development of a technique to measure the dynamic loading ... · the objective of this study was to...

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Harpur Hill, Buxton Derbyshire, SK17 9JN T: +44 (0)1298 218000 F: +44 (0)1298 218590 W: © Crown copyright (2006)

Development of a technique to measure the

dynamic loading of safety harness and lanyard webbing


Louise Robinson B.Eng (Hons) GradIMMM Project Leader:

Author(s): Louise Robinson B.Eng (Hons) GradIMMM

Science Group: Engineering Control Group


1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Aim .......................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Test material ............................................................................................ 2

2 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT ................................................................. 3 2.1 Design Requirements .............................................................................. 3 2.2 Rig Design and Production ...................................................................... 3 2.3 Instrumentation........................................................................................ 6

3 TESTING..................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Development of test method.................................................................... 9 3.2 Data Analysis......................................................................................... 10 3.3 Line-scan image analysis ...................................................................... 11

4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................. 14 4.1 Results................................................................................................... 14 4.2 Discussion of results.............................................................................. 16

5 CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................ 18

6 RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................. 19

7 REFERENCES.......................................................................................... 20

APPENDIX....................................................................................................... 21 Drop Testing of Webbing – Method.................................................................. 21 Graphs showing load against time ................................................................... 23 Graphs showing extension against time........................................................... 27 Graphs showing load against extension........................................................... 31




The objective of this study was to develop a method for evaluating the dynamic performance of safety harness and lanyard webbing materials. The performance of webbing materials prior to their use in the manufacture of safety harnesses and lanyards is measured in terms of their static properties. Their breaking strength is determined statically or quasi-statically, however in a fall situation these materials would behave in a different manner. During a fall the webbing materials would be dynamically loaded and so the dynamic breaking strength is an important parameter, which may or may not be related to the static breaking strength.

Main Findings

A test rig was developed comprising of two parts that separated to dynamically load the webbing material. This provided consistent results, comparable with those obtained by static testing. Four loadcells built into the rig provided load data, with elongation of the samples measured using a line-scan camera attached to a data capture device. Ten samples in all were tested. Two of the webbing types tested failed; two of the webbing types tested did not break. The dynamic breaking loads achieved for the webbings were up to 38 % lower than the equivalent maximum breaking strength resulting from static tensile testing. The dynamic elongations to failure were up to 28 % lower than the equivalent static elongation to failure. The energies absorbed to failure were up to 44 % lower than those resulting from static testing. Two of the four webbings tested were able to withstand a 127 kg drop mass. This mass was identified as being typical of the 99th percentile of workers at height in a recent body size study commissioned by HSE [Haines, Elton and Hussey, 2005].


The test method has been very successful and could be adapted for other strengths of webbing material. The rig was over-complicated and could be simplified by the removal of the load cells on the top member, as these proved to be unnecessary. The rig generates a lot of energy during a drop test and the energy absorbers used within it at present are not sufficient. A re-design of the rig will be necessary as a future development, to improve robustness and provide better energy absorption.



1.1 BACKGROUND The performance of webbing materials prior to their use in the manufacture of safety harnesses and lanyards is currently measured in terms of their static properties. Their breaking strength is determined statically or quasi-statically, however in a fall situation these materials would behave in a different manner. During a fall the webbing materials would be dynamically loaded and so the dynamic breaking strength is an important parameter. The dynamic performance of these woven materials may or may not be related to their static performance and the nature of their weave. Currently there are no requirements to measure the dynamic strength of webbing materials, or other components used to manufacture safety harnesses and lanyards. The dynamic testing that is carried out currently uses a standard 100 kg drop mass on the finished product as whole, either a safety harness or a lanyard. BS EN 361:2002 “Personal protective equipment against falls from height – Full body harnesses” states that harnesses should withstand two dynamic drop tests, using a standard 100 kg torso dummy, with a free fall distance of 4 metres. The standard also states that the harness should withstand a force of 15 kN applied to it by pulling the torso dummy, whilst in the harness, suspended by each attachment point in turn. BS EN 354: 2002 “Personal protective equipment against falls from height – Lanyards” states that all textile lanyards must withstand a static force of at least 22 kN. Lanyards are only tested dynamically in the same way as harnesses, to determine whether they can withstand a drop test using a 100kg test mass dropped from a height of 2 metres above the attachment point (the lanyard and connectors having been adjusted to 2 metres in length, resulting in a free fall distance of 4 metres). It could be of great benefit to the manufacturers of these materials to know how their product performs dynamically before being incorporated into a harness or lanyard, for future development. If significant differences arose between dynamic and static performance of the webbings this would have a strong impact as it would reduce the factors of safety on products currently on the market. I was asked by Mr Martin Holden, formerly of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Construction Division Technology Unit, to develop a method of dynamically testing webbing samples. The research into webbing performance contributes towards HSE’s commitment to reduce fatal and major injuries resulting from falls from height under the Fit3 programme (Fit for Work, Fit for Life, Fit for Tomorrow) [].

