discipleship cycles & t4t training material

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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Four Fields CPM Plan! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5

Training 4 Trainers: Hidden Elements! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6

How To Build A CPM Trainer! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 7

! Understanding the Foundations of the Bible! ! ! ! ! !

! Understanding the Heavenly Fathers Will! ! ! ! ! ! 8

! Preparing to be a Trainer! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9

Understanding Church Planting Movements! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10

! The Traditional Church! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11

! The Cell Church! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12

! The CPM Church! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 13

Why Does a Christian Not Feel Happy! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 17

! What Do I Say? Individual Testimonies!! ! ! ! !

! Who Do I Say It To? Oikos’ & House of Peace ! ! ! ! ! ! 18

! Why Should I Do This?

! What Do I Do If They Say Yes?! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 19

Goals & Acts 29! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 20

7 Stories of Hope! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 21

7 Commands! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 30

! Appendix 1: 3/3 Training Meeting Format ! ! ! ! ! ! 37

! Appendix 2: 7 Stories of Hope Overview! ! ! ! ! ! 38

! Appendix 3: Items to Remember in Leading a T4T Small Group! ! ! 39

! Appendix 4: The Basics of a Church! ! ! ! ! ! ! 40




Four Fields CPM Plan

  VISION  (Mt  6:9-­‐10,  Acts  1:8):  


   Mustard  Seeds:  Basic  pop.  SEGMENTS  to  be  reached       G4    Are  we  getting  to  4th  generation  believers  &  (Mt  13:31-­‐32).  List  5-­‐15.             churches?  (2  Tim  2:2).  Map  it.  Write  

    Where  would  you  send  your  first  CPM       down  your  stage  on  continuum.       teams?  

ABIDING  IN  CHRIST:                              DESP.  PRAYER:  (Jn  15:5,16,  Psa  78:72,  Mt  11:12,                   (Mt  6:9-­‐10,  Lk  10:2,  17:20)    Integrity  of  heart                                                      11:5-­‐13,  Acts  1:14)  

     -­‐  Desperate  for  God                   -­‐  By  you  and  team  

     -­‐  Desperate  for  His  vision                                                    -­‐  By  outside  partners  

     -­‐  Full  of  faith                     -­‐  By  national  believers    

 Does  your  training  plan  do  all  five  parts?  Know  what  to  do  when  they  say   yes  at  each  stage?  

               1.  God-­‐prepared  FIELDS      whom  to  talk  to                            and  how  to  start;  (Luke  10:6,  Mk  1:17)                          Lost  (Witness)                                                          Saved  (Train)                                            .  1.    Oikos  (make  a  name                                    1.  Make  a  list  of  believers            list    family,  friends,                                      2.  Prioritize  same  /  near            neighbors,  colleagues)                                      culture  

 2.  POPs  (person  of  peace)                            START  with  .  .  .          Hunt  for  p t                -­‐  WHY  Casting  Vision          know  who  accept  you  &                        -­‐  WHOM  Name  list          your  message                                                      -­‐  HOW  Testimony      

START  with  .  .  .    -­‐Testimony  /  AAA  /  etc.                                    

 2.  Reproducing  EVANGELISM                  How  to  plant  new  believers!  (Lk  10:7-­‐9)  


LOTS  of  M2E  sowing  of  the  gospel!   Personal  discipline  of  sharing  (e.g.  5x  week)  

PUSHES  to  find  POPs    

 of  finding  Person  of  Peace  1.  Presence    love  them  

2.  Power      miraculous  answers  

3.  Proclamation  (e.g.  C2C,  AAA)    clearly  share    with  them  and  call  them  to  a  commitment  

                                                                     15-­‐20%  repeat  this  4.  Reproducing  CHURCHES  How  to  gather  believers!  (Acts  2:37-­‐47)    1)    Model  it  each  meeting    2)  Have  a  lesson  (e.g.  #4)  when  you  covenant              to  become  church    3)  Use  church  circles  to  make  sure  you  have  all  the  elements            

 3.  Reproducing  DISCIPLESHIP  

How  to  mature  believers!    (2  Tim  2:2,Phil  3:17,  Heb  10:24-­‐25)  

                                                     Short  Term                                Long  Term                                                                                                    (6-­‐10  basic                                        (Produce  self-­‐feeders                                                              lessons)                                                    through  inductive  study)                          Using  the  3/3  (T4T)  Training  Process                              (D bold  /  red  parts!)  

1.  Pastoral  Care      

2.  Worship  3.  Accountability  4.  Vision-­‐casting  

5.  New  Lesson  or                        Bible  study    

6.  Practice  7.  Set  goals  and  pray  for  each  other  


     PERSEVERE  (death):  count  the    cost  to  be  used  by  God  (Jn  12:24)  

Are  believers  BOLD?  

Good  Accountability  Questions:   How  did  you  obey  the  lesson  last  week?   Who  are  you  witnessing  to?  Who  has  believed?  

