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Induction and Augmentation of Labour Guideline

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Document Control


Induction and Augmentation of Labour Guideline


Author’s job title Consultant Obstetrician, Labour Ward Lead Consultant Obstetrician& Gynaecologist

Directorate Womens and Childrens

Department Maternity

Version Date

Issued Status Comment / Changes / Approval

0.1 May 2017

Draft Initial version for consultation; this new guideline replaces the previous ‘Induction of Labour’ guideline and the ‘Use of Oxytocin’ guideline

1.0 July 2017

Final Approved by Maternity Guidelines group

1.1 Jul 2018


2.0 Oct 2018

Final Approved by Maternity Governance Forum meeting

Main Contact Mrs Eleni Lekoudis Ladywell Unit North Devon District Hospital Raleigh Park Barnstaple, EX31 4JB

Tel: Direct Dial – 01271 322577 Tel: Internal – 4036 Email:

Lead Director Medical Director

Superseded Documents ‘Induction of Labour’ guideline and the ‘Use of Oxytocin’ guideline

Issue Date October 2018

Review Date October 2021

Review Cycle Three years

Consulted with the following stakeholders: (list all)

Senior Obstetricians

Senior Midwives

Drug & Therapeutic Committee

Approval and Review Process

Maternity Governance Forum

Local Archive Reference G:\OBSGYNAE\Risk\Archives\Maternity Services Local Path Guidelines folder Filename Induction and Augmentation of Labour Guideline

Policy categories for Trust’s internal website (Bob) Maternity

Tags for Trust’s internal website (Bob) Induction & Augmentation

Induction and Augmentation of Labour Guideline

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Document Control ............................................................................................................... 1

1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Definitions .................................................................................................................... 3

3. Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 4

4. Induction of labour ...................................................................................................... 5

5. Augmentation of labour ............................................................................................. 16

6. Monitoring Compliance with and the Effectiveness of the Guideline .................... 18

7. Process for Implementation and Monitoring Compliance and Effectiveness ........ 19

8. References ................................................................................................................... 2

9. Appendix A ................................................................................................................. 20

10. Appendix B ............................................................................................................... 240

11. Appendix C…………………………………………………………………………………….21

12. Appendix D…………………………………………………………………………………….23

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1. Purpose 1.1. The purpose of this document is to detail the process for induction of labour at

NDDH. Induction of labour is a relatively common procedure. Every year in the UK approximately 20-25% of labours are induced. It has an impact on birth experience and the health of women and their babies. It may be less efficient, increase risk and can be more painful than spontaneous labour. Therefore it needs to be clinically justified. The decision should be made when the interests of the mother or baby, or both, are better served by inducing labour than by continuing the pregnancy (NICE, 2008).

1.2. The policy applies to midwives and obstetricians with appropriate training only. Those who have not been trained to use the induction or augmentation methods should seek the skills to do so and in the meantime ask an appropriately trained colleague to undertake the intervention.

1.3. Implementation of this policy will ensure that augmentation or induction of labour at NDDH

follows an evidence based sequence of methods; based on national guidance, manufacturer recommendations or local needs (e.g. outpatient induction is not available due to geographical distance)

is recommended based on consistent clearly documented clinical rationale and undertaken by appropriately trained clinicians

is timebound with a clearly documented timeframe for each method and a ‘latest expected delivery date’.

2. Definitions 2.1. Induction of labour is the use of artificial means to initiate labour to avoid

increased risk to maternal or fetal morbidity or mortality. This may be due to risks associated with prolonged pregnancy, prolonged rupture of membranes, pregnancy associated complications or risks associated with long term conditions such as maternal diabetes.

2.2. Induction of labour is a risk factor and therefore should be under Obstetric led care and all assessments of maternal and fetal wellbeing are required during the process.

2.3. Augmentation of labour is the process of stimulating the uterus to increase the frequency, duration and intensity of contractions after the confirmed delay of established labour in the first or second stages. Confirmation is achieved via cervical assessment and assessment of contractions (frequency and duration) (WHO, 2014).

