agencies agree to give spring - digifind-it

Post on 20-Nov-2023






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7.rd Ysar No. 35 CReitview 3-4000 SUMMIT, N.J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1941 M*IMT siiiti r m qrflM_u $6 * year 15 CiNTS

Proposal Made to FormVolunteer Rescue UnitTo Run City Ambulance i

A move to establish a volunteer,


by the Pity of Summit *nd Overlookh d ltal was launched last week at an organizationed last week at an organization

held at the home of Mrs. Stephen Barker 124iwood road. ' "

<"•" ' o r U»e recruitmentvolunteer! who will be

roughly trained in first aidoedures and be. m

Agencies AgreeTo Give Spring

City to Droprvic* for the city At present,

'round-Uie-clock a m b u l a n c e 'rvice with trained personnel it

furnished by the City of Sum-'mil:and to some extent is also:provided by Overlook Hospital.

The rescue squad plan,' Defiance, or "passive resist-pupulsr and successful in num- ance*' to a recent Zoning Board

e i - < \ i l l fttfKs9>r f W r t n t n u n i t i * * * » » AM - - _ . _ . . . •

?,id t h V c i t y administration.'1111" •"* operation, of a churchBoth agencies would lisconlinue school at 'ts Parker D'Kiny"Vir ambulance operations if Memorial House at Z WhittredgeTO rescu* tquaa'bccm

[ifterTpjCAn ordinance which would

permit fnv parking every dayafter 6 p.m. in city parking lotaand at eurbside mejers was in-troduced Tuesday night byCommon Council.

The measure would eliminate

A goal of $74,300 has been set for the second an;nual Combined Spring Fund drive to be conducted dur-ing the first two weeks of March, it was announcedtoday by the steering committee.

The individual hudMtVandJhg total budget set bytha mtm ageaeies *mt*imt

Over 1,500Summonses issued for parking

rescu* tquaabccomes opera road, was vowed this week byRev. Jacob R. Trapp, D.D.,

Ready by Summer ! minister of the church.Backers of the rescue squad Dr. Trapp declared that a

nVclaw that as «oofl as fifty church takes its order-front avolunteers j r ^ obtained and^hjghsr^JuH«irily__llian__-_,lrain*o*~Tt~ can take over the zoning board and that it is "my(I mbiilance service for the com-, personal and profound convic-(•mrnity possibly by this summer.; tion that the only right thingi,

mier the proposal both the city for our church j s to defy this-'Overlook would turn over order'

1 equipment, including (Dr. Trapp's statements wereiambulances, lo the new made in

sqtM.d W,Ould c.0?"lw * ! The Zoning Boardrate the city ambulance and,^,, c^ureh

iilinue to bouse it in city pro-•rly, probably the fire bouse.Mrlook's ambulance, more

>re than ten year's-old, Is con-lered obsolete and would net,• used. The city ambulance U'

Resident Namedletter to The Herald) l O I l lSt i t l j t IOHS

Control B^ardthat

road was operating as a nurseryschool and was thus In viola loinof the toning ordinance. TheWhittredge road site of thechurch school is in a residentialarea where a variance

Following confirmation by theSenate, John J. Magovero, jr.,of 45 Sweet Briar drive, «xeou-

ta ten year's old but i, still > w e d ^ . . ^ ^ ^ ^ u

mt- , , Ilivity." The Zaoe

new a»b*la.aeealrf,nr<;j1;rei,te<j , c t i v | t y mm 10 y e ; « is considered the d e r e d ,t cXott6 ah3se, w w oe age for such vehicles. There, transfer,^ t o the church build-*

- a poetibilUy, the rescue squad ^ .,, 4 W a l d r o n avnut:,orporators said, that one of W i B t , School Reopened

i» local service clubs might D r T s a i d l n a l h e w f f lu-nkibute funds for the im- h j s b o a r d o f ,r u s t C C T , 0

i»<:;iiaea_jurcha«e rf one Mjs l r e p p f e n U ] e %ejmoi.m w h i t t r e ) tj ,e

road contrary to the city ruling

Benefit Life Insurance Co., wassworn in thii week as a member iof the State taanl o<

STEERING COMMITTEE—The Combined Spring Tund drhreSteering Committee shown above has sat March 1 as the Kick- m -off date for its second annual fund drive. The Combined Drire \ j | | | | I A V M t C A I lcomprise, local unit* of tare national ronta**™. the S t m i j J I I I M fcvfWttVMtmit Chapter, American Red Croesj Visiting :Nuree AssK-ia'ion,and the Mental Health Aiiofi»'i'Wi p>"*nrrtf art it'P''ing "- n~r): Thomas P. Prout J*., Mental HeaHh: Robert 0. Peterson.Visiting Nurse; Russell T. Kerby Jr.. Chapter chairman, I M T * V m > « > l i H a i r ACross; and John N. May Jr., treasurer. Seated, (L to R): sr» I V • J | I C O H I I C I CMrs S. A. Smith Jr. President of VlsitiM Nurse; H. J, WiUie. ' S a m Uveneon, popular TVchairman of the drive and Mrs. John Efnory, exe utive direc- . ' ^ _ . ,tor of the Red Cross- Missing wfcen a* picture wa, taken were hu l»ur l s< and '<>">«* BrooklynMrs. E#win Kaiser of Mental HeMth and C. Dale Whiteset s€ School teacher, will speak at a

lisli a uniformenforcement fromp.m. throughout the city.

issued for other

an end of year report by the Po-

a result of the evening choppin in 1960, while other parking vio-

It also wai aonsspced] i 4thii spring's appeal wosrid k« ia>the nature of an "arid tart* lacthe drive and that tf taw g*a>was not met, or nearly sMtfthen the organiiatiaa would *»-band and tha thrw

dual fund' campaigns.The individual bt)dfet ofcje

tlvea for the Mure agencies are:Summit Chanter ot the AmtrUcan Red Ones. tM.OOO (Area*Goal $B,UT); Visiting N u mAsaooiatfea, tNJW), and Menta(Health Association, $12,000.

Howard J. Wallis hasnamed chairman al the steeringcommittee sari general enairimm ol the drive. Mr. WeBiiserved m the easne capacities;during last year's drive.

Under the new law. parking l)mm D e c , m b e r mtitr y^meters would be in operation; [aUoiu totalled 711 wbttefrom Monday through Saturday. • k i n g , u m m o n , ; , etmt

A public heating on the mea-;4 2 ? I n December, 1900. meter

the Red Crosi Mr. Wallis, Mr. MaVand Mrs. Smith also served special mee'- their (resent capacities oo last * '

it ; 4 2 ? I n ivcmlwr, 1M0. metaraure wUl be batd on Tue*iay, v j o ia , ion, were up to 857, andr™>ruirJ[ •• , . ^ ! othw parking vtolatiotuj came

C i l U i d dCwincil «Uo introduced an or.other parking violations cameto 326.

dinanc. which would repeat a S u B , m o o l , e , | w u e d for movingmeasure authorizing city acqui- v l o U U n o i t o M | ( .d 39 ,n Decem-siUoo of land on tilenwood place ,,„, „ mar, , n a n th), , 2 r i c k a d

16th Annual ScoiifRobbyShow Set for February^! 0Boy ScouU of troops a and and Bill Brooner, Jr., assistant

Volunte>n NeededHosulcnls interested in helping

>im a rescue squad, either by

HO added that the decision "tomore the school to Waldronavenue was made Without his

|1£2 will hold their 16th annual[bobby show on Saturday, Febru-; ary 10, from 12 noon to 4 p.m.,

scoutmaster of troop 82Other committee members are

Dexter Stevens, senior patrol

•nrolling as a volunteer or eon- k n o w l e d g e o r ronsent by »th«nhirmg fund-,, may send their l r u s l e e 3 upon:a«vice of in' at-ilme and address to Summit, l orn i n o r d e r m . . t o rejdiceiolunteer First Aid Squad, I n c . , ) ^ Cj5(.J»if> Box 234 Summit As soon* • '

qBox 234, Summit. As soon

* » minimum of fif.v personsire adequately trained » d as-•nn aPenoURh funds are on

ntial equip-

Volunteers for rescue squad

? °,ur g ™ u n d at0 ac w l l h l n ™r

s a ; d in his

in the Parish House of Centra* leader of troop 1S2; Arthur R.Presbyterian Church. Cooke and Robert D. Zenker,

Included in the ahvw this year exhibits chairman and a«is-will be two exhibitions of Judo, tant; Irwiit G Kennedy, pitrol; ,with Allen Good of Blackburn Joseph N., Johoson, finaneei4place presenting Lucien Banien, Max 0. Punk, rcfreshmenta; {an expert JudoJnatructor, and Can Huus. Jr., publicity; n-some of his pupils in the bask sistant scoutmastei G r o v easpects of the sport. Blood, troop 62 activities; nd

James S. Edwards of Oak scoutmaster Hubert A. Spies,Knoll road will show a collection; troop 162 activities.of'rifles and pistols, which will Chairman ot troop 82 commit-

.feature American ejumpta*;•*•!«• "> VHn$••-Morgan-, whiletifsTnOffohs'antI "A'gencfeT' the|both flintlock and jwcuuion|chairman of the troop 182 com-

loka 1. Magovern,

ueek to furnish anibul'' ' P a g e " 13)* '

iraunieers »r rescue «q.uaa !opiajOIL'BO_ t iwic.1 |urtori ty i. ta l t „(^appointment by Governor Mey-1types. A blunderban flintlock of mittee is Wiiliajn Muberiir:\jj01 be required to . take, r i g h t -under the guarantees of;ner i s {or a term of eisht vcars i t h e »TPe used on the New York' '

Missed Goal by^ IBreher of Wes< Oranse. while!

Mrs. A. H. Hearn

ofjhejjjntllftifot addlUwiil llty UUMg ''g"- unduH

oflira Combined Spring F u U

drive was first proposed by Istudy committee appointed b]tMayor Ogden D.lH8ia topubikfor a cutback m the number «tnational drives lecal rare asked te> support.

Aa a result the threepatlng agencies, so t s* s i M,

agrement which l e S s S T ^

j muter parking lot on Elm street' and Morris avenue, additional;

* also noted in theIt-month total with 8.vt viola-1 flret drWe la laei

issued duriai UK yoat. ski "While two of the1» farAtSjtm failed to

)«ar. budgets, they a peed to « rAcfldenln Vp | Combined Drive

Accidents for the year alsoparking apacea were provided "how"1 an upward trend, with

. , at less cost, thereby making «» reported for 1981, as comi l l the addition to Uis UienwW P»"'d with 15 leos, or 3901 for the

place kH unnecewtary.In August, 1960 Council au-

to finance the

: vs^ whit themtt wanted," Mr. Wallis said.

He added that earh of theorRncJiaUnns has alwaysfull year in 19B0 DervmlMT ac

Bulent totals came lo Bl last De- • wirv<-ssfiM in their separate cam-! cember, 20 more than the 41 re-, paign* prior to 1961gna pri t 981

It is unreasonable to «xpaalthem to continue if they fall Wget Summit's full auppatt •

Summit ChurchCouncil PlansAnnual Dinner

T!io annual dinner and meet^ of the Summit Council of, stead, if necessary.

tajalu "-"1 should hate to see Summit

become a national scandal anddisgrace by sending police of-ficers to forcibly remove youngchildren and their mothers andteachers from church premis-es," the clergyman said.

He added, "I shall be glad tobe held personally responsibleand be hauled off to jail in their

Copper work and oil paintingswill be displayed by Mils MaryDreher of Wes< Orange, while

*. md MT1 "Winiam Harder off

Uiorized funds „ „»» _._purchase of lands (or the pur- corded in the previous Decempose of expanding the Glenwood , °«r- . .place lot. The area has been.* I * r'"1 «»« alos seen In percityowned parking lot *ince-«°nal injuries during 1961, with11982," said Mr. Wallis.TOT < ' . total of 108 reported forthe|- "If we »» re«iden(»«f-

A public hearing on Ui* mea- (enUre year, as at; 95, ,i«r U iwliich sa a commuoKjr rafahnMs u » will be held on February 6. j!«»» 'or I960. In Decemta-r, IK>W- the benefit of the very w a r *

New Parking Retttrietlon ever, ten were reported, two:While work of the Red CroesvIn another ordinance intro-: •<•" tnan the 12 recorded In visithi« Nurs* and, M e n t a 4

duced by CouncU, parking would December, 19fiO. j Health Associiition. really, betbe restricted to on* aide Of Mor- j Pedestrian injuries for the | j C V P t n a t a single dri»e SIris avenue from Chestnut street >*ar reached 19, one leas than j durable, we must give H o«rto Kim stJ-eet, and on Spring-ithe 20 recorded in the prrvimn.n,,^ gTOcro,Mi mpi>ort, both Mfield avenue between Essei year. The Decemh<-r, 1961 total | w o r k c r , UKJ. st^centributors,"road and Lenox road, and on|»•« t*«. «w ««">* ••• m •"«••••»UaH-Mr.^^ WaBis.' -. ':: VVKdcewood road between Spring- December report. Ttie ch«irman noted th*L tha

subject win be: "Who's Boss m''«ld avenue and Kdgewoodj Fatallliw for m yeaj^ i lum- i^^ w l , . , ttiroo in-one solicits-bered one. which occurred in ' t J o | ] 4 f f o r ( u n bchill ^ (j, , l t a t t

. t o Mr. Webster, the! Dumber . The 19«0 loW we*, o r w i ) i i e , n ( ) n ,_ Each haaBs owno eUminaU. parking on!*'*" <"*•__ ^_ ' , . ^ . j budget and is "not a combined

the auutii side of Murri* avenue! Complamtl for JJ»!

will be held at Christf j n Wednesday. January 'don't

11 Rev. 0 . Paul Musselman. should

Furthermore, he said." Iwby my church

To Head Women'sChurch Council

. . . the United Cam-... um coins, currency aod p , i g n j^ve raised nesrty $6000

I Valentines. mort t n i , y e a r than last, theJ. W. MacKay of Fanwood will campaign failed to reaeh its

show a miniature circus. goal by approximately *45,000,. . . . . . . . . . . . . Tickets, which are now oo Dr. Frank T Barr,. retiring.... ,. „ , »ale, are sold on a competitive campaign chairman, announced

Mr*. Allison H. Hcacn, a for- hmis for nri»». h.. —-«. < • -

today by LairdPTA program chairman,- Because of the unusual inter between Chestnut and Elm was !° *••* .ttt anticipated for this affair an'hasM on K">"ft<1» ttiiit prrt««t!Th« Deermbtt total

ition to attend, has conditions cauw vHncie» to »»» «• conwderably lewv"6»

mer president of FortnightlyClub, was elected president ofthe Summit Council of UnitedChurch Women during the an-nual meeting held on January11 at Central Presbyterian

with the boy ii

- . — annualeach patrol sell- Central Committee

ofM o n d a yp ll Central Committee

ing the most tickets winning a night at the YWCA.prize. All scouts in uniform will Dr. Barr sajd that of a goalbe admitted to the show free of of $190,000, contribution! wincharge

(Continued on Page 13)

Heights ManWins $19,161On TV Program

A Berkeley Heights KSlesmaoj

in December ofBroad street traffic liferit there- '"O •'by creating a traffic hazard. ] Juvenile Complaint. Dowa ^"rte new measure would per-1 Juvenile complaint*rait two law* of traffic in order i • d r o P w i l h 2 9°t* relieve congestion. ; ' year, as against S27

Prohibiting parkmij on the viou« year.

8[require* only oh#"fsmpaiKti *ganiiation, and only one caii <athe Summit residents on behafof the thret agencies.

"exceed" only $155,000 or 82 per f o r N ' •>• Bell Telephone Co.into an expenalve i Church. She succeeds Mrs. Jas-1 ^""be™ of (he show- pom- cent of the quota. Last year'a w e n t to N e w Y o r | t Oty Monday

between Essex and Lenox on .SKinglield and on the west silk m o r e ' 13

• t Edgewood between Spring-i ^ t h e "P1*"*'sMsl avenue and IJdRewoaddgfM would permit safer trafficflow because of the narrowness

siderable degree the demandsthe time of those citizens

were re- '•«"« wwk on b«half of these es.Tht De.isential community service or-

' waa one ganiiationa," asserted Mr. Wai-Ilis.

vn, UK»-».», however, | It also reduces from three tewer» petty Isrcenies. wtth l«2!one the number of times the reiWreported in 1981, with 20 report-j dents of Summit are asked te

(Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 7)

** h« recently retired as execu-Ivf director of the Central De-partment of Evangelism of theNational Council of Churches,••'II speak on "Protestantism'"oks- Ahea.d."

There wUl be a fellowship peri-x* starting at «:30 p.m.. anafmner will be served at 7 p.m.'Ws will be followed by a short»^iness meeUng. The elecljon>' president and vice, president:'" also be held. Howard E.f'bhle, retiring president of the>j>)cU, will preside.

Mr. Musselman was responsi- j•!" at the National Council of!

"iirches for the supervision of™cn departmental programs as•w University CJirisUan Mis-j(rns on college campuses, ther»'ioaal Christian T e a c h i n g^ I O W L irmed forcts preach-fi missions, and conferences on(va'.gelism. Prior «<Mhi«_J»rT'uwelman was executive secre-•'Y «l Ihe Division of UrbanIn"i"<rial Work of the National""nciiof'the Protestant Epis•Ml Cfcurch.Mr.« Musselman was a minis-

^ f w n v e a r s at Detroit, where» (Contiauea on Pag« 7)

court fight over this. That'swhy I advocate passive resist-ance. Let the City of Summit

(Continued an Page 7)

Resident Injured inRoute 24 Car Mishap

Mrs. E. Van Nonte, W, of 27 iBellevue avenue was taken toOverlook Hospital' M o n d a ymorning for treatment of Inju-ries she received when the car inwhich she was a passenger col-lided with another -1 the inter-section of Morris and Essex

I Turnpike and Canoe Brook' parkway.

Driver of the car in which!she was a passenger was. Jane'Farrel, 45, of 12 William street.Police*'identified the driver ofthe other car as Allen E. Wills,Mz of Scotch Plains. Both carswere heavHyHarnaBSTaixrwerei;towed from the scene.

Police said the mishap occur-!red when Mrs. Farrel attemptedto turn north from Canoe Brook >parkway onto the turnpike whileMr. Wills was going east alongthe same road and collided. Theincident was investigated by

iKslrolman Eugene Scully.

of Christian Socialand Mrs. Dodd,

of Christian WorldMissions who will also be chair-man of the World Day of Prayerscheduled for March 9 at Cen-

t r a ] church. Mrs.R o b e r t F r e s n w i l | ^ i n c h , n j e

f h f i d di

general chairman; Bill Wallis, of the $6000 increase in contribu-' "The Price Is Right" and walk-senior patrol leader of troop (2, tions, and added that "from the j «d off with a $10,950 bouse, an

t d i i 1 i l h $ b d

per D(Ki,j ; mines include Mrs. Fred Ian- goal w«a|m|.V-.Others elected- included Mrs i d "' - h o m ' "*M s l l e : Mr»- H* pointed out that the addi- j richer.

P A Roiling vice-president-)Frank B M01***". children's en- tion of the Salvation Army to! Fred Becker, jr r>f 112 Wind-Mrs. W. B. Cowherd, recordingi t'rt» in™ent; Arnold C. Matthies,' the campaign reduced the effect sor way reluctantly appeared oosecretary; Mrs. John Morse, 'corresponding secretary, andMrs. Ernest Patten, who willcontinue as treasurer. "*

OtheYi named were Mrs. Rob-ert Heinlein. chairman of thedepartment of Christian WorldRelations; Mrs. EdwardchairmanRelations,chairman '

ot BIB wining road, Mr. Wet) 'star said. ' \

la other matter* Council re-Pitted that it anticipated an in-taJaet yield of on invest-

in certificates of deposit.-! standpoint of campaign eHec-1 airplane worth $6,191, a bed- U X treasury Mtta and cerU&

tiveness the Salv'atkm Army's j room suite, a diamond watch casts, savings banks, and sav-aasociate membership shouldnot be continued'

In summarizing the

and a jewel case.Becker said he knew how to

cam-'By a plane but had from * e

N. Y. Times Names LocalMOM for Driving Award

Th« New York Times las,t - - ,week named a Summit man|pai«n, Dr. Barr said "the major license- He has not yet made rector of the Division of Local"the most improved sports car'probtem ° ' 'he United Cam- up his mind whether or not'he Gaajarnment to include the in-driver of 1961" and presented! paign remains ^that of getting. will keep the plane. He will, tenet earned as part of generalhim with a placque symbolic i full public reaction to several however return to the TV pro- revenue* in the 1962 budget,of that honor. facts." He indicated that "as gram next Monday and try to Ifc a letter to Council, the New

Winner of the award was cost of living goes up, dollar snowball his winnings. Jeafty SUte Lcsgue of Munici-Mark Donohue of 88 VaUey, value of. the average individual! Becker', wife, Peggy, was palsUes reappointed Herbert G.View avenue, one of the na-|contribution must go.up hi or-' scheduled to attend a daytime (Continued on Page 17)tion's outstanding drivers in der to maintain the effective'performance of the show Iset

Over 60 Stores SlashPrfec*4Wr Annual Sale

m e r c h j n t i &«***, furniture and toiletriatj

of the foreign students dinner | the formula junior elan, i level of service awistance" andin the spring.and Mrs. HermanKlahr will continue as bead of

-Mrs^Esrlcbristman was elected financechairman, and Mrs. O. M. Huntwill be in charge of the maga-

(Continued on Page 17)

Donohue. who is with Pulveriz-ing Machinery division of Met-

that as the contributor's own fi-nancial outlook improves, his

Friday with a friend. When herfriend could not attend. Mrs.'Becker persuaded her husband

h h

SotS Dot*

als Disintegrating Oo., Inc., In' contribution must also rise tojto accompany her to the pro-Summit, drive hi. own Elva I compensate fbr the fact that: grim. --—*r---.--' -—Courier in national competi-1 contributors lost through death < Becker has lived in Berkeleytion. The Times called JUs per-formances "dariflsL aad skill-ful." • n

b y

and retirement are ' large don- • Heights for six years. He at-ors, those gained through set-Mended Rutgers University andting up of new households must the University ol Missouri. He

Concert This SundayT h e Summit Community _ ._.

Chorus will present Us winter | formula junior and entered itj"10 agencies in a united drive A few years ago a Summitconcert this Sunday at 8:15 p.m.;upon invitation at races held must be at least 10-fold the sire man appeared on the same pro-j—*"11

dinner sponsoredArea Chamber

will be held thisFebruary 7

Hotel Suburban beginning6:30 p.m.

program will include inShortly before the Christmmtart as small donors Dr. Barr and his wife have two children, ^,n,t ton of new officers as well l

hoUdlys he purchased an Elva' also added that contributions for 'Fred 3rd, 7, and Susan, 4. , . entertainment jf l j i d Si .

p . p ata Calvary Episcopal Chun*, at Nassau, B.WX

must be a the size man pp e ai ' (Caotuued on Page 13) [gram and woo $26^000.

. 1 — «u - «Sar wim 1

IssntM. aaCULUOANDfra at tott


Summit Days Sale getsway next Thursday. January 25.

This year tl stores are partici-pating in the yearly sales eventsponsor) d by the merchant**division of the Summit AreaChamber of CommeK*. andare offering regular stocks. In-,eluding brand-name nierchan-dise, et drastically ' reduced 'prices in order to clear shelves'of winter goods to make way for jspring merchandise. !

The participating stores re-present practically eve jr type of iretail firm in the city, rangingfrom clothing stores to furnitureand appliances. Prices have;been slashed on such items aaready to-wear. paints, dishes,auto supplies, luggage, phono- Jgraph records, carpeting, ap-'j

theblack; Summit Days Sale bans*era. , - " . . ' - • •

In conjunction with the event,the Summit Herald will n i lshopping guides to apprtximat%ly 30,000 homes in the area.

In addition to the city's fiveparking lots in the center of theshopping area, additional will be available at the

(Continued on Page 13)

• • laasjlsle pages

Church . 4Clasiified I I , 19Dtatftt 4Editorials *Lat+sri *Social . 10. I ISports 14. IS


| I/Vecre lake «i the property >U1««e«iknt XtartroMand 6ppoftU!ltl«i tor

hoataoi. Cooetnitfjon hat already bef i a at *« »Ke and hexpected lo be open u. UfM

Girl Scouh Ask $400,000^For Summer Camp WorkU Chatter Hay of P Oak m y , .ad Mr I D G. Gar»,r t o r * • «»n,m*r etUblitbad

RMat Avenue has been ap- ^ u .pounce fce Mama ! f»mp«i season. It wUl ulOmate-pdfatet oomtnunity chairman of l ^ f Z . ^LTw~!i -«h ' l y ' e t T S ! d ' t l 1 1 0 i e o u l i p e r

the advanced gifts eamn»*«n an T h " ***' e 8 W " l * d w « " »e»**« betwen th* aft* ol 1 andSumm* for the MOO ooo c a m p othera Out)up*Mut the Council IT during the summer snd willdevelopment fund of the Girl JurUdlJlkV will (toaoee the rt- i I* <»•» »o a year-round baaitScot* Council of Greater Estex location and construction of' t r00P " " I * 1 * Maw call forCoanty, H wat mouncfd today.Camp Madeleme Mulford and i"" pl»ttornu. wwterited troopby Mrs. Rkbart c: Dehmeff major repan-» to the four «*er h*ui t i- • >*>nt f" ld'

T. Co. and h * b t «•cnv. a mtay civic organiii-Uoaa both to Summ* and NewYork the utilities di iaon of theY.W.C.A. drive. in New YorkCity. A Girl Scout parent him-« « . Mr. May. t o ^ *h . « pirtkipated k, ft, pro-gram ««d Mn Ma, b « b e « .troop leader.

The drive will open with. *Wtk^>ff meetha it Mr. M V »home on Monday M 8 p.m. Atthis time the diatrict chairmenMrs. WiUiam S. Bein«ck«. Mrs.John C. Skiles. Mn. Ernest Ulaod of S a r t r eN. y . ; Kalmie at Blairtwwn,;Pi l lock „ rolumbia. and tbesouth Mouotau, Camp m lUt'

Mounts*! R«erra<*m in •grange •

l Muiford hat,

> st.te^wned land il>stoke. Forest. BrtncfcrtUt. B.-c l 0 i e ^ - l t e u op^j ^

.land to wider public u»e, t haatumiMMd the l « « i of ail or-

! fanilittona on park property. Anew 41«-a*r»* s»ie ha* been pur-riuaeri in Pi>* Comity, Pa . tarthe relocation of this camp. The

Now, your choice of 1000 tabrirsudtoff $t*art tarty i» i


at substantial reductions tn our v


" m p


"Oacnptng U a* IMafral parto* the Girt Scout progrjin."sutes Mr. May, 'and provide*the firl* wider opportunities toacquire new skills, to learn toget tloaf with one uathtr. todto develop Into retpotsiblertfirent o<- tfc»—eomiuuiiUi.Through this drive the more

Anti-Sheltertier Stoned

Bv 16 in Area4

An open letter to PresidentMm F Kennedy and fiovtrnor-Elect Richard J. Hughes point-ing out the fallacy of the fall-out shelter program has beenaigned by over iSO New Jerseyresidents including 16 from the

Resident SuesForlniuHtiIn Bus Crash• A Bummit man. injured when

rmit"ftiT»:- open letlw

? "imi Cimp»dv»~*<l »coutm«

a car leaped » Route 22 »atetybarrier and struck a bus inwhldr h« *is ruJint, filed surtAnmid Mtttfaigfor damales Friday in Superior j . ^ ^ , n n u t l n,0(, !mg, ^ uC <"7 t - . r. . _ . " " M .,leon»regition and corporation!.

Ch»rU» R Smartl. H. of w t h ( prP,byterian Church-of N^Gates avenue, named the oe-' P r o vjd,nrr will he held tut]

o n ( 1

i u d

urging "a positive program forpeace with freedom," wasmailed on January II.

Local signatures inrlufr thoteof Rev. David K. Barnwell, DD,Sabbi Morrison Bial, Rev.Richard L. Brubalctr. Rev.Jacob R. Trapp, DD. Dr. DomV. Finocchio,'Kenneth A. Bsldwin, Rome A. Betts, David Ludlow and Robert Teel.

Also, from Berkeley Heights,Dr. Milton Felttnrteia. Dr.Harold B. Gerard, I in C. Ron,Roger N. Sheptrd. Dr. W. E.jBlumberg and Pat UvtrtghtFrom New Providence Is Dr.Richard Wagner.

"It appears to us," the optnletter aayt> "that the prodi$iou&

OFFICERS—Mrs Robert Max, Kt-' nual lmtallation ctrtinonat* bald Uat Tuawlay energy of our people is beingright, president of the ne?wly organ-1 at tbt bMM " M t f *'*••*• n '^*"-— «< 44ioh«nniled mw meng tlinittoill.... » - ) i Se.vvu at lAt Natwnal, tdiewood road. Looking on ar*. left to rifht, for wrong reasons; and that tber

height of the •evening ™.h"hou^ j j* • « « «>^*>r- «/* Kob,rtJuly 2* in Route 2J at the l ib r. Dentg

_ _ ti _ n.ii.:^A Kslib art* PO>hOSlfiUr.h frtr (fi*1Jul72« in Rouie n at the l iberty av'enua overpays, Hillside.

Mr. Klsh, who nuflereii mul-balik are cocoffee hour.

Included art thg'finwtUNPWrSHH) A OLIAH-CUT WOMHOS

than 11,000 girls in the Councilwill be tttured tb« they willbe able to benefit from the totalGirl Scout program The partici-pation of Summit Scouts ki thecamping program hat been veryhigh, and the new improvedcamping' facilitie* .will becoined by old and new cimpanatflw." b» rootfaued.

CouDCil of Jewi»n Women, is shiwn as she re• i Mr>. Seymour Emmerglic*. Mr*. Samuel Gor- oontmuation of thi» trend rnnyceives the gavel of office frofli Mrs Bernard don. Mrs. Irving Betn, vice-presidents, and j be extremely dangtrous to theBachman. intuUing officer, during the firtt an- Mrs. Sohwan. (Wotin Photo) • nation and to civiUtaUon it

; A .—.—^_—. eel/."..... While conceding that falloutshelters might jave a smallfraction of the population, the

ta Itarrii strif)*!. pitwtk, B M M

RKUURIY SH.IO TOFitting: We measure you by our unique method ofprecision piiotography. We cut your fabric to yourindividual measure to it 6U you as it should. ,

Styling: We tailor your accustomed modal or anyotter you favor.

- C u t e * DetaUs: WMt w w r t r n « e * « ? HaTor Mlining? Plain 'or pleated trousers? Center ar aide ventor none at all? No extra cost•BJC ! ( « t « W MOW SIM TO MM r*f. tiM * WM

rnomi of Jotu MaOonouih13* srtmcflRo Avmuc SUMMIT, N. J.


New York: 11 W«a»M«4i». • I kat 44th St.

Tine WatckClock Kepairfag•rial Java* veKkcrdotkutiedasaeiMgokndotnpiuW.Xt han d

Hi*nch » a

Oaa. Ta» Uar . M«r.

t i t U'tlNGPIELD AVS.

•umir a i-tui

Resident's SonftvenHiahIn Naw Reet

jnHnntodlaf officer, Naval Sup-ply Depot, Guantanamo Bay,Cub»: pUnning officer. NavalSupplr Center, Oakland, Calif;

!commanding officer, Ordnance

OlM-MoR Stt«WA „ . « » „ . show at t h X H m o r t

Arp» Gallery, J Green Village j ^ U c t ,,„.,,l

Capt. William A. Evans, St. ' w y _ , k l i _ _.USN, commanding officer of the N » v y - "••Wapon. D. C.U.S. Navy Supply Corps School, * -**"Athens, Ga . has received or- NOtVt CM* AMtlVtrMrydert to relive "ear Admiral Fred Senkowsky. jr.. hat ob- w h i k o n . K e t B i t r ip t 0 Moi,

*.._.":!.:...„:." served hit 20th tnnivewtry i cow by sUpping tway from his

j wort of Chsrle* H. Martens ofMurray Hill, a member of thtfin* tits department tt Mont-cltlr SUW Ttaehers College

Marten crtattd quite a stir

pares the-people for the iceeptahce of thermonuclear War asan instrument of national policy.. . . a war which would be per-manently fatal to our demo-cratic society, even if not to allof us." *•.

officer Uis the son of Mrs

fleet and service force " P * ^ J Z ^ ^ ^ & X to^^^gVa^^l^Satuay^law oim

W. A.' D. neeriag- Company. * « ^ - . } ^ ^ ^ $ ^ ^ «h i bit .01 he held < * .avenue, sky, who live* at (0 Daft *r>v*Vrgfgphj are included in the Ar- January 23 to February 16 from

Uf w S ? 2"T. "* m«n*««r °' * • ftrm'l o'-igutQaUary show and one of thtJ7 to > p.m. and on Saturday*February. 19M. tnd o X ~m «ce and pl.Dt dlvitioh. photo, wo. the WO gr.nd prixe from 10 t.m. to 5 to Athtnt, was the supplyofficer of the Pearl HarborNaval Shipyard, Honolulu, Ha-waii.

After attendine ttie Universlteat Virginia, Captain Evans wasgraduated from Wharton Scboolof the Unive^ity of Pennsyl-vania where he received a BSdegree in economics. He is altoa graduate of the Armed ForcesStaff College and recently com-pleted the advanced manage-ment pro grim at HarvardGraduate School of BusinessAdministration.

During World War II, Cap-tain Evan* served at the NavalAir Station, Pentacola; NavalSupply Depot, Scotia, N.and as supply officer, USS Cur-rttuck.

Captain E m u also has been

< i t c S l i f f tXPRESi COMPANIYA.

agent for

Allttd Vent L I M S , Inc.



No.1 specialistin Img-distance




Start 1H2 right I ]

Bring your menty m*in«igtm»nt u|T-

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you plan.' For convaniant banking,

opan your account at aithar of our

offices. '







M w t » W f MWAL •gaaavg avartss

Because of the great iucows of our n«w Fords; we'vetaken hundreds of cars in.tradt. Tfi§ widest varietyin years is available for you to choosi from rightnow! All makes and models... all at a>wnjto-earthprices... all backed up by your reliable Ford OeajerXHurry in for widest choice. \

/nc/uc0n0 many*4 Con...

roconWMoriocJ wfctn

frantportartonyou con b« proud of

aW*r whononuory,roed-tiutod



Irmy Starts $104,962helter Survey Herei

i $104,962 survey began thisok to evaluate'the suitabil-

uf public, commercial and..-trial building! in Union

unit for potential public fall-i .heltera..

\hhett Corp. of Plainiieldinducting the study under

runlract given by the U.S.., . Corps of Engineers.

uuJs are supplied under aMtral appropriation for a na-h.nwiiie survey of potentialKililic shelters.kl'he Union County surveyFill involve 20 municipalities,mWrtmg Summit, with a pop-iLuun uf well over a h«HDilliun people.

Sumc 25 to 30 engineers willHake the survey. It is expectedIks be completed in about 120

• The teams will work closelykrirh Civil Defense, municipaltti-jineers. mayors and other nf-

fieials, chambers of commerce!and cirtc ornnJntian» in »ppraising potential pubH* shel-ters. . •

Buildings selected must notonly provide the required pro-i&Ction facto* .-stipateted--by

Fine Home Accessories

Visit Our Picture

Gallery of Fine Paintings

SAGE RedectsMrs SchwarzAs Presidciil r_:

lira Arthur D. Sehwan «if 44Edgewood' road was reetectedpresident of SAGE during theannual meeting held last Sat

the- government, but must pro-vide space for a minimum of50 persons. *

The studies will consider fac-tors other than constructionsuch as availability of food and,water supplies, ventilation,sanitary and first aid facilities,and equipment for the handl-ing of contaminated materials.

Hot License LiftedThe driver's license of Frank-

lin M. Canning, IS, otSB Lamedroad has" been revokSTfor a60-day period under the exces-sive speed program, the StateDepartment of Wotor Vehicle*reported this u-eek.

New location

465 SprtajfieId Ate.


Van Court, secretary and- MissAlma HeUquist, treasurer.

Re-elected trustees to servefor three years were Mrs.Badgley, Mrs. Christman, Mrs.Paul A. Barker, Mrs. Edward6orsini. Mrs. English, EdwardS. Freneiu, and Mis» FarneesWaterman, John Dougall, Mau-rice Long and Hugh Hamiltonwere newly elected to serve ast us U*eiAddd to SACK'S adviaerr

board were Jean Kuhn, archiK'ct, Eugene Herring, attorney,and Mrs. Edward liiggins, ex

HOBBY SHOW Sir APE RS -Taking time .wt ] tcrtaiiwnent, and Arnold C. Matthie*. general wutive dir(.ctor o l t h e N e w J e r .

NirbolM C. English of KentPlace boulevard. , ,

Other new officers elected' toeluded Earl S. Christmas, firstvice-president; Stuact L. Z«ck-endorf, second vice-president;Mrs. Richardvice-president;

Badgley, thirdMrs. Kirtlaod

THE SUMMfT4<t*AtO. Jtit. H . 1H»

Stntors IrkedOver LetterBy Student' A mass protest over a Letterto the Editor published In lastweek's issue of The Herald erlti-

conriitlom during

unjustified and " uowamatcaVIt is unfortunate that such aletter would be published, tlnaathe views presented cannotbe taSen as those of the stu-dent body."

The senior class contains ap-proximately 280 studtttf. -

a' recent College Board examwas expressed thh week by 130members of the senior class.

The 130 students signed theirnamea to a letter to The Her-ald stating that:

"We, »» members of the sen-ior clan at Summit High School,feel that the letter-from the"Disturbed Student" in the

January 11 issue, condemningthe school administration, was

I from the huge task of arranging the 16th an-nual Boy Scout hobby Show to be held on 9at>urtay, February 10 at Central PresbyterianChurch, are the five committee members shownabove. Seated left to right are, Mrs. FredLander, chairman df home baked sale; Mrt. j mMad. free.Frank B. Morgan, chairman of children's raj

chairman ot the show. Standing are William'Wallis. senior patrol leader of Troop 62. andWilliam Brooner, junior assistant scoutmasterof Troop 62. Tickets for the annual show arenow im sale. AH Scout* in uniform''will'be ad-



York PhysicianJoins Medical Group

The Summit Medical Groupannounced this week the associa-tion of Dr. Rudolph C. Dangel-ma jer of New York, in ortho-pedic surgery.

Dr. Dangel ma jer is a graduateof Johns Hopkins University and

iihe University of Bochesler'school of Medicine. He internedand took general surgical train-ing at Lenox Hill Hospital, NewYork, and completed his ortho-pedic training at the Hospital forSpecial Surgery, New York Hos-pital Medkul Center.He will shortly reside in Berke-

ley Heights with his wife, sonand daughter.

- HWins Gas Heater

j Inn Rice. It Argyll Court.ha* won an Adams LP-gas

Many Are Behind ScenesFor First Blood Mobile

sports heater in the National LP- i of blood.

Approximately 40 personawill be working behind thescenes when the first visit ofthe Red Cross Blood MobileUnit is made on Thursday, Feb-ruary 8, at the parish houseof Central Presbyterian Church,70 Maple street.

Participating in the visit willbe members of the Junior Red

who will help unloadthe Blood Mubile, while themotor service will be avail-able to provide transportationfor donors when needed. Staffaides will register the signedblood donors, nurses aides willtake the temperature andpulse rate of donors as "wella* medical histories and can-teen volunteers will serve lightrefreshments to donor* altarthey have donated their {tint

Cn* Council nationwidedrawing for 555 gifta.

prize According to local Red Croatauthorities, the entire unit will

operate in accordance withstandlardt #*t up by the Na-tional Institute of PublicHealth. Highly trained nurseswill draw the blood, but a doc-tor will also be on duty.

Donors should be betweenthe ages of It through 59. Do-nations ma; be made between11:30 a.m. and 5:30 pm Ap-pointments may be made bycalling OR. 3-3076.

Heights MHk DealerHas license Revoked

The dealer'* license of aBerkeley. Height* milk nib-dealer, Franklin C. Schaffer,ir. of 522 Plainfield avenue,was revoked last week by theState Department of Agricul-ture; • •- - .

sey Visiting Homemaker Asso-ciation. Mrs. Higguu was for-merly Director of the SAGEHomemaker Service.

The SAGE nominating com-«(tt<* for 1962 wiu be Mr*. F.C. Sikes, Mis* Nor* A: War,John H. Bosshart, Mrs. John V.Triola, and Miss Grace A. Free-land, chairman.

