describing learner journeys

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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Describing the planned journeys of learners through the Senior Phase of education, within Curriculum for Excellence.


Planning Learner

Journeys Through the

Senior Phase of


Oldmachar Academy e-Magazine

Inside this issue

Describing Learner Journeys 4—19

Websites That Can Help You 20

Special Features

Read about

Skills for Work Courses

“You need to have parallel plans—a plan A, B and

C. Keep options open and get as much information

as possible. For yourself You can never be too

clued up. We will support you in making your

plans. But, in general, you should take control of

your own future.” Mr Brown

Our Aim for Learners

Oldmachar Academy takes seriously its responsibilities to support all our young people in planning a positive destination from school. Our planning for the senior phase of educa-tion in Curriculum for Excellence is based on this idea.

To achieve this aim we need to raise the awareness of students, parents and staff of the options that are available. We already have a track record of success in planning positive destinations from school. But we now want to build on this and make sure that all of our young people move on to a job, training programme, college course or university place when they leave us.

This leaflet tells some stories of our successes and also spotlights the programmes we are building for the future. We also showcase some of the experiences of S4 students this session, to give illustrations of the potential of the senior phase to deliver opportuni-ties for young people.

Highlighting the experiences of learners in the senior phase is an important project for us. Hearing the voices of our students celebrates their ambition, but we hope that their ideas and stories inspire future students. Most importantly, we have produced this e-magazine to be used by students and parents around the time of course options plan-ning.

Helping Learners Plan Their Journeys

At Oldmachar Academy, learners start planning their destination beyond school as part of the broad general edu-

cation. A number of planned inserts to the curriculum make them more aware of the opportunities and challeng-

es presented in different careers.

The young people have opportunities to personal their curriculum within broad parameters from S3 onwards,

with increasing specialization as they progress through the senior phase. The pathways model described below

helps them to consider options at this stage and use the information to focus them on priorities.

The rest of this e-magazine presents the stories of our learners’ journeys towards a life beyond school. We have

focused on some current students in S4—S6, so as to help young people, parents, carers and friends reflect on

possibilities that they may not have thought of. Hearing about others’ ideas and stories can help you plan more

confidently and in a more informed way.

Describing Journeys

Our current learners in S4 are

the first group of students who

are experiencing the Senior

Phase of Education we have

planned for them within Curric-

ulum for Excellence.

They are benefiting from a

clear whole school curriculum

map which generates opportu-

nities for them.

The Senior Phase provides an

important opportunity for

young people at the end of

each year from S3 onwards to

make important decisions about

their next steps.

One example of how this is a

powerful opportunity s shown

in the work related learning

programmes we have been

able to build.

Young people can plan for their

destinations beyond school

more effectively within Curricu-

lum for Excellence and have

more coherent opportunities

planned for them.

Our Learners’ Journeys: Skills for Work Courses

In S2 I chose to do the following subjects for S3 and S4: Business Management, Maths, English, German, Home Economics, Physical Education, History and Science. I chose these subjects because they were the ones I thought I would do my very best in. I was very happy with my final grades as I achieved my target goal for almost all of them. The subject I found the most challenging was History due to the final exam. The subject I enjoyed the most was ei-ther Home Economics or Business Management as I felt I had the right skills for these subjects. In S4 I chose the following subjects for S5: Business Man-agement at Intermediate 2 level, English at Intermediate 2 level, Administration at Intermediate 2 level, Maths at In-termediate 1 level and an Energy course at Intermediate 2 level. I chose these subjects as I had experience in all of them except for Administration and the Energy course. I am making good progress in all the courses except for English which I am finding quite challenging, the close reading is the most difficult aspect of the course for me. I am enjoying Maths and Business Management the most as they are subjects I enjoy learning new things in. Business Management is a course I am considering doing in college as it is the subject that appeals to me the most. Energy is a Skills for Work course which is usually delivered in college. Luckily I was able to take the course in school at Intermediate 2 level. We have been studying topics like renewable energy and the effects of pollution. I enjoy the fact that we get to do a lot of group work and we get lots of practical experiences e.g. building a wind turbine. The course provides a great opportunity if you are looking for an apprenticeship when you leave school as it gives you extra knowledge which you might need for an apprenticeship. It is a course I am glad I was given the chance to do in school as I probably wouldn’t have been willing to go to college to do it.

