department of andragogy

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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About Department of Andragogy


Doc.PhDr.VladimírFrk,CSc.He deals with the problems of Human ResourcesManagement, Voca:onal Educa:on of Employees andManagerial communica:on. Head of Department since2006.

Doc.PhDr.MartaBačová,CSc.She concentrates on courses General Didac:cs, Theory ofAdult Educa:on, Life‐long Learning, Mul:‐culturalEduca:on. During the period on the Department ofUniversity Pedagogy was dealing with the problems ofuniversity didac:cs. She is currently working on the




PhDr.IvanaPirohováPhD.He concentratesonthedevelopmentofthetheoryofsocialcultural characteris:cs, educa:onal stages of educa:onpar:cipants, progress and results of educa:on, teachingac:vi:es of adult educator and iden:fica:on of problem,educa:onalneedsofclient–andragogicdiagnos:cs.

PhDr.MilanGoga,CSc.He concentrates on Comparative Pedagogy, Comparative Andragogy, andproblemsofTheoryofEducationandLeisuretime.Hecontributedto collectionsofpapers,magazines,publishedtextbooks.

PhDr.MartinaLenhardtováShe concentrates on the problems ofseniors in the context of life‐longlearning, especially socio‐cultural educa:on. Currently deals with theandragogicaspectsofseniorPEwithinnon‐formaleduca:on.

PhDr.BranislavFrkHe concentratesontheproblems ofmodern informa:on technologies ineduca:on,projec:ngofeduca:onalac:vi:esandpresenta:onskills.

PhDr. Marek Lukáč He concentrates on educa:on of the Roma ethnicgroupadultsand theconceptofeduca:onal path.He also dealswith theproblemsoflifestyleandsocialpathology.

Mgr.GizelaBrutovskáShe deals with social research, with the accent onevalua:on research, also problems of sociology of employment andunemploymentandtheoriesoforganiza:ons.

Mgr. Peter Roháč Heconcentrates oncorporatesocial responsibility, theproblems of learning organiza:on, organiza:onal learning andorganiza:ontheories.




FRK,Vladimír–LUKÁČ,Marek–FRK,BranislavFundamentalsofPersonnel andSocialManagementinOrganiza:onPrešov,AkcentPrint,year2004,p.188

GOGA,MilanOnSelectedEduca:onalSystemsinSelectedCountriesPrešov,Metodicko‐pedagogickécentrum, year 2002,p.92


LUKÁČ,EduardReformist Pedagogical Movement in the Age ofCzechoslovak Republic and Its Manifesta:on inSlovakiaPrešov, University of Prešov,year 2002, p.137

PIROHOVÁ,Ivana(Ed.)TheRoleofAndragogyinKnowledge‐basedSociety.Collec:on of Papers from Slovak – Czech scien:ficconference.Prešov,UniversityofPrešov, year 2007,p.249


w w w . a n d r a g o g i k a . w e e b l y . c o m

Department of Andragogy


The year2009isthe anniversary year for the department ofAndragogywhichcelebrates45yearsofexistence aswell asfor itsalmamater,FacultyofArts,celebra:ngits50thyear.Its origin is dated back to year 1964, when Department of PublicAwareness and Adult Pedagogy – first of its kind in Slovakia.Development of Department hasbeenafflictedbymany organiza:onalchanges: in name of Department and study field, in study programs.The changes in curriculum were related to establishing anddevelopment of anew, untradi:onal study fieldwith significant rela:ontochangingsocialandeconomicneedsandcondi:ons.The concept of the Department, elaborated by PhDr. Misal, furtherevolved in the works of PhDr. Štefan Merešš CSc., PhDr. Ing. JozefKubovský, doc. PhDr. Fran:šek Karšay, CSc., prof. PhDr. Andrej Čuma,CSc., doc. PhDr. Marta Bačová, CSc., prof.PhDr. Anna Tokárová, CSc.From1990sthe study field Adult Educa:on (currently Andragogy) wasdividedintothree specializa:ons: SocialWork, Personnel ManagementandCulturology.In 1996, when the Prešov university was established via detachmentfrom Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, these specializa:onsevolved into three independent study field. The Department of AdultEduca:onrenamedtoDepartment ofAdult Educa:on andSocial Workand inthe school year 1997/1998first studentsenrolled in the 5‐yearMA studiesof two independent fields of study Andragogy and SocialWork. Concurrently with the new study fields older specializa:onsceased to exist. Un:l 2010 was the Department together with theDepartment of Social Work included in the Ins:tute of Educology andSocialWork.FromOctober2010isDepartment includedinthe Ins:tuteof Pedagogy, Andragogy and Psychology of the Faculty of Humani:esandNaturalSciences.

