designing a school garden knowledge handouts and notes

Post on 12-May-2015



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Grade 6 Vocabulary List 1 1.organism 2. cell 3. homeostasis 4. nucleus 5. host 6. organic 7. osmosis 8. mitosis 9. chromosome 10. fertilization 11. mutation 12. heredity 13. dominant 14. recessive 15. evolution 16. fission 17. pathogen 18. protest 19. spore 20. cellulose 21. pollination 22. germination 23. chlorophyll ** Need to write for each word: 1. Definition 2. Your own sentence

____________________________________________________________ If someone asked just what is in our school garden, you might say perhaps there are plants, rocks and maybe even some garbage. But there is so much MORE in the garden and believe it or not, there are a lot of living things in your garden. So…what is actually living in our garden then? To answer the question, you first need to understand what “living” actually means: ______________________________________________________________ The word living is used to describe a set of specific ______________________that certain kinds of things possess it he world. If such a thing has all of these characteristics then it is called a living thing or an organism. If cannot have all of the characteristics, it is simply an (inanimate) object. So what are these characteristics then? …

Part 1- _________________________________________-

A. Living Things are ___________________________ All living things are made of very small units called __________________.People believe that the cell is the smallest unit of an organism that can carry all functions of life. In other words, all organisms depend on the functioning of their cells to survive. All the things that an organism can do is because of what their cells can do.

B. Living Things ________________________________ All living things will react to other things in their surroundings. The things that cause an organism to react or change are called _______________. (singular stimulus). The way an organism responds to a stimulus is called its ____________________. For example, a cat playing in your garden might jump when it hears a loud noise. The loud noise is the stimulus and the jumping action is the cat’s response. Similarly plants respond when there is no light nearby. They actually slowly move towards the direction of any light farther away. Living things also respond to things INSIDE them. They do this to maintain the right amounts of important things like temperature, water and food. For example, if there is not enough food inside of you, you will respond by getting a desire to eat something. An organism’s ability to maintain the proper amounts or conditions inside it is called ____________________________.

C. Living Things _________________________________

All living things require energy to maintain the right amounts of things or conditions inside them. Different living things get energy in different ways. Plants get energy directly from the sun. Humans get energy by eating plants and other organisms and breaking them down which can cause energy to be released. Some bacteria get energy consuming carbon dioxide and breaking down special chemicals inside them. They do not require oxygen or sunlight at all.

D. Living Things _______________________________________ All organisms also experience some sort of growth. And as they grow, they often change. These changes that take place and are dependent upon the organisms’ own cells are referred to as _______________________________. Organisms grow and develop for different amounts of time. The entire time they live is called a life span. Life span can vary from organism to organism. Certain turtles can live for over 180 years. Some pine trees have lived for over 4600 years. But flies live only day.

E. Living Things ____________________________________

All living things can make more of their kind. Reproduction is important as it allows living things to make more of their own kind to replace themselves when they die.

Part 2 – ___________________________________________ ? In order to do or have all of the characteristics above, all living things need the following two things for survival

i) _______________________________ – the organisms must be in a place where suitable food can be obtained ex. your garden!

ii) _______________________________- there are so many kinds of materials that all living things need to function and survive. Among them, one very important one is __________________. Blood is mostly water and it serves to transport food and wastes in animals. Sap in plants is also almost water and transports materials too. Also, living things need _____________________ in order to get important components that make them up including proteins, fats and sugars.

SUMMARY – Organizer Handout Step 1: Read one time. * Take notes too if you want!

Step 2: Write the Main Idea (1-2 sentences) – ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Step 3: Write the supporting ideas. Write in the small boxes first!

Step 4: Write the supporting details. Write in the bigger boxes later!

