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Developing Accessible ServicesUnderstanding Current Knowledge and Areas for Future Support

Michael CrabbUniversity of Dundee


Michael HeronRobert Gordon University


Rhianne JonesBBC Research and Development

Salford, Manchester,

Mike ArmstrongBBC Research and Development

Salford, Manchester,

Hayley ReidFinancialForceHarrogate, UK


AmyWilsonRobert Gordon University


ABSTRACTWhen creating digital artefacts, it is important to ensure thatthe product being made is accessible to as much of the popu-lation as is possible. Many guidelines and supporting toolsexist to assist reaching this goal. However, little is knownabout developers’ understanding of accessible practice andthe methods that are used to implement this. We present �nd-ings from an accessibility design workshop that was carriedout with a mixture of 197 developers and digital technologystudents. We discuss perceptions of accessibility, techniquesthat are used when designing accessible products, and whatareas of accessibility development participants believed wereimportant. We show that there are gaps in the knowledgeneeded to develop accessible products despite the e�ort topromote accessible design. Our participants are themselvesaware of where these gaps are and have suggested a num-ber of areas where tools, techniques and guidance wouldimprove their practice.

CCS CONCEPTS•Human-centered computing→ Empirical studies inaccessibility; User studies; Accessibility systems and tools;User centered design.

KEYWORDSAccessibility, digital accessibility, web accessibility.

CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensedto ACM.This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your personaluse. Not for redistribution. The de�nitive Version of Record was publishedin CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI2019), May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK ,

ACM Reference Format:Michael Crabb, Michael Heron, Rhianne Jones, Mike Armstrong,Hayley Reid, and Amy Wilson. 2019. Developing Accessible Ser-vices: Understanding Current Knowledge and Areas for Future Sup-port. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Pro-ceedings (CHI 2019), May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK.ACM,NewYork, NY, USA, 12 pages.

1 INTRODUCTIONIt is estimated that 22% of all people of all people in the UKhave some form of disability [53]. This can include disabilitiesrelating to mobility, mental health, memory, hearing, visionand learning. It is therefore imperative to create softwareand services that can be used by all people and to not solelyfocus only on designing for typical users. Tools and guidanceto assist in the development of creating accessible productsare now commonplace. Large companies such as Google[20], BBC [5], and Microsoft [34] all provide methods ofaccessibility best practice that have been made availableto the general public. Whilst overall accessibility has beenseen to have improved in recent years, it can be argued thatsome of this increase is related to the change in a technologyitself rather than a change in developer attitude [47]. Caremust be taken before presuming that overall awareness ofaccessibility best practice and implementation has increased.The implementation of accessibility within a digital ser-

vice can be based onmany factors with this including the sizeof an organisation, the sector that an organisation works in,social willingness, and the complexity of the product beingdeveloped [30]. Accompanying this, there are many meth-ods that can be used to assist in the adoption of accessiblepractice [60] with this including raising awareness of ac-cessible policies and guidelines [8, 12], the development oftools to assist in accessible design [25], coordination with thedisabled community [11], and conducting accessibility selfassessment [15]. However, little is known about the resul-tant methods that developers use to implement accessibilitybased on the above.

In this paper we present �ndings from a workshop thatwas created to understand developers’ current perceptionsof accessibility and what methods they use to deal with ac-cessibility challenges in their daily practice. We also examinewhat tools and assistance developers believe they require inthe future to make their products more accessible and whattechniques they perceive to be key for developing accessibleservices. In doing so we make the following contributions:(1) The structure and framework for a workshop that can

be used to evaluate designers/developers’ understand-ing of accessible practice and also as a prompt to fur-ther discuss accessibility issues within an individualtechnology development domain [10],

(2) Our analysis from carrying out this workshop with197 participants over a 1 year period where we discusscommon perceptions of accessibility and how this isinforming software design and development.

2 RELATEDWORKDefining AccessibilityTwo models often used when discussing accessibility are themedical and social models of disability. The medical modelstates that people are disabled by the impairments that theyhave while the social model focuses on the principle thatpeople are disabled by society and their surroundings [36].A key factor in the social model of accessibility is the under-standing that anyone can take part in an activity given theright circumstances [26]. Accessibility can also be thoughtof as encompassing Permanent, Temporary, and SituationalImpairments that an individual may encounter [33]. Whendeveloping accessible applications care must be taken tounderstand the diverse contexts and needs that users mayhave [9]. Accessibility factors that can be considered whencreating digital artefacts consist of the following aspects [54]:(1) User Impairments, where barriers exist due to issues

in body function or alteration in body structure.(2) Activity Limitations, where barriers exist with di�-

culties in executing activities.(3) Participation Restrictions, where problems exist in

taking part in activities due to issues such as discrimi-nation.

(4) Environmental Factors, where facilitators or barri-ers in the environment impact on the user.

(5) Personal Factors, where aspects such as motivationand self-esteem can in�uence an individual’s partici-pation.

An alternative to accessibility models that can be used toexamine issues in this area lies in categories that can be usedto group accessibility areas. Accessibility tool kits have beenused to examine interaction and an example of this (takenfrom [1, 24]) is shown below.

