9th international conference of pharmacy science and practice

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9th of Novemver, 2018 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlų 13, Kaunas Lithuania


November 9, 2018 Kaunas, Lithuania


The 9th international conference of Pharmacy Science and practice is organized by Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS) Faculty of Pharmacy and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy Alumni in collaboration with Lietuvos Farmacijos sąjunga, Lietuvos vaistininkų sąjunga ir Studentų farmacininkų draugija

Organizing Committee


Prof. Ramunė Morkūnienė (LUHS, Lithuania)


Dr. Jurgita Daukšienė (LUHS, Lithuania)


Prof. dr. Nijolė Savickienė (LUHS, Lithuania)

Prof. dr. Liudas Ivanauskas (LUHS, Lithuania)

Prof. Valdas Jakštas (LUHS, Lithuania)

Assoc. prof. Tauras Mekas (LSMU, Lithuania)

Gabrielė Balčiūnaitė (LSMU, Lithuania)

Agnė Mazurkevičiūtė (LSMU, Lithuania)

Prof. dr. Ona Ragažinskienė (Lietuvos Farmacijos Sąjunga, Lithuania)

Prof.. hab. dr. Eduardas Tarasevičius (Lietuvos Farmacijos Sąjunga, Lithuania)

Scientific Committee


Prof. dr. Ruta Mucieniece (University of Latvia, Latvia)

Prof. dr. Victoriya Georgiyants (National University of Pharmacy, Ukriana)

Prof. dr. Oleh Koshovyi (National University of Pharmacy, Ukriana)

Assoc. prof. Dr. Lina Raudonė (LUHS,, Lithuania)

Assoc. prof. Dr. Deivydas Burdulis (LUHS,, Lithuania)

Assoc. prof. Dr. Giedrė Kasparavičienė (LUHS, Lithuania)

Dr. Ugnė Čižauskaitė (LUHS, Lithuania)

Assoc. prof. Dr. Konrodas Vitkevičius (LUHS, Lithuania)

Assoc. prof. Dr. Andriejus Ževžikovas (LUHS, Lithuania)

Assoc. prof. Dr Raimundas Benetis (LUHS, Lithuania)

Assoc. prof. Dr Audronė Dagilytė (LUHS, Lithuania)

Dr. Modestas Žilius (LUHS, Lithuania)

Dr. Vaida Juškaitė (LUHS,, Lithuania)

ISBN 978-9955-15-586-7 © LSMU 2018


Language of abstracts was not corrected. WELCOME Dear participants and quests of the conference, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 9th International Pharmaceutical Conference „Science

and Practice 2018” in the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy. The 9th

International Pharmaceutical Conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of independent

Lithuania’s Pharmacy. Lithuania celebrates the centenary of the restoration of its Independence and

100 years ago pharmacists and students of pharmacy started returning back to their country and under

especially unfavourable circumstances were faithful to the humanistic principles. We should be proud

and strong of our history to stimulate our professional unity.

To be an expert of medications, pharmacist needs to be highly trained and this is a long way which

begins with University studies and continues during all life, conducting relevant scientific research

and efficient practical training and University teachers, social partners and international collaboration

take part in this development. Today we have the opportunity to meet experts and professors from

Riga Stradins University and University of Latvia (Latvia), Jagiellonian University and Bialystok

Medical University (Poland), University of Strathclyde (UK), University of Belgrade (Serbia),

National University of Pharmacy (Ukraine), Lithuanian State Medicines Control Agency, Department

of Pharmacy of Ministry of Health of Republic of Lithuania, Committee on Health Affairs of Lietuvos

Respublikos seimas. This annual meeting enables the building of a productive dialogue and fruitful

contacts between scientists of pharmaceutical field and the community pharmacists of various

countries. We believe, the results presented at the conference will serve for the integration and

cooperation in developing new scientific ideas, new solutions and new opportunities.

I wish the participants a very successful meeting and fruitful deliberations. Thank you!

On behalf of the organizing committee, Prof. Ramunė Morkūnienė Dean of The Faculty of Pharmacy Lithuanian University of Health Sciences


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. CONFERENCE PROGRAM……………………………………………………………. 6



4. LIST OF POSTER PRESENTATIONS………………………………………………... 15


6. CONFERENCE AUTROR INDEX…………………………………………………….. 116


𝟗𝒕𝒉 International Pharmaceutical Conference


Dedicated to the 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝒕𝒉 anniversary of independent Lithuania's pharmacy

Friday, November 9, 2018 Sukileliu pr. 13, Kaunas, Lithuania, Auditorium 203



Selected Oral Presentation (No –Presenting author- Title –Country)

FF-18-0-01 Gintautas Barcys. Safe and effevtive drug for the customer (Lithuania);

FF-18-0-03. Moira Kinnear. Innovative Clinical Pharmacy Practice (Great Britain);

FF-18-0-04 Agnieszka Skowron. Medication review as a pharmaceutical care service (Poland) FF-18-0-05 Dušanka Krajnović. Professionalism in phamracy practice and apothecary oaths (Serbia)

FF-18-0-06 Maija Dambrova. Academia and pharmaceutical industry collaboration: advancing drug discovery (Latvia)

FF-18-0-07. Oleh Koshovyi. The pharmacognosy department of the national university of pharmacy: achievements and prospects of scientific cooperation



Safe and effective medicines for the patients

Gintautas Barcys, director of the State Medicines Control Agency under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania (SMCA); gintautasbarcys@vvkt.lt

First pharmacies were established in GDL at the end of XV – beginning of XVI century. In 1781, the faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University was established. Since 1785, pharmacy is taught as distinguished discipline. During the Lithuania‘s incorporation into the composition of the Russian empire, the activities of the pharmacies were regulated by the Russian statute of medicines (Ustav aptekarskij). In 1918, the Health Department was established within the Ministry of the Interior Affairs. On 16 of December 1937, the law on manufacture of the medicines and their sale was adopted. In the period 1940-1990, the department of the Pharmacy was reorganized into the Lithuanian Supreme Pharmaceutical Board and five regional bureaus. On 31 of January 1991, the Law on Pharmacy of the Republic of Lithuania was adopted. On 10 July 1995, the State Medicines Control Agency under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania was established. Since 1 May 2004, when Lithuania became the member of the EU, the SMCA activities are carried out fully in accordance with the EU law in the harmonized areas. Major challenges for the SMCA in the near future: a) Brexit; b) Safety features; c) Health technology assessment (HTA) of the MP.

Brexit: The SMCA is ready to accept about 70 MRP/DCP procedures from the UK in which Lithuania will be acting as a reference member state. If Lithuania would take over these procedures, it will be responsible for the changes related to the medicinal products (approximately 500 applications per year). Also, every next year since Brexit, the SMCA is ready to participate in 10 totally new (additional) procedures in which Lithuania would act as reference member state. For managing the increased workload, the SMCA employed and will employ the new experts (approximately 10). Currently, the employed experts are trained.

Safety features for the packages of the medicinal products: The system is aimed at preventing the entry into the legal supply chain of the falsified medicinal products. It will come into force on 9-th of February in 2019 in all the EU. The risk of sale of falsified medicines to the population will be reduced to a minimum in the legal supply chain.

HTA: This project should improve the availability of the new medicines and the decisions to reimburse them should be scientifically substantiated. Start of the new HTA process is planned since May 2019. Submission of the dossiers will include: therapeutic value evidence; cost-utility analysis; Patient Access Scheme (to improve cost-effectiveness); declared price information; budget impact information (number of patients).

The SMCA has the system for monitoring of availability medicinal products. This system shows early signs of the possible shortages and helps to identify them; allows the SMCA to cope with the shortages very fast; allows the SMCA try to monitor undisrupted supply of medicines to Lithuanian market.



Innovative Clinical Pharmacy Practice

Moira Kinnear

University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK; m.kinnear@strath.ac.uk

It became policy in 1988 for UK National Health Service (NHS) hospitals to implement clinical pharmacy services to achieve the safe, effective and economic use of medicines. A good practice framework (1996) promoted a systematic approach to the practice of clinical pharmacy. A Strategy for Pharmaceutical Care in Scotland was produced in 2002 taking into consideration innovative pharmacy practice models previously pilot tested. This first strategy of its kind acknowledged that the skills and expertise of pharmacists could be better utilised. The 5-year strategy encouraged closer working among the professions to improve the pharmaceutical care of patients particularly in the community setting. In 2003 UK legislation changed to enable Pharmacists to prescribe, initially as ‘supplementary’ prescribers and then in 2006 as ‘independent prescribers’. Accredited courses were developed and delivered by Schools of Pharmacy. A review of Pharmaceutical Care of patients in the community in Scotland was undertaken in 2011. The report from this review together with the concern about patients with long term conditions taking multiple medications and being at risk of medicine related harm led to a 10-year vision and action plan published by Scottish Government ‘Prescription for Excellence’. The vision was that all patients no matter their age or setting of care would receive pharmaceutical care from a clinical pharmacist independent prescriber. This strategy was refreshed in 2017 with the publication of Achieving Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care which continues to focus on multiprofessional working, collaborative practice and shared decision making. Government funding 2015-18 has allowed appointment of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in GP practices to support medication review and integrated Pharmaceutical Care. Government is supporting more community pharmacists to train as independent prescribers. Polypharmacy Guidelines have been developed to support all healthcare professionals conducting medication reviews in those patients identified as being at risk of harm from medicines.


Scottish Government 2002. The Right Medicine: A Strategy for Pharmaceutical Care in Scotland https://www2.gov.scot/Resource/Doc/158742/0043086.pdf

Scottish Government 2013. Prescription for Excellence: A Vision and Action Plan for the Right Pharmaceutical Care through Integrated Partnerships and Innovation https://www2.gov.scot/Resource/0043/00434053.pdf Scottish Government 2017. Achieving Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care: a strategy for Scotland. https://www.gov.scot/publications/achieving-excellence-pharmaceutical-care-strategy-scotland/ Scottish Government 2018. Polypharmacy Guidance Realistic Prescribing 2018. https://www.therapeutics.scot.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Polypharmacy-Guidance-2018.pdf Click here to enter text.



Medication review as a pharmaceutical care service

Agnieszka Skowron, Justyna Dymek, Anna Gołda Jagiellonian University Medical College,Krakow, Poland; Agnieszka.skowron@uj.edu.pl Introduction. According to the PCNE definition Medication Review (MR) is a structured evaluation of a patient‘s medicines with the aim of optimising medicines use and improving health outcomes. This entails detecting drug related problems and recommending interventions. And it is an essential element of pharmaceutical care [1]. Three types of MR has been described in literature, and the classification is based on type and source of pharmacotherapy data used in the MR process. MR type 1 – is a simple one based only on documents and information already collected in pharmacy. MR type 2A – based on data collected directly from patient (he is involved in the process) and pharmacy data; MR type 2B – based on patiend, pharmacy and physician data (if the physician – GP-is included); MR type 3 – based on patient and clinical information (the most advanced type). The pharmacies in Poland don't share prescribing data with other health care professionals, and don't have access to the patient health record. So the only possible type of MR in Poland is the brown bag method (. The aim of the study was to assess what type of drug related problems (DRPs) the community pharmacist in Poland is able to identify basing on data collected during pharmacist-patient interview. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of DRPs was also conducted. Method. Data were collected in health centers from June to August 2015. We included adults with a chronic disease, who regularly used the medication for the last 3 months or longer. The following information were collected: the brand name of the medications, INN, form and strength, posology, duration of therapy, indication of use, specialization of the physician prescribing. The PCNE-DRP classification (V6.2)were used to analyze the DRPs. Results. Basing only on data collected during minimum two the face to face interview with patient we were able to detect almost all type of DRPs. But we also recognized the potential situations connected to DRPs, which we weren’t able to identify because of lack of access to patient’s health record. 59 DRPs were detected in 12 patients, who were used 90 medications. Among them we identified lack of therapy effect and adverse drug events (ADRs). Using this method we weren’t able to identify all the causes of the DRPs and in some situations it was not possible to choose most suitable intervention. Conclusion. Using brown bag method could be a proper way to detect DRPs, but pharmacists should be aware of the potential situations, which needed verification based on medical data. In the Polish Health System the cooperation between pharmacists and physicians is necessary to ensure detecting all types of DRPs. References.

1. www.pcne.org/working-groups/1/medication-review [data of access: 2018-10-04]



Professionalism in phamracy practice and apothecary oaths Dušanka Krajnović,PhD MPharm Associate professor and Head of the Department for Social Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Legislation, University of Belgrade -Faculty of Pharmacy; Center for the Study of Bioethics The concept of professionalism has undergone major changes over the evolution of pharmacy practice. Accordingly, it was understood in many different ways, representing commitment to patients’ interests, a social contract, a public and collective promise, and application of values that are essential to the trust of patients. The rapid growth of new health technologies in pharmaceutical care, increasing legalization of medicinal products and the instant availability of information via the internet, could impose new changes to the phylosophy of pharamcy pracitce and need for a new phamracists contract with society. In response to these changes, pharmacy education should be a formation of professional identity and contemporary curricula programs are increasingly becoming competence based. With reationship based on trust, and the unique knowledge they possess on pharmacotherapy and patient safety, pharmacists still hold a place of high trust within society. In order to do so, thez need to re-develope professional autonomy,as an important for the professional practice of pharmacy. The professional autonomy requires that all conflicts of interest between commercial and healthcare imperatives must be avoided to ensure the independence of service pharmacists provide to the patients. This presentation will aim to explain the essence of professional autonomy and its correlations with duty of care. In the presentation we would likely offer answers to these two questions :(i)Could we rebuild our professional autonomy with codes of conduct and other ethical normative?; and (ii) Do we need an apothecary’s oath to enhance the commitment of pharmacists to ethical behavior?



Academia and pharmaceutical industry collaboration: advancing drug discovery Maija Dambrova Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis; Riga Stradins University; maija.dambrova@farm.osi.lv The expenses of drug discovery continue growth, and optimization of its expenses heavily depends on the focused and efficient innovation process. Drug discovery proceeds through the different development stages and requires effective collaboration among multiple players from the academia and pharmaceutical industry. The process involves specialized basic research knowledge, as well as highly developed skills in the project management. Low success rate in clinical trials is a key factor pointing at importance of mutual understanding of the state-of-the-art in the drug target discovery and experimental models from academia side, and drug candidate nomination, safety studies and clinical research driven by industry partners. Academia faces barriers in translating discoveries, while industry needs more information about disease mechanisms, valuable drug targets and promising active molecules. Collaboration helps academic investigators to overcome the obstacles in moving research discoveries from bench to bedside, educate researchers about translational research process and prepare for eventual industry careers. In partnership with academia, industry can avoid risky pre-discovery stages and focus on cost-effective and innovative approaches to drug discovery and development. For academia both scientific excellence, high level publications and previous reputation as a reliable external contract research partner is important to start collaboration with the industry. The most frequent barriers include lack in expertise, specialized funding and mutual understanding. The presentation will specifically focus on the experience in drug discovery and various examples of international academia-industry partnering models from the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis.Click here to enter text.




Oleh Koshovyi*, Tetiana Ilina, Natalia Borodina, Alla Kovalyova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine; gnosy@nuph.edu.ua *Corresponding author: oleh.koshovyi@gmail.com

The Department of Pharmacognosy of the National University of Pharmacy has a long history. As a separate division, it was formed as far back as in 1938. The main directions of our research are studies in biologically active substances of medicinal and agricultural plants, wastes of their processing, the development, on their basis, of medicines and standardization of medicinal plant raw material and phytodrugs; search for plant-based biologically active substances with anti-enzymatic, inhibitory or activating effects on enzymes; synthesis of analogues and modification of biologically active substances of natural origin: flavonoids, isoflavonoids, anthraquinones and cardiosteroids; chemotaxonomic and chemoresource research in flora species of Ukraine and neighboring countries with the view to identification of promising sources of biologically active substances for widening the nomenclature of medicinal plants. In recognition of our research, 13 members of staff have been awarded academic degrees of DSc and 73 PhD. 63 certificate of authorship and 171 patents granted. 16 scientific monographs and 1050 articles published. 411 species from 20 families studied. Over 200 phytosubstances were developed, 12 of which were adopted for industrial production. In addition to the classic pharmacognostic studies of plant raw materials and substances some specific directions of our research are presented. These include morphological, taxonomic and chemotaxonomic studies under the guidance of Professor Kovaleva, Alla Mikhailovna. Representatives of 11 genera in the flora of Ukraine were studied. We consider it on the example of the genus Sage. This method enables purposeful search for new medicinal plants and significantly reduces the amount of chemical experiments. For optimization of obtaining galenic medicines from raw materials we use mathematical methods. Galenic medicines show several disadvantages: storage, standardization, dosing, etc. Therefore, to enhance the pharmacological effectiveness of phyto substances and rational use, we resort to a number of methods: development of new medicinal substances from waste products of galenic drugs; purification and concentration of target groups of biologically active substances; modification of galenic medicines using inorganic substances; modification of galenic medicines with the use of aminoacids. To modify extracts with the inorganic substances the metal replacement reaction in the porphyrin ring occurs at the interface of two liquids. Such chemical modification of extracts allows for a significant increase in the antibacterial activity of the primary extract. Amino acids are mostly perceived by phytochemists as inert substances, although, in our opinion, they significantly affect the total pharmacological effect of extracts. Amino acids are capable of forming salts, amides and imides with natural substances and, thereby, alter their activity. And their addition to extracts can potentiate their activity. For example, when arginine is added to a bilberry leaves extract, its effectiveness in correcting the metabolic syndrome is significantly enhanced. The level of glucose, cholesterol and lipids decreases. We established that lysine potentiates an anti-inflammatory effect, whereas alanine and argenine – a sedative one. We hope that we definitely find shared interests for our joint research projects.


Poster session (Poster place –Authors list (Presenting author)- Title –Country )

FF-18-01. Igor Shinkovenko, Tetiana Ilina, Alla Kovalyova, Olga Goryach, Olena Golembiovska, Andryi Komissarenko. Phenolic compounds of the liquid extract of lady’s bedstraw herb (Galium verum L.) (Ukraine); FF-18-02. S. P. Kustova, M. О. Boiko, T. V. Matvieieva, A. S. Kamyshan1, O. V. Boiko. The technology of obtaining of capsules of the camphoric acid derivate (Ukraine); FF-18-03. Komisarenko M.A., Polischuk I.M., Koshovyi O.M., Upyr T.V. Investigation of saponins of raspberry fruit cake alcohol extract by the HPLC method (Ukraine); FF-18-04. Olena Krivoruchko Alexander Markin, Victoria Samoilova. Essential oil of flowers of Sorbus aucuparia and Sorbus aria (Ukraine); FF-18-05. Olga Demeshko, Vladimir Kovalov. Research of elemental composition of Catalpa bignonioides (Ukraine); FF-18-06. Olga Mykhailenko, Zigmantas Gudžinskas, Vladimir Kovalyov , Liudas Ivanauskas, Victoriya Georgiyants. Comparative study on the composition of phenolic compounds in Iris species from Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia (Ukraine, Lithuania); FF-18-07. Ie.V. Gladukh, Yu.S. Kukhtenko, D.P. Soldatov. Determination of the effect of extraction multiplicity on the yield of biologically active substances from the roots of white willow (Ukraine); FF-18-08. Н.P. Kukhtenko O.S. Kukhtenko, Ie.V. Gladukh. Choice of the optimum composition of venotonic action phytogel (Ukraine); FF-18-09. Valinčiūtė-Jankauskienė A*, Kubilienė L. Features of Adverse drug reaction reporting in Lithuania 2007-2017 (Lithuania); FF-18-10. Karyna Hordiei, Tetiana Gontova, Elina Kotova. Analysis of hydroxycinnamic acids content of the feverfew herb depending on the place of cultivation (Ukraine); FF-18-11. Kotov S.A., Gontova T.M.., Kotova E.E. Development of a procedure for identification of elecampane sesquiterpene lactones by TLC method (Ukraine); FF-18-12. O. V. Bevz, D. A. Leontiev, N. V. Volovyk. The requirements to standard samples for qualification of the thermal analysis equipment (Ukraine);


FF-18-13. Danylova I.A., Burian A.A. Determination of quality of mineral water in Ukraine (Ukraine); FF-18-14. Petrushova Lidiya, Alexeeva Tatiana, Ukrainetz Igor. Development of quantification of N-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide by alkalimetry (Ukraine); FF-18-15. О. І. Chernyayeva, І. S. Hrytsenko Control of the quality of capsules of the camphoric acid derivative (Ukraine); FF-18-16. K. I. Proskurina, O. A. Yevtifieieva Application aspects of the spectrophotometry method in quantitative standardization of domestic herbal drugs (Ukraine); FF-18-17. Yevhen Romanenko, Oleh Koshovyi, Tetiana Ilina, Natalia Borodina, Igor Kireyev, Nadiya Tryshchuk. The study of a new dry extract of the motherwort herb (Ukraine); FF-18-18. Mykhailo Myha, Oleh Koshovyi, Tetiana Ilina, Natalia Borodina, Olena Golembiovska. The search for new sources of triterpene saponins among the representatives of the Salvia genus in the flora of ukraine (Ukraine); FF-18-19. Natalia Chaika, Oleh Koshovyi, Tetiana Ilina, Natalia Borodina, Masen Matar, Ganna Kravchenko. The study of the chemical composition and the hypoglycemic activity of dry extracts from the leaves of bearberry (Ukraine); FF-18-20. Yeromina H.O., Kiz O.V., Ieromina Z.G., Drugovina V.V., Yaremenko V.D., Perekhoda L.O., Demchenko A.M. Searching for new anti-shock substances among 2-phenyliminothiazole derivatives (Ukraine); FF-18-21. T. Ye. Kolisnyk, O. A. Ruban, G. D. Slipchenko. Formulation of sustained release matrix tablets as an approach to improve antidiabetic efficacy of Vaccinium myrtillus leaf extract (Ukraine); FF-18-22. Iosypenko O.O., Kyslychenko V.S., Molodan D.V. Review of application of Cucurbita pepo species in health treatment ( Ukraine); FF-18-23. Mohammed S.B., Upyr T.V., Lenchyk L.V. Study of phenolic compounds in prunes (Ukraine); FF-18-24. Kaspars Jekabsons, Reinis Rembergs, Jana Namniece, Linards Klavins, Maris Klavins, Ruta Muceniece. Potential of Vaccinium spp. berry pomaces for design of novel health promoting products (Latvia);


FF-18-25. Ieva Gudžinskaitė, Mindaugas Liaudanskas, Elicija Stackevičienė, Vaidotas Žvikas, Kristina Zymonė, Jonas Viškelis, Pranas Viškelis, Valdimaras Janulis. Determination of qualitative and quantitative composition of phenolic compounds and evaluation of antioxidant activity in American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) fruit extracts (Lithuania); FF-18-26. O. V. Gorokhova, N. Yu. Bevz, A. O. Aleksiichuk, V. V. Grinenko. Development of methods for quality control of active pharmaceutical ingredients in tablets (Ukraine); FF-18-27. N. Yu. Bevz, V. A. Georgiyants, N. V. Harna. Verification of the quantitative determination methods for finished medicines – a way to their quality assurance (Ukraine); FF-18-28. Tartynska G.S., Zhuravel І.О., Molodan V.І. Determination of hydroxycinnamic acids’ quantitative content in rye (Secale cereale L.) Spicules, grains, stems and leaves (Ukraine); FF-18-29. Monika Tallat-Kelpšaitė, Mindaugas Liaudanskas, Darius Kviklys, Jonas Viškelis, Pranas Viškelis, Norbertas Uselis, Valdimaras Janulis. Quantitative and qualitative differences of phenolic compounds in apples (cv. 'Ligol') grown in different geographical regions (Lithunia); FF-18-30. Liga Saulite , Kaspars Jekabsons, Maris Klavins, Ruta Muceniece, Una Riekstina. Malvidin, cyanidin and delphinidin exert various effects on human adipose mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into adipocytes, chondrocytes and osteocytes (Latvia); FF-18-31. El Kayal Wassim, Abu Sharkh A.I., Burian A.A. Perspectives of biologically active compounds creation in the range of (2,4-dioxo- (2-thio-4-oxo) -quinazolin-3-yl) acetic acid derivatives (Ukraine); FF-18-32. Andrukova L., Rusanova S., Fetisova E., Iakovenko V. Qualitative risk analysis at the stage of pharmaceutical development of combined eye drops for glaucoma treatment (Ukraine); FF-18-33. Raimonda Jazokaite, Mindaugas Marksa, Augusta Zevzikoviene, Andrejus Zevzikovas. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) method for qualitative analysis of food supplements, containing ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) (Lithuania) FF-18-34. Marta Kaudze. Evaluation of polypharmacy for patients with hypertension in two family doctors practices. (Latvija) FF-18-35. Koškinaitė Rita, Kasparavičienė Giedrė. Formulation and stability evaluation of Shea butter emulsion (Lithuania);


FF-18-36. Gabrielė Vilkickytė, Raimondas Raudonis. Antioxidant activity of benzoic and cinnamic acid derivatives (Lithuania); FF-18-37. A. V. Soloviova, O. S. Kaluzhnaya, O. P. Strilets. Biotechnological aspects of the creation of complex probiotic remedy for acne treatment: the definition of the possibility of combined usage of probiotics with vitamins B (Ukraine); FF-18-38. Lina Pitkauskaitė, Lina Raudonė. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in different varieties of lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) leaves extracts (Lithuania); FF-18-39. Yaremenko M.S., Gontova T.M., Kotova E.E. Perspective for using Acorus calamus leaves in medicine (Ukraine); FF-18-40. Viktorija Gerulaitytė, Vilma Petrikaitė. Anticancer activity of NSAIDs in breast cancer cell cultures (Lithuania); FF-18-41. Lesia Savchenko, Anna Materiienko, Victoriya Georgiyants. Stability studies of the compounding suspension from stomatitis (Ukraine); FF-18-42. Paulius Brazauskas, Jurgita Daukšienė, Raimondas Radžiūnas, Arūnas Savickas. “Are they good enough to help me?” A survey of patients’ opinion towards pharmacists’ professionalism (Lithuania); FF-18-43. Akvilė Zieniūtė, Loreta Kubilienė. The current and preferred organizational culture of Lithuanian community pharmacies (Lithuania); FF-18-44. Dovilė Karosevičiūtė , Nijolė Savickienė , Alvydas Pavilonis , Ona Ragažinskienė. Determination of antimicrobial activity of raw material from Leonurus cardiaca L. and Leonurus sibiricus L. (Lithuania); FF-18-45. Svitlana Gubar, Anna Materiienko, Victoriya Georgiyants, Olha Vasylieva, Liudas Ivanauskas. Comparative analysis of the qualitative composition of secoiridoid glycosides in Centaurium erythraea Rafn. and Сеntaurium pulchellum (Sw) Druce herbs (Ukraine, Lithuania); FF-18-46. Iryna Skora, Tetiana Matus, Anna Materiienko, Volodymyr Hrudko. Study of ion associates formation between food azo dye ponso 4R and medicines of various pharmacological groups (Ukraine);


FF-18-47. Ye. I. Bysaha, L. I. Vyshnevska. Perspective of the use of essential oils in the composition of drugs (Ukraine); FF-18-48. V. V. Postoy, L. I. Vyshnevska. Study of the antimicrobial efficacy of nipagin in the developed soft dosage form (Ukraine); FF-18-49. Laura Škarnulytė, Simonija Kelpšaitė, Elias Maccioni, Vilma Petrikaitė. Anticancer activity of kinase inhibitors in 2D and 3D breast cancer cell cultures (Lithuania); FF-18-50. Orlenko D., Dorovskoy O., Yakovenko V. Design of dental gel composition with hyaluronic acid (Ukraine); FF-18-51. Leontiiev Bohdan, Khvorost Olga. Morphometric marks research of fruits of the Viburnum opulus in different sorts (Ukraine). FF-18-52. Golubs G, Barene I. Excipients in compounded paediatric drugs (Ukraine); FF-18-53. Di Sotto Antonella, Di Giacomo Silvia, Mazzanti Gabriela. Natural substances in cancer chemoprevention: state of the art (Italy); FF-18-54. Sigita Rimkutė, Jurgita Daukšienė. The experience of providing smoking cessation service at community pharmacy by pharmacis (Lithuania); FF-18-55. Zhurenko D.S., Tsubanova N.A. Study of the effect of a new dental gel on the oral cavity under the conditions of the experimental stomatitis (Ukraine); FF-18-56. Julija Jakubavičiūtė, Giedrė Kasparavičienė. Technology and stability assessment of multiple W/O/W emulsion with grape seed oil (Lithuania); FF-18-57. Gitana Grambovskaitė, Jurgita Daukšienė. The pharmacy students’ knowledge, practice and attitude towards contraception (Lithuania); FF-18-58. Andrey Moskalenko, Natalia Popova. Perspectives of research of Immortelle (Helichrysum bracteatum) (Ukraine); FF-18-59. Ieva Urbanavičiūtė, Mindaugas Liaudanskas, Dalija Seglina, Pranas Viškelis. Pharmaceutical potential of quince Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach (Lithuania);


FF-18-60. H. I. Severina, M. V. Protopopov, O.O. Skupa, L. O. Perekhoda, V. А. Georgiyants. Molecular docking studies of the N-(3,4-dimetoxyphenil)-2-{[2-methyl-6-(pyridine-2-yl)-pyrimidin-4-yl]thio}acetamide as inhibitor of gamma aminobutyric acid aminotransferase (Ukraine); FF-18-61. Ugnė Endriulaitytė, Elias Maccioni, Vilma Petrikaitė. In vitro antimetastatic activity of new kinases inhibitors in 3D invasion and migration models (Lithuania); FF-18-62. Yezerska Oksana. Justification of composition, technology and investigation of syrup based on the oat extract with hepatoprotective activity (Ukraine); FF-18-63. Kotvitska A., Prokopenko O. Modern aspects of palliative care in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (Ukraine); FF-18-64. Kotvitska A., Surikova I., Surikov O. Study of cases of medication errors in the Ukrainian pharmacy practice (Ukraine); FF-18-65. Kubarieva I., Beketova M. Study of the level of knowledge of pharmacy specialists on the organization of palliative care in Ukraine (Ukraine); FF-18-66. Nataliia Khanina, Vadim Khanin, Svitlana Gubar, Igor Zupanets, Victoriya Georgiyants. Identification of active components of plant raw material in the different dosage forms of "sinupret" by using hplc-мs method (Ukraine); FF-18-67. Yuliya Prokopenko, Victoriya Georgiyants. The relevance of the software development for anticonvulsant potential study of herbs and herbal remedies (Ukraine); FF-18-68. Karolina Mickutė, Gintarė Pavalkytė, Ilona Sadauskienė, Arūnas Liekis, Asta Kubilienė. The effect of Cannabis sativa L. extracts on malondialdehyde (MDA) in mice livers (Lithuania); FF-18-69. Aistė Matulevičiūtė, Jurgita Daukšienė. Interprofessional collaboration among pharmacists and physicians: together against prescription errors (Lithuania); FF-18-70. Gintarė Pavalkytė, Karolina Mickutė, Asta Kubilienė, Arūnas Liekis, Ilona Sadauskienė. The effects of Solidago gigantea L. extract on malondialdehyde (MDA) activity in mice brain (Lithuania);


FF-18-71. Elžbieta Maconko, Vilma Petrikaitė. Effect of different pH on doxorubicin penetration into MCF-7 breast cancer cells (Lithuania); FF-18-72. N.M. Smielova, O.A. Yevtifieieva, S.M. Gubar. Standardization of requirements for the quality of the active pharmaceutical ingredient of a plant origin inulin (Ukraine); FF-18-73. A.O. Dobrova, O.S. Golovchenko, V.A. Georgiyants. Components of herbal syrup and antacids salts interaction study by UV-vis spectroscopy (Ukraine); FF-18-74. Oproshanska T.V., Khvorost O. P. Analysis of pharmacopoeias on presence of monographs on the underground organs of medicine plant raw material (Ukraine); FF-18-75. Shimorova Y. E., Kyslychenko V. S., Horiacha L. M. The study of chlorophylls in Pastinaca sativa L.(Ukraine); FF-18-76. Ivan Bezruk, Mindaugas Marksa, Anna Materienko, Svitlana Gubar, Victoriya Georgiyants, Liudas Ivanauskas. HPLC and HPTLC methods for the hederacoside C determination in leaves, dried extract and some dosage forms (Ukraine, Lithuania); FF-18-77. Kolisnyk O.V., Polischuk I. M., Ilyina Т. V., Komissarenko А. М., Kolisnyk Iu. S. The study of the antibacterial and antifungal activity of “Malibact” extract (Ukraine); FF-18-78. Burlaka I. S. Reedgrass is a source of biologically active substances (Ukraine); FF-18-79. Kyslychenko O.A., Protska V.V., Zhuravel I.O., Hutsol V.V Study of free aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids of Daucus carota subsp. sativus fruits (Ukraine); FF-18-80. Kuznietsova V.Yu., Kyslychenko V.S. Alium cepa L. flavonoids studying (Ukraine); FF-18-81. O. Rudakova, S. Gubar, O. Bezchasnyuk, V. Georgiyants. Justificationg for choosing a dosage form of a combined original pharmaceutical preparation (Ukraine); FF-18-82. Svitlana Gubar, Іhor Kapustianskyi, Larysa Kovpak. The study of validation parameters of the quantitative determination method of iodine in the drug "Laminaria Oral Drops"(Ukraine); FF-18-83. A. Bondar, S. Gubar, О. Tkachenko, E. Bezchasnyuk. Selecting an extracting solvent while preparing the liquid extract of black poplar buds (Ukraine);


FF-18-84. Borodina N.V , Kovalyov V.N., Koshovyi О.N., Stremoukhov A.A. The study of Salix myrsinifolia Salisb. leaves by the chromato-mass spectroscopic method (Ukraine); FF-18-85. Nataliia Hudz, Brindza Ján, Piotr P. Wieczorek. Elaboration of the composition and technology of the curative toothpastes with herbal and beekeeping preparations (Ukraine); FF-18-86. Roman Lysiuk, Roman Darmоhray, Oksana Tsal. Determination of trace elements in Dandelion leaf (Ukraine); FF-18-87. Romanova S.V., Duchenko M.A., Volochai V.I. Obtaining of polysaccharide complex of lentil and the study of its elemental composition (Ukraine); FF-18-88. The investigation of perspective spices (aromatic) plants in Lithuania (Lithuania); FF-18-89. Е.М. Bezchasnyuk, T.A. Shyteyeva, S. M. Gubar, I. V. Rusak. Prospects of creating transdermal cardiovascular medicines (Ukraine); FF-18-90. Gabriele Balciunaite, Danas Baniulis, Ona Ragazinskiene, Nomeda Juodziukyniene, Dalia Pangonytė, Nijole Savickiene. Impact of Echinacea purpurea L. (Moench) hemagglutinin LysM to mice secondary immune response (Lithuania); FF-18-91. Dmitrijs Kustovs, Valda Valkovska, Andrejs Šitovs, Dace Bandere, Santa Purviņa Simultaneous determination of colistin A and colistin B in plasma by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (Latvia); FF-18-92. A.Klavina, B.Maurina, I.Martinsone. Preparation and stability of carboxymethylcellulose salt hydrogel for sapropel extract containing dosage form (Latvia);

FF-18-93. Marzanna Kurzawa, Urszula Kiełkowska, Wojciech Kujawski, Anna Filipiak-Szok, Magdalena Płotkowska, Edward Szłyk. Determination of ruscogenins in the Ruscus aculeatus rhizome (Poland); FF-18-94. Wojciech Kujawski, Marzanna Kurzawa Lydia Terki, Khodir Madani, Urszula Kiełkowska, Joanna Kujawa, Anna Filipiak-Szok. Determination of antioxidant capacity in prickly pear fruit juices before and after osmotic membrane distillation (Poland);



Phenolic compounds of the liquid extract of lady’s bedstraw herb (Galium verum L.)