Scien:ficresearch- developmentoftheore:calfundamentalsof

educa:onalsciencesandadragogy- applica:onofitsresultsineduca:onalprocess


It sorientedonthe followingques:ons:andragogic theory, theoryandprac:ce of the quality of work life, human resources development,andragogic diagnos:cs, counseling in further educa:on, informa:ontechnology ineduca:on, distance learning, formsandmethodsof non‐formaleduca:on, problemsofeduca:onand integra:onofRoma ethicgroup, history of the oldest teaching ins:tutes in Slovakia,representa:vesofPrešovschoolsinhistoricalcontext.Researchconcentratesonthe applica:onofknowledge inteachingwithrespect to significant social processes and changes related to headingtowardsknowledge‐basedsociety.Theseproblemshave beenexaminedwith research grantsVEGA of theMinistry ofEduca:on.Department ispart of the Associa:onof Ins:tu:ons inAdult Educa:on (AIVD in SR)

and its individualmembers are members of Slovak Sociological SocietyandSlovakPedagogicalSociety.Department of Andragogy and Museum of Schools and Pedagogy inBra:slava arranged on September, 12th 2007 scien:fic conferenceHistoryofthe OldestTeaching Ins:tu:onsinSlovakiawhere the resultsof grant research VEGA 1/2522/05 History of the Oldest TeachingIns:tu:ons in Slovakia (1819‐1945) were presented (chief inves:gatordoc.PhDr.EduardLukáč,PhD.)In2008DepartmentfinishedgrantresearchVEGA 1/364906The Role ofAdult educa:on and Social Work in Knowledge‐base Society andWelfareState(chiefinves:gatorprof.AnnaTokárováCSc.)Duringthe periodbetween2006and2008Departmentpar:cipatedinaproject SOP ĽZ 2005/NP1‐079, Code ITMS: 11230220497: LearningRegion of the Prešov Self‐governing Region. Members of Departmentsignificantly contributed to formula:on of the Strategy of LearningRegion of the Prešov Self‐governing Region, which aimed at priori:essepng, and specific measures crea:ng complex system of furthereduca:on, its development, monitoring and evalua:on. Departmenthas an intensive and long‐term coopera:on with the affiliateddepartments in Bra:slava, Olomouc and Praha. Department alsocollaborateswith other significant ins:tu:ons (Government Office, theMinistry of Educa:on SR, AIVD, Academy of Educa:on etc.). Thecollabora:on takes part in areas such as organizing scien:ficconferences, students´ prac:ce assignments or teaching in studyprogram.

Educa:onalac:vi:esDepartment currentlyoffersstudyprogramAndragogy in full‐:me andpart :me study for undergraduate andpostgraduate qualifica:on. It ispossible togainalso a PhDr.Degree in Pedagogyor Andragogy.In theschool year 2008/2009Department staff consistedof 10ownteachersserving 309 students. Some teachers from other departments of theFaculty,expertsalsopar:cipateinteaching.Study program of credit study consist of andragogic, pedagogic,sociologicalandpsychological coursesaswell ascoursesinsocialwork,philosophical,legalcoursesandmediacommunica:on.Study concentrates on theore:cal and prac:cal problems of adultpersonalityforming intheprocessesofsocial change – via ac:va:onofhumanpoten:al througheduca:on, counseling, help andother meansof social development. Study has a mul:disciplinary nature. Itconcentratesonspecific issues of theory andmethodology of life‐longeduca:on (requalifica:on, personnelmanagement, employee benefitsandcare, career counseling etc.), theoryandmethodicsofpreven:on,educa:onandcounseling in thefieldof social pathologicalphenomenaandassistance toadults incrisis, indevelopment of personal interestsandaspira:ons.The graduates can take posi:ons of conceptual, managing,organiza:onalcharacter:

- in the fieldof HR and social development in company andbranch educa:onal ins:tu:ons, in HR departments,especially inmanaging requalifica:on and development ofenterprises,

- in the field of educa:on, social care andassistance to risk target groups (seniors,unemployed, handicapped etc.), in non‐formaleduca:onal ins:tu:ons, in ins:tu:ons of publicservice,NGO,founda:onsetc.

- in the field of culture: facili:es of local culture,interestgroups,media,

- inthe fieldofresearchandteaching for thefieldsofsocialwork,andragogyandHRatuniversi:es



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