• Visual: Relates to blindness, visual impairment, andColour Vision De�ciency.

• Cognitive: Relating to issues of memory, �uid intelli-gence, attention and emotivness.

• Physical: Relating to �ne and gross motor skills.• Communication: Relating to issues of hearing, talk-ing, reading, and expression.

• Emotional: Relating to issues of anger and despair.• Intersectional: Relating to where issues intersect.

It is unclear to what extent developers understand the var-ious accessibility areas that exist and what challenges theseareas then create. This motivates our initial inquiry in thiswork where we attempt to discover RQ1: What is the de-veloper awareness of permanent, temporary, and situ-ational accessibility challenges?

Current Methods of Implementing AccessibilityIt is estimated that 2.5% of CS faculty sta� and 50% of insti-tutions teach accessibility in the United States [50]. Whilstaccessibility is most commonly taught within speci�c mod-ules/courses it can can also be fully integrated throughoutthe CS curriculum and not taught as a separate topic butinstead maintain a presence in all aspects of teaching [58].A common method that is used within the teaching of

accessibility is to promote empathy in developers [21]. Forexample, having students use screen reader software hasbeen used as a method to increase the appreciation of webaccessibility [14]. However, it has been shown that expos-ing developers to the speci�c challenges that people withdisabilities face does not give developers enough knowledgeto address accessibility barriers and that education must in-clude more than just this single aspect [32]. Issues exist inthe approaches that can be used to incorporate accessibletopics, the sharing and development of resources, and theoverall assessment of accessibility [45].

Many tools exist that assist developers in assessing the ac-cessibility of applications [27, 39] but the usage of these toolsapplies a retrospective look towards an application and doesnot promote accessible thinking from the beginning. Thismodel is echoed within online courses that teach accessibil-ity where a focus is placed on the evaluation of accessibilityrather than the implementation of accessible methods [19].It is possible to alter web editors’ software to give developersempathy information to assist with developing accessiblesites. However this method places a focus on understandingaccessibility issues rather than guidance on methods thatcan be used to solve them [38]. A key issue in the teachingof accessibility is in a perceived lack of techniques that canbe used [59] and it is a common challenge to hire developersthat have the accessibility knowledge and experience that isneeded to build inclusive products and services [29].

An issue exists in not knowing the techniques that de-velopers use to create accessible products. Developers mayunderstand what makes a product accessible but not how thiscan be achieved. This acts as motivation for our second re-search question in this work where we attempt to understandRQ2: What techniques are used by current developerswhen creating accessible applications and what infor-mation do these developers perceive that they requireto improve their practice?

Importance and Di�iculty in Current PracticeAccessibility can encompass technical, operational and psy-chological aspects within artefact design [4]. This complexitycreates a di�culty in accurately determining if a given sys-tem is accessible or not. Additionally, the testing of systemsto determine whether a given accessibility level has beenmet can lead to di�erent outcomes between accessibility au-ditors due to the complexity of accessibility guidance [6].The A, AA and AAA categorisation used within WCAG 2.1[8] places the most important accessibility features withinthe A category and labels these as essential. AA and AAAlevels, whilst still important, are often viewed as additions.The accessibility of websites (when measured at a WCAG 2.0A standard), for example, has been shown to have improvedover time with the biggest improvements being seen in gov-ernmental sites but it is not known whether these changesare down to an increasedwant for accessibility [49] or simplybetter developer tools and coding practice [23].

Game developers often place a level of importance in im-plementing accessibility features that would be used by thelargest group of users [43]. The Able Gamers AccessibilityGuide uses a good, better, best model to describe how accessi-bility can be implemented [18]. For example, when examin-ing visual game accessibility it is suggested that "changabletext colour and font size" are Level 1 (Good) tools, "cus-tomised fonts and UI recolouring options" are Level 2 (Better)options, and "speed adjustments and text to speech input"are Level 3 (best) components. This is very similar to the ap-proach taken in Hamilton’s Games Accessibility Guidelines[22] where guidance is categorised into basic, intermediate,and advanced categories. In this example the focus is placedon di�culty of implementation rather than importance.This motivates our �nal research question in this work

where we investigateRQ3:Whatmethods of implement-ing accessibility do developers perceive to be impor-tant and is this related to the perceived di�culty ofimplementing these aspects?


We present a workshop entitled Designing for Accessibility.This workshop was designed to act as a stimulus to prompt

developers to discuss accessibility challenges that exist whendeveloping digital services. The purpose of this workshop isto highlight the di�erent accessibility challenges that existwhen creating digital artefacts. Digital services are varied,and include web applications; mobile apps; desktop softwarepackages; video games; and more. Accessibility is importantin all of these areas and we therefore designed this workshopto be technology independent. Whilst this has the negativee�ect of decreasing the number of speci�c methods thatcan be used for a given digital platform it has the bene�t ofincreasing the potential breadth of the data collected. Theworkshop is split into three di�erent activities and featurestasks that allow participants to explore what is meant byaccessibility, to re�ect on their own methods for creating ac-cessible products and services, and then to look to the futurefor what additional support they require in order to improveaccessibility further. The overall aims of the workshop arebased on our previously de�ned research questions and are:

(1) To understand what participants’ perceptions of acces-sibility areas are.