When  are  you  training  them  in  the  same  process?  

Are  these  new  believers  witnessing,  winning  &  training  them??  

Are  the  trainers,  that  you  are  training,  training  others?  


5.  Reproducing  LEADERS  

 (Titus  1:5-­‐9;  Acts  14:23)  1.  First  1/3        Appoint  v  Aspire      of  meeting            Growing  character  2.  Retreats  -­‐        &  hold  fast  the              Networks        Word    3.  MAWL  

Leaders  who  can  shepherd  the  process  

Training 4 Trainers

Adapted by permission from John Hsieh* (pseudonym)

Hidden Elements

At first glance, John's Training for Trainers (T4T) is deceptively simple. He offers no radical insights or unusual theological principles. However. if you fail to catch the hidden elements within John's Church Planting Movement dynamite. You'll never grasp why it is so effective.

Here are a few of the hidden elements that you must not miss if you want to pursue this very user-friendly methodology

1. John is serious when he says two hours a day in prayer are necessary to be an effective navigator of Church Planting Movements.

2. John offers his training to everyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ, whether they are male or female, have been a Christian ten years or ten minutes

3. John extends his training to anyone who actually carries out the training that he offers. He doesn't waste time on "hearers of the word" who are not "doers" also

4. John answers the two most basic questions that every Christian trainee has

# 1 What do I say? and #2 Who do I say it to?

5. John builds accountability into the training by insisting that each trainee share (report) with the group who he/she has witnessed to and what training he/she has conducted.

6. John tracks the roll-out of the evangelism, church planting and training so that he can accurately identify when the training reaches a second, third and fourth generation of reproduction. In less than two years he traced some church planting through 17 generations of reproduction

7. John nurtures an ethos among his trainees reflected in three often heard! statements:!! #1 ! Church planting is not rocket science (i.e. anyone can and should do it')!! #2 ! It is a great joy to love someone to Jesus: it is a greater joy to start a new church; ! ! it is the greatest joy to teach someone else how to start a new church.!! #3 ! Just Do It-'

8.! John practices what he preaches. He models the training he gives to others, in personal ! evangelism, church planting and training. Then he trains his trainers to do the same.

With these hidden elements in mind, let's look at the simple content of John's T4T training material.!

Outline:1. Biblical Foundations2. Preparing to be a Trainer3. Understanding Church Planting Movements?4. Why does a new Christian not feel happy or feel special?5. Individual Testimonies on Being Saved6. Listing the Names of all Your Relatives Who have not been Saved


7. Materials Used in Sharing the Gospel (the basic 6 lessons for the initial faith)8. Establishing an End Vision9. Creating Your Own Acts 29

How to Build a CPM Trainer

Once we understand Church Planting Movements, we should start our training work immediately, transforming each person we encounter into a trainer. We are not conducting leadership training, nor are we training disciples, we are simply training others to be "church planter trainers." In this way we are following Paul's instructions to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2 where he says "and the things you have heard me say in the presence (many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others)

1. The foundation of the Bible• Principle Truth: God calls us to share the Gospel within the Bible, there are at least four different calls for us to share the Gospel!! A. The call from above - this is God's calling!! “He said to them, go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” !Mark 16: 15!! “When I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ʻWho shall I sendʼ And who will go for us?” Isaiah 6:8

! B. The call from below is the cry from hell from the spirits that are in anguish.

! When both the rich man and Lazarus died. the rich man went to hell and Lazarus went to ! Abraham's side.The rich man said to Abraham Luke 16:27-28!! Do we hear the calling of those that are suffering that is coming from below?

! C The call from inside - this is the calling that comes from within every Christian.!! ! Since Paul started to believe in Christ. he felt a calling from within himself that ! ! strongly urged him to go out and spread the Gospel Paul said, "Yet when I ! ! preach the Gospel I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Wow to me if I ! ! do not preach the Gospel.' III preach voluntarily, I have a reward: " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I Corinthians 9: 16-17

! Every one of us should be like Paul - we should all feel the call from within ourselves to ! go out ! and share the Gospel once we come to know Christ

! D. The call from outside - the calling from Macedonia.

! "During the night, Paul had a vision of a man Macedonia standing and begging him,'Come over to ! Macedonia to help us, Acts 16:9

! Once Paul got his calling from the outside, he brought the Gospel from Asia to Europe and ! later on, we see that the Gospel is spread from Europe to North America, and finally throughout ! the world.

! Therefore, each and every one of us should be capable of hearing these four callings, urging us ! to go and spread the Gospel.


• Understand Heavenly Father's will

! Principle Truth: God wants to save you and through you save your family.!! A.! God cared about Noah and saved his entire family through him (Genesis 7:1)

- The Lord wanted Noah to build an ark and to give out warnings that the only way to be saved is to board the ark. However. in the 120 years during Noah's warning, not one person believed him. Despite all this, his wife, his sons and their wives all believed his words and were saved.