Igor Shinkovenko1, Tetiana Ilina1, Alla Kovalyova1, Olga Goryacha1, Olena Golembiovska2, Andryi Komissarenko1 1 Department pf Pharmacognosy, National University of Pharmacy; 53-Pushkinska str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine 2 Laboratory of Condensed Heterocyclic Systems, Institute of Organic Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, 5-Murmanska str., Kyiv, 02660, Ukraine *Corresponding author: ilyinatany86@gmail.com Background. Lady’s bedstraw (Galium verum L.) of Rubiaceae Juss. family is one of the cosmopolitan plants widely distributed in the temperate zone of Europe, Asia and North America. In Ukrainian folk medicine Galii veri herba has long been used as an antibacterial, haemostatic, choleretic or immunostimulant agent due to, as has been shown, to a considerable content of polyphenols [2]. The aim of this research was to determine qualitative and quantitative composition of various phenolic compounds in an extract from Galium verum herb growing in Ukraine’s natural habitats with the use of the HPLC method. Materials and methods. A three-fold extraction by 60 % ethanol (30 min each) was carried out at a general ratio of the plant material : solvent of 1 : 10 on heating. The three extracts were combined, concentrated on a vacuum rotary evaporator up to the ratio of the plant material to finished product of 1 : 1. The content of phenolic compounds was studied by the method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a Shimadzu LC20 Prominence liquid chromatograph in the modular system equipped with the 4-channel pump LC20AD, the column thermostat СТО20А, the automatic sampler SIL20A, the diode array detector SPDM20A and the ChemStation LC20 [3]. The chromatographic conditions were as follows: the Phenomenex Luna C18(2) chromatographic column of 250 мм х 4.6 mm in size of and the particle size of 5 µm; the column temperature of 35 °С; the detection wavelength of 330 nm (for hydroxycinnamic acids, glycosides of flavonoids), 370 nm (for aglycones of flavonoids), 280 nm (for tannins); the flow rate of the mobile phase at 1 ml/min and the injection volume of 5 µl. The mobile phase consisted of eluent А of 0.1 % solution of trifluoroacetic acid in water and eluent B of 0.1 % solution of trifluoroacetic acid in acetonitrile. The elution programme was fixed as follows: 5 % B at 0-5 min, 5 → 25 % B at 5-35 min, 25 % B at 35-40 min, 25 → 50 % B at 40-60 min, 50 → 80 % B at 60-65 min, 80 % B at 65-70 min, and 5 % B at 70-85 min. Identification of the components was carried out by the retention time and compliance of the UV spectra with reference substances. Results. In the chromatographic study of the extract from Lady’s bedstraw herb, reliably identified were 11 compounds of phenolic nature, including 5 hydroxycinnamic acids, namely caffeic, сhlorogenic, neoсhlorogenic, 3,5- and 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acids; and 6 flavonoids, namely catechin, quercetin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, rutin and hyperoside, with rutin (4.18 mg/ml) and сhlorogenic acid (2.53 mg/ml) being predominant compounds. In our previous research in the phenolic compounds of a dry extract of Galium verum by the HPLC method with the use of different equipment and chromatographic conditions, сhlorogenic acid, 3,5- and 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acids, rutin, apigenine-7-О-rutinoside, isoramnetine-3-О-glucoside and quercetin were identified, with сhlorogenic acid (3,69 %) and rutin (2,61 %) being predominant compounds [1]. Conclusion. The results obtained confirm the fact that despite different conditions of extraction, different equipment and techniques of HPLC analysis and, hence, differring results, the predominant compounds in ethanolic liquid extract of Lady’s bedstraw herb are rutin and сhlorogenic acid. References: 1. Ильина Т. В., Ковалева А. М., Горячая О. В. Изучение фенольных соединений сухого экстракта травы подмаренника настоящего. Человек

и лекарство: материалы XXII Росс. Нац. конгр., г. Москва, 6-10 апр. 2015. М., 2015; 207 – 208. 2. Растительные ресурсы СССР: Цветковые растения, их химический состав, использование; Семейства Caprifoliaceae – Plantaginaceae / отв.

ред. ПД Соколов. Л. : Наука, 1990; 328. 3. Golembiovska O. I. Simultaneous determination of flavonoids and phenolic acids in different parts of Prunella vulgaris L. by high-performance

liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection. Int. J. Pharmacog. Phytochem. 2014; 29 (1): 1248–1255.



The technology of obtaining of capsules of the camphoric acid derivate

S. P. Kustova*, M. О. Boiko, T. V. Matvieieva, A. S. Kamyshan1, O. V. Boiko2

State Institution “Institute for endocrine pathology problems named after V. Ya. Danilevsky NAMS of Ukraine” National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine1

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine2 *corresponding author, E-mail address: avotsvet@gmail.com The reproductive health care is not only actual medical, but also social and psychological problem too. Infertility is constantly increased and is found in 15–20% of couples. Approximately 10 million new infertile couples appear yearly all around the world. It was determined, that men are the cause of infertility in the 45–55 % of cases. Earlier, congenital and acquired disorders of the men’s urinary and reproductive systems were the main causes of the infertility, but nowadays, that are the accompanying somatic diseases such as hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Therefore, the development of the novel approaches and pharmaceutical compositions with pleiotropic effects for treatment both main and accompanying disorders remains actual. The development of the pharmaceutical composition (capsules) based on camphoric acid derivate which has positive simultaneous effects on spermatogenesis and different functional and metabolic liver disturbances in rats has been carried out in SI “Institute for endocrine pathology problems named after V. Ya. Danilevsky NAMS of Ukraine”. The physical, chemical, pharmaceutical and technological methods have been used during investigations. The compound of capsules has been elaborated. Each capsule contains 13,3–25,0 % of the camphoric acid derivate, 1 % of sliding agent – stearic acid’s salt, the fillers (mannitol, maize starch, microcellulose and their combinations) are the rest. The technological investigations of the capsules masses have been carried out. The bulk density (0,639±0,017 g/cm3), angle of repose (36,40±0,43 ), flowability (2,11±0,11 g/s), Carr's compressibility index (8,12±1,60 %), Hausner ratio (0,800±0,006) and moisture content – 1,2 % have been determined. The obtained results of investigations allow to recommend elaborated pharmaceutical compositions for manufacture capsules with different types of the laboratory and industrial equipment. Under the laboratory conditions the method of manufacture of the pharmaceutical dosage form (capsules) of the camphoric aside derivate consists of these stages: preparing the active pharmaceutical ingredient and auxiliary substances, preparing the mass for capsules filling, opening empty capsules, filling capsules and packing. Therefore, the laboratory method of manufacture of the capsules based on camphoric acid´s derivate has been developed. Obtained capsules filling with 0.01 g camphoric acid´s derivate have been investigated according to the monograph “Capsules” of State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, second edition. It has been determined that capsules have disintegrated during 187,0±2,8 sec, thus have met the requirements of the test “Disintegration time” (up to 15 min or 900 sec). The qualitative and quantitative analytical methods of pharmaceutical composition of camphoric acid´s derivate in capsules have been developed. These methods will be included into analytical papers “Methods for quality control of drug”. The analytical papers draft on capsules of camphoric acid´s derivate consists of chapters: “Description”, “Identification”, “Impurities”, “Microbiological examination”, “Assay” and “Uniformity of dosage units”. References: 1. Derzhavna Pharmakopeia Ukrainy (2nd ed.). (2015). Kharkiv: Ukrainskyi naukovyi farmacopeinyi tsentr yakosti

likarskykh zasobiv, 1128



Investigation of saponins of raspberry fruit cake alcohol extract by the HPLC method

Polischuk I.M., Koshovyi O.M., Komisarenko M.A.*, Upyr T.V. National University of Pharmacy *corresponding author. E-mail address: a0503012358@gmail.com Due to limited reserves and unfavorable environmental conditions, medicinal plants of domestic flora that are widely cultivated deserve special attention in the development of new phytopreparations. One of these plants is Rubus idaeus L., family. Rosaceae. Fruits of raspberry have long been used in various areas of the economy: in medicine, pharmaceutical and food industries, and others. According to the data, raspberry has a rich chemical composition [1, 2, 3, 4]. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the saponins of ethanol extract of the cake of fruit of raspberry.The object of the study was an extract obtained from a cake of R. idaeus fruit collected in the places of its cultivation. The collection of plant raw material was carried out in 2017 during fruiting in the vicinity of the village of Ternova, Kharkiv region. Raspberry juice was squeezed from fruits, after which the obtained cake was dried and 80 % ethanol was added at the ratio of 1:5, taking into account the absorption coefficient. The investigations were carried out by HPLC method with liquid chromatograph Shimadzu LC20 Prominence in a modular system equipped with a four-channel pump LC20AD, a thermostat of columns ST20A, an automatic sampler SIL20A, a diode-matrix detector SPDM20A and a ChemStation LC20. Chromatography was caried out in the following conditions: the column X-Bridge C18, 150 mm × 4,6 mm with a grain size of 5 microns (Waters company); column temperature - 30 oС; detection wavelength – 205 nm; flow rate of the mobile phase – 1.0 ml/min; volume of the entered sample - 20 μl; mobile phase: methanol for HPLC: 0.2 % solution of ammonium acetate (pH 6.75) in the ratio (80:20). Elution mode was isocratic. Identification of the components was carried out in accordance with the retention time of standards and their UV-spectra. The spectra of triterpic saponins have a maximum absorption at (200-210) nm, so the detection of this group of compounds was carried out at 205 nm [5, 6, 7]. The qualitative and quantitative composition of the saponins in extract from the raspberry fruits cake was studied. Content of euscapic acid was 0.24 %, tormenthinic acid - 0.14 %, lupeol - 0.65 %. The obtained data can be used for standardization of the raspberry fruit extract.

References: 1. GOST 3525-75. Plody maliny (Rubus idaeus L., 1975). 2. A. S. Avrach, E. V. Sergunova, Ya. V. Kuksova (Rubus idaeus L., род.2014). Biologicheski aktivnye

veshestva plodov i vodnyh izvlechenij maliny obyknovennoj Farmaciya № 1 8–10 3. Rastitelnye resursy SSSR : cvetkovye rasteniya, ih himicheskij sostav,

ispolzovanie ; semejstvo Hydrangeaceae — Haloragaceae. (Rubus idaeus L., род.1987). Leningrad:Nauka, 326 4. Tarahovskij Yu. S. (Rubus idaeus L., род.2013). Flavonoidy : biohimiya, biofizika, medicina. Pushino:

Sunchrobook, – 310 s. 5. Leng G. Determination of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in different parts of Mesona Chinensis Benth by RP–

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H. Cen, R. X. Xia. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. – 2003. – № 32. – P. 1175–1179. 7. Jäger S. Pentacyclic Triterpene Distribution in Various Plants – Rich Sources for a New Group of Multi-Potent

Plant Extracts. Sebastian Jäger, Holger Trojan, Thomas Kopp , Melanie N. Laszczyk and Armin Scheffler. Molecules 2009, 14(6), 2016-2031



Essential oil of flowers of Sorbus aucuparia and Sorbus aria

Alexander Markin, Victoria Samoilova, Olena Krivoruchko* National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *corresponding author. E-mail address: evphyto@gmail.com Background. Sorbus aucuparia and Sorbus aria from the Rosaceae family are widespread in Europe. The main active substances of mountain ash are phenolic compounds, organic acids, carbohydrates and vitamins, which cause their various pharmacological actions [1, 4, 5]. Previously, we conducted a phytochemical study of the leaves and fruits of S. aucuparia and S. aria [2]. The aim of this work is to study the composition of the essential oil of S. aucuparia and S. aria flowers that were obtained by extracting raw materials with 96% alcohol. Materials and methods. Raw material for analysis was harvested in the Botanic Garden of the National University of Pharmacy. The study was carried out on an Agilent Technology 6890N chromatograph with a 5973N mass spectrometric detector using the internal standard method. The conditions of analysis are indicated in [3]. The essential oil components were identified by comparing the mass spectra of the obtained substances with the mass spectrometry data libraries NIST05 and WILEY 2007 with more than 470000 spectra in combination with the AMDIS and NIST identification programs. Results. In the composition of the essential oil of S. aucuparia flowers 24 substances were identified. In the essential oil 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4Н-pyran-4-one (17.49 mg/kg), acetic acid (9.12 mg/kg), 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone (8.33 mg/kg), benzaldehyde (7.28 mg/kg), γ-sitosterol (2.99 mg/kg), malic acid (2.01 mg/kg), palmitic acid (1.79 mg/kg), linolenic acid (1.35 mg/kg), anisic acid (0.73 mg/kg), anisyl alcohol (0.54 mg/kg) and benzoic acid (0.45 mg/kg) predominate. In the composition of the essential oil of S. aria flowers 22 substances were identified. In the essential oil acetic acid (12.04 mg/kg), benzaldehyde (4.74 mg/kg), 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy -6-methyl-4Н-pyran-4-one (3.76 mg/kg), methyl pyruvate (3.21 mg/kg), γ-sitosterol (1.68 mg/kg), oleic acid (1.55 mg/kg), palmitic acid (1.31 mg/kg) and linolenic acid (0.84 mg/kg) predominate. Conclusions. The component composition of essential oil of S. aucuparia and S. aria flowers was studied by GC-MS method. The study of S. aucuparia and S. aria will be continued. References: 1. Khare CP. Indian Medicinal Plants. An Illustrated Dictionary. Springer India 2007; 618–619. 2. Krivoruchko EV, Andrushchenko ОА, Kononenko AV. Carboxylic acids from Aronia melanocarpa. Chem Nat

Compd 2013; 49(4):742–743. 3. Krivoruchko EV, Samoilova VA, Kovalev VN. Essential oil from Aronia melanocarpa flowers. Chem Nat Compd

2011; 47(4):644–645. 4. Olszewska MA, Presler A, Michel P. Profiling of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Dry Extracts from

the Selected Sorbus Species. Molecules 2012; 17(3):3093–3113. 5. Raudonis R, Raudone L, Gaivelyte K, et al. Phenolic and antioxidant profiles of rowan (Sorbus L.) fruits.

Nat Prod Res 2014; 28(16):1231–1240.



Research of elemental composition of Catalpa bignonioides

Olga Demeshko*, Vladimir Kovalov National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine, Kharkiv *corresponding author. E-mail address: olgademeshko@gmail.com Introduction. The work is devoted to the study of the elemental composition of the plant Catalpa bignonioides, the family Bignoniaceae. The chemical composition and pharmacological properties of this plant have not been studied sufficiently despite the long history. Catalpa bignonioides was imported from North America, now cultivated in Europe, Asia and America [6]. This plant has been used as an antiseptic, laxative [3], antioxidant [1], sedative and anti-inflammatory remedy from ancient times [4-5]. The fruit broth Catalpa ovata has a strong diuretic effect associated with the accumulation of potassium salts. The study of the elemental composition of Catalpa bignonioides is very relevant and gives the opportunity to expand the pharmacological application of this plant. Aim. To determine the elemental composition of Catalpa bignonioides and DSB varieties leaves by the atomic emission spectroscopy method with an arc excitation of the spectrum. Materials and methods. The objects of the study were leaves of Catalpa bignonioides harvested during the growing season in 2017, at the Botanical Garden of the National University of Pharmacy (Kharkiv). Studies of the mineral complex took place in the State Scientific Institution "Institute for Single Crystals" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The atom-emission spectrographic method with photographic registrationwas used for the study of the common mullein leaves element composition [2] Results and discussion. As a result of the analysis, it has been found that the in the raw materal of Catalpa bignonioides, 19 elements in total were identified, among which were 5 – macroelements (K, Ca, Mg, P, Na), 9 – microelements elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Si, Al, Ni, Mo, Sr), 5 – ultra microelements (Hg, Co, Cd, As, Pb), set quantitative content. A significant amount contains potassium (2125 mg/100 g), calcium (1190 mg/100 g). Such macroelements as magnesium (380 mg/100 g), phosphorus (145 mg/100 g) and sodium (50 mg/100 g) accumulate in smaller quantities. Raw material of Catalpa bignonioides accumulates a considerable amount of silicium (225 mg/100 g), aluminum (34 mg/100 g), iron (34 mg/100 g), zinc (8.5 mg/100 g), strontium (6.8 mg/100 g). The content of the elements in the samples of raw Catalpa bignonioides, can be arranged in the following decreasing sequence of the contentfor leavesK>Ca>Mg>Si>P>Na>Fe=Al>Mn>Zn>Sr>Cu>Pb>Ni>Mo>Co>Cd=As=Hg. Conclusions. The content of 19 elements in leaves of Catalpa bignonioides has been determined. A significant amount contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicium, phosphorus. The study of plant of the of Catalpa bignonioides continues. References: 1. Dvorská M., Žemlička M., Muselík J., Karafiátová J., Suchý V. Antioxidant activity of Catalpa bignonioides. Fitoterapia.

2007;78(6):437–439. 2. Hrytsai A.V. Research of elemental composition of Gladiolus hybridus hort. / A.V. Hrytsai, O.V. Demeshko // Topical issues of

new drugs development: Abstracts of XXV International Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists and student (Kharkiv, April 18-20, 2018).- Kharkiv: NUPh, 2018. – 39-40 p.

3. Kuk J.-H., Ma S.-J., Moon J.-H., Kim K.-Y., Choi S.-H., Park K.-H. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of a naphthoquinone derivative isolated from the fruits of Catalpa ovata G. DON. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2002;12(5):858–863.

4. Machida K., Hishinuma E., Kikuchi M. Studies on the constituents of Catalpa species. IX. Iridoids from the fallen leaves of Catalpa ovata G. DON. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2004;52(5):618–621.

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6. Watson, L., Dallwitz, MJ 1992 onwards. The families of flowering plants: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Version: 1st June 2007 «Bignoniaceae Juss»



Comparative study on the composition of phenolic compounds in Iris species from Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia

Olga Mykhailenko1, Zigmantas Gudžinskas2, Vladimir Kovalyov3, Liudas Ivanauskas4, Victoriya Georgiyants5 1National University of Pharmacy, Department of Botany, Kharkiv, Ukraine; zolya85@gmail.com 2 Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Vilnius, Lithuania 3 National University of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Kharkiv, Ukraine 4 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry, Kaunas, Lithuania 5 National University of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Kharkiv, Ukraine Background. Species of the genus Iris are important medicinal plants and are used in the treatment of cancer, inflammations, bacterial and viral infections [1]. Numerous results of studies on pharmacological effects of Iris species and the composition of isoflavones, flavones, terpenoids and xanthones in extracts have been published [2]. Materials and methods. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of phenolic compounds employing the HPLC method in Iris pseudacorus, Iris sibirica, Iris halophila and Iris germanica harvested in Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia in 2017. The extraction was performed in the ultrasonic bath for 30 minutes. Chromatographic separation was conducted in the Shimadzu Nexera X2 LC-30AD HPLC system using ACE C18 column in the solvent system with 0.1% acetic acid in water under gradient increase elution of acetonitrile from 5 to 95%. Chromatograms were recorded at 269 nm. The identification of the compounds was based on the UV/MS spectral data as well as co-chromatography with the control compounds, which were isolated from Iris pseudacorus and Iris hungarica [3]. Results. Seven compounds (mangiferin, 5,6-dihydroxy-7,8,3ʹ,5ʹ-tetramethoxyisoflavone, tectoridin, germanaism B, iristectorigenin B, nigricin and irigenin) were identified and quantified in the methanol extract of Iris rhizomes. Irigenin was found in all tested samples and its amount ranged from 0.01 to 2.11 mg/g. Irigenin was predominant in all Iris germanica samples, whereas mangiferin was predominant in plants from Pabradė (Lithuania). The analysis revealed that Iris pseudacorus from Latvia and Lithuania had more diverse composition of phenolic compounds than the sample from Ukraine. The amount of the xanthone mangiferin in Iris samples was the highest compared to other studied compounds. Conclusions. Isoflavones and xanthone may be an important group of pharmacologically active substances that might be responsible for the activity and medicinal application of plants of the genus Iris. References

1. Singab ANB, Ayoub IM, El-Shazly M, Korinek M, Wu TY, et al. Shedding the light on Iridaceae: ethnobotany, phytochemistry and biological activity. Industrial Crops and Products 2016; 92: 308–335.

2. Wang H, Cui Y, Zhao C. Mini Rev. Flavonoids of the genus Iris (Iridaceae). Med Chem 2010; 10: 643–661. 3. Mykhailenko O, Kovalyov V, Kovalyov S, Krechun A. Isoflavonoids from the rhizomes of Iris hungarica and

antibacterial activity of the dry rhizomes extract. Ars Pharm 2017; 58: 39–45.


FF-18-07 Determination of the effect of extraction multiplicity on the yield of biologically

active substances from the bark of white willow

Ie.V. Gladukh*, Y.S. Kukhtenko, D.P. Soldatov National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: glad_e@i.ua Certain requirements are put to the choice of herbal sources of phytopreparations: plants should have sufficient and rapidly renewable raw stocks, have a diverse chemical composition and some experience of use in folk or officinal medicine. Previous phytochemical studies have shown that white willow (Salix alba L.) bark contains a significant amount of biologically active compounds: derivatives of salicylic acid, flavonoids, organic acids, carbohydrates, tannins. The purpose of our work was to determine the effect of willow bark extraction multiplicity on the yield of biologically active substances. To study the optimum conditions for the extracting, we have determined the technological parameters of the VRM: moisture content, grinding degree, specific gravity, volumetric and bulk weight, porosity, fractional void volume, free volume of the layer, extractant absorption coefficient. The most complete extraction of the sum of hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonoids and the sum of phenolic compounds is achieved at obtaining of extracts using 70% ethanol as at increase in the concentration of ethanol the content of extractive and biologically active substances did not increase. Filtration extraction method was used. Each of the extractions was sampled fractionally in the DER step 1:1. The extraction process was performed until a total extract of DER 1:10 was obtained. For each sample, a quantitative determination was made and the main indicators of the process dynamics were calculated. The maximum number of extraction steps to obtain the extract should be considered 5, since the further increase in the portions of the extractant does not result in a significant increase in the yield of the finished product. The total extract yield for 5 steps of extraction was over 41%. Thus, the influence of the extractant type on the yield of biologically active substances on each step of extraction has been investigated. The use of 70% ethanol as an extractant has been grounded experimentally. The extraction process dynamics was investigated on the basis of which the choice of the extraction process multiplicity as DER 1: 5 has been substantiated. References: 1. Pobłocka-Olech L, Krauze-Baranowska M. SPE-HPTLC of procyanidins from the barks of different species and

clones of Salix. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2008; 48(3):965-972. 2. Shara M, Stohs SJ. Efficacy and Safety of White Willow Bark (Salix alba) Extracts. Phytother Res. 2015; 29(8):1112-




Choice of the optimum composition of venotonic action phytogel

O.S. Kukhtenko, Ie.V. Gladukh, Н.P. Kukhtenko* National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *corresponding author, E-mail address: galinakukh@gmail.com Background. The commonly used methods for venous insufficiency treatment are pharmacotherapy, compression therapy and surgical methods of treatment. Among the main drugs used at all stages of the disease, the most widespread are venotonics, or phleboprotectors. These are various pharmacological preparations that are united by a common property - stabilization of the structural components of the venous wall and an increase in its tone. At the same time, topical medicines (ointments and gels) occupy an important place in the treatment of venous insufficiency and are very popular with both doctors and patients. Ointments and gels based on venoactive drugs, along with some distracting action, can have veno-and capillaroprotective effects [1]. We were interested in the possibility of creating a phytogel with a venotonic effect containing a complex thick extract extracted from a mixture of medicinal plant materials: horse chestnut seeds (Aésculus), Japanese sophora fruits (Styphnolóbium japónicum), Melilótus grass and comfrey roots (Sýmphytum).This extract has anti-inflammatory, venotonic, fibrinolytic, anticoagulant action. The components of the extract are part of the gels for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. The use of the gel for topical treatment of venous insufficiency is most preferable, since this dosage form is characterized by ease of application, good release of biologically active substances and their penetration deep into the tissues. Materials and methods. The standardized thick extract obtained at the Department of Industrial Pharmacy of the NUPh. To substantiate the choice of the gel base, the structural and mechanical properties of gels of different origin have been studied: xanthan and guar gum, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate / VP Copolymer, carbomer. In the work, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1.0% gels have been used. Structural and mechanical properties were studied using a laboratory rheometer Rheolab QC from Anton Paar equipped with coaxial cylinders C-CC27/SS, measurements were carried out at a temperature of 25оС. The analysis of structural and mechanical properties was performed on the parameters of structural viscosity, elasticity, plasticity, flow type, yield stress and shear stress [2, 3]. Results. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the hydroxypropyl methylcellulose gels do not show a yield stress in the studied range of concentrations. Gels of xanthan gum and guar gum increase the structural viscosity in proportion to the increase in their concentration. Carbomer and VP Copolymer gels have high values of yield stress and shear stress точки (предела) at the yield point and also a high value of structural viscosity. With an increase in the carbomer and VP Copolymer concentration, the plastic properties of the gels get more pronounced. The introduction of an aqueous solution of the thick extract in the amount of 20% reduces the effective viscosity to varying degrees, while retaining the spreadability. Conclusions. The rheological behavior of gels has been studied. The carried out pharmacotechnological studies of the gel with the content of a complex phytoextract of the venotonic action have made it possible determining the optimum composition of the auxiliary substances in the development of the preparation. References: 1. State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine. - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.drlz.kiev.ua/ 2. Technology of medicines of industrial production: textbook for students of higher educational esteblishments: in 2

parts Part. 2 : transl from ukr. / V. I. Chuyeshov et al. Vinnitsa : Nova Kniga, 2014. 664 p. 3. Goodwin J. W. Rheology for Chemists: An Introdution / J. W. Goodwin, R. W. Hughes. – Cambridge: Royal Society

for Chemistry, 2000. – 290 p.



Features of adverse drug reaction reporting in Lithuania 2007-2017

Valinčiūtė-Jankauskienė A*, Kubilienė L Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių Pr. 13, LT-50166 Kaunas, Lithuania *Corresponding author. E-mail address: agne.valinciute@gmail.com Medicines bring huge benefit to society by saving lives and reducing suffering, however, also have adverse effects and represent a major cause of illness and death. ADRs are a major clinical problem, accounting for 2-6% of all hospital admissions (1-4). In 2008 it was estimated that ADRs accounted about 197,000 deaths per year in the European Union and resulted to a society €79 billion cost (5). An adverse drug reaction is any undesirable effect of a drug beyond its anticipated therapeutic effects occurring during clinical use (6).Before a medicine is marketed, safety and efficacy information gained in clinical trials is limited and may include the more common side effects only. Thus, many ADRs are not discovered prior to marketing (7).In 2017, 1,471,596 reports related to suspected adverse reactions were collected and managed in EudraVigilance, the European database for adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports, (a 19% increase compared to 2016). 543,548 of these reports originated from the European Economic Area (EEA) (a 60% increase compared to 2016). The number of reports submitted directly by European patients and consumers through the National Competent Authorities and Marketing Authorization Holders is 90,358 also increased significantly in 2017 (8). Since 2013 the patients in Lithuania can report ADRs by themselves directly to the National Competent Authority. Nonetheless, the number of reports received from health care professionals and pharmacists over the decade fluctuated but did not changed significantly, remaining generally poor (9).According to demographic statistic in 2017 Lithuania faces every year increasing negative birth rate (more then 11,000) (11). As the population ages, the demand rises for medications that are used to delay and treat chronic diseases, alleviate pain and improve quality of life. This increased use of a number of medications raises the risk that medicine-related problems will occur. This also reflects the statistics in Lithuania: the most ADRs were experienced by elderly patients, 60-79 years old. This tendency did not change over the 2007-2017. Current pharmacovigilance system in Lithuania is able to identify many safety issues, however, there is a room for improvements. The first signals and risk factors of ADRs that applies specifically to Lithuanian population need to be identified in order to prevent of adverse effects or any other drug-related problem and to ensure that patients receive safe drugs (12, 9). References: 1. Einarson TR. Drug-related hospital admissions. Ann Pharmacother 1993; 27:832-40. 2. Bates DW, Cullen DJ, Laird N, Petersen LA, Small SD, Servi D, et al. Incidence of adverse drug events and potential

adverse drug events— implications for prevention. JAMA 1995; 274:29-34. 3. Bates DW, Spell N, Cuilen DJ, Burdick E, Laird N, Petersen LA, et al. The costs of adverse drug events in hospitalized

patients. JAMA 1997; 277:307-11. 4. Classen DC, Pestotnik SL, Evans RS, Lloyd JF, Burke JP. Adverse drug events in hospitalized patients. Excess length

of stay, extra costs, and attributable mortality. JAMA 1997; 277:301-6. 5. Strengthening pharmacovigilance to reduce adverse effects of medicines. European Commission. MEMO/08/782,

Brussels, 10 December November 2008. 6. Asscher AW, Parr GD, Whitmarsh VB. Towards the safer use of medicines. BMJ 1995; 311:1003-5. 7. Question and answer document on the European database of adverse drug reaction reports website. EMA/259836/2012

Communications sector. 31 May 2012. 8. 2017 Annual Report on EudraVigilance for the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission


http://www.vvkt.lt/NRV%20ataskaitos 10. Khong TK1, Singer DR. Adverse drug reactions: current issues and strategies for prevention and management. Expert

Opin Pharmacother. 2002; 3(9):1289-300. 11. Lietuvos sveikatos apsaugos ministerija, Higienos instituto sveikatos informacijos centras. Lietuvos gyventojų

sveikata ir sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų veikla 2017. 12. Pal SN, Duncombe C, Falzon D, Olsson S. WHO strategy for collecting safety data in public health programmes:

complementing spontaneous reporting systems. Drug Saf 2013; 36: 75–81.



Analysis of hydroxycinnamic acids content of the feverfew herb depending on the place of cultivation

Karyna Hordiei*, Tetiana Gontova, Elina Kotova National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *corresponding author, E-mail address: karinagordey95@gmail.com Background. Recently, scientific interest in under-studied plants with a view to searching of new biological active substances (BAS) and following creation of medicines on their basis increases more and more often. According to the literature sources one of these plants, the feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip.), is a member of Asteraceae family. The chemical composition of the feverfew includes phenolic components, among them hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids prevail, sesquiterpene lactones, essential oil, coumarins etc. These BAS stipulates using of the feverfew in a folk medicine for treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of connective tissue, dermatological diseases, gynaecological abnormalities and migraine [1, 2]. Phenolic components of the feverfew herb stipulates a wide range of the pharmacological activity so this analysis of the hydroxycinnamic acids’ content depending on the place of cultivation and environmental conditions is actual. Materials and methods. The object of the research was samples of feverfew herb which were cultivated and collected in Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, Cherkasy, Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava and Kiev regions and were registered in the Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines. The identification and quantitative determination of the hydroxycinnamic acids in a raw material were carried out by harmonized methodology of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (TLC-method and spectrophotometry) [3]. Results. As a result of the analysis of the raw material samples chlorogenic acid (Rf = 0.47) and caffeic acid (Rf = 0.89) in comparison with their zones of reference standards were identified. The intensity of colour of the identified zones of related compounds was almost equal in all the samples. As a result of quantitative determination it was identified that the content of hydroxycinnamic acids in the samples from Kharkiv region was 4.54 ± 0.009 %, Kiev – 4.46 ± 0.02 %, Poltava – 6.47 ± 0.04 %, Sumy – 5.10±0.09 %, Dnipropetrovsk – 4.64 ± 0.03 %, Zhytomyr – 3.34 ± 0.02 %, Cherkasy – 3.56 ± 0.02 %. Therefore, the content of total hydroxycinnamic acids ranged slightly depending on place of collection, only in one of the samples (from Poltava region) significantly high content was determined in comparison with the other samples. Conclusions. The obtained results attest to the quite enough content of hydroxycinnamic acids in the feverfew’s raw material and their low variability depending on the place of cultivation. These conclusions give rise to the recommendations on the raw material’s growing and exploring of possibility of feverfew herb’s standardizing on the content of this class of compounds. References: 1. Farshid Rezaei, Rashid Jamei, Reza Heidari. Evaluation of the Phytochemical and Antioxidant Potential of Aerial

Parts of Iranian Tanacetum parthenium. Pharm Sci. – 2017, – № 23(2), – p. 136 – 142. 2. Pareek A. Feverfew (Tanacetum partheniumL.): A systematic review. / Pareek A, Suthar M, Rathore GS, Bansal

V. // Pharmacognosy Reviews. – 2011. – № 5(9), – p. 103 – 110. 3. State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. SOE “Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center of Medicines” .– 2nd ed. – V. 3.

Kharkiv: SOE “Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center of Medicines”; – 2014.



Development of a procedure for identification of elecampane sesquiterpene lactones by TLC method

Kotov S.A., Gontova T.M.., Kotova E.E.* National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: elkotova61@ukr.net Background. A wide use of elecampane, Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae), in both, folk and formal medicine, is explained by variety of its chemical composition. Rhizomes and roots of elecampane contain an essential oil, the content of which reaches 4%; the composition of the oil includes a mixture of sesquiterpene lactones (SQTL) such as Eudesman type. The main components of this mixture are alantolactone (0.5-2.0%), iso-alantolactone (1.0-2.7%), and their hydrogenated derivatives: dihydroalantolactone, dihydro-iso-alantolactone, etc. These compounds seem to be responsible for pharmacological action of elecampane-based preparations [2]. There is no monograph on this type of herbal drug (HD) in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU) [3], therefore research related to its development is relevant. It is actual to develop a procedure for identification of the main biological active substances (SQTL) of elecampane by TLC-method. Materials and methods. The procedure has been developed as a result of analysis of the TLC- methods described in leading world pharmacopoeias, a large volume experiment with comprehensive study of SQTL elecampane carried out by authors back in 1990s [1], and also taking into account experience of developing unified TLC techniques for monographs of the SPhU. Results. The development of a procedure for identification was carried out in conjunction with its validation in accordance with the requirements of SphU. As a result, the following conditions for identification have been chosen: 1) Plate. TLC silica gel F254 P (Merck) on support of glass, which is impregnated by spraying with 5% solution (m/V) of silver nitrate P, is dried in a warm air stream and heated at 105 °C for 10 min; 2) Mobile phase. Toluene Р — ethyl acetate Р (9:1); it is unified because it is used in several monographs of the SPhU for analysis of HDs containing terpenoids; 3) Reference solution. Solution CRS SPhU mixture alantolactone and iso-alantolactone in methanol P (2 mg/ 2 mL); 4) Test solution. To 1.0 g of the powdered herbal drug (500) (2.9.12) add 20 mL of methanol P, sonificate for 30 min and filter. Evaporate under vacuum and dilute to 5.0 mL with methanol P; 5) Application. 15 μl as bands of 10 mm; 6) Detection. Treat with anisaldehyde solution R and heat at 100 °C for 5-10 min; examine in daylight; the procedure is also unified. Conclusion. A procedure for identification of SQTL elecampane by TLC method for the national monograph of the SPhU "Elecampane roots and rhizomes" has been developed. References:

1.Kotov A. G. [Terpenoidy ta fenylpropanoidy deyakyh vydiv rodyny Asteraceae. Avtoreferat na zdobuttya naukovogo stupenya kandydata farmacevtychnyh nauk]. Kharkiv: State Scientific Center of Medicines. 1996; 23. in Ukrainian.

2.Max Wichtl. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis. – 3d ed. – Berlin. – Medpharm GmbH Scientific Publishers, Germany. – 2004. – 704.

3. State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. SOE “Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center of Medicines” . 2nd ed., Supplement. 3. Kharkiv: SOE “Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center of Medicines”; 2018, in Ukrainian.


FF-18-12 The requirements to standard samples for qualification of the thermal analysis


O. V. Bevz1,2*, D. A. Leontiev1,2, N. V. Volovyk2 1National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines, Kharkiv, Ukraine *corresponding author, E-mail address: bevz.helen@gmail.com Thermogravimetry is a method by which the change in the mass of the test sample from the temperature changed in accordance with the control program is recorded. The results of thermogravimetry allow estimating the thermal stability and the composition of the substance in the initial state, at the intermediate stages of the process and in the residue. The method is effective provided that the sample releases volatile substances as a result of physical or chemical processes occurring in it. The method is widely used in pharmaceutical practice and is included in the world’s leading Pharmacopoeias in quality control of substances. This allows reducing the sample weight of the substance analyzed from 1.00 g to 0.01 g, speeding up the analysis, and thereby reducing the resources for performing this test. Undoubtedly, reproducibility and accuracy of the experimental results depend on many factors. They can be divided into two main groups: factors associated with the measuring device (the oven heating rate, the speed of recording, the shape of a sample holder and oven, the oven atmosphere, the sensitivity of the recording device, the chemical composition of the material of the container for the sample), as well as factors that depend on the characteristics of the sample (the sample mass, solubility of gases in the sample, the particle size of the sample, the reaction heat, the composition of the sample, the thermal conductivity). The method of the thermogravimetric analysis is very popular both in fundamental and applied science, as well as in pharmaceutical analysis, in particular in certification of standard samples. This method has a number of advantages for the pharmaceutical industry as it is an express method, it gives the possibility to study the stability, determine the purity while using small sample weights (up to 10 mg), and thus, it is cost-effective compared to other methods used to solve these tasks. Therefore, when performing such analyses it is critical to monitor the state of the analytical system (the state of the measuring equipment, correctness of its calibration, correctness of the analyst’s work, etc.) in application to the analysis task. An effective tool to control the operation of the entire analytical system is the standard samples for qualification of equipment since the samples used for qualification of the thermogravimetric analysis, which are offered by equipment manufacturers, do not provide for the quantitative standardization. To solve the tasks set the standard sample for qualification of the equipment of the thermal analysis method must be of high purity (≥ 98%) – non-hygroscopic and non-volatile; with the low chemical reactivity and non-toxic. In addition to these criteria, the standard sample for qualification of the thermogravimetric analysis method should be sufficiently homogeneous to determine the metrological characteristics of the device for real sample weights used for certification of pharmaceutical standard samples, have a high content of volatile impurities in relation to the mass of the main substance, the weight loss on drying should be within the temperature range, which is characteristic for pharmaceutical substances, be stable to provide the absence of interfering effects, and a limit of the metrological characteristics are determined exclusively by the quality of work of the device.


