dennis 2007 cat square catskill

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    Dennis, A.J., 2007, Cat Square basin, Catskill clastic wedge: Silurian-Devonian orogenic events in the central Appalachians and the crystalline southern Appa-lachians, in Sears, J.W., Harms, T.A., and Evenchick, C.A., eds., Whence the Mountains? Inquiries into the Evolution of Orogenic Systems: A Volume in Honorof Raymond A. Price: Geological Society of America Special Paper 433, p. 313329, doi: 10.1130/2007.2433(15). For permission to copy, contact 2007 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.

    The Geological Society of America

    Special Paper 433


    Cat Square basin, Catskill clastic wedge:Silurian-Devonian orogenic events in the central

    Appalachians and the crystalline southern Appalachians

    Allen J. Dennis*

    Department of Biology and Geology, University of South Carolina, Aiken, South Carolina 29801-6309, USA


    Recognition of the timing of peak metamorphism in the eastern Blue Ridge

    (ca. 460 Ma), Inner Piedmont (ca. 360 Ma), and Carolina terrane (ca. 540 Ma) has

    been critical in discerning the history of the collage of terranes in the hinterland of

    the southern Appalachian orogen. The Inner Piedmont consists of two terranes: the

    Tugaloo terrane, which is an Ordovician plutonic arc intruding thinned Laurentian

    crust and Iapetus, and the Cat Square paragneiss terrane, which is interpreted here

    as a Silurian basin that formed as the recently accreted (ca. 455 Ma) Carolina ter-

    rane rifted from Laurentia and was transferred to an oceanic plate. The recognition

    of an internal Salinic basin and associated magmatism in the southern Appalachian

    hinterland agrees with observations in the New England and Maritime Appala-

    chians. Structural analysis in the Tugaloo terrane requires the Inner Piedmont to

    be restored to its pre-Carboniferous location, near the New York promontory. At

    this location, the Catskill and Pocono clastic wedges were deposited in the Devonianand Mississippian, respectively. Between the two wedges, an enigmatic formation

    (Spechty Kopf and its correlative equivalent Rockwell Formation) was deposited.

    Polymictic diamictites within this unit contain compositionally immature exotic

    clasts that may prove to have been derived from the Inner Piedmont. Following

    deposition of the Spechty Kopf and Rockwell Formations, the Laurentian margin

    became a right-lateral transform plate boundary. This continental-margin trans-

    form was subsequently modified and translated northwest above the Alleghanian

    Appalachian dcollement. Thus, several critical recent observations presented here

    inspire a new model for the Silurian through Mississippian terrane dispersal and

    orogeny that defines southern Appalachian terrane geometry prior to emplacement

    of the Blue RidgeInner PiedmontCarolinaother internal terranes as crystalline

    thrust sheets.

    Keywords: Appalachian, Salinic, successor basin, Carolinia, Acadian, Inner Piedmont.


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    Clastic wedges that disrupt passive-margin sedimenta-

    tion are reliable indicators of tectonic activity on a margin

    (Thomas, 1977; Hoffman and Bowring, 1984), and they are

    commonly interpreted to indicate collisions of a continen-

    tal margin with arc terranes, other continents, or continentalfragments. These clastic wedges, which coarsen and thicken

    toward the hinterland and often are preceded by unconformi-

    ties and black shales, are unambiguous indicators of events that

    may be diachronous along the length of an active margin (e.g.,

    Ettensohn, 1987; Ferrill and Thomas, 1988). There are numer-

    ous clastic wedges in the Appalachians that range from Middle

    Ordovician to Upper Mississippian and Pennsylvanian in age

    (Thomas, 1977). They record the accretion or collapse of vari-

    ous Neoproterozoic, Cambrian-Ordovician, and younger arc

    terranes that accompanied the Paleozoic destruction of Iapetus,

    the closing of the Rheic Ocean, and the ultimate Gondwanan

    collision with Laurentia.

    Additionally, successor basins (variously called overlap

    or overstep assemblages, or retroarc foreland basins) record

    accretion of one terrane to another either by: (1) a single

    stratigraphic sequence deposited upon different basement ter-

    ranes, or (2) basin strata recording provenance from two dif-

    ferent basement terranes, or both (Monger, 1977; Eisbacher,

    1985; Ricketts et al., 1992; Graham et al., 1993; Williams,

    1978, his 17c1). The middle Paleozoic history of the central

    and crystalline southern Appalachians may be clarified by the

    following interpretations: the Cat Square terrane paragneiss

    represents the fill of a late Silurian successor basin, and struc-

    tural, metamorphic, and stratigraphic correlations between the

    Devonian clastic wedge of the central Appalachians and oro-

    genic events preserved in the crystalline southern Appalachian

    Piedmont may indicate that these regions were once contigu-

    ous. This proposed history has been obscured by Devonian-

    age upper-amphibolite to granulite-facies metamorphism of

    the Cat Square successor basin and significant Mississippian

    and younger strike-slip translation separating the Frasnian-

    Famennian Catskill clastic wedge from its orogenic source.

    Timing relationships recently described in the Appalachian

    hinterland may constrain a more complete model of middle

    Paleozoic orogeny in the central and southern Appalachians

    and extend our understanding of terrane dispersal on this

    long-lived orogenic belt.





    Several observations suggest that the southern Appalachian

    Inner Piedmont may have originally collided with the Lauren-tian New York promontory to create the Catskill-Pocono wedge

    prior to dextral strike-slip translation and overthrust faulting to

    its present location:

    1. Adjacent terranes have contrasting times of peak metamor-

    phism. Peak metamorphism in the eastern Blue Ridge of North Car-

    olina is reported at 457.6 1.0 Ma (Figs. 1 and 2; granulite facies,

    Winding Stairs Gap; Moecher et al., 2004) and 459 +1.5/0.6 Ma

    (eclogite facies, Lick Ridge; Busch et al., 2002). These ages cor-

    relate with the Middle Ordovician unconformity and (Blount)

    clastic wedge observed in central Tennessee (e.g., Rodgers, 1953;

    Thomas, 1977). This correlation permits the Blount wedge to repre-

    sent a foreland basin linked to unroofing of an orogenic belt in the

    Blue Ridge. In the adjacent Inner Piedmont, however, peak meta-

    morphic conditions occurred ca. 355365 Ma, according to U-Pb

    thermal-ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) analysis of mona-

    zite, and local resetting of these ages occurred ca. 320330 Ma

    (Figs. 1 and 2; Dennis and Wright, 1997a). A middle Paleozoic

    age has been independently reported for the Cat Square char-

    nockite (Kish, 1997), a metamorphic unit reported on Goldsmith

    et al.s (1988) map of the Charlotte 2 sheet. Specifically, Kish

    (1997) reported 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 348 to 357 Ma and207Pb/206Pb ages ranging from 360 to 380 Ma on air-abraded zircon

    fractions. While both the eastern Blue Ridge and the Inner Pied-

    mont record Devonian plutonism, the character of this magmatism

    differs across the Brevard zone (e.g., Mapes, 2002; Table 1), and

    despite widespread Ordovician plutonism, there is no evidence of

    an earlier Ordovician metamorphic event in the Inner Pied-

    mont. Furthermore, there is no evidence of a clastic wedge depos-

    ited at the Devonian-Mississippian boundary in the Tennessee-

    Georgia-Alabama Appalachians that could correspond to unroofing

    of the Inner Piedmont. These observations indicate that the Inner

    Piedmont was not in its present structural position in the Ordovi-

    cian, because it lacks the Ordovician metamorphism recorded in the

    adjacent Blue Ridge, nor at the Devonian-Mississippian boundary,

    because no evidence of its erosion is seen in the southern foreland.

