digital communication 2010

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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5 truthsAbout Digital communications

1. Everyone Engages with Everyone1. Everyone Engages with Everyone

2. Anywhere, Anytime2. Anywhere, Anytime

3. Everyone is Empowered to Share3. Everyone is Empowered to Share

4. Everyone is a Producer4. Everyone is a Producer

5. It’s all about Me & You5. It’s all about Me & You

How do we engage digital based on that Vision ?

Strategy Briefing


Imagem por Jonas Christian Hansen

Are you listening ?

�What are people saying about your

organisation and/or brands ?

� How are they engaging with your organisation

and/or brands throught the digital space ?

� How do they reach you and reach out to you

and how do they consume your information

and/or communication ?

�Who is influencing the perception and

reputation of your brand/organisation ?

�Where is the next crisis breweing ?

�Who and where are your supporters and how

to they wish to engage with you ?

�Who is actually managing your brand ?

The most important thing in communication is to

hear what isn't being said.

Peter Drucker


Imagem por Steve Kay

How are you connecting ?

� Have you established an own presence

strategy ?

� Have you begun to explore the «outer» digital

space ?

� How do you establish a link between presence,

sharing and engagement ?

� How do you evaluate the sucess of your

connection and interaction points ?

� How do connect beyond the tradition presence


� Are you a member of your stakeholders’

communities ?

� How do you manage the multitude of online

connection points ?



SHARE What are you sharing ?

� Have you reviewed the added value that your

organisation and/or brands can give to the

community ?

� Have you outlined what you are able to share

and how you will do so ?

� Have you begun to develop a trully multimedia

content development, management and sharing

strategy ?

�Who are the sources of your content ?

�With what content will you be making a

difference ?

� Has your organisation become a content

producer ? Have you ?

We are what we share.

Charles Leadbeater

Imagem por Mr. Kris

Imagem por Siebuhr

ENGAGE How will you engage ?

� Have you considered how to engage the new

digitally empowered stakeholders ?

� Have you embraced a new bi-direcctional

communications culture ?

� Have you begun to engage your colleagues

through and towards social media ?

� Have you been accepted by the tribes ?

� Do you know what to expect from the online

communities ?

� How will you measure your engagement ?

� Have you defined your new set of rules in this

brave new world ?



UnderstandingThe platforms

The Art of listening, Learning and Sharing


#1Social media

Relax! social media is not going to end or even slow down in 2010, on the contrary. But the sheer thrill of something brand new will start to wear off.

Facebook was more fun when you got new friends every day. Now that all your friends are digitally secured, we enter the ”same story” stage.

Facebook is like the first couple of wild parties you went to as a teenager, and now you’re at the stage where you’re more likely just out for a dinner with your friends.

Although useful, Twitter is too much like Tamagotchi. It will grow in certain segments, but remain a niche service. Those in the know will have their own parties and lists, but you can always watch from the sidelines.

Social media is growing, and like people growing means more maturity and more boring stuff.

Or not?

Remember: Five years ago we had no YouTube, no Facebook, no Flickr or Twitter. Things change quickly.


You continuously check your page to watch pics, click on links and write status updates to get comments. This is kind of fatigating.

Why not?

Although its time-waster, the fact is that social media sites own our network of friends, photos and conversations. Now its hard to go somewhere and start-over. Just keep feeding us easier ways to brag, stalk and chat, and we’re in.


This big search trend is on track to reach the business world in 2010. We live in a demanding society for real-time information, whether its news headlines, TV programming or twitter messages. It’s no longer enough to search archives search must be updated with real-time information.

Both Google and Microsoft have started indexing Twitter and Facebook updates in real time.

Also increasing is “Social search”. But for this to work, we have to enter what’s called$ “the semantic web” (i.e. search 2.5) where different applications share the same data about your social network. This is needed to ensure relevancy for each user, whatever the source of the content.

Why?: Microsoft has already struck a deal with both Twitter and Facebook, and Google is not far behind.

Why not?: How will all this content be ranked? Using the social graph is harder when you don’t have direct access to the network. And do we really want our opinions and gripes to be indexed and searchable by all?

#3IntranetsAre over(As we know it)

Most new knowledge in companies is brought from the outside world, through relationships with people in other communities and organizations.