!! B.! God cared about Lot and through him saved his family (Genesis 19: 12-23)

- When God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He saved Lot and his family because of Abraham. Regretfully, his daughter in laws did not listen to him and were not saved (this might be the result of Lot not having a good testimony so in time of emergency, he could not save his family). In the end, only Lot and his two daughters survived, but this was not God' will for God had plan to save his entire family.

! C. ! God cared about Rahab and through her saved her entire family (Josh. 2: 17-20)

! - Rahab saved two spies from Israel and requested them to protect her family ! during ! Israel's ! attack on Jericho.

! D. ! God cared about the demon-possessed man from Gerasenes and through him ! ! saved his entire family (Mark 5:12-20)

! - When the evil spirits of this demon-possessed man left him, he begged to follow Jesus, !b u t ! Jesus wanted him to go home and tell his entire family about the Gospel. In this way, the !e n t i r e ! family was saved.

! E. ! God cared about Cornelius and through him saved his entire household (Acts ! ! 10:23-25)

! - Cornelius had invited all his relatives and his close friends when he invited Peter over ! so that ! when Peter came and spoke of the Gospel. Cornelius's entire household was ! saved.!! F.! God cared about Lydia and through her saved her entire family (Acts 16:14-15) -Right after Lydia was saved, she led her entire family to come to Christ.

! G. God cared about the jailer in Philippi and through him saved his entire family (Acts 16:31)

! - When the jailer came to know God, he immediately took Paul and Silas to his house that ! night to save his entire family.

! H.! God also cares about you and wants to save your entire family through you


2. Preparing to be a Trainer

* Build a faithful life

* Offer your life to God!! • Be a soldier of God!! • Pray to have the Spirit's protection and power!! • Live a life full of praise and worship!! • Live a life full of prayer

! A.! Teach your trainers that they must live a life full of prayer

! ! Prayer is at the essence of serving God. It is also the servants main source of power.

! B. ! Teach them to rely on the blood of Jesus

! ! A trainer must search for the protection of Jesus' blood each day. He should pray for the ! ! blood to cover his floor, head. and also act as a wall of protection around him.

! C. ! Teach them to put on the full armor of God

! ! God's soldiers must put on their armor every single day. This armor is not to be put on ! ! only once but to be put on each day so that the Devil' s every attack and schemes can ! ! be defeated

! D.! Teach them to search for the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit !! ! Pray to have the spirit's power and to depend on it, so that the spirit can bestow the gifts ! ! of teaching, preaching, healing, joyfulness, praise, and evangelism.

! E. ! Teach them to have a life full of praise in all circumstances

! ! Every trainer should understand the importance of giving thankfulness in all situations. ! ! Regardless of problems encountered, whether good or bad, successful or not praise ! ! ought to be given to God for giving praise is respecting God's authority. Otherwise you ! ! will become a victim of the circumstances that Satan \vill throw against you

! F. ! Teach them to have gratitude and admiration

! ! Every situation must be viewed positively at all times and encouragements should be ! ! given to his trainees. for one encouragement can be the foundation of their faith and ! ! courage.


3.! Understanding Church Planting Movements

• ! Time is running out as Jesus' coming is drawing near so we must use the most efficient! a n d ! fastest way to share the Gospel to build trainers.

• ! Usually there are 3 different types of church

A.! In a typical traditional church! ! 1.! An evangelistic crusade or revival is held at least once per year.! !! ! 2.! They hope that every member is able to bring at least one person to ! ! ! Christ each year so the church can double in size every year, but at the ! ! ! end of the year, the number hasn't changed much

! ! 3. ! It is hard for Christians to invite others to church and even if those! ! ! ! people come, they still might not believe in the Lord

! ! 4. ! Christians rarely share the Gospel themselves; rather, they depend on! ! ! their pastor or minister


! B. ! In a typical Cell Group Church

! ! I. ! This is splitting a church into cell groups, each containing 10 people! ! ! Every week, there will be a fellowship at a church members' home in! ! ! which other relative or friends are welcome to attend

! ! 2. ! Hope that within 6 months, they can double their size and split into! ! ! two small groups. If this cannot be done. then it means that this small ! ! ! group has a problem. In this case, the small group must disband and! ! ! formulate into another small group containing different people and try! ! ! the procedure again

! ! 3. ! Hope that every half a year the church is able to double its size.

! ! 4. ! Usually inviting a friend or relative over to a home is much easier then! ! ! inviting them to a church

! ! 5. ! There are times where small groups don't grow even after a year


! C. In a typical CPM Church! ! I. ! Every member is trained into a trainer

! ! 2. ! Every member is trained to find 5 non-Christian friends in a week ! ! ! Invite them into their homes and share own testimony and bring the ! ! ! Gospel into their lives.

