devon county council school safeguarding audit 2019 · devon county council school safeguarding...

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Devon County Council School Safeguarding Audit 2019

1. Devon County Council Audit of Statutory Duties and Associated Responsibilities for Schools

Please complete by Friday 30th November 2019 Each school/educational setting should have the following in place:

A written safeguarding policy and up to date child protection (CP) procedures that have been agreed with the governing body. The policy must be updated annually (Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2019)

A standing agenda item for safeguarding as part of every Governing Body meeting.

A Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) role established with job description and deputy/deputies identified.

A nominated CP governor (preferably not the Chair) to champion child protection issues and challenge the school/setting.

Other safeguarding procedures, including dealing with allegations against members of staff and safer working practice (Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who work with Children and Young people).

Up to date training at the appropriate level for all staff and volunteers (including appropriate governors).

Robust staff recruitment and selection processes which safeguard children and are in line with the Department for Education (DfE) procedures and the Government's document 'Keeping Children Safe in Education (2019)'. All settings should have an accredited person/people trained in Safer Recruitment. Safer Recruitment applies to all staff.

A Single Central Record of identity, qualification and vetting checks for all staff and volunteers.

An Acceptable Users Policy for IT equipment used by staff and volunteers (including computers, social networking sites, mobile phones, cameras, memory sticks etc) both for pupils and staff.

The staff version should make it clear that staff should not be inviting pupils onto social networking sites and professional boundaries should be maintained.

An Anti-bullying policy.

In completing this audit, please ensure that you provide evidence to support your response. It is expected that the audit will be completed by the Head Teacher, alongside the Designated Safeguarding Lead and the Chair of Governors or Governor with safeguarding responsibility. The results of the audit and subsequent action plan should be shared with the whole Governing Body. Download an action plan here. Please complete the action plan at the same time as the audit as you will be asked to upload the action plan at the end. The information you provide will be used for audit purposes only and will not be used or shared for any other purpose. Where we will share personal data this will be specified on the page where it is collected. We will store the information for a maximum period of 2 years, following which it will be securely deleted. Where you are providing personal information relating to another individual, please ensure they have access to our privacy notice. For further information please see our full privacy notice at For further advice in relation to completion or submission, please contact the Safeguarding Team on 01392 287223 or email

2. School Information

1. School Name *

2. DfE Number878/ *

3. Name of Headteacher *

4. Type of School *




Free School

Special School

5. Is your school part of a MAT or Federation? *



6. Please enter relevant details for key personnel as requested below: *

Name Email Date of CP


Type of CP training e.g. Level

2 or 3**

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy DSL

Deputy DSL

Deputy DSL

Safeguarding Governor

Deputy Safeguarding Governor

Designated Teacher for CiC*

Designated Teacher for Young Carers*

SPOC for Channel/Prevent*

Senior Lead for Early Help*

Deputy Lead for Early Help

** Please indicate if the DSL/DDSL regularly attend safeguarding forums, conferences etc instead of a 2 yearly refresher. Please list courses/sessions attended:

7. Please provide us with an up-to-date emergency contact/s for use in MASH/LADO by education and Children's Services staff to access information during school holidays. The emergency contact details you provide on this page will be shared with relevant Safeguarding teams at Babcock LDP and Devon County Council for purposes relevant to the DSL and DDSL roles. We will not use or share these details for any unrelated purpose. All data will be processed in accordance with our privacy notice at Where you are providing information on behalf of another individual please provide them with access to this statement and our privacy notice. * Name 1st contact number 2nd contact number

1st Emergency contact

2nd Emergency contact

3. Part one: What school staff should know and do.

Statutory Guidance KCSiE 2019

8. Are all staff aware of the systems within your school/college/setting which support safeguarding and is this explained to them as part of their induction? (Para.13 KCSiE 2019) *



How do you know?

9. Does this induction include information about the child protection policy, the behaviour policy (sometimes called a code of conduct), the safeguarding response to children who go missing from education and the role of the DSL (including the identity of the DSL and any deputies)? (Para.13) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

10. Are copies of the policies and Part One of KCSiE 2019 provided to staff at induction? (Para.13) *



11. Do all staff receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated? (Para.14) *



Please give evidence to support your response

12. In addition, do all staff receive safeguarding and child protection updates (for example, via email, e-bulletins and staff meetings) as required, and at least annually? (Para.14) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

13. Are all staff aware of the early help process and understand their role in it? (Para.15) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

14. Are all staff aware of the process for making referrals to children's social care and for statutory assessments under the Children Act 1989 (S17 and S47) that may follow a referral, along with the role they might be expected to play in such assessments? (Para.16) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

15. Do all staff know what to do if a child tells them he/she is being abused or neglected? (Para.17) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

16. Are staff particularly alert to the needs of children belonging to the list of vulnerable groups listed in KCSiE? (Para.18) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

17. Are all staff aware of indicators of abuse or neglect? (Para.19) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

18. Are all staff aware that abuse, neglect and safeguarding issues are rarely standalone events? (Para.20) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

19. Are all staff aware that safeguarding issues can manifest themselves via peer on peer abuse? (Para.27) *



In Part


20. Are all staff aware of safeguarding issues that can put children at risk of harm, such as drug taking, alcohol abuse, deliberately missing education and sexting? (Para.26) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

21. Are all staff clear as to the school's policy and procedures with regards to peer on peer abuse? (Para.28 & 97) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

22. Do all teachers understand their statutory duty to report FGM to the police? (Para.31) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

23. Do all staff understand what is meant by contextual safeguarding? (Para.32) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

24. Do all staff working with children have an attitude of 'it could happen here'? (Para.35) *



Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

25. Do staff who have any concerns about a child's welfare, act on those concerns immediately? (Para.36) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

26. Is the DSL or Deputy DSL always available to discuss safeguarding concerns? (Para.39) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

27. Are staff mindful that early information sharing is vital for effective identification, assessment and allocation of appropriate service provision and do they know the seven golden rules for sharing information? (Para.40) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

28. Are Early Help cases kept under constant review and consideration given to a referral to children's social care? (Para.41) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

29. Does the DSL follow up enquiries to the MASH if the outcome is not notified to them? (Para.45) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

30. Does the DSL understand escalation procedures including the Case Resolution Protocol? (Para.47) *



In Part

How many times have you used the Case Resolution Protocol in the past 12 months?