    2. There is intense dextral strike-slip shearing in the Inner

    Piedmont. Structures adjacent to the Brevard zone preserve con-

    siderable evidence of dextral strike-slip motion in Inner Piedmontrocks, particularly within the western Inner Piedmont (Tugaloo

    terrane2). Hatcher and Bream (2002, and papers therein) stressed

    1In his Tectonolithofacies Map of the Appalachian Orogen, Williams (1978)defines central and northern Appalachian successor basins (his unit 17) in thisway: MARINE TO CONTINENTAL ROCKS DEPOSITED IN TROUGHSAND BASINS ACROSS ENTIRE APPALACHIAN OROGEN: Middle to LateOrdovician, Silurian, and Devonian sedimentary and oceanic rocks [andspecifically] 17c) marine to terrestrial sedimentary rocks and mainly terrestrialbimodal volcanic rocks deposited across the deformed continental margins ofIapetus (Humber and Gander zones) and also across the Avalon and Megumazones, unconformably overlying volcanic rocks (12) and ophiolite complexes(9) of the Dunnage zone except locally where deposited conformably as upwardshoaling sequences upon marine Ordovician rocks (compare with Robinsonet al., 1998, p. 121).

    2Hatcher (2001) defined the Tugaloo terrane to include the Smith River alloch-thon, Eastern Blue Ridge, and portions of the Inner Piedmont. Because there isno evidence for Middle Ordovician peak metamorphism in the Inner Piedmont(versus Middle Ordovician peak metamorphic conditions at Lick Ridge andWinding Stairs Gap), and notwithstanding the strong similarity of eastern BlueRidge and western Inner Piedmont detrital zircon populations, I choose to re-strict Tugaloo to the western Inner Piedmont segment only.

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    N0 200 km

    BFigure 1 (continued). (B) Late Silurian reconstruction showing re-stored distribution of Salinic basins and interpreted position of Caro-lina, Tugaloo, and eastern Blue Ridge. Note that the Cat Square basinprojects into MerrimackCentral MaineFredericton trend. Telescop-ing of thinned lithosphere and Salinic basins resulted in the crustalthickening recorded by the Catskill and Seboomook clastic wedges.

    Figure 1 (on this and following page). (A) Lower Cambrian Laurentian margin (redrift; bluetransforms) and structural elements sketched on present-day eastern North America, adapted fromThomas (1977), Thomas and Astini (1996), and Williams (1978). Present-day locations of structuralelements: Carolina terrane (C) in lime green; Inner Piedmont (IP) in pale yellow; eastern BlueRidge (EBR) in pink; Grenville-aged massifs (G) in violet; Ganderia (Ga) in tan; Avalonia (A) inpeach; Coastal Plain onlap is indicated with bright yellow line. Location maps for Figures 2 and3 are indicated. From 360 to 320 Ma, the margin behaved as a right-lateral transform, bringing

    portions of the Eastern Blue Ridge, the Inner Piedmont, and Carolina south from the centralAppalachians. The eastern Blue Ridge, this continental transform, Inner Piedmont, andCarolina terrane were emplaced above the Laurentian margin during the termi-

    nal collision of Gondwana and Laurentia in the late Mississippian throughPennsylvanian. Ganderia and Avalonia locations are adapted from

    Hibbard et al. (this volume).

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    the role of Neoacadian SW-directed sheath folds in the formation

    of the map pattern of rock units in the Chauga belt (e.g., Hatcher,

    2002, p. 6, 10; see also Merschat et al., 2005). Abundant evidence

    for dextral strike-slip motion in these rocks includes composite

    planar fabric, asymmetric porphyroclasts, winged porphyroblasts,

    and crystallographic fabric in ribbon quartz lineations (e.g., Edel-

    man et al., 1987; Bobyarchick et al., 1988). The mesoscopic

    sheath folds and the map-scale sheath fold map patterns repre-

    sent high shear strains (> 20) over a >20-km-wide belt. Thisshear strain over this width is consistent with large southwestward

    displacement of the Inner Piedmont. Additionally, NW-directed

    structures (including sheath folds) southeast of the Chauga belt

    (westernmost, lower-grade Inner Piedmont) are transposed into

    parallelism with the SW tube axes and mineral lineations of theChauga belt as they approach this zone. Hatcher and his students

    (articles in Hatcher and Bream, 2002) documented the transposi-

    tion of structures into this zone from the core of the Inner Pied-

    mont into the Chauga belt. Evidence for this dextral strike-slip

    shearing is not restricted to rocks southeast of the Brevard zone

    but in fact is also observed along the Middle Ordovician suture in

    the eastern Blue Ridge, the Burnsville fault (Adams et al., 1995;

    Trupe et al., 2003). A Devonian-Mississippian age for this shear-

    ing is indicated by the deformation of dated plutons.

    3. Devonian-Mississippian clastic wedges occur in the cen-

    tral Appalachians. In the central Appalachians, deposition of the

    Devonian Catskill clastic wedge in New York State (Thomas,

    1977; Woodrow and Sevon, 1985) and the latest Devonian

    through Mississippian Price-Pocono wedge from Pennsylvania

    through western Virginia records a major collisional event in the

    central Appalachians that correlates closely with the Inner Pied-

    mont thermal peak (Figs. 3A and 3B).

    4. The Devonian-Mississippian clastic wedge migrated pro-

    gressively southward. The southward progression of black shale

    through time has been used to track the progress of the migrat-

    ing foredeep of the Devonian-Mississippian collision from the St.

    Lawrence promontory (at ca. 410 Ma) to the Virginia promon-

    tory (at ca. 362 Ma; Fig. 3; Ettensohn, 1985, 1987). Ferrill andThomas (1988) extended Ettensohns model to a broader, dextral-

    transpressive model for the length of the Devonian Appalachians.