Mrs. Ethel Cotton and Mrs.Rose Etheridge were, honoredwith citations lor five years ofservice at tfie meeting. In mak-ing the awards, Mrs. Badgley,in charge of Homemaker Ser-vice, pointed out that during1961 there were 750 cases ser-viced by 69 Homemaker.i in theSummit area,,amounting to 36,-669 hours of service.

During the meeting, Mrs.Schwarz paid tribute to theyears of service given to SAGEby Mrs. Rome A. Brtto andMrs. Hans J. Meyer who re-tired from the Board at the endof 1961. Mrs. Belts was activein SAGE since its inception andserved as chairman of membership, publicity, and homecommittees. Mrs. Meyer head'ed the canteen operated bySAGE at Fair Oaks HospiUl.

•state, Schaffer


•> ^'£lr%


When you can'tleave home, it's

easy to.



BELL <x/iTvky'sgooJ'phone serriK

dots so muchfor you.


Original pastel portraits

An eminent portrait artist will create

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see examples of this art . . .make an

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16x20-inch size, 9^.00. unfromed...

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DRtnl 9-J000 - '

failure to file monthly af-(taline he had

state price ntg-st»te also Mid

Schaffer nkgleetad to appear atan informal

Joseph and,]of 4M Morris*were fined *1<Jtn


for beiflg

To Discuss FoNourDr. David Frost, profe&aor of

physical scienceswill discuss first

at Rutgers,reactions to

the federal fallout booklet onThursday, January 25, at 8.30p.m. at the .home of Mrs. Wflliam Boutsikaroa, 41 Briarwoodeast, Berkeley Heights. Dr.'Frost U vic« chairman of thePlainfield unit of Sane Nuclear

.-.-Policy. _

Yfsiffito, Nurses AMe

Mrs. wnbemlna Siglerman of 127 Summit avenue, re-tired earlier this month fromthe staff of the Visiting Nurses'Association./ of Summit, NewProvidence a n d BerteleyHeights after 14 years of serv-ice.

A native of Summit, Mrs.Lyman was educated in localschools. She is a graduate of

the Nuntaf School of St. Bar-nabas Hospital, Newark, anddM postgraduate work at Wil-lard Parker Hospital tor Oon-Ugtous Diseases, N.Y.C. Urs.Sifter also dkt puttie healthnursing at the Henry StreetSettlement In atfiUaUon withColumbia University.

Mrs. Ifman'i career Ing B e | w r w i g '(h«7

lUd Cross Nurses' Corps which included Instruction to nurses'aides during World War 2, andpublic health nursing wtth theRed Cross.

A retirement fete honoringMrs. Lyman was given by thestaffs of Family Service As-sociation aad Visiting Nurses.last Friday at the* home ofMrs. Emil Dube of 101 WestEnd avenue.

In a ctomm by Kmotf...ln thm totvprto* timid/



In every F-86, you gat th* llokaty-spUt najpooM of a•iull tifjKL cyUndtn..TQis) walalit-aavbuj, gaai ttntrhlngeconomy of tUuminum. You'U ITke the rundllnt •»•'rid*, th* size and aixsl* of the new fus-to-drlr* F-8«.It'* every Inch an Old*t And you 11 danoT«r...UMM<i"Sonmthing Katra" •bout owning u Oteaa^MI







CASHMERE SWEATERS100% Cashmere sweaters made in

England by Alan Paine of Godalming . . . * -~—r

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now 23.99

%$¥— Also, Cashmere Major by Alan Paine.

55% Cashmere — 45% Lambswool. Orig. 22.50

now I4 .»»• (Brolctn lots <sjd t i l * Vunii'

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eight other convenient offices in •'.•'•:• ; . ;..; = =

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Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation'



Mount Olive Temple, Tcbriiy, foreign student visitor.


Mdrning worship ind sermon.The Tough of the Matter's

Hand"; Nursery st b o * serv-ices; 4:30 p.m., Youth Kelkm-ship League. {

Monday — 8 p.m.. Annualmeeting of congregation: Luth

training school


-l» Harris AvenueAir Reduction.

j Wednesday—1 p.m.. Women's- AsswUUuu bund uiettiugr——

CalvaryEpiscopal Church

sei-vlce. • • . • • ,Sunday - jo . a. m.. Bible

school: ll:Sb a.iii.. Morning _ _.worship and sermon with spe-j u*\?™*w* "J0"'1"" **•*

"^ ' Rev. Elmer f. Frauds,Rector

• Rsv. K. K. DUas>Assistul

cisl prayer for sick and shut-mi; 6:30 p.m,, Young People*Holy AsoclaUon.

structioa and assignment; Ip,m., Senoir choir rehparsal;9:30 p.ihe ana!.

Men's cbonis* re-

Jewish Community. • Cenier ..,.II" Kent Plsee Blvd.

Rabbi Samiwl 'puffinCantor Bernard Herkimiu

Tomorrow _B: JO |,.m Sabbath W e l l e >'" 1 club

£ve serviccJind-sranon.;Mus|c. Monday. *-in the Bible." • • Communion in dispel;

Sstur^ty ib7T:m., Junior Official hoard,

ThMnday, Jan. | | , I

iraM church school-t'umtly s, iif[ice; 10:30 a.m., t hand crehearsal; n aim., v/oriDivice: .1:30 p-m , Junior MYF'

17 p.m., SenUw MYK; 7:30 p ,„'


congregation.•Sunday—y^ 11

Tu.-Mlay—8:«i prayer 9:90 a.

Oakes Memorial•Methodist Church

M atoms AveaaeRat. Uarfc DavM Laawatfer

Unitarian ChurchSprianfitld and Waldron Avfi.

S«mmltRev. Jacak Trapp

Tuesd»y-»p.u>., Musionary, -, , . ,, ,department. ' Today-»:3M.m.. Holy Co

Imunlon: 4 p.m., Boy's'-choir.

Today — 7 p.m.meeting; S p.m. Choir rehear

Today—H p.m.. LectureAoolytes1'0" "Unitarianism" by Dr.

Ing prsyer; 9:30 a.m., Dciolion.s; 9:45 a.m., C»ffiT; ' ( )

a.m., Bible class; g p m \sion study planning group.

FriendsSunday — u a.m.


p , yTomorrow — 12:30 p.m., Cal-

Satunky—6:30 p.m.. Couplet'Club progressive dinner begin-

Trapp, followed by question andjdiscusbion period in Unitarian

, I House.

Sunday - 1:30 a.m.,

Sunday—9:3) J.III. aIKI 10:50.m.. Church school; 9:30 a.m.nd 11 a.m.; Morning services

Church '""d sermon by Dr. Trapp un

Visitors are welcome

Temple Sinaitot Smnmn

>d »:1S a.m.,j leBOg|. \x siorninK worship and; S«vuig One's Life by Lo*mi:9 : l s am--'sacrair.*nt u< Baptism; Church "One's Life": Sochi half-hour be.

iChurch school; Canterbury sem- tjm,. nursery; 7 p.m., Methodist tween services in CommunityHou.-r .spiiMMirci by HK' Senior

Commit- liberal Keligious Youth umup.

_ , - _ „ . . . „ _ , „,„- U | n e n u r s e r y ; 7 p.m.,"""'; JFfiLL ""**, 8Ch00l; 1 O i Y o u t h K«Uo«-il»«P-a.m.. U.1ioir rehearsal: PareoU'l Mooday-7:30 p.m.,

PRINTINGfrom Htninru Lardt

THE ITEM PRESS20 Main St., Millbun.

Mtiel 6-4iO0

Rsbbi irtorrium l> BUICantor Lo»U K. DavMsnn

Tomorrow-— n.M p.m . Sabi

_^ " : '* P-""-.'! Tuesday-* ' p.m.. Workers';Can;erbur}- Seminar; 5:30 p.m..!conference for church schoojSenior YPF meeting: Evening M l f f

Wednesday—« p.m., Cumniin

ChHtH.. ScienceCharch8mnm"

p.m. Vestry meeting. Christ Church, Summit j

The Methodist ChurchKent Plarr Rnulrvard and

OeFnro«t \\cnui'Rejt. Juino^ M Buvi), >liiii-.l<r

Rev. Oaviri H JoslinAuotiate Minister

^ g ^ t ^( J f j , r , Rohert Vaughn ,2«7 K«nt.Place boulevard; 10 a.m.. Guild!

lbCWclcesi i98. ; . .5L. .r:136 ^ J t e - S

V-»P/m:. Bo> ScVit annual recijognivion

day can !»<•

o f e 7 r > . - i - W«iresday-10 a.m., diurchlresolved -World Service .chapter: 4 pm ..

This is a tbtmr of the Lei-,son Sermon entitled "Ufe".|which is to ^)e read at Chris-1tian Science, services Sunday, i

Selections from the Bible willinclude thin verse from Psalm !40: "I delight to do thy will, Omy God: yea, thy law. is wrrh-!in my heart" . '

From "Scicnci ami Healthwith Key lo the Scriptures" byMsry "' "

. CentralPresbyterian ChurchMaple 8 t * Morris Avc.

Hev Robert H. Stephens IXD.Rev. Clarence t. Darlsoti. 0.0

Rev. R. Samuel BuffaK Jr.

Today — 1.0 a.m.. Fellowshipdepartment of Women's Associa-tion; 3:15 p.m. Boys' choir re

Baker Eddy this citation hearsal; 7:45 p.m.. Boy Scout *will be read (p. 184): •Trutfi.llMop 162;- B p.u.. Motet choir eb""* otflcers. ami s * ™ 0 " ^lift, and Love are th* only jrehetrwl. '?•«•. A. L. Pugh of Second

Toinorrow—Ui;15 p.m., 1

Sunday—9:30 a.m. and 11 Toimirro*' a.m..-Morning worship and ser- ing by Dr.{Hand on theSCTWOl ClSWW,

Tuesday—10 a.m.. Tuesday iGuild; g:li p.m.. Evening Guild.

Fountain Baptist ChurcrHer Leon C. RMditkn Cbettmt Avtaae

Sunday — 1:30 a.m.. Churchschool: 11 a.m., Worship serviceand sermon, "Thr Christian's

Uncs" b> Dr Riddick:p.m.. Installation wn'ice for

8 p.m.. e»mmis-




Sunday—9:1^. a.m., \Vors.liip


Television ServiceQuality Is.S'ur Motto

Rodlei A ttcerd fcayer..' ttpoirttl


14 rVonkliit PI. S«fmni«

CR. 3-6991Jim Cioranl Taay C.-iDjn

legitimate and rternal demandson man. and tiip- are spiritual'lawgivers, enforcing obedience jthrough divine statutes'"

The Golden Text is fromJohn (17): "This is life eternal.!that they might know thee the

! i - _ i study and prayea m •*<*!& ip service and s e r ; C h o | r rPhearsal.

Baptiat Church, AtburyMonday—S p.m.. Young Adult

meeting; Women's Departmentmeeting.

Wednesday — 8 p»nu_ Bibltstudy and pray«r service; Senior

First Church of Christ, ScientistM2 ifKi»«fit»d AVMIM Swnmrt. New JtrwyA Brancn of !'••• *'>u:i>i Church. The Kirst tiMiich ui (.ariti.

Sii''nii-i in Bostun. MassachusettsSunday Service, a; 1! A.M Sunday School 11 A.M.

We<l-iest»v Testimony Meeting st 8:15 P.M

Christian Science Reading RoomOPEN TO THE PUM.IC

340 SPRINGFIELD AVENUEOpen daily 10:ui' i,. 430 except Sunday.* and hotidavv kbuThursday tvenmts 7:30 to 9:00 (except July and August) andalter the Wednesday meeUn« Literature on Oirutian sciencemay be read anrrr.nad or purchased.

St.ITLiithafan ChurcK

I * T . W S Hinman. Ph.D.yi DeForest Avenue


Inew .. r

TSevenUi and Eighth Grade Fel-Iknrahip; «:tt p.m.. Ninth GradeFellowship, Senior High Fellow-ship with talk by Rev. RobertStone; 7:15 p.m.. Central Clubwith talk by Rev. Stone on "A

{Senior choir re-. Freedom Rider Speaks."

_ Satuid#y—9 iJUwAnw-t^tr-^TngrWng^ sewin? groupchetiQai class; 10 a.m.. Junior p.m.. Boy Scout troop «2: ChapefOstecbetical class. choir rehearsal: « phi.. Session;

SumRly — 9:30 am.. Church meeting,school: 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 am. . Tuesday - 2 45 pmWorship seivices aad sermon, ^ r ; 3:30 p.m.. Junior choir;"Hying[Harmoniously Nurs- 4 y/ertminster choir,ery at both ,ervices. Wedncsday-7 a.m., Dawn pa-


nuinity th« faeillt'fai »f a a»au»irul, wallpltnned Punt'al Horn*—CompUH in «v»rywxy We offer comfort, convaniane*. andmot itnportanr, the knowledge, of conductinq

a lervicc that is # tributer^ to your loved one.

53S SpriagfleM Ave.,

- cor. Morns

BROLGH FUNKRAL HOME « ' ^ _ _ itha Cirdc meeting at home of,Mrs Walter Schmidt. 115 Tulip Faj»J, Lutheran Church . /

Presbyterian ChurchSe» Providence

lev. Richard A. $ryan

roday-^i^i.m., Primary choirreharsat; 3.30 p.m.. Junior i:

choir: <:15 p.m.. Adult choir re-

Rev. ItasseB E. Swaaaea,Minister

324 South StreetMurray HOI

Toda-y — » p.m., AugustanaWomen exec-

utive committee meeting: Ush-

teKTo^.Tort'service «*£**** aDd ^ " ^day with small fee for lunch- "

Saturday — » p.m.. Couples'Club meeting

Sunday—9 a.m., Senior Highstudy group; 9:30 a.m. and I ta.m.. Church school: Morningworship and sermon, "What

, m S u n d Bible; school;

n.m.. YouthJ choir renearsa!; 8p.m., Junior and Senior' HighFellowship with talk hx Nahid I


// 7/W<--/



We have beenh

to note the good p u b l i c -

infornativej - free

claims of superiority

We thank you fOr"



and comments.

clothes pin?Sincerelyt


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idult School OffersCollege Courses

M- Adult School for the Ber-:7:30-9:10 pm This Course isk'Jey. H.eighteNew Providence. ;cuoccrw4 with the origin andSuniliiit area will offer i!:> we-!ijro.wte o' the elementary,.iui semester of afternoon and j science movement; a «irvry of

' M i c h i g a n Alumni • "ie-wmi^ fifnMrn1or-*m. Janttarv * ^Kilma of the MicniffaiiAiniy inwinji a conered dish supper at of the University of Michigan ""f home of Mrs Malcolm Vus Montclair, For- r«ervation».|S-5470.

* ' - ' • ' • ' - - " v ' * • ; ' * „ •

»« ME' Thur«d"ay, Jan. 18,

, y « »••«••»>

t courses at GovernorKingston R e g i o n a l High

I h k l l l i l It Ihrktlnylleiglita, Iw^mFebruary 6th ami 7th.

en courses will aid m ob-

curricula and piesenl practicesin the schools, a revieaiftnTFnT" Iiferatureand-a'atudy of the problems amitechniques involved in adapting

'tuning New Jersey .teachingcontent lo curriculm develoiiivilification or provide more "lent and grade placement, Thiiriinrng for tachers Three arc latter half of the courw isnlieral arts courses which may • voted to planning and demon-'I,,- -applied towards a bachelor's stratihg a wries of instructionnl-art degree. Instruction Is ar- ;units for upper grade levels,janged through the Division ot Courw E Ml, Contemporary>Held Senricea of Newark Stale Literature, three semester hours,'College. ^ | Mrs. E. F. Bartlett, instructor;'

Course M0.1O, Education of the Tuesday, 7:30 to it p.m. Ameri'-Kweptiofial Child, two semes- ?»n. English and EuropeanILTJWUJ'S. Wednesday, 4:30 to 6, literature of the 20lh centurypnf., deals wiljr ttie current sta- ' s explored in this course. Ideas,ins and historical development formi, trends are studied in rev.f services for the exceptional la'ion to the ipcial, aesthetici hi Id. Modern educational prac and ethical assumptions of con-tires, are evaluated .gainst a temporary life. A plan of in-l. rlif round ot current research dependent reaffiSg for each'1

with children wln>. av* Aidant-to BUT* hi» pcrwnal7


. \ .- V ^ . . r . - - /- i - • > . '

\ \V *•*'• l/ii

.,,•(' intellectually physically,'needs and interests is included.iiially or emotiunaly from the;' Course SS E. X-fl, Bnmian'

iii.rm, This courses meets the | History three semester hours. B.JiK-eial educatinn certification' *' Siefiel, instructor; Wednesday].f|uiremcnt of introduction to:7:30 to 10 Continuity and Change •

•"Diratinn of the handicapped. | in modern Russia since theleather is E. P Dubin. . |Napoleonic period are studied.

tonne V. K. E. 411 b. Art In tfmpharii is placed on the1

Ihe Elementary School, Part I, historial development of RussianI MI semester hours, Tuesday, participation in Euroaean clvili,H - ^ l o ' S»u«it by. Oart|W'ol l'»nd i*««ce WurB War I ofl

i P«»- ide»oe...Tnli.i.lSs.'.^Bni»<»ttB)lJ.«ceii«..™'.,>,«„•„,examines the role of the S S E. 37:,tllstory of Eaitcra

\ ..jj] arts ir the education of C'ivlllialion, part II. three seme--Uiii-chUd. Studio activities will; s;er hours, Dr. M. A. Didstmry,


-ABtGPART Of EVERY K/NGS ORDCff ? \• ' • • . . . . «

. . . and, into rtery bag that's packed, M.NGJ ambassaJr/ri o\ _good will pnl a lot mare than jitil groceries! You'll fetl thtir genuine u ai mlb

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.1 neighborly atmotph're, .4 greeting by 'cum trout personnel, ubn /eel

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iiuludc first hand. expeFicnceMIIII materials hnd niethwls and|iH4r application in the class-t>HHn with emphasis on the stu-

Tuesday 3:30-10 p.m. An histori-cal survey of t!ie-culture andcinlirition ' of Southeast Asia.Inflia, Cnina. Japan and their

ilrnt 'I inventiveness in using a'neighbors wjth stress on institu-\ jrity .of common materials.;tions and Ideas, culture, contactl.nlures, discussion and read-in.- will examine the child'screative development and theInplicatiora this has for his(iliii-ation. Also practical aspectsil program planning and class->»<im management,

(nurse 8. 8. E. 411 a, Social

,and diffusion Part I is not a

iprerequisite for part II of .thiscourse;

Fef s. RegistrationCourses run for 16 weeks.

Tution is $13.50 per semesterhour of credit; $27 for two

WHO WILL BE KINGS 19*2 CHECKER OF THE YEAR?fAlt the cbeiker-casbiers at i\ings Super Markets are wearing special identity .-..-' . . .

badges and iheir biggest smiles today. The reason? They want tbrir customerslo tote for ibiitn in'the International Checker of the Year Auaiils, sponsored bs

Super Market Institute and The \ationiil Cash Register .Company, a nationwide—f~" cohfest in" search for the best chttier-cmbier in ibi super market industry.

KISGS are'rer-y proud of their checker-cashiers, ami bate entered thfm all, ' t'jv,.male and female. Their qualifications are outstanding . . . won'iynuljtlp V ;

\our faturilt checker uin fame and fortune. uondVrful.firixe!. including" '• .f f fa tuo-uetk, all exptiisc paid tour in glorious Hawaii?-

semester hours and foruiurse a. s. &. «n a, social semes.L*I nuunt ana rw-au mriMudiei J n . t h e Elementary.thjee wmestcr hours. aesistraJ ,.Sciiojl, two semester hours. E. 'tion fee is $2 for all stndents toV T>a»ti. instructor. Tuesday,

Summit Area's LeadingSource For:

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Alum. ScreensAluminum


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be paid each time a studentreuistcrs.

Admission fee of $3 U chargedall students enrolling in theDivision of Field Services

fni- fhg firn. llmf Thit


fee is only paid.once. Late re-.gistration fee is $5. .

Reijisration will be held atthe first elas* meeting. All fees-must be paid rot later than thesecond class meeting. Paymentsshould be made by i-heck, draftor money order made out toNewark State College.

For more information, callMrs. William A. Lulz. 998 Moun-tain Ave., Berkeley Heights, at4644147.

MagnavoxSee Our Spectacular Display

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BERKELEY TELEVISION(Rear Entrance To Parkin*. Lot Behind Kresge)Quality Hales & Service t'nr 12 ltar»

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OptMi OoMy Until 4 p.m.

ihe uinners ait judged by custotper balloting for. courtesy, jntndliness,efficiency, cash register accuracy, and neatness. The winner vltcltd

from KISGS will have the opportunity lo become New Jersey Checkerthe YfQr, and could be fUnen In fhrcago for the final compel it lottttt

ihe annual contention of Super Market lastilutt, Afay'11th throughIbth, l'J62. lo become the Rrand prize winner . , . ••

The International Checker of the Year!



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««» once each year we mike t)Ui wonderful offer. Stronfnealtay African violets, all Ihe finest varieties to tell at lalsl»w. low prite. Flicher's of Atlantic City, one of tie world'smost famous violet growers, makes this lot available toeach year. Come in—look them over—you'll be amaied.

Violrl and Hou«« Plant Stands andWill Be Featured During'

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Quality Wr.klU.ol New

Audit Bureau sf UrculalioaTOTTJsTffir T :

tS per year in advance , Single copies IS eents Back copies 20 cents eachPublished by the Summit PunlisbinK Cu., every Thursday ai 22 Bank Street.

Summit, New Jersey. Entered as swoi id c lass matter Oetobei i, 1H89 a! tnt |x>s! of-fice,, Summit. N J . under act <yt March 3 1879 Owned and operated by Eve Forbesand Carl S. Hulett. . "

All Departments - CRestview 3-4000


LETTERS men that injunction should bedeOed toe. I should hate to see1

a. national—••—••HIIHP •• wauuoaiscandal and disgrace by sendingWil l^A t^ttt A*^£,_ §

IUVC younn childrenteachers. 1

Editor, Summit heraW:When I read ihe "

headline in todpy'iHersld (January ' in , "Church , r o m

Ordered to End Nursery Srtoollbe glad to be heldClasses," the phrase that leaped sponsible and b. h•nn, mv mm,. u , . c . „ . j j - u i n ,h«lr «tejld. i

'\ • fpr SumniVs aa|(f,—. . . v . . . , ,vii!'' sake of other parents and other

.. .-_ •! its orders from churches, I think thii iniU3iice,a higher authority than a e H y j A o j M j y a ^ M l M a ^ ^

our faith and our American conslitution. than the President ofthe r lined State*, who wouldnot dream of entering a churchbuilding and deciding whetherits classes for childjen.^joek-days or Sundays, are or are notreligious active. Yet thisSummit City iMpeetor prrsum- should go into

can oe. An ancient•"£•• " A amall injustice i».»inrubecomes a giant wrong." ThisIs already, in principle, a giantwrong, becauseof the mostour democratic and Judeo-Chhs- t c a l

tlan tradition.I don't se« why my church

DEATHSRalph B Blrdsall

Ralph B Birdull of 437t'harnwood Ruad, ,New Provi-dence, died January 7 of a heart -attack aboard, the liner Italiaas It neared Uie end of a two-weok cruise to Nasaau, theBahamas. He was Si. I

Bam in East Qranse. he lived.m<«l of his tile in Ma pie wood. <before coming to thr Boroughabout a year a«o. He was aWMBSr" 'oT STorrow laShodiat lChurch, Maplewood.

Mr. Birdsall had been an in-surance underwriter Until hisretirement from thai field five

ago At that time he be-came a

i«v ftrbig snd floor covering1 firm inMorrisluwn, known as FloorCreations.; -He leaves an aunt and uncle.

MrsTora~C. ChaplinMrs. Ora Couscr Chaplin uf

874. Mountain avenue, BerkeleyHeights, died/last Thursday aiOverlook Hospital after a shortillness. She was SB

Mrs, Cbapun wai bom atKan*:» city and had made herhome tt Berkeley Heights torJiML.k*L.4! .yeAnL.Sbe...»uu-ji.well-know breeder of dogs andsince 19M operated WildwnodFarms Kennels in Berkeley


rljiHeights, bam. wile of Edward J.

Mrs. Edward *. ReUly • h All Swls Morristown HospitalMr* Marie K Heilly of Chat- (Continued on Page 7i

The proposal to organii• p volunteer_tc»cue squar]Jfjru Summit whichjvould be I

the sole agency to provide the community |with emergency ambulance service is one iwhich should not be approached hastily. I•n Summit now has an excellent free am-1liulance service furnished by the munici-pality but it does have limitations, par-

of an ambulance will be'available after theinitial bloom of enthusiasm for th»-proj-ect has" worn off. Tt Fs not an easy job tope a member of a rescue squad. Not onlymust- the ' housewife or businessman bemost ~ thoroughly trained in emergencyfirst aid procedures but he must be readyto drop -everything and respond to a call

i and imposing sentence, by way'of a. letter "ordering" thechurch to cease conducting theseclasses. The Board of ZoningAdjustment has upheld th« in-spector, in this arbitrary pro-

(ceediog. under cover of an j>rdi: i

•rcial encroachments


Twhy I adovcate passive resist-ance. Let the City of Summitrather go to the courti, U the

(Continued on Page 7)

day cr night. , t mf hour, .seven days a 'v^Uon is that"lhe onfy rightweek. ^ j * - * ^ j ^ 2 Z ^ 1 ' i S r 1 [thing for our church to~do is to

Under"the present arrangement paid ( ^ *** "order." Out cooper


Central Presbyterian


Q.I.S.*. Q y l|«

m srlllnawa bi Norlhwr.itrnMutul . . . helps tou htn•nor* Imuranr? for 1Mb montv.


312 Springfield AvenueCR 7 1 « 7



W. 1. Canady & Co, Inc.441 Springfield Are.

CR 3-6666P«ul EmaH


mI Failure to Qbftrin a 1962 License

for your Dof by FebruaryT"Malies You Liable to a $50 FineDog owners who do not get the requisite T)y Febni

ary 1, 1962 and Ihbsc who disregard the requirement

that dogs must be kept under restraint, will b§ served

a summons by the Dog Warden to appear before the

Municipal PoHce Tlaglslifate for sucl\" summary ac-

tion by the Cgurt that may be warranted.

licenses- may •oe obtained daily at the City Clerk's

of/ice at the Municipal Building, Springfield Avenue.

"ttcularly'ln that it is confined to the cor--porate limits of the city and is therefore..not available for out-of-town trips to hos-

pitajs, airports and other cities. An ambu- . merrjhefs of the Fire Department on duty ,<,,ative

lance operated by a rescue squad wouldnot operate under these restrictions.

nursery schoot, whichout >>f a iunriay School


A0MIN1STRAW6 ASS7..JOHN WRCH SOCIETYat the. Fire House are available for ambu- parents' discussion group, andl d Thi i i d f l l dlance duty. This is recognized as a part. was form-ally adopted- into our

Summit alsa has, to a certain extent." °< tfe>r J°b a " d t h e firemen, we-are tol«i.!|*urch program first by theHetiie services of Overlook's ambulance but are_not unhappy over the arrangement. | a ^ t h f n , , ^

--- — • _,. , . » • 101m men DV our Doara OT inis -• the hospital has made no bones about*! Emergency ambulance service to a | e c > u n o w- ^ i n g h e l d i n ^

wanting to' discontinue this service be- community is something which can not b« .Community House at 4 Waldron«HUse of costs and admitted inefficiency, allowed to have any lapses. It must be «s

Si ho gfeat Bly

as a call for a fire "engine or a»ffWeVerMtippW*to Si ho gfeat Blbwto the community for in the last few years j P*olreergan. It can not suffer becauseit has been relying almost entirely upon I trained volunteers might become "tired"

of bejffg a rescue squad member or Dethe city amh^ilanceThere is no--question, t u t that rescue

squads have theirrole in community wel-fare. There are 300 such squads in success-ful operation at present and they havf allproved their worth on numerous occasions.Most of the rescue squads, though, oper-ate in communities not having paid firedepartments. Nearby exceptions to thisare at Millburn and Plainfield where arescue squad is available as well as a paidfire department.

One Mfl-q<mr<">" '*r ™h»th»r ^ r n n t t h fg qneceswuy trained personnel for operation'

forced to resign from a squad because ofany number of reason*. ,

On the whole, however, the « « a l d be-lieves that a rescue squad can operate inSummit and give the community the am-bulance service it requires for it is an-axiom that rescue squad members arededicated to their jobs and thert is noreason to believe that a squad operatingin Summit would be formed of dilettantes.

But, there are two sides to every coin•nd now is the time to . scrutinize both

JMpport the Blood Bank Program' V » «U~ <••-«• ,IMU •«• »h« CimMiit urm» thift bloodFor the first time in the Summit area,

the Red Cross U launching a blood col-lection program, through the services of aBlood Mobile Unit, which is due to arrivefirst at the parish house of Central Pres-

—byteTim Church February t. —Th* new program, which, is .being

handled by the Summit Area Chapter, isto be launched with donations of 175 pintsof blood, which will requirt donationsirom 300 persons. .___,

Under the new. service, not orfly willresidents be able to participate in the com-munity unit, but individual groups and or-ganizations will have the opportunity to'donate hlood for use by their own mem-bers. Utilizing this type of blood bank,

_^organixations will find that two out of

cally designated for them for a year'speriod of time, the third pint of blood is

(reserved for disaster and emergency use.j Throughout the year the Blood Mobile(unit will be making scheduled stops atj approximately two-month intervals, fori collection purposes throughout (he Sum-mit area and Passaic Township.

Only those persons who have everreafUy needed blood transfusions or infu-

avenue, in (ar leas suitable quar•ttrn fdr it tnah tfie ne* build-Ing made possible by the.sacrili-rial giving of dur members.Plans, as of now, are to continueIt here through the rest of thepresent church year, until June.It was transferred to this build-ing from our new building »t 2Whittridge road after receipt ofthe order to desist from the CityBuilding Inspector.

The latter accommodation tothe "order" of the inspector,;pending a decision ot die Zon-ing Board, took place withoutmy knowledge or consent. ThedistrMsed mothers and teachersmoved out. on recommendation <of the president of our boardand the «4vie« of Wallace W..Barnes attorney, without con- ^sultalkm with the minister, whoknew of this only after it was:accomplished fact.

this blood bank can be when its presence j , m n o t critjeurog theseis the difference between life and death. mothers and teachers (or leav-

Not only do blood bank donors supply : ing the new building, nor the-' . >. . J nu.i^.m A/ /\««*> board for so

were act- •ing under pressure, and notwanting to "prejudice the case." -My own stand, expressed to theboard at our next subsequentmeeting, was that we shouldbsve stood our ground and con-tinued to act within our consti-tutional rights in conducting achurch program.

la view of the wide spread publicity about the John Birch Society, much n< It

critical, the Pro Constitution Association has been able to secure Mr. Meyer, u lit-

Ihoriied spokesman f6r the Society, to address the Association's 5Hh meeting.

t t o invitaliah la Mr. Meyer, while W aa emiorwrnm •» bit arganiiition, l«

lB*e*a*4-4a urfcraa tec saenfeersMp M tae fra CoMtlttrtloB AtsflrltUoii tit. as a puh-

Ik service, all intert&ted citUcna »sv» may want to attend a presentaUrn at first hand"-

ol the aims and purposes ol Uw Jofc* Irch jroop. A Short QuesUsn and Answer

Period Will Follow. c "" ' •'* J " v '




-% - CHAR1CS A. C U t L * . Do , Word«

(By Order of the. Common Council of Ike City el Summit)

" V

the life-giving properties so often needed :P«rid«M^our^ a result of accidents, illnesses, or opera-tions; but at th« same time, organisationsparticipating can help save money, sincethose belonging to the bank as part of somegroup, whether it be community or other-wise, will find that hospital costs will dipto about $15 fqt infusion, rather than theusual $40. "*

Donors are not restricted to returnslocally; but rather contributions to thebank insures returns when needed in anyof the states, Canada, Puerto Rico or theVirgin Islands.

Donors must be between the ages ofand 59. But, while in the past, those

every threepints donatea^wttt-*e~«p*cll^ jKnpj^v , Iuffered from malaria and otherr&Illf Has i em ataw4 (i\w tVi**** (••• a iiaar'o . . . " * ' . - - . . . . . . . •

sions-cw probably appreciate what a boon

illnesses have been prohibited from con-tributing, currently they can become partof the bank program, since their blood canbe used for the manufacture of derivatives,such as gamma globulin.

Healthy individuals today should par-ticipate in the blood bank program to re»main healthy individuals tomorrow. /

The Herald urges full support of thisnew Blood Bank program, which will helpw i lives and money. •—

tefs Avoid a Tempest -• A tempest appears to be brewing, and--

frat necessarily in a tea pot, over the Zon-ing Board's reaffirmation -that the Uni-tarian Church school is in violation of thezoning ordinance. " ,—-»-—...

The minister of the church, Rev.Jacob R. Trapp, is justifiably incensedover the Board "order that church property

pgcontinues to my

stand, personally and as in or-dained minister of religion—that no civic authority has sright, under the guarantees ofour state and federal constitu-tions, to determine what is andwhat is not religious activitywithin the frame work of achurch's officially adopted pro-gram of teaching.

My d i



_ __._. _ the.mctde.ntbecome a national cause celebre with policemaking mass arrests of toddlers, their par-ents and teachers. We, too, would hatesuch an event take place and we aresure our feelings are shared by the Zoning

advice to my board oftt. to my congregation,

and to the pawaU and teach-ers of our preschool children, iithat we continue this valuableprogram for parents and youngchildren, as it is our right andour duty to do . And that we dothis next fall in our new fire-proof building, as its also ourright and our duty, rather thanin the old frame building, out ofwhich we moved our youngerchildren with a great sense ofrelief some years ago.

In other words, it is not up toa city building inspector, nor a

Board of Adjustment

„ toreligious

d, as^well othrajn the city.What then is the solution? We think

6n Whittredge road may no longer be t h a t ^ h t h e c h u r c n a n d t h e Z o n i B o a r d

used to house the school The Zone Board i

sides to give a little. Perhaps the churchcan institute tighter controls of its churchschool programs and activities so that they.

used to house the school. The Zone Board s h o u , d a g a i n s i t d o w n u d i w i r o n o u t

contends that the school actually oper- t h e b l e m I t w i u b e n e c e s s a r v { o r

atea as a nursery school and not t> "church-related activity."

Dr. Trapp insists that the city bodyhas no right to determine what is andwhat is not a church-related activity andits order to cease and desist is not onlyunconstitutional but preempts all churchrights. He has called upon his board oftrustee* to defy the city ruling.

Thus, both sides in the dispute hivem i l l e d an imnasse. Dt. Trapp, wt feel;

teaching.-We are acting wrrhinour. basic .acknowladged righUin-continuing this program. Ifthe City of Summit wishes tocontest this right in the courtsof the land, the City of Summitmay do so. It is not up to usto sue the Courts for what is al-ready ours, and has been ourssince America.was founded. It isup to the City of Summit, If H

l i i h h ' dwould be less noisy to neighbors _and per' desires lo limit a church's edu-haps the Zoning Board would agree thatt cational P/'08ram;.j

t^ "T^.11*the church can properly handle its own '""' ~" "" '""""

and to my congregatioo, is thatwe resume this bssic work withyoung children and their par-, n l , in nnr now hllilriing thllS in

a f { a j r s m a f e e d e c i s i o n s t | t 0

will not relax his position and It is notlikely that Zoning Board will do the same.

x As Dr. Trapp pointed out in a LettertoN|he Editor printed elsewhere on this

what is a church-related activity.The Herald hope* both sides will cool

the matter ub*jectively and find an amicable solution,.Tempests, be they in a teapot or uncon-fined, have a way of causing a great dealof damage.

Current Comment*Comme«<Ubl« '

(Somerset Messenger-Gazette)Instead of moaning absut the short-

comings of our educational system whilethey permit their children to devote theirleisure hours to comic books and tele-vision, a group of ^ Bridge water-Ran tanparents have taken the initiative to fillsome of the void.

Etgrit 10-yeaMJJdi who are -fifth p*d«" ^ s at Adamsvitte ^ScnooPare studying

Russian twice a week under the supervi-

suffident school work.It is planned for the children to con-

tinue their study of Russian 'for theentire school year. Next year they arescheduled to plunge into an advancedcourse., Besides showing a natural faculty-for

learning a new language, the youngstersalso are enjoying themselves. They con-sider learning a strange, new language as"play."

i l it t r the fesftSngipim? of

effect defying what we hold to*e an arbitrary Interferencewith the educations/ program ofour church. If rh* Zoning Boardshould get an injunction fromthe city court against tjii, work,

our school systems to provide every childwith the best education possible. However

siori of a qualified instructor. when the scope and degree of trrft educaThe special classes were arrangedJ>y tion appears to be less thanj j desired,j

"the mothers of the young, language1 sttKl it is a welcome change to see a group ofdents, who are, on half-day sessions at [parents take up.Qn themselves the respon-Adamsville School, and, in the opinion : sibUity_ of doing something constructiveof their parents, suffering from lack of' about i t

CraigmylePinney & Co.

Members, New York StockExchange


l i t Summit AVMIW(Second Floor)

Summit, Ntw JtiwyHvbbord A. K*m. Jr.


- ~ * * > • *

TIME FOR THOUGHTStart the new year with one of the soundest movesyou cftn make — by assuring a good measure ofsecurity for your loved ones. Just a few momentsthought will convince you how important it is. . . yet, providing for your family, exactly as youwish, takes so -little time. . -Here's another thought: when you include The

National State Bank in your estate plans, youhave a skillfully trained staff, complete facilities,and a bank with a century and a half of experienceworking as your executor or trustee. Well gladlytalk to you and ;your attorney, at your conven-ience", about the peace of minrl our jnnt. sprvircan bring younW62. # **

^ ^



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Full Banking Strviett*Fr t . 7:50 AM to 2:60 PM7:50 to 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM ro 8 PM WindowMon., Tues.. Wed. & Fri. 7:50 AM to 6:30 PMThursday Only 7.50 AM to 8:00 FM

THE SUMMIT HiRAlD. •Thunj.y I . . | t , m

LETTERS(Continued from Page 6)

fo disgust.Have yoi decency,

Psqe 7 [Summit because of Its excellent'educational system. We have

i U r f*r!'M«TU i?w-: b!<*n more lhln l ' " ^ wiln our

has thepower to determine what thecx-cl limits of a church's ed»i-cjtl mal program should be, andwjlill.her itj» .religiaus.l »m sure-llial Uie , cttiiens of. Summit

[ W l d not support such an ef-ttnr

tion or chance for simultaneousrebuttal.

C. E. Leech^ 45 Oakland Place

Blame on Student

we b . v . here. I..ave noticed your paper is ex-

lot would fail lo put the usual tremely antagonistic toward thequarter In the meter. educational system. In tact.!

Presumably, if thj admmistra- y o u r p a p e r [tt # vindictive that Ition had "lorjiBht and inteUi- jt B1)U|d , |m(>g, *i

beenMr. Cast would have seem someone

on your staff is holding a per-ths Sum.

Deaths(Continued from Page t)

following a long illness.Born In Summit. Mrs*. Reilly

moved, to Chatham nine yearsago. For 23 year, she was a

with non« for fa previous De-cember." ,'.••"• ' '

Spring Drive(Continued from Page 1>

ation be corrected quietly i n d | Commission, and member of <t*equitably at home nd" o " ' A m e r i c a n - Arbitrtio A l

Ulbed la IBM.Dinner reservation! most be

telephone operator m'lhe Or«o»' f l l? >m ' • !? . ^ * K'"8 fho-'e""^ »uit

o f f i c e of N e w J « B l l CIt> "lAthe -•h»"-m»n. deci

equitably'at home, and" soon "'American- -Arbitration A«socla-| . _ . .. . _Traiteet Ponder Suit l u m "'' c i m t t0 t h r Episcopal'made in advance to RusteB E.