1.2 AIM The purpose of this research programme was to develop a test method to measure the dynamic performance of webbing materials. The data required from the test programme were breaking strength and elongation to failure. A purpose-made test rig was required to be designed, built and commissioned with a small number of samples tested to refine the technique and identify further areas for development. The development of a reliable technique could lead to further research into the dynamic performance of materials affected by various types of damaging effects such as ultraviolet (UV) degradation, ingress of dirt effects, abrasion and weathering.


1.3 TEST MATERIAL The samples to be used were to be taken from the same selection as used in the previous study carried out by HSL entitled “Assessment of the factors that influence the tensile strength of safety harness and lanyard webbings” [Parkin and Robinson, 2002]. In that work each webbing was statically tensile tested to failure in the as received condition, so the breaking load, elongation to failure and energy absorbed to failure were known. These results were used for comparison with the results obtained by dynamic testing. The webbing materials chosen for testing were from different suppliers, made from either polyamide or polyester, and manufactured in different ways with different additives. This resulted in webbings with different colours, weaves, dimensions and mechanical properties. Each webbing type was supplied in a reel, and was cut into one metre sample lengths, the ends of which were heat sealed to prevent fraying during testing. The webbings were originally designated numbers from 1 to 10 in previous research [Parkin and Robinson, 2002]. Since then, however, some of these webbings are no longer manufactured and those remaining available for testing were numbers 1, 2, 3 and 8. The webbing samples in this study were all tested in the ‘as received’ condition and were all dry.



2.1 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A test rig was required which would dynamically load a webbing specimen, and which would be instrumented to measure the breaking load and extension to failure. Slotted cylindrical grips, of the same type used for static testing of webbing were required, to avoid samples breaking due to damage caused by conventional grips. The samples were required to be dynamically loaded to failure, and so the rig needed to be designed to withstand the shock loading which would occur during a drop. In order to ensure true dynamic loading of the specimen, the rig was to be comprised of two parts, linked by the webbing sample under test. One part of the rig would act as a carrier and be arrested by a catching device, while the other part comprising the weight pack would continue to drop, uninterrupted, causing dynamic loading of the webbing. Means of arresting both the top section of the rig before the webbing had broken, and the falling weight pack after the webbing had broken were required, incorporating energy absorbers to minimise ‘ringing’. Ringing is the generation of harmonic resonances within the rig as a result of the impact, causing noise to be generated in the data collected by load cells. At its worst, this could totally obscure the data being collected. Both the drop height and the weight needed to be adjustable in order to vary the drop forces the specimens experience. In that way, tests could be performed to specific maximum forces, as well as allowing the determination of breaking forces to cause failure. The drop tests needed to be performed in a controlled manner in order to give consistent results and to ensure safety during the drop. A guided system therefore was required. Because the rig was designed to separate, a safe means of temporarily holding the rig together while samples were being loaded was required.


The initial design for a separating drop rig was conceived by myself, in conjunction with Mr. Carl Wilson, formerly of Field Engineering Section, HSL, and a draft design produced (Figure 1). After discussion with R.A. Engineering consultants, this design was refined and finalised. The test rig was designed to fit into the existing drop tower facility in the Field Engineering Section of HSL. The rig was designed such that both the drop height and the drop mass could be altered.