FF-18-13 Determination of quality of mineral water in Ukraine

Danylova I.A., Burian A.A. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Corresponding author: irinadanilova083@gmail.com Background. Water is one of the most important components necessary for a full-fledged life of any living organism. Each living cell of the body contains a healing aqueous solution of various nutrients. In general, the human body is 50-86% of water (86% of the newborn and 50% of the elderly). Materials and methods. It is necessary to distinguish an ordinary drinking water and a mineral water. Mineral water is, as a rule, groundwater, which contains in high concentrations biologically active mineral and organic components, having specific physicochemical properties that exert a therapeutic effect on the human body. Depending on these properties and composition, it can be used both as an external, and as an internal therapeutic agent. Mineral waters are capricious and require delicate circulation. In accordance with the standards, water from the source must be carefully lifted from the deep underground of the earth, and then packed in a convenient and safe container in order to preserve the unchanging nature of the unique program that is laid in it. Packaged mineral waters, depending on the general mineralization, the presence of specific biologically active components and compounds are divided into: natural dining; diluted dining; natural medical and dining; diluted medical and dental and natural therapeutic. The main requirement for the difference is that the mineral water is packed directly from the place of extraction with the observance of sanitary norms. It is forbidden to reuse PET containers, which are marked with special signs. Results. In Kharkiv region there is a natural source of natural mineral water "Berezivska", which has unique medical properties. Hydrocarbon-calcium-magnesium water "Berezivska" is also rich in iron and silicon. A chloride-sodium-iodine-bromine water of high mineralization, which is extracted from a well at a depth of 1654 meters, is comparable with the famous water of the Dead Sea on the therapeutic effect and saturation. Conclusions. Due to the fact that this type of mineral water is widely used, detailed research on the chemical composition depending on the season (time of year) is interesting, which will allow the use of water with the maximum therapeutic effect. References: 1. Віннічук Д.Т. Екологія питної води в Україні / Д.Т. Віннічук, І.В. Гончаренко // Екотрофологія. Сучасні

проблеми. Матеріали І Міжнародної науковопрактичної конференції (30 травня – 1 червня 2005 року). – Біла Церква, 2005 – С. 156-160.

2. Гончаренко И.В. Грядущая экология Украины / И.В. Гончаренко, А.Л. Трофименко // Материалы ІІ Международной научно-практической конференции “Современные проблемы безопасности жизнедеятельности: теория и практика” (28-29.02.2012 г.). – Казань, 2012. – Часть ІІ. – С. 88-94.

3. Державна Фармакопея України : в 3 т. / ДП «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». – 2–е вид. – Х. : Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів», 2015. – Т. 1. – 1128 с.

4. Державна Фармакопея України : в 3 т. / ДП «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». – 2–е вид. – Х. : Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів», 2014. – Т. 2. – 724 с.

5. Державна Фармакопея України : в 3 т. / ДП «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». – 2–е вид. – Х. : Державне підприємство “Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів”, Государственная фармакопея СССР 2014. – Т. 3. – 732 с.. – 11-е изд. – Вып I. – М. : Медицина, 1987. – 334 с.

6. Державні санітарні норми і правила "Гігієнічні вимоги до води питної, призначеної для споживання людиною" (ГCанПіН 2.2.4-171-1



Development of quantification of N-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide by alkalimetry

Petrushova Lidiya*, Alexeeva Tatiana, Ukrainetz Igor National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; *Corresponding author: lidiyapetrushova@gmail.com Background. In order to create effective drugs with high analgesic activity and minimum of side effects, we synthesized a series of derivatives 2,1-benzothiazine-2,2-dioxides. The most active substance was N-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide. It exceeded the analgesic activity of the Lornoxicam in 2-3 times. At the same time, the toxicity level of obtained substance was the lowest one (LD50>2000). Therefore N-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carbox-amide was chosen for creation of new analgesic drug. Next step of our investigation was development of the methods for analysis. For quantitative determination method of alkalimetry was chosen because of the presence in the structure of N-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide two acidic centers - sulfomide and enolic groups. Using the data about solubility of substance as solvent we choose dimethylsulfoxide but during titration we observed appearance of precipitate which was explained by the formation of sodium salt. So to prevent the appearance of precipitate we dissolved investigated substance in the mixture of DMSO and water R (1:1). End point of titration was determined potentiometrically. Materials and methods. For development of alkalimetrical method of quantitative determination the accurate weight of N-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide dissolved in the mixture of DMSO with water R (1:1) and titreted by 0.1M solution of sodium hydroxide potentiometrically. Carried out blanc titration. The mass for analysis was measured by analytical balance Axis ANG-200. The end point of titration was established by potentiometer Seven Easy by METTLER TOLEDO The results of alkalimetrical determination of the object were subjected to the statistical processing. Results. Processing of assay showed that the relative uncertainty did not exceed the average value of 1,21 %. Conclussion. method of alkalimetry can be used for quantitative determination of the substance of N-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide. References: 1. I.V. Ukrainets, L.A. Petrushova, S.P. Dzyubenko and G. Sim. 2,1-Benzothiazine 2,2-Dioxides. 3*. 4-Hydroxy-1-

Methyl-2,2-dioxo-N-(1,3-Thiazol-2-yl)-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide - a New Group of Potential Chem.

Heterocycl. Compounds, 50(1), 103-110 (2014). 2. Л.А. Петрушова, И.В. Украинець, С.П. Дзюбенко, Л.О. Гриневич. Синтез та біологічна активність

трифторометилзаміщених анілідів 4-гідрокси-2, 2-діоксо-1Н-2λ6, 1-бензотіазин-3-карбонових кислот. Журнал органічної та фармацевтичної хімії. 49(1), 48-49 (2015).

3. Патент UA 112041, A61P 29/02, A61K 31/5415, C07D 279/02 N-(4-трифлюорометилфеніл)-4-гідрокси-2,2-діоксо-1H-λ6,1-бензотіазин-3-карбоксамід, який виявляє анальгетичну активність / Українець И.В., Петрушова Л.А., Сидоренко Л.В., Горохова О.В.; Державна служба інтелектуальної власності України. – Заявл. 21.09.2015; Опубл. 11.07.2016. – Бюл. № 13.

4. Державна Фармакопея України: в 3 т. / Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». — 2-е вид. — Харків: Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів», 2015. — Т. 1. — 1128 с.



Control of the quality of capsules of the camphoric acid derivative

О. І. Chernyayeva*, І. S. Hrytsenko1 State Institution “V. Danilevsky Institute for Endocrine Pathology Problems National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine1 *Corresponding author: oktaviyaelena@gmail.com One of the topical medical and social problems of modern life is the state of reproductive health of the population. Drug treatment of reproductive disorders, in particular men, is an integral part of their therapy, so the search for new effective remedies remains very relevant. Not the last role in the development of the pathology of the male reproductive system is the presence of a patient with hepatitis or liver cirrhosis. In our institution, the derivative of camphoric acid was synthesized, which revealed the spermomodeling and hepatoprotective effect and is promising for the development of the drug. The aim of the study is to develop quality indicators and methods for analyzing the dosage form of the camphoric acid derivative necessary for the introduction of a new drug into medical practice. To control the quality of the object of our research in the form of solid gelatin capsules, procedures have been proposed based on the use of modern methods that conform the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, which is harmonized to the European Pharmacopoeia. For the camphoric acid derivative, humidity sorption properties are characterized. It has been proved that the composition of the mass for encapsulation, which was developed, subject to compliance with hygienic norms of relative humidity (40-60 %), remained stable. For the identification of the main active ingredient in the pharmaceutical form, the pharmacopoeia method was used on primary aromatic amines because acid hydrolysis of the mass for encapsulation is formed amine. For quantitative determination, the use of the method of absorption spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet region is proposed. Determination of the related substances was carried out using the method of inverse phase liquid chromatography. Proposed methods for controlling the quality of capsules of the camphoric acid derivative may be included in the draft regulatory document on the medicinal product. References: 1. Derzhavna Pharmakopeia Ukrainy (2nd ed.). (2015). Kharkiv: Ukrainskyi naukjvyi farmacopeinyi tsentr yakosti

likarskykh zasobiv, 1128.



The aspects of application of the spectrophotometric method in the quantitative standardization of the domestic medicinal plant raw material

K. I. Proskurina, O. A. Yevtifieieva National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Corresponding author: ksenapharm@yahoo.com The quality level of the 2nd edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU) is confirmed by the full membership with the European Pharmacopoeia and bilateral agreements with the United States Pharmacopoeia and the British Pharmacopoeia. Based on the experience of the world leading pharmacopoeias and the national experience in pharmaceutical science the SPhU updates the general monographs and significantly expands the list of monographs. Thus, currently, the SPhU1 contains 172 names of the medicinal plant raw material (MPRM) and herbal drugs, namely 149 MPRM, 11 essential oils and 12 tinctures. The aim of the work is the theoretical study of pharmacopoeial aspects of standardization of methods for the quantitative determination of the domestic MPRM by the method of UV-, visible absorption spectrophotometry in accordance with the monographs of the SPhU, 2nd edition. The study object is standardization of MPRM by the content of the main classes of active substances, such as phenolic compounds, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, etc. According to the pharmacopoeial requirements, the UV absorption spectrophotometric method is used when studying 55 of 149 domestic MPRM in different variants of calculation: by the standard, by the specific absorption and by the own absorption. To determine the total amount of flavonoids the approach with a group reagent is used in the SPhU. There are two unified spectrophotometric procedures. For 12 MPRM the reaction with aluminum chloride is used as a group reagent, while for 6 MPRM there is the reaction with the mixture of boric, oxalic and formic acids. In this case, the total amount of flavonoids is expressed as hyperoside, isoquercitroside, etc., (by the specific absorption method). For 12 MPRM tannins or polyphenols are determined calculated with reference to the standard sample of pyrogallol by the reaction with the phosphatomolybdic-tungstic reagent. The hydroquinone derivatives calculated with reference to arbutin are determined by the reaction with the mixture of aminopyrazolone and potassium ferrocyanide. The total amount of cardiac glycosides calculated with reference to digitoxin is determined by the reaction with dinitrobenzoic acid by the standard method. The total amount of alkaloids calculated with reference to chelidonine is determined by the interaction with chromotropic acid using the specific absorbance method. It has been determined that the spectrophotometric method is used for the quantitative determination of flavonoids, tannins, cardiac glycosides, alkaloids and other groups of substances. The specific absorption method is often used to calculate the quantitative content (for 36 MPRM). References: 1. State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines, Kharkiv, Vol.

3. 2014. - 732p. ISBN 978-966-96478-9-4



The study of a new dry extract of the motherwort herb Yevhen Romanenko*, Oleh Koshovyi, Tetiana Ilina, Natalia Borodina, Igor Kireyev, Nadiya Tryshchuk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine, gnosy@nuph.edu.ua *Corresponding author: eromen.m@gmail.com Background. The motherwort herb is one of the most used medicinal plants with the sedative action. Herbal remedies or dry raw material are part of many drugs. One of the most common drugs based on this medicinal plant is a tincture of motherwort. The disadvantage of this drug is the variability of the chemical composition, and as a result, pharmadynamics. In addition, in the manufacture of the tincture ethyl alcohol is used as an extractant. However, it not only limits the number of patients who can use this drug (children, pregnant, nursing mothers, persons whose activities require increased attention and the like), but also, in turn, it can affect the CNS and modulate the action of the drug itself [1].The aim of our work was to study the qualitative and quantitative content of the main groups of biologically active substances (BAS) and the psychotropic activity of a new dry extract from the motherwort herb. Materials and methods. The motherwort herb was crushed to the particle size of 1-2 mm, extracted with 70% ethyl alcohol in the ratio of 1:5 (taking into account the absorption coefficient of the extractant). It was infused, filtered and purified. The purified liquid alcohol extract was further evaporated to dryness with addition of L-arginine in a triple equimolar amount relative to the content of phenolic compounds. The resulting dry extract is a greenish-yellow powder with a characteristic odor. The qualitative composition and the quantitative content of BAS in the extract from the motherwort herb were determined by Pharmacopoeial methods (thin-layer chromatography). The content of the amount of phenolic compounds calculated with reference to gallic acid, the content of derivatives of hydroxycinnamic acids calculated with reference to chlorogenic acid, and the content of the amount of flavonoids calculated with reference to rutin were determined by spectrophotometric methods [2, 3, 4].The pharmacological activity of the extract was studied in an open field test. The study was performed on 30 white nonlinear mice weighing 18-20 g, randomly selected for the experiment. Animals were kept in standard conditions of the vivarium of the Central Research laboratory of the NPhU, on a standard water-food diet with a natural light “day-night” regime. The officinal motherwort tincture was used as a reference drug, and it was administered intragastrically in the dose of 5 g/kg. A dry extract of motherwort with addition of L-arginine pre-dissolved in purified water was administered in the dose of 160 mg/kg, it was equivalent to the dose of officinal motherwort tincture [5]. Results. The result of the phytochemical analysis of the extract obtained indicates the presence of such main active substances as iridoids, tannins, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids. The content of the amount of phenolic compounds is 12.1 + 0.04%, hydroxycinnamic acids – 5.17+0.06% and flavonoids – 2.32+0.05 %. According to the results of the study it has been found that the reference drug significantly reduces the amount of all types of activity by 22.3% (p<0.05), mainly due to a decrease in motor activity (the number of intersecting squares) by 33.7% (p<0.05). At the same time, it also shows a tendency to a decrease in the indicative research activity by 25.2% (p>0.05). Such activity of the extract studied indicates its sedative effect. The resulting dry extract significantly reduces the locomotor activity by 33.7%, the autonomic support of the emotional response by 38% (p<0.05) and tends to reduce the indicative research activity by 25.1% (р>0.05). Conclusions. A dry extract of the motherwort herb with addition of L-arginine has the sedative and a marked stress-protective action. The presence of the stress-protective activity distinguishes favorably this therapeutic product from the motherwort tincture. References:

1. Данилов С. А. Пустырник: фитохимические особенности и новые грани фармакологических свойств / С. А. Данилов, С. Ю. Штрыголь, С. И. Степанова // Провизор. – 2011. – №9. – С. 27 – 30.

2. 6The study of the phenolic composition of the dry extract of motherwort herb and its psychotropic activity / Oleh Koshovyi, Yevhen Romanenko, Andrey Komissarenko // American Journal of Science and Technologies, “Princeton University Press”, 2016, № 1(21). – P. 1055 - 1059.

3. Державна Фармакопея України : в 3 т. / ДП «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». – 2-е вид. – Харків: Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». – 2015. – Т. 1. – 1128 с.

4. Кошовий О. М. Дослідження фенольних сполук спиртового екстракту листя евкаліпта прутовидного / О. М. Кошовий // Фармаком. – 2010. – № 3. – С. 27–31.

5. Methods of behavior analysis in neuroscience – London, NewYork, Washington: CRC Press, 2001. – 329 с.



The search for new sources of triterpene saponins among the representatives of the Salvia genus in the flora of ukraine

Mykhailo Myha*, Oleh Koshovyi, Tetiana Ilina, Natalia Borodina, Olena Golembiovska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine, gnosy@nuph.edu.ua *Corresponding author: myhamykhailo@gmail.com Background. Over the past ten years, more than 700 scientific papers on the study of triterpenoids were published. Recent studies have shown that triterpene saponins are able to inhibit hyperglycemia and lipid peroxidation, exhibit the antioxidant activity, provide organoprotection of the heart, lungs, liver, brain, reveal the anti-inflammatory activity, improve anabolic processes in skeletal muscles, prevent development of osteoporosis. Therefore, the search for new sources of triterpene saponins to expand the domestic raw material base of medicinal plants and creation of new drugs on their basis is an urgent task [1, 2, 4, 5, 6]. The aim of our work was to study the qualitative and quantitative content of triterpene saponins of leaves of the representatives of the Salvia genus in the flora of Ukraine. Materials and methods. The analysis of the composition of triterpene saponins was carried out in the leaves of S. officinalis, S. grandiflora, S. pratensis, and S. verticillata by the method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a Shimadzu LC20 Prominence chromatograph. Identification of the components was performed by the retention time and compliance of the UV spectra with the standard substances [3]. Results. The quantitative content of 8 saponins in the leaves of the Salvia genus of the Ukrainian flora was identified and determined by HPLC. In the leaves of Salvia officinalis 8 saponins were identified. Ursolic acid (7.74273 mg/g), and oleanolic acid (2.46413 mg/g) were dominant; their total content was 75.82%. In the leaves of Salvia grandiflora 8 saponins were identified. Ursolic acid (4.25439 mg/g) and euscapic acid (2.48355 mg/g) prevailed, their total content was 63.25%. In the leaves of Salvia pratensis 5 saponins were identified. Lupeol (2.52083 mg/g), ursolic acid (2.12771 mg/g) and euscapic acid (5.46718 mg/g) dominated; their total content was 82.3%. In the leaves of Salvia verticillata 6 saponins were identified. Betulin (4.05584 mg/g), ursolic acid (5.26441 mg/g) and euscapic acid (3.31237 mg/g) were dominant; their total content was 83.72%. The total content of saponins is the largest in the leaves of Salvia verticillata, and it is 15.08758 mg/g. Conclusions. As a result of the studies of the saponin composition of sage leaves of the flora of Ukraine the quantitative content of 8 compounds has been identified and determined. The results of the study of the composition of saponins in the study objects indicate the prospects of using the leaves of both the official species of Salvia officinalis and the non-pharmacopoeial species: Salvia grandiflora, Salvia pratensis and Salvia verticillata as sources of triterpene saponins and creation of new drugs on their basis. References:

1. Connolly J. Triterpenoids. / J. Connolly, R. Hill // Nat. Prod. Rep. – 2008. – Vol. 25. – P. 794–830. 2. Euscaphic acid, a new hypoglycemic natural product from folium Eriobotryae / Y.-x. Wu, T.-y. Jian, H. Lv et al. // Pharmazie.

– 2008 – Vol. 63 (10). – Р. 765–767. 3. O. I. Golembiovska (2014). Simultaneous determination of flavonoids and phenolic acids in different parts of Prunella vulgaris

L. by high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection. Int. J. Pharmacog. Phytochem. V.29 (1). 1248-1255.

4. Patočka J. Biologically active pentacyclic triterpenes and their current medicine signification / J. Patočka // Journal of Applied Biomedicine. – 2003.– Vol. 1. – P. 7–12.

5. Pentacyclic Triterpene Distribution in Various Plants – Rich Sources for a New Group of Multi-Potent Plant Extracts / S. Jäger, H. Trojan, Th. Kopp et al. // Molecules. – 2009. – Vol. 14 (6). – P. 2016–2031.

6. Vechia L.D. Oleanane and ursane derivatives and their importance on the discovery of potential antitumour, antiinflammatory and antioxidant drugs / L. D. Vechia, S. C. B. Gnoatto, G. Gosmann // Quim. Nova. – 2009. – Vol. 32. – P. 1245–1252.



The study of the chemical composition and the hypoglycemic activity of dry extracts from the leaves of bearberry

Natalia Chaika*, Oleh Koshovyi, Tetiana Ilina, Natalia Borodina, Masen Matar, Ganna Kravchenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine, gnosy@nuph.edu.ua *Corresponding author: pro-aqua_kharkov@ukr.net Background. One of the important sources of medicines is bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L.). Due to its unique composition bearberry as part of drugs is widely used at the pharmaceutical market. The market research of medicines of Ukraine has revealed that on the basis of biologically active substances (BAS) of bearberry approximately 15 medicines are manufactured, among them 8 drugs are of domestic production, but the majority of them is presented by herbal teas. Therefore, it is advisable to determine which solvent is better to use to extract BAS from this raw material in order to obtain standardized phytosubstances. The aim of our work was to study the qualitative and quantitative content of the main groups of BAS in dry extracts from the leaves of bearberry and their hypoglycemic activity. Materials and methods. The objects of the study were alcohol dried extracts obtained with 50% and 96 % ethanol and the aqueous extract from the leaves of bearberry (PEW – water as an extractant, PE50 – 50% ethanol as an extractant, PE90 –water and 96% ethanol as an extractant, respectively). The qualitative composition and the quantitative content of the main groups of BAS were studied by the well-known methods: TLC and spectrophotometry [1, 2]. For screening of the hypoglycemic activity outbred albino male rats (14 weeks age) were used. The blood glucose concentration was determined using a “One Touch Select” glucometer (LifeScan, USA) in 0, 2, 4. 6 and 8 hours after administration of extracts, the samples were collected by a gingival vein punction [3]. Results. In the extracts arbutin, gallic and ellagic acids, rutin, hyperoside, quercetin and catechin were identified by TLC. The content of the main groups of BAS in extracts from bearberry leaves (PEW, PE50 and PE90) was studied: hydroxycinnamic acids – 1.15 ± 0.02, 2.88 ± 0.02 and 2.15 ± 0.02 %; flavonoids - 0.15 ± 0.014.30 ± 0.01 and 3.10 ± 0.01 %; the amount of phenolic - 12.80 ± 0.02, 17.68 ± 0.01 and 14.33 ± 0.02 %; the amount of hydroquinone derivatives 9.56 ± 0.03, 6.98 ± 0.02 and 3.64 ± 0.02 % respectively. It was determined that the highest content of hydroquinone derivatives was in the water extract. The content of flavonoids, hydroquinone derivatives and the amount of phenolic compounds prevailed in the extract from bearberry leaves obtained with 50 % ethanol. It was found that the glucose load caused hyperglycemia by 60.3 % in 60 min. The administration of PEW did not have a significant effect on the glycemia dynamics. On the contrary, PE50 administration caused a reliable glycemia in 30 min by 18.7 %, and in 60 min by 26.8 % (Fig.). PE90 reduced the glucose level in animals by 41.1 % in 60 min. Along with Arphasetin as a reference drug Metformin in the dose of 15 mg/kg was used. When determining the ability of extracts from bearberry leaves to reduce hyperglycemia after the glucose load it was found that PE50 provided a significant reduction in glycaemia by 16.8. Thus, it can be considered the most promising for further study of antidiabetic properties. Conclusions Taking into account the results of studying the qualitative composition and the quantitative content of phenolic compounds in extracts from bearberry leaves it has been found that 50% ethanol is the optimal extractant for obtaining the extract with the highest content of practically all groups of phenolic compounds. The screening and comparative studies have shown that the alcohol extract from bearberry leaves (extractor – 50% ethanol, PE50) in the dose of 100 mg/kg reveals the maximal hypoglycemic activity. PE50 belongs to the class of relatively nontoxic substances in intragastric administration. The results indicate the reasonability of this bearberry leaves extract for further study in the range of medicinal products with the hypoglycemic activity. References:

1. Державна Фармакопея України : в 3 т. / ДП «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». – 2-е вид. – Харків: Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». – 2015. – Т. 1. – 1128 с.

2. Кошовий О. М. Дослідження фенольних сполук спиртового екстракту листя евкаліпта прутовидного / О. М. Кошовий // Фармаком. – 2010. – № 3. – С. 27–31.

3. de Oliveira, D. T. Gingival Vein Punction : A New Simple Technique for Drug Administration or Blood Sampling in Rats and Mice / D. T. de Oliveira, E. Souza–Silva, T. Scand / J. of Laboratory Animal Sci. – 2009. – Vol. 36, Issue 2. – P. 109–113.



Searching for new anti-shock substances among 2-phenyliminothiazole derivatives

Yeromina H.O., Kiz O.V., Ieromina Z.G., Drugovina V.V., Yaremenko V.D., Perekhoda L.O., Demchenko A.M. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; *Corresponding author: annerem2012@gmail.com The frequency of allergic, autoimmune, immune deficiency diseases increases both in Ukraine and around the world [3]. So an important task of pharmacy is the search for new antiallergic drugs. The purpose of our work was further studying the anti-shock activity of the most active substance synthesized ‒ 2-[4-(41-chlorophenyl)-2-phenyliminothiazol-3-yl]-ethanol hydrobromide. The synthesis of this compound was carried out by Hantzsch reaction [2]. In previous papers we described the synthesis of a new series of derivatives of 2-[4-aryl(adamantyl)-2-phenyliminothiazol-3-yl]ethanol and described results of in silico studies of pharmacological activity, bioavailability and toxicity of these compounds [2]. Based on results obtained the pharmacological screening for anti-inflammatory activity on the model of histamine edema in mice was studied [3]. As the reference drug claritin was used. It was found that in the majority of substances under research the intensity of the anti-inflammatory activity was dose-dependent. The antihistaminic properties were studied in «Ophthalmic response to introduction of histamine» test in guinea pigs for 3 most active compounds. In this test the activity of 2-[4-(41-chlorophenyl)-2-phenyliminothiazol-3-yl]-ethanol hydrobromide was statistically significantly higher than that of other compounds and slightly inferior to the reference drug [3]. Results obtained substantiated the feasibility of further studying the anti-shock activity of the most active substance ‒ 2-[4-(41-chlorophenyl)-2-phenyliminothiazol-3-yl]-ethanol hydrobromide on the model of anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs. It has been found that this compound is somewhat inferior (65%) the action of claritin (78%) by its ability to inhibit development of general anaphylaxis. Studies in this area are continuing. References: 1. Канівець Є. Нові стратегії в діагностиці та лікуванні алергічних, аутоімунних та імунодефіцитних

захворювань. Клінічна імунологія. Алергологія. Інфектологія. 2014; 5(74):17-27. 2. Yeromina H, Drapak I, Perekhoda L, Yaremenko V, Demchenko A. Synthesis of 2-(4-aryl(adamantyl)-2-

phenylіmіnothіazol-3-yl)-ethanol derivatives and prediction of their biological activity. Der Pharma Chemica. 2016; 8(3):64-70.

3. Koshova О, Yeromina H, Perekhoda L, Ieromina Z. The anti-allergic and antihistaminic properties of hydrobromide 2-[4-(41-chlorophenyl)-2-phenyliminothiazol-3-yl]-ethanol. News of Pharmacy. 2016; 4(88):66-69.



Formulation of sustained release matrix tablets as an approach to improve antidiabetic efficacy of Vaccinium myrtillus leaf extract

T. Ye. Kolisnyk*, O. A. Ruban, G. D. Slipchenko National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; *Corresponding author: kolisnyktatyana@gmail.com Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) leaves belong to promising sources of natural antidiabetic drugs. Bilberry leaf extracts (BLEs) were found to inhibit small intestine enzymes participating in carbohydrate digestion that prevents glucose absorption and decreases glycemic level [1]. Hence, the development of a sustained release (SR) formulation was suggested as an approach to increase the efficacy of BLE. This should contribute to the prolongation of half-life and increasing small intestine concentrations of bilberry leaf polyphenols. SR matrix tablets of BLE were prepared by wet granulation technique using Eudragit L100, Methocel K4M, Methocel K100LV as matrix forming agents. The other excipients used were Avicel PH101 (diluent), Plasdone S-630 (binder) and magnesium stearate (lubricant). Syrian hamsters with experimental alimentary metabolic syndrome and persistent insulin resistance were used for in vivo evaluation. The pharmacological agents tested were pure BLE, SR matrix tablets of BLE and voglibose tablets as a reference drug (the tablets were administered as partly crushed). At the end of the experiment an oral maltose loading test was carried out. The blood glucose and serum insulin levels determined before maltose load were used to calculate HOMA-IR indices. The inhibitory activity against disaccharide digestion and glucose absorption was assessed by postprandial glucose and insulin levels (blood samples were collected at 30, 60, 90, 120 min after maltose load). None of the agents normalized biochemical markers to intact values; however, SR matrix tablets were the most effective in the blood glucose level reduction. Also, by HOMA-IR indices BLE matrix tablets statistically significantly didn’t differ from the reference drug. The dynamics of glucose and insulin levels after maltose loading demonstrated that SR formulation possesses a considerably greater inhibition on carbohydrate digestion and absorption as compared to pure BLE. Thus, it can be concluded that SR formulation has a positive impact on improving the bioavailability of BLE. References: 1. Bljajić K, Petlevski R, Vujić L, Čačić A, Šoštarić N, Jablan J, et al. Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and α-

Glucosidase-Inhibiting Activities of the Aqueous and Hydroethanolic Extracts of Vaccinium myrtillus Leaves. Molecules. 2017;22:E703.



Review of application of Cucurbita pepo species in health treatment

Iosypenko O.O.*, Kyslychenko V.S., Molodan D.V. National University of Pharmacy, Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Ukraine *Corresponding author: josya2005@gmail.com The Cucurbitaceae family is the second largest family in terms of economic importance after Solanaceae. It includes several important crops, such as melon, watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin and many Cucurbita species with edible fruits. Vegetable Marrow (Cucurbita pepo L. var. giromontia Duch.) and Zucchini (C. pepo L. var. cylindrica Paris) are a monoecious species grown as a vegetable. The both species are annual herbaceous plants with sturdy running stalks; the leaves, large hispid and lobed, are supported by long, thick, completely hollow petioles. The fruits of the both cultivars has creeper characteristics as semi-shrub and has short cylindrical fruit that is slightly broader at the apex, with a smooth rind which hardens and thickens on ripening and which varies in colour from cream or light green to yellow or dark green [2]. The raw Zucchini, Vegetable Marrow fruit with skin a rich source of water 95%, protein 1%, fats 0.1%, minerals (Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K, Na, Zn, Cu, Mn), vitamins (C, B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, E, K), fiber 0.9%, carbohydrates 2-3%, aminoacids, etc. [1, 2]. Fruits also contain chlorophylls a, a’, b, b’, pheophytins a, a’, b and piropheophytins a and b [2]. Epicarp of fruits showed a higher carotenoid content. The carotenoids were identified as β-carotene, lutein, neoxanthin, violaxanthin, lactucaxanthin, α-cryptoxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, β-carotene 5,6-epoxide, α-carotene, 9Z-β-carotene and 15Z-β-carotene [1].Fruits of the both species are recommended in dietary food for convalescents or people with strict diets and used in infant food. They also have antisclerotic and considerable diuretic actions. Zucchini have a tonic property. The seeds of Vegetable Marrow have an anthelminthic activity [2]. Fruits of Cucurbita pepo species are known for their unique fruit shape and color and appreciated for their culinary properties. They are eaten as a vegetable, steamed, boiled, grilled, fried, baked, barbequed or hollowed and stuffed [2, 3]. References: 1. Azevedo-Meleiro C.H., Rodriguez-Amaya D.B. Qualitative and quantitative differences in carotenoid composition

among Cucurbita moschata, Cucurbita maxima, and Cucurbita pepo. J Agric Food Chem. 2007; 55(10):4027–4033. 2. Lim T.K. Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. Volume 2, Fruits. Springer, 2012. 1113 p. 3. OECD (2016), Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment, Volume 5: 4. OECD Consensus Documents, Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology, OECD Publishing, Paris.




Study of phenolic compounds in prunes Mohammed S.B., Upyr T.V., Lenchyk L.V.* National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: larysa.lenchyk@nuph.edu.ua Prunes are dried plums, fruits of Prunus domestica L., cultivated widely in Ukraine. The prune contains pectin, sugars, phenolic compounds. Synergistic action of natural compounds, may have beneficial health effects when dried plums are regularly consumed. Consumption of prunes may help to control obesity, diabetes, and related cardiovascular diseases [1]. Therefore, the aim of this study was investigation of phenolic compounds in prune fruits with HPLC. The object of the study was prunes purchased at the market in summer 2017. 0.5 kg of prunes were comminuted to puree. 400 g puree was mixed with 800 ml 75% ethyl alcohol in the flask and the mixture was centrifuged. 400 ml of liquid part was decanted into flask and used for chemical analysis. The HPLC study was carried out using an HPLC system Shimadzu LC-20 Prominence module system equipped with LC-20AD quaternary pump, СТО-20А column oven, SIL-20A autosampler, SPD-M20A diode-array detector and LC-20 chemstation for data analysis. Chromatographic separations were carried out using Luna C 18 (4.6mm×150mm, i.d. 5 mkm) column from Phenomenex®. Wavelength of detection was 330 nm (for hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonoid glycosides), 370 nm (for aglucones of flavonoids), 280 nm (for tannins); flow rate of the mobile phase was 1 ml / min. Mobile phase: eluent A was: 0.1 trifluoroacetic acid in water; eluent B was trifluoroacetic acid in acetonitrile. Volume of the test sample introduced was 5 μl. The temperature of the column oven was set at 35°C [2]. Identification of the components was carried out in accordance with the retention time and UV spectra of substances-standards. Sample of plant raw material was extracted in triplicate. As a result of the study of prune fruits extract by HPLC 7 phenolic compounds were determined, as derivatives of phenolic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids. The predominant components were neochlorogenic acid 620.24± 11.01 mg / 100g) and chlorogenic acid (37.61 mg / 100g). It also was determined presence of rutin 19.02±8.93 mg / 100g), gallic acid (1.10 mg / 100g), caffeic acid (7.37 mg / 100g), hyperoside (12.59 mg / 100g), isoquercitrin (0.77 mg / 100g) and catechine (9.32 mg / 100g). The research established that the total amount of phenolic compounds, determined by HPLC, was 0.71±0.01 %; among them, the content of hydroxycinnamic acids was – 0.67±0.01 % and flavonoids – 0.04±0.01 %. The content of neochlorogenic acid as well as chlorogenic was the highest in the prune. Current research has shown their multi-spectrum pharmacological benefits for the treatment of various chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia [3]. The obtained results will be used for standardization of the prune. References:

1. Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis M. Dried plums and their products: composition and health effects--an updated review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2013;53(12):1277-302.

2. Golembiovska O.I. Simultaneous determination of flavonoids and phenolic acids in different parts of Prunella vulgaris L. by high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection. Int. J. Pharmacog. Phytochem., 2014; 29 (1): 1248-1255.

3. Bouayed J, Rammal H, Dicko A, Younos C, Soulimani R. Chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol from Prunus domestica (Mirabelle), with coupled anxiolytic and antioxidant effects. J Neurol Sci. 2007; 262(1-2):77-84.


FF-18-24 Potential of Vaccinium spp. berry pomaces for design of novel health promoting

products Kaspars Jekabsonsa*, Reinis Rembergsa, Jana Namniecea, Linards Klavinsb, Maris Klavinsb, Ruta Muceniecea a Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, Str.1 Jelgavas, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia b Laboratory of Natural Compounds Research, University of Latvia, Str.1 Jelgavas, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia *Corresponding author: Kaspars.Jekabsons@lu.lv Background: Berry pomaces have a considerable potential of application; however, are insufficiently studied to obtain valuable health products. The processing of berries into juice generally results in approximately 70–80% of target product and 20–30% of by-product. Many phenolic compounds are located in the skins and seeds of the berries therefore are retained in pomace. In our previous studies, it has been reported that berry pomace yields higher amounts of purified polyphenol extract than whole berries (1). This study aimed to evaluate chemically characterized five Vaccinium spp. berry pomace extract biological properties by using wide range of in vitro assays. Materials and methods: Extract red-oxy and membrane protective properties were evaluated in multiple cell-free assays such as total antioxidant capacity, free radical scavenging, superoxide anion dismutation, iron reducing and protein denaturation. Anti-hyperglycaemic effects were assessed as inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase activity. Antiproliferative and hepatoprotective activity was estimated in human hepatic cell line HepG2 oxidative stress and hepatic steatosis model. Results: Billberry, blueberry, cranberry, American cranberry and lingonberry pomace extracts possess strong antioxidant and membrane protective effects comparable with that of ascorbic acid and diclofenac, respectively, used as positive reference drugs. All extracts showed stronger inhibition of activities of enzymes involved in carbohydrate digestion than antidiabetic drug acarbose and at non-toxic concentration protected hepatic cells from oxidative stress and lipid accumulation caused damage. Conclusions: Biological activities of the extracts might be justified by the presence of active polyphenols (anthocyanins, procyanidins, phenolic acids) or their potential synergistic effect. Our results support use of berry pomace extracts for design of standardized formulation which in the future could be used for the prevention of chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress and metabolic disturbances. References: 1. Klavins L, Kviesis J, Nakurte I, Klavins M. Berry press residues as a valuable source of polyphenolics: Extraction optimisation and analysis. LWT - Food Sci Technol. 2018; 93:583-591. Acknowledgements Supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the project No. “Genus Vaccinium berry processing using "green" technologies and innovative, pharmacologically characterized biopharmaceutical products”.