! ! 3. ! We teach every member to write down their individual testimonies and ! ! ! read it 10 times out loud or until they can memorize it

! ! 4 ! List all family members. relatives, friends, neighbors, classmates, and ! ! ! colleagues names that are non-Christians. Most of the time, everyone's' ! ! ! l i s t i s a round 100 peop le . A f t e rwa rds , t hey a re t o p i ck ou t ! ! ! the 5 people they want most to share the Gospel with and group them ! ! ! as Group A. Then, they are to list the 2nd group of 5 as Group Band ! ! ! soon...

! ! 5. ! Teach them the 1st of the 6 basic lessons of the initial faith -- requesting ! ! ! them to write all the verses in this lesson down including examples they ! ! ! will be split into groups of 3 to practice teaching each other until ! ! ! they become very familiar with this lesson. The first sentence of this ! ! ! lesson would be "Congratulations, you have returned to the Lordʼs ! ! ! family and have become a child of God again- this is a very important ! ! ! positive sentence because we were all once God's children, but we left ! ! ! Him and became lost but we are back again.

! ! 6! When they return after this week, they are to find those 5 people in Group ! ! ! A and testify to them and teach them the 1st of the 6 basic lessons. If ! ! ! some of the people in Group A, then they are to replace those with people ! ! ! from Group B.

! ! 7 ! Once the people that they testify to believe in the Lord, they are to do the ! ! ! same thing, i.e., list all names of people who are non-Christians and ! ! ! teach them the 1st of the 6 basic lessons

! ! 8. ! After one week, the 1st group of people returns to learn the 2nd lesson! ! ! and once they have learned it, they are to return and teach their next! ! ! generation the lesson.

2 Timothy 2:1-2 You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.


CPM Church


Closer Look at a CPM Church




There are 4 reasons why Christians do not share their story and Jesus story.

WHAT do I say?

WHO do I share my story with?

WHY should I do this?

WHAT do I do if they say yes?

4. ! Why does a new Christian not feel happy or feel special?

• They have not share the Gospel leading them to have no joy from working and also no fruits of happiness

• If Gospel is passed on to the next person, the Christian will feel joyfulness

• Satisfaction will be felt if a small group can be started.

• If the trainee can become a trainer then the trainer will start to enjoy the Christian life

Matthew 7:17-18 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.



5. ! Individual testimonies on being saved

• Many do not share because they do not know how to share the Gospel. Help them write their testimony on being saved and request them to read testimony out loud 5 to 10 times.

• Teach them the 1st of the 6 basic lessons of the initial faith - requesting them! ! to write all the verses in this Lesson down including examples - they will be! ! split into groups of 3 to practice teaching each other until they become very! ! familiar with this lesson.

Paulʼs Testimony- Acts 22(What Do you Notice about Paulʼs Testimony?)

Write Your Testimony3 Parts- limit to 2 minutes total

1. Before Christ- (donʼt list everything you did wrong but use broad strokes to describe your life)

2. How you met Christ (How did you meet Jesus? Avoid Christian words like saved, lost, etc.)

3. How has your life been different since you accepted Jesus (How has your life been different since you met Jesus? Have you been perfect? Do you have peace in life? Purpose?)



6. ! List the names of all your relatives who have not been saved

• Why do Christians not share the Gospel. ! ! ! They do not know who to share the Gospel with! ! ! Help them list the names of all family members, relatives, neighbors.! ! ! friends. colleagues, and classmates who have not come to know Christ

OIKOS- Who do you know who is far from God?




See Foundations of the Bible

See Understanding the Heavenly Fathers Will

Luke 16- Lazarus and the Rich Man

WHAT DO I DO IF THEY SAY YES?Begin a bible study with them preferably in their home

IF THEY DO NOT KNOW JESUS- If they do not know they Lord begin with 7 Gospel Stories of Hope. (See how to lead a small group on page__)

IF THEY ARE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS- Begin with Your Story & Jesusʼ Story, Oikos and House of Peace then The 7 Commands of Jesus: 1) Repent and Believe

7. ! Discipleship Materials used in sharing the Gospel8. ! Set an end vision (How many will you train? How many churches will be ! started?)

! • ! Our goal! ! To train trainers set a number of trainers to be trained within a year! !! ! To establish churches and again setting a number of churches to be established, ! ! including ones by you and by your trainers.! !! ! To set a number of non-believers you want to bring to Christ (A very important ! ! concept is to help all new believers become trainers. There will be many people ! ! who turn away and much failure and even things that are impossible; however. if ! ! 20%)-30% of the new believers can become trainers. The result is amazing).

! A. ! What is a Goal! ! It is a very clear number or idea - it is a blueprint. Take running as an example. ! ! Why do you run? Is it to see how long you can run or how far you can run') No! ! ! Your real reason in running is to get in shape and get a healthy body. This is what ! ! can be refer to as a goal. Your running distance and your running time is merely a ! ! step to reach your goal.

! B. ! How big is the goal area! ! You have to first find an area you will be working in and then within that area find ! ! a point where you will start your work.

! C. ! Do not limit your vision Your vision and faith must be big


! D. ! You must set many sub-goals! ! These sub-goals are goals within your main goal which can be accomplished ! ! easily. These sub-goals should contribute to your main goal.

