disk directed i/o for mimd multiprocessors

Post on 03-Feb-2016






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Disk Directed I/O for MIMD Multiprocessors. David Kotz Department of Computer Science Dartmouth College. Overview. Introduction Collective I/O Implementation Experiments Results Example Conclusions Questions. Introduction. Scientific applications Traditional I/O Disk directed I/O. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Disk Directed I/O for MIMD Multiprocessors

David KotzDepartment of Computer Science

Dartmouth College


Introduction Collective I/O Implementation Experiments Results Example Conclusions Questions


Scientific applications

Traditional I/O

Disk directed I/O

MIMD Architecture With CPs and IOPs ( Message Passing)

Collective I/O Drawbacks of traditional file system

• Independent requests• Separate file-system call• Data declustering

Collective I/O Interface• CPs cooperate • Provides a high level interface• Enhances performance

Collective I/O ( Contd..) Implementation alternatives

• Traditional caching• Two phase I/O• Disk directed I/O

Traditional CachingNo explicit interfaceEach application calls IOP

Two phase I/OCPs collectively determine and carry out the optimized approach

Data layout must be same in the processors and in the disks

Collective I/O (Contd..)

Traditional Caching

Collective I/O ( Contd.. )

Two Phase I/O

Collective I/O ( Contd.. )

Disk-directed I/O

Collective I/O ( Contd.. )

Disk-directed I/O The I/O can confirm not only to the logical layout

but also to the physical layout. If the disks are RAIDS, the I/O can be organized to

perform full stripe writes for maximum performance.

Only one I/O request to each IOP. There is no communication among the IOPs Disk scheduling is improved by sorting the block

list for each disk Two buffers per CP per disk per file


Files were striped across all disks , block by block

Each IOP served more than one disks Message passing and DMA

Each message was encoded Each request contained reply action

Memget and Memput messages Proteus simulator on DEC-5000 workstation

Implementation ( Contd.. )

Simulation parameters

Implementation ( Contd.. )

Implementing DDIO IOP creates new thread for each request Thread computes disk blocks, sorts based on

location and informs to disk threads Allocates two one-block buffers for each local disk Creates a thread to manage each buffer

Implementing traditional caching CPs didn’t cache or prefetch data CPs send concurrent requests to relevant IOPs Each IOP mainatained double buffer to satisfy

requests from each CP to each disk


Different configurations File access patterns Disk layout Number of CPs Number of IOPs Number of disks

File and disk layout 10 MB file was striped across disks block by block Both contiguous and random layouts were used

Experiments ( Contd.. )

1D and 2D matrices are used

Access patterns

NONE -each dimension of the array could be mapped to entirely one CP

BLOCK-distributed among CPs in contiguous blocks CYCLIC-distributed round-robin among the CPs

Record size of 8 bytes and 8192 bytes are used

HPF array distribution

Experiment ( Contd.. ) Contiguous disk layout

Example LU Decomposition

In solving linear systems of equations N x N matrix Decomposed into L-lower triangular and U-

upper triangular LU=M Columns are stored in processor’s memory Each processor’s subset of columns is called


Example ( Contd.. ) Performance measurement

8 CPs, 8 IOPs and 8 disks one for each IOP 4MB matrix data Slab size 16, 32 or 128 columns Random or contiguous layout Block size 1KB, 4KB or 8KB Traditional file system used 128 blocks of total

cache Disk directed file system used 16 blocks of total

buffer space Results

DDIO always improved the performance of the LU decomposition when both contiguous and random layouts are used

Related work PIFS

Data flow is controlled by the file system rather than by the application.

Jovian collective-I/O library Combines fragmented requests from many CPs into

larger requests that can be passed to the IOPs. Transparent Informed prefetching ( TIP )

Enables applications to submit detailed hints about their future file activity to the file system, which can use the hints for accurate, aggressive prefetching.

TickerTAIP RAID controller Uses collaborative execution similar to disk directed

file system.


Disk-directed I/O avoided many of the pitfalls inherent in the traditional caching method, such as thrashing, extraneous disk-head movements etc.

Presorts disk requests to optimize head movement and had smaller buffer requirements.

It is most valuable when making large, collective transfers of data between multiple disks and multiple memories.


What is collective I/O ?

What are the advantages of disk-directed I/O ?

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