Figure 1: Showing the original sketch and specifications of the drop rig

The design comprised of a lightweight carrier section for the top of the rig, with two load cells holding slotted cylindrical grips. The bottom section comprised of a fixed lower plate onto which slotted weights could be stacked, with an upper clamping plate. Twelve rectangular plate slotted weights, each of 20 kg were included in the design, to vary the drop forces which could be produced. Two more load cells were attached to the upper clamping plate, and then held another cylindrical grip. Two threaded bars were fixed to the bottom plate, passed through the weight pack, through holes in the clamping plate where the weight pack could be secured by nuts, and through the top section of the rig, allowing the whole unit to be fastened together for ease of loading samples. Removal of the nuts put the specimen under tension, and released the bottom section of the rig from the top, separating both parts, making it ready to drop.


1 2 3

Figure 2: Showing the three stages of the drop, from left to right: 1) release; 2) top section arrested, dynamic loading of sample;

3) bottom section arrested after sample failure


In order to control the drop a frame was designed to fit into the drop tower, above the drop rig to support guide wires. These wires were secured to a base plate using eye bolts, and tensioned using turnbuckles until just taut. Both top and bottom sections of the rig ran through the guide wires ensuring they would impact in the correct positions on the arresting devices. In order to prevent damage to the guide wires, they were designed to be fully enclosed in tubes attached to the top section of the rig. These tubes passed through holes in the bottom of the rig, so as to allow unhindered separation of the two parts.

The base plate incorporated arresting devices for both parts of the rig; two impact columns positioned one metre apart, and one metre tall arrested the top section, and two energy absorbing pads in the centre of the plate formed an arrest buffer for the bottom section. Both catchers had extra energy absorbing pads added to them, made from dense rubber.

The rig was designed to be raised and lowered on the existing winch in the drop tower, allowing a drop from any height up to two metres. It was lifted using wire strops attached to the fixed lower plate of the bottom section. The rig was dropped from the winch hook using an electronic bomb release.

The dynamic action of the drop rig can be seen in Figure 2, and a photograph of the finished rig can be seen in Figure 3. It was manufactured from steel, and powder coated red to protect it from corrosion. Twelve weights, of approximately 20 kg each were also provided, manufactured from steel and painted yellow to protect them from corrosion.


Four calibrated 5000 kg capacity S-Beam Type 620 load cells, manufactured by Tedea-Huntleigh were built into the rig, two in the top section and two in the bottom section. The data from the load cells was acquired by a VHS Spectra data logger, manufactured by Intercole.

The data from the load cells was logged at a speed of 25 kHz in order to ensure a suitable resolution.

Three techniques were trialled to measure the extension of the samples. These were high-speed video recording, laser tracking and line-scan camera measurement.

2.3.1 High Speed Video

This is a system where a digital video camera captures images direct to solid state memory. Unlike conventional video recording, which captures 25 frames per second, high speed video captures up to 4500 frames per second. This can then be played back at a rate to allow the event to be analysed at an appropriate speed.

The high-speed video system available at the time of the test programme at HSL was a monochrome system, recording grayscale images. To provide a means of measurement of the images, black and white markers were placed on the middle of the top and bottom scroll clamps. These markers can be seen in Figure 3. Four drops were recorded at four increasing speeds, however, the faster the record speed, the lower the resolution of the recording. This system, although successful for measuring the displacement of the scroll clamps, did not have a fast


enough recording rate to capture the point of failure of the webbing. This meant that a definite end point for the failure could not be determined, and so an accurate elongation to failure could not be determined by this method.

Figure 3. Finished drop rig, with lifting modification and line-scan camera targets.

(Shown with non-test webbing sample to demonstrate loading)

2.3.2 Laser tracking

A small laser unit with detector was attached to the back of the top section of the rig, with a sliding black and white marker strip, on which it focused. The strip was attached to the lower section of the rig and was free to slide vertically past the laser during a drop test. The strip comprised of black bands 2 mm wide spaced 2mm apart on a white background. This formed a regular strip of black and white bands, similar in appearance to a barcode. As this strip passed the laser, a detector recorded the change in contrast as electrical pulses. The rate of passage of these bands could be seen as different width pulses on a trace of voltage against time. The wider the recorded pulse, the slower the marker had travelled past the laser at that point. Analysis of these pulses can be used to calculate drop displacement.

