display billions of pixels on the web

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Albert Decatur (albert.decatur@gmail.com)

How to Display Datasets of Billions of Pixels on the Web with Minimal Time and Hardware Requirements

latest datasets are thousands of times more detailed

datasets of billions of pixels

before after

spatial data on the web

web mapsused by browsers

network linked KMLused by virtual globes


web maps

USGS latest earthquakes

network KML

minimal requirementsopen source software Linux GDAL/OGRscripting BASHunconventional devices

unconventional devices

wireless routershandheld devicesvirtual machines

netgear wireless router

Zipit – intended for IM

Zipit – intended for IM

virtual machines

virtual machines

run inside another machineuse any operating system you chooseuse as few resources as you demand

getting the data on the web

BASH scripting and GDAL/OGR


Bourne Again Shell shell – text interface to the computer also a scripting language


set of open source spatial toolspraised by Googleused by most GIS companies

convert raster to kml superoverlay

getting the data on the web

create network linked kml

getting the data on the web

fine resolution land-cover classification on the web

example output

ancient hardware

next steps

ancient hardware

next steps

DEC machine, 1980s boot from floppy install linux, web server, map server

Albert Decatur (albert.decatur@gmail.com)

thank you

acknowledgementsProfessors Colin Polsky and Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr. The Clark University HERO ProgramThe holmes team – Nick Giner, Rahul Rakshit, and Dan Runfola

E-mail – albert.decatur@gmail.comWebsite - http://hero.clarku.edu/holmes

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant Nos. BCS-0709685 (Coupled Natural-Human Systems), OCE-0423565 (Long-Term Ecological Research), SES-0849985 (REU Site), and BCS-0948984 (ULTRA-ex), and by the Clark University O'Connor '78 Endowment. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.

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