Yet, most intranets today are designed as closed networks accessible only to employees.

This can result in employees who tend to get more and more similar in the way they think.

The next generation of intranets will support knowledge networksthat go beyond the company itself, and be opened up to outside specialists, partners and customers for the mutual exchange of content and ideas.

Why not?:

There is still a strong need to protect ideas from the prying eyes of ”outsiders”. The content must be of interest to your external partners. Some bold first moves are needed but we really see this grand opening happening within a few years.


The idea of open enterprise has been with us for some years – it’s about time that intranets caught up.

#4ContentLeave home

Content elements are increasingly becoming freed from the fading concept of web pages – they appear in feeds, get embedded in a variety of social media and are viewed directly in search results.

Where content originates is no longer so important, it is far more decisive who recommended it to us. That is mostly a good thing; we can trust the opinions of our friends and the best content can now bubble up from anywhere and anyone. On the other hand, source criticism becomes tough, and disinformation and hidden advertising are even harder to spot.

Why?: The syndication of content is a natural and inevitable consequence of the sharing nature of the social web and the diminishing reign of The All Mighty Page . New services offer more efficient notification and updates, as well as up-stream feedback and commenting.

Why not?: The original context of the content is still important to give it meaning, and it’s hard to maintain content with no home. And what tools will help us navigate through this bombardment of information? Google? Twitter? There are still plenty of loose ends.


VR never took off and now we get AR instead, enriching our reality with virtual services. Examples include mobile applications to serve as your guide while you stroll through a museum.

AR got off to a slow start, and will remain just hype for some time –but it has already proven its usefulness especially in geo-location based services.

Why not?: For some, these services will only be disturbances to the ”real”experience.

Why?: The user experience gets better with added information and this has huge commercial potential.

#6ServiceOn demand

The instant success and fast adoption of streaming services like

music site Spotify is no coincidence. Spotify is faster, simpler and

more user friendly than BitTorrent. Similar services for movies are

next in line, and we believe games will soon be there too.

There are still huge issues related to making money from such

services, but the fact that the industry is finally creating legal

services that outsmart the illegal ones in terms of quality of

content, functionality and user experience is a big step in the right


Why?: With more and more connectivity everywhere, streaming of media content is the only way to go. Subscribers are possibly the most difficult customers you can win – but once they’re in, they’re steady income (practically) forever.

Why not?: People are extremely reluctant to pay for anything on the internet. As newspapers have learned to their pain, there’s always someone else willing to provide content for free


Most collaboration tools like SharePoint, Lotus Live and even Google Wave are still too fresh to set up and use. In 2009 we saw the breakthrough of simpler tools like Yammer (aninternal Twitter-like service for companies) which encourages more spontaneous communication and collaboration.

We’ve also started to see more domestic online collaboration as families move the shared household schedule from the fridge door to the web. We expect to see lots more tools with added functionality for collaboration but with the same low threshold for use as Yammer.

Why?: As more and more of our lives take place out there in the ether, people need to also connect online for personal use. But they need tools that are easier to use than SharePoint and Google Wave.

Why not?: Collaboration tools are still most relevant in a job context, where you need the structure and formalism of advanced tools. Our personal lives are too fragmented and unpredictable for the effective use of collaboration tools.

#8The Newinterface

Remember those days when a PC sat on your desk, and your mobile phone was just a phone? In our gadget-heavy lives loaded with PCs, netbooks, Kindles, iPhones, PDAs, PSPs, each with an ever-increasing overlap in functionality and areas of use, the decision of what tool to use for what purpose is in massive flux.

A lot of tasks could use a device sized somewhere between a PC and a mobile phone, like reading books and watching movies on the go. The answer may be tablets: portable devices with bigger screens than mobile phones have, but which are simpler and smaller than laptops and netbooks.

Apple will present its tablet tomorrow. Will it be a big iPhone or a small touch-screen Macbook? Time will tell, but they’ve done it before.

Why?: The PC is too big, the mobile phone too small. Tougher requirements from demanding mobile phone users will force change to happen. And people can once more buy smaller mobile phones.

Why not?: Smaller portable PCs with touch screens, PDAs and eReaders cover the same need. The gamut of gadgets is already too rich to squeeze in yet another.


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