    This is consistent with displacement of the Inner Piedmont from

    a docking point near the Catskills to its present location during

    southward progression of the foreland basin.

    5. The Devonian-Mississippian source terrane was removed

    before deposition of the Pennsylvanian clastic wedge of the cen-

    tral Appalachians. Gray and Zeitler (1997) conducted a detrital

    zircon provenance study of the Silurian Shawangunk Formation

    N0 200 km


















    Figure 1 (continued). (C) Present-day distribution of terranes show-ing distribution of Silurian and bimodal plutons in the crystallinesouthern Appalachians. New England and Maritime Salinic basinsare in gold overlapping Ganderia (Ga) and Laurentian basement.Late Silurian bimodal volcanic belts (v b) are shown in forest green;Avalonia is shown in peach.

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    and the Pennsylvanian Pottsville Formation in eastern Pennsyl-

    vania. They conclude in their study of the Pottsville Forma-

    tion that Devonian-Mississippian sources are underrepresented

    (p. 158), even as they cite detrital micas of this age recovered

    from the Pottsville; these micas may be reworked sediments. In

    light of these five observations, it may be the case that the source

    terrane from which Price-Pocono wedge material was derived

    had been tectonically removed by the time of Pottsville depo-

    sition. Postaccretionary terrane dispersal removed the highlands

    from which the Catskill clastic wedge had been derived.

    Thus, a major clastic wedge in the central Appalachian

    foreland has no defined source, and a major composite terrane

    in the southern Appalachians has a distinct and different his-

    tory from adjacent terranes. The Inner Piedmont experienced

    peak metamorphic conditions, however, coeval with the deposi-

    tion of the Catskill clastic wedge. Abundant kinematic evidence

    indicates that the Inner Piedmont moved to its current positionin the orogen during the time the Pocono clastic wedge was

    being deposited.



    The Inner Piedmont is a composite crystalline terrane in

    the southern Appalachian hinterland (e.g., Hatcher, 2002). The

    lithology of the Inner Piedmont consists of orthogneisses and

    paragneisses and local amphibolite intruded by granites and gra-

    nitic orthogneisses ranging in age from Ordovician to Devonian.

    Metamorphism generally achieved amphibolite facies, although

    in the west (Chauga belt), metamorphism is of upper green-

    schist facies (Butler, 1991). The structure of the Inner Piedmont

    is dominated by large recumbent folds and nappes (e.g., Alto

    allochthon, Six Mile thrust sheet; Hopson and Hatcher, 1988).

    As discussed earlier, approaching the Brevard zone from the

    east, earlier structures are transposed in a shear zone no less

    than 20 km in width with subhorizontal mineral lineations and

    sheath fold development.

    Country Rock Protolith

    The Brindle Creek fault subdivides the Inner Piedmont into

    the Cat Square and Tugaloo terranes. This feature was identi-

    fied on the basis of truncation of units by Giorgis (1999), thoughthis truncation is clearly visible on the maps of Goldsmith et al.

    (1988). Detrital zircon studies provide dramatic evidence of the

    significance of the Brindle Creek fault (Bream, 2002). In sum-

    mary, the western Inner Piedmont (Tugaloo) terrane contains

    abundant detrital zircons of Grenville age. By contrast, the para-

    gneiss of the Cat Square terrane, east of the Brindle Creek fault,

    contains a detrital zircon population that is unlike any other in the

    Blue Ridge or Inner Piedmont (see Table 1). Although it also con-

    tains Grenville detrital zircons, it may in part have been derived

    Figure 2. The primary purpose ofthis figure is to show that the thermalpeak of the Inner Piedmont occurredca. 355365 Ma as revealed by mona-zite U-Pb thermal-ionization mass spec-trometry (TIMS) and that this peak isdifferent from that observed in adjacentterranes: eastern Blue Ridge (ca. 458 Magranulite facies for Winding StairsGap; eclogite facies for Lick Ridgeeclogite) and Carolina (Neoproterozoic;Dennis and Wright, 1997b). This figurewas adapted from Dennis and Wright(1997a). Data are from Dennis andWright (1997a), Dallmeyer et al. (1986),Dallmeyer (1988), Miller et al. (2000),Busch et al. (2002), Miller et al. (2006),Hatcher (2002), and Moecher et al.(2004). AAAlto allochthon, ACPAtlantic Coastal Plain, BCFBrindle

    Creek fault, CSCat Square, GMWGrandfather Mountain Window, LRELick Ridge eclogite, RPRabun pluton,WPWhiteside pluton, WSGWind-ing Stairs Gap.

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    from peri-Gondwanan terranes that have source rocks of similar

    ages. Notably the Cat Square terrane contains detrital zircons as

    young as 430 Ma (Bream, 2002). Thus, the Cat Square terrane

    may be more properly described as a Late Silurian sedimen-

    tary basin, and the Brindle Creek fault may therefore represent

    a Salinic unconformity (Boucot, 1962). The interpreted Brindle

    Creek unconformity may have been locally reactivated as a mylo-

    nitic fault; where present, this mylonitization is interpreted to be

    Alleghanian (Dennis and Wright, 1997a).


    There are conspicuous differences in the magmatism

    recorded by the eastern Blue Ridge and Inner Piedmont. The

    eastern Blue Ridge contains sparse Ordovician plutons and inter-

    spersed Acadian plutons (Table 1; Fig. 4). The Tugaloo ter-

    rane (western Inner Piedmont) contains Ordovician plutons that

    intrude a coherent metavolcanic and metasedimentary stratig-

    raphy and also contains a few Silurian plutons. The Cat Square

    terrane contains no plutons older than ca. 415 Ma, but it does con-

    tain abundant plutons dated between 380 and 360 Ma. A robust

    database of ion-microprobe ages, tracer isotopes, and major- and

    trace-element chemistry of the Devonian and younger plutons of

    the Inner Piedmont and eastern Blue Ridge prepared by Mapes

    (2002) shows this pattern.

    Timing of Peak Metamorphism

    Dennis and Wright (1997a, 1997b) used U-Pb zircon and

    monazite dating in areas of detailed mapping in the Carolina

    terrane and Inner Piedmont to test the assumption that the peakmetamorphism in these terranes was Ordovician in age (Dennis,

    1991). Their results demonstrate that peak metamorphic con-

    ditions occurred between 538 5 Ma and 535 4 Ma in the

    Carolina terrane in South Carolina but occurred at the Devonian-

    Mississippian boundary in the Inner Piedmont. Additionally,

    Dennis and Wright (1997a) recognized a local resetting of mona-

    zite ages in the Inner Piedmont ca. 335325 Ma. Thus, the timing

    of peak metamorphism in the Inner Piedmont was contempora-

    neous with the age of the younger suite of plutons as reported




    Sparse Ordovician plutons,interspersed younger Acadianplutons

    Ordovician plutons into coherentmetasedimentary andmetavolcanic stratigraphy

    Devonian-Mississippianplutons into structurallycomplex migmatitic terrane

    Depth of source of plutons interpretedto be deep (5001000 km; by Sr/Ybproxy)

    Depth of crustal source ofplutons interpreted to be shallow(

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    by Mapes (2002). If the length of time required to heat Inner

    Piedmont rocks above the second sillimanite isograd is estimated

    to take between 30 and 10 m.y. (if enhanced by fluid flow), this

    collision (between the Inner Piedmont and Laurentia) may have

    begun between 370 Ma and 400 Ma.