The board of trustees of the <™'^> « a graduate olf Delan-: Bauer, treasurer of the Councilchurch met Tuesday night to,™ D l"n a>' Schml »'Buffalo, at 97 Commonwealth avenuedecide whether or not to fi|c NV , after ,en years a« a sales- New Providence^ Reservations

, "The Church on j must be received by Monday,office of New


iflML_flni«d', ,™an:,Dukek board tn<1 U

"'«> • ! ? . ^ K 8 - ^ »u i t ^ a JM. . . l )S iflML_flni«d, , : , , he u c h nl rCIt> "lAthe -•h»"-m»n. decision William Dukek. board tn<1 Urban-Frontier:1 was pub-1 January 29.conducting the:president, said "the order isJt

aie estimated | restriction of what \\r consider

situation b<. corrected quiet-•/-. Mi equitably al home, and• .virtn.".. / ' Rev. Jacob R/fcrapp. DDf ^Unitarian Chare* in Sumiriit

Amaied al LettersKeillor. Summit Herald


"Duturbed ^ t u d en twhose letter ayppeared in the .N|,0 P* r | \ in

column, of y o u r T J r M " * ^ Ashman, the

• " ^ ^ T ^ - ^ ^ P I - T ^ - rait school system. • : NewatStudent" «w»y from the j ,nink the publishing of theiof the Rosary Society

Parking sign, and Mr. W t er regarding parking, which • Patrick's Church.

t to less than

will he under-

a legitimate church activity. II.

ary u ,your paper on Janu-

left me a bil con-•xJth bitter at andfused. He

critical ofSummit Hof "foresight and intelligence*

V?_sue, is inexcusable. In the by* another brother.

for first place, any sjudent mature' Jamej B. Eakley, andLt

j written by an organiiation wnichj restricted.•is anxious that the efforts «ic-i . DrIceed this year. !,,ntlv

notRing u d<ini' about it we canforesee anoMwr rase conung upwhere another activity may be

•Disturbed S u C ' V ^ u g h ^ ' • ? " * * ! " -"^ Wh"n "» ^ \ - ^ i 1 w i * .Mt-Bd»» '"""


- 7wa/3 .rial, ,h .^~* '^^^ ^Z£ZZZ™: S a l ^ ^itself and

«J he-ts-vehenF!<>, the rhurcli

Funds to defendurge tht

trustees Ui support' him in dcfiance of the city ruling.

The church school holds two,-l:,i:i..w • iin..l, i.n.i tir^lvr.


Health and Comfortand who could have been looking I senior liabilityf R«for a p.ood excuse

V -the admmi- Heraldve had the Etfitor. Summit Herald: . . . , . . , ,cipale that Six yea,', ago we moved to !"« d ° n c ^ " c ' '" «>e college |mi!.. ; . -•' i_.boards. Whal ha disturbed;ness

j many of your readers is lhat|w.

& » •


you would print this anonymous, Mr. Murphy was born in NewJ e l l p r- ' i. ~''r . jVork.City where lie lived mul.<

Uke miny-W.yoursubseHb.lel his life until. .hovihT he^e1 fContinueders. ,i a<n r.ot a teacher nor am eight years ago • iB<> tn l h c


At the Dccfni

FRED E. FEDERALYour SUMMIT Financial Friend




Friendly Financial Services Since 18&1

Summit Federal Swingsand Loan Association

jjP.i!ringfie 1 d AveniuBL lin SummitsCR 3-8)50

in Berkeley. Heighu.464-0860

. 441 Springfield Avenue

Your Snintt up to J10.080 art Wl> insvrcd b» Hit Fs*fal Jawnp I Lean Inswanct Cora.

Open Daily 8 A.M. • 3 P.M.—Thursday Evenings 6 P.M. -8 P.M.

I on the school board I am junt He. was with the Kempercon-a parent, who happens to be cern more than :is years Anproud of my town and of our Army veteran of World War r~* ' ' "~ "« w a» leducational system.

Alice Holbrook100 Ashlrnd Road

y r"« w a» a memlxr ..[ AmoricanLegion Host, lOBl. New York.

Suerviving_ ar-hi« wife. Mrs.

>m IaBo l ! ). if-the citizens: p

Summit Church

theallJecls. No n-tters are anony-mous. The identity of writersof published letters is knownto Us but request* that -namesbe withheld are

Offers Voting. Record

so desire, to find out whetherit has the power to determimwhat lhe exact, limitCbtirehs educational pr«t;ramj' (Conlinueil from l'j(!e I) •should be, and whetlwr il is,he served in many rivic ai«lreligious. 1 am sure that the public capacities These'includud

1H]1??* »' Summit woid.1 ry.l foripr.H n.m,,,i^^..,n, f... ^Jrt- »«ch a-n effort, Jtufsrahfrizatibn.i-hjiini.rii nf H'isli* rather urge'thai (he situ-: land Park's Kire and Polire

Atm? Boatrt the furlnthat Uie cJiurch was V41l l . l l

and Florence . Murphy, al] ojAlbany, N Y . ,

The funeral was held-Tuesdayfrom the Brmigti Funeral Hoint""" Sprmsfield Aveniie with a


Harald BrHarold Blake Snydor. former-!

Editor, Summit Herald:Now that Congress has recon .

vencd is the time when every i 'y of Caldwcll, president of Hu-citizen should review the voting i manic Brandt of Summit, died arecords of our representatives in week ago Tuesday al Tuscon,he Senate and the House. The .Ariz., at the home of a daughter,

key vote on any bill may be on I He was 75.a motion to table or strike out I . Mr. Snyder had been presihe enacting clause or on a par-, dent of Humaoic Brands, manu-

ticular amendment. , lecturer of • dietary food sup--A-»ee»M of-tfteJwv-roteir-fln^11'6111-J°r-» ><•»«-»nd-h»d.mportant m e a s u r e s by the ( J o n e wor* '» me.field of protein Imembers of the House and Sen- n u l " " ° n In (n« l«te l«20's and ;ale in the lasi session of Con *"[* 1 9 3 0 s - "e was on the boardgress has been compiled. A copy °' a'rcctori of Douglas L fileof this voting record will be m ^ . * l l !

C o ' * N e " YPrk-.realsent without charge to any one,who will write or call ma. |

My address is the Bassett jBuilding, The tclcphifilcnumber is CR 7-0535. ; . (Conhnued from Paqe I)

It will he helpful in guidinghe votes of our representativesf citizens will take the time to

write to them and express their (

opinion on how they voted in i -the past and how they should j totalled three, one less than the

four rannrt.,1 far th e previous I

t B t a l e

ed in December During theprevious year, when 16 wpre re-corded in December, l i t were,the year's total.

Grand larcenies last month

vote on current issues.E. D. G. Garth •

Meeting a ToW* ServiceEditor, Summit Herald: :

It is quite interesting to note,,rom the Pro-Constitution As-

December. The 12 monUi total {fdr 1961 was J7, Rht less than ,Uie full-yey i"taf«for 1960

Assaults a^o numbered

fj msociatkm add in your January ^ber report faitM•Z issue, that a responsible r c j ^ j ^ j , f o u rpreseatative of the John Birch | A]so o n „,,, < i o w n w a r d tTvniSociety will speak at Lincoln i .w r r , disorderly persons with 65School the evening of Friday, 'reported during the entire year.January 19. las against 15 more,'or 80. for j

Doubtlessly, many of your'I960. Last month there were!readers have become deeply four cases of disorderly persons,curious as to why thisjiystcrical as compared with one for thenation-wide smear of \he John previous December.Birch Society. A reprint from Burglaries last year look anhe Congressional Record includ-: "pward trend, with 43 reported

.ng speeches of Senator Strom • inrouKhout the year, 12 moreThurmond August 25 and 28 af- t h l n (h,e 3 1 reported during thelords an answer • and I quote: ..previous year The December

Never, since the most v i r u - : t o t a l _ w a s m r e*. «• comparedlent days of Gocbbcls' 'hate'propaganda has anything ap-

in the United States com-paraWe~to-~a^J7-p3gc bookletdated July.

Communist Party ol-theTJfflted-States in eonrwetion with its

:ive to smotlicr 4te Wnti communist movement inhis country. ~

"The 35-£ent booklet is cnlil}cd_he Facist Revival' and pur-

l»rts to toll 'the inside story ofThe John Birch Society.' . . .

"The yirufent tone of\ theMwklct, wi'h all stops out inituperative propaganda ' in-licates that the Communist'arty would like to create a

new . . . . scare word.Birchite) This would evoke a

conditioned response in a back-round of fear founded on theporter of a Fascist plot insidehe United States, which .wouldittaek all minorities and




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Winter heat ing creates dry ,unhealthy air, but this new PreatoAire Humidifier brings youaummer-time health and comfort—til winterlong. Kxrlusive Humidity Selectordelivers your choice of "H i" or "Lo"humidity.. . Chlorophyll-treatedAlter removes! dust, dirt, and smokepart ic les . . .Air Bath Purifierreduces bacterial count )>y 99%.. .and magic I'rcslo Heat Kxchangeradjusts Utmp«rature of moiaturizedair to comfortable room level; auto-matically! - •



RADIO SALES'(See the Mark* Itron.)

325-327 MIUIURN AVI.. MH.LIURNOpen r.very fcvenlng Except Saturday Till S P.M.

Mexel f-420047-51 MAf U ST.. S U M M Q ^ — — '

Opea Mon., TuM^JJuiu^^-fMT^IgiiuTII1 I p.m.__——>;—^CftSvltw J-4J.O0HUE PARKINO in Reor ef loth Store*


Cadillac leu you choose from by far the widest selection in theluxury car field. VVith 13 body styles, 23 colors and 139 interiorcombinations, chances are slight indeed that you will ever seeanother Cadillac just like yours. As a matter of fact, Cadillac

could build ityjpresent model fortO-years without duplicating—a car. This variety is typical of Cadillac's concern for your -individual taste" in fint~~«an. Your Cadillac dealer willpleased to help you *ti your-pertonaJ choice of the "car of can".

lii everyone."The Pro-Consti'ution A*-

ociation is to be commendedor its public interest in endca-oring to develop the facts re-larding the John Birch Society.

Edward A. Butler7 DcForest Avenue

Lauds Yale DeeorsUoasEditor, Summit*Herald:

The Summit G'T'en Clubishes '0 congratulate the

many storos who coop> rated inhe new undertaking to beautifywr town at Christmas. We feelhat their dcoreations were Inxcellent taste and > re hopefulhat another _>e.)r many more

sUre.'will Dartlclpatc.•—. Marian T. Loudon

"• Secretary " "


Good Work At AReasonable PriceTree Removal—

Pruning A BracingCR 7-4455.

ofret • P.M. CR 7-4001



THISUMMIT HIRAID, Thursday. J.n. 11.

YWCA Lisfi New C/o$sesIn Sprififg 4dif/t Sc/ioo/

and pattern will be ordered atth* first claaa. Mrt. Buhl

Recreational bowling "jutttor practice", will begb "rtiurs-day. January 23th. at 10 ,a.m.

.Ballr*on Date*tetien* of ballroom da

young man or woman who mayattend either with or without

• partners a n th* Saturday *veI "ing *o*U! dance* and » • Sun-

^ , w h o w i n receive expert in-h U

A new YWCA brochure littjand Spanish German rlatiMing winter^priiif adult das ie i jart for beginners and covertprogrami, and teenage activit- baaic vocabulary and grammar,

to members, fnand*. newcom- ItfUckty In a! atn.o*phere ^ , w w r e i v e exprt in yW , and community and indu.:,They will meet Mondaya begin-' atrucUon In the tox trot, UnHr,; midnight Uvertrial omAiiations in the Sum- nuig January 29 from in to II and the walti. the baiii for the vtded by the Motnlt A r t * . — _ — — ~tm~-lwtnirtor will-be-WTT~*.~<«twt-dancr-tteptr-The'iwjw;"r%rr^Tnanti7'*iN

Moat adult elites concluded E. Hindi, jr., a native Cerman begina on Tburaday, February special features ar« M the pro-saries in December but English who hat studied at the Free I, from 8 30 to S:S» p.m. Joint gram. Sunday Drop-In* from %classes ' ftr .all non-English Univeriity of Berlin and In•* iiwtructors will be Mn. Robert to 7 p.m. provide a friendly^peaking people tontinoes . it» diana University. The Spanish Pevoto, trained by Arthur Mm1 ami relaxed atmosphere in;firs'f semester Wednesdays group* vHiich meet Thursdaya. ray, and M B . Frances Braill- which to meet new aad old

fourth Saturday, from S p.m. toi d i h t U muilc la pro.

'from 8 \e*"9 3n pm| January and begins ita newjsemetter February 1. New pu

throwKti beginning Jdmiarv 25 from 10 to11:50 a.m., are for those whowish to revive or improve earll-

ard, trained by Fred

ylisted among the more aeri-


fhendt. Ping-pong and tablegames as well at TV and ree-

ous.program offerings ii an 8- ords are available along withfills may register at any time er knowledge of Spaniisb Mrs.; setsion *ene* entitled "Great the Sunday paper to read. A

land registrations made now in- H M Ennis. )r. is instmotor | Decision* ol 1962". Exploration ihort special program i* pre-[elude cltset through May 16. who graduated from Middlebury of vital iwmtttof the day tuch sented each time and ofSevan groups s e n t beginoert, i College and has been an as- at Viet Nam, Beftin, Brazil, the ' refreehmenU.who have, little or no knowledge sittant to the UN Economic ando( giujllih, intermediate*, and Sodal Council Secretariat;*dvane*d. SpeaWag, reading, | Alto eontimiiag ire the popu-;writing and g r a m m a r ire lar exercit* classes "Your Fig-taught. Social events are avail- are. Madame!" taught by Mrs

i able for everyone.. iC. A. De Paraph llu, whose, re-1 Holding ill fir*t a***k« today; time ainw to cure posture de,'M 1:1! p.m. is a modern dance facts as well as to work offiserie* lnttmeted by Dvo Mar-! inches where netestary or just?ernau who teaches the baUet in to keep fit. These aeries are

•term* of the modem Idiom, scheduled toiMlsi

High SchoolMenus forComing Week

Nmtrynnof ttott


uploc* puaeUnf. Jails, Hieadpeach*.-

, Tbursday, January IIJuice: P i n e a p p l e ; Soup;

Creim tt tuuto; Hot plat*:Roatt t u r k e y , eranberri**,mashed potatoes, rutabaga tur- ferymen, h«s been elect*4 pr, , Jnips or Hlad; Cold plat*: Devil- *tnt of the New Jert»y AMOVIJ

' • - ' - - -- shell

y c f l e t U w d w•f A Corradl end Son, fcc, b. ,ilandieape contractort and

h b

p pFollowing are Junior and Sen-' led eggi', cole ilaw, tea

lor High School menui torn-i salad, tUU ehlpa: Sandwich:piled by Margaret Schumacher,'-Peanut butter and Jam; Dei-

t Stwberry ehlWon pietchool lunch manager, (or thecommencing January 22.

Hot er cold o.lale.'lugeir_wjlh4n3"tu(l"t>> trid "one-hall

pint oi milk coat 33c. Soup,sandwich, fruit and milk, 34cents. '

Monday, January 8Juice: Apple; Soup: Corn

chowder; Hot plate: Chickenfueatte on corn bread, peal,

sert: Strawberry rfatfjon pie,baked coconut custard, Jallo,appj* *aue*.

Friday, JiBHaTJTIJuice: Tomato; -Soup: Clam

wy AWKlien • / Nunerymen for 196;'

Mr. Wyclcoff U • ir«4u»U »f -Mittichutctu SUte Ceilrgt of?Agriculture. He baa be«nnursery, and Uadtcaping vfor II e d f

pnfor II years, and wat fTlfHliT» -»IUi~F HH. Schmiin

land Son, abort Hills, anjj

wurM G. Evarts l o w]™* Board of—

Mar gaami... *^dancer with Helen TamarU and.Martha -Crakam, te*ebea tt;Douglt*s College. v; Art Classes

Monday morning and evening< art. taught by Albert

United Nation* Tnday, new Dj--|- The brochure alto liatt com-|reetioaa in US Foreign Policy ling trip*, to place* of internetand hitny others a reconsidered | and suggests persons wishing tp,with the aid of f«rt sheets and receive flyers scheduling them i V l l l T l f l t l l F c u l / i i * a llnhliogrtphies from the Foreign ishould call the YWCA. Later; J U I I I I I I I l I C U C t OlPolicy AsstKittion. Coffee wiU spring and summer classes and [ y- » . „ . - . T » - „» is r.n*«,open each meeting. Guiding the events to be announced include v, ,^ 7 i T ^ i ? . f^Z'tUscuulMi is to be Mrs. J. P.,llower *»rr*ogtng, cr»ft», teen- ^ -™ yeiterrigy was « • «Zelgler, a graduate of Univer- age and adult tennis instructionsity of Pittsburgh, and fanner and the day e*mp tor young

science ' " "

chowder; Hot plat*: Neapolitan R*d Spade Nursery, Mornstownmacaroni tad rh*«tc, spinach He i. patt president of y,,.Pol.naiMe or t a 1 a d, apple North Jersey Metropolitan Nunaauce; Cold plat*: Assorted crymto'i Association, i jrw.;,(ruit. Jello cubes, cottag*,encompassing the northern; haJfcheetf, chips; Sandwich: Tuna of the state. . 7fish; Dessert: Cherry crump) Mr. Wyekeff rt i ldu at Bt*

Juice; Cold plate: Sliced ham or pje j ,n O i i M c r t e d fruit: Imlntterejgs, potalo »>lad. tomajowedg- ~*°es, celery hearts; Sandwich,American cheese. Dessert: Ap-ple saiice cake, chocolate pud-

Rtftearitls for the HarmonyNight to be held by Summit

Tuesday, January 23Juice: Orange; Soup: Chinese

chapter, Society Jor the Preser- p h i c | ( ( , n . m j . ^ . H l m b u r gervation and Encouragement ofj i m j K\\; potato chips, coleBarber Shop Quartet Singing m sliced pearhm; Cold plate: JelAmerica are fit toe final stage, i I'ed pe j fh oottase cheese, potalo

coecertwilL fiB.sitt.J-ek> ! ^ - - ^ 5 5 L c « r l iy S at Summit Higr

F- .curls:S U c e d h 4 r o ; D c s s < > r t :


January 25. both from 10 to Ua . m : - • - ]

Modern DanceA second semester of pre-teen

modern dance iwtrudian forgirls in the 1st through third

will alto twho with to l « r apress Idea* freely

whether indiscussion,

K ^

tow to ex-an<J, effec-iatervtewt,r i "con-



merty a teacherwrsity of New Mexico.

wtltin* list in case of csncella-v U basic sewing which replaces [ intereet, there will be"six sestions. There are a few vacanc- the advanced course in tailoring • , jo nj beginning Tturtdav Feb-

the YWCA last year "'

Jroas, national exhibitor and grades. . begin* Wednesday,widely known inttructor, begin January 24, from 3 45 to 4:15Monday, January 22. These pm. Instructor will be Sirs-

work in water colors Liesel D Goetre-Taylor, former 8 to , - m,] •») t i l l jjtf nOrjf^'f'"W* ft V»ry wtgnnw i«<<

aetlv-the folder Alto

described is the Monday,afternoon cok,e

spect Hill' avenue who is retir-ing front the board after 09years.

Reelerted director, were Dr

; a u d i t o r i u m — .Wednesday,

Juice: Blended; Soup: NavyBread veil cut-

chorus. Tickets are available at let parmesan,and have entered them all male Mexican corn; Cold plate:

At recent elections Emerson-' waitan turkey sulart with avo-VV. Glancy of 15 Lorraine place,' ratio, molded fruit, finger salad;was elected membership vic«jSandwich: Ham- and egg salad;

" •• '"--' Betty, lemon sa.,


pomilt i . Morntog groop jneet: 'Palucct, and dancer with Ger.u»S ftWn 9 p.rii.'to 13 is Hied Zimmerman. . .

rbut namet will be Ukeo for »"* One of. theMerrr!asses listed

iclassei are ot necessity limited





! 3-4242 for furt'ier information or ' ??™\ ®u?*V t EXP™»»Bith a titker tape tor „( the progrIm_re will b"six sej '

in * e ,»ession fisap '^30 te

Drawing and painting for be- H. Buhl The 101et«xi seriessrinnert uught by Mr|. Robert which- begin* TTiurtday, Jano-~ " ~ ary SSjtrom «:30 to 11:M a m.

includes diKussion of equip-C. LorenU on Tuesday mornings beginning January 23. isalready filled but names will ment needed, terminolocy, usealso be taken for a waiting listhere. Mrs. LorenU teaches the .basis of drawing, composition, nlng, rutting, marking, presscolor, form, shape, shading and Ing, etc. A baile pattern willperspective be constructed and a simple

Language Courses | dress will be made. AvailabilityOther continuing classes la-1 of tewing machine for home- j

elude CoBvertttkma! German' work it essential. A tewing book

of m a c h i n e . meiiiiremenW, - ^ w i l l i V f tn fxven b a ( .k

patterns, fabrict, laj-out, p w - ; f r o u n d nl information which

Publishes BookBy Local Man

P - Princeton Rimdevoted tn stock* and invest-ments. John Rail and LeonardEarner of Hayden, Stone and iOo., will explain type of secur-ities and the risks and rewardsof an investment program.

Van Nostrand Books, publish-ers at Princeton, have anrounc

will incjude tlie role of ttie N. Y. | r t }"• P"bu<-«tion of -A Me*.Stock E x c h a n g e , reliable odology for Systems Engineer- of Dartmeuth CoUeg*.

of investment informs- i '•*•" written by Arthur D. i Mr. L*uer w.» one* to read and Interpret I H»U «' 2 Har\-ey Ccyurt. (first directors ol th*

pane* and repon* «nd! The hook'* primary aim I. to Overlook Building *V Loan

Manthall L. Lombard, a Wottem Electric Co. executive, andThomaa O. X«nci, retired presi-dent of General Printing Inks.

Mr. Low hat been a Summitresident for the last 22 yeanand h u been active In commu-nity affaire, particularly toeYMCA «od United Ca'mpaifn.He is a trustee of Family Association and a memberof B«ltutrol Club.'A native ofMtplewood, be i. t graduate

sound metnod* of H»vest-|increase awareneM and- under.>socitrjon and eenUnuRi to

SAM GORDON'S ServiceReliability Can't Be Beat!

Here ttfsf

RCA Whirl

RCA WhirlpoolGas Ranges

We Cmarantee complete satisfaction or replacement ofu y major appliance we tell within one year.

> Q t t n d metooda of i n v e s .ment. Two of the setttooa will i standing of systems engineering as a director when that Ateo-be held in the offices of Hay den, as a process and to sharpen de-) ciation merged with the former

finitions of approaches of the Summit Birilding & Loan Atte-main recurring problems of the ciation, parent of the present

l Summit Federal Aisociation.

Stone and Co.Other Activities p

The YWCA EamphJeLJistsJUkjasjceii KM- problem definitionider a fiui and service column goal setting, systems synthesis,

the September to May weekly | systems analysis and choicedd i K f f l

He is a general partner ofHutton It Co., New Yorky | y y oe

Wednesday morning Kaffec- among alternative systems. City brokerage firm which beklatsch for all women which ! Mr. Hall is a Princeton Univer- Joined when it founded in lKH.gathers at 10 am for coffee : stty graduate (Class of '49V He | He ws» made a partner in 1»1».and conversation followed by a is head of the broadband ays- He is a p*Jt president andvariety of programs. An appeal- terns studies department at B»ll member of the Commodity Ex-InK pajt flf this hour and a half | Telephone Laboratories and has dtenge. I n c- " ^ * member ofprogram are the built-in child ! specialued in various phase, of it* board ol » 'oare activities of dance, rhythm j systems engineering work.abases and baby sitting for th* | A graduate o( the company1,small fry whose mothers are three year communieatinntt de<attending the program. Listed', velopment training program foralso is the year round Home- f graduate engineers, Mr. Hall dcmakers Club which meets the ', signed the program's systems,

engineering course and wrotethe textbook used by the stu-1den!s He also taught the course

first and third Thursday of themonth from 8:30 to 11 p.m..forunusual homemakmi? programs,trip*, holiday and theater par-ties. A lively year-round discus-sion group it The Thoughtttirs.

of tMr«rpors. He alaoIt a memktjfc of the BostonStock Exehaoge; New, YorkCocoa E x c h * * 4 a * New YorkProduce £ # 0 < f * ' -

At Summff Wq"*s*l be servedfor many years until hi* re-tirement as vice president.

l*&istrl<ri Ad Finn

Now a New Conceptin Country livingfor Senior Citizens

A Cooperative Community „ _of Small Unit, Alt Electric Homes

and later supervised the teach*ing program, and recently re-sumed direct teaching of the

youitod 40

initiate and present theirprograms of unusual interestwhich run the "gamut from hob-bies and fafhions to migrantsand burning world issue*. Re-freshments are always a partof these gatherings which arescheduled for the last and thirdWednesdays from 8:15 to 11

| Mr. Hatl hat also been asso-ciated with systems engineeringwork on automatic message ac-counting and for the last fouryears has supervised long-rangestudies of the potential of video-telephone serviee.

Named Top SdeKmanVictor Creo, of 37 Whitman

p m. A Thursday Group U for drive, New Providence, has beenyoung women who want to en-j named the Prudential InsuranceJo>'(a momins off with other* Co.'s leading Chatham districtof fflWxage. There is' an rnter-Ugent fori96l.esting Variety of national back- Mr. Creo's total sales of fI6J •grounds \ n this group. Aetivi- - - -tiet include, getting acquaintedover coffee, handwork, {ports.,bowling, tripn, picnics. Meetingtime is from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30p.m. on the first and third"Riurstlay of the month.

O M M Officts HemEdward J. Carney, formerly

advertising manager of semi-^ d

ponents at RCA'a electron tubedivision, Harrison, haa resignedhis position and has opened hisown offices at i l l Morris ave-nue.

The new industrial advertisingagency will specialise la adver-tising, tales promotion and pub-licity for manufacturers anddistributors of industrial elect,tronic product*.

While at RCA,,the last four yean alladvertising and tales promotionprograms for RCA

000insurance, with annual premi-ums of ( 2 I , I M , topped thote of

ppicture tubes,


semiconductor products. Priorto joiniiij; RCA he served as

member of Prudential'sham staff si»ce 1953.

«*«- three years, and before thattime was employed as an editorof technical publications for theEeflpse-pkireer'division^ of Ben-dix Aviation Oorporsjtion.

Eastern's Home Guardian Heatingmeans heating that is carefree all theway. There's no detail too big or toosmall to receive our exacting attention.Phone us now. Enjoy the most satisfy-ing heating a family can hare.

Unsurpassed Comfortfor the RUPTURED!

In Beautiful Manchester

OtMaa Cra**'


A csnib'nitlon of I iMn If M« Imo-wi, mrtmtoikmr I

MM SM I mmuMiliMl muM I — I n i l •>•bttxnan. forrWoddl. MuMI hm% t> d l *

•m lamu KummJum: ta i


Swimitt CR 7>03*«

AUTORENTAL-LEASING. Anything on ffteelt

v^a.ULT EATK ^


CS J-4J43 / ;

on Route #571, just off the Garden State ParkCedar Glen Homo, Inc. takes pride in offering •• wonderful new kind of development whichprovides better living for senior citizens the allelectric way. Cedar Glen it perfectly located inthe beautiful, restful area of scenic Lakewoodand Tom. River within easy drive of New York,Philadelphia and Atlantic City, yet features

- modern suburban living al its* very best, withNew Jersey's famous shore recreation areas

—"tritlrin easy reaehr , *

For the time in life when there is no longer aneed for a large home with high {axes and othercostly expenses. Cedar Clen offers the amallerdwelling with no .tain, a small plot of land forflowers and a well-kept lawn. Cedar Glen is a

^beautifully landscaped, well-lighted area whereyou can spend the time pleasantly with other*who have reached a similar status in life—aife,

twaysecure and with special service* which you mightexpect in a big cky apartment All homes have

, flameless electric ranges and water heaters, and, even more important, they are heated by flame-

less electricity.Cedar Glen doe. not sell it* homes outright,

but arranges for occupancy on a basis of stockinvestment plus a small additional monthlycharge. The total price for a one-bedroom u»itit $6900, with the estimated monthly charge*amounting to 135.00.

This is truly country dub living on an in«. -

pensive cooperative community basis. Jf, youha»e reached age sixty, come and see these beau-1

tiful homes at Cedar Glen. The modest initialinvestment and lew monthly charge* make thi*development a dream come true.

Those) Bxtra Petaturas for Carofro* Living:• C.E. flamelest house heating Kjth individual room . Urge bedroom witS spacious closet

thermostats. Clean, quiet and safe, no soot or draft*. . m „. , . • ! « • » " » « •1 Actually aave* money on cleaning. 5, well-uwilMed oak floora.

• C.E. Hameleu eledric range. Newest model for f«»L * S p e c W h a i ^ •"tulttlen in celiogs and wall*,surface and (Wen cooking. ~'_ _J____',.Copper plumbing throughout:

•* CE. flamelew electric water beater. Newest cnueV— : 'recovery model (or fast heating of all the hot water ' C S P i

Main «tr««HTom* mymr, Now J*ra*y

Diamond O-SQOOAnother all-electric development terved bi

Jerttj Central Power and tigAl Ct. -

• WelMetigned kitchen with low. nsy-reach cabinets.• Beautiful tile bath with hand rails at tub.• L»rge living room and dining are* with sliding gla*t

doors. ' ' • x •• •• Spacious concrete patio. 1 -

Kinqs MarketCashiers inContest

help your favorite cnecktr "tofame and fortune wonderful

- fpriles, including a two-week, all

i'txpense paid tour in gloriousHawaii?

The winners arc judged bycustomer balloting f'r courtesy,

All checker-cashier* «t Kings Jrlendlinesj. •fiicwncy, casnI SIIF'MT Market* are wearing sue- l c8 l s l t ! l ' »«'ur»cy, and neaUfen.

, . ,.,„ hA „. „ v The-wmnerseteledri'om Kfngs1 f ui identity badges and <he,r w | | , haVj) ^ o p p o r 1 1 j n j , y . ,0 be

smiles today. The rea C(Jim. N e w -

•local Man.Edison Kinin New Post


i :ioikercashievnarkrl industry.

the super Kings Sypcr Market Casl v.imvote for. your, very special •___!.„ 11

Kings Super Markets arc verjjtheckercashier," Che nno WHO l l r m l » M e

proud of their cherkei-cashief s'.I have entered them af, tnaui

'anil female. Their

has been most helpful and con-

.1 it- outstanding

Ballot boxes will be inJan

won't you uiry IT Umaishi Tebru*ry: U

World War 2 as aravilry inItaly where he

I jo »utois . - „ _Blackburn PUte H S

of ectedIne,

of Yale t'niversrtr. Claa«1M0 where he <rat aof the Phi Gamma Deh» <ra

o n tUe-4k~



serviaf a* vtctk Summit As-

:PrintsTo Mark Art Center Showf

eal defeat* O0IM1-. art a mem->»«* aj tb* \mrtitin Ottmtt»\

American Pbar

An exhibition of m a(erckj;s' im ittd U>and unusual pn»U-*) Joseph from 3"HaaaT. ~>f.-' »i» open >n Ho.-tessesSulaflli, II' IMt SumnflT Art-MwyWW

two ""dozen classes available,and «yenfngs five dayi a. week,scheduled mornings, afternoonsplus Saturday morning i foryouiiR peoplt. Schedules andinfonn»uon' w) membershtp

Uw opening tea-'n» obtsined by catlingto 5 pm Sunday I M r s Stuart P. Uoyd of .53 Ho-

will br Mrs E u ! " a r t > v e n u e ' C R 3 J I 1 5


i «rk*d forV6rm in Srw


Slloii IliJFS VhTTfTfs. i Moat arms and ammunitionnon-oTSumifflt:"~7rrBt>Iainod from Europi by ib»term elasscn at the American colonists during tht


$«>• rh« Largest & Most Complete"Lint of Major AppHanets at oil 4


Limited Quantity!



COlOff TV in a

Htmdjome Console

oy Cort/on

of the Price of

• l ig 260 Squori lixh* Picturi

• Sup«ra«tr lu l"N«wVi i lo"

• High Color Tub.• Ad'oncid Slobilizar Cir-

cuit! Lock Picture on $cr*«a• Swptr.Powtr C h ^• S»i«rily Stolid Clrnllt

Allied Forces lleadaaanmItaly. . . -• w

After WCTtd W»rX kt..StotM.:was associated irn* . PWaa-Di'dKc Copprr Prodaet, aaal,Westinehcu.jf riectrie Car»w»-tion Krun 1»A to 1*M be ^ i -manager ol gsscral «#n>irn nf

pnnt» called "Impret Sprint;arr 4->nr in a mtltnnli HtU SJi mion miK (lift; mf/lb Revolution were shipped

1 nr Mr Itaxra Vatura!1 An (enter uill bi-i>in January,the Dutch W it Indies island ofMr ramttrawn hotds a B S. wood "i»^>n la.prevsxms are 23 There uill :><• mure' than St. EusUtlus.

k - amcrrr fraai Fairlnrh Dirkmsnn urpnnlM^Kijh , rubber stamp>Cas«ms)r. He trrxfiinor jun motih The e*Sio»t.jiiM ioriudfai lar U S Air Force a i a newt- a <lemomtrat»on of «»e lech-Sttpn naartrr aad radio dircc- aiqttr as aril a* more tfc»ntar >M aaaouarrr in I be Par- *> iratfrrolan and wmc pat»m Xeiwtrt of »w Armn) rirb.Fcrred aUdia> aad TelrvisaM Mr Hans, a low lime res-Stjrtice. ^_ wfaajt of Summit,- u asmriate

l lr Cfcr4asaaW is » member p*bli»Brr of- • Arrhiieduralaf %€mw* aaal * e rf law SaaaiH A m Junior Fonts!" m i t i / i w He has

i liaatirnii tar (hi duasber af C*aaten-r and IJK • » " ""»•' Ar? fValer member 27 Moia St.—Comtr EIMI—Millbura. N. J.• • - . -

a divisionCo. Dirrrtrjr prior t* *v

liuming 'hi! "rrtmi poMtmr.with John B Braine. |nc . MrSloa':e was a vice prrudr't n*Trainer. Wortham k Co. u n « Iment counsel firm

A srandtor rf Thortias AKdis"n. Mr SItxre U .the sosof Mr and Mnt John r«rrSlo»r« oi UeveUyn Park * n tO i

Tickets Now

On Sat* f$r "~~~

"Tom Sowyer"

Tickets are Do* 6o s»le Car"Tom Sawter.' a muiical adap-tation of Mark Twain s flame.'the third in a series of six ar«Kle>sion*l children's inons ipoaifored by the Summit CWargrClub Children's Theatre The-,'liuw mil be 'presented Satur-day, Janutry 71 at 2 p m at tfcrSummit High School auditonaas.

All additional highhgtlt «fafternoon will be-the per«MK»(appearance of "Buttocu. theTV clown, a favorite afof young comedythrough his"Captain K; Garry Moose shows

For tickets or additional BK>formation on future ihows. ONtttact Children's T.teatre rftair-man. Beverly Wel*b. CR 7,-UaaV


lie u ehair-Board Mr

a trujlrro( the


. _ iMTiiry af Wataaut m* •*< a DeaaMad J liwileiruajwc aaaatMJt^aafaMBf latar aseaae, haiakaratacr •» O*aa»«aT I W i r Tke *ttory »» a

MCK HORNEKTree Surgeon

Ameiig many •thtrt, wtrvavi' an ciutttxt 3 b»*oom

Caluial «Hi d»n. loutarf

Oancnatr. aaa•Ut—m*T M1

Hfce m a n ttW J«q Mauwbnartta C« 34429

George A. Allsfipp, Inc.REALTORS—JNSURORS

Pto Wllr

H i * M 2 M

>. V ^ V B ^ I ^ w a ^ W H ^ W ^ H ^ ^ r ^ ^ V V a a V

Qbaaaa>aaaaaaaaafttwaaaaaaaaaaaaat* CaaaaaW

fMiwi Vl MD 1W

Three Area Met

BONELESS u* o»ow

for sntQii MMST


appearances aa

H C T H W *prr^r7Wa faNayaap ffaaEraaauvaiA foreign atfair. bout re- a—f i x i t i r t ' a a r a r

view will be iwld by Tmt 9tfun jnanae OBA »* MB a*.League of Women Voters aa » waaar nacanrk (teariat. Br..Monday, January 22 fraas 12 fcSwtw mvral as a uwj»i>to 2 pm. at. Uw Boaw a( Mr».»j


RIB STEAKS tSwiss Stook

road. rntrttf Bar » ftMrs. Newell O. MaMawfca baar tnm FliiOjai C+

has arranged the profraai^ HM> a a i sawaT a Oartarwill review "The Future as, dtranatrr m MB Dana*History" by Robert L. He* tnsr br n * kaWrr af abroner, economist and -"<— Tart Watt I t a a r Varta

Those attending the book re- |»j aVatmai H a awasview session, shoAM brotf ^ t t e A a a o i isandwich for lunch. Coffee aadf^rata 3D.dessert will be served. Lc«*faH Caaaar

04e Steaks . f f

.xE. . OS'

Top Sirloin stun ,

Gre«ndB«ef 2 .

Umion Broil .

dwefc Roost 7 '

Mwwd6r jicok i

Stew Beef

Calif. Roost

Ground Chuck

Cross Rib .1'£

Newport Roast







90-DAY SERVICEat No Extra Chatg«


The LarqcstSelection InNew Jersey

Guarantee t imnlrle «allsfartlon or renlacement ofany major appliance we sell within DM year.

January mmgale

BROCCOLI From Western farmi

PUfllTO tlCANTUBPU ^ ^aj. m 4t^ I NttMl nWTO D U N




DEL MONTE CORN" 3 4 92 - 69*



.Laddie Boyg^.«vjr.rg'.^ 43*

I *

OU* l iTT MAID GB*D? *



Wisk. Liquid

Ehlers Coffee1 •H.-.llffiv7

Hyde Park J ? ? ^ tV 39«

Chocolate Cbip"'& 'ir29c


Isn't it nice that you can get them both in one car? Wide-Trad flwtiaeSEE YOUR PONTIAC DEALER fOR A'WIOE CHOICE Of WIDE-TRACKS AND OOOO USIO CAJU. TOO '


-™— ' • 312 SpringfieW Avsnue, Summit, N. J ,Wt H W T I I tlM aU(M M tiwll Q«t»lll»r»

?«9» »••THE SUMMIT HERALD, Thur»day,-Jan. II . 1942

Yonkers GirlBecomes Bride ofIt. E.k Steers

Hie marriage of Mix ADOMa rip QilUI l.i LI Edward-P" ISteers. I'SA son of Mr andMn Joseph A Slfers of 95 Del-more a»mw, Berkeley Height*,took plarf "Saturday in th«man Catholic CJiurch of Si. Jo--if* at BronxviHe, NY

\WriqHt-'.. .. .Fortnighty Unit NupfiaU Held

Plans Mastcal x *<•_." JProgram Tuesday0" S*urdaY

Ifemu.,* department of flu- *««*»«*«* w fcForuughUy- Club will present * * « « Saturday for the marri-tlie Tuesday Music CluboffTues- age of Mirt Martha May Taylor.

:" 2 p.m daughter of Mr. and

vMiniat; Loui* Fell, •oprano.and Martha Gerstenberger. eel- Wright, too of Mn. Robert Flatt

TMrs John M. Quill of BrynMawr- Knolls. Vonkers. Rev Wil-liam J Kewaly performed Iheceremony

Miss Alice G. Quill was maidof honor for her sister who wore;an ivory satin ffown with Alen-i-on lace applique Other attend-ants nu'liided Misn Elizabeth UFinnegan and 'Mrs. John J Me-Keown. - — ; .

Ban man was Nicholas A. High School.'received a %-*1<}£^JJit%^JX.ABtiltKnapp.-u htli- uan«ra were Wtl-rgree Yrom^t&n mirrjuvi>r?jfy"~^

f CaliforniaGirl to WedWWiamCoit

Mn Edward P. Stern

TT»I71pafii»uDoiwan and Elitwbettt Plumley. jjr

Mrs Wendell Cooke «s presi-••lent of the Tuesday Music Club'.-mil Mrs Raymond K Clark i s , 1 " 0 0 ' 'prwn-am chairman. reception'. Assisting oh Hie t w committee Club.

fWTiAi ing Ihe recital will be Mrs Given in marriage by herAlan-ion J. Bien, Mrs. Frank" V. rather, the bride wore a cham-

_!:—i_U>i* iCartmigh. Jr.. Mrs W.. Alan pagne ivory peau de soie gown'Henderson, Mr*. Marshall.Lach-wito scoop neck edged with re- _ _ ' !

ner and Mrs. William Ruch: • embroidered Alecon lact- and achape! length train Her veil lVeWCO/T)ef iw i ' i rppmbroidenpd. j^lcncoglace mantilla falling to Ihe waistline She carried a bouquet

MiM Margan* Ellen Yarwood, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.Cecil Edmund Yarwood of Ber-keley, Cat. and William BeerCoit. son of Mr. and Mn. HenryC.. Coit ot IS Elm Place, willbe married January J* at thebride^ Jjoroe in Berkeley.

