divide & conquer

Post on 18-Mar-2016






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Want to know the real purpose behind Obamacare? Immigration reform? The stimulus? Read on about the great con game Barry is playing with your lives. Read on...


Divide & Conquer

The game the White House is playing of constant one up-man ship and saying we do not care how long the Federal government is shut down as long as we win in the end is the kind of non-caring public appointed officials that have embedded themselves like parasites in the branches of what is passed off as government today.

All of King Obama’s shutdown outrages were part of a carefully concealed high stakes game with

Taxpayers being the pawn. Under close examination we find we are being played like a fiddle not just through the government shutdown but through the whole Barry presidency.

Playing With Your Lives

A bestselling book in the 60’s by Eric Bernie, a psychiatrist, called “Games People Play” analyzed manipulative personalities that play social “games.” Bernie defined these actions as “ulterior transactions progressing to a well-defined, predictable outcome.” Ulterior motive meaning the game player’s “concealed motivation.” Bernie defined it as a series of interactions between two or more individuals that follow a predetermined pattern. The game playing advances to an outcome in which one person gains a “payoff” or “goal” at the end.

Make It Hurt

The power politics being played in today’s America is like the old game of chicken where two cars drive head on at each other seeing who will blink first. The extreme leftist games are called “Make it hurt” and “Blame the Republicans” serving a long term strategy called “Fracture the Republican Party” or as the old war game generals called it “Divide & Conquer.”

War is Deception

As Sun Tzu stated, “War is deception” always trying to defeat the adversary. In the most basic sense, someone who is deceiving, becoming a pathological liar pretending all the time is playing games with other people’s lives. Always tricking, deceiving, clying, and misdirecting using strategies and tactics seeking an unfair advantage is the exact bloviating dysfunctional personality called Barak Obama. His modus operandi is to always conceal his real motives, what his true designs are, everything he does is a game being played on the American people, a game of political war. We the people are the political pawns. Consider if you will the following:

Games Obama Plays

The game is called “Healthcare Reform.” The so called purpose: Healthcare reforms that make it easier to gain access to affordable healthcare for everyone. The government stated goal is to protect consumers from the abuse of insurance company practices.

The actual purpose: the massive takeover of the healthcare industry that happens to be one sixth of the GDP expanding government by 20%. Obamacare’s intentional destruction of private health insurance leading to a single payer system which is none other than socialized medicine.

The Payoff: Government controls every aspect of your life allowing the Fed to progressively regulate to control lives that they deem fit to live. They will want to know what you eat, what you do, what you drive, where you go, what you do to amuse yourself, everything in fact that you do.

The Game: “Comprehensive Immigration Reform.”

Purpose: To give undocumented aliens and their families a chance to earn citizenship.

Actual Purpose: The creation of millions of new Democratic voters enabling progressives to stay in power in America indefinitely.

The Payoff: Create a new tax base when new workers are allowed to stay and improve tax

increases to the federal coffers when the minimum wage is increased to $10.00 per hour.

The Game: “Energy, Climate Change and the Environment”

Purpose: Taking actions to reserve the foundation for a clean energy economy and to tackle the issue of global warming to protect our environment.

Actual Purpose: To use progressive driven environmental pseudo-science as a basis for energy and environmental policies that cripple America’s oil, gas, and coal resources causing energy prices to soar. When prices soar the Fed collects more taxes for its coffers.

The Payoff: Maintain and increase U.S. dependency on foreign energy as part of Obama’s grand plan to reduce the power, stature, and influence of America as the planets only superpower. The Anti-America extreme leftist party regard the United States as a predatory and destructive power and an obstacle to world peace and social justice.

The Game: “The Stimulus”

The Purpose: The stimulus was passed in 2009 to energize the economy in the mist of the depression. To save existing jobs, to create shovel ready projects, and to invest in infrastructure, education, health and renewable energy was the supported purpose.

The Actual Purpose: To set up a slush fund to further the ambitions of the Democratic Party tax and spend policies, pay public employee and union pensions and healthcare costs. Fund pet projects like Solyndra and Lightspeed to provide pork for Democratic districts and states.

The Payoff: An $800 billion stimulus package that failed to stimulate anyone, help the economy, create new jobs (real unemployment is 22.5%), hire new college grads (4 million with degrees unemployed), create shovel ready jobs (Obama admitted in 2010 there was no such thing), or uplift minorities out of poverty. What the $800 billion dollar stimulus did do is spread the wealth around to Obama’s friends, colleagues, and supporters

while creating the appearance of doing something to help the economically ravaged cities like Detroit that got in that state of affairs because of Democratic policies.

So It Goes

I could go on and on about Obama’s delusions of grandeur, his narcissistic personality disorder, his grandiose sense of importance, his preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited power and success, his

belief in his exceptional brilliance, and his particular narrow minded ideological focus on socialism. These are all symptoms that would merit a shrink’s clinical diagnosis. To put it politely the man needs help.


Without a doubt Obama and his left wing cronies are leading the nation down a path to national insolvency which inevitably will be the prior administrations fault. Nothing seems to stick to this guy. When he is caught in a lie he simply lies about the lie like “you can keep your healthcare if you like it period.” Ya right! So on we go into this disaster called Obamacare where now he wants to suspend his own law for a year without the input of Congress who is the only one that can amend the law! Can we say unconstitutional? Will someone please call him on this like in game over!

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