(2) To interpret participants’ awareness of designing foraccessibility issues.

(3) To learn what participants’ beliefs are surrounding theimportance of accessibility.

Workshop ActivitiesActivity 1 - Permanent, Temporary, and Situational Impair-ments. The �rst activity in the workshop is designed to allowparticipants to broaden their current understanding of whatconstitutes an accessibility challenge. This was accomplishedthrough evaluating accessibility issues that are permanent,those that are temporary, and those that are situational. Par-ticipants were asked to come up with sample scenarios foreach of these areas and to then complete a grid that refer-ences accessibility categories. This encourages participantsto think about accessibility challenges in a more inclusivesense and situates the problems associated with these in acontext that is relevant on a day to day basis. Figure 1 (Left)shows a completed grid that was developed by a participantduring one of the workshop sessions. In this activity, we aimto examine what similarities (if any) exist between perma-nent, temporary, and situational accessibility challenges thatparticipants discuss. We attempt to discover if the challengesthat participants discuss surrounding situational accessibil-ity issues match up with the challenges faced by people withdisabilities.Participants are prompted to discuss the di�erent areas

that they had described with other participants in the work-shop and to expand on their de�nitions if they felt it wasnecessary. We use the technique of participants writing theirinitial thoughts on paper to assist in getting participants to

then discuss issues [40] and also to assist in later analysingparticipant views. Once participants had written down theirinitial thoughts on paper they participated in a round ta-ble discussion where they were encouraged to compare andcontrast their thoughts with others in the workshop. In or-der to assist participants in coming up with items for eachof the accessibility areas, descriptions were provided to al-low participants to more easily re�ect on individual aspects.We have previously covered these descriptions within theRelated Work (De�ning Accessibility) part of this paper.

Activity 2 - Current Awareness of Accessibility. The secondworkshop activity was designed to encourage participantsto explore their current awareness of accessibility issues andwhatmethods can be employed to solve them. Thesemethodsmight include education, policy and legislative requirements,or the development of technical tools. Participants were �rstasked what user requirements they knew about that arenecessary to create accessible digital products for each of thepreviously described accessibility areas, and then where theylearned about these requirements. Participants were alsoasked how they currently deal with creating digital productsthat resolve their identi�ed accessibility issues andwhat gaps,if any, they were aware of in their knowledge that impactedon their ability to do this. Finally participants were asked tosuggest ideas for what theywould require in order to improvetheir practice in each of the di�erent accessibility areas. This�nal question was kept open to give participants the abilityto suggest a wide range of ideas and to not pigeonhole theminto a speci�c area (e.g. additional guidelines or developmenttools). This activity was carried out in a similar fashion tothat of Activity 1 where participants were �rst given a matrixworksheet to �ll in and were then asked to discuss their ideasand opinions with others in the workshop. An example of acompleted matrix sheet is shown in Figure 1 (Center).

Activity 3 - Developing Core ‘Problem Areas’ and Solutions. Inthe third workshop activity, workshop attendees were askedto pick one of the six accessibility challenge areas they haveidenti�ed to analyse more deeply. At this stage participantsbegan by evaluating their previous matrices and are thenasked to pick three activities related to an individual researchchallenge area that are:(1) Currently implementable by everyone.(2) Implemented by some people.(3) Not implemented, or not capable of being implemented.

These activities were then written on a tra�c light (i.e. red,yellow green) colour coded post it notes showing what cat-egory they belong to. Alternative labelling systems weregiven to participants that could not easily tell the di�erencebetween the colours provided. This created a total of 9 post itnotes (3 activities x 3 implementation prevalence categories)

per workshop group. In the �nal part of the workshop par-ticipants were asked to place their post-it notes onto animplementation graph to visually show how easy/di�cultitems are to implement, and how important these are. Partic-ipants were asked to re�ect on their decisions and to discusswhy they had chosen the positioning for individual items.An example of this activity is shown in Figure 1 (Right).

Roll OutOver the period of 1 year this workshop was performed with197 participants. Participants had a range of backgroundsand included university level students that were studyinga range of computing discipline subjects (n = 110) and de-velopers and designers from companies in the local area(n = 87). Students were openly recruited from within theuniversity and developers/designers were recruited throughpre-existing contacts that exist within the institution alongwith a range of social media and email adverts. Our inclu-sion requirements for the workshops were that participantsshould have been involved in the design and developmentprocess of a software system in the past and should havethought about accessibility during the process of doing so.During this work no participants self-identi�ed as havinga disability. We do not see this as a weakness in our workbut more as a re�ection of the recruitment pipeline withinindustry/academia and how it ill-serves people with disabil-ities. Our workshops focused on people that had made itthrough this pipeline, unfortunately people with disabilitieshad already been �ltered out.

All students that took part in the work reported that theywere studying on a range of digital technology programmeswith this ranging from �rst year through to masters level. Allparticipants reported that they had been involved in creatinga number of software applications (either as a developer ordesigner) over the past 12 months. Professionals and studentsparticipated in separate sessions. Professional workshopshad 8-12 participants per group with discussion groups of 3-4 participants. Student workshops had 15-20 participants pergroup with discussion groups of 3-5 participants. Workshopslasted for between 90 minutes and 2 hours, initial writingactivities were limited to 30 minutes per workshop with themajority of time being spent on discussion. All workshopstook place within the university campus and lasted between90-120 minutes. Participants were not reimbursed for theirtime and the work was approved by our universities’ ethicalcommittee. Materials for this workshop are available online[10].