Determination of qualitative and quantitative composition of phenolic compounds and evaluation of antioxidant activity in American cranberry

(Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) fruit extracts

Ieva Gudžinskaitė1*, Mindaugas Liaudanskas2,3, Elicija Stackevičienė4, Vaidotas Žvikas2, Kristina Zymonė2, Jonas Viškelis3, Pranas Viškelis3, Valdimaras Janulis1 1Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių Str. 13, LT-50166, Kaunas, Lithuania 2Institute of Pharmaceutical Technologies of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių Str. 13, LT-50166, Kaunas, Lithuania 3Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Kauno Str. 30, Babtai, LT-54333 Kaunas 4Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų Ežerų Str. 49, LT-08406, Vilnius, Lithuania; *Corresponding author: gudzinskaite@gmail.com The aim of this study was the determination of composition of phenolic compounds in American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) fruit extracts using UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis and evaluation of antioxidant activity in vitro of these extracts using CUPRAC, FRAP, and TFPH UV-VIS spectrophotometric assays. UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis was applied for determination of qualitative and quantitative composition of Vaccinium macrocarpon fruit extracts of 8 different cultivars ('Baiwjay', 'Bergman', 'Brin', 'Drever', 'Holliston', 'Piligrim', 'Searles', 'Woolman'). UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis showed that flavonoids was a major group of phenolic compounds identified in American cranberry fruit extracts. The largest group of flavonoids was quercetin glycosides. The compounds of flavan-3-ols group (procyanidin A2, procyanidin C1, (+)-catechin and (-)-epicahechin) were also detected. Phenolic acids including hydroxybenzoic acids (vanillic and gallic acids) and hydroxycinnamic acids (caffeic acid, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid) were also identified. The greatest total amount of the identified phenolic compounds (519.53±19.41 mg/g DW) was detected in American cranberry samples of the 'Searless' cultivar, the lowest (204.36±8.22 mg/g DW) in samples of the 'Piligrim' cultivar. The strongest reductive activity evaluated by using FRAP and CUPRAC assays (0.58±0.34 mmol TE/g DW and 6.15±0.47 mmol TE/g DW accordingly) was determined in extracts of the samples of American cranberry fruits of cultivar 'Bergman'. The strongest antiradical activity (1.73±0.04 mmol TE/g DW) evaluated using TFPH assay was determined in extracts of the samples of American cranberry fruits of cultivar 'Drever'. In conclusion, American cranberry fruit extracts are a good and promising source of natural antioxidant compounds which could potentialy be used in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and other preparations valuable for health improvement and disease prevention. Received information is valuable for further researches isolation of individual compounds with a specific biological effect and development of functional food enriched in American cranberry fruit extracts.


FF-18-26 Development of methods for quality control of active pharmaceutical ingredients

in tablets O. V. Gorokhova*, N. Yu. Bevz, A. O. Aleksiichuk, V. V. Grinenko National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: gorokhova1263@gmail.com In recent years, drugs containing substances of plant and natural origin have become increasingly common in medical practice. Since ancient times eucalyptus tree has been known and used in folk medicine. Its leaves were referred to the official raw material. The chemical composition of eucalyptus leaves is diverse and includes resins, bitters, tannins, phytoncides and others. Water and alcoholic extracts from eucalyptus leaves exhibit the bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effects. The degree of their intensity depends on the content of the essential oil (0.3-4.5%). Pinenes, myrtenol, tannins (up to 6%) potentiate the activity of the main component of the essential oil of cineol (65-85%). When taken orally and in inhalations eucalyptus preparations exhibit the expectorant, mucolytic and broncholytic effects, and when applied on the skin they have the astringent, anti-exudative, antipruritic, anesthetic, and in higher concentrations locally irritating action. The infusion of eucalyptus leaves thanks to the essential oil and a small amount of bitters increases the secretion of digestive glands, improves digestion. When used in the form of a tincture it possesses the sedative effect due to the aldehyde of isovaleric acid.The study object was a new tablet dosage form containing ascorbic acid and a thick extract from eucalyptus leaves (Eucalyptis viminalis folium) as active pharmaceutical ingredients.The aim of this work is to develop methods for the quantitative determination of the active components of the new dosage form. The quantitative determination of ascorbic acid in the drug studied was carried out by the redox method recommended by the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine for ascorbic acid tablets. After acidification with hydrochloric acid and addition of potassium iodide the sample weight of tablet powder was titrated with potassium iodate solution, using the starch solution as an indicator. The specificity of the method was determined by placebo titration. It was proven that other components of the tablet mass did not affect the result. To quantify the biologically active substances of the thick extract from eucalyptus leaves in tablets it was necessary to standardize them in the original extract. In addition to the essential oil, eucalyptus leaves contain a significant amount of substances with the polyphenolic structure. The amount of polyphenolic compounds in the extract analyzed was determined by the spectrophotometric method in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum in 70 ° ethyl alcohol at the wavelength of 276 nm. The content of the amount of polyphenolic substances in the thick extract was calculated by the standard method. As a standard gallic acid was used, its absorption spectrum in this solvent was characterized by the presence of the maximum at the wavelength of 272 nm. It was found that the amount of polyphenolic substances in the thick extract of eucalyptus leaves should be approximately 0.2% calculated with reference to gallic acid. It is known from the literature that the maximum at a wavelength of 2762 nm can be used to calculate the amount of terpenoid phenolaldehydes calculated with reference to eucalimine taking into account the specific absorption of the standard sample of the latter, which is equal to 720. It has been found that the amount of terpenoid phenolaldehydes calculated with reference to eucalimine is approximately 15%. The method proposed for determining the amount of polyphenolic substances in a thick extract of eucalyptus will be used to quantify this active ingredient in mouth dissolving tablets.


FF-18-27 Verification of the quantitative determination methods for finished medicines –

a way to their quality assurance N. Yu. Bevz*, V. A. Georgiyants, N. V. Harna National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: nata.bevz.60@gmail.com

In 2015, our country published the second edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU). To date, 2 Supplements to the Pharmacopoeia were published. In the second edition of the SPhU the general methods of analysis, pharmacognostic, biological and pharmacotechnological tests, the general monographs on vaccines, serum, herbal medicines, some products of animal or biological origin, and articles on drug dosage forms are more widely presented. Based on the experience of the British, American, Japanese and other pharmacopoeias the SPhU of the second edition has expanded the range of monographs for finished medicinal products, medicinal plant raw material and herbal medicines, has included monographs on vaccines, immunosera, suture material, radiopharmaceutical and homeopathic medicinal products and medicinal products prepared in pharmacies. At the same time, every year the range of finished medicines of domestic production is growing, and it needs an increase in the requirements for their quality. The reasonability for such studies is due to the capacity of pharmaceutical production, which range today is approximately 1400 of 3000 drugs available at the Ukrainian market, and this number is annually growing. Pharmaceutical companies of Ukraine produce medicines in almost all dosage forms (solid, liquid, powder, etc.). The main groups are cardiovascular drugs, analgesics, vitamins, drugs for the treatment of respiratory and endocrine systems, gastrointestinal tract and antibiotics. Currently, many Ukrainian companies are reorienting from the production of generics to creation of their own brands in order to increase their market share. JSC “Farmak”, PJSC “Arterium” Corporation (LLC “Kyivmedpreparat” and JSC “Halychpharm”), PrJSC “Pharmaceutical Firm “Darnitsa”, Pharmaceutical company “Zdorovye”, Ltd., PJSC SPC “Borschagovsky CPP” are in the group of leading domestic manufacturers of medicines. To increase the competitiveness of domestic medicines domestic manufacturers not only increase the range of drugs, but also pay great attention to the quality of products, as evidenced by the certificates provided to our companies by international auditors. The quality of a drug depends on the requirements specified in the relevant regulatory documents, as well as on accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the analysis methods that are used. Each Pharmacopoeia in the analysis of drugs uses different methods; therefore, the documentary evidence of the use of a particular procedure is its verification. Verification of methods included in the draft monographs is one of the important goals of researchers. In addition, each manufacturer in the production of finished drugs uses a variety of excipients, changes the technological flowchart of production, etc. In order to prove the suitability of the method it is advisable to use drugs from different manufacturers or different batches in the verification of methods for the draft monographs. It allows objectifying the results despite the composition of the excipients. Verification of methods is also necessary to ensure that the use of methods in different laboratories allows obtaining identical results. For this purpose the necessary conditions are standardization of methods for preparation of reagents, compliance with the temperature conditions, the pH value of the medium and other conditions. Improvement of the monograph requires a systematic study of the whole complex of information concerning the physical, physicochemical and chemical properties of medicinal substances and their changes at all stages of development, production, storage and use.



Determination of hydroxycinnamic acids’ quantitative content in rye (Secale cereale L.) spicules, grains, stems and leaves

1Tartynska G.S.*, 1Zhuravel І.О., 2Molodan V.І. 1 National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; 2 Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine Corresponding author: annatartynskaya1984@gmail.com

Background Rye (Secale cereale L.) has been cultivated in many countries since ancient times as an important food and fodder crop. In traditional medicine rye is used for the treatment of various disorders as it shows anti-inflammatory and general tonic activity, improves metabolism. Regular consumption of rye also stimulates and improves the state of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract, promotes hemopoiesis [1, 2]. According to the literature, such types of activity are also shown by hydroxycinnamic acids. In particular, caffeic acid enhances immunodefence and shows anti-inflammatory activity, chlorogenic acid – hepatoprotective, antitumor activity, p-coumaric and ferulic acids show antioxidant effect. Besides, ferulic acid has cardioprotective and antibacterial activity [3]. Thus, the research on the quantitative content of hydroxycinnamic acids in rye is up-to-date. Materials and methods. The purpose of current work was determination of the quantitative content of hydroxycinnamic acids in rye (Secale cereale L.) spicules, grains, stems and leaves. Experimental techniques. The content of hydroxycinnamic acids was determined spectrophotometrically calculated on chlorogenic acid. The absorbance was read at the wavelength 327 nm, using 20% ethanol as blank solution. Results. The highest content of hydroxycinnamic acids was observed in rye leaves – 1,58 ± 0,17%, in spicules and stems – 0,41 ± 0,04% and 0,68 ± 0,15% respectively, the lowest content – in the grains (0,15 ± 0,05%). Conclusions. The obtained results have shown that rye is a prospective source for obtaining medicines with anti-inflammatory, antitumor and hepatoprotective activity. References: 1. Andreasen M. F. et al. Antioxidant effects of phenolic rye (Secale cereale L.) extracts, monomeric

hydroxycinnamates, and ferulic acid dehydrodimers on human low-density lipoproteins //Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2001; 49(8): 4090-4096.

2. Hrodzynskyi А. М. Medicinal plants: Encyclopedic guide. Publishing House "Ukrainian Encyclopedia". MP Bazhana, Ukrainian Production and Commercial Center "Olympus". Kiev. 1992; 544р.

3. Fedosov A.I., Dobrovolnyi O.O., Shalamai A.S., Novosel O.M., Kyslychenko V.S. Comparative analysis of hydroxycinnamic acids artichokes, grown in the Ukraine and France. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice. 2017; 10(1): 49–53.



Quantitative and qualitative differences of phenolic compounds in apples (cv. 'Ligol') grown in different geographical regions

Monika Tallat-Kelpšaitė1*, Mindaugas Liaudanskas2,3, Darius Kviklys3, Jonas Viškelis3, Pranas Viškelis3, Norbertas Uselis3, Valdimaras Janulis1 1Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių Str. 13, LT-50166, Kaunas, Lithuania 2Institute of Pharmaceutical Technologies of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių Str. 13, LT-50166, Kaunas, Lithuania 3Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Kauno Str. 30, Babtai, LT-54333 Kaunas *Corresponding author: monika.tallat-kelpsaite@fc.lsmuni.lt Apples are an important source of various biologically active compounds used for the human health. Phenolic compounds detected in apples are natural antioxidants and have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic and cardiovascular protective activity. The quantitative composition of phenolic compounds in apples may be affected by various factors. It is important to investigate it in order to provide the consumer with high quality well-known composition apples and products made out of it. The objective of this study was to evaluate phenolic compounds quantitative composition in apple fruits grown in different geographical region. In the study were investigated biological replicates of apples (cv. 'Ligol') grown in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Estonia. There were performed 3 biological replicates, one of each contained 10 apples. Samples of lyophilised apple fruits were extracted with 70% ethanol (v/v) for 20 min at 40∘C temperature using ultrasonic bath. The ethanol extracts of apple fruits were analyzed by the HPLC method [1]. The study found that the geographical location of apple-trees had an impact on the composition of phenolic compounds in apples. The amount of quercetin glycosides varied from 314.78±9.47 µg/g (Poland) to 648.17±5.61 µg/g (Estonia). The same trend was also observed with flavan-3-ols (from 829.56±47.17 µg/g to 2300.85±35.49 µg/g), phloridzin (from 55.29±1.7 µg/g to 208.78±0.35 µg/g), and chlorogenic acid (from 501.39±28.84 µg/g to 1704.35±22.65 µg/g). It was observed that the amount of investigated phenolic compounds tended to increase from apples grown in the southern location (Poland) (1701.02±75.38 µg/g) to apples grown northern location (Estonia) (4862.15±56.37 µg/g). Apples (cv. 'Ligol') grown in Estonia accumulated approx. 2.86 times higher amount of phenolic compounds than apples grown in Poland. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant from the Research Council of Lithuania, project No. S-MIP-17-8. References: 1. Liaudanskas M, Viškelis P, Jakštas V, Raudonis R, Kviklys D, Milašius A, Janulis V. Application of an optimized

HPLC method for the detection of various phenolic compounds in apples from Lithuanian cultivars. Journal of Chemistry. 2014;2014.



Malvidin, cyanidin and delphinidin exert various effects on human adipose mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into adipocytes, chondrocytes and


Liga Saulitea *, Kaspars Jekabsonsa, Maris Klavinsb, Ruta Muceniecea, Una Riekstinaa aFaculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, Raina blvd. 19, Riga, Latvia LV-1586 bDepartment of Environmental Science, University of Latvia, Jelgavas iela 1, Riga, Latvia LV-1004

*Corresponding author: liga.saulite@lu.lv Background: Anthocyanidins are plant phytochemicals found at high concentrations in berries, vegetables and flowers. Anthocyanidins have been extensively investigated due to their antioxidative and antiobesity effects. Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are widely used for screening of biologically active compounds, but so far, the effect of anthocyanidins on MSC differentiation has not been addressed. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of anthocyanidins malvidin, cyanidin and delphinidin on adipose tissue-derived MSC differentiation into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes. Materials and methods: Differentiation into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes was carried out in specific media in the presence or absence of malvidin, cyanidin and delphinidin. Differentiation into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes was evaluated by cytochemical staining and tissue-specific gene and protein expression. Results: Delphinidin inhibited MSC adipogenesis by downregulation of FABP4 and adiponectin genes, similarly to liraglutide. Malvidin induced a significantly higher accumulation of calcium deposits in MSCs as well as upregulated the osteocyte-specific gene BMP-2 and Runx-2 expression and induced BMP-2 secretion. Liraglutide demonstrated an osteogenesis-promoting effect similar to malvidin. Cyanidin and delphinidin demonstrated a chondrogenesis-stimulating effect by upregulation of Col2a1 and aggrecan. Liraglutide exerted comparable effects on MSC chondrogenesis to cyanidin and delphinidin. Conclusions: Altogether, our data show that anthocyanidins malvidin, cyanidin and delphinidin exert favourable effects on adipogenesis, osteogenesis and chondrogenesis and, therefore, can be used to develop novel therapeutic strategies to treat diabetes-induced obesity and degenerative joint diseases. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the project No.



Perspectives of biologically active compounds creation in the range of (2,4-dioxo- (2-thio-4-oxo) -quinazolin-3-yl) acetic acid derivatives

El Kayal Wassim, Abu Sharkh A.I., Burian A.A. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Corresponding author:amjad1977a@gmail.com

Background. The problem of the creation of chemical substances, which are potential medicines, is currently relevant throughout the world, despite the fact that synthetic chemists are doing everything possible and sometimes impossible at the same time with pharmacists and doctors by this direction. Although modern pharmacy has a lot of medicines in its arsenal that helps to overcome illnesses and allows to prolong life and improve its quality for patients, but also the emergence of serious disorders in the functioning of organs and systems, both as a result of diseases and as a result of the way life. Materials and methods. The creation of a panacea for all diseases has not been implemented yet, but this idea continues to actively attract the attention of scientists of different specialties and in our day. Of particular note in this regard are derivatives of (2,4-dioxo- (2-thio-4-oxo) -quinazolin-3-yl) acetic acids, among which there are quite a lot of derivatives that have shown themselves to be potentially active biological compounds with a diverse spectrum of action and application. We tried to obtain (4-oxo-2-thioxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-quinazolin-3-yl)-acetic acid, which can be used in the following syntheses of ranges of substances. In a mixture of water and triethylamine glycine was dissolved. The resulting solution was added with stirring to a warm solution of methyl ester of 2-isothiocyanato-benzoic acid in isopropanol. The solution was boiled and further acidified with hydrochloric acid. The next day the precipitate was filtered off, washed with water and boiled under stirring in acetone. After cooling, the precipitate is filtered off and washed twice with acetone. Results. As the result we obtained initial product (4-oxo-2-thioxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-quinazolin-3-yl)-acetic acid with appropriate purity and high enough yield. Conclusions. The obtained (4-oxo-2-thioxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-quinazolin-3-yl)-acetic acid will be used for following syntheses and investigations in the range of perspective compounds with potential biological activity. References: 1. Фармацевтична енциклопедія / Голова ред. Ради та автор передмови В.П. Черних. - 3-тє вид., переробл. і

доповн. – К.: «МОРІОН», 2016. – 1952 с. 2. Buer J.K. Rigins and impact of the term 'NSAID' // Inflammopharmacology, 2014.- vol. 22, № 5.-p. 263-267. 3. Individual NSAIDs and Upper Gastrointestinal Complications Project, Safety of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory

Drugs (SOS) (2012-12-13). / [Castellsague J., Riera-Guardia N., Calingaert B., Varas-Lorenzo C. et oth.] // Drug Safety, 2012.-V.35, I. 12.-p. 1127–1146.



Qualitative risk analysis at the stage of pharmaceutical development of combined eye drops for glaucoma treatment

Andrukova L.*, Rusanova S., Fetisova E., Iakovenko V. Institute of qualification improvement for pharmacists, National university of pharmacy, Ukraine, Kharkiv; * Corresponding author: promek-ipksf@nuph.edu.ua At the stage of pharmaceutical development (PD), effective quality risk management (QRM) has particular importance since ensures the quality not only of the PD, but also of the subsequent stages of the drug lifecycle, and allows both to provide information about its functional characteristics depending on change in the characteristics of materials, performance characteristics and process parameters, as well as to determine the optimal technology parameters and quality indexes [1, 2]. The relevance of this issue has found the target mapping in our studies on the development of combined eye drops for glaucoma treatment [3]. At this stage of the research, we set the task of risk ranking identified by the Ishikawa diagram with applying a qualitative analysis technique - the Impact / Probability Matrix (Tab. 1). Table 1. Consequence / Probability Matrix

Likelihood rating

Severity of consequences

Insignificant Acceptable Significant Severe Catastrophic

1 2 3 4 5 А - impossible 1A 2A 3A 4A 5А B - unlikely 1B 2B 3B 4B 5В C - rare 1C 2C 3C 4C 5С D - possible 1D 2D 3D 4D 5D E - often 1E 2E 3E 4E 5Е

Risk index Degree of risk Risk category 1А, 1В, 1С, 1D, 1Е, 2А, 2В, 2C, 3А, 3B, 4А, 5А Insignificant (admissible) risk I

2D, 2E, 3С, 3D, 4B, 4С, 5В Severe risk II 3Е, 4D, 4Е, 5С, 5D, 5Е Unacceptable risk III

Three experts who are competent at matters of PD and QRM, took part in this work. Table 2 contains a fragment of the expert evaluation result summary and qualitative analysis of the most critical risk categories (II and III). The results of qualitative evalution are preliminary and designed to optimize the adoption of further actions, therefore, only after identifying, ranking and analyzing risks, when the most significant risk factors are identified, it is advisable to beging quantitative analysis, further evaluation and risk management. The analysis of expertly assessed risks that referred to categories II and III requires the adoption of appropriate priority management decisions in relation to these risks. The most obvious solution will be in-depth quantitative evalution of the critical risks that are characteristic of the PD of combined eye drops for glaucoma treatment. References: 1. EMA/INS/GMP/79766/2011 Quality Risk Manage- ment (ICH Q9) (2011). Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 30. 2. EMEA/CHMP/167068/2004 Pharmaceutical Devel-opment (ICH Q8) (2011). Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 42. 3. Yakubchuk O. M. Identification of risks for quality at the stage of pharmaceutical development of combined eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma / O. M. Yakubchuk, S. V. Rusanova, O. G. Fetisova et. al // Scientific Journal «Science Rise». -2015. - N. 12/4 (17). - P. 15-20.



Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) method for qualitative analysis of food supplements, containing ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.)

Raimonda Jazokaite*, Mindaugas Marksa, Augusta Zevzikoviene, Andrejus Zevzikovas Department of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukileliu 13, 50161, Kaunas, Lithuania; *Correspondong email: raimonda0330@gmail.com Background: Ginger, Zingiber officinale Roscoe, has a long history of medicinal use, the rhizome is noted for the treatment of conditions, such as nausea or vomiting of motion sickness and pregnancy-related nausea. [1,4] Ginger contains several principal substances which are mainly 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol, which are responsible for the biological activities of ginger. [1,3] The aim of this study is to make qualitative analysis of biologically active compounds in food supplements, containing ginger rhizome extract or powder. Materials and methods: Four different food supplements were bought from the community pharmacy in Lithuania. Samples preparation was carried out according to the scientific literature. [2] The thin-layer chromatography analysis was performed on silica gel 60 UV254 glass plates (E-Merck, Germany) using hexane:ether (40:60 v/v) as a mobile phase. [1,2] The individual standard’s solutions and food supplement’s samples application were performed using the CAMAG-Linomat V automated spray on band applicator. After development, the plates were air-dried, sprayed with a 10 mg/L detection solution of vanilin in sulfuric acid and examined in daylight while heated at 100-105 oC for 10 min. Images of the plates were captured at 366 nm and white light using the CAMAG TLC Scanner. [3,4] Results: The ginger standards were easily resolved in the TLC mobile phase. Under the chromatography conditions described, 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol which migrated further upstream, showed retention factors of 0,77 and 0,89, respectively. TLC fingerprints developed for the food supplements showed very similar retention factors to standard’s Rf values using both 366 nm and white light. The four samples which were run parallel to each other, showed similar chemical profiles with only slight variations in the intensities of the zones using two different scaning properties. Conclusions: The TLC method developed for qualitative analysis of 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol in ginger-containing food supplements was found to be simple, accurate, reproducible and applicable for the future analysis of a wide variety of ginger-containing products.

References: 1. Alam P. Densitometric HPTLC analysis of 8-gingerol in Zingiber officinale extract and ginger-containing dietary

supplements, teas and commercial creams. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2013; 3(8):634-638. 2. European Pharmacopoeia. 9th ed. Strasbourg: Council of Europe; 1367, 2016. 3. Hariram Nile S, Won Park S. Chromatographic analysis, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and xanthine oxidase

inhibitory activities of ginger extracts and its reference compounds. Industrial Crops and Products. 2015; 70:238-244. 4. Salmon C.N.A, Bailey-Shaw Y.A, Hibbert S, Green S, Smith A. M, Williams L. A.D. Characterisation of cultivars of

Jamaican ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) by HPTLC and HPLC. Food Chemistry. 2012; 131:1517-1522.



Evaluation of polypharmacy for patients with hypertension in two family doctors practices

Marta Kaudze Corresponding author: martakaudze@gmail.com Background. Polypharmacy is the use of multiple medicines at the same time. The term ‘’multiple drugs’’ most commonly refers to the use of 3 and more drugs. Polypharmacy is popular for patients with cardiovascular disease. Interactions may occur if multiple drugs are taken at the same time. Elderly patients are characterized by organ dysfunction and several chronic diseases, which complicates the treatment of patients in this age group in particular. Materials and methods. Patient outpatient cards were analyzed in two general practitioners for the patients with hypersensitivity diagnoses who use at least three medications at the same time. From the aggregated data, drug combinations were analyzed and directly relevant interactions were taken into account through drug interactions calculators in databases (UpToDate, drugs.com). Statistical methods used Microsoft Office Excel 2016 and Rstudio, using Spyman's arm correlations to evaluate whether the number of interactions increases with the increase in the number of drugs (p value <0.05). Results. Of a total of 59 patients in the UpToDate database, the relevant D levels were found in 14 patients and 22 drug interactions. Significant levels of drugs.com were observed 11 times in 10 patients. On average, 5.6 drugs were prescribed, the most commonly used active substance is bisoprolol. Conclusions. Significant interactions are associated with an increase in the risk of hyperkalaemia and bleeding, the risk of allergic reactions and infections, as well as the increase or decrease of the activity of particular drugs in the body. As a result of the study, it was established that there are differences between the two databases of drug-drug interactions, the significance of which varies to different levels, and therefore the analysis of drug-drug interactions should take into account both the various sources of literature (databases) and the relevance of these differences. References: 1. Hajjar E. R, Cafiero A. C, Hanlon J. T. Polypharmacy in elderly patients. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

2007; 5: 345-351. 2. Jover V. P, Mira J. J, et al. Inappropriate Use of Medication by Elderly, Polymedicated, or Multipathological Patients

with Chronic Diseases. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018; 15. 3. Volpe M, Chin D, Paneni F. The challenge of polypharmacy in cardiovascular medicine. Fundamental & Clinical

Pharmacology. 2010; 24: 9-17. -



Formulation and stability evaluation of Shea butter emulsion

Koškinaitė Rita*, Kasparavičienė Giedrė Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Science, Kaunas, Sukileliu av. 13, LT-50161 Kaunas, Lithuania *Corresponding author: rita.koskinaite@gmail.com

Hand dermatitis is a topical dermatological problem, which effects from 2 to 10 percent of people during their lifetime [1]. In order to control this disease, including emollients in a daily routine is as important as avoiding causing factors and using prescribed medicines [2]. These days, consumers are interested in cosmetic products that contains natural ingredients. Herbal products are mild, biodegradable, exhibiting low toxicity, natural oils has required moisturizing, emollient properties [3, 4]. The aim of this study was to design o/w emulsion containing natural ingredients and evaluate its stability. O/w emulsion water phase consists of: purified water, glycerin and urea. Oil phase consists of: shea butter, almond oil, emulsifying agent and preservative. Formulations of o/w emulsions contain different amounts of shea butter and emulsifying agent, other ingredients remained the same amount. Quantity of shea butter and emulsifying agent varied from 5 to 35 percent and from 5 to 15 percent, respectively. Stability was evaluated by centrifugation test with the conditions of 3000 and 10000 rpm at the room temperature and freeze – thaw cycle test at -18ºC temperature. Emulsifier capacity was determined with creams which have the lowest and highest shea butter amounts. All freshly prepared creams were stable after centrifugation and freeze – thaw tests. The lowest emulsifier amount that stabilized the emulsion with lowest shea butter amount was 4.5 % and with highest butter amount was 9.5 %. Formulations with primary composition are stable for 7 months. Creams with the lowest emulsifying agent amount that stabilized emulsion became unstable after 5 months. The amount of emulsifying agent influenced stability of o/w emulsion creams. All freshly prepared creams were stable. However, formulations that contained reduced emulsifying agent amount were stable for shorter period of time. References: 1. Agarwal U, Agarwal P, Besarwal R, Gupta R, Napalia S. Hand eczema. Indian Journal of Dermatology.

2014;59(3):213. 2. Wold L, Chen J, Lampel H. Hand Dermatitis: an Allergist’s Nightmare. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports.

2014;14(11). 3. Ribeiro A, Estanqueiro M, Oliveira M, Sousa Lobo J. Main Benefits and Applicability of Plant Extracts in Skin Care

Products. Cosmetics. 2015;2(2):48-65. 4. Purnamawati S, Indrastuti N, Danarti R, Saefudin T. The Role of Moisturizers in Addressing Various Kinds of

Dermatitis: A Review. Clinical Medicine & Research. 2017;15(3-4):75-87.



Antioxidant activity of benzoic and cinnamic acid derivatives Gabrielė Vilkickytė*, Raimondas Raudonis Department of Pharmacognosy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių str. 13, LT-50162, Kaunas, Lithuania; *Corresponding author: gabriele.vilkickyte@gmail.com Background: Cinnamic and benzoic acid derivatives, belonging to the class of phenolic acids, are one of the most potent antioxidants [Error! Reference source not found., 1]. Number and position of hydroxyl groups, other features in the chemical structure create significant variety of the phenolic acids [1]. The aim of this research was to analyse antioxidant activity of the benzoic and cinnamic acid derivatives. Materials and methods: The stock solutions of benzoic acid and its derivatives (salicylic, vanillic, protocatechuic, syringic, gallic acids), cinnamic acid and its derivatives (p-coumaric, sinapic, caffeic, rosmarinic, chlorogenic, 4-O-caffeoylquinic, 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic, 3,4-di-O-caffeoylquinic, 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acids) were diluted to five concentrations. All samples were analyzed by spectrophotometric ABTS and FRAP assays. The obtained data were used to construct calibration curves. According to the ratio of the sample and trolox slopes, relative trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) values were calculated. Results: Benzoic and cinnamic acids, without hydroxyl groups, had almost no activity. The hydroxybenzoic acids had lower TEAC values than hydroxycinnamic acids, except gallic acid. The highest TEAC values were determined for cinnamic acid derivatives – 3,4-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (2,43±0,05) by ABTS assay, and for 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (2,12±0,03) by FRAP assay. Conclusion: This study reveals that antioxidant activity of phenolic acids is enhanced by the introduction of hydroxy and methoxy groups on the aromatic ring and additional conjugated double bond in the side chain. It is also suggested that dicaffeoylquinic acids can be potential chemical markers of the antioxidant properties. References: 1. Brewer M. Natural Antioxidants: Sources, Compounds, Mechanisms of Action, and Potential Applications.

Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2011;10(4):221-247. 2. Oladeji O, Adelowo F. Plant phenolic compounds and health benefits.Communications in Plant Sciences.




Biotechnological aspects of the creation of complex probiotic remedy for acne treatment: the definition of the possibility of combined usage of probiotics with

vitamins B

A. V. Soloviova, O. S. Kaluzhnaya, O. P. Strilets National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Corresponding email:soloviova.alina@gmail.com Background. Today, acne is one of the most common skin diseases in dermatological practice. The promising approach in the treatment of acne is usage of complex drugs with probiotic and prebiotic substances and components that simultaneously suppress pathogen and conditionally pathogenic microflora, treating inflammation, removing excess sebum. Materials and methods. To create such a complex remedy for acne treatment, lactobacilli strains Lactobacillus acidophilus B-7016 (provided by the Institute of Microbiology and Virology D. K. Zabolotny) and prebiotic components - Group B vitamins had been selected. Biotechnological studies were carried out using co-cultivating method and Koch method. Results. For the possibility of combine usage of these components, were made the combined cultivation of probiotic strains (dose of 109 CFU (colony forming units)/ml) with a certain vitamin in a certain concentration used in soft medicinal forms (pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin B6 - 0,5 %; calcium D-pantothenate, vitamin B5 - 5 %, D-panthenol, provitamin B5 - 5 %, methylcobalamin, vitamin B12 - 1 %). After 5, 10, 15, and 20 days the determination of number of viable lactobacilli cells in each sample and compared with control (without the addition of vitamins) were made by Koch method. Conclusions. Studies have shown that all vitamins in group B had a positive effect on probiotic strains throughout all period of cultivation, but expressed synergism was observed in experiments with vitamin B5. Thus, for further research for the development of a complex anti-acne remedy, were selected strains of lactobacilli (initial dose 109 CFU) and vitamin B5 (concentration 5%).



Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in different varieties of lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) leaves extracts

Lina Pitkauskaitė*, Lina Raudonė Department of Pharmacognosy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių pr. 13, LT-50161, Kaunas, Lithuania *Corresponding author: lina.pitkauskaite@gmail.com Background. Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) is a short evergreen shrub that belongs to Ericaceae family. The bioactive compounds in leaves contain mainly phenolic compounds, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins which are important for pharmacological properties. Currently, there are about twenty varieties of lingonberry known. Lingonberry varieties include ‘Sussi’, ‘Ertekrone’, ‘Masovia’, ‘Koralle’, ‘Vaccinium vitis-ideae L. var. minus’, ‘Kostromskaja Rozovaja’, ‘Sanna’, ‘Rubin’, ‘Konstromička’, ‘Vaccinium vitis-ideae L. var. leucocarpum’, ‘Erntesegen’ and ‘Erntedank’. The aforementioned varieties differ in morphological characteristics, vegetation phases and bioactive compounds’ content. The studies have shown that varieties of lingonberry are more fertile than those growing naturally. Materials and methods. Leaves of twelve different varieties of lingonberry were collected during the year 2017. The extracts were prepared using 0,25 mg of dried raw material and 25 ml of 60 % ethanol. Total phenolic compounds’ content, proanthocyanidins content and antioxidant capacity of the lingonberry leaves extracts were analyzed by spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteu, 4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde reagent, ABTS and FRAP assays, respectively. Results. The results have showed that the highest total phenolic compounds’ content (183,68 ± 1,33 mg/g) was determined in the extracts of the ‘Rubin’ and ‘Kostromskaja Rozovaja’ lingonberry. The highest antioxidant capacity (2179,71 ± 154,88 mg/g) by ABTS assay was determined in extracts of the ‘Erntesegen’, while the highest antioxidant capacity (1476,04 ± 87,99 mg/g) by FRAP assay was determined in ‘Rubin’ and ‘Kostromskaja Rozovaja’ lingonberry. The highest proanthocyanidins (14,54 ± 2,25 mg/g) content was determined in extracts of the ‘Rubin’ and ‘Kostromskaja Rozovaja’ lingonberry. Conclusions. The most bioactive compounds contents were determined in ‘Rubin’ and ‘Kostromskaja Rozovaja’ varieties of lingonberry. It can be assumed that these varieties constitute the most pharmacological properties because of the highest phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. References: 1. Finn C E, Mackey T. Growth, Yield, and Fruit Quality of 10 Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) Cultivars and

Selections in the Pacific Northwest, USA. U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service; HCRL. Acta Hort. 715, ISHS 2006

2. Malciūtė A, Naujalis J M, Vilkonis K K. Bruknių (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) kolekcija Šiaulių universiteto botanikos sode: sudėtis bei bendroji būklė. ISSN 1648-8776 Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai Nr. 5 (21). 2008



Perspective for using Acorus calamus leaves in medicine Yaremenko M.S.*, Gontova T.M., Kotova E.E. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: caecys@gmail.com

Background. Acorus calamus - is a herbaceous perennial plant, originated in the Far East. In official medicine only the rhizome of the plant is used. There is some evidence of a significant similarity in the chemical composition and pharmacological action of rhizomes and leaves of calamus, so the research of leaves is necessary. Materials and methods. For this experiment, we used batches of the raw material, Acorus Calamus rhizomes and leaves, gathered in Kharkiv region. The quantity of essential oil was measured with the method of steam distillation [3]. The chemical composition of the essential oils was studied with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry [1, 2]. Identification of the toxic substance asarone and determination of its content limit were carried out with the thin-layer chromatography (TLC) method [4]. Qualitative and quantitative studies of the flavonoids chemical composition were carried out with the methods of TLC and spectrophotometry [3]. Results. According to the results of the investigation the content of essential oil was 2,0% in the rhizomes and 1,74% in the leaves. There were detected and identified 33 compounds in the rhizomes. Most substances belong to sesquiterpenoids (56,71% of all compounds), aromatics (21,84%) and monoterpenoids (6,81%). Shiobunon (30,10%), asarone (19,12%), aromadendren (10,43%) and β-caryophyllene (5,40%) were dominant components. Among the 42 identified compounds, sesquiterpenoids were dominant in the leaves - 37.8%. Also, a significant amount was accumulated aromatic compounds - 25.4%, and monoterpenoids - 20.6%. Among the individual components, azarone (20.2%), β-caryophyllene (16.4%), germacrene B (9.7%), δ-cadinene (7.9%) and linalool (7.9%) were dominant. Zones (Rf close to 0.43) with pink-purple colour were detected in all samples of the raw materials in comparison with zones of standard substance with different asarone concentration. We have proved experimentally that the amount of asarone in all samples under test does not exceed 0,5 %.8 zones were detected by thin layer chromatography in the above-ground part of the plant. According to the colour and Rf index the substances were assigned to phenolic compounds which rutin is identified from. It has been experimentally proved that up to 1% of flavonoids accumulate in the leaves of calamus. This group of compounds is not identified in the rhizomes. Conclusions. We have proved experimentally that calamus rhizomes and leaves have pretty similar qualitative and quantitative chemical composition of essential oil and at the same time the calamus leaves accumulate phenolic compounds in large numbers. In view of this, the leaves of calamus are a promising source of biologically active substances for the development of medicinal herbal substances on their basis. References: 1. Gontova T.M., Taller O.J. Research component of the essential oil of calamus leaves. Collection of scientific works

of staff members of NMAPE. 2015; 24:254-259. 2. Gontova T.M., Yaremenko M.S Chromatography-mass spectrometry study of volatile compounds of Acorus calamus

rhizomes. Collection of scientific works of staff members of NMAPE. 2015; 24: 77-82. 3. State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. SOE “Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center of Medicines” . 2nd ed. V. 3.