Supporting Idea 1 (1-2 sentences)

Supporting Details 1 (1+ sentences)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Supporting Idea 2 (1-2 sentences)

Supporting Details 2 (1+ sentences)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _

Reading Notes

___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Idea 3 (1-2 sentences)

Supporting Details 3 (1+ sentences)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Idea 4 (1-2 sentences)

Supporting Details 4 (1+ sentences)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Supporting Idea 5 (1-2 sentences)

Supporting Details 5 (1+ sentences)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Idea 6 (1-2 sentences)

Supporting Details 6 (1+ sentences)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Idea 7 (1-2 sentences)

Supporting Details 7 (1+ sentences)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Supporting Idea 8 (1-2 sentences)

Supporting Details 8 (1+ sentences)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

(knowledge) What is a Plant? A plant is a kind of species that includes trees, flowers, vegetables, fruits and other field crops like wheat and rice. There are over 260 000 species and they are very important to other organisms including humans for food. Plants vary in size from microscopic species to giant trees over 100 m tall. Most have roots and you can find them in almost any climate. All need water. As well, all plants have cells that included a cell membrane, nucleus and other organelles like most other living things. However, plant cells also have a cell wall unlike animal cells. And many plant cells contain chlorophyll, a green pigment that is found in a cell organelle called the chloroplast. In addition, many plant cells have a central vacuole which is important for regulating the amount of water in a plant cell. Origin and Evolution of Plants- It is believe that plants evolved (came from) ancient green algae that is found in the sea because both plants and green algae of today have the same type of chlorophyll and other pigments called carotenoids. It is hard to know the history of plants because they have no bones which makes it difficult for fossils to be formed and survive for analysis. Plants are at least 420 million years old in origin. This is when a fossil for the earliest plants dates back to. Land Adaptations- If plants came from algae that lived in the sea, somehow over time they had to evolve in order live later on the land because living on land is much different and requires certain adaptations:

i) Conservation of water- water is very important for plants for many processes for many reactions such as photosynthesis that gives them energy. So they have lots of water inside them However, on land there is less water surrounding plants. Without some protection adaptation, water would leak out of plants by diffusion as with green algae which must always live in water. Many plants on land have a cuticle and a rigid cell wall. The cuticle is waxy which helps to slow the loss of water. Also, plants have a rigid cell wall that contains cellulose. This compound helps to make cell walls strong and supportive by forming tangled fibres.

ii) Other Cell Wall Substances- in addition to cellulose, some plants secrete other substances into their cell wall to make it stronger. As well, plants contain other special structures that help to transport water and other nutrients or food to the inner cells of the plant

iii) Reproduction- Plants also need to reproduce in order to keep surviving so they make spores or seeds but water could escape from these things too and kill them. So many spores and seeds are resistant to water.

Classification of Plants-

Again, plants make up thousands of species. We put all plants under on grouping called a kingdom. Then scientists have divided the kingdom of plants into major groupings called phylum. Plants in each phylum share some common characteristics. For example, plants can be divided into the vascular (having tubes to carry water) phylum and the non-vascular phylum (do not have the tubes). It is also useful to give each species of plants a name. However, many common names for plants are used for more than one species that look similar. Consquently, a special name system called binomial nomenclature was developed. Within it, every plant is given a unique two-word name such as Chrysantheum maximum for Shasta daisy.

Seedless Plants One grouping often used to divide plants is the seedless group. Seedless plants can then be further divided into nonvascular plants and vascular plants.

Seedless Nonvascular Plants- Plants in this group do NOT growfrom seeds. Also, they are missing many distinct parts that other plants have such as roots, stems, leaves and flowers. Usually, seedless nonvascular plants are only a few cells thick and are very small (less than 5 cm). Most have stalks which are similar to stems. Also, most contain threadlike structures called rhizoids that are similar to roots in other plants. They usually grow in damp places and water can enter into all cells directly because they are not big or thick. So they do not have any tube-like structures for carrying water inside of them. Also of importance, this group of plants usually reproduces by spores. Most of these plants are able to survive in very harsh conditions such as very dry conditions. They are called pioneer species because they usually grow first in areas having bad conditions. Then, when they die, their decaying matter helps to make the soil better for other plants. There are many sub-groups (classes) for nonvascular plants:

A. Mosses- most nonvascular plants fit in this group. They have green leafy growths that grow out from a central stalk. Sometimes, special stalks with caps grow and then produce spores to allow reproduction. Mosses usually grow on tree trunks and rocks or just on the ground. They are usually found in damp areas.