31. Are all safeguarding concerns, discussions and decisions made, and the reasons for these decisions recorded in writing? (Para.48) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

32. Do all staff know the process for reporting concerns about another staff member or the Head Teacher i.e. the school's whistleblowing procedures? (Para.52) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

4. Part two: The responsibility of governing bodies, proprietors and management committees

Statutory Guidance KCSiE 2019

33. Does the school have an effective child protection policy, updated annually (as a minimum) and available publicly either via the website or by other means? (Para.57) *



Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

34. Does it include the school's procedures for dealing with children with SEND (Para.110)? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

35. Does the school hold more than one emergency contact number for each pupil or student? (Para.57) *



36. Does the school have a staff behaviour policy which includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media? (Para.57) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

37. Is a senior member of staff from SLT the DSL and are they trained every two years? (Paras.61 & 66) *



Please give reason if you have answered No

38. In addition, is their knowledge and skills updated at regular intervals, and at least annually? (Para.67) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

39. Does the school contribute to multi-agency working in line with statutory guidance (Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018)? (Para.68) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

40. Are staff aware that the Data Protection Act 2018 (and GDPR) contains 'safeguarding of children and individuals are risk' as a processing condition that allows practitioners to share information? (Para.79) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

41. Does the DSL ensure that the CP file of relevant children is transferred to the new school or college as soon as possible, ensuring secure transit and confirmation of receipt obtained? (Para.82) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

42. Are filters and appropriate monitoring systems in place and are children taught about online safety? (Para.87 & 88) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

43. Are there systems in place for children to express their views and give feedback? (Para.99) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

5. Part three: Safer Recruitment

(where paragraph numbers are included, these refer to KCSiE 2019)

44. Does the school/MAT have a Single Central Record (SCR) that has tabs to record the required checks for all employees, volunteers (including governors), contractors and agency staff with no gaps? (Para.148) There should be no gaps in the SCR. *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

45. Does the evidence within the SCR match that in a random sample of employee files? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

46. Are two references sought for each employee including from their most recent employer and can this be evidenced? (Para. 144) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

47. Does the setting seek verification to confirm the source of references that have been received electronically since 2018? (Para.145) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

48. Are copies of original ID documents and qualifications, where required, held on file? (Para.155) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

49. Is the school clear that original DBS certificates should be seen, but not copied? (Para.155) *



50. Does the setting use some form of risk assessment for long-standing employees where there are missing documents on file such as references? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

51. Do you retain evidence of responses to safeguarding questions asked for successful candidates? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

52. Do at least 2 people shortlist for all posts, including part-time positions and/or where there is only one candidate/internal candidate? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

53. Are letters of offer for successful candidates conditional upon receipt of 2 satisfactory references, qualifications, DBS check and medical clearance? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

54. Where internal candidates are applying, are they as external candidates asked to complete an application form that is scrutinised for gaps in both their education and employment history? (Para.162) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

55. Is there a procedure in place to make a referral to the DBS if a person in regulated activity is dismissed or removed due to safeguarding concerns? (Para.163) *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

56. Is there someone trained in safer recruitment on every interview panel? *



57. Have those with the safer recruitment qualification had a refresher session within the last 5 years?(this is NOT a statutory requirement) *



6. Good Practice/Miscellaneous questions

These are not statutory requirements

58. Does your school have a Lettings Policy which references the Prevent duty and a process for ensuring that the school premises are not let to extremist organisations? *



59. Have 'Ready for Anything' (lockdown) procedures been agreed and practiced? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

60. Do you have in place a written, up to date policy for Relationships Education/RSE? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part


61. Who is your Data Protection Officer? *

62. Do you have a clear complaints procedure on your website? *



63. How many complaints/subject access requests have you received and responded to in the academic year 2018/19? *

64. Are you GDPR compliant? *



Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part and what plans you have inplace to ensure this obligation is met.

8. Child Sexual Abuse

How are you raising awareness of CSA through the curriculum for children, and what information are you giving to parents about the possible signs and symptoms? *

65. Are you aware of (and do you use) the Brook Tool (Lucy Faithfull) to review/monitor observed sexualised behaviour? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

66. Is child sexual abuse and the fact that a disclosure by the child is not required, a specific training topic? *



In Part

Please give evidence to support your response or explain why you have answered No or In Part

67. Does the DSL receive regular supervision/support?If yes, who provides this? *





68. What percentage of existing staff have completed the Devon basic SEND module one training for all professionals? *

69. Are you aware of the new SEND induction training currently planned to be rolled out to all new staff from February 2020? *



70. Have any of your staff completed this as part of the pilot? *



If yes, what was their feedback

10. Suicide Prevention (Learning from Serious Case Reviews)

71. Do you/your staff recognise the indicators of suicide ideation and feel confident to talk about it with young people expressing those thoughts? *



In Part

What, if any, training have you had in this area? eg EH4MH

72. What would you find most helpful/useful in order to increase you confidence/competence? *

73. Upload your action plan here *

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