Craig Anderson

Nicole Smith

In S1 and S2 my favourite subjects were Art & Design and Music. I enjoyed both these subjects because I felt I was good at them. In Art I really enjoyed the drawing and over S1 and 2 I felt my skills improved. Singing was my favourite activity in Music and for a while I was a member of the Junior Choir. When it came to making choices in S3 I chose: Social Subjects, Science, Art & Design, Music and Graphics. I chose Graphics because of the link with Art. S3 went well and I continued to enjoy the subjects I had chosen. When I made choices in S4 I was pleased that I could choose a Skills for Work course in Hairdressing. The course has given me real practical experience of hair-dressing. I have been able to watch other people and learn from them. I was pleased but very nervous about being included in a recent competition at college. I chose to put my model’s hair up and was pleased with the end result. The Skills for Work course in Hairdressing has helped me to get a job in a salon. I am working part time just now and have been offered a permanent job at the end of S4. I think the college experience has been really beneficial for me as the experiences at college allowed me to talk about the job when I was interviewed. When I started work I understood what had to be done in the role of a junior and was quite confident about do-ing the tasks. I am really enjoying the part-time work and looking forward to starting full-time in the salon at the end of S4.

Chloe’s S4 subjects: English, Maths,

Modern Studies, Art & Design, Sci-

ence, Early Education & Childcare

S4 is going well so far. I enjoy Art as

I am able to make decisions for myself

with the teacher’s help. I am enjoying

English and am getting on better than

I expected in Maths. I enjoyed the re-

cycling activity we did with Mr Lam-

brou as part of the Entitlements pro-

gramme. Having a study unit once a

week is helpful as it gives us time to

revise and we get peer support as we

are able to work in groups with people

who are doing the same subjects.

I was really pleased that Early Educa-

tion and Childcare was offered to S4

as well as S5 because I have known

for a long time that I want to work

with children. I love the course and

feel like I am learning every single mi-

nute. Knowing that what I’m learning

is really important for my future adds

to my enjoyment. I appreciate the

fact we get real experiences and have

the chance to go on placements to

work with children.

Not many people of our age get the opportunity to do this and to find out if

it is something they really want to do. I have been able to see at first hand

some of the ideas Mrs Greig our tutor has talked to us about as I have a

younger brother. Already I think I know more about Child Development

than some adults do.

Chloe Watt

Our Learners’ Journeys: Skills for Work Courses

Megan Duthie

Megan’s S4 subjects: English, Maths,

Art & Design, Biology, Home Eco-

nomics, Early Education & Childcare

I chose Art & Design not because I

needed it but because I really enjoy

art. I want to study midwifery so

chose Biology and Early Education &

Childcare for this. I think S4 is go-

ing well and I have no regrets about

any of the subjects I have chosen. I

feel like I am doing well. Some areas

of work are challenging but I under-

stand what I have to do to improve.

Early Education & Childcare is allow-

ing me to develop knowledge and

skills which will be really useful to me

in the future. The course will give

me a good understanding of child

development. I really enjoy it and

am looking forward to the Parenting

module. The practical aspects of the

course are great as we get opportu-

nities to work with children in child-

care settings.

The Tutor, Mrs Greig, makes really difficult ideas easy for us to understand

through practical experience and this means we are always well prepared for our

NABs. So far we have completed 7 NABs , some of these have been group

NABs and these have been good for us as we have had to work in teams. Mrs

Greig treats us as young adults: she gives us responsibility and trusts us and in

return we all respond with maturity.

Bilal Benzahia is a student in S4 of

Oldmachar Academy. He has just

started the Senior Phase of edu-

cation. This is his story.

In S2 Bilal was given opportuni-

ties to specialize in Computing as

he was interested in program-

ming. He took up the option to

study our 3 Science programme.

He wanted to keep all of his op-

tions open. He appreciated the

pace of this programme and it

suited his style of learning—he

continued with this programme

in S3.

In S3 he took Music as he really

enjoys playing drums. He

thought this would be challeng-

ing but not stressful. He also

chose Modern Studies because

he enjoyed it. He did well in the

S3 examination diet.

He attended the Careers’ Evening at Bridge of Don Academy last session. This

event was run as part of the school’s consortium Arrangements with St Machar

and Bridge of Don Academies. From this he generated an interest in medicine, He

also picked up the importance of extra-curricular activities and relevant work ex-

perience. As a result of that he has continued to get music tuition and is also do-

ing voluntary work at the Jesmond Care Home.

Our Learners’ Journeys

Bilal Benzahia

“I have appreciated the opportunities I have had at Oldmachar Academy and have felt supported by the school.”

Bilal says that his peers thought his academic programme of Maths, English, Phys-

ics, Chemistry, Biology and French would be intense. They wondered if he would

have any fun at all in S4. But he says he is glad that he took on this challenge.

At the moment he feels that all of these subjects are going smoothly. The one sur-

prise to him about National 5 courses is the regularity of assessment.

In S5 he knows that he will have to drop one subject It is likely to be one of the sci-

ence subjects. But it will depend on how successful he is at National 5 Level. He

intends to come back for S6. He still thinks that he might like to medicine for a ca-

reer. He particularly loves learning in science and finds this rewarding.

Bilal says that “I am a big believer in understanding what you are learning. It

makes it easier to remember and it becomes a solid part of your knowledge.