Kharkiv: SOE “Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center of Medicines”; 2014 4. Yaremenko M.S., Gontova T.M., Mashtaler V.V., Kotovа E.E. and Kotov A.G. Development of method for

identification and determination of limit content of asarone in Acorus Calamus rhizomes. Research J. of Pharm. and Tech. – 2018; 11:2263-2266.



Anticancer activity of NSAIDs in breast cancer cell cultures Viktorija Gerulaitytė, Vilma Petrikaitė* Department of Drug chemistry, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences; *Corresponding author: VilmaPetrikaite@gmail.com Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, and is responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women [1]. NSAIDs are known not only as anti-inflammatory drugs, but also they are widely investigated for their possible anticancer activity. Several studies show that these compounds interfere in cancer cell proliferation and metastasis [2]. The aim of our study was to evaluate anticancer activity of five acetic acid derivatives from NSAIDs class (diclofenac, sulindac, nabumetone, ketorolac and indomethacin) in three human breast cancer cell lines representing different breast tumor subtypes [3]. Cytotoxic activity of compounds in monolayer cultured cell lines MDA-MB-231, MCF-7 and BT-474 was evaluated by MTT assay. The activity was expressed as EC50 value that represented the concentration of a compound causing 50% reduction of cancer cell metabolic activity. Effect of compounds on cell ability to form colonies was established by clonogenic assay. 10% and 90% from EC50 of tested compound was used in this study. Diclofenac and sulindac showed the greatest effects on MCF-7 cell viability (EC50 values were 86.1 ± 14.7 μM and 79.8 ± 10.3 μM, respectively). Sulindac also strongly inhibited the growth of BT-474 cell line (EC50 was 101.4 ± 14.4 μM). Nabumetone and ketorolac were not active in all tested breast cancer cell lines at the tested concentrations (up to 200 μM and 500 μM, respectively). The higher concentrations of diclofenac, sulindac and nabumetone showed the strongest effect on MDA-MB231 cell ability to form colonies. Conclusion. Acetic acid derivatives from NSAIDs class demonstrate anticancer activity against breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231, MCF-7 and BT-474. Diclofenac and sulindac are the most active compounds from this group. References: 1. World Health Organization. Cancer. Fact sheet. WHO. 2017. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs297/en/ 2. Sobolewski C, Cerella C, Dicato M, Ghibelli L, Diederich M. The role of cyclooxygenase-2 in cell proliferation and

cell death in human malignancies. Int J Cell Biol [Internet]. 2010:215158. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20339581

3. Holliday DL, Speirs V. Choosing the right cell line for breast cancer research. Holliday Speirs Breast Cancer Res. 2011;13(215).



Stability studies of the compounding suspension from stomatitis

Lesia Savchenko*, Anna Materiienko, Victoriya Georgiyants National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: savchenkolesia@gmail.com The stability of the preparations means their ability to preserve the physico-chemical properties and pharmacological activity required by the requirements of the pharmacopoeia and other regulatory documents during the prescribed shelf life. Composition of compounding preparations doesn’t contain any preservatives. Given this, the question of the possibility of long-term storage of such medicines arises. The State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU) sets a single expiration date for most of them – 10 days [1]. To increase it, it is necessary to carry out the medicines stability tests. The aim of our work was chemical stability studies of the compounding suspension from stomatitis: benzocaine 1.72, nystatin 0.23, riboflavin 0.05, sunflower oil 50 ml in relation to the benzocaine and riboflavin quantitative content. For the chemical stability studies of two components we chose the method of visible absorption spectrophotometry. The extraction of substances from the suspension base was performed by the solution of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid. The advantage of its using is the simultaneous extraction of both substances during the sample preparation. Quantitative determination of riboflavin during the stability studies was performed by straight spectrophotometry at the wavelength 440 nm in the first extract obtained. For the quantitative determination of benzocaine to the first extract solutions of 0.1 M sodii nitratis, sulfaminic acid and N-naphtilethilendiamine were added. Absorbance was measured at the wavelength 545 nm. The stability parameter was estimated for both methods. It has been proved that the solutions remain stable for an hour. We have been measured quantity of benzocaine and riboflavin during four months. Based on the physico-chemical properties of the suspension components, it was stored at two different regimes during the stability studies. The first series of suspension was stored in refrigerator (temperature 2-8 oC, humidity 60-65 %) and the second series of suspension was stored in regular conditions (temperature 25-27 oC, humidity 60-65 %). The quantitative content of the suspension components was measured every 10 days in the first month of storage and after every one month of storage. The percentage deviation in the content was determined for each component. According to the SPhU requirements permissible deviation in quantitative content for components of compounding medicines is 10 %. The obtained results indicate that the optimum conditions for storage of the suspension are the room temperature. Average quantitative content of benzocaine in percent after fourth month of storage was 90.12 %, and of riboflavin – 91.37 %. Suspension under refrigerator conditions of storage lost its quality on the second month of storage (deviation of benzocaine and riboflavin quantitative content was more than 10 %). References: 1. State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine: at 3 volumes. 2014. Kharkiv: State enterprise “Ukrainian scientific pharmacopoeial

center of medicines quality”, 2-nd ed., Vol. 3. , 732 p.



“Are they good enough to help me?” A survey of patients’ opinion towards pharmacists’ professionalism.

Paulius Brazauskas*, Jurgita Daukšienė, Raimondas Radžiūnas, Arūnas Savickas Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Academy of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy; *Corresponding author:paulius.brazauskas@lsmuni.lt Background: A number of studies shows a level of pharmacists` importance in society.1,2 Being the most recognisable and easiest accessible part of healthcare system, they are also expected to be helpers in patient counselling and/or advisory. Patients opinion is a valuable indicator to evaluate pharmacists’ professionalism and benefits to general society.3 A The aim of the survey was to identify patients’ opinion towards pharmacists’ professionalism. Materials and Methods: Methods & Design: The method of standardized questionnaire was chosen. The survey of a nationally representative sample of adults (age ≥18yrs old) from across all regions of Lithuania was conducted at respondents’ residencies in 2018 over a 9-day period between 8h and 17th of June. Total number of 1004 respondents were surveyed. The questions regarding pharmacist’s professionalism were asked as part of a broader questionnaire related to various healthcare questions. Results: In general patients’ attitude levels towards pharmacist’s professionalism were good. 90.4% of patients said that pharmacist is easily accessible specialist and 91.1% rely on the information provided by a pharmacist. 91.1% considered pharmacist suitable to consult about effects of the medicines, 85.9% stated that pharmacist is eligible to consult on prophylaxis of minor illnesses, 84.9% said pharmacist is able to evaluate incompatibility of medicines and 72.7% considered pharmacist suitable to consult about disease prevention. Evaluation of the sample, however, identified that 75.8% patients would never again consult with the same pharmacist. Conclusions: Public attitude towards pharmacists’ professionalism is good however pharmacists should pay more attention to knowledge of disease prevention. Contradictory result towards consultation with the same pharmacist should warn pharmacists about lack of social relation with patients and issues in patient-pharmacist communication. References: 1. Benrimoj S, Bouvy M, Courtin E, Farris K, Mossialos E, Naci H, et al. From “retailers” to health care providers:

transforming the role of community pharmacists in chronic disease management. Health Policy. 2015; 119:628-39. 2. Copeland A, Husband A, Todd A. The positive pharmacy care law: an area-level analysis of the relationship between

community pharmacy distribution, urbanity and social deprivation in England. BMJ Open 2014; 4. 3. Mardanov IT, Ricks J. Pharmacist professionalism, helpfulness, and consumer behavior linkage. Journal of Medical

Marketing. 2013; 13:221-30.


FF-18-43 The Current And Preferred Organisational Culture of Lithuanian Community


Akvilė Zieniūtė1*, Loreta Kubilienė2

1Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy;

2Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy. * Corresponding author: akvile.zieniute@lsmuni.lt Background. Organisational culture is a pattern of shared beliefs in an organisation. Organisational culture is the element that can predispose an organisation to either success or failure, therefore it is of interest of to understand it. So far, there have not been any research into the organisational culture of Lithuanian pharmacies. The aim of this study was to design and validate a questionnaire to measure organisational culture in pharmacies in Lithuania. Methods. The adapted Competing Values Questionnaire with an included ten-point Likert scale was chosen as an instrument to measure organisational culture.The survey consisted of 24 questions and was designed to measure both present and preferred culture. Based on the Competing Values Framework four culture types are distinguished: clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy. 78 questionnaires were handed out to pharmacy specialists and 56 were completed correctly (71.8% responsiveness). Microsoft Excel was used to perform data analysis. Results. The obtained results revealed that the most prevalent culture among Lithuanian pharmacists was hierarchy with a median score of 7.1/10. The least common was clan culture (5,46/10). These results are in contrast with the findings of G. Rogers1. A recent study performed by G. Rogers in the USA revealed that the culture in community pharmacies are clan-like. The analysed questionnaires also showed that Lithuanian pharmacists prefer a clan culture in their workplace compared to the current situation in Lithuanian pharmacies. Conclusions and future work. The prevailing organisational culture of Lithuanian pharmacies is hierarchical. However, employees in Lithuanian pharmacies reported that the culture of a clan would be preferred. There are emerging evidences that the culture of a pharmacy could have an impact on other outcomes such as job satisfaction and patient safety2,3. The objective of future research is to use this pilot study to evaluate the correlation between organisational culture and these outcomes. References: 1. Rogers G. Correlation Study of Patient Safety Culture to Organizational Culture Using Competing Values Framework

in the Pharmacy of Maine Medical Center [Ph.D]. Northcentral University; 2016. 2. Speroff T, Nwosu S, Greevy R, Weinger M, Talbot T, Wall R et al. Organisational culture: variation across hospitals

and connection to patient safety climate. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2010;19(6):592-596. 3. Tsai Y. Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction. BMC Health

Services Research. 2011;11(1).


FF-18-44 Determination of antimicrobial activity of raw material from Leonurus cardiaca

L. and Leonurus sibiricus L.

Dovilė Karosevičiūtė 1, Nijolė Savickienė 1, Alvydas Pavilonis 2, Ona Ragažinskienė 3

1 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Pharmacognosy; dovile.karoseviciute@lsmuni.lt; nijole.savickiene@lsmuni.lt 2 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Microbiology; alvydas.pavilonis@lsmuni.lt 3 Vytautas Magnus University, Department of Biology; ona.ragazinskiene@vdu.lt Background: Leonurus cardiaca L. and Leonurus sibiricus L. – are herbaceous perennial plants in the Lamiaceae family. Various preparations of Leonurus L. herb have different antimicrobial activity [1,2]. In this study used medicinal raw: Leonurus sibiricus L. and Leonurus cardiaca L. obtained from Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University, Leonurus cardiaca L. - Mažeikiai district, Leonurus sibiricus L. – Mexico. Materials and methods: Leonurus L. medicinal raw was extracted by different solvents. The extraction method of ethanolic and methanolic extracts – percolation. The aqueous extract preparation - dry herb material was added into distilled water and the water was heated until it started boil. Antibacterial activity of ethanolic and methanolic extracts were performed by agar dilution in Petri dishes, aqueous using agar diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was established. Results: Aqueous extracts inhibited Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans, methanolic and ethanolic - Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtillis, Proteus vulgaris. All of methanolic and ethanolic extracts showed the least MIC value against Bacillus cereus. The lowest MIC value was determined of Leonurus cardiaca L ethanolic extract (Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University) - 4,25 mg/mL against Staphylococcus aureus and methanolic extract of Leonurus cardiaca L. (Mažeikiai district) - 5 mg/mL against Klebsiella pneumoniae. Conclusions: Methanolic and ethanolic extracts of Leonurus cardiaca L. showed better antimicrobial activity than methanolic and ethanolic extracts of Leonurus sibiricus L. Plants habitat did not had the significant effect on antimicrobial activity. References: 1. Wojtyniak, K., Marcin, Szymánshi, Matławska, I. Leonurus cardiaca L. (Motherwort): a review of its phytochemistry

and pharmacology. Phytother. Res. 2013; 27:1115–1120. 2. Sayed, M.A., Alam, M.A., Islam, M.S., et al. Leonurus sibiricus L. (honeyweed): a review of its phytochemistry and

pharmacology. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed. 2016; 6 (12): 1076 - 1080.


FF-18-45 Comparative analysis of the qualitative composition of secoiridoid glycosides in

Centaurium erythraea Rafn. and Сеntaurium pulchellum (Sw) Druce herbs Svitlana Gubar1, Anna Materiienko*1, Victoriya Georgiyants1, Olha Vasylieva1, Liudas Ivanauskas2 1National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania *Corresponding author: anna.materienko@gmail.com Centaurium genus has 20 species, widely distributed in Eurasia, South and North America, as well as in Australia [1]. In Ukraine grows 7 species of centaury. The centaury herb is a valuable source of biologically active substances – bitters (secoiridoid glycosides): swertiamarin, sweroside and gentiopicroside. The pharmacological activity of these biologically active substances includes gastric, digestive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, as well as choleretic and hepatoprotective effects. In order to find new and promising herbal material for use in medical applications, it is important to study chemical composition of the centaury species. The aim of our work was to study chemical composition, namely, determination of qualitative composition of the secoiridoid glycosides in Centaurium erythraea and Сеntaurium pulchellum herbs in order to select an active marker for the standardization of herbal material. For the study of quantitative content, 10 series of Centaurium erythraea and 3 series of Сеntaurium pulchellum herbs were chosen to determine the feasibility of the interchangeability of the two types of the mentioned herbal materials. Qualitative composition of the secoiridoid glycosides in the analyzed samples was carried out on the basis of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences by two methods - HPLC and UPLC [2]. As a result of the study, a different ratio of swertiamarin, sweroside and gentiopicroside was identified and established, depending on the type of the herbal material. It was found, that swertiamarin is the main secoidoidoid glycoside of the Centaurium erythraea herb, and sweroside and swertiamarin are the main ones in Сеntaurium pulchellum herb. According to the results of the studies, swertiamarin was chosen as an active marker substance for quantitative determination of biologically active substances, which is contained in two types of the herbal materials in a significant amount. It was shown, that among the studied herbal samples Centaurium erythraea herb is more promising object for swertiamarin quantitative content. References: 1. C.A. Newall, L.A. Anderson, J.D. Phillipson, Herbal Medicines – A Guide for Health-Care Professionals, first ed.,

The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1996. 2. Proskurova Ya. O., Gubar S. M., Georgiyants V. A. Chromatographic research of secoiridoid glycosides and

quantitative content of swertiamarin in Centaury common herb (Centaurium erythraea). - Science and Practice 2016: the 7th International Pharmaceutical Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, Kaunas, 2016.


FF-18-46 Study of ion associates formation between food azo dye ponso 4R and medicines

of various pharmacological groups Iryna Skora*, Tetiana Matus, Anna Materiienko, Volodymyr Hrudko National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: irskoraya@gmail.com One of the components of a healthy and quality human life is nutrition. The pleasant smell and bright color of the products always attracted the attention of consumers. Dyes are used in food for many reasons, including for color restoration after long-term storage or processing of food products, as well as to adjust the natural color spectrum of food products. In certain concentrations, synthetic dyes, which are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industry, can have harmful effects on human health: cause allergic reactions, cancer, hyperactivity, etc [1]. The aim of our work is an investigation the possibility of interactions between medicines of various pharmacological groups and the dye ponso 4R (E 124) with the formation of ion associates. The formation of ion associates can lead to changes in the physico-chemical properties of the initial substances, which, in turn, can affect the bioavailability of drugs. In the course of experiment, aqueous solutions of the dye and medicinal substances were prepared, mixed in equal proportions and extracted with organic solvents – chloroform and butanol. It was previously proven, that the dye in its pure form is not extracted from the aqueous solution by these solvents. As a result of the conducted experimental studies it was found that: papaverine and drotaverine hydrochloride, diphenhydramine and chlorpheniramine maleate react with ponso 4R and are extracted very well from the aqueous solution by chloroform and butanol. Trimecaine, adiphenine (spasmolitin), quinine dihydrochloride, phenyramine maleate and benzalkonium chloride also form ion associates with ponso 4R, which are very well extracted with butanol and worse with chloroform. Bendazol, lidocaine, procaine, atropine sulfate, rimantadine, scopolamine hydrobromide, doxazosin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, procainamide and ambroxol form ion associates with ponso 4R, but they are well extracted with butanol and not extracted with chloroform. Reserpine, tiotriazoline, methenamine, miramistin, hexamethonium benzosulfonate, metronidazole, vinpocetine and ketotifen do not interact with the dye under the given conditions. The results obtained should be taken into account when using synthetic food azo dye ponso 4R in the manufacture of medicines and prevent the use of dessert beverages and food products together with drugs that contain the listed substances. In addition, the reaction of formation the ion associates of medicinal substances with the dye can be used in the extraction-photometric analysis of medicinal substances. References: 1. Hashem M. M., Atta A. H., Arbid M. S. et. al. Immunological studies on Amaranth, Sunset Yellow and Curcumin as

food colouring agents in albino rats. Food and Chem. Toxicology. 2010; 48(6):1581-1586.



Perspective of the use of essential oils in the composition of drugs Ye. I. Bysaha*, L. I. Vyshnevska National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: liliiavyshnevska@gmail.com The use of bioresources remains an actual task of the present time. The plant world served as a source of valuable medicinal products throughout the entire history of humanity. Essential oils deserve individual attention, as they integrate in the biochemical processes of the human body, manifest in various pharmacological activities of contributing to effective treatment of many diseases, almost without the side effects. Thus, the aim of our work is to determine the perspective of the essential oils use in the composition of drugs. The study was conducted by the bibliosemantic method based on numerous literature sources. Essential oil of a wormwood with an antimycobacterial effect in vitro (at doses of 52 mg, 104 mg and 156 mg) in the complex treatment of tuberculosis significantly increases the efficiency of anti-tuberculosis therapy. Micrantha essential oil suppresses the development of Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia cerealis, Gibberella zeae, etc. The drug "Fitolizin" (TOV Gerbapol, Poland), with essential oils of orange, sage, peppermint and pine has antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, litholytic and bacteriostatic action. It is widely used in the treatment of urolithiasis, it is especially often prescribed after antibiotic therapy for long-term administration. For the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses of bronchi and lungs, which are accompanied by a violation of the formation of sputum in the composition of complex therapy, the most commonly used are the phytomdicines with essential oils of fennel and anise, common mint, peppermint mint, eucalyptus, menthol. Joint and muscle pain in case of acute and chronic nature eucalyptus, mint, cinnamon, neroli essential oils are used. For the treatment of dermatological disorders and diseases (diaphragmatic dermatitis, intertrigo, acne, pressure ulcers), combined drugs with lavender oil, peppermint oil, etc. According to the findings obtained, essential oils are the prospect source of active pharmaceutical ingredients for the development of new drugs.


FF-18-48 Study of the antimicrobial efficacy of nipagin in the developed semi-solid dosage


V. V. Postoy, L. I. Vyshnevska* National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: liliiavyshnevska@gmail.com Preservatives play the significant role maintaining the stability of the drug during storage period. The study of antimicrobial efficacy of nipagin was carried out by the method of evaluating the effectiveness of antimicrobial preservatives, which is presented in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU) 2.0. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, Candida albicans ATCC 885-653, Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404 were used as test microorganisms. The obtained results of storage of inoculated samples indicate that the logarithm of reducing the number of viable microorganisms after 2 days was more than 2.0 and amounted to Staphylococcus aureus 3.32, for Pseudomonas aeruginosa - 3.28; after the 7 the logarithm was more than 3.0 and amounted to 4.81 and 4.66, respectively; after 14 days Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were not detected. On the 28th day viable cells of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa microorganisms was not detected in samples with nipagin. At the 2nd and 7th days of storage of inoculated samples by cultures of fungal cells, the logarithm of decreasing the number of viable fungi cells was determined, although this parameter is currently not regulated by the SPhU. It was established that for the 2nd day of storage, the logarithm of reducing the number of viable fungi cells is Candida albicans 3.50, Aspergillus brasiliensis - 3.10. On the 7th day of storage, this figure was 4.09 and 4.00, respectively. On the 14th day of storage, the logarithm of reducing was more than 2.0 (requirements of the SPhU), and no viable cells of Candida albicans and Aspergillus brasiliensis were found. After 28 days of storage, viable fungi cells were not detected. Thus, the study of samples of gel with nipagin showed that it meets the requirements of SPhU on the indicator of "antimicrobial efficacy of preservatives" of drugs for the skin.


FF-18-49 Anticancer activity of kinase inhibitors in 2D and 3D breast cancer cell cultures

Laura Škarnulytė1, Simonija Kelpšaitė2, Elias Maccioni3, Vilma Petrikaitė1* 1Department of Drug chemistry, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences; 2University College London 3Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Cagliari University *corresponding author. vilmapetrikaite@gmail.com Drugs used for cancer chemotherapy usually have a narrow therapeutic index, and often the responses are unpredictable. In contrast, targeted therapy is directed against cancer-specific molecules and signaling pathways, and thus has more limited nonspecific toxicities [1]. Kinases are an especially important target because their signaling pathways have been shown to drive many of the hallmark phenotypes of tumor biology, including proliferation, survival, motility, metabolism, angiogenesis and evasion of antitumor immune responses [2]. The aim of our study was to evaluate the activity of novel kinase inhibitors in human breast cancer cell cultures. The activity of 17 new kinase inhibitors synthesized at Cagliari University has been studied in three breast cancer cell lines: MDA-MB-231, MCF-7, BT-474. Compound cytotoxic effect was investigated by MTT assay. Then the effect of selected the most active compounds on cell ability to form colonies was established by clonogenic assay. Tumor spheroids (3D cultures) were made by 3D Bioprinting method [3]. In general, compound were more active against MCF-7 and BT-474 than MDA-MB-231 cell line. Four compounds (#4001, 4006, 4007 and 4017) showed similar activity between tested cell lines, #4008 was selectively active against MCF-7, and #4009 reduced the viability only of BT-474 cell line. The most active compound against all tested cancer cell lines was #4001 (EC50 value was 69.3 ± 7.6 against MDA-MB-231, 73.3 ± 9.9 nM against MCF-7, and 94.3 ± 5.1 nM against BT-474). Selected inhibitors in certain concentrations inhibited the growth of MCF-7 and BT-474 cell colonies. Compound 4017 showed the highest activity in MCF-7 cell colony formation (colony number was reduced by 67.8% and area by 87.6%). Compound 4001 reduced the number of colonies by 74.5% compared to the control. Kinase inhibitors did not show any significant effect on MDA-MB-231 cell colony formation. Compounds did not possess a significant effect on BT-474 tumor growth compared to the control. In conclusion, tested kinase inhibitors possess anticancer activity in breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231, MCF-7 and BT-474. The most active compound is #4001. Further studies are needed to select appropriate kinase inhibitors for different types of breast cancer. References: 1. Arora A, Scholar E. M. Role of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Cancer Therapy. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005; 315(3),

971–979. 2. Gross S, Rahal R, Stransky N, Lengauer C, Hoeflich K. P. Targeting cancer with kinase inhibitors. J Clin Invest.

2015; 125(5). 3. Tseng H, Gage JA, Shen T, Haisler WL, Neeley SK et al. A spheroid toxicity assay using magnetic 3D bioprinting

and real-time mobile device-based imaging. Sci Rep. 2015; 5, 12897.



Design of dental gel composition with hyaluronic acid

Orlenko D.*, Dorovskoy O., Yakovenko V. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; *Corresponding author: dmirtyorlenko@gmail.com The main etiological factor causing inflammatory lesions of the gums and the mucous membrane of the mouth is the infectious agent, namely the bacteria. Therefore, in the composition of the new dental drug, as an active substance, a combination of two active pharmaceutical ingredients of antibacterial action was used. Integrated local therapy of gingivitis and periodontitis should be aimed at eliminating microcirculatory disorders, normalizing tissue metabolism [1]. Introducing into the composition of our drug hyaluronic acid should provide exactly such a therapeutic effect. As the drug form of the new composition was chosen gel as the most effective form for topical application. Due to its hydrophilicity, gels are easily applied and distributed on the mucous surface, providing high bioavailability of active substances and their prolonged action [2]. From the biopharmaceutical point of view, the most optimal option is the presence of the drug in the final dosage form in the form of a solution. We have studied the solubility of the chosen active pharmaceutical ingredients in hydrophilic solvents such as purified water, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol 400. Optimum temperature regimes and minimum amounts of solvents needed to dissolve the therapeutic concentrations of active substances were determined. When choosing a gel, which would have the optimal physico-chemical characteristics and technological properties, the ability to swell of various grades of carbopol was studied. The speed of reaching the ultimate swelling of ULTREZ 10 carbopol significantly exceeded the swelling rates of the 974P and 934P carbopol. According to physico-chemical and organoleptic parameters, the concentration limits of the gel formator and the selected formulations of the model samples for further research were determined. According to the results of experimental studies, a solution of sodium hydroxide was chosen as a neutralizing agent, which also acts as a pH stabilizer, since at pH <5 a destruction of hyaluronic acid can occur. The composition of the new medicinal product for treatment of inflammatory processes of gums and mucous membrane of the mouth in the form of a dental gel has been substantiated and developed. The necessary excipients were determined, their optimal concentrations were determined and the stability of the model compositions of the medicinal product was proved. References: 1. Auxiliary substances in medicine technology / Dmitrievsky D.I., Rybachuk V.D., Khomenko V.M. et al.; ed. by Percev

I.M. Kharkiv: Golden Pages, 2010, 600 p 2. Integral characteristic of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity / Melnyk A. L., Dovga I. M.,

Khristyan G. E., et al. Clinical and Experimental Pathology. 2015; No. 1: 215-220.



Morphometric marks research of fruits of the viburnum opulus in different sorts

*Leontiiev Bohdan, Khvorost Olga National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: farmaman97@gmail.com Background: Nowadays even a hight level of medicine and farmacy do not exclude searching for natural sources of biologically active substances. And it stays the main thing in conditions of growing people's morbidity. Viburnum opulus is widespread in the territory of Europe and Asia regardless from climatic conditions. The fruits of this plant have a wide range of applications for diseases of cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and reproductive systems [5]. Also this type of raw materials has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-urolithic and antioxidant properties [1,2,3,4]. There are several the most common sorts of Viburnum opulus on the territory of Ukraine. This fact testifies to the possible expansion of raw materials quantity. Materials and methods: In the research of this type of raw, we took several sorts of Viburnum opulus («Barkhatnaya», «Granatovyy braslet», «Zheltoplodnaya», «Sadovaya») and pay attention to some options. The main items were: color, size of the fruit, the nature of the epidermal surface, thickness of the pericarp, shape and size of seed. For measuring of this options we used calipers, loupe and tweezers. Results:. The fruits of sorts («Sadovaya», « Barkhatnaya», «Granatovyy braslet», «Zheltoplodnaya») have red, rosy red, burgundy and deep yellow color. The size of fruits was 0.7 ± 0.02 mm («Sadovaya», «Barkhatnaya»), 0.9 ± 0.02mm («Zheltoplodnaya») и 1.0 ± 0.02mm («Granatovyy braslet») in diameter. The largest thickness of the pericarp has the sort «Granatovyy braslet». There are no differences in the nature of the epidermal surface. Conclusions: Conducting the study of marks Viburnum opulus fruits will be used us to form chapter «Identification A» for the monograph’s project «Viburni fructus». References: 1. Kraujalytė V, Venskutonis PR, Pukalskas A, Česonienė L, Daubaras R. Antioxidant properties and polyphenolic

compositions of fruits from different European cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus L.) genotypes. Food Chemistry. 2013; 141:43695-3702.

2. Dag Z., Akturk G., Filik L. Acute pancreatitis induced by Viburnum opulus juice in a patient with urolithiasis. Asian Pacific J of Tropical Biomedicine. 2014; 4(10):791.

3. Moldovan B., David L, Vulcu A, Olenic L, Perde-Schrepler M, Fischer-Fodor E, Baldea I, Clichici S, Filip GA. In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory properties of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using Viburnum opulus L. fruits extract. Materials Science and Engineering. 2017; 1:720-727.

4. Nilay Ildiz Self assembled snowball-like hybrid nanostructures comprising Viburnum opulus L. extract and metal ions for antimicrobial and catalytic applications. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2017; 102:60-66.

5. Saltan G, Süntar I, Ozbilgin S, Ilhan M, Demirel MA, Oz BE, Keleş H, Akkol EK. Viburnum opulus L.: A remedy for the treatment of endometriosis demonstrated by rat model of surgically-induced endometriosis. .J. of Ethnopharmacology. 2016; 193:450-455.



Excipients in compounded pediatric drugs

Golubs G*, Barene I. Riga Stradins University, Latvia. *Corresponding author: GrigorijsGolubs@gmail.com Background: Excipients are an indispensable part of any drug form [1]. Compounding in a pharmacy setting requires use of excipients as well as excipients are broadly represented in all commercially available drugs [2]. The problem arises in case of compounding drugs from commercially available medications. Indeed in a pharmacy drugs are often compounded by crushing tablets, using contents of capsules and ampules [3]. Although profit and shelf life efficient for pharmaceutical business, this practice is highly recognized as bad pharmaceutical practice and potentially harmful for the patient [1,3,4]. Considerations include the ability of excipients “crossing” drug forms [3] (i.e. parenteral ampules are used for internal or external use) as well as ability of using age inappropriate excipients [2,3]. Methods: In order to uncover some exemplary cases compounded prescriptions were reviewed in three pharmacies. Prescriptions were reviewed for amounts and types of ingredients used to compound a drug form. Said ingredients were cross referenced against EMA recommendations for excipient use in pediatric drug forms as well as Handbook of Pharmaceutical excipients. Results: Reviewing drugs compounded for pediatric use in 3 Latvian pharmacies discrepancies of excipient use were a significant problem [5]. One of systemic discrepancies found in the review regarded Morphine 1mg/ml syrup intended for use in children from 2 years of age. Syrup contains hydrochloric acid from morphine ampoules, which is considered harmful form internal use[4,5], as well as shifts pH of preparation. Other problem, that occured in some cases regarded preparation of Sildenafil powder ir low doses from 1 to 5mg. Preparation from crushed tablets contained collorant Allura Red (E129) an excipient with potential negative effect on children’s behavior and ADHD [6]. One of the most significant discrepancies mentioned was addition of benzoic acid to Simple Syrup, as it is associated with jaundice in neonates[7]. Conclusions: These findings suggest a broader quantitative study that would have possibility to determine the amount of risk, undertaken by compounding such medicines. Even such exemplary discrepancies suggest stronger introduction of compounding guidelines in Latvia. References: 1. Elkin F et al. Excipients in the labelling and package leaflet of medicinal products for human use. EMA guidelines

March 2018, Volume 2C 2. Elder DP, Kuentz M, Holm R. Pharmaceutical excipients - quality, regulatory and biopharmaceutical considerations.

Eur J Pharm Sci. 2016 May 25;87:88-99. 3. Lloyd VA. Compounding with Commercial Drug Products Can Cause Errors! JoFC 2016. Vol 2 Iss 4 4. Kiri F, Pietko N. Medicines, excipients and dietary intolerances. Drug Ther Bull. 2016 Aug;54(8):93-6. 5. Kovanova V. Excipients in extemporaneous drug forms. RSU Scientific conference abstract book. 2018 6. Burgess A, Sara A. How to identify and manage ‘problem’ excipients in medicines for children. The Pharmaceutical

Journal. iss. 28, Jul 2017. 7. Yochana S. et al Pharmaceutical excipients and pediatric formulations. Journal of Technical Science iss. 22, Jan




Natural substances in cancer chemoprevention: state of the art

Di Sotto Antonella*, Di Giacomo Silvia, Mazzanti Gabriela Department of Physiology and Pharmacology “V. Erspamer” – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; *Corresponding author: antonella.disotto@uniroma1.it Background. Chemoprevention is referred as using phytochemicals or their analogs to inhibit, suppress or reverse tumor development and progression. Chemopreventive agents can be useful not only in health subjects, but also to support chemotherapy in oncologic patients and to suppress or inhibit cancer recurrence in post-therapy [1]. Aim of the study. The role of natural substances as chemopreventive agents has been reviewed taking into account the recent literature findings from biomedical databases. Results. Chemopreventive properties of numerous phytochemicals have been widely described in literature, although it has become increasingly unclear to distinguish their preventive or therapeutic contribution [1]. Among chemopreventive phytochemicals, chemosensitizing agents have been found able to support chemotherapy by synergistic or additive effects, thus increasing the effectiveness of low-doses anticancer drugs in multidrug resistance [2]. Numerous chemopreventing phytochemicals have been shown to block the carcinogenesis initiation by inducing cellular defenses, i.e. detoxifying/antioxidant enzymes, or by antimutagenic and antinflammatory mechanisms [1,3-4]. Also, a direct inhibition of cancer progression, by mitochondria damage, epigenetic alterations or by tumor-suppressive signaling activation have been reported as possible chemopreventive mechanisms. It has been recognized that single agents may not always be sufficient to provide chemopreventive efficacy, thus suggesting the need for combination chemoprevention by multiple agents or by the consumption of “whole foods” with pleiotropic effects. Recent evidence also suggests an important role of gut microbioma as indirect target for cancer chemoprevention, due to its ability to metabolize some phytochemicals to small molecules (e.g. butyrate, folate, propionate) which can in turn act as epigenetic modulators [5]. Despite this scientific findings, clinical efficacy of chemopreventive phytochemicals remains to be defined [6-7]. Conclusions. Scientific evidence suggests that phytochemicals can protect against cancer, as primary chemopreventive strategy or by supporting chemotherapy; however, further studies are required to characterize their clinical efficacy. References: 1. Mehta RG, Murillo G, Naithani R, Peng X. Cancer chemoprevention by natural products: how far have we come?

Pharm Res. 2010; 27:950–961 2. Marin JJG, Lozano E, Herraeza E, Asensio M, Di Giacomo S et al. Chemoresistance and chemosensitization in

cholangiocarcinoma. BBB - Molecular Basis of Disease. 2017; Pii. S0925-4439(17)30200-4 3. Cheng YT, Yang CC, Shyura LF. Phytomedicine—Modulating oxidative stress and the tumor microenvironment for

cancer therapy. Pharmacol Res. 2016; 114: 128–143. 4. Lee JH, Khor TO, Shu L, Su ZY, Fuentes F, Kong ANT. Dietary phytochemicals and cancer prevention: Nrf2

signaling, epigenetics, and cell death mechanisms in blocking cancer initiation and progression. Pharmacol Ther. 2013; 137:153–171

5. Paul B, Barnes S, Demark-Wahnefried W, Morrow C, Salvador C et al. Influences of diet and the gut microbiome on epigenetic modulation in cancer and other diseases. Clinical Epigenetics 2015, 7:112.