If delay in the established first stage is suspected, assess all aspects of progress in labour when diagnosing delay, including:

Cervical dilatation of less than 2 cm in 4 hours for first labours

Cervical dilatation of less than 2 cm in 4 hours or a slowing in the progress of labour for second or subsequent labours (NICE, 2017).

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NDDH – North Devon District Hospital

IOL – Induction of labour

ARM – Artifical Rupture of Membranes

USS – Ultrasound scan

Uterine tachysystole - contractions >5:10 with normal fetal heart


Uterine hyperstimulation - contractions >5:10 with an abnormal fetal

heart assessment.

3. Responsibilities 3.1. Role of the Midwife

The midwife is responsible for:

Ensuring that all women with low risk pregnancies are offered a membrane sweep (see Chapter 4) to avoid prolonged pregnancy.

Ensuring that all women with low risk pregnancies are offered a date for induction of labour to avoid prolonged pregnancies.

Ensuring that all women with high risk pregnancies have an appointment with an obstetrician to make a decision about induction of labour

Ensuring that appropriate referrals are made for women who choose not to have the clinically recommended induction of labour as planned.

3.2. Role of the Obstetrician

The obstetrician is responsible for:

Ensuring that women have appropriate information with which to make an informed choice about induction or augmentation of labour.

Ensuring that a full discussion is undertaken and clearly documented including;

The reason for induction or augmentation, The risks and benefits of the process, The proposed methods to be used, The plan when IOL fails

N.B. Using Induction of Labour Decision Sticker in Appendix C

Ensuring that all women with high risk pregnancies are offered a date for induction of labour in keeping with guidance for their specific risk factors.

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4. Induction of labour 4.1. PROPESS®IOL ALGORITHM

Prior to IOL

Check gestation Check IOL indication on the form / notes Maternal observations (P, BP, Temp) History of contractions / membrane rupture Abdominal Examination Presentation (USS if required) CTG 20-30 minutes Investigations relevant to the diagnosis.

Prescription Chart: Confirm Allergy status and sign Propess® 10mg PV as once only Terbutaline 250mcg SC as once only Paracetamol 1g PO/IV QDS as required Codeine Phosphate 30mg PO QDS as required IV Antibiotics if Group B Streptococcus

If no evidence regular painful contractions, perform Vaginal Examination with verbal consent

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Membranes Intact Confirmed ruptured membranes


4.2.1. Induction of labour (IOL) at NDDH will be undertaken for two reasons:

Low risk pregnancies postdate pregnancy and pre-labour rupture of membranes at term (PROM).

High risk pregnancies where the benefits of induction outweigh those of continuing pregnancy to mother or fetus or both. This will include high risk pregnancies complicated by pregnancy associated conditions or risks associated with long term conditions.

Cervix uneffaced+

<3cm dilated

Cervix fully effaced +>3cm


24 hours post insertion

of Propess®

CTG every 6 hours OR when painful uterine activity commences

6 hrly maternal observations on MEOWS

Propess® into posterior fornix

CTG for 60mins

Transfer to Labour Ward VE +/- amniotomy +/- oxytocin

Bishops Score ≥6

OR regular painful


Bishops Score


Propess® into posterior fornix

CTG for 60mins

Fetal heart auscultation every 6 hours OR when painful uterine activity commences

6 hrly maternal observations on MEOWS

24 hours post insertion of Propess®

If not ARM-able, Prostin gel.