B. Liverworts- these plants have no roots and flat leaflike bodes. Their rhizoids are usually only one-celled. People used to think they are good for treating liver diseases.

C. Hornworts- They are very small (about 2.5 cm) and resemble liverworts. However, they are different in that they usually one have one chloroplast in each cell and their spore-producing structures look like cow horns.

Seedless Vascular Plants- These plants differ because they contain vascular tissueinside them which is a bunch of long, tubelike cells. These cells are used to carry water, minerals and food from outer cells to other cells further inside. Consequently, these plants are usually big and thick because their vascular tissue ensures that all cells receive important materials. It is also believed that many species of seedless vascular plants flourished (lived very well) a long time ago (360 million years ago) when the Earth was warmer and conditions were more moist. Three important types of Seedless Vascular Plants are:

A. Ferns –this the largest group of seedless vascular plants. They have stems, leaves

and roots. Their leaves are called fronds. They grow to be about 3 – 5 m tall but are believed to have been much taller in earlier history. (as tall as 25 m)

B. Club Mosses- they included ground pines and spike mosses. They have needlelike

leaves. They also produced spores that look like tiny pine cones. They can be found in many climates.

C. Horsetails – Horsetails have a single stem that is jointed and hollow with a ring of

vascular tissue. Leaves grow out of each joint. They are very fragile. Their stems are however useful for polishing things because they contain a gritty substance called silica.

How Seedless Plants are Important to Humans-

1. Coal – when these plants die, their remains get submerged and packed deep in the earth over time. Eventually, coal is produced which is an important fossil fuel for energy.

2. Peat – similar to coal formation, certain seedless plants that die in bogs get compressed to form peat. Peat also be used as a source of energy such as in Ireland.

3. Decoration- many seedless plants are kept as household plants or as landscape plants to help make an area more shady

4. Food and medicine- some parts of certain seedless plants can be eaten. Flour can also e made from the dried stems of horsetails. Man seedless plants have been used to treat ailments such as bee stings, burns, fevers and also dandruff.

Pass the (Plant) Food Activity Today’s activity should help you learn more about seed plants

and your school garden

Try your best and learn more in science!

Instructions – 1. Work in a group.

2. Make the following chart below on lined paper or in your notebook. Use a whole A4 size

paper so make the chart nice and big! I recommend that you orientate your paper using the landscape orientation.

Examples of Plant Food Plant Food Name

Looks Like

Smells Like

Tastes Like

Part(s) of Plant

Our Reasoning

3. Your teacher will pass out food to your group one at a time. For five minutes, look at,

smell and taste each food. Then decide on what part or parts of a plant the food comes

from. Also, explain your reasoning. As you talk, fill in your chart for each food.

4. Finally, make second summary chart below on the parts of the plants you examined. You

will need to also discuss an appropriate title and the number of rows. Then fill them in!

_____________________________________________ (you decide title)

Our Chosen Plant Parts Plant Part Description


You decided how many rows (it depends on how many plant parts you can identify)

_______________________________________ (Summary for Chapter 9, Section 3) The ______________________ are another general classification (grouping) of plants. They differ from other plants in many ways. The most basic differences are the presence of leaves, stems, roots and vascular tissue (water tubes). Other plants don’t always have all of these things.

1. ______________________________________

A. __________________________– leaves are plant organs that are responsible for

making food (by a process called photosynthesis). Leaves can vary in size but most have

the same basic organization of cells through special layers as shown below.

The waxy __________________ and the __________________ are harder and stronger. They protect the leaf from damage. There is also a stoma (an opening) through these layers to let things like water, oxygen and carbon dioxide enter or exit. They are protected by ___________________. The next layers is the _____________________ (or palisade mesophyll). It contains the chloroplasts and chlorophyll . Food for plants is made in this area using energy from the sun. In the very middle of the leaf is a more spongy area with a loose arrangement of cells. ___________________________________________ extend into leaves here for transporting things like water. They are the main components of the plant’s vascular tissue.

