diabos disbursement accounting system - ship agent...

Post on 03-Sep-2018






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1 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e

DIABOS Disbursement Accounting System - Ship Agent interface

DIABOS is pleased to introduce the new Ship Agent interface for its disbursement accounting system.

The help guide has been presented in 4 sections to help you comprehend the new system and online processes as well as functionalities. We hope that

this new interface will bring in more transparency in the disbursement account process and also provide you with a joyful working experience with


We look forward to your valued support and feedback.

Section Process / Module Brief Description Links

Section I The Home Screen Logging into DIABOS and understanding the various

menu options and utilities available Section I

Section II Agency Appointment / PDA Request

acceptance and PDA submission

Accepting the portcall agency appointment /

Proforma DA request and step-by-step guide to

submitting your Proforma Disbursement Account in

the DIABOS system

Section II

Section III Submission of SOF and Final DA

Updating and submitting the Statement of Facts

online and step-by-step guide to submitting your

Final Disbursement Account in the DIABOS system

Section III

Section IV Miscellaneous About DIABOS and help desk contact information Section IV

2 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e

The Home Screen

Open the internet browser on your computer and type www.diabos.biz to access the DIABOS home page.

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You will find the link to login to the system on the top right hand side of your screen. Click this “LOGIN” link to bring up the below screen.

Key in your username and password in the fields provided and click on “Log In” to enter the DIABOS system.

Important points to note about your username and password: -

a) You will be assigned a new and unique username and password for each portcall.

b) These login credentials will be emailed to you along with the Agency Appointment / Proforma DA Request letter.

c) The login credentials can be used for the particular portcall only and not for other calls for which you may have been appointed through DIABOS.

d) You can submit your Proforma DA (PDA), Intermediate DA (IDA), Final DA (FDA) and one Supplementary DA (SDA) (if required) using these login

credentials. These credentials will cease to be active after you have submitted your first SDA. If you wish to submit more SDAs, please ask DIABOS

to do on your behalf and we would be happy to do it for you.

This page also provides you with assistance on re-setting your password in case you have forgotten the same and also provides information on tackling

typical issues that you might face in logging into the system.

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Once you have successfully logged in, you will see the below screen on your computer.

To change your password or to exit the system, click on the drop down next to your name on the top right hand side and select the relevant option.

Let us look at the menu options seen on the top left hand side of your screen.


While navigating through or working anywhere on the system, click this button to come back to this home screen.


Click this to see your address, contact information, list of serviced ports and bank accounts as updated in the DIABOS system.

Bank Accounts:

This provides you with the option to add new bank accounts in the DIABOS system.


The DIABOS – Ship Agent Interface guide (Online Submission Guide) and the XML Submission Guide can be accessed here. The latter deals with the

process of submitting your DA using a Principal-specific DA template in MS-Excel format using XML data files. This alternate method of disbursement

account submission is currently available only for select Principals and will be soon made available for all appointments through DIABOS.

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We now look at the “Profile” and “Bank Accounts” menu options in more detail.


This screen contains 3 sections of information as under: -

1. General : Your company name and general contact information and your country’s local currency.

2. Contact details : Contact details of the person in-charge at your office.

3. Ports serviced : List of Country / Ports serviced by your office. Principals will see your agency name basis this listing. Hence, if any

additions / alterations are required, please contact DIABOS immediately.

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You will also find the following two buttons below “Agent Details”

- Back : Click this to go back to the home screen.

- Bank Accounts : Click this to view the details of your bank account(s) already updated with DIABOS. These accounts will be available for

you to select at the time of submitting your Proforma DA.

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Bank Accounts

This option allows you to add a new bank account in the DIABOS system. Please note the below steps to be carried out for the account addition: -

1) Fill in all the required details in the form provided.

2) Upload a scanned copy of the bank details certification on your letterhead with your seal and signature using the “Upload Bank Certificates”


3) Click on “Generate” to generate a one-time password which will be sent to your email ID registered with DIABOS.

4) Enter the one-time password received in the field provided and click on “Validate” to confirm your action.

