district 7410 rotary foundation grant management seminar thanks for coming welcome !

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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District 7410Rotary Foundation Grant

Management Seminar

Thanks For Coming

Welcome !



• Understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation grant under New Grant Model– Structuring a Successful Project– Applying for a Grant

• Prepare Clubs to implement the MOU

• Qualify Clubs to receive grant funds

• Learn stewardship expectations

Rotary Foundation Mission

To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding,

goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health,

the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty

Resources• Grant Management Manual• Areas of Focus• Rotary E-Learning Center• New TRF Grant FAG’s• Grant Terms and Conditions• Club Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)• District 7410 Allocation Procedure

Available on District website and Rotary.org


Successful Grant ProjectsSuccessful Grant Projects• Real community needs

• Frequent partner communication

• Implementation plan

• Sustainable

• Proper stewardship of funds


Needs AssessmentNeeds Assessment

• Base project on the community’s need

• Assess resources of your club and potential partners

• Talk to the community


Project PlanningProject Planning

• Form a three-person grant committee

• Assign roles

• Implementation plan

• Budget

• Contingency plan

• Document retention plan

Rotary Foundation GrantsRotary Foundation Grants

• District grant– Less than $30K: Local, International

• Global grants– $30K or more: International

• Packaged grants– Strategic Partners– Pre-Financed– Looking for Rotarian participation/volunteering


TRF Share System2011-12 Annual Fund Contributions


District Designated Funds (DDF)$56,196

World Fund$56,196

District Grants$28,098

Global GrantsFully Funded

Packages Grants

PolioPlusRotary Peace Centers


Remaining DDF rolls over to next year

District Grants (districts decide)• Categories (shown as examples)

– Less than $3,000 (an amount reserved each RY)

– More that $2,000 (bigger multi-Club/partners/committee projects)

– International projects less than $30,000

• Examples– Local community projects– Scholarships– Travel for humanitarian projects– Vocational Training Exchanges– Int’l Medical Missions– Disaster Recovery

District Grant Requirements

• Club must be certified– attend Grant Training– MOU– Allocation Procedure

• Support of Rotary Foundation

• Areas of Focus

• Within funding ranges of block grant


Club/CommitteeClub/CommitteeQualification RequirementsQualification Requirements

• Club or Committee member attend a grant management seminar (2 suggested)

• Club annually sign and submit signed MOU and Allocation Procedure to District

• Meet the requirements of grants

• Maintain trained Club grant managers


Maintaining QualificationMaintaining Qualification

• Follow terms of Club MOU

• Appoint Club member/committee to manage Club qualification

• Fully implement stewardship practices to prevent misuse of funds

District Grant Application Process

• Submit Proposal to District Grant Committee…

• Grant Committee Review / Project Selection

• Club Project Approval by District…

• District submits spending plan to RI

• TRF Funds arrive after July 1st


Applying for Global GrantsApplying for Global Grantsideas.rotary.orgideas.rotary.org

• Application process online -

Questionnaire & Form

• Meet goals of Areas of Focus

• Be sustainable

• Involve Rotary Clubs in two Int’l Districts

• Minimum budget of US$30,000

• District confirms Club is qualified

Timeline for Applications

2014District Grants• FEB 1 MOU & Club Qualification renewals begin• Mar 1 14/15 Grant proposal period• Apr 30 Deadline for submitting Grant request• May 30 Grants approved• Jun 15 District Grant Spending Plan sent to RI for Approval• July 1 TRF Releases funds

Global Grants

Can be submitted at any time on Rotary.org


Areas of FocusAreas of Focus

Peace and conflict prevention/resolution

Disease prevention and treatment

Water and sanitation

Maternal and child health

Basic education and literacy

Economic and community development


Sustainable ProjectsSustainable Projects

• Give a community the skills and knowledge to maintain project outcomes for the long term, after grant funds have been expended.

• Optimally use of local resources, regional input, and indigenous knowledge.

• Prepare professionals to increase impact and improve effectiveness in the communities and vocations in which they work.

? Your District Grant Ideas ?? District or Global ?

… … … …


Global Grant FinancingGlobal Grant Financing

• DDF matched 100% with World Fund

• Rotarian cash contributions matched 50% with World Fund

• Non-Rotarian/Organization cash contributions direct to project


Financing GuidelinesFinancing Guidelines

• Contributions raised by Rotarians

• Funds cannot be raised from beneficiaries in exchange for a grant

• Funds cannot come from other TRF grant projects

• Contributions credited to donor


Financial Management PlanFinancial Management Plan

• Bank account for funds for Global Grants

• Expending funds on project

• Use checks/bank cards to track funds

• Detailed ledger

• Know & complywith local laws

Resources• Grant Management Manual• Areas of Focus• Preparing Your Club for Future Vision• Rotary e-Learning Center• Future Vision Reference Guide• New TRF Grants FAQ’s• Grant Terms & Conditions• TRF Grant Memo of Understanding

Available on rotary.org and District Website


Document RetentionDocument Retention

• Provide access

• Retain for a minimum of five years

• Make copies


• A requirement

• Verifies grants were managed properly

• Provides communication and builds trust

• Provides for celebration of success

• Encourages future giving

• Provides evaluation data

• Permits TRF to understand effectiveness


District Grant ReportsDistrict Grant Reports• Report any changes to project from proposed

scope and beneficiaries…• Progress Reports

– For projects still active• Final Report

– For completed projects• Final reports normally within 12 months or grant



Global Grant Reports: FrequencyGlobal Grant Reports: Frequency

• Progress reports– Within 12 months of first payment– Every 12 months through the life of the grant

• Final report within 2 months of completion

• Online through Member Access


Global Grant Reports: ContentGlobal Grant Reports: Content• On-Line through MEMBER ACCESS

• How partners were involved

• Type of activity

• Evaluation of project goals

• How area of focus goals were met

• How funds were spent

• Number of beneficiaries and how they benefited


Conflict of InterestConflict of Interest

• Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or personally from a grant

• Benefit can be direct (the Rotarian benefits) or indirect (an associate of the Rotarian benefits)

Rotary Foundation Mission

To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding,

goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health,

the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty


Thank youThank you

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