By Mrs Stopani


Our Learners’ Journeys:

Kim Beattie

In S1/2 my favourite subjects were Chemistry, Design and Tech-

nology, Maths and Physics. I enjoyed these subjects as I liked

problem solving and my numeracy skills were good. These four

subjects were the ones I felt I was most successful in. At this

stage I didn’t have a particular career in mind.

In the S3 Options Booklet I read about the Engineering course and

this appealed to me. My parents encouraged me to choose this

option as they knew how much I enjoyed Maths and Physics.

Once the course got underway I really enjoyed it and quickly came

to realise that this was a subject area I realised I wanted to do

more in this subject.

My other subjects in S3 were Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry,

English, Geography, French, Design & Manufacture. I had original-

ly chosen Graphic Communication but I was unable to follow this

course so chose Design & Manufacture instead. Although it wasn’t

my first choice I really enjoyed this course. I think it appealed to

me due to the problem solving element of being given a brief and

have to fulfil it.

When it came to S4 I was fairly certain of the subjects I wanted to continue with and chose:

English, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Design & Manufacture and Engineering.

I have been the only girl in the Engineering class and one of only a few in the Design & Man-

ufacture class. This has never been a concern for me as I find it easy to talk to others and

am happy working with others or on my own.

I plan to continue my studies in Chemistry, Physics and Engineering and if I am successful I

would like to go to university to study Engineering. At the moment I haven’t chosen a partic-

ular type of Engineering or a specific career.

Shannen Middleton

At the end of S2 I chose: English, Maths, Biology,

Geography, Art & Design, Chemistry, Home Econom-

ics and Music. I had already decided I wanted a ca-

reer in Hair and Beauty so knew that the Biology,

Chemistry and Art & Design would be useful for my


I also enjoyed these subjects which helped me and

allowed me to make good progress. My Standard

Grade results were good, I achieved Credit and Gen-

eral grades, in some subjects, like Chemistry I did

better than I had anticipated. These results gave me

the confidence to continue in S5.

The only time I wavered about my choice of career

was when I did Work Experience in S4. During my

placement I found the standing all day, the constant

running around and the smell of chemicals off-

putting. It was only when I started to work on peo-

ple’s hair again that I knew it was still what I wanted

to do.

In S5 I chose: Art & Design, Biology, English, Mod-

ern Studies and the Introduction to Hairdressing

course at Aberdeen College. The course is challeng-

ing as it is the equivalent of a full time Hair & Beauty

course. I did not expect to get this opportunity

while I was still at school and am really pleased we

have been able to join the course. By doing this course it will reduce the time it takes me to

gain my final qualification.

This course has suited me as I don’t feel ready to leave school as I appreciate the security I

have here. This way I have the best of both worlds as I have the taste of work but still have

the security which school provides. As part of the course we have been taught to shampoo,

dry and style hair. I am enjoying all aspects of the course. Recently I was entered into a

competition and was shocked to have come second and to hear that the judges felt that the

hair I had put up was smooth and sturdy.

I plan to stay on for S6 and I would like to be able to continue at college in the hope that I

can gain entry to second year of the Hair & Beauty course.

Film in Education Project

Documenting Learners’ Journeys

From January to May, our Flim in Education Project Team will be embarking on a Learners’

Journeys Project. This project will involve making short documentary films about their edu-

cation so far and their plans for the future. The films will show how they made their deci-

sions and what aspirations they have for the future. Some of the outlines for these stories

are showcased here, with Hannah Gough, Lauren McNaught and Caylum Matson all describ-

ing their learner journeys in a series of short features.

Telling Our Stories Through the Medium of Film

The young people are learning about filming in order to tell the stories. They are working

with Scottish documentary film producer, Beatrix Alexander, to develop their work. Beatrix is

helping them to realise their stories and to do so in a way that helps them to get their ideas

across most effectively. They are thinking about the visual impact of what they film, as well

as the message.

How Others Might Benefit

In future, we hope to have a bank of such films available to our young people so that they

can access resources that can help them at course options time. This is part of the school’s

strategy to plan positive destinations from school and to ensure that there is high quality in-

formation about possible careers and their relationship with the experiences young people

have within our curriculum.

Helping young people to see the pathways and to

feel confident in the decisions they make is a

source of support that can help them be more moti-

vated and can stop them feeling overwhelmed.

More information will be provided in forthcoming

magazines about the development of this important

project and our future planning to support young

people in planning to move to positive destinations

beyond school.


Our Learners’ Journeys:

Hannah Gough

Description of My Learning in School

In the past two years at school I have studied Highers in English, Maths, Chemistry,

Human Biology, Art, Business Management, Modern Studies and RMPS. In S6 I also

have important leadership responsibilities—I am part of the Film in Education Group, a

Learning Buddy and helped with the 30th Anniversary Project. I have part time jobs at

ASDA and the AECC.