    U-Pb and Ar-Ar geochronology indicate that the high-grade

    metamorphic rocks of the Inner Piedmont did not reach shal-

    low crustal levels until at least the late Mississippian (Fig. 2).

    For example, around the Alto allochthon in Figure 2 (AA), a

    monazite age of ca. 359 Ma was reported by Dennis and Wright

    (1997a). This location is surrounded by a ring characterized by

    hornblende 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages ranging from 362 to 341 Ma.

    Nominally, these plateaus record cooling through ~500 C,

    depending on grain size, cooling rate, etc. Muscovite ages from

    the same area record cooling through ~400 C at 316309 Ma.

    Away from the westernmost edge of the Inner Piedmont and Bre-

    vard zone, hornblende, muscovite, and biotite (cooling through

    ~300 C) 40Ar/39Ar ages in the Inner Piedmont tend to be much

    younger (younger than 300 Ma).



    Eastern Blue Ridge and Its Possible Relationship

    to the Inner Piedmont

    There is little doubt that peak metamorphic conditions

    in the eastern Blue Ridge were achieved ca. 460 Ma as dis-

    cussed already for the Winding Stairs Gap granulite and the



    Figure 3. (A) Spatial distribution ofDevonian black shale basins from oldest(1red) Geneseo-Burkett to youngest(5blue) Cleveland. Note southern andwestern movement over time. Basins

    stepped south as dextral transpressiveorogeny progressively moved south. Pinklines indicate shape of rifted Laurentianmargin and offshore Grenville blocks.The Cambrian-Ordovician rifted marginwas reactivated in the middle Paleozoicas a transform, bringing the Inner Pied-mont and other exotic terranes south.Purple dashed isopachs (1.2 km, 0.3 km)indicate thickness of Devonian Catskillwedge. Navy blue dashed isopachs(0.5 km, 0.2 km) indicate thickness ofMississippian Price-Pocono wedge.Figure was modified from Thomas(1977) and Ettensohn (1987). Yellow

    darts indicate location of several (butnot all) critical exotic clast locations andthe approximate eastern limit of SpechtyKopfRockwell Formation. The south-ern three darts indicate sites with abun-dant plutonic, gneissic, and volcanicboulders and cobbles. BRBlue Ridge,HHoneybrook Upland, HHHudsonHighlands, RPReading Prong, SMSauratown Mountains. (B) Compositesection showing temporal distributionof unconformity-bound Devonian blackshales (colors as in A) interfingeringwith coarse clastic sediments (to right)and the progressively southern advanceof collision. Devonian stage boundaries

    are from Tucker et al. (1998). Figurewas modified from Ettensohn (1987).

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    Eastern Blue Ridge

    thermal peak:Lick Ridge &

    Winding Stairs




    Cat Square basin opens


    Inner Piedmont thermal peakdeposition of Spechty Kopf and

    Rockwell Formations

    PA-MD-WV V&R

    Transtensional granites



    accretesto Laurentia-













    Reaccretion of Carolina to Laurentia and

    composite Inner Piedmont: terranes

    share history post- ca. 322



    Cat Squareterrane

    Eastern Blue RidgeInner Piedmont

    Tugaloo terrane

    intrusion of

    bimodal Concord-

    Mecklenberg suite





    Carolina terrane

    thermal peak

    Spruce Pineplutons










    Opening Iapetus

    5649 Ma 5725 Catoctin Rifting

    Chilhowie Gr deposition












































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    Lick Ridge eclogite. There is, however, evidence for a Missis-

    sippian high-grade metamorphic overprint. Quinn and Wright

    (1993) recognized magmatic cores and metamorphic rims in a

    hornblende + biotite orthogneiss near Sylva, North Carolina.

    These authors reported TIMS ages of 334 15 Ma (middle

    Mississippian or Visean) for residual metamorphic zircon

    rims following dissolution (in concentrated HF) of zoned(1147 8 Ma) zircon cores. Thus, for an eastern Blue Ridge

    Grenville basement unit, Quinn and Wright (1993) indicated

    that the metamorphic peak was not Taconic, but was instead

    consistent with an Alleghanian age.

    Metamorphic rims have been recognized in cathodolumi-

    nescence (CL) and backscattered-electron (BSE) images of zir-

    cons from Grenville-aged basement in the eastern Blue Ridge

    (Toxaway gneiss), Ordovician plutons from the central BlueRidge (Persimmon Creek gneiss, Whiteside pluton) and Inner

    Piedmont (Henderson gneiss, Dysartville pluton), and North

    Carolina and Georgia paragneisses (Tallulah Falls Formation)

    (Carrigan et al., 2001). Sensitive high-resolution ion micro-

    probe (SHRIMP) analyses for individual rims range from 325

    to 380 Ma. A probability plot combining data from the eastern

    Blue Ridge and Inner Piedmont is interpreted with a well-

    defined maximum at 352 Ma. Thus, these authors argued for

    a widespread late Acadian tectonothermal effect across both

    the eastern Blue Ridge and Inner Piedmont and the juxtaposi-

    tion of these terranes prior to rim growth. The lack of a distinct

    rim age for the Rabun pluton may result from its relative youth

    (335.1 2.8 Ma by ID-TIMS; Miller et al., 2006). The inter-

    pretation outlined here would not be falsified by a later meta-

    morphic overprint in the eastern Blue Ridge. The eastern Blue

    Ridge and Inner Piedmont have distinct and different early tec-

    tonothermal histories.

