" x·...,.. iii.., _ ins." iolo ",. __ of",. \Ibn.

power plaIH' . Some IIJ EW members are operator!). nH.!Ch:lIlICS. main te­nance personnel , electricians, instru­mentation and control technicians, as well 3!o. radiation control technician. clerk and chemists 10 name a fcw, Many other IOEW member · work in government-run laboratories tha t explore nudcar (echnologies, in man­ufacturing C I11panies thai provide machin..:ry inside power plan ts, and

fo r const ruc t ion con t ractor that

huild nuclear planls.

uclcar power i~ the second-largest source of eleclricil) in the niled Stales. There arc 109 nuclear power plants currently in opcrulion general­ing 22 pcrcelll of the nation·, power upply. Worker" al t\l n- thirds of Ihose

power pl ;Jntli arc represented by IBE W loca l union,. Eleclricity gener· ated h) nuclear power is second only 10 coal. and exceed, that produced by oil-fi red plant>. hydro-power or nal· ura l gas. incc our electric !'upply sys­tem i in terconnected. ncarly every person in the United. HUe:, gets some elect ricit y from nuclear power plants.

Generu l E lectr ic. Westingho use. A BB ombust ion Engineering and General .AlOmics arc independentl y working with Ilw Nuclea r Regulatory

omn1ission ir, design ing an d engi­neering Ihe next gcncrati 11 of nuclear

AIIIoino _Iocqowol, af_~~.

iJCD\<WI tM,.. am .. Pf __ 01.........,,·

Or. A6ett Einstein

InIniduce5Iols ~ of twlalMly.

f,.,..., .uI/wfonI /wiIIt FrwIeritl< SoddyI cIxov­

ON c+I!a J,.J '-__

lion anJ i~ .. "., ~ J lite r~cl· 1:1 ~ti ..

.'" .. ',,,nalion '" ..-.

• ". .. . -. , • 1 ~ ' _ .'


power plants. In the case of \Vt..:s tin 1_

hOllse. this has the potcn lial to crea te jobs for IBE\V mt..:mbcrs who [Ire ill volvl!d in the produclioll of nucicCir p lant equipment.

Canada has 22 c(lmmcrci~ll nuc:lcar reactor<. Ontano lIyuro run 20 of thc~c reactor~. Quebec and ew Brun~wick eac h IHlve one reactu r. There are currently no plcms for o ther rCClclO lll 10 be buil l eilher b) thl:! gov­e mmen l or Onlario Ilyurn.

In 1952 Atomic Energ of Canada Itu (AFCL)." feucral Cro\\1, curpo­r:llion. was created by the fcderal gel\'­cmment to deyelup am.! markct the

CA DU rcaClor . A I DU i" "hort for Canadi'lIl deut!!1 ium uraniUll'l. a natural uranium which eliminates. Ihe need 10 enrich th e mineral ;.mu enahle. the reactor to be refuclleu

withou t hUl l ing it dO\\I1 . A : L ha~ built som t..: rcacto r~ for exporl.

There ilre tlJ2 nuclear power plan ts worldwidc in 2Y nations. Th ey pro­duce ahollt 17 perce n t o f lhe world's electricit y. Sweden rl!iil!" on nllckm po\\cr for morc than 50 pe rcent of its c!cclncIlY. France gelS 75 perccll t of its pOWer from nuclear plants. while nuclear powc!' plants ill Belgiu m Sll P~

ply over 55 percent of its electricity. The worlJ. leader in nuclear power

production is LithuaniH . gelling nearly 0 percent of liS power rrom nl1c1e<lr fi .... sml1.

One o f Ihe ~m ironmcntal Ocnefils of u."ing nuclear po\\er b the reduc~

l ion of c'lrhon dioxid l.! emi~!ooion!oo-il

would be 30 percent higher wlthollt nuclear power. ince the huild·up of carbon dlo"lue (lnd other gal)(!" in the

almo .... pherc i .. thought to (.':IlL"C global \\ :lrming. a grcmin,t! nllmba of l:'lIvi· runnH':l1 tali~t ~ :lre rl.! thlnk i ng lh e fU lUre of nuclear pow!;r.

Wha9 is 9h .. basis *or nuclear po_ell"?

1\venly-fiH~ hllndred ~car~ ago. Greek schol:tr, Ihl'o ri/t.'d lh ~1l HII malleI' Wi! made up of tiny. invisible paTlicil:s thcy ca lk'd alom .... (from the Greck word atOJl/(t\ meaning. indlvis­lhle) , ThiS theory d",e lopcd lhroug.h phi l o~ophical rea,nning. not I\cu.: n­tifk imco;; tigation.

Durtng the e" rly IlJIlO,. Ernest Rutherford. a Brilj.,·h ph~ "lci,t. earned the title of " falhel' of nuclear science" by proposing h., theory of the h,,,ic structu re of the: atom.

In lQf)5 Alhcrt Lin<lcin uC"eluped the theory of rdati\ Il~ regarding the relationship hCI\\ccn lIIil ..... a nd e ne rgy. The mathe matical equal ion for Ihi ~

lheory. E=mc2. fHl'an that energy i, l!qmll 10 nUl,s time\ the ~quarc or thc speed f light. Thirty-five yl!ilTS pa,scd before Einstein\' thl'OT) \\a" proven .

In I Q34 Enncn Fcnni cond ucted a scric'\ of e~perimen's that sho\\cd that ne ulrons could 'plil many kind of a tom,. Including uranium atoms.

In 1939 scicn tbh delermined Ihat when an ~llOIll of uranium ~\'a bom­barded with ncutron "" the uranium atom \\ U!t !tometi mcs Spill or fi~sinncd .

(C(Jltlilllwd (m Ne.rl Pagl')

Enrico Fermi onnounces rho, eoch splitting afom rWew:.ses cr lew neuIrDm and pre­dicb lite p<Wi~ aI 0 chain _ .

Albert Bn ...... OfKouraged by loading scioolists. wr'iMf CI IfIItIr to PrwiJen,

Roa,.voIr olor1ing IWn .. lite ,"",ibilify

0' building an afomic bomb .

PreJident ROOSMf aPf'l'OVC' 00

team oIlCienfiJfs J.J by DocfDN

Enrico FonnI. J. Robert

~""''''r, and Ernest O. tow..o< ... '-9Ut lite Monhollon

U. AIarnoo 5denrilic ta/, .... , in".". Muico

;s cottIIfVdetJ.

Tlwlint 0"'1'"< baonD .. ~ Off July '6.

Iloo urJ 510 ... <ftp, a ..... b

~ Jliiwhi" .. onAuguJI'-

Di,/rict Proj .... lite Cod. """'. lor the building 01 rl>e atomi< bomb. . . ~ ~".' ' ~

. " "'w_· _ _ ~~ ... ~~, ~_ L iL ~?" .I. ~:~:,

A _ and bomb is ~ ar Nag!»alci on Ailp." P.


(Continlled [mm Page 5) They also d iscovered that 3ddi lionHI neutrons were cmi llcd and became ava ila b le fo r further reactions with other uran ium atoms when I he fission­ing occurred . 11l i~ meant tha t a chain reaction. :-. imilar 10 the reaction that j:,

the source of the sun 's energy. was possible . T he qua nt ity f ura nium needed for a ~clr-Susl ai n illg chai n reac­

tion und~r given conditi ns is known as the critical size or cril ical lll fJss.

The Flrsl" Pile

The fi rst scl f-'\ustaining n uclear chain reaction was called " T he Fi rs t Pile:' due mainly to its shape. T his experim ent was SlI CCCS full y com­pleted on December 2. 1942. 111 the Stagg Field Squa.h Court in Ch icago. There were 42 scicntisu.. prc:-.t:nt. with Enneo Fermi in charge.!.

In the CentC r of tbe 30·by-60- ~ t quash court W~IS a pile of black

graphite bricks and wooden timber .... TIle brick:, were placed in l ay~rs. \\ ith each s ucceeding layer of the pi le braced by a wooden frame. f\ lIcrnalc laye r cont ained uranium. The pi le was square at the houom and had a fla ttened sphe re on top. Its "des lVere slraigh t halfway up. The top half was domed. like a beehive. Careful Illea­surcmenls were laken (0 ensure: ..:xact­nc:,s in the construct io n . Thes measurements a lso indica led the criti­cal size al wh ich the p ile would become self-sustai ning. The pill.! \Vas

shrouded on all bUI one side by a grey balloon cloth envelope. wh ich could

be c"acuated In rcmo"c Ihl.' nCu tron­capturing ai r.

In the pill! \h~ rC Ihree (.:; of control rods made Hf ncu t ron .ab~rb i ng cad­mium. whl h were 10 hold tht.: reaction in chcck. One ~ct wa" automatic: nf \Va, an emergency safel} rod: and the

third wa, u~d to hold the reaction in check until it \\30:; withdrawn the proper dl"tancc. A " li q u id-control l-.oquad" ~tood on a plat foml and was prepared to (loud Ihe pile wi lh a cad· mium-Mllt !'iOIUlion in case Ihe control

rod. fa iled. At Y:45 on the morl1lng f Decem­

her 2. the fin'll of the autollla tic conlrol rod, were \\1thdrawn. By 3:20 p.m. that ~Imc da . uthe r rods had been suffi­ciently wlthum\\n to ca ll'«! a sclf· ... us­

taining nuclear rCHction. At 3:53 p.m .. the control rodo:; were.! relllrncd to their ori lirml 'l.la tc. lllc reaction lopped. 1lle energy of an atom'.:; nucleu o:; had bee n rch.:uo"cd und controlled by man.

11ro R<>teJecrrici/y ~

1/O'1Of.1ad m"" ./om" ,.,,- in Atco, IrIoho, by the fI<pori __ tol


n.. -..Ie fnetpy Act

of 1954 i. poos«I.

n.Mtt • ; ' son


lIteSh~ Nudear PCWIel Plonl in


opo<aIian. "wpplie. oIectridly to 11..

Pilrd>.rgh .""'.

Conslrud'ion is srorted on

~oohf, ErJ;~'s

Drewl.., NucJ.or pc>wer

SIotion, Unil 1, ncor

",~, II/;,..i •. R begin ... _ide oIocrrjciry in ' 960.

What" happened ne_l"?

nder the code name MlIUllauGIl

r'rojef/. Major Ge nera l Lesli e R. Groves and J. Robert Oppenheimer. along wuh a team of scientists at Los Alam >. Ne\\ Mexico, developed the 1\\ 0 ho mo" that were u'\ed to e nd World ~ ar I I. The success of the nuclear chain reaction from the firs t pile enabled thmc two bombs to be const rueted.

In 1946 Prc'iide nt Tru man igncd the r,r>t piece of legisla tion that pro­vided for the control of nuclear energy devel pmcnt and the exploration of ils peacefu l lbC!'i. ince then several congressional aClS have encouraged and regulated Ihc u~e of nuclea r energy. For more infonnation on this legil)latlon. col11\ul! the Chronology oJ Nu lear I USlOr,)I.

Ho_d_sa nucl_r reaction produce energy?

The nucJe u!) of an a tom consis ts of p.a rl iclcs known as protons a nd ncu­trono:;. n lest! proton" itnd nculron a re held toge ther b very strong forces. When the nucle i of cerl ai n atom:> a re split , nuclear fission occurs and energy

-".. IItWd • __

in lire 1Jniie</ S_, lire yank .. NoJ--Power

Stolian in 011 ..... ,11-.,

begin, pn:><Iuci"fl e/ecIric _r.

The -.J fnWonmo

l'oIicy Act is " ... od.

lite ~ Energy Commiuion es~sfwts Atomic SaIety and tken

Appeals 5aard.


I GLOSSARY Whcdd_ h ... _n'l'

Fission: In nuclear technology, ~ssion i, the splitting of on atomic nucleu, cau,· ing the releo,e of large amount' of energy.

Fissile: A ~"ile material is capable of being ,plit or divided.

Irradiation: Irradiation occurs when a moterial is treated by expo,ure to radio· tion.

Isotope: An isotope i, a ny two or more types of atoms of a chemical element having the some atomic number and pa,ition in the periodic table. They have nearly the some chemical behavior but a different atomic mass or moss number

and different physical properties.

Moss: Moss refers to a quantity 01 mot· ter. It i, the property of a body that i, a measure of its inertia , commonly taken as a mea,une of the amount of material it contains and causes it to hove weight

in a gravitotianol ~eld.

Nucleu.: A nucleu, is the posit ively charged centrol partion of on atom. " includes nearly a ll of the atomic moss and consi,ts of protons a nd neutrons lexcept in hydrogen, which consists of one proton only )

Neutron: A neutron is an uncharged particle that ha, a moss nearly equal to that of the proton . " i, present in all known atomic nuclei except the hydra· gen nucleu,.

Moderetor: A modera tor is a substance used for "owing down neutrons in a nuclear reactor.

Radioi,otope. : A radioi,otope is a radioactive isotope.

Radiative capture: Rad iative capture occurs where thermal neutron, are cap· tured by the nudei of other elements and used 0' reactor material,. This pro· duce, heavier isotopes of the some ele· ments and causes the emiss ion of gamma radiation. It reduces the number of neutrons avai lable for perpetuating the ~ssion process.

Reactor. A reactor is a device that con­trol, the release of nuclear energy. •

The Eneqw

Recwpani_ Ad 01 t 974 i, pense<!.

TheEnorpy Rl!Of'9OItir ction Act 01

1977 i. pense<!.

The Nuclear 50feIy

Research, ~" and Demonstration

Act is passed.


is released. Thai energy C:lIl he hlH­nes,cd 10 produce eleclrical power. tn the commercial production of clcctri c~

ity. uranium IS u l\;~d as th~ fuel in the procc:,~ of nuclear n,sion.

uclcar ti~ion l,';111 occur in ::,(!vera l way'. It ctl n occur 'pontancou:,l) in ct:r~ tain heav) elements called Iransuranic dcmt:nb. or III s me isoto l)CS of ura~ niUlH, plulOniul1l. or thorium \\ hen the nucleus. IS bOlllhardcd \\ ilh gam ma rays, deuteron ... or n~utrons.

In IlUch.!ilr power generation. fission b induced by Inw-\!Ilcrgy neilirons in a ~elf-:-. u .. talllillg nuclear reactlon called a chain reactio n . :, imi lar to wh at llCcurrcd dun ng llle Fi~ 1 Pi l ~ \!xpc ri­men I in 19-1 2. \Vllen lI l"anlll fll is fi s­sioncd. it rl!lca~cs n..:ulrons, \\ hich ar..: u:-.eu I II in itia te' more ri .. siolls so I hat H

scif-pap":luali llg rcle<l:o,c of cncrg mo) ta~c place. Stich H :-.ystc lll wi ll undergo it chain reaction al nil ever ­I:Ic.; ling ra le If Ihe neutrons frl'cd in one fi "'lon prtJducc l1lor~ I han one "iuh'-i:(! ucnt (j..,~ion.

Neutron .. (o fll1l:L1 in Ihe fis:-. ioning of it lIuclcu~ ha\ I! high ki nl.!tlc energies and arc callcc.l (ill'll neutron,. They ('an

lo~ their kinetic encrg.~ through colli­!!oion in d Inl!diuJ11. or ulOd('mlnr. that cont"tlll"- \!lcmcJl I ~ like graph ite. hcryl­lium. hydro!!cn or dcull!rium (hcav~ hydrogen). The ne.ulron:-, .. Io\\cd (h.}\vn b) a moderator arc called ~ Iu\\! or thermal nelHrlln .. with it kinl! tic e nergy !"im ilar to th e alol11'\ of the 111;llerili l in \\hich tlll'y an: travcll11g.

I f a lIeutron c,capc:' frullllhe reacl ­ing 'y~ l c lll or i ~ c() n ~u l1l l.: tI i n :\ com­pl!ling rea c t ion {l ike r :uliali vc (·ap'ure ). the ris"Iion pmccs;, will fa il. Thc.'c IWO il11rcdil1lcnl:o, lJ rc OVercllme

by using ,I 1~l rgc-cnu lig h :-.y"tcm a no hy u"Ilng rcuc lur ma teria l!» IIHlt absoJ'b rew th rmal neutron:-..

TIll! ,i/e of the reaclor I"; Important

b.:C;\U"'-! il lt i~ to" ~l11a ll. tnu many neu-

IhoShippinptf Nuc/oar _ s/o';""

is"",, dowp ond


(Cmllllllicil w. [ )age 48)


Shock and anger ot the agenda of the Congrcss iOflrtl Rcpubli­cans ... delight Ih <:11 the confer·

cnce wa held .. . resolve to meet Ihe challenge and repel the anti-worker Illeal<;u r es now before Congress . . .

A ll )f these an d 111 0n.: w!.!rc th e reac tion, of Ihe nearly 400 delegate, to Ihe fj"l mEW PolilicallLegislati\'e Conference held cptcmbcr 26-2 III

\Vashington . D.C. The Ica t! cr<h ip of Ihe I B W c n­

\'..: ncd the confc!rence in order to mobilize Ihe full strenglh ant! resoh. of the union in Ihe midsl of \\ hal is thc wors t na tional political clima te for organ ized labor in .. 10 years. Dclcgatc~

hC<1 rd fi r!,l-hand from those fi htillg in

the legislat ive trenches of the inilia­live in ongres Ihal would:

lift Ihe legal res l ricti ns against company union!':

ma ke righHo-work a nmionallaw:

make decp eUls in Medicare Lhat would force '\enioT citizens to pa) more out of pockel in order to finance a tax cu t for the wealth iest Americans:

sla h the Occupational SarclY .md Health Admini lration (0 itA) so deeply as to make! worker protec­lion on the job meaningless:

()VCrlurn Prc~ i dent Cli nton's execu­tivt! order rorbidding companies th<l t permanently rcpl,ace strikers fr m doing business wilh the fed­e r I government;

n::peul lhc Davis-Bacon Act req uir­ing the payment of prevailing wage ra tes on fe derally flnanced con­struction projects: and

sla .. h 'i ludc nl loo n prugnlllls tha t opcn doors or o pportUll ity to many worki ng ramil ies.

Calling Ihc i!ems of Ihc GOP', legi lati e agenda. "crime~ agains l hu man digni ty: ' Inte rna tiona l Presi ­dent J . J . Bar ry called ro r n rcnc\\ cu sp iri t or actjvi~m among. I BE \V locals. He stressed that on l) wi th a sol id one-two punch or string repre· senHi tion in \Vobhington and "'piriled grassroots ac tivit) can the IBE \V­and all I labor- hope 10 reverse th e United tateo;;' ~lide inlo lhl.! ab '1~




or inju tice and economic dlvi~lon .

Intcrna liol1l'l l SccrdtJry Jack F. Moore as .. ~·tilcd the ·' righ t-wing. ult ra­conservative" agenda of the Republi­cans. lh~rnanlling thei r arguments piece b) piece. He asserted ,hat IBEW members mu t not a llow tltem­o;;(:]v~s to he dis tracted by social i:-.sues that ma~k the anti -labor sentiments o f candidatc~. He urged all presen l to rl.!main rClCuscd Oll the core econ mic issues tha t most arrect the live)' of IBE\V mell1 bcr~ and cia Iheir utmos t 10 win hack Congrc~s in 1996.

The dclcgalc'I heard severn l clhtin·


At left, Preside"f (righ,) gree" Sen Tom Harkin (1ehI.

At Secremry/i

(kit) H Hov$e M~

Whip . Baniorl

roosing oc to the canfe,

guished gU",t. from the hnlls of Cnn­gre~s deliver Io,pccchc~ that reflected Ihe strong Opposilion 'n lite Rcpubl i­c,an agenda t hat ha:, ga lvanized the Democrats. I louse M inurily LCilth!r R ichard Gephardl (D Mo.) and Min u rity Whip David B nior (D­Mich.) round ly denounced the attach o n programs that have lifted oUl1l lcss

mcricans out or Po\ crly and gi\len Ih"m the oppol1unit) for a betlcr life. cnators Tom I larkin (D Iowa) and

l3a rbara I oxe r (D- aL) ,puke clo­qtlcn lly mid p:t!o.'iionalcly aboul their crfon;;; to rco;lClrt.! ccnnnrnlC justice 10


the cou nl ry. Rep. Patrick Kennedy ( D R. I. ). _~. gave a st rong speoch showing tha t <J new gcner3Lio n of Democr:111\ i~ Jo ining the right on behalf of Aml!ric;'I '~ worJ..cn,.

Thi", W;'I' nol just a conrerence or 'pcech",. Th~ delega tes part ici pated in Lhr,-=-\! worhhoplo.. thl..: tillc~ of which reflect the IB ~ \V 's priorit ies lor Ihl.! co nlln~ elect ion yc..:,u: Ll~g i s l at i vc

h:"lUl·... Gra:o.:'1 tJ I ~ Po litics. anu hillunli"mg. Each fc.:.a tu rcd activc dl"­CU'iSlons f idea.;; on the I BE \V ' ~

cour:-.e of action in nlt!t'ling the current pOli t ical and legislative cha llcngc:-..


,.. NElrr's 1 e95 '; .!' SOLD OUT Y

T1Iis delegate's shirl .K1)'S ;, 011.

- ~ER'CA TOUR ( ...,. .r --·:--*




Abo«<>, Sonolor Borba", Soxlr ~mphosjz.es her oppo­sitiol1lo anti·lobor initiatives..

Thl.! clo.,in~ 'icssion or the CU ll r~l'cnf.;c

fC<J turcu iI pand of 'ipt.:.akcr\ expand­II1g on Ihe i .... suc,;;: of commu nication., <lnu I li lica l actiun in buildi n~ local pull tica l :>J l r\!n~th .

One of Ihe htgh.l ights of the cunf",· ence WiI\ :1 prc~cnliltion by Ph il Com­

't<.><:k uf tlw Wil on C~nl~r I r Public RC:'tcarch. a non-profi t. labor-oriented pull i ng fir m th<1t co nduc ted t il l! 1131~ W\ Ii"t profl.' ~Il )l1 a l lll (, J1l hl'r\h i r

po ll. COI11\wck "aid I hat I he poll ,howed that the IBEW has a , trollg b:l\C or membership . uppo rl and approval. amJ IhaL Ihe memhl! r"i

Below, !indo ilff9 (left) 011«01383, Glen f llyn, Illinois, and Peon )oduoo. Financiol 5«retary 01

Local 188, Chkago, revWw 1M con!.,..",. materials.

helieve in Ih,.j( the. un ion should COI1-

ti nue 10 pu"h for justice on the core to! ollumie i:-.s ucs. (I:.'d. nOlc- A full rqJOn un IJre results olllU' poll will he /emtlrel/ ill 'he D('('emha 1.1 1((' of the I BEW JournaL)

TIle It.:adcrs of 13 IOC~l l unum.:: a l the confere nce pre cnted ec rcHHY Moore wi th COPE conlrihut ion\ from ttll!ir mcmhc rs. LOCil1 4S. Pflrl l ~ll1d .

Orl'gon , handed in an Incr l.' d ib le 50.0()(l. Loca l 103. Bo,tun. MII"acllU­

!:Jen!',. turned in 35.000. and Loca l 1547, Anchorage, Alaska, conlribuled $25.1MlU. I


rd nnua

BroodcasHng and Recording Deportment Direcfor Joclc Slan/ey opens the general se.uion. Sealed 00 the dais ore {1mm the left} In1elnationol Vice President Witte; InteTnationol Sec:reloiy Moore; and Executive Assistant Bieritz.

incin nali , Ohio. was the si le of Ihe 43rd Annual Broadcasting ilnd Record­ing Conference, on July 31-

Augusl 2, 1995. IBEW Broadcasting and Record­

ing Departmelll Direclor Jack Slanley warm ly gree ted the delegates and opened the general session. He intro­

duced Interna tional Vice President Paul Wille. who welcomed Ihc delc­ga tes to Ci ncinnati and the Fourth District.

In his address. IntcrnaliolUll ccrc­lary Jack F. Moore spoke of lhe prob­lems labor i experiencing allhe hands of Ihe Republican-con lroll ed Con­gress. He emphasized the importance of mEW-COPE. and Ihe need for all union member to I:;UPPOTl labor's friends in (he upcoming elections next

year. Following Secreta ry Moore 's address_ Execulive As Isla III 10 Ihe International President Robert Bierilz. representing International Prcsid nl

JJ. Barry. spoke al lenglh on legisla­tion affecting the hroadca t industry

and gave an overview of IBEWllel. Human Resollrcc~ Vice President

Jan van der VOOrl , KRON-TV. San Francisco. Calif mia. cndc:d the morn­ing session wilh ~l bricfin on the sta­tion's ex peri ment wi l h hyphenllfe


/cc/lIlici(lHS. also known t):-, "work-shar­ing technicians." In descrihin g these terms. she said. "For example. if two IInion membc r:-, rrom difre rent unions-lei's say, Ihe (BlOW and lhe I ntcrnat ional Alliance of Theatrical Siage Employees \ fA) , arc working on Ihe same job_ and Ihe lask 10 be done i, Ihe exclusive wurk of Ihe IB EW. If Ihe ISEW is uIHlvtlilahlc Lo that partic­

ular ta k. an IA member is asked 10 do the work. In order for the IA member

10 work on an exclusive IBEW task. th e IA member is required to be a member of the (BEW. and vice-versa. In other words. the Iwo jobs arc con­densed into One and !o, hared. Under I he union-sanctioned hyphcnatc-

A viow of .some of file delegates.

lechnician proposal, bOlh Ihe (BEW and Ihe IA would reta in their wages and l1enefi ts per their collective bar­

gain ing agreement. wh ile sti ll cOlllrol­ling the work:'

The job-sharing hyphenale Icchni­cian is seen as a plus. wherein the con­

Iractor docs not have to go elsewhere to gel a nonunion worker 10 do the job: and the union workers don't suf­fer layoffs, or a period without work.

-nle afternoon session of the confer­ence was opened by alional Broad­

casling Company ( BC) Presidenl Bob Wright. \Vho announced that NBC \\'ould purchase lhrce lelevision slations

from Outlet Communications. "AlleaSI

Iwo of Ihc slalions. WJAR-TV. I'rovi-


roa . castin •

ecor In on erence

dene". Rhooe Island. and we 'III ·TV. Columhus. Ohio. have IBI~ \V :lgrcc­mcnts:' he rl'marked. In clo~irlg. Presi­dent right compllll1emcd Ihe IH t. \V leadership under lntcrmHmnal Pr~~l ­

denl BaIT} for ils support of IIDTV anu it~ suppoJ1 nf legislation c:ollc:.."cming the hroadcasting indmHry. which i~ !:len­efici.l lo.1I inlhe Industry.

I~oberl John",on .. cll ioT icc Prc'\i ­den t of Labor Rclatioll~. Watt D i'\ncy I'imlres, addr~ss~d Ihe delegates and explained in dl!lail the recently announced merger of Disney and Ca p Cilic,/A BC. :01 a cost of $ 19 bill 10 11 .

~ nd it s pos~ ibk i rnpaci on I BE\V members.

lBE\V DiJeLiul lIf EJu..:aliu lI Ma l ly

LCbinge r pn:~cn tcd il portion of the [r .. lInlng elas",. " Bui lding the Loca l Union." The class sl!s~ i on rOCU\CU O il

gelling Ihe members involved in I.!vcry facel of their local un ion H:" part of the IS EW Leader-h ip Training. prog.ram

A discussion about unfair labor practice . ~IS Ihe alional LatXJ r Rda· lion. Boa rd ( 'LRB) vie'lS Ihem. opened the secolld c.lay\ gencrnl !'\C!'!­~ion Cincinn:lli I LI~B D~puly

Regional Allorney ~arl L. Ledford ga c the dclega te::" ddinit ivc example:, or wha l facts are needed when rilin a charge against the employer. and wh(1I


the LRB looh for ~ I ' c\ldl.!nct.: in liS inVC'iIIRat lon~.

Jo!'!cph Flaherty. Senior icc Pre~ i­

denl ofTCcitn" log) for CBS Ine .. lhell lh:K:l1:'M:u the eqUipment being tc ... tcd h the Federa l Communic:lllon'\ Com­mls,>jot1 (FCC) h) del ermine thl.! l-Ililn­

uanh for high-(iefinilioll IclcV I\lOn (IIDTV). The uc l c~att·. were lrealCu 10 ,1 ~reclal hO\\ll1g of the final lIDTV :"y:,It.: 111 pre~cntly beforc the

FCC I',,"el for IC~lIng. The aflcrnooll was uevo tcd to H MEMO work ", hop. cnnducted by Dil'c(:lor of InJu:-. tl'ial Orgilll i/ing Freddy A IIcn.

During an Op l! 11 gl.,!llural o:;cs .. iol1 on lhe IH:'t1 UilY. dclegll l l.'l-I hau i1chancc 10

:tddres ... Ineill union isl\ul! .... Eac!1 I c(l l .... repn:~ !oJent<ll i ve(~) hall the npIXlI'lull ity 10 tl!lI lhc ddcg:'11 .~ abuut agreemen ts.

jll hlc~sncs .... grievance, and ~imi l ilr

pfobl~m~. The.: dio.;cul-I,\iulI ... wt..:rc nol

limit ed In thl! prohll.!m arcno:;. The del · egatc abo ~ht\rcd the fld"flnc~~ mad~ 111 Irail1l1lg and organl/mg. and new pn'lcch thal 'Irc uniJerwa,· In their rc"'pccli\c loca l". rhe ~ '\ c h angc

arfnrded the delegaleo:; greater inO:;ighl dnd provided helpfu l lip, 011 olgani, · ing. ~t ra t cgic~ Hnd Ie.iden-hip :,ki ll~ .

Director Stank) clo'icd thl! '\C\Slo n

and thanked all panicip:IIl IO:; ror their Hltcntion and ~ upJ1()r l. t

Guests and Speakers






Senior VICe

President 01



Walt Disney.



Rf!1Ol1f'Ces VICe

President .km

VtJf1 Jer Voorl.


Bob Wright.




TO PROGRESS MEETINGS /" tillS year's rOllnd oj progress Uli'efillg\. Iml'fJlllluJlwJ l~re\ldfW .101m J.

Barry llefh'('ft!d 1I frank aSseS$IIIl'J1{ of Ihe cll(Il/f!Il~('.\ fuci"g 'he {"hOI "'till'

OlPlU lind a /orC('jul message of fiction for thl' !wlln'. Oelc~me.\ jrom ('I'('Tt'

IflEW district rl'~pOluled with elllllllsia.HII (0 Prt'siri('1/l Bafn" ,\ ,,'ortis. Tile

he union tha t is our brotherhood has survived a a proud inslitution because of our unique eapabil­il . 111at is. the capabil ily 10 adhere to core principles while changing to mee l new limes a nd new chal-1t:lIgt:" We need th i. capabilit)' now more than ever.

ll1erc's no doubt that we have facctll11any challengc'i logclher in recent years. \\fe have risen 10 the occa ... ion many time::,. nd we have taken our lumps. too. But no one enn doubl Ihnt the (BE\V is I:;eriouo; nboullhe \\ork we do and aboul fighling lVith every fiber of our being for the sake of Ollr members.

u:l '~ cUllLuuugh tht: rhduri~. E\~I)' UII~

here in Lhi room knows the struggle llmL lVorking people arc going lhrough. The full power of corporale merica has been Iurned on unions al the local. regional and internat ional leyel.

norgani7ed workers are intimi-dated. nion members are scared Ihal Iheir job may be shipped o er eas or eliminated if Lhey dare seek fai r Ircalmenl.

On Ihe polili· cal rro nt , the 1994 election s made Ollr job even more diffi­cull. oder the lcader h ip of Newl Gingrich. Ihe Republica n majo rily in Ihe House has liter· a ll y PUI a ll o f the social ga in::, or Ihe past o n Ihe lable. II has bec n )0 yea rs si nce Fran klin




, "J JD £,)J 1E:

·fJ-)zl IpZ'W fS .5

r J r;j}­, D? Ek!)FJ

5;. ·;Z O? = =: I JEJ 70;J -r

.!:)- I Z,,1.:1'::: .-.t=i~"

D. R(",,~vdt died. That great leader mu,\' be "'pin ning in his grave.

Most distre.sing of all is the aban­donml!nt of the principle in our ~oci­c\ tha t all work has d ignity. and that workcr~ dc ... c rvc it fa ir :,hare of the wenlth their labor has creatcd.

Oh. yu u won't ~cc that princip le ~\tlackctl in till.! "Contract \dth Ame r­ica " or any other politica l rnumbo­jumbo. In fact. our friends 011 the Hill piollsly CSp<HJ'\C it. But the proof lhat our fig.ht for JUl;uce is losing ground is very ch.:ar. \Vc in lhe labor movCDli:-l1t ')ee It c \ cry day. The numbers bring home the tru th for il ll to sec.

Let me quolc from a speech given by Secreta ry o f Lahor Ro bert Reich:

" As recently ,0< 1979. a male co llege grauuate ea rned 49 percent more tban n similar man with on ly a high school diploma- a 5i7a hle difference. to be sure. hut not loo large for the two to share the lahel ' middle class.' By 1992. however. the average male college graduate wa~ earning 8.1 percem more lhan his high~:-.chool graduate counter~

part. and the notion o f com m on


" •••

prospects had fadt.!d con\l(.Jc rahly. " ' nlC:-'C arlo! chilling number.... bu t tbe

real hlockhustt!r hit when nc\\ ~t udics

released this pa"l Apri l showt.:d Ih al the nilcu Slales wa~ rapidly losing one of the m osl cherished PHI"IS o f ou r nationul self image.

I f I werc to ask ou which country­Great BrilHin or the Un ited. latc had a IHlrro\\cr gap in wt.!alth hCI\\ CC n the rich an d -.::vcrybody elc;;e. you undoubt ed ly an:-.wcr. the Unitcd Stat..:". Aller all. Brit,ain is u highly Imllficd ,-;(lClcly, wil h a rigid chlss ys·

11.':111. Vic arc the home of democracy ami egalitarian ideals. right? Wrong.

As much n~ it pains un lri :-.hrtlrHl to say it. Britain now has greater cco ~

num ic t!q uality thrln Ihe Unitt.:d States. In fac t vir tually every induslriaJi zcd cOlllllry has a lesser gap between the rich a nd everyhody e l~ than we uo.

Many voices in the media seized on this i~:-.uc righ t a\\'a~. Some were pre~ "ictahle . But let me quote rrom another:

'·G rowing income incquality­pnrticu la rly when omhincd with

nal average wages- heigh ten') socia l tensions. as workcr'\ pl.!r~

ccivc lhat gett ing more hccom ec;; a zc rO·sul1l gamt'. From an l 1-immigration sen timent to anti ­i n cum h en t voti n g. in co l'l) c inequ ali ty hc lps cxpla ill why. with th e economy so good. su many feel so bad."

Who sa id that'! Bill C li nton "! Tom Donahue? The New York 7iml',''i? o . that 4uote is taken rrom an article in 'he ," lay 23. 1995. Thl' Wull Sireel j ouro(ll. authored hy a m~IIHtging di rector at the New Y rk investment b~nk Laza rd Frercl\ & o .

Apparently. even s l11e of the fat ca tl\ are gelling the I11C!-lSHgC.

Interes tingly enough. th;, author. Stcven Rattner. eve n notes the e ffects or income inequality on unions. He says. righlly. that the decli ne in un i n power has hurt the ab il ity ur workers to earn more. BUI he also S1I}S that the

opposite is true as wcll. We can attes t to thaI. A:-. workers

have become less secure in their jobs. and compete for a shrinking t.!co~ nomic pie. the ir fear f unionization increases. This is especially true given the free rein that compan ies hnvc had to fight unions wi th every lega l and illcgal lri ck a t the ir disposal.

T herefore. one ca nnot ta lk about the decline o f union power as an iso~ lalcd occurrence. h . a long with the g.rowing ineq uality and loss of oppor­tunity. are IWO pans of a ViciOUS circle that i:-.. dragging us all down.

The insidious effects of lhb g.ro wing

(COIII;1med 011 Nex, Pnge)


(COIl/illllell from PlIge 13)

inequalit y arc rc,on ~tling throughout society. It is putting greater pre sure on families. contributing to the break· down of this mo t basic alld t::rucial clement in OU f social Structu re.

TIlis. in turn . pU IS more children in single parelll home \ here incomes arc I{mer. oflCo rcaching poverty lev· els. And ,111 uf Ihi .. brt:eds more igno­rance. mUTe lear. more hate. and morc

crime. These thing' arrect all of our families.

I be lieve there is only one proper response to this growing problem .... righteous anger Ihal should in pire us to greater action.

Agai nst the backdrop of the present day, we must be smHrter, more erc· ative, and tougher than ever. 0 one ever said the fight for social and eco­nomic justice \Va ca y.

Any of you who have been through COMET or MEMO trai ning-and I hope that includes aU of you-know tha t we can not hope to control the market in any of our ind ustrie as I ng as there is a large t1l10rganized eg­ment out were.

The IBEW's response to today's challenges can be summed up in three words: orgunizing, trajning, and iuno· ,'olion. None of these are new. Orga­nizing has been taking place since our founding in I 91. Training has been the key to work in g with e lectricity from Ihe very first. Innovation ha been a hallmark of th e IBEW for more Ihan " cenlury.

The key to success i taking these traditional ac ti o ns and applying them in a modern way. In the fine t mEW tradition, we must live up to our core principles in a manner tha t \Vill :, tauJ UUI 1 1I t!IIIUt:I ~ wt: 1I iJll u lilt: 21st cen tury.

Of these card inal virtues of the LBEW, the greatest is ergan iling_ r can tell that some of you arc thinking: "There he goes again." Well. ye . I will repeat it every chance I get.

Organi7ing is Ihe well pring from which all trade- union power nows. There is no refuting the pu re I gic of organizing as the key to our future.

The fact is that thc loss of job secu­rity in so many industries in this coun­try, including those we represent , has

t 4

created the climate of fear and unre:-,t Ihal exi'ts today. Workers are lashing o ut at whoever they can-including incumben t polit icians nnd even their own unions.

This unrest is being carried over in the new workplaces that are pringing up to take up the slack left b corpo­ra te downsi7ing. The fact i Ihat many of the workers Ict go by the big com­panies don't go r ight on the unem­ployment rolls. I f that \ ere the case, there would be a major depre ion going on . o. many of them go to work for smaller (inns as contractors where they often wind up doing the same jab. sometimes even at the same company. for Ie pay. fewer, if any, benefits, and a conspicuous absence of the union label.

This has happened in telecommuni­ca tions. It is happening in manufactur­ing. It is beginning 10 happe n in utililies. The que ti n we face is: Are we going to all w n nonunion culture to take root among such workers?

It becomes a mailer of our survival n t to let this happen. The ex istence or a large conlr<tcto r work force in major tndu tries wi ll undercut the attempts f the IBE W and every ot her un ion to negouate decent wag and benefits. Unle s we organil e them, it ""'ill mean that labor's perce ntage of the private sector work force. already at a dangerously low II percent. will hrin k even furtll er. That would fur­

Ihe r erode our abili ty to be a force for the g ad of ur member .

H we do organilc these workers, however. interesting th ings stan to happen. We go to Ihe bargain ing table

speaking for more workers through­out a given industry. We go to elected officials conveying the concerns of mOl e voters. As I am fond of saying, politicians come in varyi ng degrees of intelligence. but they can all COunt.

Let '~ look at another reason ( 0

organize. Allow me to read you another quote and tell me who said it:

" You bave to organize, orga­nize, organize, and build and build, and train and trai n, so thai Ihere is a permanent, vibrant stTucture of which people can be pan ."

Who aid that ? Samuel Gomper.;? Henry Mille r? John L. Lewis? Try Ralph Reed, director of the Christian Coahtion. one of the moving forces in American politics today.

This quole peaks volumes. The labor movement was once the rallying poinl for workers on all importa nt i~sues from the national to the commu­ni ty level. The banner of activism sym­bolized that unions were a force for good in people's lives. Are we any less commit ted today? Has thal banDer been taken up by conservative activist grou ps'! T the extenl Ihe answer is yes, it goes a long way toward explain­ing our present difficulties.


Organizing, thcn, i s about morc than just signing up new member:,. The crealion of an orgllnizing cuILurc within the ISEW-which is a centra l point of our programs- means ener­giJ:illg tb t: ::..piril of aClivbm within our members. By Ulilizing Ihe lalents of our membe rs in organizing. we arc al 0 rekindling thc fire, o( conllnlt­mcnt that have been 'imoldering for 100 long.

Talent j::, One thing we have ill ahun­dance in the II) W . De velo ping it through training i 3noth.,;r imperat ive.

'While no one knows wh e.re I he economy will go in th e future. one trend is clear. 111e workcfll who have the most knowledge and the bl!st ski ll s will hftvc the greates t job opportu ni­ties line! th t: hiehl:Sl d t~grl'.r nfst:(" lIrity

We need to incorpora le tra ining and education into our prioritic.:!\ durin bargain ing. It won ' t holp our memhers

10 get a raise in the short h;nn if they are not devclopini!, the skills thai will make them more c lllpluyul')lc i ll (he long term. We must adopt in other industries the principle that hCi ~ been wclt established in construction. 11mt is .. . .it i~ lhe industry's responsibility 10

train its workcJ""i. 10 meet the demands of the flllllre.

Govemmcnl program~ can help in some ca",cs, and the lint n Adminis­

tration has donl: ~omc good things in this rega rd. But government is not the answer in an era when budget cutli ng is all lhe rage. Stahle, in~ ho1Jsc train­ing mm;) b(! eSlahli hed where it docs nOI fl lready exi~ 1.

A fa rsig.hletl training program was negOliated by seve ral of our locals at NYNEX te lephonc company in New England and lIpstatc New York. The company all w~ worke rs l imc off to pursue an ilssociate degree in applied telecommunications lechnology. Upon complet ion. workers get a 5 percent pay increase. In Lexington. Kentucky, Local 2220, repre'~nting worker" at Square D. hu.., negotiated training and development prognlms for mcmhcrs to e nhance their ski ll on the fl CW.

high-tech machinery. Some. uf our util ­ity local s arc negot iating increased training to make their members more skilled at a variety of tasks and thu s

(CoIII;II"ed "" rage 41)



hile Ihe bulk o f Presidelll Barry's message 10 the Progress Meet in gs had lIoj verstll re levance within the IREW. he did. in hi,

speech to the Flr",t Di "i lric i. address issues of specific concern to C.1I10-dian me mbers, Bduw Hre excerpts rrom his First DisLricI Progress M eeting speech:

On the political cl imate in Ca nada: T he same foul poli t ical winds in

the Uniled States are hlowing here in the North. Even tho ugh" Libera l occupi e~ the Prime Mini5t e r'~ cha ir. the rapid g rowt h o f the Reform Party exerts ri,ehL-wing. prt:\'''i llf(: nn national pOlil iQl. In A lberta. provin­Cial leader Ralph Klein has slashed ~ nu burned hi~ way lO a ba lanced budget on the backs of working peo­ple. I n Ontario. the pr vi lleial gov­crnment is back in the hands o f the T ories. The poli ti ca l climate throughou t Norlh Ame r ica is not favor:=thlc to nur members.

On the issue 01 income inequality and its effect on society:

W hile income inequali ty is Ic!-ls severe in Canada Ihan in the United State. il is greater than that which cxbts in France or Ge rmany. T he. IOi:llldy '" <l ulhors nOl cd Ihilt "nada had avoided a ~'1! iJcr \ age gap bcca LC,C:: it has shilrply incrca!\.Cd the numhcr of collegc gT:,duatcl) l ikoly to obtain h igh paying. high-tech jobs. However. the gap between e:<pcri­cnccd and inexperienced workers in Canada is beginning to widen as well. an om inolJ.':i sign f<.lr the [ulure.

The f~l ct that 38 pe rcent of the Canadian work force is unionized-a full 22 percentage points higher tban

the nited Slules- undoubtedl) accounls r r Ihe sl1ulllcr growth in the wage gap in Canadl.l. Yel. Ihat i ~

nu cau~c fur celebra tion. ~ ince. as we know. the \ or ld wide t rend is 110 1

go li ,

On innova~ve approaches 10 problem solving:

I scc 111<1 1 genuine coopera tion 1,\

paying di vidend::.. in Ontario. The ISEW on~truc l io n Counci l is in its sixth yei" o f IIIdusl rial ,tabil ity in tbe province. A fter ycar> of stri ke,. lhe council and i l~ managcmcnl cQunte r­part have developed a cooperalive ~ys l cm that rc~o l vl!s dirrcrcnccs wilhnlll l :t k ing us onto th e barri­cades. That i good for our memhcrs. and I congratulatl! all of yuu here from Ihal council for your innovative approach .

On Canadian labor unity: I think thai il will take SOllh! innn ..

vLltivt! npproachcs in Canar..h.t to end another probl l:l1l, .. raiding. Rl.l itl ing is a practice thai W3sll:S t llne, energy, and l11oney. It F rces union:.. lO rocu ~

precious reSOu rces t)1l tldcl1sc, when we shnuld he goi ng. o n offense aga inst our rCH I indu:, trinl and polilj .. C:~11 cnl;m ics. Tht.:: roo t cause of lhis problem is- to he hlunt-the d is­unit y that CXbl~ in the Canncii an labour movement.

T his i, a prohlem that e.1l1 o nly be solved by Can<tdi{tn union h.:wders and memhcr:-.. I will s.ay that we at the Internalional Olricc will suppon you in pUf,"uing whall!vCr course you as Canadian IBEW memhc", th ink hc~1. J only urge thai you apply your h":'\1 drons 10 "iolving this problem and not be afraid (0 embrace innov­ative Mllutions. •


Part 3 : Using The IBEWnet Library

By now, all you dc(hC:ltcd compuler uscrc;; following lhi erie shou ld

be thoroughly familiar with your com­putcr'\ and whil.7ing ll1e~~agcs through cyhcrspace.

Well. keep tTying!

AnY"a~.let'> press 011. In this part of the uscr 'l!t guide lo I B EWncl. we explore thl! clc.!clrunic libraries in tnl",rNIiTI IBE.lVllel anuleam how to retrieve IOform:llion. ;.\ s before. the

tutorial de cribes Ihl! u~c of Com­puSerl'c clnd IBEWncl through \Vin­dowl)T!ro·' ~onwarc . Ihe s)~lcm most frequent I) ut!d hy sub 'crihcrs. For assistanc!." \\jlh DO or iJacinio h­s),s lcm . plene call Ulllpil erl'e'~

Iwlp lim' at I-RfiO-R4R-R990. A forum hhrmy IS a collection of

computer files organi7ed into clions \\ hlch 3rc named according to (heir general loIubject content. Making infor­mntion availahll! in a forum library rapidly dis\cmln~t1c~ data to forum me01hc~ and huilds a relatively pcnna­nenl reference re'OOlirce.

The me< "vail. Ie in u Iibrury can be:

1.text Il les-The," arc just what the name il1lplic~. written documents thai arc there rnr the reading or downloading;

2. graphic liIes-l h",c ar" images the user can down lond and siore for later usc: and

3. public domain soltware-Th is is very u'\Cful Sam!.! ~oftware IS ava ilable for downloading directly through the ser­vIces to which usen,. subscribe as part of the ba~e price. For e;..amplc, sofl· ware 10 ilCCCS:-' I he worldwide web is uvtt ilablc t!trough CUII1}JuSerllt!' al nu exira churgc. \ \fhilc I1I01,t ~oft\\l are

sti ll must be purchased anu instal led. tiwi wl .il.h j ... ill II ",: "publ;\,; JOlllaln'; can be made available Ihrough a f()rum'~ Irhrnry l;eCllon.