! E. ! You should make sure that every step is possible to do Every step must be ! ! effective and doable, including how to start the 1st step and in what way:

9. Create your own Acts 29* Once a goal is set, you must have a vision. At this time, you must pray and think about the road

of ministry you are taking. This includes where you are going to start, the difficulties you might encounter. will you have co-workers come and help you, how the Holy Spirit open a route for you, and the strategy you will use to spread the Gospel.

* Your faith is will determine what your result will be like

* The number of days you do God's work will be the same amount of Jesus grace and the Holy Spirits' great power that is on you. Remember. the amount ofJesus' grace and the Holy Spirit's power is sufficient throughout the days of your life

* Read through the Book of Acts. Acts ends with 28 chapters, but the story goes on. Write a 2-page description of what is going to happen when the Church Planting Movement reaches your community. This is your Acts 29)

Acts 17:6- “Who are these men who have turned the world upside down”



Bible Study Method

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the Word of God is living and active.

Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the

thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

This picture of a sword helps us to teach any passage of the Bible. When we think of a sword we think of four questions we need to ask.

The arrow that points up is

for God.

What do we learn

about God? The arrow that points down is

for man.

What do we learn

about man? The sword also has two blades. The first blade makes us ask,

Is there an example

to follow? The second blade makes us ask,

Is there a command to obey?

After reading or telling any story from the Bible ask these four questions one at a time and search the story for answers. The answers you find will reveal the meaning of the story for our lives.

God’s Story

The book of Romans tells us about the problem of sin and the way to approach God. Here is a simple way to understand and explain the

solution Jesus gives. Believing the message of Jesus and turning from our sins to follow Him brings salvation and relationship with God

through Jesus.

Man Sin Separates God

Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23

Because of sin we could not reach God, but God had a plan to

reach us!

Man God

Romans 5:8 Romans 10:9-10

You can use these two simple drawings and the four verses listed from Romans to share the good news of salvation with anyone.

Start with your family and share with all your friends and


What do we learn about God?

Is there an Is there a

example? command?




What do we learn about man?!

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

Bible Study Methods SAMPLEHebrews 4:12 says, “For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judgesthe thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

This picture of a sword helps us to teach any passage of the Bible. When we think of asword we think of four questions we need to ask.

The arrow that points up isfor God. What do we learnabout God?

The arrow that points down isfor man. What do we learnabout man?

The sword also has two blades.The first blade makes us ask,Is there an example to follow?

The second blade makes us ask,Is there a command to obey?

After reading or telling any story from the Bible ask these four questions one at a timeand search the story for answers. The answers you find will reveal the meaning of thestory for our lives.


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

An adaptation of Jeff Sundellʼs 7 Stories of Hope

Gospel Story of Hope #1 –Jesus Forgives a Prostitute

Read the Story--Luke 7:36-50When Jesus forgives a prostitute she responds with real worship. Jesus cares for those who are far from Him

1)! What do we learn about God?

2)! What do we learn about Man?

3)! Is there an example to follow?

4)! Is there a command to obey?

5)! Is there a sin to avoid?

6)! Which character in this story do you most identify with?

Practice retelling the story-

Pray in your own words-

Assignment – Who can you share this story with?


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

An adaptation of Jeff Sundellʼs 7 Stories of Hope

Gospel Story of Hope #2 – The Religious Pharisee & Tax Collector

Read the Story--Luke 18:9-17The parable of the Pharisee & Tax Collector teaches the kingdom is for humble & repentant sinners, not the proud & self-righteous. Jesus tells the story of the "good" Pharisee who doesn't need to repent vs. the very bad tax collector who begs for God's forgiveness.

1)! What do we learn about God?

2)! What do we learn about Man?

3)! Is there an example to follow?

4)! Is there a command to obey?

5)! Is there a sin to avoid?

6)! Which character in this story do you most identify with?

Practice retelling the story-

Pray in your own words-

Assignment – Who can you share this story with?


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

An adaptation of Jeff Sundellʼs 7 Stories of Hope

Gospel Story of Hope #2 – The Religious Pharisee & Tax Collector

Read the Story--Luke 18:9-17The parable of the Pharisee & Tax Collector teaches the kingdom is for humble & repentant sinners, not the proud & self-righteous. Jesus tells the story of the "good" Pharisee who doesn't need to repent vs. the very bad tax collector who begs for God's forgiveness.

1)! What do we learn about God?

2)! What do we learn about Man?

3)! Is there an example to follow?

4)! Is there a command to obey?

5)! Is there a sin to avoid?

6)! Which character in this story do you most identify with?

Practice retelling the story-

Pray in your own words-

Assignment – Who can you share this story with?


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

An adaptation of Jeff Sundellʼs 7 Stories of Hope

Gospel Story of Hope #3 – God Is The Ruler of All Things

Read the Story--Acts 17:16-34- God Is The Ruler of All Things The sovereign creator God will judge the world through Jesus. Excellent presentation of God as creator, sovereign, and judge but not in a boring way... there are interesting "people events" in the passage to catch the listener's attention.