Mia* Yarwood. a graduate ofBerkeley High School, is an hon-or* history major at the Univer-sity of Caiiforoia in BerkeleyMid will be graduated this year.Her father ii professor of plantpathology at the university.

0 Mr. Coit has receivedlua mas-ters de«ree in medieval history J

Mrs Uerbeii II Wright < ' r o m * e university this month., DfXWo Photo) A graduate of Summit High

.School, he attended Wetleyan

At Jamaica, B.W.I.liam J Bolw and U. Paul Hag- Following a wnl.l.n^trip the A T J a m a i c a , H.W.I. U n e she""carried'a bouquet""^ " " " ^ C / f f Ogerty. couple wifl rwjde at Kl 1'aso. Mr-»nd Mrs. George Furst ;»*;,e sweetheart n » « . rtepha. / / « / « D i n n e r. Mrs. Stccrtii a graduate pf.Te*. • _ _ _ _ ; -jinwwnee. theAmarriage ol her»notis and a duster of orchids * - ' 5 ' * dinnerthv Academw of Mt St Ursula I Mr Steers i s a 'direct descend- niece. Mrs Marjorie Monroe. u.i , i _# 1.—_ M , .. • ' • A m u M ' j u l i fand the.Colle« <H New Roch- art of (Joveroor. Bratorrf -« fJ> A p m , daughter of ttle l a f / w * „ * * ^ f j ' 1 ' 1 - , " ' 1 " W altrartionfor Z CoupfeV'""- 7 p

«r. in Jamaica. B. W. I..

, University in Middletown. Oonn.! and was graduated sum ma cuni i — . .laude from ,the Univenity of D r / Q Q ©CMilorqia in 19(0. He la a mem-I rber of £hi Beta Kappa His T O Afather is managing editor 0/ The ] . r ^

•Newark Sew*. He is a grandson 0«Mr and " ~ -

TboughtstirGroup of YWTo Hear of UN

Hily open hmiie bridge

of 105 Newijraduite of Sprlncfield Reckinat the Mayflower in 162U,





fh Y W -f..ntrar>Mo.i'arlier-piiWu-,t

YC r

chael Janris Nixson of Hawlock.


wa« twmin

Prudhomme is the son |I-

n m i t : Miss Sewafd of

Area- Newcomers' Club •1,11 mneU January 87 tor'

its annual party. TTji- '.'.roup willinwt at the KinnWarren Township, jl li p in. for

Bnslaod avenue.


ruarV w U l l * heW at Ihi^

for+niqhtly Projtct <•It Topic of Meeting

On January 24 the Junior tun.uighUy Club will have as t,guest speaker MIu Dot Pum. ,

The ta*je«1 far *• • •»<' • •*• •1 «ho wUl preaett her program .,

Til to II pm., M He "IMCZr "rouT. J * U « . 9 M ' " , - V U - -in-lh* WiW" Tfce prbgrjii will Miu Furneta. a leader in ,>be presewtrd by Mr* Kirtard feoVratioo. ha* done a l i ens P

iA21a«!^AJlIilIll^«^^the *o«* ig of • film from O V , * * * • * • »P»c>«c»Ujr the i ^U S Comfnttle* for UNICEF. 1 Memorial Home at ElmbeUi \entttM ' llawfry Aaweto" ipe* Junior State ehairm',,!,

l l» . |«*e . far inr ntrukm * i l l ; m " 'uraess to date hoWs i,,,"br Mn Hush Bamrtf aad Mr. po"U<* <* presldeht of the K\,.Jared V h>id both of CnVtte. :»»beth Women's CJub and is «„„The frrrter •»« be Vr« Oeorn* *«»fi«le editor of TelejU[|*ffDoyle of .Vew Provklntrr Re'tlie stale newspaper,freshmeots wiR br arrvea! '. Befrefhmenta will be

This sad all fltfct-f Tkoutsit-!f»Uo»ia« the program.stirs mrtUatt wnit* ant held tor the evening it Mrs. Wnisonr'rgnlarly rwept *hta an B Smith Jr. She will be assi<t«jnounred fflffrrrnflr, on nV first 'Mrs Robert H. Faitoute. i hand thintKMnnw!*; rv«ninj»> of j Pavtd Muglord, l(ra.the month, anr for r<*ntf »em- !W. West Jr., Mn. Cecil Len. marrittl or raa>. froa ace flexige Jr. and M*.18 to *) Nn prser rcwrvilMH 'Trowfor att<-mfaner at* xxte i i bot if —' : =»tnrttirr mttrmHmn H requiredcall Mm Waller SUnkkrvirt i !

house on ThUraday, February -f,hI at 1:30 p m. Tea will hp served

- IEnterf.

p[be provided hut not cards.

Reservations may be made by

> . a r l e rTiie YWCA rui.»da.v'm..™iu.6f the UU Mr. and Mm class which beSihs Timian h l II P d

Mr. and Mm EJ. » J « man wa«Dav(d RaymondPrudiiomme of Los K 0 c n a » « Brooklyn, while ualiC t * e r i w w * K*nneUvLyng brother


iKREEInstitute-of ElectrolysU. . 1 . 9 . 13J W I U I I 1 S I I

" . »» »-«1l»I Wwll ?•»•«• TnliilBf TealUIIIIUUIIUIIMUUl'uilllUIIIUIHUIUallllllllMIIMJIIJ


whnl- II Prudiiomme of Losfrum » avm.;-^i"iJ:noSn';.nis.rAni!6les, Cat, an* Pans. ! e r i

1 w w * K*nneUvLyng, brother-

few openinw due to chant's France He is a graduate o( j |l!'~.w. ™ bri(l<'Rroom; llemyil plans 0/ earlier reKi.itr.ihU.- Stanford University, "also ™«dde<is lusher of Wilmi

ciicktails ^nd

Mis. Tltomai Sni

TW Urop-in td Hearinn, Marriage Consultant

A special program topresented at the next Sunday (CR 7-0^00).

DropJn at Uie YWCA, Mrs John W. II Millrr will

Vr« R M tkWhiltrHje madIn the Nwihrra

7 p.tuchair

mnM-f of 25*it hostcstSn • |rrae<'

un of Couple, J:r.dKe. has j j n u 2 , f 3 ,„ 7 „, ^ c h u U , m l n f u r

' W ° 1rU|"

( i CU"'m *« » **"»»*<>" on -Some Pre- aided by Mrs Aei- to help wiUi tJ«- arrange '

Taught by Mr ( ' [ V : C A, «tere he ved Del.lei- to help wiUi tJ«- arrange

Marital Speak MrAllan

Delta. nalaMsal (ratorsuly. laatT4«"»der eVratnf The pregramincluded * mriem ef nV

of drawing. .-.,.r —mlur; form; shape shailin; Imn Burma. He is now retired from

• ---r-"~r the Air Force and is a writerperspective.Anyone v

with thethe • YWCA at

1 mediately.

Mr. and Mrs

34242 im-jin Rome. Italy

a teacher in theschool system, is a

counsellor'.„ . ,. by popular requcs!Bridge* prizes will be given; | V w c A programs, '

Drop-Ins are. open

i;-«»iT»W»»a fetnaVfeW Madaen, Mrs fleoni* P.. rg?f*;.JWWff •» .«•>*=>-;


. TutoringPaul* Eitenbergll» Cypress St.Mltfcorn

K> Summit,:s. \i-w I'rovi-


graoxiale of Bucknell University, I * ' n " *"* M u r r a >Lewisbnrg, am) is a in em-

c o m * t 0 c o m «

ber of Delta Delta Delta joror- p > r t y ^ a.rc,




(Seat narruo* St.)OB. I-IW* OR. <-4*N

SUMMIT. N. I.(Cor. Bttmmlt AT».)

CSntiln J-11U

Mrs. Prud'iuwnme -heaHhra* ' Ky-children by her fint marriage j Her husband, also a graduateShe is a former resident of of ButkneB, if employed by theSummit :it 1! Euclid avenue New York Underwriters Insur-

ance Co. of the Hertford Group.He is a member »f Sigma AlphaEpailon fraternity

Following a trip to Jamaica,the couple will reside at Colon-nade Apartments. Newark.

py..a..mcmber of MetMwit

arc wel-p bridge

to become



Lamp ShopLamp Repairs




We are famous at WarrenHairdresser for ear beaaty

opportunity at Warren Hair-dresser.


"A man nevrr knows how tosa> goodby*-.. wonun neverknow > when la" any «." -*Y*

The Hub offers a variety of interest groups, *oulinsi. golf, garden club, square dancing, lunch-eons and bridge

Make reservations for the dinner and bridge party by callingMrs. Spang at CR 3-7375. Thedeadline is January 20.

The club's sewing group, the. Stitch and Chat group, will meet

only to|_ , ,sinjrle" young men and women i Decorator to Addressffoni 11 to «. TjMe gamer jKaffeeklaissJ) Group^ r n e ^ p e r s ^ ^ g " ! ^ - , YWC A Ka,,eekla^?.ines are avaiteMe for a com-fortable and friendly afternoonwith other young persons froma wide area including Summit

which meets Wednesday morning. January 24. will feature"Winifred" of Winifred Studio*ol New Providence who win

a n d " - e o v V o n , ; U S ".TenUI«l,w>l^ure-.temonstratim, onusually are scheduled between '"terior decoration Sh( will deal4 and 5 pm Refreshments fol- P" t l f u l i t r '>' w i t h c o l o r

low Reservations need not be V*1 P r o b l e m s a " " n *

Coffee and conversation «a!l

. . . . , , • ? -


rreaa piala «a faacy an amanniawaraakiy '0 / utisaal krarelels.krwrkrs, earriags and ekarms -aa4. aa always, eii^f ft the beatenMia rellertiea el ehraa. (lasslaasps. diver and lurnitore. .

"Itt Fun To lA*k-Com* In And Brtoot*"

at Th* Lennatda

401 SprteffleM Are-- ****** . M 4-7274low Reserv^ions need not be \made Call tne YWCA at.CR. 3 | U l e , m ,4242 if further information it


To M«ef Here Monday

the hour-long program at 10:30a.m.

The usual concurrenl rhythmPhi Mu Alumnae of Union • and rtance classes for children

I County will hold theii next meet-1 o v ( .r j a s W(.l| &, baby siHin;

Ceorge C. Hilbs, 12 ShunpikcMr5 Thomas R Bennett. Mrs road, at I p.m.

Arthur Culbertson, jr., Mrs. W —Dunham Crawford and Mrs. Al Chatham Girl andhfT[ E !f*'^*'H n*,lK"ilu John Bate to Wed in« an Mond;<y II 8 : 1 5 P m »'I services for infants 1» monthesses to the Hobby Hall fourth J o n n D a T e T o " B a th* Some of Mrs. David Ferre,lor 0 V P r w i | | be available forgrade dancing das* tomorrow Mr <">d Mrs Lawrence A a W e b 8 t t r , v e n u e vounciters whose mothers areThe «>venth grade will be re- Washer of Chatham announce „ ^ ^ ., i ^ ^ t h J ^ o R r a mreived by Mr. and Mr, Robert he ensaRement of tar djugh- ^ . ^ p | a i r s ^ . ,fc • « " * « B ^ * P *T Coctn* and Mr and Mrs. tor. Barbara Lee tn; Louis | h c r e x p e r i e n c c s l s * , o A m e r i c . n ^ amTnv"ted |o attend the*e

F klyn ^ ^Satur-jJame^a,. ^ V c ^ t t / ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

s Brass Platttuj and Lacquering „

1 Bras* ana Silver Replattng and Polishing

I 17 UNION PLACE. SUMMIT CRestview 3-2795 |


Store wide Cteamnce^


ComPlWUnn INI rrporl

Aayo» lnlemt»d mil

C*. 3-4SS3

Miss Washer. , graduate .rfji 1»59. Two of her three children

Mrs Robert Shoaf of Berkeley

convenient child cart service inthe same buiHing. Call theYWCA at CR 3-4242 tor furtherinformation.

Summit High *hool. isployed by Sperco Motors.

Alumnae LuncheonMrs. Robert Berch will errier

tain Middlebury College alum*nae "( the Summit Area forlunch at her home. 15 Willowway- Berkeley Heights onWednesday. January 24. at 1p.m. All area 'altrapae are in-vited r




These are made-to-oriter patterns""-and are subject to delayed


Opp. lUUtMd suli.-ii




4t Chatham Rd.,

Oppotiu IUUOB



aqMr and Mrs John E. Murphy

of 36 Woodland avenue, have


Saw taking arrorditn stu-

dent* by Tony Dandeo; Drum

lesMMM by Richie Moore; Guitar lessons b>

Jee Blametti AH instruments repaired on

premise*, r—'

SUMMIT MUSIC CENTER459 Smmrnt Am. CR 3-1884

t t r on January 3 at ^ "JT^*-J)||lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIII>llllunirillllfhllllllllllllHllllllllli;Hospital..Denville. Mrs. Murphy - - • =is the former Annetta McDon- = -aid. 1


317 SpriUffMd AvenueS.mmtt CR. 3-4418

SPECIALI January 15-31

Permanent Wave*

and Oil TreafmMH




I Bedrosian^I "A CompUie Hug Cleaning Service"

In Short Hill*1 429 Sprf*»fUM?THiinmnnwminnmmw

4 i Om Ow PXmrt

CS 7^)100 I ,iiiiimiiniiuiiiuiiiiiiin'


Dresses . ' • • • ,

Cocktail and Evening Dresses

Hah $5.00 and up

• " " * • ' . • . ".

All Sales Final — No Alterations

Happy savings ona "Happy Ship"Holland-America Thrift Season

' to Europe now through April 21

From now through April 21, you can travel toIreland, England, Franca or Holland on Holland-America at hefty Thrift Season discount rates.And if you-sail before February 28 and stayh r i 21 r U y o r le»i fnnt fftlintilll. Illliial Ullllliirn departure datea), we'll chop tS% oil the

already reduced one-way Thrift Season fare —each way! So aail a "happy ship" ttou'-enjoy theatmosphere of warmth, geniality and convivial-ity you find only on Holland-America-and tav«7See your travel agent tor full particular*.


Morr beaul>. mitre ram-forl, nu>rr »p«rr. moreprivw;! All ihrw «rr ro«r»al Short HIIU T t m r tAfftHJifMlIK". . . an •rrhi-

-<- ivetiiiral triumph on mprrbrolling rountrr In ShortHllln. l*e«iar«l ••» man-

' iag, yamr very own iwim.nln« pool. MHinilproofcdprincy, mad • dUkwadierin « » r r y aparunent. 3Hroom to 6 room ••!!« —from $175.


ImraXUU K»Ub TnrUtla«M4wl Choir, of DKdilor


29 Broadway, N. Y., WHIUhall 4-1900

11 wiiM-lwa l«.MUMI F»0« N.TJf»i. M • M s s o u -

-aiMU-M. tl-MMBt»-• ftlTUUa -aank 11 • naMi-aw* tl




Make Your Reservation Thrur

7 lt«c|iwoed Read,Ertablished 1911

Summit CR 3-1313


U i l x r n l to Ibf mth ol thf I n t o .wanns KJinroid on Morrli Tnrnpifc*

!Kailo« » JffliTT Con>irurilon(tt, KatMrn


Manafing Airriti

Mteiel «-30tQ

(owmUthe skilledSkMne decoratorlet W ft J item* tot- fow complete dace.

ffev Dntfm end Decoreiing Studio with"e*e>y \wdt»)io itnt you efficiently, expert-


tm M/uuotti UNOU

m Hjuur oAtunWlm)ier)a>»awett4*iig enewkome, n n »laf •> m'mw epertennr. or re-<iacoratingj»»y tvesent indtna. rely on the Sloonefcxirier Pecareaer. trtta hot the enperiencami « m m ttmptt* )»«< pfo|ed in the ffoear ol*—t*i4«*g>.V<» ore assured ol




jterature Unit)/ Fortnightlylans MeetingI'm annual Round, table dis,,inn of new books will be the

uliire of the guest meeting ofIhtty Cluto'j literature

•partmcnt on Thvraday, Janu;•>• 25, at 2 p.m. A tea will lul

Mr! TnoTW*-«r—Andmii,,iru\»n of the department, will

moderator1. Mrs. David F.julih.n wiP rev", w VirgiliaAtrtMt1* autobiography, "Atiler Of Life And Death," andrs Howard W. On I sen wtllve a reviey* of 'To Kill Aockingbird," by Harper U e .•ilov. ing • t "i e presentation,,<•]<• will be a short dWossion

[j«>nod. when members of the |literature department will give[;• .riv'minute sketchea of some of.<"ir following books: "The Edgeji if Sarinees," by Edwin O'Con-jn,r: 'The Coming Fury." by"

• {truce Catton, 'Ta<e la, Theiiitnier." by Erneat (ram;

Ourselves." by Kaihc-Marshall; "Chairman Of

Bored." by Edward Stre«."A Nation Of Sheep," by

I THE SUMMIT HERALD." Thursday, Je*. Hi 1962 11

Diamond Hill WomenTo Hear Assemblyman

Bargains will l>e discussedby John J Wilson nf:il the regular meeting of theWtimenVCuild" pf DrainondHill Community Church onWednesday, January 24, at 8:15

McLanes NoteSOth WeddingAnniversary

A. fiftieth, wedding afjniveraaay-waa crlr-braled recently i t Idinner at Canoe BrtjQ^ CountryClub by Mr. arid Mrs Albert


MrY.Villson i i duxcUir O{-1UIH-

McLane of 84. Ease* road. •AmobC the guests were~Mra,

ML h17-yesir-otdrnclls Hospital and pr'ualdenl oil Mm. Susan BermeM, who active-Malko.- Wil.on Associates in]1* participated in the party andCranlurd. l le .^aHdeiU.dlnUiel*" *m"n K U>0S* " " ^ **I Scottish songs.Assembly w 1957. and .re -decled | other gueste mcuded,the Mein 19S9 and 10C1 and is a mem-: Lane's, dau^hlersv Mr*. Douglaaher of the New Jersey Safety jt'oull of Fjorhamjyrk and H n .

- %>.... ;R*y Odiornc of Chappaqua,


TELLS OF TROTH Mr and ENGAGED"—~ Mr. and MrsTin. Charles Heller nf ins lltll-: Watlatr K. Wyilie of Millrnirn,crest Avenue iimraiiKc.ihe en- have- announced H>* engage•,*•*gagement of'ttieij daughter,! meni of their rtauchter. Jean4"SbWey Ellen Heller to Irwm j Marguerite, to: Arthur Brenttno > * « . »™>"u«iced the engagementBernard Bloch. Mi lilm-h i, Oakej, mm fit ,Mrs. FmnklinJ"f «i«r dausiiter, Mar«ar».|the'adn'of Mr am! Mrs S.iul [K. Oakes <rf 47 Woodland av-f^rtis to James ItitvXI MarS. Bloch of Gioui.-itT. Mass. epue, and the kite Mr. Oaktn sheck of l*n Angeles He is thr

Council » d trustee of theIJertey Jetport &te A W i' UAU wom«n of the community d r e " ;


Amon« rwent guesU at the

»et, N. Y., another hro'.her; »ndJimet JlcUaqt; a brother of Mr.M L U '

Also Mr. and Mrs. rred Rund-baker who were memheri of the

'Miss HeJIor i« a senior at Drew Miss Wyllic was graduated** of Mr and Mrs William Black Mountain JW eenter. original wedding party. Mn.lUnivorsity, Madisor; Mr. Blorh from Rast'Orange High School Marshfek of Arlinpmr Va. A Jarksor, N. 11,. was Mr< F.d- Riindmaki-r phyed the muste tor••Mo ii al«o in J»k :ior year • and attended Ih-ake Secretarial "(ummei wedding, i^ ftlamivd ward ('. Halloek of M Wood- 'the McLano'wedding fifty 'year

Drew Jjniye.rsit> i- n s"il-;School. •»«? IS ,in e»erinivr'we-;¥.',w.'-^"t^.j'-.' '..«ra'lH^ 'of-land '^""f^, \^\.',,.'^~r;"''JilLl-v'^..'...-....."...-.,.,' .vrL .

Lantern," by AudrerUn GOOI> READING HABITS—Members lor the held next Thursdayand. Longest Day," annual Itound Table dUcussion of the Ftort-

Corneliua -Bytn. All of the "Nthly Oub's literature department are showncomplete plans for the meeting to be

y.^lo are termed good reading," | a *tit nc4 iieces»ihly on the best-1- • -'"""•• • " r

wiiwli*. | At Inaugural BallOn display and for safe, will


, January 25. Pictured above An August weddiiii U |.|,imml SpriiiKfiilcI, and Is a member'her senior > ear at ("ivnnoctic4>are, left to right. Mrs. Howard W. OMsen, MrsThomas G. Andrian, Mra. L. Dene Karl, andM D i d F H t iMn. David F. Hout*Un (Wolin Photo) Corner

iinb to by

Sorority Meeti HereThe Northern NewSummit residents attending

the Inauguaal cerementf*. aad j Alumnae dub ofweek, at TrAton hon|Tbeti will hofdr its

the UtanWre dapart-which bam beta roadL. Deane Hall will be in

.rh,irj,v of the tea arrangernontaMud uill be assisted, by Parke Masters of Norwood avI!9ul fioise, Mrs. Lee W. Lemon, enue and Mr. and Mrc. Richard

and Mrs. Howard Hebble.

4 Bonk St.CR 3-6399

SunifnitLois R. Mate, prop.


founder's . day , luncheon at thebone of Mn. Fred Stqoe, Jr.,ITS Oak Ridge Avenue, at 1 p.m.After the luncheon, the ttaUchairman, Hn. Brunn of West-field, wM <peak to the group.Reaervationi for the luodieonmay be' made bSrough Mrs.Gerald D. Hal of Chatham.

Freakmaa RepreeenstatlyePasley Fisher, daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. Bert T. Fiaher of5 Prospect Hill avtnue, has beenelected freshman eUaa repre-aeoUUv* -to , Ib* On-CaotpuaCommittee *t ManhatUnville \College, Purchase, N. Y. A grad


of Beta SiKma Phi. Mr. Oakr^' College fur Women. Her fianoii un nlni"')"« "f flitfnM Rrnttjis a graduate of Geortie Wash-Ilijili Sdico). h'ast Oranse, ami. 'Inpon University!!the former Clark School in

I On Yearbook Staff • .i John W. Stiles <>( Summit isa member,, of Hit executive

I s t a f f « ttr 1 ' W ? L" <•" •••• "'••< ••'jienlarTCBTtt?*:I Stiles holds the ixKilion ofassistant pootograpliv editor.

"Ntf* ilainpMiuv. He. is a ph"-.L|r)KT with Baeraeh StudNew York He.served two

Bl|# the. army in Cer

Luncheon to PrecedeColleqe Club Meeting.' Mrs Alison Hi Main," chair1.

• man ni the fVBmfsfrtp gmft1 Calltgr Club, Will 1

ol Mr. a,nd Mrs. Robert M. today at a lunchron at her homemmsinurc of 55 ltotury drive, V>iiw to the general moetinR nf

mH High School, wl,«re m.a Delta w.ronly at Mar-j G u e s , ,,, han\K ^ t h e | u l u . hC l l g e (Oho) where shc'an honor student. He is. trip son ietta C o l l w (Ohio) where she1,^,, w j | | , )p

K | l t h K r e n c ha- freshman majormu in; s U 1 ( , . f ( . l l l ,w i h i p c h a i n i l l n t)i.Vte ,

j American Association'of (olleKej

: of Mr .-ind Mrs. K. T. Stiles of is186 Prospect aireet

| To Enter Katharine (iibbs Wins Princeton letterMiss Karen L. Sliau (rf 21 Paul S. Hoyer of 4 Woodcroft vcrsity who was educated in

road h*as been awarded a letter j Italy and the Hague. -j__ -_^-_Middle Way, is eiinillcd ini Katharine Gibbs School ami be at Princeton for service asgins her w«rk Seitleaibw -&•. lninaRer -of the jay-veo soccer

i Miss Shaw was graduated from team.I the Jonathan Dayton Rcgiooal , _.. " -»-^-r-Hlgh School. jtn Collexe Play

. - . . — -.•-•• -K^S— — • James Halin~.«t-Ua-ra«^k. ., Initiated Into Fraternity—ZJ_r^omut^^aa>l,,H>,, l lM,r ,<t1)ly'Xyfff-^fftfyfI HALL

EEVEALS TROTH — Mr. and Miss Astrid Wnning nf 20 Indiana University produi-titm'

A. Webb, has returneil to thei Baylor School for Hoys, Chat-Unooga, Tenn. " ' •

uate of Bayley-EUart H«>> Mn. William J. Monaco of 22](

School, Madiaon. she is a phil- ^ ^ . , _ fc._ . | s

CR 3.7343 37 DeFertst Avt.Summit, N. J.







H#a«:J 0:08 «.m. —4:00 p.m.

' Operated by the Summit Unit ~ .

•I rh# Merriltown Junier League


S£.0O per



$^.00 pw•fa dot.



DRtMl 4-022824 Tayler St.. Mttb-m

Oppotlte WashingtonSchool -

Tulip atreet have announced | i(y_ w , s r<1(.,.nl|v m i t i a U . d

the engagement of thejr daugh-|inU) Alpha Phi fraternity.ter Jacquelyn Joanne, to Frank — ' "P. McAneny. son of Mr. , n d I PWged to Sorority —Mrs. Frank B. McAneny of 2SGlfn Oaks avenue, Miss Moriraco, a graduate of Summit HighSchool and Pennsylvania SlateUniversity, ia a home econom-ies teacher in the Piscatway.Township school system, NewMarket. Her fiance waa grad-uated from' Bayley-Ellard HighSchool, attended Lehigh Uni-versity and is a student at jNewark College of Engineer-ing. Mr. McAneny i» asociatedj

Garden road, a sophomore a( of "Henry IV." to be prcscnttdCollege of. Hilton Uni next month Halm willwas recently initiated "Polo.1

1 Returns to School —-T~Larry~Wcl>b of 2 Silverr£ake

Margaret Dunsmnre. daughter i drive, son of Mr. and Mrs II.r . d g h d e ,



Announces that -' T~ENTRANCE EXAMINATION*—-

FOR THE FALL OP 1962For Admission to Grade* 8 through 11

Wil be given on

SATURDAY, MARCH 17; 1962Fr>r further informationWrite or coll the School

— Telephone EL. 5^950

Town Club to HearTrailside Director

Members of the Town Clubwill hold their monthly luadiconon Tuesday, January 23, at theSuburban Hotel, at 12 noon. Attint- meeting Dr. Moldenke ofTrailside Museum will speak onthe Florida Everglades. Follow-ing Uie luccheon * e club willhave election of officers for thecoming year.

Reservations may be made hycolling Mrs. A. i. Prebtl at CR.

/OQ2««ACP0U8 COUNIBV DININO Conl.notll «m.titan Bangu.t r id

Dinn.t Sr»9. Sund.y lit Cto««d Mon*«. Air«ndll«M,llm|l.n 7 MIO. M*unl B.lh.1. Hr, j , , ,

1 1 1

School ofSUMMIT

coMPint nKrRFTmiMl.cotRsa


ind ipicUl cauttn IB

TVPEWRIT1SOPlMrcmrnt Scrvlrt

DIT ind Evrnlnt rtaii^i

CR 3-M6I 1U Summit Aveane

BRADFORD •BACI1RAGHpliotnjrrapher *of wuuieuand'FABIANBACHKAOIplintdpraplierof menannounce theopening of a nnwstudio on The Millat Short Hills, ==New JerseyTelephoneDRexel 6-5765


These thirty favorite Towle Sterling patternstie being oSerad at reduced priceafrom January IS through January ?7,1962.Take advantage of this exceptionalopportunity to start or fill inyour Towlt Starling service today.

Regular price 4pc place Ktting.. from *tUi

Tlmt art madc-to-order patttnaand art nibjtct to delayed dtUvtry.

Via I^ar. Mgr.



.- W


Young C o l o n y . . . endorses

the new excitement of ruffles!

Jonny Herbert uses them distinc-

| tively in this sleeveless block crepe

sheothrAcelule *ond i

3 to 13, Attmah Young Colony*

, Shop, lower level. The Mail

Short HiUs, DRexel 9-3000.




Speeial Purchasegirls9 wool slacks

B-This collection is to varied youil want to cKoose several, (a) Solid

navy, Q*ford grey or red wpshable flannel, (b) Navy, green or red

plaid, (c) Novelty stripes (predominantly blue or greenj to coordinate

with almost every sweater color. Ail have side zippers and comfort-

ably fitting elastic backs, sizes 7 to 14. Mail and telephone orders"

filled whiln qnnntftiy last. Altman shop fpr girls, lower level, The Mall

at Short Hills...DRexel 9-3000.

Council Ground RulesSimple and to the Point

THE SUMMIT HERALD, ThurtJaV, Jan. <lt, l«63t ! | l f l t f | i | f c f i , | L

To Pick Area

The standing commiMees arep u W j c buildings and .grounds.

n -^ • . • • . —

•IsnmwrTraonelaTety: panne.

Co.nmon Council which con-•ist> of seven members, meetstwice a month, on the firsi mH

/third Tuesdays . evcei-July, and Augua*! VflPnonly-on the-f irm Ttesda>.

In addition, the President of' in matters of voting, no mem-.Councih. .cho is elected by his ber-oTTouncil may ithliold hisfellow members , at the annual , ... . . . " •

% vow without the nirecton:aniza)ion mee t ing . in Janu- M " * l l n o m l u e n l " 1 1

nry mflv csVat any time, as may any Uiie o u n c f l m e h . • • ; "' ,$ 'pot in the rou«ifil.Chamber

When i HwWBKV Wolffs' on w'hen tKe question i' putCouncil, an appointment may Reading the minules, reports,be made until the next city elec- a n d petitions a s w u , s leapingtion.-nhen the duly elected and the minutes and performingqualified successor takes office, .^cr duties is the responsibility

nm-ees on Council.. but the PITS;dent has the riRht to appointspecial committees at any time

fmincil meetingsrhTnre*rtrrr*-"bf6ugfiVup

a Ouneil weehnB must be in

National Stat.Appoints ThreeTo New Posts' The National State Bank ofElizabeth hai announced theappointment of three employee*,including a former Summit res-;ulfirt lu new posts.

Anthony A. Leohetl of Chat-:...m. a former local resident,ha* been appointed assistantauditor at the main office. Agraduate of Seton Hall Univer->ily, Mr. Leonetl joined the

ink~~oT11 years kto beta

merged with National SUle. He,holds prestandard certificate*from the American Institute ofBanking, and as a member of

_„ „ _ „ _ the National Association of Bank:PROMOTED _ M. K. Thornton A u d i l o r i l 10<1 Comptrollers isof 20 Tanglew'ood drive was pre«enUy enrolled in its schoolnamed trade relations manager a l ^ universitv af Wisconsin '

Kretger of 270 Oak ture. workshop^ of Ihe Rollins for food and discount jtores last H e , s , mtmb/r o f , h e J u n i o r

Beta Tsi chapterSigma Phi sororitynounced that jt-in «pea "woman for outstanding ;jiii>niplishments in civic andcultural affairs with the title

'of "Woman of the Year".; Mrs. Stan Granberry of 42

chairman of the nominatingcommittee by the president of IBeta Psi, Mrs. Tom Uhoda of •New Providence Mrs. Gran-!berry is past president of the

Summit FederalReports Gainsin An FieldsbyLoan Association,shared in thedistribution of $173,264 ill divi-

Reynolds.At the mei'.lng.

approved a 20 per centdends earwd for the quarterly dividend which adds »75 nperiod, according to Henry K. capital stock. W. Emlcn liGlowka, executive vice prcsi- vfl.t' president, sajr1 it,

National Start lankReflects Local Trio

Three Summit r*sid«Mttrreeieoted directors of Na:iont

State Bank of Elltabetl, :kt

week M the lSOth annual ,»,,ing. They are Raymoni! i

Jn IV<j RIVE union T-m

rence W.

Hleh'.rd H.wmeU

. . - Council, a national accredited 1930 asmember of the board ol trus- -fio,*,,. sho w judge, executive

ject. Allmust consist of1\vo"member*.


"" Ridge a ue, "New York City ^ ^ T ^ T ^ ' T" t ^ T ^ ^ ^ '^^^^^T^T^^i RCSCrVC-at"attorney, has been elected a °f th* ,Ncw J r " c > ? t a t e *???" :"• Joined <*'«"<• l n A U f * m veteran of World War 2 and the „ . „

" jUnit HonorsRichard Hammell

iegs were anhe annual rate of;in i m stockholdurs of1 •3U pe" oenli. - • received one additional

tne tola) Summit Federal for each five shares hel<!earnings for 1961 «ere $331,653, l n ni< V'wly reportGlowki said At the same time ^ ' . . H I ? ••Glowka reported total assets of> a n increase of $8,620,130 ah

'ti l . 482, 488 as-of December 31. the preceding year. Undian increase of $2,034,038 jver Ihe profH* l<Waled-$EM,301.B7. a s ,»ame date a year a&o JttecembeHttr-

"The last 12 months have

' " ' ' ^ ' " S ' t ^ . S ^ - 1 ; l U ! * . 0 f , . l h ^ i t l ^ l t ^ ^^of Emigrant industrial Sav KSri memhVr ofBVP7chaP- to, MiClevW» l »he

a salesman and later,iKorean War.served as a supervisor "at At-, John A. Phelan, Jr.of Spring

field, has beeft'appointed a


less than H" V i' l'' lm'"1^ Pr:',^dLn8 . l n e mgs B»nk, Ne.w York City. Mr ter ofBeta Stgma Phi and eur- was made chain food stores member „, „,« s t a f f , , *, . R o . |

less than c , ^ ^ ^ ,.MB ^ ^ ^ - ^ jn ^ ^ J •«>> » ^ J ,- — • - n f r - w a r f of business Is de- . ,„„ . , , . , . v ^ ; . n r u . h ( i r . v,» U n i o n CounlV (l>r l 9 6 2 home office and in i960 was ap- u a , e o f ,„ w h a r t o n S c w i o f

fiml-ly n.«ulai.<ri h, statute for f M ^ » > & K 1 ^ " » " " ' ll(1 Assistinc Mrs. Cranberry will pointed promote maoager. %£„£ Wi Is a membeVo! Phrounnl mrcurijis. and all meet- Has been a partner for the last he Mrs Donald Dodge of Ncvq toilet 'articles division. rraanceawi is a memoer oi rminp> must begin'u-ith « roll call ' - years. Hf was admittedLJSUPxovidenoe, a past president of -*^-* —— '•—

BUCK ASO " V u l l l J441V41fJuniho K K«p. KRII AjUl ftiji.n.i.ii i ; Km FNrp n i M >i Vo

Jymlio I! t«p I K t t HIM »J.»Kon\( IgOMK TREE FHM

« MM llr;ul>r Roll I3..1S» MM V l » 7 l n r Hull II 15

U i SIM *!'t i*tMi-iir« • S'sss

' nrstiTf rn H

Delta Theta.

-with7!t9.Jxavideg«« tap

Slate and Ms- Beta P»i and

Lecol Wpmeh Officers B a r A s M # i a 1 l o n

In Chatham PEO Branch the. Bar »f the. city of Sew" l>ial women, have been York, Real feslate Board of Newe!ected.«Uicers ol a new chapter Vor*-, l n * "W1 Internationalfit PEO sisterhood organized at Associauon of Assessing OffiChaiham la,st Kridej.. cers, Inc.

Pres'ident of the iew chapter ! *L.Mi>..&iv»».;iicw*in Of » « . t .eni VVemon Namedr i V ' T M ! M r - R . ' I M T : D jv . i son . . - . • _ * . • • » ; • •••••

i eui.u-,: n • r.-fr' ere-• Ftrm-f:Mi Director


I'ht.nbers serving in



ly Armirronq CorkJohn M. Hughlctt, j r . son

Mr and Mrs. JoJm M.

seen advances recorded in every First man fn history r'-posac of Summit Federal S m - U S. president while s e n i n ling i operalior.s." -Clewka said, the Senate *a» A'arren G l lard|"More and mure people are talc- ins. an advantage f our thrift and i

At a brief ceremonv lasi week h m n e ftn:"1'-i"C services. The, ., „ .. , , . resultinc available balance he-in the Reserve U M U O U M t*- f w w n * w ) l g s l W U

fiijjj l a - m , - mBiehard HajBinell,. l i s S a . «rf U the pv#)«rent!yCanoe Brook Par tway , u > earned by oiir s e v e r s . ' '

Glowka said total savings


'at the main'nffiee " Hr, 1<( Iniliarge of the hank's credit an honored upon.[toe completion u,alysis department and will con h i s t 0 l l r 0 , d u l y a.s cummandm:; Placed with Summ.t Federal had

. tinue In that capacity. Formerly - „ . , „ .'. „ , _ risen to- $10,648,235. a Rain of

tinger Mrs. John Claflin. Mrs.Richard TaMshuk, all at Sum:

mil: Mrs Mark Gerolamo An-thony of Berkeley Heights: and

the Armstrong Cork Compafly'sspecial promotions sehtction in

« u-n *<- w i. n J ^ * adverttatng, special promo- Morris Associates and the New. » „ , _ , .

with Chase Manhattan Bank. o f f i c e r o f Suminll's Naval Re- $ I i W | 4 M f o r lh(. n m o n r t ) s j u M

Mr. HoeneY is a graduate »f »""'« Electrbnieti Battalion 31. complc:ed. On the home financ-Hope College. Holland, Mich , In recognition of his long asso- ing side, he noted. $2,620,485 hadand a member of the Rpbert cjation with th« local Naval •been advanced dtirinR 1961 to 211

unit, "f'jnj H«nrm«in*[«>t'**» tobma the total so



He attendedicJioul and wa> graduated from

u , _, %11. , „, Swarthmore College in 1955' _ ' Robisun ,of Si)mmit"ai;'director Beij,' Sigma'Phi" sorijrities the »•""••» bachelorsclegrfe inZQ'OI communications for.-Schnur w c r l d o v e r According,to Mrs. English

lAppel design consultants d p u ^ , j, »T conmicted thShort HJUS. New Jersey; na* . o r ( l e i ; ' ,„ n o n c r W O m e n ^ , h cbeen announced.

Sum mjt High

Muirhiett joined the Armstrongorganization upm graduation

Carefully planned to)and modes of living.

ISABEL PALMER-INTERIORSi u>r»ierty with Teljer Studios I

521 MillbDrn Avenue : Short Hills, N. J.

DR.xal 9-2311

urro ainnuuiKtd. conifnuiutv who have nisde out-'Mr« Robiwn, formerly as- s U n a j n q contributions' MfTneir

sistant TJirrctDr of puWic rela- respective fields Names of lo-lions at Daystrom. Inchandle public relationspromotion activities for the in•duitrial design firm. SchnuiAppel specializes in package de-sign, product development, in

in the special prctmotiuns sec-tion. From 19SB lo 1958 lie

*'U cal 'wmen and"their'"quaUBci- 8 e r v e d l n •*" A r m v followingan<1'ticns of the Berkeley Heights h i s n i u n l 0 th(> company, he

New Providence. Springfield. w a s named a copywriter in theSummit, and Cranford aren will department't special promotionsbe lubmilted to the, member-ship of the local sorority by the

ship print's, pirrrhas'contributions oi the officers and , „, , it • ^ ,_ixn of Electronics Division^ rJ,to*|

kr. "" J'W* , « s h

33. one of the Battalions tw<rf" J"f >nd '"ves.menls inUBiU. Division Commanding Of- ZJL?"!?''™'* ^ ^ °ficer Ueuteni«t Commander C. "88.009:.stock in the federalVI. D. Gayley of New Provi-dence, made the presentation onbehalf of ihc division.

Capt: Hamniell's senicc dale

so re cleT areas, according

Gifts & Greetingsfor Tou—through

Home Loan Bank of New York u'17l rfWIV \VACf\\of $154,000. arid miscellaneous » E L C Q M L WA(.<>.\other assets of $346,722.