The shock loading imparted by the rig caused the laser tracking system to vibrate, which resulted in poor resolution of the bands, and multiple reading of the same bands. This caused poor resolution of the pulses in the recorded data trace, meaning no useful results could be extracted.


2.3.3 Line-scan Measurement

The line-scan method of measuring displacement was originally developed in the Field Engineering Section. The line-scan camera was designed for precise measurement of components for quality control. It was originally used to measure the distance between two points, by scanning across an item, recording the data as a line of 1024 greyscale pixels. Measurements can then be taken between areas of high contrast, either naturally present on the item, or created by placement of markers. In order to create a time history, software was developed by Software and Control Section, HSL, to store individual lines of pixels as a single bitmap image. Images captured by a line-scan camera have a much higher resolution than those of a conventional video camera, and the image is captured much faster.

The camera was set up to measure two points on the test rig, one on the top scroll clamp, and one on the bottom (Figure 3). These two points were identified with large markers, comprised of a black line between two white lines. This gave a high contrast area which could be clearly seen by the camera from the distance required to fit the whole rig in the frame. The camera was set-up with a line rate of 2, a gain of 8 and a capture period of 2000. Each bitmap showed a period of 2 seconds, with each row of pixels being equivalent to 0.5 ms.

The separation of the two sample grips was measured before each test, to calibrate each image, and allow calculation of the extension to failure.

This system proved very successful, but was difficult to use as it had to be triggered manually at the start of each drop.




Three commissioning tests were carried out, without instrumentation, using samples of webbing which were not part of the main test programme. The rig was set up with only one slotted weight in the weight pack. The first drop was from a height of 0.5 metres, the second from 1 metre and the third test from a height of 2 metres. The webbing samples were cut to one metre lengths to allow sufficient material to wrap around the clamp arrangement. The gauge length of webbing tested was between 120 mm and 150 mm. The gauge length was taken as the distance between the centre line of the top and bottom clamps. This was measured before each test using a vernier caliper.

After the first drop a problem was noted with the way in which the webbing was loaded in the clamp arrangement. The webbing tended to pull out of the clamps rather than elongate in the gauge length. Part of the reason for this was that the scroll arrangement had been fixed in the vertical position. Rotating the clamps through 90° resulted in a considerable improvement in the holding properties of the clamps. The webbing was fed back over itself, wrapping in an s shape around the grips (Figure 4). The grips were fixed in line with each other, resulting in the sample having to be loaded in an s-type arrangement to ensure centre line loading, however this was only at the mid-point of the specimen.

Figure 4: Showing the sample scrolling arrangement

The first two drops did not break the webbing, the third drop however did break the webbing. It was decided to increase the weight in the pack to 60 kg, and drop from a height of 2 metres, throughout the test programme, to ensure that the samples would break. The total drop weight on the webbing was 127 kg.

This test procedure was developed, which was followed throughout the test programme and can be seen in the Appendix.



The loadcell data collected was converted into ASCII format using a custom-written extraction program and input into a numerical analysis software package. A conversion was applied to the data to convert it from millivolt (mV) output to load in kilo-Newtons (kN), using the data obtained from calibration of the load cells. Since the data were recorded at 25 kHz, each data point represented 1/25000th of a second, so time data were generated, to allow a load history trace to be plotted.

Sample number

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300



l out














Loadcell 1Loadcell 2Loadcell 3Loadcell 4

Figure 5: Raw loadcell data from test 4

Data from all four loadcells were recorded, and plotted against time (Figure 5). The top two loadcells recorded the load seen in the top section of the rig, the bottom two loadcells recorded the load seen in the bottom section of the rig. In order to obtain the load experienced by the webbing, the data from the two top loadcells were added together. The data from the bottom two load cells, which was equal but opposite, were also added together and inverted. The two resulting load-time traces were compared (Figure 6).