1)! What do we learn about God?

2)! What do we learn about Man?

3)! Is there an example to follow?

4)! Is there a command to obey?

5)! Is there a sin to avoid?

6)! Which character in this story do you most identify with?

Practice retelling the story-

Pray in your own words-

Assignment – Who can you share this story with?


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

An adaptation of Jeff Sundellʼs 7 Stories of Hope

Gospel Story of Hope #4-The Gospel

!Read the Story- Matthew 16:21-17:9Jesus tells His gospel plan and displays His holiness as God’s Son. The transfiguration passage demonstrates His holiness and uniqueness as God's Son, but the preceding verses powerfully show that Jesus PLANNED to go to the cross, rise again, and rule the world.

1)! What do we learn about God?

2)! What do we learn about Man?

3)! Is there an example to follow?

4)! Is there a command to obey?

5)! Is there a sin to avoid?

6)! Which character in this story do you most identify with?

Practice retelling the story-

Pray in your own words-

Assignment – Who can you share this story with?


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

An adaptation of Jeff Sundellʼs 7 Stories of Hope

Gospel Story of Hope #5-Jesus Death On The Cross

!Read the Story-- Luke 22:66-23:25, 23:32-43Jesus’ death on the cross, and a criminal is forgiven. Even the Romans have to admit Jesus had not sinned, yet Jesus refuses to avoid the cross which is presented in graphic, painful detail. Even on the cross, though, Jesus is loving the people around Him and offering forgiveness to those who seem unforgivable.

1)! What do we learn about God?

2)! What do we learn about Man?

3)! Is there an example to follow?

4)! Is there a command to obey?

5)! Is there a sin to avoid?

6)! Which character in this story do you most identify with?

Practice retelling the story-

Pray in your own words-

Assignment – Who can you share this story with?


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

An adaptation of Jeff Sundellʼs 7 Stories of Hope

Gospel Story of Hope #6- Jesus & Zacchaeus

Read the Story--Luke 18:18-30, 19:1-10The ruler, Peter, and Zacchaeus weigh the cost of following Jesus. Great message from Jesus that following Him should be more important to us than any cost. Jesus tells His gospel plan and displays His holiness as God’s Son. The transfiguration passage demonstrates His holiness and uniqueness as God's Son, but the preceding verses powerfully show that Jesus PLANNED to go to the cross, rise again, and rule the world.

1)! What do we learn about God?

2)! What do we learn about Man?

3)! Is there an example to follow?

4)! Is there a command to obey?

5)! Is there a sin to avoid?

6)! Which character in this story do you most identify with?

Practice retelling the story-

Pray in your own words-

Assignment – Who can you share this story with?


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?

Seven Gospel Stories of Hope

An adaptation of Jeff Sundellʼs 7 Stories of Hope

Gospel Story of Hope #7- Jesus The Merciful King

Read the Story--Matthew 18:21-35The story of the merciful king shows how God’s forgiveness should change our lives. Following Jesus should transform us.

! 1)! What do we learn about God?

2)! What do we learn about Man?

3)! Is there an example to follow?

4)! Is there a command to obey?

5)! Is there a sin to avoid?

6)! Which character in this story do you most identify with?

Practice retelling the story-

Pray in your own words-

Assignment – Who can you share this story with?


Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?


Seven Commands of ChristAn adaptation of George Pattersonʼs Seven Commands

Command #1 –Repent & Believe

Command—In Mark 1:15, Jesus says…

Read the Story—Zacchaeusʼ Salvation from Luke 19:1-10

1)! What does repent mean?! ! Repent means turning from sin and following Jesus

2)! What does believe mean?! ! Believe means choosing ! ! to trust Jesus as Lord.

3)! Why should we repent?! ! Romans 3:23// Romans 6:23// ! ! Romans10:9-10

4)! Who should repent?! ! Acts 2:38-41- Everyone must ! ! repent for forgiveness.

5)! How did Zacchaeusʼ life evidence repentance?

6)! What is assurance?! ! 1 John 1:9 says that when we confess our sins Jesus forgives us and ! ! cleanses us.

! ! John 10:28—Our salvation belongs to Jesus.

Pray in your own words- Jesus I want to leave my old life of sin and follow you. I ! believe in you, become my Lord.

Assignment – Confess your sins before the Lord, turn from them and live a new life.

Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?


Seven Commands of ChristAn adaptation of George Pattersonʼs Seven Commands

Command #2 – Be Baptized

Command—In Matthew 28:19, Jesus says…

Read the Story—Phillip and a New Believer from Acts 8:26-39

1)! What is baptism?! ! Romans 6:3-4 - Baptism is a symbol of Jesusʼ death, burial and ! ! resurrection. It means we also have died to our old life and been raised! ! to live a new life with Jesus.