    Unconformities and Successor Basins in the Southern

    Appalachian Blue Ridge and Valley and Ridge

    Middle Paleozoic shear zones as wide as 2030 km record

    shear strains high enough to create sheath folds in map pat-

    tern, with consistent evidence of dextral shear. These indicate

    that the Inner Piedmont and perhaps portions of the Blue Ridge

    should be restored a significant distance to the northeast. Thus,

    southern Appalachian Blue Ridge Paleozoic sedimentary basins

    deposited in angular unconformity above folded Precambrian-

    Cambrian strata (Tull and Groszos, 1990) probably do not

    record Inner Piedmont tectonism because the Inner Piedmont is

    interpreted to have been located well north of these basins when

    they were deposited. These olistostromal basins may record

    tectonism and subsequent dispersal of other, unknown (once),

    southern Appalachian exotic terranes. Ferrill and Thomas

    (1988) argued that the SilurianEarly Devonian Lay Dam

    Formation (Tull and Telle, 1989) represents a pull-apart basin

    formed between right-stepping faults on the dextral transpres-

    sional Laurentian plate boundary. Finally the sub-Chattanoogashale unconformity in Tennessee exposes rocks from Middle

    Ordovician (Caradoc-Trenton equivalent) to Middle Devonian

    age (Hermitage Formation, Pegram Formation; Wilson, 1949).

    This unconformity may be related to the same event responsible

    for deposition of the FoothillsMineral BluffLay Dam system

    of basins. The structural data require that, while it is coeval with

    Inner Piedmont orogeny, this system of unconformities and

    successor basins is not specifically related to accretion of Inner

    Piedmont rocks to Laurentia.

    Figure 4. Temporal relationships among metamorphism, plutonism,erosion, and deposition in the eastern Blue Ridge, Tugaloo terrane,Cat Square terrane (Cat Square + Tugaloo comprise the Inner Pied-mont), and Carolina terrane. Catoctin rifting ages are from Aleinikoffet al. (1995). Additional pluton ages are from sources in text; addi-tional data are from Odom and Fullagar (1973), Bond and Fullagar(1974), Sinha and Glover (1978), and Fullagar et al. (1997). EasternBlue Ridge (red) and Tugaloo (blue) pluton ages: These terranes havedifferent tectonothermal histories, and the zircon and trace-elementchemistries of the plutons in the two terranes are quite different, vali-

    dating their separation into two distinct terranes, despite the simi-larity of the plutons ages in the two terranes. In this paper, I do notspeculate on the nature of the coincidence of the eastern Blue Ridgethermal peak, eastern Blue Ridge and Tugaloo pluton ages, and theMiddle to Late Ordovician accretion of Carolina to Laurentia. Be-tween Telychian-Wenlock time (post430 Ma), the Cat Square basinbegan to open, accepting detritus from Tugaloo and Carolina. Co-eval with basin opening, between 424 and 414 Ma, plutons (orange)intruded Tugaloo and Carolina. These plutons have initial Sr ratios>0.706, inherited zircons 438489 Ma, and 2.5 < Nd < 4.5. Theyoungest plutons have the highest (+) Nd. This event is interpretedto represent partial melting of Tugaloo-Carolina lower crust, transi-tional to an increasing mantle component. Late Silurian plutonismwas followed by a bimodal alkalic-subalkalic gabbro-leucogranite-syenite suite with +3 < Nd < +4.5 intrusive into the westernmost

    exposed Carolina terrane. Bimodal plutonic rocks are interpretedto represent significant lithospheric thinning accompanying riftingand postaccretionary terrane transfer and dispersal. Almost all of the380350 Ma plutons (pink) in the Inner Piedmont are found in the CatSquare terrane, coeval with upper-amphibolite to granulite-faciesmetamorphism as revealed by thermal-ionization mass spectrom-etry (TIMS) and sensitive high-resolution ion microprobereversegeometry (SHRIMP-RG) dating of monazite, as well as zircon fromthe Cat Square charnockite. These plutons are restricted to the CatSquare terrane. These plutons are interpreted to have formed by ana-texis of wet Cat Square basin rocks during telescoping of thinnedInner Piedmont lithosphere + Carolina during an event recorded inthe foreland as the Catskill clastic wedge. The sole exception is themylonitic, Acadian Henderson gneiss mapped along the westernmargin of Tugaloo. These ages are interpreted to record resetting

    during dextral transpression and shearing ( 20) along the westernmargin of Tugaloo and the eastern Blue Ridge from at least the LateDevonian through the Mississippian. At least 400 km post-Devoniandextral slip restores the Inner Piedmont to a location near the NewYork Promontory. Additional mid- to late Paleozoic dextral strike-slip deformation is recorded in the eastern Blue Ridge. These dis-placements require the Inner Piedmont to be restored even further(present-day) north. By 320 Ma, Carolina and the Inner Piedmont areinterpreted to have been juxtaposed along the central Piedmont shearzone. Additional fault movement may have been localized along theBrindle Creek fault (BCF), which is interpreted to have formed asthe Salinic unconformity beneath the Cat Square basin.

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    Timing of Accretion of the Carolina Terrane to Laurentia

    Paleomagnetic data (Noel et al., 1988; Vick et al., 1987)

    strongly suggest that Carolinia shared the same latitude as the

    (southern) Laurentian margin in Middle to Late Ordovician time,(~22S). The 40Ar/39Ar age of white micas in slates in the central

    North Carolina slate belt (Noel et al., 1988; Offield et al., 1995)

    correlates with the age of folding of an angular unconformity

    in South Carolina, which is postMiddle Cambrian, pre414

    +2.1/1.7 Ma (intrusion of Clouds Creek meta-igneous complex

    into Delmar synclinorium; Dennis et al., 1993; Samson and Secor,

    2000). Additional stratigraphic evidence from the Laurentian mar-

    gin for the timing of accretion of Carolinia has been discussed

    by Hibbard (2000) and Dorsch et al. (1994). Recent reconstruc-

    tions (e.g., Stampfli and Borel, 2002; Cocks and Torsvik, 2002)

    based on paleomagnetic data place Avalonia at 50S latitude

    in the Middle Ordovician. Carolinia thus has a distinct and

    different history in tectonic reconstructions from Avalonia.

    Postaccretionary Terrane Transfer and Dispersal and the

    Relation of the Cat Square Terrane to Carolinia (Fig. 1B)

    Detrital zircon data have permitted the separation of the

    Inner Piedmont into the Cat Square terrane and the Tugaloo

    terrane (Bream, 2002). These terranes are separated along the

    Brindle Creek fault (Giorgis, 1999). Both the Inner Piedmont

    Tugaloo and Cat Square terranes contain abundant detrital Gren-

    ville zircons; however, the Cat Square also contains populations

    of ca. 590600 Ma zircons (interpreted to be derived from Caro-

    linia), as well as abundant Middle Ordovician zircons interpreted

    to have been eroded from voluminous arc plutons within both

    the Inner Piedmont and eastern Blue Ridge portions of the Tuga-

    loo terrane (Bream, 2002). The youngest detrital zircon reported

    by Bream (2002) from the Cat Square terrane is 430 Ma, which

    sets a minimum age for deposition of the protolith of the Cat

    Square paragneiss. A further indication of the youth of the

    Cat Square terrane relative to the Tugaloo terrane is the absence

    of plutons older than Llandovery: the oldest Cat Square pluton is

    the Anderson Mill at 415 3 Ma (Mapes, 2002). The (SHRIMP)

    age of the oldest metamorphic rim on zircon (400 Ma) limits the

    short depositional span of the Cat Square terrane (Bream, 2002).