Sample number

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300



l out














Top loadcell dataBottom loadcell data

Figure 6: Raw loadcell data from test 4, combined to give data for the top and bottom

sections of the rig


The data from the top loadcells showed the same overall trend as that from the bottom, but showed a sharp peak at the beginning of loading. This resulted from the impact of the top section of the rig on the arrester arms. It can also be seen that the data trace from the top section was noisier than that from the bottom section. This was due to ringing in the top section of the rig after arrest. The bottom section of the rig, however, fell uninterrupted, breaking the sample before it hit the arresters and resulting in a data trace with no impact peaks occurring until after the sample had broken. Overall, there was good agreement between the data from the top section and that from the bottom section. Because of this, all breaking loads were taken from the bottom loadcell data only (Figure 7).

The time to failure was determined as the time from the onset of loading to the load falling to zero.

Time, s

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5


, kN









Figure 7: Data from test 4 after analysis, using bottom loadcell data only


The data from the line-scan camera was recorded in the form of a bitmap, measuring 1024 pixels wide by 4000 pixels in length (Figure 8). The width of the bitmap corresponds to the size of the image the camera is focussed on, in this case the resting position of the drop rig. The length of the bitmap corresponds to the recording time, which in this case was set to 2 seconds, therefore each pixel represented 0.5 milliseconds.

Figure 8: Original image captured by line-scan camera

The bitmaps were analysed using a software package for drawing from JASC Ltd. called Corel Draw, version 8. The bitmap image was rotated through 90° anticlockwise for ease of analysis. Each image consisted of a grey background with two diagonal lines passing through it, consisting of a white band, with a black central band. These bands were made up of single line- 11

scan images of the changing position of the marker strips, on the sample grips of the rig, with each 0.5 ms. The line to the top right of each image represented the position of the top section of the rig, and the line to the left represented the position of the bottom section of the rig.

Figure 9: Analysis conducted by measuring the separation of the lines at pixel intervals

on a cropped and stretched area of the image

The distance between the centre point of each black central band on the image was measured in pixels, at intervals of 2 pixels horizontally (Figure 9). The measurements were taken at intervals of one pixel horizontally around a change in direction, where they occurred. Before each test, the separation of the black marker strips was measured using a vernier calliper, and this measurement was then applied to the line-scan image data to calculate the elongation. A plot of extension versus time was then generated, from which extension to failure could be determined (Figure 10).

Time, s

0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05



on, m












Figure 10: A graph of extension (change in separation) against time, created from the

measured data.

The point of failure could be seen on the plot as a change in velocity, but sometimes this was difficult to determine. Some traces show several changes in velocity, but in some this change is barely perceptible. For this reason it was found to be easier to determine the time to failure from the load data, and then apply this to the line-scan data to determine the extension to failure.


Using both the data from the line-scan images and the loadcell data, graphs of load against extension were plotted, allowing the energy to failure to be determined. This was the area under the curve, and was calculated in kilojoules, kJ.




The results of the drop tests are shown in the Table 1, below.

Table 1. Results of dynamic testing of webbing samples

Test number Webbing designated


Breaking load, kN Elongation to failure, m

Energy to Failure, kJ

1 3 Pulled out of grips No data -

2 3 20.545 0.115 1.470

3 3 20.417 0.106 1.318

4 3 20.190 0.106 1.295

5 8 Did not break

(withstood 37 kN) No data -

6 2 Did not break

(withstood 37 kN) No data -

7 1 No data 0.100 No data

8 1 18.713 0.095 0.972

9 1 18.915 0.092 1.135

10 1 17.377 0.091 0.987

Table 2 shows the average breaking loads, extension to failure and energy to failure, compared to that obtained for the ‘as-received’ material tested statically in previous research. All the results presented have been anonymised and are referred to as webbing 1, 2, 3 and 8. Table 2 also shows the percentage differences between the dynamic and static tensile performance of the webbing materials.

The graphs plotted from both the loadcell data and the line-scan camera data, along with graphs of load against extension can be seen in the Appendix. Graphs of load against extension were plotted and the area under the curve calculated to obtain the energy to failure, in kilojoules (kJ).

In test number 1 the line-scan camera failed to trigger, and so no elongation data was recorded, and therefore no energy to failure could be calculated. In tests 5 and 6, the webbing samples used did not break, and so a maximum load withstood was recorded. Since the samples did not break, no elongation to failure was determined, and therefore no energy absorbed to failure was calculated. On test number 7 the software running the data logger crashed during the extraction phase of the data recording.