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The system will show the below pop-up on your screen

DIABOS will receive your request and process the same immediately. You will be contacted over email / telephone to verify the request before the same is

confirmed in the system. Once DIABOS has confirmed and activated your new account in the system, you will receive a confirmation email to this effect

with your bank details in a pdf attachment.

Please note that you will not be able to select this new bank account for any Proforma DA until the entire process as listed above is not completed.

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Let us go back to the home screen now to look at the other features on the same.

The left hand side pane below the menu options is divided into two sections: -

A) Initiate Action / Event : This will list the next step to be carried out for the portcall (Submit PDA, IDA, FDA, and so on)

B) Actions / Events : The last action taken by you for the portcall (PDA submitted, IDA submitted, SOF submitted and so on)

The right hand side displays the current status of the portcall / disbursement account and the below portcall information: -

Port Call No: This is the DIABOS portcall reference number that should be used in all communication with DIABOS for ease of reference. You can find

this in the subject line of your agency appointment / PDA Request letter as well as in all email notifications received from the DIABOS system.

Principal: This field displays the name of the Principal who has appointed you or requested for a Proforma DA for the portcall.

Country / Port: This is the country and port of call.

Vessel: This is the name of the vessel calling the Port. The name is a hyperlink which will display the vessel particulars when clicked.

Voyage: This is the voyage reference number assigned by the Principal for the portcall.

ETA / ETD: The expected date of vessel arrival and departure as informed by the Principal.

Previous Port: The name of the Port from where the vessel is arriving.

Activity: The activity that the vessel is scheduled to perform at your Port is listed here. Click this link to view the details as informed by the Principal.

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Agency Appointment / PDA Request acceptance and PDA submission

We will now look at how you can accept the Port Agency Appointment / Proforma DA request received from the Principal and then submit your Proforma

DA in the DIABOS system.

Below the portcall details you will see the preview of the Agency Appointment / Proforma DA Request letter and the option to accept or reject the same in

the system.

Should you wish to reject the appointment or request for any reason click on “Reject Appt. / PDA Request” This will display the below pop-up on your


Enter your reasons for rejection and click “OK” to confirm your action.

To accept the Agency appointment / PDA Request, click “Accept Appt. / PDA Request” and proceed further to submit your Proforma DA.

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Once you have accepted the appointment / request, the system will display the below PDA form on your screen.

The top section contains the portcall details and the current status of the DA. The next section contains the following fields: -

1. Quoted Currency: This is the currency in which you wish to quote your Proforma DA. The system allows you to submit your PDA in the local

currency or in US Dollars equivalent. Please select as desired from the drop-down.

2. Viewing Currency: If you choose to quote your PDA in local currency, the viewing currency field will become active and will provide you with the

option to view your PDA in US Dollars as an alternative.

3. Agent Ex. Rate: If you are updating your Proforma DA in US Dollars, the system will automatically consider the exchange rate as 1. However, if you

are updating your PDA in local currency, please enter the exchange rate you have considered to convert figures from USD to local or vice versa.

Please note that the exchange rate should be entered as 1 Unit of local currency = XXXXXX units of US Dollar.

4. No. of Days / Hrs PDA: Please enter here the number of days and/or hours you expect the vessel to stay in Port and based on which you have

estimated your Proforma DA.

5. PDA Total: This is an auto-calculated field which will display your Proforma DA total as you keep updating the form below.

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On the right hand side, next to PDA Total, you will find the following buttons: -


Click this to see a pdf preview of the Proforma DA you are going to submit in the system.


This is a drop down that allows you to view the Agency Appointment / PDA Request letter at any time directly from the system and to view the History

of the portcall. The history contains information by date and time (recorded in Indian Standard Time) on when the appointment / request was

forwarded to you by DIABOS and when did you accept the same in the system. This list of events keeps getting updated as the disbursement account

progresses further in the system.

13 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e

The next section is the DA form with two tabs namely “DA DETAILS” and “GENERAL”.

The active tab is identified with white background and an orange border at the top while the inactive tab is identified with a grey background.