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Maternal Conditions

Indication Gestation that IOL may be offered


Prolonged pregnancy 41+0 to 42+0, normally 41+5

NICE Clinical Guideline 70: Inducing Labour

Ruptured Membranes Term (PROM)=/>37/40 AND not contracting No GBS/meconium Group B Streptococcus Meconium (thick) Meconium (thin) Suspected chorioamnionitis Pre-term (PPROM) <37 / 40

Increased risk of hyperstimulation with Propess®/Prostin if SROM: Offer IOL 24 hours after SROM Offer IOL as soon as SROM confirmed, commence IV Antibiotics Offer IOL as soon as SROM confirmed, commence oxytocin Offer IOL as soon as SROM confirmed Offer IOL as soon as SROM confirmed, commence IV Antibiotics Not before 34 weeks

Local RD&E &NDDH consensus: Pre labour rupture of membranes (PROM) at term guideline RCOG Green-Top Guideline 36: Group B Streptococcal Disease. Local RD&E and NDDH consensus : Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM) guideline

Unstable lie May offer stabilising induction from 38 weeks.

Local RD&E and NDDH consensus

Ante-Partum Haemorrhage at Term or recurrent (unexplained)

37 RCOG Green-Top Guideline 63: Antepartum Haemorrhage

Epilepsy Not indication for IOL RCOG Green-Top Guideline 68: Epilepsy in Pregnancy

Diabetes in Pregnancy (Type 1 / 2 / Gestational)

NICE Guideline NG3: Diabetes in Pregnancy.

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Macrosomia Controlled by insulin,

Normal fetal growth Controlled by diet, no complications

37 38 40+6

Hypertensive Disorders Essential Hypertension Gestational Hypertension Pre-eclampsia Eclampsia

If severe/uncontrolled BP, may induce earlier Not before 37 Not before 37 Preferably not before 34 Stabilise and deliver

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IVF pregnancy 39- 40

Local RD+E and NDDH consensus

Maternal age =/>40 39-40

RCOG Scientific Impact Paper 34: Induction of Labour at Term in Older Mothers

Maternal Request eg partner posted abroad

40 if favourable

NICE Clinical Guideline 70: Inducing Labour

Pelvic Girdle Pain / Symphysis pubis dysfunction

From 39 if favourable

Local RD&E and NDDH consensus

Precipitate Labour Should not be offered IOL

NICE Clinical Guideline 70: Inducing Labour

Previous Caesarean Section

Not an indication for IOL. Cervical ripening balloon catheter preferred as increased of risk uterine scar rupture with Prostaglandins. Neither are licensed although in common use in UK. Offer Caesarean Section as an alternative. Consultant discussion and decision advised.

RCOG Green-Top Guideline 45: Birth After Previous Caesarean Birth Local RD&E and NDDH consensus: Vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) guideline

Previous Stillbirth Individualised care

Local RD&E and NDDH consensus

Red Cell Antibodies 37-38 (if stable). May be earlier if unstable or rising titres

RCOG Green-Top Guideline 65: Red Cell Antibodies During Pregnancy

Sickle Cell Disease 38

RCOG Green-Top Guideline 61: Sickle Cell Disease in Pregnancy

Venous Thromboembolism on treatment dose heparin.

Not an indication for IOL. Consider timing of IOL to minimise omitted heparin doses

RCOG Green-Top Guideline 37A: Thrombosis and Embolism During Pregnancy

Parity >4 Not an indication for IOL. Cervical ripening balloon catheter preferred as increased

Local RD&E and NDDH consensus

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risk hyperstimulation with Propess®

Obstetric Cholestasis

From 37

RCOG Green-Top Guideline 43: Obstetric Cholestasis

Fetal Conditions

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Breech Should not be offered IOL

NICE Clinical Guideline 70: Inducing Labour

Growth Restriction AC/EFW <10th centile or static growth Normal Umbilical Artery Doppler. Abnormal Doppler (Umbilical, MCA or DV)

37 Individualised care

RCOG Green-Top Guideline 31: Small for Gestational Age Fetus

Macrosomia If diabetic, Offer IOL at 37 wks. CS if EFW >4.5kg If non-diabetic and EFW >5.0kg offer CS (Should not be offered IOL.)