B. _________________________– stems are the main support organ of the plant. They can

woody which means they are big, hard and strong like tree trunks. They can be

_______________________ which means they are soft and green but still pretty strong

such as flower stems.

(see figure 15 in your textbook for examples)

C. ______________________________- roots are the lower part of most seed plants. They

are usually found in the ground (but not always). They are a system of long strands. They

have many functions. First, they ____________________the plant to the ground to

prevent it from being blown or washed away. Second, they allow various things like water

to enter and then they have vascular tissue (xylem and phloem tubes) which can

____________________the water and other things to other areas of the plant. Third,

they can ___________________ that the plant makes such as certain sugars. Fourth,

some can even take in oxygen and perform the process of ____________________ like

animals do. (See Figure 16) (or type roots in google images for more illustrations

but be critical)

D. Vascular Tissue – vascular tissue is NOT one distinct part of a plant. Rather it is found

throughout the plant in other parts. It is made up of three important tissues and is

responsible for transporting things around the plant. _________________ is made up of

connected vessels. They transport water and also help to support the plant.

_________________________ is made up of tubes. They move food around the plant.

__________________ contains special cells that can make xylem and phloem tissue.

(just like bone marrow can make bones in animals) (See Figure 17)

2. Subgroups of Seed Plants- Seed plants can be further divided into smaller groups as follows-

i) ______________________ are vascular seed plants that make seeds that are ________protected by _______________. This group of plants can be further divided into smaller divisions including conifers (ex. pine tree), cycads, ginkgoes and gnetophytes. The conifer trees produce their seeds on cones.

ii) __________________ are vascular seed plants that make seeds in _____________. There are many ways to divide angiosperms into sub-groups (ie. smaller group divisions). Some angiosperms are flowers such as tulip. Other angiosperms are called deciduous trees such as an oak tree. All angiosperms can also be divided into monocots and dicots. _______________ have flower parts in multiples of three. Also, there seeds have just one storing space for food called the cotyledon. Their vascular tissues are also scattered throughout their stems. _______________have flower parts in multiples of four or five. Their seeds have two storing spaces for food (ie. 2 cotyledons). Their vascular tissues are arranged in the form of rings in the stem. See figure 20.

Understand the Basics Behind Plant Reproduction – Note _____ ________________________________________________ (Summary Note for Chapter 10, Section 1- Introduction to Plant Reproduction) At present, we are about to learn more about how our plants function in our garden One of the biggest processes happening right now is Plant Reproduction (and Development)

_____________________________________? --> To understand, let’s begin with the basics:

A. __________________________________ * Remember, there are different types of plants. Consequently, there are different types of reproduction. Fortunately, we can divide them into two general categories

i) ______________________________- In asexual reproduction, one plant produces offspring (new plants) that are ____________________ to it (ie. a clone). Basically, one part of the plant gets separated. (ex. its leaf, a portion of its stem, even a few cells). Then, under the right conditions, an entire new plant grows out from the separated cells. These cells just keep dividing into more cells that change to become the new plant. Most plants can do this kind of reproduction. See:

ii) __________________________________-

In sexual reproduction, two different plant parts, one containing the _____________ and the other containing the ______________ get together in a plant. The sperm and the egg are known as ___________. The two parts that contain them could be from the same plant or different plants. Then, __________________ occurs. The sperm and the egg for the 2 parts combine to produce the first cell of the new organism called the ________________. The zygote then divides again and again and the resulting cells become the new plant. The new plant is not identical to one particular plant but contains portions of the same genetic material of the parent plant(s). For some plants, something else (Ex. wind, an insect) is needed to bring the two different parts containing the sex cells together. Another important aspect of sexual reproduction is the ___________________. Plants that sexual reproduce go through a 2-stage life cycle. In the _____________________, the sex cells are made in the plant and contain only half of DNA that a normal cell has. The process by which a sex cell is made is called _______________________. Then later, these two cells get joined and the new cell contains the full amount of DNA as other cells. It can then divide normally to

make more cells and the new plant. This stage is known as the ___________________________. (See Figure 4, pg. 275 in your textbook)