When you login to the system, you will have the “DA DETAILS” active on your screen by default.

You can toggle between the two tabs by clicking on them.

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DA Details: This tab contains the following fields

Cost Category / Cost Item: This column lists the various cost heads and cost items as specified by the Principal for the DA. There will be a list of cost items

displayed by default on screen. To add more cost items as per your requirement, please click the ‘+’ sign next to the particular cost category. This will

display the following pop-up where you can either select a pre-defined cost item from the drop-down or type in your desired cost item name.

Additional cost items added in this manner will be displayed with a red ‘X’ next to the name. This allows you to delete the cost item just in case you added

this by mistake and want to undo or change it.

Amount: This is the column where you need to key in your estimate for each cost item. Please note that the figures should be in the “Quoted Currency”

which you have selected in the section above.

Remarks: Please enter your comments / basis of calculation for each cost item in the field provided. This will expedite the DA process and help DIABOS as

well as the Principal obtain a clearer picture of the Proforma DA.

15 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e

General: This tab comprises of four information fields / sub-sections

Port Information / Tariffs: Use this to provide DIABOS with the latest applicable port / service provider tariff and related port information. Providing such

information helps in an expeditious processing of the disbursement account.

Agent Remarks for Principal: We have provided a special section here for you to enter any special comments that you would like to put up before the

Principal for their attention.

Bank Account details: All your bank accounts registered with DIABOS will be listed in the drop down here. Select your bank account to specify where you

want to receive the funds for the portcall.

Percentage of advance for the portcall: The default advance percentage as per the Principal’s company policy or as per their agreement with your office is

displayed in the first field (90% in the above screen shot). By default, the second field also will display the same advance percentage. If you are in

agreement with this, leave the second field as it is and if you wish to request for a different advance percentage, please change the value (percentage) as

desired in this second field. The system will display your request to the Principal for their consideration when they are reviewing your Proforma DA.

16 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e

Once you have keyed in all the Proforma DA figures in the DA Details tab and selected / entered the required information in the General tab, click on

“Save” to ensure that all this is saved in the system.

This action will then activate the “Submit” button. Click this to complete the online submission of your Proforma DA and send the same electronically to

DIABOS through the system. You will get the following pop-up on screen as a confirmation of your PDA submission.

When you click OK on the above pop-up, the system will refresh and lead you back to the home screen.

You can now see the status “PDA Submitted to DIABOS” under “Actions / Events”. Click on this hyperlink to view the PDA that you have submitted in the


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Submission of SOF and Final DA

When your Proforma DA is approved in the DIABOS system by the Principal, you will receive a system generated advice containing the details of the

approval including advance being remitted (if any and as agreed).

Once the vessel has sailed, DIABOS will remind you of the Final DA to be updated in the system and sent to DIABOS. When you have the Final DA ready for

submission, please login again to DIABOS using the same username and password provided earlier.

You will find “Submit FDA” appearing under “Initiate Action / Event”. When you click on this link, the system will display the below pop on your screen

asking you to submit the SOF for the portcall.

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Click OK to bring up the Statement of Facts form on screen.

Complete the SOF, Save and then Submit. The system will refresh and lead you back to the home screen.

19 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e

You can view the SOF you have submitted through the concerned link under “Actions / Events”. To proceed with FDA submission, please click on “Submit

FDA” under “Initiate Action / Event”. This will open the below FDA form on your screen.

1. The top section contains the portcall details and the current DA status.

2. The next section displays

- Quoted currency: This is the currency you have selected at the time of PDA submission.

- Viewing currency: This option allows you to view the FDA values in US Dollar equivalent using the FDA Ex. Rate field value that you will enter.

- FDA Ex. Rate: Please enter here the exchange rate you have used to convert the FDA values from local currency to US Dollar or vice versa. Please

note that the exchange rate should be entered as 1 Unit of local currency = XXXXXX units of US Dollar.

- FDA Total: This is an auto-calculated field that will display the total of your Final DA as you enter the values in the DA form below.