To begin Ih lS tlllori:l i. click on {he CrJII1/JIISerV(' icon Il1l he Windows Pro-


gram M tlnager and {hen cl ick on the Campa ·ave· Informa t ion Manager icon to accc:,s the ~crvice. \Vhcn ~hc hasic services window nppears, cl ick 011

the Iramc light icon and type " AFL" in (he dialogue box labe led "Service:' You may be asked for y ur password an order to establish an online connection.

11 ~ Browsing in the library

t= The AFL- 10 tabor E.T wmdow should now he open.

Select ·'L..,bor ET Forum" from the AFL-C IO taborNE.T window. When the forum opens. click on the word "Llbmry" 1i.1\1 'd 111 thl.! menu bar at the top of Ihe screen. ThIS pens the pull­down menu l i:, t ing the following options: ( I ) Browse; (2) Search: (3) Retrieve tarked; (4) o n tribute; (5)

otice; and (6) Descriptions. Clid. on "Brow~c" 10 view the

"Library Sections" window displaying {he names of the various sections avail­able to y u a a ub>cnber to Labor­N£TI I B£lI'flcl. "I BE\ net General" shoulu appenr at the bottom of your lis t. . clect " IBEWnet Gelleral" tn open the winrlow rlil;p laying our lihr;"y fi le.t:;.

1 here is ao entry for each me in Ihe library. n le level of de tail that you see for each Cll lr WIll vary. depending upon your cu tomi7cd ~elli n gs. You may sec all or Some of the following items: nn c mpty "llunre inuicnling the slilrt of a unique file listing: 3n icon mdicaling the file Iype ; the l itlc f the file or the file nome; tbe me size: the da te the file was addeu to the library: the number of limes Ihe file has been accessed by IIsers; and t he Com­pliServrs identifi ation number of the fi le contribu tOr.

If you w~m l to cuslomil'--c your library file infonmllioll d l!,phty. click on "Spe­cial" in the menu bar at Ihe lOp of the screen and select " Preferences." Cl ick On "Forums'< to ge t to t he " Fo rum Prefere nces" window where you can select from the "'File List Contents" box (he rcu turcs 111:'11 you wan l to see.

What Kind 01 Library File?

You ~h(lliid become f<lnllliar

wnh Ihe nit! type Icons used in COlI/puSave". (I) A text l1Ie is ind i­c(lted by the icon of :t yellow :,.,hcct o f paper. Tc'( { files arc written in A II (DO ) text and can he viewed or prillted from within Lubor ETI 18E.l1IlIc(. (2) /\ binury m. i. indic3tcd by an icon of blue digits on a wh ite sheel of paper. Binary lites have been uploaued In " forma l used by Ihe soft­warC' progrolll ill '''hieh they were crc­ated, such a:, a ' IJCcific word procc ' ing progt:.IIII. nlc;:,c fil\!.'\ cannot be viewed

in tnlJar FTlfBEWllet hut can be downloaded and on\'encd or \ ie\\cd in anal her software progmm. (3) A gruphiCl file hear.. Ihe icon of a minia­ture colorful I;lOdo;capl! painting. (jraphlcs Iiles "'lUI Ute . 11' cxteru.ion (Graphic> Interchange Format) can be vie\\ed in tabor E.Tl lJiFlVfll'r . Fi les with o ther graphics file cx:h.:nO;lOns can be downloaded and milOlpulated in uther :,oftware prograIl1~.

Selecting a Library File

In the IBEWn"t GCller"I " library. highlight the lexl file

IH led .. anHdian Consumer Price Inuex ' da ted 8125/95. lick on the "Descrlptlon" bUllon to "cc a qukk summury of tbe file contenl;. It ;" pru·



denL to read the "Fi le Descriptionl> before you decide to view the file o r

download it to YOUT computer. Note tha t the actua l name of t he file in TBEWnel (" EDCAN-J.5RT") becumes the title of this window. Two very usc[ul fea tures found here are the ': Keys" and the brief rex i narrative abou l the fi le, Tile .I Keys" j] rc the primary topic words

tha t can be lIsed to locate the file during a search. For the "Canadian Consumer

Pr ice I ndcx:' the key words are eco­nomic, data, research, C01lSwner, price .. index, and Callada. Using any of these key wo rds in a search of the " I BEWnet G enera l" library would retrieve th is fi le.

From tbe file descr iption window, cl ick the " Retrieve" button. This o pens the "Save: As" window where you can save ihe file hy down load ing i! 1.0 your hard dr ive or to a Iloppy drive. Click "Cance l" to return to the file dcscrip­lion window.

Click the "View" button to open the file on your compuler screen. To read the file marc easi ly , maximize the win· dow by clicking on the "up arrow-' at the top r ight corner of the window. You can p rint ihe fi le by clicking on "File" in the menu bar at the top of the sc recn and selecti ng "Print" in the pull­down menu.

I, A Searching with Kev Words

~ Key words arc powerl'ul search too ls Ihat C<l 1l save you time

when you are looking for [i l(!s, on n par­ticular topic. lei's search the-"lBEWnet

,eneral" libmry (or filt:s Lilal deal \'vith the topic o f "deregulation."

C li ck on t he " Library" pull ·down me n u a t the to p of the sc ree n and select the "Search" option. This opens the "Search for Fi les" dialogue box. Se lect the li brary section you want to use by scrolling down until you see " IBEWnct Gl:l1cral. " C li ck on t he e mpty hox to fill il with iln "X" to select thallibnuy sect ion.

Type the word "deregllia tion" ill the "Keywords" dia logue box. For this


• u

Just beneath th e "Browse" icon is the "Search" icon- a

magnify ing glass focused on th e

spines of books . This icon accesses tbe "Search for Files" window.

exercise, we will use the default dates that appear below the " Keywords" box. You could adjust the " Between Dates" 10 1imit you r sea rch to fi lc~ contribu ted 10 the li b ra ry within a l:Crlil ;n lime period. Cl ick on the. "Search" button to illitiare tile process. A "Libra ry Sea rch'­windoW' will open [or you. It lists aU the fi les in IB EWnel General that use the term "dereg.ulation" as a keyword . You can search any library section in Labor· NET using the same technique. ~

Check OutlaborNET TOO

16 Note that the A FL-CIO has added a second Labor ET

pri vate [a rum enti t led LaborNET r &; Quick Access Using lib. The Forum Toolbox

, Note the twelve icons ~lrranged vertically in two columns at the right side of your computer screen. These icons comprise the "Forum Toolbox." Two of them are particularly useful in searchi ng libraries.

The "Browse" icon shows a hand selecting a book. Allhough Ihere are no books in the LaborNET library_ select­ing th is icon o pens the " Library Sec­lions" menu , C lick on the ·' Browse" to see how it works.

TOO which contains private areas for several AFL-cro affil iates who have decided to open o n line areas in Labor­NET. The private files in LaborNET TOO are available only to those !\ub­scribc rs wh o arc members of i hose affilia tes. IBEWnet members ca n look at I he listing o f afens in La borNET

TOO but ca nnot lise services I here. To look at the list, click on Labor ET TOO Forum. Then click on "cancel" 10

retum to the LlIborNETwindow. .J:J

Next Issue: On/ill t! COl/ferences

Interested in "Member's Interests?"

Your fellow IBEW users ollBEWneland LaborNETwanl to know who you are. However, users can't tind you if you aren 't idenlified properly. This can be solved Ihrough use of the "Mem­

ber's Interests" block. To reach Ihe block, click on "Special" on Ihe function bar al the top of the window. Click on

"Change Member Entry." A block will appear on screen, in which you can either create an entry lor yourself, or change an ex ISting one. Remember, space in the block is limited; every charac­ler counts!

Click inside the box to move the cursor there. Now you are ready. IBEWnel user George Flana­gan ot Local 38, Cleveland, OhiO, has made the iollowing suggestions:

1_ Use "IBEW," not "I.B.EW." The exira peri­ods use valuable space.

2. Type in you r local number as "Local 1291," without the quotation marks. Enter Ihe Iype 01 local, e.g., man ufactUring.

3. Enler Ihe cily alld Ihe Slale or provillce of your local.

4. Usl the ofllces or other official positions (such as committee member, instruclol, etc.) you hold with your local or the local AFL -CIO body.

5. Use any space left to list personal interesls.

6. Verify the informalion before clicking "O.K."

II these instrtlCtions are to llowed, users can find each other in tile "Search Membership" tunc-11011 by Iyping in a name, affiliation, local number, lype ot local, cily, and state or province. i


"Right-to­Work" Rears Its Ugly Head

T he ph ra~l! " nghHo-work" i~ one of the Jl1n~ 1 ITII:-.lcading maxims

e\er coined. E\cry fair-mi nded person might agree thaI everyone of legal working age sh uld have Ihe rig hi 10

e~ k and holt.! gainful employment. BUI, wrapped in Ihe guise of a " righl. " this concepl mask..; a h SI of s ial and economic threats to ,\oork ing people.

Prc:-. idcnl Harry Truman aid it best 111 1947: " You will find some P<'oplc sa)'ing Ihal Ihey are for Ihe sO-<:a lJed 'righl -Io-wo rk ' law, but the y ab,o believe in uniuns. Thi!-. is ab:-. urd- it's like saying you aTC for motherhood bUl agai nst chtldren:'

Stoles w ith Laws Against Free Collective Bargaining (21) .

STATE Alabama Arizona Arkansas Florida Georgia Idaho Iowa Kansas

louis iana Mississippi Nebraska Nevada North Carolina North Ookala South Coral ina South Ookolo Tennessee Texas Ulah Virginia Wyoming

DATE ADOPTED Augusl1953 March 19<17 february 1947 November 19<14 March 1947 February 1986 Apri l 19<17 November 1958 July 1976 February 195<1 June 19<17 March 1951 March 1947 March 1947 March 1954 March 1947 February 1947 April 1947 May 1955 January 1947 February 1963

Source: Afl-CIO. 711. Big U. end /he rfllm Aboul Righf40.WOfk · '995



Whal is 11 " RighI.-lO­\\ork" I"I\I'!





126,362 1993

Sd86.66 1993 Avg Annual Pay 527,892

rhe phr,,;" " rtghl -to-work" rcrc is 10 H IHW

t l1 al proh ibi l s an eillployer and a union from negotia t ing a c l ause (com­monl)' known a:-. a uilion ... ceu­

ril )' c1nusc) into the collec tive hargaining con­tract reqUiring all wurkcr!-. in the un it to join a union OJ' pny rl

fcc In help sup­port the union',,; rep,-c . t!l1laliun c ffurt'i . . Ince th e mailer of

Avg Weekly Eoming,-Mig 5507 03

Avg. Stale Min . Woge Role, $4.30 S3.84'


14.15 July l'

15.00% 1992-Poveny-% 01 Population 14 20%

Unemployed-% Receiw>g Senelil> 31 % 26%



30% 1993

U I - Avg. Weekly Benehl> $185

U I-Maximum Benefit> 5283

Workers. Comp -NwJximum Weekly Benefil. 5486 $367

SI72 1993

5254 Jon. I

$445 Jon. I

Job Fatolities-Rates per 100,000 6.1 9.0


7.1 1992

bpendilu'''' po< Pupil 55,817 $5,41 4 1993

School Drop·oul. loge 16-19) 10.60% 12.30% 11.20% 1990

Heolth Ins.urcnce-% Nol Cove,ed 13.70% 17.80% 15.20% 1992

T 0.11. Equity-Stole Soles Taxes' d4.6 61.2 49.6 1992

Seven RlW statti ha.re no mH'Ilmum 'WOge low • A$ ... 01 totol stene lox colledion ScxIrce- · What's Wrong "",m RighHl'>WOfk, A Tole of rwo NotrOllS.· AfLCIO StatlJtlCol Anofy.sIJ. 1995

union >cclIrity is off the barga,ning tab le in the (1!I tatl:1!I wit h righl~ l o­

work laws (see Chan I ). local un ions in tho"ic "ta t c~ operate (It a t remen­dou'\ rin(lncial dbadvantagc. Federal law :.lill rcq uirc!o. Lhe union (0 r~pn;.

Ii;C l11 ~III employee" whcrl! the unilln

I"" " co ni rac l wilh Ihe employer. Righ t-tu-work l 'lw~ fo rce dues-pa ying union members to "iub .. idi'lc union ser~ vicc!o. ror the "free ridcr~" who arc payi ng nOlhing to thc union. In effect. r igh l-Io-work law"i are a sla tc -'>anc­tioned fu rlll o f union ~upprc!o.sjon.

\1'1' "Righl-lo-\\'ol'k" l .a \\s Consistent \\-iLlI Ih(' I LR \ ?

In the nitcd tates. the ational Labor Rclauon\ ACI (NLRA ) does as crt that" is the polic f the nation to e ncou rage the prac tic(: imd proce­d ure of cullec tive blHga ining. Right­to-\\'ork law'\. were "ot consistent with tht.: I I~ until the hm w:t'li. amended

in 1947 by the T aft lIart ley Act. In th at year. Congress, which was first controlled b the Republica ns since

1932. ovcrrode President Truman's vela uf Tafl- llartlcy. 111C Republicans sct ou l to cripple the pro-labor (ICCOI11-

plishmenl< of Franklin D. Roosevelt's ew Dea l , i nclud ing I he LRA.

which businl:ss in terests. viewed as haVing gi en I 0 much power to labor.

Why "Righl-lo-\Vol'k" Is Wron"

l~ t is l ics I;how that nght-to-work s l a t e~ consiste ntly ra te lower by a vari ­et)' of economi mClbure. In 1993. lhe a\cragt.: annual pay in right- ta-work Siaies wa .. $43-13 ICIi;s than the average annual pay ttl free collective bargain· ing ~tat cs (~ec han 2). None of lhe 21 "righ t-to-work" slates meet or l!xcccd the U.S. average annual pay.

The average weeki I ea rnj ngs for 1l13nuf:lCIUring worker~ i ... (lS.551es'\ in


right-to-work tall.!~ Ihan In free slate::,. cven of the 21 right-IO-work ::,ta tes do

nOI have a Slate minimum \\aglo! law. anti on ly nine of the righl-Io-work ... tat\! ... h.we a sun\! minnm,nn Wilj:!.C la\\ al Ic.),\t equal to the .. ft:deral mini­mum \ .... age or $4.2". RCCilll\C righl-Io­work "'\1;'1I f>O;; helve' f'-'wj~r IInions to help cnlorce job ""fely laws and landard,. workc,," have higher joh fatality ra l c~

in rho\c Wll.!ii (Chart 2). On average. the PU\crty f'-ll e in

right-tu-work sta les i'-! almO\1 15 pcr­cent higher than In free collective bar­g:lllllllg states. Riglll ·lU-,\ork 5(aICS illvc'-! I far lc~ of their puhlic re,>ources in education. On average. per pupil c\pcndilurcs in rig,ht-\o-\\ork tat\!.,. Wl:'rc 0 Cur 15 percent) helow the nal10nal average.

I3cci.lu!!C righ l-to-"ork ,tales create u ho~tih:: chm~He for organ iled labor. il ,hould not be su rpri\ing that their on.:rall c onornic pro"ipenty dimin­i"ihc"i. \Vhen wages decline . stHte income ilnd sale:.. tax revcnues fall, and the stale has Ie,>!! monc) avaiJable 10 finance program Ihat direc. ll) • ffccl lhe qu. lil) of life for all cllilens.

Nal iOlla' "Righl-lo-Work" I J(' glslatioll

,\ ·' Nalional Rlghl -Io-Work Acl·· \Va", in troduced in both the U.S .• cnale and the I louse of Rcpre~nlatlves on

larch 2 1. 1995. Senalor Lauch Fair· clolh (R- NC) intr"duccd . 5 I. and Congressman Boh (,oodl"lle (R- VA) introduced H.R. 1279. If Ihe new Republican majo rit y \"cre 10 enaci ll h':-;C laws. union s..:curity clauses \",ould he olltla\\'ed nationwide. The low-\\age. lo,,-bcnefit , anli-workcr cl lIllate. char­aClcri"'t1c of the 21 right- to-work state. would spread 10 Ihe free. colleclive bar gaining sta les and thc nation as it wholl!


would .... uffer. 10 \V I1h.:m hcrs 'i.houkl wnh.: tn th":lr 'wnahlr't anu congrc!!­\Inn,-II rcpre:,enlathc~ tn urge thcm to H,tc.: again"l thc:-.e mCil"iUr..:'t .

~italt·, 1'1'41\ hlt'ial Illilinliws T(H.la}. in buth the Unilcd Sla tes

and C.mada. I herc I~ t l rc:,urgcncc of intcrc';t in ~prcmJing the " flgh l-to­,\.ork" phi lo'\ophy In the .,.tates and pronnces. lnce the elections in l u\ ember 199-'. "I .. lle legIslatures have !teen the grcaicsi ITlcrca"'C In rig,h t-to­work aCIl\'ity in ncar l) 20 YCHI""' . The ""lion"1 AFL-CI h,,, I"rgeled Ihe follulI'lIlg slate, in 199510 defeal righl­to-\\or"-. Icgblali .... c initialhes in their !'! talc huu,cs: Ca lirnrni a. Colorado.

rCurgl3. Idaho. IntJiana. Kan!'!<I \. 'lar~lanc.L luntana. 1\e\\ II ;lInpshl rl:. e" Mexico, klahoma. Oregon.

Pennsylvania. Rhode "lund. IVnshing­ton Hnd \Vyuming. ('\Cc Chart J).

Due to the Illo\"ulinllon ~Hld hard \\ork uf lo~:al uniul1"a worki llg \\ilh ~til l C anu loca l labor councils. right-to­\\orl proposalo; ha\e hccn defeated fur the prc,ent If) lour "italc't: Montana .

ew Ilarnp'I\hlrc. lew Mexico rind Oklahoma. In Idaho. n con!,!~ rvati c Icgi\laturc and governor expandcd the ~ tatc 's right-to.work law to puhlic I.!l11p loyec,>. In Indi:tlhl. a GOP-COIl ­trolled legi,­hlt ule \otcu tn override th t,! veto of Dl; lIlncra lic Cinve rn o r Evan Bayh and prtl\1)cd II hi li prohibit­

ing agc I1CY , hop fee, (fa ir ~ h a re rees) for leacher

U.S CPI·W incrooscd 0.3 Index pl)'ms(1uring the IaIlI'l'lONtl 01 (} 2" .. The WlCI'ease dlJrlng lt1e past ~e,1I was 3.1 rndolC poInt& DI 2 5" Canada CPl _raased 02 .odUli pamrs during Iha I(!.!II manUl or - (1.1.... I he I('oCrea8& ounog me pIlSI yt'lar wns J U

Index points or 2 3'

Sourc.,: U.S o.panrntf'l( Of Labor and SUltlU.c& Canaw.

Prepa.od by" ISEW 00plu1menl 01 Research end Technical SClrvl~. ~Iember 1995

Othcr ~pccific .... lntc init iat ivc'\ lh al have not hc~n en:lcted will likel be Introduced or carried ove r into the next :, tate lcgi~ I j] l hc o;cssions.

The epidemiC of stale-Ieyel righl-Io­work propo~ls in the .S. ha..., ~preutl Inl Canada. In A lberta and Nc\\­roundlrJlld. ri ~IH . IO-\' ork propo .. :I1", arc currently hell1g ddlalcd.

impl) tat~d. " right -to-work" amount::, to nothing. more than the "riglll-w·lowcr·"agcl\·· or 'he "right­lo-work-for-bs:· All of us in orga­nized labor mu ... , make u ur \ oicc, heard agalllsl nghl-Io-work mIlUlllvc~.

The ri~11l·l0-\\ork mcnlahty mU,1

be umkr tond for \\ hal It rca ll y j,>: a IIHeal 10 \\orkplace democraq. a draill on potentially vigorous econoll1ie:... a luul against '1trong union~. and ftn attack againsl all \\ or k.· c rs-unl0n :md nonunion alike. t

Flir ""r~ 1III"01"IIIatioil If) nlu{lillc:Opu'\"l APL-CIO publmmol/\

WI riNIII-/O-1wrt ((1111(1(." ,h~ AFt-C/O Office of Rrp""/UCllfJllf allli '\Jnibll!!". '('/t'pIUJIli' JOl·n 17·51J.JI , r AX 202-ti.t7·505H. orOIl 1 .... 1hor'\lCT ttl 71112.66

i=MA" Battleground Stotes. Free Colleclive Borgoining Siale, With 1995 "Right·to-Work" Inilioli"",.


Recycling: Is It Just Pulp Fiction? Part I

What act ua ll y happe n to recy­clable materials after they arc

separated from trash? As you wi ll !;Cc

from this article and next month's arti­

cle. plastics are chopped up. melted down and reborn . M etal can arc nat­te ned . crus hed , ba led, mel ted and recast into new prod uct. Paper is

tu rned into a watery pulp. dried. and reformed . Glass is sort ed by color. crushed , mel ted and may be reused over and over again. Ti res arc reprocessed or reused in many cre­ative way.

R ecycl ing may co nsi t of 'evera l s tages, incl uding collection. para ­tion, processing. remanufacture, and marketing, material i not consid­ered to be recycl ed until a ll of the needed steps have been completed.

Curbside rec cling programs in the u.s. increased 40 pe rcent to 3,955 ill 1991. Many programs are mandat ed by states, but volun tary program out· number mandated programs hy 1.569 to 1,376.

R ecyclab le materLals are sent to Materials Recovery Faci lities (M R F's), which send these material to other markets for processing. The Unilcd

ta tes has o ver 190 working M RFs. with several others under construction.

A 1992 ur ve ' cond uc te d in Toronlo. anad a. concluded I h(l l

Canadian are zea lous recyclers. O f the 43,000 hou h Id surveyed. half used recycl ing container fo r glass. pa per. and met;:! l. Nea rly even in eight ho useho lds u ed rccy li ng ,e,. ­vices, and 45 percenl regularly bought recycled pap ' r products.



Recycling i"i iu:.,1 unc of the Itl i'Hl)

nc\ envirorum:nl.11 tl!t:hnologlc~ Ihat are being dc' doped. ~I hesc nl.!W tcch ~

nologie\ an: providing johs for many dislocated 'I. orkcr '. The U .. Environ­IIH.: ntal Protectiun Agency (EPA) i. suppor tin g IIHUk.cl developmell t by prom ling hOlh governrn~[1t and pri­vate-sectol purchase of goods conta in­ing 1'0cycled maierini:;.. They also prov ide assis tance 10 local govern­ments by 1\:.:sc(ll'ching. deve loping, anu eva lunting policy optioll !o..

Th(' Trulh ,\bOull)ull) Papa represenu.. 41 perccnt or the

solid \\as tc in the nited Stalcl; and is

generally 50 to 60 percent of iln office bui lding' lotal W3S1C. Not all paper ca n be recycled. but typing paper. photocopy paper. scratch paper. index ca rds. compuler printout s, ncwspa· pers. paper bags. and cardboard are . omc types that can bc recycled.

cvcra J steps are involved in the process of recyc ling paper. Fir t. whole or chopped paper}. .arc red inlo a at or wa ler. T he va l. called a hydrupulper, i~ s.imilur lo a huge blender wi th " blade that agita tes the water and paper mixture. The lightly woven woody fibers of the p"pcr arc bea ten into an ommcrt l-Iike m AS of ind ividual fibers ca llcd pulp. The ink:, on the prt per tnus! he c1i "';so lvcd so de terge nt , nrc added to the pulp. Thcn~ the inks are Illlshcd away wit h more wawr. Ncxl. the pulp passes through huge screens to filter ou l SHI­

pic>. paper cli ps. di rt , ilnd other fo r­eig.n Jntllenal-;. SOl11cilmcs wood pulp i, added to the vat 10 ,lTengthen lhe I1ni:-.hcd paper. Then the material i procc 'sed In the Silnlt.! manner as. pa per's rigina l wood pu lp: it i< pm cu onto H lurge. nat screen where

the water drains away. Th~ pulpy Ii crs on the scn':cll rorm a HlaL which h. thell prc:-,scd Hnd dried un i-I COli·

\ 'eyor hell between a scri~s of rollers alld healed cylin der>. The pulp is finally in the rorm or paper. which is then \ ound into large r lls.

Glossy papers used in magazines Clnd cata logs me coated \\Iilh clays that ciln clog, the hydropu\ per. Plasti c­based inks used in magazines are not e ffec t ive ly re moved fro m the pulp wi lh the de- ink ing uctcrgenls used in til e above rccyc li ng process . Some recycl ing mi ll s are using a de-ink ing tech nology called 1I0t.tion. In th is sys­tem, <lir hubbi es are forced upward from the bot tom of the hydropulper 10 agita te the pa per "lnd water mixture. The clay that is loosened fro m the glos y paper is picked up and carried along with the risi ng bubbles as the clay starts to ink t the bonom. The cia) acts as a hlotter. absorbing the ink. TIli substance is then skimmed from the surface or the va t. and the

papcr-m~lking proces is completed . The amount of paper being recycled

in lhe nitcd States is increasing. but paper can be recycled only a li mi ted number of time . Each time paper is recycled i l ~ fibe rs weaken, which is why wood pul p i sometime added lO the recycled pulp. Most paper can be recycled up to seven or eight times.

Some of Ihe ilems that are made from recycled paper incl ude newsprinl, cereal and shoe hoxes, fac ial and toi let tissue, bui lding insulation, wallboard , ca rdboard egg carto ns. brown bags. and lives tock bedding.

B('Ut'I' Than Ol't' Recycling metals saves huge costs in

mining ilnd processing ores, historic high of 68 percent of all the cans pro­duced in the niled tates were recy­eled in 1992. Ot he r sou rces of aluminum that may be recycled arc fo il baking cOlllainers, frozen-dinner (Tays. lawn furnilun..:. building siding. gutters. and frames for windows and doors.


Materials in U.S. Municipal Solid Waste, 1993. iT otol weight = 206.9 Million Ton;)

37.6% Paper and Paperboard

177.8 mill ion tons) 118.7 million

r~::~~"""""""":7:_~~~:~=~:~)'O"'J 132.8

million tonsl

(17. 1 mm~n tons)

Source: U.S, E"n .... ironmenkll Protection Agerq, Publication #EPA530-$-9ol\ -O.d2 (11/94)

The recovery rnle ro,' ~cr<lp alu ­

minum is i ncrca~ i ng. due in pan to Ihe Cl lu l11in utn indus try's wcll-develo ped infrastructure. wh ich i ncilldc~ scrap c.ka lcrs. L.lse.;d hcvcntg~ I:rtll collct:lors. and processors.

Scrap all1lninulll com ~s in IWo furms. "tlltl :,crup:' which h(ls been lIsed and colh.:clcu 1'111' recycli ng, and "'new scrnp," which is excess :lIu­lll!nUI1l Ii.!f l frn m ITI <lllu !\ ,clllring processes. Scrtlp tl t.!:-licl''' hi-illuic all lypes of aluminul1l scrap. from siding to CHIlS 10 a u lmnobik 11H1llufaCl ufc

castings. Tlwy son the :-lcra p. consoli­t.lal c i l. shred il. ba le it. or rc<.lucc Il in

hea l furn aces III tk n!.c i n~uls or hlock~ ro r sh ipping 10 111 ,,1 Ilt ifact LJras.

Th t! fi nn recycling phase for alu­minum CH II ~ OCCLll'S whell the Cil llS nn.: flattene d :J lld -:cnt 10 i-I rcs mc lti ng

raci li ty. There. a hUllllllcrlll ilJ pOUl,ds the cans irllo pieces the sizl! ur potHto

chips. The Cl lulll inul11 p j~C~!io nrc Ihen

heHled 10 hum off Ihe Inb" lIing on Ille o ut side o j' tlh! ca n nn ll the lacque r coating lin tile insi de. Then tile Hlu ­minulll is 111c1 tcu in ;l fu rr1:lce and cast in lo ing.ot.':. Wh ile I he i ngoj~ are st.i ll

hot. they ;He rolled in to shcct!o> tlwt wi ll be formed in tll new Co ltl ....

In 1992, 56 percenl (If l it" sleel dis­carded in the Unilcd tales \Va:-. recy­

cled . Th is con is tcd 111Qst ly o f I1ctlvy


11I ,1cl1 i nery, ~t ruc t u ra I heal1l s lInd

ju nked automob il es. Th e recycl in g

proccss rnr steel I!. vcry ~ i l11i l ar 10 thnt Ui>cd fo r reprocessing iilumill UI1'l. A hali llg crlJs h~r fl a tt ens automobiles, t hen Hnother m ac h ine pu und :., l he

steel in to rist -sizcd pieces. I-I~al is used to burn off the pa i nt, and then the 1n!;I:-ll i ~ melted ilnd cast in l tl :-, hapes

t lw\ ca n he lIs~d to m:ll1ur'lcIU rc. nc\\'

products. Scra p copper rrom electric wir ing,

tch! pholh: cab k s a nd pipes i~ <"I lso recycled usi ng a sim i lar I11dhmL

Since the ores do not need to be reJincd o r ~mc l led, recycl ing mela ls yklds huge energy sav i J1g~. Recycled

aluminum saves 1)5 percent. Clnd recy­cled steel ":we~ 74 percent ill produc­t io n co .. ts . Stc~1 r ecycling in t he

United States :.,av~s enough cnl..! rgy in a single year to provide the clectricity to power the ci ty or Los. Angeles ror

eight yca r:-;.

BoUIe N('ck

The "icrap glas:, supp ly j:-, div ided into lhree element s: transition glass,

pn.::...:unsurnt: r cui leI. and postconsulllc:r cu llc l. Culle t is g l u::;~ tha t has been ground into a g,nlvel- likc mater ial. Tru n!' il iol1 glass co nsists of lIn mar·

kct~l b lc glass products crea led by gl::lS"i

manuractu rer·s. PrCl:OIISIIIIICr cullel is

fin ished glass that bre(lks at a bott l ing or d islribut ion pla nt. PoslconsuUlcr ClilIcl incl udes discarded glass bever·

ngL! conta in l..!rs and ot her glass ca n· lainers. All cullet is n:cyclable and can

be u-:~d rCpciltcd ly to m:lke the same

proUltCI. T here IJ re three types of pOS1COIl ­

sumel' collection programs around the coun try: (I) deposit /refund programs

Ilwl h<lVC been initialed by :m-callcd

·· Boll I" Bil ls:· (2) drop·o rf or huy back cen ters. alllJ (~) curbside pickup.

l ass Il1 llnUraCl llr l..! l'S huy cui le t di rectly from recyclers ilnd rrom inter­

mediary CO l11 pil n i~s. l i1 ;1l pu rchase cul­

le i f ro rn rccyclcr , FUl'rtace-rea dy

cullel. which has heen crushed Bile!

cli.,:co IHaminatcd. may be purch ased rrom indcpcmh..:nt dealers lind pruces·

~ors. Gill ~ nHlIlll fac turers buy as I1l llc h cu lh.!1 li S is uvailabll: lx~..:ausl:: it

saves raw Il1Htcri al , energy, :-rnd fur· I1nce li fc. Allhough il is possible III

I1HlIlUf<l c turc ~om l! g,lass producls using 50 perc!.!nt cu llct or marc, most r1li1IlUfa Cl urcr:, produce contrlincrs usin t 20 to 30 percen t cuI !!.:!. Il i gh ~ r

perce nl :l !CS wo uld req uil'e signiricant

p roCl!SS Inodil1cHli ons. T he chief pl'Ilblc lll with recycling

glas, is Ihal il muSI be hand sorled hy col or. Thl: re lin: typica lly Ihrec co lo rs

of glass th tll arc rc ycll.!d: fl int (deilr),

arnhL:I', fi nd green. Or,ce the glass has hee n sort ed, magnets remove stee l

ca ps unci lncl ill l ids. T he glass jars ~rnd

bottles l.m tcr H l:rushcr Ihat gri nds the glnss cull L!t. The pilpe-I" labels 011 the

cuntai llers M e removed by suction. Th('; 11 the cul lct is rnixcu with sa nd und olher r~w I11ntt!rials and rnelted in to a

syrupy mass in H glassmaking fu rnace. Mach incl'l mold i t in to new bolllt;!s and

jnrs when I h~ l110lten glass is poured

oul uf the furnace. G las~ ctln be cu ll ec ted. crus hed,

melt ed, and recycled ag<li n ami ag,i lin.

(t ems 11Inde from recyckd glass <i re boUle!. find iilr~. fibcr-glllss insulation. and :Isph ah addi t ives. ,

Ncxr II/O//II! 's "Tef..:i1 Talk" flrlie/f' wilt rlLH'II.\'S rlre recJlllufugy of recycling plawics allfl tirf's.



Family Perishes In FireI

Each Yl'ur, IlflIJrO.\i"llIle!y -1.000 people die ami 21.000 people are il/J I/red beci/lise of lrom e fires. E.lIch yet" . property dt",rage from home fires exceed.\ $4 billiol/ , M m" of III(' tragic dellths ami painful injuries oo.:l(r dur­illg ,Ill' wil//('r heming Stll1\'OIl , OIlfm­

her through A1(1)/ Bccu,,~e of the Xrcl1/

(Ianger ,hm home jire,f POSf!. I\'e are reprimil1K (III article that jir~1 lIPJlCtlfCt!

illihe OClOhel·. 1CJ93. 1 BEW Journ,,1.

We have all ."cell these tragic headline and been addened b)'

them. But have we taken s tcp~ to pre· pare uur family in the even! of fire ill our home '! It is cstillltl tc,;:d thai the n.: arc 2.6 milli on rc~idcntia l fires per year. Fire b darker. :,mokicr. hOlle r and fas ter than you am imagine. Peo­

ple gel trapped in their own home!':! becau'\c Ihey C~lI"t find their way oul in the uark . Most fin.: fataUties occur hctwccn a, l'Il . and 6 p.lII . Fire cmil!o. poisonou gasc and many <urrocate without eve n l1w~lk e nin g. They die from smoke inhalation occaul:;c they had no warning. l1H.! TC i~ no time to wa st '; a home ca n he totally co n­sumed in flamc~ in Ic~~ ItUl1l five IHin ­

ulc~. Your f'lIllily mu!\1 know what 10 do. and they must gel out. Take steps now to pJan for riTe c\Cape proccdure~ in your home.

\Vhen you plan fire escape proC\!­dure~. include the c,;n tire family. "nlb i ~ ant;: uf the mu:-,t impurtmtl actiun!oo yuu


can Ink lu protect your' life and the livc..~ of I hose you love.

1. You and your family must be able 10 escape. Draw a floor plan of your home showi ng all pos~ible exits frnm c.ich room. Remember, the window is a possihl \! e,'(it. If the bedrooms are on the ... econd [lonr. you 1ihould inslall a rope ladder or some olher dc\ice in eHeh bedroom so Ihal Ihl.! \vindow could be used as a means of ":SC(l pc. If bcdroorn~

;ue in the basement. make sure Ihal ;lcces,\ 10 thl.! basement windows i!oo nOI blocked.

2. Praclice a fire drill in the bome j usl

'" children do in school.

3. Make cerlain th .lI everyone undcr­land that if the hear the smoke

detector or hear someone ShOUl FIRE. the y should immedia tel y e acuate the home.

4. T e"ch thcm h) reel the door berore they open it and if lhe du r i ~ hoI. it il\ nOI to be opened, Thc altermHc exit will have 10 be used 10 c<;capc.

5. Prcpare your fami ly for Ihe po, i­hi lity Ihat in order to escape a fire, they rmty have to crawl UUI 0 11 lheir hal1c..i''Jo and knees, The frcshcsl air wi ll he c1 ol\cst I<) the noor.

6. Decide on a meeting place outside (he homc, and makl.! surc everyone knows where Ihat pl ~lcc is so that you ca n COllnt fami ly members.

7. Call the rire department from a ndghh()r'~ home. Stay on Ihe tele­phone ulll il the operator has all the infonn<1tiull m:cdcd. including your name and ilddrcss.

8. Keep anyone rrom Tt:cl11ering Ihe burning bui lding to rescue a pet or some prize possession.

In order to esc~lpc a fire ),ou must he prepared-you need a w<'lrn;n g. Smoke dc;:teclOrs ca n provide the warning that Ciln make the L1iffcn.:m:c be tween li re and deClth , Th e morc ~moke delectors yo u ill slLl lI in your

home, the more you r chances increa e that you will !<. urvivc a fire. A smoke delcc'or ... huuld he in"ttallcd in each bcdroom and in the h:lliway outside th e bedroom an.~a . 1I1 !<. taH a smoke del ector ~Ih()ve sta i rwells, ;.tnd don ' t

rorgel the hasemenl. A smoke detec­tor must be imtallcd in each level of (he home.

Bu)' nly th SC ,01 ke detectors Ihat c.1rry the nderwrilcr'I,j LahoralOries (UL) >ymbul. And rollo\ the installa·

lion inSl ruclions carerully. An addi tional defense against fire is

a fire ex tlll gui 1ihcr Il aving a fire

c). tin gui ~ h cr in your home Cl n incretl.;::c your ch<"nce'\ of kceping a

~m a ll fire from gctting ou t of control. A fire ex tinguisher "hould be insta lled in every room that poses a potential fire h(llard. Fire lla /ard area"i include the kitchen. ga ra ge. workshop and furnace morn, Rii~ic protection wou ld I"l! lju ire a fire extinguisher on each level or the hou~c.

Th u'ia nd o;; of dea lh*; a nd injuries

could tx: prevented each) car if CH:ry home inl\talle u \ mokl.! dCI\!ClOrs and fire c tingubhers. and had a fire escape.! plan , Draw you r fire escape plan tod,,). check ur , m ke detec­tors and lire c :<lIng.ui\hcrs. Tomorrow

could be tOO late. ~

Remember ... ....... Test lour limoke detectors

Once c,lch week.

.A' I~cplace the battery in each smoke detector til lenst once a year.

~ lea n smoke detec tors al Ica~t once a year,

..." ever remove the hattery frolll a ~l1loke detcctor.

...... heck your fire cX l ingui 'h­en .. al least tlnCC a month.



~n.o , ocuc..o

PO C .. '1"0 Vlwe;; D 0, August 25 -27. 19<)5. t he

Fifth J) i~lrir l 1wld it" Prngn'''i' I!'('l­ing loll the AUillll'" Mttrk Riverview Pl az.1 H Olel in Mnhi le . Alabama. Mobile Local 505 Bu int!~s ~tl nagf:r

Dona ld Adam,. president of the Alabama Fk':clrlcal \Vorkcrs. ca llt!d Ih mccl ing 10 order. Ailcr Ihc open­ing ccrclllonic"i, Fi fth District Intcrna­lional Vice Presidenl MI.!l Ho rto n i;1 1.1t" 1;!~~cd the.::: uc!cgit I I;!::' , l it: began. "This is our fir~ 1 p rog rc~s mecting l og.clhcr ... and (dthough we iHC in fI

batt le for ~ur\l i \'a l. T :<! uggcs.t We arc mak ing progress," He ~pokc of the three are<lh 0 1 COl1cl.!ll t rm ion .1"i goals

for the Fifl h Dislricl-enh.tllccd COm-11111 l1 ica l iunl'l, cu uc<l t iu ll and ITHJ l i vl-I­

t ion. and hrieny ucscri neci the progress maoc in each area.

In Lerna l iontl l Prc",idcnt J .J . Barry gave the keyoOlc address. the main lopics of which \Vc rl.! thl.: urgcllq to i.\gg.rc~sivcly o rg,anizc and cd ucalc: to

seek dive"il ), 01 mcmbe"htp: and to uni te internally tu ~lallu ugalll:.1 uut-50idc forcc~ Ihal ~cck to ucstroy the union . He \\u'\ rallowed hy Imerna-

thDistrict 1<>«>1480

Busineu Monoger Oouglo.

I_ondlrorn Ihe .!got} ""<epls lop

COPE Aword on befooll 01 his members From

(leh '" '~M Voce Pre, ickflt Horlon,

Seaelary Mooro, and Presiden, Sorry.

lional 'ecrclilry Jack MOI)rc. who dis­ell ed polj l ic~ in 1')96. pcn~i(HI"". and lI3EW-(' PF cl>1l1ribulitlfl' . After re mar k, hy Intc fI) (ltlOlH11 Treasurer Thom[i~ Van 1\ r:-.uail.:. 'OPE lIwiLl'tb were the n PJ'c~el1tetl lO l hc highes t COl1t r i t-. uting I OCill~ by Prc~idc n t

Bar ry. S C'c l'CHII Y l oo rc anu Vice Prc"iitlc ll I Il orl o ll , Th e 101" aW;lru wcnl 10 I11c m th.:r'\ of Local 4HO. J;tck­SOli . Mi ~:,., i .ss i pp i. anu W<l~ rlCCCplCu hy the lOCH 1', BlP;j nc .... ~ Manag.a Fdward .. 'enc" Dougla ... . O lher ~pcakl.!J'\

,\cre 1 E Chairman I)'lh: Bowden. r ourth D i~ l rit' 1 II (" mc::' l11 hc r Liller Olack>lock. '"Ill SlXlh i'l r ic l lEe 111l:mbl:r Alun I lcml.

L:lhor I.i~ii,o n Fd\\;:lrd I ' ~gall, rronl Ih~ U.S. Dep,ulll1enl of L"hor", Occu· patiunal Sa fety and I kalth Atl rn llli~­

tlolll(m. llrhJ.ltcd Ihl! ddc}::J tc .. un the Occup"liunal S"fel) and Il e'tlih Acl (OSIIA). wherr.: II 'itand.; In C'()ngrc~s.

dno the impact Ih~1 1 ~ultil1g i t \\ill h,l\c on Amcrican workcl , AHumC} ("hn'\

Kr"fchak '5p"k~ on til\! Amcrk;:ms wi\h Di .... llhililie' J\ct. after which cJclq!alc ... parllclpatt!cilll'l mod .. arhilntlHm.

'1l1C la ... t tJiJ} of the progre ...... meeting opened with the convening of IIn ~

"'Iructlon. Utility ilnd Ind u ... triHI \Vork­... hupl<t. Til"." L!.cnL'r~d ~c~..,iun the n rL!convcned. he'II"(.1 11 \ulmnary of the work ... hop..; :1114.1 rh l r l icip ~lI cd 111 a pl or, rc:-.~ illee ting evalua tion befo re adjuurnment. I

"I \m lIl(' fBF:\\ , .. I n IllS address 10 I he de le­gl-l l t!S, Firth Di'\tricl Vice Pr c~i Ll cnl

Mel Hortun ~po ke of his un swer ving commitment I the prioci­pIes or colh;ctiVl! bargaining ... n!) hi:, job 10 "I;!~p the 1I1l10rb aliv\!. (-It: said:

"My of>j('clivt' i~ ,,, fOlll 'illce yOll, lIlId el'ery Olle of flllr members, tn take oWIlt"r­

~'Iltp (fJlti nUlke " \"fJUr p,',.,;mllll cru.\'tJtie 10

jrg)" "k~ /reI/to keefJ tlH' IlJHOI' aJwl', 1(1111 'he IBEW. wul tllII"" It. I (1m 110 IOllger guing to ,HI (m ,Ill' \it/eilllt.'s (lfIl/ aI/oil' 0111-e'r, /II dl!fiJle 1\'1/0 I mil lIlIii I"hm I \lfmd for For _"Oil fit! i'., . I (Ion " sUlJul for "ice; I ,}o SUInt! fur '''We: I don't "/(l/U/ fur I-Jrcctl. I tI(I \111"(/ far c(:ommu(" jW,;C:t:. I dOll " \"md for .\/Jfxialllllere.J's: J do ;:,Illllli fur i1ml.J1m. mtt!r('H , I dOli" \wml [or

"/,II/,h . I do "Ii/ld (.11 hll,l.plun' "l'ml"K-~

;tlC"_ i am the IHEW.' I tim \'ollr ""'gh­Imr. \"IHlr go/filii.: 'mt/t/v, your ("/mrch mcmhcr, V(Jltf ("(UlI/IIW,il\, lem/er. YUIl' l 'o/lIIiteer {In:num,." ClumgillK. Ilu: (JIIIJ/tc i l l/{iJW of who 11'(' 1m: 1\ criticul f() Qur :,or­\,;\'(11 rill' hllft!(' fl o.J r(! o;pnm"ihiJi,y ; {J/(lCl!tI Oil (,lIC/r of 11.\ to wk(' adwIIIUI}!.i;' of {'I'er\' UPPUrlltlllfy '0 lei Ille publlr kllow whu 1\ '(' rcu/f\' Iff(' (lilt! w/rftf I\'e r('(/fly MIIIIII for . ..


L 0 C AL

Pictured her. i$ the l.cK:ol I, St. louiJ., MO, crew mal i'alol1ed 01\1 of sil( moYoble fish! srid. 01 !tie new Sr. Loui. Regional Convenrion a nd Sport~ Complex,

UNIQUE INSTALLATION L • I (I,Cm.3iPIiI &·""), H . 1..0 IS. " ne. or the: nun) SpeC'IIt)' lea­lurc~ of tbe new.> S, I (HU~ Re,lonal ("onH'nllon anll ~porl~ ClJmplu i~ a m\)\lbll: II"" iJm11 hat \1(111 upporl . ~t'n~ .. tlf high InlcnSII) Incandescen!. hlRh pro.:. ur~ !!OdIUm. and metal halide lighting nlonl wllh \'Ilnt)u~ ~ound and ,\T\IIUnclfltur ~) .... I elll~ 1 he grid COnsisu of Ix twIn SCCl lon segments running n\luh IIml ~(Iulh mer II length 01 2(15 Icci r nch ~ccli\ l n i!l capahle r being raised r('Im in1und lc\d 10 ~ornc 150 fecI Norm .. ' ~hlblhon tM:lghl l! 55 feel abm..: the fk'lOr 1ltc ancmbly I) mo\cd \c(llI:all) h, a cablm~ ,»stcm C(ln­IlOlIcd rrom the extensi,c; catwalk nct· .... orll IIlhc dolm Ien'l of , he bUlklmg.

\Icmbcr~ ut Local 1 a sembled. efl:"led, .... elded. rig,:ed. hcmlcd nnd In~I!llled the ~fid. with ellglOct:rin~ \UpcnlS.H)n pro\'idcd by ck ign compa­") J,K C.llnec~ or Syracuse, "(Y Due 1(1 .... clghl anti 'itrt:~ specificatlolls b)'

the ur"hllcctural finn. all jou rneyman Wiremen "enl It) perform the w~ldmg t(l" I. \ wtrl: rCtluU'cO to he pr -<crt ified 3t the Ic ... d (If "all posil ion ~·U ..

r he Incll l I't'lshes 10 tuke not.: nf and l.'OInmend the d(am, (kills and dedica­tlVn "r the tcum uf Br(llhcr~ who ,H"tltnph~htd this unlquc installation rr(lm noor kvel II) cklr'liC k\'C~1

11 I:"i "Ilh 1~!,I.'III\.tI"C 4tlnounct: tht foll()'llo'lnJ memher dealh~ Rlch,ud

EJbrin.@.. John Llo) d. JQ5t'ph Belhmann, Max II crre ll , Ravmund WalierS, Thomas Cameron: Wilhitm \\'IUis, Ed .. ,n \Iudlcr. lIoward KrclOhcder. Sherman Jennm! . Llo)'d C~lat. Ch.r!c\ Hohlf. RU~r1 Cole r .. BIll Anm.trong. M.lI.:k \Illr~bnd and Robert Sahrmann. We ('{lend (.lUr condolences 10 lOr (anllhe5 of these IJrolhers

R0 8l!R r [OAN, P,S

ORGANIZING SUCCESS LV. 5 (1,r.n, .rllM pu"'lIt, eei), PJ1TS· AURCII . I' -Loa1!i ha been very bus) "'1-3ntlln, memhcrs nnd rontrac· IOn.