2)! Why should we be baptized? ! ! Matthew 3:13-15 - Jesus received baptism, ! ! so should we. Receiving baptism means ! ! we identify Jesus as our Lord.

3)! Who should be baptized?! ! Acts 2:38 - Everyone who ! ! repents and believes.

4)! How should we be baptized?! ! Matthew 3:16 - Jesus went down ! ! into the water.

Pray in your own words—Lord give me the strength to identify my life with you through the symbol of baptism.

Assignment—Go down into the water and receive baptism.

Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?


Seven Commands of ChristAn adaptation of George Pattersonʼs Seven Commands

Command #3 – Pray

Command—In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus says…

Read the Story—Jesus Teaches about Prayer, Matthew 6:5-15

1)! What is prayer?! ! Talking with God our Father.

2)! Why do we pray? –! ! Matthew 6:9-13 God hears us. We desire ! ! His will to be done on earth.

3)! How do we pray?! ! By simply talking with God.! ! “Give us today our daily bread”! ! —pray for needs!! ! “Forgive us our debts”! ! —pray for forgiveness

! ! “Deliver us from the evil one”! ! —pray for resistance of temptation

Pray in your own words—Lord teach us to pray. Give us pure motives. May your will be done in us.

Assignment—Start and finish each day by giving thanks to God andpresenting your requests to Him.

Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?


Seven Commands of ChristAn adaptation of George Pattersonʼs Seven Commands

Command #4 – Go Make Disciples

Command—In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says…

Read the Story—The Samaritan Woman from John 4:4-42

1)! Who should we share with?! John 4:16—Our families, friends and neighbors

2) ! What should we say?! John 4:29—The woman shared her story and Godʼs story.

3) ! Who is qualified to go?! John 4—The Samaritan woman was.! Every believer.

Pray in your own words—Lord make me bold ! to share what you have done in my life. Give! me your words to share in my community.

Assignment—Learn how to share My Story and Godʼs Story from the lastpage of this booklet. Also pray for opportunities to share with the peoplewho are on your list of friends and neighbors that need to hear your story.Share with them.

Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?


Seven Commands of ChristAn adaptation of George Pattersonʼs Seven Commands

Command #5 – Love

Command—In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus says…

Read the Story—Good Samaritan from Luke 10:25-37

1)! What is love?! John 15:13 and 1 Corinthians 13

2)! Why do we love?! John 13:34-35—Because Jesus loved us first. ! Love teaches the world about Jesus.

3)! Who do we love?! Matthew 22:37-39—First we need to! love God. Then we need to love our neighbors.

4)! How do we love?! John 14:15—Loving Jesus means we obey Jesus.! John 21:17—Loving others means! telling them what God has done for you.

Prayer—Lord help me to love you by obeying you. Lord help me to love others so that they might learn that you love them also.

Assignment—Take time each day to intentionally show love by helpingyour neighbors.

Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?


Seven Commands of ChristAn adaptation of George Pattersonʼs Seven Commands

Command #6 – The Lordʼs Supper

Command—In Luke 22:19-20, Jesus says…

Read the Story—Jesusʼ Last Meal from Luke 22:7-20

1)! What is the Lordʼs Supper?! 1 Corinthians 11:26 - A symbol of the Lordʼs death.

2)! Why do we eat the Lordʼs Supper?! 1 Corinthians 11:26—His body! was broken, His blood was spilt for us.

3)! How do we receive the Lordʼs Supper?! 1 Corinthians 11:27-29—We must! examine ourselves, confess our sins! to God and remember Jesus died! to give us forgiveness.

4)! Who should receive the Lordʼs Supper?! Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 11:27-29—! Baptized disciples devoted to Jesus who! examine themselves.

Pray in your own words—Lord show me the sins I have committed. Forgive them. Thank you for giving your body and blood for me.

Assignment – Receive the Lordʼs Supper.

Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?


Seven Commands of ChristAn adaptation of George Pattersonʼs Seven Commands

Command #7 – Give

Command—In Luke 6:38, Jesus says…

Tell the Story—The Widow Gives from Mark 12:41-44

1)! What should we give to God?! Our money, time and our lives.

2) ! Why should we give to God?! 2 Corinthians 9:6-7—Give generously! and we will receive generously.! God loves a cheerful giver.

3)! How do we give to God?! 2 Corinthians 9:7—Cheerfully, not under ! compulsion.! Matthew 6:1-4—Secretly, not for recognition.

4)! Who do we give to?! 2 Corinthians 9—A collection was given to a church.! Acts 4:34-35 - The church gave to all who had need.

Pray in your own words—Lord everything I have is yours. Teach me to give. Show me needs that I can help with my time and money.

Assignment—Decide this week with your family an amount of time or money you will give for the work of the church each week.

Is there an example?

What do we learn about God?

What do we learn about Man?

Is there a command?




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7 Gospel Stories of Hope Overview1) Luke 7:36-50- Jesus Forgives A Prostitute When Jesus forgives a prostitute she responds with real worship. Jesus cares for those who are far from Him.