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________

Student Exploration: Growing Plants Vocabulary: compost, fertilizer, mass, seed, soil, variable Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)

1. What do you think plants need to grow and stay healthy?

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

2. Soil is a combination of tiny rock fragments and decayed plant materials. How do you think soil helps a plant? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Gizmo Warm-up: Grow the Biggest Plant! 1. In the Gizmo set up the three pots however you like:

Choose a seed to drag into each pot.

Click on the light bulbs to turn them on or off.

Drag the Water slider up or down to set the amount of

water each plant will get.

If you like, drag fertilizer or compost into a pot.

When the pots are ready, click Play ( ) and wait for

the simulation to end.

2. How tall was your tallest plant? __________________

3. Click Reset ( ) and Clear pots. Run a few more trials to grow the tallest plants you can. What conditions led to the tallest plant? _________________________________________________________________________


Activity A:

Wet and dry

Get the Gizmo ready:

Click Reset.

Click Clear pots.

Question: Do seeds need water to grow? 1. Form hypothesis: Do you think seeds need water to start growing? Explain why or why not.

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

2. Set up Gizmo: In the Gizmo, set up the three pots like this:

Pot A: Bean seed, two lights on, 0 mL water per day

Pot B: Bean seed, two lights on, 50 mL water per day

Pot C: Bean seed, two lights on, 100 mL water per day

3. Experiment: Click Play to start. When the simulation is done, observe the plants.

4. Collect data: Fill in the data table below with the height and mass of each plant on day 50. (The mass of a plant is the amount of matter in the plant. It is related to how heavy it is.) In the last column describe what each plant looks like.

Pot Water/day (mL) Height (cm) Mass (g) Appearance




5. Draw conclusions: Do seeds need water to grow? (Was your hypothesis correct?)


6. Revise and repeat: Is more water always better? Create your own experiments to find the ideal amount of water for each kind of plant. Explain your findings below.

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Activity B:

Light and dark

Get the Gizmo ready:

Click Reset.

Click Clear pots.

Question: How does the amount of light affect how plants grow?

1. Form hypothesis: A variable is something that can be changed in an experiment, such as the amount

of light. How do you think the amount of light affects how plants grow? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

2. Experiment:

Set up the three pots with 50 mL of water per day, plain soil, and turnip seeds.

Turn on three lights over pot A, one light over pot B, and zero lights over pot C.

Click Play.

After 30 simulated days, click Pause ( ).

3. Collect data: In the table below, describe each plant after 30 days.

Pot Number of

lights Height (cm) on day 30

Mass (g) on day 30

Appearance on day 30




4. Draw conclusions: Select the Data tab. Look at the graphs for Plant Height and Plant Mass. How did the amount of light affect the growth of plants? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

5. Think and discuss: Click Play and let the simulation continue to 50 days. Based on what you have seen so far, what do seeds need to grow into healthy plants? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Activity C:

Design an experiment

Get the Gizmo ready:

Click Reset.

Click Clear pots.

Question: You come up with the question! (See below.) 1. Create question: Fill in the blanks below with the variable and the type of plant you would like to

study in this activity. (Do not repeat an experiment you have already done.)

How does ___________________ affect a __________________ plant?

2. Form hypothesis: What is your hypothesis for the question above?

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. Set up Gizmo: Set up the pots to test the variable you are investigating. Describe how you set up

each pot in the table below.

Pot Type of seed Water/day Number of lights Type of soil




4. Experiment: Click Play to start. When the simulation is done, observe the plants. 5. Collect data: Examine your plant data on the Data tab. Record your results here.

Pot Height (cm) Mass (g) Appearance




6. Draw conclusions: What did you discover? Why do you think it happened that way?



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