!net'I8I(' Im,uI(:al C; has employed Palm r- lIac;kell I~ our first (ull·time: organi1.cr. PilI hilS v,()rked ... cry bard 10 ~Lsnlll~ up ol'cr 4(Xlne .... mcmbc" and 50 contractors, and he has bee!! m\'oh('dlll(Vo~r9CIl\1 K6chnrgcs.

Local S'!'; hollom·up and 10p-dov,1l liU~ are II dirt.xt mull ot OMET techlllque, and the hea\)' u~ of "pep­pers,N wlu(;h re~u lI '" the:: dryll1g up of tho(! non,unlon skilled clct'tncians in our JUrl'>(ltt:llon I-OeDI 'i employs n~res."ive ~alllnl! .lIId l'lrc\'nilln,,·wagc enforce­menl It) erCIII\: (UI ntmnsphcrc Ihal brmgs non-li llion OOOttllctors up to our It;\lcl. \\'e ~hcvc that ""nhout the use tI( peppc:n lu df)' up the ~Ltlltd man· roilier pool. our tHom .. top·dQ",,·n Clrp,an11lnl!: .... uuld ~ u~l~


J)ecilUW or uur sueee - s in organiz­mg, I',e Ilrl: lIJ1pknll:nllng a .. Nt .... Mem ber Ollcntllhon " rogram," '01 hich '01 ill ha\'c begun In Scpte:mbtr We hope 10 educale new mt::mbcn. on unlom~. the history of the !D[W, ho .... our contruct \.\(.Ith. lInd Ihe IItlpor1ance O('Oltng,

The lule tn ",estern Penns),h"ama IS

that If you ....... nl III h8xc dectncal .... "Urk done, you &:iIIn u~ the: best contractors. (union), or 11) a non·unlOn ctmlr.k;tor ¥oho ¥olll hal'c It tougb lime finL~llIn~ th~ job.

('uHcnll) .... C' hu\'c (ull ernpluyment. wInch I grdt new considering thai Ihere aren', lin)' bl[lJobs. Hnd the fUlure 10010 prnllllsmg,


PROMOTING THE IBEW I_U. II (l.u.tb&:3pI'. LOS ·CE LES. CA-A '"ummer comes 10 an end, \IoC

celebrate a numhcr o( annual e\cnt5 in Local II, On Au, 19 .... l: n:lehrnlo:d the coml1len~c,"ent ccn:mon)' o(our 1995 d. of Itrrr~ nutts. This nte of pll.~gc for 1M IIlen lind ~Qmcn. who completed their COUN! of stud), ~IHIiC'r In Ihe )CBf.

was bcld on Ihe QII/'Ctl M ll r)' m Long Beach I)n a 1.lc3Ulifui suntmcrevening

Complet ion et:r1ificale'C Ilnd congr:lt­ulatlom WCfe pll~\Cnled 10 each grddu· ale III Bltcndnncc b)' Bus. \1g( Orian Benefic- Id \1110) peetal awards for perfect attendance Ind hIgh academIC ac.hie\:cmC'n t were prcscnted a~ .... ell Reoogn17cd fOI ell.ccp"onal menl "ere the follow In" gndUJItdi .... he mamtalncd 3 grade a\'C'l'IgC' of 95 pcfttnl ur tll~Orr: Bros J~ RK~. 8rllln AbranloYo Itt J.nd

Pictured are m. newly """'-I offi· cers of local 15. Chicogo, IL: from left, Ret. Sec, Nick Citta, Vke Pres. Robert Joyce, Treen, Kathy JamieJCHl, Prel./6uJ. Mgr./ fin, Sec. Bill Skirt and Sixth !)i,m" Int. V"KII Pra.. JonMJ p, Con¥I'CI)"

Paul Keslel II t'd Jll'IC RII~ .... ,l~ II,Lnlcd t h ~ OUht.l ntllnll Appren tice of Ihe Year. He marnllllncd nN (111)' Ihe lUSh­est l!rude il\ Crage, hut :llr.O perfect atlendlnce throughout the ptnJl.rllm We 1!S'lend our eonl!r3lulahom.lI) ,III Ihe new Joume)'rerrun~ lind urfC'r (.lUI

besl wlsh¢l (Of thell IIlIurt' carttf'li ("mtmum~ \~UI Cl..mlnlltrncnl 10 pro­

mote the IDEW, lin I tklu~H) Hnrhcl"UC v,as held "I our I.lc .. tfl~ill Tilunin@ Trust ~Ietro Faelht) Jlm·tC'd b} the LahQr \lan3j;Cmenl CnoI'IUUIl(JIl Corn· mlllcc. thlll t\oe: ln rro\ ItlC itn opponu­nil)' 10 sh(.lv,e\l~e nUl 11 111111111\ jl ro,:nun 10 C'ilY and cOunty uf(icitlh, as \\ell as other industry profc.'(,Jol1!1I~ , I..A" Ange­IClt Mn)'or RII:h;"d Rlllld l:u) Will> In

nu cnoli nce. as were d l)' anJ coun ty IIlSJlecl or~. eI.l Il1Il\IS~loncr.. \larlOus faCl h l) rn.1 njg.l!Oi 'Ind enpmccl'I. Dunng the s(terno.,ln . 11 the 'UC~I'i were arfo.ded a gUided tuur of tho.: facililia and shown !be depth of our ~mmil­meal to 1t<1lnlnl bulh I("'lnll)! (or 3pprenlices and ..:onll",.IIol eduC"llon (l1lite Joofl1tr Ie~el "' ""ell nus oppor­IUnlt} l u hl[!hli.ttht the dirference bet""'ec!! an lBL\\ I ntmed~ln'mnn IIlId lhe non-muon ch.:dno.m ' '-\)$ th"'ldcnds In the form of jo~ (or ourmcmb..:f"

"'1\ 1(10: i\IU"RA, !l S

OFFICERS ELECTED LV. 15 (u), CIIICA ,,0, II.-our (int election of OfflCCR ~nC'C the ama!pma· lion of (ormer )~slC'm (\lUIIlll l'-lS loca~ Into one local I\aS held h:cently, CongnnulBlloD~ 1\1 Ilur ne" I~ eh,'t:led oHkel'S_ PI -'Uus, \I j.!( FIn. _ ,Bill lan, V..:e Pre_ Ro~rl Jo)'tt, Trea$



(II;~ I \ Ianll allli ~1~nl\ l

( III)) AIIlmk RI.'],1:31ch Sen icc (hO) Br!d£~- Opo:rlllQrs ( , ('(If:,lc Spliccr;

(nUl l ('I\hle ·' ele""lnn

III Cdmmulul.iltion ..

Inl CUfk!mcn (eo) EI«1I'nl E-Qlllrmclli ~"'Cl' h"~ ['lcccfll':.Jlln~pcaKlIl

Irml ~hlm." \1,lIIuf,I(lunn~

I"" , Ek~ln( ~Ij!n

l et ) F.1l!I.IIUlll\: rCdllU~tan5

(rill) Fixture: Manufacturin g I glllt ) G,)\'l!rnnlcrll Iii Ino,ldc

Ill ' In511ulllent l'('chmcialU 11C111 Lm!: ('kITanee 1 rCl!

I nmnllflll

flllft \1,unlcn.lIlu:

hnu l \IJlntc[JiIt\(c Ind OpctallOfl

,nHl", M.lnufiklunng otrk:C Worters

(mar) 'Iann<

Impsi MOIion l'kIurc ludl~

(II~ I) NudUM Service Technicilm

'0) ()ul .. ule

I I·) 1"I"' Crh{)usc

1~1) Professional, [n" nee .uld Tl!lhniciao!>

(p lC~ l'mlCSSlonal T ('(hmcal andCknal

(rr l Railroad

(n h) KJdu" I CIc'iI!ItJf11J1O.IJc.iltllll~ (rtml Ral,ho· 1 e1l'~'I~lIln M:'lnurOClunn_~

( n .\i ) Ratllo rekl 1~1' \n 'n'tee

ISIJ) ~CI"\' ICC ( IccU I'hlhlll1~

(s) ::'h'Jpmen

(St:) SIgn Iirccltlr

(:'pll) ~lJuntl tllltl I'ultllt Addreq

(' IJ ~Iullll J'cth,nO;ln\

II, rekphuf1(, ( II) L ulll\

(lIO'" 1 llhl\ (}fhl'e \\ 1)(1.('1\

( ft',,) W.m:hulN" .LIlll ,upph


Kath) J amu!scm (lI1d Ree. Sec. Nick ('inn

OU I Ivcal mourrls the t.lcllih of Bro. St!,:"''': ."11I550Ih. who \\11\5 killev JI1I\ 2.7 whIle working on a 1'!·kV ('UI\)u1. A trust fund has been €St.'~bh:;hl!d fur hIs (1Il1lt ly

Aftcr 4 Ir1 monlh ~ of negotiations. llle ComEd Compan) I!o."ued .... hM lhey culled Ihclr ··finnl offer" 10 the union A(ttlf careful ~Iud~ . Ihl' unltm r~Jcctl.'d the- l,ner In oommillcc Thl" ,wft ~JM:nl the next ~~Ic: r;l.1 CH'nm}:s nnaJ \lay ... thuroughly exp l ainill~ Ihe offl'1 tlllhe ;1I: ..... llId urgnnlliumn and ttlt m~mbC-r­~tIlP, The suppon of the ml:mlK!rshlp fOJ the umon's deasl(lI\ hIlS been pasi. h\'I:. We mdiCitlcd to Ih~ com pan) om wllhnglU.'~~ 10 conlinue neJj.I.Hlalions: nnd Jbcuss,iflns or our 1'!r(~1 which wa~ '1111 on Iht: lable

,\ltcnd "flur unit meetings: gel tn~ohctl. Jnd )UPP0rt 'nUl umoo kat.!-

'" ROHf-l(l ,\ JtlY(.1;., V. f'_

RESTORING POWER AFTER STORMS t .U, 17 (o .u.IWS:l"llh I. IJIt l KO IT, 1\11-0 .. JI.I I)' D Ihl" ~tonils IUlkJ in. The ,'!O mph winds anu II ,(JOII hgllletllng "tnk~'') to tv-a da"s left fiOO.OOO I)el mll i:~I\ '>i}\' cus\l.)mcrS Wlthi.m\ power m the 90·1)]US d~&ree h ~al Pln. t to lil t t he \~ent' were L"i) l..oclIl 17 tree tnoun!:r crcw~, ~'hi'J cleared ~IP nnd mucic the 9rca safe for Ih.;: linemen, Dctroit Edl' ~l" \'h "~)(I-plus linemen \III\! ltUp\'Ort pl!r· SO I1 (1c1. t~ct hen~.t h LnCll l li'~ <lIIO-plus CO lllr;ICHlr 111H!fl1CII :tlld 3pprcl1 lkes , "\'lrlo;l!.1 ;\round Ihe (;Iocl. ~evcn dll)'s 11

weck to get the pol'o'cr rcslori:d, Rcf..:rr Il1g IIIcrnOcf1, llUl ru 2 ",.m. Qr

H'porting al Delroit Edi~lln 's qmrn III:mJq uilrtcrs al ~::~O!l OJ W(lS busi ncs!i ,,~ usun l ror Local 17':. slllf( Hu~. Mgt. ill!h Sil!l)um. A~~1. flu ,. Mgr. Gn:g O ledllll lwicz. Assl Hu ~ \l l!-f Ratph l le lmke. Vke rr(!. IA~M. Ott!. Mgr. !llll C!t\a l flO lind Asst Bu lio Mgl . Cbilrlic Ka'lZykowski \\Orl:(:d .lrUUII!J Ihe dock IIJ hdp coordl1liH'" men. ~quiJlnlenL . rnalcllal~ clc. And Ih H1ugh alilhis. e,eryonc" pI III IIllnd .. l~ al\\u)'s. thai Ns.'1fel~' JS Firsl.··

OUI: 10 the' lIlOnn, tlUl LC"IT Agree· lIIenl IS plCking up. The b-11·A Agfee­menl IS ttoldm!; ~tCtlr.l) at 11 -dl~lnbutton cre..,,: Bv the tmle tim. arli· cll: I!> pnnlcd 3 SIMI pole 'ChllDgcouC and It! Illlies of 1211l \ ,huuld be going. I he' " - 11-0 coml11C'rtlal "Rcor};. 1\ still 101ft Wt' \\'ollirl I,k-,. tn "rlr:nm,~

LeC-om Cab lc 10 Ib~ ran};.! Rlilph IlclI:Jlkc orgamzed Ihls ([WUP

AI-.o, \\c take th~ l'lrporlUml )' Itl p;:n tnhulc 111 Ihe memof) of the follOWing _CII\C Gnd reluct! mcmhen; \Io'hu bll\'C p.I\'!CQ .,¥oay n.:lXnll~ Ilorlc)' L:iTI. hel; Re\fll,ld~" Rlchartl A Dunn J. , AnthO­nr 'Lenard and Wilson Our hold~r. Our Ihoug./lh <lnd pr:J~er\ li l t: \\.llh Ih~lr fumlUC:!I.

H.cmemhcr tu hu\" ~ol\h American. union·m3LiI! prodUL~.

WIU.I"", C" r AUIO. P.~.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS t.u. ,\5 Iii, IIARTFORD, CT-Local )~ r~t~l1tl) l1c1d liS election ur uffict·rs

The fo llOWIng lIlemher.os v.ere IlItC1ed: Rl.Is Mgr .fFi n Sec. Kenneth Leech . Pres. TheOdore Marloccl1io. Viw I'fo.:~

tro.nk Uro.manti. Rec. Sec. em l Dirn/io ,Hi(1 I reas. Brmn ('finn) Exec· tlllVe Bourd ntembers arc: D,l~id Ilane Jr., IJruca: Sih'lI :md Kcuh l )lo."r. On Iht: ElIbminiIl~ Boa.rd are: ThUll!;)' 1){llle. James RrllnlolnLi lind CrAig WllOdhOUE1.'. r~rmt:r I)rc 'nit! Odlcneddhl "dlllll1 ish:led !he IUE:;W omh ( If ~,rnel: 10 Ihe ncwl)' d,:cled orricc rs ,\I tht: luh 2b mt.'lld~rih'p mecuog CongTlllul .. Llol1\ and be.s! 'A1.~hcs 10 all'

I h\" Local 35 Secon\.! Annu.J1 And) Wdger! \lemonal Gl,u I'nurnnmcnl Wll~ held at the Tunxis Golf (. Iuh I)n

Jul) I~ l11c I!olllnmg I<.'(lm con'l:;tt:d of l ... ')(al .+:. munbcrs f',hlr:t.' ltart . h.t.'n Juhll'oOn.10m rial! and l..all)' Gallanl CongrllluhltllJ!ls 10 thc \10,"111.:(\ . nnd many thanks mall \\ho pJrCK:Ip.lled d"nmmn \Po." mllde 10 the ( 'onnI!CltcUI VislIlftg Nur::,t<; AS~lIll1f11l, Suo OUI

local contribUled 10" \lInrth" e.lU~C lIn~ those "h(1 panicifl-11cd CI1Jl1),cU tbe golf oUlln1!.

rtln~r{tlulatio[]s 1(1 our fecent .. pplenhcc cllI~S graduute,1 he)' ore: Andrew Bllrrcll. CO ICV Bc:rndhuccl. H.or-:ll ('uld .... ell , Robert ~nnen. Gre­@ory E\'erell. I~lide Gra~. Shf1~f1 Jor­u:\n, J....rfrey Laclulnec:. J Sl!ph Mngulrt, Gn,!~t)r)' Maf1,h, Sbal!on M()lldy. ~tc\l."n I~oy, Rldllird Stokes and Johno, \V,"d.

TlIr;Of)oRI: E_ \I~Mrtl(.'f lUll, I'.~

FULL EMPLOYMENT LU. 41 H,~c. ~~,cm&~IIlI), 1\lJ I'I:/\LO , NY-S lll ~C- our kISt ruticle II pf"!IHcd in Ihe JrwrlllIl, th ert: hn:. bee n u lurn · 111,)\ll,d II' \ he warK. pinure h ~rc a\ LoclIl ~I AI Ihls " fIlm ll"C Itu ... \.' ru ll employmenl m:tll hr.1nCla::.t)f till' 10011

AIling wtth Ihe improved work pic­ture. ()lII u l'gun i l. i ng Ctlm pfl1gll hl1) pickell \1\'1 trel\1\~. Wi! (lie ..... )1'''inll h\lrJ tt1lJrI!Hni~t:' the non-union sector. 1\ hig Ihnllk3 to orgalllll!r JCJhn "IIV!rIYIC rOT hi mon)' hours of hnrd WOfl. 1 hanh 111<00 tu OU I offlcen and the nlc:mbcnhip f<H th¢'\( slJpi\Ort In th\<, e;\I\\I'\I\gn t,l brUIt: 1111 c- lectrici:ms undl'r \hl' IIm\\ Danner

On the: 5uhJt!(,1 of work. !lur IrK.II nillng \Iolth Ih(' UuUal(l Building Tmdt,\ hf\.-. {tolflio{':tlt'd In nt[\ ...... l1\th~·" downtown lind lilt Ibe llllrpafl In iUl drorl 10 eUlu IIltt Ihe Tr"n"rmtdLlon AUlhoril) 1\1 :'18n II I'mleel I RDor I\ l!r .... tmc:nt (l'lA) for Ihe: nt: .... lllrpon. We: h:well PU\ In dfulllt Iho: no .. \Io!!" Park Ilospll.al job. and It \I,(H'I<.\ .... ell fur w. Bnd fllr the BuRa10 urea. l"hanks 10 c",cf)onc 'Who .. !leaded Ihl: rnlho.

On Au~ 8 our penslolII,'n. heW Ih~ir ",onlhl}, meclmg al Iht' loc;)1 UOl,'" m~'clln,-, hall. Food and bc\erag~ ..... crc rr~}\,ldcd b, the loc:!l. (l1ld ~th nus Mgr, Jallll:) Yo}!!' and Prc:~ , MIChucl Fr:mey addressed Ihe rCli~e Ill!! !:ruI­I (~' lng h~ M!C there IS II to<ld 1lr<.' a ft er ~'Iflk.

Uur IInnual (luling \Io'a ... hC'ld Aug II). We hai.l til good lUrntlUl • • Uld 1 IU)l)t' c\CryOllc altl!lldlnl! blld a t:rt'Q\ IImc. It h IIlwa)·.s gOtHt to See: ~)Id .lfld lIe\\ fncmb A llli (If ~I()nt!.' fi r..: I('Ild ~If )'~. tCl)car. !ot~me tru~ ,IOU MIIIJI: ~I!ct~hed JUSI il hille. hul fill in go"d fun Dnd brotherhood.

PETL:I~ W KI(l •• I'~'i


local 51 , SpringfieJd. Il met'! 8U!1-. Mgr. 10M H. 6 rownil'g retired in l uly.

CONGRATULAnONS, BRO. BROWNING l,.U. 51 IO.u,l,toah.rtb&k .. t ), SPRING · n EtO. lI..-t'onAraluJaliol\li ,Ind \lCsI wl~ht' 10 fmmer Su ,;. Mgr, /Fln Sec John II Ilro'AnTng,. \\horcltrcdon July 21ti' aJ(\.~l'M member. Bfa. Ilh ........ nli'l ~ OcCII.lI1c d n\l.!-1l1hcr of Local ';;1 III ll)~~

II" lin \'mplo),rl ' in Ihr r..~~ n1'(tl Ilf Ilh ntw.I'IIv.cr (-I" ! Ie sen'cd L(l(:ul ~I !IS B ullIon ~Icwafd, r.:.~ttull",e Ilo;trd mem­ber. (10;\10;.1(11\1 l\U,!;ln~s.!> ma.naj,et lind D<.!cBlUr tJmll,;lllIlnTHln. I-I~ o;er.('uclUf

loeu\ u!o l' U\lIh!U manager fronl 11J1!'! un lll hi~ rctlfem~l\l, He uJ'iO ~~"'ed liS chairlll un of the. Nalion:tl Telcpl1\Jne Cll \lll cd rl11' to V(!{lN

A~ a loca l ;e than l: you, .lIl hn, IVI yQUT' tkdkllllon nnd your St!l'\lcc. M3Y )'11 11 ~ IIJIl} health \'Inu h:lpplllc~~ 111 your r .... t lr~lI\~nt )'C:III'S.

rhc \\t)rk pIctu re for nur cnl1!ft ruc­lion mt:mbc,", remains st:l\11c. bill nUl tn 1111 rhll~C~ Ilf U\lr conSlrUt~l iQn ",01'1:­line, tre~ lrinlll1l1lg lllld tc!clll 111nc

AllclI\J ~Ilur Ivcal union mecling~. A~li\c mcmhel\ tlrl' Ihe fllU ll dll!l(lIl of ~Ironil umon~, Thb is lh~ plact wh~n: II all bcglll~

!)f 1r-lINler RrV .... ItA.fJ'S.

COMPLETION DINNER HELD L V. S9 \1,o,u.em&I). U I\I.I,I\S, "0:.­fhc Dalill" Eleeltical Joml Apprenli«· ship and Tr:lll1l11g l'ommllice held 11$ -15th Annunl ("(Imrleuon Dinner nt Ihe lnrallll\tnn nll·,'IIIIg, hall nn Mnr 2(J

Both Ihe ~ Ronnh:' and Lillian Q'Rllr;), A~'arLiI() 1 Fxu'lIencc" (prescnted \'I)' Ihe IHEW) lind Ihl: ··Ouisian ding Apprc:ntll.:e 1\ .... l1 rd· (prc§cnlcd by N'EC'A) '" l'nt to Kl'ltnClh Deoring. F-oich t,r Ih~ ,,"11M 15 pre-,cnlcd 10 II llJ:tdu· a\ing ap(1rt'nlke- for dn o\'cr.lII nut !>tandmg IlC'rfonntlDCC dunng lhc enllA! ,h·c }caa I,f Inlllllll,!!-

The IQClt1 unlM annuall~' presents:all award 10 an outstanding. apprenucc In

each cla~s lC.lr whu bas uut.!olandlng grades nill.! on·the·Job performance. Also. tnct:tlllg lIlIcm.lan~ and rummu" nilY in\'ol\cmenl 31re lal:.o.:n InlO acc"ounl 'I hl~ )C'ur'~ recipients t'lf dll! ~Gold rlicn. A'tl':tld- welt Jusl, lI Bro~n (hul lea r). flugh Kennedy (~ccond ~carl. lohn ~lLkusek. llhlrd year), and Trnc)- Snuth (fourlh ~e3r)

Tbl: N;lI1onnl 1-k'Ctncnl (lOlraCIO", Association U~ r A) ;lIl1lually pr~nl~ Lhe -Frunk \ \ 'jl';lln Award·' 10 3 descr. ­IOIi :;pprtlllllCI! (rom each c![l !:s year The~c n"nrd~ \lent Il,: Justin Bro\\n (first ye~t) . :"ilvcno Espino.lu (sccnl1d year). KanH'.'n fre nlTup (th lfd ),1: lI r) , Tracy Smllh (founh year) .and S1anley IlIa:,Li,::wII.I (fifth ~ elll )

··I'erfect Attenda nce Awards" ~ erl! prese nled to: Kenneth D ~lt ri ng [lod Ciordol'l Graham \ I)f Mi Ill~sm£ ,I );I \l­

glc nlghl t l f ~cl lI lllll f1 five years.

AI i\"-J H[.A n , 1J M

A SALUTE TO BRO. DAUGHERTY l.U. 7 1 In. rtlJ &lcll). COL !\III US , OIl-L()Ca\ 1\ 1!1Ih:nds a J;pe.ciAI ~~ h\t\'.'

10 8 r ll Hnrol d I)lIu~hcrl ~'. whn hll~

fatlhrull~ Sl: fll l!d I )~ Ihc ·EXtcuLI ~'t.' Huard ~1I1t'l' Mlly 11)79. Duc 10 health

Appn:tnti(t5"'ip groduores of 1.0<0159. OCIlIos, TX, joined hy Training Dir. A.C_ McAfee ~(ltfIt~~. gatf,er fo, II phofo 01 1M apprenric:eship graduation dinner. Pictuled hm left ore: Dougla. lkhnovdcy, Stanley BIaUliewia, Gordon Graham, Matthew Acosta , lralnlrtg Dir_ McAfee, Kenn(lth Dearing, Shannon Mtllt-oom, OKaT Akowrr and PatriOt Wheelor.

local 71 , Columbus, DH, PIIClmbot JimCormat\1 (cent1H'] rKellle, on ISEW COPE certificate p'" ~nhld by Int. Pre!o. J.J. Barry I righ~ ond Ini. See. Jock Moore.


Teao;ons, lI awld reccntly optcd 10 resign. Ilis dedication lind service to the local lII'iII tlC ml~scd. Bm Doughcr­Iy hopc) 10 relowHe 10 the Smo~(:}' \lount;un rcp:ton We .... ,ISh lIomld Ill)d Virgmm our hesl

The work pil:lun: in our 3r II UtrultnS

~I(J\\ RcctTllly our 1:l~1 L-re ..... nn (Incio· mlli OM ;lI'Id CleClnc propert) was laid off We arc elCtremely prolJd o( Ihe .... ork force that was assemhled un Ihal propcn)' the past six plus ye.on, The member.;. who ...... orked for c.R.S C. dnd Henkels & MI:Coy descn-e II pat 00 the back. They did om.: hell of II Jub' We hope CG&E will Con l rllCt work b)' ~3rly 1996

Work m Oa~'ton has ~lov.cd conSlder­ahly, yct L.F. Myer. and \1J Electnc ha\'(~. a fev. Pn,)lec~ ongoLn~ The R.H, Boulign} proJect (or Columbl1.~ South­ern Power has met a (C\lo la)oHs but renuiM stead)', Traffic signal and street IIghl projects in central Ohio remam good Ad\;u'IIage and W.O. Fairfield .... ere .... arded comraCl$. Dan .. Compa­n) Inc. and 'e ... RI,'er Electnc hale had SUC'C'eSS on REA propenks or late.

For }ear\ Ive commented on ho ... negali\e atliludes an datroy tM: ba Ie fiber of a union_ WI: are rortunate 10 b\'t; In tb~ rounlJ), and umon members an: a pnvilegcd lot. Yet. so man)' mcm· he .... never Rali'le h[)'o\ "1t31 unions are and wh,H .In intpor1dnt rolt: uniOns plOlI)

In ltM!1l b .. 1!S Coon! your b~mr: pro· 1m and suppon )our local unlon_ tart by aUeDding uruon meetings!

W.,\LU' SJ('l(1 f.S_ 8 \1

CONSTRUCTION WORK IMPROVES L_ • 17 lo.u .mt,Il'II&U. SEA TTL E_ \\ -Local 77'~ annual PIC~"IC in (111! Slum .... a~ altend(;d b} alm(h,l 300 memben, We haJ loiS of rood. I!ames and rn~ for 0111 a~a.. M} pMtn;r OlIod I ... cre knoC'ked OUt til !.he flfSl round of bor'ieshoe~! Rellred ilnemoln id Woodward and bi ... ire. Mar,;c, did m<J!iI of the preparations for the plCOIC

at the direcllon of Construction Bus Rep Mille J'lhnsnn IIro, Johnson ac[ed as mASlcr of ceremonies, gi'Ytng away lhe door'Pn7.CS Jonaltd by local conlraclOrs, A big thlnJ..-you to Sid, Mllrge. \ l lke and all of Ihe commutec for a jotl well-i.lone. E,'eryone bad a great lime, and "'c're looking forward to next }car\ (ltnlng'

At this writing, Bus. Mgt, Horrocks wa .. ~ch(:duled to hold hl~ fir .. t l nit .onfcrenct Sept_ 29 in Wenatchee and

he .... as lookin!l (or .... alll III m(:ctm~ all Ihe unll Ch3U'~_· ,

Thc 1oc:t1's con"truellOn .... (Irk plcturc hal; Imrrmed and .,houltJ hold unlll

o\'(mber At pre S lime we were

Local n , Seatrie-, WA, Pres. Ri<hard L Vaughn 1iHtl, newly .!e<tod Bus, Mgr, John W. KorT"Ddu (cenlef') and au!'­going Bus. Mgr.

Dan Gumo' I""h~ pre:5ent transition papers crt the swearing-in (eremony July 19.


!(Io,)Lmg. f()rwani 10 the 44th Omenlllf\ Ind umial Safet) and Ilen !! h Confer· ence sch ~duled to he held in '{cattle Oct. 26-27, Thc confercnce is always very IOformau\'e. Se"ernl 01 Locnl1Ts utilities are ~nJmg, leams to tht Inler· national Pole Top Compel ilion, Good luck 10 all!

REtft(J., A GMtl E, P.S


RI-A reslructunng pr~ss has taken place in our local rollowing the ITagic death or Bus. Mgr Cllrmme Gelsoml no. Thom.u Lynch bas been appointed to Hllihe busine1s mURIlger's posillon, lind Pres, MIchael Dale!' ba~ heen appointed 10 5e .... e as Ihe assistant to lhe business manager. Jack Poland has betn appoinred to ser.e as the «gana· cr. RIchard lrace has deodcd 10 rClne after maR} yeaf'j of ~dJcaled ~r...,ce as lhe lATC director. The JATC director· shIp bas been spltl he:t .... een 1 ... ·0 mem­ben. Patrick Brad)' has heen appolflt~d 10 serve as director and Icuber for electncal COtI:'>trucllOJ1; and Mary Ger mershausen ha been appointed to seJ'\e as dtrector and leacher (or tele­data I ha~e been appointed as .... ice president to fill the \'acane) crealed by Mlke lanni's retllcmcnL

We extend condl)!ences to the fami· bC$ of the follo ..... ing Brothers ..... ho ha\e passed on reccnlly: Jesmond FuoTilh. Josepb Frczu and Rol>crt Simon They ~,)) be massed by till

The HabItat (or I lumanit)' Sayles $Ireel proJect rs ,01111 .Ionl smoothly A dolen Or SO me:mbtD ha\e unstlfLShlv gJ\'eIl theu- ttme 10 help Wnthes til neee!

Rod]' Pomt Famll> Fun Da> .... a~ a uccess as a1wa\'S. Thanks 10 5exm and haron M("\ I ~lIln for putting 1\ all

lurethcr, Yoo, loal \,Ill1on mell!llnll' a thlnlo:

lank ... here man} bnlh2nt Idea10 arc offemJ from the: noor and thl: lectern What are ~OUt "k-as" We "ould hKe to bear them. Come to the unIOn meetIng and map }our (uture

I-Ia\e a afe hOhda\ l!<ea<un, and remember as aN'aY' to: "Oe Amcntan, bu) A~ncal1 M

JOSHIf L WiUSli JI(., i·.~

COMET WORKS IN BOSTON I_U. 103 (i&C!o), nosro , 'IA-Fol the last two years. Ibl: buslncss manag· er's omrc blls been fighlmg the non­umon electrical contractor'S throlJt!h the CO \1 ET program. E"e r ... nee Ihe

local 103, Boslon, MA, SUI.

Mgr. Paul Word (left) presents ,he<~

aworded 10 Bro. David Tin:k (cet'!­ler) as afgal1izef Donn Berry looks on .

implemenlation of COMET (which was Inauguraled b)' past Bus __ M~ Ru~1I Shechan and ret:har~d by our current busincs manager. Bro, Paul Ward) there has heen no loolang back. It lias been a lildess cfton. and 1M benefits to our memhers can he great Bro David Tirck rc.umlll rea:i,--=d a check for S4.160 for making three telephone eall1o, .... blch eombmed toot all of 21 mUlutes.. PuItUig this in hourt> terms_ it comes 10 o\er $12.000 per hour for hiS lime Thl~ dc\elopment IS doe to the faCI ltut the non·union contractor dis­cnminated againSt Bro_ Tird: because of h1\ union afftlialiolL

Bro. Tin:k was one of tbe fint gradu· ates of Local IOJ's t""o-night CO \ IEl course, 3nd he rece.i\'ed one night of sal lin, uallllllg In 1993_ The COMET program d~ Voork HOwe\'er. Ihe job can't be done b} the buslDess manag· er's oUire alonr. E\en though O\'cr 400 of our members ba... retti\ed l1'3ining, 10 J..eep Ihls ef(Qn gomg ""e all muSI do Our part Plu!,C II) 10 pul a fe .... nighl~ aside tbis (all \0,) get IOvolved , Bus Agent/OrganIzer Donn Berr) has "ori;:ed extremel.., ha.rd 10 make these clas<;ei: both ed~tional and eflJo}'Hble

Througb our Late$l organlling effons b~ Bro. Joe Sbeehan lind Bus Mgr Paul Ward. L..ocal IOJ bas 'iua:ceded ID bringmg Ferguson Electnca1 ConbitCl­mg Co_ into lhe: fold Th,:, largt: oom­pan} 'r;3S prc\.iousl)' a nonunion contmclor and has been perlonmng a lot of pre\ailmg rate .... 011 m our area. ThtS one contractor \\'ill be puuing a silmificant number of our membcl'!i to ..... ork at hI Boston Police Ileadquar· ICr$ prOJcct_ He IS conUnUing 10 b,d ..... ork in our <Ilea. and Voe betie\'e hc will ~ sUC'ec rul In pro\'idi[]g a lot of Job opportumtn:s for our memben In the ncar futult, The COMET program bad II p.reat deal to 00 WILh Ihissu('(':C<>$

Congratulaliom to 1M JATe Student Council on ptlning on an elotmg cele­bration for the end of the 19941'9, school )'ear. In lieu of Ibe annual apprentlcc danct at the haU, lbe Coun· cil put together a dinner dance cruise. .... hich took place aboard Thr Spirit 11/ IJo.stun 10 the Oosion Ha rbor. I he response ""as greal. Many apprenlicL'S. membe rs lind loca l union officers njoycd the harbor crui.~ on \I beautiful

Salurday mgtn in July. AJoo .... cll-dollC!

JOSEPH SPt'lAI..E.. p.s

MERGER AGREEMENT ANNOUNCED I •• U , I I I lu,u,4:m ,ml ,s pa, rllt&lctt) , UENVEH. CO-After nearly 50 ye,JT'S of cOlllp:mltl\'C 11(llll'l! 1>1 Ih~ bA r!:\llHung

tabk. Public SeJ\'ice Co, of Colorado has, for tbe finl tIme:, band dt:II\'ered \'lOt ices to the local union sta lin@ il choose~ to lermlnllte the [ollo .... ing three labor agreements; th~ Opera­liOD5 . rroducl ion and Maintenance Agreement . thc Meter ReadcrlOrdn Readcrtrield Credit Repre enlSl!ves I\ greement. artd the We<;Iem Gas Sup-­pi) Agrecmenl

The company also announced on Au,. 23 Ihat $oulh ......... tcrD PublIC I·

\tCC Co bao;.ed 10 Amanllo, rx. and Den\'er·based Public Scnice Co. o( Colorado hll\'e entered IntO a defimll,e merger agreement 10 combme '''0 toM-­cost utililie5 and fonn a DeY! energy ser­,-t<:e$ boWmg. comp:r.n) thAt .... 111 co\cr onc of Ihe largcst geO{!r.lphlc area:. ID

the counuJ. Based on f&:ll 1m results.. Ihe De ....

holdmg company .... ,11 ha\e combined annual rel'cnues of approxlmatel~' 53 billion and lotal 9S6Cls of approxunate1} 56 bt1lion. The companie:s expect to s.n!! IIppronmately $770 mdlion In tht' fim 10 lear.;. after the mergtr IS completed

It is anlJcip31cd thai the holding rom­paD} \lItU .dopl the Sf'S dl\ldcnd pal"~ menl lel'el. adJusled for Lhe elchange ratio. Sued on the xchangc ralio. the pro forma df\IIJcnd for the f\('1Io oompa-­rI) "'111 twe $1,12 p!r wrc ('lI an :r.Rnu:.J bam. folJov.mg compleUQIl of the merg­er The dl\ldend declarallons Will ~

determined b~ the bo.;ard of directors of Ibe n~ holding compiln)

1 be ne .. compan) "'111 he a regis­tered public utilil) holdin! compan}', \I,'hK'h "'111 be the parent compan) for ooth Puhllc ~(:f\'lec Co of Colorado and Southwestern Puhlic Service Co, The corporalc offices of the holdmg compan)' .... 11I be m Oen\CI, .... Ith slgnifi. I:Onl operalm, functions based In

Amanllo SI'S and PSCO .... 111 mamt310 their compan) l1eadqU3ners III Amanl-10 and Den\'cr, respectl\c1y

Aftel Ihl'.: merger. a ne .... lrnnSllussion line will be built tbat connects SPS "ith I'SCo Ihro ... !h II hlgh-"ohllge, direct· current mterconnectlon,

Upon complction of the ml:rger, the nc .... • company .... 111 <;en.: approxlmalely 1.5 million electric customers 10 Col· orado, Texas. ""c ..... \1exil:o. Wyoming. Oklahoma and Kansas. The company :llloO WIll pftl\itlc natural gal> $Cn'i~ to 933,000 customen In C lorado and Yo/yom lng.

We are faCing \'cl') difficult times lIheuJ; hnlllc\cr, II IS comforting 10 J..now thai. PS employce~ are repr\:­sented hy lBeW l..ocal 602, Amanllo. r>.. LlX:lIl (,02 hll~ r~port c.d 10 us thai they h(l\'e had 11" excel len t ..... orki.ng rel"lLnn~hlp .... ith Sf'S We Will do what­c"cr is necessary at I~Co 10 oblain new collcctivc h'lrgailli ng ngn ::lllllCI1I) In:11 mmn lniJl ~!f(1IIS. !e r lll~ nnd cundiuons


of cmployment our mcmber~ have CIlJO}'et.I OH,-r lhe Inllny )"eaN.,

Work \lI l c, IIIICIIII \ Ollr IIml Olrl'l

Ul~. UIIll ~llIy IOfoJrrrn:d.

Jon" I I) \ ''0. I' 'i

LABOR DAY'S SIGNIFICANCE L . i U (i,tM:ah ,n .mu&t m). COl.· OHM)O SI' RI NGS. CO-AI II meet Ing of Loculll3 on Ap ai l 6. 1994 •• 1 rnOl uJl\ WII\ I'u\\cd Ih[ll ellch ncwl)' U:tllllitc IIll:mhcl wuu ld lit: 1'1 c~c ll lcd wilh Dn mJ3w walch as It retir41mcnr gill Irlllll tltt lucol AI the 1l1CCIII1g I'n Ju ly 19. 19'J.\.",c presenll.:u tngl"vcll wllld~c' 10 iht' new reurel: (iCe nccom. pal\~rn!! phlllO) We Ihank all ti l t'ur retU!."I.'! (or Iheu dedkaled ~Cf\ICC 10 the IHI' \\. lind 'o\e extend con¥flllula linl"l!> lind helot 'o\ISh~lo II) Ihl'> mtl\1 recenl group of nc\\ rctire~s

I Ihl\ wfllln, ,n lale Au&u .... we ~C1c I~ltrng u:.llj) felf Labor Da~ fhe fnlll)'o\lng hhll'ry of tho: Labor Da) cd· tbr,,\lon l~ Ide\'}nt lor all unl~", mtm Ix" ttlday.

On \c:pt ~. 11<X2. Ihe fit'! Lalx'r 0:1)' pdnJ.: YI~ hdJ m I\ew York. ,II\' Inc p.:.",de "M; or,.nll~ed IS a protesl J~3111.,1 the hllrrenunus ahlKC\ hell~o.I uron the poor b) the- ruhng elm. JnJ .,~ a fcnundcl IlIlhe dn\\ntroo.ldcn Ihat thrrr. I' .. nllll'HlI} ;'lntl po\\rr ID nllm hC:r\. 1 he pnrn<k:..... 100 IJCtt\SfullDaI hy 1l9H Ihe rrL't.""uroor 10 Ihc I\mencnn fedcfllll n tlf Lloor. bcut!r Xnl.'l"'" iI~ the Al l . 'Ail\ ralhnr: for a nUIKlnnl bill Iday ttl he. hdJ lin Ihe first ttHlda' HI 'C"f1lemhcr. In IS!$1. Colorado. fIotw VIII" and Orc!!oo \\1:1'1.'" Ihe firM "':ltL.., 10 pa-, a II"" c5labh,hing I..abol I)a~ In 1\1.'" lho:. l " ('(\1'I!-'n!y; tk'i'II\\\\W LI\x" 1)11\ tn hi: 1I nalKmal hohda)

Reh:rn nll 10 Ihe imporlllnce of .. '-uhelr na\ parade.'. 'i-amue1 (jermpo:n.. foundlo!! prl$Id~nl uf tht! AFt \Hllte. WIlkin (\f luclf IS nOl an eduatOl

\"lUI Ibe pMade on lAbor Da) I~ • ptOle<1 <ljl,aUl\t .. mng. and lin edOC',dtlt 10 mtln) thousands of men y,ho YlIII reoo 01 I he' huuyant ... pml and 'he manly beauo!! of Ihe tl)lkn. in 1I~lr lIIan:h ..

When the dl:dieatcd labor le~k ..... Ilf Iht' 1t1llu"lnlll rc,olllllOn \lru~glecl III

&um Labor l>a} II) J holid.l). Ihey ,,\:u:: fi!!.hl,"~ \1111110 .... 'h I!" 'o\{lrkmg da to cclchr;ilc II day III ~ohdllnl\ "nd In IChllhd 1111 ,\mcrtcaJ1s of the oonlnbu· tm" .. uf v<'\)lkm1; 1111,'.1'\ and V.omCfI hI ourCOUnlf)'. We hope: this plrh Ylill. oOCt'" !It!IlUl. Iw::cunu: lin InIC&nll PUrl of Lahul' D:ty

\1MC,II ... U L JUII-'M)I\. D.M

LIGHT RAIL PROJECTS I.. • us (o.u&lcll ,. I'O H 11 /\ " II, O R_In an effort HI pilln ..... l1d) for CJ r,:@oii s Iran\port;lIUJlI IUlure. Ihe ~(ujl.' I" cunhnuing Iv !;)ip.UlrJ Ih\. \ 11.1 topolilan Area Expres\IMA \) light rail S)Slem. The MAX currently lun'> lrom 1.10\\010""0 Pnrl lllnd, ncro S Ihe Willamette River, lind iJct:1' HUnlhe ellst s,de of Grt:~btHl1 rri Me l (l 'MI ­IlinJ' public Imn!>l)orl.ltlllll .lg~IIl:Y) kte!..ed ofr liS Current cxpan"lOll project UII tho.:. wesl Slue HI .!\e lll~mhcr 11}".j The ncxt e:ncnSlOn ~11I tun I 1.2 m/le~ \\Ics.t~ Sltulmg. from UllWt\tU;'wt\ I'lIrll\l"d continuing out 10 11I1I~horo , I he $~7 mill 1011 proje.."Ct is mnttln, hchmd Khed· ul~;"~ ;.Irc louklng.11 .1 cOIl11'lctlon date ~cll beyond July 1'197. Appru)1;i· n\,llelv 40 Local 125 coml , ul!1I1n Itkm ben ha'Ve '9IOJ" d I lU", no'll 'Allr'Unn on Ihe ~'e";I .. ide pltlJIo't:1 1 ht' prOJm is In ..:on~anl nct:d of 3ddllmn,,1 "'Ulk.~rs , w our members Il00111 sec sleadv cmploy· ml.:nt (orsc\.:rnl )CM'

rhe newesl ph.:l1: 01 Ihe MA CllJ;IllSlOn .... 111 he 11 \lIulh, .... ('rlh cX\I:n· ion. The mCIlO area Hlh:tli a(l~rmed

$-175 (lullion In bond\ III IIfIJ~. ijnd the rcdo.:ral g.H'tml1h:nl {"llh 0",:.,)0 \en Mar~ Hatllt'k1o;. help (It! 1M Approrna· IIOIb Commluc:c.)u~IIJJn!llflkld. III $'i hlr ever) SI the \Iale peml on the tXlenMon.

Democratic UO\, John lti.iuhlltH:r ""<I, forced 10 call It ~peclRl \c.,!>lon llf the LClis!alufc In Jul~ In lin dlml lu gam passage 0( r\irodml r\\t ltot" So\j\h·

<mh light rail .. (lol:l lb~ Rellu"h\:,I11~ ht'IlJ II hostage tftflJUJ,h Ih( ,c~ullu sa· ~It)n The ~IOn WII,\ c'(r<'cH~ll lu la!>1 line l\JI) Afler om: full ""ctk (If piirti· ~all bldcrin!. 1c~1 .. lall\t· katler\ and lbe gO\entor \'iII1th Itt..: help ul "c\\:Iotl labor lobbYl5b) "nath pUi \(1p:l"lhel • compromise rad,a!t Iholl 11.:\ n~d Iht' IHUJttl fmm a near·Lkath e~Jkrrcn~ f'he bill dedicaled SJ711i mllhnn f r IItt light r11L aD adJllk)Q1lI S.l7~ nulhlln (III rural Inlf)~porl"lI(ln prolctllo, and ¥o<ller.:d·dowtl \~nlun' uf 1""r hllh lhe: ,n\I'rllor n:ut '·r",,·" r,'nrrrmn,. f"1I\j· mmnc.nl:al issu~ ..

The light rail pro;,:o;l rm\ IJI: miln) IUbs fot Local 125 con"ructtnn mem, ben. Our memhcn ,I)lhl(lil:t lire IrlJl.: tHIn eleclrihcallOn \)1>tem. Inu Ihe nl31l1line and prJ n\l,lIhcad CIInl.lrt dl.,trlhu!ICln syllemili We wt1lkcu In ptltlncu,hlp wllh Ib~ hU~lnc,>\ mlllfllU

nirv Dnd Tn·MI.1 un It rull·~.I\c lubh)'. Ihg effort during 100 ~cilll -..c''IUfl In securc Ihis pott:nli:lll CmplU)Olllnl 101 IBFW mClllbcl"'i.

ELU.AI:U:.III II \11\ I • K I'.s

Loco111 3, Colorado Spring,. CO, ktl, Mgr. Marti. Je>hnson lbot.k row, fighl) ond ilK. $6(. 8 i1! Alillflbach (back row, left) join llKant re tireas fo r a photo: from left, front row, Ed P. nehbochcr. Gunter Schneider. Robtrt Geoisl, Joe. Zoll. , Harold Shtlw nnn Archil! Stott; middle row, Don F\lh~, Lee Edward~, Pule Brown. Bobby Ph i llip~, Glenn Plu,h, Don Powell a nd Ray Sea rs.


Pictu red i. th locoll29, lorain, OH, apprentice EI,oc:Iuating clau 011995.

ORGANIZING DRIVE L .• 129 jl,o & ~p ll i. t ORAIN. 011 -On June '\ I Gent 121) held lt~ ilnnual flShmg lournHmcnl. 1\ recon! 32 bo.·m enll.' red! AWlIrd\ were: prc~oted lind a c<\tCfcd J\\'~ 100..,\ ""'"'~ enJ())~d. Thank In Ih(' roll'll\\olht nrnlhrr. fnr Ihl"ir r;rr tlClpuuun In (If!;lnlltng the C\'eDI: Bob Bldt~). \\1111 1 ,lIn~ , Pal Wllhom~.

(1tuC"k lJol'~r . unn)' Kaurmao. Bruce ~ahshur) and M,If\' Schnell. A.1~0. a o;pccial th.lnl\ to \hch.;..el ~<;bee.I'al Gerold lind Ihe man) spoMOn!