6. Kotecha R, Takami A, Espinoza JL. Dietary phytochemicals and cancer chemoprevention: a review of the clinical evidence. Oncotarget, 2016; 7:32.

7. Ruiz RB, Hernández PS. Cancer chemoprevention by dietary phytochemicals: Epidemiological evidence. Maturitas 2016; 94:13–19.


FF-18-54 The experience of providing smoking cessation service at community pharmacy

by pharmacist

Sigita Rimkutė*, Jurgita Daukšienė Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Drug technology and social pharmacy department; *Corresponding author: sigarimku93@gmail.com Background: Tobacco is the only legal drug that kills many of its users. World Health Organization has estimated that tobacco use is currently responsible for the death of about six million people across the world each year. This total also includes about 600,000 people that are estimated to die from the effects of second-hand smoke [1]. Pharmacists are well-positioned to provide smoking cessation services within pharmacies, where smoking cessation products are stocked and retailed [2]. Systematic review of smoking cessation intervention research in other countries shows that the involvement of a pharmacist is effective. The aim of this research is to summarize Lithuania’s pharmacists experience in providing smoking cessation assistance. Methods: The qualitative research method - semi structured interview was applied. The participants were pharmacists who are smoking cessation advisers. The main questions were about reasons for initiation consultation, experience, difficulties and barriers, suggestions how to improve the effectiveness of smoking cessation programs. Results: The research shows that pharmacists who took part in a research understands the smoking as a preventable risk factor for a number chronic disease and first of all recommend smoking cessation for the patient who already suffer from respiratory or cardiovascular systems diseases. Most of the respondents admitted the professional duty, professional satisfaction, and joy of “lifesaving” as the main factors for decision about the initiation of consultation. The main difficulties that hinder them in providing smoking cessation services: low motivation of patients, lack of time and lack of knowledge about new methods. They suggest organizing more special training programs for pharmacists about smoking cessation methods that will improve their consultations. Improved public education about smoking damage and smoking cessation promotion using various media platforms could increase patient motivation to quit smoking. Conclusion: Pharmacists are motivated to provide smoking cessation consultations and have suggestions how to improve the effectiveness of smoking cessation programs. Although Pharmacists are willing to take up a more significant role in providing smoking cessation services but still it is not everyday practice and a number or barriers are identificated. References: 1. World Health Organization. WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking 2015. available internet

access: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/156262/1/9789241564922_eng.pdf. 2. Saba M, Bittoun R, Kritikos V, Saini B. Smoking cessation in community pharmacy practice–a clinical information

needs analysis. SpringerPlus. 2013 Dec 1;2(1):449.


FF-18-55 Study of the effect of a new dental gel on the oral cavity under the conditions of

the experimental stomatitis

Zhurenko D.S., Tsubanova N.A. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Corresponding author: zidikor@gmail.com Background. Despite the advances in modern pharmacology, the effectiveness of most drugs for treating diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity remains insufficient. Development of new complex drugs, which can affect the pathogenetic links of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, is currently relevant. The combination of a dry extract of aloe and a thick extract of oak bark in one dosage form is promising for creating a new medicinal product for the treatment of destructive inflammatory diseases of oral cavity. Materials and methods. The study of the effectiveness of the new gel was performed on the model of the experimental stomatitis on male rats weighing 180-220 g. It was modeled according to the standard method of a single 5-second application of a cotton swab with 10 % sodium hydroxide solution. On the 5th and 10th day of the experiment, we examined erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and leukocytes in the blood. The results were processed by StatPlus AnalystSoft Inc statistics program. Results. In the group of control pathology on the 5th day of the experiment, the index of ESR was increased by 3.2 times, the number of leukocytes by 2.2 times, which indicates the development of inflammatory process, which decreased s on the 10th day: ESR by 2.2 times, leukocytes by 1.6 times higher than intact control. When applying a new gel on the 5th day of the experiment, the ESR raised by 2 times, the leukocytes by 1.8 times. At 10th days, the ESR decreased by 47%, the leukocytes decreased by 36%. Conclusions and References. On the model of experimental stomatitis, a new gel containing the extract of the oak bark and aloe extract significantly decreases the ESR and leukocytes. On the 10th day, the parameters are close to those of intact control.



Technology and stability assessment of multiple W/O/W emulsion with grape seed oil

Julija Jakubavičiūtė*, Dr. Giedrė Kasparavičienė Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania *Corresponding author: j.jakubaviciute@gmail.com Water in oil in water (W/O/W) is a type of emulsion, where droplets of aqueous phase are dispersed in oil phase, which is dispersed in outer aqueous phase [1]. The main advantages of multiple emulsion, compared to a single emulsion, are: enhanced dermal absorption and ability to protects drugs which are prone to oxidation [1]. Grape seed (Vitis vinifera L.) oil was chosen is rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, some fatty acids thus making it light and easily absorbed by the skin. This oil moisturizes skin, reduces skin aging and provides protection against free radicals [2]. Aim of this study was to develop a multiple W/O/W emulsion with grape seed oil and asses its stability. Multiple emulsions were composed of purified water, grape seed oil and Span 80 and Tween 80 emulsifiers. Mixing was done with digital mixer (IKA Eurostar 200, USA), testing - with centrifuge (Sigma, Germany) and electronic microscope (Motic, Japan). The emulsions were formed by two-step emulsification process in room temperature and 70˚C. The quality assessment was made by gravitational separation and accelerated coalescence tests, determination of droplet size with electronic microscopy. Only those emulsion, that stayed stable in room temperature for longer than 5 minutes, were further tested with electronic microscope and centrifuge at 3000 rpm/5min. Microscopy showed, that uniform droplets were not formed. Addition of emulsifier in the inner water phase resulted in smaller droplets. The most stable emulsion had ratio 20/25/55, oil phase consisted of 60% Span 80, outer aqueous phase - 0,9% Tween 80. None of the emulsions withstood 6000 rpm/5 min. A completely stable W/O/W emulsion containing grape seed oil was not made, so further investigation is needed. It is clear, that ratio and composition of each phase has an impact on droplets sizes and stability of whole emulsion. References: 1. Bhatia N, Pandit S, Agrawal S, Gupta D. A Review On Multiple Emulsions. International Journal of Pharmaceutical

Erudition. 2013;3(2):22–30. 2. Sotiropoulou E, Varelas V, Liouni M, Nerantzis E. Grape seed oil: from vinery waste to a value addes cosmetic

product - a review. 2017


FF-18-57 The pharmacy students’ knowledge, practice and attitude towards contraception

Gitana Grambovskaitė*, Jurgita Daukšienė Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, faculty of pharmacy, drug technology and social pharmacy department, Corresponding author: gitana.gram@gmail.com Background. The variety of available contraceptive methods has increased in recent years and with it increased the quantity of information. Healthcare professionals are a main source of high quality information regarding medicines, more precisely contraception, for patients. The only way to promote rational usage of medicines is to educate the professionals. According to United Nations research, Lithuania, out of all European countries, uses some of the least modern contraception methods. Therefore, as pharmacists are the last professionals consulting patients before medicine use, they play a large role in providing high quality information. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, experience and attitude towards contraception of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences pharmacy students. Materials and methods. The form of questionnaire was applied for this study. The standardized paper based survey consisting of five different sections, which contain 45 questions, was distributed among LUHS pharmacy students, course 1 throughout 4. 193 questionnaires out of 282 were returned, as the response rate was 68,4%. Results. All of the results may be practically adapted for education of pharmacy students. Findings reported that 69,5% of students learn about contraception outside of their classes. The knowledge that students have about this subject does not seem to be adequate as the mean of correct answers is only 49,9%. Pharmacy students have the least information about emergency oral contraception, as the mean of correct answers is only 35%. However higher course (4 course) students have better knowledge about contraception (p<0,05, p=0,011). Pharmacy students have very differing views on contraception usage and some students had even refused to answer the questionnaire and did not want to be included in the research. Conclusions. Overall findings reflect that the majority of the students had insufficient knowledge regarding contraception use. Research suggests that students might have some stigma talking about contraception and their views about the subject reflect on that. Further research to assess the results is needed to get deeper understanding on this subject. References: 1. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017). World Family

Planning 2017 - Highlights (ST/ESA/SER.A/414). [Internet]. Un.org. 2017. Available from: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/family/WFP2017_Highlights.

2. Ahmad A, Awad A, Elkalmi R, Jamshed S, Khan M, Srikanth A et al. Knowledge, awareness, and perception of contraception among senior pharmacy students in Malaysia: A pilot study. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice. 2015;4(2):94.



Perspectives of research of Immortelle (Helichrysum bracteatum).

Andrey Moskalenko*, Natalia Popova National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: anmosk2002@gmail.com In modern medicine, often a doctor and patient, having discuss the most optimal and rational approach to prevention and treatment, to make to choose for herbal medicines than the use of synthetic drugs. Herbal medicines have an excellent tolerability profile and a minimum of contraindications. Phytochemical research of herbal drugs is carried out in two directions. One direction is a scientific search for new biologically active substances in the plants, which are already used for the production of drugs; the other direction is a pharmacological study of plants that are not used in medicine but have an extensive raw materials base. One of these plants is immortelle (Helichrysum bracteatum). This is a plant belong to the family Compositae, (Asteraceae), genus Helichrysum. The natural habitat of this plant is Australia, and it is widely cultivated in all countries of the Europe [1]. The plant is widely used in floristry to create floral compositions. Methods of high performance liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography were used for studies. Object of study was herb of immortelle. Preliminary phytochemical studies have established that the immortelle has a diverse composition of biologically active substances. Flavonoids, flavonglycosides, hydroxycinnamic acids were found. It was identified 15 phenolic derivatives, including caffeic and chlorogenic acids, derivatives of luteolin, including O- and C-glycosides. The mineral composition was studied. The immortelle contains 5 macro and 10 microelements, among which: sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. In the immortelle, 16 amino acids were determined, including 7 essential, 6 nonessential and 3 semi-essential. Besides, 12 bound and 13 free carbohydrates were found in the immortelle. Also in the immortelle has a diverse composition of fatty acids, the main ones being palmitic, linoleic and α-linolenic acid [2, 3, 4]. Based on the results of preliminary phytochemical studies, the immortelle is a promising plant for further study and for the creation of new medicines. References: 1. Gardner CA. Wildflowers of Western Australia (17th ed.) / C.A. Gardner. – Perth, Western Australia: St. GeorgBooks,

1990. – 144 p. 2. Study of the amino acid composition of the immortelle (Helichrysum braceatum) / A.N. Moskalenko, N.V. Popova,

E.V. Gladukh // East European Scientific Journal. - 2018 - Vol. 5 (33). - P. 49-55. 3. Study of phenolic compounds of the immortelle / A.N. Moskalenko, N.V. Popova, V.I. Litvinenko // Phenolic

compounds: properties, activity, innovations: a collection of scientific articles on the materials of the X International Symposium "Phenolic compounds: fundamental and applied aspects", Moscow, May 14-19, 2018 / resp. ed. N.V. Zagoskina - Moscow: IGF RAS, - 2018 - C. 335 – 339

4. Study of the mineral composition of the immortelle (Helichrysum bracteatum) / A.M. Moskalenko, N.V. Popova // Ukrainian biopharmaceutical journal. - 2018 - No. 1 (54). - C. 72-76.



Pharmaceutical potential of quince Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach

Ieva Urbanavičiūtė1*, Mindaugas Liaudanskas2, Dalija Seglina3, Pranas Viškelis1

1 Biochemistry and Technology Laboratory, Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Kauno st.30, LT-54333, Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania 2 Institute of Pharmaceutical Technologies of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių st. 13, LT-50162 Kaunas, Lithuania 3 Institute of Horticulture, Latvia University of Agriculture, Graudu st. 1, Dobele, LV- 3701 Latvia * Corresponding author: ieva@quincessentials.com Quince (Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach) is from the Rosaceae family, Maloideae subfamily. This shrubby plant is more common in the Northern parts of Europe. All quince botanical parts: fruits, leaves and seeds accumulate different antioxidants that protect from oxidative stress, which is the cause of many diseases. The extracts of quince fruits, leaves and seeds, grown in Lithuania, were analyzed by the high-performance liquid chromatography method, detection was simultaneously performed at three wavelengths: 280 nm (dihydrochalcones, flavan-3-ols), 320 nm (phenolic acids), and 360 nm (quercetin glycosides). The following phenolic compounds of different botanical parts were identified 12 in quince seeds, 10 in quince leaves and 5 in quince fruits. The quince leaves accumulated the largest amount of phenolic compounds (66.1 mg/g DW) and 79.2 percent consists of chlorogenic acid. Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that chlorogenic acid has many biological properties, including antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticarcinogenic activities, especially hypoglycemic and hyp

Acknowledgments: this work was supported by ERDF project No., Latvia.



Molecular docking studies of the N-(3,4-dimetoxyphenil)-2-{[2-methyl-6-(pyridine-2-yl)-pyrimidin-4-yl]thio}acetamide as inhibitor of gamma

aminobutyric acid aminotransferase

H. I. Severina*, M. V. Protopopov, O.O. Skupa, L. O. Perekhoda, V. А. Georgiyants, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Ukraine Corresponding author: Severina.ai@ukr.net Background. Molecular docking is a computational method utilized to determine the binding compatibility of the active site residues to specific groups and to reveal the strength of their interaction. Molecular docking is a useful tool used in the drug discovery arena to investigate the binding of small molecules (ligands) to macromolecule (receptor) [1]. Previously, [2] we discovered high anticonvulsant activity of the N-(3,4-dimetoxyphenil)-2-{[2-methyl-6-(pyridine-2-yl)-pyrimidin-4-yl]thio}acetamide using the pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures model. This research aimed at molecular docking between the target - gamma aminobutyric acid aminotransferase (GABAAT) and the N-(3,4-dimetoxyphenil)-2-{[2-methyl-6-(pyridine-2-yl)-pyrimidin-4-yl]thio}acetamide as perspective anticonvulsant. Materials and methods. Software packages of Autodock 4.2.6 and Dock 4.0 [3] were used for flexible docking. The crystal structure of GABAAT was obtained from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank [4]. For visual inspection Discovery Studio Visualizer 4.028 was used [5]. Results. According to the molecular docking results (Fig. 1) the compound was found to be a strong inhibitor by completely occupying the active sites in the target proteins GABAAT and showed low energy values (high docking scores) (-11.43 kcal/mol) than the binding energy of known inhibitor of GABAAT valproic acid (-8.51 kcal/mol). The ligand was docked deeply within the binding pocket region forming a hydrogen bond with Ser 328 (B), Arg 192(B) and hydrophobic interactions with Trp 354(A), Cys 135(B), Phe 189(B), Glu270 (B). Conclusions. Based on the results of molecular docking it can be assumed that the mechanism of anticonvulsant activity of N-(3,4-dimetoxyphenil)-2-{[2-methyl-6-(pyridine-2-yl)-pyrimidin-4-yl]thio} acetamide is due to the inhibition of gamma aminobutyric acid aminotransferase.

Figure 1 Three-dimensional docked GABAAT – Ligand Complex

References: 1. Hawkins PCD, Skillman AG, Nicholls A. Comparison of shape matching and docking as virtual screening tools. J

Med Chem 2007; 50:74–82. 2. Severina AI, Skupa OO, Georgiyants VA, Voloshchuk NI. Screening of anticonvulsant activity of new pyrimidin-

4(3H)-one derivatives [ONLINE] Medicine and education in Siberia, 2013; 3. 3. Morris GM, Huey R, Lindstrom W, et al. Autodock4 and AutoDockTools4: automated docking with selective receptor

flexibility. J Comp Chem 2009;16:2785–91 4. DOI: 10.2210/pdb3o2g/pdb.

5. http://accelrys.com



In vitro antimetastatic activity of new kinases inhibitors in 3D invasion and migration models

Ugnė Endriulaitytė1, Elias Maccioni2, Vilma Petrikaitė1* 1Department of Drug chemistry, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences; 2Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Cagliari University *Corresponding author: vilma.petrikaite@lsmuni.lt High mortality from cancer is usually related to late diagnosis and resistance to drugs that cause metastasis. No specific drugs have been developed to inhibit metastasis, and only a few drugs used to treat cancer have antimetastatic effect (1). There are some evidences that kinase inhibitors could inhibit cancer cell migration and invasion (2,3). Therefore, the aim of our research was to evaluate the antimetastatic activity in vitro of three kinase inhibitors (4001, 4006, 4007) synthetized at Cagliari University, Italy. In our experiments we used pancreatic (BxPC-3), lung (H1299) and ovarian (SKOV-3) cancer cell lines and applied novel techniques for testing compound effect on cell invasion and migration: 3D inverse invasion and 3D invadopodia formation methods. 10% and 50% from EC50 of tested compounds were used in these studies. EC50 value that represents the concentration of a compound causing 50% reduction of cancer cell metabolic activity has been established by MTT assay before these experiments. All three tested compounds showed higher inhibitory effect on cancer cell migration and invasion compared to sunitinib (kinase inhibitor used in clinical practice). Compound 4007 possessed the highest effect on 3D invadopodia formation. It completely inhibited ovarian and lung cancer cell migration through invadopodia and reduced the number of invadopodia from 4.7 ± 3.1 (control) to 1.7 ± 1.5 per H1299 cell spheroid, from 4.9 ± 2.1 (control) to 2.7 ± 2.3 per SKOV-3 cell spheroid, and from 2.2 ± 2.3 (control) to 1.5 ± 1.4 in BxPC-3 per cell spheroid. Also it inhibited BxPC-3 cell penetration by 49.9% and migration in 3D inverse invasion assay. In conclusion, kinase inhibitors 4001, 4006, 4007 inhibit pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3 invasion and migration in 3D inverse invasion assay. Compound 4007 inhibits lung cancer H1299 and ovarian cancer SKOV-3 cell migration through invadopodia and formation of invadopodia. References: 1. Gandalovičová A, Rosel D, Fernandes M, Veselý P, Heneberg P, Čermák V, et al. Migrastatics—Anti-metastatic and

Anti-invasion Drugs: Promises and Challenges. Trends in Cancer. 2017;3(6):391–406. 2. Kucerova L, Demkova L, Skolekova S, Bohovic R, Matuskova M. Tyrosine kinase inhibitor SU11274 increased

tumorigenicity and enriched for melanoma-initiating cells by bioenergetic modulation. BMC Cancer [Internet]. 2016;16(1):1–13. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12885-016-2341-y

3. Zhang J, Yang PL, Gray NS. Targeting cancer with small molecule kinase inhibitors. Nat Rev Cancer. 2009;9(1):28–39.


FF-18-62 Justification of composition, technology and investigation of syrup based on the

oat extract with hepatoprotective activity

Yezerska Oksana Faculty of Pharmacy, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine Corresponding author: o.yezerska@gmail.com Background. Despite the huge arsenal of available drugs, the problem of finding new high-performance medicines remains relevant. A promising and valuable source of biologically active substances for the development of herbal medicinal products is common oat (Avena sativa) which has a hepatoprotective effect. Therefore, development of syrup with oat common is a topical task. Materials and methods. Research object is syrup based on dry extract of oats. The methods of the research are physical-chemical and pharmaco-technological methods (viscosity, assay, uniformity of mass). Results. Medical practice of many years has proved that herbal medicinal products are more effective for the treatment of hepatopathy than synthetic analogues and while there is no side effects or contra-indications, herbal medicinal products have a number of advantages. Analyzing literature data, our development target of hepatoprotective medicinal products will be common oat [1]. Based on theoretical and experimental studies, a composition of syrup was develop, and the dry active extract of oats was introduce into the syrup as the main active pharmaceutical ingredient. As excipients of the syrup was added - simple syrup 64%, citric acid, sorbic acid and aromatic essences (orange) [2]. As a result of physical-chemical and pharmaco-technological research was specified that medical syrup is meet the requirements of the analytical documentation requirements by its main indicator and is stable in storage during 6 months. The main quality indicators are within acceptable limits. Conclusions. The developed medicinal product is a syrup with the oat extract that meets the requirements of analytical documentation requirements, is stable in storage and can be recommended for the further research with the purpose to be implemented in production. References: 1. Terninko I .I. Oat common (Avena sativa L.): pharmaco-diagnostic characteristics and aspects of

application.Ukrainian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine 2008;3:18-24. 2. Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology. Third Edition. / Edited by J. Swarbick. - New York, London: Informa

healthcare, 2007 – 4128 р



Modern aspects of palliative care in the treatment of Parkinson's disease

Kotvitska A., Prokopenko O. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Corresponding author: socpharm@nuph.edu.ua According to WHO, about 40 million people each year need palliative care, while 78% of those people are living in low and middle income countries. At the same time, only 14% of all those in need receive palliative care. Materials and methods. The first stage of our research was the study of the availability of palliative care in Ukraine and European countries. Palliative care for patients with Parkinson's disease is provided in most countries with advanced palliative care. Unfortunately, there is no data on the possibility of obtaining palliative care for these patients in Ukraine. Traditionally associated with oncological diseases, palliative approaches have been successfully applied to several chronically progressive diseases, including heart failure and pulmonary diseases. Results. According to the experts, one year after the diagnosis was established, the patient and his relatives need advice on what Parkinson's disease is and what they will have to face. It is important to understand that, in general, patients and their relatives, who make the best effort to control the development of Parkinson's disease, are better able to cope with the difficulties they encounter. It is worth noting the role of a pharmacist while providing palliative care to patients with Parkinson's disease. In the process of patient care, the pharmacist is an integral part of the multidisciplinary team and provides expert assistance in drug therapies to optimize the results of the treatment of symptoms. Conclusions. Therefore, palliative care for Parkinson's disease patients should be provided from the initial stages, where it is more consultative, ending with the last stages of progression, where palliative care plays a major role. Thus, we consider it expedient to develop palliative care for patients with Parkinson's disease and its socio-pharmaceutical component. In our opinion such an approach would improve the quality and availability of medical and pharmaceutical assistance to patients and, in the long run, reduce the economic burden on the budget of the national health care system. References: 1. Hall K, Sumrall M, Thelen G, Kluger B. Palliative care for Parkinson’s disease: suggestions from a council of patient

and carepartners. NPJ Parkinsons Dis.; 2017; 3. 2. Kubarieva I, Kotvitska A, Beketova M. The analysis of legal regulation of palliative care in Ukraine. ScienceRise:

Ph. Sc. 2017; 4: 27-31. 3. Kluger B, Fox S, Timmons S, Katz M, Galifianakis N, et al. Palliative care and Parkinson's disease: Meeting summary

and recommendations for clinical research. Parkins. and Rel. Dis. 2017; 37: 19-26.



Study of cases of medication errors in the Ukrainian pharmacy practice

Kotvitska A., Surikova I., Surikov O. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Corresponding author: socpharm@nuph.edu.ua Background. The evolution of pharmacist role in society has become the reason for emergence of a new concept that is called social pharmacy. From the point of social pharmacy view, the pharmacist practical activity implies his participation and responsibility for the pharmacotherapy results on social level. However, with evolution of role and responsibility, a new category of "medication error", which is often associated with errors in the retail sales stage, has also appeared. Therefore, with emergence of the social pharmacy concept in Ukraine, the analysis of medication errors cases is also relevant. Materials and Methods. Sociological and statistical methods were used. Since the reports on pharmacovigilance indicators in Ukraine don’t contain information on medication errors, we conducted a questionnaire survey of pharmacists and pharmacy customers about cases of false (incorrect, wrong) dispensation in pharmacies. Results. According to the results of our study, it has been found that 72% of polled pharmacists sometimes have cases of wrong dispensation. This trend has been confirmed by 64% of customer respondents in pharmacies. The results of pharmacist survey show that the most common mistakes is the dispensation of an incorrect dose of medicine – 38.9%, dispensation of a false number of medications – 37,5% (e.g., 10 pills instead 20 necessary), dispensation of incorrect dosage form – 30,5%, dispensation medicine with inappropriate pharmacological action – 30,9% (e.g., medicine with similar name, but with other pharmacological action). The results of medicine customers’ survey are relevant for error categories, but difference with frequency. Thus, 39% of patients had cases of incorrect dosing; 35,1% – medicine with inappropriate pharmacological action; 22,1% – wrong number of pills, 18% – incorrect dosage forms. Also, respondents were able to report about cases of inappropriate medicines quality and lack of control of individual patient characteristics, in particular, failure to consider patient category (children, pregnant, etc.) before dispensation. Conclusions. Thus, according to the study of mediation errors during retail sale, it was found that the most widespread is the dispensation of an incorrect dose, of an erroneous number, of an incorrect dosage form, wrong drugs with inappropriate pharmacological effects, etc. The prevalence of medication errors in Ukraine indicates the current state of the pharmaceutical sector is relevance to global trends. But, this pharmaceutical category is not regulated by domestic law and is not controlled by the state, which may be one of the challenges for our European integration way. Therefore, both in terms of patient safety and in terms of the pharmacists’ responsibility, implementation, regulation and control at the national level for possible medication errors during the retail sale is important, which is one of the areas of implementation of social pharmacy concept. References: 1. A. A. Kotvitska, I. V. Kubarieva, I. O. Surikova. Determination of the content and formation of the concept of social

pharmacy in the world and in Ukraine. – Soc. farm. ohor. zdor. 2017; Vol 3, No 4: 3-9 2. The State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. [Internet]. – Available from: http://www.dec.gov.ua



Study of the level of knowledge of pharmacy specialists on the organization of palliative care in Ukraine

Kubarieva I., Beketova M. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Corresponding author: socpharm@nuph.edu.ua Background. Nowadays, in the context of reforming the national health care system of Ukraine, approaches to the implementation of palliative care services to the population are important in the light of international experience. Particular attention is paid to issues related to the definition of the socio-pharmaceutical component as an integral part of palliative care. Thus, palliative care, in the first place, is aimed at relieving pain, eliminating other severe symptoms directly with the help of pharmacotherapy and ensuring the availability of necessary medicines [1, 2]. The analysis of the current level of knowledge of pharmaceutical specialists is appropriate for determining the main directions of development of social and pharmaceutical services and the peculiarities of provision of palliative care, including children. Materials and Methods. There were used methods of scientific analysis, in particular, analytical, sociological, and statistical in this work. In the course of a sociological survey, the current level of knowledge of pharmaceutical workers was analyzed in relation to the peculiarities of organization and provision of palliative care in Ukraine. Method of data collection are questionnaires and interviews. A survey of 378 respondents who have completed higher and secondary pharmaceutical education with the help of specially designed questionnaires. Results. According to the results of the survey, 22% of respondents showed a high level of awareness; 63% of the respondents showed an average level, 15% - a low level. The largest share of questioned with average level of awareness is attributed to a group of pharmaceutical workers with secondary education (Group I) - 69.8%. The high level in this group is 9.3% of the respondents, and the low level - by 20.9%. In the group of pharmaceutical workers with higher education (II group), 37.1% of the respondents have a high level of AW awareness, 54.3% have an average level, and 8.6% have a low level. In the group that is currently not working, 17.6% is for respondents with a high level of awareness, 76.5% with an average and 5.9% with a low level. Conclusions. Focusing on the lack of material in the curriculum that deals with the study of palliative care, including the pediatric population, and also taking into account the results of the study, it can be argued that planning and development of measures for the implementation of educational programs on palliative care basics, training modules , etc. at pre- and postgraduate levels for pharmacists are needed. References: 1. The role and tasks of the pharmacist in the field of palliative-hospice medicine / BP Gromovik. - All-Ukrainian

scientific and practical internet conference with the participation of international specialists. Kharkiv, 2013.-186p. 2. Kubarieva I.V., The analysis of legal regulation of the provision of palliative care in Ukraine / I.V. Kubarieva, A.A.

Kotvitska, M.S. Beketova // ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science. - 2017. - No. 4 (8) - P. 27 - 32.


FF-18-66 Identification of active components of plant raw material in the different dosage

forms of "sinupret" by using hplc-мs method

Nataliia Khanina, Vadim Khanin, Svitlana Gubar, Victoria Georgiyants, Igor Zupanets National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author:lucky820.ua@gmail.com Background. Sinupret contains extracts of five herbs: elder (Sambucus nigra, Caprifoliaceae) flowers, primrose (Primula veris, Primulaceae) flowers with calyx, common sorrel (Rumex acetosa, Polygonaceae) herb, European vervain (Verbena officinalis, Verbenaceae) herb, and gentian (Gentiana lutea, Gentianaceae) root. Elder flower contains flavonoids composed mainly of flavonol glycosides (hyperoside, isoquercitrin, and rutin) and free aglycones (quercetin). Elder is stated to possess diaphoretic (influenza, colds) and anticatarrhal properties (chronic nasal catarrh with deafness and sinusitis). Primrose flowers with calyx contains numerous flavonoids (rutin and quercetin). Primrose is stated to possess sedative and astringent properties. Common sorrel contains flavonoids (quercetin and glycosides). Sorrel extract stimulated proliferation of lymphocytes (anti-inflammatory activity). European vervain herb contains iridoid glycosides, chlorogenic acid and flavonoids. Gentian root contains secoiridoid bitter principles gentiopicroside, amarogentin and swertiamarin. Gentian is stated to possess bitter, sialogogue and cholagogue properties. In modern pharmacopoeia from five plants described only three: flowers of elder, root gentians, grass of verbena. However only for the grass of verbena the marker substance is indicated (verbenalin), which is present in a plant. For other plants description such substances is absent in a pharmacopoeia, therefore it is impossible to give exact quantitative estimation of pharmacological action of complex of these plants. For the same reason it is impossible to estimate bioavailability of preparations made from this vegetable raw material. Thus, the purpose of our study is searching for marker substances, with the help of which it is possible to identify plant raw materials in the herbal drug of «Sinupret». Materials and methods. For the study of structure of components of plant raw material HPLC method was used.. Therefore the mass - spectrometer detector of Agilent 6530 Q - TOF was applied as a detecting system. Chromatographic column Poroshell 120 EC - C18 (Agilent) (100 х 2,1 mm), particle size of 2,7 µm; ionising mode – ESI+ ; Scan-out in the range of the masses of 50 - 1500 а.е. with the subsequent analysis of samples in the mode of tandem mass-spectrometry allowed to identify plant components of the dosage forms of "Sinupret". Results. So in all dosage forms were determineted such substances: acteoside (retention time (RT) – 5,23 min), rutin (RT – 6,21 min), chlorogenic acid (RT – 8,43 min), swertiamarin (RT – 8,54 min), hyperoside (RT – 12,69 min), quercetin (RT – 28,27 min). Conclusions. Thus, methodology was worked out with the use of method of high-efficiency liquid chromatography and mass-spectrometer detection allowed not only to discover but also identify substances that can be used in future for standardization of plant raw material. References: 1. Scientific and Clinical Monograph for SINUPRET.By Heather S. Oliff, PhD and Mark Blumenthal

www.herbalgram.org 2. Herbal Medicine. Third edition. J.Barnes, Linda A Anderson, J David Phillips. Pharmaceutical Press, 2007.


FF-18-67 The relevance of the software development for anticonvulsant potential study of

herbs and herbal remedies Yuliya Prokopenko, Victoriya Georgiyants National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: yuliya.prok@gmail.com Implementation of the modern technologies from related fields of science and the use of computer modeling in new remedies development is a promising direction for drug design in future. The analysis of the obtained results of pharmacological and phytochemical study has shown, that the existing computer modeling methods are not objective in the case of herbal substances research due to they rely on individual compounds activity and don’t consider their synergism. Recently, the search strategy concerning determination of pharmacological activity of substances predominantly consists in the fact that three-dimensional structures of the molecule of the ligands and the target receptor are known. Thus, the structure of ligand-receptor complex with the evaluation of conformations and mutual affinity, or complementarity of the known structures with the given active center, is reproduced and evaluated [1]. It should be mentioned, that nowadays there are extensive databases of the known compounds. The aim of our work was to systematize results of our research in area of the study of anticonvulsant potential of certain herbs and then to use them for software development devoted to the search for promising herbal substances, which provide anticonvulsant effect. Materials and methods. The algorithm and the general sequence of actions for the software development were determined. The software was developed using Windows platform. During the process of the software development, the modularity principle was used, which allows applying the same algorithm for different types of pharmacological activity of compounds. As a result of the study, the project of the software was developed. The given software tool correlates the data about the content of different groups of biologically active compounds and calculates the anticonvulsant potential of herbal sample. Conclusions. Development of the software that takes into account the features of pharmacological activity of herbs is rather promising for the scientific studies. References: 1. Lionta E, Spyrou G, Vassilatis DK, Cournia Z. Structure-Based Virtual Screening for Drug Discovery: Principles,

Applications and Recent Advances. Curr Top Med Chem 2014;14(16): 1923-1938.



The effect of Cannabis sativa L. extracts on malondialdehyde (MDA) in mice livers

Karolina Mickute1*, Gintarė Pavalkytė1, Asta Kubilienė1, Ilona Sadauskienė2, Arūnas Liekis 2 Mindaugas Marksa1 1Department of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry, Medical Academy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių 13, LT-50166 Kaunas, Lithuania

2Neuroscience Institute, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių 13, LT-50166 Kaunas, Lithuania * Corresponding author: E-mail: karolinamickute10@gmail.com Background. Oxidative stress is a biological process, caused by an imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants. Cannabis sativa L. is a plant which contains a cannabinoids, terpenes and phenolic compounds that have antioxidant properties in vitro [1]. Antioxidants protect the cells against oxidative stress by inhibiting the lipid peroxidation in the livers [4]. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a biomarker of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation [3]. The aim of the study was to determine oxidative stress marker MDA concentration in the mice livers. Materials and methods. Experiments were done on 4-6 weeks old outbreed mice weighing 20-25g. The mice were intragastrically administrated via a stomach tube with Cannabis sativa L. extracts for 21 days and MDA concentrations in the liver of mice were determined. Oxidative stress was induced by AlCl3 solution. Control animals received the same volume of saline. Hemp extracts were alcohol- based, so another control group received the same volume of 10% ethanol. The content of MDA was carried out spectrophotometrically at 535 and 520 nm by measuring thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substance [2]. Results. The concentration of MDA was evaluated in the liver homogenates of laboratory mice after 21 days of Cannabis sativa L. herb extract intragastrically administration. Hemp extract insignificantly increased the MDA concentration by 2.76 % alone and insignificantly (p≤ 0.1) decreased by 50.1% together with AlCl3 compared to control group. The MDA levels were significantly (p≤ 0.002) increased by 253.12% under ethanol effect compared to control group. Conclusions. Our studies revealed that Cannabis sativa L. extract decreased MDA levels in mice livers with AlCl3 induced oxidative stress. That means Cannabis sativa L. extract protects from lipid peroxidation that is caused by negative AlCl3 effect. References: 1. Andre, Christelle M., Jean-Francois Hausman, and Gea Guerriero. Cannabis sativa: the plant of the thousand and one

molecules. Frontiers in plant science 7. 2016; 19. 2. Bernotienė, Rasa, et al. Effects of cadmium and zinc ions on mice brain lipid peroxidation and amounts of thiol-rich

compounds. Trace elements and electrolytes. 2016; 83-88. 3. Spirlandeli A, Deminice R, Jordao A. Plasma Malondialdehyde as Biomarker of Lipid Peroxidation: Effects of Acute

Exercise. 2018. 4. Türker, Fevzi Sarper, et al. Change in free radical and antioxidant enzyme levels in the patients undergoing open heart

surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. 2016.