Data AnalysisDuring analysis, completed sheets from workshop sessionswere used as the main method of interpreting research data.In Activity 1, all sheets were transcribed into a digital form

Figure 1: Sample Participant Sheets. Left: Activity 1; permanent, temporary and situational accessibility. Center: Activity 2; un-derstanding of accessibility, current practice, and perceived needs. Right: Activity 3; methods of facilitate accessibility, preva-lence, importance, and di�culty to implement. Further information is available in Results section.

on a per cell basis (3 accessibility types x 6 accessibility ar-eas). For each cell, data was sorted into alphabetical orderand then a count created for repeated terms. A card sortingactivity was conducted on unique terms to assist in cate-gorising elements. In Activity 2, data was categorised withinaccessibility areas. Individual points were, again, countedand resultant data visualised within mind maps for furtheranalysis. In Activity 3, all sheets were transcribed into digitalform with coordinate values (importance and ease), activityprevalence, and activity description being used. Data wassorted according to the accessibility area that was beingdiscussed. Visualisations of data were created to overlay par-ticipant data on individual graphs for each accessibility area.We then examined these visualisations to determine commonareas.

4 RESULTSPermanent, Temporary, and Situational ImpairmentsIn the �rst workshop activity, participants were asked toconsider examples of di�erent accessibility challenges thatpeople may face. We asked participants to �ll this in on 3(permanent, temporary & situational) by 5 (accessibility ar-eas) grid and to focus on the breadth of di�erent challengesthat people may face. We had indented for the design of the�rst workshop activity to remove the concept of otherness[35] and to act as an exercise where participants would seecommonalities between permanent accessibility areas andthose that are temporary/situational. Unfortunately, the re-sults from this show a mis-match between accessibility areasand therefore led us to conclude that developers struggle toempathise with accessibility issues and subsequently designinteractions for this demographic.

Visual Accessibility. Participants expressed a variety of per-spectives relating to permanent and temporary visual impair-ments that exist and included a large number of exampleswithin this �rst activity. Participants discussed permanent

visual accessibility issues such as astigmatism, blindness,cataracts, colour-blindness, and near/far-sightedness. Theyalso discussed temporary visual accessibility issues withthese relating to health related matters (e.g. eye swelling, eyesurgery, eye infection, eye-patch, glaucoma, migraines, tunnelvision), user situations (e.g. blinking, closed eyes, darkness,drunkenness, forgotten glasses, sleep deprived) and other ex-ternal factors that related to multitasking and looking atmultiple sources of visual information at the same time (e.g.walking whilst using phone).When examining the situational impairments that exist

there was a common theme of brightness in surroundingsfrom participant responces (e.g. bad lighting, blindfolded,bright environment, darkness, �ashing lights, sun in eyes) anda lack of issues relating to visual acuity, contrast sensitivity,�eld of vision, and colour vision [56]. This suggests a gap inhow our participants may personally relate to these issuesand that more work in developing user empathy [44] in thisarea may be bene�cial. Participants also discussed temporaryimpairments relating to the use of technology and how newdevices such as virtual and augmented reality also bringvisual accessibility challenges due to hardware limitations.

Cognitive Accessibility. There are a number of areas that cana�ect individuals’ cognitive function. This include aspectssuch as reasoning, memory, language, perception, speed,and knowledge [55]. Participants described a large numberof cognitive accessibility challenges with a broad range ofaspects being covered within permanent, temporary, and sit-uational areas. Participants discussed permanent cognitiveissues such as ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, amnesia, autism,dementia, Down’s syndrome, and short-termmemory loss. Tem-porary cognitive impairments that participants discussedmostly focused on a number of health-related issues (e.g.concussion, dizziness head trauma, migraine, panic attack,stress) and recreational activities (e.g.drug usage, alcohol con-sumption, hangover). Similar to our results within the area

of visual accessibility, the situational issues that participantsdiscussed here only focused on a subset of areas that cana�ect user cognitive function. Participants described a lim-ited number of situational cognitive impairments, with thisfocusing on multitasking type activities (e.g. driving) andenvironmental factors (e.g. loud environment, mental fatiguefrom hot climate, sensory overload).