(un~r.ltul;.llllln~ !tnd bcSl 'IIIIolshes ttl our gradu .. ung '1'(Irt:IIIICC doW of 1~ \\ dcumc (hllthc" lind SI\ler~ Ttll year L.ocal IN .... ,Illlc: taling In 17 DCI' npp,cnln."l"

I.lk:.11 12'.1 ur~.lIIl1cl Joseph Pa\ IIch IS ...... o rllng on an org3nllinfl drhc: .u Rt'Ii<lDl;e ('uIIl/orlec,loraln I'rodUl.;I .. In Lorain. 011 \\ c "I~ h Joe succ..:, ..... ,,00 llflcr nUl "" ..... hlll1\\X 11\ 1\110 dIons.

All mcmilers ,huuld mul.e an dfllrt 10 Itll!."nd OOt Ullton meetings.. RCmtll1 ber. II I .. n(1\ unl)' lin .tllll!!lIlum. hill alo;o .a ptl".kge It) .1Itend our meet in&!> Jnd Incal IInwn cHnl" ihe uOIon I~ uur \r\..:!lhI)OoJ. ,,) 'Ac "h.>uhllnLe an mler C\1 IQ II~ aCll\ltIcs lind be In(orm d uOlon memhc:r. ""It 11 " commllment 10

aSlton! unK'ln Cnn,ralU!:tltP"t 10 Ibdlard Stnd:.lcr

on hl\ IIppulnlmclIl IU Ihe poslllOn (lr anislant bu inc~s mo1nager \\e ~I~h hlln '>IIC'I.T'i In hi nc~ rosition.

AI'IO' I)UI ht:\1 'o\lsbt'"~ 10 Pcm hilt''' 00 hl~ carl) l~m"mc"'.

11tc 1.l K:;.I1 12\1 ~)IINl1lcam IS beth, <.'H2:;\nl/cd by 1\m. Jail" 'Wllhctm Undutltllcdly. (lur Icam will ba\c another wmmng o,c.tM.ln

Work \lfc.;tOO mJ~C an extra dflll' Iu .IIII:Jld tlnlun meetrnp Our SUCCCi-'i depclld~ un )·tlur lMth\:I(lo1110n

FK,,''''' " SnRBLL'G.I'S.

WORK REMAINS SLOW l . . 14 1 1i . II . w&t'c~ l . " II EEI.lI\G. "V-CumtrUC"lum wor); ill Ihis area

loco11 41. Wheeling, WV, Bro. John VClrgo. 01 worle at War wood Armt:lfUre Repair, i$ sttown winding o Wesllnghou lI!I 4.160·vol1. 900·hor.MIpowor stotor,

fenMJO'f \~ry slo~' Wc h~vc nHIII)" ml!nlhl'" Ilul of 'o\ork PI I rillc!lIItl

t\Pllfcntkc inSlrU.:t()t'$ Charlie: Mcfur.iden. Dcan Hutke lind Jilcl K;:OlP nl1e"ded Ihe Iccent NJA I r Inmtlllc in Knoxville. 'IN, ('lIn~lllIUI;t· tlun In 13m Kemp aft' 10 lIukl. if'> he hu\ nl.) .... complc lC:d all fOUl )car~ 10 clrn hI'< graduallOll centrtcalt'. we alliO now h,l\e a lramL'1IIe<1 admml\lr;ltor

l (M;DI union officers and commillc~ mcmhcn ha\l! bt'cR alicAlhng u o,cll~ of mcelln~ .... "h our cc>nU&clu(l. ThL."W mr:clln.\. 'pun orcd t'I~ our Lat'lor· MranJgl:ll'1ent ('ooperJlklR (ommillce. arfet In ~lnUntl) 10 discu~\ mutulll pr,)bltln\

Conj!nHuliliOM to Bro. John Var, .... \\ohu .... 111 won h.nc illIOIlnod '10 \'C:-"" af em[llo)mcnt With \\'ar'Aood AUtldtUh: KcpaJl In Iht= aa:llmpan~mll phot\!. he­b shHI'n III 1'(11 on the Job

I hl' mllnlh or \ugU~1 nnuked the p"\~,"g uf 'I\'C rei Ired \\ In'men. Wt' extend tlUr (ondoknccs 10 Ih~ rJmiliclo of (icl:llgt Rulh, (IaT) \\r{"orm~ ... k. An rimb(rlakc, rrank u): .lnJ fr~d Kcnl\Chler Tl1e\c fj,c Bwthen n::pre· .~nt"ltll;.lluf22b)I:.tfl> vlllll·" Inc.m hcl,tup They all ~'" be ~mel) ml~'d

ro\l ("0' "LR.I'.S.

WORK PICTURE POSITIVE l_lI. IoU ( l.l' nI&'ipll). II \R RI~RUHC;,"

r A-()ur 'ork picture lool~ good Ih,UU!! h l)ece.mbc l \\<c hJ\c ~I)rnc tra"c!eri ~l.!Ikin, al Ihe:. pl~'l:nt lillIe. \\t' h~!rc tbe \\ork. rittufe reml"" ,\lOI.I ,bT()Ur:h ,he .. pong.

\11 Ihl: mcml:ten and gucus ~ ho ~Ih:rulcd Ih~ Carl Cnnr;.lcl \ietTIlIlIlIl (i('ltfTourt\wncnl had a j!r..:.11 timo.!. Tlic Bllt I ruph\ '0\(111 tll Jack Mc{'lilin '" UI!'Uill, The)' .~lIIy nobod) can htul hllTl , \1llhlllll\h III~ o;on Ja'lon Itlt'"S. but JUSI an', be.11 Ihe bel.1 Ila!

I hI! "Jl:1I1'~ (am"~ piCllil" 'o\l.'"ttl (Jff ~llt1oul :I hllth InallLo. to I1l1lLh I'cil fl'l, f (1m Koh r lind Ihe rcq ~\f Ihr t(,m mltlec: "ho had a hand III II All lhc Url'IMn. and SUlers ,.,.lto III1\:nd ... d \\Jlh tbC!1f lanllltc~ c:nJo)ctl a \\undCllul lime:. There \IooU picot,. of lood. (Ul) ;lnd


8unl~ fur nil I IH,' dllMren enlO)cd lhe­pon)' rides. ;lnll h()lh Ihe IIduh~ and chlldrcn en)Q)ed Inc Nind

RCll1cmhel. Rmelic!) dnd SI5IC:N. \100.: ha\'c bUI ()ne thin, 10 ell, lind In .. t , .. Ihe quallt~ of our l"hoT \0. k~cp up Utoe:gnod 1Io0rl.

Io..E .... l::rII C. Nl.lf\IAYlH. P

SUPPORT FRIENDS OF LABOR 1_ . ).IS tl .o.u.t m.r.~ ' ''PII'. ROCK ISI.A XU. , 'ulI1mer hdS I.:omc and Bone. ~ lIoe ho~ e'reryone .... ill be 00

Ihe looloUI fOl 5thc)!)1 children and \ulch Iherr dll\ inti. !opced in chose 'IChoaIzones. L.:I'! keep our future.lhe children. -.af ... Ihl" "C'.<!f

Anolher Dllincr nance/Pin Part' ""1.5 held in September ~'ernl cb!n:· Ing membtrs ,L'u,:l\ed 'pe..::i.tI recogni­tiOI'l. and Ibose present (inch,IIJin! membet'i. rellree~ and ,u('\h) cnlu)-cd a gHnJ meal ;'Iud oJ ~rc.tf band. The j'tany v.u qu.ile I pleasu.rc, .and e\cr~'­one Ililloays cnlon an m;cn~lon 10 lice one .mol her In wml::l hln8 other than \lo'Or1. boots .nJ bltJ l1\ent ll ~ IlLmks 10 C\~l'jnne IIl\ohed for a fine c\l!'nlni,'

A thank·you goc oUI 10 lhe ami rae· Inn: 11011.0 donuled \elul.lc'!o ,10d Indltn­jils (lr the nl<lrtf clImmunify sen'jCe ,uoJect~ Spel,,,IIlPIHccHl lllm abo g,oe~ lfilhe marl) \olllutcen \loho donated their lime to ghc our l<lI,;lI ll1 l1 UJn Mlmc fll l!tlt credrblhlY III HUI \;1)lllr11unlty.

l 'he Labor Ou)' ""rude WI!_ niSI) a big hll . c ... pccill ll ) Jur Ihe chHdrclI who li ned th e pande mUle WHiling fo r condy '0 be.- ID~~d /Jy 1}le IIlIUl}' uninn InlllChcrs, 'n1llnh to Scot( V(rschoore and the volunleer 00111 !tlll ldcN. ItS \.\cll II~ 10 Ihe ilion) nll'lIIhers Il lltllhcif fam i­lies who marched. for 3 great ~h(Jwmg of unum supporl tl!l( lenr

The par ade Wh followed by thc ponusl chIcken l.hn nef/pICnll: II I 111101 -... ek Pllrt, spomorcd b)' the Oemotral· IC 1'lIn)', \1 any elected nfrlClith lIoerl! on hant.! 10 lalk It! IJOOr union members, We musl $uPPUr1 LheK fnc~ uf hlbor ftll public ofrtcc I' IIoC .art to recO\'cr from Ihl! legislllll\C action that ba\"c sct organlzcd labor h.lck .. mer Ihe lillol elCClllln Be SUn" 10 rcgr..lcr ilnd Yule!

AJ always. \lo;c a lute ou r recently retired memhlo~ .!Ilhey rest frum Lhen ,'ears of labor, Our ~t rt«nl rtlirecs ./I'''' M<1h'em J(I'hn.nd RIChard NlChuls.

Wc e'(tamd OUt ~\mpJlh} 10 the fnends and family of r«enll)' deceased meml:te.r John Hllrcrn .. t \lu~ he ral In


HU\le II hl.,V\ rhlnlr."81"n8. and remember II) 1001. for uni.,n products and sen'tee) v.hl!lle\cr Jl( Illk

JOlt, lOt "'''TAI~.I·~

BUSINESS MAN­AGER ELECTED t. . 153 (I,rh .rlh&'plI,. SO UTII HE.! .... n . IN-After.n eJlrcmcly elose rontest amon, four OUI .. tllndlllg cand1' dalo. lind ;J runoff I.:!ttllon. local 153 finaU)' elected "' CUrT.:.nl hU~ln~ Tlian­.ilger 810. Ra\(Jn Ilill! '"u cds retiring I1ro. 0, Ray Rank a5 husln!:' ..... !nonager ~n.lIIg 8~ Om, UIIJ/"~ 1I\~r;r.II)' ,""I! be Oro. Carl ~h3ffcr, Wllh Ihc ~uppotl 01 lIu.! mumhcr!> III I m;ul 1,\1 li nd II grot ciou lra.nsitiun on Ihl: p:U I or Btl),


Pi(t\I,ed ore Locol lSJ, Soum Bend, IN, Pres. Keilh CIo.o, Bus. Mgr. ROYOn Holl ood Aut. au .... Mgr. Corl ShaKer.

Rml. . our nl!wl} elec{ed C1tf.ef.,k h;nc bcllun Ihelr Icrmo; v.111I curnttllllcd and ~III\ e tUutudes.

('on,..ntullHlOn~ 10 lilli' l!:ill and Slmlf!!r, ,\ SlllCc!re th.lo1.·)nu 10 rctiring Bu MgJ', Ran\;. and hi) tI~'lilanl. \f alL r~MlOhll. for ~f'\lng lugl 1'0\ fOt Ihe p.u.t 11 ~ears.

Loca' J5J'Vml OIl<'I\flchtjlun also rcccnlly electw 11'0 (If(IL!:' llnll offi­ce" arc:: Cltmn JerI) Andcn.on. Vi~ Chmn, Hid, Stcele IUtl.! \ec Jacl,; Engh:llittt C..ongraluIJIK.lofli'

A" u 001. Ih;: lIf\nUIl1Iucnu,: lIoa!'. it

mcmurnblc ouling It IIoIlS.a day of rem· lOi~cing and sharin, (If fncndsh,p among 1li1U't ItmJ relm.'d meml!oC" and their ':umlies. Ther\! WII an ahund:mce of dc.lici()II" food nnd rel l ~!> hrnc nb fill nil, c nl erl :lInnll:': 1I1 (til I hl: children mcludl::d II mUgll,un. CI P111111C1cC I , urlll lol~ of gam es nnd rrllt)~. Thanks 10 nen'one ..... ho worked so hll ,d III mnJ..e 11m rlCIIIC ~uCCcssful!

On Lahor 1)3)'. Sl!fll 4. l.ocn l 153 PIIMicll,uted 111 the Hk.ltnrl I..nhur \)ny IMUldu, Mcmbl!;rs and their fam ilies join~d in solKlilrilY l ind !\lurched III sup-1 .... 111 of urg;miled III I)(), Wt. hupe Ihis "III become an annunl e,'enl

Weleorne 10 .I II ncw .I Jlllrl!nl H.e (..'ofl'lIng IOta our elcClrical IrnmH1i; pr 8rt1m l'l ope to c ... cnI IlUIl) \ee. Iht: llpprt'lIlice .. at the unton mcclinp.

UCj,\,"OIng In Janlllu)' I'JIJ6. UIIII)II

m~el mg\ (beki the. fHunh ThursJa) or lhe: monlh) IIt d l besln III 7'30 pm • nuherlhlln 8 p.m. Sec l'lu Ihe.el

~AU Y 'V,\HO.P

FULL-TIME ORGANIZER L •• 159 (it, MA "USON, \\I-Gr~cl

108-" from " llIl.h!>On. tltolh..:n ;lnd Sis-1m! E\'t"r)'thing is g01D1 .... dl hl·'c ..... lIh ncarl)' fulIl:mplll),nlcnl

The lru.d annual IfJ£: \I .. ,olf ClutlO~ 'IIIo"a!o Ihe 11Ifg.e"1 e\'er "1111 'ill llrothen. "ntt Sislt:r5 particiralln" Tht: .... toner 'IIIo-asJlm ScC'tt"n. "M hud. ')I:urc III 4!.

"""'''''' """"",tho newly oled.d fAecvtiv .. 800nJ mern­ben 01 """I 159. Modi.JOf'. WI: from left, Tom CorcOfOn, Jeny Miller. Povio Dillin and Tom LemenS.

\et:Olld V'.,cr wenl I(l Dennh \\lice· lor..:\;. and I)cnnl; McGannl!!), "'lib 11 ~CO'1! flf·n ('nH!! lIem III'UJ [ric ~huhlll ... -d for third .... ilh a soore: of ""' It \loa • ~fl!'al UUltng. and e-.t:nnne had

d ~ondcrful Mit

Tht! Relltu:S Club If. l\'H."Cuni! \tklnth h and ,cllm~ a prdh goud lurnoul. Our JtlI.:Il h.u J65 r~Ii~c..~.s .h,~ 11m". .1nd 'ppro"(lmalcl) :!O reluet!' hale ht:cn '1llent.img the Illl.~nlhl)' duh mcel-10' rhanh 10 L<e Lemen ... IIoh" 1{I::cp~ e\c l"lhmg orgallllt:J dud Oln· nmt !lmoolhly.

("(lnirni ulallons 10 the apprenllCe!> \\11\' IIII\'(' lopped OUI A hanqutt ..... a~ lIcJd Aug 24 al Ihe Pnm e Quall er rC~\.IIurnnt. Good Iud; 10.111 oJ)'o')u. find remember to be good union p<oplt Imd g~·1 1t1.'11 \1!ly UI\ olved

Our ilwn business manage r, J(IC

~ l rcIlI\C r . lH1~ hcen e\cclcti llfl'sHit:n' of thu 1111 W Y.'i.~eonsm Sl8t~ lJu~iness Mnnllgcrs Confere nce, AU)'lhlll}\ Wi l li Joe I! I\'l lh cd will be in very &ood hands,

l.ocal I ~Q nO\l bps II filll'llme org.:1 nllef. 1I 11 1y IIn rrelson . ",lIu Wil l he wnr~jng tel o rganiz.e non·un ion ~hClp,! .!no \\-()Iter; m Ollr arca

1Ie.,1 ..... I ~ he I Bro, Dol;! Feullng in his rl!«nl retlremen l Huh h:l~ heen II

\ cr) IJl::II ' .... : ml!'mN:r dnd ha~ ~f'\octl on mnn) t'ommlt lC't .. , We Ihnn" hUll for hl\ sef\ ICC 10 the. 10000rJ dnt! v. i h him all the. best.

Fonner Sixth Ohtrkt Inl. R~. Oonold J. s.tvoriUt. who poued oway recently. II pictured here with hi" wi' .. , 8e:tty. 6to. Sef"l'OhUI pntvi­CMI.sly Mrved locol165, Chicago, II.. os pte,m'! busilleU monogor.

Oure{'nd •• I..:nCt."'I (tu (lUI 10 Uil l '>Cere Inn. ~(U,; )tI1lI:. on lin: feCtnl dellih of hel (,Icher

Good Ilick In lill. and !lest IIol\he!> II) e\ l!'r}l!nc fur il"vod Thanl.s{unng

Sn \'L BlIhl"(, f1 S

INT. REP. SERVATIUS MOURNED l. . 165 111. CIII CAGO. It .-Local 16.'i mUU'II\ Ihe death or former. ixlh 1)i!.lrKt Inl. Rep, Donald J. ScI"\'I)IIU • 0 ,kdll:lIlcd member uf thc IIn.w and.:\ pa~ rrc~jJcnllhu!iin OlUlla,1.'f of (lur local.

buller In 1l1\ WI~e.r. Don ~urlr.;«1 for 111111111\ Ddl Te.lerhon Co, as a «nlral orflt'e techntclan lit Calumet Cenlral orru:c .nd ,en cd ;h union I(ward th..:rc, Lalc l (In. h..: ad\;tneed IV l:hld "11;!v. .. rd lind eJllur of Ihe GHrmIW1t u 'It,. nur ItM;:;I!', pdfICr, In 19Os' he WDS the rok man f(lr ~)'ICm ('nuned 1-1 and II Le.\ ledde.r In e~llIblu.h i nll 311t! noun hiolllhc NatIOnal Bell ('(lunal. \Iollith Ic<,u\ti!d III nallOnalIlC~}lIoIII"nS In 1'174 He hilL! thl!' ahtiit)' 10 nc,atlllie al Ihe nall(lnalllntJ loclI I tUlrgammg Ilibies. liS .... cl! us In h.mdle the gricv­.1nct prO('-cdur~ or lhe loa1l.

Ol)n Ju lWl nt:cd 10 lucal Ullil in \ Ice prl!'sidenl. and In 1971 he bc:(tIJI1~ pril..'~l· dcnVhll~me'~ mUllrlg.rr of loc;t l 1M, lI t: scr.cd in tit" pusition unlil 1Q8() ..... hen he was IIrpllIfllCd IO lh \! 'IHllll t Ihe SIJI (h 1J1<,l m:1 ll!l.:m Inl t:mmionul lh:prc· ~nlmlve. i)on rcmnmtd In Ihi .. IlflSltlllll \lI1t d hK Iclucmcnllll Febnllll)' I9i'J..I

We eXteOd our deepesl sympul h)' 10 1)0I1'~ Wl tl!, n l:: tl~,. 11111.1 Ihe ~el\ [l II U S

rtlnul~ II ..: Will be mi$ScJ hut nOI ror­~ollen.

In lilhel n l::~~. II!> or Ihl" WrIIlng II lentatl"c lig rc~mcn l bcl"'..:en ,\m('n' tech lind ~\"Ienl l 'ouncil T ..... h'l ~'en J.1~ l nhu l i:tI III Ihe gc;nera} memhc , hlp ((If nlllf",;alwn <;\'stcm COun ... I' r·" dlfiliJlcJ 1flC.tls are: Loca l 1M, LQCilI

1!Ql {'hlC,lgo.l~ Local33it. Otiago. IL: U~.I :un. Gle.n EII,'n." and

1.01.;.11 ,lIN, ~pnngfield. It.. The ne. Ibr('(',},e., (lluemenl hs\ m.1n, Imprm'etllenls mt.r the origlll;tl offer the ellmpan)' proposed In June, rhl'> new IlJll't:t:meni If rnlln ... -d. ~-I\I pnJ\ ute raISC~Of l5 pet;:; Ol i.n each of 1M: three )ea" tlml Imprmcmenl\ 10 mcdl~I ,lInd denl:ll plan .... It will iJo :-&'tlt3) \Iollh . 1\10 1)­IIc r wale y"clll IIIC com l,ollY lIod pwpmcd JII Ihe original offcr

The loclli extends Ihll1lk:ilo uJl l hc \'01-uillecl"> \00'1111 I'mll~I I)..I I ~d HI Ihl~ ),e,u's, "Slnnclu\\ n 'I' ~~ pmJect 10 3'i~1~1 humu


tess "'eICflIll§. !'1m yenT. the Kcd,ie, Roscoe and Supermr Gamges gave of then lime 10 help Ihc men and ,""omen who ~crvcd 111 the rl1 illltirv. BOlt. Ihe Kelbte and 1l000COC Garages hay\! t,lken p..'lrl in Ihe project [m tlu! prc"'rI)U~ two ycars. (lJld SUJX'rlor Garage al!.O parlrci prltCd th is ycar I ha nks 10 everyo ne ttl\Cllved for 1\ joh ".,ell -done We hn'pe 10 do II Rgarn next ),ear,

DAvm \1 HOI)KII .. ..t.tt</ . P,S

RECOGNITION FOR ORGANIZING L.U. 177 (I), JA CKSONV II.U" H r­L"I,;.I\ 171'5 Lalll ir I) I'Y pICniC IhLS )'cnr was the biggcSI (ilK! be.,1 yel, fi res. Ru~.

~dl lI arpcr ilnd hts commillcc did.J Iftll1 cndous Jnb, li nd everyonc hll d Il gn:1ll lime. Also itwilcd to thiN ye ll r's PICI1U: were Ihe HrUll1e rs pnd Sisters and th eir fannhe or th e follow Ing IBEW locab: L al 1205. G ainesville, 1-1 .. l oca l 23'iH, J flcl.: ~ll n\'l lI e. f'L; and l ocal 16 1R, Jar,;k~IIII\'dle, FL. I rue brotherhood wn s :1 5 abundan l as 111c \)ad.)Ccul: and ol hel n:lrc~lllnent$

Locall77's " n rolhcr of the Yeil l" ilW(lrIj ~ ""crc gh en out al the picnic, HrI), John \1 mxly WIlS Ihe wmner for 11)tH. nnd Pres. Ru~~e llllarper was Ihe n:ciplcn t fOI thl: p,..)~ .. ward. CongrIluJ. IllIion§, Broth~~, ,!lid keel) up Ihe 8(JUd \II·I)rk.

Our loc..l1 .... ;r~ h')lIo led :1\ the recent r lflh District Ptog(C~ McelHlg held HI Mob ile, A L, FHth Dis t rict Inl. Vice Pr l:!s. Mclyin Hort on prl:~c nl ed Bus, Mgr. Mike Williams nnd hi~ a~i~tan l ltl

charge o t ofK:tnlllng, Eddlc Dedmon. wi th th e Arnerll;:an E ngle T mph) , I.nell l 177 demonstr ll ted otganillng r.: lI c"llenee wllhrn tIn: IB I~W construe· tion locals in the r Lflh DI~tricl.

Loclli 177 presents an award 10 the MSfll1 of the Month" III ellch regll l(lr un io n mee t ing . nil l ShlMt \\a~ Ihe Il'clpl l'nt of th~' uward in March; Jim Tru ell in Apri l; Fd B:Jke r lind Wuiter Hook in May: George o arle) in JUnc ~ ~~ "'0\\ 1:11 in JI,I I\ . :rnd Roben Tesori in August, T hanks. Brothers. for bemg on th c rn~ml Im c of a W!lr we cannol rrfford 10 lose.

EDDIE IW()\ION. [1.:-'

BANQUET FOR APPRENTICES L.v. IIlJ (i &~I) II). LEXIN<:TOI\ . KY_ W ork nas picked up a liu le. hm man)' members still rcmUII1;m the rO:ld orout o f work , The prospects for th e future lire II hute bri.g il lcr. with some projecls M:heduled Ihler III tilt ,c<lr.

On Ihc bnghlcr side, :l banquel was Ileld jul~ 2') f.)L Ih~ nppre nueu who hav~ fi nished Ihe progr:!rlt o\'cr Ihe I<lSI Ih ree )'eLl r~ Twe n l y,~c\'cn young men WC I'{! honorcu th lll CVl.: III11,1l Bah ('Olll stock, a 3S·ycnr member of the IOEW lIud c'(l'Culi~c \-ll'C presldenl ror Ututcd Elecl ric was th l: ,welll ~p.:tl ke l

I Ill.: 199J OU"'Ill lldrng Apprcillicc Aword was prese nted 10 jOh ll Mahhflil. .... 1\0 :llso reeched Ihe IWJ Altcnd(U)ce A\Ioflrd , Renn) flo\\lI1un rt:cel\'(~d Ihl: IL wllrd for OU1 ~ln nd i ng Appre ntice f 1994. I\ lId the 19')4 Allend:rnce Award Weill to EdwuJd Tudor. Paul Stevenson r()cci\'cd the lIwllrd tor Outsl~l nd\ll 1.t

Local 183, l.u.inglol1, KY, rllombon di splay tneir ~rvic('l aW(lrd$ re<:eilled in Augu~1. B ro~. Jesse Steele IleFt! and jqhn Stalla rd {(en~rI re,eived pklqueJ for 55 yeon of U!rYico. Bro. Jomo~ Alloy lrighll roceivod his 50-yoor pIclquo.

ApprCll llCIl uf 11)t)S The 1lJ')~ Aucn · dllnce Awurd WIIS presented t.~ Vernon I Uliler.

At lhe Augu\t meeli nl!, Ihlce long,. ILmll member" ~cre honored for thc lr serviCe. Th()~1: hOIlQred With "i~ · )c!l r

mcmbership plaques were: John ~I !l l · hlld lind Jt:.~~c "tcele. Jame .. ;\Iley WIIS

honored wllh a ~(). \'e,'r pl:lque, II is Wi th n:grctlnm \\Oe announcc Ih t!

dealh of \\100 (If I)ur rnembeT\ Thc fl ~1 I~ IctJred member Ralph Rife. 11lc \C~. ond i ~ Hamid J. Long . who !.lIed on Aug, 10. Our condulenl;t:~ gil (Ju l In Ihclr rnlm hc\ lind friends.

\-1\lty A_MAl 0'11' . P.S

LARGE JOBS PLANNED L,U. 193 (l,o,u .rl~J pa &ttlt ) . SllfU NG· fiELD, IL-Thc Annua l Lnbor 011)' I,aradc /lnd Illellic \\(;re eelchrnl cd in Illinois' copitnl cilY. Labor Oa) ~hou ld sent: as a rC lI1l11dcr 10 IllOOr orgal1llll­tions and memberl to be supporl1\ e of causes important 10 ",orking people We hould all be ~upporti""e of our {I\\l11 org:mi/.t:rs' efforlS. !lnd we shoul\1 COn­tinue to promOle and pa trOlllle Ilu ~i ncsscs that 'mppon organlzcd labor.

The ,""ork pict ur l: III Locll l Il,11 C(lIl '

tinucs to look good, We ha\'c !llmrollii ­mll iety 40 UUyctl:r" working now. Th is situation ib c1I:pl:clcd to wnllllUC for the remllindcr of 1995.

bU~lIlcSM:~ in Spllngfleld ~ UPI)tlTt orgi!' 1111Cd !t1110f.

111 "'llh ,ad ness 111:11 we announce the 1"3Hlng of re t ire d Bun, Gl:orgt: Curr) lint! Hugh Itachford. \II'ho we re 10ng·l1me lBEW members, OUi 'ympa · Ihy !I(Jr.:. ~ out to Ih C'i r (urnilicb an d friend~

DON 1-Il'D\()"'. I' S.

SIGN UP FOR CLASSES I_U. 22J (l ,cm~l(,:gO \I ) . UROC KTON. MA - The hollddy sr.::lson IS ItJlllflmch­mg. lUlU I'rcs, Mike Nee hilS lI t1nou ll\:cd the IfiC1LI' S :-' ccond AI11111111 Ch ildren 's Chml rn as Panv will be held Dec, 2 fr Ont 1\ Il. m 'to 2 p.m From all aecountl" r.: ... er}on~ h:11.I II grelll lime la<;1 yelL l Don 'l be a no·showl

A bi g th;lnb 10 all I hc ~"Iunlcers

who helped SCI up I1nu '0\'011: J I Ihe I' ull Hwer ( 'debmtcs America Festh'al held in August. Agenlforg,l1lllcr rim elMun tUlU his volunlccn spen l a solid weel.: drlnllhng therr l une til IhL .. communu y effort . Unrortunntdy. I .1Il1 unable to I I~ t herc a ll IIIe IIlImc' III I h o~c ..... ho helped. hut I'm ~urc Ihc), will he :ack no ..... lr:dgcd 01 a uniun mceting

I herc"" nOl much I (;;tI\ \ ,IY alxlUl Ihe w(lrk ~ it lHllion \\'e ull know it is n'I good. Maybe if we ~ct rid nf ~omc (I f nur "dn ~()(xI" 1)()lillcillllS, such as AllY. G!! n \coll H tH ~ h h" r~cr, \li e Clm ge l ",UnlC gliOO proJecl~ gnlng in our area

OUI nllw Second l)1\lncl In t Rep James Fraser IS runlllng Mcward cl;l s~­c~. which ~ I a rl el l 111 SCJllo:;mbcr AI~o ,

Journeyman I rallll n~ classes hale n'"ulUr rl Ir)'OI1 an' lI"c'n'~tccl in any of the~. Lgn up al the h.1I 1

Be~ 1 Wishes 101111 for " happy and ~Ilfll huliday st!;) 'i()11

B,'lJO BYR"' E. P.S

UNIONS WORK! L.U. 229 { i&cm l, YORK , " A-A 101 h(l\ hcen nnppen mg ill Local 229. Spe cial tlu~~cs on Ihe f\ (t l lc)n31 El cetTlCli1 Codc have bee n offere d, ; I ~ \\«:11 d~ .... cl dlll g and fibc l -(I IU le courscs We no\lo hnve 25 members l!!Iined m Ilhct tlpt le~ Ocumg IIIvnl ... cd. lctlmm,g new lechnology and hrushlng up on skills I~ ....Imt \\1 11 keep u~ t'ompell lll'C

"UNIOf"S WORK' " I hose arc Ihe word . on a ne ..... slBn OUlside of o ur bulldllli;. r he sign wn~ fJurcha~tI :rl lhe ~uggenton of EXl.\cutlvl: Board memllel G:m (;1)00 and IIII,IlIlled by local 229 members and omcer , p.lst and preso;:nl We hope! man) PCtll,lc ~1 1I see IhlS ~I gn und realize the lrulh of II!. me~agt:.

Some leinIt nntlClpated lar[tc J'lbs ti re planned in LoeIl 119.1'~ium.dllllnn Inc Ilohday Inn Crowll Plaza was II\\ Ardi!d to Mansltcld Hllct n c. :I nti lite Mnter­nIll-c"lIild addition al SI. J()hn'~ lIos[1i­tal was awarded 10 I'gl7il Ekc1Tic ('o. It IS al ..... ays niet I" ~~"C I~ o IOllg.~l a nd in~

lotaI2'29, York, PA, members gel together to erect 0 Itgn oul:liid. the union hall. Pic:­turod, from left, 0,..: ' rOf'lI fOW , Bro. Bob Tomtli and former bu~ness managers Roger Bil%el and les MelhOfn; back row, 6r05. Kei .... Cosgrove, Gory Good, Ken Ott, Mike Melhom (buJineu mano~rl, Jim Dougherty ond Denn i~ Becker.

local 193, Spt'ingfield, Il, mftmben and tneir families at Ihft onnuol Labor Doy parade in Sprlngfi('lld.

I ue.11 229 h o~ sigl1..:d tt fl CW contrac· lOr, Jenklll:YFold H ett nc ('0_ HCllki:lh l' onl llnd Clarence Jenkins, 1"'0 locnl 22'.1 mcm ben., formed II p;I rlncr~h l ll III \Iall the bt.l~ijl C~S In M oreh, The l oclI l 2.,"") ,Irell has a 101 IIf ulder hLllkl ll1gs Ihnl 11 1'1: 1)(: 111~ rehtlbll1\II1 ~'d. li nd Bros. Ford tlnd Jel1l.:i n& hope III ,ecurc wOIllh.tI 1t ;1~ heen gOll1g 10 ntlll·union contraClors. 1111' 11 (,)('"11 \ I' nn wmmL· I'tirll. IIldllSllIul. Ilher "1"'c~ .1Ild rch u\ltliuHion. When n~ked if hidJing Ilg:IIII~1 ~111.111. non-umon COll tnteltll"S is H probkm. Uroo. Ford and Jenkins re~ I)Ondcd h) \'I} ing thai thl!Y \C lIlhe qUIl" I), of union \\ork. Deing union rn ean§ thai )·tlur wOIl . att i l ude arod ,k ill help you gel JObs

110 .... does Ihe ful u TI: look fo r Je nkilt~- Pord? C'lnrence and 11e7ikiah


repml thai .... mlt looks ItreAI The~

hope: to take on more mc:chamc!I ;and maybe c\'en \.C'Ifllt' Orpren1J~ Jenkm ford has a J'IO'iltl\e. brig'" fUlure L.el"!. aU pVt them our ~uppon. ('onpalula· UOMand ~ lu.:t.Jtun'

\~DRE"" l U)~(J. P.s TRo, KRAL T. p.s

WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS I ... U. !..1 1 (l,u,nb&'iIJII). SIOUX CIT\'. lA-WillI.. hu .. flllilily sl<lrte::u II) pick up. We eVl'n havc tru\'l'lcrs workmg In the JumdlctlOJI Keep your rin gcr\ cro<,sed lhat IIII~ "'oil. wi ll IIbt a long tllne

Congtlllulalmn\ to Bnm, Sle\c II nl­ringa. Don Bux:kbcrg. Hoben Andi.'(· son nnd Gal) Lawley. In~'oC /lien ""Cn' tak.c:n Into (lU, local O\U the ,ummer. B.o. Ibmn,a I~ an ItPr.cnu(C hl'lcma.n ""lIh PI'rmouth Rural 1-lc(.lnc uf Lc\lsrs: IA Oro Drod:ber. IS

t'mpIO\',ed a .. a " produ\:uon a\\,,,tllnt ma.."ler cnnl.or- .... Ith Kl'V (h;lnnti4 of Slow; ell\, lA Oro'! Anderson lod uv,lc} alt' ;MKlt' ""1R'mtn .... or .. 108 for hkoa [hll'K. dnd 11\ompson [kuric of S;oUk CIl),. t.\ GtKXI Iud; 101heS(' nr:\\ IBEW membtr..

The Eleven lh Dbilrlcl Pro,H:u \-feellng. held In I ,"coin . .... E. \\' U~

all('nded hy lIu~ 'v1@1 Flhol Ru~h. I'res. Jame Kavllnaugh and Exec. Bonrd mCnliJer'i Bvb I h(lllll'\on nnll I3I'}'an Vaughtlll They [til ended numct· ous InfOrmntlvc ml.'clin,p.~ during Ihe lw(Wayeverit

Plym ou th El ec tr ical Coopera ti ve A~\Oc, (.If Lcnm,..., IA. hM opened Ihc conlract ">llh our mcmher-.. lIro!l, !)tevc I huringa and Randall Jcn~n ure he lp· JUg the 11IISlnC\\ manager In negoha­lion this lime. Ciood Iud. to our BWlhen In I('ltln, a ,O(w:i ~l1lemcnt on Ih~ronlr"d

Con.::rllulilliOnlo 10 Roben Beacom on h~ rC:L~nl .e1lfcmenl Bro. ikllcom joined the TB[\\ in 19S1. Cher the IMI fC'A )elln, he hll\ ~en .... l)r .. 1111 a~ an elcctncallll\tflK.1.lJr Good Iud.: 10 )01.1 In )oor rcltrcment. Bob,

l1v: Dmncr Oana: I'm Ptt'SI:'nlltlHn ""1$ held Ihi) lcar In <Xt~r. Pm pre' '§Cntallon ",ere mack. ;lnd ('(tlftC' \tar· nn Berens recc:wctl ~ial rttogmtlQrl wlIh Ihc prescntalion of a $O-)'CIlT pm. .... ew rellrecs lI>'ere 1l1~() pre~enlcd v,at<.;hCll

D I UIlY Sl-'rlloCi'.R. P.S

BRO. THOMPSON MOURNED l.U. US f4MI.linfol1h. Intl, 10U_nO, Oil-We :11(' adclcfted 10 rcporllhe pasSlO! (I( Oro ~~n rhompvon ,,!1J ytar-okl jOurnc)1I\an li~n. "tn '" in ...... ortll"' (rom .1Iur:kcllrvd ..... tk:n (."00.

tad 1I>a.s ,rw.!.: .... llh a 5eCtjmi,l" Ime: lhe ddcudlnl! Chili 0011>1 cbampk>n. Ken \l71'l a gradu3te ut the AI RA r Pn>ttru.m wilh jusl over one )car lIf en'ice 161 Toledo Edlsc," Our smn: condolCIICC\ gooul lo hl~ fumil) I I~ l\ ""Illy lHllo.."Ci.l

WeI!. I! onl)' look II year und II half of m:gutmllOn" hUI I rlc(t\ll1ty flnfllly ~e l lied on its (j~t-c ~'cr l'OIll ract.

We ill~ IU1\'c filmllle,1 4-"llIlltlleIS wll h \\0 [ VO."I V Channel 13 lind \ GTE!· TV Ch::1nJlcl ::1(1. AI lhl' wnlltlg. "'(. hnJ '01,:1 In reach lin ;lgrecnlclU ""llh WNWO·TV Channel 2".

\ ~got lalllln\ ..... It b A~plllntlh !"ree Service hll\e ~c:n al a it'lnd,lIl1. The­()utlfjok l'i ble,l" anti III pre .... 111111.' a ..... 01' .. 51app.l.b'C .... a.~ a dc(itlllc I'K-~~Ihlhl)

OulJldc ttln,UUCllOn hD.~ been skill> The Cle\c!dnd PIOJCf,;1 h,n ebhcd nd OO\'c:d on the .mouftt of ~orlo: Ivail· able. hut there 1\ \1111. klt of .... ~lrk left

Tuledo ~n lS In the 11l~1 of "rc· cngmeenng,M 110 .... man) hcad\ .... 111 be: uK'lrred and ho", nard IiiI:' untoo mcm hen .. ill be hit remains to be ~\:n

QUI nnnultl Uflllill rn;'OIC 'ACnI "'cll with 600 mcmbel\ and famllu:s In

IHlendoncc_ ' 'hank>. III the hun! II>llr~

mg comllllUcc l1lt:fllber. lind thl.' valUll tcc~\lho h c l pell

II c re'\ hopn,!!, OVerVlllll:_ !l1It:llued lhelr ate:. LAbor Duy 1l.lI'<ldc or 1001. II mont!;:nI II) rcrlccl 011 Ihe mC~III1lJ or LlllOl n.l)" illid Wlllil 11 U:J'ltC~CIII~


A NEW THREE· YEAR CONTRACT L •• 261 (mar,mlJ&el ). GHO I O .... . CT-Our MTC ~ar';unin. (ommlllt:e 11M ~rull~ I.'I'mpktnf I~ roonl~ III 1'II:,011.iJ11C)~ a!HI rea,bed oIRn:cmc:nl on a ncv. Ihltt-)'\"at conllal.l. In tbe II')1nl ~eonomlc limc~. Ih~ commlltee did It In'meOOoIJ!.,oo In ,gilntn, _ fait Cl'Ol1dct

relu ulm~ ~e\l:rnl ¥o-.I,C tint! benefit 1nctc3.)d, n~, Mj,!r ~It'\e AIs,cl pla)cd • ml!.jC1r pan in procunns t~ I~A

Chef "50 IJ1cmhc"" Clf nur umun {.Im­lIy uHendcJ the local's annuJ)1 ummcr rlenit' . 11 II>'M /) t ... rnfie uUlIng. I1nrJ c\'c1)'one had a p,reu! tIlne.

Local 231 , SfoyX City, [A, inshvclor Mik. Malenolk,., (far right) loins 1M tMn·HCOnd· year Clpprentice don fwhoM rMmb.,.. hCIVe $iMe go,.. 01\ to beeom. ri1lrd·y.or apprentices) fOf (1 photo: from I.ft, Kerry Owings, 10m Zeman, Mik. Rich. ch~ Muecke am! JeH Solei,


Th.loc:0126 1. Gt-Olon, CT, Pic.ni( Committee QCllhen (1t the annual outing"

t'ongraluhHi(ln~ to all lite memhcrs who received ~r\icl! IIwlI rds in Ihe I, t~ t sC\lc rn! munth" In AugU~l s~rvicc Il\\nn!~ wcre pre~cll tcd to: F Kennelly (JS year of service), R Gannon (30 ye:lI~), [ I ~'ronc PH yenr,,}, and ,. Burrel (20 )cal'1-). R~i"lnQ a'AarUS In September \4~·re: C' Beers (30 )'cRr.;l, J (irnl!:), (JU H~aOi). l. r rinl. (2C1 \C:lrs) Ind K \Iorlan)' (20 yean). J Iltnkh: and R N:hramm. both ,~,year mem ~h, tt:ccr\,t'd .. "'ard in October. Rccxl\ln, ."".rd .. III ' O'1:mhrr aft' ... J)OnlCnlCllne ('\" )C3r1). E Vine pO )'eanl. C \\·tnslo .... (20 )urs) and D IIlIm....," (2n ~Cill~)

A BUSY SUMMER I..U. Z'JI (I,u,m& rlb l, I~OISf.. lO­We ha\'C: hild 8 vel'} busy ummer wllh IOI~ of \4(1rk and I'lcl1~)' 0 1 flCIlVr1IC~ On Julv 22 v,f,l huu (lU I 10lh <lllIllI;l) Golf Cl:mic Toumomt.'nt nt QUflil 110110 ..... 8(111 COllr!;c, I,ocal 291 mcmhc ls HCl1l1Y Anlunc~. Bob I lards. Ted Jensen and Chl)tlll1 Pcrry Were the champIons

Oil Aug. I~ wc hut! OUI thi rd Allnual Shoot Out T urnament bd~cen Locol 21J1 llIlt! Local -'49. Pocut~1I0. ID 111t' tournnmc.:nl look place in Duhl. 10. LULal 2'11 was _hie 10 win Ihl~ one. ('on!lrlltu l,1110n\ II). OeM) Anlune!.. BnllP Alkln~ . Pat hatterton , Jay GOl,.kn Stcu: Le...1I. 8111 L.stlheb.,lucr, Bob lecper. I)eon Mutlfteau. Rid. '-lItrtl1u:au. P~t~ Moad, (jr~g O~01mA. RJ S.,,"eu. And" Seller. and Ibdr capilin. <lim C.rmme.

In AUgUll OUt JA rc !iC'lIt fih: m~m ' beD" 10 Ihe Um"t'~lty of TennC'6Cc m I\mll:\llIe \Iart" Ik~n. Bruce Hamil­ton. ~ciJ R.mst)· and tt'Vf ewcll lUI("ndl.'d tn~U'UC1(1f oour<iC~. :J1Il1 I)el'!fli !lll/ns tlJO~ n M~tructulcd ",irln~( tour c. Neil Rtlm1cy graduated lind \\II~ lllllllJted II I Ihe b,llIqUt:1 ccrCnHIIl}'. ('ongr/l\ulntloM. Neil

Wt' hnd our IOCDI lIl1l0!\ piClIlC!ll Municipal I'ark In iloi c on Aug. 26. ServlCC )1mo:; v,cre a .... llrded 111 Ihe OU1,"~

We hcld our annUAl Cennal Trades I ubur Da)' PicniC 111 \ Iuniclpu l Par~ . .... hcre chiklrc.:n or our Oli!.mhen. launched I~ I:tlllloon'i ..... "11 po I card~ Illached I~nbcd "lib Iheir names .. nd the llIOOn hall· addr A pnze .... IU be Iw;udcd to the Lhl ld ~ho launched thc po'il card Ihoat ",q: relurned (rom tbe mag dlitlUlt locatIOn. b~ on the pcl'it office slamp

Tht 2(51 annUlI 00, ro.sl It Ander­..an Rillk:h dam, a 'hrcc..cfay t'\cnt ...... as .Uended b)' 54 rlmilie •• 10131 of IprlOllmltely 100 people ThiS l'i \4'berc ('01 .. 1 Jdothu (L~oll 291) met'\!. ""ut Id<lho (Local 449) , JOined by ltD\-­elen. from around Ihe countr),. Ibi!llS a rel'l! brotherhood Jel·t()gl.'lhcr

PEBRA 11\ R/IoS, II So

'WORK IS BOOMING' IHI).309 (I.fl.ll.nSM'Ipa&klt). COLI.INS­VII.U ;' IL--Worl.; I" boom 109 to Local J()t,1 In lad \\ork hm. ~cn!lO good Ihal wc dldn ", hav~ time 10 organize our Annunl h\hlOg lind golr tournaments this )ear. AI IhlS wriun! in Augusl. r~C1'i .... ere N:lnl oomrlelcd 1.1 ~\el­allOCUllons .... llh Ih~ help uf man) Inn·

elm! mc:mbc.l''\ 1"081 pre<>'i limo! .... e "'eru looking

(il!"Ylan! 10 tbc.: LlbClr DolY parade and feslmues. as lI>ell as our uDlon pICniC. III \cptt'mber 1 hanks to EntertalD­ment Chmn. Ke\in \\llhamson and to .11 ttie Brothen and Sisiers who help 1ligalll7e tlll.'\C: (:\'t'nl"

We atc. continuin! our COM ET Hllinrng and Will hll\e evcr)oni.' on ho.lId 'iC'lOn, Wc mu\t com!: togclhc.l as union mcmOcl"5-to con tinue lO organize lhe 1I11UrlFH1I1L'-U :111(1 10 strenglhen OUT

ul1101\ Sohdnn l\' find the splril of UrQtJlcrhoocJ lire Vll1tlto ou r conlinued succc." Lel\ forget ahout an)' rerson­alII)' oonni t: llI and work together for the common g~l-al of the IUEW

hen though Ih lS J~ not an e lectIOn )cM. we must continue to ,lve to COPE and look 10 the future to ek"Ct leglSla-1I)n..".ho ;tit: (nc:ncb- or YlOl\o;tn! p¢ople. The currenl Republlcan-controlled Cung.les.<. is ..... ugul',I! II lullnedged IIttack on .·orlcrs' riMhts and ufet)' issues.. \ \ 'e mU~1 (1J'PfR I~:t ubi and ..... ort to elm Ltbor·endo~c.ullhdalcS.

Our Relll~d Dub is still acti\c. and \4~ III \4'1'>.1'1 OUI retlJe~ and Iheir <opQ1JS­

~~ t:'xxi hedhh !UklI!OI:od Im~ Contm'tulauoos go cut 10 all thi; ncw

,Ilu.nc)mtn III our local. And ""c cXltnd lhanks to our tuehers for II job wcll-dcme.

J II> III start my college wurses in Augu~t and hope to put my 5ludic! 10 u~c fur Ihe hcnefil of Ihe IB .. W. Sec you 81 the ne:>;! union meeting.