Turning to Ihe institution'sCo.'s from 1934, when he joined the reserves) Olmvka said they

Naval Communications Reserve totaled $581,216 jt December 31.Pmden- a s a radioman. He first entetcd He pointed nutjh'at this fitiureeeneral active duly in the summer of "'as in excess of the-urn actual-;

counsel in 1959 Before that, he lMl »5 *" e»»ign- «n 1M» and ly required by State and Feder-associate counsel of the 1942 n e "*as attached to some al regulatory authorities Having,

at. . - . . . . . «,„„„.-«.. u..r . r . ™ . i o f toe Navy's earUest radar jurisdiction ove' Summit Federtenor planning and corporate- rmminating committee The with the coveted title of "Worn- r w - m , fbr three vears schools a«"both student and in- al Sayings operationsidentification. Mrs. Robison is'membership will then vole by an of the Year" Members of H e was horn in' ClarksbuFB, .*tmclot. In 194a Capt. • U a m « * a - = = = = = = i _ ^ ^ = = ^ ^ =

ball.rt to choose the Beta Sigma Phi Sornrfty - l i t "w Va In 1»»' and J~" '" "" """"" """

wajAmerican life ConventionChicago for three years.

from Your Friendly

Business Neighbors ,

and Civic and

Social WelfareLeaders

CR 3-3590a graduate of the University of secrettVtortdo "" " " • • " - • " ' *"T woman

choose the Beta Sigma Phi Strrnrrly artwho will be honored not eligible for the title. »

ff/»morou$ Hollywood %t»r.mod » 1 K « | Aw TKIHt-S


Va.; In 1918. and later aptmided West Vtrghtia T'rriver.sity, where he received his A Band VL B

He practiced law privatelyuntil 1949, and then was ap-pointed assistant attorney gen

was Sent to the Southwest Paci-fir area to set Tip early."Sfarn"ing and fighter direction radarsand other electronics equipmentin Quoensland North Australia,New Caledonia, Woodlark Is-land, New Guinea, and other

• advanritl

named state insurance commis-sioner in 1953. a nd held thisposition until joining the Ameri-can Life Convention

Mr. r.illooly server) In theArmy during World War 2 asa captain, and later Hocame amajor in the West Virginia Na-tional Guard.

He is a member of the WestVirginia. Illinois and AmericanBar associations and the Asso-ciation of Life Insurance Coun-

Returning from active duty inlate )94S, Hammell was instrumental in organizing a NavalReserve unit in Morfistown,serving »s its first eommand-ine officer. We became- activein the Summit Naval ReserveIn 1949. booming battalioncommanding officer in July,I960.

A graduate of Bulgers Uni-versity, Hammell is a super-visor in the military reliabilitycenter at Bell Telephone Labor-atories in Whippany. He haslong been active in scoutingwork in the Summit area.Kiwcnis Hears Talk

On Ben Franklin . . . _ _ . , ,"Anecdotes on the life tf L l " C O l n P T A t O . H e W

Benjamin Franklin- «-as topic Science Coordinatorof a taft by Robert E. WoodwHd w i l s o n S c h o o | P T A w i l l h o ] d

when he addressed Ihe weekly j , 5 S P C 0 n d gcneraf meeting ofluncheon-meeting of the Kiwanis m e school year on Tuesday,Club on Tuesday at Ihe Hotel January 23 at 8:15 p.m. Mrs.Suburban ' Janet Tanis Geckeler, science

The tj|k was in conjunction coordinator /or (he publicwith the 2,Wh birihdav obser- schools, will present a program

intitled "Elementary Schoolyance of Franklin on TnesdSy.Mr. Woodward Is principal of theJunior High. ,



and Cold WeatherC4OTHiN<J




"Bank on Blue Stamps for luxurious gifts!""You know, many people start putting money in the bank nom for gifts they'll want to buynext Christmas. But wouldn'jt it be better if you didn't have to draw out all your savings at Christmastime? • By saving Blue Stamps, you can keep most ol the money you save all year, and still give yoor •loved ones beautiful famous name gifts-toddlers' toyf, colprful new ljnens, gleaming appliances,power tools, even a 'paid-for' vacation. All yoa do is 'sprnd' Blue Stamps instead of cash atyour nearby Triple S Ri-demption Center • So get Blue Stamps every chance you can.Then, as your Blue Stamps savings grow-so will your family bank accountl"

G e t T r i p l e - S BLUE S T A M P S . . . F i r s t i n Q u a l i t y — F i r s t i n V a l u e . . .

a t GRAND UNION S u p e r m a r k e t s a n d o t h e r L e a d i n g M k &'^ Redemption Center at;


201 Main StOR

W . Give S*H Or»« Stompt


"ElementarySciehce Today."

Prior to the general meetingscience exhibits will be on viewin the school cafetwia andelass-rooms starting at 7:30 p.m.

Mrs (iockcler will illustrate;n i' talk witli color slides takenin the classrooms during sci-ence periods. All parents and.friends are invited i o attend.

Postpone PTA Meeting .Tlie monthly Washington

School PTA meeting scheduledfor January 22, lias beenjK>s£-,pnirrit la MoTi'day February 57"

Call DRexel 6-4300"We Service Any

• Oil Hiirner'' •

Schaible Oil Co.II? Mountain i


ccxri-FUEl OIL-eektMelered I

Budget PlaaMembtr ol SprlnicNefd

Ch^mbei ol Commrrrt

The Gift Plan olTIME'S HUE ntMPShas been studiedand



Your Nearest AuthorisedChevrolet Dealer is

Yie Guarantrf com pie t*" satisfaction or rrolarcrofot

Chevrolet Service/-*•-'

121 MAIN ST. MADISON, N.J.W 7-1230 Open E*t«. • « 1

VThe Greatest Appliance Values

In N. J. Are Found at All 4


Model HJC-


Mcordinnis • T W G I T V Of.'BUMSiT. JN tht CUr'if t . ^ S u ? to^«,TOT COITKTV OK W f l O V , Mr*.V t l f , , J , , | , . , , r J w u w O K » h

I fUEY Ft>R THB rtHlPOB* OF , «'«. I n t r o d u c e foTftraf rSldi",HEATING AN ADTlTTtOH TO ' tt r»iM'»r m*«if|]ii or th* Onin

1MB rxiBTTNn PARKIMn i,or co.mVii rwn rn Tuaadar tv?tjv . nirvwpoD ri «r* A M • .h ,m ,r , ie itu and i S I MM-'-^«»»k»#* M U M aa> a *«a* * • • • • • -EMJZ * -y ' • *Tl, *™w*t • « « Wear* ataiTJ

'idfV»tittn WttJ fir*. P.UMM Atr.i'vt 'rMiiiJi- mfMimr of ih -

!O TH1 Bliucm>»

r.">n THT

T w o O v e r t i m e Setbacks SamLevcnson jlescue SquadDeal Summit Hard Blow cn^from se' cnmued omPM

THE SUMMIT HERALD, T.h.uwJ«yl Jan. 18, 1962 faae U

defeats by « total of t h r e e i ' e >

points i t the handi of Madisecond'.*


THX WVANCINfl o r SUCH AC- ] M.MJtu. rVirujry 4 !W» , t tinoi-'amOM", Anprtnrfd Awtut J r'in Ball. i t V j o o'riTk >t whio'i

"O ! Mint Fuwt pVjreNujv <>»r»O'» «rhIB nVMHJAINPn Bv TH"» roM- ! m«v be InWraatod UwrWo will b»N rogwoaorTHBcixtoril i S » M > 7 V f i r

n |y In trrrman-

r K>t«<. nit» n«rt ofl * h

j ambulance can not mee: the de- and making it live'every yeer." Ludjow, W. T Rat, Jr. and Dr... , - I' msnd for a full-sc.le first aid He lirged "wholehearud coop- Murray Rosa; a public relations

rait sehooJs1 PTA members, ac- ance service without charge to act] ambulance service for the erslion ' with E. A. Reisen, next commute* under the chilrnun-th. Hiiihin c o r d m * t 0 H/"nry c I H a r b °™. residents to, and from hoipitals community. . years chairman, -and paid trib- ,hlp.of William J. Ahlfeld; a se-Wtih » i l . n ! r r M U " 1 Vt*Uim\ Should and other places Volunteer :lt „ impossible to over-em- ute lo Miss Effi Msroney. re- licitation techniques committee,

Matlnrii"1* **'•"'* r t*Po me indicate crews would also be available phasizc the dcErec lo which"tirinn executive lecretary. chaired by Mrs. W. P. Uvings-' "J? "h«t j rjccedjfor »ny disaster work Council is interested in Uif sue•'/• New Treasurer ' ton; and C. H. Conover, »4-•

vanced gifts; Dr. C. M. Hendry,industry; Mrs J. R. Dunn, Mrs.

will be announced at all SummitfWo to put Verona in front',HilKtftpert renrmid^sn- Incorporators of the rescuepferenee action Qiii week, play- Cromwell then thrtw inpy4j»l Chatham here last Tuei- tour points for Summit, andj l here last Tuei<Xtf ind traveling to Millbum

pthe score, wa-s 53-51. With three

R. D Windhont and Mrtr. . . Andnan, general aoUcitl«

.__ « T. Kenyon wer. named n t n u m b t r M e l m o t l | B ^ .CKy ii properly eon- public members (o _ auccwd , i o n , W M l B e r M I , d ( r e m • torvemn; s meeung win j e ai »H- - . . , . . , . .- ,—., —™ - . . . »iuu, . » m n u m ••»•••

*ublUtut»o of a wtiul.r F w k - U S t r o n g M r i J o l i n K B»B**' «"™ed only with ambulance themselves, while Lawrence , 3 1 B d i f o r t n t f j r l t U m ,Bn PTA s««slon pruiqus lyUo A O'Grady Halpli B *rvice for accldenU and seW « • « ' wis nameda pubHc mem- d , j h

- . . -™ „ „....„ - » . „ „. , ^ „ ti Fwk ly h amulantomo>r»w night to face t.V: seconds to go, Summit regained Bn PTA s««slon . pruiquslyTUo A. O'Grady, Halpli B. *rvice for accldenU and seWMilkn third conferencetest'ii ajated* at Verona it 3:30p.m. next Tuesday, January 23Summit needs a swe>p of ffit>

f ^vi" . | I r / ' ."^ , i» '^ ; f":*.!I:';-ll'"»"'"C""rref't«r»"jwv"rhali':Uiree games to get back into" ";£«.**£•-:• ; « . V S"rv%!!!Kf; USt'F.^MtS.. rtampionrtlp contention. -

i'\t ' '"'". . ~ ~ • . _~ ^^.~- vh^p. in Mnisn f BK.U. , . ik^A._^_. . The HiUtoppcrs sDlit their

possession of the ball, but wasunable, to score.

Church Leagueleaders Upset

'' over-iU*Rcord to 3-5 and thi ' ir .B | | I | F,. conference mark to 12, Oni ™W altl»»V«

was named.a piibhc mem- d u ( v c i m p l j g n chairmenl>rr to succeed Frank II Pratt , .rwlH •Th.v u . » H D. Mc-

H^V i

„„,. summ,. N.W jrr.,v.'*''""» tiirr^ir ,urhh e ii

bv a 4030 margin on. m U n U y ^nt,.,.f o u r l 'and three points

Levensoi),beivy TV,•* thinnuallyever since

Initlonally prominentfessiontl p-iiprt»inci n >ears present ambulance aervice be

, ago. A former teacher in the < cause of the shortageBrooklyn school' syslcm for 15 [led supervision,

l*vtDfen P^udly dis- tendants and the financial bur

on firr ri(>p,lr1n)rnt ,nrt wouW „« in » M,l,,,.nt,.l mrre.s.•

In lus rejiort, Dr. Barr ex-i xh« Central Committee alsothe U08| authorised a (pedal noaiinaUng

x^*'*'B *-«# if j C I l A s 1*1 a v u La a, L ^b*':*K M}^ l«»d t» two. points in-tae•«•'•—<• M n i r d ; m i , l n W r c h u M h ' B o w i |ng j

i ?.;• prMWd . p p r e c i . t W 1 . „^ M or aulh' to m u m r l p a l «PPmpn»tii*» l» j volunteer, including i atr*t«y| committee to proee<d wtth fln«l

, l m « t . " ihfhMPi1*1"1"""™'''5"""1!committee comprised of John arrangements for the employ-i financial'bur " ^ l 'h r .? ' ' U ^ T l ' , M- Bl-ckm.r, ^rs. H. C. Dear-, ment of an e«ecutiv. dimtor

• . , - - iiii.i Inter ChuMh Bowling! Levertsons *alk i t the °' * l t h e

ovehime game of the Jeason League. The Presbyteriina won|Kranklin P. t . A. affa,r next h o t p " i 1

Agfinst Cildwell Summilli h M d M

tban.-ndien he-wa« i*r"'satisfactory frmn (he viewpnirrtUveason's talk i t ' the "' * l t h e r I|M1 cormnunily or tne C * 1 ^ 1

I the service (hey now perform. | ,,„„,_ Mrs. W.' C, Lent, Mrs. for the csmpaiga t« replace•- - - rvent we would w p jji-jn^io,, Mrs David Miss Maroney.

to inertiw the :. • . • —• - — ^ ^ — , , — » — » -

sure adequate man-'

»D i_.24-hour 1»..MS.",

, liwowas stow in gelUnj started. I t | l r c m

League. The Presbyteriina won|Kranklin P. t . A. affa,r nextSummilliwo gamea and three points Monday evening ,.«ill be c o n .rted I t | l y r B L h d ' d i i l l

Mall Clerk Is Driver ; Thornton explained

Some Are Opposed

hy winning . ...opponent!, 14-4. ui:.t;Sames and three polnKtwith

Summit was assured of a vie- j , e n Hulin of the Metliodistitory. John Mallor ---" ~ "

NOTiri TO r*«niTn»i

'Rff.'tB Pff.Tr.mnFriday . night, January

ir%aiLuuwtn a T ^JWItop. dropped, the toawi into a Hrtrf-

-ptsre lie with the Oikej Me-'i:.morial rollers.

parents and thru children,hi^ed at In his MIIIHTI; "Who'sBOM in Uie 'amll "

Ovef60 Stores

,.. ,. . , _, . . . fi lth Lutherani and' cerned principally «HJ, relation- .D"*?* [*• <1»>'lw'1«o» « • ;

111 Uie t,hlrd quarter.'moved into second place. The ehip», good and bad Be-ween ; p U u * d ' •** U v o r l o o l t "" b u - : There are. however.some who..HiBtopperj outplayed" Methodists, hy winning t>va t>*™iAs and thru ' children hnct '* "J*'"1"1 ^ l n rm »'l') that the operation ol an

' plo>ee »hi> h»s liad a "fair ambulance service s^ottld con-.amount1 of training hut who luuir to he i municipal fnnral»o doubled ai a nud room tirm They cite Uiei/ot thai. n t j .cler(i, intercepts »nd redirfft*' ,-fjf(i (Iramorryre rm. dutv'on'a

ttth* s»»t»i» »n*-J;fhniif. f rtjvWsTi" at (Ji'e hre

(•Continued from rsjc n

•«'*ni_i.n<i A. M »rd « ~ir n ™ m . , !X iZ - , „ « «lx monUu from tht (Ht« ot aald

" tlnawi vra!"m"a * l all r . d frfMn p r 0 ,».m|nit or rwovrlnt

• T.I.' Pi-tlmi "H^-Strw*. «r.<1 ' * " " U A R S A S I T T . ' C R O W E '! 'ivjrs" of Ihr afi-ri-nantlf»n«j j Af'rpinls

-- - ( , . Ctatano AttorntTt a be knDwn,34 Bnnford H»rt "

AVES-t'KlD«"Jit:' jinJ«, |l. «' « »

f-^m P*?*1C Rf»AD M I —114 M

"X ROAD. JCCSz-aldt

»1 a'l MTit*i.Sii\t *'V?tl'>n "H--.•tr*M

'•.vi^" of th*1 Mfn '> )••'•JcI'Tirp b« amtod«d bv Hdr<lr.- fubparagmph to b« icnomT

M ?DO|!WOOn t i l A D from


OF THE CITY' rw' Fwauant- m tht oratt o* rrjciKNi i faco-to-fare in the Summit gym• |J . KIRK, eurronaw of thacr,unt» O n c . < f g , n ^ H i l I t < > p»p e r |

were late " irr getting off Uregorund. and Uicy had to ou*Jscore Verona 17-9 in Uie fourth!'period to'send tie same intuovertime.

Pete Leech and John Mai-

g , n y i:.morial rollers. * „ . , - „ , u „ ,»nd Vnona came. T h . n , k . , M , m i l l , , . . _ .National State Bank at Maple jobs a» wHI as removing from

in the Summit gym h i • * " * a n d Deforest avenue and the nursing floor, an orderly to

the hnsnital wnl ing n o u ! l p . ha\f \i <le-t*llNl kno«l-Ambujancf calls intemipt theae: r ( ) g f o f ,.„,. streets and neyih-

the St.

lory combined for Summit's!by U n Hu';n> &*; Bob Madfive first-period points. Rocco !5 n ' " 2J , H l r r y S t ™ n | > " ° :

DiMalo tallied fpur time, (or * " n k J*« lso"' 20*: « c n U l

Verona. John Scarana, Bob ffi™ R ^ ^ " i ^

names 'inri 'ta^r « " « "id Deforest avenue, a'nd thf nuning noor« an orderly to injpxf"eil<-nl emergency 'ambu* q a ""* it Summit ' Trust, corner of accompany (tie rlrivar. |la-ce service for many years

Beeehwood road and n f Forest 'In the evening the night watefc. w j t h B o t o n i p | a i n u from rrsi-

ing. operates the ambulance. i ( | i s pojn,,^ m l t i | , l t tn(, ,,Jj|yTlie parking lot at the rear .Becaua* . * * , b ' l l e v e '<> | ambulance can and drx-s respond

of K«mper Insurance will also •u™«1>' ">«' Uie formation of », ,„ a „ , , f n , m ,h( , f a r t l l e s | S ( ,c . |be open tonight and all day : i ^ . , J 1 ^ ^ " . - l ' " . ! ^ . , , . ! U " ' 4 - t « » - o f the city in no more than1


The high gamei were rolledj u u u«y

Saturday for ihoprer convenJ-



said, "We are thant minutes. Fire and police per-

tne im

i undertake thisgrou

Purauant u> tht ordtr or SUOENT3 KtnK Surrotata of tht CnjntTof Union, madt on tht tw*ntv. |iod, with Summit

10--S l ead . . . . _>_Thirty


upon tht ipslleatton of tb< undtrtimed. M Kltrutrll o< tht t«-latt ol said drctutd iiotlft lah l t h d l f

• ' ( o r 19 of t h e mchell's two. pointer

.went »the second per-


. _ . . . . . . . . t ol id d iSPRiNonrtD Avrvtre to, hnun ilv»n to th« crtdliora- ofFDOEWOOD DRIVP. Park- 'aatct dfrMaed to fxhlblt to tht aub-

i l b S h K l l

Robert A. BrvdonPlumbing • Heatingr,»< Conversions

Furnaces • Water HealersCR. 3-4179

(Mth or

Ed McMane. 191;190, BiU Mulc*hy,

IBS; Nat Sherman, 186; Waily Peterson, 184, Harold Spit-ter, 1»3; Dick Whitney, IK;

78, Sam

ply it with

. ..{trained. It it argued that theand to i " - - -

tinnedand other

.. dalmaanc. «*>.,*. . « . « , « « « * » "*">**•^»'«^\ Tte SUttdilX*:tht. watt of aald iitwaaM wtthin | with Verona in front, U-15,•u roentha from Tht dw« of aaid ; BUj R l t chic and MaUory put' *k~™ ~ , , . , k m J > nordtr. or thf» win nt ttrrirr i"- ^ / j Combined CnurciinienrM from DroaKutlnx or rKOTtrltw , field gosh back-t^track tb giveth« aamt air?lrst th# aubaoiibtr,

JUT A U. KAPLOK.Rtwutrl*.

Mlrhaal n. Alraick. AttorntT74T Broad St.Newark. K. JDec JJ: j | » . 4. 11. Ii 4 w,;_tl4.0O

1'resbyterianSt.. John's Lutheran B(Jakes MemorialSt. John's LuUieran AFaith LutheranMethodistJewish Community CenterTemple SinaiGhost Church


r , . , - - ineewsarr items for a reasonfive parking lots available'.h l p p , ^ . We would alsn be

""" > r c O f"*" " willing to enlist the cooperationmaVte1Uslreet * ^ o u r " • " Ph>»'«-'»n« in the

avenue, Bcechwood road | grams "and Bank street. Maple street,] Ceuaril Backs Planwith rte entrance opposite the', rietcher P. Thoraton, jr., for-AftP, and Summit avenue and mcr Tnmmon Council preadent,

anyable. «o»t* and »h*4 il-eould -beexpanded at only a slight cost.

United Campaign(Continued from Page 1)

of the average (Ut to tan Indi-

DeForest avenue echoed Overlook's sentiments asAll itores will be open tonight! far as the city is concerned and

until t p.m. 'said the rity operation of an

gvidual drtves."

For the future. Dr Ban em-phasiiwi "the need for bringingthe United Campaign mewajeto every potential contributor


•RITHERFORD:Mmdar, Tuesday—J.nuity 29, )0 — * < o 9:)0 P.M.

TFANECK:Monday, Tuetday — "January 22, :.', 19, 30 — 6tt 9 ) 0 P.M.

MApiSON: •Monday, Tuesday, Tkundar.'riday —January 22, 2«, 25, Id — 6:!M) to V:50

t College of liberal Arts

t College of Business Administration

• College of Education

• College of Science and Engineering

• Graduate School ,

7uil,an end foti dut<Mipa*Juif It D—n, l—*h§ Ittthri

miTHDIFOIIOWest Patuic tns

Montross Aves.WE3-5OOQ. '

TtAMkXK1000 RlMC t lTE 6-6300HiwJinty

kUDISONUS MatHunta.FR 7-4700



I*K Lob EmployesGivtn Wag* Incrttw*

Yfi%v liiuiva.'ca fioin I to

TUfUt ttmtlku pker.iMwutmuu

Summit the «4g£. lfl-lfl..With Summit leading, 21-20,

Verona to>«ed in five conaecu-live poivs to regain the lead,25-21. Summit tossed in threemore points before the periodelided. Leech's field goal waa

by Mallory s foulshot, and the visitors possesseda one-point lfad at intermis-sion, 25-1

The third peiicd gave the

ne as Ihe Hillbillies out- cents an hour wUI b« given to! scored Summit, 10 3. Both Di- employees of the New Jersey

- ( i t a w anrr-ScaTair-trnrimvcBPtl Telephone Uboratories atpaints for Verona, and Bob Murray Hill under • contractMeinert tallied Summit's three,ratified Iktt Friday

! points. After three periods of" An additional $3 weekly in-| play, Verona commanded a create will be given workers to!35-27 lead. . 'specific classifications under the

The llilltoppcrs were trailing, ratification approved by the37-30, when Mullary and Mil;Communication W o r k e r s ofchell scored on jump shots to America and the New Jerseycut Verona's' lead to 37-34. Pi -Bf l l Telephone Co.j a m ' s field goal lengthened! In addition to lurray Hill, thethe edge to 39-34. rew agreement covers em-

The Hiiltoppers proceeded to p|oyee« in other laboratories at


r -








Saturday mornings or weekday evenings This coune is of,f?red at all levels .from 7th grade through college, with stu-<lents grouped according U. ability- It he,lps students to read«"h speed and comprehensiOT, to write grammatically a"dlagieall), tu spell accurately, and to Increase vocabulary.T*his course is popular with serious students who want toimprove school grades and to prepare for dollege boards ur•'.tner ci»ms.

READING for childrenm grades 1-6

r** 1 H hour meetings a week, sfter school. This coune•mphasiies phonics snd »ight vocabulary, paragr»Ph *""•prehension.' phrau re«dlog. Tlie chUdren meet in smallgroups according to reading abili'y.

MATHEMATICSCurses at all levels from basic arithmetic through advancel

I'Sical approach to problem solving and to develop raciWyl t a h k L xat«li'

****? mitr tkc direction <* Kiissell 0 . Kannej, b r a -jj Aswclate Director, SSV Beading Institate.

I. Send for bulletin

Rumson Reading InstituteAVSMU* ol Two RFvtn, Riim»oii

-reel wl a atrmj oi eight pointsto take the leacl, 42-39. beechSWred four poirifj, Mitchell,two, Tom Cromwell twb.

Whippany, Holmdel Md WestStreet in New York CHy. Ap-proximately 1.600 workeri irecovered by the CWA ia the four

Verona bounced rigM back, iticQitici. according to i unionTiowevcr, withi five consecufpre' tpsiceiman.

Mroiror «»NOtTiox of •Tire"5riniW~Ttre»Fr(5iiiiiiv"!r5,Summit, t'nldn Counlj. s'rw Jfriry, a mtmktr cf tha rnNral luttrttSvitrm, at tht clntt of builnm on Dwtmkn to. INI, pakllatte IIIacfordanct with a call madi1 bv tht rammiMi«n«rIn/iirant* ptirtutnt lo (ht pro^iion* «f Oia ntv)a*tfJdr<ry and ihr rtdtral llnMvr Ban H M

n* f Oia nt)a*tf „ ,k H IMs SJtaMct H H I I I H 4 tawrt. "" ' - - —

Uan*d Et*tea oovwr.mtat obUaiuona,ant*td • — .

OblHraUoM of s u « n i M poiitinaj •ubdniatanaOthtr bonda. notta. nmS dKftMmturaaCorporal*- atock> llDCludlM Kock HI

Bt»*rrc B^ ' *..„lotna and macounu tlnrlitdlnf S9,700.34 ovwdrafta) . . .Bank. a.-^UsM u«utd. t taMtt-U, turaltun and ft«ture»

1371.2,1 MOttltr aatett .


pTimr and

itnd cDtpoeita at



Special red, whit*•rid blue insignia,new wheel covert'and new rear deckdesign tell you thisIs the real thing! Nomistaking a newSport Fury—hard-top or convertible.

a limited-edition prestige carfrom Plymouth. Outside: unmistakableeagerness in every line. Inside: undis-guised luxury In every detail. Up front:more horsepower per pound than any carIn its price class I Underneath: true Torslon-Alre suspension, tough Unibody build.Everywhere: quallt/ engineering byChrysler Corporation, ftteet Sport fury atyour Plymouth Dealer's new I

Hy to bU mph In U.5sees, with the op-tional Golden Com-mando V-8 engine.

UABILrB 1r>f trMViduala. partMnblpa, and ear

.. . . .i.vinsa depoatu ol IndlvMiMla.

U .(Xxcnunant (lMludan»

CAPITAL ACOOOTfTSCxniiil: la) Common atork. total par ivlu* I1M0.W0.W t 1 Wo00000Suml.ui . i IJ09.000.W

Undirtdad ppoflja . - 711.1T5.B1



MBtOKUtOA eAtatu pltdsm or aaslitntd to arcur* lla>blUU« aud for

othar purpoaea 'InoJudlna; DOtts and btlUcounted; and aw'urlura aold withpurohaae) ? .

la) Lotna u mown abora art arttr dcdueUoo o! r*.•anwa of .'

(DI sseturltlaa aa «hown taow a n tfMr deduotiao or

Wt. Baroid T. O m n « . " j r " . " m u i n i ' m t Thaodort MucnmortTrtuurtr of tht abort narred hank do aolamnlr 8WBAR that Ui

- IjtTITt W p f ' . 1 1 ••'"•" •"" •""' '* " " "tht trut atatt or the umrtrtX maotvn lMTMn oontaviwd and attto tht b«t ol our Kaow1«ds« and belief

HAROLD T O K A V . 3%...——"—" —rpFsagiFr CHMOItS.





— Lao A ooiuon c ANDmao«.JOHK N. MAT. Jit

nrtotora.(WOTABTS MALI '

SMtt of V»w Jtnty. County of UrUon. at: .Strom to aod aubacrrom brfort m* UtK 1Mb detf Of

January 1M3. and I harabr oartUy that I am m t anofficer or dtraotor of «hla Ban*.U> oooUAlaaloa nptrtt Vtarab 4. Ue>.

B U M A. sajJumer. noun «UMU ,


convenient console invite you into this full

car. Three Interior schemes, nine body colors,

the M<tty-padrj«d dash I* standard equipment.

WERNER MOTOR COMPANY5 0 7 - 2 3 S p r i n g f i e l d A V e . . , - , , Summit, N. J.



SUMMIT DAYSThursday, Jan

Friday, Jan. 26yd




rtJ5Dwoys Convenient* Forking In Summit


1. Woodland Ave. and DeForest Ave.2. Maple St. and DeForest Ave.3. Beechwood Rd. and Bank St.

. * (entrance opp: A & P)' I • «.

5. Summit Ave. and DeForest Ave.

Read the Summit Herald Sale Section that

will be delivered to you early next week.

Use it as your Shopping Guide to BETTER

Sponsored by the Merchants' Division of the Summit AreaChamber of Commerce

Heights' Nesbitt on Smorlnq Spree,Leads AH Area Schoolboy Pointmafcers

4—i. , J*^Jjl. I 1

A 48-point splurge in twogames has carried. Governor'UviQgston Region*! H i g hSchools Lynn Nesbitt to a. com-manding 18 point lead in the.Summit Area'i i n d i v i d u a l -basketball scoring race as theseason approaches the midway



Piccolo 3 5Sheridan 4


19 Ritchie11: Mallory

New Providence's AhernWins Acclaim of Siena

points in three periods against •ProutNitUc



Middlesex and added 22 moreaga in* New Providence to runnil season total to 147 points inseven games, an average of 21.upoints per contest.

Nesbitt is-tops in points, game Heueraverage and total field goals. Weissand n running second to New piPasqualcProvidence's Rich Kesler in Clarkwmfoul points. Kesler has tallied 43 Adamiakfouls in nine games to Ne*biit's33 in ' seven. Summit's Bill Totals


t'Cromwell2 Meinert

— — — Zampano2 r .UT »1 !Caine


Z3 Kochel6 Donahue

— Langc52 Samson

I-oudonville; N. YL =

Close ContestsFeature Boys'loop Openers

SUMMIT-The Summit

Ritchie is third in fouls con- N'ew Providence I S A 1 4 22—61 Stierleverted with 24. ^ . _ Berkeley H U . T T f e 8 21-42 Kanl ,

Nesb i t fv5 f goals are" tftree Official*: Maxs-aro and Brad- CUuliaaomore than' JJew Providence's '<">Carmen Piccolo has scored n - . t - . " ' -..rinrreKesler and his New Providence BERKELtY HFJGHTStea. mat*. Bill Sheridan, are tied' • ' - 'fiht'ftW 1 - - - -

Nesbitts 21 pwnls per sameaveraffe is wcitahfad ufTlecotif ^jai-kson -•and Kesler win' have identical riiPasquale,

.averages of 14.2 points, The two 's,av y e f "'Pioneers also are the rurmerups M,.ui>awrto Ncsbilt in scoring with 129 McGowanpoints each. ' • :ifIB •

New Providence now boasts Dirtythree of the area's top four \t!amiak 'scorers as Sheridan has moved .liih.niowsfe

defen-sive whii from New 1'rovtilence,N. J., has captured the heartsof Siena College basketballfam and Albany, N, Y.. sports- °« «w«ea!lon Boys' Batkrtiwriters with hU defensive play Leagues opened play Ian w w j

for the Siena College Indians. t with nine games being pi,, Pd

Ahern, a junior playing his, In the Major L e a o usecond season with the varsity, Warriors Hawks K m istole the spodinht during tht ; i . i . - . ' ,- . ' lvl"t'".Capital 'City tournament re . . ; L " l l c r s SCl>r" i *'"•• T!,e \centiyi ' i n o r i *» m « ft*m behind' m

Following his perform a n c r l a s t P«rk>d to defeat the' ?against Alfred Collew, the Al- j 24-20. The tlatvks edged-Ir'1 ii

"bany, N. Y.. Knickerl»:icker: Lions, 23-21. | n an overt,,,,News headlinei.ils.sports page game, the Kaickslcdby Steoiewith, a baoneii reading:' E poi"t», won uver the Rmal

'•Red'* Ahern "Pun Siena 33-3J: in ihc'only lopsided si-.,,'Cagers in ''Black". "* U l c day, t!ic L a k m , ^

• ' "~-•HjehitRraTTnThalf, u-,,i


* Caldwell9 Officials':6'0 BAYLEY-EUARD2 • < . • . • G F0 Brooks0 Hurley6 CahiU

5JIM "RtD"

isvtV'On—^ITTTTV * u i i n%a *>,"..i — — * »iv 11411, UM'U i

the story written by Bib Me-. »K scoring second half l» UclJNam*ra, A»Mst-anl:SpMte.,'Edi: "e Celtics; 38-88.**n—-*' • ' " •. in me Washington l)ni

"Except for tii( . bright, red.; the Minor League, thernop V6U don't notice SienaVwon over the Bobcats 13-9'"r«!Jim Ahern much, l i e s not a Punters nuiit up an carlv |. iflashy TJaTT player and he and. hung on for a 25-21 «"|doesn't carry the big shootinc over the Bears. Xhe WiMca1"average. But he gets hi* job aftar trailing- at the hajf-ean»dour. •'• back to defeat the Owls 'Cw|

"Against Alfred Cnlleae. it In tl.v> Franklin Divisi/ ~was Ahein's tub lii ciiard Steve the Minor League theSteinberg, who had he™ «ver ers in <


passing Summit1 s Rod Wilchetl.j Totafi ' " 30who has scored 91. Summit's , MIDDLESEXJohn Mallory moved up to. ;sixth place with 90 points, juatwo more than teammate Bill *)!?"?_Ritchie, and lour more tUan NewProvidence Lou DiParisi and ,

* * NiH"- , » ' P , ' • M^ewicvAJl five of New Providences . . , - • 'starters are among'the area's Totals"nine leading scorers,: an indica- H(,p),p|ey ms

tion of lhe balance of Coach Ed Middlesex

16 76 MeCune' K.eehan

.121 TWtlsift * '

3 lohnnon$ Swann0 Codey

— Byrnes54 Sachs

IS 1.0 40


lieder's once-beaten team. ThePioneers' tof> reserve. BobProut, is in 13th place with Mpoints.

Bounding out the area's topjo....scorer* ara Summit's PeteLeech and Governor ^Livingston's Jack Weiss with 69 pointseach. That's four more than

19 162fi 17 21 12—7fi Hoagan15 It 10 18—54 Krough

Officials'. Brmvn and Tienvey. Feeney—


DiMalo-c -r v Totals




• 0


In Heights LoopBerkeley HeigMs— tn* a

race, Crcstvicw- Agency

into tHc fray »on over the Pa


Governor Livingston's B o bHeuer.

Other.-leading- -ixea. scorers.are: Bob Clarkson. GovernorLivingston, 45;' ,I>6n Codey. MalloryOratory, 4!; Jerry -DtPusquale, l e e c hGovernor Livingston, 41; Tom MitchellCromwell, Summit, 38;' Don] RitchieJohnson. Oratory, 2B; Tom Hoff- Cromwellbeck. Oratory. 18. and Tom MeinertHogan, Oratory. 15. • ; Rhine*

Averaging in double figures, Iin addition to Nesbitt. Kesler,and Piccolo, are MHchell, Ritchie, Ma-Uory, and Sheridan.

I"*9! Oratory1 6 Officials:u_ chengo.

21 11 53Hollar-

G. 6




9 "

_ Brodheck, i Carter" M o u n t"(Gardner

"•" Elithartr1

with a 22-r>oim average"It would take some doing, to

«fop the Saxon, ace Sir^a went jj'«rrior«lone. »ilh Ahern nn'Sloinborg K?iTriu

close man-toman And he sfuriSjlike"''!••*«»'. . ^ , wv-» . . .v - « 6 « ^ , and «lue.'After 14 minu'es nf p l a y , ! ^ ,

, , Delia1! Liquors are again tied- theJaisfhly Uitrd Alfred senior'RJJJJ.:11 , .. , . , • „ . . hadn't scored a pmr.1. AHer be- c ' m "4 for first place in the Berkeley i r ( g ^ n r n P d ^ , n ,nrP( , fo ui , .

10 Meigtits Business Men's. Bowl ' s t e i n f H . r ( , returnetland sored0 ing League. DeHa's won two , h r p c ^ y N o , |h (, , , „„ 0,<9 games from Berkeley Barbers. A h f r n ,&„,,,, n c w a 5 B c t , i n g wn*0 while Heights Barbers won two , r e s , m t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ P-niJ0 games from cmtview. "Steinberg didn't know it o»i«« In the other matches. Rural then, hut that was all he was B""1

0 TV won two games from score -Ahem played him'— Jul. Kellers two over Modern honest for the first 1*r min- s c ^ n , ^34 Polishing and Plating, and Mof ut*4 of the second half whrn-Dmrnrm-^

I t 7 "•-*—*° *"* Sons t-wo from Mountain SteinbenJ left the same with'?.*lJJl'J,n<1''11

•« 14 M S—34 Cleaners. ' five fouls a»ainst him: rZam'Rinaldl and Ber- H i f f h s c n r c s for t n p evening "Siena went on to win.. 57-S4

were BleRen. 579: Calais, 235, thanks to some great defensive578; Collon, 574; Wehmann, 201. P'av bv a kid named Ahem."

, 561; Joyce, 559; Kiiufraanfc, 552; The New Providence. N. JT A. Delia, 22lJJi4S±_J&cii&&r2aQT-£*S*t- <W-»eored~six~pntn(

316; Imbimbo.: that game, just about his »ver- ClubbersTTigro, 216; and Arnold, age Defense is his forte. He', Steam Rollers

208. . ' j averaged 5.4 points in 23 games AlligatorsThe standings: . • I last season.. .._......• Stlekraati—r-

ssors, 25.17ST.IMHNGS



D i n•?£-



Hotel SuburbanWomen PinnersKeep Winning

Sim. riovMrwe note! Su-burban continued its domina-tion o t the New ProvidenceWomen's Bowling Loag-u* witha three-point victory ' over



T^lS 13 5110 15 10 » 9 -535 19 3 17 7—51

and Frazier.

' , Bellegroia——Pascuiti

: Lovery' ^ e a t i n g


j . , I Standings.


W h • M1 W

V. Bascom, 179; J. DeMajco.



- • - - c,

t~:~r Delia's Liquors< 8 Mar Jul —' 2.Mountain Cleaners° . 0. Mudern Polishing- —; and Plating

8 3 Heights Barbers ". Berkeley Barbers-T Rural TV

f KellerslOJHof and Sons




33 2131'i 22'i29 25

2 7 ^ .


26Visr28' j303334'4

192, 176. 532; Jackie Fielding. IBt-rnes 1206; Cert Ciullo, 194. 171, S27;iiroagan 1A. Laufer, 176; P. Nigro, 175; iKeough 1G. Robinson, 171: Mary Coombs.' Feeney 1187, 1M. 513; Billie Erickson, j Kepplcr 0177; Shirley Houck, 181. 175; Hoft-ock 0Helen Zucr. 177; Ruth Taylor, Hurley 0180, 180; Jennie Ahern, 177. __—._;_and Ituiy Mjriw.i. 17&.--- i.-4-.1.ToA».U "~ 10

The standings: Immaculatt-P W L Oratory 4 5

Hotel-SuburbanI Louvis Charcoal

| Chevron Squad; Wins Deadlock

FOP Top Spot

Highlander Cagers AimFor Improved RecordBerkeley Heights — Their j same right now. Jn K I H

hopes for the unofficial S u m m i t \ * * m i i»e JUS atuind-M* $»""•Are. cbampi0Dship prltty much ^ ^ ^ Z J ^ J ZArea championship pretty much

•titled by a 61-52 loss to New |i,ynn °ias pumped in 74*puiiii-Providence High School, the averaging just a shade under-.Highlanders of Governor W-[ l»«>H-t»r gaimj . -m additi.ii,ingston Regional High School rtesbut is tne. Highlanders' t«|now have their sights set on 'rebounder even though vachieving the better than .500: sWnds only six leet tall, a cum

J Berkeley Height;— Paced by record Coach Don Wodock pre- i P»r«t»ve. midget for a top it• j . 1 Rocky Adase's 543 series and dieted for them at the start of; bounder.

17 9—63 Lloyd Burlew's 235 game, the

43 33 1837'a 26>i 24'!i

de-the season.

Carrying a 3-4 record into this

Adell's. Ruth Taylor's 204 game]and 564 series pared Hotel Su-burban.

Paint Market scored the onlylour-point victory, blankingLouvis Charcoal Delight. Otherthree-point winners were D &•V Deadstock. Trost's BakeShop, Joseph F. Church andPlaia Lanes over Miss Nettie.Center Stationers. Nigro's and!