Reflection on What I Have Learned

Studying a broad range of subjects has helped me to know both what I do want to do

and what I don’t want to do. Entering S5 I had plans to get a job in the medical pro-

fession but as time has gone on these plans have changed. I am leaving S6 ambitious

to work in a high paced business orientated job.

Speculation on My Future

I currently have a conditional place at RGU to study

Business Management and Marketing, or International

Business Management.

After university, I am interested to use my degree and

go into the oil and gas industry.



Our Learners’ Journeys:

Caylum Matson

Description of My Learning in School

I am currently doing 4 subjects in sixth year; these subjects are Computing, History, Maths

and RMPS. I have also done a range of other subjects in past years such as Graphic Commu-

nication, Drama, English and many others. I also did 4 years of my education in Aberdeen

Grammar before moving here to Oldmachar.

Reflection on What I Have Learned

In my 6 years of education, I feel that I have learnt a lot of life skills. I have also learnt a lot

in the subjects I took and have enjoyed my education at both schools I attended. My educa-

tion has also helped me about how to respect other pupils and also teachers.

Speculation on My Future

My hopes in the future is to have a full time job in the IT

industry, I hope to achieve that by going to college,

where I will study two different sides of computing

which I then have to choose one before going to univer-

sity to study that side of computing which will hopefully

lead to me getting a job out of the degrees.

I also am interested in later life when I have settled

down with this career path to have a voluntary job in

charity, as I feel that I really want to give something

back to the world and help the unfortunate in the world.

Our Learners’ Journeys:

Lauren McNaught

Description of My Learning in School

In the past two years at school I have studied Highers in English, Maths, Chemistry,

Physics, Human Biology, Business Management and Advanced Higher Chemistry. In

S6 I also have important leadership responsibilities—I am part of the Film in Education

Group and the Sparrows Engineering in Educatoon Scheme Project. I have a part time

job at McDonalds.

Reflection on What I Have Learned

Before I began my Highers I was unsure about what subjects I was most interested to

learn about. After studying all three sciences, I was able to realize that a course relat-

ing to physics was what I wanted to do. Realizing this helped me decided what I

wanted to do next.

Speculation on My Future

I am planning to go to Robert Gordons University to

study Mechanical Engineering. I have not decided

about which particular aspect of engineering to special-

ize in after I finish university but most likely I will enter

the oil and gas industry.


Jason Mirren is pictured to the right with his mentee, William McColl. Jason is part

of a programme to support a younger student and he has important responsibilities

to work with William as part of this.

We will be expanding this peer support model in future. The rest of article explores

our planning to help Jason achieve success in S4.

Our Learners’ Journeys:

Jason Mirren and William McColl

I was dreading fourth year. After working with Mr McKay, Mrs Stopani and staff from the Pupil

Support Service I am actually enjoying S4 and believe I am getting a lot more out of it than I ex-

pected. I am concentrating on four subjects that are important for my future: English, Maths, Art &

Design and Practical Craft. I feel I am learning a lot and am gaining in confidence. I am also mak-

ing new friends.

Part of my programme in S4 includes a work placement. One day a week I join a team from the

Foyer, I am supported by Andy, who is my mentor. I have had the opportunity to carry out tasks

related to a number of trades e.g. joiner, plumber, electrician, bricklayer, painter and decorator.

As I have shown I have the skills for painting and decorating I am going to work with The Foyer

team to decorate the new Nurture facility in the school. I am looking forward to doing this as I

know it will make a difference.

I joined Oldmachar Academy at the start of this session. Jason has

really helped me to settle in to Oldmachar. I didn’t think that Jason

would be interested in spending time with an S1 but I’ve been

surprised that he has taken so much time to help me settle in. He

has been fantastically kind to me. Jason does the Alpha Quiz with me

every day to improve my general knowledge. He gives me help

with my art work and plays games which help me with my learning.

William McColl (S1)

Working as part of a team with the employees from The Foyer has been really helpful, not only

has it given me an insight into a number of trades it has also given me experience working as

part of a team in an adult environment. I have been able to build my people skills and have

more confidence now than I had before an example of this is that I am now happy to voice my

opinion in meetings where plans are made for my future.

By working with junior pupils I have also had the chance to use my people skills. I have had a

really positive experience supporting a new S1 pupil and the skills I developed when working

with Mr McKay are being put into practice. I hope I have helped to make the transition to

Oldmachar easier for William.

So far the best experience in S4 was the week I spent on placement with the army. I was really

unsure about attending the camp and had to be persuaded to go along. I am really pleased

that I went as I got an awful lot out of the experience and made a lot of new friends too. Work-

ing as part of a team and having the chance to take on leadership roles has really boosted my


Jason Mirren (S4)

Websites that Can Help You


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