Mj(l tt\lil RA \. Dl l.Ill.N , PRes,

PROJECTS PENDING l.U. 3" 7 tl ,emlllll.rlb,rl !>&§plI), DES MOL'iES. IA-U:(cuth· Board memo bc.1\ Ron Lorenz.nd Jell Rost pUI 10ll:elber Dur local's \Cry firsl Annual (;01( OUlln, In Augu\t FOrty·four mt:D'lbcr pl.1\t'd in four-man leam~, c(lmjll!lIn, (or Ihe MnO<ltmg troph~_­FIT'!,I prt/t! ",cnt 10 tbe tcam of Gene S .. mford. Tom Undervoood. Ho ..... ard Ilcchl and Mtttl DeAngelo E3ch orlhe firsl prile ""inncl'$ rt'cci\·l.'.d I len-quart cooler lind golf balls. -';1051 of the prizes were supplied b,. our local ell:'cltical \uprl)' hou,cs Other rri7e"i mcl uded


I.h op ccm,l .. , tlash lrglr ls, hIH!!, · I ·~ h r " , smoke: dctectors, elc. "her thll 10 UIl1<.1 m~f\ I . the play!.' .... lIIe\ at Ihe loeul hilI] ,

where the s.pOUSC.5 hOld p ili logClht! 1 rd' c-~hmc:tu s lo r a ll. Cvc r)'onc c:njo)l.!u Ih\; d.l)' '>() much Ihlll Ihc} Il<l l'~ "lrC:{Id~ "' Ilumg plnnning. next's Y(llr oUllngl

Our 11"',.11 union sorJb.rll plll)'t:1"; .... 00 thClr ~ummcr Icague-trophy and :Ill li nd ~rre tHllsh ln g "I' the ("lI hlUgUC r!O~ 1'l lI llS src 10 ~onlinu c: o)n nCK:1 C.I siln Am.l llluybc ,gel 1 .... {Ilenm~ 8(\inJ.

I I,,: f ounda lion .ectnth' \Inrleu some rcmodehnlt here lit 'the ha ll Some dOorv.3)' hale heell d Ulnged, d l v~;11I h ll~ ~en added, and 7O- plu\ \i~h l fi~lu l es h .... c: hc~n Iclrorrlled \\lIh lie .... 1'1,,110515 and tump . More ",or~ is r lnnned, und plumhmg 1\ ne){t 0 11 Ihe h'l

Our l 't-ntml hH"a RUlkhng IImJ on tructlon Trades Council ~I,lI t ed

('0\11 I ellls,>e .. for 1111 the hUl ldmg trndo.: In Ihe area in ~plcmbcr 'io (a •. ~lItenduncc and TCllponsc h.avc betn h::ry gCItlt!

rhe Labor Da~' rest was 3 ~UCcC~\ ' Ian)' of our member. (lnd thetr faml' h\!~ look p3rl In thlll h..o d .l)!. of cllllt! hrnlm~ $,qe-r \'kll( ~I)c", ha~ again ncl;" ;L~Lcd 10 crum ne'Cl \car\ fL~ for the Soulh Ccntral lO\\a Feder;umn or I "hor

Work in our art-3 didn II"f.J. up unlll "u~u~tllnd Septeml;!.cr. ~tKn .... c pfctt~· mu..:h dl!'an:iJ Bool I Se\cml l"(I,e..:t\ art pending for tbe "'inter roonths, and .... e hl'PC Yo'1: Yo III mamlaln a \1ead~ Ic .. d 01' ~mplo)mcnL

RO'iALD K. UlU Itt:M, 8, ~1J1 !oI

WORKING TOGETHER I ... U. JSIJ ( II ~ . M I/, M I, FL-Sy~ t em

Council U4 c!c\:lk1ns Yo crt he.1d JI Ihe Jul) mectrng III \ h ll ln i Will! the (0110\10

109 r.;sulls. nus, M",r John :'chra nt/cn (Local 1':1t)K, C"(:OIl, I'L): I' res Slc\C O:ut\(: (Local K2n, !l~II.IlIOIU. FL); VIce Pres. Ke" ~tnl' It a1359. Miami, rL): Set. Walt er (re~~on tloe&I ISI,I, Inri I audc rdale, Fl); Trcas. Cart Blal,.l CLocall<20) \yslem ("ounl:11 U .... (tim mittecmen life Gar~ A IcL:na\H.:1r (Local (1"!-7. Fort I) i ~·rcc. FLL ron> Bawtdamann (LocaI7~Y); \.13ck Rru\lon (Loc.;ll l(~2. S;lIIloul. H ); rerry KlIm m~r (local .\511); and George. $1.111 .. , ( l l:K.:al,0;;9) .IntI 1J11~ lon (Local 1191. Wt~1 Palm BC;I~h, 11.) .... as eketcd a\ "nrelY Committeeman n. Brothns .... 111 :\.C,,~ a three \Ctlr term. and the .. ba\'e Ihclt work cui out for Ih~m l1ie~ .... 111 nN he 'lhle h. do, II " Ioil~ .10.1 ~III need the help olllll '>UllfKlIl u l 3111Ju, HHll hers: Anti ";1\ll; r \0 enable u~ III Ctlulinue milLrnJ! \lrwk~ nol ooly lo,ur Vi\"~. but llM III phl$r. ~<\ in !hi, f;1 tI( dercguLahoo !lnd delYon"mng

Th S) Il;m C"unl,.d L4 OfrKCTh and committeemen, along .... ilh all of Ihc affrllated 10l;;11 UIll(lrlS' prt."si denl~. cun onl) succeed ir .... e arc all 011 the Sdllle page and pull It.,.elher for ... hat'~ he I (or the Brotbe,hooIJ, 10 m3,ke galD~. It is Imporl:tnt th,1t aliI.\! u pun IOZClikr .Jad (ocus (10 the l.lfgcr pklUrc "ltdl tn our"uct'eS-' \h: mu~t PUI aside 3n~' rer· son.!1 drffetern.:e\ .lIId remember "hlu tbe BrOlht:rhood tandlo (or. Wc mu"C

lacol 353. Toronto. ON, wekome~ a cWegorion ftom Denmark' , con,lnKtion indu~ try. Pictuntd her. or.: loc:ol JSJ lethnica l Education Depl, Oir, Ed Nott (righT). 80s. Mgr./Fi". S«. JOCl FOlhion (lee-oM from right). By,_ Rep, Do," Co". (Iaftj, JAC Dtr. Mortin McBride (second from Ieft!, 0 gue,t John Donoldson (third from left), and Pre •. B<.b c ;\I {(0I.Ii1tr (rCMn 16h). nltl .,- j,jlCII: i Irom o.nmark (wearing cops) are: Bjome­RundbNg, Borge O. Elgoord, Fronk Thovlow and Caulen Btk"tr.

DENMARK DELEGATION 1.,0. 353 (i , f"'~& (, ), 'fO ROl'TO, ON-On Thursdil\', Aug_ 17, LI'K'1l1 'S3 welcomed II delegation from Dl.:n· mllr \. \ consl JUl:l mn rndu\try nle delt:· ,limn was made up (If ' .... '0 ~fOU~. t he "almh ('onl nlctor" A~~uel'l1on li nd 1111: ( 1I: ll l!la l \\ lIr~e l " UIIIIJIl (SID ) Inc)' ..... ere hcr~ 10 study tbe hcal lh and Mllel)' l'i.~UC-~ III O n1lUi11

'I he dd egation wall ... cry !mprcm:J .... I, h Ihr pm!~ n·"q\l· hl'fl lt h An;1 '\I1 1f'1\

I CJt~lalion enacted by Dob Hlle and Ibl; l'\ew I)c mocnllJC f' nrl\'. We Rlt! hopeful t he Progressil'c C"'O l1scn alivc Pari) dele'! not tuke 3 step hllcKWard hy I.:hnllgrn& Ihl" legl~lal lo"

!JOB 11.1 , I',S.


..... ork Yruh ellch ol her lor Ihe mulu,1 1 Sl.Jt.Il.iuf Oll1

If dn)Onl.: lillllthll1k!- Ihal dere~III,1 lion IS nol n.:11. ltL me !l!5urc lOU Ih3tll IS, On Ault, 29 an d 'II, the H ornhl lI oullt' Utilit), O\'cni"hl rommlll" l' held their fin:' w(lrk hO[1 in TilmpR. They .. ~~i ted II eu,~c",:rutor, an mdc­penuent power produC'Cr, and a 1 r. 0 far.:t1I I)". 1 hey Wi ll DC l'lslt rng ot her:. throughout Ihe Mille. wuh a tentali .. c \'lsII planned t tl rUl kc'V I'oml NudClir at some pornl Jil lnr~ , OUI FrWA lobll}ISI. wit! ;a ttend Il~ /UH ny nf Ihc\e l'isH' 11\ I'o,~ i lo" III Ild l) l·II.U.I.lI': tlll:lt VUI concc.m~ are heilid b) Ihese leg.r,>hllnrs, Whal kind o( hill. If an)'. will come out of tim; I:O lll ll1l ttce IS, of cour'iC. unknown 81 Ihl\ t llnc: hov.e\,{'r )"1"1 11 r.MI be ll losu red Ih ll l whll tevcr comes 0 \11 will nOI bl: hcntfkl ll ltrl us.as IIt illt )'

.... mker .. We. lII u .. 1 lei our " lewS be known 10 ou r l(!gil.J;ltllni when the time -:0111(.'" I WI ll be I' llumg OUt rnfOrlllEtlJon 10 UUI local. as .... d l ll .. 10 the rrl:~ldcnL~

(lll he mher loca ls 111 the SysleUl Coun· \:rl. as II becomes a"llllnhle

The local 3~9 scc niJ annual golf I"UTOlime nt wu" j\ hugc ,uece s ...... ith 10;2 golfer!> taking pll n "I he I ,,"rml llIClrt Cummlttee memben, li slcd as folluw~. Jcsel'\~ II lut olt hllnh Ilir Ihe lime tln d cHon the), [1UI In ('huck Wflghl, R"hert Ani Jlle Arenn.rn JI.hn Butke. "tl·"e I· lynn ref!) Kam­m1.:r .mu G~nc \hller. nllln L ~ III~u ~tl

nUl 1(1 Ihoow.: ..... h<l voluntccr~d 10 ~orL the tnurn~lIlenL ~~ .... dl 11\ t h ll~( who r!lIycd AU procoCc:ds ..... ent III t he (tMIJ,u .. kf,(11I tlklll(lnnl Burn ~"Ier

l'nt il next t im!": ~or~ II ,lIle, Ir\.e ~nur hIe depend .. {In II f\nd Ir) to ,mend d union mcellll!l

TI MM' L Ioi.A\I\1 t R. PS

ORGANIZING GOES WELL 1.. , 36J (i.u.l.cm.CIIll ,lo\I&" ... .. 'lEn CI n '. i:\ 'I'--On .\u~ I H I ucal Wl .... ,1\ In(onnc:d thai Su . Rl.:p 'n;hl.ll.u ('on , .. mimI) Sr hllJ r:",<,('~1 lI'o\it) ThiS ..... as ~ 'hock to c:u:r nnl: .• n .... icL ..... II~ In /lIKw.I health 1Ic: ~r\'cd tho: union ror m:.n} ",tars, fir" a, .. hOIl ... II! .... ;ud a' Cuol1nenlal TcI~phonc: MIt.lt.I!I!IO~ n .Ind then us OJ huSlnc~~ rer nClullluml .... ilh AT&T and Cilrlcn\ Te\c.""1.Xlm We \\111 fillS'> "(1U. ' Il:k Our '1IICer\.' condo­knee go'out to Ihe Clln'>Cu"1inn lruml)

Our (lrgllnlljn~ cHorl art ,oln@ "'ell We ha\e a lUI uf unfnrr l;rhor prat'. IK'C chi,,! _ 001 then: fikd a~,"SI flun· 11m un c.llnlractof\ \\ C prc .. cnth Ire talkln!! "-Ith one of Ihc: l;ugu,t ·nl1n. IIlUon l·ommcton. In Ihe 1 'l)u!hkee~lC

luca, and at thl' tum: thmg\ louk .. cry [1ruml~mg.

I hi.\> ~ur'~ dllmbake IU, anuth~r hu~e ~IK«~ ThI! u~ual <'<:00.01 f!amC!. "'--.=rc pla)cd and the fnod "'Il~ OUI of Ihl~ ",arid From b.u:on dnd ~88" rur llrealda\1 10 the lot.)tcrs. cI.am~. ctabi IInai '1lea~'i 1m aimnel, I dnn'l Ihtnk lhere ..... as an emply stomach (~r Il1rk~

A'\. ~c ... lId g()odh)~ 10 wmm~r.

Sept. 25 kkked off anolhcr ~ho()1 "car 11Ir our 8J'PlenUI,.'1..' fU(I,rllm I"hi5 yc.r ,,~ I\lOk In l~ neW tecnllh w~ Wish the n,w reCTlJl\~ and alilhe other arpren· Iltc~ .. \ul:cb.. .. luJ ,"Iml fu l(illrnB ..chual )(l.1r.

rim nHlnlh .... e wI"h c.~·cr}"(lne a har(1) Thanks,f!l\oing .tnd a he.dlhv huh· d.I\I'iC,I\On

loco1 375, Allentown. PA, Sus. Mgr. Willi<lm H. Newhan:! ttehl congrat­IJla~ recent

rellr" RKhQrd L i n~ (cenm) and 3S-year cword recipi· ent rhomo~ Rittel" (righl).

WILD GAME BUFFET I...U , 369 (1.(J,II ,C Ill , r lb , r lS .e~& ~ I' II ),

1..0 IS' lI ,t ll , t{ \ '-Worlt: I"> under w:ty (I II the n(W So u then~ 1 Chti li3n ChuR!h I hl\:! 112 ~eat r fOJccl .... llIle.f lure Sl lI lI:·of-lhc·art lIghung and liound s)~telll~. 1111K h 01 ... hlth .... u .. tk~18ncd by R<!ad) [lccuic, the contractor awatded Ihls )011 Urn JCITY ClI.ffipbcll. the pro­jeci mansll~r, cxrects manpu .... er to pc.1L Ilt I,I'CIUI "ilhlulkd Cfa(t~nl<n. BHI

Mar..: ~\ the )!I.:m.:lal (olcllliln. MId

the fr .. c "hit\' hlllldmg ... ·m at 10,1100 Jll.!opk HI Ihe .... m~hlfl cenler, \Ihlt:h 1\

lucaU:d tIM Q I/~,ucrc site. Ihe 1011.:.11 H19 RllU .Hld (jun {'lur.

will halt il( Wlld Cam~ Buffet on Dec. II Thi~ (C,N ~1II include sml"ll.cd \cni· son. !'tlld tur~e:\ buffalo. c1L ,mt1\.ed \!lImon nnd phca'>IInl An)'onc '"tere t

ed rn lom lllg Ihe Rod !lnli Gun (.\ul1 ~hould (mlnct SI(!\-e Silliman. Due lire SI2 a )C;II, and f1tcetrnl!~ IIfC held III M p,m til\': <c~unrJ MondJ) of thl.: rnvnll\ :u the unton hall

The (bfl'tmll~ fund "'111 hu\'e II dra .... tnr; (Ifl Dec IR The fiN pnl~ ~III he II 17·loch Icle\I'lon, and ~cond pnzc 90111 be Il ,.F, nlllll-5tereo .... llh II CO phl)el All pmcl!CU5 will go to Ih\; Ie\ fOrlun.lte ulliur "red. \\'ilh Clrrr~una~ ha.,·kel .. plt'"'4:nlcd to help spread Illrnl..: holuLn d)ttr l'ka~ sno.... Iht' 'I'"nt of brotherhood ilnJ bu\ !.Offic: ch.IIICC\. ,II d •• I.U" ",lIfO: ClII •• lulh ruod

\\ tll.!"M G FJ, .... r Ii

WORK HOLDS ITS OWN L. . 375 Ci.tb 011' ). AllE:,'rnO\\I\, PA--On June q Local J 5 cicCH:d the (ollo .... lngtlf(la:c~ for.a lhr~·~c;u Icnn au~ \ I ~r Il:'ln Sec. "'1111001 II '\c\\hard. r'l~ Karl G~lgo:r. VK:e Pr~~ Dn\td Retelllltd. Tre:lS. Whitnl!)' Kt.m meter and H~I,; 'iec Brtlce Carney ExecuU\c 8u.std membeTh .IIIe \ lnoent ('0111\, 1)llnald \1ll1er. Crai& Setgfm:d .nd T~", R~~nQCk., On the ~\.tUUntn~ Board Ire. 1 homoils Re(;no Ie, Kim ')ltollcnher!!t:J und Mark Wicllnd.

The fdmll), r'\rcnlc .... ttS held Ihl~ )t'nr

at [)Nlh') PaIL nn \ta~' 27. There Vr..,. ,oad turnout I,ll tllI~ ~enl

\\ ort In nur Jumdictivn is hoMing Its .,.,n. vtouml "a~ hroken 10 Alml fOl

Ihc Pondcr(N I-rhrc Board job. wh l..:h .... ,11 be 10000led nelll to the ' Mthnmrtun Cogc:nl.!ralion plDnl Thi job llilll pro· I Ide ..... tlIl.. fur mal1Yof our mcmtx'l"'\

'\lth tkcp r grel .... e llQte: the: p;: .... ''''M of Rrn" ( i rnnl Khnfc:r and Itoh rt


CUnDmgham. a fomler Ireasurcr of Ih~ local QuroonJulcntL'S to their famlhc~

Con{!ratUlailOnS to Bros. Thom.H Rilier Gnd Ernie Gagllllrdi. ~'ho rectl\·ed thell ;'\'reoll ~dlr.:be..~

Also. coogralulali lIS and ben .'ish· es 10 Z5-\ear member Richard unk on his rcce'lt rtlircmcm

Be o;m311 and \lour" 5.Ilfc


WORK IS SLOW Lt. . .wI «I.U.tI~("&(t), RE..'\"O, 1\ \'­~ .sea~lark: hope Iht'} nl!\cr [e.1\1;

al\)'one's, I\am~ OU\ of.n .rUde In reporting aboul lhe 'IOIh .. nnl\C~".,11') of Loc:aJ .1111. I OmlUed the names of the people Ic(:eUlng thcn .;O-)car Pin, And did I t'\~r hear .bout 111 So. here Ihe\ art" RC<:t:I\lng Ihelr JO.-\ear rln~ 'I\'e re frank. Grunltud and Ted Iler-Lebel CongrutultlllOIlS. Brodlt':f"il

For !.bose membcn la ... 'ing out of Ihc area \1\ bo c.bd nul henr. Jcrn OI"'IIJ .... on 1M runoff clectlon for bUUllc mana!!· cr. and Ed \1111(1 'Miln Ihe" runofr ror p~ldcnl

Work is still low. fhe Pinion Plnc projc:ct has been dcL1)ctl In!cmallnu"l Game Teehoology ttu.)' be hiring by \be lime thl~ anldc i~ pullh~lled. Book 1 t'I. up to about 70 membc:~

We p:l;.o mhule 10 Ih~ memol) of til<! follo .. ulg Drothcn; wh., ha\'c r)J~!ed a ..... av o;mce our last Willing' Br'O'i, Hon Gru~"ltad W HIli" ('()I~. mil.! K~nn) James. Our cont.loJencts go OUI 10 their Imnthes

On AUA. 15 a memonal service was held al the Locu[ 40 1 IIICClltlg haUm memory of our huc 1110. H R " Red" RO\1,land. whl) pas..ed a .... ':I) r\ pn[ 29, 199:<:;, Bro, R()\~'l.lnd !tn-cd :l.!- bu.-.in~ mana ~cr of OUI local from 1946 1(1 I!}!iO HI!; Cimlly w~"ted 1\ mt:.mOH,,1 ~r~io.: on ~'h at would hu \ c been his 1J5lh birthday, Mllny nlthc r~Iifee~ and members 'I1;cre In attcndance It .... a~ 0 calcroo arfan. anu Ihe farm I} w .. ~ \~r) pleased 'I\·5th the 'MCC

HORER r C R l'~H"- P\

PAPER MILL PROJECT I...c. 405 (I. pl .rlb&.~nt). CE DAR R \ PIOS. lA-The \coond ph!l~ 01 lht papc[ millIS ,-eum~ qanw, and SO

Local 405, eeda,. Rapids, lA, 8ro, John Sheo relked in Ju",. H. ron and awned e.dor Rapidl Electric for ylKllI, l:md more reant/y wmed for ESCO EIedri(..


fa r the work I~ '010[1 unUll1l :-' u ,) UI

"ork. .hould pick UP,llnd we look. fOf· \'\:Ird II) h'IYIl1~ full cmlllo),m(:11I nl!,8Ill

If you purchuc po~er toob. plen~c sla), aWll) IrOOl Hlnel: nm.ll)cckc-r lonls The (lmpan~' 15 IUI"S"l pe:rctnl.1ge 01 It\ rrolin fn.1fn tools So.,ks nnd gl\'mg II

hl the N.lIlonllll\ B Appn!ntICI.' .. hlp Committ ee" ror ' hc !rami", <,.Ie III .sf'PlenllCCS. It ..ecm~ Hlad, ;miJ l)edr': ~1

iJ OUt to dnlro) union emfts. 1115 v"th sadllc~~ thal .... t' IInnoun«

Ilk: d..:l.th 01 b7-)..:ar mcmbl:r Oro, Ru~ · ~fI !:<I..:hrocd~1 \Ioho rMSI.'d "YoJ\ III a~ 92 \" C cXlelid uur condolcnct: 10 b15 fanlll)

lu.st 11 rc.mlm.kr t" \l\lr Ht\\tlll:.f", \1M Sitters on roliliC'!l: Plcase ",luch pre j. dcnltlll ClI.ndtdal~.od .... hallhe~ stand for. Some ~oukt dc .... tro> Social s.xuri I,'. our 't edlca,~ and OSI-I A. - rIO· ,ra~ Ih .. t mean ~ much m '\.\ollr.lnJl pt:~1e and Ihe t'lIkrl~

We .... e!cume t'l\O ne,," nu:mhc:r~ Robert Schor,. a resldenllal \l,lrcman, lind Urenl Bub, dn IU\\ lJ ('It)' JourneY man.

II \Ioe ~lrll:Rnlle the unorganl7ed ~'Pi, \.\e \1,111 gtl flur v.orl: to:k.k

liang tocether, or han, ~raratcly (1111 UIC,(;I"-S, P S

GRADUATION DINNER HELD L U. 413 iUlul. SANTA UJ\HI} 1M. Ci\-fhe LI'K'1I 1 41~ apr'Clltlt:c ,jlrndull tltltl dinner ceremony was h~ld June 24 al Zl.Icn reel: l(c!Otuur;tnt In Heullton Grauuates' fllmllic~ '~C I ~' ho~ ted 111 illl 0rx:n house Mterward at thc Inllntntl l'Cnter

Tht ti$ hl j rad u.lIl!s IIrc; \\- iIliAm IlAhr, [)A\ ld Buck le), 'I on~ Dny l:.dwa(d Cirni::I!. MMk Jab()\. O\\\,ld Medel. VIYi Mlrnnd,llUld Lui$ Ollc~udll David BUI;.~h.:y glmlercil Ih.: OUl:.ll111l1 inJ Appren llce A\1,ard. amI Danll:! Acrec "a, named Ihe Out~l andi ng

l lndcrgrndwte. ('OOll'lltul.luLon\. gr:td~! In lruelul, ror Ihe 1995 '% ~hool

),c.lr IIrt.1' follo .... ~, first y':"r, ('hUll

!luddlc ton: $ecnnd )·cur. Rnntly VillI. third \CIlI. Joe: Padll[ .. ; r.(lh )l!iIC. Roh 1-10f)'. tTht rouflh ~e.:lr IIlSlructOf had nOl vel be!!n nllmed i1I Illc ~, IlInt' ) 1-4ff) Gllle~plt I no .. tbe Jaurnqmiln In.mv({or and 'i"ub<.lIIule nmrlklnt

Remember 10 I.iHcnd lhe loud unulII mec.urtp, h I \m~rtan\ lhll\ ",II mem· beJ'!li an- IIwol\td In lhe go\'ernm,ll of our Ioal

( Itt 'f '" ~u 'OIlLFSTO'l I''s

LO(a l 445, BoHI. er •• k, MI, 1ln:I. '.rry Gnw .. lbocic row. riah~ and hi, fomit)l otganil.llc:l .... )0<01' , annual pknk held at Goguac lat. • .

' THE CAUSE OF JUSTICE' 1... • 4.15 (I, \pa&ul1 ), H,\ l' I. E

REEK. \1I-Con~Hluulalloru 10 the 11\(:" tnemhcn of Ihe neYo arJ1tcnll~ cJ.hJi Mike rullt)', Joo: Zint.a. D..:nnii Bommcr~ttact. Ja~n Cn and Ola\l 1)11\1\ Pleu,e Il6ke thl" lime to mtet Ihem and make them feel 'l\cltome.

We are" \;iddenl.--d 10 repon the Ikath of pnc of our h:lIIcJ membcl"5. Ilra.. \ r!T.

pi Shipman Hra,hlpmall Iran'ifcncd hi! card here 1«J1Il nnndl and lelumed tb..:f(' afler his n:IU'etIlo!nt \: e c1l:1cnd OUI

rondolcn(:\..", 10 hl~ fanuh ThOllll-h ht hILt. p8a.\Cd 01\. he \\0111 001 be forg lI~n . Th"nk~ IU nlllbllltC .... hH Yohmlcelcd

their Illne to heir v.llh the VdnO\l.\ Plo­Jt<U tbe IOCII m\ol\es itself in Illlm C\Ptc\l1l1v III 111'0 Ih l)' GfU\C~. tll~""l lc, Janct. lind tbelr family for orl!nnlzi ng till' rc:ar'~ annup1 plcrlll' II ' GUgtH1 C

l .J. l ~c Amwoxlmnlcly 100 """,p[cl. Mtcnd· ..:d.ltlld all hlld nil c~ ce.Uc n\ a{tcm{lCIn,

W\lfk h fl~ heel1 steuu) for Bouk I hands. and .... c ~ome1 i me,; h:lvc the plcawrc of PUlllllilIHl ... e llcr<t IQ .... "rL

We-apprc<:illic 11t":11 hell> Women's nllhb. ,h'i! nllh ls und IdD..1!

lights lire un Ilh()ut Ihe ~.llIlt tlung­dlgnilY. respect anel justice for nil OUt Illemher, cumc III mUll\" co1on and III

d,flcrenl gendcrs When law1 :lnd poll­IICS weslcen Itnv nf nur nrothel' And SISleU. ~t all arc 'Meal-cned When hl~' lind pohtl )Irenglht:n .n~ nf us. ..... l" ail llrt ~I(englhtntd Lcl'~ each o{ us resolyc 10 lhlnk. 'Motk and v Ie (lI\I,lIf' In Ihe CIlU~ of JU"ICl!.

STF\,f' FRA~,,"U'" [' S

AWARDS PRESENTATIONS L.U. -149 (l.o,rlb.rI\,'iiI"t ,II .CIII. ~\ ~In) , PO \1 EU.O, ID-Our annlLlllocal

Local 413, Santa Borbara, CA, instntdor larry Gillespie ~ront raw, a l leftj iain~ tne 1995 grodvate): from teft , bode ro .... , Vi ... i Mirando, alII ao~tt', Tony Day, David Medel, luii Quez(lda and MClr~ Jobot; Ironl row, [)(l ... id Buct.ley j(.enterl and Edward Grote lrighlt.

UTuon picniC .... as beld Aug 14 al Jenlcn's Gro\(: in Blackfoot. We bad I1.n elcepttOnal clllenti.1ntt ur 'Acll o\-.:r -UlO people and presented ~r"\-;t'C pw to thoW! wllh :!O or marc \car\ In Ihc IBf\\ lnl ~(lr VIe had 232 pin on hand for lI\1oa~ to lOOse eb~Jble mem­beD. Ei@.hlh OlUnd Int. ViOl: PJC!.. J()n Walten joim:d us e(){ lhe pm prt:5Ct\Ul' \leI/iS and II re<:ogmllon ceremon} for recent apprentice f,raduatCl John O·Annunzl('I. Jerr) Mill~hell. Garland mJlh, John \\ alUlrom, Malt WiUlams

Illd Da\e Peterson. Teresa Ro\lo'~ "!lias on hand lu makc the preS-C:nlal ion or the Mlk~ Roy"e Awud (or out tandmB' cffort~ to Ihl~ ""enr'" recIpIent. Garland Smilh. Ihe OulStrtndin& Apprentice . Thonks 10 11.11 .... ho helped .... 11 h lhe plC­me and cleanup,

Local 4019 clnends slIlcere thanks on bch:lH of Jell) Langc anJ hl ~ rnml l~ fO I Ihe cons ide rlllllln a nd brolhcrho()d st\()\I,n by s() marty wno oifered help (lnd support to the l...an.!!cs when the} face d Ihc loss of ,heir SOil, who died whllc he W[l~ \'Arall0nutg In Mexico Special tb.Ulh In Ilrnthl;!r\ .md SiSter.. from Loca l 569. San Otego, CA. for providIng Iransporla'lon. Ir(lnslu llon and mher help Ibat I needed In SUdl a sitlllilion regard mg arrangemenl' acro<.S boll.lef"i

Lei's welcome our ne~ apprenlkes I1nd Ihose elcclrit'"ian'ii .... ho are JOlll1ng wllh U~ <Iud Lh.lnt;lIlg lhc t:4U3l1on thai del4:!rmlfleS ~ha l compelllloD ~ based upun, TI)' Dllcndl1lg a CO\1E I ellis.-. or 1~3tnin, how ","e can affect our m:nit.cl IhntUgh QUI ;1I:1l\1.; partiCIpatIon II) the or~lIlII/lng dforl


YOUR VOTE IS CRUCIAL LU. -L~ h • .cm.tC:SI.t-sol.JOIt.: · iTO\\, " Pt\ -So .... that summN I~ O\er. if .. lun" 10 l!..:t b.hllo ulious busin.:u Tappin' the "~I. of course. I ,elllfig oor m011bcn oul to \ute m lhe general cleaton 8U1 beforc you go 10 (be polls, mnl=c ~UJe \'Ou '-nov. IlIbor'~ l'\Sues and !.he canJlltlle~ who ht!,1 reneet lhesc ~ue working people. II is Impar­Innl for U" and our ramilies tn {!.el (ric-nd .. of labor t'~led WhOlI these eltelcd orficials do) ""h~n tbey arc ID offi~" "'Ill .1!rct1 us peall,..

Since Ihe Rcpuhlican l-wl!ep In tht 111\1 deC1lon ...... e An: .... itne~~mg luocks on nUlllcwu~ ~UCS Imp(IJlanl 10 ur¥a­hlled lloor These anncu IiffcCi each 01 U~ We ha\t 'leC'n an a~'i3ult on ple­\·Iuhrt! ..... a!!\! pro\·isions. ",orl:cn' com· 'JCn~Dlltln and OSHA, Ie> name II fe .... These Me Issues o( critical iml>Ort30ce 11\ \\OrlilU!: people. and ... c .. hnuld nOi flUId ~1t 1l for Ihese I1 lI lIc l:j Ont way


we clln ge l our message across is al Ihe polJ~, I h!!1 I~ why we musl he infQrrned lind 'lI010 for en lldid~tes who will ~lIP pnrllohur lind worldng people.

Next Oil the h~t is ~orncth i ng l'.eJ nil ~hl)uW be doJmg )enr around. Thot is 10 buy Uluun, buy l\nrlh Amcncn n Willi Ihc ho1idny~ fast appro,\ch inj\. we nrt oul 8clllllg rcad)' by s hoppi ng carly Whclher you shop carly or liliC. 11lltke ~ lIrtl you look ti l 1111 Ihe lahels, 1101 j\J ,1 on clOIhlne, bUI al.~ nn 10)1., flprli:tIln~'i, elc. lI unl) lokcs II few CXlru "l'OOnds 10 do Ihis. and II could Sll\e ynur job.

We {t lso ~ hould he ed\J cilling our f,lt11 i llc~, (Iiend\ und neighhor.. lt hoUI the impontlncc of buying union ·made. North Allieric<rll gUlJd~. If wc as UIll(1O rncmbc11l don"t do thIS, surely 1111 une chcwill ,


LABOR DAY PARADE I ... U.:I/I I (1.~lll.splI.ru.ml.N.'S&~a. INOI· AI\AI'OllS, IN-t\ s uf lhl~ \Hllln, our Ilrolhcr!':. SI~ICr& f:'lmil)' Im:lIlbcl~ :rnd fellow unrOll \\mkcrs. wen: prepar· in~ f\lr Ihe Lilhor IJdy parade III UOWll HI .... II I lIltillmlpoli~. This will tmve ('I(! CII Ihe I I'" IllI\e II I ~e\'er:rl yell N thall ai)(11 hus I;.hown il~ wlidn rilY in Ihc f(l l li1 of ~ I

pMiHl e 111 the t.I ~) wnlnwn Rrea, Anti Labor D.l) 191J5 ..... IIIr.I"c been an C\Il\: CHilly rr{l lld .. lilY fo t QUf memben. In

li!' llI I}f Ihe union'only agn:emen l 011 Ih e IndHt1\ilpolls "i rcle CCnlrc Milli J'lr<:rJcCI. AI Jlrt'~\ tll llC. Ihe mall'<. grulll! {1llCn1nf wa.~ M:hcdu1cd for , 'pI. It 1\}(li.

i\ hijl lhmlk-)'Ilu In l...{)I.;lll.tR ! IlIcm­ben who \'olul1 lce u:d Iheir Irnu.: fill DAD'" D:l y_ t\t .. o, Ih'ln ks 10 Ihose mcmh!" , ~ \l ho hdped 0 111 dunng Ihe Fllunh (If July cclebrtllion downtow n.

At pn:~ l ime Local 4,s1 hlld "<:IH;d u led a Stewnrds Tmillill g (" I[I~!I (IJ I

Oe l 21 COM I''!' c1asscs wcre 10 be 11I.:ld ill SC IJlc lIlile i ,\IILI Octuberl he next CO\1E'r class is scheduled for Ih\; thllt! rJlur.day III 'ovemhcr III 'i pilI

atl hc 1I11:1l1 Ull lOn h;l lI . I.tlcli l .t IH orSllniu::r. Bro. SCli n J

:lil.lyferlh. hn~ heen 1l1eC11II~ with non union declrieillus every TlwrsdllY !II

" ["Ill :'It the Unt OIl hull. These meet· in~s hnYe helped I/,rell th 111 our effnrl\ wll h so lting aClivitics anti spreaJing U,,'(lIlI~ln

Locld 481 W:'I, we ll ·rcp rescnlcu III Ihe 'iht {mlnt!!1 IUI:W Uowling Tour· IHUlIe nl I\ostcli lIw; yetlr hy LOCil1 1.14 , ('hlClIgO, II.. May 19·21. ('ongr:lIull\ th ill' h i 11111111: Brul he r .. IlluJ Si~lc rl;.

who pilflicip.llCd in Ihis VCtl r'!I evenl

JOIlr- W. EVANS, I'.~

BUYOUT PLAN L.U, 49 jJ (u&I), nt;s MO INES, lA- ­As relXJricd c:uher, Lncul ,1')9 hns hcen \II talks fo r severo l monlh~ Wllh \!lid· \\e ~t Power S)<;t c nr ~ c(lncerning II reduelion of 200 h.rrj!.lining uIIII I~I~I llUns. Uurlllg Ihe IIr~1 two \lecks 01 Augusi. OUf Illcmhen. uvcrwhelmrngl) IlpJlHlved :I hUy011l pion nc g.o l in tcd between th~ p"rtle'. Oll e lIf the hl~e'l prob lem:; .... ' u ~ th nl Ih e rcd u ~ l i oll occurred in eaeh 111111 cl)vcred hy Ihe four contractS Local 4\19 has With Mid w !,.'S ! Powel Sy~ICttr~. nm) caeh IHl II h;l(,) ) t~ own ~I"!cial WI of rmhlcl1ls.

I he first pruhlem Wfl ' Ih lll n{'l l til! th e un its h .. d enoLlg h pCI)ple elrgilll e t\IT ellrly rel iremcnt, I he units co\'erell by Ihe Norlh cOlltnrLt llI1d Ihe clen cnl conlnlcts were far ~ht)rt uf Ihe numhe. ( I f people old cn(1u~h I(l (llWI Hy for carl) relirement . CIl II"l ('1ar ell 10 lir e 1I 11l0u nt the company .... !t~ reducmg. On Itlp of Lhnl. the Ci~nl['any wMted 10 he li llie 10 luy orr LO reach ~pe cific num lJ.cl'~ and 10 (.;onlrad lhe work (lui rtll<;; would have been dC \':I~tlllmg fm Ihll'e l .... ncmllmC1~

We ended UI) .... llh .1 hu't'llul pi lin Ihll l (lfJe l ~ 3 ha:;c ~lr s;\n.o{)O wllh an all ll i· linn;11 $;0;50 per ),car nf ,crYlec. l'lu'\. un)'011C eligible 10 rct ire (tlI'1! 52 III 1"'" ClI ll t rac l ~ llilU lIgc ~:\ III the {II he r IWO

cOnlraets) 111:'1)' rCl lt'l.!. A, ,In \!Xil llll'le. II n 11Iemher IS age :\lJ nnt! h il~ 11'1 )cars of serVIce, be WIll rCcelvc it IctHellIe nt i:hcck forS6Ll(XhmJ n; l lh.: .

1 he M!Cond pHlhlcnr " 1101 every,III\: will he offered a ch~'C'k I1li! uffen. will g'l 011 1 in step" I he fif\! ~tc il will be wh ~ re jobs arc hcin~ L'flil iplele!) d in". lI:11el.l; the second where there is !l n":l rcducllon al J loelllll)[l Ihe Ih llll whe lL' there IS il redUl'llOn III :I c1IlSStOCJllOn .... hele there IS not tI net redutlllin In Il locn l lon: an d Ihen 10 sen ll1fll, In L.t~e any offers lire Idl liver Itl (lne (If Ihe co ntracts, thc)' will roll \\1 Ihe uiller eonlrilets; amI if the) IIrc used,jom. will be Il .... ·arded Iu Ihe mernhel1i froll1 the COnl racl where lhe check, I,;allle frul11 .

I hiS IS on ly II ~ m ll l1 portIon or the lIg l eeme n t. We hope c ~'e r y( lI1c wtlll wants 8 job will hftve Ollt! when nil Ig

~ll ill llIlddl)lle

DO'" KRI\I ~'f • 1I1 1~ Rf I '

TWO-YEAR AGREEMENT L, • 55 1 ( i .o,C Il1 .r l 1i.(,~~M l ). SAN T A KOS/\ , CA-A dlllll ~ 1 IllInce 1m le lll ing Bus. Mgt. Richnrd A (,1.ltcy trH)k place Oil J ul )' 2N 'I he IHl~t f(l' the C'''CiIlOg \lins our new huwlc\S mlllUl!,\el

local 481 . Indionapoli~. IN. members orll omOfig those who portldpolttd in the 5 1st Annual Bowling TDUrnamenl hosted by letal 134, Chkago, IL


Some of the lcKo15S7. Soginow, MI, newly eleded oUicers gather IDr a photo. Shawn from left afe : Exe<. I!ooord member Thomas B. Winchell; berm, Boo,d member Jo:=lr Gilaon. EA~, BO(nd RlO:=Rlbo:=n, MUrk Kl'iugar a nd John Ruppel! III; EX(lm . Boord member Georgc Drycr; Trcas, Dale Walls; BU$-, Mgr./Fin. Sec. Gi l~on fo~ler; Roc: . S«. Karl Faylt; Pro~. Don Combs; Ex.K. Boord members Andrew Smith , eov. Small and Manard Whitman. No! shown orcl/ice Prb. Charlos Gricor and ham. Soard member Jome~ N~uholJ$.

ciCCI, Bro. \ lev4,.' Johnson. One of the highli!! ht ... uf the eVllll lllg cn me when Ninth District 1111. Vice Prc~. S.R. "J.1(.;k" Md ' 1I11t1ll1e~enled RIch wilh II plo(lue honoring hi ~ man) YCiln> of ser 'lIce 10 the memher .. o( I.oclli 551 We

Ihank you. Rich. hll YlJ u r dedlclllet! lcaden;llIp and Wish you good hcnhh ;rnd GOO \ hle"I1I~" 111 )OUl le ille lnen \.

The t1Icmtlcr~hil' recenl ly :Irpru\-ed H new two ve:r l lI!\ree mc nt lh ol pro· ~i u c! r .... 1 II 7~r..I,;I\ L ~·pl;l- I II)UI v.:r ge inne:l.,e III \1 rlfl ll. Sonoma. Lake and Mcnuoci nll !"IlIJ11 t i e~ O\'CI Ihe lerm of Ih(' atl":~mC IlI Wagc\ will increase all ((lII(I\l,~ t l)20t't'll l\on Jtrn I. IIJ%; (2) 25 cents {In June I. 11)96; illld (J) 1(1 ce nl s nn JIII1 1.1997 . ' I he wn ges III IlumboldL und Del Nlale counhe~ Will

n.!malll lite ~!lll1 e Ihi~ year, and wc will l'flCll thl.'! agree nlcnt Jm wllgcS 111 19% rhl! r~"ldcn l lf'llI~rccmc nt also was ral· ified .... llh 11) LC II I ~ @Ul ng luward !h~ 11&\\1 TtU"1 cf(c<,;li\-e Aug. I. 1995, anti Li CC III ' lin Ihe cheel cfreCII\lC June I. l\)()6.

Wurk III "lIr JumlhellOn hU 5 heen Ilu il o! gnud. Ihi\ SlImmel . Grotll1U WII ~ hrokcn In AUIIUit fO I the new Rincilll Vallc) IlI/othll,c!HlIII '1 h:11 project ..... iIl provide mUII~ Ille lllhers wilh worL. for Illllle thul1 tl ),ell l r he c lecl rical con· tractuI I!>Jm.'I.Il I1. lIdll 'lcclltC,

Un;llil nlec li ngh nrc th~ s~col1ll

Ilur .... tlny 01 Ihe 1l\(IIHh II I M p.m. I hop<: 10 1)CC ~t)tllhcr e.

J"I'" A. HtTK lIORN . I '.~

INFORMATIONAL PICKETS I.U. 557 fl.rl~'~~II:ai, SAG INAW.M I­Another i plm ln eUII1HIClOr 1« in \I u~i n l'~~ A fO llnt'r '\.' I ~nn FI"t'l ri L c~t1lTIllh ll' 1\:1'<; hegun Thomas Eleclric. Ilere he twd Ihe he~1 nl holh wmld" allli L1ecI(jeu III \Ie It conlraClOr. Union'l Nt) ClI l"lIllI\' l ),cl. I" III Ih l ~ WTltll1 g 111 hlte AUilu~!I

I(eccntly C hllln ('(l<l~1 announced Ihe closing of i1 ~ dON' IIJt ton .... iuc-. No lt3~J fed ing.\ helc hecll u '>C 1110«1 of Ihe Hlly R .... uJ LUI IJill¥ ".n \.umlru\.h! IJ with nOIl · unum h" lI th M n)'he if Ihe "'(Irk had J!o ne Unl<"ln , th lng~ wou ld have lU I li eu (lui ulfkrc nll)" Now wc havc ~ n {) l hcr dC fd "t buildlne .... llh rlo:o.~ihlc s lructurtl l prtlhlem .. th,11 h :r~ Ihe pOlen li,,1 or hcinlll1 l1 e)'e rc for years.

At n rcu:nt 101.'':11 unrOll mcellng. thc discussion included cb riflCftlion !)f how unillLlen lun: d nplJl cn llecs arc sell l 10 Jobs. Whll l Ihelr Joh llCSC ripll Cl II

i nc1u\le~ .• ttnl thei r S UpCT\'I ~IOII hv II

JII\lfneypct'S(1n. A 111\11111': 111 (If ~Ikncc ..... "s IIhscr\-c([

for I1ro. Arl ('la rk. who plls~ed :r .... ay rcc~ ntl y, Bro. ('Iillk . who hnd hcen rcured fO I sollle )e:'lrs. w,1~ 11 ~\K)d w \loorker (lm.!:1 frlcnd 10 all li e PIIS'tcJ awa) pc,u:clull) dUring the flIght We cXl end our sincere condolencc~ It! h l~ ("mil}

Orp,oniling efforts in Jill y ulcllllictl I' I~ L e t ' III S (I ~ IIIHW'~ F,l ~hilili S\IUI11~

M,III, wherc IIlwrganil.ed .... m ke .. ~ .... ere p.:rf(IOlIIng eleclriell l IIlslallntion Inf('lf· nr.uiun:II rlckct~ were sci li p .11 111 11 11 )

111 ;1 11 enHances. and .. endors Imide thc f:rtr h lY were co neerned 'I hl~ IICl lIln resuhcd in li n inerc .lScll CO llllllllllll) H Wllre ll e~~ Ih al thcle ure ~ lllt w(lrkcrs v.illil1J!. lo hlllhe :.trccls (or (Jllf wll!!e~

JHh~ huve heen untler wny this IIUIII tll et Ih ul were I>uccc~~ rllll y hId :r~ II

rcsult () f the effort s of ou r \\0 II tehdoil hU~ lIIe~, nlllllllgel". Gi lson FO!>ter. HII ~ Mgr. rOSter keeps labs o n UpLOI1lIllP. work. l11 l l k ' l1l~ \ ure faIr hiddcr<;; ure III on k..:)· Ilfl)icCI~ thai l1ligh l othe lwlse hll~c ~It Jll~(! through our fingers.. ('on 1;ll1t I're~~urr.l on elecled puhhc I1ffi

cials and lallor affili:tlcs .. eem.~ 10 he fru llhlllll erelli ing II :O:IIUllli(ln of rull empltlyme lll for 0111 loc1l1 at IHc~en l

h'~ II Illugh Job. but the fruils do him· o,( )111 illite lIl11whlh.: l lmnks til lin.: ali h gent ..: rrom of our l{le[tl [tntl il ~ Il lll cer~. .... ork I~ guod [or our members thus far Ihl~ yc.1I

JOlt~ L . n .H tI 'So P , ~.

OFFICERS INDUCTED L. ,569 (I,O.'ls.sp:lil.nll.nlur.ch&e". S I\N 1)I":r.o. CA-AI Ihe .lui)' 12 gcnl!ml membersh ip niCellllg. we held Ihe IIhltgn lmn of newly cleclcd olficcr.! 10 "e rvc O(1T 1<.,,;,11 for Ihe nl.lx l three )'CIII'S They !lre n" f(lliows: !lus. Mgr.lI' lI\ , Sec. Allen Shur. J' rr.l~ .lim 1\ )' I ~wtm h . Vice Pres. Ted U lld~h ,\ lk ,

Rcc. &:":. Dll n Morales and lleu~ Dan Wit11~

I ,1Cr..utilC IhMIonlcmt"JCf' ,l ie: Tum Kunde. Em ily Davi s. Jeff Side l olld Al M I I ~p.IU\'e. l:,xiHnll1l11g IIOMd III CII1 · hct~ lire: Duncan Abrnms. Jim B:lSOI e. Jim ('urric!. John DlII lI uc r und Stc"c Miller

In tcfnal lllllal Con vent IOn deleM,ute!> II rc: Krl s lI a rln e ll . Emily DaVIS, Joe Il cI~Ic I . John Slml'S!)n. T el r), OCM,Mrnll: tlnd Tom Kunde.

lim. '1 crry Godsh:rlk , pa~l I'rc~ IdCI1I .


Pictured are 5Ofl18 of the newly elected officen and boord members of Local 569, San Diego. CA,

had Ibe bonor of adminislering Ihe oalh of obhgallon to lhe ne'o\ onicers. We exttnd our congululations and best wishes 10 each oflbcm.