'Colonial PonfUc, respectively.. I CantoaiHdgvdeSanMo Cart1

'" High scores; Fran Marcel- divided the Holy Scripture into rNelson scored 11 points U> lead

Colonial PonUac 36'J 29H 211':Plata Lanes M'i 25'a 2S'>DiN Deadstock 36 27 24Paint Mkt Ins. .15 . 28 23Joseph F. Church 34 25 26Nigro's 32 25 26

31W 24'i 26'iAdell'sTrost's Bake Shop 30Center StatlOMTl itMi» Nellie 24


YM Five Wins,leads Rec Loop

rth Chevron teamfeatcd

' Guys and Dolls Sundayj Bowling League, three points to j Park) and Watch'uhg"RinrRe-lL •rtR1__.[one, and moved into a tie for gional High School ( tomorrowr" 8 1™ 1*i first place Frank Weigand ledinight in Berkeley Height!), the s c a r e m t 0 l h e

I the losers with a 221 game and'Highlanders will be hard-press-

Nesbitt scored 22 point! in utloss to New Providence, ami

week's games with Highland ! W a s h l s s c o r m 8 a n U reboundnP a T k t T U at HifihluU ?lonJf.-u1^1 5 0 m e ta* *h o u U l u

hun'g"nillr R e - ! , ' J a c k W e i s s ' that enabled il••

Summit - T h e YMCA m o v e d ; , 591 series. . led to improve on that mark,into first place in the Board | ,„ 0 ( h ( , r , 0 ^ w a ( , , i o n K c , , . mjihUniof Recreation Senior Boys , , . p

t'playeri scored

sporting one of the state's topGroup 3 teams. The Middlesex

tttcters he*at"Spares three to County cagers suffered their 1

The Highlandcrsjtriiled oniin , . . . 50-48 midway through toe liivP^;,°\^'.!i Pertod when a .ix'puuU

by the Pioneers. awuredProvidences eighthnine games, la U *

yllano, 178; Lois Callahan. 171; 'chapters in A. D. 127P.

you knowyou are

ponents 20-6 in the third periodto provide the margin tor vic-tory. Roberts and Cardone ledthe P.A.L. attack.

If you haven't seenTobin Ford?



Springfield and Morris Avtniwt


the way.The P.A.L. moved up to a

tie for second place by. irin-flhiff' tSvef' aie' "CefirraT Presby-,terian Church. -40-33. After a i l s " g>me

i«W-tew jroring -nut -half, J?r" J n d

the P.A.L. outscored their op-

; _ . r „ , * i I Nesbitt and Weiss combine iwomen leaders ""ge, a Group 2 Powerhouse, for 3 7 j . , . .

with a 453 ;»nd will be looking to f— »•->- M J 7 m m f o r t l O V ( n i f f l

a 450 series » n o IC.rtce "Milch ttith a

,,165" game; WinnieWagner with a 430 scries anda 188 game; Ethel SpauU with

Highlanders deci S ter 1 h^ i 2 g O l l l S ^ W P r 0 V U l e D C e

last season and it would take a ,super performance by Coach,Wodock's cagers to avenge that

a 425 series and a 151 ame and I 8 8 8 oo-tne Highland Park court.Bette Fairchild with a 400 ser-

| ies and a 160 game.

ers score between eight and i-points.

Nesbitt achieved a person..Watchung HUls presents a diT- triumph against the Pioneci -

fcrent kind of problem for Oov-. lynn, who was limited toerno Uvingston Th Wrren i

pernor Uvingston. The Warren i in two games last seas i

back strong in the second halfto gain the victory.

adillacs 31-ia 5 3 ° s e r i c ! ""** * n i * n gamejbig disappointment in Somerset j points, including 10 in the fin..:ents afteH°f 1 9 2 l n d B i " ^"'onde had a j County circles this season.-sporl- \ period w n en the HigWanderfim«' came h i s h « a m ' nt 2 n - i n ? o n l y a z ' 6 record g o i nB i n t 0 jmade a determined bid for vusecond half T h e Standings as of Jahuary this week's action. One of the fory. Lvnn's big output al->

The Independents picked upj In'addition to Adase. Buriewtheir first win of the season a n d W"R»nd. Ed MtMane hit [Township cagers have been a]by Rich Kesler, zipped in ::by defeating the Cadillacs,

7. The Independents,trailing at half tim«, came _. „ . , . . , . _ , .. ,

The Standings as of January this week's action. One of the fory. Lynn's big output al->1982: ••-*•' !setbacks was a 64-53 loss to the boosted his edge over -Nr«

.<< IfighlaMers in December a! -providence's Kesler and Catrovn: ; l i y a t ^ u n g Hills' court—. jPiuulu in ffie Summit A n j-R\ tveryone is expecting Wat-! SCOring race. Nesbitt leads hi)37 chung Hills to snap out of its closest rivab by .18. poinU. .1" , lethargy before long. Wodock, though he has pttyed Wo le<

and his boys hope they delay 'games,making, their expected big move • MiddleseXHigh School pn»until, after tomorrow night. ! t 0 be no match for Govern.>'r.,'Leapin1 Lynn Nesbitt, Cover- Livingston on January 9 in Mi](

"nor Livingston's top-notch .can- dlesex vrtien the Highlanders <•>didate for all-county and »U-! hibited their sharpest shootingstate honors, tossed in 18 points 0 ( the season in romping tn

New Prov idence - The Thorn- ™ Uie Highlandirs first victory 1 7 6 . M Agency continued its dom-' w « Watchung Hills. Sophomrw ! C o a c n Wcdock cleared h>ination of the Lions Junior Bob Heuer also scored well in fy.^ ,n a determined cllori


ROTARY SNOW THROWERCuts 36 inches wide even indeep snow, discharges up to20 feet right or leit. Heavyduty construction for years-long dependability. Fully

lld b Jg pcontrolled.,trartor seat.


193 Ridgcdole Ave.nornenn Porid N. J.

Fit 7-7135

pRummlt Music Cmt«rBerteli-r

lunior BowlersRon 200 Scores

were TlnaioniTHeafricej The standings:' - Wwith a high game of 182 and The Thonrai Agency 47BiH Beyer with —

enrtis klebavir of O'Con- Mountain Cleaners 38

that corylest, tossing in eight [ keep the score respectableI"*1' • !the outclassed Middlesex

Nesbitt i« at the peak ol his | N i n c o { t n e Highlanders who Maction scored

Nesbitt; who scored 26pi"n.•flHtfv

Bowling League three gamesfrom A. J. Weiler. Greg. Thom-as of The Thomas Agency was |the leading .scorer of his teamwith a 213-547. Others who j in the team standings with his!helped The Thomas *T*"T» t"Lj|^ icPr'WI •


Julius Huf II Suns 28 2923'* 3Us24 33,

Guidclt.;, Plumbing 23h 33WSmith Air-Conditioi). 21' 36

Hip-Hip Jehannson team helped O'Connor's Market 20 37his team stay in second placeBerke. P a i n t s ! Supp. 15'-a 4Ua

nor's Market team rolled thehigh game of 223. Howie Book-man of Mountain Cleanershelped his team to victory with

i a 212-544. Jack Phillippi of the

N. HardwareWeilir

and Heuer. wlio tallied 12 P'"'1, •paced Governor Livingston ' 'Highlanders rolled up 'H I'-''in the first period, a schorl r>'ord. for one Ff^'od. rod wbreeting along in front. 43-2S <hairimc A 21-coint outbi'Ml |the third feriH wrapr:'' •' l!;for Governor Uvingston •**»•led «4-36 entering, the I"1'1


_ThunJ«y, Jo . H . 1962

iommi tT Swimmers Win, 92-90,inaD WesHieId's Long Win Streak

Hv DIVE SECIINDA the pool calmed from a fight • ing

But Lose TwiceSUMMIT—For the basketball

team of Oratory School, atalllooking for iU firtt rictory ofthe w a n o , it was i n i e of

^ d e n c e Checks Late Rally,Defeats Governor Livingston, .61-52

By Pail aOekaiaaNEW PROVIDENCE-A com-

Ul the aflernoon of January The score waa a closethe greatest swimming , rhi

A iin ie lMyard

Boba first' »•in the

<*•••. but'no cifrr" last week btoattoorf exceUem ball control


. i-Sf in ITS m*n>ry-rhtth couW hardly be sur-jof swlmmta? wss Truly ad-

in terms of skill, spirit,, vancefl in a day ttiat few of ttie'

to Bayley Ellard High

<<-l>l H>

frt the Pio-»wr*l«*-pWld>nee to Miff . B Be opening

t a nim fourth-quarter rally by ttard *»«L hd

ever the Highlanders, led by and w«a also top nun off theNesbltt'l Nven pohiW. came!

(board*. He ws* ably aeaitted by !i ^ f ^ J " , * * T?$«Z. *« Highlanders' b a c k c o u r t

standout, Jack Weiss, who had


... ^ J l . > M t j i | ;l y £ A' 0 ™ «•"««. Or»t»n' put up a the Governor Livingston High- er. had puUed U> witWnj. atogte D.Pami *ith 19 marker*.

h P ff ri i t d P lrelay i

urismarship, and excitement.'capacity crowd who watched it Summit Muad "iaMUy"'out". Collnty"quiDt«r for threep«roda/sioo, the third for ttic Boro boys ihe Pioneers ran off *tg point. Kesler and Piccolo with 12 and'„ Westf'rtd visitors proudly will ever forget ' . 'standing was the eUeaic divinj i After falling behind 14-4 in the in three meetings Ix-tween the withln-W <«conda on a lay uplll points respectively. .,,1,-d on a winning record of \ ' The Summit YMCA boys took! of&mVmifs S i G « X r M i ' first period, Oratory battled schools. and a jumper by DIParisi and \ The win established the New;t stragtht victories and came! an early lead with victories by 'awe inspiring springboard ef. back to trail only 32-31 entering to a hectic fourth quarter, i another jumper by Kesler. The Providence team a* the best bet;

Summit Shop-Rite"Tht King Of OVM Roots"

.\tend it againat a fighting i John McCoubrey and Vic Pfeif. jfort* gave him an easy victory.,!iaHi'n«er—Coach Frank Kim's jfer In 10 and under and II 12 TV Summit team suffered its

the final period. law 4S points pour Boro team alsn cloeed 08* the to cop the unofficial Summit;Tie Rama lost the touch then, through the cords, thf Highland-! scoring In the period with Bil!!Area championship with two

l-irrt working-and fast rising j freestyle events but then fell upsets in true competitive style were limited to three polnta in er* fought back to within four Sheridan hitting ? jumper to.'mor« crucial contests coming' ampimwt behind In scoring points until (as Douglas Tallamv and John I the final eight minutes, and point* of the Pionurs who had make the count 39 31 going into JJJJ won. Ttie rionecr.!LBxeeiCav-

I V crowd was restless, the'the very laat event of rhe day 'Secunda were touched out for'dropped their fourth in a row. lead by as many at n earlier;tt«enmaetic flnaTperSJi ernor Livingston »gvn next Kri- i|.i.irine was dj»e and when This was despite the outstand-: 1st places in the 10 and under Don Codey, Oratory's leading in the period. But, ;s usual, the I One* again the Boro team day night (Jan. 28) at the Plo-(

- -- - events scorer, and Don Johnson scored Boro's own "Mr. Backcourt," made a bid to pull aw-ay in theneers home court where they"21 points between them for Lou DiParieJ,wa« magnificent in ifirst part of the quarter as they | will alto take on the IliJHupper*

the.dutch. Lou scored five big.uuzed their: blg?<t*t lead of the of Summit High the following;Immaculate Conception High points in the last 44 seconds to. night. 50-37.. midway through -Friday nliHit (Feb. iV The Sum-:

..., . .... ..,..*.„ .. . . . . . of Montclalr, one of Essex Coun- put the game •MI ice and extend the period on seven marker* by mil same ,liapos up as a realUs way too as Pete Davenport Ity's more formidable teams, the New Providence string of Kosler and two each by Carmen battle at no Ne.w Providence,eked out a first In tho 11/12 » ' simply had too many gun* for victories to five. rPiceolo and Bob Prout. J- cage te»m ha« eve/ Beaten Sum

or> on Jan. 12. Playing the Rich Keeler, a 11 h0 u g h out- The Highlander*. cam*igtwro-jmiUlrice inane jafwip, - ^». tB ^f ftrtfnr amiH wwinl wwiill) TIJ II11 Tilullllllll itiiy Tills* i| |nn to Him Ihrnnrii Another good battleToouu to-!t fan Immaculate la the ers' Lynn Nesbitt, was a big Kun team's offense with a press and,morrow night when the Boro

a 230 game. Don Coombs hit;**; is/17 100 yarif butterfly least a s u h e Montelair team •when it really eowrted. Hescor- run off nlnr straight points b* 'team clashes vith <n undefeated.

Larry's Shon Bowlers WinExtend Lead to 2 GamesSummit:—Larty^-Cyae Shop! 1,014 gtmt alK| t

..\ifiided ita lead to two gamea RU(iy Burger hadm—the •-Summit Recreation

»nd II'U breatstroke.and Brant Swiuler suffered' a3f9 place setback in rhe 13 '14 Oratory.5fl ysnt butlotfly

However, a few upsets came

Charlines twice in a

«.tall' «nes—Mft—thM

butterflySS-S sec- rolled to a 63-26 victory. . ed nine Of his 12 points in the j fore DiParisi ilatir.ed the door South Plainfieid five on the TV

ollwl 215 and 204 games and Behre 209 for Ciba ,onDS- Immaculate rolled up a MIS fourth (taoza on two Jump shots jwitti his clutch ball handling and gcrs' home court List y«ar New 1Cast hit 214 for. Urry's.' Twill won twice from Jim« Irt ** ***** events, however, j edge over the. outciajeeo' Hams and five of six free throws. shooing. Providence beat South Plalnfield|||

k Lawrence'* 215 was tops Chevron. despite game, of jof! Summit c«me from behind and; through the fir«t three periods. The Pioneers for«ed out to a The G o v e r n o r Livingston twice. ThTTTrsT lost ended a 23-l|[

1SH7event In the time of

' onds.In the

,,r Charlines. (by Nick Colangelo and 205Maben moved to within a half-1PWI Rossello-jine of second place by win! The standing*:ic twice from West Penn| -^W1 ' t

cwrge. McNally had 1 -2O5jlarrjrVCycle Shop 3J 22„ , Juhft fatricfc.a, 20* faiirhirlhili - •„••,»••, - p t

.Hay" KBUlgau'i i l l 111

Ky pointed fnr victory. The 10 and juratory managed to outscore 1S-11 In the first period on seven'team's Junior fla*<i Lynn Ncs- game honie winning streak afld .v under freestyle relay of Dyke . u-e Imraa*uUte reserve* in the points by Bill Sheridan, six by 'N«. parted off scorinR honorn the South Plainfieid boys will be [

Jim Serunda. Dav'd f,ns| " • " ' " 'period. Codeyand Ben Clark did their |JKnOts for Oratory.

sewed 10 DiParisi. four by Carmen Pic- for the night with hi* 22 tallies out for revenge.coJo-»odtw»by Bot^Preut;rfow»

West Pcnn Oil.Ciba camep up

Vith the best bowling of thein sweeping Werner Mo-h ' P b i t l l d

, CibaTwill PrintingWerner Motor Co.West Penn Oiliii pg

urs, The'Pbarmacisti rolled _a_Jim'i Chevron


Clubbers Cagers Triumph,Je t to Challenge Facers

The H i

Pete Davenport, and Vic Pfeif-fer coasted to victory by (Joins200vards in 1:53.9 and the 15 ITmertlev relay team of Bill Page.

I Andy Maros. PhU Riker, andBoh Zieecnhagen brouiAt therafters down by just beating

Igfifdnder Matmen FullOf Surprises - Good, Bod!

. S. Prim*


Team in Boys' LeagueSUMMIT-After only two

games for each te^m, the War-l fd

New Prevldeace—The Cub-1 Steam Roller* came to life InnT> have established

Air Reduction in1 Adult Baa- •

I League. ji Ah* Reduction idle, the]

Clubbers staved- off a tremen-jiloii; last-period rJly by the;J:eam Roller* to win, 49-45, and;hirfnwth^n their—grit*-on secondplace The Clubbers trail AirReduction by one-half gstne. The1-5 dropped the : tektn RollersInt'j a. tic Alt thir! place withtfci Suckmen, who routed the Al-,.r,'-n, 80-27 hi another league; a tup.

The Clubbers, led by Hayeslad Huff, romntd to 1 seemingly

rmountable, 45-28, lead dur-ml ho first three periods. The

them- the -final'period, iiinnlng up a t e r D v J o h n M c C o ubrev in 25

fore they

Berkeley HeighU-The wrest-, Frank Christiansen. 140, has two [ t^im in U- . . . . . len of Governor Livingston victories and a draw. Wadas and' M l n r

WMtfield'i beat in 200 yards i" | Hegiooal High School presented' WTiHford both have won deci-' ^l:49.g, ju*t 9'10 o f a second,Coach Ray Higgiiu with two «ions in their only two appear-farter than Weatfield. ' surprises "last week a* they | ante*.

Other Summit winners who j split two matches to make their I Budadded necessary marcins to the season recoivictory score were: Ben Clark I x h e fjntin t*e 10 and imder 25 vard but-1 pleasant

the only undefeated

surprise \20-17

27-24. The Celtic* moved into *n \early lead and went on to defeat'the Hawks. 3017. • i

1 In the Washington Division of{the Minor League, Uw< Wildcats.'j in a high scoring contest, out(Scored the Bears, 41-28. The

won their second gamei w -17 count over tbe Owls.

record, with only a one-point the knick* 19-9 in *<• *econd! The Bobcats evened their season• decision marring his record. Ron half to come from behind to win record at 11 by defeating the

'U.S. Choice



I U.S. Choice


IS points lor Uie

The Stickmen con pletely out-

Cote also has a 2-1 mark. JohnFarm, 105, • has scored

by a score of, 28-27.In a double "vertime game,

Panthers, 24-22.In the Franklin Division, theribbl

M * u p - t at the

the Royals edged by the Lakers,; Dribblers xained their second-.straight wkt by.tof&HIng lh«

Tmevery period,


i a ' 5


Bill Horbatt.With this


R. Olinder, and ^ m a ( c h e , ^^ ±mtn,

victory, Summit * '*director. Lou

T h e Highlanders wrestledPiscataway High School lastTuesday and will be

Jford, Governor Livingston, de-[Shooters, 2921. The Reboundert

I U.S. Choice


•II meettenderS#v«

64* to.


1 tomorrow afternoonft« Pony Pirates

hometo engage

Elm can point to an unbroken 1717. "Chuck"""•»> i string of five vietorie* for an t h e HighlaiiaerV.000 unbeaten season thus far against y « t l e d »• • neavywetgw

ckstoned Alan Muahette, Clark. f«me from behind to win over4-0.Middlesex 24. Governor Livings-ton 22.

07 pound*—KWip Shw>k

Screeners, 29-27.W»rrlor»Kuwbi

dlesex, dedsioned Phi Hot, Gov-ernor Livingston, 119.


J<mkK>n 00

a 00 0

tronst'rt 0 1

Orsnee. Montelair, Shore Area,£ Plainfield, and now Westfield.

J i 17! Even though each team a^ainJ , j meefs Summit — the new team4 1 9 to beat — the now undefeated, . .J J ,J*wimmers have achieved a long Koechlein bad given the HighI ' I o1 wught-after goal. They had;lander* a 2819 lead. The inex-

_ _! beaten the best in a fair and | perienced Jo5 »45> T-ottli r 7«'»o,uare match a moos cham- j ever, proved to be no

( «ndh« 100(HuH

' ^ t ^ J T O g f i School bT^outh Orange.Whitford.l Themmmaries:

Governor Uvingdon "20, dark j 105 pounds—John Farrar, Got'17. ' ! ernor Livtngstoo. pinned Ken

91 pound* — Tony Schultz, 'Dolide^JIiddlesex. 2:58 minute*.Cfark, deciaioned Phil Hof, Gov- \ 114 Bo^ndi - Richie R e o e y , ' £ « «emor Uvlogaton, 8«. Middles^, decisioned Bol Buck- "

105 pound* — Roger Fuchs, ley. Governor Livingston, J-fl.Clark, decisioned John Farrar,! 122 pound*—Sam Teata,Governor Livingston, 8-0 ernor Livingston,

114 pound* — Richie Shohfi. Denny Pimental.Clark, d«ci*ioned Bob Buckley,1 129 pounds—Art Sanders, Mid-

I U.S. Choice

CLUB fit for




Score500' Series in Heights

pion* and after the tension had his heavyweight rival, Richie* leased found themselves 'ttie|Tullo. and was pinned In 1:32

Governor-Livingston. 50.22 d122 — Joe

dlemx, pinned BartGovernor Livin>g9tonutes.

Holiohan,1:85 mm-


JU. S. Choice


I U . S. Choice




swimming stale. It was adav for Summit swim enthusi-asts. It was a dav both Summitand Westfeld could be justly \ MMdiesex" scored three pin

Berkeley Helgtts — Fifteen,Borkowjkl, 200, 5S3; Dick Paw- "">ud of their water warriors. | victories—worth five points each il«.«l«rs had series of 500 IT lek, 521; Dave Stratton, 520;iSummlt won_but WestffleJdjSaJ-_to two swh wins for the High- j

point victory.Governor Livingston and Mid- _

dlesex each v/on six bouts, b u t l ^ r m Werthweinl'aarkrsX

ad series of 500 .T lek, 521; Dave Stratton, 520;i n .Rie Berteley Recre- Bud Whiteseli; 516: Ron NigroJTy didn't lo»e!

ation Men's Wednesday N'ghtIt iu ling League—a record num-i*r John Fay set the pace" iih a 571 series, including a

Realty sliced two2:3 game.

S'.rcaoneamts eff the lead of Harry'sEsso by sweeping Sperco, white

leaders bowed twice toSummit Area Jaycees. Kellers

into a tie for secondlosing twice to H.G.

H-Labs blanked Jaeger Lum-ber and Harrison Labs wonta-m from Jim'* Chevron.Stmtoai rolled the nrgtifs topumt..«. J U — and • top »erie»

Other high score*: Andy De-Fihppra, 552; Jay Lee, 231 201,M8: Fred Mommien, 541; Al

212, 514; Dean DuPuy, 512;Charlie Erb. 512; Tom SUnson.512; Roger Kloever, 509; EdHoffman, 509, and BUI Corbitt,508.



H. G. Edward* «' Co. 27

Harry's EStratton R«Keller*H-Labs .Jaeger Lumber


Harrison Lab* 27Sperco 27S. A- Jaycees 25Jim'J Chevren 17 , .

HI Team Game-i-Stratton 865Hi-Series Stratton 2452


Berkeley Team



-» Pr«vi4«nce — Ohlc»«nBoston engared in

;pound class proved extremelycoMly to the Highlander*.W?das* repUcemeW—Bart Hol-lohan—wa* pinned by hi* Mid-dlesex opponent.

Packers 00 Top, „ , ,- , , . 1 - , . - _ 1 The Packer* retained their129 pounds—John Wadas, Gov- j dlesex, dectosoned Ron Oote, f irs( U c e -ojjtion m tn. vo,Ti

— Uvingslon, decisioned, Governor Livingston, 3-0. of Recreati.* Intermediate Baa-,140 pounda-FpaJik diristian- M]nl] lM^ h v MtatinK t h , I

Cote, Cover- sen. Governor Livingston, de- j ^ , ^ 34 28 The Packers led bydecisioned Tom cisioned Bruce Bertucci, Mid-.^v.'whitcomb's 16 points, foil

the first period but]: in the second and >"

i) take a com-


I U.S. Choice


l U . S . Choice Boneless '"•-





"tit, ?£ £&rtw$2sz- k e t b s l , U . « , opened ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^Tilcago w"n. 38-34. witht*n'« Mint total higher

with Wayne Thomas, Clark, 4-4. I'ayvn, Middlesex, 3:58 minutes.147 pounds—Bud Cunte, Gov- 156 pounds—Don bine, Middle-

ernor Livingston, decisioned Lou , sex, pinned Frank Fish, Gover-Hochttmeaer, Clark, 8-2 nor Livingston, 5.52 minute*.

158 pounds—Frank Fiah, Gov-i 167 ppunds-^Len Semon, Gov _ernoT Livingston, deciiiooca lornor Uvtngston, decistooed , n Var ly load and were never

I Steve Kubineki, Oark. 50. Tom Weber, Middlesex, 10-5. | headed. TV Bullebi evened Uielr177 pounds-Chuck Whitford. ^o^ 4 t 2.2 ()V ^ilns ,n e w i n .

the Stags\ moved into second

place by winning over the Gun*,Piston* Jumped off (0

ttan»nv of the other three winningte"ms.

Detroit downed New York.33-24: CincinnatidelDbia.

167 pounds—Len Semon, Gov-Uip , p

crDOT Uvingaton, dedsloned Ken I Governor Livingston", decisionediki !


e n a 120 le=d and then battled Hauewkld, Clark, M . iDon Koechlem, Middlesex. 10-0.back to win. Wadas aUrted to«l_jji_+vmtr~** E4 AndBTion,i-Heivy*Wght - Hiohie T v B o . 7 E * «comeback with a 6-3 dw4«ion. aark, decisioned Harry Shall- ] Middlesex, pinned John Carvel!- J Z ,Ron Cole, Bud Coot*. Frankjcroes, Governor Livingston, 41.)•», Oovernor Livingston, J:32!»uil««.JH'uh-and hrn Semon all scored: Heavyweisjtitderision vlctofle* and ~

whipped Los A n g e l e s , 24-18.•hr

8thepenin)! games In 'BtrT

Grade Basketball League,

Chn*u«iueo battled to a draw.Tlata g»»e tht IHghlander* a IT-

Postman Hits 624Series in Borough

Providence -

'n Women's LoopBerkeley Height. - By win-

ning three games from David'sElectrical Shop, Berkeley Phar-

Meat'liadwt in two"game, macy maintained a two-gamem the New Providence Boro Jf«l fJ. * e Berkeley Heightsand Township Bowling League. Township Women s Bowling1'he loss cost the leader* a L e a*u e

14 lead and they went on to winon Whitford's victory./After three matches, the

Highlander* canJxkUt. o i J N Uundefeated grapplers. Len Sem

downed the Steers, 25-14, andjoa. 167-pounder, has won threethe Wrens von from thej matche*, including one pin forSaints, JO-17. r * the beat record on the

the Tapers hipped the Majors,22-21, io the closest game of

• the day. The Eagles defeatedftflf CaTfls. 23-17T"lhV Tipers


I all game in the standings as, !">th New Providence Police

"i<l the New Providence Fir«-"ion won two games.

All other matches also re•>«lt«l in 2-1 victories, with•Mun»y Hill Pbsf OHice No. 1,•^isro Construction, and Reheisscoring over Linda's Restau-rant, Wayne* Bake Shop andMurray HU1 Post Office No. 2,respectively.

Bebert bowled an "honorro|l" scries — 824 — for Mur-ray Will post Office No. 1,

.withL games of 222, 201,'201.Olherhigh scores: Peccario, 175,W5; Voss, 231, 555; Furd, 225,•'«); Crass, 195, 492; Wehman," 1 , 509; Thornton, 232, 533;W r o n z o , 183, 531; Scott, 169,'75; Joe PeriUo, 171, 482;*Ptacy, 213,. 5*1, and Ostrander,

' W, 535.

j Berkeley Meat Market 33* P. Police Dept. SOV R-_FjBB_nept 29-




Delia'sthreeq p

game* from Mandate Trucking Ito take second place.

Individual honor; went toFord Dennis of Richland Com-pany rolling a 208 game and

Berkeley Pharmacy with a497 scries; Gen Barter ofDelia's Liquor Store with a 488series; Eleanor AyrauK of Dog-wood Lane Div. Co. with a485 series, and Ida Serrltellaal SerriteUa New* with a 475series.

The standing*: ..Berkeley PharmacyDelia's Liquor Store

l Sh


David's Electrical Shop 26Mandato Trucking 26Richland Company 25Serritella News 25Berkeley Bakery 25Dogwood Lane Dev. Co. 22Delia Builders , 20

latham Floor''ilia's-Liquor*

' *• ynes Bake ShopRestaurant


2SV>26 2224 2424 2420Va 27 "j19 2919 29

HiU P.O. No. 119 29Hill P.O. NO. 2 16 32

Columbia School Coqmiunq Today

Berkeley Heights - Colum-bia School's basketball teamwas scheduled to play host toWatchung School today in theteam's fourth game of the sea-son. Columbia played at homeagainst New Providence' lajtTuesday. .


S A I FThe Most Outstanding in Value


Available at Tremendous* Savings


At Lowwt Prictt Ev«r Offered

have no fearWERNER rs here

Imperial • Chrysler • Plymouth • ValiantSI 7 Springfdd Avt. Summit. N. J.



'Lean, Tender


)CHUCK5TEAKSIu.s. chotc wen<J,rtul % f t cJSHORT RIBS forb.ii., J x i b

J. S, CKOTQ* cuf from ihould

[LONDON BROILlee-, Bon»t«r

(CORNED BEEF'Extra lean, Freshly





HAMBURGER389I Beef, Pork, Veal

'MEAT LOAFI Pure Pork, hot or sweet



10c ON ANY'/2OFF Gallon of Ice Cream

These Sale Prices Only Al

and F/c-nHfif i t Sa*mg\ InW


'40 PARK AVI. SUOpen Eve'i MU t, Fridays tU la, Saa«y*

u THE SUMMIT HHUID,' ThUrsJ«yrj«n. • H. M6t f

XMC4 GroupPlans FamilySkatingParty

A skating party, to be heldunder the sponsorship of the YM-CA Family Program committee,

Tiltl be held Saturday. January27, at- South Mountain Arena.West O m g e . Mr. and Mrs. FredThoefv. co • chairman of theKamity Program committee, an-nounced today.

- picnic -sapper~will be held a' theV, with each fa|niiy bnngin,own basket "supper. Cocoa andcookies will be furnished. Thetfcating will be held from 2;30to t>30 p.m.. with the supper tofollow at 5:30 p.m. Each family

s- own transport*-

Murray HillMan in NewHumble Post

Humble oil & Refining Com-pany has aiuinimc#<l the trans-fer of William l \ iiabota ot 312

, Mountain avenue. Murray Hill,to Bayxvoy Refinery's public •relations and communicationsdivision. -, .

Holder of » u>5rce in second-—from* "TffilTani'

Reservations are required In-terested families should con-tact the Y a t CRi3-3339*o!:ateTthan next Tuesday/January 23.

New 4-H Club FormedBy Rabbit Fanciers

Officers of tbv' newly formed4 If Rabbit Club, also known asIhe "Happy Hoppers.".-, uere

— Sjdney'B."Smith, of 10 Valentine road.New Providence, has beeo-ap*pointed product sales manager,monomers and polymers divi-sion, fur CelaiH'se Corp ofAaierica. it was announced thisweek. Formerly director ofcommercial development, in hisnew [»>-! • MI ami duvet

SiiovVki nf «"""""'•

'• master's,^legree in safety edu-catioiyfrom New York l/niver-iity/.Alr. Sabota firjt came toBi> way Refinery in 1956. $incethat time, he ha.« beim serving iwith the safety division. j

He is widely Jtnown in theHumble Company and safetygroups nationally for his devel-opment of the "Defensive- Driv-ing 'Prosram." which was'of-

employers and their - familieslast year '

In his new appointment withthe public relations arid com-munications division, he willwork with educator QIOUUJthroughout the state !|nd also

. ;!ie,.«)ammuui>... r»la4wi*<-'rrram of

Stfmmit »»s elected •prf'irtent. "*"-, f1"tttfier officers aiv Kred Slew- "*'* *•''••• '

art of Summit, vice president; «»t*'«of UV,t Virginia Vmver-Linda Pennstroni. secretary.. !">.v'1" I9*' »e jwis 'he recipiand Brett Ge*hrkv. treasurer. "<•"' of lil(> Voting Man of theboth' ol Xeu Providence, and'Year award of the New York

f Eric "Baxter of Srnnmit. re- • B**- "-"tremical 'and Allied' porter. • '

• Plan»'«ere made for thvJoca'l-",.aU to

Boro ArtistIn NewarkYMHA Forum

BIRTHS I State Telephone Userst o Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tur I '

ner o( 74 Forrest road, MurrayHill, a soo, born January 3. l

To Mr. and Mrs. John Farre.ll i^ " * « * l n f t 0 V v e n u e - Bet | New J e m * Bel.1 Telephone Co. < of telephones In the world i imuum n n

keley Heights, ^daughter, born, c u , , o m e r , c a n cau-.13«. 23»,70olmoat doubled since 1951. The j e r a e y c i t y , 4 1 . i ; PaSBau:. i:I

^ " " u . . _ j u _ « „ . „ . . • telephones, 97,6 per cent of all United States, with 52 per cent Palersoo. 44.3; Trenton, i; i-~ —»— l e | e p D o n e j m the world. - -of the world's telephones, ar- CamdHi, » « East Orang*.

TeUrphooes per 100 popul;,!^in some of Ne<v Jersey's |u ipal citk-s otoer than All. iCity which were listed in -j,

incuded: Newark.

Mr and Mn. Norman!,Buik of 518 Morris avenue, a 1 — —-«• . . - _ , — — .... , . ._. . nijomfield 59 8 and iinim.•daughter, bprn January 1. This includes 244 telephones counted for 47 per cent of the ««"«"««>.».• , ana union.i To Mr and Mrs Adrian i n M u s c a l a n o Oman, all three entire sum of Ihe past decade *4*' !_ — - VFredeman of S22 Mom*. M^.^tJJ!fi-ttltPil(infs JiLali4i-Br4U^---^'h^!mn^^TrffiS«rwii» se»-; A W toll i l ' e l u d e d fm m

-nwr"a"<la"ugbTer'"born Decem-1 *"&"* W«wli. •md *> "P"* cent ond in ihe numhjer of telephone „, m e M v Washington Can ,„ber'tf." ° ' •*• estimated 4,276,000 tele- with 8,270,000, or 16 per 100 per- R o a d i n pjn|,ham Noted \ '«•

Mr and Mrs Charles I * 0 0 " i n 9"">» "O"- Wt>st Germany ranked „ h a , b,.t.n l n e >imi. prlc;. ,of « Coll romJ-XTml A m r i « t o t h e xm e d i t i o n third with 5,994,051,or 11 per 100 lht, f i r s t , o l | M a s c n , r g M |

' ' iot "The World's Telephones," re- persons. Canada had 32 tele- u uI leased recently by American phones per 100 persons, for a —• :

Joseph ; T t l e p h o n e lni TeleRraph Com- total of 5,728.167.pan), there were 141.700,000 tele,- While C a n a d i a n s rankedphones at the begjnmni: of 1961, fourth in the total number ofa gain of 8.100,000 in 1960: telephones, they apparently use

Atlantic City ranked second their phones more than anyone


born December 31— . ' •

ro Mr. ana MM.

son ho™Kin, oorn!!' M » n d a t 0 ;

n i l , — • i nuaiiuk \.H] 1 annv\i aci "itu IHVII piiuma IIIUI v mail anjmn:

Piilumboof 41 Park avrtue, a 1 , m o n ( , t h c w o r l ( f s principal else. In 1960, Canadians averag-son, Dorn uecemner 29. c j t i e , i n ( e | e p b o n e density withiod. more than 538 telephone cop-

To Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa 71.S telephones per 100 persons,! verssfibos per person. In theUscques of 72 Division avenue,:according to the report. Wash-; : " '~^-a daughter, born December 29; Iington, D.C. was the. world's-

To Mr. and Mrs. Albert leading city with 83.1 telephones jScheible of 48 Holly Glen Lane, per 100 persons. WHite Plains,'south. Berkeley Heights, a son.'V.Y. had 713 per 100. Stock-born December 28. holm, Sweden, was IK- top for-

To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred *>»« c i'y hi the world with 02.7:




MOTORSerotce „H>|Mlri W*

Ftntltc W,,,k* Can

M Summit Ave. CRjr 'u l


ball. will, be

V'alorie Doi.u'Uivattons The di

the' thenit ol which

rs Alfred yKimbrough of 11 Dennis Place,' telephones per 100 persons.,.•i *<m?*ttT~BiKirnti«Ftbr-~ | ffl flfeutes {nThe report'


will be supplied by Phil Bettue,u a«J his urcheatra.'•-. .,f..\ • '.'.• .-••~^-.' • ' ' • y v (Wolin PfioTo) •

Burner! painter and. arJXlecturer of 24 Dogwood

..«ounl» 4HfBa»*itCla?i. MTs.T. <"jo.inirtg -may'-call

MEDICAL NOTES.. By Bryant L. Juut^ M.O.

• * .

Mr and Mftr of ,39 Canuo

Parknaj. a daughter.Jaiiuai) 10

To .Mr. and Mrs. Johnof 71 Brijad slrt'tsUborn January 9, T

To Mr ano* Mrs.Brandcr uf .163 PearlBerkeley *H«shts, jt ia:

areas of January 1, 1961, since itUke* a year to collect and com-

borii p ' l e t''l> Altt'> A t " u t l i m c "1C

L'nilvd States hail 74,*J42,OCO tele '4___ phones, mor.- than 40 per 100

persons. Totjay there are someTC.5O0.O0O telephones in tliiscountry. Russia had about two,

Anton telephones for every 100strcet,,suns.

icr, „ Xht report. shW? the






DRexel 6-0008

-Hi>~*Sdult leader for the

club. 'Additn ii c m b e.r« are'the. aws of 10 and i



PAINTINGE\perie<\je^d — Reliable

pUitom Painting


18 Ruthven PI.,:.Swgmj! .CL 14>24a

4gh utadicinesYWHA Jewish Community Cen- designed to stop a cotrgh.

• ter. on.We.dnesilay Janua'fj, 24, thi^.may seem to bjr a »tI at 8 p.m • ' '"» *t»l<"nent it is jprave the less-. Mr. Burser won first prize'^rue. Cough is>« piWetivr ac-in abstract ^watercolor at the \ don of the tody, needed to clearstate show recently held at the —• • jf ~ :Montcla-ir Art Museum for hispainting Minister of the *lnterior.' •

Mr. Burgers painting!* haveiK-fn exhibited in a one-manshow at Overlook Hospital andin th? Summit Art Associationopen shows. He has recently The jr.mial meeiin^nf tlichad a pmMnaujslHW at the Hull:congregation of Faith LutheranAil <;«l)tT> in Union, and atChtrrrh will be held Monday,the Newark State College in January 22, at 8 p.m. Basic con-Lnii/n where presently lie i. ,fn -idcratluik. uf the- merting wiltaiua«Uat pWessor in the fine include the opening oi the newartr-department."" " " " "-""cHurch" April 1. and approval

a budget totalling S32.S2O furcurifnt expense and bencvol

To- Mr- Mr-*"'• tiot. foreign «>ater;alL [rum the xei Davu of- -r-Wajiam-street,jh.^Vhilo'D'ratnrv passages. If thv covgh'ion, born January 7.'

te on

mechanisms Were abolished, the' To Mr. and Ml-. UoAaid'.:

airliassage* could iKionie com , K v a n s "' " "'chard s l i o c t . ipletely blocked and the person d a l l g h l c r > b o r n J a n u a r >' 6 'suffocate. What then are T<J Mr and Mrs. John (.los.i

should contain several drugs1 T o XIr a n ( l M l s - J " l i a n - v «e -•for a number of it-asws. Kirst,iDacrt of 16 Audrey street, ,ait should contain an expectorant daughter, bom January 5.drug, wtiich, WIK'LI accompanied' To Mr. and Mrs. Charlesby large quantnii's of fluids,'Horn of 43 Hawthorne place,acu to promote a Uow of mums son born January- 5.

ta.*"""' l'—'" hPaVyi To Mr' and M'S- W"and


oneSecondly, sonic i > \» ol

is desiralilo for tworeasons.



S,h/s,"',,r.,";? rpas


iy Bible School by .30 per•+eent.

In other church matters. Ithas hern announced that Satur-day has been set as the datefor organization of a new juniorconfirmation class, which willmeet e»eh Saturday at 1 p.mChildren who will be 12 yearsof age or over by January' 15,1962. are eligible ior enrollment.

Local Youth AttendingArmy Language School

Army I'vt. John A. Anderson^of

Third, an antiliistaniinu'dniR i»ef benefit, for it helps to reducetissue sweilina and neutralizeany allergy. Finally' a propermedium Used to holdthe drugs iqJpVoper fornyanddispersion, anil to niak/ themedicine pleasant to take

So frequently, medicjfle is re:jected. as*-being- "no>«iood" be-cau»c it doesn't dn what the pa-

' tient thinks it should. Yol themedicine is fuUflling Ihe pur-pose for which/it was intended.To say that * cough remedy is

CoUegesoccer player ha« received All-America recognition

' W. Davis Van Winkle, a juniorfrom Summit, received honor-able mention on the 1961 All-America team as selected by theNational Soccer Coaches As-sociation for the, Wheaties SportsFederation. Van Winkle wat theonly Vermont college soccer

i player., and one of only four1 New Englariders. named to the: squad

The 6 1. 180-uoimd Van Winkle• na'i a. Iru-a-J^gLin .i!»!ggi

team compile a 7-2-1

is receiving a 24-week course ranted and udjuirt.of. instruction in the German —

at the Language ;School. Monterey. Oal. Thccourse l>egan in November

Anderson is being trained U>/tTspeak flirontly as well as read -4and write the language. Thc 22:year-old soldier entered / theArmy in June. 1961 and, com-pleted basic training at FortJOix. . ..../.