NICE Clinical Guideline 70: Inducing Labour RCOG Green-Top Guideline 42: Shoulder Dystocia

Multiple pregnancy Mono-chorionic twins di-chorionic twins Triplets

36 37 35

NICE Clinical Guideline 129: Multiple Pregnancy Local RD&E and NDDH consensus: Multiple pregnancy guideline

Polyhydramnios 39

Local RD&E and NDDH consensus:

Reduced fetal movements with normal scan findings

Plan to be discussed with on call Consultant

When a woman recurrently perceives RFM, her case should be reviewed to exclude predisposing causes. Caregivers should be aware of the increased risk of poor perinatal outcome in women presenting with recurrent RFM.

Stillbirth/Intra-uterine fetal demise

Offer mifepristone at time of IUD diagnosis with misoprostol 36-48 hours later. Propess® / oxytocin not routinely used.

Local RD&E and NDDH consensus:

4.3. IOL BOOKING PROCESS – Postdates Low risk inductions

4.2.1. Dates should be confirmed by the booking ultrasound scan.

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4.2.2. In cases of uncomplicated post-dates pregnancies or PROM at term, the decision to induce labour should not be made without discussion with a senior Obstetrician. 4.2.3. The woman should be offered a membrane sweep at 40 weeks gestation if she is a primip (41 weeks for multips). Membrane sweep can be repeated again after 48 hours to a maximum of three membrane sweeps in total from 40 weeks gestation to 41+3 weeks gestation. Membrane sweeps are associated with

Reduced time between treatment and spontaneous labour

Reduced incidence of prolonged pregnancy

Reduced need for formal methods of IOL

Increased maternal discomfort and bleeding Membrane sweeps are not associated with maternal or neonatal infection. 4.2.5. A decision to induce is a decision to deliver. Women should not be sent home once an IOL has begun. 4.2.6. Each IOL should be booked in the IOL diary. Low risk IOL for postdates will be booked by CMW via telephone to the ANC. Recommended information required: patient name, hospital number, parity, gestation, indication for IOL and any other important risk factors (eg high BMI). 4.2.7. The indications and arrangements for IOL should be discussed with the woman and ideally her partner in the ANC or by the CMW at home if it is a routine postdates induction. The method of induction, any specific management and the plan if IOL fails must be documented in the notes by the authorising clinician. 4.2.8. A patient information leaflet including details of admission should be given to the patient when an IOL is booked. 4.2.9. All women for low risk IOL will be undertaken in the DAU/AN/PN ward. For high risk patients, the location will be assessed by the LW co-ordinator and Consultant on call based on maternal/fetal risk factors and clinical activity of the day. 4.2.10. For high risk patients, there must be a comprehensive Obstetric assessment documented on admission as the woman’s history and relevant risk factors may have altered since the original consultation for Induction of Labour.



4.3.1. For women declining IOL at term +14, an appointment to see their Consultant should be made at term +14. She should be offered twice weekly outpatient CTG and USS assessment to include measurement of liquor volume and uterine Dopplers. A full discussion should be undertaken and clearly documented in the maternity records with a clear management plan. 4.3.2. Women with PROM at term should be induced as soon as possible following 24 hours unless they request the ‘wait and see approach’. 4.3.3. Women with PROM and known risk factor for Group B Streptococcus should be commenced on IV antibiotics and IOL commenced immediately. Propess® may be used if the cervix is unfavourable. 4.3.4. Women with PROM and thick meconium should be transferred to Labour Ward and IOL commenced immediately with oxytocin. If meconium is

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thin, IOL should still be commenced but Propess® may be used if the cervix is unfavourable. 4.3.5. If a patient is seen with spontaneous rupture of membranes and contractions and has a vaginal examination but is not in established labour, it is important that their IOL should commence by 24 hours, if IOL declined or delayed please liaise with the Consultant on call. 4.3.6. Propess® is the only prostaglandin licensed for the use in PROM but should be used with caution due to the increased risk of hyperstimulation. To reduce this risk, women should only be given Propess® if there is no evidence of regular painful contractions and the Bishops score is <6. In the event of painful contractions or Bishops score ≥6 women should be transferred to Labour Ward for assessment and IOL with oxytocin.