FREMONT CENTER PROJECT LU, 595 (i.o.c&sl). OAKLANO, CA­What .... o uld Ihi s do for your nerves? Lcl"s say you're a passenger on a speeding Jetliner, nying Ihe midn ight n:d~ye through turbulent air when the captain wakes you from sleep with this announcement: "The FAA hal'> lost all power at Iheir local conlrol cente r. Because we are nying hllnd In a crO'o\'d­ed air space. our scheduled ETA has been revised. Do nOI wQrr.'_" Would you worry' You're darn 'righl )ou would Zoomlng Ihrougb clouds hair bhnd 31 400 knots, .... hlle Irying wllh aU your might not to \isualize fiery mid-air collisIOns, 'o\ould hwnble the mosl sea· soned air tra~eler

Thtu' why Ibe Federal A\'iillion AdmlDi:!ilralion has alloted large expendllures to upgrade each night conlrol ct:nlers uninterruptlblc power supply (UPS). lI ere at the Fremonl Centu, the FAA WIll spend some­where in lhe neighborhood of $15 mil­lion 10 acquire Ihe laiesl UPS tecbnology. Exide Eleclronics or Raleigh, NC. wlll 5upply the hardwl;lre; and L..ocal 595 electricians (emp loyed by Hum EleclTic) will supply the skilled labor-a n est lllla led 30,000 man-hours. Two new ball ery systems of 48- and 575-vo1l5 DC, plus IWO

brand new generators will back up Ihe ccnle r's on-line powe r supply in the evenl Qr a utilit y f(} iI1.l re. All wiring sys· tems will be conlainerl in rigid condu it attached to welded-in-place unisl rut rncks. seismically s.ccurerl. CraflsnHlO­sh ip i a number one priority. Once again. Local59S IBEW electnC1ilns Will produce.

TO,,"Y WIU.IM1S, Ps.

A BRIGHT WORK PICTURE L. ,613 (i,o,em.rts&spa), ATLANTA , GA-Our work SilU3tion is the best we have experienced in scveral yeal'$. We have en joyed a walk. lhrough referr.ll process fo r the pasl scveral months. We rue gralefu l thaI our area IS boomlllg and thlll we have been able to provide work ror IrHveling BrQlhcrs and SiSlers. We also are grateful to the trave.l mg Brother.> and Sislen ror helping in pro· teding our jurisdiction .

Congratula tions 10 o ur new jou r­neypcrsons. After fi"e years of appren­liceship. they han~: lumed OUI just in lime 10 benefit from our p rosperi ty. Speoal congralulatlons to Gtorge Ful­rord o n being selected Ihe oULSlanding apprenllc:e (rom th15 o\emll o utsland­inggroup.

We are dose to compiering OUr audi­torium and lramlng. ccnttr expan:!ilOns. Tne expanded arels will allow us (0

greatly enLarge our Journeyman lraining programs_ so we can continue IQ sta~'

abreasl of the changing lecflOolCJg)' Ihat so rapidly continues in our industry_

Ou r orgamzlng effom a re contllllJ-109. We hne unplemenu:d Ihe Inlenne­diate Joumeyperson and lnlermediate Apprcnt.1cc cl3.'i.SJfiC/ltlOn~ to aUow m.IO allract and represent the unorganized within our industry. while providmg them with employment opportunities. benefits and workplace dlgmt) .

It is with sadnl!SS thai we report the passing o f Bros. Frank L. Wilder and James T. Fischer. We extend our con­dolences 10 Iheir famil ies.

Our I'1l1n ual barbecue was a great success with good attenda nce_ !I is always a pleasure to s.hare brotherhood and good food with old fri end!..

We wish all the members and their ramilies the best during the upcoming hohday seasons. We do ha\'c a IQt 10 be thankful for thIS year.

Attend your union meeling. II IS your business.

LOi'l-ME: F. PI,.OTT, P S

Locol 595. Oakklnd. CA, electricians wOfking Cli the FedM:.I Aviaiton Admini!lnr lian', fremont control center join the wire pulling c:rew for (I morning breClk.


CONGRATULATIONS, BRO. MOWREY L • 639 (1,I.l&m), SAN LUIS OB IS­i~O. CA-After sc:T\'ing as business manager of L.ocal 639 for over seven years. Mike Mowrey resigned 10

asswne hIS new position as a Ninth Oi ... trl(:1 inlcrn;ttional Re:pre!;entllli\c Mike did an outslan<iing job as business manager. leading our loc.ill as It regained its role as a major foroe in the electrical industry in our jurisdiction He will be greatly missed here. bUI our loss 'o\lU be the Ninth 0 151OO's and the 1.0:s gaiD. O rganize r Ted I-I all was apPOInied 10 scn'e us business manager and "..;11 continue 10 lead us toward our goal of rceaptunng all of our 'o\ or k 1 lank Lewis was appointed 10 replace Ted as organizer

EffeClive Supervision 11 and m class­es were offered in June pnd were well­attended. Membe rs who took tb e courses we re ab le 10 upgrade t hei r supervisory skills and gain some insight inlo how a contractor perceives a job. AI this .... ·riting in July, we were maki ng plans to o ffer Supervision I in August. With journeyman wireman upgrade classes sta rti ng up in th e fall . Tim Hixon resIgned ItS training din:clor_ a nd Tony Wire will filJ Ihat position.

Congratulation" g.Q 10 Mark Ba ttis­tOIll, Pat HulChiwn and John Miller Jr .• all of wbom passed their Joume)'man's ex:am anv will make fine journeyman wiremen.

Bus. Mgr. Ha.ll presented a COMET for Contraclors class in JUlle. The eou rse was vet) Similar to a regular COMET class. The contractors who allended now have a greale r under­standing of \\-hal organizing is all about and how (hey can aSSISt the local In our o rgani1jng effons.

Work contin ue$ 10 be slow At thiS wrillng, an oulage cycle at D iab lo Canyon Power Plant .... ·3,S scheduled 10

begin In late Se pt embe r: until then many of our members will have conlin­uev to \\'Ork on the rood.

Everyone here at Local 639 thanks Ihe localS around the oountry Ihat have provided our members wilh the oppor­tunity to work in their areas.


CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS L .649 (1.0,LI.nS.!ip:a&lct1), ALTO I L-With negotl3l ions coming up on our Li nt Construclion agreemenl and with Clark Oil and Oli n Corp .• I am pleased to report that negotiation!; have been 5alisfactonly conduded on several o lh er ilgreemenlS. As previously reponed ..... e " -00 the right to represent mamtenilnoe employees on Ihe Alton BeUe Casino. Our first agreement v.;lh Ihe com pan)' IS a Sili-)ear agreement featuring a 30 percent wage increase up from , .... ·jlb a w-age re-o~llcr In Ihree years. Sclticment was reached on our Wireman. Malntenancc aov Commer­cia.J Power l...ine agreements. fealuring a 90 cenls per hour raise each year for tnree years. The Residenlial agr«ment was sellled With a 45 cents per hou r wage increase each year for a three· year teoo. Scllicment .... ·as also reached for our maintenance employees at Shell 011 ...... i th a paCkage IIlcrease to be dmcnnmed by the Od Couneil.

Salting .... orks! Rather thun sign our agreement and WOrk under Ihe same terms as all our legllimate contrac..10rs, a small area contractor has lefl our region. II seems they have been found g.uilt)' of discnmln310fy hIring pmclw:es by the NLRB. AIIOmt) ror Ihe NLRB are anxious 10 find lhem and 10 assure Ihe proper back p;1) toourmembe1"5.

In anolher organizing eflon. we were: sua:essful In sl!OIng a ooDtractor after pi t:ehng, filling unfair labor praclice dl.iJrges. and snlting for four days

Nineleen ne"A membtts 'o\~le obllgat· ed at our Sep1ember meeling. The ..ign. ing of our ne ..... members represents a 4 perceDl increase in membership for our local. Figures lik.c these arc a testament 10 lhe determination or our office Slaff in Iheir cffQrts to m.amlain eXJsting labor agreements .lond organi~ the Industry.

After several )'ears of Mcl~ but no cigal" b,1\1 games. we h3\'C finally won a fi rst-place trophy at the area Fede ration of Labor Softball T ourna me nt. Con­gr3 tu lations to team manager Garry SummOns and all lhe tnember.> who par~ t icillated inlhis ycat"s.1ctivi ties.

Ed Domkoski, an Olin electrician. vlcd recently al Ihe age of 44 as a result ot an accident while vaca t ion ing in Canada We e~t end our sincere liympa­thy to hiS family a nd loved ones.


Locol 673, Painesville, OH. mourns the Ims of Sro. Bob Taylor !pidured hereJ, w~ was kilJed in (In on-the-job gut­dent in August.

BRO. TAYLOR MOURNED LU. 673 (i.o.u.rts.-'iP:iiL.I&t:I1lt'). PAINS­VILLE. O tl-AI Ihis v.Titing. Ibe end of summer ..... 3$ in sighl. and a wOfk pic­lure ""as: laking shape: ror the fall and winter months. At press time many members were \\"'Orldng on projects Ihal ..... erc wmdmg down_

One projeci under way is Ihe addi­l ion 10 our union hall. The scheduled completion date is Februal)' 1996. With aU union contractors 1.D place. ground­breaking began August 21.

Oro. James R. Howard was electev as (he: Ioc.'ll's vioo pre:sidc:nl in a runoff election held in July.

Our orgall17.lng e fforts hIm.: YlCldcrl Iln(lther newly organ ii'.ed member. Bro.


SCOII Stansberry. furmcrly Il f IIUII­(lI1 i (l1l Vemlclt i Electric. is o ur ne~ Omlher member.

AI th is writi ng Lahor I)"y parndes .... e re hems planned, L{t('al b73 will hllve take n pan til the PlI lIl csv illc purude, and our local WIlS cllO~el1 liS t h~

grnnd nJa r~h ll ll for Ihe \1 el1 l\\r I)n Lake Im:llle.

We have terrific news ror ur Ider members, After greal planil ins li nd dis-­cussion, we\'e becrl nble II) Inwer our retirement uSc frQIIl 61 to M ..... 'hlt (ull ~n$II}II hcnel"i ts.

It IS wi th deepes l regret Ihat .... e nnr\llunce the passlllg of Uro. Bot! Tay­lor, who was taken frolll U~ II ~ II result of un on·si le elcct rica l IIceiuCIII. O Ll r oilier memhers stili remember the loss of Bro. Ilamey Zimmer; nuw our me m­bCl1ihip. bOlh you ng and old. has 10 grteve ye t another loss 13 11). Tllylor must remlu n in our Ihou)\ht~ [U, we rct lll il to wQrk fl t n tmde where danger lurks aro und ever}' em ller Sli fe ty should nOI be sacrificed. not even for a ~t:CClnd. Ih o. Boh Tay lor was uken from U~ far tOO soon I-It- wi ll tru ly be missed. but nOl forgallcn. We. e)(lend tllI l si n cCII~ condolences tQ h i~ fllmily,


LABOR· ENDORSED CANDIDATES L. U, 699 (u), A LEXANII KI A, VA­Local union meetings are. held the third ruesdny of each monlh at the Il amp· I n Inn in Ma nasslis slartill8 nt S p,m. I'he meetings are your opportUni ty to become mformed and to bring issues of conecm 10 the aUt:.ntion of Ihe bu~tn c.ss mllrlagcr, This is your local Url ion, You have a right as well as a rC$ponslbllily I participate. Make il U pOint 10 attend on upcoming meeting!

You also have a right and responsi· hUh)' to vOle in the upooll il ng electi n ~. Every vote coun ts: rAces have bee n won or lost by one or two votes. Fol­lOWing Is :1 list of eandldall.'S endorsed by the slate AFL·CIO. and Ihe)' need our ~uppon. For Ihe state SeMle: lst Dis t rict. lIu nter Andrews~ 17 th , R. Edward Ilouek: 29th, Charles Colg,1 n; 31st, M Margarel Wh ipple: )2nd. Janet I I well: 33rd. Charles Waddell, 251h. Richard Spslaw: and 36tb. Joe an !an.

Labor endorsed eOnl.lidll tes for Ibe Virai nia House. of DelegateS Me: 28lh DI~ lr iet. \1. Alicia Knighl: 3 !u. . 11 78nllr ~rh .. "' · ,1ml DAml Cl il1ngly' 33rd. Ro nal d Winter; 4th , Vincenl Ca llnhlln; 351h . Robert Scholtlcr: 36th. Kennelll Plum; 37 th, Ro bort Hll rris: 381h. Robert Ilall: 39th. Vivi ll n Wails; 40th, JoAnn Spcvaccl: 41st. Jnmu DiI· laid: 42nd, Mark celski; 43rd, Gladys Keating: 44th. linda Pullen: 46l h. Dnan Mornn; 47 th. James Almllno; 48th. Julia ConnAlly, 491h, L. Kalill! Durncr; 51st. David Brinkley; S2nd, veorge I)ellnl· bu. 53rll, JUllles Scott; li nd fi7th. Gayla SchoenboTr'l .

A5 Ihe holidll Ys approach, Ihe Red Cro~~ l!ilwa y~ nee ds blood domJl s; thl! Sulval ion Ar my ..... iII be needi ng bell ringers; roys for Tots ncetl~ vlJlunleers: and ma ny olher charit i ~s need you r help III the holiday season lmd through· out the year

JAY W. MIl F_Ii. P.S,

Locol 9 1 S, T(lmpo, FL. JATe Oir. Philip Humphrey Ileft} one;! JATe Cllmn . Thomas Pricke" IriShl1 present the Outslanding Apprentice of Ihe Yeor Award 10 C horle ~ R. Hom_ (cenler).

WHAT WE STAND FOR L. U. 915 (i&m l) . TAMPA , Fl,-1 he Fiflh 0 '5trle l Progress Meeting wa~ held 111 Mobile. At. Ihls vellr Int Pres . J.J. Barry. Int. Sec , Jack Moore. 1111 I rell~ T homll~ Van t\ rsdalc and !'itth District Inl. Vice Pr~ MelVin 11(lr lon all g U\'C ,"~ptral i onal speec hes. I hc theme of the rnecling centered around three bllsie needs for our district \) to enllllll Cc communicalions Will! )u rvcys and newsletters with a forum rOI tlpill'

iom and que~t i(Jns; 2} I Improve cdu­e:'II 1 n ror our leaden. and Il1l!mlJe r~ wuh Ihe U8C of trai ning tCBms to pro· mote unden-lllnding of or8un;;·in". and to leach arbitraliorl pr~s and IlUb· lie speaking: all d 3) to motivllte ou r people wll h enth usiasm. Labor is not II d)'ma breed as SQme people I..-Quld hke yo u to heheve Don't lei ot hers sa y what we uand ror. You tell thelll whlll we ~ l l1nd for!

A ~pce i ul th lln ks to Loc il l !'lOS . Mobile. AL. Bus. Mgt. Donme Adam lind hi'! staff (or the excellent hospltali· ty given 10 all the delegrues nnd J!.ue~t.s.

On J\lIy ij ..... e lind II IQlr tou rname nt at Quail II !low. First plnte flm~hers ~ere Ralsy Reid. Bill Pitlman. Gar~' Ward lind Ed Kane. Longest dnve wenl to Bill Meddltlon, clost:st to the pm lila $, Bobby Miles: and KeVin Gilbe rt· son ..... li5t hc putting champ

Work finally has slarted on Ihe new $150 ml lhoo Tampa Bay Llghllnll l lock· ey Arena here in Tampa. ERMCO is tilt: I,:It:clr l(';u l w ll tl l1cl lJl . 'Il ll! JIJU ~l lu ulJ be dOlle for thl! 19% hockey IIC<lSOI1

Afte l t{l ktnllhe summe r off. Ihe Reti rees Club will hold I I ~ regular mcellng al 11 :30 a.m. on Nov, 16. TIt i!. IS Ihe lr II nnu li l .\ hank'glv1nl' dlll ner meeting. J)e sure to be therel

ROBI.:RT J. KAt!iLl<. P.s.

SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED L.U. 949 (11&1), nURNSVILl. I~. MN­In June 1111 election was Ileld for Local 949 '5 Execu tive Board . Da \lots we re counted on June 24, and all incumbenls were reelecled. Newly elected llffie(.:rs arc; Uus. MgrJf in. Sec. Jay h iedrichs, Pres. J:l ke Rcfslllnd, Vice Prc ... LuVern Oakland and Ree. Sec. David Erkkson. A t- Illi ge Boa rd member~ arc Ollie Olofson. I:runk Vogel and Joe Rother. COrlBUl t u l ~ llo li s to all. il lid thnn k ~ t(l e\ cryone .... 'hQ voled,

Amy CrIIlg, daughler or Dnn Cnllg (Unit chtl lnnan at South Ccntral Rural t:lectric A~illt i()n , t. James. Ml'). IS

the winner f one of tWO $1.000 harle, R. Ilrettll ll EW State Council Scholar·


Some (tf our members ..... ho ar<! IrAV· eling h(l\ (.': InqUired nbout caps and ' I

shirts Thcy arc now available 3l the un ion lmll

(,Kl:.G<i R. BtI.GFIt, I' S

1995 FAMILY PICNIC Iw . 111-11) (11 ,11&1<-11 ), I.ONG ISLA N t) , NY- Under the direcllvn of C() lII llllllll ' ty Aff(ur" f'hm n Willhllll T Grahll!l1, the Picnic ('olli miltee work ed fill 10 mont h~ t(llIInkc thIS yea r's plcrnc a suc-

Local 10119, lon9 blond, NY, Picnk: Committ .. Chmn. Jimmy Coltlpil.lIo (left] ond BUI . Mgt. Rithord M. Redmond (second from left} Ilre joined 01 tn. picnic by gueltl Dory Zonin IIKO(Id from right! and Croilil lonin.

ships awarded annually . Miss raig w1 11 be parltCtplllmg In the Office Assl tnnt Spec1ulisl proglam at Manka to VQCI·

lional Technie.al ollege ,


STRONG WORK PICTURE t.u. 969 II,u& u), G RA N D J N -TION, CO-A new cenuae! wenl mlO effect for trlsldc WIremen, di \'iding the jurisdiclion mlo SIX gcographlclillones for determi ning trave l pay. Thorc was no change f r Ihe Grand Junclion 10 MOll t r~ Ilfeil 1 mvel pay will he pOid li t Ihe appropnate rale for Ihe remain· ing five lQnes wllh a small ~age increase over the course of the contrAct.

Tile fo llowing newly elected offieer~ were du ly Inslalled fe r a th ree-year I rm: Bu . Mgr. Pau l Cavil nagh, Pr~ RnnAlil Rowen. Vice: Pre~. Rick Brock, Ree. Sec. Mark Lll mbe rt and Treall D[w id Cutter. Execulive Board memo bers lire: Mlchncl Collins. J. Si.:OIt Twil· Ie},. Sue El len Manley lind Dewey Atklll'>on EXllmmmg Board members are; Eugene Dupre . T im Krelllbc l g, Tom Mohar. Ilenry hafer and Curl IS

Wilhum<,. The lI!terntltc delcgllie to Ihe 1" lernll l lonll! ol1ve nt io n i~ Tom Archibeque.

AI presen l line work IS very buS)'. \\i lh crews alith rough",ul Ihe .... estern s\npc. Work for Inside wireme n Is sleady, wi th II wide vnriety of n&01ll8 projeel ~ The remodelling of Ihe exi!l­Ing fncihty nt ';t MlItr'~ H :ophal In

Grand Junction is slill progreS!.ing .... ell. ~ hlle .... ork In Ihe ski ilreas (Aspen. Tel· luride. St(.;amboat Springs) con t lnuc~ 10 be strong.

In our cOlllllluing cffons to mnke {Jur presence kno .... ·n 10 tbe public. Local 96Q hill'; donaleu lime \0 such proJecl'\ as Ihe Country Jam Music Fesl iva l and Hahltlll for ) [Ulll ll l1l ty,

cess. Speciall hnnks 10 the (ollowlnl! (or the great JOb thcy (htl to make 11 hnp. pen: Committee hmn. Jim Campitello and hi ... Wife, Sue. and Bros. Bill May. Fra n Leona rd, Rick Albert i, Lnrry M urray nnd Chlulie Grebe. A biA round of applaul>C to all! Thil nks alw to the stewllrds who sold monthly raffle tick~ts to mll!.e Ihe oUling affordable,

Slaning with a comlnental breftl:fA~I , ", il lhr food YOIl m l1 l11 I~"I w.a~ fI'-'lli lnhll' th rougho ul the day, indud ing ice cream. mel n5 and beverages. Fot thc children there v;erc supcn'ised games (or all pges. face painters. a magician lind a SpllCC bounce. Wh al a da)'~

Everyone in 11I Iendance enjoyed social iZing wit h fellow union Brolhen and SiSler~ and their fa mIlies. In these uncertain times it was great to relax and enjoy the cumnrlltlerlc.

Ou r industr), wi ll he going th rough drost ic changu m Ihe nenr [ulure, '0 we mUSt Inrn to COPE. Decisions con­eermn, ur future arc being made by polilicians. 'fhe dll y~ of "let the olher gU)' do it" li re over. Who is the other guy? lit! is Illl: one trying to legislate )'our job away. As a union me mb r. yo u call mah II d1ffe rence Donate Ihrough payroll deductiOrls to corr: ; Dccome nellve In the Oovernmenlll l Affairs Cnmmluet; register and vote.


HURRICANE ERIN l..U. lOSS (u), I''': NS ACO LA, .' L-We ..... elcome the rollowing new memben 10 Ihe I[JE W li nd 10 t oea l 1055: Joe Sip1in. M1ke And re .... s. Carl Weaden. Kenny Mil io nc, Ray Campbell 1I 11~ Rllymond Plllmer,

Bro. Cliff Riel! , who was employed U$ a "Ioboraloryman":lt the Crisl Planl. has retired With over 15 years of ~er· vice. We Yrlsh Oro. Rice weU during his rttlTC:men l Intl thank him for h" e(lm­milmcnt lO lhe IBEW.


~I unic-.Jne Enn d~a[t our ~rvicc an.~a a s(,!"ere blow. Mucb of our transmIS­sIOn and distribution s~'St cm had to l\C rebuilt due 10 destruction <lnd !e\er~ damage_ Local J055 IJK'mbcJ"5 from Lbe districts and division'S worked long. arduous bours 10 restort electric scr­,-ice 10 our customer.;, Our Brolhers and Sisters at the gene-nlling terlle~ also faced dangerous conditions and ptrfonned In an clempl3rY manner to keep the UDIN on·hne, Special thanks to the IHEW membtls from Georgia. Abbama and Mississippi for assistin,g. us Ln the a[tennnth of this disaster

During the neight of the. hurriCOtne. Bro, \11"e Wilson (I Pine Forest"meter­man-) was ",ilu~ssing 'h~ birth of hiS duld During the actual deth'ery the hos­pltallost power. and there was a brief lapse before the emetgency generator reslored power 1(1 the ueh\'ery r{)Ofll. Bro. \ViMn proudly rcport;, Ihat I raCt:) Lynn WLISQ[l entered the ",arid during the storm weighmg 8 j)Qunds f< ounces. Mom and daughter arr doing well. Ot:di­caled 10 both his f:lmlly fi nd 111~ clI reer. Bm. Wilson ensurc.d his filmil)' wa:; wdl. watched the wm~ sllb<;jdc. and Vocenl to work to a.~I~1 in the r~stom'ion !;!fForts CongralwnOOns. Bro. Wilson!

At the ti me of this I\Tl t mg. we a rc working under the temlS of our old con­tmct., whIch expired A ug.. 15, tW5. Ou! locars Negotiolting Comminee 1$ com· ItlIUOO 10 gettmg tbe best possibk con· tract for the membership of IBEW local 1055. Please give them your belp and support a~ they conllnue- Ih,S p3lll!t.t.lkmg t~ for our oollecti\'e goud.

Alleod your unit meetingli and VQicc your opmicJOs During Ihls lime of change llnd incre:a d competiuon. ",e need e'oeryQIK to be tn~oh'ed III union aftai~

OFFICERS ELECTED 1_ • ill] (i), AVCUSTA. ME----Our local held its election of officers in jun~. N/!I'I- I) d~cled orficers are a~ fol­lows: Bus. Mgr. Wayne Rancourt. Pres. Jeff Rose. VIce Pres. Norm Clll rk Jr., Rec. Sec. Harry L~ons and in.:as. 80b Gruy. Executive Board members arc: Dwayne Burgess, Jim Plourde. Daren Rod rigue and Pete T01,icr. Executive Board members nrc: Shawn Ch<l1ld k r. Dicl: Menill and Bill Pe:uley. oogl'll tu­lalions and good lucl:. Brothers.

The local e.-.tcnds congralulallons \0 the rea:nt class of graduating appren-

ticcS'. Thc~e gr;lilu.l\~~ (li mplete d ,I

five-year pro!!ram, t h",r grntlualt(ln h,lOqUt'1 \\IL<i hdJ luh 1 and s:. The JAT look note of th~ faLi that dunng the five years Ihe appr~ntice:s ,"",erC' in Ihe program. Local 1:!53 c'pcTlcnced IILe leanest "'ark ,cars e\cr (or sucb 3 durntion hi appreCIation ror the cla~ sliciang togetb~r Ihrough thc~c: lougb Ilmes.tbeJATC sent the c1mon a boal cruISe. whICh the} tbOfOUghl~' enJO}ed.

The local thanks Ihe upO::lfTung fifth· year d3S" for orgunizsn! the :tonll;!1 pic. nlC on Aug. 26. II waS :I b.:aultful dil} for an oUling. The food was excellent. and allendanCt: was gll!3L II \\l!.~ cspt'. cially good 10 ~e t~ relm:~d mlO'mher.. in attendance. Thanks to e\'cryone '" ho hdpcd mAke the C\'cnt a ~ucces .... ~'hke Dumont \\,on lhe $50 L. t. nean ~ift certificate. lind RJch Fa rr ilr won the hi! rbeclH! gn II

As o f this wri ting. WI! haH eXj)(! ri. enc ... '1.l a decent )'/!:lr f(>!' \\ork Hnd ha\'c (lIll) 2.'1 IIH!m ber~ out of work . We hnrc. we Cfln suslain the work and pick up addit ional projects to denr our hooks

(Hun: FH.ASE:R. P.S.

HELPING HAND COMMlnEE l.U. 12~ (ul. LAKEWOOD, NJ-Our local hclu Its second annual lmcman'~

Rodeo in Sea Gin over the ummer. \VinnrN of thIS oompetll1oo from Local I19K .... Crt~: Joe Maglione. Dan Clare. Mike Gbb and Ernie Pro,·o. The) will be allendmg. the ne\:1 compeillion in St. Lotii!; rtpre!cllhllg tht! local. B.:sI ""sl\­es and Eood lud •• guy !

The. Helpmg. Hand Commllter: or l.ocall289 hcld se .... eral fUnd'r3i!ct<; to aid the \'JCllm,> ollhe Ok.laitomll bomb­mg. We "'~re .. bit; to selld a Cbe!;L III tbe II.moon! ofS112.50 10 the Oklaboma Relief Fund as a result or our members' cHorts..

HelpIng. Hand also ran Ihe annual Colltge Scholarship Lotler) in J uly. e'ongrntulalions tQ the fQIlQwin~ ,,<,hoi· arship recIpIents: Chns Johansen (oon of Ric.h Johansen. control room opera· tor at OY5ter Creek: Rob Cook (son of Bob Cook. lineman III 8 erke ll!)' line DepI.): and Chrisltllil Ilan kjn.s (dil llgh· te r of Ke n [-Iiw ki ns. metc.r n.~ :td el in Toms River). Each siuden t rece ived II SSOO scholllrsh.ip townrd college luition. Congr:uul3lions ant.! the he~t of luck to all the st udenls In Iheir connnu!n!! edu· cation. A nalc: of thanks to Ma~ reen

InlitnJetot' Dana loncoster (irondil'lg, SeCOnd from rigtJlJ joins the Locol 1253, Augus­tu, ME, 1995 opprentice graduating (Mas For a photo: from leh, Icneeling, Sill Berube, Scott Morris and Chril TOde..; standing , leon Trtdton. StJawn Riley, Ride Morin, Tina Riley, Chris MGcMichoel and Bill weed.


Sel\'agc and :!ll the Helping Hand ["om· mille!;! mem~n. lor alllh';lr Ili1rd \\lIrl;. They definitely dQ an ~'''lrllenIJQh~

A.; of Aug.ust 3(1. Ihl' fl~ht l'" UH~rl

1.:U.1 T ownshir appr<wed the huildmg of a spenl (ud storage f;,olil) a( Oyslcr Crl!c:.~ Thc .apprO'oaJ C.1ate afler sc\'cral mcellOgs had beef) hC'ld al ""hleh large­numbe, s (Jf anll·Rudear prot~IOI!t were In alh:ndanOC', Many thanks 10 th .. Emplu\o!c ActIOn C-Ofllm',HI!1! (EAe'):1I Dl~lcr Crecl;. for tbtLr ~uppon In keep­Ing Iht> employe:e .. alibI" rri'ek mformet.! JOOul ... lIlh~ meellngS. The EAr IS a lU1II1 effon of ooth union (1I)d managemenl pio!TSOnnel 10 bandle dlf­[crem issues thai affect Oystcr Cn:ek.

On Sc.pt. 23 the JOInl EXCt'UII\C Safe· I) Commill«:. comprised ofbolh un;on llnd management repn:sentallve~ . heir;! .1 Safety Fair al th~ O)~lcr Creek Caf~­tcnll. Each subcommJttee had a booth to cducatC' the employees uboul their subcomm ittee and the \·arious areas or ~~lret)'. That day Li(l dom prlZCS \\{!fC gi, en out to employ<.:(:s. Once again. t l1 a n k~ \0 everyone who worked '10 hurd to make the fair bot h i n forlll!llin~

and fun! Our local recentlr has been sad­

d~ned by the p;lssing of Bros. Sieve Koch, Ous Ja m e~ and Ward Grow The) an:: gTl:!ally mU;.'i~d by all of us. We c~l end our ~In<:ere condolences 10 their famihcs.

The officers and members of Local 1289 wish c:,cr)'~lnc a So.fe and JOYOus holiday ~3S0n. Enjoy!

GlNA TAUllro. R.S

BROTHER SAVES A LIFE L U. I301 fu).SALlSB RY. MD-On Juh 1. Bro. Carlton s.:nll.~e .... -a~ "''atch· Lng hIS grnndsl:in-l; ~bail game. '\Iobell he nouccd his daughter was choking. She left her seal and "'cnt behmd the stands to try to dislodge lometning from her Ihroat 1"0 one else nOIIl:cd .... hal was happening e.'(t~pl Bro $a\­age. who quickly wenl to hcr aid and pe rfarllled the HelllJlich maneuver on h~r. The firsl allt!mpl was Un$uCCt...'<;:Sfu l. After several more a!tempts. he was able 10 dislodge Ihe object on which she was choking. Thanks to Carlt on's qUick th inking. pcrsim:nce and knowledgr, this siory has::I happy ending. Bro. Sa\'­agl! h :l~ bt::c.n nomin'lled for the lBEW lLlcsa\'mg Award.

May 10 marked the finn! meclmg of

Ihen lUCllI2!10. Parksley. VA. y.hich merged With Local 1)67 on June 1. Th~ mectlng \!oas auended b) bmh acm'c anu rcllTC~d members . iht: chaner members were presented a fnmcd l"flP} of thl' umon'" charter " IIS1 Pres Paul Lewis W3S presented a plaque hold ing. the unIOn gil\·e!. fl3'>1 PrC's Winfred lanL.ford '\Io3S pre§cnled a plaque bolding the union e.l. Past Pres Bnan Charnock rea:l\cd a umon walch. OUlgolntt Pres. Dennie Talum ",as prc~flled II hneman's pin and II.

umon sw-e:tbhlrt nt appreciat ion ror his won: 'iCeing the mr:mbcr;hlp Ihroug.h Ihe merger. as \\- t; 1I as fOi his !.pc::cial cHores to make Ihe final meeting of Loc:t12120 so rucllnmgful.

Un l il next time S3\'e jobs. limit unpons


OFFICERS INSTALLED LU. B47 (u,ces&em). ClNCINNATI, OU-Nl!wly e lected {\fficr:r~ '\Ioere ill!ilalled and :sworn in by Founh District InL Rep. Nicholas Greeo althe r~gular meeting J uly 14. Tl)king thl! oa th of office: wc.rc~ I3u~ Mttr- Frane!~ Kelly. Pres. Timothy O' Leary. Vice J· r~S .

Michael Essen. 'I rellS. Gn:ggory lJen­nell anJ Rcc. Sec, Kenzie Hake!. Ext:Cl1-li\·c Board members ar : Richard Bruggt::nmn. J~Jlh Mc(llbe. Kennelh Gross. lanv DieSel. Oanid Amshoff. William Schmid. KenDell! l-ta),!.bcrt. DaVid Campbell. David CaJu ..... cll. Joseph Farmer. James Kelly, Larry Sleele and LarT}' Creech Fonner Elcc­utlve Doard member Kc=nnelh Gross was selected .u assistllDt bus.iness man­ager. and Dmid Schmlu "'$ apprnnted tu the c":t:aJIJ\e Board to tilllh~ V<K4iI'l­

C) created b) 8ro. Gross' new appoint· mtnL Congmtulalroos to allthosc newly ekctcd or appointed. and thanks 10 each of them rOT lhen dedJcntlOll and SCT\'io::.

Our deepest sympalh)' gotS OUt to the fl.lmihe$ and rriendi of the ro llowJnjl: members \\ho have passed away rece ntly: retired members Charh,:j MeLafrcrt), Charles Wri.sht . JlI m e~ Boyle. Chades Shupert: actiVe mernllt!r Kenneth Oachmlt n; .tIn d former Bus. Mgr. John W Milchftl!. Bro. Mllche ll served Local 1341 as business manager from 11;7210 1976. He was a Pourt h District Illtcrnalional Represtntlllive at the ItmC of his passing.

JA\fF..5 0 HARMO"f. F'S.

Pictured here are tl,e marte, members of former locol 21'2.0, Ponuley, VA, which recently wai amalgamated into locol 1307, Solisbury, MD: from left, ~ronding , Bros. Paul lewis, 1ro RV!Jell, Sam 8e1ol'e, Sidney Sherwood ond John Sherwood; W!Ofed, &OJ. Wiofred lA:inkford and George Nicholson.


A MONTH TO REMEMBER L.. U. 14.W jul. S'1. LO IS, ~1O-Sl.!p· lernOCT tl)()5 wr,s II month th,lI willlllli b~ lurgil ll cll Itl LOl;u l 14,31) In Lhlll mnnlh nllf 101111 hn l11 rt' khrnll' d Ih 'iHl h I l nnl\'(T~Qr)' li nd was chosen 10 Icnd 'h~ Ilnnll ul Sf. Louis L:,btlr Dlly fllluu.le:. We ~crc honored to lead our Iclh,w Bn l lhcf'5 und lils tcrs or (!l hor Ihroulh Ihe Sl rcelS of St. Lotlj~.'I1 I h~ he:llt 01 the pll l1ldc. The lumoul \.\ 115 greal. !lnll ~CI were pro\Jd 10 mnrch tl ~ mcmhcr ~ I I' Lueal 141') li nd orgllllll'c(!

1 .. lxlI A fl el 1111; P"hld..: . {:HlI~OlU'; "e(ll hock III the un ion hall und enjoyed some nne (,)0<.1. d lln k mllJ brolhcrl100d Thllnk~ 10 cycry(Jnc who wor\r:cd hard 1(, I1Mkt· thl" d.l) l, huge "1ll'C('''S

Alter I l'l'lor Day. the final ptI!P.II !l lIOn-;, we l e hClI1 g m:idc For our 5/11h A nnhcl'lIar) C't,:h:hflliion. Wt lll C\l~ I)t Ihlnlllll ph'l'C. the cdchtulton bell;!n on Sepl.)I) " ,m\ld of illlOUI )\00. Ule\lJ()­

HI @. lIlun} sl'ccml gucslS fro m nlhel Incal UllI(Hl5, Cll llH.' to celebrate HilI :tnniVeuhty. 'I he nigh. Wll~ IiJled wil h 'HJlIIC1 1 IU~ (' ~cllll1g ('''ems. A sUde show WM pl(:~c nle\J , wil li Il vcr) Sllcciill ~m)l Wr1lIl'n jll" Iur ou r local union. A deli CHJU~ UlIl!Icr wn~ ,en'ed i,l~ \'\"C CllJ(IY..;t\ a wOflderh,1 "Iu)w. Some e..,\'Clllng {lHe:!1l danet prllcs ~'crc given av.a~ , indud­m g I wu .. peL wi Ilrll.C5. A uOIl/ ue c 1Il1lll:1ll0r.1t1\·c sholgun and <i ~rec.:.1 CVlllll1~·murlll tvl.' kmk t1omll('d by ou r 10'-10 nI\Jlhl,lr~ Hnd SistcN I\Crtl ruffled I he nlght co ncluded with dancillg. w.,h ull ' ht} varltJd aClll'll ics [lnd enter Ifli nmcnl. 11 Wrl~ (l wonde rful eVl! ning and oue th:u w,ll lllwjlvS he rem cm· bend. Tllllllk .. It) Ih\: ofhcC I ~, nur ~cc rclOries 1I11(.! e ... eryone else involved ",I ... > Illlldu 1111, n ighl une Ihu l \\,11] hc che,nhed f()re\'cr.

In \\ I II~r I\c ...... :H~I\lI\d the tocOlt. ..... e. nrc In ~OlTle lou~h contract netotin l iuns ·1 tJII:H: IIIYIlIYl n ~ Ent..:rgy li nd i\ rklln~lI~ 1), )1'1 e r I~ l.i (:tll Crimp/lilY repl~'~e nl 1_ f'&hl for Ih..: \lcry cx.islcn('"C of til e. IOCnl ~U Hl.I lI .

I'ven lI(ter allthcsc wonderful evclll~ \\~ hll\> e. L'IIJCI}Cllllllhc 1!l5t fe w mnnlhs, .... c ~I III hll"1! 10 rememb<:r thnl ~nll\<: o( ()llr BlUlhc ..... ll n~ ~K1CI"! urc hghting to get a c, .nlt •• el and Ihdl Ib~y necd (lUI SUppOri

0 11 ,I :.IId III, le. 1\ ,~ Wllh regret lhlll we announce tlte passmg of the f IIO'w· HI!! rnomhclli In reccnl ml)nth~~ Bn1~

L{\u\s E. S\\)~a\',}\I. Jt:.ra\\\1: W. }.lied..:" G rille r! A WW lcrbcr j!., J(lseph (" Tehchur lind F.TllcSt EIlI~horf. W..: cXlcnll our 'I ncerc sympathy II) Iheir f,"nihc\ amI Inved ones.

, c you IU Ihe ncxt union mecting­It \ yUil l unton And II IWll >~ rcmcmhcr to ~ lIow "our ~lI ret> rule.!.!

0 .... ' L PJI'I'JN. P.S.

SKILLS DEVELOP· MENT PROGRAM loU. 1499 1'·IIl& I)h:), C11 F.l.Sr'.A, 1\1 ,\ ­nur W\lrk F{II CC [)C\'c!0PIIlCIII ,k ill .. I'rol\rftlll I, (,rr and fu nning. The p" '. i TJII!! cnll~ Ist .. uf t"" clas-.c~ 'lIlHllna Monda)'j lind W~dnc~ay:.. 'nStruclion I~ nffeled III I CUt! lIIg, rumh Jl mi Cl)rlllnlJ nications ~kills, with a focus on English II~ II 'eCtlllJ.l luttAUll8l! nnd preputlnl: worKen (ilr the,r GE l) certificR lion , I he .. c c!11~~e~ huvc hee n llc~lgncd iii


mec.t the nceds uf .... clrkel's, Ihe comp ... n)' :Ind Ihe un ion. The partnership l.!o "\\Ilk. flo~""I1!e hy ~u\t\ts from II\C. U.s [)cranm~nt or Bducalloll and ~cncrl)ll!. cOnl nhutlon5 rrlJm Llgll1ohcr-1'1l1l Ri\.:r in I.'t .. )pcrlllIUI1 Wllh u)C:II 1499 lind lhe Ullh'croily of MAssachUlietts Dcr:ltt­!!lulIl uf l":lbur l-ducallllll ( ~enIiH

T he r r;spon~ from our fcllvw l\ol),k ep.. hn~ been gn~a1. /\11 d nssc li n: full, .Ind \\c h.l~c a W:lJlllll:l h~1 for I he nc.xl slnr! up

flus. MJl,r. JU"I!J1h E ~,ln IO$ ,ccs th • .!. rarlnCr~hl p U~ a eo nllnuallon 01 the uniml's Ct)nll ll llrncnl In wurL With mflll IIgemelli Oil \\oilY'S 10 providc an oppor-1111111\' fOr .lII r nrolher~ [llul '; i ~ter~ II) upgmuc their !!J'. ll\s.

l l" r n" ~ In B u~. Mgr. SClnlll~ [l l r II tremendous jl1b In !!~III11t1. Ihl~ prllgnll1\ ~OI1 I C: "rliJ lonklfl!,: OUI flIT llUJ il! I C I C~lS he re In 1.1 11 Ril el

fll1\l11 r'O I \lIN. (\U BOAR!) Mint

locol 1501. Baltimore, MD, Bu,. Mgr,/ Pre~. Dian F. Guth rie poses with Pres. Clinlon following 0 discuuion 01 tho Gooddord Spate Flight Center.

DEFENDING GODDARD L U. I.SDI (t:.m.llw .rh .. e":'& 11Ct l, U,\I ... 1'I1\1f)K E. "1O-1)lacl ng over I t.000 M:tryl fl m.l .loh, In Jeopardy (indu\ling 2t)1I elf our memben' jobs). a kc)' II()u:.c ~u lX:l) nlll11 l h!c appnll'cd tl pfllJl(~nl 1(1

shul down the Goddard Sp:ICC Plight ("elll e l 11l Grcenhelt. MD, wllh m three ye9r~, ('1I1chinl\ M:lrylrmd 11I\Hnllk~ r~ by ~urrp~c, Ilepublican Rep. Jerry Le WIS nr (":a! ifmmu, who hend~ Ihe \uhcllm· minc e I hBt npproprjPtes money (or NAS-A. pwp~d lu closc Utot.ldanl li nd mo\c m~ of Its work 10 P"l>(lden!l, CA, udJ:locnl 10 h r~ cungrl.'\"<;rmllll dl'ilnCI,

Scn. Bartlnru A. Mlkul:ik l 01 Mar) -1;",1.1. Ihe \Cnlur Democntt on Ihe Sen­li le ~ lJ hClllnm i Hee thllt l11IlHll c~ the NASA hudge\. .... a~ ready (or Ihe b.!lulc Iltl.l ilOil o,(! plOplIslI l '" cut OlldJ.luru 1~

jl repom':rous !l nd purely poJltle~. \lith nil 11U',I ': III III r"'.'Uli (If ment. I h\1 ~h!ollTd ptopt,sal .... III he fou1!lll h)' Ihc MUI)' I:tmllie!c!l.UIIUn, the. gov~ rnt)f lind :til the laoor unltm~ In the :.1,11(;

Kep tcwr~ had Irrcd 10 JtCI \lA "A odm lnimal r I)anie! S. Goldin II! sug· ~C\t decper cuts IIl lhe "lA"A huur.el Ihan I ho~e proposed by r res. C11nhlfl Mr OnIum rcfllscd, ~rty in~ thlll I're.s

JIllion w(\s grj}c!OliS And affable, !lnd vcr) knllwlerJgcll b lc ahou t our l'()11

L"Crn .. uvcr cu ntemplaled cutbacks at (jtllldllrd. Ihe IHesident rc ne\\ ed h l ~ (;\lI\\l\\{tmenl \\\ rc~ i \a\i'l.c Qur 1'I\\\i\)l\~'

ellllllllllV nnu crCale Jobs. not dlm ln,ltc Ihcm.

UlIT thtl l1 ks go t fJ the memhers of Ihe M ,rryllin ti eongre!osionnl dclcf;(fllllll. e~l,ucl " l l y Rep . Steny I-I oyer. wh,) Ifl l1 l..kl) re'I")ndc~ In (lin COlli lor help in olertlng I' res. Clint on lhal the pro· pir.cd cuts al Go(kllird were III,:ItI\I,cd Mor~' land 10\', P3 rri~ GlcnJt!nUll( III"" \\,l ll ked O il Oil . hdl31 1 ll n~ 'Wc IIrc I/.rut~·· (u l It \\oul\1 bc l)Crlny (oo l r~h III II" IlHlI1 tk iliff nlltmn'" space pn\g f8111 , d" ... ltoYlllR th e Ilurk ,inti "Ierililc Ih'II IIUI America tIll Ihe mo(.\Il ond (1 n the 11HCt;I\I)IJ \I( gwalcf \\ccompll"hnn:nt'i In Ihc CXplMIHi o n of Ih..: uni\crse llulIlk \011 , Pres. W,II11rm Chntun "Oil

will cCrlnlnl)' h(l~c our ::upporl fnr \'HIlI


nlOM .... o;J ROST"O\\'i I..r I'.S

KUDOS FOR ORGANIZING COMMlftEE IMU, IS7V l i& .. ), A UGUSTA, riA_ In mlld.H) i.\ \'cry famous quote' ,\ ,,10; n .... t ..... IUl I ~llllr UIl1(ln "lin ~v for )'''',1, but .... 1\;11 >uu 'tI n do for )'uur Ullloni

II I~ :iUrcly wl1h thai thoughl In "lind Ihlll the rnembc ls 0( our Or jl.:t lllllllS C'orn n l lll ~c hn ... c ~ho~cn to .!.er"'c nul onl y [lUr 1('cuIIllClllbcr;hlp, bUI the IIJI W ,r~ II \l'h"le.

'I hese mcmbe rs hn\ c tommillc d I h l'. lIl,el vc~ III Ihe execut ion of tUII C· p,ove n melhnds ,,, (J rganlllng. I hey •• I~n hll\c mcurpuru lcd mOil! con1em· pornry and mnovati~c SlrlllcglC') II ~ \\ell '" Ihcll clldc:Hn~ 10 Ih ..... pf( Ollr com pl.'li liun lind regum our .... or!;

We s\\I\lIlu be 1,:1\%\:'f 10 c".\Il\ m~I'IJ Ihen! for Iheir uedrcalton ilnd cc)mrnll I1tel1l [nf the benefi t o f our union.

H\l1 100 ull\iI1, Iht; mun), hours ilnd C\'L ll d.ay~ of wMk and d forl Ihesc IllclI1h..:r, m llintcer g!) UI\re,wlllded and wll hollt th ll llks. Fe .... rc" li,e Ihllt t iT e In~" III rnounti ng ;1n dfCClt \,C organl/' rng c:.I IOI}(llgn agalllsi a .~ l fI)nll'Y

enln!llched non·union work force Cdn

he: flU\ l rlllll1g III besl So it IS Importa nt thai We:!, n~ thell

l.hl'lthen :lnd S i~le", off er o ur th ll nk' ;lnd ~upPiJn Cor ,)ur Organillng ('U1\I' 1l1l1l l'.c 1ll1d all Ih()'ic nu~ml'ICrs invol\l'.d m ~:I\\ 1f\lt :111(1 tlrg;'ol1i1ing tUm\s \"loth 1\\ Imnl(' lin!! aer()\~ the country.



STEWARD TRAINING lo U, 1759 lu). CAS PER, \\' ''- 111 Ju ly h ghth I).st rici 1111. Rep NCll I yrce Ins!ruClcd ste ward tr,1ininA cill~~Cli i ll

1 i ' .... elund, cO, :Irlll ("Jl~pe l' . WY "hl!s~ clfl:>!>CS \~~ ' l.': nncndcd tI} Ilt l.'