Interprofessional collaboration among pharmacists and physicians: together against prescription errors

Aistė Matulevičiūtė*, Jurgita Daukšienė Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences; Sukilėlių 13, LT-50166 Kaunas, Lithuania *Corresponding author: matuleviciute.aiste@gmail.com Background: Strong collaborative working relationships (CWR) between community pharmacists and physicians may help to better services for the patients. Also this collaborative working help to detect a medication therapy mistakes and it helps better choices for the patients healthcare [1]. Pharmacists have been progressively included in healthcare teams delivering integrated care. It is important to give an information and a formation to all healthcare professionals about the benefits of collaborative work with pharmacists [2]. The team work initiation and it development can help to quickly resolve the problem when faced with an erroneous recipe [3]. Systematic review in other countries shows, that collaborative between pharmacists and physicians, that the involvement of a pharmacist is effective. The aim of my research is to review Lithuania’s pharmacists experience in collaborative between physicians solving recipes errors. Method: The research consisted of 2 stages. In both stages qualitative research methods were applied. The participants were the pharmacists who declared to collaborate with physicians in their everyday professional practice. The 1st stage we used a semi structured interview for identifying main indicators of successful practice. The 2nd stage was standardized monitoring of an everyday practice. During it the researcher was directly involved in the daily routine, he monitored how professionals collaborate, communicate with the participants in the situation, and find out how they value and perceive the situation. Results: The research shows that a collaboration between physicians and pharmacists in Lithuania is not popular. The pharmacists feel stress and fear when they need to interact with the physicians. Pharmacists do not trust themselves when they are about to start a conversation with physicians. As conversations with physicians take place during work- in the pharmacy, pharmacists are disturbed, they feel tension: people wait until the wrong recipe will be resolve, and the pharmacists need to get the physicians contacts quickly. Pharmacists would also want that physicians have a positive attitude towards this interprofessional collaboration. Conclusion: The most errors of prescription were related with information about drug name written incorrectly, also incorrectly dosage form or drug amount, and missing the instruction of the drugs for using. The pharmacists expect that there should be some kind of scheme or a plan to start a conversation with the physicians. Especially it would be relevant for the professionals who have little experience in this field. The physicians should also be willing to accept notices from the pharmacists, and at the same time address the problems with erroneous recipes. Pharmacists and physicians also can discuss about the best and the safest healthcare for idividual patients. This an interprofessional team, working together, will ensure a reliable and a safe patient care in many ways of medicaments use, in disease treatment and disease prevention. References: 1. Palšauskas G, Daukšienė J, Kizevičienė E, Gaurylienė R. Panevėžio miesto gydytojų požiūris į farmacijos specialisto ir gydytojo bendradarbiavimą. Sveikatos ekonomika ir vadyba. 2015;25(5):176-9. 2. Mestres C, Puerta L, Hernandez M, Agustí A, Llagostera B. Improvement of drug treatment in elderly patients, through the

collaborative work between pharmacists and physicians. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2016 Dec 16;16(6). 3. Rubio-Valera M, Jové AM, Hughes CM, Guillen-Solà M, Rovira M, Fernández A. Factors affecting collaboration between general

practitioners and community pharmacists: a qualitative study. BMC health services research. 2012 Jul 7;12(1):188.


FF-18-70 The effects of Solidago gigantea L. extract on Malondialdehyde (MDA) activity

in mice brain

Gintarė Pavalkytė1*, Karolina Mickutė1, Asta Kubilienė1, Ilona Sadauskienė2, Mindaugas Marksa1, Jolita Radušienė3

1Department of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry, Medical Academy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių 13, LT-50166 Kaunas, Lithuania

2Neuroscience Institute, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukilėlių 13, LT-50166 Kaunas, Lithuania 3Institute of Botany, Zaliuju ezeru 49, Vilnius LT-08406, Lithuania * Corresponding author: gintare.pavalkyte@gmail.com Background. Solidago gigantea L. has an antioxidant activity that is determined by different phenolic compounds. Many of phenolic compounds such as phenolic acids and flavonoids have an effect against oxidative damage; therefore, they limit the risk of various degenerative diseases [2], [3]. The aim of this study was to determine Solidago gigantea L. extract antioxidant effect in mice brain after oxidative stress by measuring the changes of MDA (malondialdehyde) concentration. Materials and methods. Experiment was done on 4-6 weeks old outbred mice weighing 20-25g. MDA concentrations were determined in the brain of laboratory mice after 21 days of Solidago gigantea L. extract intragastric administration via a stomach tube. Mice were randomly allocated to four groups with 8 mices per group, i.e., control, which received saline; S. gigantea extract; S. gigantea extract and AlCl3; 10% ethanol (the same volume was used for extract). MDA levels in brain samples were measured by the method which depends on the formation of MDA as an indicator of lipid peroxidation and reacts with thiobarbituric acid producing thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). The absorbance was determined spectrophotometrically at 520 and 535 nm [1]. Results. The results showed that in group which was given S. gigantea extract MDA values decreased compared with control group by 40.41% (p0.05). In a group with S. gigantea extract + AlCl3 MDA value increased by 13.50% but this increase was not statistically significant (p0.8). The MDA levels were significantly (p0.005) increased by 155.48% under ethanol effect compared to control group. Conclusions. Our studies revealed that Solidago gigantea L. extract has an effect against oxidative damage in mice brain, because the increase of MDA in S. gigantea extract + AlCl3 group was insignificant compared to control group. References: 1. Bernotiene R, Ivanoviene L, Sadauskiene I, Liekis A, Ivanov L. Effects of cadmium and zinc ions on mice brain

lipid peroxidation and amounts of thiol-rich compounds. Trace Elements and Electrolytes. 2016;33(04):83-88. 2. Fraisse D. Caffeoyl Derivatives: Major Antioxidant Compounds of Some Wild Herbs of the Asteraceae Family.

Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2011;02(03):0-0. 3. Radusiene J, Marska M, Ivanauskas L, Jakstas V, Karpaviciene B. Assessment of phenolic compound accumulation

in two widespread goldenrods. Industrial Crops and Products. 2015;63:158-166.



Effect of different pH on doxorubicin penetration into MCF-7 breast cancer cells

Elžbieta Maconko, Vilma Petrikaitė* Department of Drug chemistry, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences; Sukilėlių 13, LT-50166 Kaunas, Lithuania

*Corresponding author. E-mail address: VilmaPetrikaite@gmail.com Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and it is also the second leading cause of death among females [1-2]. Doxorubicin (DOX) is widely used for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) which is considered to be very aggressive type of tumor [3]. However, tumor microenvironment undergoes metabolic changes compared to normal tissues, and has characteristic features of hypoxia and acidosis [4]. Acidic extracellular pH limits the penetration of weakly basic molecules, such as DOX, thus the effectiveness of anticancer therapy may be reduced [5]. Better understanding of the factors limiting drug penetration into cancer cells could help us to improve the cancer treatment. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of medium pH on DOX delivery into MCF-7 cells. DOX cytotoxicity was investigated by MTT assay. DOX penetration into the monolayer cultured cancer cells at different medium pH was assessed by fluorescence microscopy after 0.5; 1; 2 and 4 h of incubation. Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI. Images were analyzed by ImageJ (NIH, USA). At least 20 randomly selected cells were analyzed in each group, and the fluorescence intensity was calculated separately in the whole cell and cell nucleus. Taking into account established DOX toxicity for MCF-7 cells by MTT method, concentration of 10 µM was chosen for the penetration studies. The highest DOX concentration in cell nuclei was determined after 4 hrs of incubation at pH 7.2. It was 5 times higher than after 0.5 hrs of incubation. DOX penetration into cell nuclei at pH 6.0 was almost 40 times lower compared to pH 7.2, and it was not seen even after 2 hours of incubation. In conclusion, DOX penetration at pH 7.2 into MCF-7 cell nuclei is exponentially increasing from 0.5 to 4 hrs of incubation and it is much better compared to pH 6.0. References: 1. DeSantis C, Ma J, Bryan L, Jemal A. Breast cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin. 2013; 64:52-62. 2. Petrovic M, Simillion C, Kruzliak P, Sabo JAN, Heller M. Doxorubicin Affects Expression of Proteins of Neuronal

Pathways in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells. Cancer Genom Proteom. 2015; 358:347–358. 3. Weinstein DM, Mihm MJ, Bauer JA. Cardiac Peroxynitrite Formation and Left Ventricular Dysfunction following

Doxorubicin Treatment in Mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2000; 294:396–401. 4. Chen J, et al. pH and Reduction Dual-Sensitive Copolymeric Micelles for Intracellular Doxorubicin Delivery.

Biomacromolecules. 2011; 12:3601–3611. 5. Sriraman SK, Aryasomayajula B, Torchilin VP. Barriers to drug delivery in solid tumors. Tissue Barriers. 2014;




Standardization of requirements for the quality of the active pharmaceutical ingredient of a plant origin inulin

N.M. Smielova*, O.A. Yevtifieieva, S.M. Gubar National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: smelova08@gmail.com Inulin of a plant origin is a polyfructosan, which possesses a number of valuable pharmacological properties and is a promising source for the manufacture of medicinal products. As an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) it has been described in the monographs “Inulin” of the British Pharmacopoeia 2010 (BP) and United States Pharmacopoeia 36-NF 31 (USP). The objective of the work was standardization of requirements for the quality of API inulin of a plant origin as it is needed by foreign pharmacopoeias for the development of national normative documentation (ND). The analysis has been carried out on the eleven substance series under the sections "Identification", "Tests" and "Assay". As a result of the conducted experimental research it has been found out that for the qualitative evaluation of polyfructosan it is reasonable to use the BP approach and to identify the substance by products of its acid hydrolysis (fructose and glucose) by thin-layer chromatography, as well as chemical identification reactions – reaction with copper-tartrate reagent (reaction to glucose) and with resorcinol alcohol solution (reaction to fructose). Relying on the requirements of the BP and USP, for the control of the purity, it is recommended to conduct the definition of appearance of solution, pH or acidity, specific optical rotation, loss on drying, sulfated ash, and also to investigate the maximum content of impurities of chlorides, sulfates, oxalates, calcium, arsenic, iron, reducing sugars. As to the estimation of the quantitative amount of inulin, the corresponding method is represented only in USP and involves spectrophotometric determination of the inulin amount after enzymic hydrolysis, taking into account the percentage of bound glucose and free fructose. Considering the material and technical support of the quality control laboratories in our country, we proposed a spectrophotometric method after acid hydrolysis of polyfructosan, in terms of fructose, by the method of a specific absorption. However, the issue of determination of the bound glucose amount and free fructose are at the stage of study. Thus, as a result of research concerning standardization of requirements for the quality of API inulin of a plant origin in accordance with the monographs of BP and USP, in an experimental way, the basic approaches to the quality control of polyfructosan, which can be offered while developing national ND, have been established. References 1. Pharmacopeia U.S. National Formulary (USP 36-NF 31). United States Pharmacopeial Convention. 2013. 2. Pharmacopoeia B. British Pharmacopoeia Volume III. Medicinal and pharmaceutical substances. London: The

Stationery Office. 2010.



Components of herbal syrup and antacids salts interaction study by UV-vis spectroscopy

A.O. Dobrova*, O.S. Golovchenko, V.A. Georgiyants National University of Pharmacy; *Corresponding author: anna.dobrova08@gmail.com Background. Biologically active substances that are part of plant preparations same as synthetic drugs can enter into various kinds of chemical reactions with components of daily food products and other medicines. For example, phenolic compounds can enter into interactions over a phenolic hydroxyl and a keto group. Most of the metal-natural compounds complexes, given in the literature, were obtained under conditions of directed chemical synthesis. In this regard, it is necessary to study the possibility of their formation in the conditions of a human body, with the simultaneous use of complexing agents and biologically active substances of plant origin. Materials and methods. As a sample for the study “Bronchipret” syrup from “Bionorica” company was used. This preparation contains such biologically active substances as essential oils, saponins, flavonoids, triterpene saponins. As an instrumental analysis method, UV-vis spectrophotometry was chosen. To study the possible interactions amounts of syrup and Ca2+, Mg2+ and Al 3+ salts in concentrations equivalent to single doses of the preparations were added. The analysis was carried out under conditions of a purified water medium, 0.1 M HCl, the pH of stomach, and at pH 3.5 – the average pH value of the medium, created in the stomach by antacid preparations. Results. In all three mediums, a decrease in absorbance for samples of syrup with the addition of magnesium cations are observed. For samples with aluminum in water medium, a significant bathochromic shift is observed. The spectra of the test samples with calcium correspond to the reference spectrum of the syrup in the solvent. Conclusions. By estimating the shifts of the maxima and minima of the absorption curves of the UV spectrum, we carried out a preliminary study of the formation metal salts- natural compounds of plants complex. This problem requires further research using physicochemical and other methods of analysis. References: 1. J.P Cornard, J.C Merlin. Spectroscopic and structural study of complexes of quercetin with Al(III). Journal of

Inorganic Biochemistry, Volume 92, Issue 1, 2002; P. 9-27, ISSN 0162-0134, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0162-0134(02)00469-5.

2. Joshi, R., Sood, S., Dogra, P. et al. In vitro cytotoxicity, antimicrobial, and metal-chelating activity of triterpene saponins from tea seed grown in Kangra valley, India. Med Chem Res (2013) 22: 4030. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00044-012-0404-4

3. I. Kostova, S. Balkansky. Metal Complexes of Biologically Active Ligands as Potential Antioxidants. Current Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 20 , Issue 36 , 2013. DOI:10.2174/09298673113206660288



Analysis of pharmacopoeias on presence of monographs on the underground organs of medicine plant raw material

Oproshanska T.V.*, Khvorost O. P. National University of Pharmacy , Kharkiv, Ukraine; *Corresponding. arctium55@ukr.net Pharmacopoeia is the collection of standards which are regulated quality specifications of medicine including plant medicine and medicine plant raw material. Creating plant medicine and accordingly making monographs on medicine plant raw material is actual today. The amount of such monographs in Ukrainian Government Pharmacopoeia is growing every year. In addition to that the common monographs on the underground organs of medicine plant raw material are absent. That is why the analysis of pharmacopoeias of some countries on present of monographs on underground organs was actual. The aim of the work is the analysis of pharmacopoeias of some countries on present of common monographs on underground organs of medicinal plant raw material. The analysis of pharmacopoeias such countries as Azerbaijan, Republic Belarus, Brazil, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Russian Federation, Slovenia, France, Japan, Pharmacopoeia of Soviet Union of XI edition, European Pharmacopoeia and International Pharmacopoeia was carried out. Only Pharmacopoeia of Russian Federation of XIII edition and Pharmacopoeia of Soviet Union of XI edition has common monographs on “Root, rhizome, bulb, tuber and corm”. There is monograph “Technique of macro- and microscopic analysis” in Pharmacopoeia of Republic Belarus of the first edition where is described macro- and microscopic analysis of root, rhizome, bulb, tuber and corm. Analyzed common monographs and monographs on medicine plant raw materials, where the underground organs were used, of some pharmacopoeias were determined that part “Identification” A (macroscopic characteristic) and B (microscopic characteristic) the medicine plant raw materials are described unsystematically and not exactly. The most of species have common definition which does not give a possibility to tell one species from the other. Moreover, the synonyms are used there. Therefore the creating common monograph on underground organs of medicine plant raw material for full and systematic description of underground organs of medicine plant raw material is actual. References: 1. State Pharmacopoeia of Russian Federation of XIII edition (2015). Moskov, 1292. 2. State Pharmacopoeia of Soviet Union of XI edition. (1989). Moskow : Medcine, 400. 3. State Pharmacopoeia of Republic Belarus of the first edition (2006). Minsk, 1345.



The study of chlorophylls in Pastinaca sativa L.

Shimorova Y. E.*, Kyslychenko V. S., Horiacha L. M. National University of Pharmacy, Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Ukraine *Corresponding author: shymorova.yulia@gmail.com Background. Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) is a biennial plant from Apiaceae family usually grown as an annual. Parsnip roots are popular vegetables in European countries, in particular in Ukraine. Water extract of parsnip roots have been used in the treatment of female complaints, poultice of the roots has been applied in inflammations and sores [1]. Chlorophylls are plant pigments that participate in photosynthesis [3]. Chlorophylls are used to stimulate the immune system, purify the blood, empty the intestines, detoxify the liver, and also as a remedy with antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties. Since chlorophylls are widely used in medicine, we have identified them and determined their quantitative content in the parsnip leaves [2, 4]. Materials and methods. The thin layer chromatography (TLC) was used for detection of chlorophylls in parsnip leaves. Ethanol extract of parsnip leaves was applied on the plate and chromatographed in mobile phase petroleum ether-chloroform (3:1) [6]. The quantitative content of chlorophylls in parsnip leaves was determined by spectrophotometric method. The absorbance of the extract solutions was read at 649 and 665 nm against the solvent (96% ethanol) blank [5]. Results. Chlorophyll a (Rf=0,11±0,02) and chlorophyll b (Rf=0,17±0,02) were identified in parsnip leaves ethanol extract by TLC method. The content of chlorophyll a comprised 2,46±0,07%, chlorophyll b – 2,68±0,08%. Conclusions. The results obtained can be further used at the new phytoremedies on the basis of parsnip leaves working out. References: 1. Averill K. M., Tommaso Di A. Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa): a troublesome species of increasing concern. Weed

Technology. 2007; 21: 279-287. 2. Gopi S., Varma K., George R. A Short Review on the medicinal properties of chlorophyll juice. Asian Journal of

Pharmaceutical Technology & Innovation. 2014; 02 (09): 89-94. 3. İnanç A. L. Chlorophyll: structural properties, health benefits and its occurrence in Virgin Olive Oils. Akademik Gıda.

2011; 9 (2): 26-32. 4. Mishra V. K., Bacheti R. K., Husen A. Medicinal uses of chlorophyll: a critical overview. In: Chlorophyll: structure,

function and medicinal uses. 2011: 177-196. 5. Pazuk D.-M. V., Kyslychenko O. A., Zhuravel I. O. Comparative analysis of the pigments content Daucus carota herb

of «Yaskrava» and «Nantska Kharkivska» varieties. Phytotherapy. The magazine. 2017; 3: 49-52. 6. Trineeva O. V., Slivkin A. I., Voropaeva S. V. Selection of the optimum system for the determination of pigments

nettle leaves TLC. Sorption and chromatographic processes. 2013; 13 (2): 213-219.



HPLC and HPTLC methods for the hederacoside C determination in leaves of Hedera helix L., dried extract and some dosage forms

Ivan Bezruk1, Mindaugas Marksa2, Anna Materienko1, Svitlana Gubar1, Victoriya Georgiyants1, Liudas Ivanauskas2

1 Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2 Department of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania

Corresponding author: vania.bezruk@gmail.com Background. Hederacoside C is an active ingredient and biomarker of ivy leaf. It approved to treat acute respiratory infection and chronic inflammatory bronchitis accompanied by cough and sputum. The biomarker is indicate of the drug development process quality (such as dried extract, syrup, capsules). We measured quantitatively hederacoside C in leaves of Hedera helix L., dried extract, syrup and capsules. For this purpose, we decided to use HPLC and HPTLC methods. Those methods can be used to separate and substances quantitative determination, even in such complex mixtures such as leaves and syrups. Materials and methods. For HPLC separation an ACE – C18 reversed phase column (150*4.6 mm, particle size 5µm) equipped with pre column was used. The system was run at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min, with mixture of acetonitrile/water (29:71 v/v) as mobile phase and the detection was done at 210 nm. HPTLC conditions were optimized on stationary phase pre coated silica gel 60 F254 glass sheets (10*10 cm), with mobile phase of anhydrous formic acid/acetone/methanol/ethyl acetate (4:20:20:30 v/v). The chromatographic chamber and plate was allowed to saturate for about 30 min and migration distance allowed was 70 mm. The wavelength scanning was performed in daylight. The system was operated by winCATS software. Results. Methods were validated in terms of the following parameters: linearity, specificity, accuracy and precision according to the guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) for validation of analytical procedures. The results obtained showed complies with good laboratory practice requirements and meets the validation criteria. There was no significant difference between the content of Hederacoside C obtained by HPTLC and HPLC, although the HPLC method showed slightly lower values compared with HPTLC. Conclusion. The HPLC and HPTLC methods were found to be sensitive and accurate. Hence, those methods can be used for quantitative determination of hederacoside C in leaves of Hedera helix L., dried extract, syrup and capsules. References: 1. State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine: at 3 volumes. 2015. Kharkiv: State enterprise “Ukrainian scientific pharmacopoeial

center of medicines quality”, 2-nd ed., Vol. 1, 1128 p.



The study of the antibacterial and antifungal activity of “Malibact” extract Kolisnyk O.V., Polischuk I. M., Ilyina Т. V., Komissarenko А. М.*, Kolisnyk Iu. S. National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine *Corresponding author: a0503012358@gmail.com

Background The antimicrobial therapy has one of the leading places in medicine. When treating a large number of infectious diseases the herbal antibacterial drugs play a significant role. In addition, herbal medicines are prescribed as tonics and the symptomatic therapy with the purpose of their effect on the metabolic processes. The raspberry shoots are a promising plant raw material for creating new antimicrobial drugs on its basis. The aim of this work was to study the antibacterial and antifungal action of the extract from the raspberry shoots obtained with 96 % alcohol. Materials and methods. The study object was the extract obtained from the annual and biennial shoots of R. idaeus collected in places of their cultivation. The collection of the material was in 2017 in the vicinity of the village Ternova of the Kharkiv region. The raw material was dried and poured with 96 % alcohol in the ratio of 1: 5 taking into account the absorption coefficient. The resulting extract was given a conditional name “Malibact”. The antibacterial activity of extracts was studied by the agar diffusion method (“wells”) on two layers of a dense nutrient medium poured into Petri dishes. Ingalipt spray manufactured by LLC Microfarm was used as a reference drug. Results. It was found that the diameters of the growth inhibition zones of cultures of the bacteria studied around the wells with the samples of “Malibact” and Ingalipt were for S. Аurеus 25 and 17 mm, for B. Subtilis 26 and 22 mm, for P. Аеrugіnоsа 24 and 13 mm, for Escherichia coli 24 and 14 mm, respectively. For С. albicans fungus it was 21 mm, and when using Ingalipt the growth of microorganisms was observed. The results of the studies conducted have shown that the sample of the extract studied has a wide range of the antimicrobial activity. The comparative assessment of the level of the antimicrobial activity of the extract in relation to the microorganisms studied indicates a high sensitivity of the strains to the drug. Conclusion. By studying the antimicrobial activity the possibility of creating a new antimicrobial agent based on the raspberry shoots has been proven. The extract has a strong antimicrobial and antifungal action.



Reedgrass is a source of biologically active substances. Review of pharmacognostic study of the Reedgrass

Burlaka I. S.* National University of Pharmacy, Department of Human Physiology and Anatomy, Ukraine *Corresponding author: is_burlaka@ukr.net Calamagrostis Adans. is the genus of plants belonging to the family of cereals (Poaceae Barnh.). 22 species of the genus Calamagrostis are presented in the territory of the CIS countries. Only 7 species grow in Ukraine. The subject of our study was Reedgrass (Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth.). This plant is a mesophyte with a wide ecological amplitude. Reedgrass is widely distributed throughout the territory of Ukraine. The plant is neofficinal. Determination of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of the main groups of biologically active substances was conducted for the purpose of comprehensive phytochemical research of this raw material. The presence of free and fixed sugars, carbohydrates, aminoacids, organic acids, tannins, phenolic compounds, saponins, chlorophylls, carotenoids and fatty acids was determined by the analytical reactions, chromatographic methods of analysis in the Reedgrass [2,3]. The qualitative composition and quantitative content of the major groups of biologically active compounds was determined in the studied plant material. It was the first time when 21 compounds from Reedgrass were isolated in the individual state. 17 of which are phenolic compounds (4 of them are coumarin derivatives, 8 flavonoids, 5 hydroxycinnamic acids), 4 substances are of terpenoids nature and their structures were established. The qualitative composition and quantitative content of carbohydrates (2,27±0,06 %), organic acids (2,24±0,04 %), pigments (1,30±0,03 %), ascorbic acid (0,03±0,002%), phenolic compounds (3,60±0,02 %), 14 macro- and microelements, 16 amino acids, 10 fatty acids were determined in this raw material. The technological parameters and anatomical features of the Reedgrass were determined [1]. The standardization parameters and projects of the quality control methods were developed for the raw material. Pharmacological studies established anti-inflammatory and diuretic activity of the Reedgrass. The results will be used in the development of the composition of special foods and tinctures based on this type of plant raw materials. References: 1. Gielwanowska I, Szczuca E, Bednara J, Gorecki R. Anatomical Features and Ultrastructure of Deschampsia antarctica

(Poaceae) Leaves from Different Growing Habitats. Annals of Botany. 2005; 96:1109-1119. 2. Howe JA, Tanuminardio SA. Evaluation of Analytical Methods for Carotenoids Extraction from Modified Maize (Zea

mays sp.). J Agric Food Chem. 2006; 54:7992–7997. 3. Van de Staaij J, De Bakker NV, Oosthoek A, et al. Flavonoid concentration in three grass species and a sedge grown

in the field and under controlled environment conditions in responses to enhanced UV–B radiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2002; 66:21–29.



Study of free aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids of Daucus carota subsp. sativus fruits

Kyslychenko O.A.1, Protskaya V.V.*1, Zhuravel I.O.1, Hutsol V.V.2

1National University of Pharmacy 2National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya *Corresponding author: vvprotskaya@gmail.com Background. According to the literature, organic acids exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiplatelet action and are able to slow down the apoptosis of human cells. As the results of experiments carried out by Chinese scientists have shown, citric and malic acids were found to reduce platelet aggregation and proteolytic enzyme activity, thereby showing a direct cardioprotective effect [2]. Carrot Daucus carota subsp. sativus (Hoffm) Schübl. & G. Martens belongs to the Apiaceae L. family. Literature data indicate that carrots contain essential oils, phenolic and polyacetylene compounds [1]. In view of the valuable pharmacological activity of free carboxylic acids and absence of standardization parameters for Daucus carota subsp. sativus fruits, it was advisable to carry out a research on this group of compounds. Materials and methods. The varieties of carrot fruits of "Yaskrava", "Nantska Kharkivska" and "Olenka" varieties were harvested on the plots of the Experimental Farm "Institute of vegetable and melon growing of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences " in Merefa, Kharkiv region (Ukraine) in 2016-2018. The qualitative composition of the free carboxylic acids in raw materials of carrots was examined by paper chromatography in solvent systems 96% ethanol-chloroform-concentrated ammonia-water (70:40:20:2) and n-butanol-formic acid-water (30:5:10), and by thin-layer chromatography in the solvent systems ethyl acetate-glacial acetic acid-formic acid-water (100:11:11:27) and formic acid anhydrous-water-ethyl formiate (10:10:80) in comparison with standard pharmacopoeial samples. The quantitative content of the sum of free carboxylic acids was determined by alkalimetry in terms of malic acid and completely dry raw materials by the method of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU). Results. According to the results of the experiment in all studied raw materials malic, citric, tartaric and oxalic acids were identified. The quantitative content of free organic acids of studied varieties of carrot fruits was without significant differences. Their content in the varieties " Nantska Kharkivska " and "Olenka" was almost at the same level and amounted to 2.14±0.10% and 2.11±0.10% respectively. In carrot fruits of "Yaskrava" variety (1,76±0,08%) these compounds accumulated in 1,2 times less in comparison to other studied varieties. Conclusions. The research carried out showed constancy of chemical composition of free carboxylic acids in carrot fruits of studied varieties. According to the quantitative content of free carboxylic acids, the studied types of raw materials did not differ significantly. It is suggested to carry out standardization of Daucus carota subsp. sativus fruits by the content of free carboxylic acids, the content of which must be not less than 1,50%. The obtained results can be used in the project of monograph for the SPhU "Daucus carota subsp. sativus fruits". References: 1. Al-Snafi Ali Esmail. Journal Of Pharmacy. 2017. 7(2): 72-88 2. Hassan R., El-Kadi Sh., Sand M. International Journal of Advances in Biology. 2015. 2 (1): 1-11.



Alium cepa L. flavonoids studying Kuznietsova V.Yu., Kyslychenko V.S. National University of Pharmacy; *Corresponding.author kuznietsova.victoria@ukr.net Backgraund. Agricultural plants have special attention because they widely use in food industry. The chemical composition of many of them is still studied not enough. The Onion has been cultivated for over five thousand years and has been used in herbal medicine and as an indispensable flavoring agent or as a vegetable that is cooked or eaten raw. The name Onion is derived from the Latin, unio, meaning “one large pearl”, and it is interesting to note that the Chinese called the Onion the “jewel among vegetable” In folk medicine Onion is used for the treatment of otitis media, bronchitis, asthma, respiratory and urological diseases. It has been shown that Allium species may help to prevent tumor promotion, cardiovascular diseases and aging; all processes that are associated with free radicals [1]. Materials and methods. Аir-dried crushed Allium cepa L. peels were used for studying. TLC in solvent systems ethyl acetate-acetic acid-formic acid-water (100:10:10:25) was used for identification of Alium cepa flavonoids [2]. Results. Studied samples were exposed in UV light and compared with Pharmacopoeia standard samples of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. Quercetin, quercetin-3-glucoside, quercetrin, kaempferol, iso-rhamnetin, luteolin, rutin have been detected in Allium cepa L. peels. Conclusions. The results of the chromatographic analysis can be used for standardization of Allium cepa L. peels. References: 1. Kumar K. P. Sampath, Bhowmik Debjit, Chiranjib, Biswajit et al. Allium cepa: A traditional medicinal herb and its

health benefits Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2010; 2(1); 283-291. 2. Middleton E (1984) The flavonoids. Trends in pharmacological sciences (TIPS) 5, 335-338.



Justificationg for choosing a dosage form of a combined original pharmaceutical preparation

O. Rudakova*, S. Gubar, O. Bezchasnyuk, V. Georgiyants National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author, E-mail address: rudakovaolha@gmail.com For the purpose of developing a new drug used for alcohol dependence a research on choosing a solid dosage form that would meet the pharmacopeia requirements has been carried out. The composition of the required medication includes the combination of pharmaceutical substances (glutamic acid, acetylsalicylic acid, ascorbic acid, thioctic acid and glycine) in large doses, so the choice of the dosage form is very important. The combination of these components is proposed as effervescent powder for the preparation of an oral solution in single-dose sachets. Effervescent powder, as a dosage form, is widely used in medical practice, since it has several advantages: relative simplicity of the manufacturing process; it may contain substances both of organic and inorganic nature; sufficiently high pharmacological activity, due to the high dispersion of medicinal products; dosing accuracy; great storage stability. Anhydrous citric acid and sodium bicarbonate are very often used as auxiliary substances in the composition of effervescent powders. The release of carbon dioxide on dissolving effervescent powders contributes to masking the unpleasant taste of the substances; improving the absorption of the medicinal products. When preparing a solution, acceleration of the process of dissolution or dispersion of pharmaceutical substances is achieved due to the reaction between alkali metal bicarbonates and dry organic acids. The carbon dioxide, released during their dissolution, also increases the secretory and motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the bioavailability of pharmaceutical substances. The required amount of anhydrous citric acid and sodium bicarbonate has been calculated using chemical neutralization data from the interaction of these substances during the preparation of the oral solution. The technological process of obtaining the dosage form chosen is cost-effective and includes several stages: preparation of raw materials (grinding, sifting and weighing), mixing the components in the mixer for 30 minutes and packing in sachet bags from foil paper (4 g of sachet). During stability studies dosage form developed positive results upon accelerated (for 6 months at a temperature of 40 ± 2 ºС and a relative humidity of 75 ± 5 %) and long-term storage (for 2 years at a temperature of 25 ± 2 ºС and relative humidity 60 ± 5%) have been obtained. The quality of the effervescent powder for the preparation of oral solution meets all the requirements of regulatory analytical documentation. References: 1. European Pharmacopoeia. 9.5th ed. Strasbourg: European Department for the Quality of Medication, 2018. 2. Derzhavna Pharmacopeia of Ukraine: in 3 vol. State Enterprise "Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for

Medication Quality". 2nd edit. Kharkiv: State Enterprise "Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Medication Quality", 2015; 1: 1128.


FF-18-82 The study of validation parameters of the quantitative determination method of

iodine in the drug "Laminaria Oral Drops"

Svitlana Gubar*, Іhor Kapustianskyi, Larysa Kovpak National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine; *Corresponding author: gubarsn@ukr.net Standardization of the active pharmaceutical ingredient is an integral part of the development of methods for drug quality control. According to the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU), one of the main indicators of the quality of the substance is the quantitative content of the active substance[1,2]. Thus, the purpose of this work was to study the validation parameters of the quantitative determination method of iodine in the drug "Laminaria Oral Drops" and compliance with the acceptance criteria[2,3]. The quantitative determination method is based on titration of free iodine formed as a result of a chemical reaction, with potassium iodate solution, using chloroform as an indicator. The method validation was carried out using model solutions. The range of the method application is D = 80 – 120 %; the number of concentration levels is g = 9; as 100 % the mean concentration – 400 mcg/ml – is accepted. Linearity, accuracy and precision of the method were evaluated at 9 concentration levels. Statistical processing of experimental data was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the SPhU "Statistical analysis of the results of a chemical experiment". It was calculated the predicted uncertainty ∆AS of the method was less than maximum acceptable total uncertainty of analysis results max ΔAS (0.97 % ˂ 6.40 %). The quantitative determination method of iodine is specific because it is based on iodide-specific reaction with potassium iodate, which results in the formation of free iodine, which is oxidized to ICl in the presence of HCl. The linear dependence plot has been constructed in the normalized coordinates. The linear correlation coefficient r meets the requirements of the acceptance criteria (0.9989 > 0.9691) and confirms the linearity of dependence between the “introduced” and “found” amount of the substance within the whole range of concentrations. It has been proven that the method is characterized by sufficient convergence (the systematic error δ = 0.23 ≤ 4.27) and accuracy (∆z, k = 0.15 % meets the requirements of ∆z, k ≤ 2.13 %) over the entire range of concentrations. The intermediate precision research demonstrated, that convergence of the relative confidence interval Δintra= 0.24 % does not exceed the critical value for convergence of the results Δintra ≤ 2.13 %. The studied the validation parameters of the quantitative determination method of iodine in the drug "Laminaria Oral Drops". The validation parameters of the method meet the requirements to the acceptance criteria of the SPhU. References: 1. State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine: in 3 vol./SE UNFTSYALZ, Kharkiv: SE UNFTSYALZ, 2015, 1, 1128. 2. European Pharmacopoeia. – 9th ed. – Strasbourg: European Department for the Quality of Medicines, 2017 3. Kotov A. G. Study of development and introduction of monographs on herbal drugs into the State Pharmacopoeia of

Ukraine. Pharmacom, 2009; 1: 5–19.


FF-18-83 Selecting an extracting solvent while preparing the liquid extract of black poplar


A. Bondar*, S. Gubar, О. Tkachenko, E. Bezchasnyuk National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: anna_andronova@ukr.net Black poplar (Populus nigra) is used as a medicinal plant material (MPM). Black poplar buds contain hydroxycinnamic acids and their esters, flavonoids and other phenolic compounds, essential oils as the main biologically active substances (BAS). The purpose of this work is selecting of a solvent for extraction in the technology of producing the liquid extract of black poplar buds. Selection of solvents for extraction has been carried out based on the analysis of the amount of the extractives in the extracts, while using different extracting solvents (ethanol 96%, 70%, 40%, 20% and water). The estimation of the extractives has shown that their largest amount is contained in the extracts of MPM based on 96% and 70% ethanol. We identified the characteristic zones of quercetin, caffeic and chlorogenic acids, and also observed additional zones of yellow-orange and blue fluorescence: hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids of aglycone nature by TLC method. We used mixture of chloroform - methanol - formic acid anhydrous (48: 2: 2) as mobile phase. Detection: spray with a 10 g/l solution of diphenylboric acid aminoethyl ester in methanol; examine in ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The spectrophotometric method of hydroxycinnamic acids quantitative determination is based on the reaction of complex formation with a sodium molybdate and sodium nitrite solution into the alkaline medium, a pinkish-orange solution is formed. The maximum absorption of the complex was obtained at a wavelength of 509 ± 2 nm, which is characteristic for the complex of caffeic acid. The estimation of the sum hydroxycinnamic acids quantitative content expressed as caffeic acid has shown that their largest amount is contained in an extract based on 70% ethanol – 5.9% (based on 96% ethanol – 4.8%). The spectrophotometric method of flavonoids quantitative determination is based on the reaction with 1-2% ethanolic solution of aluminium chloride, colored compounds with yellow-green fluorescence is formed. The maximum absorption of the complex was obtained at a wavelength of 395 ± 5 nm, which is characteristic for the complex of luteolin. The estimation of the sum flavonoids quantitative content expressed as luteolin has shown that their largest amount is contained in an extract based on 96% ethanol – 2.5% (based on 70% ethanol – 1.9%). Conclusions. The obtained data testify that the MPM extracts based on 96% and 70% ethanol should become the object of the further pharmacological and phytochemical research. References: 1. Borodina N, Kovalyov V, Kovalyov S, Rudnik A. Biologically active substances of Populus L. genus (review).