4.4.2. If the Propess falls out prior to 24 hours, the same pessary can be re-inserted as long as it was contained within a clean environment (e.g the woman’s sanitary towel or underwear). If not, a new pessary can be inserted (once prescribed) however the original timeline remains i.e. the original Propess removal date and time is still the time that the Propess should be removed.


Uterine hyperstimulation can appear as tachysystole or hypertonus, which may lead to FHR changes.

The incidence of uterine hyperstimulation with or without FHR change ranged from 1% to 5%.

Contraction frequency being more than five in 10 minutes (for at least 20 minutes) or contractions exceeding 2 minutes in duration.

Hyperstimulation is more likely with Propess® in the presence of PROM.

Terbutaline is a B2 agonist which relaxes the uterus.

Prolonged Bradycardia: Remove Propess® and give 250 mcg terbutaline S/C and transfer to Labour Ward for senior obstetrician review.

Pathological CTG: Remove Propess® and give 250 mcg terbutaline S/C if needed and transfer to Labour Ward for senior obstetrician review.

Suspicious CTG: Transfer to Labour Ward, continue CTG and get senior obstetrician review. If in labour – remove Propess®.If not in labour, leave Propess® in situ. The review may take place prior to transfer. Subsequent management will depend on senior obstetrician assessment.

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Normal CTG: Diagnosis of hyperstimulation not confirmed – leave Propess® in and continue CTG. Women may remain on Bassett ward provided adequate midwives to monitor CTG. Discuss with the Labour Ward Coordinator or SAS doctor if concerned.


4.5.1. A cervical ripening balloon catheter is used as an alternative to Propess® to facilitate amniotomy without risk of hyperstimulation associated with Propess®. A cervical ripening balloon catheter should not be used in the presence of ruptured membranes. 4.5.2. Indications for a cervical ripening balloon catheter are

For women who are for IOL and have had one previous C/S

For other high risk groups of women for whom Propess® is not preferable eg. grand multiparity (Para >4)

Patient choice

For women for whom Propess® has failed to ripen the cervix for amniotomy


Prior to commencing IOL with a Cervical Ripening Balloon Catheter

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Check gestation Check IOL indication on the form / notes Maternal observations (P, BP, Temp) History of contractions / membrane rupture Abdominal Examination Presentation (USS if required) CTG 20-30 minutes Investigations relevant to the diagnosis

Prescription Chart: Confirm Allergy status and sign Paracetamol 1g PO/IV QDS as required Codeine Phosphate 30mg PO QDS as required IV Antibiotics if Group B Streptococcus

If no evidence regular painful contractions, perform Vaginal Examination with verbal consent


4.6.1. Women who have started in labour with Propess®: If a women labours with Propess® alone then provided that the CTG remains normal for a 30 minutes post removal of Propess®, the woman is not started on oxytocin and there are no fetal or maternal reasons requiring continuous electronic fetal monitoring, then subsequent monitoring can be by intermittent auscultation as per unit guideline. 4.6.2. Women who have not laboured in the 24 hour period post Propess® insertion: Any patient who has not laboured over the 24 hours following Propess® insertion needs to be assessed on Bassett ward and either insert a Prostin or transfer to Labour Ward and a CTG commenced. A cannula and bloods (FBC / G&S) are NOT required prior to amniotomy for every patient.

Membranes intact

Cervix uneffaced and <2cm dilated

Cervix fully effaced and >2cm dilated

Cervical ripening balloon catheter

CTG for 60 minutes

CTG every 6 hours OR if painful uterine activity commences. Maternal observations 6hrly