    Bream (2002, p. 55) and Hatcher (2002, p. 13) interpreted the

    detrital zircon population of the Cat Square terrane to recordthe encroachment of Carolinia upon the Laurentian margin. The

    interpretation presented here is that the Cat Square terrane rep-

    resents deposition in a basin that formed as the already accreted

    Carolinia rifted from Laurentia, in a nominal Gulf of California

    setting (e.g., Stock and Hodges, 1989; Oskin and Stock, 2003).

    Thus, I interpret the evidence to show thatthe Cat Square basin

    does not record Carolinia impinging on Laurentia, but instead

    Carolinias departure from Laurentia during postaccretionary ter-

    rane dispersal (Fig. 4). The Brindle Creek fault is interpreted to

    have formed as the sub-basin unconformity; there may be local

    fault reactivation of the unconformity separating the Cat Square

    basin from the peri-Laurentian portion of its basement.

    Thus, Hibbard et al.s (1998) reinterpretation of the central

    Piedmont suture as the central Piedmont shear zone is correct in

    that the suture between Carolinia and Inner Piedmont must have

    been between Carolinia and the Tugaloo terrane, because Caro-linia accreted to the peri-Laurentian Inner Piedmont before rocks

    of the Cat Square basin had even been deposited; this suture is,

    however, nowhere preserved. This interpretation may help recon-

    cile Middle-Late Ordovician accretion of Carolinia to Laurentia

    and the separate geologic histories of the Inner Piedmont and

    Carolinia in the interval between that accretion and telescoping of

    southern Appalachian crystalline terranes in late Mississippian

    Pennsylvanian time with Gondwana-Laurentia collision.

    Opening and Closing of the Cat Square Basin

    and Devonian-Carboniferous Laurentian

    Transform Plate Boundary

    After 430 Ma, Carolinia is interpreted to have rifted away

    from Laurentia in the Late Silurian. Carolinia, the Cat Square

    basin, and the Tugaloo terrane were intruded by transtensional

    batholiths (in Carolinia: Newberry, Lake Murray, Clouds Creek,

    Salisbury; Samson and Secor, 2000), culminating with the intru-

    sion of a bimodal suite of mantle-derived plutons in Carolinia:

    Southmont (leucogranites) and Concord-Mecklenberg (alkalic to

    subalkalic gabbros) suites (Dennis, 1991; McSween and Harvey,

    1997). Over this same interval, the Cat Square basin accumulated

    detritus that is interpreted to have been derived from either side of

    the Iapetan suture: Carolinia on one side and the Ordovician arcs

    built on thinned Laurentian crust and the adjacent Iapetan Ocean

    floor (Tugaloo terrane) on the other.

    The Acadian orogeny affected the Inner Piedmont. At this

    time, crustal thickening in the central Appalachians resulted in

    deposition of the earliest stages of the Catskill clastic wedge

    (Walton Formation, Frasnian; Rickard, 1975). Collapse of Salinic

    basins in the Maine Appalachians may have begun as early as

    Pridolian time based on the age of the Seboomook clastic wedge

    there (Hibbard and Hall, 1992; Pollock, 1987). The so-called

    Neoacadian orogeny at the Devonian-Mississippian boundary in

    the central and southern Appalachians is recognized by simulta-

    neous (1) Inner Piedmont metamorphism to granulite facies (e.g.,

    Dennis and Wright, 1997a, 1997b; Cat Square charnockite; Kish,

    1997), (2) Inner Piedmont nappe and thrust sheet emplacement(e.g., Alto allochthon; Hopson and Hatcher, 1988; Dallmeyer,

    1988), and (3) deposition of the Spechty Kopf and Rockwell For-

    mations between the Catskill and Price-Pocono clastic wedges

    (as discussed next; Dennis, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c). Immediately

    following the crustal thickening that accompanied the collapse

    of the Cat Square basin, its thinned lithosphere, and Carolinia

    against the Laurentian margin, kinematics along the margin

    changed from oblique dextral convergence to dextral strike slip.

    This change in kinematics, its abruptness, and its simultaneity

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    Cat Square basin, Catskill clastic wedge 323

    spe433-15 page 323

    along strike suggest that the orogenic event at the close of the

    Devonian involved major plate reorganization. The change in

    kinematics on the Laurentian margin to a continental-margin

    transform setting is paralleled in the European Variscan belt by

    a transition to deformation in the autochthon (Dallmeyer et al.,

    1997; Martinez-Catalan and Arenas, 2005).

    Comparison with Maritime Canadian and

    New England Results (Fig. 1C)

    The model outlined here, developed from data compiled in

    the crystalline southern Appalachians, correlates with results of

    detailed geologic and geochronologic studies in Maritime Canada

    and the New England Appalachians. This could be anticipated

    based on the restoration of the southern Appalachian Piedmont to no

    less than 400 km north along strike at the Devonian-Mississippian

    boundary presented here. With this required structural resto-

    ration, the long axis of the Cat Square paragneiss projects into

    the Connecticut Valley synclinorium paragneissesGasp belt

    and the Merrimack synclinoriumCentral Maine synclinorium

    (Tremblay and Pinet, 2005; Dennis, 2006a, 2006b, 2006c). The

    Windsor Point (Dube et al., 1996) and the La Poile Groups

    (OBrien et al., 1991) of southwestern Newfoundland, north of

    the St. Lawrence promontory, are part of the same tectonic sys-

    tem. These units are well-known variably deformed and metamor-

    phosed late Silurian Salinic (Boucot, 1962) successor basins that

    formed after the accretion of Ganderia (e.g., van Staal et al., 1998;

    Hibbard et al., this volume) to Laurentia. The accretion of peri-

    Gondwanan Ganderia to Laurentia is well-documented as a Late

    OrdovicianEarly Silurian event along the Brunswick subduction

    complex (van Staal, 1994). Thus, Carolinia and Ganderia were

    accreted to Laurentia in the Middle to Late Ordovician to Late

    OrdovicianSilurian, respectively (Hibbard et al., this volume).