- Preview: Click this button to preview the FDA values that you have entered in the system before submitting the same online.

- More: In addition to links for viewing the Agency Appointment letter and the history of the portcall, you will now find one more link under the

“More” button to view the SOF that you have recorded in the system for the portcall.

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3. The final section below is the FDA form containing three tabs namely

- DA Details

- Advance

- General

DA Details

This tab contains the following fields: -

Cost Category / Cost Item: This column lists the various cost heads and cost items as specified by the Principal for the DA. The cost items which you had

selected for entering the Proforma DA will be displayed here. To add more cost items as required, click the ‘+’ sign next to the particular cost category.

This will display the following pop-up where you can either select a pre-defined cost item from the drop-down or type in your desired cost item name.

21 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e

PDA Amount: This column displays the amount for each cost item as approved by the Principal on the Proforma DA. This is a read-only column.

Amount (FDA – Agent): Key in the Final DA values for each cost item here to reflect the actual expenses incurred. Please ensure that the amounts are in

the Quoted Currency as selected for the portcall. In case there are multiple vouchers within a cost item, click the icon next to the amount field to open

the below calculator on screen.

Enter the invoice no. and corresponding amount in the fields provided and click ADD. Once you have added all the vouchers for the cost item here, click

OK to close this calculator and populate the total expense as well as the corresponding invoice numbers in the FDA form.

Invoice No.: Please enter the invoice number for each expense in this column. As described above, you can use the calculator functionality to enter the

amount as well as the invoice number simultaneously in the system.

Remarks: Please enter your calculations and comments on each cost item in the corresponding fields. We reiterate here that adding proper explanation

and calculation for charges will assist in expediting the DA checking at DIABOS as well as approval in the Principal’s office.

If you wish to view your earlier calculation / comment that you would have entered at the time of PDA submission, click on the icon next to the remarks

field. This will open the comment in a separate pop-up for convenient viewing.

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The screen is divided into 2 sections. The left section contains the following fields: -

Invoice no. / Invoice date: You can enter your invoice number for the Final DA and the date on which this invoice has been raised. The Final DA Preview

will capture these details and you can print and use this preview as your summary when you forward the Final DA to DIABOS.

Advance / Date / Document: Please enter here the advance you have received for the portcall, the date on which same was received in your bank account,

upload the corresponding bank advice and click “Add” to save the record. In case you have received multiple advances, you can repeat this process to add

multiple advance amounts and bank advices. In case you have received the advance in a different currency (other than the Quoted Currency), please

enter its equivalent amount here in Quoted Currency. For example, if the Quoted Currency is Indian Rupees and you have received the advance in US

Dollars, please enter the advance in Indian Rupees equivalent.

In case you have not received any advance for the portcall, check the box against “Confirm No Remittance” to certify this.

23 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e

The right section contains the following fields: -

Agent Bank Account No.: This field displays your bank account number which you had selected at the time of submitting your Proforma DA. To view the

details of this account as stored in DIABOS, click the icon next to the account number and you will see the details appear on screen in a separate pop-

up. In case you wish to receive the DA balance in a different bank account, you can select the particular account from the given drop down. It is to be

noted that such alternate bank account should have been registered with the DIABOS system before-hand to enable such selection.

Confirm Bank Account: Check this box to confirm the bank account you have selected above.

Agent Remarks for Principal: Here, space has been provided for you to write special notes / comments for the Principal’s attention. This is similar to the

field provided at Proforma DA submission stage. To view the special comments that you had entered (if any) at earlier DA stages, click the icon (next to

the characters box) and you will find them on screen in a separate pop-up.

24 | P a g e D I A B O S – S h i p A g e n t I n t e r f a c e


The General tab also is divided into two sections. The left section contains the following fields: -

Dispatch Details: Based on the specific instructions from the Principal, you may be asked to dispatch the original Final DA (hard copies) to DIABOS office in

India. Accordingly, when you are ready to dispatch the Final DA, please enter the name of the courier / postage service that you are using for the purpose,

the Air Way Bill number, date of dispatch and any special remarks that you may wish to add and click “Add”. This will record your entry in the system as

shown in the above screenshot. To delete an incorrect entry, check the box against it and click “Delete”.