H* T* a I«.S? qradu-rle of Pm-


For State Bar

A Carnival of


Four Summit Area residentsare among a group of Hi fnynTJoion County who have filed i i•tat Mr tiranrtrraiiohi niiicti'~will he held Kcbruars' l" "indj16.

From Summit ait Donald F.of 396 Broad streetG. Pugh of

avenue, and M r-

EM»S TRAINING—Marine I'vt.Ronald F. Smith, son of Mrs.Virginia Smith of 9 Lincoln av-

rrvviUCTivc j i t n w r , piiu ^i^*-; •"«•••'•• — • • - • - —

tin G. Rand of 7 Irving Place, enue, completed recruit train:|From New Providence is An- ing. On-- 7. at the

thony L Mezzacca of 118 Uv |CorpS Recruit Oepot.ingslon avenue. Island. S.I











of soccer at Middlebury. ThePanthers represented N e wEngland in the ea-stern .small

.college tournament m Novem-ber

Van Winkle and his brother,Keith, a sophomore, were both

.named to the 1061 All-New Erf£-land team announced earlier.Both are graduates of SummitHigh School. -

Country Day SchoolrOpons Now BwHdhig

A ne« $1,500,000 bulldin!;. was.opened last week by theShort Hills Country Bay School.The new buildipg. located on40 acres, includes 17 clan-

ms, a shop, art room, nvi-TDDffl.: lttrary. study hall.

dining room., administrative of-Jlijes. gym and two, rooms lorI'pfiysiraT eifoeafion «nd gym-j nasties. Outdoor facilities alsoI include three playing fieldswith1 a football field, baseballdiamond and three*'all-weathertennis courts slated to be completed soon. A natural pondlor skating is arso being de

vcloped -The school has a present en-

rollment of 36<i, with the newbuilding expected to boost theligure to 325. Future planningincludes construction of an auilitormadditjonal classrooms forlush school. Total enrollmentwill then be 423. The schoolwas founded in 1883.


•sasv plusammonia

• txttl* . jn Pitions*p«t«nt*d formul*.

hot nothinK rlcanaIlk* Pimm1 Sudsy Dctwtan* Ammonia!



Dear Betle:Bavt yosi heard ahow the

•arveloas skoppuig tervle*Cul the SUMMIT ¥\M\tMARKET baa arailah**? Isat reminded U> tell v « otthis service knowing t»«tdifficult these days havthern with the children Ui.AU that la needed >o make

.Toni daj nor* comtor<abt*.'•s * lelephoae call I* bam,I.CBMtvlew T-4a«*r Ht "willtake your order and eavortl*shop for yoa and deliver, ailfor the amaiingly small priceof 3~r. If your order is oteitlC.M UM servic* is tn~Hope this Mea help, jnwlhin«fh yoar dilemma.


A Flameless' / •

Electric RangeSo dependable and good with the children—not the dog,the electric range. And it's woman's best friendin'many other ways, too! Precision controls mean perfectcooking results every time and better food, too!Meats won't shrink, cakes won't fall and vegetablesretain their nourishing goodness. It's oh, so cleanand cool—no fuel grime on walls or curtains, no sooton pots and pans. Insulation top, bottom and all around

'keeps heat inside the oven where it belongs. See themodern, beautiful, flameless electric range's at your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer's, today!


JGP&Ll y i t o l ItaMy Kilowatt Owl*. , wl» diiplayt Ai< •mW*m

Jersey Central Power ft Uf ht



u ^i^^iContptrolter ofResWenf Hamed THE SUMMIT HtHALP. >_Tnurtday, J»n. i t ,J f j»_

•WflBlSHSWestern Electric

Mowre of J » Herbert

ana at at Fajrvarw Aro-

at the "Chemical Corp« School, of the board of trustee* of thiKort Meridian, All Village ol SouUi Orange from

; Urutenam < "dwell w'aj train 1*41 to 1846. and was |>ri»i<ienled in th« duties of a chemical of »•«• CitfirM Party league

"corps officer »nd received i there from 1MB" U> ltjo '. Ui .the. Uctka.1 ' ««•/-•--••ami mairiifl used k i — - I l i l i

turing and supplyi TJDE PAJJMJNT Bell Telephone System.

Mr Spicer's Western t'lectrvOB.. carevr lias centered principal!;

K » THK vio- the last two years he was comp-^ r D ^ * J V t r o l l M > "* w " l e m Electric1.

MKABuits." A» manufacturing division. Prevl-

The 23year;o!d officerM»-«k ' fonflnued from l'a«e 11graduated uum. Siumroil Hmh "•>«• '"The Church WomanSchool in 1B58 ami from Cornell M r s J«hn l-<'avew it chairman

of the nominating committee.Dtuinj; the uuMDeu liour if-

nance chairman wen read amiaccepted and plan* *ert rtucussed.fpr 'die May Fellow shinluncheon icheduled for May

University in 1*91.

Resident Named

•1AI^{?5ca?Sr-?«onv>or.coin|«iiy'. isaistim treasurer.•visrr ' 1 comptroller at two of its U

:i TYPIH or ZONU: NuiUi CaroUi>a Works at Win-

™eeniamix» wi«h tiw , company develop* and produce*and

, systemi for the armed foiMr. Spicer is a lormer

of the National Association ofAc count arils and -the Institute«f Internal

•pent Ike Malay* atf J.and has returned to the died

vanity of Michigan for Ike'faul phases of her studies asa member of the


ef W Hrw

* Address ReportDm from Aliens


CONrLLTES COURSE - Ma-rioe Pfc tieilenck C. Monson. " ! ^ T ..w Mrs Earl M P'1"™ *»6VittMouan of 30S

ICuntinueil from Page 1)including tur hcpitals.conwioiia! an«i irainint; ihsH-'at the MCIIHMIIM church. a- weirtutions p/ thi' Mate, ll i» a nine- as. ihe Mission* Institute to themeintx-r body winch i t n t s the fall ami World Community Da>itatu tuthuui coaip»n«atiap in November. "

Mr Mmiuviirn it » uradualc * f'l«i strip. •Unitwl churc-i! o f •• •• . . . . . . i -

!J II the group at about 5d willle»«r tor Bamtfnk t» h tPmbyterUa ebon*

Prmidnce ftrTaaaxaliiium acme* esti

3a*esi«iee(\e«ror Men Kourflvr cmt rain iU p m e a l the " * * *

gaee, to ike » • S ^ " " ^ * r e» ^Bteetiac E 11 (radoate ' of Summit

Uaggett will aiatsl a Ike den Scaooi and Well. College, -ana- ft,oAstritloa. • itadsed far a * e v at the Uw- (


M friml Ahr*He received a Bachelor ofArts degree from Georgetown

In Keiktucky.cmt>VP criit onln

for MMh hour

rhomas H. Abercrombie. »oor of Mr. and M«. FABk K. Aber

d o t j w * , a k xjarr" v .

,-... til* hour* uf 8.00

mm-at iec sksaU b« aaafcrf « « t


grow hi

c'apable of »ll—Michel de

onCarreaUr Mr. BeMrr B a MC-

J(Coatanted from Page 1)

city treasurer, as

, U|tiverijly U » ! Women at Work,1 brought bjson oT'Sf and Mrs Earl M fsewiorami v»a» admitted to Uu,Mr» H»arn from the National

n of 30 Fay place com- V t - B Jt'r i i e )' B > r *' M »ltorn«'V, ineetinK o( United Church Worn-lr»ininii N»v TO '" 1 M 0 H r " * membtr <* * * ' « held at Miar.ii last Oclohcr.. /•„...! u.. ^.n-i''»»cx County anil American »»< shrtv\n"hs MUs Myrl Jeim

| Bar AssociitUoim and the A»ko-; Hunhei Mrs Ilcarn oi*o gmc•«ution of Lalt Innuriince Coun-ia brief report oa the U U aH'l He has rcpre.wnted the I tonierence\i-w Jcmey Slate l-imubcr uf

f'-rnrThaati i

t'Utttc * rumpany, Inc, »Jvcr:

lag Jaawary 1*1 unnp aieney, Newark ': ' ••aid tkat all A native of Metuchi'n. 'Smith

ruiuinilivv Hlnie. Mr» Robert Nelson aadN hnvilh til i:u I'ns Inr a ntlmbei' of vrart and haa Mrs. Klahr. v '" han hrea naniiHl »IMI served"a^a^inemlier of Ihe| The council iaid it would pji-

licipate in the foreign affair*Him festivtl kdicriuled fur Ki'b

formerly a remlcnt of SoilaV ruary Mat Central HreabyterianDiMiige lie nerved ai a member

wa« «.(fi'em rfntunis

1542 SfKlnafitld A»eNew Providence, N. J.

% (rld'l __

e ChfMren• • Btttinetimen

• Candid AlbymtFor AppointmentCall C t S-XOft

I. hurv c Kat«. uitrthf Cll> ul Summit, do '_ ..tllv Uut inr rarasolnx OrOUnaoru-u. tnuoduocd for lliw n*dtnf *t> reculw rMAUK at tt» OammonOotincU held ah Tutattey ^vtotat.Jmnurs i«. 1M2. utd lint MUd Or-dln«nff win t» . u o w i u d for ooo-

lifxt nsrulnr mwnin* r>? Jfiw ogn-mon Couium to tM hrlrt on "T1!"^"^.•rf!iin». F<ebrii«rv (1. 1M3. H U»

HHJ, »l »M ocloutinie «hi pftc .nv t<m.a-i wttp i

tx inumtcd t n i m n will b* «•n appatunttr to b» h. »rd (noomi-UM man OnMmnre.

D M M : JuttMry i«. l ie:MARRY 0 KATSV.

CUM d a n .j u >• nil

the Amerieaa _ ,and has been elected a •her of ibe Society m inema Xi.


after the laeiliaj.

at flat



2-Speed. 2-CycleRCA WHIRLPOOLAutomatic Washerat an unheard of

any saajar appliance we sell wlUila one year.

Tala*W«i. Utt v,iIMOtTianjiw—mil '«a

tTinjmil '«ai« 7 U

Mafor WZ.

Taucab hceoset wen gjasledto Tjler C. Pnietor, Paul Col-ons. Enruig Gallup, Richard W.'eralHanten, Ben H Green, Dommlet Borneo, Phillip Wilson, Domimek. <hn-r«. Kdvard V. Mor-|WUlian H.oney. Paul A. Wood*. Uavid a i n r f road.Murray and Douglas Shepherd.)dent aad

Robert F. Casper. Presides* Peddlers lkwwes were given by era deparuaeat.s. Tar mnanTallin Council lo George A. A m of A gradule tt Ike

ers of Jockey brand a u a s wear Scaut> Pi'"", u d to Charles A. of Senates . May reoneal hasproduct*, h u aanwd Thoaias Croaso. M. E. and W. E. Fliat Uw degree lraea Teatakt Usv

of « Bi«ak WA- <* MeMciair. and a luncheonette versify. Before ceaaeaj fe Saaavto Edward and Joseph nm. he s«r»ed a* *

for jth? coatpaay's Ruggiero fur premises at *W pernsor in•' • Moms avenue. » a nesaker «( Ik*

Gets Praaiatienrireman Michael ZotU was

e raised to the rank of Fireman.**• Second Grade at an annual sal-

^ ^ ^ t- < n o l tiJOS. tod Bryan Ruck"•anil fohoag Okaper's wat jppo.nted a probaUonary

he was a member of the tkea fuemaVat a yearly wage of Lodga of tW Order *hicago Cardinals rnrfrtimnil $MM ^ ^ ^


and Shot derign atas agn- York City Smith wai

as*, required ' l>«t ' arti»J lM'durraoorl Black. Little last .year. , . -

tkai mr alien who He is a '-member «t tin-re- Cretlvtuw Swim Club. Murray

Buy be fined ihU, and CVntral Prei.liyten.-iH*» Church.

lie is married to the formerare Gloria Could of Hanovei.

Caaleal stale* during w^vi j i n«w jmei'ch th^»pi»t inMay el W 3lew''»B"BBr» a»aat report nWtr ad-'tht' Summit Srh""l syite-m.

scav •* ( •«» to OW Srrvinr • iihin 10

*»* *3£- J^L£^ "SjStor said L ° e a l A f l " V ° ' f i c t r

•tfwrt card* are El** Troilliaq CeUFMaaaraaaiar at tk* laiaugratiop Army 2d U G.irj K CowelL

and Mrs. A.

tnised Slates boulevard, completed the i-l|!lilweek irfficer orientation emir*?

*. BieacmaBii of «low Lane, Murray *••• *ascs Ucnuemanager 'esatarn v<

BlenemaBagional -uleseastern Region, and was

u»l» a sale* «earen Detroit, Ckieaaa aadburg.

[team. He has been withfor five) year*.

Council aiau went on record of Boyas opposing a ptppoaed revision "Winter'*

|«f Ike state aoning"«ad planning PlainSaUIbraa on grounds tkaVjhe roea- Ramrod* i•ore would deny the ttty the from • p.m.joj

approve <«Ml*>*p—TrMt 1)T iarVed.zoning vanaoces aojd The daace u


4 A.M. to 4 P.M.<CWd Sundays)

427 Avenue

wouU transfer the authority Wswho woald like to aatewaV T«rkbas DBM uatad "S * « • " • * h»ard of appeals. In a et^will be asM at Ike daar orArmstWeai Water Ck. at XaUaT " " * * « » . C"*"* t e t m « l the caa^ba abtaiail traaa lortaaIn« P ^ ^ ^ pwaaaed ehange •Unreauatit. Brow*, I Montroae ave-av. »C«

*• atBdHnoaa and unwieldy . . . 1-I7W.V ctjajmaa ef<He is a graduate of Soaaik and nut in the public uxerest." ity coeanuttea.

High School aad imvaraalT ofNorth Carottaa, Cans of WEBefore his new appninlawial hewas a train** wMk OtoeasWater Co., WaaaJagfoa. Pa.

fatker h manager ofComoMBwoahh Watsr Co. k m

CR 7-6052



from 20% fo 50%

omiin'i arid




Crime andout fn orwa fruit that. BaMspected. ripenawithin the Bower ef Ike pie 1—rethat coocealed ' fZ' . . . Z . . J

—Rakjfe WaHa ataanoa

1962MERWRYSbest-lotJtiiig buys~ju)w in eovh sizi'




UNKEL Plywood I3I3 MAIN ST. («oo'» 14) MACISCM -. j

FR 7 5910 I


The moit complete tel«4 'on of plywocd




E-SB Hjt* « , at Brici CaartH . Da* cad 4 tM. -Ibanaw/ * • • « '*•

Mercury METEOR—the beautiful balance between bTg cars and compacts

Meroiry MONTEREY-the bert.lookino buy for the bio<»r man™M^'naaaaa1^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaawa¥aaaaaawa»»a»w»waa i a» ' ^ * -

your size value-your Mercury dealer's j^ot It!jvn cut net, now comes in

to mecL difftrent-dtivifijoffer* you the Mtn< kind offor your money. More room

Tfait'sn«e«..,4%p«ltrcirnday(rf deposit- comrxMK»a<JoTp»n1% l ^ y u can ft

too: Wa pay postata both mys. "

other care in their site and pjrice

classes. Bigger trunks. Longer wheclbasee(or smoother ridea. More boilt-in qtattty tocut upkeep costs. And more beauty—thecleanest .styling, the smartest, erispest roof

iines on any car. Stop in. Try your favorite.'

IWCOM>mcunr MVWQM • m> moctrnr* • ntooucTs or wsrej* ecavurr





SAVINGS TELLER TRAINEE> Wj> u t e U t« tnla lor a T l w u d lam I

c M i won. Stan: —or—a? • ft—ay. • 00 . 4 JO. ThureaaTmm*. *00 . 140. InMrettlnf dutla. CleitaaJ a b o o U m l wbackerou—i hetpfut. Apply tn padon.

Hill City Savins,* It Loan AitociationM3 Bpnnaleld AranueSummit, New jcreey . .





>MCOWOod RoadSummit . N. J. •

: ' Q t p i i n e d AppMoaota


SALESWOMANknowled*e of kriptant

i nouoa* al—p. qo—| a l -ary , to right JMTMO.

HELEN EDWARDS SHOP4M apt—ctteui An . summit

CR. 3-04M,


r y o u r ' o w n f AVOWH-ftn

~ - - - w r —v — — —. w ^m W W « * V^LJVBT*

MDT1CS offtn tmmedaaie oppor-. JunkJto woman in Springfield near

Bait—rol Rd. You ha— ~

wm»CI—RJC-TTTIST. acntrleooad. Re-

quire patabn wtth US—ato anapleating pano—Olty. n i l ] Hme.

. JCMI . irt&n- Mufin. am aw.Sumr—t Hindu. "

AItT-Tll—! a—o—as and week-n f t sehed—fXny arranged.Bell Dru* Store. 1173 SDrtnEflnldArt. IM J. CR


SBCacrART-8wuam«tur. U U K b*experienced In irarjeral office rou.tine, s-day we»k. 34. hour». PIMMn i l OS, 7-uoo. Mr. R. p. Oen-

. tinl.


Banking Opportijnities _ ._,-Yoimq M«ti for Tellar Position ..;'

YtHmg Women for Typing and Clarieal Worjtl• Advancement * Interesting Duties '

* Commensurate Salary * -Pleasant Working Conditions

Union County Trust CompanySummit Office "~^^T. V CR J-3300

fO—K—Cl wood, one-half tonFord true* fuU 112. Call It. s-1*73.


i office


'tweeu u a:m. i ad 1 o m. » am.WOJI for appointment?



. BEBOHW0QD HD. at, " DE FOREST AVE.Summit, N. J. CR 3S00O


U m Qmr, m . - A I « tor appoint- j M M im - - .

fetUBt stOOW loot!man preferred


OBNBRAL off-t. book mtrt... Meotne. »n s

«««,w null.Pr«« wrt-


prSenrMsntre Oarac*.scunmlt . CR 3J13

BaTpOTiflClCM. j

Apply _ Summit'. i l l

OR 3-1200Roan

' Broad St.. •MPLOYMINT WANtiD

tato (M Iron on. a>r. MUM h«v traMporuttoo.f t»Me«4

CLERK-TYPISTPar purah—am * i « n , m « H . Mus*t>» accurate typaal.' Knowledge ofateco praferred but —it 4a«anU—. — (.— . - -40 nour —ae*. S 3 » a m -9 t u n . , can- ' JrART-T—(E he lperooj frtn«e b—irftte mrtlt——« hoe- • ancraoona unt i l altarpttal. >ur«U—! and par—on plant. I Brper lenod . CR. 3-0403. .Our new air-conditKm»d buUtt—« — — — — —at Til Central A w - Cafeteria o n OESEHAL Office work; trp lnr n i -

Ample employee par—hg. ; Ing. etc. Center of Summit . F l»e-


Brlgnt girt; • jood At fltnirea andtyping, wno haa a legible hand-w n u n g , t o a—IM iMYmptrollw.Advertising or printing buck.

! C r w n d lktfpful. Oau Mr dDrlaerjRfXel «-7300. <"—"-.

WOMAN tor t n r t l2 dan a week. ~*


to aarea din-i tad parti— CR 7-4114 if Mr I

2 4 H > d 3 0 W t t O ^ \nttsat*s_at«r1 I n I ~ * " ' " ' " " ' * • — • • • ' " "

P-Utton M-urmncetMTlUKV ntOrWpMJ. . ... __ , —(tved expense mount rumlahed.i TlUX far Mil cltmnmei O*U JOTBend re»um» tnrkubtig tmiary M - 1M9 Window* v y h i d ovlUnpectrd to Box 335, Summit Her-' ctwiwd, tUo odd*.wind and* don*.-id. Summit ~~


OS—UN nun* t_M of elcMld th

nun* t_M of el Tourth no «wn _ a » . _on.-

ikowiNO (taw ,» hmn». h i m -— — • • • unmr

. en. i-wuXBOKINO tern *t my ham*; « -

partmnd vkttt —WOMAN M M d »

Mtoed and i»—*H.innut rtd

wort. ^ S r_iu_trr orU «»«l

WOMAN o- tn . <_r« work. Moo-I—r. T—•_r _m wodi>_o« wnt•am —_MT or __—r n _ « _s«tun_r or auad>r. M U M *.ooia. c_i i_ m * .

• — ~ - ^ • — w ; - . —j —' -w ^-—B , g J

apedajty More i d * » . 40 houra, '—-' aadary f « _ « U t b u n > Item Bog 7»4_SFRVICK s t a t i o n

t ime, no experience! Van—I beneftla Chatham

tnKklntIIIONWO to t*k> Horn*. PKk u s

alao lawn wrrlca > WO—AN wlah — d a y * work. _anoe and rcfe—noes. IfU 7-:

, .-JS5iJE_LJ!_fJ_ l______Hi—1ABLB rlnutoc vohu—

gnjn-* 3 . » « _ •work; II 50 an hour. C R ! r \ * ftaak-t and liquid n u ntifaetur- _

^Crnt_. 1S3 M - » . . « , HAITD rroMni^nfie lp >y hine


KtOBT work to *fertj PKptelnumtm hooM. CR 3-J4H m a r 4.

WU— do wuht nc uid Ironlnc M111' borne. OR. 3-5OT2

> A i B i s o A L T B i i » o . niTnhfiTTTmri mn tiiiitM

eipeneneed; witJi inl.Art and pj.-anlnti pe—analltv to

c>ne, tvpinn. ^ . .. aome >ookk—iplntc. rVUl tune. CallBerYloe —aat«r A—oc_ua. CS—t-new 7-«00 ftor awulnlinmt.

work.ynun«enmw _charowood 84.,CR. 7 - W I . ^


OIL and •— >tov>.' Motuxnmm.l a ( otlw OR 3.—M -

Fireplace Woodftx —ia'

I Y M detl»nr and anektm


DISHWAM—)t!~OH Powor-and——,porthole » l_ . M" aleotrtc m mITS. 1<" aicycle n . WeH-BuUIatroUar-W 4M-1SN

rurnlture. me. ThundayTlI to JTtlMaple St. , Summit . CR. 7-1148.




HI i-msa

Ant—ura MO, ISi. > - - _ —^r-lmi. RAH. WW *now Una. ISW.CR jaoot :

FORD, VI, 1*N, MA. Ba* ofn».MS. S-—SI. -

Wl CBSVBOUrr. four door, • ! -' WUeoC ooadtM—I, OR. J-40S7. 'Wei rlTMOTTTa Suburoan. • me-

al—r ThundardORI. BAH, WW, one

Saotnoe, U00 H M m T -

1M1 POM) automatic. R*B. bori-l«ot tra_vorut—n. Ml. K> »-MM after a P-m

MORRIS Minor, e m l l n t ooodl-Mon Good tad oar. UM. n t r tt-1137

OREEH laloon. 1M1. rMtura. Call

STRONG COBB ARNER femw—. Box 332. Summdt Her,aid. S—nmlt.

OE5 4s>o— n w , n < U ,•S3; olw—f rurlo . oaMnet. US:n>u04 • topjMtl troaaure c h e a t«ru—ta, W«S; modern mahocanYobk>ng U—laa. 111; rattan cuahlo*,onalia. _ : * t l j WU—n r u o . *M;racord alburnt. II so Mam- deapold, kanee Hold laar- framaa.AROKTCS RQSAI— SHOP. Mnfwa-vUle. Op**n 10 ui 8 ,-Kcept Tuea-dayn. 'Photie Ml 7-1H8.

IWT'CHEVROLKT OMIT—«blt.OfteM <-37»l -or M MUlburoAvenue.

XusTUt - MO. M ) . e x n - q " njn-nln> oondrtlon, needa body work.B»t orMr. CelMMH Credit Vok—.CR. 1-4*30 or 9—a-Suva, andana- 3 Ctl. 3*


BOOKSOAU. the ? U Book BhOB. P l a i n -

field 4-3960. and auk for detalU.OJji) lumoe- and furniture, alao an-

Uqu— and btlf-c-Drae M l S-T97]M J Mar—sl



cleanlnf . OroeraT repalra. r L_Angelua, WYn—n 3-4—« "•*

WANTED. A »teln»«T or otherpleailnf piano tor fan— y .no»lD«thl« vldnltj. State maker, price,Mf To Box M. Village Station,N»» York 14. N. *. :

-«htp-. tWllilll.liiia B. . promotion,

o—play, and COCUMI—» anopptngta daooraUaa fabrlca. furniture',afln home aooa«orm. Two yeanaa mai—rr and buyer tor hoapl-tal p i t ahop. Boi ZR. SummitHerald, Summit. ' , - •

ar C.U DRD R e l U »-M50

im done at my home. CR 3-J427 or CR 1-320.V

on— Uwork.

TIOIC in sunvnitCR. 7-I1J7.



V HOl^E LOVING FAMILYnis Wo-tkxtr horn* wiA, full basement ulU adapt its«U beiu-iifuJly to the Urge famify when ill are home. «nd contractwhen the teen-ager* depart for college. Taxes under $1000.Over an acre at wooded privacy on a winding street—northside. We defvyou to have to do anything major to its existing-charm. Upkefp iJ nil. Vacant. Key CR 3-6950 MARGARET;RUNYON SHKPARD. Glsiebrook-Shepard, Reaitors. I



LOOK THESE OVER ELBOW ROOM11.500 SUMMIT, coarmtnalOape Cod with 3 bedroom*and 1 baths. Beautiful ati-WSMDMSIW.' ' "VU treea afidnicely k—>>wed. near O e ^

- 13.000


gpgotIT, Or-irioua

and 2>t batnt; ttl-e—Mnt Manor Hill loca-tion near ado—rt Memor—1Reid. •

J 10 900 VEW PROVIDENCE 4bedroom bock ranoti. nearJ—tooln Sohoot. many extra*.

See thla atLracttre 3 or 4 bed-room, l i , bath eotontU aet Inthe mlddle of appro—matelv 2arrea of well n_intalnfd IruitiretaV. trap* arbor, ehruba andlaa*n Located m Sr» Provt-rtnnni aiammi mulisij ? - » » c a 't o D l * W ata—on aud ahop-plntt. 1 block from bua line:Baay' walking daataopa to

room withroam,

_n-_n home wtthc#r««r hioj, l inn*


small dra or brd-l l l the Ili_t !

floor t-Ni two FTtr*b«lroon_! _nd baUi, FXCVO-

hA Molt* to

contMna laundryW -with f H r t

C. Kelly AgencyREALTORS

7« S u m m i t Avc s u m m i t OR 14121308 Spfld. Are. . Berkeley Hale.


, THR—S-bedroool apUt (rage lot.I Timber O r l r t . LIvlnar room, fire-

place, dining 'room. 2 bath*, racyroom. Prtoed In 30'a. CaU owr—r4w-iiai.. . • . .j

at home. 4M-<

VTRB—t _ > v »—rt i^ —M< •t'Ttjv **• PAT CASH lac yatlr uaed tux-

T'Srd^«o'reS^«dMoVk'nfr^ jft-J ££!_*-2L'-2tr\ !S"

, - _ IVTaOBTparu-r- , POSCWH»1_» _ _ _ _ _ ^ _

ilKht-lron <club ohatra'Ua*-»3(i Tal CBaalrlew 7-oaM

W i . will but your attlr contentswardwith o—Jilona W» « o h ; i ftWoodward wrouclu-lrun lost utbl<-1 PIANO wanted, i p i i w , uurtr t twith Blrchwood top and 4 grand. SO 20737. —I 3-O4M


AT) JretM«r>!» prtcea. CB"


SMITH li SONS f loor-Sernc^nee _ U n _ , ~ Je_.abJj Dom-rtfc, * Commercm-cH



OOMPI—TS ——T—nd bedroom:n—hocany dining table with aelf(tor—ir lea—a. pade. orientalaoattar ruf^ o«—un»; f—vvr-ttp Penlan lamb 6»t. velnt IBm,1—e new BO J-MM

POWDER Plaaka MI.7-lrt». or wrtttA S t t t e R P D f 1 OlUttA. Stttea. RPD rfo.N. J.

SHOW plowing. u , n t nauUn."Ur olea—ng. I n e ^ ^ -


K O R r m — N D a_la . 1 1 " wltB r _ w -

D- rr» WOVEN TRV ALP_UCS• i l t iurt t ru in iTi iu in ir *** CUSTOM SKOP-AT-Ht—_•USlNISS OrTOHTUrWTlIS ! Decorator Sm-vloe far DRAFTS,

8Ln"-COV«R«. rrpHOlfrTBRY. BEDR * D T r w

P A 9 8 8 0 O K 'Mb. 44*». Return toSummit T n w t C o , S e w Pr—1-dpnoe,

LOSTT for two montha, ~ r y ape-"dial oat. long-hatred black andwhite, male. "Johnny". Tel. CR.

' 3-37M. .

. Summit

call brtn* our D«>or»1or. wltr.PASSBOOK Me « » » R««U™ «O

Summit Truat Co. Summit.

year Ola three-bedroom anlttlevel. OarOeM St . IM.9OS. OaS123-4349.




W e e d right at 135.500.

Surrounded by enruht and ftrtreea In thla attract!— Oail fot .nta Rancher la BerkeleyHMKhM —any featurea tnriudal iving and c H n t a g . r o o m otfacttby wood panel—g and paccurewindow. Cheerful UtoaMi withe a u h e ari«, recreation rooma n d 3 laitre brtmomii D o n tO U M thl«. Asluni; 134.850

Imvpfot and makf offer.B—a / 4«4-210». f « . 7-3«3». CR 3-1507 from "the center M.ill "to the lujrw



Wednesday, January 24—7:30 p.m.

l n a » U « l . 130 by W tnohea.TO 50 complete, stmuar S>itna» onall fabiica and alDfa. from t h e—rvewt ael<wtlon und oolor rarMre.ALPHB.NS ROUTH 10 Is • MorrU

BAN—BOOK No. ICKOt Mktkx—IS U t e Bank oi Newark. Ul l lburn-Short HI—) BranUi. Paymentstopped Pleaae return t o

ansea, furnltun. aw Wel*e In prompt. '

ira. OReiel 1-4

SUBURBAN DEUVERYSemes. Local ana long diata-«morlM. BaaM—able ratal. OalJ - "7-013H -Ul 1. CB LMta »»«

13—PAIMTiwo - UtCOe—T1XO

JOIUAH SCBMUn pTlnt—a „ ,dacoratln( formirly SehmiK •

Bei'man. Pot free « i _ « _ ,

«"ldv... _ . open urrtll t PM PRIS


Antiques, cheats of drawers, BABY oarr—<e, Muie. roimrw. e>

" tC l r a S w ^ T _ % Z _ _ a 2 l | * , ' l . i r S ' ltmV> rockW«' -"'«• Si.™ COMMmK <a™~' "*

«-room aione-front Ranch! c _ t o r n - K<>" c j u o s b n c a-brac a n dbuilt J u n 7 seara aao; It la epaotoua h<XUchoM g o o d * 0< all

MAPLr drap-Jnif dinette set. «35D o u b l e b e d w i t h a p H n g . 1 7 . 3

3 oar _ _ _and'paoeUed work mom.aa wnh easing ana andtached laundry^rooan. OU—oorBar-a-Q; Patio Park like at-

iStaflord Agency,TWO FAMILY

4. » .000 ST7U—TT. near W w n .a nenrooma (J ctoaed o t f i .W—t lot and tall oaka

Completa MulUPle L U U n a


ouutan<lln« buy: Call NOW anddont mlas out on Una otcvllenthomal

nveatment proparty tn *us——t. i Anna Svlvai tcr ' iREALTORS ' Oood looation. 2 Bwarooma and B a t h ! O E A I TV / w i k i e n

10 Bank Street CR. 3-1000 each apartment. 1 oar sangt. Low' REALTY CORNERBras. & Buns. CR. 3-4601 Uiee. •—ny fine appo—trnaraa. Mj^MORglj jlVENUK REALTORS

^^^-,, ; T ih»»l i m m A — A a W n g »*i flflfl FWal i BPRIWOPIBLP LJREJlUT'e-^Ou^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' tarnti offt-n-d ^

Thuraday ' for

BliSKBOOK. 5to. 21410.SKwe or Flrat NaUomal P«nk.Mlllbum Pleas* rMorti to bank.


U15 bprtiwlleW An.

DUTCH ooaoh oarrta<pe 123: rert tTT>epower mower t'.t: "•-—I caaernmtwlndowa >I5. PO 3-5550

BUTLER AGENCY, Realtors w D.u,h«i»yAre. CR S-TTOO'. - •»

THE RICHLAND CO.t l Maplr St Summit CR 3-7010

BvfntrtCB and Sundaya callL HabK CR 3-3U2


CCall John Srhrand


'ConvenienceIt you are took—a tor taaperfect family honn - near'all aonoota •—d tn—«. beaura to aee thla center 1-0COUON1AL. Hrat ttoor tam-Uy room, ulwa modernUWhae with we»ktii»t • - » .powHer room. POltR B«l-raoma and two battia us-S S T Prtoed m the t-r-


Two fine 4 bedroom «pltt l<-rel .homea. •Both in akunmttBoth a a w 1H baeha •-•——•—-Both have canter ha—iBoth nave acraened porohtaBoth hare rtcreatlo'-. roomaBoth hare 2 o



| PTRPPLACE wwemblc. 3-oectaai•creen. b r a n orscilrona and toolset with" stand. OaeT i r O n ' B W "for coal or wood plusaJHflc—I ~ ' ~'~


I W .


•MiOR. J-S4W OR.

Sunday pj<«» —«R 7-«73 C

Xo matntenanoe erer on tbdacuatom-bullt aoUd atoua NewProTidmra home, with a alateroci: aiud oomnk-tieky prinrat*yard. 4 bedroomi. ><i aanha.d e n aod p a n n e d —or—.Uonroom. Arising t - .MO.

Oall C . - Y o u i l be S o O l a d You Htdt

Douglas - Jean


i *MounULln Ata .Murray U U . N. J

Tr>p of D t — w n d Bill RoadDial 4M-1100 B»«a. OK. 7-*SUj

'One In the Bravton area, one In' WUaonAakinc a34«0S and Ut.5MDon't fall t o aee them both

WIFE PLEASER•I Summit a ve Summit—CB 3-2111 Apple pta condition and ready to

- B—a. CR 3-6U7 or CR 3-36M I movr into. (L—e new wall to wall, |«»nw——ti.. mtamm» —_. Unra

room, damn* room, kttohen withf«ajKr an*. 3 Iwnrooma. 1>; bauia.den Ideal for aecludad TV weurh-Ing. (raae lenl laundry room. Antoa young —4abborhood for or—-



OOC—TAIL, aumn—r. o n — •Ma« la-14. U k e new. Boy • ault. ;- a . 12 CaU n . 7-a»25. '


YOU'LL FLIPyour family will be ea— 'Murray I—1 « e s _ m Home.price? AaUnit t n i O O


Dial: 4M-2100 BOraa. & S u m . CR 3-457*& CR 3-1SSO

SummitTlW ahadu) Colon—I buut In

" law. dtenw»«4w. dtrnrxa MleWwall-to-wall carpet Included.Aaklng S35.S00. Do a*- thla: ~-

Be*>Olad Vou Dl.

DELUXE -4956OnamHal apttt-Urwith «qu_ l i e towte and withrauoh thought put Into manydetaUa whtoh producaa a feel-In* of el—nn and rmctouaneaa.BnldflB the uaual 7 aoic—uaroom* and 4 baths It offera apowder room, a laundry, a oeau-

• t4ful reorvatlon room, a fullbaeen—nt. ettrertlrt

Rooms To SpareIn «H— nrwty t—a—_t oolon—11—me wi th 4 bedrooma and 3-bathe on the aeoond floor pruaanother room and bach on t h ethird floor. Thare la a l a n eH U M doom and enrioem heat -ed poroh. A pine paneled r e c - .creation room prorldea an » d -<uttoirrt rnnm m the ntDrOOntfo- t h - children Cloae t ojohoob. ataMon and ehonplracarran—now la Ihr Time to t a t1L ~LMed a t —2,000 Oa« mand —• win arramie for en et>-polnVnent.

W i Will Take Your Rome In Trade

- t -HTl lU. alftMbiMy attractlre2 rmi old, 1 baaroom. V, bathn b i lent' In beaqMiui oondi-t—n. ReoreaUon room, toundrrroom. dm. 3 oar reruie. Oaul | IALJCC D unooie n IAend atreet In fine (action of JAMES R. MORRIS, RealtorNew Pmwoance owner arad- IMS Onrtnurirtd A«. CR 3-1400one. Ajklm MB.500. —


P»Tortte«t>1f t—x-oid tluve bed-loom apllt 1 T « on n frontfoot lot for Immediate occu-pancy. Hav be puran—ed Inmiddle twentlaa..Owner to m a nabroad mlj alao aril furnlah-infB. rlrapea. nupt. etc. Thereare many trtrae In th— home.We will br dellirhted to allowand OL»-!L»s tills unueual offw-—( with you.'

FRANK L KOSSUTH Raaltor1393 SnrUurfUd Are.. 1T7-33U

rilRNITDIINew planoa with bench 10 rrguarantee |4j8 Nr» Lowr« elac-trthl o n a n . from SM5 Rebuilt

PASSBOOK No M l Relurn t o R—Cltv nwlnipi A: Loan Aaan., NewProrldenee.

PASSBOOK No. M»l R«ura toHill Cltv Sannci & Loan Aan..Sumnut.

KITTTM, 4 month female. Sneeklmbrown, t*n pawa. tummv. - andohm. South St . N.P PI—ASEphone-OR. 3-OO3t.

PASSBOOK No . .—i1 . Pleaae" t o Summit Ttuat C Q > 8 > »



DOOS • OATS • See «ummlt A——atWelfare Learoe uotlce Soeial pftcv

Summit Herald u your doc le Inat

—AHOOANY Cheat wi th J dm—am rranda from 1395IM; n—oogany nigh* —k> M t n 2a m w m and drop leavaa M3. roa-hogany framed c _ n p e n o — e typemirror «3e;

^ nsoopp<r. On. od—..and end•. TheYeatenlay Shop. 318 MOn street.Mttburn DXeait <•„]] .

Salea - Service tnd Rentala

INSTRUCTIONSR0SSIAN Lan«um>« prellnunary

adrancrd Reading, wrltlna. rram-mar. eprerh. Br r—tin teachirCR. 3-4377

100 Summit Avenue, DummltCR 3-8494 Brea C « 3-U4S. OR 3-4(T<


on etaoe belore your picture win-dow fa—nu Brujut Park In Sum-mit 1M1 Oape Cod. 3 oeoroomi,reoreauoa room, acreened mroh.03,000. OR. 3-4468. /AUTKBNTIC Oape Cod, 5 y a m oM,

by owner. Large _ndleaped lot.North aide. 7 rooms, 2',t batba,flrep—oe tn Unix room. — m•creeoad poroh. piuiriod rec—ataonfoam with bmli-ln bar UpperI3_. CR. 3-1317.

135; old oral lamp table »43; china • j i » Terrlll R

POUR piece beoroowi aat. good i—Moo. 150. Call CR 3-S0_.

NEW COLONIALCUSTOM built, en—anoa h a l . nr-

aorenied porch. S23.000. Inapact by; appoinunent . CR. 3-M4B

loo room. kiu<hen with wrtfl o»«n. oodnwr tooInai>art by M -W fllavatory.

four bednoom* one

Holmes Aoency j - 7 SHORT HU__Realtor • r>t. IBM

Ml Unrru Are . Summit CR .1-2400D M : CR 3-1J48 OR 3-O7J7 JE 9 » 2 « SACRIFICE

Dsogla* fc Jean

O INC.Re»hors

for only (33.S0O. Summit irk—t?ttr-**w Pi»waenet " '"

THE RICHLAND GflfcJ Mountain Are.

M—rest Hill . JJ. J.Top of D—mood H l l l H o a d

444-ilCO E—•- OR. 1-ooM

—ipla St . Summit CR 7ICrenlDtl * Sundari Oall

iU BaWf ; CR 3-JJM;W Daua-ulaf . PL T-90MI

CHARACTERCand charm wul be found In•Mt lewe oeh—r hall ColonialOape Cod; 3 bedrooma. 2 fullbaeha. Im—or-ou—oor Urtn«marce beautlfulLy from croundlerol reqreatlon room with flr»- ,place. Bray^bn Sobool arve.. Aak-Ing U.S00.



