developing the next generation

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Training project for interns for building mobile apps


04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Developing the next Generation ….

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Start with an idea….a simple app

Come up with an idea and develop a plan that brings it from idea to market.

The idea has to be exciting for your team

It does not have to be a million dollar idea to start with or even be a brand new idea it just has to be an idea that the team is excited about doing – the key is start.

It has to be understandable – something your team can relate to - after all they will be learning many new concepts if they have to understand the theory behind the app they are developing then you will lose them

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel


Given that the app is singular in its function there really is a single Epic with a number of user stories.

Currently there is a single release being planned

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

User Stories

This first post is the start of the project and making sure our product owner agrees with tomorrow is the discussion with the production owner to make sure we are all on the same page. We need to create our initial release plan.

The team has been creating their user stories to share with the Stakeholders.

Since it is a mobile the intern acting as the UX Designer is learning to use Balsamiq™ to define the screens.

Then using plain text explaining the interactions with each of the screens and the possible traversals.

Finally arriving at the results and the reason for using the app.

Then complete the User Stories with non-functional requirements or Technical Stories.

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Peer Reviews - Documentation Our process is informal

Moderator – rotating so everyone can have the opportunity to lead a review and learn how to solicit comments



Organizations define their Review Process from rigid and formal including all defined roles.

Some organizations have no Review Processes defined or informal processes.

Why do Peer Review

learn the value of peer review

how to give constructive criticism to their peer.

how to take constructive criticism and understand it is not personal, the point of peer review is the best outcome of the product.

Create an environment that is non-confrontational or safe opening where everyone can provide their comments it may be at an open meeting or it may be later through email or even privately to the author then shared. Learning to create an environment where everyone can share their ideas can make everyone more creative and productive.

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Product Owner Meeting

Sufficient information to move forward

Length of sprints determined to be 3 weeks based on the following:

• learning curves,

• class load,

• work schedules and

• geographic locations

Sprint planning meeting Monday 

Currently Estimate of 9 Sprints

Should be available for the summer movie releases…..

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Sprint Planning Meeting

Overview of Agile Methodology that is based on iterative development

Scrum is a lightweight process framework for agile development and the most wild-used one.

Sprint 1: tasks shared to allow interns to review and provide more informed estimates at sprint planning meeting Task assignments made

Reviewed activities

Reviewed validation criteria for tasks

Discussed product decisions

Set up first sprint Stand up

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Sprint Activities

Sprint 1 UML overview – included in the first task is to provide the

first iteration of the design

Review of Sprint 1 status facing holiday challenges, travel challenges one intern tracking to completion the other is out of town.

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Customer Reviews/Product Owner Review

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Version Control Decision: Git

Requirements: Xcode – development platform

Input from hiring managers from the technical industry

readily available

easy to download

runs on Windows and Mac

FREE initially

Limited potential conflicts within files on merges.

training material on the product website

I would recommend reading for more information and further comparison except for their reference to only “man-hours” when I am sure they have really meant “staff-hours” the story does a nice job

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Development Environment – Updated 8/7/2014


Git for version Control

Photoshop for Actual Display views

Balsamiq for screen mocks

Sencha Touch – support UI

J-Query – Mobile

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Project in Transition…

Why change the Platform from Sencha Touch to JQuery.

After a lengthy attempt to use the Sencha Touch as the mobile app framework the platform proved too unstable and difficult to use.

The documentation for Sencha Touch was also limited and did not prove useful even when a full license was purchased.

At this time the JQuery is much more stable and there is much more documentation available.

There are many more code examples available

JQuery mobile is not without its issues but many of them can be worked around and the intern that was doing the development was able to overcome the hurdles.

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Conclusion I am building these slides as this project continues week over

week. Coquisoft, Inc. has taken on 2 interns to prepare them for technical jobs – both are graduating in the next 6 -9 months.

There is some value in the slides as a way of sharing the information there is also a more informal blog with additional information that will support the slides on tumblr. Follow me on tumblr and slideshare to see how the project turns out over the next few months then download the app.

Coquisoft, Inc has two apps on iTunes is free and which is $.99 where all of Coquisoft’s proceeds to Mutual Ground Shelter in Aurora

Follow me on tumblr mtemanuel to read the blog

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Lessons Learned

The Project took about 2 months longer then expected Even if you put extra time in the schedule when the staff is all volunteer

life sometimes gets in the way.

The schedule was not a priority it was the experience gained by the interns on this project therefore at times it made more sense to set it aside until adequate time to could be devoted to the project and the learning experience.

School was also a higher priority

Making platform decisions There are several platforms and tools available and it is key to select

those that provide adequate documentation and support

Software upgrades – during a long development cycle it is often upgrades to something in the project and it will set you back because it will be in compatible with something else.

With mobile devices there are decisions around which platforms to support

04/13/2023Michelle T. Emanuel

Project delivered

The App is finished –

It was delivered for the iPhone and is available in iTunes – for Free

A little about the App:

Description Tired of guessing as to whether or not you will like a movie before you see it? 

Do you also not trust movie critics to properly reflect your taste in cinema?Then Rate The Movie is the app for you!

Rate That Movie uses a proprietary algorithm to determine if you will enjoy a movie based on your personal tastes.

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