Table 2. Comparing results obtained dynamically with those obtained statically

Dynamic Testing Results Static Testing ResultsWebbing,

designated number

Average breaking load, kN

Average elongation to failure, m

Average energy to failure, kJ

Average breaking load, kN

Average elongation to failure, m

Average energy to failure, kJ

1 18.34 0.093 1.03 29.27 0.129 1.83

didn't fail2 withstood 37 kN - - 40.54 0.193 3.02

3 20.38 0.109 1.36 25.49 0.133 1.58

didn't fail8 withstood 37 kN - - 28.67 0.192 2.08

Dynamic results as a percentage of static results

Breaking load, % Elongation to failure, % Energy to failure, %

62.70 72.10 56.30

- - -

79.95 81.95 86.10

- - -


Tests 1 to 4 were carried out on webbing 1. Tests 5 and 6 were conducted on two different types of webbing, designated webbings 2 and 8 respectively. Since these webbings did not fail, tests 7 to 10 were carried out on webbing 3.

The failure of the webbing occurred very rapidly, with an average time to failure of 0.0225 seconds for webbing type 1 and 0.0165 seconds for webbing 3. The two webbings which did not fail experienced a peak load after approximately 0.0025 seconds from the onset of load.

The failures of the samples all occurred perpendicular to the applied force, unlike in static testing where diagonal failures (approximately 45°) are also seen. All the failures occurred within the gauge length. A typical failure of a webbing sample can be seen in figure 11. The webbing colour in the photograph has been digitally altered to protect the manufacturers anonymity.

Figure 11. Typical dynamic failure of webbing


It can be seen from both the results in Table 1 and the graphs in the Appendix, that the breaking loads obtained for webbing 1 were in good agreement, as were the extensions obtained. This was also the case for the tests conducted on webbing 3. This shows that the testing technique produces consistent results and is a suitable technique for dynamic testing of webbing samples.

Table 2 shows the comparison between dynamic test results and those obtained by static testing for the same webbing types in the same, as received, condition.

Two of the webbings used in this study failed when subjected to a mass of 127 kg from a height of 2 metres, two other webbings tested did not fail. The mass was greater than 95 percentile 100kg standard drop mass specified by BS EN 364:1993 “Personal protective equipment against falls from a height – Test methods” for dynamic testing of lanyards, but this is not out of the range of body weights seen in the construction industry. A recent study by Loughborough University on behalf of HSE found that, out of a study of workers across various industries


involved with working at height, the 99th percentile of the sample group weight was 127.6 kg [Haines, Elton and Hussey, 2005]. This man-weight was measured without tools and equipment being carried, which could add up to 10 kg to the total weight of the worker. Indeed, a 95th percentile value of 122 kg was suggested as a more accurate representation of the weight of workers involved in working at height, close to the weight used in this test programme. As the rig has been designed for varying loads and drop heights, 100kg drops could be performed to allow a direct comparison with the current EN standard methods.

The average dynamic breaking load of webbing 1 was 18.34 kN; the average elongation to failure was 0.093 m and the average energy 1.03 kJ. When tested statically, the same webbing had an average breaking load of 29.27 kN, an average elongation to failure of 0.129 m, and an average energy of 1.83 kJ.

The average dynamic breaking load of webbing 3 was 20.38 kN; the average elongation to failure was 0.109 m and the average energy 1.36 kJ. When tested statically, the same webbing had an average breaking load of 25.49 kN, an average elongation to failure of 0.133 m, and an average energy of 1.58 kJ.

Webbings 2 and 8 did not break when subjected to drop testing. The load withstood by each webbing was 37 kN. No data was gathered for elongation, so energy absorbed could not be calculated. The static breaking strengths of these webbings were 40.54 kN and 28.67 kN respectively. They were however of different dimensions to the other webbings tested, being thicker, but narrower. It is possible that thicker webbing may perform better dynamically than thinner, but further testing would need to be carried out to determine this. Differences in weave could also account for the difference in performance.

Table 2 also shows the differences between the average dynamic test results and the average static results as a percentage of the higher, static results. The smallest difference in performance was seen in the energy absorbed to failure for webbing 3, where the dynamic result was approximately 14% lower than the static result. The largest difference in performance was seen in the energy absorbed to failure of webbing 1, where the dynamic result was approximately 44 % lower than the static value. Webbings 1 and 3 failed at less than this 22 kN value.