Physical Accessibility. Physical accessibility can be broadlycategorised under two headings; muscular-skeletal disability(relating to issues with body parts), and neuro-muscular dis-ability (relating to issues with the nervous system). Whenexamining physical accessibility, participants focused on per-manent situations where movement has been drastically hin-dered or removed from an individual (i.e. gross motor ability),and not on areas where physical ability had been hinderedin a way that e�ected small movements (i.e. �ne-grainedmotor ability). Examples given in this category included bro-ken bones, motor neuron disease, muscle degradation, multiplesclerosis, paralysis, and Parkinson’s disease.Temporary physical impairments that were discussed fo-

cused on the e�ects of being involved in accidents (e.g. brokenbones, arm(s) in cast), consumption of large amounts of cer-tain foods/drinks (e.g. sugar, co�ee, alcohol), and situationsinvolving numb limbs, hand cramp, and pins and needles.Situational impairments that were discussed in this area

focused on activities where physical limitations take placedue to multi-tasking (e.g. driving, eating, carrying objects).Some limitations that were discussed also focused on lim-itations that were due to an activity (e.g. wearing gloves,con�ned spaces) but this was not discussed by many par-ticipants. Similar to before, a mismatch exists between thesituational challenges that participants discussed and themuscular-skeletal / neuro-muscular disabilities that exist.Developing a better understanding of physical accessibilitylimitations for developers may be bene�cial in the future toassist in increasing understanding in this domain.

Communication Accessibility. Issues relating to verbal andwritten communication were highly prevalent when partici-pants were discussing accessibility challenges in this area.When examining permanent communication accessibility,learning di�culties relating to reading and numbers (e.g.dyslexia and dyscalculia) were discussed along with disabil-ities relating to communicating directly with others (e.g.autism, deafness, speech impediment and stutter). There was aslight tendency to focus on verbal communication methodswithin temporary and situational accessibility areas, how-ever this is mostly likely due to the large crossover betweenvisual and communication accessibility that was examinedearlier. Participants discussed temporary communication ac-cessibility issues that related to ill health (e.g. ear infection,

tonsillitis, throat infection, eye infection, hiccups) and envi-ronmental factors (e.g. driving whilst on phone, visiting den-tist, bee stings). Situational communication accessibility chal-lenges that were discussed related to noise (e.g. �re alarms,concerts, football game, crowded environments), visiting newgeographic environments (e.g. foreign language, accents), andreading information (e.g. small text, bad handwriting).

Emotional Accessibility. Overall participant response to ex-amining emotional accessibility was poor. For the majorityof participants this was an area that was either left blank orcontained only one item within the initial matrix worksheetexercise. This was true for all three of the accessibility areas(permanent, temporary, and situational) and is worthwhileconsidering for examining future areas of work. A smallnumber of participants discussed permanent emotional ac-cessibility issues with this including areas such as ADHD,Asperger’s Syndrome, autism, bi-polar, and depression. Tem-porary emotional accessibility issues that were discussedincluded life events (e.g. death of loved one, grief, heartbro-ken), and health-related conditions (e.g. concussion and panicattacks). Situational emotional accessibility issues focusedmostly on events and situations where emotions can be ef-fected with this including driving, using technology, and at-tending sporting events.

Accessibility Awareness and Future NeedsIn the second activity participants were asked again to focustheir thinking around the �ve identi�ed accessibility areas.They were asked to describe the current methods that theyuse within software design when dealing with issues in theseareas, what information they do not know, and what theywould like in the future. In describing the areas that partici-pants discussed we have grouped these using the previouslydescribed accessibility model but wish to stress that manyof the issues are multi-dimensional and can �t into multipleareas (e.g. dyslexia can be described as a visual, cognitive,communication, and emotional issue).

Where Accessibility is Learnt. Participants gave a number ofcommon situations where they have learnt about accessibil-ity. Within this, no participants gave the exact same answerand it is clear that a wide variety of sources are used to gaininformation about accessibility. However, within this thereis a lack of information regarding how to design accessibleproducts and instead a focus is on a general overview ofwhat accessibility areas are. Participants reported how theylearned about accessibility through traditional learning for-mats (e.g. university lectures, school, research, work, books),discussions with others (e.g. charity events, analysis of oth-ers, health care professionals, life experience, observation, toldby person a�ected) and through software applications thatsimulate accessibility issues.

Visual Accessibility. When discussing visual accessibility par-ticipants comments focused on two areas: accessibility forblindness and visual impairments (i.e. no vision), and acces-sibility for colour blindness (CVD).

Blindness and Visual Impairments: When designinginterfaces for users with visual impairments, participantsdescribed methods such as larger text, larger buttons andhaving items in close proximity to each other. In this area,participants also mentioned a large number of activities thatthey assume users carry out to provide their own accessibil-ity assistance with this consisting of text to speech engines(including OS level tools such as Narrator) and magnify op-tions. However, participants also commented that they didnot know the best way to implement methods for users totake advantage of these tools within their development andalso what the impact of increasing font and button size wouldhave on the overall experience of using a speci�c applica-tion. In addition to this, participants described how theydo not know how di�erent visual impairments may a�ectusers and what the resultant coping strategies are that usersmay develop when interacting with technology. Participantsbelieved that they required more training in this area withtutorials on how to incorporate accessibility aids, testing ofreadability, and feedback from visually impaired individualsbeing some of the most commonly requested for items. How-ever, when questioned on this further, participants did notknow what services existed to enable visually impaired usersto assist in giving feedback. Participants also believed thatmore information on di�erent types of visual impairmentswould assist them in developing more visually accessibleapplications in the future.