    Postaccretionary terrane dispersal resulted in the formation of

    short-lived Wenlock-Ludlow-Pridoli sedimentary basins that

    accepted detritus from Laurentia and the recently accreted exotic

    terranes (Bourque et al., 2000, 2001; Tremblay and Castonguay,

    2002; Castonguay and Tremblay, 2003; Wilson et al., 2004;

    LaVoie and Asselin, 2004; Tremblay and Pinet, 2005; Dennis,

    2006a, 2006b, 2006c; Rankin et al., 2007). This is interpreted to

    be a sinistral transtensional event based on structural data from

    New England and the Maritime Appalachians (Goldstein, 1989;

    Nance and Dallmeyer, 1993; Hibbard, 1994; Holdsworth, 1994;

    Karabinos, 2002) and on the orogenic scale (e.g., Soper et al.,

    1992; Soper and Woodcock, 2003; Dewey and Strachan, 2003).There is little published evidence for middle Paleozoic sinistral

    deformation in the southern Appalachian Piedmont at this time

    (e.g., Lawrence and Foster, 2006; Hibbard et al., 2004).

    As in the Inner Piedmont and Carolinia, formation of these

    Wenlock-Ludlow-Pridoli sedimentary basins was accompa-

    nied by the volcanic and intrusive activity that first melted the

    lower crust and then, within 1015 m.y., became bimodal and

    mantle-derived (Dennis, 2006a, 2006b, 2006c). In the northern

    Appalachians, these igneous rocks include the Tobique (Dostal

    et al., 1989), the Coastal Maine volcanic belt (Seaman et al.,

    1999; van Wagoner et al., 2002; van Wagoner and Dadd, 2003),

    and the Piscataquis belts (Rankin, 1968) among others (e.g.,

    Bdard, 1986). Igneous rocks related to the final stages of sub-

    duction and accretion overlapped temporally and spatially with

    those related to extension, as in the Basin and Range (Gans

    et al., 1989; see also Quesada, 2006). This magmatic activityextended into the Devonian.

    Black shales related to the dextral transpressive orogeny

    recorded by the Catskill-Price-Pocono clastic wedges were

    deposited following a widespread Givetian unconformity (Fig. 3;

    Ettensohn, 1987). The oldest rocks of the Catskill wedge (Walton

    Formation) are Frasnian in age (Rickard, 1975). However, to

    the north in Maine and New Hampshire, the Pridoli-Pragian

    Seboomook Formation (Pollock, 1987; Hibbard and Hall, 1992;

    Bradley and Tucker, 2002) represents part of a clastic wedge

    formed in the same diachronous, southward-migrating crustal-

    thickening event. This crustal thickening is interpreted here to be

    the collapse of the internal Salinic basins and their thinned litho-

    sphere, and the reaccretion of the Carolinia and Ganderia terrane

    blocks to Laurentia. Thus, in the interpretation presented here,

    Wenlock-Ludlow-(Pridoli?) sinistral transtension is followed by

    PridoliEarly Devonian crustal thickening and dextral transpres-

    sion; crustal thickening is interpreted to result from telescoping

    of Late Silurian thinned lithosphere between Laurentia and the

    exotic terranes accreted in the Late OrdovicianSilurian.

    Spechty Kopf and Rockwell Formations

    It may be possible to use an unusual formation deposited

    between the Catskill and Pocono Formations in the Valley and

    Ridge of Pennsylvania and adjacent Maryland as a piercing

    point to constrain the precise location of the crystalline southern

    Appalachian Piedmont at the Devonian-Mississippian boundary.

    The Spechty Kopf and Rockwell Formations were deposited at

    the Devonian-Mississippian boundary, separating rocks of the

    Catskill wedge below from those of the Pocono wedge above

    (Berg, 1999; Bjerstedt, 1986; Sevon et al., 1997, p. 49). These

    rocks and their correlatives, the Huntley Mountain Formation, the

    Cussewago Sandstone, the Price Formation of Virginia, and the

    Sunbury Shale of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, covered a

    significant area of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Maryland, as

    well as Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia (Berg and Edmunds, 1979;

    Bjerstedt and Kammer, 1988; Kammer and Bjerstedt, 1986). An

    unusual diamictite is preserved in a narrow outcrop belt at theeastern edge of the exposed formation. The diamictite has been

    intensively studied since the 1960s to determine the facies or

    conditions under which it was deposited and the provenance of

    the abundant and sometimes quite large clasts (

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    spe433-15 page 324

    it, including slates, schists, gneisses, granites, and metavolcanic

    rocks. One result of prior studies has been the recognition of at

    least eight discrete sediment dispersal systems into the underly-

    ing Catskill rocks, at the mouths of which the diamictite is found

    (e.g., Sevon, 1979). Many of the clasts within the diamictite and

    pebbly mudstone are exotic lithologies not present in the under-

    lying Catskill rocks and the overlying Mississippian and Penn-sylvanian rocks in Pennsylvania. These clasts are interpreted to

    have been derived directly from the Acadian Mountains. As such

    they presumably provide an intimate real representation of the

    bedrock of the Acadian Mountains (Sevon et al., 1997, p. 50).

    Dennis (2005a, 2005b, 2005c) has suggested that these

    clasts were derived from higher structural levels of the pres-

    ently exposed eastern Blue Ridge and Inner Piedmont (Table 1),

    before southwestward translation of these terranes, based on a

    preliminary collection and evaluation of clasts. Additionally, it

    may be possible that some Carolina terrane material is preserved

    as clasts within the Spechty Kopf. The collection sampled over

    a dozen sites, focusing particularly on the southern localities,

    LaVale (Maryland), Sideling Hill (Maryland), Town Hill (Mary-

    land and Pennsylvania), and Crystal Springs (Pennsylvania). The

    clasts include granodiorite, gabbroic, and granite gneiss clasts as

    well as mafic and felsic volcanic and metavolcanic rocks (Fig. 5).

    No clasts collected to this point have been greater than 15 cm in

    the longest dimension. The greatest diversity of clasts has been

    found near the base of the formation in massive sandy beds. The

    thickness of these massive sandy beds is generally less than 5 m.

    In these beds, clasts are rare, 200 m thick (Sevon et al., 1997; Bjerstedt, 1986).

    Examination of the cooling ages around the Alto allochthon(AA, Fig. 1) in the western Inner Piedmont introduces an impor-

    tant proviso to the hypothesis that it may be possible to finger-

    print exotic clasts of the Spechty Kopf Formation. Hornblende40Ar/39Ar ages are nearly identical to the TIMS and SHRIMP

    ages of monazite from the Alto allochthon, indicating rapid cool-

    ing from >700 C through 500 C at ca. 360 Ma (Dallmeyer,

    1988; Dennis and Wright, 1997a, 1997b; Dennis, 2005a, 2005b,

    2005c). However, these rocks did not cool through the blocking

    temperature for muscovite before the earliest Pennsylvanian,

    probably after they had already been emplaced in their current

    structural position. This means that if any of the boulders or cob-

    bles of the Spechty KopfRockwell were derived from the Inner

    Piedmont of the Carolinas and adjacent Georgia, they would have

    been eroded from much higher structural levels. These structural

    levels evidently are no longer preserved. It may be possible to

    find Devonian-Mississippian igneous and metamorphic cobbles,consanguineous with plutons and metaplutonic gneisses observed

    today in the Carolinas, crystallized at higher structural levels, or

    related volcanic rocks, or the same country rock, perhaps not as

    highly metamorphosed; or clasts eroded from Ordovician plu-

    tonic suites. This lattermost case is suggested by the results of

    McLennan et al. (2001) and the suite of 470420 Ma detrital zir-

    cons they report from the Catskill delta. This is why the presence

    of rocks as clasts with a diverse set of characters is important to

    the solution of this problem versus single detrital (zircon) grains.