1J7« Bpfld. Are., New ProtldencaCR 3-7OT0, Brea. «64-Ml«. OR 7-2«M

SALE OR RENTJkim Iman* In ooopamttn.

' Lertng room, dlmng room.3 bedroome and. bath. Thirdfloor. —alk-up. —ry oon-T—deiH to town. FUJI ad*prloa 111.500, wUI flr—noe.Remal aim par month.


_ Baeohwood Bd.. SummitOB. 3-IM0 ;- '

Perfect oonduion, near tram-•portatlon and achoaii; n o d In-come property.

Call ua to a*e thla and otherlwunca from lia.MO. to MO.000.


1 Bank St ieet , aummlt CR T-3J5J

Sundays and evenings jBelen B. Rarnolda P R 7-4BO

Pour DWlroonv Ber«r>T HM_>1er»r»c!> with 2 tuu batha onlyt24.»0O aaton? rul! '

Oall Oe—Yfniil Be So Olad You (Did

Douglas & Jean .-...



5 MounMln Are.aiurray Hill. N. J

TOO of DUBVB- H(ll -4«4-»100<^«rea: OR.

Thla lovrly Cape CodMWHTIIT CLTJBto

floor.bach and

# r . Ou tWt aWTn-»t, W-rw lot Mid «30*». ApTMtDt-mmU miKlp 24 houn,

JAMES R. MORRIS, RealtorWow ProrliDmce. X. J. CR 3-1400

DrrfINO —om, Dreaal mahonnr.table, ohalra. onli» oloaK. R««-aonable. OR 3-7371.

Dunoui PnyfeB 44W

INLAIDTabte mad* by ,.two latter, oompteu art of tablenada: all ttrut ma——ng ohalraEinaUent oo—maun. «B0. OR 7-4335 between 4 4 » o.m.


Ooen Dully Til 9 - S«t Til <



TUTORINQ by nubile achool teaeh-tt AU •ublecu. irado 2 » CallMU 7-20S4

THR—e-Pl~e Ur—i-noom Suiu.3T7-34N.

WC'RC buytnc

^ | ,k t a t —frtrlo Oman, •>S t u d m t UpctRhi Piano 125Hammond Bolovox . . . 135Wurtj Reconditioned Onvnd . . 3»5

l R l d O d . . 3M48J

) PIANO Imtructiona In your home.| CaU afWr S pm. DR. 8-4TM.

ujCable RecnndKloned Omnd .HaUM & EH-vW SiHnrt P l i n oHallet & Dnvls Cotiaolp Pi^no


to1 and aaU-Inc mooanv-^lmfld oak taftiln *•"** - -floor ——p. ood onaiU. (n«n lore I Hammond Chora OmanMta. a «lde ohatra (not modemi / ^ ' ' " S ? "


oirnu MRS SARABReadlnca A Adrlce

1)4 A Wsu-hunc A t . near 2nd StOpp Post Office %i. H J. PL i-aasePlalnfteld.

S J REPINED Lady to eSar. new Yioma.

TWO m * U — « c a—i iabl'oi' a—I—mpe. Small and table . ; CR 3 -ai77. '• .

Hnmmon oHflmmond spinet Orwvn

B l U dUAHOOANY cJinlxw aet. Mn

U k r new. -«3W. 4B4-HM: '

Porfoal far the * n _ l l i . i l r room. Ufamily lool—w; (or top I m b M at No brok«a CR. 7-0S.IE:UMaviWWe c _ t ! Thla Oonter-b—lhome —>> a force'UV_K room withf l r a h a c x f l l m i k


!P.«W-Jto«.aeyi_..ja>—t, J bedr—<ma- «la i>—iv i room, dlnhw^her In mne-p*nell«d offec.

kitchen, uttl i 'r roorn. Under SH.00O. CMBT" eomplots.Llfpht wood.6-8:30 p.m.

BLOND, bedroom «M. excellent ooo-dlUon. double bed -wl— Staarna_ P—tea- bo—pr—K and «»»ttrt—.o r t « s ^ mirror, oh—t. n—nt table;blond t-nnnhnlli a^lrawer d k

J^ l CB 1


•- P t a n d e m 1-2000ALTENBURG

PIANO HOUSE, INC.1131) E. Jereey 8 t r » « BIMbrth. W. J.


>flranhaocx full mwith bm—fast area,Md

room, kitchend Kueet- _. d m or rueet

bedrom-and full b»t.h on let; 2 e l -tra large bMrooma and bath on 2d;In addateon there u a rear poroh


» Koine to iret VhfCaa SOW to awe

Ann* Sylveitar'iR1ALTY CORNER j

a4> UORlt lB AVENUt HEALTORSBPRIWOf IELD ' PR—rjg, g - a o o

So Convenient

MORRISTOWV. Mcluelre area. 3bedroom ranch, 3 full baths, llv-Imt-room. fireplace, formal d ln-

ament. i. the »•» . Call IX.

J-—r rarajrt.


Better Than New

a'x4' mirror; formloaw i t h ft ohltln; pole lamp; aframed I H H l t n u nrlnta: V bench:l i m e d oak d _ k ; om——ratl ah—r;melanin*: table —root; 3 pairbrown pti—1 45" draoerUa; 1 pair—aek and while print. AU e i -wtt tmt con—tlon. DRen* «-M40.

This cuntom-bullt atone and tnumRanoh u perfeot for the familythat want* beautiful arounda and

A mirprtae a w . l t . _ whon youj itn unusual Iwtoa tar! l *

PARK-VIEWwith broad yttt* ofVsatln—a antranc*.

A family HomeBeautiful kitchen, nawly mod-

' emu—1, tn ,e lorrty Dort—«ibome In oa« of Summit'a movt

, _ » •

ori lua-Uoe to t h r W reoraafUon room, the

l h t t d-™ the Interior .of this obeerful . , „- , . ... _ _ borne ' JaloWard l M n g poroh. t h e outxtand

It haa *o muah t o offer wltn l u i n * kltchiin and t h e qua—ty andfour K o r o ^ ^ ^ 1 L t t i " t a " mtttom *<tau.£St_i home- itfyoua—ry —d w s r den ! are the buyer wfco wont aetue for

A tMed floor la an added feature anything laa st—B tue beM, trien

Of ^ w j r m dr, b-en-nt. P«{o_ JSZJgUrJfff* STS.^FRED W. WATSON, Inc.


REALTORE—a. Sun. P i t t-KM

Anna Sylvat(«r'«REALTY CORNER

. viod i—r—Haon.ST. Olletal 8-M44.

ALMOST new curved ouatom s e c -tion— omteh: two unuet—1 fire-eldr ohain . ouatom CO—n —-eluded Ml' 1-ST13.


BILVm blue mink Jacket, flnttcr-Up lemrth. Pirfeot oondl—Hi. WIUfit a a—r 14 or lft CR. 3-Wftl,

lcoat, atle 11.•13S. Owner7-JT30.


BLACK Pen—n coat, full length.IS. Perfeot

DBew* S-—M.oot—Mon. U00.

•ocstaou> GOODSSTAWOLB fruit natt—n, arrlee for

•;—»»*—gun*—pna»> i a m

WUH—CT2—i aplnet piano, dark ma-hojgsiu LVU y-*'-i ojd(-'4MSAMaaAootKUtlon. Priced 1350. Call D R n e l»-3189.

V U N O . twby rrrHK), m a — « a n j ; . — -cellent condit ion, with bench.S3J5. OR 7-3528. . ...

PIANO. e»oeUf«it concatlomaction: an—U baby granii.3-«14B.

NEED entertainment? Children'soartl*« or soclivl Innftltw*1* Mildcand muiosettea. REdwood «raSO j i n t

WILUAM ROSr<_» pauitlnt p i 'perttanglni. d** oratlni 4fl u.'-;w»e B r t t l D R l UJ * r

rttanglni. d** oratlni. Bprtnft.ala. DReial

ROBf PABRICATORjTInterior Kitenoe Palntloal

Paparhanrlni • ~ALL WORK ODARANT—[D

roe Pree — t l m a u CallOB J-3»07


Wlmatw oha,rtuu,O»ner D

OTTCRIOB so i l M l e n o r*J— tatlmaUa a. DlD R e u i 1-4114.

umnut CR 1 - _ » | .

CHARU_ Bonnac. patntS i" •'« « « _ « , interior « 2 "Jt.r,

free Mimato. e i? DB«,-: V.

&S P^nmN^6omn—jyTr;t*-w•od tttenor. Sn*m?Ti»nd iP<J| hanclnt. SO J-6345 !*.., i

AND alDUla

a and at_m. leaden art","•»•, «?neral repaan. t h (.M VU Rauacber.



Ameriea'a Larfett Sine* l»U

CaU For Free Ettim.taAO..S-1B1

ommpOET THh n r . - l FOR I—SSbullain? r»pal:i and alteration*irti MMierann Bunder CR 1.


ALL planoa tuned and —oolrHC p m p l e u ptauo aarilce. I Run-

_ » a n , POplur l-45ai. —apRwr»;

TUNWO » R B P A d(uarantea CB 7-3518


r " nTng hPTfl STfJSTated action. llk« new. CbtrkerlnvConeole 1495. FMrv Ontnd 1395.Student Uv-lirhl SI0S. Cr> S4W. L'owe Ptino Co. 102Summit Ave.. .aln—..0—I. 1>rm>CR. 3-74M. Open Thura. ntchtaor byaappolatmi'nt Call CR. 3-5081.

CARPKirpRY .1LTERATIOH* re-.* p a i n free —TMmt!» Call • f« -

nlM» DReiel «-«430ntbc STENOB. ~

Oar.v —TT repalhi. . alleratlouoablneta ban formica topa tae.

• re«tion locrna, aflilmoa. . 1 J « —i«.K«lla Wacf. CRlon. » J MOrdock

- : °«*""nan: urge. m«-ahed mom, alow to -tSn*

and bualaoai e«n«._ C B _ ^ 0 j j 8 alter i pjn.

OPENMO araUabla fo«« room fun-rtmlnutt, from


DRHM-AKINO~_terattone. mend.

URESSMAKtHu. alteration!, tallnr, , Ins. bu-.ton boiej Mane'a DreZ-

ACCORDION—tir»nr new e i c e n e n t ' JJa k[n«. I l l Maple—Ind Aresnecondition. 271-37M. . . . . . . . - -

E. r i fwint r..*5S l t ^ m t * Swtntrlleld A-__Jan. 29. CR 3-8184

I OEXTLEMAN AtUacUfe rooan rTivenlent location, kitchen or'.]««• . CR. 3-7J17.



AKC raosMred B1«X andwhltie. liver and . ffhate;malea, fffmalca; 3 «7eelca old.

^Ei se l l en t for famllv pet*Cnd/or anowlnK. Parrot,arc aj^47h*mplon atook from

« i p l » » o o d 8 0 2-4543

DRBSsSScrNoTittiratlork' In ort-rate homea by the day MU 7-JOtt

VWnsUBD room and anew. 2 ^_ atorrli Are^aumml t.BDSD«ias~wom«n—Attr«c(lT« room.

centra ly located, near all tr«n»-gE*g£»- Bre«,fa«prlra««


OALLANT Trte Sernce Tree re-moral. prunlnt braclnt cayltywork 10 Teen eipertence fullyinjured Ptee aattmatia DRrzal s-



f U . room, oa—«al lanauourbuatnaa gantle—im. ParUi« tac' )

_UUw. CR. 3-58O. - '8HORT Hllla - . JU-ftw bstraonT

prtrMe bafe. iaraa>. Boi 753 I—U'burn Itwn.

NICE room, near center, for manoniy. Oarart and-ble. CR. 3-

nrv l l > l n w \ ~ u . ».— . . — , — . .din—< -room, aitoheo. lain—T. 3

-\ 1 ttled bathe. lars»——_ porch. 2-oar »ara«e. Own-

er haa moTfcd to CaUlornia. Canfor further oWUkUa and early In-MMCt—n. ;

Whitmora & JSummit RealtorsBrea CR3-25«


: #$23,800-'

_I—. - S u n d a y pla^»»» OB. i-«ra




U n d e r con•Cruotion.' Oblo—eJIM _ rr Ions.' faatur—c l a woatatar ball. 30- lit—« room,in w i l l fax—ly room with ther-—anna titm atMM docn onr-loo—nc patio. Spsaoua kKohenw—a d—h ——ber. Separate dln-Insi room. 3 bed—xxna. and 2batba on let floor. Upatat* —

New Oolonlal teaturlmi centerhall, lance Uylnt room, asperatedlninc room, kltohen with eat-Ina apace, and ternary oo letfloor. Upatt—l—> bedroama,nleoty of cloaM apace and bith.ft—I noUM luat reduced (1.000.for immediate occupancy.. Callbuilder. CR 7-aoM. •

re-bit—m l a i n I u—n .and bauti. Pull cellar wlteand laundry room. Two-gar aa'race aeore (round In racluJtyeD?um BUI are» of Summit. Fortnotntmeat —* tmSd*. CR

4 BEDROOM COLONIALLooated on MouiIU—i An., atiortwalk to ano—Uns. •—oota. t—«—obr-tattai. Very fcod fHA f l—awin.—U•—t«. Aa——I *»t 4S0. '

JAMES (^MORRIS, Realtor15S3 Bprlnttfleld Are.; CR 3-1400

New Prorldanee .SOUTHSATE

Beautiful split Lerei: 3 bed—oma.J full batha plui no—otion roomtamton . Juet fire T M aU. Inaapsaa—n« condition. WatI MndacanedcB le—I 'iitS* pioT Hid JO aMaflpala only. CM.. }•*&•

A bath.. 3 flr«i>l*c««. Jo—«r


OK 3 - 3 « 0 E n * . CR 3-B13» . CR 3-1381

Another FamilyH o m e •'•'

8—V—« bedroonu. 3 batht. REA-SONABUC TAXES, lame lot n _ r•nopptnat' and trenapartaitaoti toW i York. Priced In —• tow

W. A. McNaniaraREALTOR

OR3-3W0 E—a CR3-*-.5». OR3-W1


OWNER TRANSFERREDOenter hall B P t l T I—VDL. Pourbadrooma and 3 I—On. AU Hnreroorm. —any extm«. BeMitAful. pe-creatk— r o o m QUICK POSSESSION.Perfeot condit ion throughout . In40* CALL MRS B A R K n i


DB » 3434. Sun. and m . DK8-«131CHARMINGTRARCH

Top location. Oent—a haU. —ntallrliK room - da—oaj oombtmoon.oi—. paoaled porah. hatML Hart amUuthen. two badroomi. two Uledbattia. two-oaf can«*. C_—m buUt.1Top or—dlttoo. Beaauttf—ly H—d-towad. Low martmlaaHauno». O—Mr,DBrael e-7BB.BUILDDl'S own ouatom built mod-

am i_—h. almost new. half acremanyplus, —ndwaoed.

PBe—1 8-Mla.



tame; flreplaca equipment. OR.7aeM J

JPf fenmn 8-8330 for a p -pointment .


A Country HomeIn WesHield

It'a mature . . . about SO —areaid to be ticaet . . . It haa abit of Fixation . . . the plot la15OI200 . . . ft haa a a n a hot

' warn- h a t i n g anMm . . . It baabmuuful u—» m va i l »

handaome ahrutibery . . . 5 Bad-rooms .3(4 b a d s on Mm Me-and floor / . . new bank o n ohe •fliat Door- _.' . m a t - . i »--Plaoea .• . . ArtD n e w N<—onktwlten. I43J00.

Nancy F.Reynolds_ ANOtt aacnon

SEVBN room., ru~j»ace. new Utah.en^lledhat__Bcj_t—_—OJ-MUaa—OS IM, mar aa—Ota aM tram-

l4n d W g . ^»torr ATUI Uaa—imm.cuetom-bulK (S<1", complatel. ThreeBedrooma. S V i ' b a l h a . fb~Maoe.eree—-way, s - o - n i m p m a a vtiat--water heat; electric raon, flre-—arm antem. Sella now a* wet:*3B.7OO.' *a. owner. Ctl I-Mtl.

portatlon. .«0.»00. MB. 5-**_. week-daya. alter • p.m.

] 103 Bui Broad Street. Westflela.jrjj1 PHun» ADITfU 3-«JWr~.t WestflMd Multiple L b t l n g Systt—

Complimentary Brochure

3 BEDROpit Colonial, modern bathand kitchen. 2 oar a n s i , lowtaues in Boraum of Oraai—iinWE Ji2»«

LOTS WANTIDLOTS wanud In eummtt Any aU».

I call buUtltt. CB. 1-tm.

perfect. ST5. DRe—I »-«S3i.mac range, 30 » . . Hot Point.

'" fa—ptaee lo«offer. CR. 7-

ge, 30 IoU)


POUR PrOUtreed Ooolea. 12 w e e -old, m a o n a o i e . 121 Spn^crieMA—.. Berkeley B—znta. 4(4-0124.


Cleaning .ind rer»irlnKWYman 2-0282


POODLE, brown, miniature, female.AKC. S wet—i old. wormed. XI7-0770 after 3 p m

MA50H C O x r n n c T O K

TO aettle Betate Rugs name uaed0x12. S30: »H5. US; other t l iee.QE vacuum S30: alao aome woolhooked aad braided r u p , PL. 7-

OOLDEN Batrle—r puppaea. AKCranitend.' Ideal for ohlldren oraportamen. ADajne 3-OBoS

*BS K>« SAUt

CONSTRDCTSDR . oonatrunion C a

Uaion-Cortractnr * a i bul ldn'Stone brick ald-walM All tyuej o n c r t t . work and oonatrocu-nVl»lchn|a« RudUI. CBwtrlew 3-««3

prlfmte home, convenient '•*>_tranaportatlon. ME. 5.5«O4FURNISHED rooinTprlvate bith. i»

\ViX>dliind A.vr. CR. 3-9343., r—BASANT. room In r—)e —iirh^r-"

hOOO: kftchTO prtyliegea .v.dpark—« fadlluea.-' Near aU tr..i«-aiDOTta—on, one block taB,rr.M*

_ o f town. CB. 3-3OS3.CR—RPDU eaceptto—11, fine rom,

connecting bath, near town 177-0010. . .

LAROE. S—uvy Room. Part—* arfiO««Uen—n prefarrrd. CB 76<"

•OSPITAL a-—, n t a cuaira. wa— •era. aun lampa—for aale or rent.

t*rea dellrery Pruohtman'a PrMorlxvI — Cent—. Summit CR I-71T1

GOOD economical tra—rportatlon.Lark. l aw. RAH aaa-a i i tut t t i .atandard ahlft. lt.OOO mllaa. Orig-inal owner. Llat new S3147. Quickaale MSO. CR. 3-MJI.

A P P U B .— Kept crlap and lulcy Iri•torag* on our farm. Cider with-out pi—imatl—. Open all da« S u n . BIA-KDE FARM. Chat-t ir . N. J. TR. H-i313.

CHEVROLET 193B 2-door Bel Air.D. I——able tmnapor—tlon. S1J0.CR 7-35OB

Wllltam .1. MAtteo !—• n u ' ' r " - Plaaterlna; .

«lk. -"aK^oW. cSf'for'fr.;ettimat, .- c » ; 3-t>533. 4 ° * '™

PLA8TDUNC and PATCKUllmaaon_wnrli CR 3-5447

CO—TORTAB1— ^ fun—ihad ' n>1"n e w but and tnu—aortaOon CR

^ ^ _ _wood.t>au-r*l FB. V

DOUD1— _>OE HAZOH BI—S—LPliifat Burning Steel, honed Inoil. Pul l money back .guarantee..35-3OC. 100-Uc, 2O0-S1.50. 500-1330. 10004375 Poatpald. Packed5 Made* to pickage. 30 pookas—it o carton C O D . orders aorwted

'Poatoard brlnga ireneral men-han-d—> oataltM. T A T U » PRODUCTSCO.. 17 Onrlook Road. ~

CKEVROLET. 1*3«. Batoayne. 4-daorV8, Automatic . R—H. Mutt aril.OR. S-—7».

ITPHOLSTERniO draperlea alls.

IMO CHEVY Imp—a. S cylinder.whtte with red mtfflor. RdcHWW. fISOO. CR. 3-8317.

rtnuciBB—B room wtth klf--prlntnraa fo/liuMne— «rorr»«

W).. 70 oua ttlna. IPhone an*DB. »-47«3 . l

rURNlflBED Kocm for rent. V fri- •way, Murray —B. Tno«i« 277-f11**after 530 pjn.

LAROE, anmrUre room m -LaU. par_n«. break]'act tl

iaM POSTIAC atatlon —won.Charf-tain. B * H . w . w . Btoe—mt oonra-q o c : beat offer. OR 7-1741

Cickv. 110, • cyl., 8 . S . 2-dr. i—tan,_ n c e l l e n t CQiKl.. S650. CR. 3-K04.IBM PORD tudor. BAH. « — l l e n t I

appearance. Maka offer. O B . %.

DAVID Jancpj repaired'PrornDt aerrlcc Al

Summit CR

N7CB warm roome. atnoles orbio1, oU h o t . 74 Rirer Rd . 5natt. C«. 1-3J1*.

tops. No Job too soall CB

SUMUTT'S orUv luktlrr e l t » " r

apt houae. 5<i roonla. »lr wad.-tltmed. 2 batht.' terrace, di--i;;w—her. n n n See Supt »t I'

Buclld Ate , or CaU VA. <-iai«.



• tint* lat lloor. 7 room*. n*ir

. HOC ao

Boiouah Councilwt•fUMf«H

m"re to the point! CartfilateK

Our record on the handling of

Self Criticismt R N . Ulhpl, ulrv; IVWIW

. ,'JLJ^^^TL .*y L..*!>.l. "** rrovldente-More cuch-'ifonly-tho,, ttems that mart-he• IT Air>. J-rom aoirtnwnt " e n c« "> municipal employees, brought before council are \-i-

AvtUmMt W6. IM. CB 3- shorter and be'.ter organized ported, other items can be re'..T.^rT^W'roawa and bath" P*"10'* "X*1'"*' " d «peedier 'ported in conference nectiniei or

. rwVmrMad. a*.' |handling,of citizen coniplainu by memorandum (3) Unless ab-

effect at our ni*T mMiMRa^er than wail I-r a Idler tobe read al a council meeting-brforc taking action, all l»-ti?r«

but still leaves a grit*! deal U>b} d n red Irl this a m , I wouldlike to ark the dapawtmrnt hr>ad»and council chairmen to keep

'better records and maintain aOIOMT check on follow throughWe must shorten the lime be

h» hm..?hi !-.;„,«• ih» : iu

:ud nnst 3rd floor of 3nbu* lmm<-<tMU <wu" II.K-U lo r*r«r Will

iMrcn All UUllM« SI40

IKtUlta.OB V

_. J « m «aMtirburo. Corwtolam to

MM Dus*a «!•»

. r»ll«l for *>v Mavor Fi-nlt T ,nXeBart in covering Cou.-cil.oper- council until they havr boon dis-nations in 1961. cussed al a prior camerrnre

man mail)) plaint ami


Sew MethodMaintenance S^rvict


be reftrriJ" try Iht elwk amatjirt ef eauiKll diMtjufeii ft-directly ta th* eognjtaut cum- Vyi**^miltep for action and-a pro-' t JJrirne~and*^uiilf1ir)i*iit growgrcss report should be rcadv out of one stem. Punishment isfor Uie nexr meeiuig, Xhn will a fruit thai, unsuspected, ripen*save as much as three weeks within the flower of the pleaauretime and should nrduce ihr that concealed it.

, I R » X , 1 . 8-0443.

_ prior ...He comments in the annual re [ meeting or at lo;st by all mem-

P°rt : - jbera of Uie committee. (*) Dis-Councll Organization and

ConductSince"all of us are employed

full-time during the day

« r»mimuui.With regaiM to the handling of

correspondence, I would as «cCIHI-USSPU al a rcteit conferonci1

meeting. ]ike to recommend ar


TheFur a ((iiartat ul a century aatttnt,alaaaat alnlni \n orlflul 1H rauoM MlUai. •

ll:tt—1 p.M•lilt I ».».-

JIUIolii SiftSUNDAY'S I1:U-a p.m.

an average maximum o! 23Brunt w»ciouji room. ha«t j hourii per »jek available tn us

*nd floor. * * « • * • .fhauili fin fin* nlrthtc . . . ..— „!. _1«Sur.«( '«%>* "Saal *«Tm ! ( b a s e d o* five "'Khts per week of- ™ BprinffwW *«. Uhrec hours and half a weekend)

Because thia is not much time

tath In luirmit'v r> •'"« OaJt C « . 3-MM.

\f*v.. T. i) nv ft S p.m.

lar operation, it is importantthat we m3ke the most effectiveuse of tius time.

In my annual message Ijst' this

'•m «ru*l* Oilmi CR _r "'_ _ "BOOMS. mnprMri Inv hnii** In Summit


fH not tit.ild. Summll _ _ _

At. >t Itm

WIVh hJlt aU. CaU l « . 7-

In the nUfif«l of cooperslKvneness, | .hplir.vr* ut»

should—at It doijf in business—corsciously analytr thr nream

and activities ofcil In my opinion—and thi> wasconfirmed by the experta at therecent Rutgers U n i v e r s i t for ehjeted officials—theCouccil should functnin as a po-.:Hey. making b':dy. We musllearn t0 makp- p, , | ,n P , a m [ , | r l t . •

fMM'T -.

-'l y.-rr s p.m.. «,1-

rjxn Apartmrats tntluiflnc

• nanth tiul f>n* *t S105iwth . W. A. MrNami'v

R,..'.: CR S-3aao Bias m i -

• '.n* DStn, notp'^x^y *urn»:!t<0!» f » 3 rWlv dK-

.viUon rHrfclnr ORT\ro,'T wl'h Bi'<-f. J

.'.<« AllrtiJr. Kn T-11J4

., ,-, na.'e tjie implementation nf professional em-

. . 'work with ul The,department hrad< muM

CTt J -

irnlahad tot., l«t flenr."!» nrnp'IM. *190. tO.

rn 7-.i:72 .

n>umiiK«d Home T« >«Bt


Stafford Agencytats Oao. Cod

Fr'iruary 1. for J Taar


w L1-K-Dln tchool. Scrrr.rdrr- iTT3rt\»a n n n . Ttcrr*-yr. r->om. S2U par monxh.

•"'TOMen VMM


more operating authority."Admittedly a Borough Council

is different in ma"n> respi-itj.from a business. However, myposition-with cejard tn this pointhas not changed—we aU must doa better job of piscine confid-ence in our full-time employeesEntirely too much of the valu-able time of this council waswasted last year in doins orre-doing, work th:t shnuJd havebeen performed by departmentheads.

Turning novi to' Uw conductof council meotirgs as such, Iam less than satisfied with ourrecord. Entirely too many meet-ings lasted until midnight and•oiM'rag-at'liter Is 1:30 amAs chairman of these meetings


... aTTbn'; share ofresponsibility for this unsatisfac-tory performance, however, theresponsibility d;es not end there.All members of th* council canhelp by doing four things: (1)M«r« premraticn before meet-ing!. (2) During committee re-POrtl. it would

-inch 3 badraonu. 14 uJuv i - Provlaance KM t monrti.

A McN»rp«!>». RwiJlc C»-SO EVM CR 3 - « » CR, 1-

ilt S39S a mantp. WT\an. fl«4Kor. Cit 3-

CK l^iaa. OK M381tont tor r*ot In aununtt. SU

• i d tath. IMmondMa *_ R-IUWT». CB 3-73M


• -^v . tapr t i . lUdatirMi B»,i i>! circ. tin<«t foo<t. RMInt ttmoaptarr* Couplat dnired.' f'lrtlm Information eontactL>.'-r»itUtaTtd iiumr. rB 7-1732.

I'li'rXY Room in euaat nouat lot j1 p.-oplt Thrra maaU

NOWVfflfn Lel|jLJ_

W a r m " Baal tj>"The Roman

Spring ofMrs Stone"

MoaaiiTOWN, N. j . - * s-am


iBardot[the truth Mr 7 littit Sim

.PHHC8 fO« RINTMROE nfflra flonr (or rant. 19V-\"r. PUce Summit • CH j-Un


E rn,umtc\hi flrtproof bull*tor tala ar 'xa* U Culan

f. Summit. CB 3-M43..10,000 squara faer of=^'- of f ic* sa>ae«;

$1.00 squara foot.Haoe, gummli - CB 1-Mti

THI PttrCCT rAMII.V SHOW !EXCLUKIVK IN NIK JKKHV !"(Hlihnt Rattoa)" — Daily N m



7100 Si- Ft.HO SUMMIT AVI.

CHATHAMCR. 3,411* .



•ARAQE for w l .*••• M mouth, e



- J or 3 rooma. lat rkmr"™ * n qu*r

VPS.,"0"""! dmlrm 3-room^apt.Mxtiaoii. ME 5-4a«o.-« rootm, ABririit" ntWn 15">ll«a of Uruon. N.wly

••.o.n* H U M ur ln t - BKJrooqi" n »>d kitcnanatta, for dual-•at aXillBman. OaU air. PrmK.

TOO U t f t O CUSSlPf

'TtUtlU.HUJ.Nl'•'V Cw * a * . „

" "i buattfw. DRn*EMPlOTMWf•^MAJTiSiTC


DiUttt «-


;' !"*• pu'e-r

i mtor•an. S340. UV. V

>l!r trart^rrlrrton.RaiH. W<1 bodrmotor toe. otU




vriHCLOSID Sl'NDAVSrn>uc ram ruuiti'a 10 • IM

•'•1W • r m rarklns



Suburbanius giva r°" * •"grip" (or safer, aura

NO MONEY DOWNv wunr.1 lArnn ^^ga*



i f n l i i n f u w v r

SO 3-1700- m i tTBOAUnt WNCI UI4

JJTRAMDMat. Dally I:M P.M. gal. * Sun. 2:W P.M. .

447 ta)ni,«tMd A»«.. SMmm»f W. J. CR I3V00




— to- . . . •-*- _ • .

Susan Slade^1


Starring Black BeautyPlus Noooan A ManhaU In "The Rookie"Century-Old Tradition


Saw Mill Inn.Main & Taylor Sts., .

,:7 Millbuin N.J. 'Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge


Complete Family

SUNDAYTHNNfR' Froiit $3.75

IVICKI SPENCER mMARCELS-CLAVMountain Rnulnard. * alrhung. V » Jrrnr>

, plraw *~~~~VVTt-VTtJ


"BACKSTREETVOW! One Week Only 3 Bli» Novelty Mns : :

The Dance ( I . , / I lluiS MI. .ping The Nation! EVrtllK WEEK BECIN. WED., JAN. lltaAmong The Year's Top Ten!SERVED FROM 1 2 - 5 P.MTro> rxnahat

fliudrtlf CnlkrriKarl Mlldtl


Dran JafgrrConnlv slrvrni

MtJ»ICAL Lfti/at

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HAMMERSTHNfSKiddle ShewBin Cartoon Show

"Tomboy cmd Champ""Tb« Land Unknown"

plus—"The Three Stooges That Meet Hercules"

STARTS WEDNESDAY—Jan. UthThe Year's Best Comedy! • • • Daily Mews"

BOND'S ICE CREAMTake a 5-minute

Fairlane Fun RuntProve it

to yourself...



Big-Car ROOD

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1:30 A. M.

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JACK ONEIL Compact Handling

the npu^omtination of both

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PLUS-Fairlane fraes you forever from theexperts* and bother of frequent routine service I

Ford Fairlane-the newest new car on the road today-cutsmoft of theffme, trouble and expense out of taking care of yourcarl It neddf routine service—an oil change and minor lubrication-only twiet a ytar, or every 6,000 miles. Major lubes art on a30,000-mile ichedule. Brakes adjust automatically. Th« finishnever needs waxing. You KIM the monty more frequmt- servicewould cost! ,

Do yourself a favor...Drive a Ford Fairlaneat your



nu»Jay,;Jan. 11. 1962

mFloresence BandWins Star SearchSUCCMI jmUed on persistence Bve state area

and hird work. When "Tbe Flor-i The band consisls ul MichaelForte of Stirlii^ who plays thelead fuiUr, and Thomas Mar-celliano oj Warren Township onfi h

mood Ropp of SHfUi* (uttar,John Lorerti of New ProVi-.dence, - nxophone, and BifhiMMcziacca of N«w Providence,on drums

John is thi> son of Mr. andMrs.' Fred A. Lorentz <X 119Pine Way, and Richard ofCouncilman and Mr» LawrenceMeuacca ot US LivingstonAw Both are atodenta In NewProvidence High School. Mr.Lorentz who U borough attor-ney anlited In tt\e legal tech-

New York radio station in com-

Idealities of the eontncti. Re-heanala were held a* theithomei ' ""^~~*'t=rr7-

The boys wrote tfi? music fortwo original instrumental num-bers. "Twist Beat" and "Build-Up'" recorded by ABC Para-mount Studios and soon to be

i released under the Am-Parlabel.

Band dates include areaschool affairs and a regular as-signment with Hobby Hall

Air Force* Briefingr HelgWi - Bernard

Carr, guidance director atGovernor Livingston Regional

I Dance School, Summit.I Florescence means "a peri-od of blooming", according tothe dictionary, which describesexactly Bie band's presonl stale.H tKeir first record, "Twist . .Beat" and ''Buildup" Is a sue- The firet too in UM L,U(U|CMS, VThe Florescence" band SUtes waa eatabjiehed In "will b)oaaon^jntoJuU_bjopm. 'delphia J U I X — - -

High School, winnary VM. weekend atUnited Stales Air Forteemy, Denver, where lieattend briefing! on the Ac*Jemy's academic; airmanand admissions programwill be flown btoe tntn sark Airport. " . 7 — - '




-Vi J

WINNER OVER 200 BANDS—Members of "The | New Proviaence; John Lorentz, 16, of NewFlorescence" band .are (left to right), Ray ; Providence, and Michael Forte, 16. of Stirling.

Jl.'M ffciriirm- V "ff—r'tir— » + Their - U n i t - W f l r t ' T W r i H t — 3 W T "TCiw*arr'en-Township: Rirtard Mezzacca, 16, of | Up" will be released soon in local music

Skiers and Ski FansTh(^Madison Ski dub wtlj pr*.

^ent color ski'innvies. ChathamHistf School;1 Main St r Chafham.Friday. January as, at R30 p.mDonation will be 50 cents, wit/iproceeds to go to Uie I'nUcdSUte*,Ski Teani travel funW

Eleven Out of 22 . ! Florida Vacation . THf rktlry ' II r I g £ I a — The Berkeley Heights — Mr and

-Board of Education met' eleven \ Mrs. Charles Moriici of 385evenings out of.a possible 22. Plainfield Ave • are vacation-durlns the month of pecember. 'ig for 2'i months in Miami.Average^ lcngUi o[ raccUogs^Ean 1 Fia., for the l?th xoatccuUvefrdrn- 2H to 3 hours. •"''•" jj??Sr . . , « . „ . ,",',^.V,^ .

JimSalad Dressingt . ln Smoolk qutrt MJf



JHA01SON-CHATHAMAnnounces Its Spring Term

Classes begin January 31 and February 1

'Traveller's Guide to European Art

'Excursions Into Modern Science

'Shakespeare and his Contemporarily inconjunction with McC'arter Theaut,Princeton

'Great DecUtons— 1M2

•AccordionAntiques • r~^~"Basic Sewing ™~-»=Bridge ibeginning and advanced)

'Civil Defense—Survival and Yo«(ontuur ControlCreative WritingDancin;;Dressmaking and Tailoring

'English for .New AmericansFrenchGerman

am " "Onurmet's KitchenGuitarIce SkatinKInterior DecoratingInvesting for InvestorsItalian ' •--.

•new courses

Jla-Jitsa'Law, Laymen and LawyersMUllnrryMosaics for Moderns

'Oriental Brush PaintingFainting in OifsFainling-Haler Colen. - -.Farty fare

'Photography (or BeginnersPiano PlayingPlan and Plant Your PropertyHeading ImprovementRecorder Playing

'Shorthand ReviewSpanishSwimming

•TennisTyping ._ — ^ . , ± - ; ••*-* i r k i n g

Kegistratinn: 7 M to » P.M. Wednesday, January 24 atChatham Hlch School. Main Street, Chatham

7:30 to 9 P.M. Thursday, January 2J at

Madison Junior School, Mala Street, Madison

Catalogue* available from:~liqh~J. fltman MfXeTity; •

314 Fairmount Avenue, Chathan- " ME 5-5'S7

f Hanover Road, Florbam ParkFR 7-3037

H m f sTornaffo


Tomato Sauoo



Ivory Soap

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ScottPaper Towels



OUICKSEAL PANELINGYour Horn* 4mprev«m«ritf Htodquorttri

M.M. Wir.dikl.IJ 14 M.luQulcUv M.31 RUSSELL PLACE

PHONE: ClUitvitw 7-0030


Here's a meat sale thrifty homemaken will hailTAiP Super-Right" Quality Beef itnow priced to save you even root?«wh! Stock up

%9Fw wmm • •••*•'• -*-"""!:•*?*••«»'*i-"f;"^-*-^


Ne Fat Added

"S«M'-RI|»»" QMllty

Shoulder Steak Z9i Rib Steaks —TOP—•eieleti Chnei—I«M la

Round Steak 95.' Calif. Roast 55.cFreeh leeelHt ' • FrontCuti tktrt Cut— |F«ifCvrhfiic«dH;9ti»r| Ref. Style

Brisket Beef *£t*9t 69: Ribs of Beef °:; *9 ! 65c

Cross Rib Roast ' " 89! Cubed Steaks 99^Ground Chuck Beef 69 b

c Top Sirloin Steak 95:(hack F i l l e h r r r r ^ l f ^ Sirloin Steaks ^ r ZSlBeef Short Ribs 45C PoHerhouse Steaks 89c

Ground Beef *•**•— 45,! Flank Steaks - - 9 KEyeApundRoast ^ 99! Stewing Beef '" ' 69 'Minute Steak **• 99 : SoupBeef , 3 5 / : 49C


i tb.


,4< Prath Frolf|and



Etty ti FedLargi Sin

Re** OilloieM

Apples o,h.,, \large Sizt

Avocado Pears 2 29C

Potatoes 6od" 3 b 2 9 e

Flm, Criti

Pascal Celery . 1 9 C

Fresh Lemons 19C 37C

Frozen Food Valun!

SYRUP ClcoroiateFlHor

16 n.

Orange Juiw M I ^ M * 2 WI Oolt ' t JlliCt rln.>ppl.Or.r.q. \ ^ 39'

Orange Juice AiM-nJ «rW'Peas and Mushrooms " ^ X ^ 'Birds Eye Llmas *"£? X » $

Mixed VeietabletW l l .^w Z&ifilirB AHad 9a#>Jlft Bird* Ey* Btf«n<l _ ldQtv4fto

Red S»aww F i l l e i ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 5 *Codfish Fillet ***** 7 ^ 7 9 '

addoek Dinner C--J»^' 2 '1°: 19*


Sliced Beets 2EiNlltal ter Mtklii Ckill U* Oar»a

Red Beans An"'W*rtkM(n I n U

Cream DropsCkMdata 0«>trt4

Thin Mints»t> Iraai

35* Grape Juice 2t::69e

Ughf Hot.!ek

Nakltoc—Mtii tr S«|*' Huty

Graham Crackers L":35C

CfiM tr tliek

L39C Chewing GumI2otp»|. Ate Irani—Instant Mli



FLAVORdich ond M-Bodl.d





EIGHT O'CLOCK111 £ t%( J-U !*•

63 nil

Burry's Cookies «KosblersSaltines

V«m Parktr0R»d Goodtl


lorfGlamour BreadOrange Chiffon Cake *"h 59*Cinnamon Rol ls <**• 9 <« 3 3 e

With Wiw«

Spanish Bar Cake 39*

''k;, 3 1 * Faaejf WIscoMla—WellDairy Cmnttr Buys!

Pillibury Pancake Mix ^2 l« tS9« C h e d d a r C h e e s e H " 69 , !Imperial Marjarine ***** £* Kalian Romano Cheese „ & *95»Kraft's Parkay Margarine ^ M » Italian Provolone lmport^L.. * • « •

Lolli-Pupt Dog CandyMareal ToiletTissue ""°"'d

Romano Wedges ^Dmutit pl,Mouarella Slices Z"^ tC

Amtrican, Swln. rim*nt« 4 to i .


21 SUMMIT AVE.. SUMMITOpea Tata, and l i n n , to »—rridajra te u


MORRIS TPK WEST OR MtUBURN AVE.. SHORT HILLSOpes Moo., tun., W^Tharato »-Fridays U> 10

ySuper Markers and Self-Service atom only.




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