Colour Blindness (CVD): When designing products forusers that are colourblind one of the main considerationsthat participants discussed was the use of colour schemes.Participants mentioned how di�erent colour schemes couldbe used, colour schemes could be simpli�ed, or that colourschemes could be changed to include a larger contrast be-tween colours. Some participants mentioned that items suchas third party browser extensions should also be used tocompensate for any CVD accessibility issues. Participantsmentioned that they were not comfortable in knowing whichcolour schemes would be the best to use, which colours indi-viduals may struggle with, what the correct contrast ratiosare to assist in designing CVD accessible interfaces, and alsothe di�erent types of colour blindness that exist and howthis e�ects end users. Participants stated that in order tomove forward in this area they require information sourceson providing suitable colour options, methods that can beused to simulate colour blindness, feedback from individualswith colour blindness in testing, browser extensions that canassist in development (e.g. [51]), and methods that can beused to change colours.

Cognitive Accessibility. When discussing cognitive accessi-bility participants comments focused on accessibility relatedto attention and memory issues.

Attention: When designing interfaces to deal with at-tention issues participants commented that short preciseinformation should be used and that easy to understand in-structions should be present. They felt that non-clutteredinterfaces and simpli�ed text with short paragraphs werethe best methods that could be used to aid in this area. Theyalso discussed that breaking information into manageablechunks and using images could be used to assist in keepingthe user attentive. However, participants didn’t know whatexact e�ects speci�c attention issues would have on a userand what levels of severity this includes. They felt that in or-der to fully understand issues in this area they would requireuser testing to be carried out and would also need extra timeto implement improvements that would assist users in thisdomain.

Memory Issues: Participants believed that they could as-sist users with memory issues by creating interfaces that con-tained simple, non-complicated text with properly labelledand identi�ed pages within an application. Tactics such asshowing users their previous interactions and location (e.g.breadcrumbs) were other techniques that participants be-lieved were bene�cial in this area. They also discussed howclear explanations and aspects such as hints and tips withina help system were methods that could be used to assist increating accessible interfaces. Participants commented thatthey were not aware of aspects such as how often individualsshould be reminded of their location within applications (orthe best way to accomplish this), and also what elements ofapplication design are di�cult to remember. They discussedhow they need information regarding these aspects in orderto create better applications in the future but did not describeany speci�c tools that they believed would be bene�cial.

Communication Accessibility. When discussing accessibilitysurrounding the area of communication participants com-ments focused on hearing loss and also language based cog-nitive disabilities such as dyslexia.

Hearing Loss:When discussingmethods that can be usedto assist users with hearing loss, participants responses fo-cused largely on situations where users would have no hear-ing ability at all and not on areas where slight hearing lossmay occur. Participants discussed how they currently dealtwith issues in this area by relying on visual interactions,high quality and clear text, and clear visual prompts. Theyalso discussed how using subtitled videos and translatingvideos and instructions into a textual alternative could beused to create more accessible media content. Participantsdiscussed how they did not know the impact and e�ective-ness of changes that they were implementing in this area

and how communication cues could be created in a man-ner that would be useful for those that needed them. Theyalso expressed concerns in how to e�ectively design clearvisual prompts that end users would �nd useful. Participantsmain ideas for what is needed in this area focused on the useof simulation with several participants mentioning aspectssuch as testing with sound o� or wearing ear plugs to testcontent. Other participants believed that they required moreguides and information on how current auditory accessibilitytechniques (e.g. subtitles) worked and could be successfullyimplemented within their own work.

Dyslexia: Participants discussed how using larger text,easier to read fonts, and clear languagewere some of themainmethods that were used when designing dyslexic friendlyinterfaces. They noted, however, that they didn’t know howdi�erent individuals that have dyslexia are a�ected and whatparticular aspects each individual has di�culty in under-standingwithin an application. They also expressed concernsregarding the impact and e�ectiveness of any changes thatthey make to interfaces and how this would bene�t users.

Physical Accessibility. When discussing physical accessibilityissues, participants focused on the areas of limited/low mo-bility (i.e. users that are able to use a traditional input device)and no mobility (i.e. users that require specialist devices).

Limited/Low Mobility:When discussing methods thatcan be used to assist users with limited/low mobility, tech-niques currently used by participants focused on alterationsthat can be made to their own design practice but also areliance on third party and OS level adaptions. Participantsdiscussed techniques such as only including a limited num-ber of interactive objects, creating simpler layouts that makeitems easier to reach, and using larger buttons that will re-duce error rates. Additionally, techniques such as havingtouch targets in easily accessible places (e.g. important but-tons on the lower half of a (mobile) screen) were mentioned.They also commented that alterations to mouse sensitivity,speech control and alternative input types are techniquesthat they believed users themselves would employ. Partici-pants were not aware how successful current accessibilitysolutions in this area, and that they did not know the bestway to test the physical accessibility of applications. Partici-pants made additional comments about the one handed useof mobile phones and mentioned that they did now knowhow to design for di�erent phone screen sizes to assist in onehanded operation, and if the hand that a user was currentlyusing should be used to in�uence the design of a mobileinterface layout. They also mentioned that they were unsurewhat an individuals expectations are when organising con-tent and what sort of impact the changes that they couldimplement would have to assist an end user. Participantsbelieved that they required assistance in the future with the

placement of items, and information on what features couldbe implemented in order to assist accessibility in this area.

