do now: in your notebooks –

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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EPICS Food: Monday, 1.4.10 Lipids & Fats in Food. Do Now: In your notebooks – What do you know about lipids & fats? Write down whatever comes to mind. What questions do you have? Homework: Organize and turn in the materials from the Carbohydrate Celebration if you haven’t already - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Do Now: In your notebooks – What do you know about lipids & fats? Write down

whatever comes to mind. What questions do you have?

Homework: Organize and turn in the materials from the Carbohydrate

Celebration if you haven’t already Read and take notes on your assigned article Finish the reading & notes from today’s class if you don’t finish

Today’s Objective: Use a graphic organizer (chart) to read and take notes on the functions & sources of lipids in our bodies.

EPICS Food: Monday, 1.4.10Lipids & Fats in Food

Do Now: In your notebooks – Based on the reading you’ve done so far, how

would you define LIPIDS & FATS? Write a definition… what are they?

Homework: Reading and questions on Fats & Disease

Today’s Objectives: Explain the positive and negative effects of fats & lipids on the

body. Distinguish between different types of fats and cholesterol.

EPICS Food: Tuesday, 1.5.10Lipids & Fats in Food

EPICS FOOD:LIPIDS & FATSWeek of January 4, 2010

Fats & cholesterols form cell membranes

Fats are important for nerve function

Fats & Blood Cholesterol can clog arteries…

… this can lead to heart disease.

Do Now: In your notebooks – What do you know about proteins?

Include… What foods contain lots of protein? What do proteins do for your body?

Homework: Weekly Reflection #9 – Fats and Proteins in your

diet(Last one before midterms!)

EPICS Food: Thursday, 1.7.10Proteins in Food

Agenda & Objectives Today’s Agenda:Period 1:

Briefly finish discussion of fats – saturated & trans Notes on proteins

Period 2: Evaluating protein packages

Objectives for Today: Explain the difference between different types of fats Identify 4 uses of proteins in the body Explain what proteins are made out of Identify sources of protein in food Evaluate the health effects of different “protein packages”


Protein Functions In the body, proteins are

needed to… Form body structures such

as muscle, skin, bone, hair Act as enzymes (control

chemical reactions in the body)

Transport messages or nutrients through the bloodstream Non-steroid hormones are

message-carrying proteins Hemoglobin is a red-blood-cell

protein that carries oxygen Build immune system cells

for fighting infection

Protein Functions (continued)

In food, proteins can… Slow the movement of food

through the digestive system Cause sugars to be released

slowly and steadily into the bloodstream

End result: help control feelings of hunger and spikes/drops in blood sugar.

Provide the building-blocks (amino acids) necessary for building any protein your body needs

Protein Structure Proteins are long molecules made from 20

different building-blocks called amino acids

There are 8 essential amino acids that your body needs to get from food (can’t make on its own) Methionine, Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, Leucine,

Threonine, Valine, Isoleucine, and Lysine

Protein Sources in Food Animal products including meat, fish,

eggs, milk, cheese = complete proteins – all 8 essential amino acids

Plant products including grains and legumes = incomplete proteins – not all 8 e. a. a.’s Eat grains & legumes together to get

complete proteinsWheatCornRiceBreadTortillaCrackersCereal

BeansNutsPeanut butterSoyTofuLentils

Plant-Based Protein SourcesGrains(Corn, Wheat, Rice, Bread, Tortilla, etc.)



ThreonineValine Isoleucine


(Beans, Nuts, Soy)

Eaten in combination, grains & legumes provide all 8 essential amino acids

Note: Fruits and vegetables provide very little protein[though they provide many other important vitamins and micronutrients]

Do Now: Hand Weekly Reflection #9 to the middle of

the row Take out the “Protein Investigation” sheet

from last Thursday Look over your data, and then answer the

Analysis Question on the back of the sheet

Homework:Finish the Fruits & Veggies questions if not finished in


EPICS Food: Monday, 1.11.10Fruits & Veggies!

Do Now: Hand in Weekly Reflection #9 if you haven’t

already. Get out notes, etc.

Homework:Study for Thursday’s QUIZ.Fruits & Veggies sheet, and Proteins sheet, will be collected

on Thursday. Today’s Objective & Agenda:

Review the material for Thursday’s quiz. Organize your notes & handouts. Suggestion: Create a notebook page for Quiz review, and

write/re-write notes based on the study guide questions.

EPICS Food: Tuesday, 1.12.10Quiz Review: What’s in Food?

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