The right section contains the following fields: -

DA Documents: You can choose to attach pdf copies of vouchers for each cost item using this functionality. Give a file name, click “Choose File” and select

the concerned pdf voucher file from your computer. Then check the boxes to identify the system invoice numbers corresponding to the pdf voucher file

and click “Add”. The file will get uploaded into the system against relevant invoice numbers as shown in the above screen shot. This functionality is useful

in case you have been advised to submit a soft copy of the Final DA instead of the original FDA (hard copies).

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Once you have completed all the above steps, click “Save” and “Submit” to render your Final DA online. The system will display a pop-up to confirm

successful submission of the Final DA and refresh to take you back to the home screen (as under).

The left pane will show the new status as “FDA Submitted to DIABOS” under “Actions / Events”. DIABOS will initiate further action on receiving and

checking your Final DA and submitting the same online for the Principal’s approval.

The procedure to submit Supplementary DA is also the same as listed above for the Final DA submission. You will be able to use your assigned login

credentials for the portcall to submit one SDA after which your login credentials will cease to be active. However, should there be a need to submit more

SDAs for the same portcall, please contact DIABOS and we will be happy to assist.

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At DIABOS we understand the complexities of the Disbursement Account and its associated processes and provide Principals with an effective

Disbursement Accounts transaction handling process that is ISO certified and strikes the perfect symmetry between port costs and operational

performance. Our solutions are simple, sustainable and scalable.

Commercially launched in 2008, DIABOS today provides a complete spectrum of services including Port cost estimation, Disbursement accounting, Towage

contract management and Cash management.

Today, we are successfully providing our solutions to Trading Houses and Ship Owners / Operators across the following sectors:

Dry Bulk & Liner

Project & General Cargo Carriers

Crude & Product Tankers

Chemical & Gas Tankers

Mission: To work with shipping companies in managing their port costs in a smarter manner, aligning systems, workflow and data integration to save time

and cost.

Vision: We intend to help shipping companies manage their Port cost data by simplifying the Disbursement Accounting process and use digitalized data

which can be fed into various systems for better cost analysis and discussions with all stakeholders to improve efficiency and ensure better utility of every

port dollar spent.

Values: Transparency | Cost efficiency | Accountability

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Operations Centre - India

DIABOS DIABOS online (24 x 7) 3rd Floor, Building No. 4A Email address : diabos@diabos.biz S.P. Infocity, Survey no. 209, Next to Satyapuram Society, Telephone : +91.20.26982577 / 30569000 Pune – Saswad Road, Fursungi, Skype : ‘diabos-help’ Pune – 412308, Maharashtra – India

Commercial office – UAE

DIABOS E – 602, Head Quarter Building, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Post Box – 341316, Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Email address : diabos@diabos.ae (only for sales inquiries) Telephone : +971.4.3724026

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TERMS OF USE Limited License DIABOS hereby authorizes you to copy this material published on its website solely for the purpose of your working with the DIABOS system. No other use of the information is authorized. In consideration of this authorization, you agree that any copy of these materials which you make shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices in the same form and manner as on the original. Except as specified above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right under any patent, trademark or copyright of DIABOS or any third party. Except as specifically permitted herein, no portion of this document may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from DIABOS. Users are not permitted to modify, distribute, publish, transmit or create derivative works from this document for any public or commercial purposes. General Disclaimer Although DIABOS has attempted to provide accurate information on this document, DIABOS assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. DIABOS may change the programs or products mentioned at any time without notice. Mention of non-DIABOS products or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. All information provided in this document is provided "as is" with all faults without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. DIABOS and its suppliers disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied including, without limitation, those of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement or arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice. DIABOS and its suppliers shall not be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages including, without limitation, lost profits or revenues, costs of replacement goods, loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use any DIABOS product, damages resulting from use of or reliance on the information present, even if DIABOS or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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