12-24 hours post insertion of balloon Transfer to Labour Ward

VE + amniotomy +/- oxytocin

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4.6.3. If cervix is dilated enough to allow access to the fetal membranes an amniotomy will be performed and oxytocin commenced. Please ensure there is a 30 minutes period between removal of Propess® and amniotomy 4.6.4. If cervix is not dilated enough for ARM, Prostin should be inserted. 4.6.4. If SROM occurs but labour is not established DO NOT remove pessary, observe uterine activity and fetal heart at that time, followed by 6 hourly CTGs until either labour does establish or 24 hours has elapsed since insertion. 4.6.5. Women who have had a cervical ripening balloon catheter that has spontaneously fallen out should have an amniotomy performed on Labour Ward. No delay is necessary from amniotomy to starting oxytocin. 4.6.6. Women who have had a cervical ripening balloon catheter that has remained in situ should have the 30mL balloon deflated, the balloon removed and an amniotomy performed on Labour Ward. No delay is necessary from removal of balloon and amniotomy to starting oxytocin. 4.6.7. The oxytocin intravenous infusion should be prescribed on a fluid chart as 500mL 0.9% Normal Saline with 30 IU Syntocinon®. (APPENDIX ) 4.6.8. Continuous CTG. Follow Intrapartum and Fetal Monitoring guidelines and use NDDH Fresh Eyes Intrapartum CTG assessment sticker. 4.6.9. If amniotomy not possible after balloon deflation or 6 hrs post-prostin , : Decision about further management should be in accordance with the woman’s wishes and should take account of the clinical circumstances. Full discussion should occur between the Consultant and patient. Caesarean Section is advisable. In exceptional cases, further induction may be considered depending on the individualised circumstances. 4.8. DECISION TO DELAY IOL DUE TO EXCESSIVE WORKLOAD

4.7.1. The elective workload should be reviewed at the Labour Ward handover by the Labour Ward Consultant and the Labour Ward Coordinator. Any decision to postpone IOL or delay transfer to Labour Ward MUST be made by the Labour Ward Consultant and the Labour Ward Coordinator and should be based on clinical need and / or priority. The decision to delay IOL must be recorded in the woman’s IOL paperwork with a clear plan. There should be a documented discussion with the woman and her partner, ideally by a Senior Midwife/ Labour Ward Coordinator. 4.7.2. The women will then be assessed with CTG, basic observations, take a history of fetal movements and review of maternal wellbeing where appropriate before revised IOL date.

5. Augmentation of labour

5.1. First stage of labour augmentation. 5.1.1. In the first stage of labour augmentation may be undertaken using two

methods; ARM and Oxytocin infusion.

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5.1.2. Cervical assessment will diagnose delay of established labour and ARM should be undertaken with consent as a first line response. The woman will be re-assessed after two hours for assessment for further intervention with an oxytocin infusion.

5.1.3. If the membranes are already ruptured on diagnosis of delay in established labour an oxytocin infusion should be commenced. (APPENDIX )for specific guidance on this method.

5.1.4. The condition of the mother and fetus must be carefully assessed, including a clearly documented cervical assessment before commencing oxytocin. Oxytocin must not be commenced without a fully documented Obstetric (Staff Grade or Consultant) assessment and plan, with the appropriate prescription.

5.1.5. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring is necessary once the oxytocin infusion has commenced. If the fetal monitoring trace becomes abnormal, STOP the oxytocin infusion.

5.1.6. Aim for regular contractions 4-5:10 minutes, NO MORE THAN 5:10. Do not rely solely on the external transducer to monitor contractions – you MUST also manually palpate the frequency, strength of and rest time between contractions.

5.1.7. Once the oxytocin infusion is commenced, a vaginal examination will take place maximum four hours after the onset of regular contractions 4-5:10 OR six hours after commencing oxytocin, whichever time is reached first. This timeframe will need to be individualised to the cervical assessment at commencement of the oxytocin infusion as well as maternal/fetal risk factors.

5.2. Second stage of labour augmentation. 5.2.1. In the second stage of labour augmentation may be undertaken using

two methods; ARM and Oxytocin infusion. 5.2.2. The condition of the mother and fetus must be carefully assessed,

including a clearly documented vaginal examination before commencing oxytocin. Oxytocin must not be commenced without a fully documented Obstetric (Staff Grade or Consultant) assessment with the appropriate prescription. Further action plan must also be written by an obstetrician who reviewed the woman including expected time of review.