No Mobility: Participants described a very low numberof techniques that they use to design for users with no mobil-ity with aspects such as easy interactions, alternative controlmethods, and simple navigation structures being mentioned.Participants commented that they did not know the currentsolutions that are used to assist with physical impairmentsand what the di�erent ranges of issues are that people mayface. They also discussed how they were not aware of howmany individuals are a�ected by these issues or what per-centage of these individuals use assistive aids when usingtechnology. Participants discussed how they would like to�nd out more about what features can be implemented tomake applications more physically accessible for users andwhat sort of testing could be carried out to assist with this.

Methods to Facilitate AccessibilityIn the third activity participants were asked to pick an singleaccessibility area from the ones previously discussed and topick activities or techniques that are used to assist users inthis domain. Participants ranked these activities in terms ofthere perceived prevalence, importance, and di�culty.

Visual Accessibility. Many participants chose the visual ac-cessibility area to focus on in this third activity and a largenumber of techniques were discussed between the workshopsessions. Participants felt that techniques such as using thealt attribute within web development (and other platformequivalents) were very prevalent and of high importance.They also described how selecting easy-to-read fonts, theuse of magni�cation options, and system brightness settingswere all common methods that can be used to assist in visualaccessibility. Participants also discussed elements that had alower level of prevalence. This included adapted colour set-tings (including darkmodes andmethods to assist with CVD),text-to-speech engines (including audio descriptions), andaccessible responsive design. Finally, participants discussedelements that they believed were important to assist withvisual accessibility but were not prevalent. This included as-pects such as voice commands/navigation, alternative meth-ods of conveying colour, digitally correcting optical issues.Participants discussed some of the reasons behind low lev-els of prevalence for these techniques and issues such asdi�culty in implementation and not being aware of howimplementation could occur were key determining factors.

Communication Accessibility. When discussing techniquesthat are used to assist in the area of communication accessi-bility, participants believed that techniques that were simpleto accomplish were generally the ones that had the high-est level of prevalence. Techniques such as subtitles, usingrecognisable icons, and simple typefaces were all discussed

as things that can be done to improve accessibility with alow level of di�culty. Items such as the implementation oftext-to speech, auto-correcting, and using suitable plain lan-guage were described to have moderate levels of di�cultyand implementation prevalence. Finally, techniques such asdeveloping built in colour overlays, neural interfaces, andspeech-to-text interpretation were all described to be di�cultto implement and therefore had low levels of prevalence.

Physical Accessibility. Only a small number of groups choseto discuss physical accessibility. A large number of the tech-niques that participants believed were common in accessibledesign in this area focused on designing for one handed mo-bile usage; operable with one hand, important links reachableby the thumb, adaptive design patterns, use of spacing andwhite space. Participants discussed how these techniqueswere all of high importance and could be achieved with onlya small level of di�culty. When discussing techniques thathad lower levels of prevalence, participants discussed as-pects relating to alternative input devices with this includingeye-tracking, speech-to-text, and neural control. Participantsdiscussed how these methods had a higher level of di�cultyattached to their implementation.

Cognitive Accessibility. Many participants discussed methodsthat could be used to assist in developing digital productsthat cared about cognitive accessibility with the majority ofthese focusing on designing for areas such dyslexia (also en-compassing communication accessibility) and designing forolder adults. Participants discussed techniques that they be-lieved were very common and considered approaches suchas using consistent application layout, validation for anyinput, and help guides as methods that could be used to as-sist users. Participants also discussed elements that, whilstimportant, were not as prevalent and this included a largeamount of alterations to products to personalise the overallexperience. Changes included alterations to colour, interface,language complexity, help o�ered, and content organisation.Participants explained that whilst these methods are impor-tant, they are also very di�cult to implement in terms ofdetermining the needs of a speci�c user and also in howthese implementations would then be achieved.

Emotional Accessibility. Very few workshop groups decidedto focus on emotional accessibility, with techniques that werediscussed mostly focusing on methods that would reducestress and anger. Participants discussed howmethods such aslow downtime between interactions, built in instruction sys-tems, and user personalisation were all methods that couldbe used to assist with emotional accessibility. Participantssuggested that the majority of these techniques were preva-lent in applications and are things that they may expect tosee to support users.

5 DISCUSSION AND FUTUREWORKEmpathising with AccessibilityRQ1:What is the developer awareness of permanent, temporary,and situational accessibility challenges?Previous work has discussed how it is important to in-

clude representative users when conducting research andthat an induced situational impairment does not constitutethe same experience as a permanent disability [48]. How-ever, temporary and situational accessibility challenges canbe used as a method to create empathy within developers[46] and also exists as an area where design challenges existdue to the increasing range of situations where technology isnow used [52]. In our work we have shown that developersare aware of a large number of permanent challenges thatusers face within the areas of visual, communication, phys-ical, cognitive, and emotional accessibility. However, it isworth noting that a limitation in this work is that we did nottest participants knowledge of the characteristics associatedwith individual disabilities (e.g. what are the vision problemsassociated with being short-sighted?) and therefore cannotstate that participants are aware of the implications of indi-vidual disabilities, but only that they are aware of technicalnames that are used. This is an important aspect to consideras we showed that there was often a mismatch between thecharacteristics associated with permanent accessibility chal-lenges that participants discussed (e.g. short-sightedness andglaucoma both e�ect visual acuity) and the characteristicsof situational accessibility challenges that were discussed(e.g. dark environment and sun-glare on screen are e�ects onvisual brightness). Whilst this mismatch could be down toparticipants not being aware of any situational impairmentsthat are similar to certain disabilities, it also suggests thatdevelopers may not fully understand the challenges that arefaced by users that have disabilities. In turn, this may leadto a situation where developers will struggle to design newaccessible interaction techniques in the future.