    A suite of characteristics from the Spechty KopfRockwell clasts

    must be compared against the existing database of Inner Pied-

    mont characteristics as represented in summary form in Table 1.


    The eastern Blue Ridge, the Inner Piedmont, and the Caro-

    lina terrane of the southern Appalachian hinterland experienced

    peak metamorphic conditions at ca. 460 Ma, 360 Ma, and

    ca. 540 Ma, respectively; thus, terrane correlation between

    them is problematic. The Inner Piedmont of the Carolinas and

    adjacent Georgia was likely not in its current position along

    the strike of the orogen at the time it experienced peak meta-

    morphic conditions at the Devonian-Mississippian boundary,

    ca. 360 Ma. The Inner Piedmont consists of the Tugaloo and

    Cat Square terranes. The Tugaloo terrane preserves a history

    of Ordovician arc plutonism. These plutons are intrusive into

    country rocks derived from the Laurentian margin, based on the

    detrital zircon populations collected from those country rocks

    (Bream, 2002). By contrast, the Cat Square terrane contains

    detrital zircons as young as 430 Ma and lacks plutons older than

    415 Ma; additionally, the Cat Square terrane contains a popula-

    tion of ca. 590600 Ma zircons, putatively derived from Caro-

    linia. The paragneiss of the Cat Square terrane is interpreted

    here to record rifting of the recently accreted (ca. 455 Ma)

    Carolina terrane from Laurentia-Tugaloo, and deposition in a

    transtensional Wenlock-Ludlow basin, similar to the Gulf of

    California in some superficial respects. Thus, the Cat Square

    basin may signal the postaccretionary terrane dispersal of Caro-linia. Such an interpretation squares existing paleomagnetic

    data for the Carolina terrane in the Ordovician with the lack of a

    shared history with the Inner Piedmont prior to ca. 320 Ma. The

    Cat Square paragneiss and coeval igneous rocks correlate with

    well-known internal Salinic basins and their associated volcanic

    rocks in New England and Canadian Maritime provinces. The

    structural arguments outlined here and elsewhere suggest that

    the Cat Square basin paragneiss may have been contiguous with

    rocks of the Connecticut Valley or Merrimack synclinoria.

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    spe433-15 page 325

    A B

    C E



    Figure 5. Clasts from Devonian-Missis-sippian Spechty Kopf and Rockwell For-mations, Pennsylvania and Maryland.More exotic clasts (A, B, C, D; granites,gneisses, greenstones, metavolcanicrocks) occur to the south (Sideling Hill,Maryland; LaVale, Maryland; Crys-tal Spring, Pennsylvania; Town Hill,Maryland-Pennsylvania), leading to the

    interpretation that the source of theseclasts is the terrane responsible for thecollision represented by the Catskill-Pocono clastic wedge. Diamictites aremassive-bedded, often weathering sphe-roidally (E). This spheroidal weatheringhas resulted in past misidentificationof large boulders in till. Bed is about1.5 m thick. At Klingerstown, Penn-sylvania (F, G, H), a very fine-grainedlaminite (varved clay?) may representa glacial lake with dropstones. Otherlaminites are known from the SpechtyKopfRockwell section, but a glacial/dropstone origin may be best representedhere. Some clasts within the diamictiteare faceted and striated (I, J; ruler unitsin cm). These samples are from LaVale,Maryland. The surfaces of some LaValeclasts are covered with hematite. Thishematite coats these striations. The stria-tions are not pedogenic or the result oflater (Alleghanian) tectonic deformation.In combination with the incised valleys,massive bedding, and unusual grain-sizedistribution, these characteristics maysuggest a glacial origin for the diamic-tite and laminite portions of the SpechtyKopf and Rockwell Formations.

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    326 Dennis

    spe433-15 page 326

    The recognition of extensive transposition and subhori-

    zontal map-scale sheath folding accompanying dextral shear in

    the western Inner Piedmont has permitted the reconciliation of

    peak metamorphism at the Devonian-Mississippian boundary

    with the absence of a clastic wedge in the southern Appalachian

    foreland. These observations have the potential to tie orogeny in

    this southern Appalachian terrane to the Catskill-Pocono clasticwedges in the central Appalachians. The Spechty Kopf and Rock-

    well Formations of the Pennsylvania and Maryland Valley and

    Ridge were deposited at the Devonian-Mississippian boundary

    between the Catskill and Pocono clastic wedges. These distinc-

    tive formations contain exotic clasts, including granite, gabbro,

    gneiss, schist, and various volcanic and metavolcanic lithologies.

    Deposition of the Spechty KopfRockwell Formation may signal

    the transition of the Laurentian margin to a Carboniferous trans-

    form plate boundary, and the translation of the Inner Piedmont

    and perhaps portions of the eastern Blue Ridge at least 400 km

    south along the Brevard zone. During the terminal closure of the

    Rheic Ocean and Gondwana collision, this continental transform

    margin was emplaced on the Laurentian margin as part of the

    Blue RidgePiedmont crystalline thrust sheet.


    This work was supported by the South Carolina Universi-

    ties Research and Education Foundation, the Vice President for

    Research and Health Sciences at the University of South Carolina,

    the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the Uni-

    versity of South CarolinaAiken, a 2005 sabbatical award from

    the University of South CarolinaAiken, and the SCANA Chair

    in Physical Sciences at the University of South CarolinaAiken.

    Evan Goldstein, Dwight Jones, and Mike Meredith assisted in the

    field and in the laboratory. I am very grateful to Art Boucot, John

    Dennison, Chris Hepburn, Jim Hibbard, Jim McLelland, Bren-

    dan Murphy, Doug Rankin, Scott Samson, Sheila Seaman, Bill

    Sevon, Vic Skema, Bill Thomas, Cees van Staal, Bob Wintsch,

    and Jim Wright for helpful discussions of these topics. Paul

    Karabinos, Don Wise, and Tekla Harms provided thorough and

    useful reviews. I remain responsible for all the views and interpre-

    tations presented here. I am grateful to the editors of this volume,

    for the opportunity to contribute to this volume, and Ray Price,

    who graciously encouraged me before I entered graduate school.


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