5.2.3. If tachysystole is suspected, REDUCE the infusion rate. Tachysystole is the presence of contractions >5:10 with a normal fetal heart trace. If hyperstimulation is suspected – STOP the infusion.

Hyperstimulation is presence of contractions >5:10 with an abnormal fetal heart trace.

Immediate Obstetric assessment is required and consider subcuticular Terbutaline 0.25mg.

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Oxytocin infusion Dose schedules and frequency of increment

This table applies to the first and second stage of labour. Under no circumstances should

contractions exceed 5:10 minutes (VBAC 3-4:10).

Syntocinon 30 international units added to 500ml of Normal Saline, contents thoroughly mixed.

Time after starting (mins) Syntocinon dose (milliunits per min) Volume infused (mls per hr)

0 1 1

30 2 2

60 4 4

90 8 8

120 12 12

150 16 16

180 20 20

210 24 24

240 28 28

270 32 32

Maximum licensed dose is 20 milliunits per minute.

Contact the obstetrician if contractions < 4-5:10 at 20 milliunits per minute.

Doses above 20 milliunits should be prescribed upon the infusion medication chart.

Dose of Syntocinon should not exceed 32 milliunits per minute.

If the Oxytocin infusion is commenced in second stage it MUST commence at 1ml per hour. In

exceptional circumstances in can be increased every 15 mins ONLY AT THE STANDARD

INCREMENT i.e. 1/2/4/8.

6. Monitoring Compliance with and the Effectiveness of the

Guideline Standards/ Key Performance Indicators

6.1. Key performance indicators comprise: Documentation; the reason for induction or augmentation, the

risks and benefits of the process, the proposed methods to be used and a time bound plan.

Outcome Length of time from commencement to delivery Maternal and Fetal observations Feedback from the women

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7. Process for Implementation and Monitoring Compliance and Effectiveness

7.1. The cervical ripening balloon implementation process will commence with training, a six month trial of the new process and ratification of the guidance following review of the trial audit results.

7.2. The Induction and Augmentation of Labour Guideline implementation process will commence following ratification at the Maternity Guidelines meeting. New aspects of the guideline will be disseminated in practice and staff training.

7.3. The monitoring process: An annual audit of at least 100 sets of maternity records will be undertaken monitoring the following elements: Indication for IOL Outcome Length of time from commencement to delivery Maternal and Fetal observations Feedback from the women

7.4. A report will be produced yearly, presented at Maternity governance meeting & circulated to all medical staff. It will also be submitted alongside an Audit Outcome Form to the Health group Quality Facilitator.

7.5. Any identified deficiencies will be discussed at The maternity governance meeting and a timeframe for actions agreed. Completion of these actions will be identified through the Maternal Governance meeting.

7.6. Required changes to practice will be identified and actioned within the time frame identified through Labour Ward Forum. A lead member of the team will be identified to take each change forward where appropriate. Lessons will be shared with all the relevant stakeholders.

8. References Specific guidelines linked to IOL indications or timings are available

in the table in Section 4.0

National Institute for Clinical Excellence (2015) Insertion of double

balloon catheter for induction of labour in pregnant women without

previous caesarean section. NICE interventional procedure

guidance [IPG528]

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Clinical Guideline

70: Inducing Labour July 2008

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9. Appendix A


SCORE 0 1 2 3

Dilation 0 1 to 2 3 to 4 >4

Length 3 2 1 0

Consistency Firm Medium Soft

Position Posterior Mid Anterior

Station -3 -2 -1 IS or lower

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10. Appendix B



at Induction







Discussion completed

and documented


Leaflet given Initial Method Step/Day Timeframe

Consent obtained Initial Balloon Indicate 1/2/3/4 State max hrs in situ

Prescription completed Initial Propess Indicate 1/2/3/4 State max hrs in situ

Induction booked Initial ARM Indicate 1/2/3/4 State max hrs to next step

Documents complete Initial Oxytocin Infusion 1/2/3/4 State max hrs in situ

Prostin (state why)

