disease, surgical, procedural and observational abbreviations

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Disease, Surgical , Procedural and Observational Abbreviations

ADR adverse drug reaction ain’t doing right

ARF acute renal failure

BAR bright, alert, and responsive

BE barium enema

BLD blood

BM bowel movement

BP blood pressure

BW body weight

C-S coughing – sneezing

CD canine distemper

CHF congestive heart failure

Cob care of body

CRF chronic renal failure

CXR chest x-ray

D5W 5% dextrose in water

DIC disseminated intravascular disease

DJD degenerative joint disease

DM diabetes mellitus

DOA dead on arrival

Dx diagnosis

ECG, EKG electrocardiogram

ECHO echocardiogram

EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat

F-A fecal analysis

FB foreign body

FD feline distemper (panleukopenia)

FeLV feline leukemia virus

FeSV feline sarcoma virus

FIP feline infectious peritonitis

FPV feline paneukopenia virus

FUO fever of unknown origin

FUS feline urologic syndrome

Fx fracture

GDV gastric dilatation vovulus

GU genitourinary

HBC hit by car

HBs harsh bronchial sounds

HC health certificate

HR heart rate

Hx history

ICH infectious canine hepatits

IVD intervertebral disk disease

KCS keratoconjunctivitis sicca

LN lymph node

LRS lactated Ringer’s solution

MAP mean arterial pressure

MI mitral insufficiency

MM mucous membrane

NC no change

Non rep do not repeat

NPL no palpable lesions

NR nothing remarkable

NS normal saline

NSF no significant findings

NVL no visible lesions

OCD osteochondritis desiccans

OFA Orthopedic Foundation for Animals

OHE ovariohysterectomy (spray)

PDQ pretty darn quick

PM postmortem

PO postoperative; per os

PPH pertinent past history

PPN partial parenteral nutrition

PSS physiological saline solution

PTA prior to admission

PTS put to sleep (euthanasia)

RACLs ruptured anterior cruciate ligament

RADs radiographs

R/O rule out

RV rabies vaccination

SOB shortness of breath

S/P status post

sp species

SR suture removal

Sx signs, symptoms, or surgery

TLC tender loving care

TPR temperature, pulse, respiration

Tx treatment

UA urinalysis

URI upper respiratory infection

UO urinary obstruction

V-D vomiting and diarrhea

VS vital signs

WNL within normal limits

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