Pharmakom, 2006, 1 (2): 110-116. 2. Szliszka E, Czuba Z, Mazur B, Sedek L, Paradysz A, Krol W. Chalcones Enhance TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis in

Prostate Cancer Cells. Int J Mol Sci, 2010, 11 (1): 1-13.



The study of salix myrsinifolia Salisb. Leaves by The gc/ms method

Borodina N.V *., Kovalyov V.N., Koshovyi О.N., Stremoukhov A.A. Department of Pharmacognosy, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding.author E-mail address: natalijaborodina@gmail.com. Background. Salix myrsinifolia Salisb., family Willow Salicaceae L. - perspective source for obtaining of biological active compounds. The literature data and the results of the studies previously carried out at the Department of Pharmacognosy of the NUPh has allowed to determine that different types of the raw material of willows have a rich chemical composition and contain a complex of biologically active substances with a high pharmacological activity such as phenolic compounds (phenolic glycosides, hydroxycinnamic, hydroxybenzoic acids, flavonoids, tannins), lipophilic compounds, amino acids, carbohydrates, substances of the terpenoid nature [1,2]. Materials and methods. By used the method of GC/MS in chromatograph of Agilent Technologies 6890N with a mass spectrometric detector were analyzed the samples in the leaves of Salix myrsinifolia Salisb., collected M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Gardens, NAS of Ukraine in 2017. Results. By used the method of GC/MS in Salix myrsinifolia Salisb. leaves were identified volatile compounds: 2-oxibenzaldehyde (22.68 mg/kg), trans-linalool oxide (34,02 mg/kg), cis-linalool oxide (9,13 mg/kg), linalool (19.45 mg/kg), phenylethyl alcohol (11,42mg/kg), citronellol (14.41 mg/kg), geraniol (84.50 mg/kg), eugenol (118,07mg/kg), nerolidol (56.32 mg/kg), β-eudesmol(23.48mg/kg), α-eudesmol (59.15mg/kg), tricosane(158.17mg/kg), tetracosane (8.92 mg/kg), pentacosane (31.46 mg/kg), hexacosane (443.49 mg/kg), heptacosane(571.34 mg/kg), squalene(341.57 mg/kg), nonacosane (89.22 mg/kg). Conclusions. In Salix myrsinifolia Salisb. leaves up to 31 components have been found by the method of chromatography-mass spectrometry. Among volatile substances important eugenol and geraniol. The results indicate the prospects of using Salix myrsinifolia Salisb, and they will be used in further study of this raw material. References: 1. Research of volatile compounds from Salix cinerea L. // Borodina N.V. //.Oxford Review of Education and Science

No.1. (11), January-June, 2016 Volume V “Oxford University Press” 2016. – Р. 468 – 473. 2. The chromatography-mass spectrometry study of Salix rosmarinifolia L. / N. Borodina, O.Koshovyi, V. Kovalyov //

Азербайджанский фармацевтический и Фармакотерапевтический журнал. - Том XVI.- 2016, № 2, 15-20


FF-18-85 Elaboration of the composition and technology of the curative toothpastes with

herbal and beekeeping preparations

1Nataliia Hudz*, 2Brindza Ján, 3Piotr P. Wieczorek 1Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine, 2Slovak University of Agriculutre in Nitra, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Institute of Biological Conservation and Biosafety, Nitra, Slovakia 3University of Opole, Opole, Poland *Corresponding author natali_gudz@ukr.net Inflammatory diseases of the periodontium are a significant health problem because of their prevalence, the number of complications and the difficulty of treatment. Therefore, the development of curative toothpastes for local care of oral cavity is a very important issue of pharmaceutical technology and dentistry (1). The aim of the study was to develop the curative toothpastes containing tinctures of propolis, bee bread and herbal preparations (tincture and essential oils of Salvia sclarea or Thymus vulgaris), elaborate analytical procedures of determination of total phenolic compounds and total flavonoid sum in the used preparations of natural origin (tinctures of propolis, bee bread and Salvia sclarea). Materials and methods. Potentiometric analysis for determining the pH value of samples of the toothpastes, alkalimetric titrimetric method for assay of calcium carbonate in the toothpastes and spectrophotometric method for determination of total phenolic compounds and total flavonoid sum. Results. Formulae contained calcium carbonate, two thickeners (xanthan gum and carbopol 974P NF), herbal and beekeeping preparations and other excipients. Tinctures of propolis, bee bread and Salvia sclarea and the essential oils were incorporated into the toothpastes as preparations with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and radioprotective properties (2). For determination of total phenolic compounds and total flavonoid sum in the tinctures the analytical procedures on the base of reactions with the Folin & Ciocalteu's phenol reagent and aluminum chloride were elaborated using gallic acid and rutin as reference substances, respectively. Conclusion: Six formulae of toothpastes were developed. Maceration method of obtaining tinctures of Salvia sclarea, bee bread and propolis was elaborated. pH of samples of the toothpastes was in the range of 7.05-8.59. For three preparations of natural origin (tinctures of propolis, bee bread and Salvia sclarea) the composition and laboratory technology were elaborated and analytical studies were conducted. References 1. Garanina T.S., Kavchuk O.M., Krasniuk I.P., Rozhko V.I. Clinical efficacy of «Blend-a-med complete7-pH-balance

+ oak bark toothpaste» and «Оral–B exceed toothbrush» in the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the periodontium tissues. Bukovinsky Medical Bulletin. 2013:17, No 1 (65); 27-30.

2. Hudz N., Marij Kh., Korzeniowska K., Wieczorek P.P. Development of toothpastes with herbal preparations (tincture and ether oil of Salvia sclarea). Materials of 17th Herbal symposium «Herbs and their use in practice». 15-16 June 2018. Steszew (Poland). P.72

Acknowledgments: These studies were supported by a scholarship from Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA) (the Selection committee of SAJA awarded 13.06.2017). Carbopol samples were provided free of charge by "Lubrizol" (Belgium) for research into the development of medicinal and cosmetic products.


FF-18-86 Determination of trace elements in Dandelion leaf

Roman Lysiuk, Roman Darmоhray, Oksana Tsal Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine Corresponding author: pharmacognosy.org.ua@ukr.net Background. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) herb with root recently became the official herbal drug [2]. The herbal substance is regarded as a bitter and moderately potent diuretic. Continuing the research of microelements in promising nephroprotective flavonoid containing drugs [1, 3-5], the dandelion leaf was selected for analysis, considering that no publications occur on trace elements contents in the samples, collected in the Western part of Ukraine, and also due to occurrence in its composition of active principles, which in individual state develop nephroprotective effects (cynaroside, P-coumaric acid, selenium etc). Materials and methods. The quantification of trace elements in dandelion leaf has been performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization and a Zeeman background correction after mineralization with the further determination by the official method of standard additions [2], as described in [4,5]. The plant material was collected in urban phytocenoses, city of Lviv (April, 2017). Results. Since microelements in herbal substances can have a positive impact as a source of essential nutrients or a negative effect, caused by the accumulation of high concentrations of potentially toxic compounds [5], therefore, determination of their content is of great importance. The found mean quantities of trace elements in the analyzed samples were as follows: zinc - 78 μg/g, cobalt - 0,22 μg/g, selenium – 0.27 μg/g, manganese – 32,7 μg/g, copper – 14,9 μg/g, lead – 4,2 μg/g, cadmium – 0,32 μg/g. The determined amounts of lead and cadmium comply with the requirements of the general monograph 01/2012:1433 “Herbal Drugs [2]. Considering high lead content, it seems obvious to recommend determining in all batches of dandelion herb with root the Pb yield. Conclusions. The investigated plant material might be considered as natural source of the essential trace elements manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt and selenium. The herbal substance should be subjected for further pharmacological research of its renal effects. References 1. Barchuk OZ., Lysiuk RM., DenysAI., Zaliska OM., Smalyuh OG., Nester MI. Experimental study of goat’s rue

(Galega officinalis L.) herb and its liquid extracts. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2017; 6(11): 393-397. 2. European Pharmacopoeia. 9.0. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines,

2016. – 4016 p. 3. Konieczynski P., Viapiana A., Lysiuk R., Wesolowski M. Chemical composition of selected commercial herbal

remediesin relation to geographical origin and inter-species diversity. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2018;182(1):169-177. doi: 10.1007/s12011-017-1078-z

4. Lysiuk R., Zaritska Y., Darmohray R. Investigation of microelements contents in aerial parts of Agrimonia eupatoria L., collected in Lviv region (Ukraine). Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Naturae. 2016; 1:95-104.

5. Lysiuk R.M., Darmohray R.Y., Tsal O.Y., Bitlian V.I. Quantitative determination of microelements in Ginkgo biloba L. leaves, harvested in Ukraine. Drug Discovery. 2018; 12:46-48.




Obtaining of polysaccharide complex of lentil and the study of its elemental composition

Romanova S.V.1 *, Duchenko M.A.2, Volochai V.I.1 1National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, Ukraine *Corresponding author. E-mail address: svetvikrom@ukr.net Background. Carbohydrates mainly comprise the plant organism and make up the largest of its masses. It was established that polysaccharides exhibit various pharmacological actions: expectorant, antitumor, immunomodulatory and others. Macro- and micronutrients are absolutely essential for the human body. The elements of plants are organically linked, that is more accessible and easily absorbed form. The aim of the work was to study the elemental composition of the polysaccharide complex from lentil herb, which is a fodder crop and is widely cultivated all over the world. Materials and methods. Selection of polysaccharide fraction from raw herbal materials was carried out according to the methodology of N.K. Kochetkov. The gravimetric method was used to determine its content [1]. The study of elemental composition was carried out at DNU NTK "Institute of Single Crystals" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine by atomic emission spectrographic method [2]. Results. The resulting water-soluble polysaccharide complex (WSPC) is an amorphous light brown powder. Quantitative content of it in lentil herb was 15.60 ± 0.32%. 15 elements were identified in WSPC, 5 of which were classified as macro- and 10 - as microelements, among which Ni, Cu and Pb belong to heavy metals. A high content of K (7600 mg/kg), Ca (3800 mg/kg), Mg (1070 mg/kg), P (810 mg/kg), and a slightly lower - Na (240 mg/kg), Si (190 mg/kg) were obtained in the investigated sample. It should be noted that the content of Pb, Cu, Ni, Sr, Cd, As is within the limits of the maximum permissible concentrations for raw materials and nutritive products [3]. Conclusions. The content of the elements in the lentil raw material can be arranged in order of decreasing: K>Ca>Mg>P>Na>Si>Al=Mn>Fe>Sr>Zn>Cu>Mo=Pb=Ni>Co=As=Hg=Cd. The obtained results will be used in further studies of the pharmacological activity of the polysaccharide complex from lentil herb. References: 1. Romanova S., Demeshko O., Kovalyov V. Research of polysaccharide of lentils herb. Collection of scientific works

of NMAPE employees P. Shupika 2010; 19(3):663 – 667. 2. Volochai V. I., Chushenko V. М.,Kovalyov V. M., Krasnikova T. O. Research of polysaccharide complex of

galinsoga herb. Pharmaceutical review. 2012; 1: 16-19. 3. WHO guidelines for assessing quality of herbal medicines with reference to contaminants and residues / World Health

Organization. – Geneva: World Health Organization, 2007. – 105.



The investigation of perspective spices (aromatic) plants in Lithuania

Sandra Saunoriūtė1, Ona Ragažinskienė1, Audrius Maruška2, Erika Šeinauskienė1

sandra.saunoriute@ vdu.lt 1Sector of Medicinal Plants, Kaunas Botanical Garden, Vytautas Magnus University, Ž.E. Žilibero str. 6, LT- 46324 Kaunas, Lithuania 2Instrumental Analysis Open Access Center, Faculty of Natural Sciences, of Vytautas Magnus University, Vileikos str. 8, LT-44404 Kaunas, Lithuania

Research on the preservation, enhancement and improvement of human health of biodiversity, investigations of medicinal, spice (aromatic) plants (MAPs) have a scientific and practical significance not only in Lithuania, but also in the whole world. These plants are grown in green spaces, decorated with landscapes, used in the food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical industry and medicine (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2011). The investigation of perspective spices (aromatic) plants introduction carried out in the Botanical Garden at Vytautas Magnus University. Perspective spices (aromatic) plants and plant sites are testing during vegetation at different phenological stages of plant growth. 1997-2018 years, promising medicinal, selected (aromatic) plants: Salvia officinalis L., Origanum vulgare L., Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton, Satureja montana L. In the field of ex situ experimental areas of sector Medicinal and spice plants collections of Botanical Garden at Vytautas Magnus University in the experimental test areas, during the introduction, promising medicines, spices and vinegars were selected on the basis of volatile and non-volatile biologically active compounds. The introduction and their applicability and significance for cultivation in green spaces and their impact on human health have been investigated (Ph. Eur., 2017; Ragažinskienė, Rimkienė, 2003; Ragažinskienė ir kt., 2006 Šaučiūnas ir kt., 2015).

The introduction and their applicability and significance for cultivation in green spaces and their impact on human health have been investigated. These plants are recommended for multiplication, their diversity, growing in gardens, industrial plots and for the development of herbal medicine and for improving public health in Lithuania (Ragažinskienė, 2009). References: 1. European pharmacopoeia. 9 Edition. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2017. (2) P. 5145. 2. Ragažinskienė O., Rimkienė S. 2003. Medicinal and aromatic plants: genetic resources and cultivation in Lithuanian.

Journal of Medicinal and Spice Plants. 8 (4) P. 189-191. 3. Ragažinskienė O., Šeinauskienė E., Janulis V., Jankauskaitė L., Milašius A. 2006. The influence of meteorological

factors on growth and vegetation process of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton in Lithuania. Medicina, 42(8). 4. Ragažinskienė O. 2009. Introdukuojamų vaistinių prieskoninių augalų biologinių savybių įvertinimas ir atranka

farmacijos bei vaistažolininkystės plėtrai Lietuvoje. Habilitacijos procedūrai teikiamų mokslo darbų apžvalga. P. 48. Kaunas.

5. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2011a) COP 10 Decision X/17. Consolidated update of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020: http://www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=12283.

6. Šaučiūnas E., Ragažinskienė O., Maruška A. 2015. Vaistinio augalo kalninio dašio (Satureja montana L.) introdukcija ir jo žaliavos reikšmė žmogaus sveikatai. Žmogaus ir gamtos sauga. P.120-122.



Prospects of creating transdermal cardiovascular medicines

Е.М. Bezchasnyuk*, T.A. Shyteyeva, S. M. Gubar, I. V. Rusak National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author: eluat16@gmail.com Nowdays, in a range of cardiovascular diseases, it is hypertension that takes the first place among the causes of permanent or prolonged incapacitation. Among the group of antihypertensive medicines, one of the main places is occupied by calcium antagonists. Over the course of decades, nifedipine has been widely used. Modern calcium antagonists of the second and third generation have a longer time course. Amlodipine currently holds the leading position among calcium antagonists on the basis of pharmacological efficiency and safety level. The hypotensive effect of amlodipine develops gradually, has a dose-dependent effect, does not cause a serious reflex increase in the frequency of cardiac contractions; does not develop habituation within a long-term use. Customarily, tablets and injectable forms of these products are prescribed. In recent years, innovative dosage forms for external use, and especially trans-dermal therapeutic systems (TTS), are becoming increasingly important. TTS are considered as an alternative to other ways of systemic injection, since transdermal penetration of the active substances can be used to achieve a consistent prolonged therapeutic effect. The potential advantage of the creation of transdermal forms with calcium antagonists (nifedipine, amlodipine) is the duration of action and ensuring a constant rate of receipt of the medicinal agent into the systemic blood; absence of disadvantages and inconvenience of parenteral injection; reduction of side effects; the possibility of termination of the medication effect by removing the system from the place of application; reducing the medication dosage, which significantly lowers the cost of treatment. In order to achieve the optimal therapeutic effect of penetration of the active substances transdermally or through the mucosa, it is necessary to take into account both the physical and chemical properties of the active substance, the condition of the skin or mucous membrane and the properties of the excipients that are part of the combinations. Within a framework of a scientific project we have conducted a study of the process of permeability in vitro of certain medicinal products with a cardiovascular effect (nifedipine, amlodipine) through a membrane. As a result of the project realization, quantitative parameters of permeability (diffusion flux value, permeability ratio and diffusion delay time) have been determined, which allows assessing acceptability of the selected medicinal products for use in a transdermal form and creation of TTS, which will have the best biopharmaceutical properties in terms of pathogenetic treatment of cardiovascular diseases. References 1. Shiteyeva T.A., Gubina T.N., Nazarova E.S. i dr. Issledovaniye pronitsayemosti deystvuyushchikh veshchestv

cherez «iskusstvennyy kozhnyy baryer». Nauchnyye napravleniya v sozdanii lekarstvennykh sredstv v farmatsevticheskom sektore Ukrainy: Tez. dokl. respubl. nauchnoy konf. Kharkov 2000: 66.

2. Polosiants O.B., Silina E.G. Amlodipin kak novyy vzglyad na antagonisty kaltsiya. Russkiy med. zhurnal. 2010; 18(9): 570–574.



Impact of Echinacea purpurea L. (Moench) hemagglutinin LysM to mice secondary immune response

Gabriele Balciunaite1, 2*, Danas Baniulis3, Ona Ragazinskiene4, Nomeda Juodziukyniene5, Dalia Pangonytė6, Nijole Savickiene1 1Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Academy of Medicine, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania; 2Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Academy of Medicine, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania; 3Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuania, 4Kaunas Botanical Garden, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, 5Department of veterinary pathology, Faculty of Veterinary, Academy of Veterinary, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania; 6Department of Pathological Anatomy, Academy of Medicine, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences *Corresponding author: Gabriele.balciunaite@lsmuni.lt Hemaglutinins or lectins are highly potential therapeutic agents found in plants. Although considered as toxins, low doses of lectins acts as an antibacterial [2] and antifungal [1] substances, stimulates immune system [3]. Hemagglutinins from Echinacea purpurea L. (Moench) roots haven’t been investigated and tested on animal models in vivo. Materials and methods. Lectins from E. purpurea roots were extracted and purified by affinity chromatography, followed by mass spectrometry identification. Identified lysine motif peptidoglycan binding domain (LysM) protein fractions was peritonially injected to male Balb/C mice (n=15). Immune response to 4 weekly repeated 5 μg lectin injections were measured in mice spleen by immunohistochemical CD3 staining. Results were compared with physiological solution (n=14) and E. purpurea root tincture (n=15) peritoneal injections immunomodulatory effect to male Balb/C mice. Results. Peritoneal LysM lectin injections caused statistically significant (p<0.001) increase of T lymphocyte cell count in Balb/c mice’s spleen white pulp compared to other experimental animal groups. Conclusions. LysM lectin from E. purpurea roots causes significant secondary immune response stimulation. References 1. Chen J, Liu B, Ji N, Zhou J, Bian H, Li C, et al. A novel sialic acid-specific lectin from Phaseolus coccineus seeds

with potent antineoplastic and antifungal activities. Phytomedicine. 2009;16(4):352–60. 2. Kanokwiroon K, Teanpaisan R, Wititsuwannakul D, Hooper AB, Wititsuwannakul R. Antimicrobial activity of a

protein purified from the latex of Hevea brasiliensis on oral microorganisms. Mycoses. 2008;51(4):301–7. 3. Oliveira Brito PKM, Gonçalves TE, Fernandes FF, Miguel CB, Rodrigues WF, Lazo Chica JE, Roque-Barreira MC,

Da Silva TA Systemic effects in naïve mice injected with immunomodulatory lectin ArtinM. PLoS One. 2017;12(10):1–19.



Simultaneous determination of colistin A and colistin B in plasma by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry

Dmitrijs Kustovs1, Valda Valkovska2, Andrejs Šitovs1, Dace Bandere3, Santa Purviņa1

1 Riga Stradiņš University, Department of Pharmacology; 2 University of Latvia, Department of Analytical Chemistry; 3 Riga Stradiņš University, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry;

Colistin (polymyxin E) is a polypeptide antibiotic, an effective treatment of infections caused by multi-drug resistant (MDR) Gram negative bacteria. Colistin is commercially available in two forms as the colistin methanesulfonate (CMS) and as sulfate. In vivo hydrolysis of CMS to colistin (A and B) provides the drug’s antimicrobial activity. Simple, rapid and specific ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) assay method was developed for the routine quantification of colistin A and colistin B in human plasma after the administration of the prodrug CMS. Polymyxin B1 was used as the internal standard (IS). Colistin concentrations were determined after plasma sample treatment with sulfuric acid in order to hydrolyze CMS into colistin. Extraction was performed on a solid-phase extraction column, the chromatographic analysis of colistin performed on a modular UHPLC system Agilent 1290 Infinity series coupled to Agilent 6230 Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer. The mobile phase was 0.1% (vol/vol) formic acid in acetonitrile–0.1% (vol/vol) formic acid in water (20:80, vol/vol). The ions monitored were m/z 1167.7 for colistin A, m/z 1153.7 for colistin B, and m/z 1205 for IS. The assay was accurate and reproducible for the quantification of colistins A and B in plasma samples.



Preparation and stability of carboxymethylcellulose salt hydrogel for sapropel extract containing dosage form

A.Klavina1*, B.Maurina2, I.Martinsone1 1Institute for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, Riga Stradiņš University, Riga, Latvia; 2 Department of Dosage Form Technologies, Riga Stradiņš University, Riga, Latvia. *Corresponding author: aneka.klavina@rsu.lv

Carboxymethylcellulose salt (CMS)-based hydrogels serve as an excellent drug carrier matrix due its hydrophilic properties and could be used for the delivery of water soluble drugs. CMS is a soluble polyanionic cellulose form with a wide range of applications in biomedicine and pharmacy due to its unique physico-chemical properties. CMS is used as a thickener, suspension aid, stabilizer, binder and lubricant; it is non-toxic, biodegradable and biocompatible. This study aims to investigate CMS hydrogel preparation possibilities for carrying sapropel extract and to evaluate its stability, when comparing CMS hydrogel with CMS-gelatine gel systems. In this study several CMS-gelatine gels containing 1.0 – 2.5% gelatine were prepared with varying MgCl2 concentration (0.2 to 0.6 M). CMS-gelatine gel systems were assessed using physical and chemical integrity tests. Colour, odour, pH value, texture, flow and emulsion stability were evaluated. The same parameters were assessed after gels storage in high stress environments – temperature extremes (from 10°C to 45°C). It appears that higher MgCl2 content in gels could increase their stability for both CMS hydrogel and CMS-gelatine gel. Gelatine could promote the formation of a gel network, and the addition of MgCl2 helps the network structure become more compact.



Determination of ruscogenins in the Ruscus aculeatus rhizome

Marzanna Kurzawa*, Urszula Kiełkowska, Wojciech Kujawski, Anna Filipiak-Szok, Magdalena Płotkowska, Edward Szłyk Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland; *Corresponding author: jmk@umk.pl The Ruscus aculeatus for millennia are used in herbal medicine as an aid in the treatment of many diseases. He comes from the Mediterranean.The herbal raw material of the Ruscus aculeatus is the underground parts - rhizomes (Rusci rhizoma), which contain, among others, steroid saponins, flavonoids, phytosterols, unsaturated fatty acids, coumarins, essential oils, mineral compounds and resins. Extracts of rhizomes are used in medicine in the treatment of hemorrhoids and inflammation of blood vessels. In herbal medicine, Ruscus aculeatus. is also used as a mild diuretic and to treat inflammation of the skin. Creams and ointments formed on its base prevent redness and irritation and have anti-inflammatory effects. The main purpose of our study was determination of two steroid saponins: ruscogenin and neoruscogenin in Ruscus aculeatus rhizomes. The first step was the extraction of above compounds from rhizomes. As extractants, ethanol and ethanol:water solutions were used. The obtained extract were analyzed by liquid chromatography technique. For this HPLC system equipped with auto sampler SIL-20AC HT and photodiode multi-wavelength detector (SPD-M20A Prominence Diode Array Detector), SHIMADZU (Kyoto, Japan) was applied. Ruscogenin and neoruscogenin were detected by photodiode array detector at 203 nm. Analyses were carried out on Phenomenex, Gemini-NX C18 column. As a mobile phase the mixture water: acetonitryl (according to PPh) was used. The rate-flow was 1ml/min. On the basis of the obtained results, it was found that the percentage of ruskogenin and neoruskogenin calculated per 100g of raw material is higher for water-ethanol extracts and amount 0,0501%±0,054% and 0,54%±0,084%, respectively. In addition, it was observed that in ethanol extracts more ruscogenin (0.043%) than neoruskogenin (0.0033%) was determined. References 1. Mukassabi T. A., Thomas P. A. Biological flora of British Isles: Ruscus aculeatus. Journal of Ecology. 102/2014, s.

1083-1100. 2. Coşkun M., Gϋvenç A., Şatir E. Determination of ruscogenin in turkish Ruscus L. species by UPLC. Chromatographia

Supplement. 66/2007, s. 41-45.



Determination of antioxidant capacity in prickly pear fruit juices before and after osmotic membrane distillation

Wojciech Kujawski1, Marzanna Kurzawa1* Lydia Terki2, Khodir Madani2, Urszula Kiełkowska1, Joanna Kujawa1, Anna Filipiak-Szok1 1Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland; 2Faculte des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Universite de Bejaia, Algeria *Corresponding author: jmk@umk.pl The processing and storage of fruit juice involves several different stages, among which the concentration process is one of the most important. Concentration is usually carried out in evaporators at high temperatures, which results in the loss of valuable components (e.g. flavor compounds) and reduces the quality of the product. An osmotic membrane distillation (OMD) is a good alternative to the thermal methods of the juices concentration. It is a membrane technique in which hydrophobic, porous membranes (e.g. PTFE, PVDF, PP) are used. The latest research on OMD regarding concentration of juices underlines the high quality of the final product obtained combined with low investment capital and low energy consumption [1-2]. The main objective of the research was to assess the effect of the membrane concentration process on the antioxidant activity of prickly pear juice. The antioxidant activity was determined by a DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrylohydrazyl) method. This method is one the most frequently used to evaluate the effectiveness of antioxidants in the deactivation of free radicals. In the reaction with antioxidant the DPPH is reduced to the radical form, and the solution color turns to yellow. This change is monitored spectrophotometrically at a wavelength = 517 nm. The content of antioxidants in the sample can be expressed as the equivalent amount of a reference substance (Randox, Trolox, ascorbic acid) per unit weight or volume [3]. Antioxidant activity of the tested extracts was expressed in moles of trolox per gram dry weight. The unfiltered juice which has not been subjected to a process OMD antioxidant content is at a level of 5.68 ± 0.16 mmol TE/g s.m, which is the smallest value obtained from all the tested extracts. Comparing this value to the values obtained for the extracts juices after OMD process it can be concluded that the concentration by OMD caused an increase of antioxidant activity. Osmotic membrane distillation is an interesting process for concentrating aqueous solutions, mainly juices and viable alternative to thermal methods require larger amounts of energy. Moreover, this method preserves the natural flavor and aroma compounds. References 1. Warczok J., Gierszewska M., Kujawski W., Güell C. Application of osmotic membrane distillation for

reconcentration of sugar solutions from osmotic dehydration, Sep Pur Technology 2007; 57: 425–429 2. Kujawski W., Sobolewska A., Jarzynka K., Güell C, Ferrando M., Warczok J, Application of osmotic membrane

distillation process in red grape juice concentration, J Food Eng 2013; 116:801–808. 3. Badarinath A.V., Mallikarajuna K., Chetty C.M.S., Ramkanth S, Rajan . T.V.S., Gnanaprakash K, A Review on In-

vitro Antioxidant Methods: Comparisions, Correlations and Considerations, Int. J. Pharm Tech Res. 2010;2: 1276-1285



A Aleksiichuk, A. O., 48 Alexeeva, Tatiana, 36 Andrukova L., 54 B Balčiūnaitė, Gabrielė, 112 Bandere, Dace, 113 Baniulis, Danas, 112 Barcys, Gintautas 8 Beketova M., 87 Barene, I., 74 Bevz, O. V., 34 Bevz, N. Yu., 48, 49 Bezchasnyuk O., 103 Bezchasnyuk E., 105, 111 Bezruk, Ivan, 98 Boiko,M. О., 24 Boiko O. V., 24 Bondar A., 105 Borodina Natalia 14, 39, 40, 41, 106 Burlaka I.S., 100 Burian A.A., 35, 53 Brindza, Jan, 107 Brazauskas, Paulius, 64 C Chaika Natalia, 41 Chernyayeva, О. І., 37 D Dambrova Maija 13 Danylova I.A., 35 Darmohray, Roman, 108 Daukšienė, Jurgita, 64, 76, 79, 91 Di Sotto Antonella, 75 Di Giacomo Silvia, 75 Dymek Justyna 11 Demeshko Olga, 27 Demchenko A.M., 42 Dobrova A.O., 95 Dorovskoy O.,72 Drugovina V.V., 42 Duchenko M.A., 109 E Endriulaitytė, Ugnė, 83 El Kayal, Wassim, 53 F Fetisova, E., 54 Filipiak-Szok, Anna, 115, 116 G

Georgiyants, Victoriya, 28, 49, 63, 67, 82, 88, 95, 98, 103 Gerulaitytė, Viktorija, 62 Gladukh, Ie.V., 29, 30 Gołda Anna 11 Golovchenko O.S., 95 Golubs G., 74 Gontova, Tetiana, 32 Gontova T.M., 33, 61 Goryach Olgaa, 23 Gorokhova, O. V., 48 Golembiovska, Olena 23, 40 Grambovskaitė, Gitana, 79 Grinenko, V. V., 48 Gubar, Svitlana, 67, 88, 94, 98, 103, 104, 105, 111 Gudžinskas, Zigmantas, 28 Gudžinskaitė, Ieva, 47 H Harna, N. V., 49 Hordiei, Karyna, 32 Horiacha L. M., 97 Hrytsenko, І. S., 37 Hudz, Nataliia, 107 Hutsol V.V., 101 I Iakovenko, V., 54 Ieromina Z.G., 42 Ilina Tetiana 14, 23, 39, 41, 99 Iosypenko O.O., 44 Ivanauskas, Liudas, 28, 67, 98 J Jakubavičiūtė, Julija, 78 Janulis, Valdimaras, 47, 51 Jazokaitė, Raimonda, 55 Jekabsons, Kaspars, 46, 52 Jiodziukynienė, Nomeda, 112 Y Yakovenko V., 72 Yaremenko V.D., 42,


Yaremenko, M.S., 61 Yeromina H.O., 42 Yevtifieieva, O. A., 38, 94 Yezerska Oksana, 84 K Kamyshan A. S., 24 Kaluzhnaya, O. S., 59 Kaudze, Marta, 56 Karosevičiūtė, Dovilė, 66 Kasparavičienė, Giedrė, 57 78 Kapustianskyi, Ihor, 104 Kelpšaitė, Simonija, 71 Khanina, Nataliia 88 Khanin, Vadim, 88 Khvorost, Olga, 73, 96 Kiełkowska, Urszula, 115, 116 Kinnear, Moira 10 Kireyev, Igor, 39 Kiz O.V., 42 Kyslychenko V.S., 44, 97 Kyslychenko O.A., 101 Klavina A., 114 Klavins, Linards, 46 Klavins, Maris, 46, 52 Koshovyi Oleh 14, 41 Kolisnyk, T. Ye., 43 Kolisnyk Iu. S., 99 Kolisnyk O.V.,99 Koshovyi O.M., 24 Koshovyi О.N., 106 Komissarenko Andryi, 23, 99 Komisarenko M.A, 25 Kotvitska, A., 85, 86 Kovalov Vladimir, 27, 28 Kovalyova, Alla 14, 23 Kovaylov V.N., 106 Kotova, Elina, 32, 33, 61 Kotov S.A., 33 Koshovyi, Oleh, 39, 40 Koškinaitė, Rita, 57 Kovpak, Larysa, 104 Kravchenko, Ganna, 41 Krajnović, Dušanka 12 Krivoruchko Olena, 24 Kubilienė, Asta, 90, 92 Kubilienė L., 31, 65 Kubarieva I., 87 Kukhtenko, Y.S., 29 Kukhtenko, O.S., 30 Kukhtenko, Н.P., 30 Kujawa, Joanna, 116 Kujawski, Wojciech, 115, 116

Kurzawa, Marzanna, 115, 116 Kustovs, Dimitrijs, 113 Kustova P. S., 24 Kviklys, Darius, 51 . L Liaudanskas, Mindaugas, 47, 51, 81 Liekis, Arūnas, 90 Lenchyk L.V., 45 Leontiiev Bohdan, 73 Leontiev, D. A., 34 Lysiuk, Roman, 108 M Maccioni, Elias, 71, 83 Maconko, Elžbieta, 93 Madani, Khodir, 116 Matar, Masen, 41 Matvieieva T. V., 24 Markin Alexander, 25 Marksa, Mindaugas, 55, 90, 92, 98 Martinsone I., 114 Materiienko, Anna, 63, 67, 98 Matulevičiūtė, Aistė, 91 Maurina B, 114 Mazzanti Gabriela, 75 Mickutė, Karolina, 90, 92 Mykhailenko Olga, 27 Myha, Mykhailo, 40 Mohammed S.B., 45 Molodan D.V., 44

Molodan, V.І., 50 Moskalenko, Andrey, 80 Muceniece, Ruta, 46, 52 N Namniece, Jana, 46 O Oproshanska T.V., 96 Orlenko D., 72 P Pangonytė, Dalia, 112 Pavilonis, Alvydas, 66 Pavalkytė, Gintarė, 90, 92 Petrikaitė, Vilma, 62, 71, 83, 93 Petrushova, Lidiya, 36 Perekhoda L.O., 42, 82


Pitkauskaitė, Lina, 60 Płotkowska, Magdalena, 115 Polischuk I.M., 25, 99 Popova, Natalia, 80 Postoy, V. V., 70 Prokopenko, O., 85 Proskurina, K. I., 38 Protopopov, M. V., 82 Protskaya V.V., 101 Purvina, Santa, 113 R Radušienė, Jolita, 92 Ragažinskienė, Ona, 66, 112 Radžiūnas, Raimondas, 64 Raudonis, Raimondas, 58 Raudonė, Lina, 60 Rembergs, Reinis, 46 Riekstina, Una, 52 Rimkutė, Sigita, 76 Romanenko, Yevhen, 39 Romanova S.V., 109 Ruban, O. A., 43 Rudakova O., 103 Rusak I.V., 111 Rusanova, S., 54 S Sadauskienė, Ilona, 90, 92 Samoilova Victoria, 25 Savickas, Arūnas, 64 Savickienė, Nijolė, 66, 112 Saulite, Liga, 52 Savchenko, Lesia, 63 Seglina, Dalija, 81 Severina, H. I., 82 Sharkh, Abu A.I.,53 Shinkovenko Igor 23 Shimorova Y. E., 97 Shyteyeva T.A., 111 Skowron Agnieszka 11 Skupa, O.O., 82 Slipchenko, G. D., 43 Smielova N.M., 94 Soloviova, A. V., 59 Soldatov, D.P., 29 Stackevičienė, Elicija, 47 Stremoukhov A.A., 106 Strilets, O. P., 59 Surikova I, 86

Surikov O., 86 Szłyk, Edward, 115 Š Šitovs, Andrejs, 113 Škarnulytė, Laura, 71 T Tallat-Kelpšaitė, Monika, 51 Terki, Lydia, 116 Tkachenko О., 105 Tryshchuk, Nadiya, 39

Tartynska, G.S., 50 Tsal, Oksana, 108 Tsubanova, N.A., 77 U Ukrainetz, Igor, 36 Upyr T.V., 25, 45 Urbanavičiūtė, Ieva, 81 Uselis, Norbertas, 51 V Valinčiūtė-Jankauskienė, A, 31 Valkovska, Valda, 113 Vasylieva, Olha, 67 Vilkickytė, Gabrielė, 58 Viškelis, Jonas, 47, 51 Viškelis, Pranas, 47, 51, 81 Vyshnevska, L. I., 70 Volovyk, N. V., 34 Volochai V.I., 109 Z Zevzikoviene, Augusta, 55 Zevzikovas, Andrejus, 55 Zhuravel, І.О., 50, 101 Zhurenko D.S.,77 Zieniūtė Akvilė, 65

Zymonė, Kristina, 47 Zupanets, Igor, 88 Ž Žvikas, Vaidotas, 47 W Wieczorek, Piotr P., 107


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