Dynamic testing of both webbings 1 and 3 resulted in lower breaking loads, lower elongations to failure and lower energy absorbed to failure than those obtained by static testing. This would be expected because the sudden application of load on the webbing gives little time for the fibres in the weave of the webbing to move and stretch, lowering the energy absorption capabilities.

The time to failure of webbing 1 was 0.0225 seconds; the time to failure of webbing 3 was shorter, at 0.0165 seconds. Both webbing types 2 and 8, which did not fail, reached a peak load in the webbing after 2.5 milliseconds.

All of the webbing samples showed failures perpendicular to the applied load. Static tensile testing can often result in failures at angles. This difference in failure path may be the result of the way the webbing is woven, rather than a feature of testing. More tests would need to be carried out using different types of webbings to investigate whether straight failures perpendicular to the load are a feature of dynamic failures.

The relationship between the dynamic test results obtained for 150 mm gauge length samples and results obtained by standard drop testing of 2 metre lanyards, as detailed in BS EN 364:1993, has not been explored in this work. The results may be similar, or may need a scaling factor; this would need to be explored in further work. The results obtained, however, are comparable to the static tensile test results, since the same gauge length was used.



• The final design of the separating drop rig for webbing testing performed well, collecting consistent, good quality data.

• Only the two load cells in the bottom section of the test rig were required to generate load data.

• Of the three methods used to measure elongation a line-scan camera was the most suitable method of measuring elongation of the samples.

• The dynamic breaking loads achieved for the webbings were up to 38% lower than the equivalent maximum breaking strength resulting from tensile testing. They also showed up to 28 % lower extension to failure and up to 44 % lower energy absorption.

• The failures in the webbing samples all occurred perpendicular to the applied load, in the gauge length.

• The webbing failures occurred in 0.0225 second for webbing type 1 and 0.0165 s for webbing type 3.

• Two of the webbings tested did not fail, withstanding a peak load of 37 kN.

• Two of the four webbings tested were able to withstand a 127 kg drop mass. This mass was identified as being typical of the 99th percentile of workers at height in a recent body size study.



The overall system has been very successful and generated consistent results. The system does need some refinement before further testing takes place, but has proven to be fairly robust under shock loading. Some fine-tuning of the design would be beneficial, as the rig is subject to more wear and tear than expected and has suffered somewhat during the test programme. The rig has a tendency to move sideways when it rebounds after a drop has taken place, so a system based on four guide wires rather than two may help to prevent this.

Better damping of the system would also result in less wear and tear on the rig and would reduce noise in the recorded data. Ideally a pneumatic system would be used, however this is costly, and a significant improvement on the current system could probably be achieved by using other, cheaper damping materials.

Four load cells were found to be unnecessary and so the top set, which generate more noise than the bottom set, can be removed from the system. The data from the bottom two load cells have proved to be sufficient during testing.

Off-setting the top and bottom clamps would improve the way in which the specimens were loaded during testing, ensuring centre line loading down the whole gauge length of the specimen. Currently, only the middle of the gauge length is loaded along the centre line.

The line-scan camera currently has to be manually triggered, which has proven to be quite difficult, as it relies on the reactions of the operator observing the test to press the button at the same time as the rig is released. Integrating the camera trigger with the bomb release trigger would provide more reliable recording of the data.

The drop test rig has proven a suitable method for measuring the dynamic performance of webbing, and its use could be extended to include measuring the performance of rope and safety nettings. It could be used for measuring the dynamic properties of webbing materials which have been subjected to various types of damage, such as weathering, UV degradation, edge damage and ingress of dirt damage. This would provide a valuable comparison to the research data already available about the static properties of such materials in these conditions [Parkin and Robinson, 2002].

Further research would need to be conducted to examine the relationship between the results obtained by this test method and those obtained by testing in accordance with BS EN 364:1993 using 2 metre long lanyards. This would enable a better comparison to be drawn between testing of short gauge length specimens and full length, commercially available lanyards.