~te""'lIrd~ rcprc.~l.'nlll1l.t cmployccs of Ihe Uur,.:uu 0 1 'Rl!dntn ,II IClIl Mid Ihe. (H C:I!

1'IlIm I{cg.Km. a'> \\.clI 0, h) SU[)i!rvl"'ll') l'e~lIInd I hOl>e who IIUclillcd ~p(IL c hl\ortlbly of the cln$~$ u, ha"'lnJ:! bcen \ en' mlOlmntl \C and helplul I hI! 11k: ... I', tic\\, pfc~idcnl. I'llul 03cklufld . I\fI'<lllgcd thc tI1!')elmgs wI1h BUI CIlIl IIIUIUll\CIIlClIl und ~ u~~stcd who shollld.llllcl\d.

I llCn l 1759 cXlellll~ Ilrlliittide W Ihe Hurcnu for nllMdllg Ihl .. 11'11 11\ 11111 til hI.' h..:ld on offidal time and for thl.' UM: or mCI! offi ce fllcl lil ic\

TlulOk.!i dbo go III I:ieluh 1),\lI ld 1111

VIet.' I"cll Jon W:tlt er~ (or IIrnlrtll '"g 1m r'\Clllu proe:nl Ihc\c cI,r ... 'iC\

JOII' I..AKKJ\MI '['V I' ~

VOTE FOR FRIENDS OF LABOR L.U. 1907 (e m " f1ND I.Al' , 011-hlillth Or~lncl Int, [tcI' 1'0," Curley ,ollfJuelcd " M EMO d.I~' IlIr I neal IY07 mcml,,,rs cmp lo)'cd h> IIn ms ( 'O ,!l lind Locnl Ih'4. OllllWII, 0 1.], mcmbcr~ cl11plo)'~d 11 )' Ph,IIJh !.Icc· ~nmic (\mlh Am<!flCI\I\ (\\{I"

The fol lowlII,!l. LULIII 11}(J7 111emher, aU~'ndc!j the ClllSS: Deb Loll. i.:li1..:[ 1I ,1It1~. \V1I\"e Srlll ih. JUl\ ('uri I", c"ic l1 "hh. Karen Helms lind ';llIric) 1I\)w .. er. II \1,1' II vcry &1)( ... 1 L"llUN:. II n~ nU\I ' )IIT \Ioork is CUI out (or us 10 pUI Ihe InlilHng \IoC recel\cd to guod U'>C

The han'CS1 d ll nce our locli l h .. tI Idunneu for Oetober hn, heen ,h ll ng~d 10:t f"llIISlm;Is d;mcc lolte held D.:c. 2 !II Ihe United Slcclworkef\ hllil (Ike. rOnner I I RW h:l ll ) Cln >;ulI1mil "lIce\, L~cfyont: is \\ckomc. We nlWity, hllVl' u lUi of l Ull 01 thC.!oC funelluf\'

We hnve \0 'i';\ ') . u Im\~ ,\1\\\ )l1l()\1 luek 10 Ihe fol l(l .... ln8 mcmher\ who h .l"'~ uccided In u:lm: ,l lI d ell jny life !ICIer hU'1ng se ..... ed fLlr \() mnn\ )CDI'$. We ~now the) hllye I()o/..cd fnrv.nnlw Ih is speCIal time. CongrlltulnlJons nnd hc~I\Ior~ht:S 10 Sh irle \.1 l1 nn ... I'[l1 Bri~. gs, Georgc Kuhlman and Eva OCtlr8C, 1' 11)0)' your retiremenl '

111¢ I:xccutht n.iMJ !l,u 11(:(l1\ wmk· m& till ille mllll· in hAliot ~yql!n1 1<1 be

loc:ol 1579, AU9u~to , GA, Orgon lx[ng Comml~ memberJ: from left , sealed , Edgor Roo". ond Dennis Rocque; 5k1ndlng, Mlk. GrMn. , RidMi rd P.eord ond Morris Boord,


used for the local's upcoming electloll This will be the fir~t time our local has offered a mall'ln bullot SlOce QUr elec­tions art: in February and lht .... eathcr can be unpredictable. we hope this sys.­tern ts more con\'cnrent for the member.>-

AI$O, remembc.r 10 casl )'our ... otes In

the NO\'ember regional elections, I cau, 11011 all of)'oo 10 please 1001.: ~refull) at the \'oling records of these candi­dates for public office 10 see how they !>land on lMlk:S Ihat affect labor. We all need 10 get im-ol\'cd 10 protect our Jobs lind Ihe union thai fighlS for our "'-OlgCS and s«uoly_ Thert art candidales OUI

tbere running for omre '4Do don't care about v,orklnl! people. anJ thl!ir jobs. I encourage (\"el') one who is nQt regi .... tered 10 \"'()I( 10 do so. Your "ate could

make II big differelKC.


CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS L U. 2061 (i.~ .. ), R EG INA, SK- \\'hat a summer' We\'c bod two elect.ions Ihls summer because ('If an error in the mall-out on the (irst one, Allbe lime of the .... ·nung, thc second eltdllln is being contesled. All of !his comes a t a time

CLUB OUTINGS RETIREES ,\ SSOC I,\TION 0 1: l.U.), NEW YORK. NY, QUI!:ENS CHA PTER-Our membcrs e njoyed 1~O fish lnf, trips in th~ spring (May 22 and May 29) lit Bayberry Land In

Southhamplon. Everyone enjoyed tht: ruhing and the camlltadctie. I under· stand about 50 rlSh Ndidn't gel away"

AI thts writing. we were looking for· \Io"am 10 n scheduled VI1C3 l1on period for OUr mem~rS at Ba}'~rry em AUg. 1-1--17.

AI our Mil}' meeting, I b~ guest speaker was Queens Count} Dislnct Altorney Richard Uro .... n He ga~e a .. ery interest ing summar)" of what is happemng 10 Qucenll Cnmlnal ('ouns. Th<e good nelli's IS Lhat cnmt is down: the- b3d news is that we still ha\t a long ilia} to go. Mr Broll'n InstruCled u~ to repon an~ mCldenl thai Ihreatens our -safely.

On June 13 our mcmbe~ I1mn'd al a.m to board the bus for a UHec-da> uip_ The first stop was a tour of hislOri­cal Phlladelphlll The nl:'llt t\loO da,s .. ere spent 10 beaUllful Lanca!iler. PA. wbCTl! ""( enjo)'ed IWO dinner-thealer productions and a VIsit 1(1 Long.wood Gudens, a dehght for anlone ",ho loves exquisite nowcrs and opulen t archllecture. On Thursda)', June 16. after <I hean) breakfast. "'c boarded th~ bus again on our way to Atlanlic Cit} The day .. as beaUliful Mother Nature conlribuled. e\ien If the ~IOIS didn'L E,eryone bad a wonderlullim~.

We are saddencd to rt'.pon Ihe pu.~~. 109 of John J Ilrnd~ on 1 ul} II, lie \llliS

our financial secre tary and chairman ror many ye:I!~ . Ii ........ 111 !)c so rely missed, We eXh:nd mlr condolences to his ramily.

I RE... .... E. ONE:;tUS, I'.S.


when we need our leader!thlp of tho.; union II!. solid as it clln be. Officers elected in Ihe second election nrc liS follows: Bus Mgr.lFin Sec. Garth Onnis!lln. Pres. Neil Collins. Vice Pres. E d Kobc.rinski. Rec. Sec. Wayne Giraudler. Treas:. Ed Plumb. lind E:IJ.~c· uti\'!!: llonrd member at large Gar,. Lclll'endon The new exeCU1n'(~ ........ re sworn In during Ihc August mon thl} E.,ecut.he mt::("ting.

At tbe time of Ihis Wr1ung, SuskPow· er IS aboul three-quarters of the w<ly through the management changes it is making. The compan)' made ail man­agemt'nl people bid On Iheir JObs, and the ones who didn', gel a job will be It'rmanaled This c\:erclSe certainly mak~ our members glad they are in the union and ha\'c pT04oction from lhe arhurary changes SaskPov.er ts making 1tI maJIagement.

s.askPQwer ~,II he approadung us IhlS faJ! wllh the changes the) would 1I1.:e 10 md:e to Ihe bargaining unit we repre­senl We aped to \II'Ofk out any changes using the mUlual-gains approach.

Atso at this writing. I'nine Coal negtlljat ions are fasl approadllng.. AssL Bus. Mgr, P-d! Themo!n will be lchairman of the Negotlaung Commillee Thc olher members of 1he commiUee ba\'e not been appoimtod as of press time,

NegotiatIOns ... ilh S..1s)"l'ower and lhe ci ty of S ..... ift Currenl have been on hold thiS ~ummcr i>t!c.ause of the elec­t ion~. Bus. Mgr. Garth Onn~tofl will be resummg ncgotlalions ~ith StukPo ..... er. [lnd 1 \\.111 do the sam .. wllh the ell)" of SWIft Curren!

To ~ad ly conclude, our local lost a respected ml!lTlbcr this summer POlller lineman Larry Lemke passed away as a resull of a worl.:-relaled accident \\'e elC1e_nd our heartrelt condolences to his fnrnilv He ..... ill be miS$ed hut ne\'er for­gotten. Unlll .... e meet again, LalT)


PREPARING FOR CLOSURE L.U. 2145 lgO'l'I ). V .. \ LL EJQ. CA­Happy Thanksgiving to aU Siste~ and Brother" CH!I1'where- We- hope- e~ ery­

One isgamfull} emplo}e.J, I commend the U.S. NaV}'s effon at

Ma~ Island Nawl Ship)'Urd to pmvide job placemenl for I 358 ~mpfoyees ~itb

Qlher government asencies and 10 pro­Vlde (or rctrnimng of dJ.~pbced cmplo)· ees. My bIgges t regrets are tba t we e.mployees were ne\cr allowed to reo ulilitc Building. 866, tbe Electrica l


BRO. SCUNZIANO HONORED RETlREI-:S ASSOC IATION OF l.V. J, Nl': W YORK, NY, NASSAU COUN1'Y ellA '·T .. ; R_ By t he time thIS arlid~ IS prinled, the lon~ hUI dol)'S (If summer "'Ill be QH~r

Al our June meeting and luncheon , wblch had becn planned i.n honor of John ScunZlano, we were disappointed to learn Ihat John bad been hospital· ized. Allhough John coull'! not JOIn us. his ",ife. Colth}. Yoas Ihert 10 llccept our preooentations on hiS behalf. Boo An~kr· ~on presented Il b~autiful plaque for John from the membcnbip. As a repre­sen l ative of !he wi\t:s and wido .... -s . Ben)' Mcrande presented C.athr .... ;\h a beauliful1BE~ Local 3 J3ci:et for John.

Cath~ her~e1f ..... as awarded a plaque In appl«13tlOn for the 14 )'ears she bas .served a5 prt!~(dtnl or the ""I\(,S and 1II'ldows group. " 'hlch h3$ increased ID

number o,'cr !he: )·t!aTS. CongratUlatiOns and many thanks 10 both Calhy and John Scuruillno an a Job \10 dl-done.

Jul~ and August IA.cre also busy monlhs.. We hod our Ba\ Mist CruISe, plus our "acation ti.me-out at beautiful Bay Berry. Alsu, WI! made a tTiP 10 Allanlic City, Ihen a trip to Ih~ Raleigh Rcson In the mo\mtalO~. In Aug:ust we cnJoy~d our club '~ .mnual plcnll'". and the tutnOUI v.'a~ excellent . Those in allcndanc:t: enjoyed breakfas t, lun(:h and Ii great dinner Yo'ilh music, A spe­cial thank s to Joe Franko and hl5 com· mme!!. L:,wcl)'one hud if pea! Lime.

Remcmh<:.r. T1u} union!


NEW MEETING PLACE RET IREES j\ SSOCIATION Of' L.U. 3. N'[W YORK. NY, SOUTH F'l.ORIDA C II APTEK-Plc81;C he ndvised thtll the South n orida Qapler has moved 10 its Ill:\\. headquarters 10000Ied a1: B'Nai Zion Bingo ~Ia l l. 4032 Halhmdllie Blvd .. H allandale . FL 33019. The hall is al the comer of the Collins A\it:nul." c:<teOSlon. wbu:h become; Oc.ean Dme. A gas .station a.s localed in front of our met'tmg ba ll. PlenlY of par~ing spacrs arc a\ Ilil..lble..

lRVlJ-'O OOBRI:-''S. p.s.

ACTIVE, GROW· ING MEMBERSHIP RETIREES CLUO Of L U.8. TOLE· 00, O il_We ha'e an actl\'e mL"fJIbcr­

ship Ihal is j!.ro", ing.. On lht: second Witdne.sda)' of each monlh. "'c meet at

loc:ctl 8. Toledo. OH, Retirees Club mernbert ef\joy a picnic: of the Oo~ Harbor, OH. 5um' mer home of Leo Sfnluibough and "i5 wife. Eleta. Pictured fram left are: Pres. Len Mohler, Treol. Jack Ulery and Social Chmn. M<l riol'l Miller.

Shop, as an t:mpln)'ec-o'o\"ncd business. ,<\5 of lhis writing 1.666 ernployees

were i l .... alllng the final cunain on Aprill,l~6,

The party's over here for me. I :lIxeplcd aJob ~ a pubJI~ Yo'Qrl.:$ clectn· cian 011 Fort Lew!!.. WA. with the U.S Arm)'. I will r.eport 10 \\ork ~hcre Ibe day afler Labor Day I'm out of here Goodb ... e, IBEW2145!

I Yo'ould "I.e to leave ~ou With an excerpt laken rrom the lBEW local 2.1J.S/\~lIre 1~land 'l:a\lll Shipyan\ dedi­cation printed abo,'~ Ihe names l~ted on II document enulled -~kmbershlp Sun'i\Of LlsL W

~Thr [OJlO~'iJlg rest IS d~d;('(j/~d to .hf' ml.!mOfy of 'hI.! 'Mil and II'Qmt'fI II Ito II-'orkitd fot Iht'IT cou,"r.~ itl

~'nTt' /s!Dlld I\Ul'{JI S'lIp~'a,d. Vallf'" #', CA Thu fbI np'6~lu tht ftltJJl

m,·m/l.(r:rJllp Q/IH£"' Lo<-al UfIIQn 2145. sWllull.!J 10 cJ{Jsr OIl Jlpnl 1, 1996. at Ihl.! samit limit Ma~ Island Lf officlall) cI/J~d {m bflSmf':il d,u! /0 ,ht! Basil C/r>srue lind Ritallgn' nil'" Act (BRAe) of ,\fatch 12. 19rJ], Th,j I'SI reflItCI.~ "ip" .ruml.! (Ollragt' IIlal Ollr mrmbus "ad wl/t'n IhrJ Cllme IUgefhrr Dnlil'SIDb·

li.Iht'd rhe Chartu i\/I!mbus/llp LUI ofNo\'rmbt-r 1.1963. M


Ihe union hall ror a pol luck iUIlI::h at 12 noon.

Dutlng the summer. outdoor acuvi· lil!S and one-day tnps [Ire plunnoo by a committee <:ha iri!d by ~'I:Hi3n Mill er. wife of Bro . Charlie Miller. a nd she docs a ra ntastic Job. In June we tri\\'O.

eled to Sptl1lgboro, OH, to Ihe Miami Vallcy DinncrTheatcr. In July we went 1\) nCllrt' y Grond Rop ids. OH. for a C<lh:red box lum::h picnic. (ollowed by a mule-drawn canal boat ride a l Provi­dence Dam MelJoparl.:.

Local S is H!'1' good 10 us and annu· a ll)! fu nds our June bus Itlp and our O IJ1slmas lUllch in December.

In Augusl Bm. Leo StraUSbaugh arid his \\ife. Slet ll. hOSled a picmc at their summer home in Oal.: Harhor. OH. The accompan)'ing pho!o ",as Lalcen al thl!" picnic.

We in\ tiC all rettrees who ha\'c mo\ed a"'iB) [rom the Toledo are3 10 kitlCp in IOuch by dropping WI a line lD care ()f: IDEW Local Unwn 8. 507 Ume Cit~ Rd.. Rossfoni. 01'1. 43-UJO If ~ou are in Ihls area On a second Wedne..~) of Ihe momh. pleast' rome 10 the umon hilll at 12 I"IOOn and Jom LIS for lunch. You are mOSl .. elcorne.

BETO' r .... Cl.£u,1Al'. PS


Local 11, Los AnQekI, CA, Retirees Clvb members enjoy 0 liyc." diKuuion , Pktured from left ore: FrtJnl.: Str1(klin, pon president; Arch MocNoir, Boord member ond kxol Ut,ivI, 1H:i;iU'II, unJ Du .. ~tell, Ik»,.,·d 1I_.h.&r 0IId l.oC .. ilM 01 tt~ Colif(aomio ~eo,. U!giiloture otgoniUJriotI.


AI hi ... 70th birthday perty, Locol 99. P""";· clenc., RI, RotireeJ Club mllm­ber POI Colucci (left) receiyt, 0

photo 01 1nl. Pre,. U !orry preM!nted by Inl. Rep. Klchard Strombetg.

Kt~TIKt:ES CL K Of' L. U. II. I~OS

ANG E LES, CA - Wilh Ih l." hul llJu) ~lIsnn JU(;I ahclH.I. QUI h~Plt31i1) chnir. l\hldrcd Mercado. and her (l3r1) com· mlHte art finahzJnIl rl..ns kif 001 ,mnll .. l llohWv LunchL'un t\~alll lhis year II "ill be held at Tau: French Reslauranl. "'herr the fuod and $CrvICC arc alllo'a\,,, c~cclh:nl. I /I)htl.l) dccurallUn~, IlI hil.' (,I",n" ano door pri tCS will add 10 Ihe dtcer We in\. ' c f:llnllu .. "'\, InC'nd" and unJOO m(mbc:t'I. as \Oo ell as lellrtts. to come and enJlI \ It,.: ht111day SPl ril 1)lelbC gel in lour- h 'Iollh Ihe Local II Met1fees Ql,lh rflr 1\.."'04.·rva\tons.

Pictured 0rtI thos.e In ~nc. 01 1M Local 22. Omaha, NE, Annual RenrN Mem­beB DiMtf. wt.«. 38 memben received yeoD-of~~ pins.

0 .... lO mllre <,erltlus matlcrs \\'e rclln."eS ba\c our ""nrt.: CUI 001 for us In cOmballln& Ihe damagc Ibe prc cnl OfI~res.s is drul'Ig 10 (.0 \-car; of pro

~CSSI\": !I:@l.Slallon. s<nior b\:ncfits ar..: 11.1 he -~a\ed· h?o' Jcplclln& Ih em til Illrmng Ihem InIU __ tlf;ut pro.gram .. m.,lead or 5I.nallll\urltnce \\ e "orl.ed and (ou~hl (01 oc ia l ~ecunlr Medl n: and \kdKllld. and \lrC dOC1 '1 Illlend to lei Ihem he 1~ lIl1cd wllhm,!1 It

flJht. We musl (;onIA(:I OU I c kcted 'C na

lor lind can,re. "men wllh leiter .. Ilhllne calk and n"I!\, We musl au end r11lIIc!. and puhllc meeling.~ , We 111\1\1 Wnl e Icue r(; 10 Ihe papers to correct nll!oConccptlons W e musl lei Con&l~ know "t are m~1i dnd Ihal well rl¥hl fur 'Iohut IS k~lly nu r;

11", lalCI' Ihun )'IIU Ihlllk_ It 's VilUI

n:'pol\~ln,hly to protect your own :tnd )uur l;hlldn:n's hencills.

KALI'U I.A M. .... IN V.~

SERVICE PINS AWARDED RETIREES CI.UU OF I..U . 22 , O \ IA II A. Nt;-I (I me Inua duee C\ eryone to the 0(11..:.:1' or our clun~ Pre.. Frtlll k "ronco, Vice Pres.. J im Sullivan, "W.:c. rrcas. 1 )Ic l-rcehmg..'Igl <It Ami' 'am Ilotos anJ 1"1" Sec. Wnlt7..}la.

Our dun meets thc <.ccoml Wcdnc\ day o f each mOlHh h . .IOd ,wei lI:fr ",,~ h me lll ~ ILl n(lUIl lin.' fullu .... ed hy (llir ,hort meeling.. DOo}f prtle~ arc drawn and Ihen mcmhe l ~ enjoy ~! lCl al l7ll!g

We 31so 11 ~\lc ,II v i~ i l i ng nu r".: .. I "II meel ings "~J memhcr(; can hllYc Inl,: l1 hlOO\l pres un.: chec kcJ. and once 11 ycal fl l,I ~hols nlC \I vlI!llIblc. We wei

(';ome IHF\\- r~IIICC~ p;l$Sm~ thrnuJ!.h lhe .un lO S1vp 10 "I the umon h,tli fur tKU IIk!cl tnt

At Ihe lnnu .. llclncd IIlcmlK'n dm n~r held Ma)' I~ .. J8 rClircJ ml:mhl:h. r'l.!ce .... ·e.J yeaf~·~1 1 ~ r\'iec pm \ A ~~. year pin \lrent 10 Kotte ll II t I;.lIt Rl;Ut\l~ 45 \ c.;u Pin" were: Jnhn ('on· ners. Juhus DflC\ncnnc\f:I. Uun 1·,1 ....... "" cr. John lfoffmu, Chllrlrs J llhl~h, J I»Im B Jensen, !lam J. JenSC'n. Jim 1 i.mJlcy. K\;II Nic!u:H. R,\.!i ll ... , \ i.I It). WJIt ~IJ\llh "n~ Ucrnard SlrOlmln Fort)-)'c:u p,"\ .... enl I() Hutlert lJohru.)\.,)'. Rotwn \\ . JonCi. 'ilc\Oolirl "'-ahn . Geor~c "'-U Il~la. Gerald \hm. Daml Rubel. JIIYI r. Slr .. lnliln \r "'-CIl V!erreggc:r. GCIlIf!;e \ in n and Dan 1I0wery_ Recl pu~nh of 35·\'eut pin'>

..... efC Joe ('.'Onll, Ke n Ih:dlund. Ed ..... m JClboI:n KII\ I Jooes, IJl IIoI t'no: I eddy, Dan \1 endick and 1.10'1'41 Schudl.c . Iinny-relu pm' wenl 10 Alvis !lunlcr, J CH' Johhannc.\Cn, Jen,' "'tcp hens ,l nd ('lI ffo rd "'Inhlm on. La ..... rence Kt~ned •. ('harle, Mc"'..: nlle and Rober! V.need; recel vcd !,.'I.)eilr pm~

We h:m: / .... llIl lInll: to our OUI·()(·~t:lle members :1 Kelll l:lj \l emtlt:n n.redu f)' . ..... hlch Ih y may requ l.'si t:oy m,ul. Unhl .... e .... ntcd!:;un bcsIl'{lsh~I{J.11 1


JOIN A CLUB TRIP! I C r.nRF.: I~S cum ( )to' I_U. 41.lIulrll· I~). NV~ I'hl" yl,:or II,,~ !:>cen II bu,y nne lUI Oll r club. (l lir lnll ill Myn lc Belich, 'if" w:t ~ ... c r), enJuyahle_ We SUi}CO al Ihe ~wll nl p hu: Ilolcllhen: .. Un Ihal I llp Wi: ~ aw Ihe ~ I)!XII~ Slll nlpe llc ," "AmeriClin I't(dc.~ and Ihe "M II~, jc Il"e


Silo""' .. One uf our memher-;, Jllllrn\ l~mm""tlCl. \l<1b a «lebnl) In Ihe - l~g·

coJs III ( 'oneen o,;ho\lo. - as he \I.'aj m0-en b~ - I)ulh I'arlon " 10 JU'" her nn ~age. ,Win! us 311 a laugh II mUlule l

We CilIlIWd ,:uKkd Inun of lbe city of hJrle\lon. BlOokgteen (JBrdeno; and Ilk: l':lmoh Pullll \t.mtlllll: Mw.c­um We .. btl IULIred the Fon Sumlcr 'allOnOil \ '1nnumcnt Pork. locI led ID C1mrli;\hm II000hOl and rrarhllbl" onl) b,. bl»t. I he lOurollhe lurl \'oilS hKlor­Icallind tnlernul'Ig. taUng lb b .. k in Ilmc I n lOuie hum!:, we lopped In Laurel, MD , 10 'ee " bddlelnrl the Rorn- I I Too~' Oinncrl1k: .. I ~ 1

ntu Illa n~(; 10 AI Meycu a nd hi v.-ifc. S!~. 'fI'hn, \1:0. alw;I}'\, plnnned:1 fU ll ..

"clI ·or,amzed Irip. Thank, ... "u, 10 Kalph lind Flan \Val1er~ (or helping \lUI, 1\ would he nlCC III h,,"'r more memhlr~ Iske an Inll;l'lilln thC$ol Illps. JUII! u 1111" IrIr 10 icl away for R shon lime; 11 .... 111 do }lIU guod

The ~llIg dJld f.1.11111\ f'KIlM.: "as well­ullenJed l:,w.:r)·Qne see ms to haH a ~ooJ Ilfne III lim uu11ll8. nnd 11\ .lwIIY" that i~ ..... hut oounl.)!

We IJfI<,l ""mher good IUTnOU I for our ,Innual Autl~ meel mg 31 Ih~ hall rhe hl~hli,hl of the mcelmg. '10;1 :0. Ihe ph,~nt;!l IQn u( rv.ce rm nM «rtifi-1.:;1le, by I ucal 41 l1u ~ Mitr Junm} VO}C nnd LOC<lI 41 Pres. tl.11kt: hllUC\ (icurre Kuch rt'~"Civcd ilL'! Moye.ar pin. I-r:ln\. Ilu.-..chel. v.-ho regulu lly ullenth our mCi.:t int", recd~c:d h~ 70 )car pm Fifty rl\'C )t.'ltr pinS "'cnt to: Int.. Pres_ I-1l1enlll'- ("hMlc .. Pdlar.lllnd Bins. lJob 11:Hlnll, Iinrolo "D ud·· Klicr and I);wny Lewl:o. ItcCl.: lvmg SI)-yell l 1I1n ~ were : lIam~ McHugh Myrull Pulr-llf li nd AI "' c nde. ( \ ,ngr al u lut itlns 10 all Ihe r(;I:II' !CIII..\.

10 M I< FTllCI. I'.S.

RIVERBOAT CRUISE WI-.. n Wt: ES CL B of' L.U. 99. PROVII)ENCE. RI- /\ hi::tul lful ~ur ·

ru~- 70lh hlnhd.-t) rart)' .... as ~i\"cn for Oro. 1·,)\ ('oIucti hl hl'i IUI-Wconlmcc(" $(In\ IU Ihe 1'01 ..... lImul ("ounll') Club 10 1 W Inl . Rep. Klrhard \ Iromhc rg \l<ho wa present .. I 'UC~ I or hon",. pro.cll ted Bro. Colur":l "llh a pllol'" I!fUpb (If' Int. ['res. JJ. 1l:'1T) sigtl\."d '10 lilt

III!> ~¥o.dU!~ dud 1!oC'ot _lW, J.1vr01'~ "

In June lhe Rdllce t1uh'iJX1l1.'iOled a ",c-tin, \11S'i1§S(PI" ""crOOaI erw~ On Ih e l'I",crhO.llll , Oro. \'lIIn) - ( ·(I(:h lco;.e~ Fragnoo pillyt.'d lbe- calliOJ)l; and r<c< iH~d Ih~ Lllhupl" Pla~'1" 1

A ..... ard for Local qq, Ibl; ,"ard Sl llI:

thJI 11\ rcclplC:nl i:!; ... h~lhle to pia) thc ""n PUInO- on an) ~lcamboJlt or ri"er ..

bu.,1 III Ihe lIml~d \hlle'> II .... 'lJS teil ll) JI great tnp ror nll .... h{1 ramc1palcd.

AI Ihl!> ~TlIII1~ .... ·c .... ere JtCIUfi!! n:ad) fot our AlI&.m dlnn!:r m!:c1m8 al Rod., l'utnl Shore Dmoci Hull fC3tunng dam cak.1.' dkl'lllder. ~ .... c:&:ll!tlfn. 'Ioalcnnelon ROO mucb more. WIY*.II·S ~reallo be a lehr<el r\CI) daykSunda)'1

Our best wi bes and pTil}cn. to all lh\1K un the sad or dl\.;lhled 1I(;t.

We "'eicomc our nc'lll nw;mbtr, 8ro Jlll;k ('M), lulhc Kcllrce nut'f

Ilol'P), TltMk!;~!\'ill!!, .Ind hilpp)' ;md .... re hnhuays 10 .1 11

Remember 10 her Ih t: ~pi ril or hmlhcril1)uIJ Slroop . and may God bks1; )olllll\'o;i)"

PAl CUU.l:t..l. P S

COME JOIN THE FUN IU:TIREES CI.U D of' L.U. 134, c.:I IIC'AG tJ. IL-l Cll n 't hc h~\'c IhlS I~

Ihe la"l anicle of the ~car. T ime O! CIt

\'o llen 'ou 'n: h.;nlll tc fun Our huffel '" July "'as weH-atlendo.:d. \Iol lh 125 rcople ptc\ent I·ormcr Itu~ . It ep LO U1~

CcilIOO picked the winning ticket ftlr till: I .AIGII 11.1 jllCkcI tn he j!.lYt!n:lt Ihe buffe l. and Bro. SC)'nlllre 1\.Ilow was Ihe loch 'Iomner

AI thu wrilin~ .... t ...... ere louk lll8, fO r w;lnJ III .1 number fir upcmllln~ events plllnncd (or Ihe rcrmundcr of the year. WI.: wele sched uh:d iii hear a prcsc;ntH lion hy II heart spcelllh~t. and a ta lk b~ Locill 134 Tre;))) !;d ...... uu nu~l!ne r On th e Inlpnflancc of VI)lIng. tho. Irv n la7.yn~la WflS makul& plAns lo r II din ncr 1lI11.1 play HI fOTl /\lklll 'lOn. WI. ur


I:.I~nC'alln:s. rru~l ct.O<; ~'Cre ~hed,! !eu 10 ans",,!!r qu~lll)ns on hl!;llIh c.~r!!, .I!lU we were lookin!; forwaru to hl\'ing Lord] L\.I Bu ... \1gr.lFill !-K:c "!!chnd IIlzgcrnJd ~peal alII dub meeting.

The orricer:. and members of our Retirea Qub ~ish 10 congntluJalt Bu~.

Mgr. Fiugentld and mil the loeal union offlttIS .:md busllll:M. re~ (or Ih~ l r SUI:­«55 lD leading Loco.l 13,; to gre.tcr helghb ..

OFFICERS ELECTED RETI REES rt. 8 0 ..... L.U. 351, WINSLO W. NJ-~1orc th:m a ),car has passed since the merger in \1 11) 1'1.14 01 former Locals 211 (Atlllnuc CilY, J); 439 (Camdcn. NJ): and ;W2 (Vi nclnnd. I n inlo LocaIJSI.

On May 15. lhe 'oflowlIlg RCllrce.;; Oub (Jffic:ers ",ere dt:clI.:d 'or IlI\\U-ycar tenn: Pres. Ph1lip BingenheImer. Vice I~res. I knl)' Htll. RI,.'(;. Sec. 1: 1111 Bingen heimer and Trcas. Aoyd Lins. E!l:ccul1\'c Comm ll lec members are; Lester LiUlcy. Joseph Roche . Marion Smith. Joseph Breeden and Ral ph !'arks. rhey were $wom inlo office on June 26 by Local .351 Vic::c Pres. Benjamin Mcnghi Thc guest !ptal.:cr al thc meeling W3~ Lou MaglllZu. wha t runnmg ror the New

)el')4!Y A"5(!mhlr In Ihe 'nH~m ho:r dec­IlOil. I I~ pohtic and idea fll\or uilloll~. \'Cu;ron' i\rW "Cnlor Cll17cn~

OUI ml,:mlx'rthll) ha.. .. grown sleadll) Mcclinp are held the tbird Monda), of each month Some ~hn~ RIC held at lhe R3m3da lnn in lIammon ton, .lnd other II Ih e tlltal J\l hall In

VlIlcl:Uld. Ih l.: rc.~ llI ur.ml IIll!ellllg" <lit.:

If-pay by mcmbe~ .nd Inc Vinclo.nd unton holl meelm~ .. are poItud. dl~hes f"I"OlrlUtd b} 4111 the attendIng lIlerllben.

On pl . II the loctlll:'il RClITcc" Club ht~led 0 mcellllg Qf Ihe "'4e~ Jtt scy RCllrees Ad\'oo!')' Council

Hope 10 ~e nlOre or you Soulh Jel \C) r~hred Inl!mb.:r". .U 1,)Uf mt:eltn~ 'er .. grcallunch I1 nd gtlOlJ eom!X'mo'l~htr

JmEPli L RClnlf.1' S

HOLIDAY FELLOWSHIP RETIR EE CI. U Ot' LU . 631. ROANOKt;, v ,\ -'1 he f{el lrees ('lu(1 met al the IHliou h=11I 1'111 Mn) 10 wilh 1.5 membe rs in Illi endance The II.lSi l& l1nw

tll}l1 IIf urhccr. Wll~ held HI the Mil)' III meeling. and Ilrt~rwnnJs \lie wem 10 the Grcenwood Rc .. laurrml in 'I'mutvl 11c. VA,(orlul1ch

rhe cltl~ mel lIll J UIU.' 14 nl t he-

local 35 1, Window. NJ. Retif*,U Cluboffic&fs worll!lt sworn il'lfO off~ Oft Jur-.. 26 by local 3S I VICe Pres. P.enjamin Merighi )center) . Retirees club oHicef'$ pictvred here are: T,eos. Aoyd lin~ Oef1J. Pres. Philip 8ingenheimff IS«Ofld fronl left), Vtee- Prn Henry Hill lJ.e<oM from righ~ ol'Cl Ree. Sec. Ello a+ngenheimer (right).

Make A House

Call Yo ur un io n's mortgage

and real es tate progra m ma kes buying or selling

a home as easy as picking up the phone.

For informatio n c a ll:



Brothers and Sisters, we want you to have you~

JOURNALI When you have a change of address, please let us know. Be sure to Include your old address and please don'I fo'gel 10 fill in L.U and Card No This info~mallon will be helpful In chocking and keeping OUf records sl raJgh l

II you have changed local unions, we mus t have numbers 01 both.

Mail To: Address Change Depanmenl International Brotherhood of Electrica! Wo rkers

I 125·151h 51'001, N.W . Sui1e 903 Washlnglon. D.C 20005

pictured Clre tOme of the locol 910, WClltof1Uwn, NY, RetirfJoe l Club off1cer1.: from ~h. Front raw, vic. Pres. CJrllove, PrM. Dick SenflCCll Qnd Sec:./freo l. Jean love; back row, Sst. 01 Arms Jim TholTe", Choplin Tony CJk1lina and U M. Soard member Pete Shim. No~ pictured 11 ExM. Board member frank Sanlorelli.

oun lry Cook'n r~Stlluranl in Chri • t lun!".hulg. V}\ . .. nih 14 ml! lIIhers III ntl cndam:e. On Ju!y 12 the club mel al the tl illon h~ l l wil h 1(11II 1!111hcrs pre sent. Thl~ WAll II shori meeling. since mnn)' mC11lhcr~ were mll of IOwn On AlIg , 9 1hc dull lIlet al Ihoe hOIll .... or

urlis lind Lee Rowlan d ror u pknic :llI cnded by I I mcmhcr;

t "rl!~ timl'!. the remaInder of the cOllcndnr h:lI.! nUl )·~t been :iChcduled

~evcrnt lIIel1lbcni IIrc slllI OUI "Iek We end llel-well wish~ 10 those \\. ho ha\"l:~ nol been wcfl nnt.! nope 10 'jee eYeryone 500n III a club meeting..

llesl WI'ihes 10 cYeryone: rUT a ha{lP· Th'lIthgl\ ttlll atld JOYOus. holida)'s. W~ look rONlIrd IQ h(lhd4Y fc.1I"""'ltJlp Wllh one anolrn:.r

LEA IlUClllR. p.s.

REKINDLING THE SPARK RET] R£E CL 8 0" L.U. 910. W TEM row • N \ '-our Retiree:. Cub meeungs.,likc lhe Locnl 9JO mccl· lng\". Itrc held the firll TII('<.da), 01 cach 1II()1I1h f!\J1ll Ma) lu Novcmber, howev­cr. Ihe Ret irees mct:t nl 10 n.m Tbe

I(lcal PU1 $ on the co rrce . lind Harry brmgs the doughlllll'.. We ha"c 3 guc.sl spell ktT fur each meetlllg. ~omconc who is nn eX\JCl1 in h IS or her field nnd who hrillgs us useful informalion.

We hn\'!! fCP1I1rcd g\le~ 1 l1pcakcr It t

Il ur meelings ror LInce year; in a ruw. lind they hAve been well -tecei \'e d. W .... ·vC' had police officcn. al10mcys (10 discuss liVing lrusls ). power company rcprcsenl:ltlvC!lo. dlel experl!;. cerllflcd public ac::counUlnlS (to discuss taxes and the IRS) . IIlVCSlmc:nt cou n ~e lo r s.

CKpl!rl$ on SOc::ial Sewnl)", and rcpn:: ­stnlllli\cs of the OrflCC on Aging..

h IS aIWB)"'i greal 10 allend it meeling. and encounte r a (diD'" r~llr~e you ha\-co' t stcn In a long tunc. [n our ron­\e~'lli(ms al our rtIOI:Ilhly mecllnp. "" e ha~e rtlbUJillhe Seaway. the Alma and who knoYi ..... hal clse. The spouses g,:t IIlto IhlS 100 • • nd c\'cryone: enJoys the-­cam<1mdene.

Do\lin Ihrough the 'ear$. all of us at one lime or aoother blve. beCD caUe.d ~Sj\8rk)'." In rCllrcment the spllrk can oometim grow II lillIe dlln. When ~e lell \'c Ibe mee tings. Ihe spark is back and we feci grc:ll Come on down and ~e f,:;" )'OUr~dr.

Ole K Sf;,)'JCCAI.. PRES.










Oon'llorgel to regIster 10 vo le at you r new pdd re s.s.


(('"mil/ller! frolll I'a/{e 15)


less vlll ne rable 10 layoffs. The third cleme nt j:-. inllovation. In

YC (1rs past, I mi ghl hnve phrased il ··coopera tion.·· Lflbor. manage me nt cooperat ion is i1 1wilyl\ a worthy goal. "' 0 is world pe.lce. \Vhile we must a lways \\ork towa rd Ihl! ideal, we have to deaJ with rhe rea l. And. as we know. the real world get · I relly ugly somclimes.

Innovation lakes: rna ny forms. In ~orm.: ca~cs. it c,an m ',In cooperation wilh managem ent. if th e hand f coopcrul ion is ex tended in good faith . In ulhcrs. it mean s turnIn g a hal -

hea rted o ffer of cooperatio ll into Cl n!il l partne rshi p. S \JIIIC 1J3E.W IUI.;al ~

have takl.!n m:ln agc l11 c nt p lans for employee participuli on, for example. <lnd fo ught to I urn th em il1l o pro ­

gr.,"1S where our members have a ret11 v icc 011 the shop nllor.

IlHlOvHtion m ean s laking new approLlchcs to organi1ing. We did th is

severa l years back with the institulion o[ COMET. Some ,aid i. would nevcr work . II has worked. We lOok .he old idea of organ izing [rom the bouom up in COn truclion. melded it with the top down approach. and nO\\ htlvc a pro­grmn that gives us alii he tools we need to organiz'>!. \Vhatever approach works best in your local is tbe one you should lPW R1It . a:-; ltu: ad t.;tI)'s. ju t do ill

I nnovalion ... ;l all;)o means not be a fra id I try thin gs and changin g stratcgy if somet hing dues n ' t work Olll . O ur MEMO prog ram ha s not


produced th c sa llie resu lt s as CO M ET, so we h:"lvC Il1ll de orne dli.ln ge::t. T ill; na tu re or inuu :,.,tr ;al o r "<lI1izing is diffe re nt f rom that of construction. \Ve WIll try an innovn­l Ive approach I hllt wllrk:.-. lind bui ld from there.

Thi past yem. We have taken more innovative approaches to cummunica­tion, We were among the ve ry fir~t

unions with our own l[tne on the inf r­mmioll superhigl1\\ra)', By nO\\ . you have all heard of IJJ/:. lVlli!l. a priv;lIc segme nl of th e AFL-C IO·s Labor-lET computer in fonnillion system.

We have only jusl hcgun 10 ,\\cr;.uch Iht,! surface of whul Ihis new lechnology can do.

/B ElV"el give:,., 1I:,., the heginning of H totally new way to communicate' wilh one ano th er. For the first lime. the

I ntern alional can di semJnnle infor­mation in la ntHllcQusly. \Ve can also receive instant feedback from those on the "net:' And u~ers can talk to each olher 11 well. sharing informa­tiOn and stralt!gie~.

The operati ve word here is USers. I f yo u ' re not on /8 E.~V"ef. yo u wan' , havc access to what 's OU I there. \,vc' re still finding ou r Sell leg:; wilh it. BUI the uses of IB£IVI/fl life limiled only by our imagimll ions.

Communiccl t io tl i s valuable fo r Hno t her import atlt reason ... il can bu ild unity. 111 my posi ti on. I have to look at the union from n brond per­~ pccl ivc. In my orfice as Internaliol' al Pres idenl. I ca n see th e full breadth and scope of th is great un iun with il1t ItiultituJc f l alent <'1I1d '\kil 1. Yel, too often in the past. it ha bee n pan of our cultu re that we segregate.: ou rselves by trade o r occupat ional c.1lt egory,

This must change . \\le cannot preach the aim.: of ~t)lid(lrily to unor­

gilTl ized workc" if we don't pract ice it urselves. We cannol stand united

agai nst ou tside rorces if we ~Ire no t united internally. In speaking 10 each or our industry branch con h: renccs Ihi year. J sire 'cd Ihal all IBEW lo ca ls in n given geographi c area hould work logL! l hcr.

And so. I rctum to my basic point. The labor movem ent will not move furward un less we devote our energy to the basics rga nizi ng ... trai ning .. . innovH tion , There arc no sha n cuts r magic bul lets.

Toge th er. thes e three allributes cover eve r Yl hing we need t d as committed trade unlo lll sts on th e dnwn of fI nc \ century. The IS E W has always been a leader in Ihe labor movement in developing the plans and programs that henefi t our members, OUf membership base is second 10 none in intelligence. dedicat ion . and :.hiliIY·

\Ve have everything we need al our disposal. W e need onl y th ...: will to make it happen. Lei u mo e forward

In Ihe figh. [or rh.: digni1Y of I"hor and ocial j u.st ice for worki ng families. t

4 1


'I1\L\ t~#ullll nltelmg of the rllu:~rn3tMlnal E.lC"CUl l~~ Cuull(ll \\.'-tn IlI!\lIOOnkt b~ ChJ.um:m Boo.I&n 118,(.1.1 1 m. Wcdno:...!,n . <;qJlnnbert.. 199:\ Otoo mcmbcNo(lN: {"unol 10 Illend .. .- IU:rc 11~.w. Actun. BhlLultJCt, SlIocehl:l' Qucm. \kC.affC'f!\'.('lrmU. and \ leA\",

INITRNA TIO:'IiAL Pit ~ IDE iT Prc~nl Ran, ~ .llh It.- 11::(" I nlJmher II( Unle<> ,,'

dll!;USlI '''M:I} IIf m.lllcn .. lfn"1lnJ IllI branch1:) of Ihc Uru.ht.:,hnnd


Sel'n:'lnl) /l,hM,Jfc pU:loCnled fimmcial rqH)tlll Qll,enn, Ihe IHEW 1"':n'.l(1I'11 Und.nd II)!; ItWe~lmcnl pvn'olll'l,f lhe n"llhcrhl>lkl l'fIlh In Canada IniJ Ihe United SUIlt'J;.

Il clI,Urer VAn Al'IIduk &llcu<ku the niecl!J\3 lil\d aMblcd .he I PC' on ,<:n",.III1I1,ICr.

LEG I~ U .. : n ' NSf P'ilymc:nb fllr 1cp.llkrensc IrgJc from Ihe (k:nl:rolll hmd

"'Crt c I\Ilkd .noJ Irr"'~.:d in aextlnian.::c widllh..- noqulrc menISCI' Illde '>tS«lIlItl l.llflhcIHE\\ Comtnullon

FI~,\M~' \ L HU'O N rs Ilx In'nnoollaf\olJ :ta:n:W) <t fCpotb for lhe' ''',OU) fund>­

r>Clhe RrIllWrhoo.-.I " .. ~ rr~nltd IOlhe IEr tUDUtlcoJ;anoJ

""'" l' llt· I RV~l EF Tb.: InlclI\ "","ill r"«tIIWt' rtlUnol IOImng H d10e

Tn1\In::\ , IIlnn .. 1101.11 lhot: Inh:.natlnfl;d I"n"tlknl II nli lll l tm~t"'nll OwL1'..:tlt", 0( IPC IBrW l'cn~I('n Uc.':ncfil Fund, le.kl'icll flln'IIll\C'\ ' H1~n" .md Iclat..,d rmll lt'B.

INV ";S rl\ lt~NTS 11111 u.-porl ut U .. : ("nd U1l'oh'ncnl actam b) lilt:

InlcrnJl!!l\n,t! I'T .. ~I\t.ml l'n. lln.unllu(Jna l Secrel JUV ~m:e IhC' 1 ... 'ill:lIun,;1I 011;.:111111 W,h 1)1('-X:1I1~d \0 lhe lEe ~"';lIIl1cd lind ItWI()\<c,1

PEI\ I O~ l' I..,\ i"S ,"'O R IBEW OFtlCE F\W LO\,El:S A ~O IBEW On' le ERS. MEPR£SI-::" T AllVCS. '0 ASSlSTAI'''S

Illt Inlcm.t .. 1f1.l1 r'«lItlle C"uncil mrmJcred a num~ ul pcnwon lei lied m,llle"mnoernmllh~ IHE" \u .... n emf"".')ec\ .noJ 1'"",(.,", h;rrCknl:tll\~ and :a'~l<1'nl PVf­-.uanl In If\ :lulllI..,1\ In Antdc II I \cct1Ofl II . of lhe IH I \\ ('.'fDhlull<tn

I 'Ikkr Am,:i!! 111 _ ~UI><.eoIUIl.~ 11(10), lind 11(17). lind '\l11t I1d \I(.C t.f l (lunl.Cl, Ihe IE(' amcodtd 1I0d rol4llcd lh~ I{uk., ~nct lteltul;IIH1M hiT thi" 1\\,1111.5 PCCI1)oW)f1 plal'-~ l'i h"h \:I ller lIi l W Cll1lo1iJ>CCS III\d ulrlCCD_ rcpll:.;(:111:th.e~.l1nd ll.~'I'I.uIl ~, rer.rcd l\c1) 1'hc thnng6 al ~ In COOfllnml) wllh

NOlMA.I. HHSKlNS y_Ard!tC - ea..,. ......... F 11

n.~laK""" ....... A , _ ........ • c-II~" .. hun· ... _, • cInod ....... U IOI -mol -"""". 22

I:io~ appIoc--. a1 ~...a...tf ,. ''''-,l--.lV 25

MfMIUS*' Svj_ Gt<oldl II INl.U. """"c!.'.::'"' ' " ... , " SID,. lMCI'\ T , /o'oI1Iot~f. ,.