2) Luke 18:9-17- The Religious Pharisee & Tax CollectorThe parable of the Pharisee & Tax Collector teaches the kingdom is for humble& repentant sinners, not the proud & self-righteous. Jesus tells the story of the "good"Pharisee who doesn't need to repent vs. the very bad tax collector who begs for God'sforgiveness.

3) Acts 17:16-34- God Is The Ruler of All Things The sovereign creator God will judge the world through Jesus. Excellent presentation of God as creator, sovereign, and judge but not in a boring way... there are interesting "people events" in the passage to catch the listener's attention.

4) Matthew 16:21-17:9- The Gospel Jesus tells His gospel plan and displays His holiness as God’s Son. The transfiguration passage demonstrates His holiness and uniqueness as God's Son, but the preceding verses powerfully show that Jesus PLANNED to go to the cross, rise again, and rule the world.

5) Luke 22:66-23:25, 23:32-43- Jesus Death On The CrossJesus’ death on the cross, and a criminal is forgiven. Even the Romans have to admit Jesus had not sinned, yet Jesus refuses to avoid the cross which is presented in graphic, painful detail. Even on the cross, though, Jesus is loving the people around Him and offering forgiveness to those who seem unforgivable.

6) Luke 18:18-30, 19:1-10- Jesus & Zacchaeus The ruler, Peter, and Zacchaeus weigh the cost of following Jesus. Great message from Jesus that following Him should be more important to us than any cost.

7) Matthew 18:21-35- Jesus The Merciful KingThe story of the merciful king shows how God’s forgiveness should change our lives. Following Jesus should transform us.




Basics of a Training GroupRemember: • Do Stick to the bible stories.• Do only talk 30%, trainers, and let your group talk 70%.• Do let the Holy Spirit work, rather than looking for right answers

• Don’t talk about politics.• Don’t talk about religion, either good or bad. • Don’t chase “rabbits” (subjects which are appealing, but off the topic) • Don’t dominate the conversation; let everyone participate

First Third of the Disciple Cycle (20-30 minutes): • Fishing: Who did you retell last week’s story to? How did it go? Were there challenges, questions? Pray for

friend and people who heard the story that week!• Following: How did you live out the story from last week in your own lives?

Second Third of the Disciple Cycle (20-30 minutes): Ask two willing volunteers to read the story below i n t w o different translations, (ask two different people, or you read it once, and one other person reads it once) then Pray a SHORT PRAYER, (or ask someone to pray) for The Holy Spirit to teach us. Trainer then retells the story, to model for them to retell later.

Sword Bible Study Method: (remember: encourage ALL participation and answers)

1. What does this story say about Jesus? What does this story say about God?

2. What does this story say about the Pharisee (Jewish religious scholar)? What does this story say about the tax collector? What does this story say about the disciples? What does this story say about the children?

3. What are the sins to avoid in this story? What are the promises to claim in this story?

4. What are the examples to follow in this story? What are the commands to obey in this story?

5. Who do you identify with in this story? Why?

Final Third of the Disciple Cycle (20-30 minutes): Practice

• Get in groups of 2-3, and retell the Bible story above to each other in their own words. (or do a skit to retell the story)

• Ask 2-3 willing volunteers to retell the story to everyone.

• Trainers share whom they will tell this story to this week. Do they have a friend they can share this story with this week?

• Share personally (trainers) what you will do this week because of this story. Ask them what they will do because of this story.

• Pray for them to succeed at what they said they would do. (and other needs)



BASICS OF A CHURCH1 Holy Vision: Glorifying God, or Christ in you--the hope of glory! 2 Corinthians 4:1-6; 1 Corinthians 10:31! Habakkuk 2:14

2 Authorities:! 1. Godʼs Word – Col 3:16-17; John 8:31-32! 2. Lordship of Christ through Holy Spirit – Ephesians 5:18-20, John 15:26-27, ! 16:7-15

3 Offices/Leaders:! 1. Elders, Pastor, Overseer, Bishop – 1 Timothy 3:1-7! 2. Deacons – Acts 6, choose among yourselves; 1 Timothy 3:8-13! 3. Treasurer – example of Jesusʼ disciples, John 13:29

4 Marks of Maturity:! 1. Self‐supporting – Acts 11:27‐30, 2 Cor 1:1‐5! 2. Self‐governing – Acts 6:1‐7, Acts 15:22, 25;! Ephesians 4:11‐16! 3. Self‐propagating –Acts 11:19‐26, Acts 13:1‐4! 4. Self‐correcting – 2 Timothy 3:16‐17, Acts 15:1‐34

5 Functions of the Church: Read Matthew 22:36-39 and Matthew 28:18-20! 1. Worship! 2. Ministry! 3. Fellowship! 4. Evangelism/Missions! 5. Discipleship! Read Acts 2:38-47, 11:19-30, 13:1-3: Discuss how the churches in these ! passages are demonstrating! the five functions of a healthy church.



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