We suggest that future work in this area should focus ondeveloping ways for users to better empathise with accessi-bility challenges. Current methods of accomplishing this arethrough physical products such as the Cambridge InclusiveDesign Toolkit [7] and browser plugins such as ChromeLens[2], NoCo�ee [31], and Funkify [28]. Steps should be takenso that developers can better understand accessibility issuesand design interactions that take this into account.

Understanding Technology Usage Pa�ernsRQ2: What techniques are used by current developers whencreating accessible applications and what information do thesedevelopers perceive that they require to improve their practice?In our results we have shown that our participants were

aware of a large number of techniques that can be used

to assist in making accessible applications. However, therewas a clear lack of knowledge on the best ways that thesetechniques can be implemented and what the overall e�ect ofimplementation has on increasing accessibility. Participantshighlighted the need to include testing with people withdisabilities when developing products but also that they wereunsure how to best go about this and what support exists toenable this to occur.Participants showed a mix of attitudes towards accessi-

bility with a range of opinions on who is responsible forenabling people with disabilities to interact with technology.Participants discussed how this was a mixture of softwaredevelopers, operating system and hardware manufacturers,and also people with disabilities themselves.Methods such as including representative users in the

teaching of CS programmes [13] gives a �rst hand accountof accessibility issues that may face a given population. Wesuggest that future work in this area should focus onmethodsthat can be used to include people with disabilities in thetraining and development of accessibility teaching and alsowithin the testing of digital products.

Simple Methods of Accessibility ImplementationRQ3: What methods of implementing accessibility do develop-ers perceive to be important and is this related to the perceiveddi�culty of implementing these aspects?

There are many resources that are available for developersthat can assist in creating accessible content. Examples of thisinclude techniques for implementing accessible web content[57], guidance for speci�c content creators [3], and guidancefor creating inclusive design patterns [41] and inclusive com-ponents [42]. In our work we were unable to determine whatbroad aspects of accessible design our participants deemedto be most important across the entire range of accessibilityareas covered. This is to be expected as accessibility is anarea in which one-size-�ts-all design does not work [16, 17].However we have given details regarding speci�c examplesof accessible implementation that participants believed wereimportant within our results. We were able to show that theimplementation of accessible components is more likely tohappen if developer perceive this to be easy to accomplish.We suggest that future work in this area should look at low-ering the barrier to entry for developers that wish to createaccessible products.It has been argued that part of the increase in web acces-

sibility has been down to improved code practice and nota shift in developer attitude [47]. If true, we suggest thatmore work should be conducted on creating component andsoftware libraries where accessibility is ‘baked in’ from thebeginning and present within any example code. This is al-ready beginning to occur with libraries such as Bootstrap[37] including WAI-ARIA components within a number of

interactive element examples. We suggest that more workshould be carried out to promote this type of exercise.

6 CONCLUSIONSIn this paper we have presented the framework for a work-shop that can be used to discuss digital accessibility. We haverun this workshop with 197 developers/designers and digitaltechnology students and have made the materials for thisworkshop available online.

Participants exhibited an understanding of accessibilitychallenges that exist within the categories of visual, cogni-tive, physical, communication, and emotional accessibilitybut there are gaps in participants knowledge of situational ac-cessibility challenges. For example, when participants werediscussing situational accessibility challenges relating to vi-sual accessibility the main theme that was apparent relatedto brightness but very little examples were given relating tocontrast, saturation and focus.We suggest that these gaps arelinked to areas where developers struggle to empathisewith accessibility issues and subsequently design in-teractions for this demographic. We have also shownthat there is no one singular source of knowledge that ourparticipants have used to develop their accessibility practice,and have suggested that in order for the overall standard ofaccessibility to improve an e�ort must be made to promotelearning resources in accessibility implementation and notaccessibility assessment.

Participants were able to give details of methods that areused to create accessible interactions in a number of di�erentareas. However, it was clear from participant comments thatthere is a lack of understanding of the techniques that peoplewith disabilities currently use when interacting with technol-ogy. Participants discussed how this lack of understand-ing in how a person with disability uses technologyimpacts on how technology interactions are designed.Finally, we examined the techniques that participants

found to be important when developing accessible products.We saw that a relationship exists between the perceived dif-�culty of an accessible method and the prevalence of thatmethod within software design. We were unable to see anyrelationship between perceived di�culty and importanceand suggest that developers require easymethods of im-plementing accessibility features in order to increaseoverall technology accessibility.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to thank all participants that tookpart in this research. This work was supported by the Scot-tish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA)through a Knowledge Exchange Research Program and byThe Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland througha Research Incentive Award (RIG007489).

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