IaIbco .ija~ 3 K.o'.....,..JoIIn 0 JB Cio4ItI,Ir..nB , So<cky, Arnold " Dd,,.goo "'- S 1 V~,GI)MO " DDtodl.lt ,tad I , .... ""l ., ~(t_.M l t-dw.. Ic-r-I " ""-"8 .......... l ."" ....... ., ,.. ... J """"' ..... l " """'" eo.-

, ' ..... W'ilaei ..

~udolll J "-.,.baWl " OtWIIt ... ,. , McC~ c.dl .. -..... , __ w

" 'oh.::. fOtl , ....,0-1 .. 1_.....,. J ~.h'-l " W:1Wl.'-Y , ............. .. w:ac.. tdtor!i M 1 SI-w.~D .. ~t--,H , w~ Iob:JJ .. V ......... IM , loa::.! loeWd P .s, ~.I'''' • a..u V • ..:8IIti " ...... Mo3ddo. , TolbD! \_'" " ::::t ...... , f9U1 .koJw,W 51 b" ,c:-.L.A E " ... f..d.rdl 31 6ot*Uoh,11 " HonIlJr ,-,,"oJ 31 ....... , =:tl

" ~,~W .so

~-. " M. .... lici.dG JI .... , ........ ' " ..... _, ....... ~ ..... " --, " E-.I_J 1

...... - , T..,a c..A. 1l _I .. " GoodaIIo .. c:hnt f T1 -.- " "'" "" w " .... -. " ~.a..\al " 42

In b .... rcquucmcnb. -l1to: Irx au.horw.:d Ih, I 'I I,' rlk Iht-.c Ruk.llnJ RI."1I1~.il)n~ lIoilh .hc m~. ror 11 IC'llI111l,tUnn ,.r t Ollllnlling tliX quailJlelmon

l :n!kr Aru~ lc 11t.$U CIIM.I 11(f:l. lind I Ill::!). 11K' IF(' nbo dlSo:l.r\!oI:u a pos!i,bIe chllOS!C In Ihe 11 ~11.:Ull1r"'"~ hall' dhng.lbt ''11111.1' luodstod dlsbuncn)<.nl' The I., ""'lIlIlho. nnd til ocitO' ,Dte lind lmplcmcnt oil n~ arro1l1p:mtlll <b

IIwrur"~le bIJ p'e:scnllbt tr"~1 ~rccrmn'lo tho: IEr 411 ih nc'" rncclln, r", 11\ 1'r'1C ....

In .. dJJIWlIl. un.iCJ Anll:k- III , ::'1ib<M."ClJ~ 1IIItt)4.). a!Id Illh\)(ill. <lnd 11(11). lhe IEC 1\"'" .Pf'I'tIJ'fliIlC lIo.'IlllIIU amo:li<.1lhc lul.l;and 1"lIbhom oIlb1: pl.ln uJ\cnll,: ,"'IIIX! n:rrc-<oulI'to and IU~~lanu Cmfllt1~ed In r.n., in or-dI:l lil1oC(UIl! UIJIUnurn, le"", ... llOO of llul rilin "",Ih bo"h Rt.tn\lc Can..u.l.nd Int- Peo'l<>I\ ('''mm(~lon t'ol Onlirin Tht' 1)0, W<I!\oIUlho"",ed In file IhlN II1OC"dIllCn~ .... 'Ih Ih<l3oe C.'I'I~dlftn .ulhI'nlle'

L()CA I~ Uf\'I lI , /\ UNnEU SUI'£HVISIQN 1.u(;4I1 Utuon 17 . [",\11110, OnllllltJ. Ou\llda. I(llIlln~

un..lcr InICMIIl in",\! rru~e~>hll)

H£TIf{EM ENT OF OFFICE EM llLo \rEE i\I'Jlf<"a' w:a~ ganl<!d In Ihe IFe 10, 111.' (nlklwln.: l"llee

emrl.!\TII TC'I.IUCilII1J lelJrcolt'nt;

Ilertoll hlrllt-cfrCCII\'CJ;tIn~)~, I~ 110 C;upc"'_)

'ESr£ 1l I'F"I; tn'S l'he folk""" lIIf," emrlo>'« "G v,",leli a 'nlaJ

"","M l'horn Pltan il-O. &!lp1o)'~cl


1'\IT~II~nl.oATlidc.': III SeellOn 12.urlhc IB I W (·Olll!ll ullon. Ihe ll(' udopled lIUII.'uu ... d Iq!"hIIlUiIN " ' Il •• vern Ihe c<ln.hl,l of c .. nd i d~rcI nod thei r ~UI",,1I1Cf!; {lIldl.ldirsg per­"'Hlt' ~lh:I11j1111l~ III ~Url'\1r1 L.mdill,I''',1 ""'Ilh I ~~f't:~t 10 1111 Lk'eW\ft- fnr th~ Inl cTl1l1I~lIlnl Ofnt.'C OOIl.IIlc!cd \u l"<lJ\I~lIi In

J~nlLlry I. lWft

II I\RGES num Wrn l TIl t: I" I l..tt ATIONAL EXt:.CUl IVt.. 0 NCiL t\(.,\I NST C VI"'l S'I RACl IA~ Sit.

On JIlIk: ')1. IWS, Lt..;aj Un""", .'~ 8~lnc .. , 't.tl~ICC' k~, l. .. ~hK"" flIcddla~llI1 lh lhe In .... Truml1tlall,)C«u.l\l" l 'uullol :tpllhl (;;Jtlln l!.tr.ldJ.m.~J_. umkr Arllck \11. ~1',,".l Suho;cnJt1ll td) oilhc mry. Ct.m.sllllluln, "hid! 11111~II~fIJ1I{l"'"

·''''t . .l t it) " (AhiMd" n of \\ (lflo: . It 1\" cnndll,,'" , ..... ;uJl1mMHII II1 I)Cn"oll l'C:och l~, IIld OOm, Ic\led IlCn","1 I'\·hl AlIulhc\..1n1mullhvl1lncf\:of IlllIt lh, nl~ml't'nhnU nlll per (111m 1111) 1Io'''~ IIf un)' l.mdcul11inll UUUI:I Ih" I B I W:. JurlWt .. Il(ln <!llhcf fQl' ~IUlPCIl""lion (II glll llS ' 1" olnl'lln~ -

.... - " '-II 'bIIJ " £ .... t G.a .. ...... , ". v"'~f ., _0,..

7l l"".1 • ,...,v. ... £ '" Goo OX • .. ~ ..... ' '" Dar ' ... ' .. , ..... ' ", Dfj .... '- ., tNoi. ld60a '" ........... .. """" ....... '" 0'&,..". JoN. .. ~l_..t '" «_ ~d.~D. , ....... 111 fti ... ,f '" tWdowo~. JI1IMII ,OJ SOli!, LauIa '" ~""'"

10) .... .". '" 'aloe . MlI~ .'OJ fill..A, 1'io!1IIII1l. '" Molooido fcr..1lf1I 10' '"~'1r" '" 't:.. In''''" f ." Kenc!oI \ I '" , .... fflll'll ." ~"t'" 2Il V __ ~f.D '01 W_",W,.I '" W~ftG '1) ""' ... , ,,' koht_c.."1 '1> Mt:Do;,r."'~f 2ll __ ~G

I> --, m lew, AhtG '16 -:r..t '" '--..Z-l ". ....... J '" '" ....w, ". """ .... '"~ "'" ........ '" .... ..... , '31 _ ....

'" 0.. ("'"" '" ".... .... , '''' y-.. .... W III l-.n....v '30 ......_G

'" .... -- '" tile"'" NrOW '" f,lw£.,.t '" ~".iQ,d( m .....,. ," Nordberg. Ma,a. C m CUl'I\OtI!!:.:, !~'d J '" l)I.", ,lttryS lO' ~. ~'-'J ," Wi'll"" L 0 '" G~IIa.1oWco ," Mdto'lli; lQIIo WI lO' .... _,

'" Wrd iapIotMI M )I' .. ......., Ed-odw ". s.Ai"Of>, 'wl '" 'au&:! Do...! A ". __ .... J

'" 'OCI.,. ~ 1Jl f....,~G '" ",... , '" _"-, '" t~ o-.I( I)' --. .... '" ~- .... '" :::: ,:/'" '" _ .... l ,,, , .. ..... ..... '" ... 0-., '" ,..,.. A ..... l , .. 5hGItr, »,1. M , ..

SpcclficlIolh the d UTJC1I1IItr.r lhAI 11r(lther 1\\I,leh3n """itS. r;Inncr In 1\ oonUl1Illn firm IIoh,l ... nn III1'W I·cn,,"., (Icndlt

n le ,1ulb'1rII) ol .he' II ·{ III c:nt~r 11Itv Ih,. rfOl:COO1l1t I~ JII'<Wl.kd hy AMide '<II . Seellnn /\. ",.he IIlf7W("ul1'!1IUullon .... hlch SloItl'" as folk,....~

.. ~fe. 6. AnI mcmhcl \II>1.l' tn,.n\ Ill.h~ I.,OO'~or IhllllrtlCk. \)I iUl~ Incrn~r aKlln' UOf "b.:UII'_ • IJk'In"," 1(1 40 "'l, ttll('r in'culpll<-.n h'llhc I r (' .All I:Ic:ln! toon..! J!,.JlII)'. mat be pcmlllOCndt bjlrlnllr~ .. o 0:,0:' r.ut1OO1(>illml 1fl1ho.:~ bel1tfi~. Ind ftU) t'C w .. ~lWkd "pt'I"='J . or .~"-'lCoJ ~ lhe tr C m;I\ ~-itk

And Anide I~, '0«1I0Il" (,f lhe IRE," C'on'lU\uuon rndsl:!\ rollu ........

.s",. 4.. 1'11" If (' wI! hllle! .Ilt' Plllc! IU II)' IIIn) Ll llf mclllbcrdl.llrsl~"Ilh 1I1JlUm(t I h~ 1fl1~1<".I>flh~ 1 n F W h) 8CilonS in 'l,d'liJr," .1(lhe I n 1 W lBw~nrlhe nhh);lllltJl1 of lhe nH.'mLocl , IlJ10J 11111)' ICH'U! UI "u~ l)o1:00 cillu· Icr or memt)('fih1r (\'II<1[1I1n!l. In Ihl~ C'f1n)lliUlilln Ih:\tI he cl1ll'ilnled 1'1 C(llIn ll:t >l'llh I hl~JlIll1ct ", Ihe I F (: ),~

On JIIIIc!:n 1"N'i. l h~ IEC' requcMcd Pf\'W<icnl Jj Barry 10 UfIIX'II11 " fcCere!:' 10 hold ~ (ulnt,ll htAtln,lU In' IIJI;ole lhC' /lh".c chutc

Ou luh 1M \'JL"T Pr~1 )..en \\ ,.ooo,blfl'P'IU1lcd IUler IUhol'141 Rq'trn.:QloIIh"C \It lUUm ... ,.,. ...... ~ II! "f~rcc 1t'1 hnkl 11 hellnn~ Ullhis. m:mn

1bc Ir..nne"';b hdod '111he tl.unll.b 1M UI " ...... ,\). On'4"". Colnada. on I\ UIlII'lt". IWoC Ruu~. \I;tfUlCr J'1r For-h ... ar.l8ro1hc'1 (j~<tln \Inrw.:tun ~r "ftc "'.Ih f'Tl"IoI:tU

A 1\:'_ oftbc II;'(:UfIi In lllD mall",1""'''''' ltr I there b '" C1:tuenoe a ro~n) callC'dTnnlll<tn Tcd11UC'a1 Sct'!IX) arrotnt: nn clmTlCllI_lIrL. WltJel the l,artnC:I\hJJ\ (of G .. ~'UI ~\I",ranl l ,andGa.ln L Sll ",h~n Sr. ~ rCHlf oJ fe • .:ail. Ih.,lhe aho>'C:·n1Cl1lioll~J CllInrnny 1~ n"nunlt)!1

111~ lEe from Ih~ ~l ld~n~t' 11ll1l1llllll1l1l1y l'dtlf'C II, (IUds Uroc~1 Onvln ~I \'1I1Chltll 'r, ('nrd ~lln\h.:r f))Q)IIiJ' , \\.ho I~ .In Ihe llC1I.';hln I()!k us II rc ll1 ... ~1 l1u: J .. hcl I" l.JJI:nl lII11l1n3.'i3. TnfUlllp. ("4n!.dlI, gUIII)';D ~'h!lrttnl I,r. "11~11I111h( Jl fjl"l~ion..~ "f Anlelr XII. S«lion.llli).llr the 11l1' WC.I1l\U!ululI1_ Uruthel Slr"dmn dfl!(lI'c II~ llt lhe i.l.lk uI' Ih~ JuUp'l I(1l11) I\dc:b) ~~oo.:J IrOOl rro. ... l~lnlll1nY JIll W Jl~n'ion nencfi. fund Iknc('b rOTa J1~no)d 1)1' I,.te (I) ,tar

f'urIIICT. 8rotlH:1 I\Ir-.ch;on III .lfOcI'l:tJ IlIlleflOWIlll1 uttJ 11\ l.o.~ll nll)O 3.«;.1, I Uf'OIII(t, Om.!,,...'. (lI~l.I "nd 11\(1'1;'.lr," pIl\- suo;h duec lind fi~.'·"'mcnl iiI\ lie rnIUI~.1 hY l.fI('a1 ll1ltlfll~ 8,I.aW\II1!<1 the IBlW Cllfalilul.'n'ur IIltl¥( ~ Iv m,unlaln ~ot-' ~loIDd,"."\f the Ult.! pm.."" "I nne: ll)'-c;tll

I unhel 11 fl,llI-..h:n,,1 h\ lhe II ( · lhlllhl"bt:f~lI .chll.ll be IC'Iuucd !oJ proc<:;.) hl)101rrl"'<I'ltm lI,r pen.'t .n ik:ncfi.,In .he f"Il'-,"lt>ed manner a l the !:'\IJt11\l lnn 111 'lfld OIll'! (I) )cor

1~"'l her Slr0kJ!311 and ull;al t '"1\ '11 .'!i.1 ollIe rellllnrJco.llhal the rul ..... " nd relUI.1Ii{IM_ Ihe h~I.I"" (" 1,,,"<11 Un,on '\OJ', lind .h ... IBI Wf"om.IlI lllIC1n nrl' ;ll ll'licl1h le rur Ihe I'cIH.i1(rf lhc


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MfMat:IStil~ lH LU,

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WdJr .... <eM W, • CorArr .. ~ ' .. _,UrI *-'. CJ,d.! ldDJI~IH Wr7t~A. W .... .wI W .... c..o. .. ,. c.;..o'It.._ '1oI~~1.

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0..,. Sr IGhwt H "" f--r IcO.tF IOJ l ..... l.J;lwt1 '" 1M In~~ E.uMive MtNcIy . .IoM I '" THE lO. OfI..U. JoM.or. ••• Ii 1211 :!i;.. .... , 'OJ ~_""'II '" (OV!'K~ oppI!clllMnl ~."'rlpT '" N~.~W Ill~ y, WIota f .10J WoIl.nmlp,,kntlA '" lor Wli rigltllo penlkln ben· ~oo:hi.~, ... J '" """",""" . , t.I>i 1.1 "" MtD.ifllllll.k., ThorItOJ L .10l On"',I9.G '" .fill 01 rh. FOIlbw1ng _Mr': A.., B;N-,O '" laW;, IohMl , '11ft" 1./.," f " .. NobIll. WI'loIlM .10] Ft.IeI, 00u;Ia1 M "' I:...nu DorIokjI '" Catlr.ll, RoyntOI'IdL "' O'MtarQ. PoU J 'OJ M,i'-I ,OoNrIelO '"~ MlMi£ItSH1P PIQtY, kH,"I l '00 CmaIt.~A. ,,. TOTAl. DlSAllUTY I'fH510NS RoWe., Ja ... A. 'OJ V\)'-., EM,.M "' INLU, .".. ",,",M '" "@If. RcgtI t llJ oV'PtOVEG W .. licilorllA .. 103 Jo,~ lI. ldroI. DInn • joj '" """"~.~i:tbtrIH .. S95

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,"",tell CI!aOe' 111 .... .... w n. Q.ol'lt l.nJit, P"'I' -'-' ""'" u",", '" --44 IBIW JOURNAL/ NOVEMBER 1995

liII'lI9 fve-~ , 1fIo\oI .. 1 A 11 MnlIIMari _II , lobar! I " $ _lit CkIr,r.;,C III ...,"", 217 ~nDltitd '" s.i1r_.~ , !.o~'iln.~ M N " Hi>wlf. C~, .. f " W~I,l~' III 'I/I"","*"",~ 217 P.h IoMph l '01 ~';M W , a.!lc~. HowtnJ!) " cm.,Gl..f 1) frlrr 1~ .. .I11 '" C •• :-z' III ..... """ '" " ..... '::':'1' , ~I Hony l 18 litIW4n, f L 1) Goko.»,- Cooldtn f '" ' .. .)I ..... ~ 222 AINrt fWnry I '" SII ..... , III .. , , o.:.n.w...D J " l)rHI. lowIo...d S Il \cr6I)lIi n.o..o. n, ::::t..":r' 222 Cl3OrtlSo Da..gbH '" SotrtIs, WiIoo .. D , GIbJ,~ [0,111: 18 Soloo, lcbeM J' '_Kfo".-, .126 '" [b.'I,~j4 '" """1IIO ... r W-df , Hurwll .. t-G 18 r~ iWooJI " 1,~Jo SIu 11,£ '" , ..... 11 ....... 01 '" .Ir"''''I~1I '" W""'I~ Ror-iK , tiecM .... I~W " W ,f M I, SIotIt~, t J '" Wo". '"lIil '" Mu.,I)Ir . .101\11\ I '" W,v. I t , Ho6gv. jcl1If " ....... CM n "'I.to!, ww .131 CIlI ... EI_I '" 1et1d_.Lo.i"E '" lto't,O e , Iodo~ 0.:.11. M •• !'W,W.ac..dM " ~WG'f'lf I). O'II .. ~I.-M 22' St~.,,,, '" IiouuIanrI Wc~ A. , Sod .,.,G " eo.lb:l I I n r.o..." 1o'Grt." 1). To,b. ,dZ. '26 !ItI"" A W. '" MlII; ..... lboidA. , .... '\onoIIW,_E II fat .... " E 11 haup'of, ........ E . .13l T\II~ ""-nw 2J • .......... '" 'i-t- CiItII, , v.«lli " HoI'IIII Wtla .. 1 n ..... .., .... 1 '" med,."'1J, ,,, ':t.:, .. ' '" ..... , Cbt, JahK " ....,,0 , n ""l,~a 00.4'" 1), $hg-vt,A"'H 215 10 C , '" ........ - , IMod J ... " ...... ...... , 1/ (_ v.JQ'" .'" w,.W .... O 231 ..... -, " . ...... , ".,. , W~,fl " ........ " DIr',o i<a.11 I).

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W,","" H,llIfto.W N,...,., loriS 'HOi. VI 11"9 ,N f.r.:.t _.,AI L ...... a..I!to.!

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TIIi, ttg...ior -.tine III 1M IrIt.motional b."";'" Covlll!j "'OJ t.Id In WD.An.giot'l. D.C. Ih' mHM, odjD\lmed hider, • ~1. lf9.5

n.."'.t ,...._IiIlf...,II~or.OOoM .• McwIoy • o-_btr ". 1 f95. "' Wo,~. D.C.

fOt ntf IiTtANAOONAl E.XKUTM COONCl J L .M-'" MU.w:I'/ • .5.cntory ~&.n1IMc-i



PBF Death Claims Approved for Payment in August 1995

L."I Surnalll8

Chilwood, W. W. Herre!, M. E. UoYC! , l W. Loddeke, M. O. Reodi"!l, T, J. I!~t, R. L

""''1. W. \.ew .... , O. E. Seales Jr" 1(' W.

" fomnon, O. C. ~ John5O'l,c,

I:" Ewi, H.E. Sobocin~~ O. J.

.J Sdmeider, E. W. Wtidl,J. S.

i~ li~ H. l!l aohret-, P_ A. _.W .... -. Goml.lM. I... 50ttyb Jr., W, T. ., "'*"" .•.•. -! ~ Planted, G.L

G<ohom, W.o. ~ ~1h,J.L

.:;- Worrel\. T. C. t: TtchreI. J. M. -,.. Guptte, D. G. ~, M.O .

~ . WoocUI, J. : ~ Ketthum, D. A.

HIWri, P. W Simon', R. L

03 C"ICtIIori,J. J. Hojo>, • . MocallM lr .. F."

;c.. OomvlA...l •. hoty, J.L """""". ~ ..

HoIm"""".D. ~ ~ ~ Kclmbcxh, t.l -r~ ~II,R.E.


V~, W.J. GaIdtt... c. W_ DeMaroif. P. f, Mes. A. L

32£ Mor!iond, C. P. Bodo, W. A.

1~1 Pcynt. G. F. Wuebbolt, B. 1 Young, B. E. Kosik. N, PotMr, R. D. V';\Ioy. w ... MidJ, C.N, Mapp, D_ L

:~~ Ivy, I , C. c" o , Oll , Jj

Holhowoy. W. L Kennedy, 1. D. Rohor, G. F. Sar-oglltt, F. Po. MfnikMim, C, W. Rithormon Jr., G. E.

-1' Thome, T.f. "2 M'\b.ll.

:: Royder , W. L 70.: MUIT, W. &. -if:. Ediwn, P. J. ~~ Manuel,l!_ D. 1'5 ~

'245 124.5 177

1525 1525 C 131

a 1J '_. I "e"1

IN. G. w. Cooper, T. Pccholzuk, G. J. Conley, fo{. O. Ko$O, A. O. Mitct!e/l , F.-" OiGiufio, A. Ca~Ie, J. A. 41IJr., U . PooI1le, C. W. Lukul , B. Mue ller, E. C. SohrmOl1n, R. Waller~, 11:. K. Winn, R. R.

I • . p •• renl.111 f't.-o.!lJ ~!11'

.. )},'

5. ('~I X 5 'XlO OC , )-)

.... 'X I' 1.:oJ S.C'X1 :x: 10» ex: ,m 2 .. '

.' : I)): ~~ ....

5 Co)) .) 'Y'J)OC j [OJ IJ:

Xl) 'if" :c

YY.lOC 5C(O oc j COJ 0: -ocooo ) COJ"1) j 'Xll:X 5wJX :: oc·~OO

(CoJ OC ~~y;')')

: OCC.~·. .: ox·:-:: 5·:0:"'"

coco: :00:.0: 5~C(; . .x

NCOC <; coo.o: ....coo oc 5 ,~o: 5:lOOOC 5XX)OC j ~moc' 5 C(X)OI) 5 COJOO 5 Ci):)OO -.m::, i t.:::rJ oJD 2/l2-: '.J[l t 4::0 00 .2~)J 00 2 yj3 OJ 2 ~ooO!'



tn! 8eart. O. B. 'E~! VOlight, G, p, P Rouer, It ~ Benedetti, J.

Brennon, T. Pe--' Componeilo,J. P. Fe ~ Deleva, A. J. ;. _ Oel\OHU, D. A. ~ DlaenecIetto, A. J. re- OriKoIl, D. J. r~" ftkImon.M.M. i'1! lc.1')(III, J.W.

LD SialKu, 1. '" Panzer, J.

londono, , . Robledo, L A... Sthwom., H. sMr, D. WDlkKt. T. J_

~"! Wea,L D. ... Gbsow,M.E.

Krise. W. K. SWcrw, C. C.

;r Oi>nohut.1. 1. ~ _ ~ PGffrarh, 1. H. '?' & Robimon, 1. W,

Anderwn. G. C. Boyte, 1. f .

; .. ! ~, J.R..

Hom, B. t. K:,I~t. c..

~l Hose. W. D. Pi!' HouUon. J. G.

MowNnnie H. E iobh, H. tl .

".. Sdvod<. . ... '" s;""",.. G .... F GruH. E. c..

Ponid., L ;;E' • ~ CuM Jr .. L A-

I - Unard, A. R. Fe> I.. wIutan, w. E. = ..... W~f.II. r~'l t_ 0smIMs0n. So W.

.i::- It\rndogt, f. Ii. L: Mt<arrol k., 1. A.

F<!~~ Snydtf, w. c.. -~! 1eeuofI, Il E.

:-. Monri, A. ;~ ~.!. Poepping, P. F. :~" 3~ Cam_, O. L _. J: Yogeru.J.W.

:€'!I..!! 8ec:k, S. l ;.an '6 HaI,l L ;m ~ Henry. G. :~! '=' ms, c.. D. ;O!r'J'~ RhcOt!, D. H. -".,..:~ j\lffipi. C. S. --:n !~ Mhiruon,. H. A. ;'!'IIJ ~6 Wheeler, C. G. ;E"! <~ lQymond, B. C. : !!I'! j - VanSW«ien, H.J. ~'3!" 58 I!.urthoiamew, C. roo' ~3' 8rid9'!i,1. S Pe-s ~Sl <QlO, W. 1. PI!-'\ :a, GWski, G. R. rn 5al Johnson, 4. P. F~-~ :31 Kolan. L P. Pn ~31 Md.ecd, J. M. Pe-) !91 Niedennan, 1. Pli~\ 53i Wi~iami, L A.. Fer' Xl: Blockwel. C. V. ~~~~ tJ6: Spring~r, H. T, ~e" 00' Thomm Jr., <. S. ~~l~' Whitt, E. '"e ::e E'Khoilzk., H. B. %f, ee Hc!rr, It O. ;~I be Wiggini, H. G. ;e~ 7! Moreheod 11., i. L ;~"' n HuW!It, C. F. Fenl 171" CI Q~, G. E. P,re 173: Htnnan, l l. Pe~ 173: Unruh, R. S.

.4OC' 'f) ; .tc·)~ ;; 4~(' ')J . , .

! •

L .!.JC-' 2 ':00 : JOC v...

• .:00.1:: L<!IX!: V~IX

2 . .!OO 0: .40 ' 2 ,. 2 ,. 2 .:))oc 1..!0JX 2' ·C'O OC 2':" J ",

4J.!"lOO 2 4:<l 00 ~ 4')))) .J~OO

1 ~L18,j

~JX~ :: 4.C().OC :- 4-'~ ()~

~ .\)' t .l'~OC 24·)0 00 ~ olOO 00 2 400 O~ 2 ~OO.O.J


'''"I 170 f",·, 177 ?, ·77 ,~ 7T


Tobey, R. L &riggs, W. M, Prall, M. P. TnKy, W. f . I".,. N."

,,-, .,. Tufto', 1. L


WaH,}. P. WifKlms, l. Bkrtz, I. L

.f. Conheocly, lP. -', :. ~lOops, F. M.

~- tvdr, A. W. Watt, E. H. fa~ H. 1. O'ConIl(ll', T. L

:; Pvr.:el, W.J. Carr, J. J. Porter, l. W.

..: Walsl..J. L 1(5 HoIIttt, J. W. i C ~ lsoac:, C, P.

It Bonslell, R. L CO ...... . . T. Wl<o..lW.

,: furl A. W. Riuo, J.J. Kauffmon lr .. w. S.

u ~, f_ G.

,- ImM;>.LL _ ,I.t Io5riori, O. J. Finioy, l G.

e" l' tWd, l.N. ",' l+.Kmi. W. l

Palmer, Ii. v_ " fyI.. t1 ..: 8oum, M.

_.! Bemett, J.J. ~A Cirftn, l 1.

,.. ..1 Howord. ll JaI'lCio, J.

. ..: I'aguni, L J. ~... :...! PorIm~, W_ f .

'r p


,4 .....,.... W. P. "..l Rook, W. H. • .! Shaw, i..l :..! Semon!:, A. S.

":!'. ~..1 SItUa, J. A. p~- 'j Vou."L

~.! Vus.!toY, W. J. 3~ WoP.. f . 1. 3~ Uglum,U" ""'.LK j" Jones, J. A. .!~ Bur\.:~,1.

Pr-'l .!C Wi" , l. V. '''''1 'S~ aowtn, W. -r Kannq-, W.'. r;,," to;, Joccm, 14. 1. ~"..s IO! C~, LJ. ..... c.t. Hu1chin5OllJr., H. F_ """I ic:. Krtppel. W. G. T.i '65 $errgriYI, O. 1.

Burdges, i. J ;~I • .,. Morgan, 1. W. ;~; e: Hert, D. C. :,n . Ej R~t, R. L l' Ej Schneider, C. 1 ,~.;;; Horn, I. Eo rP't1 Johnson, T. M. r~-! ;.~ i(oih, R. f . PI!" r~ Cr.cmpion, F.£. Pe- twO MattU, W. H. fp·,.' Sur ron , c. pp., " ArliI'l9MuI, E. P':"'S l.' 21 (UlT'On, R, J. Fe', ' ~' 21 Groi, E. H. Fe1\ ,2')1 t:Il,,2t21

;""1t'12?21 '''1\l 2231 ;el'l! ?n ~'!~! 220:

G\a~er, C. L Krvger Jr., K. R. Wha~tV , G. D. Burke, C. J. War!!!n, F. L Cl'(lmer, E, J.


i. tOO 0': 240000 2 tOO 00 2 ':')J "!

.I.:'::) 00 2 to'X) <J: ..! 561 ~O h· ()

,.!: .: 3;~ _

",·HJ ; ~:A fY

,AX , ~. I A'XJ t "~Q 84 ,.:~

• !OC _ tXT ;te<;-.... .. 4')) X; J -, :l4XX ~ .t:.: :N ,4X -, .I ~~-:

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'" 1.00 0'" 2!OO IX "2 !:'X)OC 2.::.(X) _

] !'XI OC HOlOC 2!OO ex: ~<OOIX "2400 00 .i 55:.!S 24~OC .. 0!2 50 "aero L 4;)~ J:) 2 JW o:J t 40C ::>:' i 40C 00 "2 JOO X i JOOX .i..t00 :0 "2010:' CO L 400 00 "2010000 V,OOOC 2.l0000 VOOOO }.1»)OO 3 55 7 :::5 4 11)1;00 2 400 00 2 40000 2./l0000

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"e' ~~. f j.!( ., F~' J:io, ". ~ J:S7 ..... ,,1 1'-",<,1 .:J F.-. ,," 0/ I~ ~e< -:':~

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~n JS" ;:s"S j:;t ?"""" ~J... ;.,.. .! 6 ;~I'j tlE :. ..... ! 426 ;~ ~J<:

''If'J ~:<; ?er!s ':JrII ;;~l ~:!a'

liE". l.J2 ~j .:~::. p;.r .:500' Pe-- ~'

P~"I .;l"~' P:.; .174' PE" .1.77' Pn 481 p.,,-) .::S~

Pe"! '494 Pe:-~ :4t;4 Pn \494 PI?""I 1494 p"".1 14.94 Pt"1 14951 ;"'"1 iJ'~8i P'l"! ,SC' Pe- I ~'1)

F~ ~I\I Pens 15201 Fens 15431 Pcn! 15511


I"...L' Turntf, 1. W, f~, tM. ShumWll)', A. H. Boily, W.O. Revel'!, f. 5chroen, H. L HKh, L Mori~, C. M. ~eIenan , C. L

""'LJ. Svllo, D. P. WiIiam~, P. c.. '....,. H.J. WiHiaml, L I. 1t\gva1d5O!\, D. J. Zwok. T. A. EidI, w. E. HunI, C. 8. !iun*t!', LL N<oIy. W. t TcyIar, H. J. Mc<oIisle', H. 8. Hoimei,J.l SiITlCMHOl\, M.L ~, W. L II*, J, W. Mrttlie Jr .• W. A. I"... ' .F. bet, M. k. Cb\,lG. _ ..... 5ou~G.L AIIieb, A. W. ...,.1. .. Nofu~, E. C. W",""" W.l rotll, W. l WahoA, G. tuud.L .l. Mtw., l E. ""bon,~ .. hid, W_ T. VonlM'm:, (. III

'''''.L ""'. " 1 MoeItr, ll. "'-bodoIo .... Smill1, A.M.

""""" H. Goddy,J. ... SnelJr"H, P. ~, A.J. (oslo, S. Hanga1, W. Gray, H. 8_ s,n", J. <-'oiy. P.'. Simpwn. J. B. """""'. W. L Pigoge, E. 1. ,ij,bofi, l, t. Polltrgtt, H. H. Cushman, A. Gondy, c. i.. Sailor, f . i. Hodges Jr., G. V. Bird, a. Bryan, W. J. Hud.lOt'l, M.F. «.ppenmitn, A. F. fioSl, W. klX"~ ,1. tL Rippkt, w. VOnOervoorl , W. P. Merediih, R. C. Hun!. F. D. Gimbut, A. J. CroblrH. W. D. Mu!h~. S. W. Stobaugh,O. I!. liebenlon, J. Evans, D. W.

A'Xl I()

.L 4):1 00 2400 00 i.':oo oc­_ t)'JOO :L .:XlOC L A:)JOO 2 A:>J (jj L ·~:X)"'XI ~.!~ ,

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2~w ~ -'J .~) i .!:C 00 11 55500 l !:COO l .4CC :oJ i o!OC :0 240C J3 I. t.'XJ:(l , .!OO 00 2 otOO 00 2 <00 OC 2 400 OC 2 l;)J 00 1 ':00 00 i 4:xJOO 2 40\) \J.. V:(~'J OC 3.02500 1 '00.00 2.010000 2 400 00


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w;... L I. . , MoI..,I.'. , ., ".,." c. f. " Ooovho<Y. I. , . Cbl.A.L c.. ... G J;.7;.!: .' .... , U. o..jriM, A.L .' ...,...n.M.G. , '

_LT. .!~roo Pn • en..,!. ! . · , ..... , L ~ :;,j 29 .... !oo ...... d.t~ , ..... G. ~ , )C ... •• • .t..Iooo. ' . M. • ·1.0;;00 ~~ " ~. '. H. 4)0 E

AInain, f. A. "X '''' Horron.G. W. , X ' .. it": , Wm.£.L • ""00 " :J D\lPoN:. ( I\. ,':X Xl _P. H. ~ ,~; 00 '" ffMmaII. E. T. ,,!.~ X "', ", 1(O'IOCh, J. ,." P 6d ....... ,W.F. • J'XlOO CIooooy, w. w. 10) !m." D. c. 2 ·e)~OO .... ; ]4:; ....... , L .!l)CO P. frorw.1. 0 . • JX':::C 1 ... 1.£. 44)J r. A,.-n. T. W. J {)(cOO ""' stlsiian.c. 2.1:(00 ". """,,. J. G , , 00 16or, F. L tl;:(lX ' , !cIw".U .,; !.X100 ',," Wahtn, A. D. ~''"I P, V GodHy. ' .0. , 'J0 Maru., H. H. 1'00 Y.J • . , _tV. '64<100 ' .. McCown, J. Nt. , OC 0 Cioronw.Jr" W. T. 00 TrowiI, R. W. " Xl P , _a

2 '0000 '" J' PItI. E.' . "(I'" "'" " HiI, K.H. 1.40000 Word, 1. l !1l(1O , ;.'J Cllmmillll~, J . f. 2.:0000 ""' Priet, f. D. l !.)jOO ,~ " ...... , M. '0000 .... Cook. w. C. ~ dXOO ''''' " HoI1, W, J. '2 J'"(l ) .... if DnilD, r.a, 1 <X 00 ~erl ltv """"""U • 4)) 00 .... 511], GiII, J, H. 24~OO p ... '53 lanning. D. A.. 2.!JJd .... "" Sok." W. H. 14:X)oo I.- ,'" HIIIIg/nl , G. E. ,4))00

F", SB4: Migllotl, R. C, 2.::)'JOO p ... ,,, k>Wmoft, D. M. 338000 ~,

" Heben, L A. [4:1)00 ?8!'1 t Hutter, a, F. 2400 00 ~~"l jedl Morvan, T. l 2 tC() 00 '" 7 Md .. mcrl, R, L 2~:x:J 00 lou IJQ31 f<lton , M, V. 'CXloo P~ , John~n , N. 11\, I 400 00 .... lB'1 Thomas, L /d, 2 ~OO 00 ''''' 10. WinlorTlIJr .• J. V. 2 ;!X)OO .... ! 4271 HooIy, ~ G. 1 'CXl 00 p". KiJ;C. G. I. 400 ro 'n QI) MtFclJ, D.C. 294'6~ ... , 7~e' aoime, I. O. '1:::xJ 00 . .,.. 1l.181 luhby,U . i 4:000 p,., 0 K l.r, E. W. i t·X) ro ".., YO TIlMon, A. 2 40000 .... m' 1tgo • • W. ~ 24)JOO '." 4W' Spear .. '. C. R. 4 B~M P .. ~, .... ') o!'XI 00

• Andencn, D. H. -"roo ..... " ","", D. G. HOOOO '" 4] • SroyOnQ'l, L E ! ).!J iT.) ' .. loomit, t F. ,<00 00 ......... J. J. JX; .... " ..... ,'. 1,3000 .... t .. ,.'! 1owtI'I, A. , • 1 A(X)OO PO" 170ft. J. S. "cor ,- _ , G. f. . tXX .... a , ,""LG. ,>50 ..... Inrwft. L W. 1 «1000 0,., McmMwI,H, A. " 00 ::l, G. l ~ 40000 -w "" • • W. J. ':xJ00 - '--', f. t .:000 ''n _lL ~ tOOOO

. D. D. '- .. :roo .... WaIot •• C.L .!. ,,:,;c?-:- 'n ,.. Iomtf, l. R , 00 ''''' 1Ibow. J. G. .40000 1000. w. M. , ...

"" C.l 2!OO~ .... :-.,J 'rot«, H. D. 1 00 I .... MtDlnloil,l , .. 00 - "'-li,'. L • '0;.00 .... Woo6M.J, l , 00 ""' • t.o..Iott, J, M. ,0I(()00 ".., McNcaGrv. , H. 'Xl

Conkle, l L - 40000 ... ........ c. • t-(X]OO ...,., G. D. "":xl .... """,,, lO . lJOoo Ac,d, J, H. 4Q' " ' 000\. M. H. , <0000 ' .. 0 _ ,J./ t 4:xJ )J I .. MaIIiI Jr .. C. H. 84000 Groowr, l t. , 00 '"'fn s . .: _d, I. ' . l ti)j 00 '- """"', W. I. ,0.: :xl I .. ReinHt, G. A. J .:):)00 ... . " "elt«man. L 3 ~(1;1 !4 iOJfl 1Mo, R. t 2 ''Xl 00 '" Abod, M. 1 '0000 P~·l Reno, D . • ':O"Joo ... 1 Marini,G. 2400 00 Pt'"O IMe Cochran. I. T, t!,(lOO ''''Il' AIOm, A. 1 ''Xl 30 'n 0 '~lH. • JXlOO

' ... ' 1!1J s,...., E. E. 1 ,:xl 00 1880' WtlrfoIl , ~ . 0, 1 <00 00 "" AiIen, LM, 211-KHX) I • ,T. 240000

-... 1"1 Dodgo,J. A. '1COO ,. Gfltn, W. 2::00 00 "" .\tIOtr$Oll, V, A. I. JOOX I .. Ryon, D, III 240000 -,N , '1 &ailly, l K, ~lJOO Q( De~pa'lr(, H. C. 2 4XJ 00 ' .. Aniwn, G. D. 9j3~ ,. SoIu~fJo, S. P. 240000 ... '.~ Moort, R.A. ,4Xoo ~e~i " Thorna~. v. T. ':>J 00 ."" Art"owvod, J. L • ,IO:>OC P" D SIooIt.. U . 7tmOO '. , PorIIr. C. /It.. ~ 4::xJ 00 " q.jJ OISmictr, (. G. 24"(lOO "" Ault H. L ) , 0000 ~ .. D SkinMlI, p, W. 2.1)JOO

~ :h41! :c;:"C.l 'OC(X) "II; ...... , lL 35:!J·C '''' Bel, ' . 1. ,·1I0~ ' .. SMith, J. W. l'!X:OO Fn 'co!1 .L ,)cOO .~ OC McPI_non, I. P. 2£:( )J ' .. ::1.:.,C. ~ • '" SbIt, ' . ( <0000

""' Pridoood. E. M. 24X,OO '" .N ~gJ J. A. t:lj 00 n, J, H. .. J'~OCC ~!n v s-,.-ow\<I, w. J '" p.,. ,~ lhomol, W. l4OQOO P., ~ _G. • <00 00 .. ~~A. • .!i))X ,.. 0 5'wotI, V • <0000 .... 4. L)'OM, ( , l 4CX)XJ .... 8' JoWooo, G. L 1 o!OO 00 ... IWd , M.G. .J(lOO .... 0 twl, lL l40000

Morfin, D. [ , " XJ In " E~o, l S. 140: 00 'w IoMn. J. C. • J ,~ Untenogt, M. J. , " 10

P.I. 16' 4 u.., ~L 24J)r')) '" ., Nobngo. E. ~ • 'XI 00 .. 1on., C.L J 7!9 t " J verhooltn, T .:xl II Smilh,O. l 3 077~. , S6 Tovawo, It. , <!.J.;OO .. ........ L~ .. X .... 0 V,../ond, p. l 40000 , Sttwwt, l P. 40CXJ ... y .... W, K, Jutoo .. ~, C. "- ,J wa .. J.l WAtorl.N. L .! ,,,' .. • E.......w,G. 2t.'Y"X Col. H. W. , W .... ,l M. MoI;. ll 14!X "",, U " c.,;;od~t~ 1 ' C ... 0 lintii'. C.l , _H.S. t .co: I)] T""*,, f. H. · , CrowItr. J, f. 10001_ !1,569,132.56



Brotherhood of Number admi"ed to pension la5t month 449 284 EI.,trl,al

Total number on pension 90 63 4 64906 Workers

Pension and Total pension payments last month $ 535682683 $ 75479,142.71

Death Benefit Total pension payments last 12 months $ 639087 1146 $ 298 946 556.83 Pay .... ent Report Death benefits paid last month $ 157 1 78256 Augult 1995 Death benefits paid last 12 months $ 16312929 <10

NUCLEAR (COlllillCfi /ro/ll Page 7)

trons will esc~pe fro m the system and the chain reaction will cease. The size of the reaclor depends on the nature or the rlSsile maleria l and the moderator. In light-waler reactors. which are the most widely used. ordinary waler i used as the modcrdtor and uranium oxide IDI Ihe fi ile material.

haio reacLions wi th tbermal or fasl nculron can be controlled in the fcae-

tor. Most of lhe fis ion neutrons arc released within one-lril lionlh of a ee­o nd fo llowing lhe fission , a ll hough a smal l am unt i released later. The delayed neutrons maintain the chain reacti n, and the fast neutrons .arc con­>umcd by compelitive reactions. Wilh lhe usc of the de layed nculrons, the reproduction of neutron can be adjusi' cd to any desired value. and the fi -~ion

rate can be cont(olled more easily. The sel f-sus tainmen t of the chain

reaclion causes kinetic energy. which is t ransfo rmed into hea t at a co nstan t. steady ra w. Th e hea t e nergy warms ordinary waler, called co lallI . to pro­duce team that passes through a tur­bine 10 ge nerate e lcctrici lY. T he on ly maj r difference bel ween a coal-fired planl and a nuclear power plant is the method used to heal the waler. ..

ext J\1olllh- PlIrl 11 uf this lOry will disclIss other IIses of ""clear tedmnlog.v for civilillfl purposes.


r77 he IBEW Founders' Scholarships honor the dedicated wiremen and linemen 1 who, on November 2B, 1891, organized the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The Officers of the IBEW are pleased to offer its working mem­bers as many as 12 scholarships annually on a competitive basis. It is hoped that the awards will not only contribute to the personal development of our members but also steward the electrical industry that our founders envisioned. There will be one scholarship awarded from each group of 25 qualified applicants, or major frac­tion thereof.

The maximum scholarship of $12,000 is to be used for the member's first Bache­lors Degree from an accredited college or university in any approved field . Funds Jre distributed Jccording to credit-hour achievement. The normal distribution per semester credit hour is $100 and is paid until graduation. The scholarship duration is a maximum of eight Years,


The independent Founders' Scholarship Selection Committee will be composed of academic, professional, and community representatives. They will examine the com­plete record of each scholarship applicant to choose the winners. All applicants will be notified, and the scholarship winners will be featured in the IHEW Journal. I

-----------------------------------, SEND FOR YOUR ISEW FOUNDERS'


Affix your /BEW louma/label to tllis coupon. or Print the information requested.






INITIATION DATE ________ (If unknown, chpek wllh IOGII union)

Note: All information must be supplied.

SEND TO: IBEW Founders' Scholarship. I I 25-t 5th Street. NW. Washington, DC 20005


Founders' Scholarship competi tion is an adult program, to be used solely by IBEW members. It is NOT for the children of members.

1. Applicants must have been In continu­ous good standing for Ihe four years preceding March I of the scholarship year, be charter members of a local union. or must have become members under a certified COMET or MEMO organizing campaign The certification comes from the local unoon bUSiness manager in the form of a letter.

2. Each applicant must be recommended In writrng by their local union business manager If there IS no office of busi­ness manager. then tlle recommenda­tion must come from the local union president. system council chairman or general chairman

3. AL led:,l twu dtJdillulldl It! ll ~':, uf It:!l­

ommen dation must be sent by Individ­uals testifying to the attributes of the dwlildill.

4. Copies of all academic transcripts from high school, college, apprenticeship. or other educationa l and developmental programs must be submitted.

5. A complete personal resume IS required. The resume should outl ine: educalion and work history, mil itary service, plus invulvell1ent ill Ull iu(I, IUl.cJl, llvil, LUII1-munity and religious aHairs.

6. Applicants are required to submi t a 250-500 word essay. The title and topic must be: • How the Founders' Scholar· ships Will Benefil the Brotherhood and the Electllcal Industry· The essay must be typewritten and double-spaced.

7. Applicants must submit their test scores from the SAT I or the ACT. The judges must halle a uniform standard of com­parison; tllerefore. NO OTHER TESTING SERVICES ARE ACCEPTABLE. Previous scores 01 new test registration may be obtained by erther writing: SAT I. The College Board, Box 6200 Princeton. New Jersey 08541 -6200, (609) 771-7600, Or ACT Nalional Office, P.O. 80x 451. Iowa City. Iowa 52243, (319) 337-1000. To send SAT I scores directly to the IBEW. fill in Item I t With the IBEW code number 0485, and for the ACT fill in Block U With the IBEW code number 0697.

8. All malerials need not be sent at the s.ame time but must be received prior to March t of Ihe scholarship year.

IIJEW Journal II ~ S-I "h Sireet. N.W. W",llIngwn. D . 21K)05

""nkd In Ih" I " \

StandUP for America's Working Families

reams They're cutting worker health and safety protections­when more than 6,000 Americans still die on the job every year - health and safety protections that have already saved more than 140,000 lives.

They' re slash ing education - the best investment we can make In our children and our future as a nation. The Republican plan cuts 45,000 kids off Head Start. takes billions of dollars out of your public schools, and cuts college loans for as many as 4·1/2 million middle.class families .

They're dismantling job train ing for high school graduates and workers who lose their Jobs because of natural disasters, defense converSion, foreign trade or corporate "downsizing."

They're eliminating child labor protections and taking us back to the days when big corporations ran oppressive sweatshops and paid below·poverty wages.

They're attacking American workers' fundamental rights by cutttng the National Labor Relattons Board - making it nearly Impossible for the NLRB to protect working men and women when their employers break the law.

And they're using their assault on America's working families to give a $245 billion tax break to big business and the rich .

Stop the Republican assault on America's Working Families.

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