dicey doctrine

Post on 15-Oct-2015






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This is a 1-page research essay i wrote on a root cause for why we are in this mess that was created by the industrial age. it's appropriately called 'dicey'


  • THE DICEY DOCTRINE OF IRISH HOME RULE andHOW IT AFFECTS CANADA under NAFTAWhat is the Dicey Doctrine? Historically it's a doctrine that arose in Queen Victoria's reign in England. - It was authority's solution to how to screw the people of the rights gained in the Magna Carta. [you ask how?] Parliament conjured up that the Magna Carta was a Constitutional contract based on how the King had to treat 'loyal subjects' and work with an elected body called Parliament that governed as subordinate to the King [before 1562] & then under the Supremacy of Parliament, they governed over the nation's economic affairs thru legislation and regulations

    By design, from the onset of the industrial age, the House of Lords owned and administered this corporate cash cow, AND this created this problem, where the majority of common people were now being abused by the same Lords that owned the corporations. They handled these Loyal subjects as if a commodity that was a liability to getting greater profits, AND this Doctrine, created by A.V. Dicey, upheld in law a ways and means as how to handle those who were considered to be 'disloyal subjects' to this new corporate state, [aka- the ECONOMY] AND at that time, they justified this Dicey Doctrine as the legal solution to a problem of how to deal with those Irish traitors who were totally vilified for demanding to separate from England. The function of introducing IRISH HOME RULE was to first impose martial law then codify this abuse with case law, which was called quasi-legal, [Sec 15 CC]

    It really needs to be noted that all of Diceys conclusions were based on Lord Bracton's mandate of 1250 which gave the King the right to be above the law, AND this doctrine was then used to establish Star Chambers, and this evolved into a federal Star Court infrastructure AND by King Henry 8th', this abuse of power to rule like despots lead to the Supremacy of Parliament in 1562 - In law, the doctrine was never actually struck down, it became known as Orders in Council /Executive Orders and its power was upheld [and equally so limited] by what's called the Public Trust, [what's the public trust?] Authority accepts that every time they 'shock the public trust', the people revolt.

    What Lord A. V. Dicey created was a contract court structure that was for all intents and purposes had the power of the Star Chambers, BUT under contract with the Lord's and operated at arm's length from Parliament and the Queen, in order to suppress those disloyal subjects of the Queen, and this policy was actually totally unconstitutional under English case law, and to this day they still call it an uncodified AND at face value, this court system appears to have been created with this truly draconian regime called IRISH HOME RULE

    - They then proceeded to codify this model with case law; These martial law regulations justified the forcing of scarcity, on everyone. The Dicey Doctrine is the foundation in case law of how authority made their your own citizens into enemy combatants. This started by oppressing those Irish because they were disloyal subjects, and it was applied onto the rest of England in order to oppress Union rights [for example]

    In Canada, the atrocities of our Native Residential Schools were modelled on basically the same premises as Dicey's Irish Residential School system at that time.

    This case law of creating a contract court to execute Official Policy of the governor in power, became the foundation of what Hitler did to handle his undesirables AND frankly the Harper Regime is repeating the same tactic, by giving the FEDERAL COURT jurisdiction to rule over 'those classes of persons' under s-55 of the CDSA, [aka - Harper's undesirables]

    This Dicey Doctrine was applied across England as 'quasi-legal', in order to uphold contracts that the government entered into with Banksters who [for example] then bankrupted England with WW1 debts, which instituted those quasi-legal Maritime courts -[S 15 CC Obedience to defacto law]

    This uncodified case law was used in1931 in order to impose this quasi-legal court system onto Canada, under the Colonial Act AND then in 1933, when the IRS bankrupted the USA, which converted the citizens into enemy combatants, and this was fully codified as a North American POLICE STATE with NAFTA 1993

    After, 25 years of entrenching this POLICY under the Charter has resulted in a situation where all Public Official are expected in law to be in direct violation of their oaths in order to do their job

    - So their solution was to make all oaths meaningless in the 1998 POLICE ACTAND it's all made possible by we the people accepting that it's the way it always was

    We've become automatons of misery and it's all caused by fraudulent public debt [Jefferson]

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