R Parkin and L Robinson, Assessment of the factors that influence the tensile strength of safety harness and lanyard webbings, HSL/2002/16, 2002.

V Haines, E Elton and M Hussey, Revision of body size criteria in standards – Protecting people who work at height , RR 342, HSE Books 2005. ISBN 0 7176 6102 4.



DROP TESTING OF WEBBING – METHOD The dynamic webbing testing drop rig is installed in the drop tower of Field Engineering Section. The bomb release is controlled by the drop tower control system, which has safety interlocks on the gate, PIR sensors to ensure no personnel are in the exclusion zone prior to testing and a warning system.

Pre-test inspection Inspect the rig before use for signs of structural damage. If damage is present do not proceed with testing. Inspect guide-wires prior to testing for damage and replace if there are any signs of damage. Attach and tension the guide-wires using turnbuckles so that there is no sideways movement of the wires. Inspect wire strops prior to use for any signs of damage. Replace them if there are any signs of damage. Attach wire strops to the eyebolts at the base of the weight pack, using d-shackles. Ensure that the attenuating material is present on the impact columns and arrest buffers before testing. Ensure that four nuts are present on the threaded bars, two on each bar. Two nuts are needed to secure the weight pack; two nuts are needed to maintain the separation between the carrier section and the weight pack during a drop test. A further two nuts are needed to secure the weight pack to the carrier section in order to safely load a sample into the clamps.

Setting up the test

Lift the weight pack section of the rig onto the arrest buffers. Lift the carrier section of the rig onto the impact columns. Add the required number of weights to the weight pack, lifting up the red clamping plate and slotting the yellow weights on to the bottom plate. Ensure that the weight with two holes is always on the top of the weight pack, and immediately underneath the red clamping plate. Adjust the nuts nearest the weight pack on the threaded bars so that they secure it by holding the red clamping plate in place. Using the wire strops, lift the weight pack so that threaded bars pass through the holes in carrier section. The carrier section should remain resting on the impact columns. Lift the weight pack so that there is 100mm between the slots in the sample holders. Secure the threaded bars externally with nuts to take up the weight of the weight pack.


Pass the webbing sample through the slotted half bar clamps so that it wraps over itself around the clamps. The webbing must be loaded so that it scrolls between the grips, ensuring centre line loading in the centre of the gauge length. Load the sample by slowly loosening the nuts on the top of the carrier section, allowing the sample to take the weight of the pack. Remove these nuts from the threaded bar. Adjust the uppermost nuts on the threaded bars so that they are tightened against the carrier section to maintain the separation during the drop test. Measure and record the gauge length. Attach a bomb release between the winch the wire strops pass, so that the strops will fall free when the bomb release is activated.

Running the test Close and lock the safety gate on the drop tower. Lift the rig by the winch and bomb release to the test height required. Zero recording equipment attached to the load cells. Activate other recording media (high speed video, line-scan camera). Activate the loadcell data logger. Activate the bomb release.

After testing The rig should be checked carefully after testing for signs of damage, especially to the wire strops and tensioned guide wires. Remove the broken sample from the sample clamps. Lift the rig slowly using the wire strops, so that the threaded bars pass through the carrier section, until the internal nuts butt up against the lower side of the carrier section. Place nuts on the threaded bars on the upper side of the carrier section and tighten to secure the weight pack. Lift the rig off the impact columns using the wire strops and check, and replace if necessary, the attenuating material. Replace the drop rig on the impact columns and remove the tension from the wire strops. Slacken off the guide-wires using the turnbuckles.



Test 2

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025


, kN







Test 3

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025


, kN








Test 4

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025


, kN







Test 5

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025


, kN








Test 6

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025


, kN







Test 8

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025


, kN







Test 9

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025


, kN






Test 10

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025


, kN








Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025



on, m









Test 3

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025



on, m









Test 4

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025



n, m








Test 7

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025



n, m










Test 8

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025



on, m









Test 9

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025



n, m










Test 10

Time, s

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025



on, m











Test 2

Extension, m

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14


, kN







Test 3

Extension, m

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14


, kN








Test 4

Extension, m

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14


, kN







Test 8

Extension, m

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14


, kN








Test 9

Extension, m

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14


, kN







Test 10

Extension, m

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14


, kN








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