1mg 3 mg (circle which)

1/2/3/4 State max hrs in situ

Induction date………………....……..Latest expected date of delivery…………………..………


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11. Appendix C























Circle which


Circle which


Circle which


Circle which

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………………………… (State method)



……………………………. (State method)





………………………… (State method)



……………………………. (State method)





………………………… (State method)



……………………………. (State method)





………………………… (State method)



……………………………. (State method)





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12. Appendix D

Cook Medical Cervical ripening balloon catheter (CRB) is a silicone double balloon

catheter. The maximum balloon inflation is: 80ml/balloon. (Fig.A)It is engineered to

naturally and gradually dilate the cervix and facilitate labour induction. Ripening and dilation is accomplished by the balloons’ gentle and constant pressure at the level of

the cervix from both the internal and external os.



It safely ripens and dilates the cervix without pharmaceuticals

It eliminates the potential side effects of repeat medications

The silicone balloons adapt to the contour of the cervical canal

It is easily placed and quickly removed Prior to insertion

Confirm gestational age, singleton pregnancy, vertex presentation, intact membranes, exclude placenta praevia and any contraindications to vaginal birth

A CTG must be performed for 30 minutes before CRB insertion.

Ensure the woman has emptied her bladder.

Confirm maternal pulse, blood pressure, respiration rate and uterine activity meet accepted criteria for induction.

Perform an abdominal palpation to confirm presentation and vaginal examination to obtain a Bishop’s score (unfavourable cervix and ARM not feasible)

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Fig B :

Perform a VE and record the Bishop’s score. Insert 2 fingers into the vagina,

then using the other hand to guide, gently advance the CRB through the

cervix until both balloons have entered the cervical canal. (Fig.B)

Fig C:

Inflate the uterine balloon with 20-40ml of saline through the catheter valve U.

Once the uterine balloon is inflated, pull the device back until the balloon

abuts the internal cervical os. (Fig. C)

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Fig D

Once it is confirmed that the lower vaginal balloon is now outside the external

os, inflate the vaginal balloon catheter valve V with 20ml saline. (Fig D).

Fig E.

Once the Balloons are situated on either side of the cervix, add saline (slowly

in 20ml increments) - a maximum of 80mL per balloon (Fig.E)

You may allow the catheter to hang down loosely or tape it to the side of the thigh if deemed

more comfortable.


The procedure can also be conducted using the speculum method.

Place the women in a lithotomy position

Insert speculum and visualize the cervix. Clean the cervical os with sterile


Pass the cervical ripening balloon catheter through the cervix (using sponge

forceps) until both balloons have entered the cervical canal

Then follow the steps as above.

Observations during admission following Insertion of cervical balloon;

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6 hourly fetal heart rate and movements- commence a CTG if any fetal heart rate abnormalities are detected.

6 hourly uterine activity, vaginal loss, temp, resp rate pulse and BP.

Further vaginal examinations are unnecessary unless regular contractions are established or SROM occurs. N.B. perform CTG at this time.

Indications for catheter removal include:

Ruptured membranes

Uterine hyperstimulation or uterine tachystole

Abnormal CTG requiring urgent delivery

Urinary retention - remove some or all fluid from the balloon(s)

Maximum recommended time reached

To remove the cervical balloon;

Remove the CRB after 12 hours and perform a VE to assess suitability for ARM.

Deflate both balloons through the corresponding valve marked U and V and remove itvaginally .The balloon may fall out as the cervix dilates prior to 12 hours’ time limit.

ARM should be performed in labour ward and the management of labour should be conducted as per Care in Labour guideline.

Propess Pessary insertion diagram Secure the pessary between the fore and middle fingers. With consent, using the

same technique as a vaginal examination pass the pessary into the posterior fornix. Rotate it gently so that it lies transverse in the posterior fornix ‘wrapped’ behind the cervix.

Ensure there is sufficient tape at the introitus to remove the pessary if necessary.

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